HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-05-04, Page 4vfv. • ,..••
ItitittleW atiA
4t kfi
_w&attaS. Ltd.. tittOr
ketotranrOlte 3act marling.
V311111.14INDbAkalawratow.trat. Agent:
various lines of iesa0rieo. Vire aueItiro
deal Celarallnevi gUAPAII.CCCT.. 0E4
elatv Ogerit in tiacl;now et taie laaarlea
%vat. .A. riamIxe of villeao 444 WM
nroperties ter sale.
9..0.P.I.aelmewli4odgo meets ove
e1:'7at a 0'.4../Ioek thew cereal'
hell Allbretleve eerdially Invitee, .
.0itteersaaaletle Urand. la Armstrong:,
viee -Urged. 3.44 Pisher; Treas.. Aloa.
Reas;Itets afee...4. IL 1O)-4;,, acervt
• rater son.
tit litultitont *rutin
rutlistea evarf ThurrAar morning
atlisicimovr. entail% •
ZAACKVSZIV; ;Proarletor • ,
*WM Tirtuataa night ea or beterolbei
Ltteknew. "4. ; T.Armstrong; P.w.
0.atartlat4. DaviSooi
A. .
F. Court SherWoody No. 60; Lackilow,
.xneetttovemlast Monday of the month w
thatrdatellawieuau. visitiinebrethera
•_ "xmatailvinvited.to 'attend. Chief Ranger,
aohn.B. Ben' iteo. a'eora laffht, (irahale-
o „, R.
• A.; -.1011Chpahl 1,1340.; No. 137.Taqls
se• ..,a,arondey ot'eaeltmonth in, the 041.
• ars' Eau. Master Workman., J. Mae-
Diarrald" Secy,. D. R. atteltitosar
•••; • -Pfeeg..,tacia-Pottert" aa.satleaallearet
0..s4ro.W14Ett, D. S. 014031;e
• , antiwar Teuton Meek. Teeswatee, Spec
ialattentiouttygold plates. cronlang_ag.
4`h„ticlgeworir. visits Wroxeter 1St. and a .
.weauesttay o eacamootht Petrie Thur,
• G. A. NEWTON, D, D. $.,;."DotattSt:- Office
. Ante .1310ek, Lneknow, Ont.- Alt modern
•° methodausedi Best nurteriala 104/shee.
Crown and Frage work. Painless extract -
ton by the use or the latest. sunniest and
)3810,40.ientcily. SOMNOVOTtilit.: Newest
Wag in artifictal teeth.. A3untinet nistesd
non breakable
TIITIRSDAY.% MAY 4th, 1910.
WAR 111
'There is not in all 'history renor4q4
rebellion than that at preseptunger *ay
in -Ireland,: With Dritain at peace it
wori4d:have been .foolieh end hoPelese
enough; but withl3ritain full of f$oldiers
and bristling*witkaries, what'hope' has.
a fevi thousand civilians in, starting to
fightThe only way or acernanting for
nch madness .% that thik Getrnalis `Int
•ane (Aloe the unfortunate hot.heacte
the yish. Nationalist pArtar To some
ttle extent it serve the GerMan
If: yea take a course with us. The.
demand. ripen us for trained help is
many times the nnuaber' graduating.
Students are . -entering ,eacla week.
You mayenter at any time. Write
at once for our free catalegne,
,D A. Meldiqfidat, Principal.
WE want cream awl will pay the ,
" highest mark t prices,,for good
cream. Summer. Creamery and
Cheese Factory Petrone having
cream ebaring the winter months
would do well to ship to us. We
.weigla„ sampte and. test each eau
of.eream carefully that we receive,
and return a statement of same
each time. We furnish two cats,
pay, express charges and issue
cheques for cream twice each
month. Write us and give us a
trial. 'It will cost yon nothing and
we..guarantee you satisfaction.
For , farther particulars write or
seed for cans and give -us a trial.
