HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-06-22, Page 17:9;=M111111111111111111111111M1111111.111.•1111.1111.1111,
lAr.00 per year, in. advance;
1.25 otherwise
1.-jcliNO‘v, 0111%
Mr. Angus Beaton is spending fa two.
week's vacation ett. Ottawa. °
•'Brussels Peenle are putting on a
Deadinion•Day celebration: •
It is the day of the Juno bride and -
the garden perty-hoth delightful affairs.
.If you want a suit to keep its shape
have it well tailored At ,
T; ei.s.aes, Merchant Tailor,'
• F, Flynn; of Teronto• is vipiting
: her parente, Mr. and M, It'Grahtun, of
' Win Connell is quoting some atom-
' tive prices this week. Seat his advt. Oil
Mtit-Bert Mill8•19,4 Broeklin, Ont.,
this s.reek 'visiting Mr, Mills', mother,
Mr. John ICeitlf, of Oulross, called en
Mre. D. Graham and other •Lucknow
hien& on Monday.
et.yont auto is in any way ' out of re
pair, take it tome-14'0rd Garage, Luck
• now. is n expert alway on hand.
Mrs. A. 3'044 of Toronto, Was et vis-
itor the Past week with her. brethereMr.
• John MacKenzie, • 2nd of Kinloss. •
WillianeSinelizer, legal Ford agent,
; -reports a .very busy time last week, when
lie sold seven cars in as many consecutive
day ir SO far this season 14 Fords have
- been placed by the local 'agency.
• Five second Ford touring cars and one
second band Ford runabout for sale at
reasonable prices. Apply at once.to
Grip. 11."Smmr, iducknow.
' Mr. Hagan MacDonaldie in the hos-
e • pital at Fergus this week, hiving under-
gone:an operation for appendicitis Ariake'
on Wednesday of last week. We under- ,
stand he is making favorable Progress
towards recovery..
, Bills are out announcing a Garden
Party by the local Wonnia Institute on
-Mr. Moorebouse Mitchell's lawn, Mon-
day evening, the 26th. Admission is 2e
and 15c., and that's easy when it in-
cludes a good supper.
The 71s$ Battalion, in, which there are
'many Bruce and Huron boys, has been
broken up and used as reinforcements
• to other, units which were worn down at
• the Front. They have gone to the 73rd,
51st, 53rd, 4(3th and 47th. •
Capt J. G McLeod, M.D., of Kmcar-
• . dine' who, about a year ago, enlisted
withthe Royal Army. Medical ("ogle
• and ppeet the last ten months in Egypt,
has - returned home.-He-has-keintined-
his practice in Kincardine. • •
The Presbyterian Church Garden Par-
ty -the big annual event at Langside,
will'be held in F;(31. Moffeels orchard on
the evening of June 29. Strawberries
.1i)nd cream together. with • many other
good things are on the program,
Season is Now in
Full- Blast. We ean
• supply. you with anything
you *ant ,froin 7C ,a roll
Up to .59c. Good Select-
• ions? nice.patterns: .
Wagons, Carts and
Ba,by carriage -Tor
the' children.
Drug Store
Just Arrived
Black and Blue Serges,Tancy
buitings and Pantings-
Something New,
Perfect Fit Cuaranteed
_ThM_PLIB_SLA lirRe.keeeeetee_enetent Tallar
' and Wednesday of
eah week. t
(Corretteil up 'te• Wednesday noon)
•'Wheat • • •• oo
Otite0066006•6 6 • 06 460 0.....1046 45 45
• Barley 4 all tit 110**,4 0000144s
.11liekerheat • • 66
• flutter, we. 0i00000.e116.61 22 23
PeggielieVe laid. • .. • • ; • 24
• keep, • • • • *40 eeee • I le 1,0
A telegram from the Militia Dept-,
received in town on Wednesday, con.
veyed the informatien that Pte. Finley
McInnes, with the, Canadian army in
Francelor acme reeeths, has been miss -
line aline 'Moe 2nd. Jim 2nd and 3rd
were the dates of the heaeyeGertnan
attack upon.the Penadian &feeding
Ypreee when our Learn* steffereVahont
6,000 canalties, When a. soldier is re-
ported 'Wising" he ' is •eimPle Mat AC -
counted for, Men.. taken prisoner are
Usually reperted miesing; but, of course,
,the nuesing may be amen the killed,
though the fact is net known. .Pee.
