HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-07-20, Page 2'`•••,•7•f r 160/1114TRING ABOUT THE BRITISH COMMANDER-IN-UttIM Machinery at4 General Ifeadqua Runs Smoothly and Quietly. No military leader is more eavetee to publicity or works more*vilentiy than •Sir Dough Haig, the Britieh Comnianderein-Chief in France, To those who aro importunate for the of- fensive b nsweri Patience and Yet again patience while the new munition factories. begin to produce and he con. tholes his building. His generale Bar that he never tells them Ids Plto ; only what they are to dowrites a cor- respondent at Eritish headquartere Fleenee. A'wisp of 'a gag: and tWo thenirie$ designate the entrance,. to the cha- teau 6i:hailer thao that oecupied ,by many divjelen generale, which is the headquarters of the cettenealieler-ine ellief, The only• oceupents of 'the. chateau, beside Sir Douelas in his ViefiRS OF THE TURF., Greek* Deported From Thrace an Aela •Minor. • In one; camp on the outskirtePf saye.a. correeponderit of the loclogetri Thrice were collected SIX thoueand Greelearefugeee who had been deported by the Turks from Thrace and As Miner. Ae Veen aa the lest Balkan War'WUS Mr* thee deportee tioniS began, and they have eoniinued "tri,"er since. , The ineupente of a village er a die - teed ore named that they must leeere in teverity-feue or forty-eig,ht hours. PerhaPS on opportunity Jo glyei•, to sell their eattle or other property ,at pnblie fair en the next day, but that is a fareieal 'privilege, for there L s no one at the fair to buy except 'the , Condemned vil.lagers, themselves, the gu•rird f Turatial soldiers, and a few Mehaunneden residents of the .neigh borliotid:These men can buy the eat- tie- for e•few cents Li head, or by simp- ly refueing to buy them they eau.rget them .for nothing when their owners leaete them behind. - At. an aiVointed heur- the irliole population is.esseMbled and marched ander planed •guard to the sea. There a ship lalees the refugees, :iivleo have. 'to, pay their own fare, to. the nearest Greek port,: Sometimes the march to Private Seeretitrer and hie aides,. Who. the sea bas not been acccuiPerlidd by are a ereelte," Width .is the array word any special hardshiPs• SuilictimeSit - for •officers Nvho baVe been ieroiended° baS hert mede the' occasion a every and are not fit for the.Physicel. leind'of outrage and pillage end ' posure of the' trerichee.; • . ,enee in all, 2.50,000 Greeks, have been The hoZir of ray apPointinent j•e• swept out -of Thrace and Macedonia.. • exact to the minute ; and "Wheevere .The Greek'gevernnlent has made, has one at his chateau is ,expected to every effort tote/co/care iei them, and he there oo the minute, General Read -1. to inoVe them WV into villoges and emareers -time, There is 1tt1e eeree U1 dietricts As• fast as possible ; rum'. Life at•that small chateau lias a Teel soldierly sini.plicity. At lune elieon the spiffier •serveult places the 4i:ed.:Cm the sideboard and eVerYonc. takes his Plate and ,heleis himself. Few geests game.: Sir lianglee keeps his time' to hineself for his work ma his own-eliolee-of recreation; - Seidler and Sebeler One of °the aide.: ieceiVee •the e and "later the mare with • cal - •t IS MAJga.,TY Pig KING' Melte ql,,IERSI AT THE sE4Wicg TO. lectillt KET!.QUENER.• The pilcktQgrarill.showg their. Majestiee the Xing and Queen DaeltleObeen Palace for St Peen's. Ocielice eeliore tile memorial services .to Lord Ultchener Were .held.. :" . • , • It11013-IsTiIMpER OF p/iws,BONG ' • •nutui ' :•• but:, 'n ee,„ there•are now some thirty ' - • ' • thousand in concooration..eamps or' Some. Comilnercial :vessels.. on' the. , .. . . . .. . billeted in hetteea. near Salon:Ike alone ...The Carina .I, saWont the eutakirts of Selenilci, is comPosed ofebrick Indict - Stocks In 19.4 are Still, There. inga erected for 'the •purpose. Aache -.A writer •in The tiondon Vines gives beildinge cum hundred • feet long, is ; the allowing' deserlptien of 'a visit to theeretietellYeelividedeherittetierei a Beitiele navel yard,: eliViding, was,. ento fou' rooms. The man who build a battleship has Each robin contains' feur familiee; and i to build a hull that has to -stand not en the stocks here. There are alai); marines. that maga'. Jules Verne's. •Nantilne• took like a,•tey boat on_ the Kinsingtoa Round, Pond,' This war has eeen the usefulness of the small craft, and in ecnisequenee they are building everYwherg., Every , yard is building destreyers, • and .:they de not take long to. build, • Farther, up the' river is a yard Avriere shalis lire- •rnede as well as ships. Before the war thie firm eM- played 1,200 men. at this work, now they have 25,000 'men and girls on their peir rolls. Besides the men werkeri: there .ere .13e000 girls in 'the shaPs, coetruiling : automatic and semi-automatic -shelhnialiing ma- chinery. • . ' ABOUT EATING !RAPiit. ' FATTY DID 111,E JOB BEAUTIFULLY . EIGHT 'SHOTS FIRED EVERY' Virg SECONDS. • A Britieb Naval :Officer *Mee Re- garding the Great Sea ... . • . Bettin. A' eprrespendent of the Edinburgh Scotsman -mites' eINTERN4TI0NA4 LESSON OILY 23. BITS OF NEWS FROM TOO • MARITIME PEOVINCFAS. te of piiere#, From Plecel 4Poeft By Welrell of IA. Montle. Lesson "Iite-falil• At Verintae,Acte 18. Oelflen Text Verso Co4:44inth.