HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-05-25, Page 7weipm-r•••:..•-• • - - • -•••••wwwwwwwwwww.....**-wwwnwr--w• • Editor-TatKs I Lot the World, elide, let the worle, no; A. fig tor •eere and a. fig for wool cent Pay, why 1 can owe. • Poeta malsee entail the men low. "When a Man becomes, indiiferent, to . wemeas tp children,..and'.youngleople ;WO Ma/ kg.),OVI• that be•j jflU- -atea and 'tee, witlidreevn from what,- ' soeVer iti Sweeteet and purest in lap man existence)!!! -.said Louie M. • Al- . , cotb, In these talks we are ever • mindful for the welfare of these three. clesSee, hence we cenclude that we •iire not eld. 'Indifference le whet We are considering. It is a very bad trait ayz- . deed, one whole career. or Success in ••• life may be inarred•by it. An untidy appearance,. dawdling, and a careless- . gait often indicate weak' moraleand indifferent. habits.. • "I believe," said, one Who badthought seriously on the 'Subject ,ot indifferenee in petsanal ap•-• pearences 'Viet a clean plaee. of bust-. - nos, neatap.parel and Well -kept hands and finger -nails are..Wortlik0 per, gent., intereat-onevery dollar a man invests • . • ef mispleged confidence; It.j trUe that two;great Araeritan divineS Were recently brad od ofe losers in stock inyestments, losing comforbable fer- tunes in doubtful investments., They were severely Criticieed in the press but we did not see that anything very culpable was brought to light hi the coduct of eithermnUtit?,re ,111That preacher to do with hiS surplus? Pew of them have any ifurplus,, we knowr but why sbeuhl not a minister invest his savings in any legitimate way that any other professional Man does? Perhaps here is the danger peint for, the boys, in agriculture and every- minvgrDIR thing pertaining to it. The farming 14111,11.104011112,/ industry is the banner .industry Of this country and in no better way can • WAR you awaken YQung Canada's interestVT JJLUU1L1ULP in the calling than by inatouliA in him, a pridle tin „everything pertainmg to•it, so thetin after years he will stitch to IS CIABACTERISTIC • OF THE it and pot be Swallowed up in the GERMAN PEOPLE. Maelstrom of the big cities. The rural oehool ande4btodly tend for-, ever the query, "why the boy leaves Evert-tibecly concerned should help along e School Pair. * * * , In our farming days, nearly half a century ago MY, a patch of flax Was grown by progressive •farraers for ,the t "Ciff-FaTRF.Wa iTh-it•firtstR-IffrU 'aeelLIY111°4'b°4°4-1134447---441-1-1"49- and cattle niakes their coats sleek; , and,there has had real business brain- gens Nyheter put. to • prominent ing, hence is hardly a competent judge Pee Fislimy. But flax fibre is a Swedes.who recently Vieited Germany. • -• In Total Isolation FrOm Ootside • World, SAYS; u•SWedish Professor. „ "What was your strongest impres- sion in GermanYr is the (petition. widelet-th ..e--Stoeliholm:eliewepapeeseD on inveStments. This is ' where the cleiter and unacrupulous promoter -gets in his fine work. But the minister who is caught is often used as;bait for •eatching members of his flock. This is why ministers sh•Suld be exceedingly careful about lending their sanction and influence' to questionable enter. prises. e , • ' blesinesq." This my be strongly'• * * * eiZpressed, but if instead.,,..of indiffer- erice,:a man ras-vii--gett-sant disposition to satisfy his , customers bared mannee, prot attend n, a - Have yen ever loved, a*orse? _The favorite old sae hOese? Didn't you altimeter old Jimmie died? We -have, m e than once in our life - with What they Want, he may count on .e hundred' per cent on his ineested time eautomobile ne:viq; hem .the endearing place in the femili that caPitel. Slime a' keeri interest .in ,every undeetaking, • , • the horae hate but the demand of these _ • , *, * „ times is. speedily crowding 'otti the • Douglas Jerrold said in addressing horse Wee have laved Min bet with a graduating class of young men: "Keep your eyes and ears open if you . desire to get on inethe world."• A splendid young man •was. -once in our •employ -earnest, faithful and honest; • 'but he could never get on satisfactees ily because he did •not seem VO have enough capacity for absorbing knowl- ;edge or of taking inspiration from • What he saw others accomplisbing. It ss. Seemed airmist hopeless' . of getting new ideas. into his heed or. of chang- ing his •way of doing what he knew • how to do after. fashien. He would • do routine work with almost faithfil- ness, was:always on time, and was valuable product Where it can be The first to re lir • P H 'te , p M. tiete , a - usod in manufacture.. It may surprise many readers to learn that aceording to statistics the area under 'flax grown for fibre .ii .pouthern Ontario during 1915 was about 4,000 acres, about 800 tone, which at 20, gents per lb., was of value of 3320,000. In addition; sa tope. of tow at $38 per ton realized $2,$00. The seed; nearly 12 buithels per acre, or 48,900, bushels, at, $1.60 Per besh:eloves $7,9,800„ Abouteee0 per cent of the fibre he shipped to Ireland, the rest to New England 4.