Finlay leleIenes wed Wedded August
on a harvesters' eieuriden*, and enlisted
at Winnipeg. n;
Patriotic -Meeting
'A eho1Lflme
shiceeleti organization -
known es "The Bruce Preparedness
'League" was organized at. Walkerton,
with Judge A. B. Klein as President.
To complete organization Pf the County
a vice-president and Committee to co-
• operate with the central organization,
will be appointed in -each menicipplity,
A meeting for the appointment of such
,vice-president and conmatee will be
held in the Totvp Hall, Lucknow, on
Tuesday, June 27th •at 8 o'clock p m
The object of this league •briefly is to
prepare to dee!, with After the -War prob-
lems. These were stated on page 5 of
last week's Sentinel: • In this Liicknow,
like every other municipality, ought to
take a Part. Attend the meeting en
Ttiescley evening. ,
-Mondey, June 19.
John Andrew spent the week -end in
Fergus. ' T. •. • \
James 'Ritchie hada successful Wood -
bee to -day
• John Clibson Sundayed with friends
at blefeking.
• Jack McKay is visiting"friend at
Willow Creek.
• MM. James Ritchie 'briaited her sieter,
Mrs Robert Henry, last week.,
Devid Stfoud hag returned imme after
Spending a few days at Ripley.
• Miss Margaret Kennedy, of Lucknow,
'spent the week -end at John Reid's. •
Mrs: Johnston and sone Of Blueeele,
sent the week-endwith relatives here.
Messrs. -John and Wesley McIntosh,
of Ripley, Visited with David Stroud'
• Mr. and Mrs. Sa uel Reid and Mr_
and Mrs. Alin Reid motored to Ebene
ezer lest week. •
Me. and Mrs. Henry Gardner spent
Sunday with- Alelatter's sister, Mrs.
Peter Watson, of St. Helens.
. Those who took in theeeicursion to
Guelph are: Mr. Albert Helm, Willie
Helm, Bobbie Helm and David Andrew
The members of the Zion Church met
Thuraday evening at the herne ,of. Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Habliett and pretiented
Helen with a beautiful rocker and ped-
estal as a token of esteem as erganist. •
. • • • -Tuesday; June 21.
'• Mr. W. Cearson from Kluged, visited
Fred Hodgins on Saturday.
MiSs Miller, from Cleeelandeand Mrs.
Thompson, of.Millertom yisited at Jas.
Frances last week. . •
• -
-*Mr. R. F. Hodgkinson visited his
brother, Jerry Hodgkinson, of Rivers -
dale, onFriday and Saturday. '
• The dog which killed -John McNiece's
sheep was shot, John did not find the
owner of the dog. • lie 'coat ethe town,
ship over $90•00. •
Mr. Geo. Colwell made a reat
iirovemeat to his house by putting\ up a
•cement platform: Geo. Colwell, se, and
.L. McDonald froin Kinloss, did the job.
• Some of the People say Web- hens are
• laying thireshelled eginy this summer.
C -L sari eo do the ducks, and when
. they breakin ones pocket you 'wonder,
wherethe perfume is °dining. from.
• Those who took in the excursion to
Guelph fropi our burg were: Mr. and
__MrseJames Hodgkinson, Mes.---Freeborn
Hodgkinson, Mr. James. Hodgins, Mra
Jamres. They reportireving-e-egtrad.
time. Just before returning home word
came that there mesa wash-eut on the
track; and one woman, who did not
travel very much, asked, "Why don't
they take in the•washing and let us gee,
home' .
Quite a ntimber from around .here
tit* in the farmersepicnie last Thursday
at filled Lake There ware -12 ;autos
there, and it put one in mind of proPh-
cy-whichewas-niade-over-onte hundred
years ago, which goes something like
this: "Carriages without horses shall go'
and accidents fill the world with woe.
Around the World thou shall, fly in,. the
-twinkling-of-an eye- --Water-shall-yet
more wonders do, now strange yet shall
Le true. The world up side down ehall
be, and gold be found at root of tree.
Through hills Jean shall ride, and no
horse or ass at his aide. Under water
Man shall walk -L. -shall ride, shall sleep,
shall talk. In the air men !hall be seen
in white, In black, in green. • Iron in
water Shall float as easy as a wooden
heat Gold shall be found and coined
in a land that's not now known. • Fite
and water ghall wonder!' do. England
Shall at last 'admit a Jew. ' And the
world unto an end ehall come in 1921.
The time shall conre when seas Of blood
shall Mingle With a great don.' Great
noise shalt there be hearth greet Ante
and tries, and seas. Abell thunder louder
than the Skies. Then shall three lions
light with three, and bring joy to a
people, hopor to it king. That tipsy year,
aft imai AS eell$ peace shall everywhere
he fend, and Men Emu's
TilliRDAY, JUNE 22nd., 1916.
