HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-05-25, Page 3.....6141118111041.1101.1.10111.0.01M11.."......111.110PIP.1.11.
HARD WOR,Iiinf 11[011EN
*rot kind New Strength.,Through
„ .
the Use d Br.
It is uselesla to tell a hard Workilag
'N'Irellean to take life easily and not to
a,verry. Every Woinan at the head of
'a Warne,' every girl in Offices, eliops
waft faCtories is subjecte0, to more er
lies-,viorry. Theo cannot he al/aided..
;But it le the duty of every woman and
*very girl to save her strength as
Much as Poseible„ and to build up her,
'$Ysteni- to meet Unusual demands. Her
upon -it. 0
guerd against a break:down in health
the blood inust be kept rich, red and
° Pere. To keep the Wood in this condi-
ten nothing on equal P. Williams'
iPink. rills. They strengthen the
.nerves, restore the.,appetete, bring the
'glow :of health to pailiti cheelts,' and-
eneWea energy tolistless people.
'Women cannot always rest when they
'should, but they can keep up ..their
•'strength and keep away diseese by
the accaeioeal use of Dr: Williams'
• Pink Pills, Afro. A. Rhodes, Hamilton,
Ont., says: "A few years lige on non..
ing tq Canada, working long hours,
and close confinement, began , to tell
nponme., I was cemPletely run down,
. and finally cotildde no Work. was
pale, suffered from headaches, Loa no
• rest Well, and felt ' altogether yery.
miderable, The (lector said that the
trouble waa .enaeicia, and after. doe-
tciring for some weeks without get-.
ting any relief, I decided to drop the-
• ' doctor and take Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills: Very soon I began to notice a
change -for the better, and by the time
I had used a half dozen boxes of the
Pills I was again enjoying the best
of health. I have never had any re-
turn of the sickness and never felt
better in my life than I do'now, I give
• my -experience, therefore, that it may
• be usedfor the benefit of others."
-.Yon ean get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
•• '
from enyanedicine dealer or by mail
at •50 cents„a box or six boxes for
• $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medi-
cine CO., Brockville, Ont.
British Soldiers Make Marital Atli-
.• encealn Prance. '
Army officers along the British
front say that many hundreds of Brit-
• ish soldiers have married French girls
since the expeditionary force landed
in Frane4 and hundreds of, others
.have become engageclea feet not gen-
erally known even in Londim. Some
! of the Toeimies. .plan to take their,
• - Wives- ;back to England, 'but tie 'Ma-
jority have declared their intention of
-settling, hi •France when theavar is
over. • .
The love affeirs of Tommy cause his
soperidre considerable amusement for
• he know$ no French, excepting the lit-
• tle that he has picked up since he
' came to France and his. sweetheart
-.knows no English, save whit Tommy
has taught her. • r•
Advence in 'Prices of Both Toilet
' -aad-Laundry---Gr-ades..
_Owingn to. the shortage IA oils and
• fats the price. of,,seap in Austria has
advanced enormously. Fine- scented
soap now cost six or seven time$ as
• Better Muscle, ' -Better
Work -the power,to do
things comes from fod that
supplies tb.e greatest amount
of strength -giving nutriment
with the least ta7r. upon the
digestive organs, Shredded
Wheat Biscuit contains all
Recoverlea From Wounds as Result of "the Inusele'lnalcing, "material
• in the whole wheat grain--
protampt- Attention -Nurses" -
the mit perfectfood given
. w"I't ° to man. -.-made digestible by
Strange Ile it MaY seem, a soldier steam -cooking, shredding
bOdly 'wounded near the: British lineg and baking. Contains more
14441.44"'shal a tvIlr''''-gllang-q-"tn+--
curing prompt and altilful treatment, re Pment thanmeat orthereby enormously enhancing his eggs and costs much less,
Chance of recovery, than has the civil-• Being ready -cooked and
ready -to -serve, it is the ideal
Summer food. ' Delicious for.
breakfast, for luncheon or
any meal with milk or cream;
OF with fresh fruits.'
Made in Canada.
lan who. meets with a grievous acei-
'dot in any oral pert of .England. It
is. nett. ytt Within the hounds hu -
uteri capability -to drop a fully equip;
lied hospital over the 'Beet where a
whuntied soldier falls; but the Britieh
army medical , service ,hes gone as
near to this as is. hurnkily 'poesible.
Unless the enemy .ftre is•auch that re-
scue is outof the questionit will are -
vide the necessars treatment of the
meet eicilled surgeon, in considerably
less time than could happen in ordin-
ary life, writes a Lon`don correspotel-
ent, . •
These peaceful .victeries of a ter-
rible war will probably not be chren-
• icleci, for many months- to corn. ' But
a syAtent"whereliy a' man in need of 0.
grave -operation' finds himself on the
operating table within three qr.' four
holm of his•beink shot is worth at-
tention. There have been instancee
where operations to the skull and ab-
domen have been performea within
two and a half hours of the inflictien
of the Wound.,
Surgeons .the Most Famous.
