HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-07-20, Page 334—••••11r-7 r1 • ' 4GERMAN PSYCHOLOGY A • Why. t I1bat the T1001310 Soldiers Allow Them§elves . Slaughtered. cptot, ••••••••14.1. Fo,Prrtr.M. N,Ire -halm new .elittire4. lipen..00,.frOna' the .diatinetien :between 014.08e!f • fe?rtla menet o 'the..bettle of Wallet.. whiehpeevaila in .other contriee, ltn • with Tim frantic effort* on tile pert o England, for inetence, the old 'rtirels the. Gerniene to, break our defence. pedal. Principle- tat" one:should knew But they have. made'.zg Wpm:tent' one's :betters " is tempered 'by' the re- . preenette, !ince the end of Febreuteye ligique principle that a an is pore' n'hen the nn1 qt-aCDGniI7tceport-to.,:eodp•forp-on-his, • cumulated power of the blow gained ects, that Me inner .self cannot be • theme few 'Inilee„ . They have even surrendered.Na, liberty with it, TM here •and there lest grounds, and the Atterept to cem.pel initiative ef • the fight hasrepeatedly elight to his honer, Whethet trona his • passed on our side. A • neotral gent, equals or his betterseeffhouldhe Were- lenian. who, has just come, back freM. ted,; ..Kiplintes story, " Friyate the invaded dep.artMents, where he Honour," :gives the precieeshade of • head been engaged for t year on re, the feeling.. You can also see it in lief. WO/a toldenie a month agO: elfet " Rieherti•Feverel," Whentile old Exige he had .seen the whole slow andenor- lish farmer reeedittely demaii.cls as his Magi preparation of the attack. • jn.. right an, apology. frptn the . squire's January and Febrnary the ,Gerinan. sere , How far removed • front this: officers with whom his work brought proud and individualistic - idea is. the, - him in daily Contact were constantly Hun •conception- ef heirarcily the In. • speaking .of the coming coup at: if no eidenta a - Zabern havetaught us. doubt of success. could be entertained, Was it not in ethinection •with these .-writee Andre Cheveiltoe, in Country .ineidents that a member of the Britieje. Life Nothing, ..• said ,rny friend, wine Cabinet said ; • "In thisecountry the: had • learned . to know them well,: was honour of the lard ie exactly on • the • more, significant than their reticence same foOtitlig as 'that. of a, eestermon- 4 - • to Verdun during the last weeks ? . • a. , •-. of his stayleWith them... The subjece . had bedefte -taleeoes •• And yet ehey stilt. laiiich theirrhate ..•sive. attacks, in whieh their men come • eheukler te shoulder, to 'fall in Thug, rabidly ..inerca-siog -,heape.uoder the ••fire • Of per machine-guns. If ,ondhad . not Award •froin • the RueSien.. side as. : well as from our front •oe. German prisoners 'Who were taken •still • ing .of ether, and who confessed , to having beep. -under a .special diet b.e. • ?Ore .being thus hurled in serried. •• ranks -twelve aeep to •the _yard -to butchery; one would not knot:, which ,ece adlnires most; the blind, absolute devotedness of thoseeinen, or the in- '. "deinitable ' temper of those :Frepell soldiers who. were .supposed to have • , Mere elan than staying power, and . who manage to find shelter in the craters that -have been dug bia thee 'rific •TroMaiiel Feuer , end. there, in • little packs: of 'eel-Vie:Ors "or isolated, • - with *bat. is . left _of maehirie-gune, most . of the. •protective wire bein•g .wiped out, succeed • in etopping. the • .thick waves of the advancing enemy. • Strength of the German.. • . . of her enemy that -peace 'would be for hini blet breathing time . till he felt ,etrotag enough for a •nettr and pro- bably'strOnger,aggressiow-that if she stopped het* the tnonster's teeth are .1)1.'4001 •Weger or later it Jaultl.nican death for- her. She also knows; that • . the odd* are, inow 'againsthim, that . 14 the .game he is playing to 'cannot' outlast the • Allies. 'That • knowledge.: steelathe mother heartto the horror. • All the essential difference between the taro peoples is to be seen in the • tfvo. sides ,ef such a pictore. The French are individualists; the value • •of, the nation isethat -of the fadivid- -- mils. Hence their achievement in air • ttaft anti their rapid success in the •noble art ; hence else the general tendency of Our sehool of tactics, • which, leaning on national psychology, • favours • the ordre disperse and leaves is' much as possible to the judgment . :and enterprise of each' Man. The .