HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-07-06, Page 3r• • .MISERYTJ .That 1;.; What.MakeiaPeOPle •. Weak .and.. languid, ' The 0110 ource o Moat a the. vato••• • ery that ahildrenffecte. Men and wernen and .esi.eloi.e.,4,47.410.404m. .greWing' cpov.erty . of the - • Into binett If you coneult . a fleeter he ' lotred. by Rear ..0.(Hundred's saya 'Eyou 'are anacraie,' 'whieb eUycif opms. • • means bitsnileee. That iswhat makes • people drag aloilg, always tired, never You will have read in, the corn - Teal lianralt, .ofteri Unable to . digesh• mimic* bow .yesterdaywe exploded. their food, breathless .aftnr the .slight; 'three mines inthk enemy's trenches • eSt. e*ertnni,, lila• too often on. Om verge 14 complete brealtdOwn. , . . -More weak; anaemic people have been niede- 'strong, energetic and cheerftil by. taking Dr.' Williams Pink Pille than by any other raearia. These. .111' Frenee'' . . • pille actually Make new, rich bleed- ' You must inianine yourself .to be Which reaches every pert of the body,. vvith ,me 'en a Piece of rising .ground, strengthens the nerves and brings new health seed strength, ' The folloWing is PrOof of -D.4 Williams Pink Pills tote. store health.' M. Gee. Turner, New 44-44744. pRINGING MINES UNDER GERMANS INCIDENT IN' THE 'DAY! EIGHT. ;NG AT THE FRONT. .-near Sonches and followed it up with , beiltbardment„ i'h.appened to See 'the operation thiesdescribed under nn- •ustially favorable conditions, writes a cerresPondent at British Headquarters looking through a peephole in a ruin- ed and broken wall, i3e1Ow „lies an tilmost leVel' country, with. the ruins of. two villages in the • near distanee Reven, NS., sitys—"No doubt due to .and a-tatch of woodland; appareittly constant hard werlt• I gob in a badlY some •200or 300 yards in length, Two . run down condition. It took Very lit= or three high roads CO diagonally tle.'exertien to tire'me, and my appacregs the country in straightlines, Ute was far froru being good. Often I their courses marked by what .were • had headaches, and when gn oing Up 'oce fine avenues eof trees but. are stairs, Or after any slight exertionmy. now Mere skeleton" lines of battered heerb Would palpitate violently, and and leafless trunks. The aearer of I grew conSidei•ably alarmed. aboub the ruined villagesand the patch of my":cendition, I decided to take Drwoodlandare in our linee; the fur - Williams 'Pink Pills and after using ther village is occupied by the en- 'avfew boxes I felt muck:bettere I con- erhy, In the -further distance, where tinned using the pillslor Some Weeks the, lines ere so close together , that longer,•and they Completely cured Methis section has' seen, •pdrhape, as I can warmly recommend this medi- much hand grenade fighting as • any dna to men Who are . weak or run pert of the front, it is impossible to down." •tell which lines •arc - German • and You can get theseliills through any which Bribleh. es medicine destler or by mail, post paid, There is not a movement to be seen. • at 50 cents a box or siX boxes for Somewhere behind us a large British • $2.50 from The Dr, Williams Medicine howitzer, Which we have come to Co.,- Broekville, 'Ont. speak a as "Peter." bursts • into a periodic roar, and a great shell goes WOODSMEN IN CONTEST.. htirtling invisibly over us to explode • ' far ar it the enoy''S ceuntrY On Our left Now and again other guns Mnoris Win. in Tree Felling and ' • make remarks, but in a perfunctory , Canadians in SOS'ing. way, while • somewhere. overhead •an Despatches from British headquar- aeroplane is droning, in the sky. It. ters in France tell of alriendly eon_ is towards the end of a hot, drowsy • test, in tree felling, weed chopping afternoon, and, it it was not for "pe - and sewing among the finest woods- tee's punctual disturbancees one feels • then in the British Eniiiire, Canadians, • 'Australians and New Zealanders. • • The Contest arose from a ,friendly • argument among the soldiers concern- ing the prowess of the woodsmen •of •their,sectien of, the 'woe& •• • '. A date was set for the. Contest and• the teams assembled beeches and elms of about two feet in diameter were . selected.' Each team of three menewaS to'fell three