HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-06-08, Page 3Se LITTLE -WORRIES GERMANS WILL LOSE IN THE HOME BUT MD IS FAit OFF •••••••19. t is .These That Bring :Wriskles - `Asti :MAW N'lletnett .Leek Proi, !ukturoly-Q14. • Almast, every Women air the head •of 'borne ineetsilailY'rninarlitire'Wor. -.ries miler household affairs,,, They, traaY •hentaa small to notiee an hear ;:afterwarda,:but. it le thesesame eon,* stant littlo worries that affect_ the - brood and' nerves. and Make 'woraela look kematurely; old. Their effect . may be noticed in 'sick er 'nervous • headaches, .fiekle aPpetite, pain in the .. • Welt er Sides sallow compleetion and , thecoining of wrinkles, vita every woman dreads. To' those thuieafflict* ed Dr, 'Willietfis Pink Pills' .offeia. • sPeedyand certain euro; arestera- ..'•tion of celor to the elteeks,sbrightneas • to the eye, a hearty -appetite AM4.•• •a; • sense of freedom fronyweariness.^ 7 • Atnong., the thousands o Canadian women who •have found new ; health :through Pr. Williams' Pink Pills is IsT..*Worrall, Brotighdale,:','Ont,; • aiitho•stiyaaa--"Mter. the birth a -my. second ;child I was ae weak and 'tun . :down, that I • was 'unable to do any- thing. • The, doctor .eaid 1 had searce- y any; bleed in 'my • body. I could not. • Walk' lielfa block witheut,being cOtOv eirhausted. and .41/ the.. treat,- '• irient of the doctor did not seem "to help' me.- I called in another doctor, • but with, no better results. My feet • andlegs became frightfully swollen, I Buffeted with severe pains in my back s• and sides, r would be all day drag - 'ging aroud at my housework, and I waa beginning IQ give up , all hope . of "recovery. I had. been urged to try • Dr: William's Pink Pills, but like many ethers, thought they could-• - not -help me -When doctorshad failed to do. so, ;but .aftsr meth urging I decided to try. theirs: • To my surprise in a few. weeks I found myself getting better. I Then gladly continued their useand ouricl • •• myself ' constantly growing • strOnger, and eventually . to „do house.' work WithOut , fatigue.. I .strongly advieti every weak woman. to. „ give Pr. 'Williams Pink Pills a • fair brief." • '• • • , . • • tou can• get these Pil1sihrough4.any '.•meflicine„.dealer or . bymail. at ..50 .• cents a hex or Sit .boxes fist' • $2.50 frOrry The Dr„ 'Williams Medicine Co., Brockvilie; Ont. , .$.6.ERMAN FAIRY TALES., Your Spring Spring House - leaning should not confined to beating tugs and scrubbing .iloors, clean out the accumulated "toxins"' LOVA.T PR./WAR PAYS SOUg that come from heavy Winter wAns LAST' LONG. foods that clog th liver and /cower the muscular tone and vitality of the body, ..Eat Verdun Failure Proxes That the West •Shredded: Wheat- Biscuit /Front Is 'NO* lias pregnable. . ' With' 'fresh berries or other • fruits and green vegetables. LOV'at VraSer, writing in the Len- Get back to NatUTe• Shred- .-40ii`NWAF X*, d'ec14.vg`2 tl*en(l' of the dal Wheat Will bring the War IS not near. • Sometimes Wars, bounding bouyancy of new • . like Charles aro "an unconscion- iable time a -dying," he says, and life and vigor. Contains all adds: • • the goodness. of the whole • "Early last winter I 4°11°1'0 a wheat grain made digestible segue secret belief that the War Might • /' ' by steam -cooking, shredding begin to end' next July, and actually and baking., Nothing so Anish about the end of October. ^1 de. oot think so nO*, for it is clearer strengthening, healthful and ever 'that/ unless Prussia is invaded • r • •r+ Iv • r satistymg. ,LACt1C1011$ or and the Prussians are beaten to their knees, t'his war', in some form or other, allk meal. "EasilY prepared. will be silisays witifns. We had bet- Made in Canada, ' ter get on with the war and not think tqe much about when it will end. , • Verdurt..Voiled the, Enemy.. - "The 'battle of Verdun- continues to rage intermittently, but there seems little. &MU about its issue. The Ger- mans • :have done exactly what sem Were permiiited to do, and ,no more, .They have .flattened, a talent with the shfewd, and -far-geeing. acquies- cence of the 'French, but they have not won an inch of ground which the Freeeh were not Willing to .yield in pursuance of their definite policy. The 'enemy have organized againat the Verdun front the mosiformidable attack yet witnessed in the war, and they have utterly failed to ' achieve these. islands