The Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-06-22, Page 341. • • • A Blessed Boon' to 'Busy 'Brides—easily and 'quickly prepared—full, of • strength -giving nutrinient 'the cleanest, purest, cereal food in the world, Shredded Wheat ,with Strawherrice. A. combinatiOn that is a per- fect, complete meal. You don't know the greatest of palate joys if yop have not Thich suplarox Armies entett it. For breakfast, ‘i with Goodo; 41311107M0111. Or any meal. • "Ceffntry life in England Will un- derge and is undergoing a reVeititien such ait -England has not WittieSSed dirtile-NOrfritrir eatiquest '- In these words Frani; Birgit, editor of the London; Economist. and One of the leadind authorities on eeenorrge Subiseto, in England, sumnsed up one Of the mdst striking effects:of the War. Ifillat he means is that the country gentlemen' of, the old school are appearing, iitteeezed out by the high' taxation, the death duties-, and killed. off in many inetancsii, in .the-- service WAR BREAKS' UP ENGLISH ESTATES , owN:PriS FORCBD TO DISPOSi ' TB= #014DINOS. BRIGGS' FLY MATS • ,pigqs; ARE CLEAN NO STICKINESS' ALL. ucai:EnP 0.0.0riggs Soili HAM I ‘TON • eenaParatively country estates. Of the greet, land owners have 'been 111°104 by Mut Wh° laave ar°1711' parting with land recently, but these' saIRs. have been confined alinost to the Belo of outlying pergolas of their estates, and have not incliuled the family seats. Ono .of the 'recent saieS which. ex- cited considerable attention, woe that AmeAlmar3.4.-Alga.a.Aktote.)-which.- Jpo1u4es the famoue §tonebenge ruins. It has been the seat,: Of the Antrobtuf family for centuries. It included 6,- 4004crAs. Another historic estate which recently Carrieunder the hunt, mer was the Stisted Ilan estate in Essex, while an, example of the sale Of outlying lands by great noblemen was the pale of the-Earlsof itintoxes Aberdeenshire and Kincardineshire of their country. Their plaCeS are be., •esitates, climprising 25,000 acres, and it,•rerit roll of $110,900 a year. • I'M taken by men who have grown' rich in supplying goods that. are need- ed by England's iminense arinies, or "CONSCIENTIOUS who are Making tremendous profits • . • .• out.of tbe,necessities of the people by Britain to Enrol Them n i Noncem taking 'advantage Of : the conditins • b E • iing.,Eorisf. a ant ngiiire created by the war., Made in Canada,-:' . WP6R,RIOR FROM INDIA. Sir Pallets Sitpijh Has Returned to the •° West Front. Sir Parfah$Ingh, he famous soidiethr of India,' wants to die in ettenches if he has todieand although the diaa Imo have one from Franc to •other flatting, Zones, Sir Partab as -question: as follows: • "What will happen to the stately The. BritiSh .Government has• fOund . • mansions of England after the war?" . a Place in the armifor the coriacient- Mi.. Hirst asks. Helinswered his icue ebjectors,. men calkri Up for •ser:. . vice. under . the „Derby reuniting scheme Who had eonecientieui against fighting and who ,'Were eXcus- ed from enlisting..There were thousands of such and. to give theme chance to serve their country, al- though at the same' time cuter to their. little Vanity 'against ....bearing arms, the War Office announced the formation, for the period of the war, of the "Noncombatant Corps.b),,, The officers and noncommissioned officers rdturned t� the .westeim front ,a his., min Individual eases the answer di - pends onthe investments of the Fern- 'ers, A man.who has invested in Bra- in or Mexico i in a specially sad way, while the man Who has put his money in ships of coal is very fortun., ate indeed. Bet on the whole the fate of the red 'gentry and of the cotin- crwa recillesto Tuts veteran Indian • fighter,' 71 'years of age, wines of the ;Mighty Rajput wareors, and since . Youth has followed the Me of a sold. ••: ler. An Indian writer in one. of • the • • ,LoadOn newspapers in telling the dtory of Sir Partab, saya: • • • - "Thirty:eight years , ago • Sir, Partab • • wont to Kabul as a Member of the • mission, that was Bent there. Nine- teen years later he accompanied •the Mohmand eXpeditiontatti extra_ aide-de- camp to Gen, Ellis. 