trees. The Cana- • dian team, to the ragthne music of 'an , Anzac band, was started off first, aand the brawny Soldiers Swung their aXes •with leisurely but powerful • strokes that bit deeply. into the living wood. -Th-C-picked Canadian team had been - called away to duty and was 'enable ' to take parte but its substitute brought the three trees crashi the round tall 30 seconds we watehed the ugly iFree Map ThO :IMPS of the Porcupine and Cobalt Campo, hashed in • • •colore, aro now anent ready for distribution to all war) are in• • tereeted. These will prove) lay- Naluelge to those aingious) to obtain eilc.0000 •tlio mining ,market„ The Issue is Li!nited • Tile Your Application at -Once A Postcard Will Bring It. Frivate whe'cormecting all markets HAMILTON wrus ()Keniher'Standard Stock Pxchango, 4 KING 4TREET EAFOT, Wonolno. WHAT JAPAN IIAS DONE FOR ALLIES HAS SENT TO -RUSSIA A GREAT MANY •GtTh.l.S AND" RIFLES, . - • pad • 251),400. Tons • of, War Vessels • Helping British at One Time. •• ., • '• The fallowing article by a member of the British House of Comniens, Percy Alden „I)LP., throWe new light an the attitude of Japan as the 'ally. of Britain: • •• Japan has more than 'fulfilled her treaty obligations to Great 'Britain. This is recognized on all hands. It is not always recognized to what an ex- tent) she has gone beyond her pledges in the assistance which she has cheer- fUlly rendered to Russia. . I called upon a distinguished Jap- anese statesman in Londoh, with a life-long experience both of Russia. and China With'e-Viiv-v-te aseettam- ing how far Jap"an has met expecta- tions in respect. of the production of munitions and the aid rendered to Our allies. Not . Bound • by Treaty. "First let me say," he replied; in that it would be 'a „scene of perfect, -if- answer to my question about- the pro. - desolate, peace. ' • •• duction of munitions, "that Japan not a. great industrial nation. Her • • , A Great .Uplieaval.• only tette Government arsenals are • ‘• situated at Tokio arid Osaka: • Until We were looking at the wood when quite. recently—in fact,: Until- this war the thing happened with a sheek. as --the policy of thee.Government was sudden as if one' chair had unex- to' keep the manufaCture Of enuni- pectedly broken under one. With a tons • in its own hands, but lately the snetained roar as of a hundred "Pe- ters,"•:it seemed sie .all the earth immediately beyond the .wood leaped into the air. The trees screened the actutil surface of the giound, so that pressure from Russia has been ' s0. great that we • have • been compelled to enlist the assistance of many small factories and workshops. • . . • '41 d net.think be• any even leaking down from our height, • harm in saying that 'before. very long we saw only what lose above the tree we shall have sent o Russia, in ad- SCENE otia VW RECENT GREAT •Nto.VA114 lama ' • ; • Geranany Taft Part of the Peninsula •FaMOIAS SeveneDeYs." War. • Jutland, or, as:the Danes call it, Jylland, which the recent naval battle has brought into such prominence, is well described as) the continental por- tion of the skingdoin of Denmark. FiftY Years. ago, before the famous Seven Days' War", which ultimately resulted in the lose of .Schleswig-TIol- stein to Germany, the whole peninsula • belonged to Denmark; but- since lben the southern portion has liven. Ger- man territory.. The Cinibric penihsula of the ancient geographers, Jutland extends northward froth Lnbeck op • one shore, and from the mouth of the Elbe ori' the other, for a *distance of some 270 miles, ultimately taliering off to the pte'moritory of the Ska.w, which reaches out toward Sweden, be- tween the Skagerrak and the. Catte- gat• •• . 