HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-06-01, Page 4^ it SONS. Lt- tisel • Are one MOW*. 1.1,1X1*44eleeetstow.thit. Agent **set tuslrance,.1.ru ;statue terepeniei ipeetanteeil. 0134. want liu Lut*uu _ar. at tau Lauld_aa emote A number et Toole end feree Preeerties fee I 'O. tt I.nchnow Ledge meets ererp 11-240 arening al tk" (3 oats ceieiir Ha% Catrol2t-• beitstreg. Ante -comes aeon foweet. oeteeest-eZeblie tirar4 F. T. elftleteert veos ticaed.,13att leri4r; It,i,;Re.$eo, A. Ir. ifteid;r4z,sor-LIA. fkA.t.L.(3. ft- C. Ittoo-zo=mtes every Therstley me.? t.. z- 4. .4,-ar.7.---ez,,z 0.1dartinfj. %FOC. 10awstonir§e47.,W. ta".9.P. Coen filierwood, 50,, Locknow, motets evc.3s4 last Noway or the month in le thenttafeneweilan, -Vitlat.gbrettkatn Sccy.lflabt, Marmara Fin, ,t•ta.. Jobristeni, Tres* D .I. IL.G. IL L•,:ackeow WM. ist. Meet3 giece.:4316.:,..-dayorcuelimsuth igg the O. taws'Hi.. Master .Weelitstan...T. Mac- Diarraid;FM...scfR - D. r.;Blactote44,71tga. ey...tlet‘ Potter; Treas. „Alex.; ow- • On! Dental FoiVLED.i.. Aka, D. S. .001,eeup stalrain. Dutton, Block. Teesveater. Spee tat attention Sig04.plates. crowning and • 101.064,, visits VIATrenreter list. and ars, 'Wednu..1y or cacia month; trrorrio Thor.' • & A. NO8V71.1N, 1). D. S.. Dentist Mee Ann Nook:, 4neknolv, Ont. All. modem Methods used.- Rest materials. furalsbed. Crown and Bolgo work. Palid'extract- • wa by- the nse of thetat simplest and •,ciafars remedy„ SoMNOF0 Newest.. thing in arsine*/ meth:, /Jordon) platesd • r.1.09_0O?utbk) ,CENTRAL D V • (14TRATFORD,.. ohm, YOU CAN $EtvitE • posEriori . . ,you take.a. coOrse with. us. The la de.teet.i-n:Tsc,t1-.4.zefor,;trained help is IOY tame S the nimber graduating: Stildentliare enteting each week. You 1,04,3" enter at any time, Write at once for our free catalogue, f LIS ft 11, ab,tI, fis Thmtlaytiltiu be able to reflito iUsesk and that t e woutd et quotation* and lt4we Uhl flatleti ma&e other work is 'done, But the *Many Peoplestiffer the tortaresollmne iiinselesandstiffeneiljoints because ofinf- on3mittee wssn't doing blmiuras.in that purities ia the mew, au4eiocji suCcePliug THultsumr, NNE 1st. 1910. ,boine te'Srult out if. Canadian, ommifac- ' -Te? arrest 4:14.tonstistrt it in quite 414 im,'"•• in* way. firt,z44 of firat la6kitie 4t. alteckstennintoreaCutellinfirbetimatistn Wen ,Fortune 9ottaTT;torifs, Buinino Lord10)* invaded the *fele system, 4- • .. Who Stole We FericOeeTory tilers could do. the WOrk, Or flareetly $2Peect"vuogy!t°4),TurP"wet40074:42r4 terle v11144.44 t. . Visiting. United States mannfitetirere oil m 'Scott's' Iinuilsion is natures. great . The Wog conferred n baron/ of the engaged. ht that Han 6f lierk, ,the wet blopti-Meker,Sebileits medieinel nourish,- United Ittio.00* 111)ent the Right gem •••••••••••....,........ ii• Went Strengthei# the organs to expel the Rory Chaplin, M.P. tor Whiibledon. mitt" °Pt' et' l'a t**ell wlth a marl by impurities and oPlmitd your strength. friplie.w6 ,.110.14 to get the fade re. f the name of J. Wesley Allison. Allison "Seott'sjimalsion is helping thousands , Ur. ,Chanitu buil be.en in poor health Tr jotroatwo4 members or the committee ort ofelyday.wbg could net gnd other regets,- for some time. For mere years than • • •r°13/47-- ''th°- crAlrz ;let° the. ''te certain friends of 'his who wOuld Mader-, .cesie • " been one or the' ornaments of the P.,eins4 tUz,r2,-1;g4zolitrfeetelitritteg • Wet faela vgare to rengembor ne has char0* *Pinat Sii. alit Plitheit Late take to :find men or companies to make !louse, a man pointed out to stfangera the foes. - ' • Lop The POOT Farmer • and recognized by them, whose rising Just loOk at this miserable, tOundabout recalled the manners or a long-depart- W0,1f-d-Pitla-t4nr="4?