HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-07-06, Page 4N
'hursday, July t Its 8
sq. and Soietysrd
ou'rie kittid.IN 1) $.: SONS. Ltd.: tiuriph.,
. lasurenm. Fire and Marino.
T.INDna t. tateanow. that. Agent
i ad. ttr.lJiles of Ul..araucc. Vire cad l,ife
ret die , compuiel guaranteed. thdly
re..itient malit Sin iourlutow,AV the Lentioa
Mutual. A nuuthcr et village and farm
properties for
1. 9.0,'1. Lnow Lodge mos every Faidr."Y
et eninixot N'tr Clock in their Dalt, Vamp.
bra titrect. All brethren' conlially invited.
oilicersz-.Noble Urand. r. Aruistrootr4
itgattIgle'„IfffiVa )34;;:riZcy4.0.
Patel son.
A. i; A. ?4., G. U 0. 0141414 Lodge meets
every Thursday 'light on or before the Rill
moon. in the lliasonie114.1veleek strect
Lueknew. W. in.. v. X. Arestrong;S.11..,
O. Karlin; J. Davison; .S,t?cyVV
., W.
A. wades. -
C. 0.r. Court, Sherwooa. N. 00,
=eta CVCIVk1St Moaday or the month in
tho Visitibuthrethern
vordiallyinvued to attend. Chief Ranger,
John K Mil. Rec. Secy., Rat. timbal*
Fin. See .itobL3ohnt.on D IL
4,0. U, W 14Ucknow Ledge, NO. in,' megm
. seco_d; oudayoreaeli mentit,in the OLIA.
fellows' Dull. Master Workman, 3. Mtc
Diarmid; Via. Secy.,I): It. Macintosh; nee,
Glop Follcr; Treas„ Alex. 'toss,
O. S. FQWDE111 X4,. MS., D. CificouP
,ini attention to.goicl plate, crowning and
• . bridgework. Vialta N'grenter 1St, and artr,
'Weduesttay of cackmenth; Gerrte Thar.
• • .
Op A. NEWTQN„ IX D., S., Dentist, oiliest
Allin Block, Dueknow, chit, Ali modern
• • Methods used. ,13est. materials furnished.
• Crown and Dridgework. Painless est:reel-
. by thause of, the I test, simplest and
safest remedy. S011iN FORM. Newest
thing in artificial teeth. Alamiunt plates&
' nonlorealtehle
staltain lin ton Block', TeOswater. Spec
11 you take 'Er- -tours&Witb- -us: •
A411'ilati4 UPurt us for: trained help ts
many timen the itimber graduating.
tudent's are: '.entering each week.
, You may enter it any time.. Write
one& for our free catalegue,
McLAGHI.ANI: Principal
W4 want cream and will pay the
htest.market prides" for good
cream. "5ammeru,',-Creanterv •and: •
C41ieese • Vaetor.Pol..0•1*.trIVIs 4aVIOC
cream during Ifie•*Wiritee
WOUld do.well to ship to, us. We
weigh, sample and test each Can •
of cream Carefully that We receive, •
'and- return a Statement 'of 'Verne
•each, time. We furnish two cans,'
. pay express charges and issue
cheques Or cream twice each .
month, Write us and give ee a
trial. It will cost you nothing -and
we guarantee you ;satisfaction.
For fuither particulars vprite or
send for tans and •give us a trial.
The Seaford' Creamery, Seatorth, Out.
, Muskoka Lakes Lake' of Bays
. Georgian Bay Algonquin Park
French River Kawartha Lakes
,Maganetawan River .
..TemaganD, etc.( -
, Round, trip, tourist tickets noyp....on sale
,from t terfath•stations in .Ontario, at very
ldw rates, with liberal stop -Overs.
Muskoka . 'Express.
Leave Toronto 12.01 p.m. daily except
Sunday, and 2.05 a.m.- daily,. for Mus-
koka Wharf.: Cointectichni.are' made at
Muskoka Wharf for Muskoka Lakes.