-11;hee:. ct c-Qra•'- mercial city of OnOCCO, and Ala rioter. loos for profligacy. 2. jew-e-Jt seems. to be suggested that be and his wife were not yet Christiane; more economical conditions in Oily work gave them &liens MotiVe for jelning together. 'Prise eillae-ExcePt here and ,in Cor. 10. 19, she is always.(four times). nemea fir --a very unusual. practice, euggesting thet,in birth, fer more probably in brains asid character, she was the ",better. Man." The conjeature that Ishe•wrate the Wale to the Hebrews •hthaas.neTtvreiltho ceingtit4torofie.cirter4oarig#0.nLeas: !elated that hely God know who *ate lelt2unalltscif4orwilee•wagpra;stishi authorship Ube° seta:ice- ineecied in 19. 284. She Was eV/del:41y ;a cot:eta:ending personality,. and we m'aie well believe her cepable: of such a *orb. The Book of Humanity, is •haMly Complete if there is .recrtvhere. a 'Woman's hand! Claucliue-EMperdr A. D. : expelled the jeWS f4piellenne for perpettaal• riots, under the instigatien. of' Chrestus," says *Suetorius, his biographer; and .it ii generally believedethat this is a mud- dled notice of Jewish persecution of th?se who _declared Jesus to be .narne the Romans could names of .132 men who had enlisted, . pot understaed. The Jeers. .ti•,,ere wee uneeded at Pilot Mould lasf•• soon • back again (see Acts 28. 15). . -weelc• • 3. Paul had a trade,. though a well, , The North ,Star elevator pt Kelsey, Alberta; has been burzied with 17,000 , Ptei. Wormr 2452.9*9 3avd has Veen awarded the 141,11047 Cros" • Nvoll-heiva resident of Clover l)ar, L. Rice, the age of 72. The 103,st Batts/ion' of Edmouteed, left for its mutineer quarters at @Preget • • cemp. A movement AR foot by the GitT Council of Lethbridge to segrgate the • David Oleuelel, sottl, Joaction,, •xon., 414. last week as a; 'result ot eating toadstools. Prof, Ferguson of St...Jobu's loge, WinitiPegb liaS. lett ite Clic00-111 Of the nth Battalion. Fred Fleel, a German :farmer • Bee,sejettre`was graphed to: death der a heairy •boulder. : Regina owners are very proud of their prize doggies wbo.scgred so well, in Winnipeg recently. . • . Oalgaiiims are being fooled a feke "Red Cross" collector, Who col-, ledts far Ids (filen benefit. 7' . E. L. Berleinshew, a f4tner 'president of 'Calgary Board of 'Pratte, huts been killed in Petion. Edward Mappon Of•Cedgeiir won the., Mateiculation scholarship for the Pre.. ••• vince of:Alberta this year. . • A roll of honor Containing the • to-do man's eon,"for the rabbi's laid h . . andlor. us the action lasted ' with- iii,I.did not teach hes. son etei. wale taught , • . . .. bus els Of oat S aed 10,000 beshels•of.• " Weeteeee,...abeue. the. era ineeeteee, „doWn theiplejtint,:r.maxhil thet,en.iyho :wheat: . , . tervals fOr o.v• er - twelve' ho.urs, e • .aied .him' te. be a thief: .11e ceme tO need Woi•d has been received 'at • Pte. ! eac . ta nig• io, s, .ein ie ayerage, I only the strains. f th " b , n•on grey hear and moustathe,' eturdy, I • •Ie ,v 4 5 1- i . f on a .-a • the energy- of - the :engines •,m1' to Qut-done Many TiniCa.-"•;' • obabl.e. eaijecture rioted' earlier.' A roll of. honor coratai,, nearly . :t 1 a' hort v a -ter noon ' a Yman fleet .except submarines, I .think. .t • • • during that time 'we wbke engaged Titles • one hundred persons. t't f • o e seas, but the with every kind of slup in the Ger- • • becoming a Christien, accordizig Until it when his:father cut him off oti his Lewis oft ice of 1Voose. Jew has been Warded • Preeten, of the ' ' an ic orees of the great guns, 'and. ‘-aernia.11 Spy's Itecent Feat Has Been " the D.C.M. . • It h I th ' • nthietie buil•d; above reedel of. broiling. lea en was ere, the horsepower of a fleet of treinps. . • h loIt: Is •with mitigated cominisera. they must have lost quite half their ' '141i; whosp special breed of gouts rtrin. • . ra e',Oit, ,Nvho Comes into 'the ball, I Yet the . interiors , ef the houses ' weree -y .of Mount Royal 'College C.:dew, wee • eeteet nee be neteeee,,e4, weather siegutarly eeol. -"Owing to the lavish " is the rivei-banlc -is a',toweririg. non' that one r' ds ,tbe •sterY• of how ; you would 'se' e them being '• • 1' - mass of -steel. and 'iron 'It is almb' d C • • ea z blo• p nil the material. for.I;reaving • this . • . ' 'flue of hloride. of,. lime they are al- , , • . , • er. !oltz, the Ger.Man -PY, wn out of •the water all theim te... 1., We etta plc i wee' feel / elled• at .the. eommeneement,. or out .02 unifeteec • et, The destroyer .a.ttaekth were pienic ••••• ,The industry was ,a .sttiple .ene. Tar., - s , ? • sixty mimes' "of the staff and students I " , .for anything but . not quite, a battleship. She has ,been e7••• himself 'rec.