This atte,ntion is not of the impro-
vised, rough and ready order. On the
contrary, the patient finds himself in
an operating theatre, equipped' with
the best and most recent appliances,
and in the hands of an operating sur-
geon of the -first order. And, into the
bargain, has the advantage of regular
and frequent! vieits from a onsulting
surgeon of European reputation.. Per-
haps of equal importance is the • fact
that he is cared for by army nursing
sisters, probably the best trained body
of women in the World. In fact, apart
frein outside disturbances, the patient
might just as well be in a first-elass
L9ridoe hospital. Naturally such dis-
turbances do occur. .It.is no uncom-
mon thing for a ,few shells, to fall on
a hospital, and in one instance recent-
ly, the electric lightin,g: having been
destroyed by enemy fire, one of Eng-
laecifs,- most famous surgeons finished
a -delicate eperation by eandie
'Only a complex, fine, well thought
out .organizatioh nialeei sueh syit-
tem possible, and.history of the Brit-
ish Army Medical c.erps d'uring this
war lei' certain 'to be ,vety careful4r
etudied by all nations . who have not
yet attempted the raising of a great
army:, Although its numerical force.
Canna be stated, it 'is en open secret
that ;its present strength is more thad
fifteerrthries.-whatrit, was -at -the -be
einrelaaing care. And, a military sar-
geon deseryes all the setisfaction he
can obtaid. No work is harder than
his, ,hecause ,;•ast woterale . re-
quire constant and elaborate dressing
that absorbs. much time arid can. be
performed 9nly• by the serge=
• • . •' :
The volume of the work can be•
kedged font, the.fact that at one ste,
tion alone 2,600 casnalties were dealt
with the day after the battle of Loos.
•Most of these surgeons have made
great sacrifices in undertaking this
work. for their country. Very few of
them' are paid more than ''$3,009 a
year, and numbers of them could
easily make ten times that amount in
practice at home.
• Incidentally,' casualty clearing Sta-
tions have other uses. They consti-
tute rest camps for soldiers after long
spells in the trenches. They will keep
a man slightly wounded, apd after a
few weeks send him back to his regi-
ment perfectly. fit. If necessary, they
will fit. him with a, set of false teeth,
moulded on the spot, arid they will
,replace any artiele in his onipment
"from his 'hoots to his rifle.
From ,the casualty clearing station
a patient is taken either to One of the
big base hospitals or A England, The
base hospitals differ only a little from
any big.city hospital, except that fre-
quently the building* were never- de7'
wo:AT-is GOING .ON OltElt 114
FOR rfilOSE .1417-fLE
is-alwayS safer to 41,11)/
Eaten naltieeninga itt Hite Republic)
• Celidleneed fo's'Haly
ateadertie •
Dostoa-nhikiren- are to -have 11.18'
burros from Merle() ePo tide in thei
Chicago annoueeee that- it an as-
cominodate 50,900 at ita bathing
beechen- thistamanimeia-----,
For driving his horse while „drunk,
Wealthy- Atlantic City Man wee
aent to jail for thirtY, Lin%
To take care of anold horse . fer
the rest of his life, a $14 -a -week
Thibolcen barber is 'left $62,000 by
his, aunt.
The City Commissioners of ' Pas -
glade, N.J., have passed an' ordinance
prehibiting the servingof free lunch
in a saloon. •
The Treasury Department at Wash-
ington announces a $5,000 cheque
fhom a .New York eeident to cop -
science fund, -
A Minneapolic hoteh guest took off
his hat when a lady. entered the ele-
vator and was savagely 'abused by
a jealous htisband. •
' •Governor IYIePall, of IVIaseechusetts,
vetoed the bill' allowing "Billy" Sun-
da,yto eeect a wooden tabernacle, in
violation of fire laWs. •• , '‘
•Senator Knox and other prorhinent
Republicans assailed President ,Wil-
son at the Grant day dinner of the
Americus Club in Pittsburg.
Edward Dolphini, of Neve York,
was fined $1 for "blocking traffic"
while arguing about "neutrality" with
a Prenchman, who disappeared.
One woman was kilfed and 38 other
passengers injured when a street, car
in Cincinnati, 0., jumped the track
and crashed into a. telegraph pole'.
Charles H. Mansfield, engieeer of
a New Havea train which killed, five
passengers at Bradfdrd, was indicted_
at Providence, R.I., for manslaughter.
After vainly ealling twenty pas-
tors to a Paterson pulpit, vacant •two
ini,14.a puttitsreepigt7e, Jeritt t keop4 the
de -tubes at etimists and-gen-
el;e4ift;st"°eressuebvtettrItuvvt4eesr.e. II las -
tinted booklet free on request.
°MO Chabot Ave, Montreal
Eng)isit Statesmen terrowed: Idea
•., ' • From V. $+.10:1373t, .
This is not 'the 6rat tinte thot, a '
British Chancellor of the EttcheqUer ' 166716.6966166•166666.66•666661666- .
boo tried to t....„„,7.,...., e 43„ 4._ (al DVVIDSC4 mAralitiw =ink"- r,f4t-"•----3"
tion of matxPirevs.e4v4Thelre .4rxr007;..wlfmt; tawAx; u1,410Basp,co.irefiorvekhaeclocco, Vocri, abltn• 51,11:441141 •:
put. forward by Rpbort . Lovri!1 (after otterlor Ottooltas Ce , Hamilton, otrt.