•itrength' of the German is in the or- • . ganieecl herd: • Their attacks remind. one of thecharge • of the buffaloes ••., : •-•—• A CAUSE OF INDIGESTION • People Who, Complain of This Troible Usually Are Thin Blended. Thin blooded People weeny live stomach trouble. They seldom recog- nise the fact that thin blood is the cause of the trouble, but it is, , In fact thin, impure .blood is the most eommon cauee of stotaaclf trouble : it affects the digestion very. quickly. The glands that furnish the digestive fluid are dimipisbed in their activity; the stomach ?muscles are weakened, and there is a lbs e of nerve foree.e.In this State, of healthnothing will more quickly restore the appetite, the diges, tion and normal• nutrition than good *'ch, red blood. Dr, Williams' Fink Pills -ace directly on the blood, making • it rich and red, and this enriched blood •. 'What •Germane Call 'Heroism • 'strengthens weak nerves, stimulates tired raiiseles and awakens the nermal• • "body and soul " they belong to their KaiserIle knows whit he can activity of the glands that supply the :. - digestive fluids. The first situ of lin- exact' from. them.- • At Dinent• and proving health is an improved appe- Aeriehot it. was to Open fire with tite, and.,seeri, the effect of 'these Mood machine-guns in the Market place, be - making -pills is evident throughout the fore the shrieking women, on a, crowd of men, afteWiring thein in, At system. You find that what you eat r Verdun it is to march in continuous does not distress you, and that you are rows, line behind line, over the dead strong and vigorous instead of irrit- heaps of those that went before them •able and listless. This is proved by against the fire that mows them down. the case of Mrs, J. Barris, Gerrard St., On the part of the Soldiers this may Toronto, who says :- " About three he called heroism. Our own men go years ago I was seized with a severe attackof indigestion and vomiting. more quietly to what they know is My fond seemed to turn sour as soon certain death ; theyare not carried • on by the impetus of a solid human as I ate it, and I would turn so deadly Mass in Which those who are behind sick thatsornetimes I•would fall on the push those who are in front without floor after Vomiting. I tried a lot of feeling the immediate risk. will home remedies, but they did not help give tworecent instances of the elle. Then I went to a doctor who gave , , curiaus paesivity, of the sheer spirit of obedience that often goes with Ger- man heroism, and by which men are changed int tools -wonderful tools to be used for good or bad -and to • be thrown wholesale into the furnace, if waste, as sometimes happens, pays -however so little. • In Champagne thine of our aviators noticed •behind the German line and• at a safe distance from our guns strang'e activities of the enemy. They 'seemed to be fighting between them- • selves over a network of lines which in no way connected with -the rest of the defence. Pliofogeaphe were taken and revealed two distinct and elabor:. atd systemet of trenches: The puzzle was solved when an officer suddenly perceived one of the two:systems to, be 'an exact copy a a particularly strong French labyrinth, the other re- producing the German defence in front • of it. In a war Which pots a terrific • which have closed together to stamp. attain on .human energy, at a' time • the tiger under foot. • A: friend who • wheo men are generally sent te ,the .•saw- Some :of the' battlefields a the back only fora i3pell of rest, German Marne .neeare the dead were buried soldiers had been set by their leaders • told me that even in death this dif- to the stupendous extra task of dig- ference beteveen the temper ef the • ging two complete networks Of trench - .two races. is: to be seen. •:The French es for the ebject of methodically re - dead) he said; were scattered here and heareing 'a possible attack. To those . there like poppies In • a cornfield (this • . . was at•the beginning of the War, when the:French army still wore the tradi- - tienal red trousers): • the Germans • lay ln greyeelteap.s like ineeireate •• swarms. •This gregarioes feature • of the enemy struck our Men in the eery .first battles of the campaign. "We . -got, 'sick with killing them," a Wonnile zenave who- was just baak from Charleroi told me. ":11iit the more of thein yoo killed the thicker they came. •. Ants • they were like