• restaurants knew nothing. They • States. Most of the crop is secured 'n ti single glass ofebeer lessens a man's ts,t s_liedwred the .most amazing ignorenee endurance by seven per cent and his o lend rented frone the farmer. n' • 'about all one told them and when • I • • . power to remember teIngs by fifteen : - ' • - inet old or newly -made 'friends eu!eti broughtiby the ton (seed etre realizes • • ' ' • „ • per cent., it follows; that it also weak - from $10 to $14 an acre Flaxstraw ly, they thoroughly dreined me ° ens his power V recovery - from. ells- ,. ' ease. Dre Welsh, of Johps Hopkin I n vers by tion, is nateirally caused by the ceh- or in any quantity lessees' a patient's sorship, which evidently is very clever chance of recovery." If that be true of an adult, how much truer it is of •the delicate tissues of a child. ' Sokne years ago the German geverninent is- sued a poster,- warning parents to tween people cah really be. stopped give bheir children "not one drop of spinner. - Oretario is splendidly adapt- ed to flax -growing and why more fl like that is certainly imposing from beer; not one drop of Wine, not one the point of view of organizing eapa- droll. of 'whiskey or any other form of Mills have not been operated has nob beim explained. ,, • city .' One would hardly think it pop- alcohol." • sible nowadays, " ; - • •• Net enly does alcohol lessen a pa- lundt** professOr of I medic ne. .11e writes:- ' "With regard to the generel condi- tions, what ettruch me most of all, particularly outside Berlin and other large cities, was the isolation of the hol• even in moderate quantities, les - country. The people generally know scions efficiency, lessens. Power of ene nothing About ariythinge •Those . iP durance, Weakeris the memory and higher .positions appeared to be in - eyesight. It does not require' any some -small degree _acquainted apith great_intelligence to understand that what svjii going an outeide, but the what does all this must leis%) - the people in the shops, the Ptreas, in . power Of a patient to fight disease. If • THE VANUA( BOTTLE* 'As Prohibition approadm, a •good many wile still believe. in OW *taco of alcohol as a' faMily medicine may , .,. , be disturbed ao.to how they eall have 4,14,,,,, - ,. the bottle replenished. To ell such I oddresS this letter, Milting them to ex- ,......r. ,....., • ...=... 11U R.41,1levallY: ' • * . -- -?t''.----' - 4,Mble the matter' fairly and candidlY. . — 1 -111, ,•:,..rog,7, w 01.7 4 ,.. fE:alalenodhol In nndi 806n2ly";144,11375faesr spent son of having an insUfficient aMOUnt en by the feeder. .8912le feeders blorte„--•••-y b -y --r - A,leolle, ae Medicine le rapidly being given tip in all the large hospiltals. • OirgslysonshatrirtabebYkittrhzeettglhiaoteltIraels,.7.1t: : ,argiy11!:eaCr flall3rmter:,:haost_purreo'duce IT4.1.4:::joialtented.,:#.4p4 11,,,f,g..4eg. poill 101 neilk lose a great deal of re res te With the caret iteetrattentien giVe-: • in. 1902 only $18,186 was spent for al- of fodder, or by being obliged to de- claim to mahe Urge °profits from. feed,' ' cohol and $48,318 for Milk, With about vote tee great an Area tte pasture aur- ing _hogs while their tie4t 11.elghbol‘f, the stone- nuMber- of ,patients. Sir ing July and August, in„ order .to get with the Same breed of hogs, similar', Victor Hoisely tells us that Berne of satisfeetory. results, For an ordin- style of pen, and Sallie, Variety Of; t e present day enearreeOlterles'a-e- -ary in k'liVid•-to- be-IMIal.) e ette eeds--barely. meets experiseee-:1=-,' w due to the faet that after operatiens, •eow must be, able to prochice during strong Breres enceessfut Yorkecounti,. the patients are no henget dased With these two months as ranch as in the farmers, feed their% hogs a little .41P ideate. -33/tellY of the mosii successf41 preeeding months and in the, follow4 ferently front most feeder S bdt they; physicians of the da Y never prescribe ing bleTi.ties• s' • . secure . Very" remunerative returns. It even in the smallest quantity. That . The way in which coivs are fed In Three YorkeliireeSowe 'or.splentlicltypd being' so, would it net be wipe to leave July anel August has a very 'great in ere, 'kept and tired to .a,_,Teenworthf,' , . , . . . . .. . . . . . it out of the familiniedicine chest • 'fitience On the quantity of the milk boar They 'have left Taige litterft" • ' It is no* bevend disinite that allele- that they will produce in Septeeiber, that de well both summer and Winte, N. October and November. • There will One SOW raised three litter4 Of tene be a rapid.. decrease in the produes pigs each, Since 'ebr•ttiese•e•11., 1915; and ti6n Of miile from cows' which have is due to farrew again,: in May.. The not had enough to eat during these' pis are housed in. a frame builds),, o..mouths.. •When the yield of milk 'ing.,_,_which . is , ventilated by leaving ,. r*s. decreased for et'feW .weeks it is !two, 'Of the four windows. Out all'wint4 impossible to ‘bring it, dining 'that. ter. In case of a storm, a bran seek' season, .back to what ..it .would have 'is hung over each Opening; and thee, ' heen. • Consequently, although there' pigs neyer appear V(i'lluffer front coldei, • is 'generally plenty of good pasturage The pen has' a•toncrete floor which ise during the moatles Of September, Oct- kept well bedded. , . A.