'The next year be served in the same capacity with Gen, Lockhart in the Tirah campaign.' on . , the•Indian north-weet frontier. While' .serving in the last campaign be re- ceived a wound in the hand, .which tact, with his characterlatic stoicism, te,hid from everybody until' the Gen. ariticed it and ordered the doctor to at- •' tend it—just in time to aVold blood pelsoning.•• • • • "When the Indian troops were being sent to aseist in quelling • the • :Boxer p•Rebeliion in China Sir Partab per. 'Waded Lord Curzon,. then: Viceroy •And Govern•orGeneral of India, 63 let Min ,t accompany the expeditionary • Iereb-. While serving in China the •* • Maharaja learned to hate the Prus- • sians, , w,ho went out of their Way to treat him and other Indian riders as • "Jcoolles.` - . • "Sir -Partab as good an adminis- . trator as he is a soldier. His •adinin- • letrative genius- has been *demonstrat- O ed .by the work that he did in Jodli- .pur-,e, state More then' three tinies the• aize. of Belgium :and with. about- as .many inhabitants. as ,Denraark—dur- . Ing his two terms of. Rqgency and • another as Ptline •Minister of that state. His riile •oi,er Oar, a state' ill the 'Bombay Presidency; 2000- square miles in area, extending, frem 1902 to .1911, Was also progressive and .enliglit, ailed. He voluntarily. abdicated '.the , • . n • h ro hi adopted son fa -order to aSsinae the. Regency of Jodhpur." ' IMAGE:A .P.MCE BAROlyIETER.. „.. • •French Expect Figure's Fall te.Mark , End of War. • • High overhead above the ruined and - desolate 'streets- of -Albert; in -France; :• the great gilded figure of the Virgin with the infant Christ . still hangs fronfthe tower of the Church of Notre Dame de Brebieres. For mere than a • year she has now"hUng thus, at an . angle •of some fifteen degrees below the .horizOntal, face downward . to O the street ,below, holding the infant .'s ontsabOve her head. • ' In local French belief the day when the hely figfires fall will see the end of the war. The 'German she)]. which \throWs down the Blessed Virgin • of • Brebieres will shatter the throne of the HoheriZ011erns,,it is maintained, During the last week of two the im- mediate region of Albert has been one of the most active on the whole front. From the neighborhood ottricourt, by 14 Boisaelle, to Authville and beyond •'there have been almost nightly raids and blowing up •pf mines. . . Joys of Solitude have nothing in Common With a lone donee bill A Man'" Worth depends upon - his 'poWer to produce what the world ' recognizes as of value. And when you skirmish around zou'll icoWei-wiiroWjiiiirt power of mind and body—depends to .0 remarkable degree on the.food .one eats. For highest accomplish- ment one Must have the best values in food—food *high lads well-balanced bodies • and brains. Grape-A'sruts FOOD • has that .kind of value:, It. ' contains all the nutriment of whole wheat and barley, inFluding the .import pt mineral elements so qfen jacking in the usual dietary.. Girape-Nuts ocomeg.teild to is easy fa 'dip ' nou ohIng,, • ethrtOrnie • won ei ally delicious help IA building, men of worth. • .lhere's .a Reason"' Canadian Penttlild Cereal CO., itd4 • Windsor, Ont. • try seat depends on taxes. ' Savings Swept Away. "Taxes have alreadY riSeri • high 'enough to make it certain that most large houses will be to :let or for sale, for most •country ,people before the war had places which fitted their in- come, with: a comfortable margin for • savings or ':spe.cial expenditure. Most of them will have to move into -smaller houses if they can find tenants or pur- •Chasers. • The doubling and trebling of the income tax has swept awaythe margin, and the higher the fyiod of taxation rises the fewer country seats • will reniain unstihmerged: • "Evidently there *ill be a wholesale - emigration and cinintry life will under- go a reVolution such as England has not witnessed since the Norman Con- quest. Some. of the finest 'estates, r expect, will be