-11--n4'0i:itiSh-W . -Th4+44141e'dhotorkailiter g • WY, a Tory -ot the Torks,, a emir - Office wants lase& Sir Sam, rePresent* Who in la illte rides to te.W11- dtei:Isisb: "ninPigni"POluent 14 „ta"' tile 'War Mee in'this camtry; he has a 0. .40 speeds her up -oft on 9 ight . tile central *gime in a rental* eu ' Bora la 1841. he 'WAS earir In. UN . committee -to work for him; tho gem. j3,thxere.ope:iaidtioypituil,et.poulitie:.ogoioe.,7b.i.zzi• 0bY inittee gels Allison to find: men •. who will as the Victorian novelists lovect-in, find other Men to make the fuses. At which the. fortunes: of, love, the turf, the same time there are -n Toronto. men Wo4nfult • bl'he'cit, he's OS trlia Pr/ .e.. ':(• of geed standingivho areanxions to maks That lit.0a b,00ch- of Fokker* '' t i • and hardmoih. were woveni, Succeed. tug te his Uncle as 'Squire of Blankney th4.flateat and who make 4itaat nPrilea•-.- Brings a. theMiand plunks or morA telephone;:. electric light0; . 'Shortly after leaving Harrow, he in, .•o. WO A 0 0 • friendsti1tto 9 ft:6..4111:1:n: ft4:25:1:f0e:sln. contract 11.4:41P:tahl--87"9i;h:::ba4uP:::::::elf:sirulifiatip':y. ., ,excuse stemmed tor not giving the con- Tins 12. •stul more ,Vritli iMprovements; while wheat :steadily dropped, . and his re - They oiTer to 'make the fuses for S4.20, - belated .4 great 'Lincolnehire 1 eatate overburdened with debt. *ether than each, 'it the the committsexiives the job to His iwsii br°(.14.11t t'9 414.3 dfti:1; ' deeert the 'tenants, whom he looked the faraway American friends -of the •unto with Pricle.<1ze burdened, hinnelf 1 i venue: withA1 t.' We ought to pity,hint. . 1 <•* , . .... - Revenge The fresh eggs,creaiii and•butter ! •Then he beeamiverigaged to one et The closet tinhealthY. air, ' , ''-''• ths. lOvelIent WoMeir iii. pngrand, Lady ,Seenis to give him thmlyspepsia, 1 ' Florence Paget, ° Paget, a dainty, fairy-like Sad indeedhis troubles are, ' • figure known to all as "The Pocket That poor down-trOdflen farmer • 'Venus:* One morning Henry Chaplin •and his bride-to-be went .sholvIng* iri *ever &hie moment's eitee• • Regentstreet. They entered Swan Awakened in the morni0S • 1 and Edgar's by one door • and Lady By 'the song birds in the 'trees. Florence left it alone by the opposite door, there to meet Lord Hastings, the Then amidst his many worries, • fourth and lest ef his line. Within Long cones this calamity • ' .1 . twenty-four howl, the runaway couple His bank -roll's , - ; - were -married. A year or two later Getting bigger every day. -. • • the disappointed lover's horse -Hermit C. /I, JACOBS Orldult4 Ne r. , won the Derby in a snowstorm, a rank outsider at 66 to 1. Henry Chaplin made E1e0;e00 and Lard '. Hastings - was ruined. OldAlme Orator • • er A year later, 1866. he .wati, in the House of Commons, and it Often added: to the interest of' -the occasion when the owner of Hermit was the meinter chase!! to •inovi the -customary ad- journment for the Derby; Pleatant In- terlude .v.rhich Parliament has lost in More matter:4feet times. Modelling his speeches upon those of - Disraeli, Mr, Chaplin delighted a . generation • Which had forgotten the sonorous 'per - n lode of pfd masters of :parliamentary , debate, With a majestic pese and an Mutant fottitind every Thatalay sawing bucksaw, Wade.. 40 P. mAckor,Natn. Prontetst ORD CHAPLIN HAS ROMANTIC CARER end Eafter- 411,414 commyrrEp Eriewair, shell committee -would dowell to read newspaper:13 Mt both Piaci of' pOlitic*. :verrtlintrherv*berbroUghrtwaltif fon rather than enlightened. The set of eewSpapera which support* the governMent bas, from the•begianing plight to 'belittle. the whole Matter of the el.4rge3.. and theenquiry; while the opp.Oeition Rama have given the metier the greatest.Pensihle publicity; Of late the governMent-supporting, papers, have 4iu4eavore4 to Make etlt, that the en- quiry. hasreieiled nothing wrong, and, . that thollytarch4rges were a shale. The ,oppOsition<,Papera On the -.other., 4E4 haie;:tolt-fie -that the charges were -1404 to the. lilit. ,Ther!igoillt., is that half the