Leave .Toronto .10.15 a.m. daily- except
Sunday; and 2.05 a.m. •daily for Hunts-
ville, for ponds on Lake of Bays. Equip-
ment the finest, .,.. '
.1uJ1 Ora -curare' on application to agents;
0. MARTINI Agent Lucknow.
Phone 2
working people. The peat .mase of
---.}.Monday, July .3.
I the Rus.siaps are tingal,living and hard
Haying is,the order of the day, - •
working. There' was a. great deal of
Tom SlIedayed. with Thomas
, drunkenness in:the eountry and its ;ill
Welsh. •• -
effect i must,' have been very. apparent.
Eurktimu erattue
Fithlistied every Ttratalay tr-qdr6.
,natir.Unew.-10;)tmlo,, •
Sittscrimien .$1.5;) per
T11.1711,SDAY, 311/107 9th, .19 6
1514,041C1.0S4 ALIWIITA.
t (tinf edeei: on Ito everung et %AIM
30tthe Weptintoxicatieg liquors over
tile bars became unittwfull'Alirongbout
the pthvince of Alberta.
Tim Alberta prohibition law hed, been
voted on by the venial() last Warmer and,
a very deeided majority favored it. This
inalfes theIltree prairie proxinees-'410-
iteba, Saskatchewan and .ifilberta-dry
territory. , The prohibition. Jaw AlCan.,,
jt�b. mi Aiberta are very striegeut. in
Saskatche*an the loesgilattir',1
the law without submitting it, to a vote
ai the•people,' It cut tut the 'bare and
'11qUor stores completely,:but made pro
Vision fees., limited sale of liencir by
shops conduced by the goiterement. °
' -Ontario's prohibition law comes into
effect an the lath .of SePambni'' '
• agn:Ltrt ttAricEs.tiAmt
Perlin, Ont., 'who
undertonk it :change the =IP of 'their
town evidently were'determined to give
things.Germaa the hardest slap possible.,
They net Only discarded' °Berlin" but
they selected as the uew name
cherier"Va name not very dear to the
Gernmalmart for some time Past. There
would,. of course, be the-elesise to
teile3 trent iS A tirgie, tWent3F-
tWi men two marooned with onlia fight -
hag chance cf survival. At •Sonth
fiker6lia„t.einall Pettish. puseaeto'i; east
eapolIere„ the golly inhabitant& are
=le NorWet3kna IltoltralWrio a. number of
wheie dad tbeir best to help Shackleton
revile the party oa Elepltalat
It et. eine tb.14ibee2-4);:ditienFaenever.
To be healthy at etventYi Prelgite at
fort*, is eound advice, hease in the
streugth of middle life we too ofteu forget
that neglected wide, or cerelese treat-
ment of slight achea and pains, simply
undermine strength and bring chrome
weakness for later xcere.
TO 1* stroller when older, keep your
blow). pure and rich atei aettire With the
strength -building and bo -nourishing
iatics of Ootro Etuinoton wikhisa
'able, on acCOnnt et tit() ler, to land 'oo Iood' a t°1111C aid amed'ewe tg keel) Your
bleed, rich, (11/eviata rheumatism and
the Antarctic eentinent. The eltiv Eii- weld SickneSso At any drug *tore.;
durance,did. not endure IAA fell a viettaa .°Scettet 11()Wil% %Monte, Qat.
to ice Pressuremad Anally sank, Novel--
ber gp, last Var. Afterdrifting on an
ice -floe for months, the llafortheate but
intrepid vnyagers reached Elephant Is=
land a week :before Easter ',with ,seant
suppl$, of fond:and fresh, water. On
• Ea:alter Mouclacy, about two months ego,
SliackletOrt,etarted with' live yoilltlieeTs
in onspf the beate for. South GeOrgia,
700 milee away, leaving twenty- two men
behind, and made their deetinatuer
three weeks. 4
:After that mneh good luck it is all the
more tragic.. that atteMpts to reach,
Elephant.Ieland have So:fee fraledd• Of
cow -se it is how 11114-Wintel:ili g.14 lati
• LOP- •The Men Whp were left ' behind
ith food fpr abobt ONO weeks
1.tnow .nothing „of :what has come of
Sliackletprea ferlorn li4e%und they hale
;three ,er fbur months to Waithhfere, the
iee,will be broken enough to let a rescue
• come through. Their oneChance is to
hve on seals, 654 and. fishy penguins.