ants,a • continuous tide of • ante • • o• Hun Conception of Hierachy. , The other end no less important •element • in their. Piychology is, of •'course; their absolute and -mechanical • ediscifilinee-a discipline Which puts the •' herd trito the, hands • of the leader, • like a. •severalhundred, thousand or luirse-power, or -rather "man-' . power " •engine, to be hurled at his • nleasure in this Or that direction. • This discipline is not; as with 'he; a •• mere necessity of war: • It is founded fieitry 'on the idea of 'teete :(We are very much struck in trance by the feet that, in spite of their enormous - lesees in officers; theYntill avoid mak, big lieutenants of their sergeants and .•Feldwebele), an idea 'very different ' • • troops -a very dense formation -un- • der their own fire, go that our men , did not know "the rush Was coming till . the enemy was &lopping hand gren- ades•into their trench. For this sue- Cessabotit a thousand Germans were • killed. by Gerinah guns. ••• France Will Not Fail •. who know what such work means and the awful drudgery of it, the fact is amazing. • • •• The Curtain Fire. • ' The second instarice' ii, . perhaps, more -significant An officer .who hag come on leave from hip post in the neighborhood .of La Fertile Navarin was telling us ''' the • peculiar method which the Hun used to retake, two months ago, a ceetaln length ef that position. . On both sides the usual rule far 'an\ attiek is to cover - for some hours with " Troraniel Feuer" •the line which you Want to conquer, and When the moment for the rush, .comes to 'increase the range, in Order, to; avoid killing your own people as' they approach the enemy, thee &eat- ing at the same time a curtain .fire which cuts off the Position from pos- sible reinforeemente. As icing as the " TromMel .Feuer " is over :them" the assailed patty remain' buried in their holes, but as soon as tbe range is changed arid their hear- the shells bursting in their rear they know that'. the onslaught is coming, an leaping out -of their dug -outs; begi to, take .aini with -rifles -and -Machine-gurfs. Well, what the Germans .did in thie „particular attack was •simply not .th- increade theit•renge. They 'kept their The Fine - - Flavour the delicate taste Of matted barley blended with the • sweets ' of whole wheat -i - is sufficient reason •initself for the wonderful popuktr- • iti of Grape=Nuts • 'gilt it is more than de -2. is • the. • finest kind' of concentrated, nonr- ishment to thoroughly' sus- tain body ii:nd brain tissue -a food bat benefits Users remarkably. • .. •• , , • • FOOD • A short trial ..proves, l4There,'s a ReaSOn' e Sold by Grocers everyevherefeee. • Canadian rectum Cereal go.; Ltd..' • • Windsor, Ont. • .Such methods may give. an 'insight into the reasons- of the continued tre- Mendota; attacks at Verclun...-Probah- Ty the leaders have their doubt as to their ever entering that eity,.and stire;. ly they, know' that; should they tak it, they would have &pa no decisive advantageethat the-Feenebewould-fall back on prepared stronger lines. But they know that their men are mere matter irelheir hand*: • they (to not shrink from hurling them into the flee for the sake of keeping up the fur•• naCe, 'a furnace where both arinies are meltino-thOugh not at the .stime rate, They know that tiMe is .against Ger, many,' that she eannot afford to wait and simply..defend the territories which she won atthe fist blow by. the Mettle& vire know. Their last aim must he slaughter for the sake a shinghter-continuofts and - Wholesale slaughter In which It does not •matter to them if their hien fall by hundreds of thonsands,,as lengas the French fail by fifties, of thousands They reckon that they will feed and in- crease the futnace tilt the neutrals raide a cry of 'horror and try to' fn.