HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-05-25, Page 6•
et naitettry,Teas
to produce tile famous
ble' ads. Every leaf is fresh,: fragrant
hill a its natural deliciousness, -Sold
In sealed paeketwonly. ,r,401
Tenderfoot s Wooing
'13y 'CU IV E PHI 1,41 PPE WO Lae EY
(Anther of "Gold. Geld In Qaelhgo,” :Ste.) •
.{,Pont'd,),•• .1M/ea cemeliom the bed and •
The Secret.of
Flaky Pie,Crust
lea at enr RfrIvoBtvk-witli a tat
to ton you ript
11.2 col" koki. on to it he would, go tit-fk•lini3hed guiltily as "ilieltirt ja to haxPia
crust fino and illie-ecei bow tO lam--
With it tether than let g9, but be could wards OM SPefilter. lie•dia the read
, •
tlas Weir crustiostright, one vase
not find the strength needed to draw '1°1 very thoughts. . • , ..71.0 Imp pan.
usteo treat tru#4,
it 3tionth itelotirms placebod yof , ss laiii:ptiyo, g aw a y- I " rt hl 0 ay udsot yncr:v•Sealrbtehuat ourob. a 'grand
- • • .0 ... '
Gently, insistentlY, like an ,angler who' . - ei ' - ns-egr41.1-e--a
raw tur0e4,110.1 ,eheito.ytA_4oLu. inatele between Jim' and the etallien,
ris-i -
Puts. all the strain he dare upbn a. 11(1,r,serPan.-..
.lightly -hooked, a§b, the wateee drew; That IP What they ay about here, •
tristoaa of all-wbeat flour. -TEir It;
, . , t bh i 1:1. efroramheis 0.1knoeld., olndthose then sT trthere e but any , , ,. 1;,, Ottin'ii,t; seyuoslr°,fsieeyo nt4unnat dr country." :::: rd 0 lb ,e; . ,ndproy,„,o, ,, •
at a peace ot BENsows at yor
land 'then with. a "generous imptilec, place) tor copy oi•our new red c
•grocer's, and write to Or trierineal
Chuckling sounds Which water makee' 7vveY
aalengst the boulders. book "Desserts and'Canctes" tliat
the langh of tens V!oie.
-In his light-headed coalfditdi:vniiit :g b"JethtaerW,treldelhaes classthe
anywhere. The woTutle
his nature a which for the moment bard aa sitting A hllek jamPer. Seern7
'714131-e7, Olt Trapliiterfnig."--
• . Upholstering is a task froni' which
• =hat of ns shrink, , imagine that
. • it is impossible to' the Matter or that
, it is of such enorinomediffieulty that
we should be ,afraid to ran the risk.
As a, matter of fact, ,it is net. such a
stupendous taek.• ;;If the springs are
:.in good nhaRe. and the hair does not
, require to reteased, the actual re;
covering is simple; but often the reusu
- hions have sagged, either from the.
truehing together ,of the hair, from
° the limpness of the sizings or . the
stretching' of the webbing cin• --Which
.they rest, and all of these conditions
- •
Beat all thereughlYi •pour into well-,
buttered. inoIct and ,steaM:sbout AftY
minutes.' • Serve with orange.se•uce,
nercrersi.. oginercAL,
'Sitting a fence isn't as,
anA• it touched some spring Init•
he had eontrof; the strenth came, ing noatnI,Vdoihtell apnuYdittidngirCreiMtarlyred toot ,
h4sepitertaQwhiesfit„utsfilt%:Cipwroitthileraoelato_st thdaeingCeciclotbes \Allah' encompassed • --
, Risser sone, 218 yotay
him g la 1. did, but peihaps it
him; dragged him somehow, to 0104 4' . • • ,
' Suffering is harder than • either," was only a, sick nian's fancy.'" ' •
river's brim, and dropped him there,'
said a quiet voice at his elbow. "Kitty,- '."He is a fraud, -Kitty," decided Rolt;
Cream. . Of Vegetable Soup.—Dice 'where the.waters. lapPed over the first
I make Mr. .Ansttuther take this, and Avithe good-huniered laugh," he'went-
throe meann.,01.zo.d ontots no., 4v hintld.ere of thd drY len - don't let him worry about Jim Jim is ed volt back and invented this. bogie
. ...