about which flinch he recently been said and written, T attempt will probably be 'Marie b 'fore the war ends, but unless th gov.ernntent and the enilitary aatho .itieS grow*heedless or make •Mittake WsErg Aiii) SAX LIT1100. verdun lsattle Pfaleribed in the Ger! man Paper. aerMan "War correspondents wham despatehea aboUt Verdua, have been nppoiling recently with iilereaaing in* frequency, have. curiously little to Say, They •Write etaluMns, but One lOohe in vain for a neW fact, a neW idea that can throw „any 'light on what must be a cheerless situation. ; Yon PTO told about lurid -nunoetn and the roar of the cannon and the.desola, tion of the landscape. Above all,. yOu belie immensely lefig-vvinded aecOulltd of, the intrelaiditse and geed humor of the troops_, their jnvincible belief in victory, the admirable relation§ be- tween the anen and their officers, etc. Every correspondent seems to follow a laid -down plan both as to what AC says ariddoesnet say, or is not allow- ed to say. One wonders at the insist- ence of these enaphat4e declarations about the courage of the "'Men and tebaeisro fiorfmtenb.elie.f victory. We Would be inclined to doubt it Were it not state , • • Interesting in its *ay is a long de- al/etch from a correspondent f the Lokal Anzeiger. Re • de- scribes a scene on the railway line not far from Verdun, where he saw a a company of prisoners, aitong them "twe dozen Englishmen," ,44During the last period," he says "our worthy Cousins have not been noticed- very of judgment we can now regard th much "• The correspondent states that possibility With reasonable calmnes English and French did not regard In plain werds, the ; Germans hav one 'another with very friendly looks,, probably missed their chance, as the butt "both agreed in showing meastire- have missed so many chances. Th lese astonishment and desire at • the nearer we approach' the end of th well-filled dishes ef food and the large war the more vigilantism might. to b helps of meat Served out on tables to about invasion. It will come, if ' the German soldiers." •• comes at all • now, as a desperat "D—," swore one Englishman, the ganibler's throw, and nob as ihde unadulterated type of a London dock - liberate and well minter er, "Why On earth are we carrying on • this war, and what is the sense of the operatien.• These desperate throw their purpose. They thus begin the epring with a deep tonsciousnesss t sometunes succeed, and. there: can b no more silly attitede than to leav discoinfiture, which has spread • to their civil population. • "We are entitled' now to draw from Verdun a further proof that the west- ern front probably impregnable, at any rate for the present.' The lesson is cone which may be found to cut both ways,, until the German numbers are very much diminished: More than that it would be unsafe to say, although a. shrewd commentator .has pointed out that the western front, is tending to developta seriesof rather ragged sa- lients The cenViction• remains as strong asever 'that, whatever 'nay sign that the war is _anywhere hear happen in other theatre, the war 'on land will be 'deckled • in the west. close.?' • Wherever the Germans may go in • Late Governor of Cameroont Told their feverish .search for -a decision, ••always they must- return to the . calm °Wild Stories of Victoriea.^ • and solid array:a-troops' confronting The following .extractsfrom a tele- •them in France and Flanders. - „ grain addressed by Dr. EberMaier, the • ' GermanShiiit of -Food. • .1. °••- late Goverebc •ef the Cam-toY lto ' . • , •' ' • the German disyict authorities of the - !!:Afbq Wilrfq7"-the- 1165'1 P;cwnipailt 'Protectorate after the surrender of factor\. in the Situation is the • inteiir • Duala to the allied forces: on Sept 27, condition, of Germany; . Pets/mm.11Y, I. 1914, are initnuctive. , .have rieVer been :much impressed by The doctor authorizes hie sitbordi,- the stress laiduped Germany's' wealc' mates to say: . • • _ • ening financial .pesitien.. She it con- •.• • The Kaiser hat first taken the conn- tracting huge liabilities among 'het- ---,----try-which-sinflicteci-harioraL-chr-the a:inn:Wed -, people Wi0h _s. - natives, namely, Belgium, to Which thi, probably he unable to meet, and and will Congo belongs. We . have. Occupied perhaps eventually be compelled to the whole country and driven out the repudiate; btit shortage of , cash is • King. • not likely to affect her attitude fot Then the Keiser has Sent his sot -a very long time to Come, The -*short- diers. deep intoFranceand is bom-• age of Certain .kinds of food, •at well • herding the largest Preniti 4tyrwliere, as of certain materiels %needed for • the Governor Of the French . The French have no longer a Maisel.