The Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-06-08, Page 70 Oil M 111 1. 1 0"M
As:shQrt of mew—tbore are
t 0 many
An I or s, 4
T alk "1 49
Plenty -of roAcirveo; T'bellovobut lie. W
- - - - - - fferings of, the, --people
catioe, the, , oil
Wo liavo $vst, red o letter from a for thil country, thom.are too many aeg
are 'bec nsr, unb' r4,blo
dy in Tor4hfol t the oe- sm -town , e a a a , c-
11 city and, w. Odic. b �tlut
vant girl.pkoblem, is ,ecoming,mmre I y w uO inAuence ani
eore fighting for.
Inning to down
not un%lerotil what We
acute, 4411Y. demand- for bright I .ve ri
because -they ha Q regulO
Is 0 y begi
girls 'to, tote men'.$ positions in fac- editorial oplilloifs to presept,. The. raduall
:,upon them. that A cti;rIes are
our� vi
tortes, stores, offices, ond-, cUewbore, big as
best and m.' t valuable oc�vlce any cc
upt for nothing, And that we
scausing A V00110ve- famtrm In 4
�o do- newspAper-can render in 9, community'
must not on]
y give up wha-t we ave
m0§141c aqvicei an �5 Are is: th t 9
A , f gulding the tboughts qf Its but even more, In. order to get Who Dairy $Uble- guil k. once, of oe4ialf per� .0�nt. -in the tot'
d strong, appeal Clean Mil
niade ta cop-Atry -, f riends: tain reader.s -urlffht, of all -oub*t* lypsthy W a oplc to I 't .24ah-ef) #
to., ob "Oh 4-14rm- whore- livo
-good servants' for 'City homes, . offer- ill A -public way. Tile is sighing for." grea4r the vglp ese pad 09M
attention must of he o,. 9.1 , 10-0
be, paid to
ing from $15, to $215.p0 month with- aim- of every editor Would be to malte 0 'an, -wb 0 pounds. o 11)o you link the German peoplit: cle�mlili f milk w1i heese I
f ull, clud, an are in a mood to give bp an�.: terri- is no live gtoek' This is par IV
privj�egds in . oil. 11',axineraure his paper instiuctiv. 4 helpful in oilattriA on So well in
a world that directing the thought of a Community
tory in order'to get peace?" I of a. dairy. farm, for h uceoo- o dairyman, wants. A *lie'
cornp4rdtiy0y'few farmers' daughtem questions of'cominton or especially "I am -quite sure that the p OPI n f qhIs neighbor
f.,.XhIch_ thoro A&nit#IW1&_ ,-apd -ye
wi ing y g ve up no S T1113 is y
of. right to* e�peqt the peopla!s,puppQrk
`0 pe; Be 0�_-!4% place. :Ovidont�.,
-hat the former sQilrcd t tiOnsi every inch of foreign territory now To obtain the most Sanitary condi- what linstboeroya wo
has dried up. Smaller hQivo, who contributes -'noth1bg- to public occupied, but Alpatei-Lorralne- as w. ell. tina, the. diaxy-biru should be'bullt ly low-testin
pler living, more opinion.: It represents, and expresses g -herds are, in the maj-
nfertaining, Sim,
"But Vrhat about an indemnity?", �Oa 'high ground, liatura or 'payin
g on aquality b.g.pIgp
active work for mistresses wid more the great7 rq�i ng ideas on moral, socia
IT do xio,� see h9w Germany COU14 drainage and shelte would' have. ben fu
niversall� dohelp from oth6r'mem.445 of the h,00$0- Land ccip.nomic questions which have red from the gold
'po-ilbly pay. an,111demnity now. We winds .of WI t r. long ago,and there �rould have been;
Horse st.4wes'-
a chief 'remedies tht.are, wini in th e of in;
b9ld are th a ii :pre practically ruined, and the.
poultr* houses, li g Sheds, rivies, a -nee
ity or pountry., I'a justice m
SUggQit6d tot meet 6c present acar.! mun no d bf legigla
iin qrd4e� tb%
telligent-part of the p9pu tion all manure pit - -Soul
ight be irl6ted 0�4t to -all pat,
a d be far. enough
vity Of domestic servants and no hpe 41
vr letter I get 9m,
a 'd* know Y, Away not to. contontinatet the eaw'star
JD - # ions of f4ptorivs.
x4ottldcr� - of fiome',speaks, of tha.mlisery*our peo- bde air. Ther'
oy:b bter co.4 gAexts.-i t, 0
e e, Always a tendency The. new.'Act, Is, in,the in
th endbrini, Mr.1hoisos and"for the.barnyaid lot -dairy W
public 6p'inlon. ]public opinionAs . a,
lustry And insteAd�..ot'
s anil paddocks the
catble hive,-Ieen: t;tken sways we are- surrounding the. stable to get muddy, hightest ng,
'khe. servant g shortagd` outery expreSsod. 14aa� wbiclv.were. the most
tWere beirig only a few I
sho t of..seed corn and food and foul, but*wh herds in a factory, district as tit ptesw
ban forceful arid n'ecessary truths conce�j
recalls conditions. on 'flip farm.'w n- on the b
TAAt part ad, on a high, 1velIndritinea. spot tis, ant,. it will tend to -raise, the average
id6ntally'the ieturns from r;n Ina', which. as. e to, -know .
writer was -farmer's so d xsonal br community Well-being- potatoes are v6r cc.
