HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-07-06, Page 7i or Talks ,. fering'with your 'getting down .tp-the think nnd talk, Zito *nst ha teW. aka 011 time the 'morning otter, Dbl, by righteo,uenese; for religion, in the you ent nut the* trashy ,story ntuff to last ;Mato* la nothing .more than o.:: -- ' have, time- to reed hook* Of man -and-'' method of koodneeL A u'itol Of uhur• Our olio 14 Om thlhu fo: to ioutb moinefactore entl •export • our Prnawcts?' information building, "value? Did you :Actor, he declared, would- not 'he WI kinds of persons, oo far as the even in spite, leg liewer weges. and ,lop off the hunlired 4nd ono other lit, damned ,either in: ihne or iweternitY, course Of oOr reading 414 •trend of lover BtoAttniS •of liVluff lo: other 'tie uselOOS !Trento that were divert- but 411 =an Witheat ObaraCtar '14 als 7 ••' l•-•e”..m. ., ' .4, our 'thoughts, prompt ter the diectissiota ilande. Whet, however, is the effect ing your energy and leading you, WAY ready damned both for timPRIM e. and ;*IMUSTERF01)• BY UM, L':".- gr•' et ,verierie subject% As any Writer On 'our wage earners, tilegreat•mase from the mon obriegoi pm you? If .404.44 rrequently. tbo bojowollo rEcKno, uusaorps, • whe*.untlertaltes to Proeloee • •Oevevaof our PoPoletleol Iteeollleir hili$' Pre. you -didra, it was bemuse YOu, doii't end tiorealliki great Plan is Morally 4 . columns, of printiers'' -copy Weekly ',grope through the fret two perieds, • knew% the •chief diffieulties• that eon"' his. present position Ile a centmi iation Wa4t) tba .1:44; °ling ."11' '4"' after 144 4Per and It *alt twa(14.1.° a"- 'Pat' 7. • enough tedeoervo to get it, And Yon. ter to eXqathun , on 'the ground et . . . 7rbe Ear* !b-' Ott;:na' de... ' , reftie0 to 4SeistIbetn, at threSbitte Vele: ., , fron,t bins are the denzer •Of repeating;• of the envae• tendency •and......• develop- woo. got.it ut.4034 you muorourtiot . ortticutoix .04uxuut 0 .iike 40 .4., W .tearning*. for wivoo Not to Irritate hinnielf• and of Madam a ' enificient meat, • • -* -* *, • Oriatie4 go', • often deem Acts inehe 'Rh* Piegrantfed ° POring 2910. _an agricultural Aurvey Fria groWerti are obliged, to apply ' . . y.eriety of eubjecte to write UPI* toe- , • • 4, s All, • Watch the. athlete ready for the habits. habite melte character And 'W4 conolucted by the .eoneinissien Of ia . ore to prochNo: a• niarketabila ' t•Oiu am readers' interUot flu whollhe'•• Power is develnPed to -day hi) 144'' dash; ',lite bedi' carries het as .littid Character Makes the maiLier.40. 004$ . ' . .. anawer to the queetion Are tugs when farmers generally will he .oblig-.. Habblee. - frervation on do farms in Ontario. commodity, 414. the time may cone, . ' writes.: Our desire and eini in these chine rather Olga, by man, .Also Maxes weight in **We as the la* alliswf.4 sonle will denounce a Man ler Ws' talks are. to make them, instructive, ,. productive. effickenci is inereaSed hi Every eunCe of, ellergY In neetle'd• Some huebands who have nouriohed grounds .arounA the house ‘, neatr W:0 to tre'.'gft, their seed grain. in,. order 119 " that P9lat af dt'ettlaa and then heat a :grievance against their wives have. VMS t`otind that- $a _per cent., of the to prevent *fore loos., ., AnYWo-Y, it - intoroutiPg and go-W=4bl% In ()rag his ability to overeee end 'direct! the re.ach- that taloa yonder. You fancy a felloW, man in a -busineae deal. '11*. '' replies. Were in the negative, . absolutely necessary to replenish of other men to. do, this, The reader to aeeenaPheh these °Weds we find it machine and more especially to direct yourself a sprinter in the race '41 itietrating his point Dr, Padmen.told , travelling over Canada one cannot -but eept labor:and trouble, and, not ImoVr..; tried to get a little.' of their Own baolt In; is a precaution that :costs little, ex... buoluoset and Yet YOU' weight Yourself • 4 StorY CIA Scotchman reeling drtinh hi Mean° °t thei"tils-an unidna : • • Season .. . knowledge box with. the heat thoughts must see that this increased efficiency down. with a let of nonessentials and across ,a. bridge on. the 'Sabbath Daymethod if the lady is not reallyto be impressedby the general untidi- ing what AO Will be 10c.e, it , • . f d the 0.8enCe Of plan or aye- will .probably pay to make it an ng., • 'of other, writers, for in writing as in has . brought. about .a sub-divislop of still . expect to-CrOSe the line ahead Of When blame, and ratherunsatisfactory inese an a woman Who had trOuble , in t: i .. .other courses in nature, the • axiom labor to such an extent that the aver,. the other 'telleW. • - " " Malting ,a clog. Conte to • her, said,. fahome grounds she is, since she mak•die firet • emn the planting and care 'of the nuai practice Net as is the rsgeding.ia- rm . - •• . ,' , . holds trne that from nothing you -get age man has now -aosimple tag* per-, . .1.4fe is, A process .of 'se.lection- "PIeme, roan, whisole 'my dog," and Zion the famous have had a dig at , CreAn-tup a,n4 Arhdr ,Day CaMPaignS, "14---ranner'° Alivcieate. • . • • • a . constant inflow if.,there , is. to be -nothing. In Pther words there :must fermed releatedry•oVer od, aver, tiny .choosing betiwoon. tere•-worthleee And the drunken Spotcbman Field; "Nay, I their Wives; as witmeso the gredt.Duke conducted each . after day. He. Iearns very. quickly the worth . while. To, :get. time for the nae whistle a dog., on . the Sabbath of Marlborough, who left his duchess spiiug,iii many 0our 415.0,0Q0 wberewith.TO .spoil Slenhelin - ; .. a *continual oirttiow:.- ,‘ ' . and by 'constant/ practice makea,,biro. things that count,' you must•saVe time "Day" , 'Wins: and cities, ohould be extended .