• e t
A. tonstahic tio More •FarlilerS$ and Woolen's
`r -•
According treports from Walkerton,.histitotes of Lae
Joseph H. Armstrong, the fammis, or
some would have it, infamous, Maass
Sleuth, is at last and finally disposed of
f AS a county and .provincial Constable.'
Perheps it was with a vision of this op.
preaching fate before his mind, that
recently enlisted with the 176tle Batiale
ion and secured the office of Requneutal
it is to be hoped that his pima-
larityin his new capacity will begreatee
theeeit was in the' old. Otherwise he
may never return leen the war. How-
ever, as Judge Klein remarked' it the,
Qeetrt Which finally.disiniseed Joe, "the•
;Obnstable who carrtes out his duties is
fluid to make enemies who will fie.* his.•
dimnissal." Armetror4s clisnilesal has
been mentioned a good many times with-
in the list two _years, so that eye were
heginning thiekethat, as' a eonstable,
he must be first -Townley? the cat 'with
diee'livese .First, it appears, he loot ;hit
office as. provincial constable, Which gave
him a sort of roving commissiou to pur-
sue the criminal' wherever he found him
within..• the ample' bounds of • Ontario,
But he was till County Constabld and
complaints of his undue zeal in the en-
forcement of the law kepraccumnlating.
Judge Klein, however, did not like to
take the responeibilty of dismissing the
constable of his, own accord; and sub-
mitted the complaints to the General
Session of the County Court. It appeaes
teat sem° time ago the County Council.
had by resolution, disapproved of Arm-
strong's methods and this perhaps gave
rise to one of the stories of his being de-
prived of office. He seems now to „he
Gown and mit for good, and parties not
over mice about observance of the. law,
will breathe easier. .
A Llowd for Saturday
Chances are there will be a big crewd
in town an Saturday, the • 24th There s
will be a great big•auction sale of all J f
manner of household:effects, at the Mc- i
. One ef the rent active Institutioris
•odr day, we find,. working steadily an
Without much pretence right ino
rnidet and in goodly iitimberee evident]
come to stay, uuder the banner "Women
, Institutes" -a ,group ,grandneether
motheesend daughters, who are boun
to take' the most out of life and help th
other sisters tO.havS a little social hou
.Death of 'Duncan McConnell
• Following two years' lanes • from
paralysite, Duncan McConnell, cn,'orthe
Old residents of the 2nd lime o irtleetf,
passed away on Saturday of 1 teeveelk
at the age . Of: 73. ''Though aneinvalid
mace sefferinget strelee paralysis- two
years ego, Mr.' McConnell. had been Ole
to move about and .uutil about an hour
before his death was as: well as tuniat
When. another Stroke came on andhe
p.a,tieed: away .in a 'shore Arne, Thofun-
eral to Kinless.ceinetery on Monday was
largely attended. Among others present
were .a slater, yrs. Stephenson, of Lon-
don, no. her , son, Die. •Stephenson;
-brother, 'Allan,And-anothersister,. • Mrs.
Intyciodealso of London. Mr, Mean -
nett was a natiee, of 'Clreeeock. Scotland,
and came to Canada. nearly 50 years ago.
Forty.oie years ago he. was .married, at
Lobo to .01iristetiaMeLeod, who survives
*,The faroilYcania' tOKinloas 4.0
yeare ago and have.tver since,residedon
the farm Which they now • occupy. Mr:.
McConnell was a plastereranddevoted
his Ape to that trade rather than to
farming. He leaves three sons and one
daughter: John, of Guelph; Allan', of
London; Duncan; at home, and Mrs.
Gillies, of .Elin Creek, Man. '
as well 'its work, and break in on. th
Monotony of par everycley lives; a "heigh
thought" for others, such being the pre
Calk of their matte' "flome and Country.
This•Senti went prevailed•at their An
nuel-District Picnic which was held a
Silver Lake, Thursday, 15theinete wher
PIO several hranches of Bruce go: amal
gamated and discussed Om intereeteen
gether, and'ave new inspiratiees to con
Moue their great Red Gioia Work; and
redouble their efforts lin' this service fo
the corning•year. The Farmers' fnsti
tete with which the Women's Institute
is affiliated, discussed ways and Means
to provide food for the starvingenillions
engaged in waresUtely not the least im
portant helper. to conquer the enemy.