bought up by English and American contractors who have made fortunes out of the War Office and. the Ministryof Munitions. ethers will 0 perhaps be cut tip by the tabor Ministry and parcelled out among dis-- banded, soldiers virhese jobs are gone and for whom no other employment can be found: ; "The present public expenditure of ,the externment supposed to be about equal to the whole Of the Private incomes of all the inhabitants. of the 't.inited. King • e Grea had lived. until now and had through- out his long life ef mere thari a thou- sand years burned- one £5. ($25) :note of .the Bank of,England every hour of the day and night he would not havedestroked as much Money as Mr. McKenna is ,adding ever y fortnight to the national deht," • • Selling Their Estates:. , Mr. Iiirst's view is fully borneout by :the men who are in close touch With the landed gentry. • A. member of , a famous firm of estate agents throngh *hose bands most of , the sale a of 'property of this description Pass told, me that hardly h week goes by that he is not called• on to arrange the sale of •some large country estate and that the smaller estates are being 'placed in his hands for disposal by the score, writes a London corre- spondent, • • "The country gentlemen .of Eng-• land," he said, "simply 'cannot live un- der the new Conditions. • Most of them are dependent •absolutely :on their rents for their income. A man has.a, couple of -thousand acres which have been in his family for centuries. . He lets the land out to fanners, many of whom,have been on the land as long, as. himself,. The rents were fixed years ago when, agriculture was de -- pressed, and, although times are good for the farmers now, it•is toe soonto raise rents. • ' • ' • . '- "No one knows whether the`P`reient high prices for agricultural produce -will last, and at any rats the fanners have had a good many bad years to make Up.. The squire simply Cannot ' raise therents, and he cannot liveon his indorne in the Old style. Tho taxes half is accredited, And, like her hus-; now talte more than a quarter ,of it, rummaging throtigh sorae of the fur- and, the death duties, if, the property niture Whet was their relief When they tunity for the deelopmenti of bi in - should hatimte ehang.e-110.11s...tmenl„.c.azae.,acxoss..4.,,policy—for---M000:00- titstrielL al on glteste and ' lla fines' ' Danclisatir9.1„.bLatl--af•!'-sued--for ' '""Xert" ' , • WA L. ..- Vaia" qtlantiqes of the wasted sawdlist I ' • En. To. • •• • ISSUE- 24-- 0, I200 MUM DIM IN FARM Even newer Girls rethlie Prags the French Capital. ' • The War has Incidenfalli revealed the existence in Paris of a number of optum smokers, cocaine end rim- .Phine users that Was unsuspected • before. Monsieur Charles Bernard, deputy for the district a motrovtre, where he is engaged in the drug .us. Mess, 'estimates the number of• tom, deisnow inexisteoee at '124 t4Even the flower girls 1 on the street," he saYs, "have bee ns draWn ,into the traffic in stupefacients. Re- cently: a girl in „Short skirts and with a vicious expression offered a bouquet..-of-NielOts---t.o,---a passer -by -7-, The man Wanted no violets, but the girl's expreision eicited his pity and Ile tossed her two sous. ,‘But it's 20 'francs,' she said"softly. Then ap.- proaciting near ,eheugh to whisper., she added, 'there's some 4c000', ills 441"e':Cpen' is. the familiar term' used in the quarter for cocaine, of;'which there was a little paper concealed in the heart a the bouquet. '4.liere are other quarters of Paris else -.Well the •••• 17,?