.The thing hardly seems possible. could
not aeroplanes be.. utilized to get food to
those brave met4 The , Empire cannnt
afford to lose sueh splendid fellows, and
ezPense should not be a consideration in
the least,. even in these 'terrible days of
(kilos& Ali will pray for •a -rescue,
petnate the. name of Kitchener as well.
• It loos very much, however, as though
the patriots in the city took some satis-
fa9tion itt,. putting somethingunpleasant
down:the throatsof their fellow Citizens
of .German extraction:, and doubtful
lo.yalty. The 'recruiting. of the 11,8th
-Battalion at Perlia developed a' good
deal Of ill -feeling betWeen the. loyal and
tke,disloyal elements. • •
• A great many, .possibly the pro -German element Of the pleat:ire, must have
.refrained from voting on tlie selection of
a new name. The total vote cast was
•only 7-20. Of these, '346 voted in favor
of "Kitchener" s. the new name; 335
voted for "BroCk".; 23 for "Adanac;'; lb
for "Benton; '7 for. Torona'",,and 3 for
"Keowaita,". •
TheelectOrs atany-rate shedgood7
sensein avoiding that lant name,
The final step in changing the nathe
is not yet taken, as thV Lieutenant -Gov-
erner in Council% (which •means the
•Ontario Government) has yet to: .pate
upon the new name., Put there is little
likelihood that .the, dovernment will
undertake to oppose ' the Will of the
..The people of Russia evidently are
wellEpTeased with the..1•To Vodka, order
of ihe Czar. • On June 30t.h. the Duna,
7 ,
whieb the peopleS\ house of rePrenent-
tatiyes, passed a law .permanently pro:
bibiting the sale of beveragescontaining
mere thrin one'-and-one-laalf per cent ,of
•That is cutting it down 'pretty, fine.
k.he local option la:w -of Ontario permits
the sale, of liquor containing, tire) Per
dent oif kicohOl; lout aecprding to report
this is a verypoor substitute for lager.
• The prohibition lair. in Russia no
doubt, represente the wiflof the great
majority of the intelligent bUsiness and
' Dr. Digby Gillies, of Vancouver,,
B. Q, last week spent a few de.is with
his brother, Dr. M. If. 0i)lies, of
Teeswater. • ••••
Sutherland McDonald, formerly o
the Lighthouse, Sint Clark, •
wounded on the left leg on June 13th
during a counter attaek drt. German
, Ddessri. g. N. Butchart, of Edition
to, his hr9ther,• •Alex. Butchart; of
Burlington (formerly. of Edmonton),
'Visited former friends in Carrick, and
Mildmay last. Week.- ,
,• Among reeent caeualties • at the
Front is the death of Walter McLaren,
eldest son of Mr. .and Mrs. 'Alex.. Me
Laren, of ptuen Township, near Tiver-
ton. He Was 23 yearn of age, and Utt;
listed at Vancouver- •
If You ihave dandruff baldnegs i under
way. •Try the Renal' "9.5;' kair Tonic,
which all, Rexall,Prug Stores fully guar-
antee. 509. and $1.00 bottles.- J. C.
Armstrong.. , •.
The death of W. ,3. Jermyn, for
pally years a Prominent citizen' of
Wuirton, is repOrterl frora SaaltatAon",
Sask.. • On June, .19 Mr. Jermyn; Who
had gOne west to live'with a son; acci
dently 2 fell into. the , Saskatchewan.
River and was drowned: , He was 71
years Of age and had t)..q..0,1 in •Wiarton!.
• Southampton Orangemen are much
disappOinted In not being 'able ,:/to
arrange to have a celebration in their
town on July 1.2th! They have failed
to make arrangements with the G.T.R.
te have a special train.run froin pan-
erston. • Without this no successful
celebration' can be held, as.tho regular
train serVice would leave the visitotn
in the town over night. ,
Low Conr Livnvo.-:The Ripley
Express is responsiblefor thefollowing:
The high cost,of living is. "something
of the past::: in thin village. A prom-
inent reeidene informecrus that he is
$2-a. „week •and is _working
fieid-eVery. daon ibiW�f tare.