They also enjoyed the ever-present
by the lake -side this year, and nelped do
justice to the sumptuous supper when
both sessions concluded. Best wishes
were conveyed from 'the men's meeting
tO the women's by Mr. *Kay, who
spoke in glowing terms of the Women's
Institute work and wished them further
A pleasing feature of our report of.
the Bruce Institutes work for the past
year, -was $2,400, and .that from the
women's•efforr alone. Merit Of them
gave to Patriotic Leagues and husbaods
doneted to Patriotic work:, that was nottaken into account in this report. We
feel pleased to report a little effort of
elf -sacrifice and a helping, for our Jees-
avored friends, and we would like to
ntere,st the women who are affiliated
ith mg relief work te come and join
ith us, and in the common service of
thers. "Forget our sorrows in our
ountry's 'present needs." -C oet.
Garry Hotebewhen all of the house fur-
nishings will be sold. There is a great
-deal of useful materiel on this sale, and
all will be sold as•Mree McGarry is giv-
ingl• up the house. Anticipating the
Zrowd on Saturday a number of the
merchants have widely advertised. special.
.sales -for that date on the principle of
quick returns and small profits, so there
willbe a busy day of shopping and buy-
ing. The getnioe is not a busy one,
Cbme to town; 'seethe crowd and teke
advantage of the special safes. Read
over again the McGarry sale bide and
the big adveitisementa whith Appeared
in The Sentinellast week. • ••
--Menday, June 19.
• Mrs. White, of London, is visiting
Kingsbridge friends.• . •
Mies Lucia Austin, of-Cioderich, is the
guest of her cousins her._•• •
Miss Priscilla Dalten hits arrived
home to spend the summer. here._
Mr. and Mrs. John Moran and M
and Mrs. Jos. Moran are Ashfield visite
ors.- •;
Miss Margaret Dalton, John F. 'Seib-,
van and Frank McCarthy, who spent
the last few months.hi Detroit; have re -
tweed home.
Amongst those who took in the Grey-
hound excursion to Detroit were: Thos.
Connor, Min L. Sullivan, Jelin Garvey
and Roy Meyers. ,
William and John Long, of. Assuinp-
tion College Sandwich, and Madeline
Sullivan, oethe 0.0. L, have arrived
home for the summer vacation.
i• •
Soule of last Sunday's visitors at
Kingsbridge were: Rey. Fr. Dean, Mr.
and Mrs: John ' Boyle, Miss Gladys
'Grubb,. Mr., and Mrs. Geo. Brophy, Will
Commins and Joseph Donciran, of St
Augustine; Mise Kelly, Mr. Stock and
Mr. Murray, of Kinkora; Mr. and Mrs.
John Lannen, Goderich; Mr. Lynn,
Godetich; Mr, and Mrs. Lannan, Mrs.
Lyon.and child, Detroit.
Several from here, including Mr.. and
Mrs' Chas. O'Connor, Mr. and Mrs.. J.
T. O'Reilly, •Annie Griffin and Rebt,
Moran were in London last week attend-
ing the ordination to the priesthood of
Rev. Wm. Moran, Who solemnized: his
filet Solemn -High -Mass- on -Sunday-
' morning, assisted by Rev. Pe. Doyle; of
LOtiti ;
sey, Kinkora, Sub.Deacon.
• Tim LEAGUE -The League met as
usual Monday evening in the basement
of the Methodist Churce at 8 o'clock.
• Miss Letitia Joy's; Bridal vice president,
had charge of the evening. The Serie-
ture lesson' was read by Miss Hazel
• Webster, and Mr. Earl Bogues took the
chair; "Frances Ridley Haver al" w
the stiejeirfor 'the mee4ing, and was
very ably dealt with by Miss Etta John.
ston, who gave ap outline of her great
life:work: Readings bearing on the sub-
ject were. given by Atma Alton and Mil -
dred Treleaven, mid the hymns sun
were composed by Frances Havergal. A
fine duet was given by Mies Pearl Irwin
and MreEidon-Hendersom The Christ-
ian Citizenship Committee have cherge
of the meeting for the 26th., and Mr.
Harold Freemen Will •take tle� topic',
"TheCitizen and the Franchise". and
the Meeting willebe led • by Mr. Frank
.Bogues. • ,
Of Interest to Auto Owners
Mr. Ceo. Turner is now in charge of
the repair' department of Ostrander's
h,arage and prepared to, do -all kinds 'of
repair work on sill kinds of automobiles.