' . :For & long pause there '1143 silence '
crisp stalks; of celery and simmer in quiteable. to take care. of himself." as an excurze' to 'bring you back. Bet-
a 'little whter until tender, but . fot the -ravings 'of the, river;
JiM's hest friend was his worst. ad- tee not leave your pest again;',', and so
large tablespoon of ,butter, two table. f__,
With baulked of ifs prey and. the little
wind, which wined like a: Nivot amon;st • veiPte' It Was just that ability' .to saying be dismissed. -the Subject, .but
eneees 'flour and one and , one...half the Sage brush along the cliff's edge. I -take -cere of himself kvhichtolcl against neVerthelese he went into' tho,. little.
him with the woman be loved; just he bathroom and looked 'round it very
' thoroughly. Add Utterly spent, the two mea' lay helplessness and dependence of An- carefully. On the table beneath his
pints milk make cream since. Sea- ,
:vegetables when tender and the mail where they had fallen, as the pin-
to. Only the roan stood upright and struther which appealed to Kitty. looking -glass lay a handful of smail
sen and let cook .
amount .of liquid in which ' they were even his strong. knees were bent, his 4
- % v It almost seemed as -if the quiet of .silver,...with his etude and some olci
cooked; also one-half cup cooked rice, head bung, and his whole body • was the sick room had leaked through the gold seals in a ohina tray, and his
chopped white of One hard-boiled egg, shaken with chiverin'g fits.' • . log walls, and pervaded not only the watch was hung on a nail in the win-
whole ranch, but nature itself. EVen. dow fraino. These ,were the only
•coinbe was the first to recover.
Dragging' himself to his feet, he the storm had quieted (hewn after that small moveables of any ;value. in the
, 1 one wild night, 4room and neither they nor anything
went ever to the doctor's horse. ,
"You've got to get up, :old fellawr Ae• the boVSS lak seinewleit lower else in the foam appeared to have
i than. the surrounding country it was been toeched. . As he. went out of the
thou lit- 11 t ' •
ordenteagiet ecif -Ireland iiaa Deell
* Lackinn• in Political
Lord Wimborne is an agreeable and
affahle man. Ile wears an eternal
smile on bis fine and an everlasting
flower in bis buttonhele, He is. 43
years oht-audi-hen-years-or-so-rago;
was an average representative of the
"young man about towne--of the
"gilded youth" a )England; •Lf not
overburdened with brains, he has
nloads of raon0 and. owns pretty close
n a hundred thensand acres, chiefly
in the county of Dorset and in South
Wales, where smite of his acreage
cenaists a coal fields, , In short, •in
complicete the undertaking. 130 even and a' few thin- shavings of lemon rind,
.at the wOrSti unholstering is anything if latter. flanor is liked. Vegetables
but impossible to . a •ca,kefui, • handy may ,be Put through colander,. if , pre-
-worker. ' ' • . * . ferred, and the Bean strained after
Thefirst step is to remove carefully ad.di4g them' ' • be said, "or yoti'll die on our hands, •
the old. , covering so aa not to tear or ' Boiled Fish.—Clean trout or white- ,and. we can't spare you yet," but the Wrapped in a veil of mist, through, room he- noticed a damp patch • upon
pull out of shape, as ipwill be needed fish thoroughly and remove seales, poor beast lay. with head stretched and above which the rising fells show- : the polished Weed of the stairs, which
for a pattern for the new. Then, if head and fins.' Wash well in • cold along the ground and took no nOtice of, ed, patched with thin snow, which em-' i vivid imagination 'might have „made
• the hair is tote re -teased, talc off th
e o e * ,
water . sprinkle lightly with Salt let him. It had made up its mind to die.' phasized the great distances, and the! into the outline of a' wet mocassin, but
. .
inner cover and take out all th • hair,
e . #
stand hour, then wipe and lay , "Can you help, Doc?" Jim asked,'
hills •
beggarliness of the November Toot- ;the Boss disregarded it .. '
(To be continued.
. putting it out on a big piece Of cloth on plate or platten Slip• white piece but the doctor shook his head,. and lay.