• • ..ober and November, e. tune When the when the pigs are two -weeks, elde; price. ''of• cheese and Witter is. •,,veiy • they have access' to sweet skilia-milk . high, it is Of the kreateet importance reinter rattons e The cbstoni, 4s to e to feed well during the months a July '. wean the pigs when four 'weeks old. and • August that all possiblt prefit and feed them principally-. on, skims', may be secured from the high prices milk for a few Weeks.' While tbef and the abundance of fodder. !majority of feeders ecinsider Iniddl)., The most economical, safest and ings and finely ground oats 'elrato4 easiest way- to secure Abundant pd, indispensable for starting young pigse der during the mentlis of July and such feeda are not used foe hogefeedJ, ' 'August is' to cultivate'. fodder plants ing on the farm in taiestion. Wheat: " to be cut down green, or to be fed on and barley chop. in equal. Proportion? _ the field. The meta' useful plants for "-comprise the.; grain ration until the . this purpose seem te be: vetch, Peas, hogs are about four -months %Id; then' 4 pats, clover, _alfalfa and corn. ' :the grain ration ie eiimposed of Woe ' _ . For Twenty Cows.. 'thirds Wheat . to one-third. barley,le We reconteeend to milksproducers to , Mange's are fed the growing pigs an4, prepare as follows: ' • t dirt from the root, house te. throWt) (1) Red clover,.3 eteres.-Must have 1 in the pen. • On the, feeds inentioned been •sown the Oar previous with the ane pea of• nine would atrerage-abouil ..-_•• -mixture of ptas, vetches, oats mai 150 pounds at four .months -old.: •An4. would convince any men , that even 20th to Jul 15th co deem.- Jens, other litter of nine, ferrOwed 'Nova* . .• ibex-. 6, averaged close -to 190 poundt :clover, given beloWs '• 1 4d. bushels * ,, April 6.. , Six Of this. litter -Weighed ' one glass' will render : a - man more . • (2 .c1.".reeass,_,_, Aeebtottes,veotactshee:7 over 200 pounds, but three were stnal.t; ..., , liable to any contagions or infections 11/2 disease. , - • . ; . • • eateand 10 lbs. red clover seed. ,Out ler. Last euminer these same; feed. •- . • era had two sows farrow' June 8, and • 's • Not lopg ago the Academy...of Medi.: or. feed on •field,..July 15th to.31fit. 1 seventeen hogs were .shipped Nov 29,' : eine of Tortaito, unarilineusly,declared . (3),Pees, vetches, oats gild Clever,. against the uge‘of alcohol in anyfarin which averaged 200 Pounds. '.• These 14 acres. -About the third Week of , , . . results with bale SLUM:nor and wintet, a o v as a medicine 'Finally let us reinein- May sew the same Mixture as above. littera ehiew that the. teethed 'of :fee& • ' 'ed for epeirtimities;.-to- -try-- - , to --do7 neve,-is -nearer, we suriniseethate-moet. of: _ •.• \ , • pied ' by* an• article with the 'h din ' • • • • ' ' ea g, ber that in ethe .. U:S.' vihiskey. and Cut or; feed on field, AUgu.st lit -to . , . . ... . . .. ., . . ' -tempting work that evas.nesit. When , old 'Dobbin'a eter ie' setting. A .eenble • Of doom 'upon some' hiddee. roelc. . towards of $14.50 a ton delivered •at th ift of the motor car vea the mill. Under the straight rental e sw er speed, systeM, the' ranker elieniya performs have to agree that the here() becomes !the cultivation, and in some cases an unprqfiteble servant. The practical hauls in the erop when harvested. The man. says a horse eats 10 lbs. of foodin keeping all in ignorance of every - mill operator arranges for the seeding, for every hour's work, *equal to 6 thing that Might give rise- to incoti- acres .of ground annually -yet his weeding and harvesting. The niills venient refiectbrs. That the • intel- thermal,. efficiepcy is miry 2, per cent manufacture the retted straw into lectual means of vommunicatton 'he - flax fibre ready for the hackies of the minutesIt takes 2'? d • t for "'This isolabloh the mental isolas -1 I said "Alcohol in anY. form him -service rendered by a "lord of creation" to .a "lower, inienal." ••He takes up more room, keepsnnere peas' pieengaged, consUmes more 4.fuel in propor ion o e o gy d 1. • meagre than the We do. not remember seeing this "AnYthing more . . Be-tient's chance of recovery from in- ' ed. than any other. instance of power- German press e cannot imagine. nnest, but it keeetly increases his ten - beautiful, piece of poetry, before, but producing machinery, . ' . sides •the official war news there was deney to contract disease No one will it will appeal with especial force to hardly anything but propaganda ar- aceuee military men of being•temper- 1 many at this partieelar ieason when .