aworkm6n4ere scarce before f -A the, public, h" car test and ific
i61 Germany is a* country o moufning, te�rtideiiey is reduW to a' I
m rumum, as herds. ID an and
general, use.. ..and despair. the Airym
ghihery- tarate into Xqrce' to' be r af0er A. xaiii' the dairy
Indeed, public Inlonbecomes,sc
th�se dayathree or.four men *eie,ro,
e, -bodied me 'the frost, ell 0
eckoned with arid ror een and*in the opifrig when ees makers should, co-perate And,
'All oiir n liave b
ulre( hurldre every citizen that one inning of'thi6t frost leaves the &oun d do All in their p promote! pay
on every 4 acke in har-. se�ied taken, aqd the bag
.1 If the yAr ower to
we always been sent to. thef is irldirn
and *hen day., a
st time' h rvesierg abitain ve ais'ta 11% 'Arb hipal duties to be m-dildy, it m c jin- ing for milk. According to. 'quality, 1 1
wa ad w e' me -15 heia giyes, a. low. av�r4g.e test,
hot Obtainable th n' and frQm -a -of evil, A per- NN mo
St dangerous �laqeis. Our heavy roved by drainage 6 the
ror a wo all appearanc e of.
girls stopped into. -Alle. brtioll .-And soft's e6od name.,deliends upon 1ife
dasualti4 prove this.?' �!Xldes ok, gravel. It.slidlild'be free there fga, way Of Impr6ving It. Trule,
"War War lived �u accord cQ;vith,* have.yolm been treated while from .
ke'd like ne aepep -the tint of ill #ant herd. 0. riqt 1
Tn en who to ted
Canadians At thd Front Wearing' New. �$teel Helmets, Ow udholek. and manure 6,41d t4O e pre
'day think'they igannot got. on Without Canons of public *opinion.'," The -an in the'army!" I asked,. '�Is it, true n9tbe allowed to accumulate In- it. In ralsed, but by; using a- bull from hi
a servant or two or three will possibly who thinks he ca�xun count4 to the gh- .,' . . :.
efficient Way IQ -to shoot th6 testing ancestors the offspring
p whi4h't66r French allies have provided that our officers threaten severe. winter weather, or in usually
be h6rr6r-stricken to :'reail what farm7 prevailing ideas of society merely to their armics'with the new 6teel. headdross� is 'really r you down if U to 90 for- spring when the ground is soft, and* prove', to'be,better than damsd
agst'credifable to every, yo refuse.,
ers wives did ifi. the'lorig-ago -in- this selfish elid§ is courting gqcial.,department 'concerned'. On every fron't the blue -tinted casque is s6en.- The ward ? manure can r;ot be hauled The eagiest.and niost satisfactory WfLy
countr�. Wo,kni6w many women whose sha�' I . to the fields
ostracism- and disaster,. Men seek pub- J British tro.6 are, also now 'b6ng ' quipped "th st�el. helmets. The e
ps a . WA p Not Forced on'Germany. daily,, it.qhould be stored �n a -manure of obtaining a high -testing, high -pro__,
duties were.of. a most. versatile na- lie favor for sinIstat 'motives Some- difforry somewhat from the French caique. The British dt.sign IN wdOr tn. her
"No -I cannot the Way pit some distance from the st�kble and ducing d ik to waigh� and test the
tur&. S�je '. arose tit early i dawn and ji T�e m4n wbQ.mqrely worships-, the b riim I with complain ol not -in the badement of the barn or 'Milk from each cow - regularly, then'
'fast a,. a more spreaifig dome to, the roof of the helmet, i Thg� Brit
vs �ekbre brea d 3urts popularity ish -headgear does 'not show a ventila ti6n -ridge uch as. tlie �'reiich helrne� we ha,V6 been 4reatod. German off i
milke'd seveal.c9i; public, opinion, an c4 any place in he dai stable. 1. -save th heifers from the best. cars have their -own way: of treating I ry.
a a back by shaping his condua A'S a matter -of. i.ex;hibits as a.. distinctive feature.' , liu pdreds, of thd ;a! r ow in -use, - An id
.-and pr6bably had to alk t' i. eal Site for a barnyard is on a kention -must be paid to the breeding
field'throukh et grass in doing so.. ine s.,a cropper, but v their nian.' They, h4rdly.lo,ok upon
re policy soon'comL I and thousands of li.ves' ha *a alizel'Ady beeii saved by them. ley south slope that drains away'from the of the herd sire. He, Is considered to
possess- US'as, humanbeings,.but I .-After per ortning. this duty 'she pre- the.mah who'is. Anxious tobe think barn. A clean 7arid is h' great . help' e half the herd', and- if; hig aneetstors
;4 firtfast,-and th e� ad of the'infl-utencei,of the rp have been-las brutal duriiig the war pri
part, an ch�irncd th ling ideas rage he o6- ng -cart;,
-than, in tirne of peabe. in keeping the cows from becominE were only ave
m, w on�d. which'a;re the " h ekboire of healthy tion M th a matter -of letter-�w iitf'hg,' UT
sl�ed,* sertAbbed and ir a J� They rid obediteiie, arid. the' Sailed by mud a -ad manure. not be'rauch better. By paing at
In the . spripig She -played an import- public, opiniork, and not only respects and whickiliaiy be taught in. schools.', dema
Drinking water "'Should be tention to breeding., Ole average yield
D, L E E N D ur for cows
ant part - by- assisting I to, 'itlant the them *but. SOS himself - to cons�.e�ve man wh6 hesitates to -ob6y orders and puality of milk pet cow will be
pat . toea' . al�id bef-o knows that he bo- Shot, fresh' and uncontaminated from an
re, s4ed-�dvills came them as a me M'ber of the body. corpor-, style"is''nob so -easily tiught.,' Thit N � . 1. y
source. The wall -sho much higher teriyears from now tha
ill 0 -ation-wh n carried c of social life, si con- Will depend -very much- on the charac- down. Nothing, of the, kind, however,. uld be so.