• ., or. paper. , The .springs 'will then. be of cloth • under plate, and place: i
-h still, nor was If until nearly an hour' It wile theetrnte of the year in which,
• . .
only a couple of months 'before the)
,outhrealt of war—that the name of
Lord Wimborne, -as t'the cup-lifter,t!
was in everylo,ody's,mouth. For it wale
he who organized the Sporting invO•:,
normeI times, be would have made Edon of the United -States by his clever,
an ideal•figurehead At Dublin Castle POIP. team Which "lifted". the inter...4
notional challenge cup. As „mettle ,
lavish with dinners and dances,
the rest of it. But ,wben plots are
on foot to establish a Republic in
Ireland, times can Scarcely he said 'to.
be normal.' And if neither the Lord
Lieutenant could Berm these', &Os,
nor was forewarned of them by
officials, then either he must have
been singulerin obtuse. or porno gf the
officials Might •to be -shot.
to a gir) like Kitty, the contrast be-
. exposed, ancrvery often simply revers. large kettle a boiling water, in which later that Combe contrived to get his.
/3! tween the sheltered life of the Old
ing them Will make them very intici; Dalt and one for two tablegPoons of .companion and the two horses. up
upon which he! Country and the homelessness of the
moa. efficient; effident; if they are broken, it vinegar have been put. Knot cloth the top of the cliffs; 1 new would be most apparent, and as
is better to have built a roaring fire, not only for the
to any she dwelt upon this, looking hour after
• cannot .get new ones., ' .
' mile ats.alt ff You and • IllOa stick :through to prevent
plato from setting in bottonri of ket- sake of comfort, but as a sign
how intb the gloom Outside, the only
' • The materials. that you will require t e, Cont ten 'minutes ' for every whoni it Might concern that they had
'relief to her thoughts was the ne,ces-
for upholstering are covering muslin, poundof fish in cooking. Flesh will
•. • . • survived the river Crossing.
sity for. waiting upon the man who had
stout webbing, tacks, twine, upholster- flake when touched with fork -when fish "And now; Doc, 1 geese you might
er's: needles, ' .brede,a long, sharp is done. When taking up, Slide on as well get :along towards the ferry. become to her typical of England. To
sheers, and a small hammer, press toweyto drip, then transfer to Platter. There'llmaybe be someone there still, her, in the midst of her reverie, came
all wrinkles so that they will be used Pot Roast of Beef. -tripe beef with dead. You unless they'n'e all given us up for
tr-will have had about en -
out the old covers so as to take out Garnish ivith parsley' and serve.
hi .iiitteini. - ' It yqu'iire using *IA.: damp cloth and sear: in hot suet in ough. for .one .while,..1._mgpect;" _
terialthat has a'. decided pattern, see frying pan until Well browned; turning "What? Give up the run when' I've
-that You let a , completeunit-of the often. • Round: of beef is best for this jumped the big brook? Not, much,
, ;' • design' in the centre, as otherwise the dish, though brisketmayhe used.. To etno , ' - .- -- - - •
• effect Will.be kidded. " . . every pound of Meat have one table- •"Then You Mean coming On?" •
It is hest to begin with i chair that spoon cut onion, nue-half teaspoon, salt ' "I started to got there, and I'in go -
has only a Seat to he covered; but if one one-eighth.teaspoon,,White pepper ing to get there with both feet, My
the back and arms are to be done ready .for seasoning. \ Put, these in son, as you would say in your picture -
finish thembeforeattacking the ' pot with beef and as little water as sue fashio'n.". ' - •
, e seat ,
as they are easier to manage in that will keep meat from burning and cook aim pulled at his pipe in silence ler-
, way. . When you get' to the 'heaven meat until tender. Trairn Often. some time, then in a shamefaced
.bcgin .13Y fixing the webbm •i- NVhile meat is' cooking parboil peeled he, Eat& •
p -
, • . .
ket---weaveiepullink-it se -tight- as ye otatoes and add them sufficiently. to ".I owe you an ap logy, Doetor."*.
, can and nailing it down firmly, leaving ward end of cooking pet.rosa-- . "For abcructio-n, Yes, '
bing is done the success -of the -whole ed bY .biewned potatbes 'and With "Ne; nik a blanked • bit • for that. , .can find something, I 'expect. I they are young,. As 'their years cid_ Africa. But he has a verY• beautiful
As' Their Years Advance They 'Lead a
• Rhieter Life. -
Women, live longer than men, -esrie-
cially if they have insured their lives
with an endowment policy, whieli puts
more of a premium on life than on
Phon the .Chinese cook., • • • death. •
• "aiss Reit .here?" '
olo he ia an enthusiast of the onthue • .
siesta, I u -h'ea linnet as .keeli-fi • •
inany other terms of sportori Pint. • ' •
ing; racipg, shootini and so forth. •
His Brainy Mother. • .