= *vete; or till Prenah sensibility and humanity at the back • cannot stand tiny more the eight of Peen& Man- hood grachially withering in in that fire. • But Prance knows that if her will failed her she waild b doomed. She knows' from her prevideis experieheee me some powders, but they seemed ac- tually. to make me worse instead Of is a tremendous amount of money for better. This went on. for nearly two investment. • A large part of the months, and by that time my stomach Was in such a weak state that I could not keep down a drink of water, and I was wasted to a skeleton and felt that life was not worth living. I was not married at this time, and one Sun- day evenirek on the. way to church with part is derived from the enormous my intended husband I was taken with amount of profit being Made by manil- a bad spell on the sefeet. He took ine facturers of war supplies. • Then a - to a drug store where the clerk liked gain, therestriction imposed by the°. up eomething betake, and My ,inteeded Government on the investment of Brie got me. a box of Dr: Williams' Fink tisk capital. outside of the country is. rills.. By the end of the first 'week I responsible for a tremendous amount iould feel some improvement froth the, T BRITAIN'S .PRIME CONDITION ' oral -art,* OH DVIVS RAMARKABO • ANCIAL FOMTION. • . 1,ending 14.10014, France, Italy and Serbia, and Supporting . .• Beighnn, Jotu Btart,. political economist and • director of . -"London Opinion." cop. .11erition.,.:WhO haw just • arrived in the. !United -Sttltes give:: a lucid ettplapa- • ition the .'fingnelsi °conditions, of Orea.t. Britain. Ne says: . . ."- Notwithstanding the hettl'Y ex- • penditure of great Britain since the. Potbreale of the war, and the heavy drafts' upon the, .public,. the• debt of Great 14.4414 ,to -day. is only about ene-half efewbat it was per capita at the Mid a the • Nap.oleonic War. ; In 1S16, just • 4fter,the Battle of Water- loo, the public debt per capita was £43. That anaoutit in 'proPartion to the in- come a the country at that time, com- pared with tleteineome of the preeent day, represented a , debt, of 2120 per head. . August, .1914, the public debt was $14 tier capita,' and every one thousand tnillions a. pound sterl- ing isifued since repreients $29 per capita • eo. that the present daydebt of 13rit'ain is.,net. Much More than 50% �f the. equivalent -debt at the end ..of the 'Nepoleonie " :: • • • .. ,.• rie • •••• • A Creditor Nation. •,. • • . . • "It 'should. be borne in mind that England is financing France, Italy,, Russia and Serbia in the present -war; and is tarrying the entire charge of Belgium. The money so employed is loaned to these nation e -so that gng- land is still 'largely a ereditor .nation. The financial •condition of Great • Bri- tain . at this advanced period • of the war is roc* •eersiarkable, 'The mer- kets are all buoyant, the minimum re - relief ---but the ?inhabit 15 not I ' • ' 11707400 yviiantshviigsguittay ottezty.Lptiyer 1, EREWisAlo all'ealthhgbit. It vitill put the ' liver out or business in time—. • and '• then ,everythipg. 0200 Lgrrga PunInop 1114 socuft, gpes out of blpimsa, Get I /SI: NEWS/PAPIER. the health habit by eating , Shredded Wheat DISCuita Vow:, liromen Went to Jail Bec.ause WhilE.4 contains mere digestible, i ' hrean-making, vataselembuild- 1 the ideal hot/weather food, lea35,(11;They Endeavered to 43,4 ing . material than beefsteak. ;oehrimeha., sgLoosortztao:1, li: Etat. .. Po or eggs. The tasty, 'delicious , wives of soldiers at the front, were i , IfECO4Krt• i. 0 , gcriivselTPealss'a°tef the jhoYe banakdesdtothaTht 13""nt' with a oxua titode of other : ',Norden in the large market hall in Dresden,. where they, were looking for comfort. ° It supplies the potatoes, the sale ,of which had been maximum of nutriment in advertised. There' was a bad short - smallest, bulk, and its daily age of potatoes all that week. All beer women declared that they baxl UP use keeps the bowels healthy potatoes for a long time. One of them, and active,,,, .For jpreaWast had six children. . wi•th milk, or cream, or for In the crowd there Was frightful crushing and excitement. . The in - any 'meal with fresh fruits. ' , . . specter, prOveked by one of the four . After hours of waiting without'being r ll EFtS and Pattern Xvisie 3"t "'" . Made in 'Canada . women, gave het a box on the ' Or. ' wrANTEIMITAIN714 . ' V • BOX,P• BY Air. •cdon,:b70eM VP.41.VRS:. -WOW ;or .Emr At1;101 MAW' stEr.D, rotaT.0,4 0.E.Ert POTATOES, inian Mem, PeleWare, Carmen. • -or, dee at eaz.o. Supply Iiinited., • WrIte ,ree • puotattonte W. puwoon, Eramptop.., ACROSS THE BOIIDER •!