HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-07-20, Page 1•
,"111,"'"'"1."•011.1.7.'"" --
Te50 per yegrl, fu. adva
A.00 otherwise.
LtielliN01/14 ,ONT., THURSDAY,
Mrs; Rebel't Mullin le visiting.' Owen
Sound friends. .
ROV q Grey and wife, of Alliston,
-are guests of Dr, awl UM, M. Spence -
Mr 8, DC001148011 and children, of Wing,
ham, are visitirg her Mother, Mrs, C.
Perdue. .
Miss Stewart and Miss. Cummings
have gone on a trip down the $t. Idaw-
• mace. • 4
Miss Dirothy Xackeen, of WOO, le
.vialtrngher aunt, Mrs. Wm. Ferris, this,
we tk. •
The •advertisement ef .the .Lucknow
'Hardware Co. will be lewd on page 6
hi week
week: . •
• Mr. rown Maupugh; a the Bank of,
Hamilton, Berlin, is. spending a weeic'Es
vacation at home. •:
Miss Josie Berger left yesterday morn -
ng for an extended visit 'With -her sisters
in Cleveland, Ohio.
Mr. Fred T. Armstrong was in To-
ronto yesterday attending Grand Lodge
• of the A. F. & A M
Misses Phylia,aad Matjory, Stanley, of
Purple Grove, were week -end guests of
Mrs. Robert Mullin. .
The Murdoch, ti; Cameron Co., have a
.-whole page Of interesting news this week.
Den% fail to see it on page 8.•
The Anglican church is holding their
annual garden party on Mr: Moorehouse
Mitchell's lawn this evening, •
Mr. `Russel Blair and Miss Pearl Blair;
of Mansfield, Ohio, visited their Uncle,
' •Mr. A. Blair, On Saturday last.
Miss FrancesSpence hasbeen engaged
•. to teach in Lucknew 'school, taking the
• position vacated by MissCuminings.
Mrs. J.: McGarry has gone to Port
• Huron, where, she will spend the
minder of the suminer with•friends. •
S. A. Blair and wife, of Winnipeg,
Mau, paid the former's brother, Mr. A.
Blair, a flying visit on Sunday afternoon.
You will enjoy the entertainnient at
the Garden Party On Mr. Mitchell'sflawn
to -night. Good fishing at the fish -pond.
Misses Grace and Laura Newton, of
Toronto, visited last week • with their
Uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Smith.• •
Miss Mildred Spence is home from
Adolphustown, where she had •been
teaching. She 'visited vyith Toronte
friends on the -way.
Mr. Sandy Smith, Of toarre was very
loweayly in the week, suffering from
•• pneumonia. .13e was somewhat improv-
• ed the past twe days, •• • .
Don't forget the Anglican Church.
Garden Party en My. Mourehouse Mit.
ehell'a lawn• te.night. The Pipe ',Band
in attendance. Only. 10e. adinispion.
We have •
Pure Paris Green,
Copper Sulphate
and Arsenate • of
Lead for Bordeaux
Mixtures to stop
• Potato Blight and
• Bugs. You will be
wise if you, • use
Drug Store
Spring Stock
• Just Arrived
ack andillieSerges, Fancy
• Suitings and Pontings—
• Something New, •
Perfect it Guaranteed
• TEMPLE CLARK -Merchant Taller
• Open Monday, Tuesday and •51,
, Wqtbleaday and, Saturday
• Vim.* and r amity OrOUP8
taken 'ittstwhete hi the
(Corrected to Wednesday non)
6 6.114 • 85 ga
Rev.I. W. Lillico inad wife and Welly
aro -operidriog their 'Slimmer vacation With
her I/Art*0, Mr. and Mrs.. Jelin ,4yett,
Mr, Win. Keirn.0 last week •traded
his old gait ear for a. Studebaker seven -
passenger, . a beauty, and, for a
01001i100..Pri0e4 •th4. last word in
cevinaktng.- • • P
Mise Isabella Mac Diarwid has return;
ed ftoina three-weelike venation iii
troit. .accompanied byher slater, Miss
Citeitie .MaeDiarinid, of .Cran.e. Hospital
Training Schee). ••
• ,
• W.. -Robert qr,0044 for the RaSt. two
ye.ati the faithful attendant at the
Garry HOuse-barn,,..has moved across the
street; and is in Charge .of the stabling
at the Cain House, , - •
W. O. Johnstons,laSt *reek showed us
- amnp. timothy! which had grown ,to a
beight, Of six 'feet on let. V.Vhdethis,
an..eliception„ there is said to be e good
deal- of . tiniethy hey in this district Wadi
has reached 5 feet and ever.-
. , • . . . .