, • •
• He inherited his Mona from hisi.
fathet. .What brains he has must
have come from his Mother, who is an! .
„emit of Winston Churchill'e—Lardl
been of a good deal of assistanCe
Wipborne's family are said to have' ,
the deserving Cause of the Churchill •
-finances ere now—and who is certein.!
ly a. woman of • consumniate atii14,1
Indeed, it is said to have been large..!
ly due to his mother's influence that'
Lord Wimborne and' Winston Churc4-!
ill, too, definitely ' broke with the --
Unionist.party averthe 'question ofi
Tariff Reform. For, like his cousin",
-Lord 'Winiberee was, fel- smile yearsi
a Unionist 1-11.P.*
Lord Wimborne has a regular host
of. relatives living in; or hailing from •
the United States. His aunt by mar-
riage, Lady RandelPh Cherchill, was,
an American . The wife of
the Duke of lVfarlborough, his cousinil.
is the daughter*.of snothee.. One 9t
his brothers, Capt. F.- E. Guest, M.P.1
• is married to a daughter of, Mr, .
Phipps, of New York. Another of his
brothers, Mr. Lionel Guest, =Med'
Miss Flora Bigelow, daughter of the; .
late Mr. Sehn Bigelow, of New Yorke
His brother-in-law's wife; Mrs. Robert
Greevnnor, was formerly Miss Fla-)
enee Padelford, of Washington.,
- • This the remarkable statement
"No; isn't -she -with the Boss?" made by an insurence.ebmpany which
• - "No tan .find her. Me:Mary come, has been making a study of the rela
want Seine elcithea. Heap 'cold" and, tive longevity the Sextet. The
the Chinaman gave a ,gympa•Keiic' company las come to the conclusion The Post of Lord Lieutenant of Ire.;
ehlVer. "You go find Missy Wilt; me' that men die younger beeausel they ..land is, at the best, 'a difficult. and
plenty busy cook him grub" , i live harder 'after .the age of -DO or thankless one in many ways. In
Kitty looked et Anstruther. Appar- ,thereabouts.
• _
; • ' Ireland. •
rd -Witnhorrie, . Lord Mei/kraut; ,
these' days, it is a post of positive -clan;
h blb abl- • to earl.
ently he was asleep, so -humoring the : Women. notoriously take all, sorts of ge • . . . . ,
cook, she Svent down to the librardY; libertiee with their 'health. They wear out their object,. ne • doubt it woeld journey from what they did on setting •
where Reit and his wife were sitting: I thin clothes and expose their necks have ineludeckthe„capture of the Lord out The scout' must make himself • •
'"Foor old soul; Whit a day for her and *shoulifers and ankles to the. win_ Lieutenant and .his family; and the familiar with both • points of - view
-message . ' 4 '
to earne;" was Mary,Rolt's greeting of try winds without a shiver. When hglding of them as .hosnages.,
. - ! they are young they take chances with Wuriberne's courage in undoubted. He
!-‘°17d and keep looking back as he ad-
thevinicei,lso that on the return :journey
t sort of. day to make. one their digestions that no man. ever has Oven plenty of proofs of it 111 the , he will in no dense feel lost. . Esti) ,
huntmg;field and on the -nolo
e------grem-di-Linating:—the—distanca______ahjects are: •
as well as on the battIefleId in South away from him is another -impertan -
. • _
The Scent- Make gi Use Of \ Sig MO
' • for This. Pitypose.- . .' •
The -reader must have 'noticed, hew
different thinks leek -en g return
1 . -
at_ want more clothes, dear. Have yau 'wad& take. . • .
' . space between :the •brads. 0 roast ill 'kettle, that they may take on that there is some trivial penalty
anything to give her?" asked Rolt. I However', they do these things vilien
the way in Which Tits
a ion we -
brk- a good brown. Serve roast surround- ta h' d t th t fnrth f' '
ce o a o amusemen .