••••••••••." •witAT IS GOING. OVER' IN • THE STATES •• - 'Latest , Happenings in Big, Renehlie • Coiideneed for .Binty • • • Readers. All the shops at the Staee peniten- tiary, at Frankfort, Ky., were de- stroyed by fire. - Fifteen hunhdred Sioux 'Indians' in South Dakota have offered to enlist for serviee in Mexico. Thirty Chinese citizens of Tuscon, Ariz., have formed a company of, horrie '‘guarde is a protection efgainst able to obtain any potatoes! About 80. novene Hydraulic woric, 'otato like. experience aZi ';‘,a7ed:. Alnoineering women sot off for the Rathaus, the LIMited. Lindsay four at their head. On the street they were stopped by lgendarmes and ordered to disperse; The four, declin- ed, and were arrested. One of thenit 14enbueiricil;. rv, Vgdblipee. spevrv,s .011, extralal lockeertrixynwxsa..aft3 , had her arms so twisted back by a gendarme as to cause ,her great pain. paid to apprentices " while learning The four were accused of 'having. re- Keini';',Ter• eresegri4:Kieigl,=-•'eltils sisted lawful emitherity. • They were experience if 4mY. age, etc" to • The eratieg other *Orden' from the clutch- Slingsby Mfg,. Co., Ltd. Ersntford. ,Qat,', convicted of this, Offence, and of lib- iszveneeepEna roes maim es of the police, 'end sentenced • to, ..----- seyen weeks' imprisonment ,The sit T-MAKINO E .1-------"".' .. p aicei for side. iltrincianZneraCrIro court remarked that the pueishment } towns. The most useful and Interesttne an offence. . e. • ifeapill.L7rosineZosts;7idlisi oFirrilesillttrifseF:Glooli7 • ny. 14' s A a a e e Tp nt ' was. a very. lenient one for se grav A Meal Soul; Breakfast. ., VIET ANTED --HELP Fon wooLIDINT • v Carders weavers, Puller's, and: /shipper Tenders. 'Good wages:pa-fa • ••' In all depa.rtmentis, and° steede worm esr • to secret:Annan* The War Committee for Coffee and q WE HUDSON CITY HOSPITAL.. Tea lately suggested „that as these.' ealve Teogse off; fearsHuadizwono-olin-yuadmf ple cOmmodities Were very dear and, instruction and practice .to young wo.. striction on sales of stocks is being . resokted to the old fashion Of a meal ation apply to the SuPerintendent. ° 9 cro on vriet;illei tt,:r ibdea"K rinffi is i n toTtler Mexican raiders scarce it -might be -well- if "Gerinans ' -7. removed, and •as they. reach a proper This year the United States will e°1-11'. breakfast with a little fat in it ,...1 "cwt. TUAIOHS, LUAU'S, level as regards the value of money yield 125,000 divorces, the Rev. F. M. Vorwarts imet, peblishes a letter in ke interml and external- :cured with., to -day (due to War conditions), there Mocely, of Chicago,, told President out eon bY our home treatment. Write , nawood, Ont. * ' Wilson, at Washington. • • which the Writer points out aspara- gus and butter also make e very ad- co., eemitee, Colli before too hte Dr Hellman Medical Twelve Brooklyn physicians are to mirable breakfast, but the difficulty ' result of a recent about them is that they are onob- money whereby England ie financing be prosecuted as a herself and Other nations is the pro: crusade for alleged negligence in re- tainable, nearly as unoletainable , as ceeds of the sale of American seturi- porting births, of children within ten "ml and fat." The writer pro - ties, made by private holders • th the :days. . • Ceeds : : . British Government, which is being!' Chicago packing houses have closed "As cards for ink have not yet been master there for a monthly silkily of issued, I suppose I may write. I like used as it is collected. Another large ' contracts • with the army quarter - 1,5000,006 Peutt of meat -for. the meal soup, but where am Leo get the meal for my family of four persons ? ' In his Will' as probated, John Sleek, problem, and if the potathes It a retired Baltimore •finencier, • Who d not help me out :I; could -no longer died recently, gives more than $275,- ay e Priest Mehlzeit.' As to meat. 000 to religious and •ediicational insti- haat further -there has only . been • IA, Since October 15-1. don't wish to go of money being kept at home which tithes. • •• pound of . bacon in My lionse. This yite,ein:ilafwteir, searching seven hours for useofthe Pills, and I gladly continued. would otherwise • find .investmerit a- . Miss Rine Pitena; • f D. h Mass, was married to Dr. Frederick 9 orc ester, „ . , the trouble was genie, and I was again . . ' : : rtusmg , .: saved his life in Marblehead waters Weene, a dentist of Somerville. She. . , 're- managed to 'secure two taking them' uatil every symPtorn of broad. • - . ' ••• - ' .pound of 'hack fat We 'kept one Pills are new My standby and 1 to I all , ``•Strange as it' may • sound, ah la4t fall: •- _ ...„,„.