° iz • ' et We at' iv • , • .. . Winnip Caintda%;•third•greateet • • .• •• beet mast absolutely_free frore flies, which , gn ed p rote, d, g uction, as I. say, one of' talking/ to • his %workmates. ihroggl - • • • inaty and it .is on1y:400y years Since' a soldier, therieli somcit tine launched from the VeraY9 about a month "enent e • • thlare e - t- o ea -eat a curse in nearly all • . .• • „ona,.... hours ea in • two parcels' the first, end were engaged. with light •liours Of .rnanual labor. And e wel-ehiscled re-m.111r features t and now a hive of, woeltmen swarm of incrimintit' • • 1-1' h I d ' "e ••d th 1 b t 1 • • ' tee wets, Nv te are (lute e eat ing a t e cruisers t 1, .0; . d'Ivh's •t` 1."' the Hull 'ori Bay Company had only a; • also MI.',',?,QRtS the seholar. " Oxford Eastu9 ueurrtre.s. about her tali 'sides and buzz and t b ' • i.trecong post on the present site. • When he. was not 'to:Urn,' eeere . p Gone ley .no means holds t e record; at he .Huns, And So we were left With: With; thceeteirgin • =Pat an, , •earthen floor herelly makes a honie, . • • . until one wopld almost think •that she-, to take puede .eiride; in.. Many eLtilite say's' th--non Observet .1)a•Pnr coif • .of our oWn size to. deal with • • ouglit 34''. VL' to have been exchnitulttnr hie:1.4101%g. and sena' he OM of the elle seedeeeee owe eeeteei sem elle I The undivided qparter of one end of t, h 1, . ino .oin in the greeee! .. . But our battle inruisers ,were coming valued helpers. •. • 7 ' clatter in the grea Tall. he bows lee ' here work at the • floor *sMee of a leriek .sheid , with ,.. * ' AS a feat of • inasticatiop •von der., on, loosing,of the thirteen.point_eves ' .4 got ,1 t 'to per:natitle- Or . plead (1-' es Sharp- 'es a •linife curve* u wai•cle ' - - - • ••••• el - "1' i " , .4. me , ., ,. ,The autpat 0 tin Gikythell coal C.i*;P l'.,1 ib.(2,' OrAtil aii' bc•rt deeeril e ,t I. . le mine at: 11.1aIrMQ1'0, Alta., is: steadily: 1) . - . , oho was made to. cut the seas and 1,e, *roOrau.of.. the ground sonere of ' ground -for Months, and m - (the ink acting es ae apeeteeer), aAgi couldn't dp dne . another zauc'h learne , Studies, ,Telyenistrainct-:•Th- t ( pt- r w 13eatilsier, of the. 09th10 011 • • -11 muse top le, over. She"1�q1 as if easily redueed tq. pulp and swallowOd but •they were • se. far off.• that we nete.on Vel'SC t),•LeS.1!011 X., N;incee.- • the , families • have occupied t a, e ' ' • ' ' ' • r; lin gest prodpcing mines in• the pre,.. • • m. paet her eideit and. , tee en] y...• h ' spurn difficitltY. *tine NV4S:..The...0.lici9n.,.111;try'w4s .rnaintaining 'a. wOrd. ef•••,.. n. • e. c, r,e•eitobe• • Rifles has. been 4. • • • ' '4 • promoted': • e , with masee, number of caeca. one sae,v pat '9 • 1- 1 v.,- •)•••,• reality that is What 'site *ill do. Her • the queity. Leather- is anal:her :Perfect, steatly fire ; hex opposite the colitintious tenrn; i)ut, it E*crnIn 3 to hate bcen atternpts at decoration tend at making 11 to the of l'..i.eute-Coloilet and tip.' iin •••,e 4 the pieces hemelike. , decit's ai.,e iron, f.0i. an wood pia:eking niatter but aPar:i freminlealS of. hard. ritiniber in the 'Gtirman line.: A Mein-, d&*!,t,ribe neW campaign el' (yirt-:-1. rirk einted •in einamand of tlie 18 1st Bran. fe2:i74,ei, to in e ie., tile .coatre• entirely klestitute as it ie poss.ible-for. fires, 1 • ihostelry.faincieta the fashionable an, el:peed:el ce: rote., po, tion long ago been, discarded • A shell • • landing on wood- decl-'s would ta t • eer BattisliQ11. the :people etoeber eathough-tho- vat 0t1- 'took-411am „nt ft: i7ovent G and fat -this r ectson these nevi ; fr;oct The re ngeets are ath rule as eearly • messed explorers there.are Authenti- Ont later she Wa.e_everwlielmed. 'She Len ',which begien when his tee- rs•le, t P • 4 r cated Instances of meals Of the leind. hnOke uP 'and eanrrin a wild cuff usien raurrld:l. 'Their repo: t of do . . , . 1: the. raera a L„.. - exist a f rt 1 wall a. tal)le mai* tnd the.propthy left behlted Vale 120 0 ee aloe) ,s ee .