Iuttle. . . . duty of the scout, and prepare
work largely depends. Tlatft put. the brown gravY made from contenta TOT have done the same : only, -1. erri rather glad.ilat, _she jtas_cslie,„e„: vance' they, lea -d a quieter life, vvith e, as .well as a young family. A7I
if ., ear mar e a sea e airive a y
d k d tb" * 1 • ' d t• b
• ., Springs in place, stitching them stead-
ily.*Ith the twine, and over them draw
a piece of the muslin - and nail down
to -the frame: Get the thick layer of ' . Useful Hints. , • -*
stuffing in place now, using either.hair ' enough for a. drinik."
or the .mess- which conies for the pur- . ' Raisins added to the nut salad -Will "
pose; and then fit the 'intislin snugly make it taste better. .
into place, taking greet care to, To roll a jelly' cake saccessfully the
. it .quite smooth and light, to prevgenett .edges should be pared off. . .
future wiinkling. The chair is then Muffins, biseuite and griddle cakes
- ready for. the outside cover,' but be- are appropriate supper dishes. ,
-- foie putting it on mark where the *Sauces and;' salad dressings .can•al-.
centre comes and get it squarely hi ways be made in the morning.
soap -
lace: fit smoothly, draw tightly down Rage bu-shes will thrirve if soap-
' on the sides and tack firmly m place suds and di. hwater agoiallitenne,there-
4' arm water anil a good white seal)
with the brads. Cover the raw edges
carpet. „ : -,
.. r! cleaning almost any
with a harmonizing gimp, u_mg small ' ' ' .* all can be used te•
gimp teas ,of the same color. . _
, His best'th experiment .first : w' ith . After it'll eleetrie iron is trierheated
some inexpensive material, but Make 1.,,t 71,, en'require morecurrent to Make
sure to have it of a firth, close weaVEL.Fing.t. .•" '
. that will not drag and pulL . Aft•or Most any Objectionable weed will
the first chair is done 'you will s'lLer.,1 die if it is Mit off close to the ground
. greater confidence, but do r ffell'and .a little gasoline poured on the
tempt yea to any relae- let ,i ts '
-,-,.--... . . . tenderv end then •put through the -con
%Ana& is very ,good if Cookeci uptil
lonr first elite. . ation froin
• Selecten:,*-- anaef...„. !It ehoeld be dressed - with
. .
evetAng intok. , Des'ee'rt.,-,.... w- Iths4 .c.1-r-A.B*Ilreatidiltsrotul. (1.. never be kept wrap-
- a- cloths .i The cloth absorbs
t - .
Frozen NW Ree'Pe*'-
..„, .
and salt, a..!...ecan of fine- pears in ice. . .
moisture and;impaits an unpleasant
Iskir, tbrer,'„eor ice ereaM. Let it re.- I
out, w; On'tour hours. On taking taste- • .'_± ' '
,, bevned;"wirtitehPigiatistoleianlie
with towel dipped in hot Water.
ta°aIV, I 0.0.1Stuetb4rilTsn re etre];
e carefully and cht
Middle. It frozen very
; in 'which a little plaster of parit has
reencla; Slice and serve
tpoonl b , 7.edairyn,_dissolved.frcwayhvi n g
CoAtOlt,Z;* will eorne, out in perfed
.. . • 1 A needto k• eep the cellar or
an unpleasant odor
• fat Of whipped cream On each slice:,
• . -,! is to whitewash the ,Wall3 with lime
Sant .Crearit Sauce....-Volks o ., V-Othat , contains carbolic. acid. One The one thing necessary was that :.truther.
. ' M ' cin teatipOOli
• : 1 , - .
pot 'roast 'end after. pbtatoes have
been removed, ,
1 1
didn't know it It's just -for not- aren't you. Dick"? lookeas if the! less andle-s social gayety, • ' • -the last week -or -so twist have be n -
have kainikar 'you. Were a, ' • over.V , • „actuary, always act as if they were their account .
,Lo 'trouble with her .people,' is blowing' . Men, on the ether. hand, says this: days
of, great -anxiety for him on
knowing you, sorry. I . might
"I was, drunk. Anything is- icTc-a---.1 gportsinan.
'Perhaps; but the- fact that an Iry young. When mallet's_ life _work_ •_ _ _
I dian begs of you means nothing. You ' done' father still is hustl- -
eriments are used, rays London, --
Tit-Bits. _ • " • . • - . -
The .rifle; too, is used for thiipur,
nose.' The snout, slips out the bolt,
and gaze down the bore. He has •
knoW what eultus pO tch meens:"' • !Iing for a living and: he is being press- The Lord fieutenant , has now held learned beferehand:* that • a Man On.. .