istOltitti,inir. the .shell •entninit,: tee either ttole , or 'perneitted soineig/dy else th. steal several. millions. Of -dollars from 14 country, •wlilla the other -half believes that the Eyte charges were merely a trick in polities, and that for- tunately there wee no .subStailtial Mum< dation fpr them.. As Ev.. matter Rf fact. there has been a, good 'deal of very important and start- ling information brought out. It Ought, however, to:be yetheMbered that it was D. A. AteLACHLAffs. Principal, net dile country's money that ins in - CREAM WANTED WE want cream and will pay the highest market Prices:for gocd cream Sutnmer Creamery' and " Cheese _Factory Patrons having -.ereaurditring the whiter- :moritlia: wofild do well to -ship to Us. We weigh, SamPle and test each can of dream carefully that we receive, and • return a statement :of same each tinie. We furnish tiirO•cane, pay express charges and issue chivies tx cream twke each Month. Write. us And give us a trill. It will cost you nothing and -we guarantee you; satisfaction: • Por ftuther -'particulars write or send, for cans and give us a trial. The•Seitiorth Creanicry, Seatoriti Ont t 41.6-friadie,35 (eeee A Christian College -home, healthful situation. YerpropeemsandiethePrigiciiir. 03 .••••••• 1 oDr. STEM= aliii$10 ANNUAL EXCII erich to and GOING--1,eave God- •erich Tuesday, • (tune 18, 1916, 9.50 a.m. TURNING Leave Detroit Thurs.; June 15, 1916, 1.00 p.m: -,This trip provides a magnificent opportunity :to enjoy an all day water voyage onithe RIG STEEL *STEAMER.-GREY-IIOIf ND and time to visit your friends 'in De- troit. Fare $1.50 Round Trip $1 One Way with Baggage. Children 'Half Rae '.Deeit't fend:ties Goderich Band Moonlight,-JITN-B -126,-2.60 p.m. FARE owe. 25e. • 9inomso YOU GOING WEST? e.-drstid-Trutik - *item will run .11omeseekers' .Excursions EACH TUESDAY .MARigH 7th 'TO OCTOBER 51st • ( I n cl usive) Tickets Valid to return within two monthe inclusive of date of sale, , SitiNNIPEG and return $55.00 EDMONTON and teturn'. , $45400 Phipottionate low rates to other pointg it Manitoba, Sagkat:hewati and Alberta. :01111Particttlara and tiekete on applice- thin. to Agents. 0, MARTIN, Agent o LigelinOW. AC tract or a Sart of it to. the Canadian. man ufs.cturerOfesers. Bussell Harris, of Tokonto-i* 'that the committee relua-• ed t.4 believe that the,yeguldinakkos $. This suggests graft;,and sure enoug there was graft in it. -not, however,. .fo Sii.Sanii nor `the committee --but for Allison, the close personaUfriend or'Sir Sam, and Allison'a friends. At the time Allison's friends got the. Contract for fliaea at $4.25 each, Morgan &,;, Co., acting in the United States fOr. the British War Office, was baving fuses Made for 62.70 each. Not only thit but the War. Office cabled the Shell Cpnimittee not to let centracts in the. tnited States at, high ,prices, thus •raising tha Price 'for Morgans. Bet no- voled, and therefore, iwas hot our thing would avail. ' The contracts went t to the men whom Allison haa found. money that was •Wasted. The Bhp, -Now if Morgans. could get 'fuses made committee was expending i3ritish. hotouigi2,70, it is clear chat the friends of a:l.r . qanadian Money. That, Of course;does n would not -have to pay anythin not make very nineh difference. Men. tike 8425 o .25 for thein, and on a contraCt gf ,: who areunpatrintic enough to misspent" 5,000 060 they couldhave a verY hand profit if they 'got' them, at 0 or even et British money entrnsted to thein' would Ira net hesitate to niitepend Canadian I5t-1;7-ii.eernadelitted at the en. (166, money in the same way, and . the enquiry by the American ommittegpersnawheae in htocamet and expoturesof graft will' doubtless' re- • between the 0 and - that inamediately on u'asel 011.!t ilegOod in more ways than one It paielhat in theeleeperate haste . Curing the contract they arranged for tbe epe emong.:theinselves of One million stcio.211:14r°101:6 