'Silas 'Babcock, ..a. young man - Who;
started Work with Alex. ;Rea§ a con ple
of weeks ago, took French leave MondaY
morning. He was a very :quiet . and
modest young man and appears' to have
had no worse trouble than "home sick -
Privates Cleye..and Telford Aitehetion,
.of the 161st., .were 'home from Camp
Borden over Sunday.' ..They don't think
the-camp•quite-so •bad a place- as did
someof the London- men, • and believe
that- it has important advantages over a
camp pear a pity. • -
• •
In Writing to his parents recently Pte.
Herb Graham enclosed with his letter a
number of flowers gathered from near
'his gun position in the battle line in
France: He said the country was • cov.
ered with them --Nature doing its best.
'to supply R. litth smeetnees and light
where menare intent only on death- and
destruction. - . • • -
wler 210th,, 1916.
' Copies,
MaS$ Vid Wen'
According tOrtlie:'report7: of the En- :Mario • nececsury for. pass, 300; lo
• trance BiiaMinations published elsewhere • honors, 487.
thfapaper, the Luoknow teacher and lionor candidates are arranged ac -
chis have. snored .a splendid .finceeis. cording to their standing, pass in alpha -
Nino of the class wrote on the eitarni betical rorder. .All doubtful cases have
Oen and passed, five taking honors • .been, Considered by the Board of kititin-
?.nd two nettling second ancrtaird in the .ination, .Appeals, however,may bemade
inspectorate.. r It .*.vould have been' jest to tlieViannien or the hoard E. W.
Mae better if the medallitid come to' 'Daman, •11. A-, but Ogee .shoulitinet be •
LuCknoeF• but as it is the results.' were 'Made. wain:pt. first consulting r. W. V.
siniptySplendid and highly creditable to Bald, 1 F.S. Candidates oissatistied with
the school,. the teacher and the Row, • the final decision ;:if the...Entrance Board
AS will. bo 00.by the report, the highest rn y lodge a further appeal on or before
mark and the medal were won by %Port 'Sept. li with. the Deputy Minister of
Elgin pupiL Thirty -Six, • we •••beNvei• Education with •th.elrayinent of two dol -
wrote on the . exam.; here • in • Lticknow htrs, tehiali will be roil:tined in ,easethe
and of these, twenty-four were .success, appeal is snatained.
ful in. taking the pass mark, T,i
his should There will he publishe-earlY in Oct,
insure a good continuation class for ihe supplonentAry lista of candidates. rho
.iichool the next term,. and ,doubtless the have earned their .Certilicates 'upon the
capacity of the rominzwill be taxed to ite
easeidity as it , has' ,been the. past- two
'yeers. • ' .7 •
A Sensible SuggestiOn
• „: • •
The custom has grown up of present-
ing the wife of the retiring. Governor-
General with a gift from the women of
Canada, and thie having come to the
nettee of the Duchess of Conniught„she
has intimated her desire that, in view of
the special circumstinces occasioned by
•the war, there shall be no presentation
• to her. The Duchess sets a good eicample
• for. hos times, of heavy deinands for
• patriotic work, ' • • •
• •
Shotild the weather be unfavorable,
the home-madebakinfe., candy, ete„
be sold in the Conned Chamber of the
Old Town Hall. .
teacher's and,-inspeetoVe• rept, aided.
by farm service..
• , • •,itii.romtpiNE Om -TIME •.
• Honors,-Tdm Miller, .Margaret Me-
'Kei4ie, Gladys' Shier, Stuart Clark,
Pearl Gedileft :Dora King.