pet on called qPo ich an: one THE WAR HEAR ad and protected that Th iqai. the present time. Iftheaver-%
the gnaiti'*n'pail� to,the farmer wh; I ir arid ter has ever occurred in our regiment." ere -is iio,Aan- it
_i ser�lng *the best'in public opinloi of the writer;. somewhat "n the aised by 1,000 pounds of milk',
schitered'it by hand. And rnany other W -ely ieap' 'the 0 .."ID6 you believd this War was' ger of ollution of the'water by the age is r
ill sul , rich., awar4p. mood in which *tie is �at the time,' or drainage from the barnyard, manure per cow per year, it *111 increase the
oul-of�door dutites �vare . che.erfully' which, I d ied to the, defiant th� nature bf the sub fore�d Upon' Germany?"
area ways an ject-mattdr of the GERMAN PEOPLE W-ILLING TO pile.i, or other soure�e prbfit by at least ten dollarq without'
�s. The water
ana `reckltoss� pponents of social or- letter. In ouraffortsto teach the bub- No. inbellig�nt person in Germany -is in the
perfol-mqd by thatwomen folk, L tank or trouill'shoul. be So bon'vem-
MAKE CONCESSIONS. really believes' that," he said,. with. a additional. e4enSp, unless it
Aer arid fife,� c b We have alv id It natural, 0
lie . �ays Sal , a ant to the Stable that it, Is cost'of the sire. The averA'g"e mik
making your stylb easy and like as if smile. "We knew hat. the war was unnecessary
Moter's Day this year was genar .1, to i.xpQge -the cows to ex and butter-fut,yield can be increasetL
16tteis, talking face o face with tile per' Corning sooner or later; We have been ..treme cold r
Lilly, observed. a capital institu- We all'hav6 to write inany -storms. It should be kept Ian we When
and we' severe d believe it will be
t r-w�itili4g is liketiLe so Prison6is. S�y,, SuMeripgs o( People prpparad.'fo it".foryear:
�tion.'s best friend- is hig'mo- 'ind latt&_-wrjtIjg.iwh natural'art.�It -The best Ia te best
urclean'.and filled with ah abun,
when the dares, thought we, were sure of victory. dance of the dairyman with rail ' k testing 3 pe
responsibili.,. is, �Is6 an art that till tho Id well conversation.. Bright sallies of humor
r I at Home Are Becoming always 'quarrelling- fresh pure water to remove 4W. cent. receives twelve cents per
ties and worri6s -of husiness life Q enendips were
This meanq. that, while A per- and glimpses'of thbught.areAttraebive at hot -he ability of each animal 4prd pounds, 'less, than, his neighbor
6�ilinary,fam'ily duties engross.a, sat, may be born: a latter-wrifer or not in. social letters. Inde6dg a touch . of Unbearable. amprig..,,ifiernselves , rile. Ger� doubt as to t -he will
n to satisfy it�'thlrgt who sells 3.5..per:.ce4 milk,
man's atteiltion he, is prone 'to forget. so barn, he may acquire mu�h of the humof in, a 1-etter� quick and appr many alo a seemed to be strongO
91- The construction of to'apply . -the way�. 'and
hi� WoniAll-wh '!r n1o. help.him. wherl.! iy ai�d -, practi�e; priate to the.subject in b The 'British. bave"successfull a "But J supp4e, evdrything that, has he dairy barn aari bogin
.4 a and� -is..'ever. Y May ing his herd up to
art by 'persistent stui
a are all in eeping.
-and would'. some pretty story' tend d their front'towa!rd the §Oilth happened is for the best., be less mpbrtant - k mciAhs fai bringd
is Ia pon- attr4etive, but'care must bp taken in I -high t6st.
fell therefore,. Pers rg6ly rer
down the bacterial count of the milk. the 3.5 per cent; or Aven' er
an -y. -buginess letter -hot - to warider. - until. it covers practically. - 0'ri6-fourth going to England; where
the piiVt to rhaka . it quality and qu tity of evei glad we art ffig
and. k'ssed sible for the 6 from' t� all lie %reated 'wqll. than. careh�l mettio I matter bfimprdved stibl'i
Nvell-his Mother. Fon some reason, the letter he. sends forth, in biishiess froriT the ppipt till it. is dealt with. of the whola.lin a North.,Sea' we' know we sh ds in handling It . 6Sn1t'4
Proper construction','ho'wever, or. spe
to , Switzerland. An International _rkhe Tolilinies are the most 'kind- milk.. clally-prepAred feedthat inakes,
-to. that.-Moither' should be or friedship. _: In eith fulty. 41ay."We offer this ad�ie before] h lightens tbe,laboi'keep the' differeii a. 'It is the breediiii that
t1L,,;Ncws -Service writer made a. hear d e'
0 M a -those to 'Whom closing this sub act.. Ex
wi W an j. cap i te ift n I ever met. They ave the- barn nd . its call Arnl�r's Adv catO�'
spelled ' th' a 'tapit b6t; thoughts belong 1b been. wq _rfully gbod to us."