• diligent, but he lacked utterly. tine i. We don't believe the horse is on the,1 there are so 'many Sad hearts . and • . capacity ' of • grqwth ' and expansion tread to ultimate extinction, but this i troubled Seeds over recent events ho,th, from absorption Ile did not, use his , practical, .nioney-making Man says .it 1 public and prieatd. It may well - be, . eyes and- ears te good effect.. We have, comes. to .this: thee the :efficiency en- gm. mated to 'memory: . •,in • mind. twe girls who were .direct gineerse are- on Dobbin's betas and -• . , eontrasts to,:-.thta young employeneethey'lleket him' sure.' They have clis- Whichever •way the wind doth .blow, , .They 'took in eituathins• at a glance,' coveredthat etrietly in ternis a herse- Some heart is glad to have • it so; - ' and . they advanbed ' by leaps and power he .is • an unprofitable -servant', Then, blow it east, or blow it west, ..: -bounds; . ni:. It were, . .because ,• their. He cannot compete with the motOr- •Thwind.,thab brows that wind is best , minds: were open to iMpressions• .iind truek,•with steam and gas -aline traete '''• ' •-•-•'•• ''•;- . '-' • ' ' ' -". --.: r aebive in assimilating ' and. applying ..ore. Oa the streets' Of busy Cities the My little .craft sails •.not alene;' . . , 'knowledge. What they saw othere doe: day when the horse-drawn truck..will A thousand fleets • frem . every 'zone . ' ing they could soon do., They watch -•!he• barred .by law- from. • public 'Streets Are out upon a thousand seas, ' • ' ticles, and, just at that time, numbers anee cranks and4yet the ,Handbook Of paragraphs about the admiriistrets of the Royal Army Medical Corps tion of law in BelgitunNhich perhaps. takes great paids to pet that fact be - were read With saeisfaction, by the yohd questibn. On page ,20 of. that Germans, -buteivhieh gave anybody -book---experimdnts -are -described that With an ordinary sense of 'justice lit- tle moreethan a feeling of discomfort. And whatkind of propaganda articles!. At a *railwey station I botight :the Frangferter. Neueste Nachrkehten, to judge from its size and extensive sale by he means a smell local newspaper. The whole"of the first Page wes tom- f ee • gine. es, looks as . ear • Might dash miother with t e ehoele • - •*. " m giant letters, e ssassination A •brandy have,beeir left off the Arrieri- 15th. • , Ting Is, giving satisfactory returns,: The _stunts and showed initiative in . at ' us imagine Y 't •f d War.' Ie this•eartide was -.Put before' can Pharrrideopela; 'which is the •offi. tzl) Corn; • 1 31 acres.;• -•-The third suPPW ef skiniernilk no doubt is -a• • fatter m keepirig the pigs &Ong , , without telling. • They aeted as • if -the affection 'cherished by' man for" For winds, Lb' waft me on my e sve.Yr .etridence that lp .niore ,Englishinel::(0 the use of l'hysieians, If that be" So;`•'soW an astonished. world • circumstantial cial list eemedicines'regommended for , Week .of' May, or as soon. posaible,„ la ge on -a well -drained .fielci, Clover Without a liberal supply of skim,- - they'regarded ourbusinesS'asa school the Most -docile:and intelligent of his Bit leave itsto a higher Will Prominent for thole 'pro-Gerrpari ums are you not quite, safe in droprang.the manured .the "rate 'of 10• taies per they saw ,Work to be •done,' they did ie • ment with•whiai •Muit SyMpothize. And go. I scle. not dare :to ,prae • •• • . • „ • pathies, who 'had died lately, had`been 'use of leas a family Medicine? Same- acre; and in bine 3- feet apart tp each milk, the nig could not be weaned se in which .theer .wore bOupd :to. Stand fit 'dtimbr friendseLnitist•no- doubt , pro- oi spee , ' •*11 oun and • •wheat and' barleee *Milt • ,there....ae.eftere:sis ehey•eoeld. -It • i5. unit: spoduetion, Where tennage •and•I.Who launched my bark will ead with l•ernment. • ' ." ' Arnett, (or any other small varietY).:Cut probably' b.e toe streng. a feed ft heted 'of the class and they-, got :ekacehise-tassiag. .Hnh, in a day of.efe ! That ell is well, arid sure.thettHe done away, With' by, the:British G'ov-teinfe I ni-a-er fidvise what. to Ilse in its direction. 10 lbs. , of Longfellow • • . ; .knowing. hew to do thingi that ie, eofS'iedius• ef d'every eare vererthitigethe• • Appa. hng Isnoraneee. , , • • value. To rise. in an oecepatioti and question; as tO , the most eebnorniedj• Through Storm find c 1m, and will,not • BLOW. TO GERMAN PRhSTIGE. . to be a leader in it a young:el-tan must esoues of pewer can licit- be poetpone • • • • "This is• only •one inatence • W.ith • ugu (5). Coen., 114 in ; the is vikNed same, way above, 12 lbs; Leans, might -not have tiny. success •in fee Another feede learn- the business h het choaen" ed for long. 