• • ' Harrow 14' •841ell ' .. •. • , • There' is „often, .4 coneiderahledif- • * „ -, - eXtrgineit,slcillful, enabling him 'hi by eliminating the rest Copy the in •hezioWn way, and $75,000 to 'keep tt4)10nruti7hani ler:eurP:tLit -49.11:her,,w1m4ratrwili ference of Opinion as to whether ..4 ., This . week the factory lime arid. In..,!the pipee-work system to earn a 'rela, athlete ab the training . table. Feed - it' eestV-1,--feelieg Illitt ,he cannot 446 clean and go. to law witii,"says Lon-, •fteld of grain:4014: be harrowed, Or: • dustrial worker *ill receive ,stur con, tively high wage with •comparatiVeli on Only that which builds you up .and. HE BUILT COFFINS. don Answers, . • * The Fari of $tafford,••one of Marl- fw4 it'' it will e°8t a little time. in broc4ithedhainrrtlIOWeedSP, arrillgo.41410(14If ,iihet iStli;etAlitiee, ' sideration it at considerable length:, The ,little. experience, What, howerer4. is makes you At for the one big frriy. If planning and -wait: •in, Planting, .but • subject to be discuSsed is seme argil. the effect of all this On the. Mental your ambition is to do the' big thing these 'will be:Ivell. repaid by the adied • • borough's. contempoiaries,. 'wrote -in rolling or the harrowing ehould, •Jae. ments in favor of the eight hour work- and physical condition of the ,work- play 'fair with yourself -live. every . . his Will: . I give to the. worst of wo- pez•formed Ara, The proper method • ' Jog day in faCtories and ether machine men, the Stetidineas Of his ' emPloi- minute toward that end. Quit th(3 • . ' - • . attraction and :consequently increased -- , - men, who is guilty of all the ills, the value .of tho farm.,; In many parts.. a " "t the ' a. procedure state o ttner'seoll! 4..untetirri3e40. by ' hind of work day after day, Vfoliave to melanin hiacaraing power in case,' Be aliVe only to 3r.00 • big ambition, . shops where. men are -engaged on one 'mint, his ability to save, his ability side -issues. dirt out the diversions. . .- daughter of Mr. • Grartioni whom . ., 'I' Canada treeer end elirnbs for .plant!ng lying verY light And, open on the sur- • Ow JoitiN Kusic.4.$,COT;r, AN.. AGED have unfortunately Married, - five -and-•• 'received more convincing informationl.there is. an over snPply of labor or and `liv. with : it. If you want ..one . . Nothing. i.s :batter for horne planthi,g face, then the rolling 14 the beet, for , fort bias lialfpence, Which. will buy' cen..often be secure from the vvild. • . ; ,ert this,•much'illegesgea aria truir.ini- lessened .ftetp4o, fpr tile•tirodget of thing above • all others,. kid want • it. • IN.'.iNNIPEgfirER..' ., . hep a pnljet for ber :suPner,-a greater sum than •her father can often make', than the'pomaion. frees f.real .the our, phuitu; . but ix. ucow, 0:,,i,ei,y, case the • it will consolidate the sett round. the . portant economic question from read, the, particular operation in which he bad- enough to. drop' an: else to attain • ing a thesis entitled "Some •Fects Con- is •skilled? . There can p.ii. po doubt your ,ead, you ;can haVe 'what you rolling sholiii be followed 'hy,7 alight - rounding woOdland;. ri6 -shrubs`.pur-. • . . '. 114 Lega0 Of" With'. - . • • .chasedfroinim agent•are, cnperior to: ,h4rioNyillg with. a chain uarrotv or (4_, , . • . • . • Corning the Eight hour Day," from that the present- sub-divisien of labor want,' bnieentrete •and you'll wily . 400 Beye life Does. Nei' 4elleve in . Many.wivestave been mit off with those native to, the ' district, and no tire:. peri",44, 111r. ,P.• W. Litchfield, 7.fac• offers. leas •oPltrertunity• for the' work-' , ' • • set Of' yeTy light seed harrolvs, aOthat.: tory' manager of the • .Goodyear Tire ing man to • broaden mentally., or all , . ... • . . • ... • , 2.. HeIng, Cheated .bY the - ' - the top half inch or so shall be again ..• the Proirerbial Shilling, and one hus- purchased vines can' surpaSs soine of band went a little 'further . by stating those 'growing wild;; such as. 'Viz.- . . and RUbber. Coinpany, Akron, Ohio, around physically, during his produc- 'Canada will have her problem§ aftcr, broken.up. When the soil is inclined , than. in all 'the course - of our reading tie hours,' than ever before. It also b ' t is war nnd however much some may • . Undertaker: .. • . • , • . . to be solid, then rolling is generally that arq• expense his spouse .as pub •thit, eni creepe4 bitter sweet or the wild * : before and so we propese to give our narrows ' the scope of his knowledge try. to, minimi ze the 'conditions that Jelin Kingscett,.aged .84, Of Atlantic' a mistake, and should not be Under - to in connection . with the will should grape: .• Many of the choicest ...•, . • readers. in aeondensed-summary.soma to such an extent thab he is more' and *ill be -experienced in this country, 8,1-• Avenue Winni e i I t f - . * , taken unless it is necessary to smooth be prildby h.erselfl, and not the estate. flowers, when transplanted to the . of Mr. •41tchfield's argumentsiii. his more dependent upon one little thing mos •coeva with the. end of this world conflict our troubles will • begin. .This death With •a 'smile,. fur he 'has • Just the '"loving" huilband whodirectedin the wild. Yetin spite of the eaee stones in anticiPation of harvest Roll- • But the hind was surely reached by flower borider, often flourish more than • the surface sernewhat or press in the . introductory. remarks he says: As the for his prosperity, and cannot adjust • Goodyear 'Company . started seVeral himself to shifting Conditions of in- .warning.w,as very forcibly given by put the finishing touches on a pair, of , that his wife • should' have.. but one with' which these attractions may be lag is very seldern really required Mir cedar, ceffins for himself anq hig.wife.