It - trip of. iriabdotio. The vessel whiCh. equipment in a dledn,
0 ,ndf . 0
n-kan ri�mches manhoold lie proparly �we write. 'Then't be able'to wri a a mi6st informed lett s*'th6 full lihme'' sanitary conditi
ar , . :t, k -us across the Channel was or, in' ibe old-time. 'i
110,,,-hiriiself no� y .1 and attractively is aiofthe*writ�r should be-signedatthe, 00
,Mail it th(�-midst_of letter corre6tly/, cr6wded.m(ith - R� , d,Cross -nulrses, at ROAD ,400 MILES LONG- basemept dairy barn little atteTitin
Vlach" qualific 'rid w
ll 6 -riam Vwas pa.
where at. best too ati6n Well worth workii�g long or the e,,he"' ould'.use 'in' id-toproperlve Fer lity al�d Dai�ym
rbA Pre . vails, where unselfish-' officers and Tordmies. r turning tt& the rl�ilatiofi and.,dx$_
elf'inte and diligently,to acquire. HOW much signing wrbusinesg*- document. B1251-4
f a leave.' The -.World's Great Highw Y.-I� in tribtition of -the light. '' This type of Dairying is�.the system of famin
ien,.w'o-uld save mApy embri-r-ra frAn A� 'I. I -F "ectils iit-ik,discoitint- whare --- tha��orrbr% a Sonality and Character . n a _t_ _after a -few h.y � a 1p
y , ..
a I p, ro -is rint-iial-ainiza-ended.-Arld-if, used- t
had expec"Ll .,c 1,UvPv Inen de- ja ol
�4 fo�' housing. dairy cows the lighting the" m- W'i
ftd*_ra�i-by_tha-�stra-ngpr to whom -,,One- -oients-if-p
7 'surviv11. of thi-'fittesi" seems to Oper-: writdsT. �You rmlly cominifid tho'se� at about-signattires.. A'lady should signt pressed .and, downhearted irf 'je..-pro-. %�arcli,whar� you will you' far thouttfie, use of high -
y wfiffind. and verttil�Ation. should rocehie:spi�cial priced fertilizers. For two rt�ason*si
11' firorn you �iheh --you 'Put, h�r name when writing t "a fir�in. or sp&ct *.of 'going'ba�k, to' the 'dreary. no highwLA
a distance a.' the'wholeVorld so ro,
atc. arsh things'at least are on the.
11. his eyes and -often.' ietfer.,we believe'Ahat -iing6is so t rtq monoto' -eriche malitic as the Grand "finn I atentioil. dairkiiii; maintains. the fertility !of,
surf -we --'they- it velf irita,:-a sti -hat ther6_ can be ny of the ta s, biSt an not k Roa:(;
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . yours i. - 0 A' one-story dairy. stable 'is
dh- -a-s- �4 t I'm . .:, - . t_ a VIM efaee is_ X,
It shoffld t is qtmosi ri� plant,food of. value;
u ""'u" stately av6nue'of three roads' In gooO `-&-iferably be ther.e
of- though" at -inter-' a letter.' :We bave-just dr _F !h feelings. I aked save
manifested. in ass 6r,'in your reply, should. one be su( ral of e,,t
on, the ed WA' its' lenith extendin" u a
an, 7the, contra of hdrd me 9. afid second, beeli Se 90 per'c'ht. of
a. ih
-ead a letter th B* len�!elopeis should them about Vt; arid the answ F S.
�al pass -dt least lone.figure who at makes us Woirder r�
..n9cessary.. , siness i. roads 'on �` each -',side. ' ailkle-deep, - a -south and have an-. abnd-
north'arLd all the-graiii'feeds purchased for h6-
f'.,alvray$ -have nmeo an or 'the same." silvery. dust-frInged by double xo 'Of �,ildovv space. If tl�q stable;
it I, 'Judged him why it wais-'86'rit at our expen' fl 'va iably*
by the harsh cri 0 . Fill WS,1 ance- �ow, asweli as! *90 per cerit. of, 016od.
eri- "iI 'he -and - three cents far pbstaage',- so. little of. print d � oil the, Ipppr left-hdncl -corner i shou,14 we fee-).- sorr'y.,? We of trees, h - runs tot 1,40,0 m1le5f: is locate I d this Way. it rec CO*
Is a 0 t world' who must al Q. .
.-J M. re well t . atedo well ough. the vast, northern. plain wh16 ei taised on4he',farm and ted to the
n it. IA nea-tl,.fo well, tb� v�s the
fie; while -life remains, more con real vajpa to, the receiver was i r a. fed rl
pu morning; is- rditurnedto the farm.
'his Uf' s: the
rifying benefit'of,both'
-h th his it 'was red With great disa�plldintnienf looked after, in every wayj ,and 'a J.cutta I and afternoon sum. The,'construction. With barnyard, manure and all cc-
-4aven than ivi Urts the Minialayag, from tea
fill is motli*r- tuse the. Writer-lives'far away'and' S :9
ar Peshawar, which keqP"6nttnel
L beco. 2,500 DOGS, QF WAR. -iv� fi I dLyet- The*treiiche' -should be such as�to-keep floor, w -land-
job- not nis�p
li�y arid education to- Wt gate,'Of.'AfghAnIsran.. the
poss��sses ab.i youtbink. We
are hot half as bad as
ba - ck wd r c Frdrn -horizon to horizon it stretth, ceiling, and st0le fittings 'in a cleah.'remain productive indefinitely .'When
Write i -real, instructive,' inttzrestini C nands of the Gernians 'by
Obey , omf: ;�re 'going t6 stick. it, out until,,, we; as � like a bfoa�d'whlte irl�bon, as rwe.m- and sanitavy� .,Condition. The, flooro we stop. to,think of it, Wheifiever we
-hil(thopil's early - days,-, and satisfying lietber, aslt:16 altogether , Mo have giVen the Boches such- a licking ingly straight ag If traced by'a gigan- gutter, a -rid mangers
t('' his (
uth 6, pl�to Oiciuld be "hard, sell'wheat," corn, or oats; and get one
ue;. It was case -orgetit 'for a un- tic ruler;� n -S 'dotted alon�
Anti 'hd seei6�t� IhAen �bo the! from its pure liews- Vi)
Dr. Max. ora, th. that they won't g its e itire impery aps to mo%ture, and free from dollar, we sell 6bbut 30 cents 'Worth of
sAys." -To in the spirit f �l I �d y6ars. There'is not� mubh fight lengtli �re hundreds , of saiats (way-: m.
pnt;4 lit,; Motheil of not, being .