for munitions after, the -war l war broke out is oft!e expected profits iegot the British war Office appointed the 0, another got 075,000; and an-: Canadian' Department of Militia, of -otherl-W* heehadtesubdividerwith Allison - which Sir Sang- Hughes was the head and a few Others, gat $475.000. •: its agent in this country to place con: . Mow these men had nothing whatever- , . - • to do with the- making of • the -fuses tractafor shells and"fuses. Sir .Sane of , They mere y helped to. find men who' course, couldn't look after the entire Would Make them, Work Which Was re,- btisinesa himself-appoiated a coin-. perly the business of the Shell CormaW, n3itti3e of 'font men to :handle this mat- if it . was to justify its ekistence. ter of placing ,ninnition contrectit in The man .Who got the 8475,000 WaS: • .• • Benjamin. V. YeAketh, New YOrk,, . . „.; One fact revealed by the enquiry is and here iS..how he divided up with with ,ap-- that this committee Was in fact -not con:II:lice& first,gaVe.83,0,00.0 to A' coinmittee eating for Sir Sam in the in-' gr. Craven, ,whe had introduced him to •terests of the British War Office as it the Shell Couniittee. He then deducted Was supposed to he, but' a manufacturing $5,000 for hiniself as, •expenses, and 'lie company which was siipply nmaitjene„ divided remaining 8140,000 equally Why:these men phew' to act nett Mann. between himself and j. Wesley • Allison, teetering -company 'finites:4d of as 'an: Who was the main men in filmic* the age ; let contracts for the British •husinees in the way of Yoakum and hik. War epartmentit iaimpossible to sae& associates The change, however, put them •iii an It is interesting-, to follow ,the . sub= tuoenviable potition. As the supposed division ,Of the spoil fartheri for Allison'," agehey of the British War DePartment Pilate was divided with a nifinhe of they had the fixing Of prices, being Others. $50,000. wont to Eugene Leg- pected, of course, to , get the Monitierie mai; $10;000 tobed.'Geo. .W.Stepheps;; at as loir a- price as possible, but as con 830,000. to Col: •Wm.lIutain, and 8105,- tractorathey would be interested in get 000.:was handed over to Miss Mabel 0 - tinges, great' a price as they could, and Edwards, ,Sister-in-law and 'private secre- would 'be' legally entitled to the differ- ence between what 'they paid for !shells and what their.got for theim. But they do not appear to hatee stolen any money .in .way, though 'something .;over thirty million. 'dollars • accumulated on nelped'iti getting the fat contract pJac their hands _ 'This, was later retorned • to the British Government, end it .1a.re- 7 All this was plainlY told. by the men ferred to as a .saving effected by the whoshared iti the spell& . They :didn't coinmittee. It was, however, net prop- try. to hide the facts, god. Were 111 00 way erly a saving at all, but-. the:difference: ashained of them. It. is, their ,Vasinese between what the British War DePart, TO get money in that.way and: they see , • ment paid the Committee and What the nothing wrong in it... : Twice Married- m ,Twa Days Committee found it necessarta.pay to The fact-thathy- giving the Contract - ' 7 7 -- -440:iciitractors. There was no ."profit" to friends. made it ',risible to The tieice niarried within two dais or "saving" -about it. • it would &imply divert the one Millie* • dollars, for...41,i, was the exp:Orienee of Margaret F. Walks, have been theft not to, have: returned .i81013 among tascals, doubtless explains B A4..dliughter of:Mt.4 and Mrs.. A Walks, the money ' • 4ticlersiiee43at-Ovic'eacir---,euesciintrthe thing' in this connection 'that. looks like , get a . contract from the Shell ekicamittee: groom -Was the eenie. young:Man, eq that graft was the big salary paid to Col. A It also explains Why the. Shell. Commit- there, is no need of apprehensionon the Carnegie, 4 member of the Committee, Me Would have nothing to de