• • of .red glare,and. smoke, • •-------1110 .iutta1ion or tegxna ic. 1110,3• t. Hellish,. • • min qtrter the deep:d.i:A•o. (..0v"41-'•11-8 °fkicrr!" ...hands of bis `honer Lietif.-Gov• ' • , . • • • , nier t tinder .1 , •11: • Afeeedoniei Vell'elemeetelee.-111- hetographs '051artes • of $60,000,000- Greek liSnverninerit hewn one is,. impre6sen with the eo- tiPsY gellent, enraptured by the 07, trttni:).e new "Macedonia alone was about Leoking: the bridge to„ the nals of the -eighteenth century ' A subsidy ' 'Vinous length .of these ships. 11; ITlipiceli:ettlii7oaInti;co Of 0,i' rv `tf. Cor. '2 "1) N ' c • _ . • ernor t *eel fter the olOrs h e een • y • aho 11 lb Hill From I -charms of a:certain lady, snatehed off ibhleuntitell4swoalifeeet wonder he felt it tioutelyi tl.s.a C • • fic,n17.0i 3.1 Lead mine etraters ahOut four emits' a day. per head, sYetems in a giVeR then all. impartially a !t her- gun turrets to the flagstaff' on her shoe, are! filling it with cham- apd seholier'; -Wheelie eias geeeith lines up into the ait, spin:ling like a leaf in deceeeirige teid ec an -eddy of ,windi followed by a huge think ' of the -dead on which they -manage to liVe and .keep I hei. ho11 thek;e: !s' nothing to • take ,Pagen.e, dranle a bumper to. her health.; eas f si . - With jeei ill the inteflectnal 1711't opo- •-A11;:l '1'6' • 11.0TPli PP:W.Mt• nrld of the, moon, . robust. : The total cost :to the away front this effeet. Net a winch "Then, tci early the corpaliment stibele of flame as high herInast16 ll He Cld onl ------4. hiniself 'to ' • Steady Routine governitient fOr all Gredee eennot be ! oe a' fan intake breaks the clear further." se /runs ,tlie .tale, "he Ordered A great, bele? of sineke" Mel then, it --44444ssaiY tele _lee • deli tutilde and h. Noted C eemen itere therity . • less than $500,000 a month.. ' apace. To the outsider-thia.eeemil the the shoe ithelf to be de:es. eed and...serveensuccessful weekly argit:;. . Saya Eng • lapd SaveS'Xllies. • was all over.; We were leyesiew off at , getheettele, „ ,The men and his Method :,are as. ,. The health' in the •Saloniki camps is embryo stage ef a ship. It is not. .ed"up tor supPer. The cobk set him: the -I1,ues all' the tiine, and they 'were 'Mena in the -sYnagegue.', The comitigi, 11,. lajcir .Moralit, • the militarY eritic • , quiet -. as .the 'room. . With a. hattide generally geed; except' for ;the pre- W.e liave seen.the real beesiening of a self- seriously to work upon it. Ile, loesing off at us. ,I guess .that there . of bis friends gave hirn new eouritE6 . Of •the Berliner 'Tageblatt, . writes '1. ..fi•ont Whieb: xemains in the same place valence of malaria. The refugees warahlP. ' She. begins hei. being on pulled the upper,•pare, Whiell Was ' Of was 'If salvo of ' eight- heavy gens -•.-.-7 apu zeel„ Compare 2. Cor. 7. fie .It • e .rhe • Situation shows that a. critidal, Month titter -me -nth the, rou.tinO,Of his Conie ineetlY front dry inland regions PaPer,„ and 'froin .the paper plans are damask :into' Shreds, and' taSsed it:up every • five :seconds -probably more. .is alWays *ell to retnernhdr that ,Paul i moment has"bepn reeehed I'M. all the • Worl.,:: lieS •becem, eellineet•ai- set' as bus of „Thrace am nd‘ Asia. Miner. 'The en- ade...Wooden models of 'hey "., manY in a ragout, Minced -the sole, Cut the It Was the Most hellish din you can , ,s,ids• very human, end liable beyond . belligerent armies. ' Our enemies' are habitation_ and not unlike tit:it of the, virens of Salaniki,• with their wide Parts'. -Then 'one sees the vessel in weoden heel into ver Ane slic,ei fr' d .1.11mgme• And. so he werii on • the i• • • • . • 1 • - r" . o s e upeer emo icna • at the high 'tide of their • exertions.: garth.ation. ' The regular staff effi- these.PeaSant.folk seem to have little spill the running metal into :the the 'dish for garnish." • , lug e Germans atic t et Reviled (maegin)e-b� tour operations have becerne mere, erierge- • autocrat of some ,great business Or:, marshes, are notoriously Malarial, and molten•lorm As the, glowing .crucibles battle cruisers and the Warspites them in buttee and placed them round . e. , We muetehenestly admit 'Piet their th"G • hhil h strain. • • . - • ' t t1- ' b. • hl of thein mest have sienk. We salv ene 4,1004.--eisi-tepon7youi- own---beadth.ae-tleand- intire'UnifOrril.:7ThEir'great te, oenth , Are in e„..toWn.--...not-..