• farthing, which. was , to. be sent to her ' obtained, many", firni home grounds • years ago to intreduce•the eight-hour &tarry withotit flnalcial loss. What, President Sherrard at- the Canadian .. kingseet•t.is oee of Winnipegy beat' • 'esti the land is quite light on the sur - day into the .factery, rind has -been then' is the justification ,of this? . Manufacturers' Association at. Handl- ' ' in an• unstamped erivelope, the reason are uriplanted,'unthlya0:unattractive . .i . • •• . . . • - - .ton recently whenhtsaid • that after :,-.„., . . . known and. most---•highlY ' respected ,•;Alitg.- that She had called him an • Old All that is needed to make them real- fice;•-•-: . ..° . .. . . . ' Steadify. increasing: the nuniber of de, partenents brought 'under this system,' The.- answer is almost self-evident; . .. . • the war the problem of reorganization 1 city for twenty year's, and ,for• 4.num- ole-tnnerb." ' He ha's lived . ia . the.. pig ! . ' A shilling els° fell to the lot of the care." . ' . • • , ".• ' and other names. , - , .• , ly. beautiful Is. a little planting and Little Potato Disease.' . , 'Statement of our, attitude tow mid 'yet We :citiote the writer verbatim and readjustment will , be gigantic. ! ber..of , years has been. pt eminent in , • - and belief in the eight-liout day is in here:for clearness; as, this answer con- be we in this cotnitry . Will . iiridow c;If one Williani Ash, ."for' pick- [ The Morning glorieS, used to beauti, The Little Potato disease *anises lit-. order.. ' be spared the heart -breaking work of civic politics.. ln • the lest municinal• iiig , my pocket'of s'Nty guineas"; while fy . the cabin.. were planted -by the tle potatoes as big as a pea or a•little • , .*. * ' . • tains the kernel of 8 -hour .sYstern , beginningover again and rebuilding ,electio s he was a e d'd t • f th • . ' an aggrieved sailer considered .•the housewife: In • fact, it is usually the • larger to form on the potato stems, And; •• . . • With proper direction and .organiza, City Councii,....arid despite his years, • , For sake Of comparison •corisider the ilon, the, wage earner of to day -Can ' froin desblationS; but we have • our .1' carried on an aggressive earaparge. , film 'sum sufficient fee his spouse, the *man. who takes an interest; thei no potatoes form on the roots. The , - part to. perform in Empire. building, ! , meney to .he ' knended in hazel -nuts, man is too busy with the crone . to reason is that this diseaseclosesup. labor, conditions of . • 100 years ago- produee Much more 'in a les, number !. And .i,,e. Before •corning to W•innipcg he, wa§ a • as she Was More fond ' of '.cracking bother. with such things.-F,C.N. in. the • pores In the stem so the , starch • etief• .attention. • Factorial. were ,few. "craftsman" .syetem of .thirty years , , - . ,.have a' definite responsibility , • • *d" f T • 'Tm . just' waiting. for the call," he; ' " . Wives ho are -apt. to irritate their the roots to form potatoes, Potatoes - .• when agriCultural • Pursuits engaged 'f 1 , than d r . , for the kind of Empire that shall be. 1 . • • g • e year . nets than mending hissocks'.. Conservation. ... made in the leaves cermet go back to ' .„ and the:villages were :mede. up large:. ago, or ,the ."jack,of-all.trades" • j:We have given of .our men and treas- I • said recently, 'end no that I tun pre- • • . affected with this disease have small .- , • .ly of meehanics who worked for' the tem ..of one hundred years ago. It is of sYt-; ure 'willingly And gladly, to the . need.. 1 pared•for it, the sooner it.cornes the , husbands 'needlessly should reniernber ' . , • Try Alfalfa Again. ' , • ' spots on the surface Made up of germ . fariners' needs..Society wite.not classi- , also qiiite 'generally conceded that in •.ing the Mother COuntry,. without wart.: better.. I haVe Made-kny will' anti•my , the Case pf the lady whose legady Was reduced horn *50 000 to 0 000 . Althciugh it is now generally admit: massess . that leek like •• a little soil lied as a ' ' • '• Th , . , , Q .u y i .'ich' a . veiY large percentage. .of , •factor) i•n the plansAustralia-, New Zealand, to be asked,.•and without any voice !' coffin',!art. nearly,- made.,,- , Your. come eetse -whenever I commenced' reading • • ing crop .ted that Alfalfa ,is the one..best feed for live stock. and 'deapite - 'stuck On the surface . The. difference • and no verY• Pear, therefore . practical- • ope.rationa a skillftd , Workman can ! south with,•me and I'll- ho w yeti as tieat a . iy no 'oinks dietinetion • betWeen-• the .Preduce the maxiMurn amount of pro., • • ... ; with us' in leaping tnt e.asais anee Africa, • and 'even . , India, Vied ' • h • t • of ,' pair Of leet--ttings•as you ,e ver saw.." - .. . .. She -started playing. and singing.'!A •' '• • -, .. . .. . ... - 2zene:p.00tt v,,liThetio,eii:o.tnrieet, ...tocci:in• remove ,- . . the fact that 4 has\been proved suit- , two... Under • these conditions men duct in . eight, hours; while,.extending '.Great Britairi..% The Cost to 'oach has. • - He . led :the, Way • te, a small Shupe at ' • , • • Caactid, if Not. kind: • , . . , able to nearly every district. in On- ,ovhile..igii; will. This disease is limo .... : • worked "fiirmers' honks," usually.frorn.• his mierk•Over,a longer:period only by , the.; back or his, lot wh,ere he proudly •...' '01? . . . , e husband ::who died within ...re- " taricl, many karinei.s reftise to give the callei. Ruseet Seab, and Rhizocionia.' It . .daylight until. dark, .fifteen..or_,Sixteen sults in' a lesSer .anieunt .'.