„ • ' sent to our son, who is a eoldier. pound for ourselves,..theeether : we TBenefits of Ad • • enjoying the best of health. - ese . • ' my friends what they did for me." • You call get rir, •Williams' Pink Pills from any dealer in medicine or by mail at 50 cepts a• bee or six b,oxes for ;2.50 from ,The Dr..Williams' Mediethe Co, Brockville, Ont. • •• .• • GEN. • SMUTS' CONQUEST. — Usambara Described as the Gem qf .German East Africa. • _• • Wilhemstal, the capital. of the Us- ambara Highlands, was occupied a short -time agceby General Smuts-eand as the, enemy have abandoned its seaport, Tanga, it -would -appear that the whole of this. region, tfntiost set- tled. and most pthsperOus Part .• of German East Africa, will shortly be in Undisputed Possession of the 'Bei; • IiVellealthy climate, picturesque valleys and mountains, and luxuriant vegetation 'attracted attention to Us-, =bath from the first establishment • of German rile, and its nearness to the coast rendered. it easily access- ible.. To -day it possesses scores of thriving plantations, pleasant and well -bent towns, and excellent roads. Its Europeee populatioxi is about 3,006 • Bordered east and .west • "birl arid sehub ?covered. steppes, north by open country, and south byedense jungle, the highlands forth an oasis in the by the British Government has been, of the New ' York Central Main line ' "A' far tie 1 am concerned, I do not -- enormous portion of the money raised 1 Ties were found bound to the tracks. - . • due to advertising. For the first time at Lyons, N.Y.,. over which .trains know whether 1 shall require anti4at treatment this year in history the British Government has carryirek the Massachusetts National . My • wife will made use of the gratuitous service of Guard were to wise. • Certainly not. require it, as she is 20 e y • rtsey; ownei . o f. the New ' - '7 . pounds lighter. : But there are ' peas and beans - This year .1 managed to which service has been immena I thine 'Of the leading advertising men, Reports eurreht that Frtin-k •A. profitable to the Government. The Press', and William C: Belgic, • owner store up one pond of beans and two Me ,N York method's adopted by; high class mer- ; ger of their properties . - . . three pounds are gone; - and with. pounds of rice. UnfOrienately, all Brieish Treasuryehas Used • the game : Of the SIM, are conteinplating'a 'pier; they have succeeded beyond expeetae: the foreifications bill as itepsiseed the we:had, By right we Ought to haYe them the Milk piece . of : good butter- cantile houses to sell their goods and ' Five million dollars . was. added to one Pound of tioM. A very large amount of the }these at Washington, to be,used for. /butter -a week for the,. get an ounce five-year Treasury bonds - hat been told purchase and manufacture of moun- feur ot us, but we don't •. 1 ,• It is ell yery well writing. to Verwaits • denorninetion ' of these bond id gla Private Cliffcird Gyeen.,_Co...P., - or about a nice bit' of butter. 'All 1 min to the working classes. The lowest ' tain field end seize cannon. " , which is sold as advertised for 15s 6d. Dover, Me., after being. suinnioned: to -wonder beee_iteteetes . cook with my meal is the butter card. for which ' amount the "investor . obtains ! his oompany, walked 150 miles from eI-• eeze. erne ye.. member the time the face value of the bond at maturity, r lEhn Stearn through .the woods be- .whenethere .were sausages'?" : . -• ' or, in other Words, he makes a profit fore he could strike a railroad. • •„l;uaclalt u.latecl that ' 70% . ofthe ' of 4si 6d., or a little over 29% in the A ,protest against the .promiseous Simply Ferocious five years, which represents nearly 6%et, remover'of tonsils from children was War revenue is corieributed by payers of income tax and other direct. taxa- tion. that is by persoris •whose ine Lurrip Rock Salt zest for cattle. Write for rrices: TOROETO SA.= WORKS,47.0432 Jarvis St., Toronto, Ont. ' •.T.OU CAN'T CUT OUT . Bog Spavin or ThoroughOin . but you, can clean them Off. promptly with s_ciRBINE -41.