'The horse like the • me; Wliatevei 'breeze§ •'Ina•Y Prevail, . midi a :prose the i• gnorance a the • • • • - young pigs.; ..Con thie farm skim -mil , ' t • through and. thyo,u '‘ will keep his eyesoatic. e. A to Z Ile has li " ; geimportants--smalA-or g coach ivas dis- ' • • • • aelaiement when. I tolcl hine that we' It is probable -that the te:enil' 'of aye leeet eix wieke old, arid then mg corn .or any other. ,variety • of eng e ra ton o . . j . • . Ins- day.' Heis being dis- To landrne,•eeery..p. , •• • • • Ki Alf ' M • ." " •peop e must, of course, be.. appalling. • mediu h let) Ct• S t ority hog.raisers 'prefer to allow the ng onso s nage Showed the • . • g e ,, en ep, ern er: . , eri,•.noth./ Thns ndoctqr.'exPreesed.the greatest " . , • • Trend sof' EureP to. reinain.With. the-iew until they. Plaeed „by 'the'.motor tyucks and treat:: ;Within: thee eheltered haeen at e.". • . •e-Galtadien' • ' 'Pige .7 T • No hard* and fast .rule can be laid liceeiter feeds' 'for ,finiitieg.--Farrie-1 • - escape hie „kitentioe Of he too menial' plac•edbf-therailway, the tinder -hex hen, llatetoever went I , • .only -paid so ard so much fer the. Clerts_neigitnn away from Gerniaoy and • • • . • ,• • Itsrt them on sekitn-milk, .middlingsse °eh bloev My heart is glad to, baive it so, t marl mirk • in' 8wedep, euid , he ewes- tolards- friendship With Frange and. • Perlr Rapid -TY:, land finely „green oats,. 'using . to perform,. • He will be always alert, by matches; the -canoe hy tbe etearn- , it east, or ONV•.1V We.$ • .quite dernfoueded ,in .reply to .En• land d ' •a • f AI ' • s,all: the thee absorbing and .yeaching. ship the paddling. fuenace e the::: And blow ate rom • the geceras • . , -• outfor . knqw1telku- and mcnerience, ,Beesemer. convertor, the _ox care :by 'The wind thee blowse thet. nind ie best. his queeeicor why we did anything,conference, 190d, saye Arthur 'Bale deem. regarding the •breed.' ef hogs er rer's- Adeoeaee. • . methods: end syitem. He must not. the atith, the. by the bihder, the -eCarohne A. Mason. mad answered that we cOnsidered d •• • • 4 lar in Diplomacy and ,the Great • • ,'9,1 • • • FROM' N. HOSPITAL' COT, • BRIDE. FOR. PRINCE -,OV, .11. ES. l'OULTRY 'RAISER'S C. HANCEs thitik.se much orthe money lie le keb-: flail ley the. ehreOlinkeea'ebine, the pen.:' • • • ' s.,"0 th.e 'mark not worth mores • le en o When that is aceempleshed he can. - * . By Cale .Hawea eutrimit- •• everything Unit •liad net happeried,• in.. giVeneeby the international 'coneedy . t . . • • War , • fink:. lis...of.„ ihe opportunity eo • learn •by ehe lioe.reetees, and :the:needle , ethoroughly •h-iS oe prefesseon.,. tyke seeeeng -seaetTie; . lefeente-Weres'absoletelyeeigneeanteeof,:neweetateeof things .in'Z.U.Ope. fieers ahddoeters who had been tothee " • •BiAt.a mere- tangible symptom ef. the , " .• , Lee,. . • .. I . ' ' Probabl3r. B • e: -°C YtrseienIPteient Itlaiket "'Outlook- Ware -mats: • • 2comMaed the highest -ealarY as a fore- "T.he ..It is' At frtet :they said .I.vva.s dyin!, . .• ltheir ofeactiOn. Spanish Marriage. For . a- long • . yeperial, 1.a. :Greatly* Increased Piciductione ' -men ther.e. are :filevays ;openings await:: adopted Canada,' 11r. 'C. K: :There's :rthe -rfalles boek eorrie and -enlipreesiene Of :war :weariness. fa . ' the habit...sof Marrying' German 'prin... Prince of ,Velei ere again,' much di's- ' • • . . . •fer teally woiite*, a. real 'good thing and should be gen- . But 1 prayed:to my God net* to eperlio gives 'elle ein, indescribable ,eime Europe In -primes esee been in • Tee meeeiseseiay eeespeees of the . • - During' 1916: • ing them. • • ' 1 * .* ' • s 1".•Rleid, inBelleville. Daily Ontario _says Jialmie; • • . net onlyeanierig the Civilian popula- , CesSes: Young Alfonso had been f.eted cus ed in seciety. :Deepite the in-- Freni present indications • Gkeat jast means that On. May. 1 ,watches .1.ye•beensmisS1n` "•,latele",• you, tide' tha• tethis is evident; the -soldiers, e • ', e . r rn ne -e • empit ee. to the teretinhe e sub t howeveri , . . • • nd of the ' • ' •-•• ' tjec . . . • iseee . Britain .will.require..all the eggs e•aild • • • • IVould •yo,it giVe ' yeurseffe, a: joh? . and 'docks are -pub forward one, hour f • •• know.. -- . ' • ' :' • : : ''• twbentlecl or unWounded, haVe the ap- other, he had passed bi reeiew the 'certain that there will be riesannounee7•4 poti ry Canada cap- .produce during onely,ebhough, What. do yoti ,think. of eeem lerey „to Octolser air the people-, Do you thiek thet 1 evVarits te, be featly fatigued. ' • ' -.'• - --------------• cd. And when he. re- of the virar • The 'Fritice iS now...serve4 'Y en o his engagemen, n 1 e end1,10,16. . , .. increased .produetion, teriada •veas, : ...,• What:a eiechlier question, ebt ' Seri-, ' at midnight( and during tie? months I fought 'best I eould, in the . trenches, 1.pearance Of beirigehentally end' pliyei-s," e resial *Gretehens of all the ceurte• Of ni 't f 1 • - ' ' • t eft the , Last -year, as'a result Of greats. • ..e.. ,, . . , . . . ;yew -self ae a wericer ?. ,, A chenge , of living- in those municipalitiea have 'one • ;•• ' ere . lt • • . • • . • -; Wa's.:,Sb. •• ot• '"On theh.Other the eositton•*'oe' . 