(;Aieriehos the -it time or of lack of pofisdezlt,�f the ' Vossisch
m6riiory of his dear riting just AtAh, a geflung on ( r fsIde rest hoirgt6s.), each with Its arched craoics in.. which filth ilk. collect.. our, faih�. 'Wheri.we gat one dollar-
ws A
1rbi1t,`&fitrJbutes to tha Our first rkornin 'turretep- gat�wa -ling butteri we, -sell- less than
W the waste t i leffin them even, now The �glu t6r. back bf the co,
falls f4i ihort Of tbobght for. the addr6ssee. T1 e'wrib- and. Y, ' It's , spacious Ould by sel
I ance was.� hiindli .- share rge, 6nougli to hold the droppillgs;', one�half a cbritWworth Of soil.
Al ther, t paper*6ft riterpsting.1larrative.-of b Ia
Cent M' 11 many's real do1gs., of war.'* Tile facts",; bright, and sunpy, % though-' :rath6r; enclosaire-in w1it I ell
tibis uch of error't6r f2lbd be9t. in Fr
.. .. .. 16heltr . with�. ox" a widtb� of 1q to .18, inch,68 aRo, a depth The land 'owner.',�ho.makes, his'
camels and,goats
c g:i ab evil; but -a Mother's.Da:fl ell,
arid 11gures he addlices ar6. itriking, windy. Women, wh are . ' L
'phtlilin of 7 inches are usually
m -and its. central ell -of s' g sufficient.
tt:,,t niake, it - bettitr- in his Csti Litton. money ttelling Ahe:-soil fertility, and,-.
evidence of the thoroughhess Nvith ploa- ing the - fields - or put.ti4g� "in,
t b . W6`do not. propose to giye a cont- �h � at The glutter Aould incline so as. to in 10 or 50 � yeard leaves the farm
-h-11cavibst'lifa moreover mus a which the enemy has ofgnied one Of thip seed, scatterin n in. ayas have drain- rea . ily�
, ril i�.lcte letter talk, but may Assume' to g it �y ha d the For a,000 years the I I d ti;less the liqtlid I& t.ak- wor -out,, is not a fia�mer. but . a Sol
J�finitelk- Wbigh, Cal! , still., be 'gb g- tile -onconsidred trifli�p.of,war midtig' old-Aime.;nahrier. We pass- ibrligh I looked down, on'.'thii. road and have.;
an up by absorbents.
say a,-, iew thinks that.'tnay Course of: -the I I
durin. the struggl.d. ges � full of, life and bus -It as, they'se& "it to-d,kty. it was; robber, He -holds the same -relation
,,tbvlc.qf its. ahng and purposes gestive and praidticaL TA.- first, Whell the -Gerintin-ariby.-was .,,Iyi tie,, .,but!. seen ld' tb
R4 agitatect cburse:by', thp greatest highway befon�' -, All. dralits arld Waste pipes shou, to the soil that a timber thief does
good letter writing :is a the woman and' childr0i Who are ''tile --t:ight and Air -tight. Evety O'U'r forests. The tillers of the soil in
y -e. - cradled, when
it ti. Mothers knee. quisitO in lized. In J41", _1914,. thd War Offic -1 . 1; the abor,_ be wate
P vf.-epts' lerllcd'�t . dge.6f,whaf one fa.und*-that, there were all �old.nii�'.tly;iiearly all �i daep, mourning bear! Rome was
I . finite no -Ole f pipe sliould,'have a 'trap to .p" -
I X t U , -.tit, cbmes round, elaar,- & a sa a' I �Igbt dogs trained for military servieg.'silent testimony ' Of,? tile sacrifices gtr�al Indians- drove their:- catiI6 o�er.--vvaste the futlir� will fiAiheii fathers have
ep, the day . I I I . I , - , 1. the �ery s foul air 'from coffitr1g-1 back iot been kind, o, thigm; that:they have
white -flower if gone to y,: rid the seconc - is to pot',wbere, the motor -car- vent,
Order's were fortliwith give.i* to- tile I France hits made.