&smith crea seam* on!.,,
interestsbUt.ii wq cost the lives. of
Many Irishmen ,a0 the
flay (t ireitino foeaom: •
u it were!not fortlie great watt' on the
Sontinent, the outbreak in Ireland Would
look quite formidable, but by comparison
it is insignificant, and the forces againet
It are's° tremendeus that nobody worries
about the entwine. The Germans,. we
may be sure, will not worry either. They
have aneceeded in making fAt least a
little more trouble for Britain,and though
dooinekto miserable failure, the cost
of it and the punishment will fall not
upoo themselves, but upon the tutor-
tiniate victims of their intrigue -Irish,
men, not Germans,. are being killed; and
the cause of Germany, not of Ireland, is
being served. •'
, It appears thattheSinn, Fein societies
had for some time bees holding parades
the city of Dublin. On the day of
the outbreak. they were parading as
mile!, but instead of dispersing as asual,
large bands of them 'seized certain build
Inge previously selected. TO these arms
and inunumtion, reretly collected were
rushed:. Thopolice interfered but soon
found that they were unequal to the
situation. Soldiers from nearby camps'
were ordered to assist and the fighting
commenced. At the same time there
were *outbreaks on a Smaller scale in the
south and 'west of Ireland. -The feet
that thawhole thitig coincided with the
attempt of Sir Roger Ca.sement.to land
from a German ship in Ireland with • a
• d f h
Do colds settle ea your chest or in your
brouebia tubee?Po coughs littAttg, qt•
Itre you subject -le throat troubles?
Such troubles should have iminediate
toeettnent with the PO Curative atewers
91 Seett'll Blitalsion to grand again.st
eonsumptiontwela so easily follows.
ell whidirpemaliarly strengthens the tea-
Pitatory tract and 'inTroves the° enalityoi
the blood; the glycerine. hilt Seethes awl
'wads the tender membranes of the throat.
Scott's is prescribed 1)704 best special -
its, You can get it at any drugstore.
tk:lanrue'aeronte. oat,
iltade Strong By Delicious- Vinol
Lakeport, .N_ H:. -"Our little girl 8
years of -agelti%s hi a debilit.ated,run-
down conation •and had a ..stubborn
cough sn'oelha was weak and ailing all
•the time;;- 'Nothing helped. her until
• we tried Aug. Then her appetite'
increased sol;, he is strong and well, and
I wish,o,t,hertiiirents of weak, delicate
' children WetifiAry Vinot"---9no. A.
This is became) -Vino' contains the
tlisuretteldiiig, Strengthening cod liver
elements and the tonic Iron which sive#
arid run-down system needs. •
Spence, Drnggist, Lucia:testa
Walkerton paper tells of rs: sehoel
trustee int • Elfleatfline Township, Filo,
hecause the .teacher bad at 'one. time
taken, a half-day off and at another time
owing 44 bad roads, lest a half-day while
assisting in elltartahleleete givelV in; the
interests of ite, Red, Cross Fend called
an-•indigae.tion me,eting of' the School.
Board,'with a vies/ to teeing wbat should
be done with the teacher, •
their lturderoull wor14,114svover, eltOuld
one chauee to drown American eitiaens,
it is dillicult toove heiv serious trouble
could he averted.
TIM MAN 1#110 MA13.4
monlor. OUT or IT
(Frtim: t
Efere qpical item' from "The Iron ;
Trade Doyle
It alas a hot day, and one Of the
men, instead of thinking good Water
or milk to quench Ma thirttIl stele onti
betweW.,•:41Waalthe stert4 get a
drink at a near-bir saloon. Upon re
turning and taking ;ma of the handles,
he could net emitrot his end of the
steady so that -the %Omani from the
• :bottom could pass directly in to the gate
and fill the mold. ' Instead, Whit the
• top; of sliesiiesk and scattereelthe met,
ni all directions. ' •
bile tan was perhaps fatally burned,
'Pa Several others had to ha patched. up
by die•doctor. All for the profit .o.fn a
couple of drinkal. ThO a:Yhule,:theasalei4
Aucir •interests;•-41stilleri, Y:fh
,salimoers-took their eatii aptl steed
side; bet the te4Weet beck, to works
with, the booze in bile, and tholossfdll
PO Inc fellow weirlf.inco* thedoOpany, and
.tleepenistotititoxyit)i;s.icelyV:01;teirtitle.r.l• nhoowcheelon-t
fohrernel4ukt ;Itch). rot 400 tiking milney
acqiiienta'and then skinning
out with theie pro* While Others stand
the. damegel Our Isave,hava, not as yet
tiriVeif respoeSibilitY borne, but it is
there for anyone• who will. leek at the
facts. if booze dividends aree't blood
Anooey, there's no such thing.