-ikAue.MARk AEG.U..S.P.4Vbfr. and you work the 'hope same sane: . Does not blister -or remove the • hair, $2.0.0 per boide,edelivered. Will tell You more df you write: Book 4 M free. ABSORBINE, ' the antiseptic lininient foi mankind, reduces Varicose. Veins, Ruptured Muscles or Ligattenta. Enlarged Glands. Went. • Cysts. Allays pain quickly. Price 51 and 52 a bottle at drugglits or delivered. Made in.the U. 5. a: by F YOUNG, P. h.. Fe 516 lymina Bidg.; Montreal, Goo. '- Absorb* and.lbsorbloe, Jr.. are ihsdeln Catudit.e ' -Seventh Animal • Toronto *Fiat Stock Show • swill be held Union StoOk •Tardio. Toronto :DECEMBER 8th and 9th, 1016 • For further particulars write TOPPING, Secretary, ". • Union Btock Yards, Toiontd voiced by Dr. Royal Copeland, of New "-Ye” said the cynical 'old sea cap•• American Institute of Hontheopethy South America came egress a tribe tain, "when I was*. shipwreciced- York , in' paper read...before. the at Baltimore. • of wild 'worhen who had no tongues" • ""'"z "Good gracious?" exclaimed • lis D.Taliaferro; aged 18, sop of - te"They couldn't," ner. "How. could' was the reply they tallc.?" come is above -$800e, per annum, end, R, M. Taligferro, general 'agent of the only 30% .by thoedRwith tmaller in, Norfolk and Western •Railway • at "That was what made them wild." . comes. : The entire taxation, direet Yynchburg, - .Va.,• cominitted euieide end indirect, 'last year amounted to when Miss Bertha Pfeister refused to , about 350006,000. . . ; .. "Of the '£5,000;060 ' deny war ex __-_ - coming. baek to the country in . I fell frOM a ,buildingend received • , e _.. petiditures of England about 40% id . ' • . • , e ,, wttges GERMAN SOLDIEPS : HOMESICK. and - expenditures for war suPplies about -40% is money loaned to Ole .,, Allies the colonies, India, and other NV!".° Th. eir Letters From the Front dependeneies, so that of the total a- in Mdanc•holy Tones: . : wilderness. • Extending southeast and northwest for 75 miles, they Vary in• , . . • . . . days I. was out to work Again. I think mount only about 241% is an actual " The " kolniSehe Zeitung" remarks „ it the best Liniment made. ; breadth froM 1 to 45. mites The hills rise tbruptly 1,500 feet to 1,700 feet -elope with Win. ' . - • what the doctor :: called a very bad sppained ankle, and told me I must not walk- on it for three week. I got MINARD'S LINIMENT and. iti six • , . • • - A.12CHIg 'E.... LAUNDRY, from the -surrOunding Plain, aithe charge against: the :Government" .. • ; that .itehes been' generelly observed : ••that . numerous ' letters. from - Ge'r.ineir Vigilant Fido. Soldiera pt the,. front are coticheclein; • ' ..: • ' The min. getting • hi S hair . cut' no:. . melancholic tones.• giving .to :friends •• • ' and relatives the impreseion that the . : ticed that the barber's dog, which V writer' is sad, and .fiTling, the hearts of lying• :Otn the floor beside' the chair, those at home with uneusineas: : . • . • Shrprised. had his. eyes fixed on obis master at And yet, afthe exaet investigation, .• ' work. : • - . • . ., says: the . "Kolnieelle," it has •been chulsc:iitlh,a,t .felloW a Member eif • ehis "Nice dog, that," said the custorhor. proved th4 the Writers of these let- . eyeee, . , , "He is,' air." • "He seems very fond of ' watchieg then, is the explanation ? , • • ., • ters are. in exeellent spirits. • What, : The -writ- ; eYeei, every Sunday?' "Does he cerne regularly?" you cut hair." . , . ' ' ers ;dee simply ..lifflieted with home- • "It ein't that, sir," . explained, the sickn'esSi. Thee are thinking of their "That's, a Surpriee to me ., I've barber. . "You see, sometimes I Make' hofries. They de not, wish:. to make . had .seYeral business deals with, him and I'd 'never shspected that he was a mistake and snip off a little • bit of ' these at home sad or cheerless:, but so. . a eineomer's ear:" . • :" . . 1 • ••• long .. aS . they • haVe '. a Pen ;in -their •.. • - deer inside a church" - • • Item) TiClidazd's tinitne#t t,d..' the 'hOlidit hands they see their helm life swim before their - eyes, 'and hear the elide • • - ' . - ---'---' r ' - ' 1 e ' eirenee -talk thee, See the friendlyefaces • Inffereat. '. • -, .. • .., ) . . , " . • .. Redd -An automobile- is .b :differ:. of -wives, Parents, friends, they -,see the sunshine roencr their lioniese and e ea' freni a 'horse. ' • • • re-loeging .i.61* the Oldlife. and: peace - he's going beam -than when going just. Eye Cothfott. At Greene -Why, of course: : :. -.• • comes over therm it is this that edets • away ftom horee.' : . • . their letters. e • , 'Zig:19582 (Loot ilL El.:girl:42 ton. has to be towed home:" ' • ' have, weitten. •Afier they have ..vile't- . Taking a .Citeeee. ro Pr; 1.013k ; ' "Yoe see, a horse gees fiteter"When1 a shadow over their eurr,sUndiege, and t . 