-far---aWaY. resistance-to-rnalerial fever.' n isnot, moulds. At this . stage 1 ur me cas ,. Still more for -nada le, and Mlle ess . Subordinate chiefs' ef 'the different, or is" eery ,rarely,•fatal ; - but is is ings, ;gel& wheels,•and ,bed Plates he-, romantic, was the:dinner d the. shoe sunk -a big three -funnelled ehape ,-I reed, The words eare a so' leinn. de- , sourcee in money - ad Well as. their army branehes, be it Opera-no/1%-in-, dreadfullyf prevalent. among thern, and gin to. take seine 'sort -of shape, and _don't know what'she•mia.s. Beatt did • • inaket.of Don•Carlos; th•e son of Philip • • -Y elaratien, -net a ctirie...,- • ' ,I great roads of Supply on theeepen sea '• telligence„ Ordinance or SUDO-3r, eeme neither in Greeee rior in Italy has fromenoW -onward they neVee vary •' •7'. • Apparently Paul left 'Aquila's Make it more eesy for them to render • to hiin in ettece.ssion at 110 11' set din.. quinine' of late been obtainable. nuich. They come from the moulds' house, not -because : of clistatkeetherit i herder our final. victory. We -should ing the morning. to ma e theirs reports. . ' )-•-.- . * • rough castings.and go •thrOugh, Many , ,.,_ • . with him and Priscilla, but because the.' be blind if we did Pot see these sitina- . i IL of Spain. bThis is the 'incident as Dr.- Rappoport relates it: -' "The -young nobleman of that time ainl Xeceive. their iPStrilet16118' The's' HYMN OF THE- GERM'A.N swegm strive, before the'y are aeaerribled, but do' roost of the eallenag e , and they _ , - .....__ , / eath _unit ha new its final shape. A ewers boote :with high, widee.:legs, so as Fleet did me 't loathing out of the Move to a Gentile • lodging, eonsPic-rtoms. 'We are ,confident that; united to alloier a small pistol to be concealed ously neae. the eynagegue, wain& being, with es in. the bonde forged in their have learned how not to de More t n Extraordinary gxample of: German wood--workees shop is in seine re- in: them. . A. shoeinaker having sent thick 'weather '. in 'the' north; a great neeessary. Ile noel -1$, &tides. ; ' . *Conceit. spects not rmich •different frorn the . the Prince a pair ef beds with nar- e e a ,ie . .. •,,, , sicknesS fell upon the .:fitms , hd 11 home to the Jews the significance of!, own interests, the Bulgarians and u lus action. . The net verse shows Telles will .also be Moved. to further. the jolo beautifully.' •• • • . • ., Eeere, Gunners "Ratted" . • "*As'. you kno*,: .Whene--tt-e-•Grind. If a longer conference- than usual • •_ - • huge foundries and metal -mills.. row:legs Don Carlos Went into tr fif • the e Owe in thet•parab , they a This composition -was published. in wit •one accor . egan o ma e tree es i • • .1 h • d b. ' k r that there 'was One prominent Jew at • self-sacrificing activity. I ''t "line at luneheen or Later in the afternoon when . he ,Leipzig in ttesaret maY CO • • . There a,re planing machines, drills, October, 1915, and had of fury, 'ordered t• heelhoots to •be ecut forborne. Our big ships fired several ' least who took the warning. • .Tittis- I " Englishmen go to work. very: sys_ a puriching rnachines, and•saws, all-• • heturns from his ride, which' he takes run of several :editions:: It is pos- regularlY every" day:: Then more Sibly the most extraerclinany•example ,work mitil dinner and then eeme afe of that areogant conceit and manmeat ter dinner. If he goes down to the Pride' which obsessed Germany early lines or pernaps to -confer With 'Gen- in the war: ' eral Jeffee in the one car Wfijeh alone ."Germanyls to far above and be- and- general's Along the roads flies the rest of the earth, be they who -they of all' the cars carrying eteff officers yohd all the other nations.that'aill the Britieh flag, the routine for that day May, ehould feel thernielves Well done is broken, by when alley are allowed to fight with the dogs for the criiintbs that fall from. Sleeps Well ,.her table. • • , Like ceeeral• joffre, he sleeps long "When Germany the divine is keppy hours'. A rested mind le clear'mind t then:the rest of the world bailed in her for 'great r*SlionsIbilitiii.- Mike 'von smiles; but when Germany suffers Hindenburk be never reads fiction.. God in person is rent with anguish', WileO-::reacliog has not to 'do with his and wrathful and avenginge-He turns .;prefeSsicee it is- ef-seriouS-booka and all the waters into riverd Of bleed. p p ,coe,an,sen salvoes With good •effect ' but •f • . ,. unk Read, Titius„,-a, surname (noinen)., not ternatieelly and. very carefully. . They ''• coupterparts of .. those,. used by the over to the. shoemaker 'ter him to eat: and' the mist beivieen theni sa.ved the . . • i e prrenorrien, or "Christian paine,'l as !,find out •at . certain points.. Nvliat they • joiner, with the difference that ; for. •According to some accounts- the let, metal-workieg they .are all built with 1 we should call it. , ,' ' .