• "There. ain't anotiiet ,man in Carii,
•"-A 'free gift, the ie a fool's bar-' ed more closely everywhere by, the. hio office for over. a year. During 'horseback is. just confined within the •
. -; . , gain. Ir• know, but I think poor old beyS. - ' ' that:time he has made himself reason- circle of the barrel when 350 .yatde ••
bon' would have risked his life:as You ,
did '' runk or sober."
. . Mary is grateful and yeallylikes me." The re.-.ult it that Men's bodies age aniy popalai with thelrish people, all distant. ' Again,: be knows that at
The doctor laughed.
Her husband smiled. He was not much faster than their brains, and ..no the More so in contrapt.With his im- roughly po yards a. mounted Man
"You did for one. and that is life,'
quite Certain which would be. the matter how good they inaY feel they Mediate predecessor, . Lord Aberdeen.: takes Up , half the:diameter, and so
anyway': Do You think that the loge
.greater Miracle: that anyone should pay for their geed tim&With shortened The latter and- his wife Were beth on, the snialler themanand horse
like Mary Relt, -,or, that an Indian life.. ' • antiable and well meaning people, „but the . greater the distance 'way, that
of it. would be such a terrible ealam-
ity ? • Think of it! No mbre whiskey not not
_.! should be grateful.' 'He' had •known Then. too, as their yeers• advance they had net the ' happy knack of ;distance being easily calculated by ,
Caret.' Indians Toe a lifethne. . . , there 18 no let up in the chances they adapting themselves ...tO Irish senti- dividing ..iip• the , diameter Of the rifle-
-bad' Whiskey at that; no more grace
fill Whinge -with the coy Kate.
..Aften his wife had left the room' on have to eat; drink and be merry with mem that. his successor has-been able barrel. \ , • • •
yon; no more delicate' j'esteenith• that!
fat -headed bar lceeper• no, more mem., 114 r-Mitio'h7of eharitalciag.ISittyhtlie bays' and girls, while the signs of le dix „He has done his utmost to en ▪ ;Other objects are treated in a Simi -
Jim, by heaven; I wotild not forgiiia c et e . ox.. the Boss sat for some from participetion in . ganqr 0 t r9 majcirity. of the Irish people happ------ he seine,' though to inexperienced
y p p . ,
1 h - b
you for pulling me out But lee's': time, smoking and thinking, and ' his tor .
t ' • . . • he interested in. He cares greatly for eyes they may seem so. The_ scout
sten talking and get a Move op; or thoughts were \riot cheerful ones. . Statistics Show that the greater horse racing and for horses, as do the can tell at once whether the tell-tale
those fool' • will be Over to „leak for " A good many 'cif his cestles in'tha ritimber .of centenarians , are • wonien majmity of thelrish. llotee breeding,- cloud rises from a columnof infantry •
• if b d thSciast !with her to ' "rummage" in the , old advencinglage;usuajly bar' v./einem •courage certain •enterprises Which the ler way. Clouds' of dust are neva •
us." . . • . air had Wen since Anstruther's ' ar-, and that there are nearly a third moreover, has always been a consider- en 'the march or from cavalry center-
, .at fii,st ot! and without Jim's help, he did' again as many old women as:there are
able industry in Ireland, so , .that . a ing int e actien, and •likewise if it be
"We. shad have to Walk
any rate." I not feel as tariguine of ultunate suc-1,Old men.
. Lord Lieutenant ;;des a geed deal. artillery Or just transpoii wagons
cess on the Ri ki; as 'lid had done.. i Between 55 and 65 the deaths of to foster it is .assured of a certesin that- are*paseing in the far distance."
"It can't be helped... I mripose that;
cry .Called him back from men exceed these :of - Women in a measure of. goodwill. Racing May .not
We. can get some feed for the borsee' A shann
, the future to the present Marked degree.. -- be so important as many ether things 'A good ravel' polish is made with
at Braithwaite's." • ' .- ' , --.-4,.,
"What is it.," he oalled, opening .his: And, ,a‘e the • insurance company —as, the crusade against tuberculosis, one-half pound of prepared chalk mix- ,
"Yes, if we start now v.'e shoekl:he,
there by sun up," and lighting their 00i., : - ;, . - _-. ..,Peieted 'Olt, the average . woman for instance, With which the Aberdeen ed with as much. household ammonia
"I don't kripta; dear,' arisWered his policyholder with an ' endowment regime Was assOliaied—but the Irish- as the chalk will absorh. Add about
pipes, the two led :their' horses. awAy
arife.from the lumber room.. "It Inuit policY.. lives lOn'ger than thebne who like the: stranger 1.4so far as they. like four tablespoonfuls 7of denatured al-'
towards the West. . .