say it, in- sq ch. a, way that. thq; person das,lies'to-day. :'through the waste pipa. inherited barren, patcheA. We should
ard- or the red. or pink if. she% German Red Cr. Dogs to;
hreceiving, it'canot fail to blidersband pss At pethtine'.we see the first sign, of: 'Alekarld-W thie. GTeat led tits UnE�eks Those types of stables and mangers d-afir y' thern
iri� tribute t because there'is present
I- with--usp' in. -19 a, her -y u 46 :communicate. trixIn'-ttiqlargest pos'sible numbor for tactual, warfaie,, 'tile iown h4s, been it to, thei,coiiqu.48t a n, are best 'iich ores nt theJ
what 0 A good f Northei. w) e lea
ory o�r to he'r. lavb 'and, davoti flel;d work,, with the' result tit money and future for the'farm in- it.,.�-
iiem . s -What you at �O-ilay: sh6iled houses 'are in. I
lint we neerled and, pl n is to conrider fir t Wish o ndia; and1luddha himself took his
-t i(acbdrding. to Dr. Osborn� tb.e.rp are sible -suthlqe for collecting dirt. and J. P. at and Pairy�
d;ii-Ilig tic to y and -then arra.ngq on a slip..of 2,500: 'do%s.. In the yfiri 119 Gprmaii ruins,. �ut. the. itibabitants go, daily �walk94'a l4s� 4efore dii-A aiad the" least obstruction to -tho
0 about'! ong"li berittir FT chor,, I ri Far:rn
reec iirk qd her cae ifrid.counsel. Every -hap- Christ
-i their btisiness � as, if of air Stalls of v�
paper lie,headings of the intended. hentres. bf 'operation, nothing had god
always a It ha& Ituirdred -�keqeratio I -
should,,weal paired. lls'
'then contents or for a mental conception MAit'animals have bepn killed a U-thices and cracks H E LIZ D $24,250,000.
%& h , 1 , - or. sub acts before begin -7. ;Vult-ded'arid-'a special "inilltary Iles, The. -.0illid of firingincrea s, aero- ft�e6riie and go, a, score of,.fiave ril ny hai a.
1em . of. pu,6ty and se of inei
f,,(Ieljty on b � -of th6, points J dynasties sn'd fall. . And yet, to-'!4hj'ch are difficult to keep clean And
r'% Day.; itentern er
ing. Err6fs aro- usually -for want planes above. us, little, clouds diLy, It is' to t6 eye, exacti ' the saine in case 'of an Outbreak of diseiise are Great Britain's Net. Gain From Seiz..
n for cahine heroes hurt tit battle' Y,
ill liosPita m now:1liallitained. at Jena. w1lite -sudd�rily appear outl
9 arralig I of fiee,. r I
bf gi. ef. spoil to' an as in, tie lonj- no, easy -to disinfect th6'oughly ure of Enemy Ships.
AV I-, -,v 'desdrib,,!s a "dreqs par-:af 'afiiurid tberii'and drift 'veil wit
gyin gone year$ when. Nind
k worn. Because -Ought Pr.' �Osborn s a. proud city arid our -1
outline. :Othervis6 one's th' are a 6 of"N
h_de"'6f-tbe-Witr-do*gs ecepily held -for- Ow Stall� arid swing stanchions mad '250,000 basbeen..
whit6ness', stands for -purity;. its,' e_tO.'ru'fv illogically aild result- in . -awa-y before the W"ind. If is, Arta -ed.bons. Ili thir caves.
liatil his,bLifficatf6ii -in the' Ver'diin district pnel'an6est6rs gnaw etal pipe are more sani ary. A low A -neit gain of $24,
6�6grair*e,16ve; its in
I'm,111; beauty; tter, its, E(equence rh6r, 4i; . . -
As confus sort Ob la P., wer6 sheepdogs, Airedale ter: fro (3ormati. anti� reraft. guns jTes' realized 'by' Gret''Briiiiin from the
'6f growth, chaAty; -its1ast- smooth., manger without.. Sharp 41
ry chmrl the iilodh�g harmlessly' in the air.,. DRINK'9VIL FMDUCED.. hi and their cai-
Y ='retrieve d *Pat ter', -1 IA preferable, for -it is' easy to -keep seizure gf enemy s ips
u.1lijie.4,; jai thfullle's�--all a trabi.of thought showing v.0 rs aii. n s each c% a thWant of"prior Al,riLhgamenv. -The same two years old,. C36rnian' Shoop We arrive at a village hO76,. dleawi. , Qpbwebs' dust;. or'dirt, should goes in the last'twen'ty"mont s. of
the., r according to the record.,of tho'
t accuimdlate� on the wa
Lditioils-apply a a'perporiat lot dogs. tn the inaJ r y. have to Q, w
mot" Astonishing- tuccess. Achi6ved by,
a it our cars, as -it is .. '
Meal Control Soar& -!lot be: ailo ad to
as, to . an . aiticle, editbrial.or.16sssy. Ili.,' They -have learned to obey. s fe to drive 'any further in broad' Ce Prize Court. The Qo.vernment has,
a walls 6-dd ceiling. With atight
y Aberd6en are ands, glifen boilt by,-wo�rd "of 411(futh'.4ylight.' "The German lin iss of'llie twalls -with -capt�ired. '157
:-The astonishing s.uccc hav
as. are not e tit( 7 T Contra Ith�. - thig,-regard. An,archt c P -f - nooth-Ceiling-alid: smooth-
o6mi M. Pi n ---Th i'lloArd n rIe tic tig t is,
'I a' -of -ilder be-; y -re is,bleaYi. tral lid disposed of after decision by tlie prize
ully"It. fare thobu r awn e couil iL
ill fantryme.n." Tile drill which the car-,' Arl tevitj 6igfand, Scodnd t out, ledg�s therb should be:.1ittle tr
to renew, j�gqt 'It �qc Cal n,b --
-ginr, similar -way'. and, nrrell; ave�ywhere are� the , lilt
it, niany friends i a erection. In a resondo n d of s, inaujilratlol e .und. Cobwebs. , White., court as fi)llows:.
ith the" of tit wit a sed' consf9le Wales -slircci tire board' bl fr�im dust
%�iiier should plan'llis - letter nd igns.of tie-davastation of war- Ia NO. tonnage'
rde, Alstliigulshin�, the prostt�AV. 19�15. is strlkln�,iy shown . Ili, Wash should be'fretly. applied at least
Vhbn L6rd Abe art b a -!the second -re -port fts.-clrair- t'i a year, bot
lot begin it-. ap fiure -ppr6senting dod ition, hou'ges blisk9,. r6ofiess and b to valls. and ceil- 42; 54,772
in t w cc
,rnoi',Goneral- they
ffig, as .'Gdv(. he intends 'to say ;,Pa:q.%fng,by mon will able to ktaild by.. tered b� hundres of�.shd)ls,`,unin-� it helps. to. pu�ifv.thq stable Requisiiione&,.- 56.16
lftlilv� - a , went man, Lord D'Aer'noxi.