• Pass --:AtidersOn J ohn,Arreitage liotv%
ard, Blackwell Reggie, Blackwell Viola,
Bridge David, Brown Agnes, Brown
Emily,BUshell James, Chadbourne,
Lona,Clements Arthur, Clinton Delbert,
Collins Clara, Cuyler Bernice, Durward
Hazel, Evans Verna, Hartwick Carrie„,
fiellister Catherine, 'Johnston Myrtle'
McKenzie .Catherine, McGinnisRichard,
McKenzie Ige, MpLennan- Irene, Mc-
Phail Duncan, Nelson Cruden, Norman
Isabel; Patterson Thomas Patterson
Wesley, Richards Muriel, Sileane Mar-
garet, Stanley Annie, Stirling Luella .B.,
Stirling Mabel, Thom pao n Annie,
Trickey Albert, Wessel Fred. ,
• •
'• . RIPLEY ••
Honors -Annie McLay, Graee Mc -
DIED Gregor, Edward Harrison, Rhona' J,
. Colling, Aria Jackson Mary Scott,
• Pass -Black Arnold, Crawford Vera,
0..ernoesT.---Ie die Township of Ash- Fraser :Viola; Hueston Greta, Lindsay,
' field, gn July 17, 1916, David Cath -Orville, :_MacDonald Margaret, McLay
'Lead, aged at yew and 4'' months. J Horace MeLay Denald, McLay Culler -
:ail of Tbrinkp ' . The funeral will be to Kintail Cern- ine, Mc'Lean Annie, MacLeod Margaret,
Mr. and Mrs.` Henry Mullin „wish' etery, July ,20, ii.m. ' ' . Nesbitt Kate; Pollock Venue f., Reayie
through the Sentinel, to thank their ••'Mamie, Robertson Nellie, Rattle Myrtle,
at the time of. their recent sad bereave- Stanley Phylisa • .• , - . v
friends alid neighbors for their kindness.
'Maki. . .• • • • LUCKNOW
•: : . --Tueiday, J uly le Honors -Carrick Douglas, Vera Hed-
lee Crain Social 7 • .k Mrs J. D. Pollock is visiting With her ley,' Tohnie Smith, Herold Treleaven,
., .. . . •
• The ladies of South Kinloss will hold mother in Gerrie. : • , George McDonald
an ice cream social • on the grounds or A large number of campers have al •PassClubb Ada Conn Mande, bur -
Mr. D. S.' MacDonald, Lucknow, on ready arrived et i3ruce Beach for the nin Harold, Fraser William 0:, Graham
Thursday evening, July 27th, 1916'. A suminer vacation - ' Lizzie, Johnston Elva, Loek•
hart Grace, -
good progrem 10 being provided. Tea • • A'fin• e young boy arrived • at the home • Lott Carl MeCorvie, y, r' •Flor-
,served front 6 to 8 Admission: of james Farrel this morning. :James mice, MacDiarmid R a e, MacGreger
dlts, 25cren
au.childi• se.
- ' • will have anntherfarm hand this year. Florence, McIntosh Hazel, MacLeod
; ,:
Beatrice, Middleton john, Penrose -Ern-
---- .- . DEATH OF MRS. . Meenerorm. On est, Percy,Cora, BOSS Flora, Taylor Irene,.
MARRIEDFriday, July 7th.; the death of Mrs. Mat- Towle Jeneie.
'thew MeCreight, aged 61 years, micurred
at her home, Lot $1, • Con. :5, Huron • '. TIVERTON .
• Township. Her maiden frame was Ade. Hofiors-Cather• ine •Ord, Elmer e'en':
line Fielder. Born neer Brantford, .she • vay. .
mune to Ashfield.with her family. ;Forty •Pais-43uchann Hugh, Campbell Arch.;
years ago she and Mi. MettliewMc, Carleton Sadie, Convey Annie, Cameron
Creight were united in Invriag.t., and'Jack, Fletcher Mary; McNab Isabel,
•they settled On their farm on the .5th. McLean Jessie, McLaren Marjorie, _Rac-
• oon. • In the forty•years past thedeceas- Coll Jack, MeEwen D, L., Montgomery
ed has been regarded as one of the truest. Ruth Matheson. johmina, Norman Irene,
and kindliest neighbors. by the-entrre StroucLJean, Stenihoft_Martim..
community. She leaves .her husband 0 The highest honor standing was ob-
. and eleven children tu minim her loss, tained by the c.andidates arranged ' in
' .Lurgan , The latter are as follOws: , Mrs.,'Itebert order of merit,
Wilson, Ripley; Mrs.' Win. McConnell, Carolina Shierholtz, Port Elgin Public
-Tuesday, July 18. Mrs. John Kennedy, 4th: • Huron; Mrs., School, 5,53, out, of 650 Carrick Doug-
Miss Mae MacIver, of Ripley, is visit Stewart Campbell, 10th. Huron; -Mrslas, Lecknow Public pehOol, 544, Out of
ing with friends hereJohn Johnston, M rs, Geo. Drennan,lOth. 050.. Vera, Healey, :. Lucknetr Publie
. , ••
Ashfield, and Miss Blanche at. home; School, 538, out of 850: •Annie McLay,
" Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Walden are spende John To 6th Huron ;Matthew, enlisted Ripley Public School, 531, out of 650.
ing,a few days in London: - at Sarnia; Frenk,,enlisted with the 1601h,
Reggie Perrin and Mips Gladys- spent and Russell, who reilides at henna The ,
Sunday at John Walden! p. funeral took place on Tuesday afterncion ' EuccesSful Pupils
• . to Ripley cemetery: The Rev. C. M
Les Rae and Lloyd Bell' went to Clin-. Rutherford conducted the service. .
ton en the. i2thto celebrate.