"The longevity of the endowment self to their little Weekness. vidll seal eefficiently to keep out the '
."-..""I`CHAVIER XVI. "-. "titre With me, looking out some-; woman undoubtedly is a question ef It was only the year before last-, dust.
After Jim Coircle's departure a thing for eti Mary, ,. ' spirit and the determination to live
• • ha've been Mr. Aastruther who called. has a straight life strangers at all) who will adaptium-i4cohol; put the mixture in a jar that '
--- •
. . "Where is Kitty?"
strange quiet fell upon the life ,of the "She .oug t not to --L" ' • mita the policy matures," is the way
ranch. There • were • no galloping But at *this point he and his Wife it is sdrnined up:
horse:). Ethout the corral; -there wasno -reached the sick roona-tegitherosherel. .
aoisy , cowbow chaff about.the 'barns; Kitty was ,already' bending over An-
egge, juide 43f One le on, e oTITunce . carbolic acid ran nstrut er • s tou ci be lcept "II& had fainted agaip " she 'said,
suga ,
....kattnp rioho heavy sour tteapi, w 'Owes t proper proportion. '1 qtliet, Any „inoe-einent caused him chafing his hands..helplessiyk hilt even ,Women of German Capital Have
a • W.hen eitching chi on or tiny inch! mending pain• and was. likely. to dis-• as she spate -corisciousnese-returned • , ganlied ;Corps.
. v4rtig:v:rr il
,sutyas iiihei,tidt71.aotinirrdYclon. material et the m
Peskilllead, and
itlewly• then salt and cream. Mix 'e, thr
SerVe either •,:ire sauce boat, p :under
finest tarrange „th„.e iinperfect bandages in to him.
e Use the
. .
Under the name a the "Watch on
t a strip of thin which his body was swathed, , mut "I beg .yelir• p' aildon," he murmured,
titch them I though he took his' -pain +anent -With very-fiintiy. ' -I givii you ail so much -the SPrc(.3" 41
. -4 special, corps -of worrier
1 h b ' a lz d in Berirn for
pone -over fish before. eetving. -Pate=r; tafriler., --. The •Palle.r can. re torn! set lips, never complainin,g of the pain, trouble, but when I tried to call you,
4 4 _ . . . awe Aar n the ,cfinished • • , .o As the police force was
ley is sprinkled ever sauce on fish, oi Y • W°11 IS • , _ 4. he IX 8---(4 bad patient, reatless tinder -I got ancalier arasty -one; 'and went off,. 'fljght duty
tried ,to garnish itstr.toto .siture-,7hr -4-goad-aubstitute for stair rodl restraint, and excitable.to the last' .1,e-. I suppo (., as usual, It seems to me I _,F;reittly reduced owing to, draft§ arming
served separately
, when brass ones cerman
et be afferded i4 gree. ' ; - ° . c't do anything ' without faintiag," "e-irtelnh9r:e for war initil°641 and -t
° , .. ' • .;' . . almost:linen are comparatively scaree, the wo-
0,00t,,t-teading,,,,,,,„ons,„haie .caip mo) 1111S: Buy ' orne thin canei. which Ii, Was only as long as Kitty was in h.nd hr, closed. his eyes wearily,
la' -sea , , one and olle-balf tablespoons . co ri:Trx Wrelios'&12Lela_m_s_ut, • ....._.a It --tliec-'-the room that they ,could keep Than as if he virefe''rel'iig ;to illnertratirriciti 41"':-00-1C-1-1W:Itraolor in :Welir own
melted Mittel*, onoWelf eup soar milk -bear: p:irt aff shorten them to • thaM , U • As lori as he was in his sight laat wards. - ihand3 and erganized this corps
'bee teraspeou oda, one and five -eight
101 tli erquired; then• paint each •nieca he would lie hear .aft.er •bour without' „"Wha` did you want, old :felloW7.,1 The majorly of these womenart
, se.