- • ' .: The -Kaiser has captured • General - Kitchener, whom the English regard- ••- as their best commander, .together with 10,000 ,soldiers. Kitchener was • indeed the worst enemy ,of the l‘teh • .hammedan blacks, and took "a . whole eduntry from the Great Spltan. - So many English ships have -.been deStroyed that the English have now nt•More than we.have. •• invasion•out of our reckoning. W ought to be prepared to meet it an day and any night, and never mor than nciw. But it ought to Tail, an edging by present indications it wi fail, should it ever come. . • "I have tried to explain the. oti look at it, appeared to a• layman wit some „opportunities of special know edge. • The. conclusion may be sum' med up in a sentence.' • The ultimat victory of the allies 'seems more ce tain and inevitable than itWas a yea ago but there is not onesitre or saf .; • INGENUITY. AND WAR: . . on Two Occatioris the Peruvians, li ••flicted Damage on the Chileans. • In the eariy eighties of tbeitist tagar-Pern. Chile were it war. :A though the PeruviansWe-.bee and. had to give up Iquique to Chil they showed great adroitness On se eral oceations, and succeeded in sin ing two Chilean men,Of-war by ex tremely clever stratagems, of whic, he Hon:Stephen. toletidge gises. a • . accotint M his "Memories.'"' • 1: P. A: •BONNOT'S RHEUMATISM continue to be mest satisfactory. Soon after the Chilean fleet ha CURED BY DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS landings at Destnings vary from 5 settled down to the blocicade of Callao , • , Ito 20 crans and the Prices range t there appeared in,. the bay one morn- • — • ralseut $l.4.42 per cran..• • s. : —, • t , -- / •Tradc Mu ,.. Rensissiiii Jelly The tellable bone for cuts, burns,, insect And many. other • Said. in. !ass 1)Qtale0, handy tin tubes at .And gentiai gOreS, where. Refusesubsti- tutes. Illustrated booklet request: • . . / /.', • remedt bites * troubles.; . 4p4 chemists •every•;• • free cn issno? 's 1!".4' -4,1k MFG. CO, ' . Montreal •, . .. .,. . CHESEI3R0UGH I • .(caniaudaed) Ii0110 Chabot Ave. From Erin's reen ISI NEWS BY MAIL FROM LAND'S SHORES. . • „ i .k. R.Rreg II git•• FOKKER% . ,._••••,•••••• - New ....,ii.' er0Platte $A14- -1.0 9ntclitAs the 'Oprmloil.4401.41ne; . , The •Parla Journal .annOunces • the b•daotottniolif“-nthe,e,w:Viio•itiobber,tyhe ifttet15.0ueprinerinonz; , H speed hos caused some misehlef in' .the• =as of the allied airmen. ! • According to -the journal a mew actoplano, fitted with 4, nioter of new: -design, has tWiCe beaten all world; recorft for -speed..nad'•tal.e•-,record, for • ..military maehines in peaee time, The, . httegt French; fest flying- scout .nia- chines, it Addsi. will easily get the bet. ; ter of- the 'Germans •and leave their • inachines 'far behind. . ••• C. .0. Grey,. eaitor. of the Aeroplane, ; in an interview threw some.light on. the achievements both of the Freneh and the iltitiell la combating" the '1st, 'est .Gerr4i4 'attempt 'to seenre ae.cend. .. ' • eney in the air- . I.. • "The' FoWer,". be said, "is only A very 'bad :copy' of Ai French machine, .flae Moreno, with a . tery big engine.. .nt ww.have 'bad in. this. country' for bout • right months . privately built, ' ACkillett.• Whidi OUtdat,Id the Fokker • n every way,- not only in speed,: hx4' • il. climbing- and weight lifting power. • t was not•lintil AttentiOn, WAs. drawn. o the. existence. of'the Folsker, how-: • ver, 'that the, Government,.7 bffteials egen buying them"- . - • . - .,. —• - .. - • • ._. ' -. IF 'DEAD coviap p2ka4DE.•. . . . . ermanY's tost111,-en.Woula TakeiFive •• ' .Days to Pass'. .• gannenings Hie.. Emerald Isle �f •• Interest to Irish- men. •. • .Over ••100,00 cigarettes • are: sent out every month to the.• Itisb lads At the front„ as well' as tobacco. • . • . • • The death has. occurred at his rest - donee 'a Mr. Austin, fortheily Nation- alist M.P. for' West 'Limerick: lie; entire blockade? •'Why, the people was•in his, 62nd year. here eat better than we do at heme." Irish Nationalists at ' a ,.