-ef..product ' re4 [been enornions, and will be lelt generatiOnS yet unborn' We ieillied•,, exhibited ity,vo:' brown cedar • &dins; cent Years, intist have been .Very bad- plant a. trial en:their farm, while oth- . . is,•belt- not to use affected petit:Wei for ' -`-' lieurS a dey, in the 'summer.,.and tisturti Per: houi, and :necessitating the use 4liaved 'carefully- 'and. eoVered-'7 with ' ly'treated ;:f or; aeCercling in a. passage •ers •give•op „trying to.. grow : it • after seed.' If they =IA.:be:Used first treat ' :iy 'very much, leas in tle'wintet . NO _.ef ' increased plant. floor .space ' and: • : to the .fla s'. viithout, thou ' ht. of relivai;a;' . . ... .iu !ifs will., .`,`My • estate :•would have making; a- very' feeble- effort for $1101.: for two hour mus sohition'ef ounces ' .‘, one thought of .regtilating-the hour., equipment; .- Thes..amount 'Of • product but wO,hgave a new reSgpon•sibilitY. to ;•canvas....,•• • : • . ' ... "The' iiiinister'-eante to Pee, nie. one "" "Vert considerablyierger if it. had not cogs. c'errosive,subliznate-to 3Q' 'gallons - of • ''' ''' ' • own, and a men .-tylio didn't do tliet and ,111O less investment in. bnildin.gs • he ceold„. and. Work se Many bottrs as end ..eOuiptiient. • reqUired, the ,inora '..e labor as .eitch man • regulated ..his being 'constant the. phorter the -time .. he cOtild, did •not-.--haVe the reepeet ‘.'of., econOmidal' will lie the . production. his:neighbeis; nrocluce.dlese, 'and usti-?hefefore,' the, shortest"' ' b ' f ' ' • . '' . • . . .nurn .er o 1 • I upbuilding of an Empire that Will' ea-, 1, 1 wards the 'Ern. 'ire tO be, ' ' b '' ' I tomes ;"sihilitY an'd to offer Mir CaunSel in the'', - Canada,- at Cthifederation, . set ;an', Our -duty to accept that respon- H. - ' '• , .. . . and . t . ,e- •• . •Witielt ' ,- . ,,,,,,ii•nkc . • • • • • ....orrrvr.„,,. , . "1, '-'` -4, .the 'elev'M'est-.1mown-- "egg. day." -selves:. -for-, riegiectine"-to eVen trY- ali•.' water • .• -.1-c.arr. 4sive..sOt'unlate' •111-1100, "7:' ti4OniSS'idPe.erra.tril0 bhtilliVnteihekOS •Vmlnee.g-gbanrridrueregtb: ' ' • ' light. robber. Aly ASseCletions with ffalfe. ,say that it ,interperes. with,their. 'been' for my ' unfortunate' marriage • Those who wish .. to .exclise. -them.; i'.31,,erosttaatitileisnho, • , 1, hard to .hreak up if • and is not suited ler' pas7 • • . • F' Ti:fileEh•T:0En . . .. once ',North.l?akota.xperiment $tation. • . f_our idollers a. pound:)=D. .1 G.' li,,.,, . I:: vally lost. out .in • reward and .poiitiOn, ours pecessary:'.'to pecidride •)a given. 'or sixteeri,henr- citY was:usher arid .eit- econorniealipi the Zatost." efficient...num,- • Under these conditions, while A.Afteen product. by the .average workthan, is ' i examPle of the feasibility ot a fecier= 1 ' ation a apparently "aonflictiqg intek-. •: :P• 1* ..ever . "111'ilny.,weuld, Consider' that this dis- : is ueluited, for it .• • '' • • • • • • • ing . - . • ,'.. ". , : .' •• .! . • 1 to groW . the crop s.ay thitt, their land,. $2',000."‘ , Se elle . Was left:nett: , turing;' while those who give; up trying, . , , , .. :171::::0.. . , 1 ests. The other 'Dominion's- have foF.I. li •`.'s4 I:laHriEn •• ...day. The life was in the ',open.. there nian3r time repeated harrows the op.: ' t. •-• - • b th ' • ' . • , - .. • • . . . . . :' farther to extend thep ' " I f fed ' rump e o • ,. - , , ,,,". , : it. 1.40 1 . - „and teC,M.'s have beea;.conferied. in. X) 01 ---7.- . _ . pected, . the - cohdi Uinta' or labor were' ber ior- the company. Also,. the ' •-ci'0,.,;,.. gruritied individual eetild• hardly "cern, 1 , -The .first -reason given for not sow-' .- • ' • and D.C.M.. . quite different fi'om hat tliei..are•ta-; cializing:of latir. on simplet•operations sr) c' • I lowed our lead, end. it is -only- one ste - l' p ,••• '•=,- ; Plairi of_ ti extraVaganee;. but i.i-• , • . . ing .altalfa issperhaps• the hest, but. it , ... ••• - i• A., number of additional TI.S0 ' b , . was yariety to.. the ' work, ,•ch, iniging ,portUnity of the werltman to broaden •Ivi fr , • . .. • • • , • • , • ; era ,:ron 0 ern race •• ese an • p , , d' th I 61-t” - 'abOnt the. lady whose 'deceased • MIS.: 1 Ifalfa.'is.known to impreve with. the England • . would be interesEng to know the facts , is not a•very good •-•reasiati . at that •• - . - • - .. - • •-s .. ... . . . and. , the follow are om, hour to hourifrom s.easen to sext out: ineutally, .merally and •phisicallY•-• other Country' in .a.tangible partner- I Y. ' , band tatified; ' "During • •in,y -married length of time that' it.00CUpleS a field,, • • ... , . ' ship ,that will make the'British tin.. 1 t'' - mereen'the preductive houron specialized -. ,• , •N : son, .giving thein 'an health, increasing it .ie onlYreasOnable•and just short- 1:' ge,. and Makieg hilt "- , s . \ ire a real fact - ' •'' • ' ' . , ' life I- have alA•amy ys declared that ' but even if the thirth•or fottitt year I Temp2ndLieut Holthes, o th •Iiii kriowled . iniallg the )3rave ...deeds reem1-9. . •• Wife was, the•••dearePtm . woan in • the- are sacrifice -a to mainteining arota- . . • • • • • • • • • • • uniber- land 'Fus-iliers.--.1•Ile ...get ..•behind.' • • aria efilcient.as. a Man; and as. a good labor to alleveektin tiinefor sell- WI-, • 1'# ' * # , . , • W. o r 1 d , ..aiid I am cOnvineed, should any:, tibn . the whole benefit of the • erop: .. an enemy machine gun; .put it •ont,of' ' ;citizen, ,Theee,were'..tlWilays,'61::.rnall 'provenient. ••NO man. an 'Stand mono' ' ; We' 'lever attend a :big asseinhly 'of , other be" rast enough to • inarry . lier;j• not lost, and what etittings, ere 'made' ae,.ion wZith a boinb, and accounted'. -p0Wer.. • '. -'• _ , .., • • .-. 6 " • ' , ,bOnbas.WOrk for al niatiy hours a day. , Ministers -,and• we 'have.. • . attended.' . • for three •• of • the gun team .with'his ' he will find her :se'. .: ' . • '' •••• 'I in. the first few years. of its life are • . . • : • , . .. . .. . • '-.. motor. pow,er has, *might a .reVelu-. and ..believe. in°,- the eight • prodectiv.e I whet: -----Introduettion±of --Steam-.