. .clips brege flour, one tablespor.n •wi'h brown Paint When fastened Nylth stirring; only, the eyes in his white asicol Holt, kindly. "We Won't leave frcIll: the vverking •cliisaes,-and a great
many of tbern have been acrobats and
staples these rod.: look tidy and. wear . face alive, and thinie so folloWerl every -yen ag,ain. It, was very careless of us
4 Avenge juice, one half teaspoon set' gYrentisiund instructresses. They are
..oht-heif teaspoon ginger, grated rind quite 4: long_time_ thus' Savieg ex-, turn of the fcirl'ci. . pretty heed, that te do so." •
'W1MW 7M'A's
! they frightened her , ' - ' ! An-truther lifted his hand'in epre- all 'ef powerful build, and are taid
- . , She began to fed that these Win:- : eating fashion.: . -to be well 'able to take care of them-.
22togsm=e'r'''z''' ing ,eyea could see through her into ' "Nonsense. I don't selves egainst any antagonist ,
want so 'mach
a....kor orange. Dissolve- sodd in pealle .a ail labor in Cleaning'.
If You Have Not a
Policy, in the
'You are not doing justice
tO yoursOf or your,fatnily.
: her. heart, and for that she was ,
; Means. ready yet.
i There was a picture in,it upon Which
• Lhe .was trying to Pass, jUdgirient,
, picture of a furiousstorm- in which
arees were crashing and roofs,lifting
and solid substances were being whirl.
ed about by some invisible agenty, and;
, in the middle of it all n great red. Man I
, reared and raged, • • '
"Them'A baby tricks," sh&,.. quoted,
;fonder her breath, and a tirouct• smile!
spread- 'over hen -face me she thought of
the inan who 'drove the gin at red devil
, into the heert, if the aorta to 'do her '
bidding, • . ,
"I Wish that I could have Seen Jim I
Th -- s of Artiazons has dedign-
looking after, but when Kitty was e c P
ed its oWn Uniforms and'each member
113 accotipanied by a dog. The Wei.
mn WIIL be on duty in two shifts et
'night, one shift frotn six to Midnight
and the other from Midnight•until
In the morning. .
• The Amazon corps is held in great
risilect in Berlin, and it IS not exPee,t-
ed that they will have any great clif-
fidulty keeping order aniong the
critninal .
away 1 thought that .1 saw i
omeone n
that. little realm" • : • •
• "In My bath 'roan?" •
"Yes, Kitty sits there Sometimes,
when he wants Wants me to stop talking
and sleep, and I thought that she had
eomg baek." • •
"There- is no, one there now," said
Agit,coining beck from the endin.
"Who did.,you think It was'?"
. "1 don't know. 1 -saw- tiOnitairte
peepingfoiled ' thA door at nee, I
•thought eIthet it was an Indiart when 1
sat tip cfnd.,called, You knonni what
"INd yen•hear the Man trievel"
: • , , k
/t has been AMA that -4110 clarkeet
cloud has a silver lining, but 1110
average man preiters his cleuds grAtt.
taart2t "No, 1 only saw tho face or lined apd of a less sofa re us,
Contain no acid and thus keep the loather soft, protecting it against
cracking. They combine liquid and paste in, a paste form and require
only half the effort for a brilliant lasting shine. Easy to use for
alT therfaMily—childron.and adults. Shine youw shoes- et home and
loon there" neat. F. 1,, DALLEY CO. er CAUADA.Lts.
. ,
• ..•'•''',A.".•,`,4atv*„.1.:•.z‘,..'",
11,1t.is heard of thte ea of cOureo you del, but un
a 4iXireilt tarn.. Yea ate aegli It fn cameo) where
horseWaC ever.'trittn ... Aro Ite 4 little tee fast
• reaular, The nervoue yele lye s th pliech atter
vottuttary musoli 4f alPktere bas peed ea„toti hefty*
,Irellalvtraillatlatartut#8, 1nottIntattretitel°t9ngitatiVere arrafi'paelrrtledt.h° a
hegira; to rough When the. iflande ,ire materially streets
"SPOHN' u •
./i.Y611* °It° • nttivf2P; ,h0111Wittie'ltrigfor+6
, ' norm funotIona o
Lueh nettles II remarkably rapt and sure for tedov (Iry Will, V912 0.4 Ira l'OtOt
OordIng, 0 .loPtrtlOttoua wit i each bottle.' By the bott 0. iir aoill .. 0014
11 too thiltatIstiNrAnrolow geode hotteett, or okpreas oropm by atatku aoturerai
mar 11116D10,414 004 Mention. 404 attetertologiabi, fteshert, TAta. '