. .
Miss Helen Blair is visiting her sister,
Mrs. George Lamont, in Appal:•• . tothian.
Pule River
MARTIN-41F,RIPER.-At the home of the
• bride's parents in Mount Forest,
• Ont. on Monday July 17, 1916, by
• Rev. Wm, Cooper, B.A., LuctOlive
• Mercer and Orval A. Martin, of
Lucknow,_ *r. and,Mrs. •Martin
• have gene on a trip. tNew York.
(A, more extended notice of the
'wedding was received too late for
this week) .
Mrs. Wilmot Mahood and sen, of
Wingham, are visiting at J. Mahood's.
Mrs. Ash Palmer has' returned from
Detroit. She was attending the funeral
of her brother, the late Dr.. Thos. Hen-
derson. •
- Teeswater
• . 7 -Tuesday, July H.
Lorne Farrell, of Fort William, 18
spending his holidays in Teeswater.
• Mrs. R. J. Campbell and daughter,
Lois% .are visiting her Mother -in law,
Mrs. John Canipbell.
Mrs. Fowler and her daughter, Grace,
have gone to London to spend it week
with Mrs. Capt. W. F. Hiecox.
Mrs. Taylor and daughter, Grace, of
°tithe, are at present visiting the 'form-
er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robb: Chap-
Mrs. Bert Currin, of LeaMingten,
motored tip in her auto kat week to
visit her parents, Mr. and Mai; Geo.
Mr. George 'Campbell, of Leamington,
spent a few days last week with his par -
Mf. and Mrs john Campber,Mrs.
John, Campbell has been very ill for
some time.
Mantell of Christ Church must be
_ proud Ofilit-little-corigregation. -The
held a garden party at Thos. Arkell's
last week netting some $40 for church
purpopes. With a church free of debt
arid Consecrated the prospects of the
Anglican Congregation in Teeswater
should be bright and cheering.
The Bishop of }Liken, assiiited by four
visiting clergy,, -coneect MS he i s t
Church, Teeswater, to roligtous purposes.
It appears to be the custom of the Eng-
lish Church not to consecrate until the
church is freeHome
of debt. the little
congregation s to be congratulated on
their untiring ' and suecessful efforts.
The Bishop dwelt•Particurarly in Iiis
mike on the differences between' the
• Anglican Ohtircli andall others lie is
a pleasing forcible speaker, anti the add
twice WO the closet attention to his
terdn't0i '
B..014:1 6 ,1 666 s .4 6 • ,0 • •
• • ntlekWheat '4 I 0 i I 1
131.1tter 6, • 4 ; ;:e D ;
Eggs, new la1dr. V 1 .
' 65
. 23. ," 24'
-• • --zilonday, July '17
Chester Ritchie, of Detroit, is visiting
friends here. . ••
Mr. and MM. Whitmer Andlainily are
the guests of his cousin, H. L. McKeith.
DF. John'MacLean'of Chicago, is
'vending his vacation at his old' home
J011 Hogan, of Bantry, N. b., is ppend-
hig his , vacation here, visiting his
brothers. ,•
eAllan McDonald, Of Ruth, Nevada
Inc aunt and, coueins, the McDonalds,
• couple of days last week: ,. '
Mrs. Andrew Allen, of Edmonton, and
'her two, youngest children are spending
a couple of -months, with her parenfs,
Mr. and Mrs. T• F. Henderson.
Miss Bessie Barnby was saCcessfill in
passing her final exam: in Toronto Col-
lege of Masi°, securing -first-class honors
in piano and honors in piano, harmony.
• -Congratulations.
In last . week's -Tenetmention was
made of a donation: of ',$400,00 which
League had forwarded to the Red Cross
Society at Toronto: The••Committee' is
now in receiptof their letter of acknow-
ledgement, which reads as -•follows, and,
bows the appreciatiOnwith which the.
aioney v.ege _received. , • • • ' • .
Treasurer Women's. Com., .dtc., etc,
'Den! %Wein:
I beg to acknowledge with: very. many
'thanks receipt of your letter ef the 13th
;inst. enclosing'cheque. for Four Bandied
Dollars ($400.00),'being it donation froni
the WomerA •Coramittee' of the .'Luck -
now Patriotic .Leitgue to the . funds of
the .Canadian Red Cross SerietY.