- meeting "Just what a London docker.:^weuld held in Liierpool passed, resolutions pledging aid to the allies in defence of the cause of freedom. = The death occurred. suddenly at his selves much more garrulous than the residence, Temple Garden, Rathmmes, French, who are usually taeiturn and of Mr. Freneis Johre•Cullarne, Taxing Master in the Supreme Court. • .., The Ulster Women's Gift, Fund at- tends to the comforts of 13,000 men prisoners of war in Germany, in the trenches or oh duty hi the fleet. "-•• vanquished side. But sin the Ger- • The Local Government Board has ment.", Thenlollow long descriptions Tortstewart is now an urban sanitary infOrmed the Coleraine Guardians.that' man side they find no encourage - of the British steel helmets, of • fes- dietrict, with: n Ceuntil of its own. - umns••of vapid stiff about crops •in - The strike of dockers at the North tivities and military musk, and 'clil- the French lielda and how niee.vari; fliir•oralel,a;ul!wlion,t., dwahy,o t•celiarpinairiedo5edr., 2bOyextthrae, ous-vegetablea gathered in the French men resuriiing work at diseharging the 'gardens taste. It is with this sort of • oes • war correspondence that the German • at home iritist be • satisfied.. • ' `: .say. (1) "The Englishmen, like all their im- prisoned compatriots, 'show them - reserved. The garrulity is • of , the noisy, vehement kind. They regard the war as, something in the , nature of a football match, and are geno. prepared at its -close to cheer forthe hey All Went Away Together • At a,•special meetipg of the Dublin •CorPoration a inotion wat accepted re- commending thata sum of $40,600 be placed in this year's' rates for build- ing artisans' hornet: Mr, Joseph il_orsford Kemp, wh .hat been appeinted Attothey-Gener of Hong .Kong, is an Irishman, an was educated at the high ,school an Trinity 'College, Dublin. • --Donegal-herring--fishing : condition ing a large barge of fruit that had And With It Went All Those Symp- • The Swinford District Council hay obviously gone adrift from the -shore. toms Which. -Mark. the Earlierlissued to the occupants of laborer The Peruviazis put out hi boats and ' • • *.• I cottages- in the district pamphlets- o her staple industries, is 'of more be in • b tli h ge •• I cottage gardeninesuggesting to thele 'Stages of' Troeble. mediate - irnpottance and „Ate effect s pinnacee ring ar „ . New York saw 132-,000 Men' March • Wenty abreast past . the . reviewing tand in twel.ve hours in the -prepared- • ess Parade. • • ' • • • The present United States' army at ts •full ' authorized strength of 120,000 cotild pass in about eleven' hours ees than a' da.y,', . , 'The. United States army of ..206,090 ghting men .agreed. upon. bY..C.ongress. ould pass in a Marching day and alf. . • • . • . • The .dead.of. Germany atone in the War are..put 'by British official fig - res at :70;000. That number would ake, More than live marching days to 'ass._ • ' .• • • ' . . • The armies .flghting at Verdun are in: the neighborhood cif. 900,000 Men. They could pass in a -week.. The British Empire's present army is 'estimated at 5,00%000 men. They would take more than fhirtf-eix &tyre iveekt of daily marching. SAMPS:i7..ELORE. • . . The welfare of the babyis the fond nicithees,greatest. .alm...-. .nuither wants to \ See her little ones raiffering. from.. colds, eeriStiPation, Collo or. any, othee'orthe 'many iris that. se ''often' 'afflict- little .ones; ,•ThouSaridi of :mP --Oetit.lia'Ve.learned that gisings.an • AlAt , 11,..1..a. I SOW peopxygt • IASIONE IRWIN fiERO POTATO'S " 'Colte •Q EEO PoTarogn, "IFtISR S• biers, tlelaware. Carnian. . Or. der at `rope. gu ly limited; Wrtts for euo!ations. W. •Dawson, Proninton. R4GIsT4IED ifOXASTEINS, ' Arlie : ages. Some verY bulls, • Quebec, prices. R. A; Gillespie, Abbotsford. Que. R•EP WARTVD. ;I•kz. • HANDY' WITI•1 TOOLS FOR steel sash shop; Trussed COndret.' , -Steel Co., Walkerville, Ont. 1(1 ouLimas ItErt "ACOtthi*O2IDD,. al to general worlsr• higbeat wage* ' paid. APpir to The M. Lbng Manufact-. foripg Co., •Orillitt, Ont. • • T .4 DIES IMTANTEP VY3 DO PLAIN .1.41 and ligbt. sewir at borne,. whole Or „,. • • spare time, good, Pa J work sent ant.dil. tanee. Charges pa o. • Send stamp tor particulars. National Manufacturing, • ' • Company. Montreal. W ANTED--EXPEBIENCPD OPER- V atom on _toadies' Wash and Fancy Dresses. Permanent work. Highest wages. • Ideal factory conditions. Et, C. Boulter Co.. Ltd., 445 King St. W. (near Spadina,), Toronto. .1ineWSPAPERS ;eon sazio. lipROFIT-NEAEIN4 NEWS AND $0.1$ 1. Offices. for sale in good. Ontario. lawns. Thd most useful and interesting of all • businesses. 