Says .it cost him in the neighborhood
et $5:11: week preVicous to the time he
ccminenced to prepare his own food,
and states he is Saving 43 a 'week by
having,What he relishes and not eating
expensive cuts Of meat. , This gentl&
inan'a bank 'riceount sheuld inereaso at
a taPid ra,te,a4: he is making money .at
every meal he partakes of.
•Sergt.. Duncan McKerrocher; for a
nhert time assistant paymaster cf the
• Otli (Bruce),Dattalion, died, at his
home in Paisley on junis 23rd.• He
enlisted *'With , the 160t1a soon 'after
organization began, and very soon after
was taken ill. He Was sent to. the
hospital at Louden, but did, not im-
prove, and Was brought home two
weeks before bis death. His. illness
Was 'due to liver and kidney trouble,
for whicli the medical profession can
do , little. . Col; Weir attended _the.
latge funeral on Sunday., 'tile 25th of
June, and made a short addreftS;
• PAttmt1t*Fidirr.--4' &UM Of crier,
nal dasatilt was trik beforo Judge
Klein tat the CoUrt 110tide, Walt ertim,
on Wednesday of lacit week, the de.
fendant being Charles. Calhoun and
the plaintiff Samuel Kingston, two
farnierS. It appears that
bad 'feeling had • exis between the
wo parties for a . eon iderable time,,
gn tie ht clay Cif Juuo the two
°PriNfake Unfold.,Y7aNeni_cif London,' - . gvidently_ _conditions,aince-the-
, ••
.• spent the week,end at hie luf.nne here..
outbreak' of the war and the prohibition
' Miss Nellie Me/Millen spent Sunday of the manufactory and sale. Of vodka
with her cousin, Miss, Elle; Armstrong. ' •
contrasts very favorably With what (bey
• . "-miss .$0410 Me.Leod spe(4 a few days -were before, and the better element has
of:last week..rith, lier 1thstert Mrs' 41" Conte to the :conclusion that total prohi-
. bition will lae a good. thing in peace as
Russel' Peid has purohased a new wall as in war tittle.
:Stirdebaker.oir. -We overheard some of ,
The (..Jzs.r'S prohibition order applied
...oar y6,041449! saying I that .they did ,
- i-prtly to VodlraWlilth;va Ile poor mane
• .:11orie _his son woaid learn to drive it.. . .-
.drink;but the Duma evidently thinks
' Armstrong. •
The stork Paid a visit to mu. neighbor -
that what is gond for the' peOr is good
-hood-hn3t-Safttrdar-mortthxi-aod;-fV:"e-al'sO-for Ore -ACE:, and -by citbingtheiI
grie bebY boy at the .boine 'of Mrand eoliona beverages which May be sold
.Frager. • 0ong4ttilatione. down to one and one hall per ant it
Quite a number from 'hire: drove to will catch thp Wiees and beers of the
Ripley Sunday evening to hear the Revrich"as well as the vodka of the poor.
• - Dr..Soluisteri; of Montreal, preach, Any. The bill has not yet becomelaw, and
one who waq, lucky etiongh to Irt.tinside must be passed by the upper house ahd
the .church Wai favored by an , excelleep the czar. before doing so, but the move•-.
rmon,• , . nient,„having gotten under %fay, is not
se ••
• • . • likely to he given ; up. Besides, the
The National Exhibalon. Czar is a well-meaning lean and must
• , see that sdbriety after the , war will be
"A glance eyer the Premien). List for .as necessary as during it - • •
1916, just issued by the Canadian Na- • • • • 4
tfonal Exhibiiion, shows a tria.rked ten- AN, ti,L.STARRED ENTERPRISE
deney throughoutito give encouragement • , '
to -utility breeds. and 'types, and with f.Dally Advertise!),
this objectla lewtheDoininion Govern Amidst tbe roar of the great artillery
:meat has again contributed '8,1400 'to the ear is almost deaf to the story of Sir
the ,prizee, the EAllibition has4d-d
ed Ernest Shackleton; The arleditiOn
another $000,and the Heteford Society.
i h was to trese the Aritaretie eon.