-kridt.-eleetri- ., • , • * * , *' * • '.. .' ' • •- . . . these reasons thafVe are. extendm . hi. he earl• stand' veriety: it is for . g -.1--,theleraught- dawns or -crowds -upon ti ... manY in England and hrt enacla-'-bUt, a. splendid opportunity,. the. gcia--' • . •0-047, • ,_.„tr.,,,, PA- '' 1. . peiiiiirest .:unlesa she . mai-tied again •ting.' i• Of ariy other. erop . in the same.' r • The Roston, inah who left his widow I equal,' if not sUperior, in Valle.. to cut ! - within fiVe yearS must have been ,an-... period: ,:••.' • . '. • :. . . . , chou.orn..i.ee.a.rt:i-te.o.ovli,c.' , • . - .. . . .. : , .1:enevds os.,1*.inein.re.4:11e:einarliseblai-ckw.i.t -.tion in manufacturing and 'in' farming. heur day for .inany 'of our .oparations. !-•per 'ininistry.',afferda "fee4 :Inadershin,4 . I iatber itkregardhis wife us a" "vinegar I AS ,for the' trouble of breaking, up a .• , i' 1 Seeotid Lieut.' Kennedy-Coehrane- • ', operatiOns. Ilig• factories **ern 7built . . : .* *: .* 4: . - ., • . 1 and yet . how feW of -the ministers. of . . ell:,C1..," .for he , candidly e*pleined that !' herd of alfalfa, this only •=eccurrs' in ' • •iP.atriciti 'Rifle . Brigadelie, to.‘convert.the raw Materials intO fin- ..' :. We haveleng been. an adVbcate Oil a,T.IY. .. denomination ever ' rise " .ahaVe, . , e fel . , in • •' einal.1 . 'shops 'clitappeared..'. Bigger. ' .ished 'productar.and the manpower tanks,. and • believe th-e're • should be i what. ilknown • as the School SAvings i•mediocrity: .. The .thinistry'- .offera, - grand .•opportiiiiities •fer .progycss ' 'in. '. ';', he wanted- someone else. to. find. oaf' very 'old ..fields; and' :the fault. feencl, . "..I. , :Not withotit a .glim Sense of linmer,', his ploW, out -4s often. due to the. pc, .. how hercUshe. was to lie With: • .. i'by :the plowinan-that the roots run 1.,.is,DefiOrsfteeat,n.danad • oinitdhoaughalif.,; ,h1,..Weil,-t . i and. atitacked an enemy .machine: - . at . farms arid -, better ;fartnirig proditced, such a hank in .every„ town aild.sevefah wisdom • ahd, pnietical ..eXperienes: ,' .. for ,lt, again athil-i. time,,, shot: both ••• , greater . bulk and ' cheap' .transttorta, in large cities. To make' this banking I -Yell' sernto.n. a man prepares. should '•., . . . John •Kingsco•ti • , „of 1'4,4'00: for. his surviving betterholf, Ahat :comes '• as •a, surprise 'after the 1 ryyvas tlie - man -.Who •sot aside -the stun 'icurrence of an, odd plant'. of alfalfa., • • ... • .,. . ' inlet • en& observer' And • braught • , it "... • • -.:. tion.of ti raw fa* 'niaterial to 'large ,ce.n.; 4stein for childrea'a savirigs -effective,: ilia" Km. • . • . a better preacher: Every 1 ' ' o' '.-• ' -" . •.'• .. •. :.• -.:.• • ' ' -1,With 'the proviso.-that'ebe .was not to plow has been running tiliough _light , demi': lie.. falkeved " it- clewn and land- • trel, where location and veltnne made there must be.. loyabr•ce,bperation and i.church he •fills shontd Make hrrn 1)0-1 - ',.• • - ---.. . .- . . ••. "enjoy". it Until-'ater' ,deaik • so that , 01 p001 seri 'for some tinie.., • • - • . 1 . . . . i . . . . ed alongside.. -.. ••.---- • • - fir the cost of .POVVer bY StCan1 or ....elec. „continh6d. ' lathiest , shown ,by the,.! ter •tt..ed fel? .:11il- nextcharge .or pas-• day lasi Triehth," be :continued-- with: Oa "may be • buried suitablY-as- my] . The third reason 'for objection teal- , • . , " Major ,Seett, AuStreliansHe - led .. . . Welty low,. and 'the, organization, or teachers and,' parer . • h. ' . As. It as truly , . • , • . • • ' torate•• 'A good 'college training is ..11 a:Cluickle;. "and , lie' ,sayS: . 4Kingseottwidow." Or •he'who directed that -he,. inifa 'eannot be very- well maintainefi., ... • a :small colnam.:,to reconnoitre die- • ' larger groups Of . men; 'made: the • labar ,•been .'said that .`T•ln•Ift .'neecla to... be VI" it .heip . to.. a. ,prpacher, but With-. you ..1 ook. • vei-y .bui;•y. 11 't are 1:.y ea • wap to .be buried,' at. Sea without. any! by ..-in a ny Who:, Make .• it ,b.ec au Fre the eost.ef nroduCtiOry iOW, arid %again the. 'enconraged as steadily. arid.' Peraist-'1 -such a nunierens lot. Of biographies "ef '-..doing.f?' N'aft,ing;nre.' aod •:: tha';- 11ite 1, 'Certrn01,1Y;. in order.to 'disappoint' his erop is ,..so valueelens hay,:and is cap- : several _Of the-...erielliy; ..a.r.irt brought in.. '• :- tint , enemy post, 'et -tacked it killed • Cheap and -efficient- 'Oa eleortatiOn . et 1 ently. as geed- Manners or as. any other i':.eminetit. preachers and. volumes' or , iNVe Fr.it,:. Ok.'elethes, parsort,-' aaid ' I'. , "affeeticinate wife,'?- wfto . had always :able of predurting so ma•ny euttingiin: .38"..•prisenerS, including the. offider , in • . the finished product. beak-. to the ce.n.'"- desirable ' ' babit."•:-• 'Dr.' : . Jaines L. ' .f1 1110 and books .galere •-ciii- every.: tAl.h.,.)t,j- ,F aid 1:1E."; .'6ar•ncd tdiler. at your ckpressed the. greatest: deOre:tn donee:, a season- that: oth•er ground than he , , : His :plans • were so weli • • ...sumer made -a ,neiv industrial , system; Huglies, . Tor onto, Ws sent , us. a eiren...- ' phase Of --gospel wei,k .and" •methckcls; . Wild • or. life 2 ' ' • 'Yesl!, . said ' -I, .. 'and, . on his graye."... '• : .•• ' •• • .,". ., ' ,. • • i alfalfa' fielemay. , yvell „be given over eummand•-• , laid.that. he effected this with the.loSa. • , ...production. The \ result on the A -attire i. of good adViCe and Suggestion.. The in through life. `ro -he. ii..porni preach- sieed..". 