'Mists •Are Frequent, •, • StrictIy''speaking, of.. • course, • the northern portion of the peninsula is an island, unless ethe bridge thrown abtoss the Ulm fiord at Aalborg can beaccounted a true connecting link, At AaalbOrg the • fiord is narrow enough, but before it reaches the old cathedral city of northern Denmark, with its busy port and inarkets, the Liim fiord passes ' through many phases. From the point where the sweeping line ef sand dunes is broken through by .the North Sea at Thyborne the fiord, as it .spreads itself • east, widens out into great lagoonee...laps • the shores of many islands, little and big, and creeps round many peninsu- las: •.It naire.lvs into a channel at Glyngore, then Widens out into a great lake stretching fifty miles north and eouth,. narrows again 'at, • Leg- stor, widens once more beyond, and so ere to Aalborg, and through a narrow •channel swim thirty Miles to the steel blue waters of the Cattegat. Thus is the water-Oay complete -between sea and sea. It is of little value, however, as a through passage for shipping. In many places. it is less than twelve feet deep, and, on the western side,. • the seaward banks of the lagoons are • frequently broken away, and what channels- there are through them are constantly shifting: The western coast of Jutland has but httle thet is hOspit- able to offer.' • Low and 'sandy and windswept, shallow waters are the rule everywhere, and the mists spoken of in the accounts of .the recent.great' .44-4S4. Camphor Ice Soothes. arid .SMO.C4111- ,chap04 hands and hps ri,eeps. the Skin 10: Wd- in luct4l boxes. and tin tubes • . at .aernists and general stores everywhere. Refuse s4stitute3. ' Free booklet on request. 7f.qif `1;•1 ' . 'cuEsEen.puog MFG. CO. • (e.000.4;04,gd) 3ssoC.1;41:ot Ave, bleatrktit EW IVIETFODS DEYELOPNIENT. 01; • SQUADRON ..SYSTEIII IN FRANC... - -- FORESTS. AND SliStot EIRE> em...ty Moo Damao Done .114 Canada b • Voreat Eire* Than by War. "Of the forests of thorn =- Main but a few mutilated! trunks. It is a' field of &Matto, _levelled' by ?belle . This. was Witten Of a Fr000h for- est following a deluge ofGertnan are tglIery. • It might as easily lave been written of thousands of square ignites in•all parts of Canada follOwing the deiuge og annual forest lire% Nothing can save the magniAcent Erencla foreets but an Eastward re- adjustment 'ref the trenches. No :such grim neee'seity, however, feece the •Citisad Ian Provincial and Federal atm. ernments in the relatively simPle task of keeping our ready-made wealth of timber free from needless confiragra- liens. No army peed fight•for it; no WO need be sacrificed.- All ithat is re- quired is .commop,senso ergenization, andethat is precisely where most • of •'Canada'e forect-guarding, systeres are weak. In Ontario, for instance, few of the many. radical' improvements ef modern exPerience •have yet been in- coroerated, In 'the prairie provinces, cIaj the feet .thet the .'nertheirs parts of Arlenitoba, Stiskatehewan and • Alberta are destined by nature fon growing valuable' crops and develop- ing water powers for future 44187 , tries, forest prOtectien is applied only in patcites and a huge,tresource turned - to secondary account The. fire:satire 'of 'conservation Senti- ment, however, is neaking itself felt. British alunitia and Quebec and Nova Scotia now lead the Pienessien of provinces in. building up 'forest .pro. ' te,ction laws and organizatiens. Their annual Savings in timber riches well $ repay their efforts. Ontario„ New Brunswick and the Federal Govern- ment can with relatively small ex- pense -----in some cases, no extra ex- pense whatever -7 -piece timber wealth now under their care on a ba- sis which would reap 'enormous bene- fits for present and future. The job of ridding a country of forest fires has been proved by experience to be comparatively simple. • NO MEDICINE AS GOOD ' FOR LITTLE ONES earisionsmesiesessisaisomose,000100011 Fort Evam SP6R14 AND nECREAUCCO Sold Ay gexl 814e Deekgs, , Wow,: r.„Erzgreksr. . a tile. kait'algY ••so; Her Agreement • "It is a miitake to marry to rearrn him."• . "Still, there are fetv men in ilitc",•11 a girl "can't effect some irapnv,a. ment,9." • 4,444444,44.4,44 • • synp.• r07,47.70:1A .41A.To - crynr. , • rpwar.e. • • 4,70 /Irmo •p.re 'der et .0e •s- eels: limited, • rat • quota .te.n.