tirient and. achieve , great result for
seleace.htte bon overwhelmed *ith mis.
ibriane, aect how ati Elefilailt Leland
.a.sndiar amounf. A hill elassilimtion
••has again beim given to ali gravies and
,fer the Orat time reserv_e ribbons wilt be
siteetila all classes of live st454,
men met eu the road, Kingeton driviug
4 buggp *Some hot words passed
between them otd Calhoun, tried to
pull Kiogston Mit of the buggy and
failing, to do so, jumped into the buggy
and , beet up ins opponent with his fists
so badly that tlie Wbole left. side of his
face wim.readored -lfack and blue, his
left aye badly discelored anhe d tright
side Of his face painfully bylined. A
'doctor was•stunnion-dclto and 'the, man
conned to the bailee for several days
after the beating.: Upen heat ing the
evidence the Judgo found the- accused
guilty of the offence and asseesed
41U 00. fee the part be -hid played; In
the affair.-Biliee Tint,tes,'
$00 AND ,QosTs.--From the Walk-
• erton TFIeseope we take the follo.wit4;
'Again it was demonstrated bete . on.
Monday that breaking 'the Zvi:iv 11..„
cerise law is one of the most eirpensive
pastimes in, which a Man can indulge.
Two Chesley citizens. Gordon Lloyd,
liveryInen, and John C (like) Tears,
Bell Telephone foreman, ap•peared be -
'fore Magistrates Toltoii and Richard.,
soni-,andre----kned *300 and costa
each fer"sellbig liquoi ,wiihout a license.
It happened on the Big;Al ilitari Day
June 3rd. It had been anticipated that
liquor would be brought,in f roar ou 'side
for the big -day, so two spotters *ere
on hand from • the P, ovincial • Der t,
According to the evidence of the Spot
ters, Robinson and Ringer, they were
"so'd a bbttle of whiskey each in Lloyd''
livery office between .twelve and 'one
o'clock noon:- Lloyd: and his helper
swore that the eiRce was locked at that
hour, Tears swore he Wes not thereat
all. in choosing between the stories,..
.themagi4rate Preferred to belieVp ;the
'spotters .on "the ground that they Were
not paid for getting, ,odavictions and
hadnot the va me inducethent to..pu rj u r 6
theniselves as the otrier melt. They
•made the naieinium fine in each. ease'
Lloyd paid $314 23 end Teav's43 13.4,
E 'Klein, of Walkerton, prosecuted
ahd E. C. Ppereinan, of Owerr- Sound,
appeared for the fiefendanta." •
, .
Cheerful tuidande to a Happier, Healthier Life
By the Philcisopher-PhYalciao
• The time seems to have pass-
ed when the average. Man can
succeed lay medest and .unas-
suming atethoda. All the .nice
things that ••have . been said in
• fayor of modesty fail to 'stand
• the test .w n 'brought into the
pull and hau lof every day life.'
• Tbere Is now rid then a Mod-
est hot an i tensely. earnest -
man who makes a great success
In life, but such ,men are the:
!Inception.. If you are going to
Makeyourself known It le no
longer the'thing to cluietly.pass.
out a card -you must advance
with a trumpet and blow, a
brazen blest td shake the stars.
• To stand'With I:ftedhat and
'solicit a heating savors. of men-
• dicancy ad an humble spirit.,
Bold assurance While It disgusts •
some of .,us Will win' nine times
out of\ ten. The modest and dif-
lidera' man may Starve in a gar-
ret; theris is. but little- chance
'for him In these strenuous days
of the World's existence. • There
seerha -to be nothing noW-a-days
so condacive to suCcess. •aa:,
•cheek, and the more cheek the
better. •, Modesty • may • be a
good -and- beautiftif thingTbut-en,
'perience Seems to' orcivi that if
We 'Wait far oUr tuith In • this
world, our•turn rimier Comes.
'But Oh, that we.mfght piss out
of this age of eordld self -seek -
bib and impudent .ainiertiveness
Into something larger and sweet-
er and finer. Give, ths lesayeest
In our bread end more, sub-
' stanee;fil oar :cups with wine
rather than froth, and for sweet
pity's saki hang op ,the trem..
bone and the bass drum and let
"silence, like a poultice, come to
heel- the bfows af sound."