- . n', I walrit to .knoVi by, tactically unifepoie - ._ Huns' from'. sure •distru,ction: ' Well, it • ter was aetaally forced to swallow his' 1 f • - . ' ';'. • I 8. Crispus-He: and G•alus and the tent advances. ' At long rarige' their • „ . _ Wasn't rea4ly funk, you 'know: ; et was one idea, the idea of strength, and own boots."' ' • • . ... . . quite; .their ' line of •strateeey,.. -. • Only. 'faltliik °f'• 1 t to work with; thei • artill • 'fo . Stephenap 'were the only ; ise , i , ee y, r 4- „ • the • are in all cases 'man -times , . . What May be described as a paper corripated with the ,Realty loticli, the Cbrinthians whom Raul personally! Which at the • pr eeent- rnerrient they larger than their. prototypes of the meal de luxe with that of the famous Hun looks a bit poor. ' They can't .jainery, baptized (1 Cor.- 1. 14, 16); compare! have a great ainount of arnmunition . Fa n Murz:a meat' cl b Hrnce hel ''t• • there •. p 1,--------------------- On verse 4$, Lesson Text Studies ready. ' For many menths' .,Erigland - • . Walpole:- ".1 liked her 'spirit in an in etance I heard of Vcither night She was Complaining of want.'of .mengy .prodigious Activity. , come ;tame frightfully' buckled . fee. for AiFil. /6.., believed the Lord has been , able to bring war. material ' • cause we. can nevey, meet. 'cm when the (maitgin)-That ,is, belieVed theegoe- across'. the Channel unhindered. . The • , These are the beginnings' of ,a ship. odds arein their fever and -hold our t Per to be trim ' .. Englishdo not fall into the, mistake own. IrloW much the 'Grand Fleet sucel 0. .That :the •Lord Jestis all I vouchsafed of arleiI jois8 iceiceog.•esteriop,..plaeialdrlYgr'oettit, rniciTlehiri;g• . ceeded in doing, .1 delft- know.; , but I him a sPeciel message of enetherage- eeven: -s.. saw that ;even' before they. arrived, i rnent is e fresh sign of the depression become very hy and and very' hoticeeibly'•efter the-y!el: fired LUIlk•rw.irith -he was Suffertge .(6".m...11).6,e,.sItiiingti.!iis cool -ju 'rgllyrtheicltm.•70eutre6fieiletii, O satire or two; the •Germat •gunnery pare 11 Cele' 2. 3.) • ' ' . • was simplye all over the Pla0e.• ' 1 10: .So Paurs, "tear" • et "t dOret-kiiiow; much aboutegenthery; we:via-ray- of personal . violence; but. Uni.'1;nie." i vnttece...tyh.ei.iE.wriogrilis'elvlit,.wbolut regard to the. • but it seethed •to me- that •the Huns more of anether falluee, clisereditieg length of time requireche. With its re-- ceuldn't 'keep their - gunners ap ,te the- gospel; Mueh people --The lat- verses Mid its 8Srstern of Ceenomizhig The clumsy hull on the Awe -side is sir Richard Atkins' immediately gave really •the last stage. but one. It is her a twenty -pound note. She said: finished as to its Shell, and now Waite. ep- your twenty • pounds! What for - its furnishings •.of. guns and' does it 'signify ?? clapped it. -between er(l'inese The sheer sides are red with two pieces' Of bread and, hatter and paint, put on, surely, by some pest- ate 1t • iinpreesionist, and the steel plates • e still bear the thalk marks a the man J'nontillies and quarterlieh. , Even dur- "It is no duty of mine- to be either who fitted all this conglomeration of ' AN ANCIENT PRACJICE. int) the .battle Itpres, when was lust or cempassionate; it auffiees tlia•t - metals together.. In the shoPs a man • • • • seratth in en -action, If se, .cheer -oh 1 ter w.ord. Is specially heed of Ged's them,•Flngland hae.new brought itself totteh' nod go, with diaaster, he .01ept I atn sanctified by myeavalted Red hloi , Neediea ie Korea tie into -the position of being' the savior OS •Setinelly as Joirre during the battle . .. mission, chaIki -Mystic hieroglyphice Pon a steei tscd . . . : . when We meet 'them' again. -Pot our 1.0‘vn "people," Carnpare 1 Pet 2 10 of the 1Vierne. At a grisis of the and.that I blind the eyes of my enern- plete, and with that writing the plate . . • les with such streams. of tears as 1•••• 11 "Let ,Devils Out" 1 fellows Were isimply wonderful.' As ' •. 