System--tuid -mily Lip. or how A the-
-lit,*, -gh thi's c6ulltry doiiii go�.d 'and 'met) ii,i -re lyInF down but le n - diers. ard ha�ve r�su is War and re,quis'it** t )u ? � ton
ord'cr i's re4ttired..eVen -ill io 91 sol the bo. ilteil. iii a reductiba, 6� -4 saudre-14pet
The. a_war aha 'requigl-
a -m- ml� kly- ru !at -con. U'Iettur lowuraud i! is tIng -up. gy ass I
o"liltesa was vent p putar an.d lent per c
poat,-a-Writar shbiild.'�ut.his, S. victions for drinikeviroas-fil 11tigitfrid. well & t ti.n 6
Aie " t a a ad .... 73 ltance to* mally Arid. best' of -all conthides m.' e fin(l the Tommies in the frdnt ant if tbeivindows are. S rl U hot- influence ILI_ foft into- what lie writes., - T -f it is fi6ni 2,034 In 1'914 : 10 aft
wa1r, trenches, -almost wifflin baill -4) t t drLot Qbstructed,bi latly way.
n i i r A A a V e Mairb t-n'q tribite io -the-Abis -6-C. of 940 rqr-lhof Marciv, die -Itit' lift 157"
ad .3 whiell er'
t, all woAh doin Total
I �g_ the- Mi, -Li it d_ -An:, ow stable should have a�
-welf. What su Ul(l a selfishl; without hope' of pro- to "ecp li� Ri'r r)4 Not .'one among them. whot. 1 abl- irtilation e re. s was hat, thought. Bystandbi ea,�'Irer if ho did- 'doe, lnimistor have .111' inotlob or deco.rattaiis:7 -feel Ifirmly c6tivinced,,that are'lle0n. r6 uc(.4 frbin.1,424 -tit T914,to 794 fresh an -hild the rows obtfif atelv: expresso qtimate: I 4 pure. s. , otir -,6 Lii 'and, think- arld'do his very! r Mdreh. ing. thq'm to olidmti vessels. a*nd. iweial 'former, ab1c; rophl
re 1P ablo. to Anisill off Ae, 'Obl-malls as 0 1., -able without exons ss
11ii16thimpist, p, ing- bi-:3.:sci mons Reptiles. as Rete. T4o figure-, fori d. .. '00 ;. expense of
Iin nsoon as the %igbal -is. givt&n to i aftst. V tire tApIl in the harn itittrestso. and loctur Wel 01.11 ( I L. ,
nscout and 4,,foptll�s tire ordt'r went. into IY 4 540! total .0roceeds of 'P'ale'
ench di I
6 b
wontailly 6-o-ough and 1 le t - any timb, it indi- t I c, 2 -out, a theAr are � of iml-ticti try,
lip Jpano��,.I - and� : I -&) I tht th' ventilation is deficient. 6fjSliips� lid, caro' a 4 $34,260, -
with I Of eat 4�� 10 g8 000
tplendid' -6ur'e�kpccricnco as,;FC.busines man I noticed that the F, d"glih Ituns ThP'wvP1liiy iivillral"it
itiftily al-lbtles are cre& atid tralued s a�
letts far 'tirp -cubic feet oVair pace There al -0 piany more VeSse% and -
of. Ie I aths -a -so y that'. for rome reason,. for - tho- del I ig] fired at t �O'u to 0o
ader-hip. -In mus t At' lc�. 5
hb-e Alf 1914 wils' 14,101. YhN 4iimild beJ)r(ivided fo� In 40antity .,of, Ca go still before.
cm�, 'The
a Common people, that -is, a woiful'do6riency on i maifers.. It being sid_ Oat. �v f, sit 9 for tirt, ' rcitir wcwksp.rlor p silt) chute. ch -Utz :.the evurt.
littIC, village onle,
if reiLson�# bukchkiy* for this *"ralt or'nib(it niciiin tlic:art of lcttelt�- a pl.l. In% be
for Man, Pritice 111'robito, j himself Ito
out - amongst writinge, Wheher it 1 that vato qfvok (if kn fk, vr siri-gifir, frpg�.hhid iarllat.� t -hould bo
ti ady. but. as7A. schools,havei beO� derelict in teachh!W Tit or f0o'rfe-s'llighig hisvot Is tho.1can- bAtph -6f 'PHsonefs captured ll -H E('0N0,MY.