Mr. Turner is a machinist with,17 years:
experience in large automobile factories
and repair shops., and is' ail expert on
automobile engines, lighting systems,
self-starters and the whole mechanism'
• of the latest automobiles. Always ayailT
, Garden Party Was Goad
'He that meketh a guden party taketh
a great chance, fel. the weatherman is
showing no favors. • The local L. 0. L.
•had a demonstration of this on Friday
last, when just at .the- hour'when folk
evould otherwise.set mit for their garden
-party, it began to rain heavily-eand gee -
ting away to a good start, kept right on
Anougheut the night. In spite of tine,
-some fifty or ' more assembled at Mr.
Miller's'orchard, where the party was to
have been held.' ,But it takes far more
than 'fifty to make a good Orange Lodge
party, and it was decided to postpone
the affair until Monday evening. 'Mori -
day evening was better, though decidedly
cool for the middle of June. There was
a good crowd, and on the whole, a very
enjoyable time. Wingham and Luck-
and despite the ill-natured weatherman,
the party was an all-round • success.
k- -The local Banks will close every Thurs-
day afternoon during the Months of July
and August at one o'clock. People hey-
ing bank business todb will Please li-eaf
this in mind. Z9 -6-1007c.
•.Teti-.Guree.-We missed our worthy
President, Mr. Hagan IVIcDonalde Mon-
day .night, but we were- pleased to know
that he is getting. along fiteourablye Mr.
A. D.,MacKenzie.took the chtite and the
• Devotional. Cenitiaietee, • who. were in
:charge; did their part to .make the even-
ing interestimee ;The topic was "The
Wee of Good Cheer.': Nornia Thnip-
son 'read the Scripture leen,' which was in
harmony With the topic, ,being '"Chtiet's
\Verde et Cheer." •Readings entitled
"Sunshine Sermons", were given by Miss
F. Reid, Kenneth MeidieeSberiley Burns,
'and, Alvin Strachan. Mise Gertie •Tre-
leaven favoured, as solo.. .$tegle..
Meekeeeie reaeran expellent paper on
the topic „ which made one realize he*
impoetant'is Good Cheer. A good' mus-
ical selection wes.given.by Wilfred -Mur-
doch and. Miss D...Hendersee readon in-
teresting selection 'from the War against
. Gloom • 'It was elecided.thate owing to
the Women'aInstitute having their 'lain
eland. next Monday evening, the . Geild.
wont(' pistpene their lest meeting of the
terra eintil•• the/ first • Monday in July.
The Social Cominittee have charge
• Women's Institute
A lady e'elegate from the Agricultural
St. Helens
Department,, will address the ,Lucknow
-Ttiesdiy, June -20-
'• The. •inottihik 'meeting 'of. -frelens.
Wornen's Institute -mill -be -en
Thuredny afternOml, June _the •2111.11,, At,
the nome of Mrs. James Martin.. Sub -
Jct, "Kitchener's Life"; Question Draw-
- Institute at-krs. M. Mitchell's
-• on Monday attention, June 26th., at .3
• o'clock. This will be an interesting .ad-
dress. and it ishoped that many es pos.
•erbie froeirtown and veurary will be in
• to hearet. No chargels made. This „
emeetingewill he followed ,he
Party in the evening; starting with sup-
per at 6 o'clock. • .
, A "Game" Soldier
et 1.(111.1tterr A• -media-1U vita -Won -it'
extended to all the ladies to be present
to talkup the picnic, and *aye of inak.
ing Money fdr Patiiotie work.-Sec'y.
Iiirn-Monday, June 19,
Pte. Harold Walden- was borne from
Walkerton over Sunday. • * •
Miss Annie MoPherson, of Kincardine,
iS viaiting at Mrs. fithood's.
Mrs. Fred Templin, , of Kincardine,
sPent Sunday at 14lattliew Welsh'e: •
John Henderson is not imprOVing as
fast as his many .friende would *ish.
Mrs. M. McDonald, of Saskatoon,
Soak ;Tailed onefriends here last week.
Miss Annie Outran, of Ripley, 'spent
the week -end with hetfriend, Mise Ethel
Rae. ,
'Mile Thompson and Billy Griffith, of
Kincardine, are spendinget few days at
Jblni Walden's.
. Annabel, from here attended the re-
opening, services in the Presbyterian
chttreh on Sunday last.and tiled the lee-
Tuesdoy evening.
-Titesda.yeJune 20.
• K. Patereon and 'family visited at
Lucknow on Sunday. • ,•
Walter Lott spent the week -end with
his mother in Brusielee' .