ward Lord Sherbrefgle) in 18714 He •
ismtie‘sted a halfpearlY storeP on boxeS '''''''''''''''''."-"*".'"''SEX:3,CP'17-RWrffirif7N-.BC. DE.:/:)--"COA1.41
, d - NirANTDD,
of 1.0a wooden Mateltee.er less an.,.. a. ' ltiosa 'It/opera on. blaelt worlei
posit -1y- on hcaes---of. 200 . tvwc tkutteImis, 1.1,1134.3---'7arte' 'Paw- -114117-"I'kl°"'"-- .
ariatocraPtia." Ile estintate4 that the fard17. 7•Suragra:gmelvIk,fttwIg..3ii „
us -
or fuses hecauae they were "more
tax would yield for the *first .year .RI,AA1)4117figshwt AceNwii?gpt:41'11°Ortat°wroie4. f,
eaThae,eoloaea(_awa,a,T_oboorr9)y epere time, good pay; worit.seat any d •P
tanee. Charges PD3U, eena •etamp. for
Cali which at that .titne Made Roo,00a ar_ticulars....__Natinn:ii manuf.eturin* ,
Ijr. Low.e's reason. for suggesting it ilffilica.AuKwancont„,Sed.1.040a14:1)vrnBri RiTri•,1113,42'o7oECor4atel+a4-4
't'utupally; lnontreal. -• - -- - ----;,--,,,
$2,000,000) a year from the tax.
was that, the "coet sof matches wad se „i.e. Ala) A..,epal:/a,eiNre.e,' gty/tnEs N'OA.
(out'. et. light a little profit),, and he . ' • ' 2.0* ""L.' E" . ' '
the new stamp "Ek. :leo lacelluna" .
- inappreciable thel2theY W•ere wasted .11,111:orraittti.in.g ts,,000,.s-zooln.r.Alid7
vinmya.i.,milt srte:1;gkieessts..ea' aasnctlhedmenof:orootiels :tilt:itive: gaIniiti:::anteci roe eaelta ittadir.
; though. tide mere-appr,oerlate• than A `trrenViOsti.,P :DI,TeIfilDatit Asna leDilf .'
I the usual rather watery device of
1"Noah's Ark," • - ' .... a Apply to $uperintemleet noinewee s'
a .,n. Ge.rege *for sale; Overland " ageneY1 .
Iota of repatritx; W.. V, ktawes, Otter; .
The match tax was regarded 1871 •e. • ;;;-• e, • • ' " 1:
as a frivolous measure, 'although it pirIliec•Eees7sleSSAT.EA,SRLDe 11,1egrYgrjfieSe4"Detrg: (411414!kbea6
was at -first favored,hy Parliament. °A Gillespie, Abbotsford,-wuria '
precession ,nf tattered matelninakere• ' ' '0.- • - '
to Westminster to protest against ' it 22.- 4167_•4PAPER 1:,-.,4314 SALIS; t
gave, the coup de grace to the mega-. .pfte'iperfs-g-toKr'„Ncte .ND
gave. '
dutyere, hEutt4'mn opt i)bie.ifnofieeatrimiala. pproofsaic ofbItuhee,:, .towns. The rnse:st.,,aeroefunt '1Etarelorimntaetriecientln9aill,
-,, of all .busince
applicatien to Wilson P wishing Vornt
Mere, Peleware, Cernesn, ilier")t
der At wiz., Supply Nifrite
,enotariens. If. W. Daweon, Dramatoile.
2,00,0,00.6 *QR,E jaw Tit4DEs Dint. aad.now become very rare, had been
pany, 73 West Adeleide treet, Toron ,
• preParech The stamps; were th be $
• .,INO YEAR.• pasted on a
opening of t
• e
6.6rer•ree •
0 'atisrEttAtia0us„, •
he match bine • • CI AN -CER. TIJ ORS., LEMI int -o
I,/ internal and exterriai. eut•ed
. out pain by our herne treatment- Write • •••
us before too bite. Dr,'Eenniae
Co.. Limited, coninewood. Ont. •
Receive. Better 'Pay and More Con-, •9 A R R Y THEIR yt4N .ttAT H$.
, .
sideration by Employes in •
Munition Mills,
Ingenious :Devices 'for Soldiers Dia-
• ,
played at 'Red Crose Rale.
Hardly less remarkable than the
An aCtive, service 'exhibition is being
swift tran.sformation ef England into held at 'gnightsbridge,.in London, at
a powerfulernilitary nation has been which are displayed hundreds of ,
the silent upheaval that his placed the gerilous devicei. ` for the . comfort,
chrll vvork and the 'industries of the health anct safety of 'officers and men
weilishops in the hands of wonien. at the front. The meney raised by
It has been estimated from official tlie sets oit these articles goes to funds
• of the Br tish Red Cross anda.he Order
figures that there were fully 2,000,000 6
, f St. John of Jerusalem,
more wdmen in a,caive. employment on! Among the devices on sale is a small
March 1, 1916, than on the cotres-' safety razor that wan tit easily 'into a
pending day 12', menthe earlier. Moe- ' waistcoat pocket, a .compact hot .bath
• over, the number is increasing week' "hes of "condensed heat," which, will
Years, the congregation has succeed- y , k. I raise the. tereperature of water to the
Proper degree; a shower bath outfit „
ed in • 'getting a preacher. from IC,Wit.. 4Eyery clais of women, incluclin and 'ether toilet Articles •
Dog Remedies
• • °Boot< ON
• And How:to Feed
Mailed free to any'addreSs br
the Author •. •
.118 Wet 31stStreet,New York
Two hundred Penitentiary priaon- thobe previouelY regarded as leisureg
n order t o • enable the soldiers ' to
.42lest for
Cattle. .