•"7.'r6 IT MAKES ROLIGLI flANDS, smip,arg. Thera ja..49, 1)ctter'remcciy • ,for Chappc4 handand lips than. „e frad4 Bark tir ce3p or ACCa Keeps the aria smooth and wit. Sold in bandusetol boxes and tin tubes tt acuarditOreireferjiwketi,--- .1kefuse Substitutes. nottidet ea rc, 4=4 PROCUlm vuttE, WAT 1••reach. Ocientist Tells row to 5101 n ,A aood filter that will find favor with those who find s.'0 nereserjry tQ , procure pure water *Qin streams has been devised hy a French belentist. An ordinary tin box is soldered to ' the bottom of a metal water pail. The floor of the box bi Perforated with ; rOws of wholes which oxtend through the 'pail bottom. A ,eolled spring- at- • tache tbe eover of the box to the bets tont ind is made to peso through a tin tube in the center .of the box. AlMr, nate layers ef powdered camel and well -packed cotton wool are new plac- edrn the box, and the..pail tsasusperd• astream. • ' Gradually, as a result of air pre*. sure, the pe4 will All up with filtered j-wateis 'Theis by loosening the chain, I the spring,' cover drop 'back mi. the box, andthe pail, full ef watery maY be lifted out of tbe stream. The water muy he further sterilizel by adding a few cryitals • of Potassitun permanganate. • ousszaRoucti MFG C� , . (c0.444..) ..• 1680-Cbsbet-Ave,, IVIontsesI 0 ES for; every SPOt7141* tmnia. IFtE,CREATiVI! ° c4-ripiiiiember fli7761m11,... . • '1 $01,0 BY Au, eng CZALERS MEE VOTAT0'90 LED intsli coo, Mere, Del ettlt r e, garMati„ Ore der at on;te.. Atipply limited, Write 10, nuotatione. fr, W. Dawson, Brampton. Same practice has taken root." ' sec/ welnan got PRIVILEGES OF • An =elegaritry dres out of `A. taxi in front of a. fashion- . Nweemeinta4sommNsteorgm. able -bar in the centre ' )P.aris and AMBASSADORS asked the for/Unita of the establish - merit if he Would please fill her lighter . - • 'with gaseliPe; aclothes man • • standing by seized the 'lighter when CA1N01'• BE FORCED To PAY HIS it Was filled and it was found ' to eon- . • Plin. a iblution of thlehydrate or MT": • 41-1§T. DEBTS. , -These' incidents show hew : forbidden drugs are • Procured. 'There are said.to be at least 30 .illicit estab- lishments in 1VIontratre .where• mor- phine is to be had, including bars, cafes, sestaurants and hotels. ,The Chamber of Deputies has just voterl a law raising the maximum penalty for • illicity traffic ill .opium and ,kindred drugs from 3000 francs ($60Q) to 10. ` -will be selected- from regular infaritry0. and 'ffoin two months to 000 francs ; two . ($2000) fine yearsr, personnel not fit for general service, iinprisonment. but fit for service abroad on lines ef • communication.' • Companies of the '-new corps will be trained in squad drill without arms and In the use of the various forms of tools used in field engineering. The private's will be equipped as infantry, except that they will not be armed or trained with arms of any description. • Pay will be that of infantry ef the line, but the men enrolled in -the new corps *ill not b;Ir entitled -Id draw working Pay, nor, the. proficiency pay given to others for professional skill in arms.Officers and men trans- ferred to this corps from other regi- ments will reeeive infantry pay, to- gether with proSeiency., and. rvice Pair- • • • RUSSIANS 'MANY RACES. , POpulatien Is Most 'Varied ,of Any Same old Story from Cape Breton DODO'S ,KIDNEY PILLS cunEp WHEN DOCTOR'S FAILED, The Embassy Is Recognized as Piece • .of Country Which It . Represents. The tragic death of the -first secre- tary of the Italian Ambassader at a London hotel recently had a curious sequel, says London Tit -Bits. The Ambassador put forth - the unusual plea of "diplomatic hinnunity," and the result Was 'tat no inquest was held. The last occasion on which this plea Was put fOrward was when, many years ago, attempts to hold inquesta ,on 'deceased members of the Chinese Embassy were defeated by recourse to the act. Ambaesadors, 'achiever, have many peculiar privileges of Which the gen- eral public know very little. In the first place, on embassy pr legation is, to all intents and purposes, a piece of the country whieh he represents,. and .Mr. M. A. Morrison Suffered From cOnsequently an ambassador and his Kidney Disease for Five Years— staff are not affected by the ordin- Dodd's Kidney pifieCured IBM.