7.Not coltiiW' 'said lte, '';1 .. k ci '• . ' . ' . : . - ' ! to pasture and the: alfnlfa ',crop ..used '• Tor soilhio.' if the • Summer feed ,is, it- '- . ,.. . .. . zii6iltiyte jn:m-' ineein, . n neRIonirsi 6'. : a..r_. ...juStified by;ille: test .0f moie econoriiie' lat•Tetter from „which we', take •thiS bit ' there is no excuse lor .kinan continu, :they'll bc the 'lest .seits We'll. • ever.:.,• . • • If. She' bid Teilance. . . ' ': i tir 'enemies trenthese in. bread ' day- ;. iSlicinte° Of. the, work and, the •tirrie devoted ;to Banks Of -England ,have recently •sent •er'or pastor; lloweVer tumble. may .1:1.-..e,' •-cirel. I said; ;The Paine, parson'''. • • - • • • " " . • ' •'• • ' ,,'ee• e ' ' It .wa.6. a' NorWich• man who left . - - •-• • • ' ... . . ...,.i .wieks-,-.He Jell :a iiaiding . party • into - it was to decrease the variety,' narrOw .acireular to the \British people 'Orgiag, 11 9.11. 1)( (11 his • early earecr With all •tici. why, not '?" • Per, .lbol< you,' the un- . • • . • • • * , good preyisiori for his 111 lo - . I01 id ' '- • • • •• ,•ufficient... '. ' - .... . . the eXperienee.ef. the man .11(1 hot t- :the • tiecesSity for saying Ole money. , ere his working hours- to' ten, et tweiVe now ,spenti for thing's that do not .. . . .1 • pro. ; 'is pet .n. good excutie kr retnaininginn -box -te• be biltied, in, ledd,:. though jf. the helps and facilities aVailablethere .-dcrhtler• 'he' chargeS,' Pixty dalnr3 for .. . piece, where, holding a lighted candle , ..., ed en every' anniverserY Of his deithl'. • '' she'. walked barefoot:. to the' •:market. 1 There is a firm,' whose _business it' is .• i : •• . .- . The Contented. Con...;-. "..; . '', ..,ii , , . _. ....• • , 6 F huti,e, 4:.icilezit.71"skaiCILOUI4r1,t.ilg r:ithf gir-e:v ey.,....eibt.. , . 'hours, per, day: I.Ie still performed:mad' either health or haPpinesii: • Sir • ' - ' the. leyver.,:elasS.. In reading the NO-. .seeins very ,liatidsome, it's ... niade . ef,• ,', to supply .milk•to.;city•consinners',..Who...011, i ty One !slight. ens -11411y.. ' ' ' ' • " Many .operations during- the clay,.'end-• Krederiek ' Williams -Taylor, manager I' 1-0 • of .e inent- &Vines he ' a i •;•• • ' • '' - . t ' l• - ' • • . ••'g , -1 • • grat . es . . ro ..,.. 1 _ t 1 t _ eathii.g. hu . 1 4, t.oboard , and, lue. .,she .lcenfessed that,her Cruel- cendtict • made a goed, percerif4;e Of the artia6 .ot 111(i:bank of Montretil,.tirgei 'Cane - on which. lie worked. • This %yeti, .- the . diens 1.6 be ,equally thrifty. • A.• • com- 1 stentling facts 'ere:that: these Men .telli '' These. bet Q COff.inS,'eost, me ..onlY.,five- had .s ler inned . her. hirsb:ariel'a life: 'In '' , Malge....a Sp.e deity of adVertising,. that . • . • .. . .. -.L: • milk is, di 111 ,frem.--contented;. • .:.,•,:. ••• ••,, .. • , -. " - . • ‘N K ILI, R.Iyil TO.NGLIE. that CVery year that. bre:tight- 41;ein'. (rollers- apiece. ler _the best, cedar go- ...default, • she ,waS • td• receive' a iii0e,:: .teeil• There •is.a. lot in this' for'the.1 ' x- •.., , . 4 ' • ' day of the 'cri.fWmitil, the'all..oroued .mittekth Bh•minglituni England, sent' . reit molt .• compleX sorial '.strtiety ine-'1"- '"Y gee' b ny'''. .e" • il " d 1 ti down towatd- the preseet day With it i • ing., and, they are 'tin hick thick:' - .., , • h ,, . , , . . • - .. ,-.• :. Efarrner• to ...consider.. • -Milk • peochic-,.' -1 .7 ' ' • • • -------" ' _ . _ $1.00 a Year 4." k" • bit ff. ' ti ee*"- ' ' , , a eep • , o . • ie . • Lititc-.ranable or • beetroying- `Man' . • , f Out the "fpllowing:wise stiggestiorisr Int , '.. ,. , • . , „ . OU. -, •ONV fil... ,ni . ma e, . e d'' 1. Naturally micrugh,.it i-asr•aa Amert- i ticli- • . . beare cles r • lb a '• - •1 re" "1 e elat. n hip to.) e - 4 • . .... , .• dil?-1-1 un.-7.c-V7T-l. a tor am. increasing • e )y . nr mg, onieosaii serve . .leir • - ' ed. a -Closer regulation: of hour', a•suh-,, you. Some can serVe ..their • cOuntry period: Abet gathering legether . of Unnecessarily helps the' enemy.' '•Save " isi.ge numbers of wOhlimen necessitat-,....yoUr money now; later it May ....aVe".i This' introduced 'another- iinperterit yot • Cott tlr ' E ' • * •* '..• .. .•-•:. •.' ., "Every -penny •: saved helPs Yon and. ' ' • it n t . vet, • e i y • ,pen• . ' * - - .' si. p 1 ri • . 't, Avaithe ric.hest year in their•mitiiStrY. , geed Old English- kyle, si*Sided and • ' ' • ' • - -- ' !.nicacherii pow ._actikrely engaged .: in . more "comVortble for rny part lyulg.,• . ,.The- last us11110 and its env! "fatifk ell the 'social gospel; ' cd-tho. •old. man • prOudly, ' • "In the oy , and • oppor . . ttnilty.; : : Sticcessfql Drusels-cart et, 'and I. shall .feel 016' .,. the .best both •in ptel.led proper: I valmed thorn with . latH-for below trr 'af.e..- pf titc.te7till-70-rte of.,. . , money to a man whohad run r ! Wit • • • - .. • •- . - testator's Wife some .yeara.preVieuallr, . - a 11 "never . forgot a' .faVoel ' .. - cad wha left a.' snug little . S'Inn. • of. • . • , ., . • .t,• ;..- -, ,. • •-•-:,....rnilkninking....in'oeet:fs$K4en.l.nts:._kt!i, a.e,t: ,s1,9.'' *411'g ' ......... • . .. - gles t ' s.elf-preseryation, .. and _the: : - h readily let clown hei nulltras ea. ery- - , tong , talon that „She may' require her eher,.... oils edri,dition. • -A•n eiceited cow will not • ,..: • Merely. by Lieldeg Him. body knows 14'xcitenient is an: iiitioi- • . • . . . ..• . very ,4langerons weapona.' . A lion ceuld .speedily kill . a man by merely • noes- of . all the -members of the cat '. The, ties'. of settle, animals, are . • ..,-....1-....• .. h i nt WI th. . h i d- torigtie:-: " The • , , importance. of , organization in indtia ' cotintry 'by -Working.' :All can serve ntinist;:rs• in .general thi§ uge. in Winch the 42"hoildy rindertaker's *affairs. The. , DOW-GTHER NATioNa. DRIN.W.". ilvities te anew. her te :meet the aPiire- .-trunily•• at.'c' ..