Write for
1'. rteett. •
60-62 Jarvis St., TOTO3310.. Ont.
ers at Lansing, Kane attempted to and well-to-do, are adding to the total.' write in the 'dal k cOmbination peneil D EA
Mob qFred" Bissell, of Toeeka, sus- The call is reaching the remotest hain-I case- and electric torch, to throw light
pected. of murdering ten -year-old
Edna Dinsmore.
That a mother may chastise ' her
signed for such purpose. .0therwise thirteen -year-old daughter fin. telling
they have every appliance known to lies,. even, with a cane, -two of three
science.' In any event, the man's judges in the Special Ssessions in
i '
path to England is easy and comfort- New York dec de .
able. If he is Unable to walls he is • .T.tahn Barotti,' of Yonkers, NY., a
wheeled on to the hospital ship,Iying eatididate for natin•aliza.nion, told
near the hospital. On beard he is
placed in a. comfortable swinging bed.
cot, attended by &eters. and nurses,
and is cheered by the visions of" the
convaleecent home to whieh he is be-
ing sera. -
• 1Viiracies of Comfort.
.Arrangements. are also made on the
ship .for the t•man send his „ con-
valescence as . near 'his home, as pos-
sible in Order. to he within easy rea-ch.
lets as well as the quiet•market towns, on the paper, has been invented The
and the women and girls are oven& ' "nutshell ca,nteen," as oee little case
Ing. The women are mobilizingin a is called, contains thirty-three assorted
deink tablets, tea, coffee, beef tea and
great' army, ready to serve wherever ordial ginger, six shield• s for corns,
they are mo 3t needed• ' earen to• the
hard idler of the tilling a the soil. . and a +checkerboard. •
Stich changes in ,the national, com- five; also 1 -for Sate. Cases of batft,
A steel body Shield,- light but effec-
merc:al and industrial spheres are salts for brainfecting :purposes are I
naturally creating considerable read- disalayed. - A tienchIng tool with_ nu- '
was ruled by -"King Wilson." Later justment of sociaLcandifions, with the merous uses attracts much attention.,
fit is shorter than a iinin'd aim, w'eiglis
Justice Platt that the Milted States+
result that the Young Woineree Chris-
he- corrected his answer and was made tle;n AssociatitOn, Weirien'e Unions, less than four winds, and will: cut
wf.e and dig 11D a macadamized road
a Citizen. , .‘ -• suffragieVorganizatione and stores Of ' .1 - - • ; '
• Mrs. Henry 'James Lamer Wash- women's clubs, 'are confrented with --e,--,a---- ,
defendant in 'it double distorce case.
irigton,•of New York, is plaintiff and fmoareL•ieneropurobldernsfin helping tocare
h , san s• o Women su en y •- CliIILIMOOD AiLMENTS.
Iknow because I wao Deal' and htld ea
Noises for over 30 yet. lAdviaikl•
Anti-septie Ear Drums motored my hear-
ing and stopped Head.Nub. and wi ado__
it for you.: They are Tiny' Megophoneo.
Cannot be inn when Wan. )ay to IAA
in, easy' to takeout. Are "thisecn Core-
torts,"Inexpentilve. Wr terbr.nookiet and
- my sworn stater:viva or ow I reinvered '
my bearing: A. o. rult,•Or.tARR • • .
Ehdte228 52Oth.a.vo.. • N Pity ,
thrown into n new environment. '
Her hus• band is a direct descendant
• • 1
The Initial Difficulty' de6ered. Horse Book 9 M free. ' •
erica's firet president. but most ,of them are, caused by some
f-AS.1(1EXE.= .
from a Bone Spavin, Ring Bone,
Splint, Curb,Side Bone, or similar
• trouble and gets horse going sound.
It acts mildly but quickly and good re-'
' sults are lasting. Does not blister
or rentove the hair and horse can
be worked. Page.17. in pamphlet with"
of John Washington,: brother of AM- The ailments a ekniabeed are many each bottle tells hew. • '$2.00 a bottle
ABSORBINE, JR.: the antiseptie liniment •
:To be. dealt with; has been that a derangement Of the. stomach and bow-
infirfititar-Lela, Therefore-to--hanish_ thetrou,
'housing the-w-orkerin the-
glintng of the war, and its equipment bf his friends. While on the ship he ! • .
faetories. All sorts of feeteries- have bles.the stomach most :be kept sweet
nppe Left Her , and the bowels regular. To do' thie
infinitely more perfeet, The Manlier been 'requisitioned in. the, provincial
ie asked which part of. England he I
of its working can beit be judged by wishes to go to. When he.arri es at
• ! leta. Thousan-d-s'7 cif • mothers have
r 1100111g can equal Haby's Own. Tab,
towns •• up and. down the country,
Southampton fOur ambulance.. Line. _111 calling. for large drafts'', of workers
the eiperiences of a soldier' froni. the
.• •
Seriously rion,
for maelcind, reduees'Pareful Sw Ili s En-
- ' •
Urged (yhtrids-,NN enBruises;Var case V men
heals Sores. , AllayS Pain. tell you
more yoUl write. $I and f,t2 a bottle at
dealerd or delivered. Liberal .trial 'bottle Inc 10c stamps..