. This: Chap is on a level :svith the farnier,
somewhere near Lucknow,, who • receutly
entereda drug store tu purchase a quan-
tify of forinalin; but declaie.d be would
not have it if there had to be a war tax
• stamp put on the bottle. "He wasn't
going to pay no war tax," he said.. -
Fortu.nately, this contemptible ele-
ment, willing to enjoy all the advantages,
of Canadian freedeni,,,bought with the
blood and the motley of others, hegrudg-
• ing.to pay even a penny or, make the
least sacrifice, is not large. •Tke ptty is
they cannot be all gathered up and tent
. ,
over to live in Belgium until the end of
the war. • • .
small force an a supply o arms e o
that the rebellion had been organized
mad planned. It isthought, too, that it
was intended tocoincide with a vigoroua
offensive of the Germans,on the Western
Front,. the ealcUlation being that the
• trouble in Ireland would keep a conaider-
ahle number of British troops at home.
The effect in this regard 'must be ex-
tremely slight,us the worst that could
happen in Ireland would not engage
more,thin a hundred thousand men for
a abort time -a small 'number as wers
go to -day. As it is, a few battalions
'Christian college -hence,
healthful situation.. •
It's Here!
Come In
and See Itt
will deal with theasituation. • It May be
' matter of surprise that the rebels, held
out even for a week; but the authorities,.
in all likelihood„ wish to put down the
uprising withU minimum of, bloodshed
and destmetien of property. here was
reluctance to use artillery on the Post
Office, Customs buildings and factories
in Which the rebels had taken refuge,
hut this fleetly had to he done when re-
sistance by the fools inside quickly 051.
lapsed.. This Was followed by.asurreader
if the chiefs in Dublin. • Pat Pearce
,who was to be presideat of the "Republic
• of Ireland", wounded and a prisoner, la,
said to have issued e request to hiafoh
towers to give up the fight,: as it *as
topeless,in the face of oiTerwhelnaing
odds. On Monday the rebe1libn in Dub-
lin was reported practiaelly over, and
there Wail trouble at only a 'few -outlying
placea. where a few enthusiastic suppoit-
era of the rrieh Republic refused to be-
leve.that their dream was over. •
The,Sinn Fehi..Setiety With! *Biel; the
rebellion appears to hive Origitated; re-
presents the physical foreeavieg Of the
Henna Rale party inirelend. It is per-
haps the Atubce-ssor th'e old ,F •
patty. Atienther -of-this society appear -
to stand net merely for Home •Itula for
Ireland within the EMPirs, but for an necessary to had the Eastera Front and,
lielYarisTelitge-war againsilheTiiikt As that the ho kl lt • W' 't
ys . on ia e avert
The surrender of the British force . at
Znt-El-Amera is a greater blow to Brit-
ish pride end prestige than to Britain's
strength in the war.. It will give enem-
iea. an opportunity 03. boast, and again,
set tongues viaggiug aboutk3,ritish bung:
lingand incapacity. • In that regard' it
is almost on a level with •the faiinte at
the Dardanelles,*".
General Townshend originally had a
force ai?out 10,000.Men The.* haie
been surrouncled'since early it December;
and have been•starved into submission.
The hertiie attenapts ,relied proved fut-
ile. The lett effort was the rushing of
, 1
small steamer witheuppliet up the river
to the beleaguered force, het this boat
grounded and was captured by the Turks.
'The operation's' which lead to. -this
disaster began in December of 1914,
when a Britielf,and Indian. army made
an attempt to ascend the Tigress Rivei:,
• With a .3,),i.ew to seizing the important
Turkish city of Bagdad. Early successes
encouraged the general in entente:rid :to
yroceed too far up •tbe river. He did
not have suffidient nien to guard his line
of coriimunication. The Turks developed.
unexpeoted,strength, and. the surrender
oil Friday or Saturtiay wes the restilt
The likelihood is that the saving of_this:
earpeditirin was not • regarded • by the
Brithili,General.Staff as of *efficient im-
:Portanee to seed. to its relief there:gaited
forge, and thegenerel in, cohnnand,
been .allowed to reap.. the fruits '••of his
own rashness: It is an hineiliation,but
it will not. affect the general situation. '
The attack on Verden Peteredout,
with the French stillie possession. The
final infantryatticks by the Germane.
resulted,* such dreadful losses at, to
practically fait a sten to the .battering
operations:•• ' . •.
