HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-07-20, Page 4'
TOO 1411111114101, eitartrifitIL.
Wed y s
• ink
e=ltlit60703..Lta,.64,40. wiewle Entitnow, Ortittuti
a and liming. ,
Pahlibbed Titursdal morning
Mae ilihr`dOtill 9 1916
SW J. LI NDbAk, latesnew. OM. Alebt
varks.th Jaime et insurance. Fire and. dfo
dam cuMij4Hlt. •'iarantid. Only
atvaL4. number let village. and farm
*gent 4AUcklieW Of the Imnslon
eeepeeties for sale.
1.0 0. It. Lustknow Lodge meets every Fridar
en -salmi et V (*leek tri their Halt, Caine -
awl Amt. All ).retbreti cordially invited.
omeerst-No.bk) Wend. r. T. Armstrong;
Vies Grand. ltobt Fisher; Treas., Alex.
"Bee. ;$0e.•A. 11. Brad; Fin. Beey., Da
A. V. ICA. M. O. R. C. Old bight Ledge meets
livery Thunalay night on or bof.oro the full
won, in the masonic liavelock ,tree.
ocknew. W. L. P. T. Armstrong; a,
0. martin; J. W. W..7. Davison; seoy„.W.
gt. W noon.
Q. V. F. Court Sherwood,. NO. CA LeekneWt.'
MOON eVerr ket Monday of the month in
In the tiddrenows.gan, Viitnng brothera
Lvrdialllze invited Os atteed. Chief Banger.
Joha.E. Belk Bea Secy., Rebt.
'Fin.tuthltobt.JOanston Treas. 1) R.
A. Co. W'. Tateknow Lodge, Ne. On Meets'
sima-4 lifondier ereachmonth in .the Odd
fellows' Ilan. Master. Workman, j. Mac-
Dictreibli F4n.Seey*,. P.11,.:111acIntosbiliee,
O00..Potter; Xreas... Alex. Boss. .
4.,s.crowtAsa, 1.).; sti Oittort up
stairsin Batton Bleek; TeeSwater. • Spec!
ial attention te_gold',Plates, crowning and
bridgework. • visits wrest:401st. and Sul.
Wednesday of &Sob moribli; (iorrie vier,
O. A. NEWTON..., D. 1). El,. Dentist. Office
AIIm Block. ionoknow. Ont. All modern
• inetbfals used.: Best, materials 013114144.
.C.rown and Briciae..work.: Painless extract-
ion by the use.•of the lateict, .simplest and
' safest remedy. SOMINTOFORM. Newest
• thing in artlftcial teeth. Alutalem plated
non breakable •
./ /,/./
If you. take a course -with -us.-- The
viiciand upon us for trained help is
many times' the number graduating.
Ftudenis are entering- each 'week.
*Vett May :enter at arty time. Write
et once for one Iree catalogue,
D,'A.McLAGHLAN, Principal,
WE Want cream end will pity the
highest market nriceefor gocd
cream; Summer Creamery and
Cheese Factory Patrons baying
cream daring the vintermonths
would do well to ship to us. ','We
weigh, sample,and test each can
of cream carefully that we receive,
and return a statement' of - 'same
each time. 'We furnish two cans,
pay express charges and issue
cheques for cream twice each
month. Write us and _give us a
trial. It will cost you nothing and
we guaramtee you satisfaction.
Vor .111 tiler Particulars write or
send for cans and give us a trial,
The Seaford' Creamery, Seaford', Ont.
Attractive Trips
TO •
Muskoka Lakes 1..,ake of Bays
Georgian Bay Algonquin Park
• French River litawartha Lakes
Magartetawan. River
Tcmagam1 etc.-- - - - -
Round trip tourist tickets now on sale
from certaiu. statiotT in Ontario at very
low rates, with liberal stop -over..
Muskoka Express
'Leave Toronto. 12.01 p,m, daily except
Sunday, and 2.05 a.m. daily, for Must,
koka Wharf. Connections are made ut
- Muskoka Wharf for Muskoka Lakes.