EaelbSed herewith please find ofileial
receipt for. this 'ainetitit, for whieli Please
abeept and convey AO 'those ihterested.
thereip. our grateful thanks,and assure
them that we apprr elatethilf moat gen,
'prods. contributionvery much indeed..
' Vomit truly, • . • •
' ' Hon. llaeording Society
• ... Can, Ited, Chose:Society, 1.
At the recent examinations of the To-
rontd College of Mimic, the results of
Which were published in last Saturday's
_Globe, the following pupils of Miss Me-
bane Allin, A.T:C.M., were among ,the
successful candidates: Jr. 14.
lst. Class Honors, Miss Norma% Thonip-
son; Pass; Miss-Mary/Rathwell.
ary Piano-lst. Class Honors, Mier; Cas-
sie McDonald, Mr. James Spence; pass
Miss Adelia Spindler. Exaininer--P: H.
Tor, ington, M us. Doc.; Musical Director
of College of Music:
• •--Tuesclay; July 18.
• H. IL Pinnell,.frore, Westford, was in
our hereon Saturday. •
James Percy hat"; a new hay,Itia•' der..
Lloyd says Wee, dandy., -, • •
Robt. :McConnell, from. Millarton;°was
in our burg en Wednesday.
R. F. Hodgkinson 'made a business
trip to Lueknow on Monday. •
, Quite a number from • Around here
went to 'Clinton on the 12th. All report
a big celebration, •
Farmers are Utley; getting in their. hay,
The crop thie year is the biggest in many
years in this seetion. •
• Pte. Walter Perey, of .1.6161st Batt.,
from Borden Camp,. visited his parents
on Saturday; returning -on Monday-, -
A young couple from near Kinlough,
went tb Clinton dri the 12th and how
they got there they can't tell. They say
they did not change cars at Witighaik
The .question is, how did they get there?
If Rey persfin can figure it out they
would be pleased to know.
Buy ye ur Cherries now. White, Black;
Red Sour, ;all Niagara 'Peninsula
. grown are now
most plentiful,.
The Red Sour is
the par excellence
14av your groeer
for preserving.
Oia your o nest. Fruit,
Look for this label on the basket. It
tebs etect:ItileeseYe:eu.grill sa e a-A.P`gfe-4wle-daYa.
Niagara grow%
..tfr.u.ee Men. 94 porlou.gli •
About 600men of the Brucol3attalion.
are:or on a -montlesfurlough to helpat
haying and harvesting. This will be,
welcome news, to the farmers of Bruce,
many of y.vhomwere itt their wit's end
to know how they were going to harvest
what new looks like.a.bumper•croti. The
men came up.MOndaY night. it18said
that practically all those from Lucheo.w,
Kincardine, Vniteehureli, Tees:Water, •
Merton and other Centres in South
Brucfrare home.. There was some un-
certainty until a feiv •days ago. as to,
whether the men would get otl; QB ac-
count of the provalenee of inumpii• and'
measles iiinong the men, but the trouble
appears to have been overcome, . The
furlough will doubtless be appreciated
by.the men and bythefarmers, who Will
have th4ii- .miteli:meded:
. .
...Over 500 Bafidsmen will be engaged'
fOr the mitsical program at the Canadian
National Exhibitifm. In all „otter 20
hands haire been engaged to play at
various times and there will be nearly
400 each night in the massed concert in
connection with the Federation of Em-
pire Spectacle. The ,musical festival
will be led by Conway's famous band of
soloists, the, Director of which has the
reputation of being the king of program
makers. There will be concerts through-
out the grounds every hour of the day
and well into the nigt. •
St Helens •
-Tuesday, July 18.
Elliott Miller •and Durnin Phillips
• spent' Sunday at 'Westfield.
• Miss Elizabeth Rutherford spent a
ew days in Wingliam last week.
ConfirmatiOn services were held in the
Anglican church hereon Monday. • ,•
Quite a'number from the burg attend-
ed the celebration in. ClintoMorithe 12th
rest. •
• Mrs. W. McIntosh; of Bond Tlead,'
'visiting ler parents, Mr. and 'Mrs: Peter
Clark. . . • . •.
its. Calluin Cameron arid goliett
McGuire, of ' the 161st, Camp Borden,
were home over, Sunday.
- Mrs, D. MacDonald and 'daughter;
Marjorie, of Toronto, are visiting her
sister, Mrs. Alex.: Stewart,
• Mr. Burnett, of Stratford, returned
'Muni on Monday. after spending a few
days at the Rev. Mr. Little's.