loin ll� LttleWert, -shouii hi tire afatp rnoni kind Old helpful fri6nd. She, i;aved, -the subject at for ot6r.rva'sons un- tail, it SPOOI�q* Of 1011clist, �wlllch ""'kit British two'days to vat 'Ind I tlstrfal; (ten I t pf 1, i V Sep, to
table 'alw4iv4 1)6 ltolit'h) the shad6 and xlev& be 111i dus, do ti
bun'�reds of live by telling the'peitg- known to an-YWay, the ol,di ry a v d -to slia&k. 10 1116m
Cy6ple t1int. it was . ..not.thc. fainiei.-wfil ;os -,616 d it E;,d - with �Vtt-tel- if he 1K. I() vocal- nd t0 1 fpunfl, th d 00Y '14"I'McfUl tO.' �o%rist Titki
work., as rRa *a' 41tter active 1-n Tookiii9`Aftr-t* 1IXe
I -GOd klft&V levdd) t to'.1 bus ' files their cliptD�i, vhb, they sili -had
laii oil Olt, principal
f6jidly" bell -InT I
dr, city. Th�se who treated them' with the most, touclibig. of wor1cors. ivbb are. Intentive Jo A*rc I -lie Herd t,
"hould dfo df. co"surpt16n, and houseAh to -On' -ords' in Your Vocabulary;
people n Td offset t1i P etit Whethat what 'G . ad iisked for who.fregh' write letter's are '6itarl deficie-rib in kindness. They were gteatly relieved munitions Indultry, he - Dairy Atf,, relnting'to Eligli'Ai, railroads ii"nd - thc�'. fieceasity".
Tlio vcabulary of n rich, and itnig influence of AriAlng N-Acon lIcLuitl1v paying for milk* by t1losse for, ecoiiomy temilt in th tt"p,
it E '11 W ft6n I'mur- be6us(i tibey. *ould now hot havo
'll t�lla 11ouse, Whaf-, go er I w ys.. ng is is 0 itto �Ordc ; put her ban( a dwrit-Ing is cic into tho, brf;erno, t6 fight for* Jories, comes into forie tlie.
dy A I to 8 we qa*y, the lian Ia go ba' piLtttoaft-od by, the qioll Of, tourb� ick-ets, nd file With.
dvor Oir ay b'o roughly estimated ,it ab teens" JN�hor* fqibstantlfil luld r�, t:. t,
i almost illegible, no'prd� 10,6,,000 ever. looked Upon its call -P to sol-cet and Arawai \at a - Tiurnb& ��f dining
becabso slid has a gerlilis far, very poor .0 althofigh 'thi's oxcldod it piusc they n well-6,00ited meats with, lIglJ1t 1'. till incentive fol atrons Rtgh If Ellgli'Mi W6�A �tlieir own A at Nive, able hei r herd.Z fAii, butter -fat Pro, t worthily, .'And- With.,tence is made to properly ppetuate, a, - greitt d�al'wliloli, I . hay -, were froin - Vanis : li, obtillive , A. 'oil
innoble 1pair �go iii and the:,.Spelfin isA new ph;it inderstood in'ift; iMogt- '86ns�n;.wo�ld speaking Gorni ny Wero (L.4tabli-I'llod. lil it( 'Itioll duetion, or. Aiv- old in�tllo(l "'of
lig. al Is i6l.Wlt Olat the SCISPOU41 -,Ot
a! bhb individu a to be counted tn). 6ut. 30,000 Is A itTot one- 6 for�vd
but Among us sweetening life A every etio, Sys f them t�vefity the. t�w 'N6s On pg*1ng neeordinj the tourlst.'t t will itau'se, a groaily 168t�
t idting high. PXample of ev-� 'a a�aoto ivide very largo ostintao f6r the'nuipbor . . . IQ of oil' t3leir
himself, n -att�m[Pt i Were: tall ptiblic 11611sts to RPIAT food" Well rc% with, the heM volun - rtft'
poin't tA
aording god, In writing ot� peakini, bi
-lint were ptxre C.00, tt broad-shouldored,' blue-eyed and a r- 'ing. paid Mord thn-11-is milk, �vas ewAy to.hplidy tosors at for things t a rid t1je letter intd paragilaphs no, it welf-oiluotod indn, .3,000 to 5,, that tlro* havot pr6vod'; -'r"t,
5tibjecis treated or tlie'diffttir- .'estimated, Cover liftifod, alld,qujte.W*iT1inr to tn1k whOn ly wofth,for makillfS cl'000, While the ditance fr6m, theit', hdthe�&
lovely �Llld of good rpport.' to, the. I Ina sucepAs -fts�t,
ollb divisions of th Joe in - in th0r. hjgii.ta��tjng% mill� was solil 'below, he 6 �ttb t tinder con.. the ordffial,y needs of miltivatod Ili- I " addremed ally. to� tho chpoldng� of- $'part a una
I I. ,( Oe*a sidevation, Then we have foUnd' a languagp, e been
11 uplics is the md,
and -the the Vi ous to.
nfegard to the Value of an esdibatiat, lack of Aontness And dellnitcn�4a 'of I, rOV
:0,110 -Of ihe'll, a man With a f"Arki J�Leiilvli of We) NV41kers. .-P a eyond a doubt t1itiction of the t�igliqli rnilroadn.,
t -ig ofton af-vlt4l finportftn0d] Pt6rhalis (46, best hand 6-maii Can and Intelligentt faeot acting as IiWceg- that, thorb. is 10thing fair -lu'paying, npage in a coillitiy pnp0r, or wha I -
letter.' Those Ilio son! hilk, ftdc6rding to- U fol, must give %VAY before the'W r
ntop the siike of 418ti business .0 , Ilold in 016 game of Iffe i's tile. handL said. A mother's of ber 'fbr r
t); -atte a
at�jy qf.,p6 co itiovill tit re4uire A_ never interess oth,
td, A. local lid Osome good w6mmi, Ali, feel tliat t& end. purpos& A di Vor- t tip -Oda.