'Leave .Toronto '10.15 a.m. daily. except
Sunday, and 2.05 a. in. daily for Hunts-
ville, for points on Lake of Bays. Equip-
ment the finest. ' , •
Full particulars on application toagents.
O. MARTIN, Agent, Lucknow.
Phone 2
at Lnegnow, Ontario.
Subscript„ton 111.00 per year le advance.
D. fdA01-alNiZilf4 Proricter
, and L'illter.
TatTIWPAN't 4ITLY 20th,
TlthROUBIJ IN 4441(150
The prospects of a War betwein the
United. States and Mettle° have largely
passed, thengb, the eriginal .canse rot the
trouble -the Unsettled condition of Mal.
.i4O-atill eXiSta. • • .
CarranZas head Of tlie govern:latent a
'mexie9, imie a, very eivil reply to: the
,EnitOd $4404 UltIMatnial; he reletiiett
the 4000,b413 soldiers and returned the
equiptient taken le the fight at derrgel,
and sliota•ed a deiireta prevent further
raids ow United States Oratory by
Mexican bandits. • ' „.
'Villa, the iinteediate cause a the
trOnOre. is Still at •large and liable to
. . ,
ere,ate,dietntbalMe egp.tO, A, band of his
folloiers, sairl.te be 490,01000 stfOn.gi,
was attacked hy;, A governmentfOrge last
Week, • The government ;foroa pas de-
featek thegeneral in .cominand • and
Many ef.his Men being ki]lacr, •
The.: calling out of the Xations,f Guard
by President Wilson appears to have'
'been the deciding' feetor in bringing
Carranza to his senses; yet -it was most
fortunate for the,Voited States that the
:Guard. did not! have to go immediately
into wpt. The nopreparedness of the
National. guard for immediate action
was only clis.e6Ye.i9S1
was ordered.' Not Only was there lack
o eqUipluct#,Anit in different sihtes from
thirty tozsixty per cent Of the men were
pronounced physically unfit for•Military
At the present time there are about
ninety thousand American ti oops! on the
Mexican border. About two-thids of
these are of the. National Guard and the
teriMinaer &diem of the standingariny.
• 'ff0I-1;i:Zia
The many 'friend:F.3 of the tinnily 'will
graitty regret:: to learn or the death of
-John. Kinge.-Which took Place at his
;..father's home,. Lot al, • Concession 1,
Calkoss; on 'July Pith after atlingering
illness of eight weeks. Mr. Tani, ita,,s
:Welk and fevers* IcriOwn by a large
' e
Cif0 1 of friends and tie uaint lines and
li iS. honest, upright character gained
for hint' general respect: The funeral on
• Slily the 1.0th. 'to 1'0st/eters was largely
attended. At the church and grate the
Seivice was ;;Comitzeted by the Parish
Priest,'Pathei.baPps, :Front the church
• the funeral proceeded to ' the cemetery.
where all that 'was Mortal Was . laid to
reit by the pallbearers, Colin Mollie%
PhuI'Dawson, Wni. Donnelly, Aitirtir
• StaPleton,..Milits McMillan. and .AnAtis
McKinnon; . Mr iting-4:ttitiTyearsL-o'f,
age. Besides his widow; his aged father'
aricl mother;.'fiste brothers and two sisters
•• art? left to mourn' the loss of a kind hua•
of the:Community. etended to the be-
reaved faiiity4 Who.. feel that,by hie
death, 'Wore is a place" Made Vomit in
their hoinea Which cannot he filled.
rnfantile paralysis appears Vibe asort
of 'plague which, under favorable con•
clitions breaks, out, has its fling and sub:.._
sides When:weathei or ,other 'conditions
no longer favor. Like. other epidemic
diseases, ita,rftgageS are_ehielly___ameng
the poor .where sanitary . conditions are
bad. Once the disease is contracted the
Medical profession pan do little for the
patient, but as the disease is 'clearly
"catching" much can, be done. to prevent
its spreading.