(Copyright. 1810, IV WG. Chaptaan.)
Many Sueuensful Rulds and Fearful'
Ourniro •Oorrearalizeoi. Germane • •
Who Lo 'Heavily • • •
•-•-•?,eia st
The British ofil atement issued
ThUrsday eight Teed:. "I:haring the lat)t
'Meaty -four ,houre it large number of
-.cur reconnoitring mad raiding parties
entered the euelny's trenebee at var-
Ione points along the entirtt,. treat of
the Iiritieb, army. All thein enter -
Prises were successful Mt eckeving
their .ohleetr Indicting heavy 'menet-
ties Ati the .Oermans and eaptnring
Prisoners. and war stores. In several
instaneee our troops remained for. a.•
Considerable period itt the German
repelliug c011uter,attacks .acrOSe'
• the. ,open. One .Of ;these enterprises
took Place After the discharga of gas.
Our troops, enteringthe german
,trenches,, fOttnr.1 a considerablelinno-
ber Of 'dead.. Oar casualties were ia-.
signiaCant. • The artillery of both sides.,
Jias beea. .active along the froiat.•
• Hos-
tilo ,trenehea .were rnuch dantaged itt
inaiy .plates. The interinittent
eltatN, of smoke end gas. has ;aroused,
. the c Livities or.the reaenlY'S gans and
ettollostei.4)dushp to dieelese Me hatter*
Countless Shells Used
• All, the Londen newspapers print
length.Y. accounts of .the extravagant
ree ;of shellsby the -British forces ,in.
Ounce and Flanders. The Daily Mali
•,SitY•s:' "The gerniane are anSwering
our great 'bonabtird.ment. aucl are. well
supiiVed with, shells, but tiny .have
never. before-•-eMPIOyed :artillery on
Snalf.a•Seitle Wee wide: a front as we
ere'doieg. Anextensive, as against an
intensi$ method. is on trial and has
clearly hutch. agitated. • the enemy,
caused bin) considerable losses and
left .our •infantry free to enter his
trenches at night I here, thereand
everywhere." • •`• . • •
The Timea•headeuerters' correspon-
dent says:. "The . British retain the,
initiative and are inflicting heavy
losses' with surprisingly !Anal casual,
tier" to themselves. At no point. haa
• there in position:7Tahne7-grPeoul7nmelatlarntost'cileavnergys-
where is deep in Mach and the trench -
ea full of water and 'while' the British.
have harried the enemy badly, . no
•,attempt has- been made iii anY ot the
raids, to hold • or.. consolidate grovind
twooinu.ii itaccuiroeimiii eicotssitsatrialplvoihints4hwags iblaeetyne
been *4:my succesafal,'„! • '
• "Hour For Action Here" \ •
•Premier Rriand- returned to Paris
Monday after a conference with the
British' contmander. Sir Douglas Haig,
on Saturday and-SundaY,at the British.
front.- The hour of action for the
allies- is- Iferer.says- The -Matin: "At-'•
tack • .succeeds defence on ;many
•fronts." It says the, outstanding facts'
are that the have increased en-
ormously thedz material-. supplies,' and
by close exchange- of views have im-
planted a common directiveideainto
the .Otieratiotis, now beginning , along
. •
all fronts.7. , ••
• •
CAPITAL ANRESERV48, 0-k8,800,000
• 90;nraivphis' in. CP,114dA
A Oencral Banking 110ainess. Transacted
Circular Letters, or Credit
Bank Money Orders
° insterest atto'wed at highest current..rate
P010 : -*.000101:00 $075..Q0 -Oshawa
If you buy the. Ckevrolet you are
gettilg a car that: looks like 'a, •
$1000 car and that rides like a'
$t000 car for $675.
- — -
Former Consular ikgene P4a-de . Dra.
matic Plea -td -Court-Counsel
, • Appe41-:-Re;clitig's !Charge
Viscount'. Reading, L'ord• Chid Jus-
' tice of .Eligland, with the black. plat'
spread ,OVer • his. -"head, and his to•
• associates in..Scarlet ,gowns, likeWise•
black -capped, .pronounccei.-t the. 'Sen-
tence .ef death for high treason oh .