With X. P. part ef'the reimereus Mends. It happen- .. .,, veho acted as expert and ordnance ad, j- saotganw-not even' to the extent of edin China, and that is the Mason for Viten He got si,000 per month for -hiA -enquiring-what they'-ivereHpaYing• for the sinewhat ;surprising '.inittrimonial 'services- - • •-•-, .,IneteaduLtheir_beingitnathing MethcidemployedOhservee•t,6_0at After the Committee was in operation to WI as seinadi the raviSPePeta Would Porter, in Whird.1 Paper .fhe,narticulare of .ter 4 few menthe the BritiA.MatMept,j1001.1„believer7the.,,,whole-lairiset the ,even t.are- The_ ,.inie-te-the---Aoheladoe-L-thet..,Theatiee veryLdirtyL,inese,..aininethetter than.Mr. ionJoixt " °Walt On, supplied by it. were -costing -altogether' Kyte -showed It to be. - One -scarcely May 1 0Lb by Hee. E..A. Mitchell, M.A.,. too' muth. Mr. Thomas, a business ex know- 'whether the Shell Committee Was 8 t the home of Dr: K G. Struthers, Wei pert, was sent over teeee.e how the busimade up of a h:.t of stupid creatures, or Hwei," Honan,.China, Dr., „Ernest. 13, eve; wat-b .iingecinducted,Andsaceresolt crooks And eertainly Sir.Sam.appears Struthers, B.A.., was married to Margaret sf.his investigations, the Committee was to have been lunch more faithful' to • his F. Mak*: It A: The wedding party ' deprived .of its powers, and other, 'and friend, Col. Allison, than to the British inelade,d cpiite a Maribor:of Presbyterian apparently better Arrangements, were War. Office. • ' missionaries• and other friends Of the ,Made. • • , Wham reflects upon.Sir Enti Hughes contracting parties The Wedding march Ea the Kyte charges had mainly to 18 that he ihoidd het% entrusted import- was played by Miss Sadie Lethbridge, do with certain' contracts for the Making ant butinets to Straka Committee; that sister of Mr. C4. Lethbridge; formerly of fuses. The fuse, by the tro, is a he eliOuld have end a Personal -friend as -organist Of Knox Church, ,Galt. •On-, the small„but very COMplicated and import- Allison, and that he • should' still :stand day following, in order . to Make the .,ane part, of the ehell. The British War by Mich a friend; , Since the facts came marriage legal in China, the bride And office asked Sir Sam Hughes for 6,000,. out, Sir Semi in giving .avidence stated groom .had to proceed to Tett Sin, where 000 fu4ea, Sir Sam, Of coarse, Landed' that there was more honor in the, Md.) a AMA(' eerOMOnY was perfermed by• the drat' Over to Inc minimum Vow, finger Of Alluioe than in the whole ear- the: British Consul,. Dr, and Mrs E A- orta would think thatthe corriniitte,e. east) of the Auditor General for Canada, Struthers are stationed at IlWai King, ',mulct have known by this time who in who, by the way, had brought smut of iitorth noun, China, under the MlasIoi Onnacla or on the 00$414006 wal lik4 to tbe'dittywork t41 ight tiOnrl 01. tho Preabyterinn tihurch,..ax, , 1 BRUCE , COUNTY NEW John D. Kuntz, one time a. r in Culross, and later proprietor f Central Hotel, Walkerton, bas hp a lame flOrist business in Berlin Walkerton's. PeIrkitie Leagu .1: week:. conducted a campaign to ra money for Qthe patriotic Fund, a succeeded in raieing MOO.: The 321 get was $12,006. ,. Among the successful. students this,year'e graduating bless at Cn Callethe Wes Chas..R.- McOillivra 1 Ripley, Ile is also, a B.,A. and II. ,.f ,Toronto- 'University. , . Walkerton .eitizens. have :coll o er three tope of Old papers and ma i azines Within the pest three ni tit fel. shipment to a Torontci dealer.1-T proceeds will go to pairiot' or os Men -of Sedetiiiry .-Iallits fini ex Orderlies the ideal laxative- • eir cti being gentle and natural. Sold o y Atexall Drug Stores, 15c and 25e, b xe J. G. ArmstrOni. • . Sneak thieving its said to be common in Mildmay. SeVer 1 p report that Meat has been b len ro their smoke, !loupes reCently. day evenings is arse reperted. . stealing f ein fermera' rigs o , p t , According t� the returne o Wa. k ton:a Assessor the. poptilatio of I e County Tciwn is just about 3 This shows 4,-ialling off of about 1 0 Since last year. , The reduction is counted for by enhatin kits,. 