There is at the present time a serious,
outbreak of infantile paralysis on this
Continent.' Early in June a number Of
cases occurred in the Italian quarter of
Breeklyn,.. N.Y. Until hot weatherset
in near 'the end o the mouth, the nuin-
ber-Oreades--Wift,-sTiralt;Vid , Confined
to a 8114 Seetion of the city; but 'during
the last week :.9f 'June' there Were 59
deaths tr011a' the cliilease, and during the,
.first week of July no less than,11.0
drew died from it The death rate
has been very high, being about One
in tour of the cases reported. Bat the
high death rate is not the only bad
'feature of the disease. Victims „never
wholly recover and the majority of those
who survive are cripples for life
• Since.the ontbreak in'Brooklyn, cases
have been reported from nine states of
•the Union, and from Montreal. It is
paid that health authorities express no
hoe. of entirely • checking the disease
until the end of Summer.
• The'New York Health Commissioner
has taken very drastic measures to stamp
out the epidemic, all places where ehtl-
dren gathered, %Suchas picture shows„,.
public libraries; etc.; •have been closedto
children' under sixteen years of age.
well rooted out of their trenches in Del,
glum and France.
Tbe Itassians too are making progress
against the Austrians .and Gegaana011
the east, and against the Turlorsouth of
the Black Sea: „4: few days ago they
gathered up anatber thirteen thousand
Austrians as prisoners, and took an int.
portant town from the Turks. e
The Germans still persist in their
efforts to take Verdun from the French,
and still it is a flutterof gaining a little
ta-day and losing it to•Morrow. Nobody
14 now tineaSy about Irerchpa. The
Emelt *will hold, it or let it, go as
see fit. Of far more importance is the
battle •of the Somme Bitter, where there
is'etery intimation• that •the german line
will be broken through, .
11]IE. miNIsTER. or mix„rro.
'(tany Star) '
Need anyene ))0 surprised if the Offiner,S
bf anihattalien fool the London Camp
were unable to. keep their inen,n band
When trouhle.:.atosel €' •
These troops bad jimt ettnie frata .ton-
don,- .where sthey had,,witnesseci an
astonishing 8011,0 and had heard Sir Sam
PubnelY ,denounce the'.generel
0E600.0 the division a;nd otbe"rs inslash. •
IR* terms.
What thiiiiipline or authority can there
hi) throughout the forces when Sit..).Sarn
Hughes conies along and utterly.destroys
the alitliority of officers and the respect
Of battalions for those who command,
them? He has'.d9ne this kind of thing
over and crier` again, --at Valcartier, at
Toronto, when -Gen. Lessard was in com-
MaTrid.We-, allrinitston,-aftondon-, and
'pretty much everywhere. He has out-
rageously violated the decencied in „his
• public censure of officers, and has • then
.departed, leaving the officers in charge
to build up again, if tiiey ean, their
shattered, authority. And he has done
these things . although every officer in
the Canadian forces knowethat Sir Sam
Hughes has no position giving hini any
authority;over our , forces enlisted for
'Oteriea service, except the civil authority
which fittaches,to him as a Minister of
'the: Crown. When be discharges the
functions of a commincler-in.Chief of the
arnied fprees of the country he usitrpi
pewees riot his at all, and when he holds
these self -glorification reviews he arro-
gates priWers te Which he has no title.
It is the Mthtia Council -and not -the
Minister of Militia' that an order re-
, .
views, and as far as the position and
•powers of 'the Minister Of Militia are
Concerned they are civil powers alto-
gether, and it is not necessary that the
holder of the portfolio" shall ever have
been a general Or a colonel or even a
corporal in the:Militia. • •
The Government of the day, however,
chooses to let this one. of its Ministers
• wear an. uniform, play the Kaiser, and
scamper about like Napoleon crossing
the Alps, and evidently nothing is to be
done a.bout it until.everybedy the whole
country over discovers -that they con piit
fin.viith no more of the, fool business.