W. F. YOUNG, P. R. F., 616 lyinans Bldg , Montreal,' Can;
absorbme Rod Abaci:Woe, ,Jr.. arc [lade In Canada.
0.81tle; Lodgings- huv.e been ..proved- this: ...s.,•mong_thera .
me-filenVie-is -wounded:- are In waiting, and he is then sent on •
Field Dressing, in Kit!: . -the. pne • goingnearest ;to lila own
s'uail;pdl3frev°I.ucriseen;and have
fonowipg Themes Holmes', BliSsfield, N.11.,, who I • .
ingeriiiity and comfort. Driven_ with BUT DODIES_IIDNEY,PILLS CUR- been costir, even if' they could be use4! writeS "Every mother in this locality ,
Every British soldier carries a field, ;
home: These imeina are miracles of
Baby's Own Tablets as we all •
dressing aapert of his kit: It is drill-
ed into him that- he must apply this
himaelf'or get Some tine else te apply
such core that • the patient is, poet-
intich as. before the war. • .. cally • unshaken, .lie lies in 'a comfort-
" . -Laundry seeps at the beginning 'of able cot still under the care, of nurses
the war cost about 3 cents a" plea. it.at the first Moment possible.'lle and .doctorse While everything neces-
at wholesale, but now they are prieed can be reached .he is attended to . at• sarr is at hand in ease he needs treat-
: - • at 16 to 19 cents Meantime ' Meantime .foreign. once by .,the regimental doctor, who t mein, almost as perfectly as ., though •
• • •' • • i•
. •
tion )1v;th".places. at .anir. distance 'have! far. childheod. a ilments." ; 'The Tablets
found:- at all. • ' Railway comeeuniett7 cons' r them • e .yery es .
been !unsatisfactory., especially • for' are sold hy medicine dealers • or ICY
Mrs. Halquist Tells Just 'Why She is' in. mail at 2o cent. a box from The I..
-.those oil the eight . shifts., Only -
spaps have been brought in, but these, works eight up in the trenches. Thee he were in hospital!. . • • dian Kidney Remedy, Dodd Kidney been. Of any help to 'those Ming at a Mei-Heine '' Cm.; 'Breekville,..!
• the 'larger centres of population has. Williams'
the Firm Frieed of the Grand Cana-
' distante. - . •
:sell for as•much 1:5 cents a potind, the; stretcher •bearers come and In seine cages of Slight .wOunds, the Pills. •
6_, „Thousands upon thoesands young • ` Bangsmid, Sask"., Nay -lab (SP
-though":'very inferior, containing Only him .on a- stretcher,
w-----ce he " epeed with 'which a man'is taken .. to •• ;
Not That 'Kidd:
Captaite-LI-Vhit!' •warit' anoth-
. Women. and girls were suddenly ehift-
carried tc*e_the advanced dreesing .•sta7 Englaral -is extraordinary... In a.- re.- uu of veer
Sante 2kper eeet; of fats. • . •
cial --Mrs Pete Hal nist. ' a - well-
• ,Ie the last few weeks the seari ;tibp- . ', cent fight a man was wounded in the known)• ".• 11 ' ed from the'x families. surroundings itil er furlough, two, insi ., . .. ..
maquitteturers have found it almost It Is quite a short jeurney. In fact, early morning, taken to - a \ clearing resident here,, is a firm be:
the larger cities to the new life in the. WhY' I haren't been Ilettne ..ence in a
• siime, of the largest soap works which' ift the range of the enemy fire. It is at Sheffield, hid home town! teiii. and a half. . . .
, impossible to get raw 'material, and nearly all these stations are well with, station; land. by, night was in hospital Hever in Dodd's Kidney PillS; and :, is t • di • (A th h P
formerlY dealtp only in carload lots are not Unusual for a soldier bo be inside The patient remaing' in 4 convales-
-now glad it they can deliver a' few one within an 111311r of his wound. • Ai
,; cases. • '
• What Do the Children Drink? „ '
, :There .are 'dines when. , mother . on by a tourniquet -can be cerried out.,
ltithe feeds the youngstei.s iomething Wounds are also cleaned endreciress-
, . , , , ed'heie, fractures more conifortehly
- that they know the children, should not ,a jus e
d• i d and anti tetanus serum . in-
IMve. Perhaps it is 'some rich dessert
bet more often it is tea ;Or coffee. reacted. Nearby are two dugouts
--;• .. I.V-is--better-to-have.-some-vs NiThere the patients can be removed if.,
, tii-e-Ilialir-b-ebliiiier terr-imt-for ,saf-az•
-cent home theroughly cured. •Iri
"About a year ago," Mrs. Halquist d Tommy Atkias-That's all right for
you, sir.; but me and my iiiisrus ain't
alwaya• ready to tell. the reason Why.
muniticin factoriea 'hay keen 1•-4
e erecte .