108 tng left the tbwri-to servn with d ff r gni battalions, ---.180.; 34th. Ond 1 t There -will...tie ,a further reduetpon w I the l'Sbth. move .asra. ' • KINCARDIS'E , BOYI-N.C. and CB. tary to Col. J. W. Allison. This leaves 82e,000 with Cfol. .Allieon,.Which iuggests eItehert Fraser, Of Kincdidine, reee ed Word.last week �f the *death in Flan that he was not particularly greedy for • hinitelf. The, partiee named had each:: ders of their, son, Willians L He was performed eome 'little service V&A shot through the lungs. while on duty April29,nd he died May isL Thhs. 18 the first Kincardiee boy to lose his life in the War. Ile enlisted about a year ago at Guelph, and soon after was sent 4, the front with a draft , to re - Metes the 1St. Battallini. . out -flung 'hand he Would 'polish off lils Opponents, and his epigrams Vrere aided by .the masterly handling ,oU.,a-single,--eyegless. and a -dewing handkerchief. , In 1986 his fariner friends 'were' de - bighted to hail him. first President of the Beard of Agriculttire. In ,1906 e Sleaford, which he had represented for any_y_ears,_abaidcinect-hlm; bur - 1 Wimbledon toolthim to its anis. Mar- ried in 1676 to the daughter of the s' third Duke of Sutherland, he had one • son; Mr.:Erfc' Chaplin, and two &tug& tem, one ef whom is Lady Leaden- derry. ' Miss Florence Chaplin, his e younger daughter, who was with 'a nursing unit in Serbia; was captured • by the Austrians, Mit reterned.to.Eng-* .land. WAS GREAT SIGHTSEER.' Demister Who Never Missed Public Functions in • London Paw men, Can have witnessed -- greater number- of public functions than Mr -Henry Moses, a barrister; of .Clifton House, SiOugh., who died at the age of seventy-eight, , Coining ,to London from Dublin -4n 1872- he had devoted himself te getting into a 'front place and witnessing the par- ticular Public function of the day. He WWI a spectater during the Tichborne triat .and he used. to boast that for forty years he 'had .seldom Missedan opening of Parliament He was, able to secure a seat at the. pence 'coart. to await the arrival of the Jameson ,Caid leaders. The public and the press were kept 1n the dark, but Mr.'. Voiles knew, and when 'the • leaders entered • the court he, almost alone ainong the public, was there to witness an his- toric scene. When 'Gladstone. lay in state Mr. Mofiee wea anieng_th.n_first et the patine toenterWestmineter Hall, Once .during a .royel Progress at the bottom Of St., Jimmie, street Wag a refuge for a ponce officer and lievere.1.7priedlogedepettiene.eAlre,Mosee-7. was there among them. Only -once.. he appears 'to -have -been unsuccessful. That. Was when 'CarlLady, the spy, was being „tried at. the Middlesex- Gidldhall. and the -.ptiblic Were Tiger-. Purdy excluded. . This latterannounce- .--Ment:as n ride never litorkied-Mr:: Moses, rather it added a Piquant flav. or to his own success. But- on this Occasion_Mr.-11108eti-xatired-4umazed at ylliff failure and . Consoled only by - the thoUght•that a distinguished LAW Lord 'Wed also just been turned awitY. • Solid Ice is tighter than Water. . Nine cubit inches of Water win he.,- COMO. frozenten cable inChes or fee. • Died in Algoma Mrs. J. Henter,who will he remember- ed here as Mrs. D. Diukley, ornear fast, died at *he Bay, Algoma, on May She is survival by five daughters cis follows: ,Mri. Hurley, Mrs: Collins, and Mrs McBain,.. Of Hell° Bay; Mr , Wth. Baden, Vfdodateck; Mrs. tfolln Graham 13oundar ent.of r 110% THE'M.OLSONS, BANK, . . • ' CAPITAL, AND ,R,MgRY,14' 08,800l00o 96 sr. 4$4,4400inVan, - A OenerarBanking Business Tiansacteil Circular Letters of Credit • ibutc..Money artierS-, - SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT XntereutalloweSl.4t. higheai current raie • Einr--' -Ma ringer. • •,?' • •• • : ,•;,,om.....i•Erosor • Ea = ALWAYS WORTH PAR The one 'security hich never falls in value but.is always worth "par" is a Deposit Receipt issued - by a g30:1 bank, VIZ The Bank of Hamilton. Capital Authorizes $5,000,000LUCKNOVV RANCH Capital Paid-up . $3,000.000• J. A. GLEN NIE,. Manager'. Strome - $3,475.900 . E3 4 voortogito A.igioft.w...noite..kootirovviiposowoe.guiedowowkir .... Ladies' Fine Shoes\AT POPULAR ' PRICES ' . _. There are more LadieS'., Fine Shoes sold at 3.00, 3.so and kzj.00 than any other pric s We always carry a large range of -tht:se goods . an are Very .careful to select good -fitting, stylish lastse exceptional values: in these lines at the presz.nt time nd are al- ways 'pleased to show them,, .ACKERT & RATliVVELL "A GOOD SHOE STORE 'FOR ALL. THE •FAMILY" ,41•41,140.91****Viaarniswiriftegeserieilavaiiosiolidbe 111 (The Now York Oetiook], If the great hereps,ef the past had all , . been pacifists: , Orange to resist the Duke Of Alva, and the.:SPanish Inquisition Wouldhavobeen established in full .'power throughout all Western Eu -rope .froca the -Mediterranean ' • There wc,a7,chave been noOliver qom, well -to. resist:the -deepotie rule -Of Abe &um ts, and li;nelandwould-have become , . , it recond Snide. . There wOuld have beer' ne French Re: volution,•and the Prance of. the Ikntrbinis as Yount described it in his travels and Ws Dickens portrayed 15 10 'VIM Tale of. Two Oki& Would be in all essentials the France of today. • • riliere" Would retie 'been. no aeorge Washington, no American lir:volution, no Dsclaration Of Independenee, and on this western continent no republic. "eon. tei ved in. liberty aryl ilecliceted to the pro. , position that all men, are treated -equal," Ilappi'y for the bufnaninee, the ripirit -which ei ems to animate a. pOi.tien oni present Congress did hot, aniinale thair Duich, English, Preach and..Anninotin DEFEND ti:ser-HCIni/LE Every woman 'knows the discomfort of of dusting -but few.realize its dangers. Dust consists of Very sma 1 particles of iIloll.OL•tsdnie.AL,thena:•finely.40ottng Mineral suhstances, andthe rest flaky atoms of drted vegetable and animal Matter. As it IS blowii. through' the air, it ,collects germs and microbes of ever lt description, and from all sorts of places, and settles, still holding these dangerons littk Orgatibms, onto floors mid carpets. Here it remains -awhile; -1..pirittillrly iireaing Dem more dust filling on it, and the eroheS- grow in nu 111 her. • - .- Along comes a 'broene=the ,becivier dirtis-awrptrdornr-bUt the 'fine, graY, microbe -laden dust is thrown up: in clouds, to settle on . tables, - chairs, .windbw-ledges, picture frames, and every other place that a. niinute par-, tiele eau find a recline plate. As it flies, it carries germs of many diseases !done which are breathed into the lungs et the woomiewhe is. doing the 'Swet!tring, and 61 children and every- body else in the honse.. When. e'exple are in a very good physical condition, •these disease germ iire !molly successfully resisted but when a num, woman or dtild gets a little 'run-down'' or Mg 'Of sorts, the hedy 110 .101iltrer bas, power to render itticrobea harmless, and thee it is that dust germs carrY" the great- est danger of sicktiesr,or death* Use nustbane when you Sweep LucialOW HARDWARE fsi COAL 20,4 010111111100118. ISI • • 990 ,......sasris\ • . ' CHEVROLET . 'FOUR -NINETY' MODEL PRICE COMPLETE. $675 F.O.B. Oshawa From Sir Lyman Melvin Jones,. President and .General Manager, Massey Harris Co., Limited. • •. ' : - . Toronto, March 16th, 1916,7 • _. . . .... ,.. Chevrolet' Maw, Co„ Ltd:, H. Horsthen, Eq.; Manager. .