-Meetings similiar to. those held. last
"ear throughout the Empire to 'record
the determination of the people of the
Empire to prosecute the struggle to vic-
tory, will be held this year on Aug. 4t11.,
the, seCondanniversary of the declara-
tion Of War. In Bruce County the
matter is being taken up by the Bruce
Prapardnesa League. • The Presideht,
Judge Klein, is calling a big County
meeting it Paisley on Friday; August
4th. The people of Paisley are prepar-
ing or A large gathering, and axe getting
up in connection with the day, a big
'program of field sportst It is expected
that the -1 -60th. Band. may be brought
up from Lrinclon. '
News from' the war in Enrope, though
. •
not sensational, has.been all f theright
.kind4-it has beena•recordoirsteid-. y,
not "rapid, success bythe British, French
and Rtissiani. ?
At the point ,where the.Erit1sli and
French haVe launched theirgreat attack
. ,
the Gentian fortifications consisted of
th1ee4siainaof-tr4nchesionabitelt 4tke
Other... On something.like 20 Miles: of
Eon t AII1e8hIv aptureds ihifirst
and second lines, andhave even attacked
But their
the third. work at present is
mans and bringing UP guns with, which
;to' sinasli, the: third line: • • ,c
'The inost promising feature of. 'the
attat*is that.the.Allieii aye able: to held
all the groUndthey take.in spite of the
timat'desperate tidbits �f theeithians te
drive .,them out It apPearta too that
'they are .going to be able' to keep up
thia offensive indednitelys or at least
'While Weather tormlitierfs permit. Prom;
ter Aetitotb...atiti• tton.,•. Lloyd George,.
now 31iniater Wars. both .piptto ptiblic.
stfiteMento to thux effeet recently, and as.
neither is given to boasting, it may be
assumed that, they :knew What -they ;Imre
talking about, if • Generals liaig and
joirre.are•abli to keep this up or even
two oiontfts the Cierdiatlil Will be pretty t
WO *Ord Imijust been receivedby
Mr. and George Campbell, of 1(in"
• &Mine, that their only sOn; Corp. Crof..
'ford G. ...Campbells lias-.been ,e0Verely
wonnded in'the hand, fate and eye..0orp.
Parripbell has, the trenches,
Aotnewhere riancei.• for Watt 'eleven'
itiontfui. Simegoitig into 'active Service.
in Prance, •Corp.....Campbell was. wide.
• protuoted..froiu oftrato to lanos4orporat•
• and again to corporal. Ms friends ar• c
oatttni further Dertiettlerii, • •
• Bervie
. --Mondays, Jtily 17;
J. F. Cook. spent the Week.end in
Bervie. ••
Mrs. Miller, of Kincardine, spent: a
;few days around Beryl!). •'
. Miss Vera Dagg, renewed P.equaint:
aticei aroundliervie this week
. lArs..Terry, of Iletrait, is 'holidaying
with her aunt, Miss' Mahala Boyer., '
Mise 'Addle Grundy, 113thcon., fs
spending the holidays at Alex. Fair's: '
MisaAnna Bfrifamis lisimailgain_after
spending a coilple of years in the' West,
Mr, Iawson, ourjunior pastor, is at-
tending slimmer sehool hi St Thomas.
Pertte-laindsayrof 'Toronto, is
.spending the. holidays at her honie here.
Mt. Eph. no* Millis nearly
completed, and is a fine looking beildibg.
, Mr. Eminerton, Of Clinton, is Visiting
his son, J. T. Emmerton; fora few days
• .