'etiened :to aiik:and Wrotee his. eng Althouin .the..British. army -in. -Egypt., - able to eleile to Great' Britain the 'erg - position •might be 'an eykdiener.. Be' bout .,mete', -daylight. During . thos:e flue ,wet I. *do 1. the' nrome.seems. to. have undergone,fireadand-bietter's tfor.all their e, gh the bride- Of .the heir tO est quantity of egka exported since tites t 'cheek ••-• • - • : ' • ' • • " ' •• • • • " • . . bossfor a few mi n hen P months it becomesiight at foam foul,I ,. oueh and thoygh, • a change. • Before. the everth e Gel-. lavish hospitality he announced bis the throne has mit been Selected, it is .1902, and .at the, Agree' tizne "reduced, your repri) for thee niOnth:. be five :o'clock, in ' the ..reoriiing, . and Ant ethey. oydered, 'me link to •• the Man' ivenien, .with all their iticontest- •enge.gement.ta a • nieee of 'king ; 11 certain that I ' v'll be her imports' far lienne.•consumpticin-by .ployee. -Reinember naive it is your moste•people ere in bed an hour • to 1. xefir. . • .1 pleceica es he e 1 es . 'Ilion eze • • ' ease.i. nearly a me . 4 T1:, s IPPOTICy Oat is meeting the . paeroll. three Items eftee•clayliglit. ty adopt- ••• -,, .•• • : . . •.• ' - •-• •,. '.._•• " i me somewlust. ridieulons in the Way .. iard, A prihee of the honse Of HaPse' Russian priiiee:•e The war hae 1 " able excellen,e6„ "always appeat•ed te, • es Be fair:about it, too: If you ap•plieir! ing, this deYlikht .• scheine .w:e aris.e We'd, 'ad an evielefight with the petit-. they 'lloeked•• tip' _-..........---1.n1eof burg_ peefereed , an man wonsen are among the• things list English .girri Per- 'pletely disruCted: the prieately e.ettled 1 an eggs liave• found•ffienr•Oil -.. -. ,areangement 'el an lenience .selhe a 'the 'British market and theeprospects • "' 'it ? Ilave.yoti .prOducee eneagle ip-the we have' one. hein• .extre daylight e in . I •Muet 'aye plegged• fei•ty or more, .• sigeitiennt, i. Now they . Kaye :a•ii air ---------------------1- ‘,i, ism-.. : much: larger quantities. will be shine, • afterWards a ••• Nor'weglane mile: ' ' • ,',..'•• ,, 7 .. ., • ' .' • investment? Have ypti esked :queS- ' ation fee some; yeti% in spine parts sof • .... • .-p;V•,-' • • -. _ ' • , .. • .C'sritirol. . They give ;an' hilpression ef . sa and:she-se ,an 'Englith bride, fier•-:•• Pi int it 1' 'believed :in ,e0Cifil c:CieS'''pries prevailin,g at the pi eat time, The . final choice of aloreie for the ped :this Yeer, eP.he unusually high , Ciollewed :the eeaniple of . Alfon- , ... • itior,th to make • youeeelf e pi ; the eveniug• Tbis has been in °per- Orders eame" te advenee oo the .1.41s •'of fearleasness and of oscous s' „tions and iinprimred-or have ". Yell '.!-Ensepe end is found to be very .satle•.• , • Cnaust 1'. 1. got it in etle.: fere. - . . ha ing realiied 'whae their esoiv, 'have. Maw Prestige' iyas.;fallirig.. • : • I inLondon, is between the piece of *the .are largely d'ue to thiS antieiriated eke . - heen too -wise to learn ?•• Rave ‚.OU,. as i faceoky, ' Aftee- thee.fir eb. raerning no 13 it. I neveielmoived DIAL untielater; . ,to..perfoiln, of their 'new position • iii, i - • • 7 • .---...:.--qw'- - - '--- ., ........ • . ..1,`t-itr, Who .has been with Queen- Alex.. ' Port demand.' .... ." . ', ' . • f andi•a -, so ileach that ''in •opin'Ops. end; ' Price., for'. poultis•yeei•-e also, high, • a 'ebnscientious employee; filled- your : one:, Would eeer • know •the •,cliff•erenea.' . Ittrilen I Woke .iii. a eosbibAl cot. , s ;-,'' a• eaiiiiinifiltie where jn 'genially dieee ' 7 . e e ottejess3 choice, •: -,... , .. • hours- With ' peeduttive •Iebor? Ore: aO everything Would go. on in the reg- ..Witb n !terse • til -.111 •round,, 'endY. 1t1, i-. their ...eee .faking the Ogee :of 1 ' .'"Nitilier, is .granena gran'pa's ' tar tes she is vietuellsr an English .gir1;1 and• will likay:continue so for the rest .... ,...-., . . , t h t dUld be 7 eomeesee . :to yourself for ift job, would Yee.get one- lied•r in •the mornieg • 5Cliera; • • . • • -stronger •even V116 rtlaSi :j11" et's:74e -"eibet elles".. in the, femoussonk. ' princess of the. reling Ixouse-'of-Roum- ' are thatS'proeidieig theereare: available; }mere you • been busy part of the time ,-..1..,...,.., , exeep t a we w wife : • •' and. het cousin, the Czar's second-: of. the .seacion. Last 'fall and , whiter' %ladle* ' the ',clock? ' IIave Yen, rising an. hour. earlier and retiring l• Wacleatt. hutethee- fever hue.•ned-. . . . • "Of courie she • heartily put • your shouldey to bite earlier..e ' • ••' • '• -----------' • 'Ot. • w' • , . . . . •- • ee • . . wheel?. 'slave ,you. forgotten petty dile: • • ' , ' ees *.. * • • e •• „ • - • • • - . . 1...• • • • • ' • If wonieiterooko: 'like the pictures ;Wife?" . fei•enc'es and . Or, .-have . The benefit of this • piopesed change To day enore,fit 'an' guise. Let,lsesi,, fashion niegegines men would Alike itWhat did he • . woman for.?". no put.Sandin your beai•ings?" Have is Se selfeevident•that we cannot. ipi- That lest eivarge-it, ;Ain't 'art, bee to the woods . . nu .annitZed: whet you are doipg eed agine its, adopeion has no1. leng,; fOld;' .