• ary laws of the eountry in which the . • legation stands. This was emphasis= Tarbot, Victoria Co., , C.B. June ed some years ago when a" certain 12th (Special.) --Cured of Kidney gentleman whose . name, Was web trouble of five years' standing and of known ,at the particular 'period . was which three doctors failed to cure kidnapped into the Chinese Legation. him, Mr. M. A. Morrison, W,ilf An inspector from Scotland Yard im- knoWn resident of this place 'hasmerliately proceeded to the legation . . • i NosCanneetion. The aanadie.n Breach of the Queen Mary's Needlework..Guild wish to die, claim any connection w4th a whieh is being circulated in. the name of the guild by the Nevi York Brandi. Though responsibility ho way touches the Canadian Branch, the ladies here regret that such a method of obtaining money for' the Queen'S •Guild has been"resertet to, and that it has gob into 'this- country, as the chain -letter system has long since been condenined and fallen into dis- favor. . As Understood. • Nephew (relating 'experience)— The commanding officer asked me. to make an :advance on Dead 'Horse Uncle—How much'was it worth? - , Nephew --What? Uncle—Dia farm he wanted an ad- vance on. •.11mras•-wAnTno. ri.A.R0 eAlcmts 1V1414TEDf DAT V Work and. good wages. NaaMitiul„, Limited," 42 °Dttehess Street, Toronto. , , , T1 L A c It 8 1U. 1 T 1-X. FIRKATAN • OR 11 Ploopman. Steady 'elm/JO-merit. AP' .4* Plir Ileadrie & Co., LW.. lietolltenr . . ' F.4 XerilneedirirelS4 for: AD Hosiery 1 aNnEd,' XE' Under.R' ' . , , , . ID ERCIChihilTii 1 PIN/S1-1ERS' AND,' inJI„Aent11:itpreere:. :7:nob:I used. to ; Wagon , Work. APPTY_,„. firnith 1.3r.os„ $9 Varna'. irffrAeNni•Tp-toly)--14'e.UnliA; hig cloTdERwS4.eil,STE0A.Dpiry 1 ' 1-lend,rie 45e Co., LiMited, G., T., rty. carte - age -Agents, Toranto. . - . • ,s,' 9 ''' '''' * . ., . . . wear Mill. Also a few.Young Nem " LI-Iiiragliteel wErtagmesnilopna. id. Mercury Mills,. • LADIES IVANTVD TO DO PLAIN ; Ai and light sewing at home, *hole or • spare time, good pay, work sent anY dia. tance. Charges paid. Send stainP for, particulars.•National *ihirtnufaeturing, •I Company. Montreal, AT diNCE Tinsmiths and Helpers work. Apply ppalyoott Tah-aeg rase a jaaord poet:apt:: Oshavni, Ont. I was cured of Bronchitis and Asthma- by MINARD'S LINIMENT. MRS. A. „LIVINGSTONE. Lot 5, P. E. I. • I was cured of a severe attack of Rheumatism .by MINARD'S, LINI- MENT. . ' Mahone Bay. " JOHN ,MADER. was cured of a severely sprained leg by MINARD'S LINIMENT. . • . JOSHUA A. WYNACHT. Bridgewater. • , . , NEWSPAPERS role SAXE. • "DROPIT-2.1ARING NEWS AND JOB A Offices for eats 15 good ontarics. towns. The most useful and intereetinS of all businesses. Pull information Op application td Wilson ,Publishing Come," party, 73 West Adelaidis Street. Toronto.. t Etscets.aggOus, • .• LD FieLSE TEUTI-1 BOUGHT IN 'N„.1 any condition; highest cash. ericea -Paid. Mail to 13ealey Co, 1974 Queen East, Toronto.. , ANCER, TUMORS, 'LUMPS. Fre.. V internal and °external, cured but pain by our .home treatment W'rilts Its before too late. Dr. Belltuatt Medical Co., Limited. Collingwood.- Ont. • NO' Terrors For Him. afraid of having horses shot tinder the danger before_you 'I You are not • Recruiting Officer—"You realize ' Country in the World. ' hesitation in stating that he owes his and released the prisoner. This was ' The population of Russia ;is 'mere health to •Dodd's Kidney Pills.: - a most serious breach of international - . . . You '1, ', • - varied than that of any, country of the "I was so weak I could not walk law, and created quite a sensation in Society Reci-aits--"Me? I had two motor- boats explode junder me three world. It, consists of over 140 different peoples; nationalittee-,` and -race, •ill differing in Weir eustoms, religion, language, and diess..There are: Fifty, million-Great-RusSians,' or-aetnat,-Ru ' sians or "Muscovites", (the inhabit- ants of the former Grand Duchy of Moskva), now ruling all Russia. • Twenty million Little Russians, for- merly a part of Poland. , - Twelve Million Poles. • ' .