,. MM. 'Ilorten and, childken returned to
:Detroit on Monday niter. SPending . the
a fat' Oringing liquor into Oo(ierieh
from AlcGaw station, for other than Ins
11171 1)8 GaliN k.110UND peroorialtL501! Andrew. Young WitS tined
4440 .r.,14 0 and costs for getang,'. liquor away,
Or:II:Non "Guards. 1.1.7edo woctorti
.Pront--iitr nay Uxttinnott ei• Gains,
. • by V,et.ci ticiltrts Army „
vrIth",tia.slicc hoe and there
or the Pictu:mpte, restilted in farther
eXteastre gainc Saturday for Genera
litVeS troops la Picardy. The village
of LougtiriVtd, whichFriday night
faa4trd the apex of the:Prittsh salient
has hem left behind, While .north of
Pazentin1 Gran) PrItish troops
broke thrergh the German. 'third line
of defence. end teak part of the power
fully 'fortified; Paureaux Wood. To
the north; •puehtng firward .fronx the
'direction or -Ovillers. the Pritish are
1ighti14 in the ontslcirtS o Pogteress
lenction point of two roilitarY roads
and main obstacle to an AdYttnee on
the Heights of IViarthiPuicli, which
commands :the surrotinding battle,
grotind, In the Bazentin le Petit sec-
tor, extending -their gains .0 the pre-
vious day, the. Pritiehhavewon con -
trot„ of tifeentire forest, which telteit
'US namefrom the village. Here a
llavnrl401 iift gfiel wi):Q1"
of his f.
First Use of 'cavatry
The advance of the, British is malt-
ed' by. fighting note anything: berm
seen Itt, western. Marone., during thin
war.. The roinance of other days•10
being renewed. For tistandia,, age,inst
.'position strongly; held by the Ger,
Mans :armed. With %portable inaelfine
Onns,,there was a '040317 Charge by
the famous Dragoon Outtrda: Not since
the German legions, first swept down.
tinciugh' Belgianit • had the Western,
front seen Iforeercen. advancing to the
Charge. The treneh. Warfareput an
end to that. r .The. charge won, The
Guards, dashing 4:ker.: a terrain pocked
with, shell holes, swept throngh.the
german ranksand, turning ;swept
back. • The • Germans lied from the
position' they were organising. The
British leases were small, . And; while
this piethre brought to 'stating In-
fantrymen a Yisten of ether days.
Scores of .duels were being fought
abate es:rth _Mid_ German
viators.. Low hanging clouds handi-
capped the fliers and the battles were
fought within easy: sight of the .foot
soldiers beneath. Seven, German Me.
Chines were shot 'dOwn.in the last day.
Gain of Three Mlles
London 'despatclies on Friday night
said:. Sir Douglas Haig struck -again
at. daWnto-day. t To -night the British
front, has. been advanced •three Mlles
eastWarcr'und restson a line from
Bazentin le Petit to Longueval: The.
British advLnce at its, .deepest point
to -night approximated three miles. For
two days previously • there was .the
greatest 'concentration by the British
of guns of ,all calibres probably' ever
rondo in a • given area'. The British
Headquarters report Dined to -night
follows:Having driven driven the enemy
back step' by step .to hie second SYS -
tem of defence, the pRriod trent the
lith • to the 12th, of July 'mainly was
Spent by our . troops in benibarding
these formidable positions and other
necessary preparations for a further'
.Ta.{'17-411"gif. Pric'enOts Taken
morning, -after' an intense
bombardinent,lhe assaultwas launch-
ed at 8.25 o'cloek The enemy Was ,
driven from his trenches on the whole
front of attack of four „miles, and
Many prisoners fell into • our hands,'
Pierce fighting continued all daY,.with
the 'result that we steadily increased
our gains, and are now in .postoassteti
of the enemy's 'second' positions froin •
Bazentin Le Petit . to LongueVal, both
inclusive; and •the.whole .TrOneS Wood.
"At Trones. Wood we released
party of l:loyal West Kents, who were
separated in the recent fighting and.
surrounded by :Germane, but gallantly
held out in . the northern end of the.,
wood. for forty-eight hours. Two de-
tetinined •:counter,attackv-oit-our new
positions were completely ernshed by •
our fire.. Later in the. day, after fierce„
counter-attacks; the Germans suc-
ceeded in • recapturing the village Of,
iiiteittin Le Petit, but were imme-'
dia.tely drifen out by, .our infantry.
The. Virile village Is once more. -ln•
our bands." •
which le a violation of this act.