1 •
The manufacture of high explosives is:
says, "MY little girl Was taken ill with
not permitted in the Adcht•t3r of hernee. that ki'114'
• 0-11111 a mile,. there ie. one large ward, pro-,•euffering from a ' complaint like rheu- the...grippe. She was sick in be.d for
Therefore, ..cariteene had - to he es: -1 •
vided with. every aeceseary detail, At-- three! weeks with 'pains in the ;joints.
atism -*here massage is' ' required, , tablished close to such. works se that'* '
tached is a slnall,..eal•efully equipped They were . swollen and stiff.
but ,a slight amount of. Work is bene- , • ' the 'women would net have to go long
operating theatre, Where.operations of "She had cramps in her Museles; se: d. .
... ficial, sent to a ' "comMand ;de- ., • . .
-an urgent nature-suth as the arrest" '- .
. event, when quite *ell, heis,senthonie
'stances for. their ineale and relieve
pot!' an cl placed cm light duty.:In an• y
of :hemorrhage, temporarily 'controlled
t was awful hard for hea- .to get
on leave, and by the time that expires she was able to be arou•nd her skin . and leg, and knee. swelled up and for,
six days I could • not rimVe. it or . get
. er .
A Coldny for. Workers.
became harsh and came off in scales. ' Perhaps the ideal conditielia have
he is absolutely fit to take his place'
in the firing line again.•
„ • .4.)ST ARLO
Including' Mining, Cli e ini cal, Ctv i 1 p, mech.
•sulcal nud Slectrica En.gineering.
During the War there will be contaitious
sessions an Medicine. : .
• The Arts Course mgy be tak,.ii hy, curr,e.
•SPOndellee. btlt Students desiring to gratin"
ate billetntteud one sesbion. .
JULY AND AuGUST • er_otsrrtAR
meets from petjents
cured of Fits,Eolleo.;
sy, Failing Slants.
or tlonvoisians bye
• frao tamale of Or.
Roofs remedy. we -
If you CUT OUT and
yea leffer. Hun= ; •:••.
dreds of festImenta g as file. Dm age ard full oarlliulars.
them of mach fatigue and strain. • Had ship's anchor fall en my knee
. arotind fel' the longest, time Aft
hot food,drink that you can take your ty And, it, a patient cannot ,safely be
. selt and feed to your children, eon- I ineved,further he can ;be kept at this
seions that it will help and • strength- station until he improves sufficiently.
he next point ig the casualty clear -
(ng stations.. These are situated as,
near the firing lines is consistent with
. tem and produced my nervous *ad"' touch with the base either by rail or
. aches." , (Both tea and - toffee are in- a good road foe automobiles. Here
.'it1rio'us!At9 many,- persons, •especially the patient comes under the -charge
. children; becausethey contain the of the finest surgeons England . can
eubtle poisonous drtigt eaffeine,) provide -
Women in the World.
eh; hat never hurt them- •
An ;Eastern lady pays: :4 ,.'uied
. coffee Many. years' in spite; ailT the.son-
. .•
"After using two boxes,' of .Dedd',8 I been reached by •one famous firm en-. h6 thee stArted to • use MIN- -
A'RD'S,. LINIMENT and .• two.' bottles.
Kidney Pills she was as well as ever , gaged in the 'manufacture a cord'ie.
cured ;me. .
strong and, healthy ever shice.".. . ! in a lepg 'aeries of Wooden 'hut% , .
she • was in her life. ; She has been ; A colony for the workers was erected.
• "While visiting a friend I was Serv- • •
. ed with Postum and determined to 's
r' -get a package and try it mYself. The
fesiilt was all that could be •desire4;•-
a delicious, Anely flavbred, riehry
er-e s o grippe ate L( ntatilinnollfe-28-twil:ligaded reoms. 1
Many of Efritish Expeditionary Force e to be dreaded than the ...disease in the centre of all is a dining, hail!"
itself. That is because they generally , with a perfectly equipped kitchen, 'a'
Will Settle There. • . . .
,• The contact which the Indian troops act on weak kidneys and put them Out recreation ' rooin, and a „small model !
. . . . . • •
have with western life, religioii and of wOrking order. Sick kidneys ere ; hesif tal. .A1 soon as these plans had - . Quite- Differei4:
custorne- durin_g_ their stay with tho.,the Cause of rheematisin, Inickache, been .approved the, firm . had one of .
British exPeditieturry force le France dropsk and numerous. other diseases. :the women'e•orgatifiatnifis. take np the -1-theitght ,I.told you to •quit using
religion and •habits of • the people of •
India. ' •I
•. A eorresnende.nt. of the Associated
Press. was infermed.hy British efficers '
that the Indian troops •tvere „so .
• preased with the supe.tiority *of •, the
'• • • ' n 'WV ies for them in behalf _of tobaccor exclaimed the specittliSt.
• kep the kidneys tertedup and able to the girls ernployed.
de heir aVork. The best. way to keen., Public intagination 'mot' 0 • stirred . , " ".1 have qin , ; rep •pa Then' what.' is it that I. t•nell on
,• - . ' t
the 'kidneys healthy.'is• t�'use Docid's at. the Wee of wornen'e' labor ifi yAur hreath ?" qiereanded the speciel-
. . .
ICrideey Pills.. . fuse and eater). ive m king. than it. ,s 1st... • • ..
Inhalers, or Electricity •
it ts new way It is
noutething ntmoint.oly deem..