• Mrs. McLean, of Fleslierton, is
ing her daughter, Mrs. (Rev.) Stewart
Mrs. McCleneghtin and daughter, Ona,
are visiting friendain 'Cleveland, Ohm:
PteS. Tom and James Penrose; of
•London, spent Sunday at their home
here. , •
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart,. of Goderic
spent a few days With their son, Rev.
Ure Stewart •
Messrs: Walker end Q. M. Fairfield
real estate agents from Guelph, visite
the village on Monday._
The young people of the Whitechuec
Presbyterian church will hold a garde
patty, on Friday evening, July 7th. "
splendid program is being provided. Th
Teeewater Band will be in attendance
The Guild meeting on Sunday mein
was •well attended; the subject bein
"The Usefulness of GoOd Cheer". Th
subject for next -Sunday eeening-is "Nei
Anal Heroes. and National Cowards"
• The annual Garden party of Langside
Presbyterian church will be. held on
Thursday -evening, ;June 29th, on the
usual grounds. • I he Tieswater Bend
will be present .and other _interesting
features will be found on the program,
ilscluding vocal seleetiene, a,dttresees, eic.
A 'cordial invietition is- extended toleell._
Speeial ?Patriotic services mill be held
next Sunday in the Presbyterian and
We had occasion some months ago to
mention a Lieut. Jack McLeod, the baby
of the Princess Patriciate as that 'regi-
ment was firstorganizee, a - fernier mai-
dent or Teeiwater tted Paisley, *Wlien
. the P. PO were shot to pieces at Ypres,
Jack was .slightly wounded. He later
fell with an aeroplane, the 'aviator being
,killed, Later, Jack was severely wound-
ed in the leg and arm and left for dead
MI the field. He was pielted up and
after three nionthe in an English
hospital he went home to Alberta. to
rocuriorate. This process is • now coin-
,pleted, end be hes just tie.tepted a com-
mission in the 21 lth Bettalinn (America
Legion) tied will go back to the Front. ,
In a letter to the Paisley Advocitte he
says that,, remembering all he has c'orne
through, he is not anxious to return, but
ali 'things are looking pretty dark ovef
there tliese days and as I feel .perfectly
fit again, there is no reason why 1 should
'Sta;t at home."
members of the leOth and 181st Batta-
lions will be present In a body, by kind.
permission cif the commanding officers,
and will attend the morning serviee in
the-Presbyterieit chat -aimed the evtlinig
servitts in the, Methodist church. The
pastors will have charge' of the services.
The annual civics holiday of 'White-
church and cemmunity will be held on
Monday afternoon and evening, Inne
26th, at the 10th bridge. The White.
church boys Of the .160th and Mat will
be present. AtilliScluentS: of various
kinds are bein provided for the day.
There will be races juinping, teg-ofeWar,
etc., for which prizes will be given. Be-
• aides, priees will be sevatded for the
envie on the grcunds longest Married
and also the couple married the shortese
One and other similar prizes. A splen-
did booth ie being peovided, where re-
freshments, 'eta, will be provided. All
are expected to bring baskets of pro -
Visions with them and have 'a pleasant
time with our boys „before they . depart
frompur midst. The past reputation of
these gatherings will certainly be Main -
Shied. Tho. pr.00escla will be dovotecl
%atm() RItriotaa olient4 •
Presentation. at'Zion•
Vie the evening' of Thursday,June-
large number of the Zion Meth°
congregation met -at the home of Mr.
Mrs. Joseph Hackett. It was quite
surprise ,to them as they were not:ant
paling anything of the kind. The peo
had, howeveregathered for the purp
of 'honoring Miss Hadkett, who has be
a most faithful. organist of the Clur
arid is now retiring.
"Vuring the evening Me. Bridgette
troduced•the object., ef, their coming
getheepand then. called upOn Me. John
-Andrew behalf of the -congregation,
to present to Mies Hackett the following
etldressi '
Mise Helen Hackett:
Wee the cigilFeeegation efZion Meth-
,odist ()hutch; havieg 'learned of your
intention of leaving our community t�
reside elsewhere, beg leave to submit
the f011owing wordp of appreciation, as
a small tribute to your charac4r and
services to the eonneuejtY, in winch you
have lived all your life thus far.