U.SWariX, of the British Exchange
appeared••hefore Judge Holt and
was. fined $:;11 and 'costs fcr an assault on
Coaety Constable Vellow while searching
1. Swartz •prencittes. The judge warned
Swart; that the ,court wo1d preteet
, their constables and if the aet was repeat
ed. the penalty wonld be made very evert
for the one who committed, the assault
" 4141,ell4n, of the Othumercial
Irotel, Seitsferth. was convicted on a seCl•
cead charge. AO a re§Alt Of a .rir.ent mid
. made* County Constable Pellow, el
•" r '
Goder1011, PO ice m agistrate llohnsIead
tapOrtkIl thefeenviction, but stated that
he would trt state the penalty: f r one
month .
A hatch of firanks witreh had acemeu.
latedduring the lastzsix weeks pending
the decision *Ulm. Coart as to yillether
Section 141 of the 00040 Lititt,;r
eense. Act applied in 4. 'Kg a. souutieo.,
Were disposed of.. Three men tveie tined
'92() and erists each ler being drunk icf, a
public place, and pne.was Oiled s4o, and
Omits, it being iiiis•Seeond offence,:
Gernian Bases ' Menaced '
The day's advance brings the Brit-
ish southern front on an even , line
with the French at Hardecourt and
puts the British In good position •to
drive a wedge between Thiatiment
and peronne, .the two main German
bases on this front. Longueval was
the junction' point of several import-
ant 'highroads, -which .had been of
much value to the Teutons. ; A de-
spatch from n If:miters correspondent
On 'the British front! says that the
*Getman second line was carried with
small loss, - and the Germans surren-
dered. freely. . •
The British artillery, , according to:
,all despatches front the front; made
the first stages of attack comparative-
ly easy. The effect of the British guns
:on the German, defences is described
as Annihilating, "The British shells,'!
says One Correspondent, "could be
Peen cutting throne' the Germah
wire,"• and great flashes, gfying the,
impression of a' river of gain% miles
long, a. fiery. stream coursing SwiStly-
through the German ditches.
. .
. fOrreer resident
of Wingbittn, died as his home near
A.uburn, after a short illness, oil july
6 '
Pte. Spence° Hengsw orth, of the ei lst
Battalion, who was killed in Potion in
France on June lfith, was a tanner
• Ethcl boy, He had , moved to Mit:
fOTIOW-eci ,as an
• To stopyonr heir from falling we the
Rexall "93' Touic, whichall Rexall
Drug Stores fully guarantee -50q. and
$1.00 bottles: -J. G. Armstrong.
J. ,K..Fairfu', formerly pastor
of Clinton and • Anbuto Baptist
churches, has been appointed thaplain
of the 161st • 13attalion Rev. • Mr.
Fairfol. enlisted with the battalion.
three months ago, and has ism') train -
with the men since that time.
Deriald MeCoryie, aged and-
'aateerned cititen of 'Clinton, died at
liis hoine thereon July. 8th at the age
of Of Scotch parentage, Mr. ,Mc-
Corvie was born in York county. The
famUy moved to. Colboirr townt...hip
While he was young and for Moro than
50 year he -has resided/in Clinton. •
-7-M!)nday, Jury 17.
Mise, Minnie 110virsoti is visiting 'in
Chas. J. McICititiou lioniefroin
)diss Emma Kirktown is'. home for'her
summer holidays.
Miss Charlotte, Aleginnon home
from -Lietreits-blich------ ,
2ir. Will Clreer, of Terriniei, is holiday-
ing with his parents.
Mrs. J. Gilchrist has beenviniting
friende Port. Elginj '
'..Mt§s Lily MCKinnen• lion;e from
• Brantford. eta. helidays. -• "
Nurse .M. McLean, of Toronto,
home .foll'a few holiday:).
Miss Jean MeDentid is home .frcim
Li;ndon, for her holidays',
Mrsi. Salter, of Toronto, renewed ao-
quaintances here last. week.
Greenock•Townslup Conned met at
Ginin'ilrotel on Monday.
McLene anhati the,ceinent found:.
. •
atirin but for 'new barn.