• • • • • "Why--or,.have youaused instinct ' in- ago. beconse ;the eastern° in' the Dos : ,Weel been Waith' end waititi", .rpose, el eadeof ecasoti and sectire.dindiffetent minion. • Mr, Reid. saYe;_trole,it .w.otild i .1 tiresome, ; e • ' • . • ' • ' - and. methodiessO _ sOlt.7 - Have you . be'.'e,ies'eat•boon (0 p1 doing inside•N• -With eveathe e fiese,!otandtrie it i."-Olit; • been •heart and seul-- in ydin• ;work?' ''v,•••ork' tiS.factotieS, 'offices 'an . shoes Wmr het anneFe•oe-7-ww ere et .te youi, . , . . . . , , -. .. . . ... • .t . A. . • rfi et! r. ' • apt ..-e-Be.e.....ti•neisftels,1110.ncestlYe• Weteid.really:, be closingeatelle-.0 "o'Clocls • - middle, • • • • •,. .. 2 .• 1*,•••' • - '. nOW WOUld• you give yourself a' iole•reessaste.ad of six., roo.vifiF. three to t•aarl: :,V0.0 couldn't keep. •dry ' -an'.- staY Ise • lc .*... ele• * . .. - . .• ' booss :of claylight,.fer oetdisor Work 'or • I • whole. ' • • - • - ' • ..e , As, . it. now is ' w.e .it re in bed' Everyone waft. e:lenr nut ef tobaccos-- ••. . 1 • ... • How many ilinn.ee 'Course's have You? ; Pleaelire. ; Four ,of *five homem s • have teo .. any. , during the:tniost beautiful.part'd, the , • And .the .steach from The lield."ert - I-hot:wands -of .doetors have.. grown morning daylight hoerS, and then sit - • - Youi• souk': • ... ..'• • ..• , •,•••; „ •• .. wealthy because (.1) of too much bad mid burn ,artificiallight in e e • thVene .. • . ' . • • . . .. e. • is - -. reeking.. apd (.2)-. Of too leech ^good singe: ..lt is exectly the same as. in..,..wee, 0.11..a,argki - ettpi ti .. ill ) ant, Oa .11'7' ;.,.. ' 06'01 ing. Deseert. is 4 moristerreau-.travpiling.'heross, the. eorrtineiit where t; • Siniday,. • . ' •• „. : •••?•:,-", ' ' .• ., • - Mg... -oceans of. huinini TifiSerY. and YOU tave- to change eciere watch : an We' Voir:.' up an liWite i•h 'the, sign, • . ' shortening hum in existeriee. ' • A: aledi-, hen i• at- N'itY101.1S. poi Ift 8 i 41,r' in* crossing : :Tseas In , amj:,jimmitik 111 :. ..,... i'..el. tintito-eity • sea sei. ving -of-Tie$4•A•int- 'the -op -eine etilier.eeeerret elnuieeeee,you.r._. • N.V.or.u. 41.1.4,44int Ltutt;Adlaki,„54114. i in i... • offer "ditpfer, is • eeeppeeiele• fee :ssuss .teetch ceieh..iiigh e.from eltirty minutes Theee wfis 'bullets. ;and.' shrapnel 'it -4: ••• • . er•the higliesteprieed .forme of stem- -teen bent, find when you 'ariee in the : • plenty----......,, ..• . ': ' . e, „ .. • •• aeh ' troeble .whielir (lectors- have to . Morning .yee • iieviiss kitow thediffer, eniiillS.iteoesiee Vve 41111 ell „die,' teeat.'• Dyspepsia. was 'filmost unichown ence s 'As reginds riiilwee• tialei;efdes Bet We tiriTa.frein nrong, on omehelli• ce..,. . just ,eetiliese -that ertii.ce eitt• e- At net la i e'•niestlye an!. Vt.... -; . 2., ; ..• io. this _country before the cdsitore: of -wo •evoield • : sqeeving• large, indigestible .golte - Of rived -or deeeeteci• One 'mai' .1a.l1i• 111.311•• el!:r)ili The Ckn'adhol. 511,011'419P f°r•'• • entered dessert of. rich pile:try...at ' the oer tinee pieres regielered- , e ' ,- - ellity., : , . •• ••• ' - ' .!. •'°. '' fng end of. the niiddayi meal. ' Plane ,• ,, e.,, • . •• .''' ''.!' '''••• . '":'' -, ,,• ,. : -' ', • . .• . „ • • : telei who settled this ceunti-Ye neyer ; BaYs onl.farilis •liev.e. eendsiiud,lieard • . , A Remcde• Against •Bores. . • had to go to a hospital . to', 11a(1.,,. an .11111 ('11 (ilirillit'tb, neA•"-*Ilitet. ' abeut • .,. Thal 111 1t01 of atIV est ern •toWn bit. • liinti'' •f .. uPon a. novel 'se -lichee to -sia hiniFelf of • artificial stomach. They, lived on ' the, best way tti clo"inanye plitin. food, well :cooked and nourish- li farm work . fee Profit able re gni 1 s: .n bore . wile had •pestered 1iill.1 for, ! . him • Domestic sciencetll'eP oomPris- I'1e0metiine14•tleubt if .boy.ii amt. yeung :.•sette time. . • : ' e ' .• : • -• -, • . • . . . ed ',eking good freieet, wholesome, 111011 (111 faiens read as mach iegfrietil- i The in mot y:'s-Cloorkeepei‘Vai"ngood- ' • . light bread and "buns; and 'getting- un , lural eiteratteee easel nooks "tearing '031 401.illied;" thligill"0.41i111), lind tie . t Otlitl* a good boiled•dthilee, frying bacon and their • calling is bbey could profitably,: hever, find it in Itis .heatt to 'turn the ,'• eggs ,for breakfast and nniking. some. 1N2 ac.1, The' grhool fairs ate going to r bore away:: ., deist - as • siii‘e as the. • thing tiisty for. tea, , . W fi it We need ! afford, inlelitiopal etinneles to - `•the ma y.01' WAS in, the boie yas,certain to , cow is a retUrn Co 'the . simPle '',1ife , •s.7'.,ounger :boyi. sunt,gitls to, •gaiii knOWI- i'lye' admitted*. :Ono day the '.mayor and plain living of. Our line' °hors of ' ectge; of farm . piirsnits. •Titeli,?edues- l' determined to ,end the perseettion, the last3,, tur, -.,. . . .,, • ,•• ommt value will he- incalculable. Al- ' So he :aid to hi S deorheeper t , . • ' •eiai . , .., • . • , g, ir, ,2;y7.,..*, . . i„.