'information pn application to • Wilson Publishing ' Com- pany, 73 Wept Adelaide street Toronto. •ItsprELLattimus, , ANCBIL TUMORS, LUMPS, ETC. internal and external. cured with. out pain by our home .treatment. Writ. us%before too late. Dr, Penman Modica Co., Limited; Collingwood. Ont. . ea* • Write for . • Str?cial (-for] ,„ This Latest • Model Revd -Cement . inplaYdsaysf.„," leiM:15,i8dxt toeisratesti3.:Linaners.alrl:17FIA.ir:viett7:: .DP' for Catalogue. ' • Toronto. , ...Lu run Rock , - ' ' • ;not rev • 'Cattle. Write ton '' , Prices; I occasional, dose of 13abY'elTwri"--ra-6=-1---- Tononvo sAlez wosuts..- • •.60=4"-Gli.vvilriltrr-Onto. Ont. s [lets to their children thyecan • keep ^ ••=sVe/s.;."-7-'-' 11 . Concerning -Tablets • I them we . the Mrs. Richard Boston; Pembroke, Ont.; sayss-"Baby.'s„Ossm:LTablets saved my ,little girl When ,nOthing else appeared to help lier. I would- not attempt to rase- a , a y vdthoutkeeping the -Tab.• lets in the house." They are sold by medicine dealers Or by mail at 25 cents a box from, The Dr. Willianis Medicine Co. Brockville Ont . • '' . • , . • • That's All: • ' ^ ' • . Wife (pouting) -You have ceased tO lOverne. Rtili 4 enjoying_ -cigar- _airia.._neav. spa.- • • interoal condition, than most people Said to me: 'If *e could only take the who knows more about Germany's licl off Germany the world Weeld be grows steadily lees obseure. One - -isack;. andsthe-Chaleans,• seeing -what- Grand- -Olairiere,-- Vane:, May 29th 20 -. and boats to intercept and capture the (BPecial.)----"All persons •who • suffer' drifting barge. A fierce futhilade be- from rheumatism should use Dadd's (i• tween, the hostile boats followed, and Kidney Pills." This is the statement several- men were kilted or wounded ..4 volunteered by Mr.. P. A. Bertha a At last the Peruvians drew off • and well-known resident of thls dace th the neecessity .of ,early tillage. • fic:ailt1126e.Cir is 'still serving- with he colors. . e.,„,le.csted_t,o........nr-aposition in. the Infirmary: Per -No my .dearr, ceased Th Sivinford tfoard of uardians in action Frence, 'nd whose Eatnar• . « WlipSe Infa and was maldng lose to 57.0n4., • Liniment reinitierniarea Friona , • Roscommon district is working seas- • Several' hundred Women have .just 'stonieheil.' . • The Cdmpuisory Edpcati n Act' in.• . ,„. -"Yet We mu,stnot Count. too much • • -..Wonien Clean Streets. . • • left the . barge in the hands Of the Asked .to. give the teaeens 'why' • • . . • triumphant Chileans', who towed it off , side: - Ireeueiatism: I cOnsult ed doctor with- • Years from fa,Ctetily. .The attendance of mils in• . streets in LiVerpool „England • They Upon Germany's desperate straits "I suffered for 'three • • 7 amid the cheers of their ships' crewe, '• en up the work of c 0. he . leanin t Remember that' this race of" ctitinine the numerous schoOle. under control "". ' • • • - who had watched the' fight with keen s - barbarians has • been . preparing for . ,lave Money on Roofing -Get irtY prices, dirett-from mill to you. I have Roofings for every purpose Samplec free Adckress • • Halliday CO., _Ltd., ltarnUt 3.W7earelf:•1:1:1' , -• rtyolnit • fine and get highest 'Cash price. ; •SILVER' 121:41I117 etc., to us to re- • . • StPrinfEn51.. ' • : ' : danadien Seamless Wire Ca, Ltd: . „ _•____198 Ciliate& 'St., Toronto, Ont. • has. increased, by.2,0 and. 2o per cent • • -* The English were not strong cough "forty 'years to seek the • mastery of Ito take latielic, but had to call in the the world; If they have to eat • the - help of, the ,French. We have, more- spies off their boots,- they will not over, only surrendered Duala because 'yield at the end of twerity months.. , • there were.so many white women and - • . • children there acCording 'Won't' End Suddenly. interest. • ,• • • • •are tals'ng places of men who -havd e alongside 0 • o S. ne fixed me: UP." f D dip K'd • Mr. Thoniet ;Merphy.s. a mem er o • "'dais:inmates. Meuerrietioitroinitsp,agielner. sy,FallIng Sickness or itonvuisions fir A . free sample of Or. ' Scent remedy. Ws PAY EXPRESSAGE as iFtily0EEuTetiuULTOButOTRandE the RETURNTHISAD• II• . • one of the big men -Of -war, and qtiick- 1•Thet• theumatism is caused . by sio,c. the Blaelcrock• 'Urban • Council, haa in: i joined the array, and -art saaritdthbynttlitoe 1 tads of tesilmentals on file. Give ass aysodurisill Darnall:1am • : Iciest enieldYes• in the de ' • e r. F: KARIM( ROOF CO.Dept.A 1463 Sta.