- ,Six million white Russians; former- ly. a part of Poland. • . • • ,Two Million Lithuanians; .fermerly a part of Poland. - , Two million Germans. . Onb - million and a half Arfnenians. • One million and is half Roumanians. Five million Jews. Sixty , million of 130 other different nations and races as: Tartars, Kurds, Bashlcirs, Samoyedes, Kirghizes, Kal- muchs, Turks, 13ulgars, Greeks Gip- sies, and 120 others. Mostly it'll of - these live in groups and clans ontheir ancient territory. ed.to. be exempt from rates in respect ' "I advise anyone suffering from -Ida- .1,,g his residetice at Walton -on -Thames, neysdisease tense Dodd's Kidney Pills. and although the Walton authorities Anyone who wants to know morS took the matter up with the treasury, a quarter of a mile and to day I am diplomatic circles at the tune. • Cann•ot be Sued. •aluatnoes fsataljtWiothve em during- atihre aero - 1 was twenty years ago," Mr. ;Morri- son -says. •. "For five years suffered-ssador cannot be sued. In Social season alone." An amba able to attend to. mysiNvork_ as well as fact he is immune from -legal pro= , Disease. I was treat- fact a statue whiCh was pass- ed by three skilful doctors but got no \ ,,. ed to appease the wrath of Peter the benefit. ! .' , Great of Russia, whose ' ambassa'dos "Then a friend advised •ine to use I was actually arrested in London for a Dodd's Kidney Pills.- s. I; went to the l - druggist and got: five boxes. .Beforedebt of £50. In 1909 Bethmenn Hollweg, the I had used four boxes, I- was ' eorri- 1 , German Ambassador in London, claim- pletely cured. "'about my curo. has only to write to me and I will .tell them all about it." Dodd's Kidney Pills are no eXPeri- meet. They have. been curing kidney: disease in all parts of Canada for a quarter of a' Century. Ask your neighbers about them. ' A PATHETIC INCIDENT'. Not long ago a gentleman Who .had been living fairly web and was thought well of, suddenly died: As was -natural, one of the first things' 'after his death, was the straightening up of his estate, and when ?natters •were looked over And an 'inventory taker' of what he was supposed to: be, podsessed. of, it was found that would fake. almost' every available cent to pay the outstanding oblige -- tions which he had contracted, with a 'result that his family would: be turned out; mien the street. • • It was heartrending to see them en- much an affront And even a cause for L deavoring to retain some articles • of, in this hysproduct; end that neglect to tear, ae'weulii be, one offered to her ! utilize it i ins•rolooves tremendous and un - furniture most dear 0 them. It rook- husband or his country. justifiab e wasbe The arnba' ssadresS has the tight to ed as though the house which they A little orthe saskidust is Used in the had been accustomed to live in would foi.in of "wood flour" • in : making sit in the -presence of the sovereign have to go,, but in packing up. and oppoi... Of the conntr to • hith her - ' y w better . stucco,molding ete There is --sAlivuusT BY-PRODUCTS • •Neglect to _Utilize It Involves Tremen- -- .., • done Waste. - • Few persons hese ever given smith thought to the sawdust problem. And yet—. ' •- _ The most curious of an ambassa- . Experts of the New York.State Col- ' privileges is that when dismiss- ' lege of FOrestry estimate that4,1 Per Idedotf'srom • an audience.with the Scive-1. cent. of the lumber cut in the 'United • States every Year is wasted in the mreaigyntuironwhhisichbaheek is o athccoredoiottetd., Hh oe 1 form of sawdust, That is to say, ,. sawing the lumber, 11,000,000 feet of li also lips the .right to demand admis= perfectly good timber is ground up Skin to the sovereign by day Or , by I night. An •ambassador's ,wife is re - and left to rot. '• garded as ahnost as iniportant a per- , Of course, it's iinpossible to saw up , . the latter upheld the • ambassador's claim. Again, in Washington, in 1904, a member of the British Embassy suc- cessfully claimed to be outside the•law when charged with exceeding the mo7 tor speed lirnit. . An ambassador cannot be forced to pay his bills or forced t� -give eviz tience in the law courts. He is free , from paying buStorn duties, and if his footman is sumnsoned for being drunk and incapable in the streets (this has actually