• 14 .sA l•ria•tt•90a. •. • , , . • , P. • . • te • . ?. • Method of Training, Aerial ;Strategy • and Typ.es of Machines • • • Changed. • , • France has Completely reorganized her air service, •her "fifth arm," and the results are becoming, more appar- ent every day. • The so-called aviation crisis which a few months ago brought about the resignation of the Under Secretare( of States, who was in charge of that department, led to sudden feverish activity, out of which has come a new air service, with new metheds of training, new methods of air fighting, a new class of airmen and even new types 'a air machines. France here again has shown to the world a new examine of her genius for creation and for organize - tion in the very midst of the tre- mendous strain of fighting a war for the salvation, not merely of France, but of all the allies; aS Sit Edward Grey has se handsomely' . acknoWl- edged. General Reeves laid down the lines far the reconstruction of the Service, and started the reforms. • The signal success of his work in this connec- tion Ied to MS appointment ,as Minis- ter a •War, in so eession to ,Genetal • • naval battle fought off its coasts are. Squadron Policy. tops—a swirling, brown -black, mass, •dition 'to 'a lar•e numb • f f durerent calibre a great many rifles, familiar enough to the dwellers' on the • • . o guns 0 reaching"alinost the full length of the •• / "Japan has no' great wealth -of nee hungry land 'Which looks up. on to the One of the meet striking manifest- ENGLAND TO_HONQR .FRANCE. • North Sea, as the Romans might have bit of woodland which wreathed and ' put• •• Of aperating aeroplanes in squadrons July. 14, Gallic National Holiday • to ations of the new system is the policy mounted slowly into the air. For a • uo • • Once a mother hasused Baby's Own Tablets far her little ones she will use nothing else. The first • few doses make her realize there is nothing, to equal them in making baby well and keeping him well. Concerning tbeitn Mrs. C. E. Stilwell, Winthrope, Sask., writes:—"r have used• Baby's Own Tablets for the past ten years and have found them so good for my little ones that I always keep a box in the house." The Tablets are sold by medicine 'dealers or. by ;nail at 25 edits a .• box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ng g .. in 45 minutes and g2 seconds. . ' massrisinglazily upwards, while not ' . The Australians then tackled their a gun spoke. The, as suddenly as • task, and swinging their axes More the first shock had come, pandernon- • quickly than the Canadians, managed ium broke loose. At first it seemed to ' it in 31 minutes and 8 seconds. A be all our shrabnel. How many guns great roar from theeinterested spec- we. had trained on the devoted spot of - tators, soldiers off duty for the most shattered earth where the mines had part, when the time was announced. been exploded it was iinpossible to • Then the alaeris - of • New ' Zealand, guess but . the precision of the •fire • brown sons of the forest, Were start- - ed on their teak, and a murmur rose from the watchers as they saw •the swift, tireless swing of the axes, • wielded by'. the muscular brawn men. ' Their -efforts did not slacken, indeed then the madnese spread. they seemed to. quicken, 'Ms the axes .In less than a couple' of miliates • bit. into the hard wood anethe chips from the first explosion of the mine, _ flew out. ;.,The Maoris felled the three guns,—more guns than I had dreamed 1. trees in 22 Minutes and 40 seconds, could be concealed there -,-were in thus easily Winning- first prize. action along some two • or three miles• .In the Weed sawing contest, how- of front. They were -not alt eur guns ever,the Canadiana came to the fore. now; but as thickly • as they had been . , • • , . ----0.--• bursting beyond the wood, We saw sse e „ •, Cab, Sir? Cab, Sir? ' the little tell-tale Puffs of white 'ris- ant People a Mir' sending . a large was beautiful. The white tufts . of T- it -to herself, as well as to the cause the bursting shells were so thick to.. • fcir which' she • has unsheathed her gether that almost instantaneously 1 sword." . "I notice that some people have wood- had become -pearl -grey. And": • • tufal resources and a good deal of tha .and in • sub -squadrons, or "esqua- eequisite material has to be imported. ' The Jutlanders. • chilies." This has impliedtheteach- As everywhere, and shipping as scarce; The history cif •Jutland is, of course, Mg of ,- squadron commanders, not As there is a demand for such meter - this* is no easy matter: Itis hardly the history of Demnark. It, no