3iictilutre p, 'Oheno; yeu see, ereatitomobile of- As. a matter of fact, saye the "Kol= . Druggists.orMuilnetyencrdedyeo,,Chicsio. ..,...—tt this -Shadow finds ' its expression in ' .0 -Well, doesn't an autorialibile 7" niethei they -,•do not • know 'what' they rotinard,s Zinimant need hi Pliyabilanti.. ten and seated their letters they fore LITNilyer•--::Alrot evelera.e 'have you • ''•• , Zet all about them, and they wonder shee ee premised to' marry you?' Girl -,What :. ;Mexico ? Why, my lace .my fermi (Mil my sweet disposi- ti�n ' Ltieryere-Well, I'll do .my beat to :get a near•sighted• bachelor Airy. • Matriege may he .a lottery, 'bet nine "11'08 .and his wife'.were seeteil at tiines out of ten. if e man pielcs a the dining room table, perusing the loser it is his-pevie'fteult• - - -evening paper's when: the . doorbell • ialig, Jones arose to answer it, when his „wife said.: '. , •• • . • "Let me 'hide ' those' timbr ell as be; fore you let them in.":. ' . "Why, do, you alit* somebody Wit • steal them V' asked Jones.' • . • . , "NO," replied hip NV00. "Sortie 0:1 Miglitelpcognize them." • Edmonton,: • - ,. • e. ee • most lofty Peaks are over 7,50 feet. above the sea. ' The valleys, deep and • narrow,I through Which_ rueh pic- turesque torrents; and the hillside's, are Under Cultivation ;•.. the native ,p9pulatioe is dense, and long before the comirte of the white Man they had fleurishieg :and extensive shawl:es. Soon after the • proclamation of the • Gentian protectorate a site in One of the south-westerh valleys. was '.chosen as a Governnient post. Named Wit:. hemstalrin honor ; of .11;e Kaiser, it has grown into a Considerable' WW1% with fine public- and Private buildings • ARMY GROWS POTAT.�BS.- Britiah Soldiere Plantieg Between- ••• Camp Huts. • The attny has started to • rot -its even potato's. Instructions have been sent;'' or ate being sent, from • the War Office, to every Command, indi- cating the lines which should be. fot lowed, 808.a story Irene British army headquarteti."..:. .• • Military require/teeth are very large • and,Iittle nsore than halt the usual eupplies of potatoes are coining into the markets, with the result that Pte - war prices 'to the Poblie are nearly doubled. • - At. 'one camp in SurreM diggink ()Orations' began last week, 'and the teed' potatoes are • to be Planted . In a fe*dayS ittrow's. between the huts. A number of tnett are being •told Off each day for digginlg, 'and 'others are being :asked to help, in spare At a cainp 1 orksbire potato ,groW••• ing began seine weeks ago. it is ene• derstood that instructions °will soon be Ostied .fOr the growing of,veetables. ,tak for Where§ '414 :tiko ao onkel • . Granulated Eyetidi„ ire Bete indamed by expel. Bum to Sea, Duel end Wind quickly relieved by Medea Lkyetlemeey: No Smartiege- Agents Wanted To represent well known Fertilizer brianufa.ctprer. At- tractive proposition to energetic ' and responsible parties, • Apply with full 'particulars to FERTI1LIZER, . . . • 0/0 Miami Publiihing • 73 'Adelaide ' St.. Fent. ToroutO whet they • hear from home, why their friend's ere ell so -anxious about them, That is the:explanatioe. It. is only home -sickness. • , On the :Safe Side. ARE CLEAN 1IOkTICHINESS AL1,, pEdVER G.C.Sriggs 8% Sons HAMILTON OeiSaN . A Flat -Dweller's Stratagem. • • Mrs. X. -.--"Bothered with time - wasting callers, arie yciu? Whir don't " you try my plan?" • „ • Mrs. Y. -"What is your Oak?" . Mrs. X. --"Why, •when " the. bell, rings I putinY hat 'and gloVes be- fore I press the buttcp If it proves to be .thmeone .1 :don't want to see, . 1 imply say; .",So soefee:bitt I'm " going .cut.' • . , • • . •• j • Mrs. Y. -"But •suppose it'ssome- • one yoe want be 'see?" • • • . • Mrs..X.L-"Oh, then I say:' `So far- , tunato, I've just•come .- • " • •ilLtnard's Liniment ZuMbersnanNo • . • The trouble is that, by the time a girl is old enough to help mother wash bhe• dishes' she is also old en- ough to know.thet sort efework makes 'her -halide red. , 6 I ititchihery or Sao Whectick Etiklie;450 TI 11-,P.; 18 x429 with double main driving bell- 24. -ins. wick, and 1)ynamo'391t.W. driven. All in first 'class condition. Would be sold together or separate -4 sly ; also a lot of shafting at a very,great bargain as room is required imme0 S. Frank Wilson & Song Aaelaide Street West, Toronto., tn.. 2. • ISM/ • • 41/24,, • ' *ewe ..):••