11. • Du ri ng this time • he is Usually in time -of need for the alliee. Witb- eetreat from Mons. he remarked as Make' the proudest of •thein cringe ie s...a.. becomes part of a shin. Whe're You In Pyengyang, a city surrounded by the night drew on ' the sight, of the ' suppOsed to have writteh the two' let- out a •serious recleming wkth England ,•• miletly as if he were, giving a direc- terror. under the vault of 1-leaVen.:' '' a river and resembling a boat in shapel battle became : More awful than the '4: .cre to Tiles al ' • on the battlefield of the west•we shall no* see • el few letters and numbers Will be a gun -mounting, a range -find- . . time to an aide: "We.Shall have to "I have plabghtered. the old arid sole. you CliONIr ,a in a wee e .or so t ere. it. was believed that if any ope should sotind ; •all along the .. horizon, and , • • . • • . • hold ontere for it while 'if we all die / roWful ; I have struck off the breetts ei,. en a i y n . v e for it." There is oever any fusnon , • *up . IIOUSES port ENG,L151•1 of women,' and I havicrunIhrough the than with .the chalk, It /mist be setts- irzh in, sinking the boat •and droWn- night evas..rent by lurid red flashes, ... rl'Oe 'AVENGE UNCLE'S DEATH. about these modern 'scientific soldier, b d of children ' li • •all the . eity'S inhabitants.. Need- ' with here and there. the • towering' '" : • ' • -•-- • • - ' • ---:. • .' ,...." fying .to elitil e Oi.r41 t esP„hnge, .hulls• less to soy, no wells were (lege. saye flanie Of a •sitip ,on fire„ arid iteee .and i SoY, .of ir'live Wanted to. Firditet• and Eepeennents Now Belem ce,eried on ecide Where even a ring -bolt Must go. rille streams wasliel the filth of the ineide Of a ship te' heaven. - ! • ' venture. to dig a We II the wet& would sometimes in the • air ' and see, the ' • - • never come one step nearer pe:iee." „ oileani`eots• . Again during the retz'uut '• the eyes of .the wounded lion...." when a certain general beeeme some- "DaY after day •I ride along ori the. what demoralieed, Douglas took •• shadowy Ifora'e in the Caney ef Cy- ' h' I h 1 • 11 1 d ' ---•doevel• male leineeie siteelee tin he was • , • . digiotis activity. would think that. the. avaternien filled then' :hueltets at tlie at !light wee •like, It was literally Klieg s shilling is Stanley, George building material and so selvmg the preseest• and as I.ride 4 draw -forth 'the and w • ith a movement of the .1ingen.a...rWillard Price in World Outlook: , there' a vast e*Plosion; • heaVing 'flee I. • • 'Cot idek's . •• . • :by London College.' • ' • . -- • 'Ille..SpectAer•feokit it t; at this 'pro.: city down into the• r vet:. • Then „the •.•,.. " But I ea.nls Itl• escribt: what -the fight ' •-,TI'le-. YaullaC8 • . , • . over: his fit of nerves on thatterrible terrible . • . . life blood from every enemy's son diet industry .11 the river' in"ust be eeetred. river ' and •sOld "'drinking water" too awful for woiels. ' One moment Laweencee of Petetborougb;. England. •urgentrefhlsern •of ptevicllnee cheer: ' "It. i m t nd ' ht th preloegect sileneeto e f t Iree'lend II , aloud mY pride, 'for am I not the- flare_ given• over *to the forge ahd the worbut the. peonle did net. heame the ,dirt. low them up, and -we , would •Wait as, la•st• Sentember; and ever sineee•Stene. the areas .w , ,e t i. , , 1 ., ieg tnesseeger of the Lord Almie,hty 1" shop: Stearning up the liver an goes :They' blamed the devils. • ' 1 v• bee neve filled With le- deu • t ' rs her he 'elute been a eiri •'• .• ba a teltDer, hot •does -net let it get ., • . . , , „ -------, ' yoa wait for thunder' after the light- cee. e .e. . et. ... . le o den influ . ' ' x of war workers is bethe • ' . t Briton to teCeiVe the The possibility of Mi • ng mud as a • delve to chspete te ctm • s ee a •eig • here- but h woukt be -Very ' throughtint the city. -Cone ltefitly ye- we were in furioinTactiod*Avith enemy Itu-iff, ". YeAlls. • ! .eouatry, cotteeges in the- rurel ilis4 • at r do ory _August day- Those whoe•worle-with ; , For nipeteen mile.s •the 'Waterway is eurring •-enittemies• -revere eeee result craft, then the darkness would swal- e ont triets and housieg acconimechitiori in •• urtele Wee killed 'et .• • him know that bis sten of anger is . • past hie lips, they say. He has, tne, ••• • . g a'-------------------1 aI e cu y,o• oi ean • to ning- flash. The tension, the appal -4 • yards is a crane that will lift an ex- body -could .be pierced with fi red -bot torpedo alarms 1 , And we came back was below army age, but he• decided social 'science depart:meet of King's IUOII •• •He knew from 'hie mother that.he periment by • the rie , • Made the subject of an intereeting ex- ' keen sense of 'humor, with a• Scotch ;. FOOD! FOR TiliYUGHT. huge seaffoldingee At .one Of' these kni3w the 200 pieces whore' the heman ling"din, th.e mote aepprilling lulls, the w honseliold end ,flttv()r. • N Attend' Service on Similay, Whet nn not'iThe dietioneey ptesi Ioeornotive froin tbe Tyne higb- ; n ed e Withou causi ig death. The - 1-. • 't to portewith eritali untouelied,:4•-a per= school' Callege,for women, Univer7lity of Tagil - t 0- try .te enlist • One day after Being a „good Soot he 'gees every tells us' it ls•'' a sinall flying eliawle level bridge. For nineteen miles this • needles *ere from :k to 12 incheS in feet nihrvel. probably' remeMber