• • Toronto, Ont. . • My Dear Sir :-• . • , ' With reference to the car which l'purchlis.ecl froth you the end of January, I have used it almost daily and I want to say to you • that I am very pleased with it, It is So cOpvenient ail light that it is much'more comfortable getting ahout in the bad roads of the . Winter than: the heavy 'cars which I have heretofore used and it des make such 'a large saving in gasoline.. •IJ, rides Splendidly, better than I expectedfrom a: light cat'. We have had no trouble with it . My chauffeur is greatly pleased, and is alwaye remarking about its good, qualities. Ho. is certainly enthusiastic. • " With -all good wishes; belfeve-,me, • . , --, , Y.ohrs truly, • • • (Signed) Lyman Melvin: Jones. GEO. H. SMITH AGENT .LUCKNOW ' • • • ' . - ,•;,,om.....i•Erosor • Ea = ALWAYS WORTH PAR The one 'security hich never falls in value but.is always worth "par" is a Deposit Receipt issued - by a g30:1 bank, VIZ The Bank of Hamilton. Capital Authorizes $5,000,000LUCKNOVV RANCH Capital Paid-up . $3,000.000• J. A. GLEN NIE,. Manager'. Strome - $3,475.900 . E3 4 voortogito A.igioft.w...noite..kootirovviiposowoe.guiedowowkir .... Ladies' Fine Shoes\AT POPULAR ' PRICES ' . _. There are more LadieS'., Fine Shoes sold at 3.00, 3.so and kzj.00 than any other pric s We always carry a large range of -tht:se goods . an are Very .careful to select good -fitting, stylish lastse exceptional values: in these lines at the presz.nt time nd are al- ways 'pleased to show them,, .ACKERT & RATliVVELL "A GOOD SHOE STORE 'FOR ALL. THE •FAMILY" ,41•41,140.91****Viaarniswiriftegeserieilavaiiosiolidbe 111 (The Now York Oetiook], If the great hereps,ef the past had all , . been pacifists: , Orange to resist the Duke Of Alva, and the.:SPanish Inquisition Wouldhavobeen established in full .'power throughout all Western Eu -rope .froca the -Mediterranean ' • There wc,a7,chave been noOliver qom, well -to. resist:the -deepotie rule -Of Abe &um ts, and li;nelandwould-have become , . , it recond Snide. . There wOuld have beer' ne French Re: volution,•and the Prance of. the Ikntrbinis as Yount described it in his travels and Ws Dickens portrayed 15 10 'VIM Tale of. Two Oki& Would be in all essentials the France of today. • • riliere" Would retie 'been. no aeorge Washington, no American lir:volution, no Dsclaration Of Independenee, and on this western continent no republic. "eon. tei ved in. liberty aryl ilecliceted to the pro. , position that all men, are treated -equal," Ilappi'y for the bufnaninee, the ripirit -which ei ems to animate a. pOi.tien oni present Congress did hot, aniinale thair Duich, English, Preach and..Anninotin DEFEND ti:ser-HCIni/LE Every woman 'knows the discomfort of of dusting -but few.realize its dangers. Dust consists of Very sma 1 particles of iIloll.OL•tsdnie.AL,thena:•finely.40ottng Mineral suhstances, andthe rest flaky atoms of drted vegetable and animal Matter. As it IS blowii. through' the air, it ,collects germs and microbes of ever lt description, and from all sorts of places, and settles, still holding these dangerons littk Orgatibms, onto floors mid carpets. Here it remains -awhile; -1..pirittillrly iireaing Dem more dust filling on it, and the eroheS- grow in nu 111 her. • - .- Along comes a 'broene=the ,becivier dirtis-awrptrdornr-bUt the 'fine, graY, microbe -laden dust is thrown up: in clouds, to settle on . tables, - chairs, .windbw-ledges, picture frames, and every other place that a. niinute par-, tiele eau find a recline plate. As it flies, it carries germs of many diseases !done which are breathed into the lungs et the woomiewhe is. doing the 'Swet!tring, and 61 children and every- body else in the honse.. When. e'exple are in a very good physical condition, •these disease germ iire !molly successfully resisted but when a num, woman or dtild gets a little 'run-down'' or Mg 'Of sorts, the hedy 110 .101iltrer bas, power to render itticrobea harmless, and thee it is that dust germs carrY" the great- est danger of sicktiesr,or death* Use nustbane when you Sweep LucialOW HARDWARE fsi COAL 20,4 010111111100118. ISI • • 990 ,......sasris\ • .