• At the time when the, attack on
dun was quietening cloWn a German .et -
tack on the British- and Canadian line.s
,abo4iWthe.old fighting ground.et: Ypres
• was begun. This is still Under way. It
is by'no means so forthidable as was the:
attaik at Verdun, nee. the iwo previous
attacks at the same place;, but, it is stifl
wider siay andthere it *no` saying how
anaY deVelope. The German.- Plan I
to attack wherniver' they think they •
are likely to be attacked. They are said
to be concentrating a linge army in Ilan
era opposite the °British- position and
heavy fighting may loolsed for. '
•• The lauding of a considerable RuiSian•
foree. in the south of.Frtiriee indi-
cate that theehiei elieratirins of th'e sum,
.rner is to be on the-yesterre Frnt
• Russia. evidently has more mit than are
Economical - Simple -
Light Weight -Substantial
• Paol-Proof .Cortstructionz-
. Gun Bartel Cylinder Bore
a...Leek-proof Cordprecsio0.
Perth (minty DrY •
Prance llore • and Sai• re More The Empire needs' food, 'I„ If you tire not in the fight,,',
ing line you may be in the Iiioducing line.. Labour• ‘
I limited -all the More reason to do more than ever'
before. Grow food for the meg who are fighting for you. The A/lien need all the food that
You can produce. Every little helps. YOU are responsible for your own work. If you
canuot produce as muell'as yOu, would like, Vroduce all Yini. can,-• Work .with the right
, spirit,* Put. fighting energy into Your effort and produce eow when it counts. The more
you produce the. iriOre you can save. •Producing andlaVing are war-setvice.,
war.tirne. do not *este time and energy on 'tinirin.
portant ,and Unprofitable igiork. ECATIQ111)4e labour,
• PAP 'off unprOductive: work till after the war, and, if •
possible, help in producing SOrnething needed now. Let us not waste labour. Canatil.
needs' ikan.. If possible help to reed the'Alliea. Make your backyard'a Pmductivegarden....
' Cultivate. it with a will. Make your labour count for as much as possible. -
Make Labour. Efficient
There should be no waste, in War -time. Canada could
Do Not Waste •°Materials
pay the annual interest on her war expenditure out
of what we waste on our farms, in eur factories, in
• our homes. Every pound of food ssaved from waste is as good%•as a pound of increased
production. ,The way for a nation to save is for every individual to save. France is strong
•to -day because of thrift in time of peace. , The men and women of Greet Britain, are not
'only "doing" but are learning to " do Without."
Perth County went dry Saturday
eyening by iirtile of the St:oft Act coin
trig into force there on May 1st. This
does not afieet the city of Stratford,
'where the barionms will be open until
Sept. lath. when they will be closed by
• the Ontario Prohibition law, • Twenty-
eight tavern and thre • 'lap licenses are
cut off. Listowel, whim' has-been supply-
ing beoze to it great deal of dry territory
by mane:* can perform that service no
longer. • It is expected that Palmerston
will fell heir to the trade, as there the
bug will be open Mita • the provincial
law Comes into effebt. 'After Sept. lath.
Perth and Huron would be better off
Without the Scott Act, as that law is not
so effective as the Ontario: measure is
expected to be. The' peaalties. for. in;
fringetnent are not so great..
Subscribers Not: Kiehing
. .
We find. that, :oer subscribers . are not
'adverse to paying $1.50 ‘for a weekly
newspaper that provides thein with, the
dosal news. ' In all breeches of •business.
there have been increases. A few years
age. a man could buy a .fatit of .clothes•
for .815.00 to. 818.00. Shoes Could be
bought for 52 oo. :Dr•zsns .of otlierdines
could be_quote4 latt-the-±public-• are -a
cnnversant . with these as ; tha writer
The goods 'purchaeed , hiy•former days
gave good wear and sat i a-f-a;c kr, n .