We understand the 'young people of
St. Helens intend having a picnic to
Black Horse Lake next week, '
Miss Mime Rutherford is home after
,spending a Couple Of weeks in' Toronto
Marking exammation,papers
Rev. Mr. Little preached the White..
church Presbyterian church vareriton
on Sunday last, and Rev. Mr. Stewart
'occupied the pulpit here.
-Monday, July 17.
• Mies Leila Eike called at Mr. H, J.
Blake's one day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Culbert visited
their son,. Arthur, on Sunday.
•"Mr. and Mrs. Bert Treleaven and babe
visited Zion friends last Sunday. ..•
• Miss Annie 'MeQuoul spent a • few
days with Mrs. Robert Davidson.
Miss Quinn has been spending a, few
days at the home of, Mr, J. Myers.
• Mr, Herb Curran and family . visited
his mother, Mrs. j Menary Sunday last.
Mr. George Collinson and family, of
• Kintail, were Sunday visitors around
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Twamiey visit-
ed their daughter, Mrs. P. Finnigan,
last Sunday.
Haying is the order of the day, and
everyone reports a large „erop-inuch
bigger than last year. • •-• • • ' •
• Mr: James Pierce, of Kinloss, • visited
some of his old friends around here, and
• incidentally sold his farm to John Myers.
July 30t11. will be Quarterly, serviees
in Dungannon in the morning, so there
will be service here in the evening at 7
o'clock. ••.
Miss B. Gibson, of Stratfotd, and Miss
Sadie McConnell, ot Palinerston, were
visiting their aunt, Mrs .11. J., Blake, a
few days last week. '
Miss Mary Callan is spending a few
days with friends at Dungannon. One
• young fellow looked very lonesonie Sun
day evening. We wonder whom he
missed:, • •.
Quite a number trdin around here
• went to Clinton on the Twelfth; but
others thought it ioo far and ntade hay.
-A poor way to spend the Twelfth. of Ire
land, _But...we...have one _loyal_young.
niani.Tonamy, who went and made good
music, so we hear. -
. .7 -Monday, July. 17.
• John Johnstone, Jr., is improving
after a long siege of ilinese.,
• Dave Farrish is brightening Henry P.
Hogan's house with a coat of paint.‘
Matthew O.Gonnor, of langsbridge,
is helping Michael Bowler with haying.
Misses Lizzie and Katherine° McCarthy
Sundayed with Mr. and Mrs. Henry 1.
Hogan. •• •
Andy Bowler arrived home front Lon-
don to 'help Jchn Lowey withhaying
and harvest, •• •a,
• Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. Hogan at-
tended the funeral' of the late John Ring
at Teeswater, , •
Miss Mary Downey left for tor home
In London, after a tWo.weekn' visit at
etolin Botha* •
• This is the "Golden Age" for ,
We cantrainyour 4e.u.gbtet in si* months
and then placeher 111 a. bank, wholesale,
or other office position. Wouldit not
he a.,good thing for Your daughter to be
fitted to earn a g004 salary, thereby • be -
corning independentfor life, if .80, get
particulars of what the 7,Yinghem. • Bual-
uess. College and her nine sister colleges
have done for "Tens.- of Thousands".. of
Sills• •
• A short time ago the writer was 'told
the 44100)g:biz a lady. teacher in of
"pabble school in a neighboring township:
41 attended High School for four years •
. and Normal School one year. MYettiter
• attended Wingbain Business. College for .•
14,e mo ilsalaryn tahn saw. hi si:ghbee„ t naags ir• good vtpositionreceiving
She takesp street car to her work,- while.
I went the dustY.-roads in sump* and
through the.enow,hr'winter, almost.
mile•tg and from My boarding house..:1.
shall 'certainly, recoMmend. all young
people with w,born I-.0041.0 iiiOpntaCt to
ococenuspidaetriowneplbefOre,inaking a, choice of
. To those anxious to inquire into the
advantaga of the stenographic and com-
inereial coulee for girls, we wilt gladly
furnish the addresses of an unlimited
number of •fcriner graduates, many of
whom are receiving over $1,500per y,:c as.
'Xe will furnish each o.ne. na. tiles of
our graduates' fromtheir inunediate.
This year we have placed every stud.
mit,who wished to take a position,.
mediately upon graduation. Owing ' to
the heavy enlistment among the young
men of towns and cities, there never,was
a time when there was .Sucha demand
for young women who have a, business
education. k This year from our chain of
colleges we have placed over one hundred
girls in banks. •
What about Your :daughter? Is she
worthy of a business education? Would
it be .a comfortable thought for you to
know that no matter what happens.- in
after life, your 'daughter is ableto earn.
a coinfortable salary. . ',Now when 'posi-
tions arn.ao plentiful is the timeto begin.