Rdger .00m:bent *Thursday. after-
noon, their an hour after the forenian
.of the Jury oaVe the .verdiOt of 'minty,
'Sir Roger l''tad's addressed the court,
reading • his. final ! statement. . Daniel
2,_,Dailey„ the privite.stildia.Who- had
been helcl as his accomplice; was after-
wards pieced in the dock. The •Chiet.
' Justiee directed the 3ury to, return :a
verdict of not guilty, aud. Batley was
by :Feeral•,''
• Casement declared he did' net re.„
gard trial by 'Englishmen: in; an 'Erig...•
lish Cauit a• 'trial by his peers,
to which he Was •entitled; . With
sweeping:gesture Of his .arm..Sir Roger
continued.: ,"1-leiv• would all Men hero:
feel it an -Englishman had landed -in..
England. and had • been taken to .Ire:
lahd, 'if . that man' had been'. Placed
before a jury:in a Conimanity: indented
'against -him, believing; miin , to, 'be a.,
• criminal?" •• ' '
Michael Francis :Doyle, 'counsel Per
Sir Roger, gave out ..the following,
statement: "The verdict., through re-
grettable to us; as ,not 4 'surprise,
We will take' aa ha:mediate appeal to
the Criminal Court bf Appeals, and
then to the House of Lords, if neces-
-'sary, because we feel that the: paint
of law involving' a statute 500 -.years
Old under .Which Sir Roger was -tried
'never has been legally' tested."
• Fact,' -got • Motive Counts
dedning high treason, taron
_Aeeding .otte of: eix-
'oVert acts _charged against Ihn.pribon-
,er Was. found properly proved, . then
,.that meant that' a Verdict of guilty:.
should be returned: If the prisoner •
knew that* hIs actiona were helping
eneniies of England, then, although
he had . another ulterior InOtive,,
was aiding and abetting the eneray.
(Intended for last week)
Miss Thompson, of Lendonvis visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Dan 144ergtison.,
Mrs. Ed: Giltbore and faintly &re visit-
ing friends in Chepstowe.
Mrs. Gilmore is visiting heedenghter,
era- O'Hara, near Chesley. • .1.
Mr. arid Mrs. Jrie Swan, of Holyrood,
spent 6nday With friends here.
:Mrti,_ Donald 1,1oSe, er., of .Edmohton;
is spending& week or so here. the -guest
et Mr. and Mrs, 11, F. Headman. •
Pte. Clarence fTettdetsott wan home
Man Walkerton for a dayor to last week
previous to the battalion's leaving for
Loncleif ,
Mr. Mary, *Lean arid her grand-
dtughter: Miss Marion McLean, of 'Cal-
uict Miob., is risitiefs:h& brother, Mr.
A, Ca platil,
ContraCtor Kelly ulity
Thomas•Relly, has been found guilty
Of theft,- receiving,. end . obtaining
Money by false pretences in connee•:-_,
doh With: contracts for the Man'itoba '
;Parliament ;Buildings. A,; verdict of
guilty. on four out.,of the five, counts,
in 'the indictment was tolind •hy the:
jury in the Assite- Court at" Winnipeg
en Thursday atter it had deliberated
for three hours. •Kelly had spoken
in his .own. behalf, being uhrepresent.
ed counsel. Leave. to •• appeal Wits
ranted and sentence >vat; not Ini
po'sed by lustiee Prendergast..
• D , ,.• •
• •
Ottawa announced, on •Tueeday.
Canada's trade for Mity shoivs a re-
markable ilieregae both itt exports and
imports over May of last year. Im-
ports totalled e70430,000, en ,increaso
of a little over $35,000,000, �r 100 pdr
co•nt., as compared witl; May:of last
year. • 'Exports totalled $100,000,000.,
-Monday, -Safi 3.
• Me and Aire. M °Donald, of Toronto'
Visited Mrs, Beckett last week
Charles Stewart has, got a Orni.f)orr
car.• What's the matter with Clairlit.?
lir. end .Mrs, Dave Taylor e.nd family
motored from Detroit ote day lent week
' MIAS MOMIllartlofWhiteslitirshl %leo
, START .Now
There's no thin like .the- present.-
. .