doubt, merely for. thehandling of their eom- necessary to remark that Japan is in supplied quota to the • hordes of mends, but, for the co-operation of no wise .bouad by any treaty oblige- Northmen which, from 800 A.D. on- squadrons in the execution of impOrt- thin. . . watds, caused the name of the Dane ant military iniasions. -‘ • "What Japan is doing, she IS doing ,to be a terror throtighoat .northern . The ,development of the squadron simply because she considers she oWes Europe for nearly seven. centuries . system has led to the organization of, There were •Jutlanders no doubt, fOreign - volunteers into ,separate the dark *all of smoke behind, the speken . Of Japan as thitigh it were 'possible for her to send a large army to•Europe if. it were • required, .Is • there any trtith in this?" • • - • - Could Noi. Seintl'Army.'.„ - . • • • • • ' . "I fear 'oar military power. has. been over -rated in , • Europe. • There has been' seine' talk on .the Part of ignor- array—say, half a million—to assist •Public carriage for hire or hackney ing mathematically•along the lines of • our allies in Europe. Such e proceed- coachee, were introduced hire, London the enemy's trenches. There were Was nig is absurd on the face of it An in 1625, and rapidly grew in .pepu_ Other points where the smoke army of 500,000 would require 2,060,, • larity: Notwithstanding the. oPposi-: some almost as dense as ,it Was over eon • reserves and the transport Of' tion Of the King •and Court, . who that tefeeno 'behind the tries. • thought they vvOuld ruin the toads, 'Mere Malevolent Din•. l'they grew to number over 300 by • 165. In Paris they were introduced We saw the concentration of fire • during the minority of Louis XIV. by upon 5 single point, When in a 'score • Nicholas Sauvage; who lived in . the 91 seconds • as. many shells burst over . °• Rue St. Martin • at the sign qf st. one parrow half -acre of ground in the Fiacre, from which .circumstance open, away from any landmark. Be- fore us the vicious snarling of ma- • hackneir carriages. in Paris have 'since been called "fiacres." • , • chine guns told where,- presuniablye In this rlatter • of Health • one is either with the win- ners or with the losers. It's largely. a, questiorr.ot, • right • eating—right food, :For sound health one Must ' cut odi rich, indigestible • foods and choose those that; are knovvn to contain the elements that build sturdy bodies and keen brains. . • . rape- lits is a wonderfully Winced food, made from -whole wheat and -barley.. It con. tlie grain, .1=1w:ling the taint§ all. the nutriment of mineral phosphates, indis- pensable Nature's plan for body and brain rebuild..., Grape -Nuts is concen- trated food, eas3'r to digest. It is economical, hal) deli- cious flavor and has lielped thousands in the •inning class. • "There'S' a kasbn" cati/dIan ilonttim Cereal Co.,ttd:. r , Windsor, Oitt, ' our men had seen tile enemy try to bolt from the craters left by the ex- • plosime. •But, as always; the dorninat- int impression was that of mere gin, -Linalevolenb, .but_emintelligible. '• The British are holding hOW Tlearfir 90 miles of -line to 300 Miles held by the French. • What We ,have just seen Nes only an incident at a single' point in all those, 90 miles. • The same thing 'May happen at tiny Other point, either '• on' our initiative or the enemy's at •lany minute on any day. It is taking , place, or sornething like it, at, on. the average, half. a dozen places in each 24. hours. '• • • among* the men who lniilt.the wicker mitts of col -emend. Not only has an bridge across the Liffey at Dublin,. American squadron been organited, and who called the place Dublilin, or but the Norweeians who had formed BlaCkpool,...and_amonget. those ‘1110_4. a ski corps and Who had been in ser - caused Fingal to be called the emir- vice on the Vosges frqnf diiribg the try of Fionn Gall or the, White Stran- winter are now said to he organizing gers. There would be Jutlanders; too, an air squadron. amongst the Danes around Canute, Training Of Pilots. • and so on throtigh the greatness and - . obscurity of Danish history. ' The •inost remarkable •modification • with ,regard to the French air eerie - : is seen in the