If you commence a Home Study Course
now and enter the • Wingham • Business
College in, the Fall, you will be ready' to-.
take a position by the new year.. Fog:,
dons are absolutelYguaranted.• The un-
successful keep "putting off'', thesuccess-
ful "begin now'', • • Which will you .bel
Drop us.rt postal- for. particulars, • if in-
terested. •• . •
• Sincerely yours;.
Geo. •Spotton, Principal. •
• Whitechurch
-Monday, July
Miss Ret a Odium., of Toronto, is visit-'
big at the home of A. Fox.
P. Frank Arscott, of London, was a
visitor in the village on Sunday.
• Born -In Whitechurch, on July 8; to
Mr. and Mrs. Alex., Purdon, a ion.
- Miss A. Simpson, of Innisfail, Alta.,
Wyman Sparling, of Brussels,
spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Geo.
• Mrs. iDr.) Jamieson and son, David,
• of Barrie, are visiting:"at the home. of
Mrs. H., D. Henderson, . ,
Miss.Nettie Cottle and Miss Cooper
uf Wingham General 'Hospital, visit4
at the former's home on Sunday.• .
' Rev. Mr. Little, of St • Helens con-
ducted the services in the Presbyterian
Church en Sunday, Mr. Burnett, of
Listowel, accompanied him. •
Mr. and Mrs. Buacblen and children,
of Arthur, mctored here on Saturday to
visit at K. Paterson's. Misii Lillie Pat-
erson arid little. Helen accompanied
• them on their -return.
The Guild Meeting Sunday evening
was led by Johnstone •Co'nn, the topic
,being "Purity, Temperance and Streng,
th." The subject for next -Sunday even-
ing is "Enthusiasm: It's Value, How to
Cultivate It,." The leader is Frank Ross.
• North KinIoss
• .londay, July .17.
• Mrse W. J. Hall; of Ashfield, is visit -7
ing at Mr. AI): .Little's,
Looks as though fall wheat would,be
ready for the binder next week.
Mr: John Lockhart and Wife are visit •
• ing his parents, M. and Mrs.' Z. Lock-
hart. • . ••
The Misses • Netterfleld, of Toronto,
are spending their oholidays' with their
• grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Angus Mc-
Donald, on the 4th, •
• After runiiingfai• a mile ahead of the
, freight train this morning, three .horses
belonging to Mr. Sam Congrain, cr,srased
..the B.. R. bridge at Fraser's.. One of
them broke a fore 'leg, just below.. the
the boundary, near the Granger's Siding.
-Tuesday, July 18.
Miss 'Lena England returned ..to her
honie at Lothian Friday. • •
Mr. and Mrs.. Herb. Curran. and faini.
ily spent Sunday with friends at Crewe.
% Miss Rite Janiieson, of Lanes is spend.
ing a few days with Mr. and.Sfrs, Anson
Miss Laura Areher, 6f Lucknoiv, spent
part Of last week with her friend, MiS8
Jessie *others, •*
Mr, and Mrs. Will Fiulay and Miss
Margaret visited Mrs. S. "Craig, West-
fieldb Sunday.
Mrs. 'Stuart Finlay and family retain --
ea home t(xLiicknOW last -week, having
Spent it week with Mends here,
• The honey season was at its prime
last week. Gar local bee keepers aio
kept busy extractint, and !Min% cmiers,
'This Store will
• be ,opeo, Wed
oesday 81 Sat.
urilety ot.1,4hts
Atiput. '
F. T. Armstrong
jeweler a:tad OPtiiciart
• Phone pt
1110111e4Y` TO LO.ANt-Qa niertaakcs min. • notes
st reasonable rates.l,Nrer.lipairalio., batti,
• steekailt.11NintlialidampAntes. •
• .01;(). A. SIDI/ALIA Broker. I.nekuow ' •
•TEACIIER. WANTRD.-tiecond-elasS prefes.
atonal. for S. C. No, 9 A nblield. State salary '
W5i, CLAIR, Seey.,R, 11. 7,I4neknew„
20-7-100 c.
. ,
'LOST.-yri Gravel Road. between •Lneknow
and Glen's Hill. oe July 10, a new lap run
• with price -ticket attached. , Finder com-
• Municate by phone, or return to ,
T. WATS0N, lmeknow.
TEACHER WANTED.-Fer $... No. 10. •Ash-
field. Second Class Professional. State sal,
-ary expected.
• John Ferrish,
27.7.100-p. 14•I1. 7.1.uesne,w
HEIFER EHTRAY.-Strayed from the prem-
ises of the undeisigned, about June 23rd.