% Nesasie s er.., Ilk•; : V iy sent the cargo of luscious fresh i kidneys failing to strain the uric acid c'etv0 a. .letter frcini the Lerd Lieut- riS --s afiele.nt as the menP. ., , • fruit in :the side in baekets. When I out of ^ the blood was again shown in enant; thanking him for his. efforts on , . . b it trik it 1 i il , Ili ii behalf of . recruiting. in the diettict .ge ing any They brought the berg ' Omit' half the cargo -had ee : e NI . Bon ot s•case. s ear er syrnp- Oranulaled Eyelida, . At 'a• Meeting of. Belfes National i was i 114 sure to SIM; DuSiatid Wind . on board, a terrific .exploMon shOok ; tonis Were: heart, Autterings,' breken" Eyes inflamed by expos,. ' Ilaving once inore thrust vainly in the ,bay, and an enormous hole an- and unrefteslung [Sleep, fitful . appe, , Selusil. teachers ' a resohition • 1 after ea s, neuralgia. an ac - ness aft ni 1•d b k Adopted declaring that, owihg to , I/4ji just Eye Comfon. At the- Weet, the Gentian nafiitary -atith- peared„„in theside of the great ship,' , . 1 e nem ous e ing, a eavi..- I ' tits a ti • d . - ' fe 1•• ' h ,,Ach,. s quickly relieved by Murine (YC Remedy No Smarting, orities apparently propdse to strike which sank instantly, like a stone,'I creased en'st a. living, the time had with all hands. • By an arrangement . : arrived W. theY shotild e 'granted, i of springs and -balances, a huge charge When ' • -•- • When ht cured his kidneys with a Dodd's: Kidney Pills the rheumatism , of • dynamite in the bottom of . the , a co -1i* ' and ' AB the Other sYraptoms ef kid-' barge was ignited When aniounce/ the weight of the cargo 1 ney trouble disappeared, - was removed. Although the Peru- i • ••••-•1 .. • .: R • the law of the Whites, nothing can, happen if no fighting takes place in •a town. - The black soldiers of , the English • and French have already deserted therein masses, and • •conte to. us to. . fight odour side, because they eep that . we are stronger, • • - •• . IT c.o. lig uoNs. Tackled the Thing .That Ceiuldn't Be Done, and lie Dia It • "Somebody, said that it couldn't be • done, but he, with a chuckle replied that 4 -maybe it eouldn't,' but he would -•be one who wouldn't 4ay so till .he • ,• tried. • SU he buckled eight, in, with worried, he hid it. Ile started to • Jung aS he tackled the thing that couldn't he done; and he did it" Somebody scoffed: "Oh you'll never •do -that at least, no oneeirer has done it " but he took off his cdat, and lie- • *look' oir hat, and the first 'thing northern •area.- . . we -knew-he'd begun witir a lift '"The seeondlactor is that if Ger- •again at 'Russia. Report credits them them With . contemplating move againet Riga and Petrograd, and this: time report is probably eorrects They • will have to 'operate in Very .difficult Country, especially if they reach. the region of the Pskov Lakes, and they will attack under very different:condi- tions from those obtaining when von Mackeriseri began his March across Galicia last May. Two :unfavorable • factors shouldeffect them. TheMret. is the recuperation Of. Russia. Alteady she has begun preliniinary itetivity, and is endeavering.: with considerable enccess to regain .tontrifl of the ins: Dvinsk. She is also preesing • the Austrians in Eastern Galieia, and is preparing to wage ft cainpain on her southern -front which will be largely independent of the, struggle in the • Reduces Bursal Enlargements, Thickened, Svvollen Tissues, Curbs, Filled Tendons.' Sore- ness from Bruises or. -Strains; stops Spavin, Lameness, allays Rain. Does not blister, remove the hair or 11 The value Of the helmets w ritish Troops Now Better Protected war bonus. HELMETS 'SAVE LIVES.