new method of training. pilots. . Until a' few months ago private training schools were responsible for' •the preperation of many Of the pilots. These schools had been closed at the . beginning of the war and later had to. be re -opened to render all Possible aid to the army. At present they are all under military •government and • the ; French airmen who are now being I heard 'from are , praetically alt the product of • -the • strictly military schools. • • Speed, time, accuracy, coolness and staying power are taken bite censider, Just One More Direct Message 500,000.men, or even half of that num- NEW BRUNSWICK WOMAN SAYS ber, would be far beyond our power. • • • It would be quite impossible We have USE ,DODD'S Kini,rgY, PILLS. got neither the men nor the ships." • "I suppose that the war has . al-, ready cost you e -large sum of money, even though your military and naval operations have not been on a large scale?" ' • • "Directly, or indirectly, it has cost usa. good deal. Directly, it has cost £10,000,000,•. which is a good dearfor J perhaps fe apart, and w people rtare aware that when the German 'cruise ets were abroad :we had, some '250;000 headache and Weakness. I found in tons of war vessels helping thoBritish Dodd's Kidney Pills," • fleet in the Pacific and elsewhere. .. • Thi e was the message Mxs. Patrick • "We suffered very much at the Williams of this place sends to suf-- - w - she , dislikes talk. outset of the evar in our trade, though, fering women all over Canada. Like this year there has been some immany other omen provement Needless to pay, we have ing about het troubles, but sheefeela . These schools are daily turning out, Mrs. Patrick. Williams 'Tells How Her Headache and Weakness Vanished When She Used the Great Canadian Kidney Remedy, Dodd's Kidney rills. . St: Sosime, Kent • CO., N.B., *lune 26th (Special.)—"I feel it my duty to tell the Public the great relief from • • be British. daY, to devote the day throughout the British Isles to a nab:renal demonstra- tion �f British cordial feeling toward her ally and, to allocate -the -proceeds Proceeds • • For some time past there has been •widespread • feeling that means should- be •found • to recogaize in rtangible -fashion the spirit of -unity that •now linking 'France 'to Eng land, • • 4 • It has now been 'decided with the approval of the French Ambassader, to set apart July 14 next as France's rev VtA.74577:M.- • '' 11VANTE1)-- NiAt.'111.19,STS. ,M,)- • . . V and l'attern Makers work. state age:. exts--rience and wa,:teit. Boring. Hydraulic •AZ Liniited, • fAndeaY• „ • • • .I'ianer. -14theAnd'-iiha.per 'lianas; • also Toolinake'rs; steady work: • best „ Al.)131)* •IlfoWn Boggs CO-, Hamilton, Ont. • • . • rrir,AcuEnS WANTED rou svE.1.0.41-‘9. 1. in SetakutOwwan opening throlgr ;tit the summer. • Salaries from $720 to $9.4 per Free registration. Apvly Saskatchewan Tetfehers' Agency, 1 •740 Scarth Street. Regina., Sask. GIRL WANTED' FOR GENe.,,,•AL housework. Three in family. did home. good pay. YN'rite 101 Een-1.1.1 Ave.,• Toronto. •rezet-sesartne ?en SAVO. -DRUFIT-MANING• NEWS ANtv JUB A (gripes tor sale •in eotol ()Marla towns. The talist userut lutere4ting of all husitiesses, .Foll information. WI application to !shim: Com, rally, 72 West Adelaide tropt. Toronto. mem:Zen:Kink ANCEIt. • TUSWitS. LUMPS: • internal and external. t...u'red with- out pain by our •hcrne treatinent. Writs us before too late. Dr. Beilman licedies.1 . Co.. Limited. Collingwood. Ont. Lurn.p. Rock -I.,- -- San Beat for .6te Cattle. 5s.to Virkto for, TORONTO SALT WORMS, 60-52 Jarvis St.. Toronto, • Oat. • • UEEN'S UNIVERSITY ler .• KINGSTON . ONTARIO ARTS EDUCATION APPLIED SCIENCE -aeluding Cheinical,..Civil. Mech- anical and Urectrical .14aganeering.• ' -.MEDICINE Durinie the War there will be continuoui sessions in Medicine. • HOME 'STUDY • The Arts Course may be taken by corre- spondence. but students desiring to gradu- ate must attend one session.' . summeR-s CH 0 " e...