Pte. CiYde McKee el an _recei ved orde'm
to report in Locidon-litSt- week:. •.- •
Miss .-MoKennitt, Of: iilarktbile,:'
visiting her. brothers and sister here...
• Misses Truax; Torrinto;.are visiting
'their cciusin, Misi Jennie McKeenten.
Master Bruce of ..BeatnsVille,
'visiting hia aunt, Ors. W. J.,.Mc Keennin. •
• ••
4;Pte: John •Thompwm arrivoct •IiTymn
fr 'ON London' last -week for haying' fur.
Mr., and :Mrs, Itarri .5teyeriSon,', cf
Detroit, M idh., visited here' t first • . of
the week • - • • •
• Mise Mary McLeod is confined, to her
honiii with a sore :knee. Ail Irti)c,40 st;e
her otiC soon._ .
-.----Ite-Bobitilloris-ofliterto pit:INarr;11
anniversary services here on -Sendai.-
ilev Iteith :preached in Tiverton. • '
Ateack Germans on Both Sides 'of
• Meuse With &Meese • • •,
' Gen. Nivelle, defender of Verdun,
on Sunday lainched a strong counter -
•offensive againet the Oernians on; UAW
banks of the Meuse. Throughout the
day the French have made priagreas.
-especially in the region a Fleury, One
• of the key positions Oh the north'
eastern .front, according to the . ntid-
night report from Pails. The French
attn.-as have rectifier iiine-liotn y
South and west er Pleuri, but south.,
West of Thlaumont, on the eastern
bank of -the rivet and east of Hill
.holidaY's at the limiter of "Dr. Brticllei;.
Everyone is wondering What.zthe nriiie
13ervie Why it is Mr Oabel's
patching towline, Good, w'rtr.ic done,
and eherges are the lowest.'
• .11emember that our, village •store•
keeperehave decided to SAVO oil two
eights a' Week-, by early closing Wedries-
day anti, Priday. 'Stores Plebe at e
oforook so take warning alid stay bolts
ltodo pighte, ••• •
so 804,
on the ;vestern Mink In The 'Free Methodist Clitimishideli,asact.fideit:Ing
greatly to the apneitrance of the rimed.
Jelin Deehan had his barn -raising on
Tlinrsday and Friday of last weak. Mr,
• General Sir Sani'lItighes will go to ubai wiJl hav fihe b
addition,-a-MOsonnbut-tty-the-Gteman • •
which sought to penetrate the Weeded
seetions betWeen the ,Meuse and Pep
!per 'Hill was broken
Sir Sam' to Walt Camp
arn when
:Plattsbtirg at the inVitatien ;of Milted_ melted,
'Stated fitnlY' Officials to pee the
CAPITAL 'AND RESEkVii $8380, 90a
,-, 90 Plat-achea. in roateds,
. A General Dinking Business Transacted, .
Circular Leiters of Credit
Bank Money Orders .
. Interest 'allowed at highest caret *Ate
T, S. REID, Manager,
, L1 •
Price complete $6, 7,,00 -f.0,1). Oshawa.
Canada's Biggeit 0.1. Value
y(:lu buy the Cls'evrolet you are
gettiv ,a car that looks like a
• $1000 car and that rides like a
$l000 car for $7.!,
The .Saving • Habit. is, easey ac-
quired You can. open a Sav-
ings AccoUnt, this gank v'crith
one dollar, and add to iLweekly_
or 'monthly without inc'oaven-
Capital Atithorized $5,000,00o
Capital Pald-up . $3,000.000
surplus -.--- $3,475:000 •
J ."G Lgia lE sqvitannkey..
•••••••• :•.;, • 7'..:.!•:"'•
COOL SHOES .for: Hot Weather
Something Cool for die Iceet is. Now in Demand
We have.a beautiful line of Pumps and S,trari..$11ppers, in, Vici Kid and.
• . Patent; at prices from, 4.75 -up to $5 50.