• b • * for perfectly equipping the man • in write. Made in the U. S.. A. by From Enemy Fire. •• —;4 ich, a.' the trenches, one at 'hand, a Weald Druggists or MurineEyeRemedyCo:,Cbicego Your Druggist's 50c per Boole. Marinetyo Foui rifles said to glsts.er postpaid. will tell you more it yoU Salve 3 nTubes 25c. Forllookoltheryerreeask Need' !our • ABSORBINE,, JR., for mankind—an • IV; r'ori'bTaaill‘andP..Apis ,healrin-dThObiliet;"11,06 bottle at drug - at druggists or delivered. Book 1.M free. antiseptic liniment for bruises, cuts, wounds, strales,-painful, swollen veins oi lands. It lay up the horse. $2.00 a bottle • Cor,briinle6. Llyzi..iarirseBoildagda., Miao,ficabhueadha.Can. 11111.eb: neeessartY- ' vinns had. waged . the fight for- 'the • . ..' .,;,, • . possession • of , the barge with fierce'. • •• •The Pinch.. persistence, they had neer intendedi "j. understand the text all tight," to be successful: •", . , f rernailted Aunt Ann Peebles; , after now being supplied. to tee British for use when the first grows too hot,. .A,feiv Weekte later, a large man7of- the . sermon Was . over, "but the troops at the front indicated in an a third 'in '4reserge for accidents, and Mar Was sent up the beast to caritnre'l preacher's explanation of it puzzled article in the current istue of -• the ,me a, good deal." . 1 a fourth in the tepair ehop., • ' ' •anything Worth having at Iluacho., On ' • British Tiedical Journal which says L • the appearance of the vessel, the, in . • . - • habitants drew all their boats far in - yr: ea.- ari" nar'iya: r.;;;ent.:- in. Abe house land, arid, taking: ' all their 'valuables; flairato the interior. One boat, ahanuez, _..,_,,,,,_91.07_ vi,t,,er she i(new. .. . •,. One, larger Iiiirtlie7Othargrt • - hat in a kig fight where the British- • rs were'weating„ the /neWlielintlie umber of penetrating gunshot camas of the head was equal to tete huatnpb_oenr_ale-halifiropecier cnen,litti,athne_ed thkettotna41 At the Yarmouth Y.IVI,C.A. • I3Oys' 'CluarkeHteldaet,,Tvasket.,Ealiug.alst, nor one percent, of , all injuries. I loilitd,MINARD'S LINIMENT most ,t - • ;.,t ed some little Way -up. the .heach 'and I ; Huh.; (with .newspaPer)•aat see' that n then abandoned. After pillaging-thed the ,pretich have :gained two hundred Place, the Chileans looked at the. boat reeteres from the. eneiny. ' Which was•entirely 'empty. 'The Pet/4,• Wife-TweLluandred .rnetreal Head Wounds have 'been • set, down, .beneficial or -tun burn, an immediate Pea the: experience 4 recent wars, relief for relic and toothache. emoved ears, -sails, ''Me.st2 .Pose the_Germans made 'another c?f as accounting for fifteen per cent. of • of lils chin, and- a' bit of a grr, with Many strikeg ut,Rusaia this surruita looked -it all-over to be-aure_that there '• ALFRED STOKES, Geri. Sec'Y. -and van sthe rowlocks, Tha:chilertnsItheu gas- atfaciri:- - - ' casualties, and the latest da•ta'she • out any dephting er quiddit; h start- she will donbtless have to look ta her- was no dynamite in it, •itrad "then tow -1•• , • couldn't he **me' and.he davits tursout and ropes1 Rory For M. ed to aingas-heta,ckled-the_thing_that self in the Wesb alsO. - The Gonna of ed it away 'to their vessel. ' The cal); lc 1 , 11 you it Paris to talk /about ihe•werither. ••. The put roupd the---seitts at?-ther-haves-and "There are tliteusands to te , • • 'cannot be. dime, there ate thousands to principle orconcertea action wiII.come 'the stern: :Then he o • rdered :his, men , • w. that, in trench•flghts at least, the per- -centage-„is nehigh „as. _25, ' • "The .British Totlinal explains, "pretects the side And back • • Sale halo ck 'Engin— 15 .rophesy failure; there are thousarids t ' d• Cerium" may find that to haul away. It Was •the last order ' .rnain — deVelop, the Climax ol the•stisiggle rIlthOMS of water. A false' hOttom aj fighting on interior linea has ,disad- he oiler gave, for the moment the iJ P '18 Y42' with dohbl a-tr-welt-j ag vantag.es,. -.ranks tightened, the' ship Was blown . _ ' - - Should the situatkin fthus hinted at ,te Pieces; add dis• appeared. in lidVenty- tit 1Y1fl • •• • • olioint-nut-hr-yourcine by' one,.- dartgers that wait to assail you;. but • of the neck and the, temples ;and. thd:a•'' tipper par--T-zif--.. thoLfatee----ftaiWe 'Useless: •Member:7 eouyse, -Kt the- toll and aides 'of' the . Unlike most att e oys w o heed. It his else asmooth round top. ,never attended. scbeel, lattla 7.A -rt It stands away „from the head about wat firm in his determination net to one-third of an inch "all-around, the go. , Finally his favoritesAnet EMMA just buckle in with bit of a grin, • theYi talo off your coat and go to it; just Start in to sing as you tackleths thing 'that "cannot be done," tand • you'll do it • , *Empty -Handed-. ••. The afternoon at the now neigh- • bor's had, pained atery , pleasantly. ,• Imes .Ir,, cried. when ,told that it wao t,tinie to Os home. ' • "Never mind" saidthe lady, con:. • solingly. , "You come .again," • "It ain't that," said James Ir., "it's • the, woltopirig 'I am• •gaing to get.from Henry. .Wheh I get hotro holt say • "Volvo,' and if I have to tell hint , that year didn't ntlyihing 110 , • ,Will. think I'm ' a to;i•ir and • torn+ 4nY head for it," • lite '011I0# has lbat all Confidence Can losi•rothing more. . • • weight -Theism lizirne . padded -arias • itilled in to use her Persuasive lend may be ittihand. remimber' Iliad concealed a tremend,ous chaege of . . • T,i; 'aild'llyliamo3OK W alishie that though fide wet began dyeatinite. that was artanged, to *The • I' • • suddenly it is not at all likely to eed %then . atiy upward .foree ,was applied b 'It driven All' ih first suddenly. Our little South • African to anY of: the seats. The inhabitants - • ••• . 'of the town,,' who had watched thenr stratagem destroy a great titan -of -War without the smallest risk • to them- selves, returned hilariously, to their •hoMes *lth'songe dances: • War lasted for tWo5 yeara after .its eliniax'which may be taken .to -be the falt of 'Pretoria,• " •: • , . , ' • ^,in,VattiOrt • "No. exitininotion Of the 'military outlo•ok cap orniC some reference , to the •possibipty of the invasion of ARE CLEAN NO STICKINESS. ALL DEALg8 S G.C.Briggs & Sons HAMILTON *41N,Itt% .18.tr.tiO - Fastidious riga. " • Pigs, instead, of being ready to eat anything,' are .araiong the most fasti- dions animate'. ,Otata of 673-plitets, the goat eats 449 'and refuses 1.20;• sheep; out 528 Plants. &V 387 and refuse 1.41.;,soWs, out of 494 Plats, . eat 2/0 arid refbae 218; horses, out Of 474 plants. dat. 262 and refase 212; vitato pigs,• nut of, 243 planta, eat ofilY '/A nrid rause 171., • • • ' .clasS condition, Would be .sdld. together or kparate- ly aiSo a bit of shafting ata very great bargain as moo is- requitcd imniedt. atekt. 8. Frank Wilson .'14 Sons is' A:dew& Street Wet, • •" • 'Teronter. , . 111 • ' • either„band: fixed •.10 the inner. side pot:eel-win breaking his will./ „ • , • • . • , of "the surrounchlig• steel. by Yt •Series *: "Why, suiely: Arthur,” scud. . his Of india-• rubberbuffel^.s,, entb aboet nunt, "yon are. going- to 'school with the thickness -of a, lead pencil, -and •youy ing Siitc:r in.the fal1.7 " •eNo. I'm net goin t� school at all;" •: . People are 'polite ''ta the , chronic kicker,. but 'they're never friendly to • • * about One ineh long," , linuaritio Liniment t/i0d: PhYsidams. .• Ilis Coat and Hig Pants. • A horsedeeler was. showing a. horse' to •ft prospective • buyer. 'After. run- ning hini backward and ferweta for. a few minutes. he stopped "and fieli to the buyer', aff/hat do yoki think of Ins coat? Isn't he a dandy?" • The. haver; noticing that . the horse waa broken -Winded, replied, • tWes, I like, hvittstrot. a.11;right,"but- don't like .hia . • teen inthe fatherland, the Y speak • ISSUE 28'3'1.• the inothor topguo, •`•• QUEEN'S UN SIT! RINGSTON • ONTARIO TARTS E01,5CATiON-- APPLIED SCIENCE Including tiiningnheittical, Civil, .2 anical and mectricat RugiTering. • MEDICINE. During the War there wig be cositieumut mieesionsMIdedicinie , HOME STUDY - The Arts Course maybe taken by torre- Wedence-, studenta ate :mist attend. -one ses.sioa. SUMMER SCHOOL. GEO. Y. cuowN JuLy AND AUGUST REGISTRAR, .,• • , • • When a beautiful woman loses her temp,t she can be just 'as -ugly . as anybody else. ' , ..• . Atilt for intricircr and taltii Ol'her , • •' Pritience. "You Are •not working in ,the Same • place,!' said th.elbutler.. • • • - • "to" .replied the cook, "I've' been. obliged to change •fatnilies several tipies and I'm going 'to keep on. try:. • big till I find one that suits me?' •• . • •.11111*ktS VITAL, QUESTIONS Are 'fon foil of energy. grind force, end general • Sochi he,alei? no you knelt? that good attesting • litho ftititidation otgeod health t Paine and On. • a MOTHER .A,F11:EAEI_Pi 1v1s, a fiti Avert 0flttOeillt Of mice, 50e. and $1,00. Ttui three bottle cOntair0tlitee theta ' 0.1.41 as thintnaller. A! I.Vethyti Si tkli.l.fairrsth Crate Street West, hirattecl. .`'preeirot In etomach and chest after'eatins, wigs •Constipation, headache dizrinens, are MIMI of Indigestion. Mother Seigel, Syrtis', the *test herbal remedy and te,+;, vfll es&tau, AND BANISH, STOMA 1110111)LES • •