•• . ,-; ' ..., .ready this new idea luta passed the: • "liciiiy, do you knew why Smith .. "l)mtines and preachers are COS33' eeperimental stage, and the event Is eontinnea.,to come bete se .regularly?" ma1 ks. fel'. etOek Ven.dors and •hOok i leeked- .forward, to .. annually • withI "No, et -re: I 'can't .say "that I dol" .agents;ft remarked a• young student to pleasurable anticipatiOn IYY t teachers ''"Well; Henry, I don't. Mind telling " Un teeently, This opinion ik open "to lurid patina. It has been the Minns., of I, yti ill •mt.tiWitc,. that 11„,,4 ator ,01.1r. .queetion. • A el ss shotild not be Jude,' atousing a taste in the pupils ter' the i Job,". . . kk ed bit the MiSt eS Of OnO Or two ie., liner thhigs in life fte Wellas stlitiU- I, "From that 'day'," "Say's ihe. inayiK dividUals who .mhy 'have been id -ain't kiting an• interest, more esnicially in "."1 tO.V7 no more Of tho. borekr• r• . • • .. is, dear:" marry, such ,• . _ ' "-. daughter,. the 'Grand, Duchess Tatiana; .allethe surplee.Canadian. polar* was:: • ' The 'Grand Duchess has been th�!•exported at highly profitable.. prices in :OldsktieSt of 'King 'George and Queen Mare HBetweed fit ty'saild ssikty..-caes :Of ltVe'* on -Several oceesiene . end sii!ati.S., Enke. poultry ' ‚.‚.ere shipped ,•frarie Weetern Perfectly,'. She peihaps •etrang-. _Ontario to ;the Eastern, :Suttee alone, , sii n character :than, here .cous.tp. She:arid in the, •Meeititrie ,Pleivinees :pare ie.also a skilled hoi•seevenien and is on! Ocularly in Prince' Edward Island, theee„,. eeceeedingly., gineefid dah ce is' •• liexpoit dentin -id 'for canned has •• ee - - - . , • • .'greaely, enhanced -perces •te peodnceres., • : :SCIENCE PA •, • l• t emelt eennestineaetnesSehae...exee, „. • ' • • :' ' isted •on the, P•art Of the trade es- re, • : se;eie.' of •the highesteloucle''', eee "garcis:transpottatieri facilities • . . . • in a •samtn•er'e3clay are Made* of enact.- of freight retes and the flakes and finv • float -ng. Cryetnle f ie ehortage of ,bo'ttsit is now. rehoonably • e It fri been f onedethat 011 10 • sapid eertain that an' even greater.defeand - or earth c'IU',es it to heve:•8 very.14 'peelleyand eggs will• -.- high reeistainte to the flew of an c.leet- nectir thi. yezmr It- ie. important, 'enirrent, While -on' the other hand :therefore, thet.everY poultry Producee.. • certain. ores: in ,the. earth- .eane0. ii to, talcee , ,stepse to „profit etheeelay. ......Lhave. vyry resiseyity„ • • . -• hatehipg as many C. hie10.11:s.as peseiblee •If the; nunibel ofZdconds., between this Springsse • • . • . • : es elle t iin ef soetng e flashef Iightne NOW is. the tiine, by hatchingeferlir; ing and of heii ing thc .elnifeler ii hy leitchine everythinee :possible in ,• team eci 49 petimateemay•be \,fortned„ of • themonth of .Mny, tq. th:o .•disPi'ne, of the thundertorm, be the marketing' of AO machetnalle. nue' • 'cause lighenille.;ie :melt inseantaneoes- tlerSizcel, poorly finieheil poultry, • :wh'te the eetind Of , thunder' tritvelS -which finetially'becornes a drug .0111'4 , at: 'e definite retie An interyia of inarket in the falf.et"the yeer. • Again' 'about five seeerele• wenn', itelica10, that it ie Only hatching tense. and nt,, \afe • -e . flasheis ni-il•• • ewes% • . ' the. ilifekens 'ever? Pessi,ble elut-Ar Yee at • ock s' .0 absinthe neW are being tin . and , that. n maxinni. • ,a • .7•••••••-• • „ . 1,1, t?"-•=.... .• • • • • • •••rw.,to www. ILikrow14. •••••; ; •4•00.o. 4 .14.: tw.N.461.1.17 t • AWN. • ' dens, • cenverted taw. 1111 ingredient, ' for' t'- of 'egge, citn, be obtained in• the wit . . . • plo •Nes I'C' cliSiOterY 'ffsr tjMO. .".', • • „ . n • thew, 0 .• . t . . , * _ utiaitaaajp..S.14 .u.A.,,,10 PtV ,.„ ,,y o it, • • . , . ' ' ka•-,.. i•OlU• • It it ' 1.1.•ak i at Pontois4 ,whh. einee supply- • th.. itpeOp.,•;rtioarefe• „whom:le •Ing crear extriicted (tom' beet' orattentien, the 'growing. of ..ponitry\,.in,,,bneit- roots to • goertAeut , face: brings quiel. 'and nrotitable teturris to, via Pn.laY :tories, where it "ik• 11:4 ed in be room; the .fnvni&v., With the inereasipg east • , forture cif ginteotted...'t nal1c to 9U * neatee nip, butter, ettee the ttSt •wseli "ply the demand, •the trianagers•44. 114e1, eonstrerele• noreastni .demand for, ler sis,t61 distillery conceived the idea (if buy': rio-tark.and',Ergs; 'The labor problem lag trii the' .st:oek o:f the. forbidden'. is not critical, aS the pipa; veou beverege whtch had been. ecelecl i»on• the farm ;can readily talo c10 Of• iWar,elyniseo. ,ol ,manufactlire*t.--the potattte-ThP ;'4!):4 ot feed is WM- - • he liquor is ti enafOrmed ipto 1t cthtiI inal.epricee for poultry and • 04-4"tnder the eppee$ision c f foue govern; MO, the _highest, in'fact,,,..for ntttfl, inentiinspectots,.,• , • years. „It 0b11005. therefSre;,:thak. . ,t.'e • ' Canadians, have .a.pntriotio, as well/ear' • • . •Rtither,.than west.° ti ni•guitig, :a. ,ao eethlomie duty to perfoini nriutk.„' 0.111en will let a. foo1,heY0 .his own ing the year 191.0 the banner year way. ,0 • .1:p0ult1y. productien it v:tinada. , .." • ' '