happened in London). he can save him from being fined. ' Exceptional Rights. • son as!. the ambassador. • Not only is logs without making sawdnsti But to op_ she addressed as "Ypur Excellency," lumbermen are just beginning value ;•Mit any -insult offered to. her - is -as reciate the fact that there is or Griniulaied Eyelids. Eyes inflamed by expo- sure to Sun. Dust and Wind quicicly relieved byglurina Eye Remedy. No Smarting. • just Eye Comfort. At Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Muffin Eye SalveinTubes25c.ForBookolthayerreeask Dreggists or MurIneEyeReatedyC,o..Cideage It seems to be the general opinion that charity should begin at .some- body else's Horne. finnardre Liniment raid . by Plwelota3se.' A man doesn't enjoy being laughed at by a crowd unless he gets paid for it. -I-Lien° 1 Rcick Salt " Best. foi Cattle. 'Write fog ' Prices. l'OZOITT.0 'SALT 60-62 Jarviii" Bt., Toronto ..Ont. Writsrfor • Special Offer!' This Latest Model Hand Cement itself in days. Mixers size• and styles. Write tor Catalogue, WobalaufOr Oleos. Lid 178•E Spadina Ave. Toronto. • ;;TRAA.44ARKL PAT, or F SOR,E3.)NE will reduce inflamed,-evvollen, Joints, Sprains, Bruises, Sai Bunches; Heals Boils, Poll Evil.,Quittor,Fietuleand infected sores iaufaly as it is a positive antiseptics and wirinicide. • Pleasant to uses does not blister in remora the hair. and yottcan work the,borse. 92,00 per bottle. delivered.' Book 7 M free: ABSORIIINE. JR., the intiseplie liniment For manes& reduces Painful. Swollen Veint. IVen,_.Strains. Bruises; stops pain iind, inflammation. Price E1,00 per bottle in stealers or delivered. Will tell you more if you snit& Liberal Trial Bottle for lOc in names. ' • W. F. YOUNG, P. O. F., 516 Lymans•Bidg., MantrealeGan. • linerbine add Absorbloe. Jr.. are mide in Cinada4 ' • t ree-1 triiis in qurck succession, ' as which th4 lute husbandhad been might te: used or the manufacture Of • ma well happen -sold as has happened carrying Unknown to his family in the• . Polite But Firm.: • , - recently in many cases In these days Crown Life Insurance Company of wood alcohol: Many kinds of sawdust amid be used, too for paper pulp. All ' Mrs. N. Was 'giving instructions to Of War,• eat up, the capital: -W,haf- is- Toronto. - -- stich adaitmaterialaticms2ef riot only to.the !AoupplatesMakalwayS -this supposeilly-Ther----new servalW "Before removing . worthless Serve , -, r, ask the property,..which •instead of . a Company and a cheque was promptly create wealth directly, but help to each person i.f• lie oi- she would! likA soured Of income has become a bur:- issued. re, • the an to de but try tog Save Money on.Roofing Get. intr prices, direct front mill to . you. 1. have Roofings' 'for. every , purpose. Samples ' free. Address.. Halliday CO., .Ltc1„."Vitt,7. 'QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY • KINGSTON • ONTARIO • • ARTS EDUCATION APPLIED SCIENCE :ncluding, Mining, Chemical, Civil, Mech- anical and Ulectricol Ungincering. ' MEDICINE • During the Wed there warble continucius sessions in.Medicine. HOME STUDY • Th Arts Coukse may be token by corre- spondence, but students cleating to gradu- ate must attend oue session: %.+--BLI-MMER-Se1400-L---canowtr--,--- Juty AND AUGUST • REGCSTRI•R - et rid of Notice of the death was. sent the conserve O our tirriber supply. • - any more' ' -"Very gool, madam." • Nextday Mary, reipeetftilly bow- ing ta one of the- guests, jn .tten to him? • . The mortgage was paid off, the fur-, 4ii.utinte..keneratiens-may 6tid saw- ' '. iad Ready-Piiithesiere, -Fi . ' - ; -, yrit-ure.was safe and there was a con- • dust henna Mere profitable than gold -s sideralale amount left over for present • . s , , . Mine • 1 • "SO far there has not been much dif- need& -ficuity-h17frriditerakeli-asettiTiet•there This is an object lesson whiehshOUld are many people in this country who appeal to 'every one of us and one and have Made money out of the war, and all can Make the smile provision for the Englishman who makes a•fortune the family by insuring in the