-c""a`Oi*e"r,:iiiquif-Riffidies•-•-:•%-:•7•7- . , Creased. efficiency of prodUction; • the may beeoine a ectintry :of greatlnilu- try. . The result was naturally '117,. &it -.country., by; savingainede ' •, 1' .naw. 119.0 is the richest' in hOer- , wife and . fiunily. do not like. the , ichni- . ,•:.: : . _ .., •,•: ,....-_-:...., ,. ' • . ,: • • .. I heitdda einorgeocT ' -..: • •.' , • - , ' '.',' curving '-1)11)15 101 at .tough . cart_ . `.. tunity and experienee,• -the ' mOst : te-..' of these eoffins,''btit I :My. te them, 'es.', . AntioyanO. -in iiiiy.;.forre, produce's -rfage... -In- the common deinesitc. 'eat • ; .. apanding of ,tho country in wealth, ence in tWe -Ways; by greater oodile..' spiring 1.0 earnest oarhest" devoted • students I said -ta 'the • Tarpon:, `Why.. not ?. i.. ,.. - ,6 ' • Measiares Taken by Great Biitain runt • .. tliese ipines a're' !very., small: bill -are ' most_Saehessfol .of_their . ac-: What's. vtirontr,'?-. We'Ve all •g•ot to die..:. • ', • " ...:... • . ...,- ..• • .. ::;;:serne degree of -worry; irritability,arid.' , power, • modern tenvenierices--- and -tion. arid. byg-rea•ter thrift.- The stire.st- -land :the_ urope• oinee• trie wan , . . , .". consequently • exciivnent: ' 1;.e•ep the sufficiently.WellAev.eloperl te: give the *. standai ds. of: living.It gave the in- way le train a race or alteople'to be• tive life: 'They:. at -continually rising :Why' Mit' get readi.:" People newadaYs'l (,t 1111 'forbids the• Sale' of Ispfritile-MVS--Conterited•; ral . •• • a - - • '4171-etiOnal-'aetiv7; : tartguea:,- Tee -ling ef-rotg•es',hit ..-s..,. . -, • . _habitants shorter Working • houra80' ...thrifty.' is -to train , them while • ,at ', In...the fl.erest aninfalsi• such ,a4 'the • - • - ' ehaticeS afliiirecquiring xnental ' -Oil ' , -We".clime ;Cross .a sPlendel hy•ipirii- ,. : pnigress of industrial affairs. -pretty' ReallY .Want" If you want it bad guidance. ' • physkal efficieney during -his working .tionai . article recently that pit it portudtVrfaher. than „diminished. it '!grave,. I'M ready new, •':Ihrliee 'these 'static:ma. •Or 11 (Ili immediate vicinity... • - trial .eniansion and". change to ' 'die' go, The chief reason why. you •hre ; ., period and its condibionS. ."Those - of. persistepce Overcomes • all .'..obstaeles! the: "well , hp. to. the ,existing iiiduetrjal • eriough;--you'll get iL:. The power.:.Of,. , nirin 'AnO did,'ildviinedrin'Prapciftitill,.-eollerit7Ocfiralo Tor air ii-dapte-TVgrs-to-inli§-4tmii:n ; who di,d.not iniprove, hiS.spare thee,and we shall try. to reproduce the -pith. . relitii-Y wont beekWard, 9. 11119. .f.he of the article. which we think .is• OX -••,- . largeness 'Of •Production -end the 'Sub- not ,a Cerise, a Lord .Kitcliener Or. a .th • his,Cown to iinprove hie: ethication arid: not that.the thrifty Inanluid•more timnet- ,A-aireoriVe sliotild 1•)e thrifty stwjaye,-.•: Jets: ." ' , • , .-. . - • ' ', ,• . them And, Se ean us who. can traee' the.tourse of indife- and iarnis you •Where Yoii set &it to Tile0.; thrift3i. and hiving, ' lideeine canital- 'peorde who 'belie' inert . of life -'• and t•:ilis.ii•rereased his ,earning power.' less of. age or. cireanistanerS' to • hi-: Those • Y: ho in addition • to, this ‘Ocre • hihe freely, but payticalitt•IN.• "- 'young. hours. The result ii,• • that tile ' man in eoigrarns • some wii016S0111 -truth i' me, TniniscrE vino liall. ,b3 aCIY.illie ill COM Ifs knIv e bbell liaYvishest: a .gOnd , In 'the. fieid, .Sunitl,Conlinanders • per... to Ocreese. the milk 'yield. lecp tile and ,"sineeth„but 9.9.11111 he riiiimnl_. to •'. - *The Onditions 'outlined brings the Times* entitled' "you . Get 'White' You . in, 'for . • physiCal training, but. decreased- th0 ' " ' - . • . • 11, •*,..* • * ' ., • ' :• ; te'athing, .of this. addr.„ess ft•Iiin ro-41 01.tideill". movements of. i:12.e facel eon- at DeOeronto,' 'Ont. ' 'EN•41 he• went to four weeks •ititer the order •.was ', es;,.' titrin .gt•ain' eroplast '(11. '11 iinitived raids ,wereln. pr4.)greas the' 9.11 9.1,9. ,of . merely during the Strdr. * * • -4, ..*,., ..* • - • • i:lf-S neW, 'etnPhUis on the soliderity 'of ,o face 'etel•-aity•aeerttilly ned init go (1(11!) 1J, BV•en • Wine .and.beer .niaY, , vitiated air„ •sedden chills. Ar. clraug4s.- out hit.0 orn.c.tiec,,ih:i I) 11 is tifr,e0ning througivt.aik ithcso *alma with,-4athboile and:•Conipany in ••("ireat Heitoin . as' a .v,lio.le • te the ' ' Tile i•evaleilet.• 'ef sniut iii•fhe (in-; phYsieirin declared . 'drill When ' the. ' Ili tore 'treinendeUs spirituel, .religiouS 0I1 ('1 Pi' Gloucestershire ,. in..- 1.08.-.: . tie' first. ,147,tipland 'and Wiiies.,. and 30 liea• eirit." .: . •• " 1 itistent • •indhstr y":, The neW , age, ...With etJrnity.. But I.• 'se y' it 'a • 111 1(1' jab': in Beldio or in the- Iii'ovitice .of 13tall--1 fichre -1-t ",i-• 'Ul'at 410gp,-tinustial Mors, -queetly Tiiiirid Iff-o-jeiVeg up ,for 'on . . . his induehee ififiriitely greeter to -day -ing -tire -re-wards-ef hived weitli and perr:-.-e-6C-reelten '--Vidth, ?..tiree; --let. - alone with-hibita aDy-etile to- soldiers -iii.,-tinitoluxilgettcrotki.,,.- • ' - - • * ' • .•••• . ...7 • ' lio-n 0:- . -tiger. 4liese Snines ' are -fre- • who 1181; kept young, kept pace.'.with beeo marfied twice; an v ieion , t O' . see• the • idealism-,,, -yes, thr... ; Eingerott VArne ' t 0 • Canada front .{ ) Wha_littVe ellOwed golden opywittpities be fin is'it ed ',. .i.t nil lot ,muf..h.. tee soon- (1 it ' Britain • forbids.; treating, knovAedge and irifluence : ere ' thOsi Id 11 :3,vitoli :-cayrhi.gq., varnhili: they'll .i'rnit, 'Semi., 'forbid ,the .;iiiiliar. _ration. .aninial Qtliet *and contented, in well -excited -the ,spipes- become rigid, - lh'e. awakening.: wOrld. ;end inive .itet.. steek 'Im. certain to, be goinp;* spout"' '19 1, Cthwietions for . drtinketiness lilt; illik'r when hunien-interestheaTinere-aited-his-bp---dotleng-aroundrnei•s'to--eseepti..the-,, riet--he-sold-t.o- sokliere-.1-it-- ;tailread... :o.f....nir,....irregh• ler „feed' rig or witteting, -$11arp Point's -or edges: ..