As to your character, we have appre•
dated its. sterling qualities. At home
and libroad you haSe been 'free from
word, you possess the loftiest ideals' of
leiefewn.•ei1/2., eeeeieyiseeil of -energy and en
to realize these ideals in home and solid
young womanhood, and havenver Ought
thusiasm, kind and generous, and in a
h to speak particularly with up.
prechition of your setvice to the church
etwhich you and we.are members. In
the Epworth League, in the Sabbath
Scheel and in the Women's Missionry
Auxiliary, you have done your. full share
ofwork with great faitlgulness and pains-
taking.care. But ,your best service .rp
he churchhas beenin the &peaty of
organist. We ail. understand that the
position of organist is aitost responsible
widen and delicate to manage at ti4s1
ut for six yes you have assumed the
responsibility without having encerred,
the displeasure of any. You have seldom
isappointed the congregation I y your
bsence, and yeti have played the organ
ith an energy and led the singing with
.zest that has been delightful to all and'
est helpful to, the spirit of public wor,-
We feel we cannot let you go without
°me •further recognition, ' other than
hese words of appreciation, therefore,
he whole community has shared' in Pro-
uring you A little present, which will
stify to the goodwill of all toward you,
e trust it will-lie'of service to you and
ill- help- you te keep a we in your me
a feeling of kindness and friendship t� -
ward us all hi future days. -
' The church with which you have been
identified and the dommunity in which
you have hied wish you, for the future,
long life, prosperity and much happiness.
Signed on behalf of the church,
SAeroeu. &inane* Pastor,
ALPil NIXON, Steward.
., • Dit
•av! STitelJD, SteWatel.
• After' the address was read, Miss,Ellen
Woods and 'MissMaryHelm presented
the gifts referred to above. lend which
consisted �f a couple Of pieces of parlor
furniture. Mies Timken. 'appreciated
warmly the addrees and the gifts, and in
a few well chosen words her :father re.
plied for here A nice lunch was then
eerved by' the ladies, and the,balance of
the evening was spent in a seciable way,
with much music. All enjoyed the
:evening, and all • regret Si8i; Hacketee
departore froth' the comntunity.
The Bruce Battalion To London
The Bruce Battelinn left Walkerton
yesterday morning for camp at Louden,
where the men will train for the remain-
• der of the summer: If intended arrangee•
ments weri3 carried out, the .hattation
'got on board' two special trains at 9.30
a. m: and Culled out for the city canne
Maly soldiers were home on a last visit
from Walkerton 6n Sunday. •On Tues-
day the peeple of Witkerten and sur-
rounding country put on -something of a
demonstration -by. way of farewell to the
boYe in khaki.
• Cuirass Centre .
-Moliday, Jane 19.
tiesenevisited friends.
here on Friday of laid week. '
• Mies Agnes ,Hughei epent ,tho week-endevith friendoin Teeswa ten •
elr.• Alex. McKenzie, of Lanside,
Spent Sunday with friend here_.
. ,
.Miss "Laura Stanley 'of - Leiden. is
tisiting41 theimtne Of*to. Thrhardann •
fran:i liere a ttendea-t
Circus at Wingliarn Monday' of last
Miss MarySteboof Stretford Normal
Sehool, is spending the holidays at her
borne here. .
Mr. Thos. Ross, of Langside, is saw •
int( wood forikntinibsr of....the fernier&
arotind here. • • •
Mrs. McKenzie, of 10th. con., Kinloss,
has returned hem' after speeding a few
weeks etthe home of her daughter, Mrs.
Walter Day. • ' .
Beowle-BALLAGH.-The marriage of
.Mr. Maurice Brown t,o • Mise Ballagh,
daughter Of Mr, and Mrs. Robert B31-
,11114 Of the 2nd. line, Ctilrose, is sche-
duled to take place on Wednesday elef
this' Week. We understand they will go
for a short lioneynipori trip before mak-
ing their home oii theellrown fitem.
Mr. John Keith, of the 4th. line, re -
cowed word last week that Vivo of his
nenhews,IWin. It and Grahani Borten,
who enlisted in Alberta, have been
Wettedei in the recent; heavy fighting in
Flanders. Oraliant is thought to be
'severely wounded, ea word was sent to
his mother that he was hit in the neck.
The mishap to Wm. Henry was reported *
In' the newspapers. There areother two st)
of the llorton bop in tho atulq I *
• •
Sin le Copies 43 Celitg
11. We are offering some
at special prices for Friday
• and Saturday•. As: ofir...space
islimited we • are uuable to
. .
give a tut 1st, but below you,
will find a fewlihes of special
-interest. • •
$16.00 Ladies! Wristlet Watches,
- $14.00 ,
$10 Gent's Gold 'Filled Watches
$3.00 Ladies' Rings $2.25
$12 Mantle Clock, solid quarter
• cut Oak, $9.00 -
• $7.00 Miseon Clock $5,00,
$t 00 Mission (Jock $Z.75
• $1.00 Alarm Clocks 75c.