Thew's-chasing price of 'a dollar was
greater then than it is to -day. Everything
• has, advanced- in price, ••Wages are high -
et', 'farm products blies.' mine. ' the
face . of. t hese increases, the printerbas
tool rip andaecepted the advance not
-only, in the crilinuodites of life,. but in
tnateri.da that:enter into the ,peoduction
nf his paper,' end tried to• make ends
meet.. You kn9w what it. mean§ to -try
and 'make a short belt meet. .Wellthat's
what the ,printer has been, doing. He
sees foliate :ahead 'unless he incteases
•the'priee of his paper. •This he is going
to and lie is.optimistic enough to his
towaitnen .and tountryl friands
will stand by him.-• • '• • ..:•
" Mach Married Siert -
' One Cinadiall.; Soldier 'fighting m
France has been found to have. no fewer
. than five wives in this •country. There
are two whci have gone through . the
marriage ceremony four times, with each
'woman they wed still • Ferty
bave. three wives, while over one hundred
have just two.. These astonishing facts
hav .beeiibr JUAllt to light through claims
made for separation allowances. • None
of these innen married mien are of the
Mormen perstiasiori,,nor ara they'of any
religion wh ieh recognizes polygamy.
Thus the Capedian Government in grant-
ing 'separation allowances faces 'e new
problem,. and probably the. bigamous
ones upon their return will face prosecu-
Spend Your Money Wisely
• Practise economy in the home by. eliminating luxur-
ies, Wasting pur clollars.here weakens our strength
at the Front. Your savings will help Canada to
• finance the mar. Save your money for the next Dominion War issue.' • There can be no
better investment.
% ir4 ut4 '
The • elan was a bad one. •Re had been 1
associated. with a Napanee„ murder
seven-year e ago, and had been sent ,
• Kingston Be had beon taken from :
the penitentiary and pla.ced on the j tit
farm at Guelph and . escaped 'March
'19th. . His right' name , Was George
Smith and • he had other, names, ;*
Jack George Henry, Day, etc. '
S. McNally; 'of , near :Walkerton, re:•
ceived Word of the death at Sarnia, on`,1
Monday, of .hieunrele, John, •M tsN a 1 Iv,' ,
a former reaidenfi Of Greenock. 1: tie i
was 'overninety years of ila‘e., •
t!cf- rerniaving -teSarnia-aayear-agri-ato, :1••
make. his home with'. his son, .he ,
lived in the Glamis neiglibm hood about
thirty five years. Of the, four brethers•.
andtwo sisters, wbo settled. ie •flie •
Western- Ontario ,bush, ,exeriencing
all the aficisitu les of pioneer days, oirly 1 -
one brother now survives, Mr; .119bert 1.
Ali:Nally, of. Chesley. Mr. MoNally's'I'
wife • predeased • him last September.' I'
Four srins survive: aWilliam, liehry, of
,Mr. john Campbell, for ' orei 40
years in the beildipg business at Tees
water, most of the time as partner Of
• r). Davidson, ha. retlied rrom thebusi•
nesa, haying field his interest . to' Mr
John F1 asen Fraser was a mehrber of
the firnt about 20 Years.ago..• .
Alcatipleof' well known 'young men
worediseuesing spring Clothes;and what
would be the 'choicest shade A young
,Rruce Tp; George, of Mileauhy. Man ;
Robert,. pear London; John. of Sarnia.]
A grandson, Wallace geN ally, • was '
recently 'killed in • Flanders. . • I
. .
violent, impatient men, eorrestonding cotnpared With their sapplyof men they had thew name+ handed in as joining
to the anarchists on the Continent and are still abort of guns aid other equip- the 10)th. 'Batt yet.-li incardine R5
in the United Statea.., Though they May ment, 89 they are sending 'their Men te porter ,
think themselves the friends, they are ..France where they ean be amply eq nipp NV,i;trtoii an 4 • Lion's lie•ad 'appear to
the enemie,s of Irish freedont Nobody 1 ed by the British and' French and be hive careied .4' the palm: to far as
so much depilates the outbreak as dries used to better purpose than at home:' stipp ying recruita for the' 160t1i Bat
e ti lion le concerned -v. -that :is, population
John Iledinond, who has long • labored The coming of the Russians to Franc
for and Was about to a&omplish Home does noenecessarily nieln;.ari has been considered 1 he bkiibood is that the
Rule.' . He know e that the rebellion. will
- do much to offset, the results 9f. his pat-.