We have a full line of Women's, Misses' and Children's Outing
Shoes:" Barefoot Sandals fdr the kiddies- 'fist the thing
for vacation., - • •
See our Ladies' High Cut, Bid 'Bah. "Classic Make," pride $4.50 -
0•00.‘wwwwiornerholora•tva. atirolifirdIpow:inifsil'aelvi~lid*
• .
Miss -Cassie :11eDiarrii of. .1 )ittrOi I ;
isbnine .for her summer vacation,' •
••• •..
.0ofik,"of Tngersol, :is visiting .lier
parent:4.114'c ori thiqllarkserthriniesteacl.
'• Mr. adsen, cif i has
t en ng here with bis'.sister, Airs.
John Martin.. •
.Mcte-tosh-has gone
Tormito, where she has scoured u. posi-
tion 'as Stenograpliet:'. •
Ode Justip had. the'..picasiire'of 'enter.
cetspie of blend's, who' came 'up from
.Watei•loo 8iinday. morning. The
illOtor car makes it easy to visit friends.
la, a disunite. • • .
iay. camp ,there.- • -•
tie•follnwing: stlihniary of Minor eaSes
laid by Inimeator.."liftehell, of North
1- roe, and disposed of at Goderich, ro,
.seutly, 'goes to, show that the Canadian
Temperance Adt it being strittly •enforc.,
ed in Huron Monty; .
.Cooker itobiusou was flied 00 and
Miss Flossie McLennan wt; :very sue.
eerstill in passing her piano' and vocal
hating obtained . honors for
vocal.--"Congratulational • •
Miss Sadie Mathesfin, of Toronto, who
Is home to Seuthampton on a' visit, is
spending.n. few idays. with , her tincle,
Dan. A.•1.10.tee.e. 2ndcon., llruce
'rho re. Methodists have started
their camp meeting in Wm. Gilchrist's
bash on 2tid. on. it.w. Levi .142.elter, ;of
Lyndonvillc, N","lt ; is assisting theRastor,
1.10v. „Ds . •
It is dginve Mistake for mothers to neg-
lect their aches and pains and suffer in
silence -this only leads to chronic sick.
nem /Ind often shorterts life..
If your work is tiring; if your nerves are
, excitable; if you .feel languid, weary or•
depressed, you should know that Scott's
Emulsion overcomes just suet* conditions.
possesses 111 concentrated 'form the
very elements to invigorate the blOod,
strengthen the tissues, nourish the nerves
atut build strength.
. Scott's isstrengthening thousands of
tuoth.etsAodwitirpy:u.1ry it,scott4nlwuro,to,04'
.nvery Woman knoWitee discomfort of
oidfistiug -tan few real ize its claimers.
Dust con sistS of very . i partiCles of
• Ist.t°1!!isieta4°Icef ts1,1e-atructifitillieeir4et°111aliklI
atonni of dridd vegetable and animal
niatter.. As it is blewe through; the
air.; it toffeet5. kernis and. teicrethes of „
• every description mid froth ad sorts
of places, and 'settles; still holding'
hese dangerous 1 ittle. oegeniaine, on o
thiors and ciirpets. Ileee:It remains
ct vet file, constantly .• iiittreas!ing froin
more dust falling on it, and tile nil-
:cedlioa griAv in untidier!. ,
Along cornea a brOino-tire heaitier.
dirt is sw,•pi the :se-rgvq.
microbe -14(1.6n dust is thrown "
C1611(li, 1.Q settle ,en tables, eh
whiclow-ledges, picture flames, on
very other plaCe that a minute par-
' tide eat' find it resting. place, • Aki it
flies, it carriesgerms of many diseases
along which are breathed inta: the
testy else,lii the hotise. .
When people are in a very good
Physical. condition,' these cliseaae
gerii 4 are usually siiccessfally rotisteff
-but when a Mat', Woman or child
gets a little "run -clown" or ont Of
sorts, the 'body no longer 11414 1NON'ver.
to render mic
it is, that tiusticgslieeisnliisincalitirlreysii, And Ott'
est danger of sickness! or detailtelig. r•ttt"
Use Devost.ohane when you I'veeP:
Distil; ,t t ,UTOR:t.