,..oinvo7e lithuenuvlialsniit ..avronuirtyd •e:tle.b.o.ugseitid6iisn ._"_Cifrattites,"_,_• =replied the patient:
„ ••• No lotions, [ways or sickly auwIllnualves or creri s. Not, ,
•• .-ntritnixor:orony-tippor.atastatanylt d...1sInthhur
• _
whale, No steaming, • Or rubbing or .Inieetions. Nta
WHIN TIBETAN' RATITES hie. But the fact is that .the woincie
customs observed in France that
Granulaed Eyerodon or m nano.. o powder. no violate, no •
alatie. a '-th,e.ra 3,•,•.bres .piteparlog to re- 7 • -• -foteett -td -wrist lit 71.iir, uffiees. el, irnothInst now
.1Ye8 rA14' IVIIrrl:-;j.;(:"Vrt:',_1114:olitlailtd'ostnente•714414?&T!its171:11134:f:toilgto..r.ii
. . w SeVerall.ayerti.of I)irt; • • .„ sure t tySeri..Dust and Whid • '4,0 Csl-'.n
CiiiieS is .the prime facter in the S01-.". turn 'mid settle bhere after the 'war. Soaks -Iiiinself for' Hours, Itemo•ilng ..of • the Goyernroent, "ninnielPalifies;
chanets•of rdeovery... Time a . will be compare IVely .Te th• hitnk. 8. .f.eetories a•pd• •s'IOres 1.111.1l.3 . . , • , donned prooyylotior, kilt 1 Outtluott._ Mr ;Oahe..., tre eats
I-(1.1.440,freet-Lter time -a inan'-,s.-life....Itasiseensaved Indima '. • • Who . •• . . Wo: (.!. • •I a re: ;we It I y re it o4te.o you Con 1.4 o•u•att. numuingt um! it op ot or.tviLto rotate.
Prent-ptitade - wh
W s. Ye RemedY• l'.10snlartibgi AM-MEE-400 CAN BE FREE
husbandi, Who had - suffered 11(2V (111 on to tile base would have render- I remain in wItulla that the 'nee'
u nee on read et Yatung, Tibet, there tire •I e a • '• • • • Your 13i•UirgiSt'S 50c per Bottle. Miff Ing hatviong. aolttlo$ trade obnexl „ .4 460,10
-‘116t 11?Te-etlfltfer4v"-Ast-:-sk °In ;44ort4t4'nntrnir nT's:44-4"y Itce e4Litn4lt:!inteiri:rkegt':linej"I'Tit .."?'.1
- Pesturn has •Worked Wonders l'er hy eat•ly•npei.ation when' 16lig Jew.- come brick end it ft•oni -Lose :who Will islerti. the an-EfOnt wail across :tions ‘vork She weel,. es less pay
,f.ttoo: itidnar-troable- omir.,),,,vilivoitlit ." ter] 'remarkavre bot. spripes the...Water • • IT
..Per- 1. art, very It e atention 1R pair to ber •
fabric et the state tu no less extent.' •it, m 1.4 st dle'ott to • 4.1
fool broth nrui dlomnitlott 0'40 nourtury*n my tr., .• - •
Many Tibetans eongregate around • . ; • . ; • . ; • ,;.• • Book eith.cEyerreeask
Postuin he heti streatger' and bet- `,.tweeti May f' and September 30 l'aSt. vaneed ideas willl•Work on the people' '•
these springs to blithe, and -the Water, ---- .‘ r 11-.- •-••• . '4,11•• it Ut/•• •
. • . 'e Tine.
•el • • ; • • • . SillVeinTubes25e. Pot'
'Pesten) -with--me -and; -elate alvinkba.,
440 iikevere -etidefragat-aPer-40114. snasioh -la these soldie_rs with. .ad-
tieubio. , : • • • st3niach • spice n, liver: and kidneys, and . • i4.. considered specially efficacious in ."1-111'her "f es for the +ere Your Pro •neeti". ea, al.,,,,aaatia. /we t• t •ti
klq "SO Vnli want to marry
9 '' syilung complete iniotimmon MEC or aneu Vh•t•at clu.sk . eft
I fi I .1 • • ,•,-1-;473,3441' peliee ity daughter. •Wel], yoking. map, what
' with no indication . Of kidney. -.They • included v.punds et the .bowek>, ; as a whole reniains•to be'. seen. 'Which is highly 'charged with sulphur, ' ;
4rYolz May be sure , g 'es- t.le number seventyzone' ,recOvcreti • 'Curitris Effect of Shell. Pfre. • effSes • •
• • ' • 1. . • •
, coffee, quit the coffee and took. uP., a surgeon of world repute, performed , ate. HoW geetti: a change. the
- .14K litt • Ve-41?t,14a49•41,1-tiN4ltr-thOr---77.11rriat'tyeiteitelitc"Okrelli *.-itoim-km+t-igitttimVtrt;tv.'av-ststttici.titvts,setacsr,tt east,
I knAr t 'n t Imo out. btlwe rod tonna ttlIni. tr,i•
setup eases registering 'boilitig Point.
reggaes-. ,
;;041r.tf;iospr t1. w, 11:11 4 ;4: ,O UO •-e
ElsK okreitife.„,„
on gt.atni Say: • "flear-Viatn4ilaiiiintL;se4tril mo
bow v.m eared 14
„-our etdarrh Anti how enn cure n
at's 1 you rokl to Ray 1.11 ttPtiot•ttuld. anti trol r.
k • • e • I 11 "Se
••1 Yet)1. • this' ''tut a Until you butto osto•d .ftz thlo wonor• 61: trositiagiat. et.%
. tuturet-14-hoo-dOnvi.ou . '
• .