Crown is alwayi in a -hurry b� acqiiire al Life. - • • , , • , ' If you -Want money go to strangersr country seat. There have been a good many American - inquiries too, and kome."purchases' by Americans,- „but if you want advice go to, friends; if not so many aeon(' would have ex; you; want nothinggo to relations. • pected. I am told, however, that a good many Americans aro Jikely to come into tho market, for English eatates after theivar is finished. They have an idea that prises may be lower "There will be ne meeting Of the theft than they are now." • Good Health Society ,Tuesday even, Everything that this Man says is •ing beating° of the illness of 'so many Supported by the advertising columna of the members." • , of the newspapers, The London Timas this week had El full \ page advertise - Ment of country properties offered by One firm.of estate tigents. These pro- perties were ,aituitted in ninny parte Eigimut A significant feature of thia page of advertisements was that many of the:properties offered we're otigagemem rine •••,•••••Lia • Ark for lainard'a and take no Other Badly Needed. , « . Beginning -at the Beginning • Bridegroem—Now thik we are, Married, darling, Wd 14111 1111V0 Inere secrets train each ether.• - 13ride—Then tell rio t ' ly, 4taelr, Hew -much did you really pa fct tho,, • .• • • _ • _ liniment finniberntan's ',Acne , "Yesterday," Said Jabson.; «i. a• poor wani...an •kt „request for a sinall earn • of money, and in censeqn- ence of my net' I passed it sleepleSe night. •• The"tones of•her voice Were 'ringinein iny ears the whole time." "Your softness ' of heart does you credit." said Mabson, wgrlio Nis. the Woman?" "My Wife.". _ ouive y(sTip T i!d,', the••gentleman_ like some it. "Yes 'please.' ..s.— "There ain't any left" ____,.....' • ' _ 71_ . ., gene rnluaran Liniment in tho hou,sio That Knocking. miss. Pickles—Too bad, I souldn't see you when' you called,' blit:I•was just having My hair washed. Miss. Dill—And it hadn't goen re= tune, eh?' Free ap The maps of the Porcupine • and Cobalt Camps, finished in • colors, are now about ready for distributioh to all who are in- •' terested. These will prOve.ftp valuable to those, anxieus to obtain success in the •tnining market The Issue is Limited File Your Application at • Once -1 A Postcard Will Bring It. , Private wire connecting. all markete. • HAMILTON B. %RAS . mtemo:er Sp.nclaed Steck Eachange) I- 4 KING STREET EAST,-TonnisrrO 00r) it lekstION .McIther Seiges Syrup corrects Avid stiniulatce Whew pair %cation is 'Whim, Woilitifejs end the digestive .6rgene, end bonitihes the many pain like Oen , end disease id invited. -) diluents which Arise from indigestion. ;FOR WEARS TBESTANDAHO REMEDY ' TEE 67fOLENOTOR, reliable.: raid achinary For Sale •Wheelock Engine,' 1$0 sPs, .18 k 42, with Amble main driving 24 WiTte, and VOamo 30 K.W. • Owen- to opoute \con be ottaelted to• bAit driven 411 in first auti:itebleyele. • - Asii' • your 'dealer; if he 1,.. doesn't handle L. . 1 e 14, wilt, to...day f.r. t.xelusive _class -coillition Won d be r--Tif f. aro not- represented itt XYD: 89 aarvis Toronqt, ' •SOi t oge tiler or separate,. iy .also a lot of shafting.' at a very. great.bargaitto yeur totvn. JOHN T. WILSON! id Help fOr, Woolen Mill, Drinfilles.ce data ad rsiteipt Vett, Spe. AnAsi.on. The brim .bottliveatitsint throe time e IK• AnittiLfte entollet A, 3, *lila ay co. iiiirito; Crniiittreet Moen:jai34, ' Carders, Weavers, Fullers, • •• Napper Terldet*S: Cleed wagea--Fard Itt di 15epartmtints. and Oteadf• aq+k ttssaired.We lurve several openings foPs4nexperiented help, Nolo% energy ability will bring nroinotion. Wages, paid to apprsmiees while learn. ing )veavinif. Special inducement to Family worltere. Wtitty. stating. full 04weirsetetez, olfanntatyniartn.ii,[00Iitt. ttitg room is required limed* • s. Frank Wilson & gone 78 Adelaide Street West„ Toronto. IlOugh On: Hint Sapleigh;--rtie`AUnt hOUght &IA:N.11k ' book tot ttlite niy t1101).01ta 11** • kiss Xceu—it wJfl remain blank . you use it only Itor that purpose. • .