MI6. a small red, two-year.old heifer. Party
giving information leading to itf.¢ recovery
will be suitably.rewarded.
W. J, Scott, Blacksmith.
27-74100-o. (bangside) Lucknow R. 0.
•CATTLE ESTRAt,---Catne to the premise,s of -
the undersigned,,S, half Lots 43 and. 44. ist
Con. Kinloss, on or about July let, 1910, 4
yearlings -2 steers and twe heifers. Owner
may have same on proving proPerty and. ,
paying expenses. s
a8 -100-e. EDWIN PUTIV148.
C▪ ATTLE ASTRAY. --Strayed from am prem• -
ises of the undersigned, Sib Con. R.inloss. 1
• red and white and 2 red steers; 2 years old, .
1 dry cow. Any person giving, information.
leading to their recovery will be suitably •
Julio: ROBB. Holy -rood Ft. R. 4. •
• y
ei. all matters regarding Greenhill cemetersr
re er to D. C. Taylor. SaoretarY. •
Mortgage gale
Gundry, Auctioneer. will offe for inkia at the
Under Power of Sale in a 17rtgago, Thomas
House. Goderich, on ,ednesday. Aug-
ust 90,1916, at twelve o'clock; noon, the kolas .
known as the North Ralf of Lot One, Condos -
don Ten, E. D. Ashfield, one hundred acres.
The property will be offered for sale on the 1
following terms: Ten per cent of the purchase
money on the day of sale to the Vendor's Solic-
• 'tors, and the balance within 30 days thereafter,
'without interest. There will be a reserve bid.
For further partioulars and conditions of sa/e
see posters or apply.to either of the undersign-
ed; t _
Dated his 12th day of July, 1910.
Pnount000T, ItILLottAN & Cooicit,
God,erich, Ontario,
--Vendor's Solicitem
THOMAS 01.33TDBY, Auctioneer,
3-8-300-c. Goderich. Ontario.
; The council of the village make a Pap -
Peal toour citizens, • who 'have net
reedy done so, to cut and destroy all
weeds on the streets opposite the proper-
ty occupied by them,
coldition of sonie of -saw streets ,
in this regard is a disgrace to our village,
and owing to the scarcity of labor , the
council have found it difficult to have
this work done by the'municipality, but
in any event we think that .owners and
occupiers ollapd should have suffidient• ,
pride in,.the general' appearance of the ;
village, to cut aud destroy all weeds oP-
posite their property. • .
Not only have weeds been allowed to
.flourish on the streeta,tbut on private
property in.many places throughout the'
village, foul and noxions•we'eds abound.
This is strictly agaiust,the provisions of
the ' 'Provincial Act to prevent the Spread.
of Noxious Weeds." Clause 3 of this
act. reads as follows:
• "Every occupant Of land, or if the
land is unoccupied, the owner shall cut „
down and destrOy all the Canada this-• ,
ties, oz• -eye daisies, wild pats, rag weed,
burdock, and all other noxious weeds
groiving thereon so ofteh in eery -year'
as is sufficient to prevent the ripening .
of their seed" ••
Rvery owner or occupier of land who ;
• neglects to carry out the provisions of
this Act is liable to a penalty of from $5,to'
$2'5. ' -
The Council express the hope that it -•
general effort'by all our citizens will that,
made, during the next .few days, to cut
and destroy not.only the weeds on our
private property, hut those on the streets -
opposite our property as well,
(Signed) • J. G. ANDERBOtiv, Reeve. -
oderich fownship
• . -Monday, july 1'75
Rev. W N Cole -and wife, -
Mich , are visiting relatives' in this T.
Master Howard Mulholland; of Clin.
ton, is spending his veeatien on. the 7th. '
• Miss Isabella. Rathrav, of Sombre.,
speht last week with Rev. Mr. and Mrs.
Jones. • - , • -
Mr. and Mrs. 'S. It Webster, of. Win.
• throp, were the guests of A. j!Cantelon.
last week.
. ,
Mr and 'Mrs. Fred Gilbert. G• oderich,, ,
:spent Sunday at the hoine of Mr. and
Mrs. Grigg.
•,,Rev. Mr: and Mrs. COurtice are,
visiting at the parental home of , A. J.
Courtice, Hohnesville,
itlisses fla and Mary Grigg are spend*
is week with their grandparents* .
Mr. and Mrs.•Steveris,. Goderich,
• Mr. and Mrs. Lacvrenne Grray, of tee.'
hint spent last week at the home a
the former's parents, Mr. and