• While., the... to greaYer heights•oT Visipn aed, reap- . are.:so-sbackly 11r. allied • th:it tiley'ran• betiveen'• P,:. p.m: and -9 ti.m.,. •arid.'pro,.• it in• milk' secretion 'will be' the:more,: ,'. . . . „ •... . • . . , an ever, The young. Mari who will ikees surging through. the hunian fin for hie first wife:himself: .••••••• : ..- dar. • proviacial •Prohibition,' lierariCe eritative,•of •this paper. before,„seeding . ing that other' 'Peorde are suffering better OBI," iltiF1 led'. tilill,, 11114 ttql(lOt Alp' ii• -gr ititelligent Teronto, Where •he , did road 'wOrk for:. toblished, '„Australian eolonies . have. many farmers to treat:their seed:be. , People 19. 1' leWered The• experienced ..minister bhp city for ..eilihteon yqars, .:110 .. has limited the. hdilre of ,.sale. . Caliada. in f ere . fseiving . t'his'-spring,- 'One: drug. ' Severe ..olils.. "tlieY have it, sense Of,- preved-.-eird4niled-to-senste lirterthfroxii-'-a. ..long-Peedti-imits,-±fre-hour.,4:-4.-sakt-in-•:..114truin_...guld....41. iii,...indly la rid gentle . • . , • 'Me Wanted Peaee.' ... the number of selling pieces, 'for -bids err .fornialin apa expected to, ,sert it, thcniPolve's.?! - d made the cot the near fiiture •wili .' he largely tin- gist in., a. small. town told. a.i.'epres,- inineudirig ,,'ijsastor," he said, "know- ' . . , I 0 • • 'prohibits' the sale of. absinthe . limits started thet he -had old .00 pounds ' end net knowing What will happen. to ..n- t•aese. ArCa5. felt oil' 12 'per .cent. • in : . '. '- . ' • -. „ . , . . ... . , , . .•. rind.. veotitate i but 1)9.11(1 1)9.1111 feed re- noise, voilighness iii" iiiint mg: a , e P mout 'is i-e---U-1-thr tongue. ,b, - .,.•)ft-----..---.---- T-lielVar• on , genii.- •,.. • , :1.111 b'Y ..he n& Il' et.ii 'Zeppelin raid. a • ' ;tient the. cattle. : ... -7-- .."*TIThr"."--1 3nqul'griffr....,irgriThitiatt7irati:i---'-H-•. ., • r • • ' . . . 'Man who itieil 'frein :illness.; brought -, • -•••••-•-•-q-/ . •••••• . eighth of an it Of Mere; with-verY ''. • YiitililY tower Wiring Raids. ' . . 4r4.,..,....L...,Th.,.........."....Z........,,,,,.....6 • - .. and they aught '.... . , . , „ " •-divielorie of laber • as noW• found van Kipling,' is. heeptiiie you don't •will to , enter the' Ministry to-daY..Will And op- .. : Two -soldiers, were "tonvei•eirig. .fpne the• sale •of ...____-_ . .., drink°•te soldieri• fr. the "pounds More before the season was': -• - I . Asked the. other what. Made-him...en- •war • zone.. •They . are glitsWe te ;lave oVer., ' „This is .signifieant, eePecia1ly4 .• . , • :Coals to Newcastle., • alinteciate More keenly -the evoTution be, You allay think you cle, but realist ; pertuorties for •leadershin And states- • list. • , • '• :. , • . - . • .. only what is issued In thdretiot, - Ails. Vii.brp Iljg saki; . ' Of this nisterial i Mother . Was -measuring a dote of •'• ' that, 1125 token place than, ean the 7,09.) (1071 or you wouldn't trY to carry manship such iiihis fatherelnew not. • iiNirliy, • I 'lied .no• .,,,Vite. and, children sia iwohibits the .sale of •vOdki. . and Amounted to .very little in Inill...There tinie• for :her little "son, who looked ..,.: .prdent generation; :The per'eentage so ' •• ' . of onr totalpopulation *as wage -earn- path suCcessward: • , - , hula exeess baggage up 'the:steep , NO,' there '1'4 " :0"Se f" being a: .-n0 one. htit MYaelf tO think of; . and, loeal' option. monsurse MO' ZI0gC" ',Vibe 'tire IterinetS in the Phviinoe who hove.* 01) and soidt • - .. . , I .1)001 tftlhltItY.?r, to (lay • • . . . * #. , * . * 0 • . , . ,. 0 1 y. ., .0 . 0 et; lam i into 9.9. 9.1 But liOw cotite• and' bOer 'shops.. 'A pie it inert, • e iti trented their seed for the past ten er • "Wlutt om I taking., this tor. ?" . • :... 01S 111 large corporations id far p10 9.t . •Peithips you pruned ' your' 'young i you- to 'join the a1 ri1Y1,'' ; , • . prosperity, .despite the war, .11: -'fol- fifteen years annuallY, and Without l'An Appetite," she7replled. .or than ever b'efere iii our history, and shade It this Miring. You ti inuted I Key, Dr. S. Parkes. ('8(1131 ti,, Ileookl. ..'Well, yoe see,' I .litul,:a wife, and loved prohibition. Italy hai '• tited fail, ;and the results have well repaid' ' -"An appetite," 'Ito, ' sear •• , with.Whet reaUlt? There is no ques- ofy the eilperftoeue twike so the mete 'pi, •M,V,„. is one of the °idea and'yet I. joilvd-.. the army. • because l•-• Tikes the num6ei ot selling ophice. , end thein for their trouble. We •have Also ipeated. ot ean'.t begin . 'tion AA to the :increased efficiency Of tree, could shoot oh . up tOWai'd.... the lirigliteid of. Amerienn ,pr:daelters, • in •peate." .' , •-•• • . . a " Atietila the hoursof talc. IP' ifiark keoNvil of , farniers Who hew never' ene,lialf I want to eatt• produetiori, the grerifer botal wealth Ault IloW littelY have you, snipped Off ; the course- of- a re•c.ent .addrese on ', ,and Mori* liave plated rat ti • ,•ietis treated qrsmut, andaheir ,otiin bat ;; - - .----1--- -4 --'-' ardo, of living, • and ' -Oni 'ability a the oxtail, the• impreted amid., your uselees branches? Did you quit ,ephe Moral Velues ' of *Life" he:said Instead of speaking his '6wri. mied or '061111,0a upon •'-th:e usref • ,rwit!ii, iisliss:mh:,tiozidi141.rdr the tittieicilg4i0eri; •fliBetiiisigt.editi• tiV...t.itehtn to 'that card elub• lpelltyl,“ it was. inter-. seine things:. .that have Made people numy, a nian echoes his Wife*. ,. • . and potatoes in making spirtzel it& . 41 . • .. ' •'• • . . . . , . 1 • • . -IAIM NG • • ••• • . ' • • t•.•