—:ysoi4oneN JULY AtIDAudi.jST fteeiSTRAR • of the celebration to the urgeat needs of the French Red Cross. , It- is intended that "France's day" shall differ in every respect from pre - terms. celebrations of a similar char- acter arici that it shall prove to be one of the most interesting and gratifying events in the London season. • . • Minard's L,iniment Co.; Limited. • Dear Sirs, --This fall I got thrown' on a fence- and hurt my chest very bad, so I _could not work and it hurt me to breathe. I tried; all kinds Liniments and they did me no good., One bettle • of MINARD'S LINI- MENT, warined on fannek and ap- plied on my breast, cured me com- pletely, , •" • • ' . C. H. COSSABOOM. Rossway, Digby Co., •• ation for the awarding of poiritk, When the pilot satisfactorily aceom• - plishes the tests a diploma is granted to him and he is sent to one of •the Another ."Long Way." • A gentleman had an Irishman in his • c r s at the front for dervice.e army o p • With regard .to the inachines,Used, the apptentice schools are divided -into two classes—those which have a dal Machine and those where all kinds •of aeroplanes are utilized. . Numerical Superiority, not drawn a single penny from our she would not be, doing right to let ten• increasing number , of pilots, and, eniploy who was noted for having iiirty boots': • One day the gentleman asked him why he hadn't cleaned ,thern, sorr," said Pat, "Oi quite forget. • Yer •see, sorr, evan'el memory is situated in wari's head an' We a powerful long way to remember. froin yer head toyer feet!" ' THICK, SWOLLEN GLANDS that make a horse Wheeze, Roar, have Thick Wind or Choke -down,' can be . reduced with . also other Bunches or Swellings. NO blister, no hair.gone, and horse kept ar.work, Eco -s• homical-eohly 'a few drops required .at an ap- Plication. $2 per bottle delivered. took 3M free. ARSORRINE, IR., the andieptic liniment for yriankind„, reduces Cysts, Wins,' Painful Svrol,len Veins and Ulcers.$4 and $2a bottleat • deal•ers or delivered. Book "Evidence" tree. ' W.ebsoF. rbkc 0, Dsd Abrstii:11511116e.13Yri!nasreBirtadgd.,aSinentcanteitala,a.C.ari......., British ally to .defraY the expenses 4t if, when she had learned France's nnmerical,•,sitp*ity in the ' Granulated Eyelids. of -these operations." • , ' from her own experience how great is air is becoming daily e ent The ore Eyes inflamed• by expo - the relief and how easy is the cure to • be found he Dodd's. Xidney Pills, Nine -tenths cif' the • weakness and suffering wonAn-,..beer SD bravely conies from siek kidneys. -Sick or dis- • • • mire to Situ. Dug an2511a It ,not, of •course, the ."great of= • Deaf, Men Drill .for War.. • .fensive." ' That 3.111.11 'come 'When it • • 7 •-- • One 'hundred- deaf men. are new conies..• 'Meanwhile; bit no one under• - retie What the 13eitish insity is going drilling in.. London in the lope '; the threugh, for it is doing what, even a, 'ern137 accept '`TrbeY ..can. ordered kickeks. in their duty of by the coincidence that Germany h d I Drieggisti OrShirluelyaRemedyCo..Chleito year or silt mailiW ago, ;Auld feee obey-eh:anted ordern-Thy. watching straining the iiiiptirftres out of -the then .put into tli&-air.the-Feltker;ihae- .been wildly impossible: ' multitude of squadrons whieh she now • has •in gervice marks •a striking con- teast COnditionS dUring, the period_ Eye Remedy. No Smarting. quickly relieved by Karina 20. Assorted' ' Patrio•de Buttons 2:50 .nd 'Plass for . . . The above illaterailon shows three of the. twenty different Patriotic But- tons and Flags of the Alidecl-IsTations Which Canadians are .proudly wear- ing •to -day. In order to advertiSc o,ur. Tag Pay . Supplies we will send you these .Vivent7. designs.. tiOn the re- ceipt Of 25. cents. This'is a .collection' yoU Will vise and keep. . Ask for price on a large Flag for your home. • T. P., TANsEY. Dept; 'TT'," 106450 Veal Bt.. igiOntreaL Zdanufaciturers of Bafigeb, Buttons, Plags%ttad Tag Vtly BUTeplies. ' • MCOMPICCIEMISIAZIOXG•ca-V-....,.A.,,,..s, .o• f relative inactivity of lave or threl , -ink Eye Conlfort. M • Your Druggist's Sec Per Bottle, lthArinety• months ego, which were atcentuate SeiveinTebestSc ForBOokailholyerfeeask • the lips' of the c.orilnsanders„ but they blood,: This pleaTIS • that these festest and best ,fighting 'craft it had . • , also* have a sYstein of finger signs des these seeds of ,disease, are car- yet adopted. ,. -Many a Man after watchirig his which works perfectly. When the 1;icg to ,all ,parts of the body. The Natural Aviators. . wi• • . • . fe inoW the lawn is pleasedto refer commander holds up four fingers eatural cure is Dodd's Kidney Pills. , • „ • to how neat we keep the premises. They alwaye cure sick kidneye.