Put off saving and-ydu‘wel never
accumulate a'competence. .tart •
• a 55vipgs-zatcount at the Bank, of
Flirniltori Smatl. sums.
received from $1.00.upv,-Ard.
A, GLENNIE, Manager.'
Capital ,Authorized $5,000.00o
Capital Paid.up - $3,000.000
Surplus $3,475.00o
. 4,40‘....m..h.,,,,"!.......i.,4,........‘,....4..."&"44,..
" . COOL SHOES. for Hot Weather.
Something CoOl. for the Fek is Now in Demand
• We have a beautifi.1 line of Puinps and Strap Slippers, in Vici Kid •and
Patent, at prices front 1.75 hp to $5 50. .,, • .
, • • Shoes. Barefoot Sandals for the kiddies- just the thing
. We have a, full line of Women's, Miss
es' and Children's Outing '
See our Ladies' High Cut, Bal. "Classic Make," price $4.50
for vacation. .
: ONOifilitiams.vhov..1~4.1tpelboo;b4/10144rotoulitgolobARAgIAARairliria 0
1110 past' vvenk at the home of :Mrs:
M rs, ;Allen and family, of 0 tmlachit.
spent ' the holiday • with the. 'former's
A number flora ;here S,attentiod the
pionte-at A -he end: of the l2th at 4
,1),ort.a. spiel -1(11d '
' ;11,Yr. add;;Nirs'. Perri; M McKinnon'
find 'l'earl.-and' Frank firi 11111,
slreflIettoil,' wit ept Mrs.. McKinnon
mid babe, nf 'Park"' i 'arc spending some
ch. ys at ilia Immo pr.Mrs; Griflj n.
• -
•• 'A/Oohing .
'Untende(I for lea Wetik)• :
• ,Milet Beryl Solt nston is home • for the
summer veektion., •
Jack Swan, of Lothian, is frequent'
Matelt i ng visitor. tif Int
r• and ' Lothieri,
visited Mr; and Mrii. Thon. A nderann,
Atitm. ;‘,1. ltarrison, mri-Poterborri, flin -
guest of. Mr, and Mrs, Anson PinlaY
this w6e1c,4• . ”
Mr,•Ilobt. Pit zge d lam invonted in
new...Peel ear: The: mifoi nfleffitti: Aso
nitn• busy i his borl nod. ,
liallmrsnii, of the"
liattalion; Toronto, Mul Menders. Bark,
wello.f.Lochalohl. were week -end petite
,t lin ..1..drs..,11Vm,Fitothorst
•1 :
„DErnNp the.114NyilE
livery' Woman h 'tows the discoMfOrt of
of dusting -but feat realize its dangers:
Dust cousistspi very Muhl particles PI
.of them finely -ground ;
mitieral saktitances, and the rest flaky
.atoitis of dried vegetable and animal
matter: • As it is blown through the
*air, it collect,, germs *Ina microbes of
every ilegcriPtion a:or-front:a' sorts
of places, end settles, still hOlcling•
these dangerous little organisms, onto
floors and 'carpets. Here .it r.entains
consiantly. in!ireiving Trent
,more dust falling on it, atzd the aid-
e! °hes grow in manlier. . •
A long colliesn broom.-4the heavier '
'dirt is swept along, but the fine, gray,
microbe -Weil trust is thrown Op 'in
eiMals, to settle on tables, chairs,'
picture frames, and,
every oilier place that a Minute par -
tide eau lind a tinting Made: As it
„flies, it earriesgerins of many dienasta
nitti7ggs Owf ittlit%liwitt)riientibt rweliittrithefttloniti°1g the
;r1Wor ping„ and of children and every-
body else itt tbe house, • •
When people are in a Very geed'
physical Conilitioit, .these disease
germ aro tiantilly.successfatly resisted
lait when a, man, woman �r child
•Igit•ra,n t uner lt•Itrs 64thsebtf
10 relttler microbes harmless, andthen
it is that'du Al gorilla. Carty the:great-
est danger of sickness or death.
.Use Diwthane when you sweep