You are cordially •invited to
visit out= store ,resurciless of
intentions to purchase. •
Jeweler wad Opiteiam
Pheiie 92'
WANTED. -A girl for -house w k -good
wages. Apply at The Sentinel Office.
13.6 -t -f -o.
TEACHER VtiANTED.-Second class proles- ,
MONEY TO 1•0A.N.-On mortgages'' a29.6nd...cio-t-es
Stock and Mutual Companies. . ,
at reasonable rates. Fire Insurantc,_'both
State sale**. R. A. Grant, R. ,R. 3. Luck-
• GEO: A. SIDDALL. Broker, LucknOir.
now, Secy.
alone,' certificate, for S. S. No. 15, ASktleld.. 4
_ .• , •
- • . •
TEACHER WANTED...Protestant. for S. S.
. .
No. 9, Huron Township, •duties to. cam-• menceafter midsummer holidays. APP1Y ,
stating salary. qualifications and exper. ,
ience. All applications must be In before ,
• July 16th.•
: 13-7;180.c.• -, •Kincarci-InPSURitg.A: NSeoc.I..-T.-1 '
For all matters regarding_orsenhillcemetery
-refer to D. C. Taylor, Secretary.
• For Sale
FOR SALE -Ford teeming car, in good repair ; . .
. -at the Ford Garage, Lucknow.- . m•ope • -
.. • . -
FOR SALE. ---Pure bred Yorkshire swine-. •
. ,
. . from 6.weeks to 6 months old -a large Veal-
. _beg to choose frora=both sexes. Steck is •
. .. :,..A.Oli2 best breeders of 'Ontario:- Jahn- iraitir
rish, It. 15..7. Lucknow. • ' a2-n.n.
FOR SA.LE.--,Two.storeyframetouse, 8 aroma.,
„ hard ahd soft water In the _ house, 174 acre
_._ of land with fruit trees. Victoria Si.
22-64-1‘.• Apply to ROirr.•RE.intinx.
Auction Sale
• all the zontehts of the house including. a
. -great amount of bedding. furnitum dining •
room and kitchen utensils, Willbesold by
. public auction en Saturday, June 21. coin-
mencingat 1 o'clock sharp. •
J. Pultvis, Auctioneer.
Lanes -
, -Monday, June 19..
Miss Bella Kennedy is visiting an
Philip Flogires. .
Philip Hope held a large hay -drawing
bee to Ltieknow last Thursday. •
• °-
• Lanes Beef Ring has started,. with
James Saunders as heel- buteher.•
Harvey Millar has -captured two half-
grown foxes and is endeavoring to tame
theJnrof;n: Bowie; '
ha•s sold sold 'a handsome, •
team for, a high price and ,purchased a
team of iron greys. -
W. cr. Reid is able to walk mound
'after his long term as an invalid, with a
broken leg and bruised ankle.
. Joseph Carroll, of Lickhow, and kr.
and WS; John Kelly -of Chicago Sun:-
da.yed with Mr. and Mrs. Henri P.
be congratulated on the success of their. .-
sen, William, Who Was ordained into the • -
priesthood on Saturday; June 17th, id
Loedon Seminary, by ,Bishop • Fallon.
Father Moran said: -his _first Mass lir .
Kingebridge church oh .Senday, Jane
17theand wasepresented with aii addreee
and a .puree, to winch he made a very .
toulfilng eePly. ,
. •
"-E4hth. -Collili
ily°SSJ-tt-ii-e 19.
RainRain Rain!! is the talk of
CharTea Conran hes purchased it
Ford car. ) ,
Mr.. Splan, of Kingarf; spent Priday
at John Culbert's.: ,
Leslie Congram spent last, week with
his uncle at Winghtim. •
° 'Thom!' Lindsay, of Bervie, spent.
Sunday at Robert Harris'.
Mies Birdie Harris. spent Tneeday
'afternoon at Robt. Harrier.. . •
Our Earl is very busy just now. Ile
is leariung (lien° and says it's easy.
Mr. and Mrs...tolin S. Culbert spent
Tuesday at Nixon Needham's, ICings.rf.
Johnstone has purtbased a Anti'
driving colt.from Mr. ' Ven &Mani " of
Earl Westell and s'isterell.rs.T. (ase.
more, of Kincardine, • spent Sunday on
the fith Co. .
A number from hero attended thrt
ionic at SUM Lake en Therst14 ansl:
spilte. stlentlia 04104