• COMfOet• haVe • a warm drihk . at tied seVenty.five. taiiisidcring si f • ' • ' is a sifui)te eeoeeeifing' o'n. unlined .1.1Y a doctor tile. (tiller (lay, end . •sa,ralftAirz. Suite • 2584, • 2909. Inale,AUN
ineals that I •con give. .roY. ehildrtn the 'nature of the eakis soMe of 'the ' • 'the part of the TiLetan:. that' is. '1 Neer, r d" E.t nirn on f in i ha louse '. Ave., Chicago, 1116.
pretty stiff. examination it wits. tom.
le Ire pro( tiers eurious effeets
- , at times, and not the least remarkable
• r.
• •
istprdienl,osaslitodn tillnist,hfloyitieedpesuititrhou nwda. • sense of hearing. and,. said the' emu.' ,Ifowell. -11.0 pat itelievV in • here- • • • A. Klidef Idea.
'Makes. the bath. . A bent is soma!
thrown over it, and the, whole fanilly
' "1*.e"!" ' •
•aniet, Women and eliildren ..sit fair '•, -"DO you hear tick ?).
hours in the steaming. woter, and "Certaitly; quite n111.1'11;1."
they look different Naar _after it, ''i`Sienti farther baelt:". • •
prolonged immersion, the. 'process re. Candu ate rekirea three 'paves.
MoVing severalt 1a, el of dirt.. •• , ("2. . "Do 'yeu liar it me•g?" • •
• ;•" •`'YWeesfl','..nott fe'r•fkA
with 4 clear conscienee that it geeatest kirgleal authorities ' the is the.croes made I n m , considered -necessilrY is te :400n Mit Al length it cattle tetii Mg' ho' Ill'On's
• will of . . ov •
•would." • . • never been even reMetely .attained in .did"It' is called the altar. because that's
Nalne giY.en fr'S%-Cal.rodlirn • Pestilln ' the -history •of .rnilifary surgery. A • dify 1" - should ,say...4
I mar,ried .the Oaughler judge,. aesio.6. . gee alters her , name when
.e y .5 oym
• 'help and not !Mkt them as tea .or coffee: World admit that such results have
graves 01 SOIUICSS in i'rance. is
odeurred between Barcy and • Vat-
-redo, atcording to the Ales,
trated Londqn Newe, the tor of aIree
was cut off. by a shell: Ie failing the
severed part of the .tree was 'ought
'On a PrOieeting branell'and hung hat+
ended in a herizental position Eit
,right aegleS „tie the trunk, thus .form-
ing tha bransttlin of a Cross. Near by
aeh the geitees of thirty soldiera who
went. ' there in September, 1914.,
el', , iner . • .
es • "Do. yet; see this -watch ?". •
and she is ahvay laying down !the la*, she • gets married.", explained (tee
it Postum comes in two, forms: have steed any - chance of survive], to me." '4- . . ' ; youngster to another.
Witidsar, Grit. ! few years ago seareelY onh would
P6stunt Cereal -the original 'form-- and the saving 'of so many is.' a
must. be Well boiled; -115e and 'vietriumph e4killed surgery, good
Pkgsitig and perfect eouipment.
Instant Postanis -a soluble powder-,- It is not to. be imagined diet' mill -
dissolver' quickly in tient) of hot water, tOry Surgeons =sit to operate in every!
'and, With cream and osugar, Makes a possible ease. "Conservative surgery"
ache -lima beverage lest's/nay. 80c/and ki the nforiern pi incipal. The Smaller
6(ic tins.• 1, - 1 the list of 4perations tbe greater je
13ot:1i ferMs are equallY prick felt bY the surgeon in his work.
anti coat about the snme per aitni, end nailing gives him greater satis-
"There's a Reason" for!tPteitani+ faction than a ease where a mangled
..L-seld by Grocers.
NO nain with a poor bleary has
any husinc8a te'becothe a liar...
limb has been saved after weeks of It/Wait:Pa Ithilinent triniberMait's *lien&
1 •
; • -
.81111arasa Llithflent 1oO& bp Isharrilolanisb "Ainkoh eintl net been •going, fen,
'• Resemblance. ! ,
Ask for Illittatd'a‘9ncl tato 20 ether
Wife --Are My doughnuts like these 4
yottr mother used to make/ , Adatrea apple WO.' given 'o him to
• Hub (sampling •them)-Welly-er- 'refilled him of the tilliO 1Vir.Olt he. got
the hetes are .jut•it in the fleet
0, •
COOD •ISIGEEITtON ,-....1••• Mother Seigel fly.run to eta end 'stir:stiletto • •
When your didestfon In +why, Ireskoraa ' the diaestive organs, Ind-battish.es the moor
• itein eta cettgin 411d 'disee llinvited. • ailments which arise from indlitostion. .
• 1440 R
At in PAN:lists.•srAttret en vec4ie•ta1,v1••••0, 50e. end $1.0. The large hetttlever&,jet three ihnte tee
i (11(511444 "10 ,1113e.. „A '.44;5t si l.tatitarr, CracRtritt,i Nyeat Mohttta.11.
E. 0
• ,,