SnfaidY• Int,rnittr tO a little lerooden ing . . , waterwity Is dedicated to Vulean. Ori ilength, arid die doctor was suPPOsed "more of the details of the thing •as ,werits to the recreitiree effice: and Si* niysteeloris' loce*ing II h• ' '- instead of going home to dinner lie den, • ;- , • - • . • . • • b 4 AI,o Presbyteellin .6-nive1 'which has been , of ships Whet on interesting .eteen flying either hank the hulls of war to know . how deep they should be thne •goes'on ; but thet's What I went • 'erected On the outskirt-s of Head- nirnal, then, is the grasshopper ! It is credited with the power to fly 1000 • miles before the wind and spring -one hundred times. its own length. • Ills near relative, the grigket, is an - ether -extraordinary -.creature. By an action of the •witiks •the niale teatime of thie family make, their well-known • ehirping • noise, which if3 said to he ilfstinguiahahle a mile 'distant. ' nut Airro„. Cricket 13C0rOh ever her husband, for she possesses ears on ber forelegs 1 • • • Pettitoat goverement seems to 'be, • the motto in Antland. The 'workers,. 'soldiers Arid miners are al! fentinffie, while a efueen.rnother presides over all. • quarters town, where he' sits in the 4ornpany-of Scottish- •offieers und -sole aloe* during a good -Seotch sermon, Una a long one, too. . , ' A $Ied Diagnosis. "Well" said Bilking, ." the doctors tfay- that X. aka tie iionnd as a dollar." (01hatte tentgit,i1 said Wilkirfe. _" A doesit't• last' very loyig these: VAPL,',1 •••*, eJ rdwaye radii at the top tor It that golnolloa:v up thoro ofintIng dewn•ItilL • are building, and above hangs the (>1(1 the selgoant in e Inge all, about just been erected le the gronedsat was to lei out the devils which. caused ' .. •• .- • thrust • e purpose of the probing theougeee it • ........ ....,..e..........e. . : • • . ' The.' sergeant rose in th°,e . ocedsion. -, Need of, a different . iiixtut•e• of Mud,. i Camden 11111; eaeh wall being tom- -the disease. -- ---.-, - , i it. 4 .. • Ile took an imposing looking MITI. with a View to• testing -width Profes, - brought hygiene and Medicine along . With it. , A hospital or. dispensary was "Thy say peeple with opposite not Itegym in Korea until founded bY cheraeteristics make the happiest When Christianity came to Korea it Very Different. 7 • , : :::nd wrote on the back i • himself for 'enlistment at • Peterbor- re WI n • I . - ' feu ass • 1.This is to eertily that StanloY'l . In oath -ease the eerth li 1.) • qugh, - because the • Germans killed Vie ha fe been Iftlded, in another, seft eoap • Geerge taweence; aged five, ' offered, subjected to ,ti .'different prOcess of • ; most suitable to the English climate, . • a Cheittitift iniasioeary. ' ,rho. Iittionoo Govegonent ig now' . , marriages4' • ",Vee; that's why. I'm'looking :kr a hot` he wes unehle to 2elf11 the . raid to the ,oarth and Afiff', nal, in rin. . SPlePtiidir following sOit with the vs- girl with nioney.” necessary physiesil conditions. : other .case lime hes, ban - riddpcl. A tablishinent •of hospitOs aed medietil . - \, This form, with the recruit's' ails% " groutiee• of eornent,lieS been pour. •• echoole: 'Fine Waterworks systems ternary shMinge was ianded to ho have been •installed, and the sort of 'Ale Closed Circle. • •,,, e boye and ho waa teerly xtp hript),,, at. 'et150, and there" is ore -wall 'Made , ' lt•. edvvet, the mud nill in yet another n' water that gushes from this hyilratit Irotieg Clirl'-Ye,' I feel an intens'e If4le had beet hi khaki' The, differehee hetWeen it• compli- ear.th- bona.epi.le ..votiln, 4 t,i..011... ./The old boateity of IlSougYting l°thole; 1 ,. in• Pyengyang is :gm stated to have re- longing to do doething tor others, . 41. ,• a &Iced the death ,rate by 70 par 'colt, Priend-Just• whom do you mean. by merit and flattery brio& on whether • 'ill'ove eali Rho marry lihn, knowini; now underlaid . with a network a "Well, I suppose almost anybody • it IS handed Loyal or mate other perthat he is dissipated ee ' • sewers. . outside- of ray immediate fandlyi son, "Iltit. kis Tottlthe WV . • 1 smoke pall from the .countless for - Ice -Breakers, Too • Two years ago this river was the centre of •the ,great shipbuilding in- dustry, but lt was war that made it as it is .now. 011 some -of the stocks there are hulls begun in 1914. 'They are still unfinished, for they . are merehantmen, and take a second place to the ships of his .Majesty's navy. Not all the vestiels;building are ves- sels of war, however. Cheek by jowl with a pair of destroyers is a ship of ideas nnknown fn British waters. It le an lee -breaker for our ally /tussle. Every eoneeivable type of ,..eraft in