•France enee more has an assured • • • The Government of Louden. • they 'form. fours... for ihstanee, and London is divided 'into • 23 adminis- txte fingerg is the sign for, a two -deep trative .boroughs, comprising 80, pale fern -cation, • Militttley Ilion who have them •Say their is ex. liamentary boroughs, and retarning 58 insPeed Members. Each borough has its oWn Mayor, Aldermen and CoMmon Coun- cil, responsible only to the central Government except on pertain Mat- tere Of, common Interest (sewerage, .parks, fl -ie protection, etc.), which are wider Hbhe control of the' London County Coincil. There are also Many' general boards having vecial tune - Cons, sueh the Lizondon* School colter) t. • . •• • • Gay Tinies at Banff.' Sports are now at their height at Banff. A regatta was held on July let on.Bow River in which Canoes, row boats and taunches participated. • An informal 'dance will be held in the bali •roorn of the Bhn(r.Springs Hotel On Wednesday and.qaturday evenings Board ahd the IVIetropolitan Asylums dUring the season. A.goIf tournament Beard. The police of London, is. `not bee just been held for which a silver • Under the control of the London s presented by the Banff eountY •Coune11, •but is managed dir. cup•Wa- Springa Hotel, prizes also included -octly from the British Homo Office. gold, silVer and° bronze medals. The Ely "Zondon" is meant% not the small ' competition WEIS very keen bout "Ancient City of London " 1' I ' 0 a , tv ne le seventy players taking Dart. the necktie df the modern metropolis, but tho wholo'mottopolls. itself. 'teep. Zininteitt Om 1.10141. '1 •• 4 ',eat -.• •• '5-- 2;•, • • ' supremacy in the air, and this is due, blinartVii Zintment r..ect ey Physicians. • .' apart from the .questiop of uuniliers •Not• i• It' ' is itel.ter to bn e run dowby a • , "No," Said the once musical Maid, to the innate qualities 'of the Vrenel: ;1 ' fr. thi• Seriou t firmly,. "I could net Sing even if you: should ask me.; I have given it up." • "I3ut why?* asked the wondering friend; . • -The doctor Ordered. it." •'Industry and moderation in all af- fairs. rank among the best of -medial men. fOr Minard'ir Ana ni other - Beating the Carpe ars. Tim, Bolder' . , of •jturisetosvii; Wart energetically, beating the carpet, when her neighbor called. • "Why den't you ask yowl. Inishand to beat it?" asked tho visitor. , git did," replied Mrs. Bolder sOrtge- 1Y, "and he lid." s." • hi:sawn his Ly L.V aViators. 'fhese, 'Winters have in a 111n n mthe : highest degree • the , requisite gifts of • accusere in an tett :mpt tif Whitewash himself. • • the perfect pilot, suppleness, surety of • the instinctive reflex ,motion, power of ,intelteetual concentration, 1 'rapidity of decision, forgetfulnees of• •• danger, and the indefinable quality ‘. 'Which. is Manifetited in the ctiPacity for •constantly ittProvising neNV ox pedients_Ittethe prat/dace of the tinfore- seen,' lust itquainied, • ."Do you knew.hor very vi. "Not vepy, • I've met herenly. 'once er twice ,find so don't Icnew- ft thing • that's wrong with' bet:" • sannerd'd %liniment Lumberman's Vetoed ••••(' GOOD POSITIONS, , • for BRIGHT'GIRLS. Operators Wanted Ott electric 'pow •0 CI *V Mt:Miles. to, Mftlto Inseam and N9-ossiehie ' Silk and Serge 'asresads stiqiny work iho.4•essv around.' T.T.e,ht tilrY ettnitary'wx)rk ro0 ins. Pair .weeit-, tt Wagaa .t11 ,,ilegiaat•rn KnN it; • linnerionooa OuSratero eta ' earn • 'aniline le Vi -o a. • • Also 'positions and .,11,-ody experiencod. imitti :towel 9 till t....!‘) iii•osaes.• Apply ley letter : Itij • thOurunou Ltarit4Arent Li • c.:•. • ,74.!tl. 174 spa,tho, •t puts,11 0 • WIleclock Engine, I,q) 18 x42, \i'ith cdoubile main driving belt 24 ins. w K W. All in -firSt class condition, Would be sold together or sciuratc,s4 ly ; also a. lot of shafting at a very .grCa. bargain as rooln is raltV,red immed14. 3. Frank WilsOh &Sons 73 AdolafAlo Tar 13). .a, •