lent and patriotic efforts. ,
John Redmond likely ktrows too that
1% -H. PI
on skids with -
• o ers ia ergo t e
intimated, that Pranee is becoming short enroll man • .
y itvenerm eon •saitore, .rt
41 men; but it likely does mean that class of men %ha eallasad mote very
While the Russians will merely hold the. good teadierg,•
Germans and Austrians on the East, the /f your hair seeniS lifelesa try the
Britain never can concede fell national smashing blow 18 is to be delivered in .the' "07,1fair Tonic; allItetralItirug
• independence to Irelani. •In th•e, first West.• Stores sell it under an allsolute oney.
back guarantee- Sec and $1.00 battles,.
• . place many people in treland do not want As was &meted...GOMM negotiations G. Aenistrong.
k separation, from 13ritairi; and, besides, with the rnited States ate hanging fire, A Rafr Oatg-The importance of
with the vicious, anti•English dement n President Wilsen's "virtual ultimatum," arrestiog. ;every • tramp • on sight is
Control there, Ireland would make a base
'from which an enemy &del operate
itP ....SACO • •
11. =07 - against the large islandr or that tea-
- All F.O. B. Vattorsf • son Britain an never alloy/ Ireland' to
lA.wce - set up as an independent nation. The
Ikt. Ina° 16a/rAl rghe I kaf
AL_ „6.4„„„ beat that may 00 e iS Home
s WINN- 111,11.6 WIWI/Thtle soch as was being arranged for
°ore Aient Lueknow when the war bloke out.
fixed no tittle as to when there should
be either a cessation of the submarine
attacks upon unarmed merchant ships
or a reply to his note, so, of course, the
Kaiser will take his time. Ile will Make foto tbiA Ite bra anoofitt4 it most,
another Promises give Wilson an oPPor- serious °Vence, for whiolibe W0.4 taken
tunity to write another net, and all the, from the goal, and got his prelitoltiary
whijo his subaptrines will keep on in filleItringitt PrOpOrth t re* dap on.
proyen by, 'recent :events near lien
worth. Not long ago it tramp Slept in
a, bat n there and Constable hICKeOile
3-ttested hint and he was sent tlown for
30 daysrb aprOO:ra, however1 that be•
ley Enterpt ise tette , the • folloaangt_
Tine'. ;Patterson, the genial '11SeCtetary 1
Of the T. It .45 E. Telephone, who lives 1
on the tf1rwriehip line; bad a. ,
eaperienee the • other ,night with a
-couple of Canadian wilds...els.. On • his ,
return .from, attending a, meeting he.!
had just put his driver in. the, stable i
when be realized' the presence of some I
thing in the heocoop:, , Not being able
to see distinctly, bis first thought was
of owls; but on. approaehing nearcr the
first' -of the t‘,,vo. cats •sprang :at hire..
Ile repelled that attack with A halter,
.end knocked tliennimal oft. The,second
.vicious then landed on Idadhest, •
and having his overeat on he•, enyel.
oped his assailant with that but . not .
.before he had received se% eral nasty
scratches on, his wrist. At last by a
great effert, he disentangled Itine•elf,
and kick ingthe• beast away, Mule, off
japidly to the fronse for his rifle; but
upon his return he found the enemy
had retreated--•-poisiolY into the Imieli;
leaving no trace behind for •Thorrias to
follow With en eyeto retributive jri•ttiee.•
(DEFEND the uKiNkE
Every wotnan knoras the discolnfort of
of dusting -abut few realize its dangers.
.Dristcorisists 9f very °aura 1 particlesiif
matter-sothe of them finely ground
mineral substances, and the resilliky"
aterris of dried vegetable and" animal
matter. As it is blown through the
•air. it -colletta.gerrinassrid-aniarohea ,ot
every description and from all: sorts
of Places, •and settles. ' still holdiiig
these dafigero'us organisins, onto
floors and carpets. Here it remains
awhile, constantly increa• ing fronj
more duet falling on it. and the nil-
crobee grow in 'lumber.
Along conies a broom -the heavier
dirt -swept along, but 'the fine, gray,
tnicrobe-laden ,dust is thrown up in
clouds, .to settle on tables, ehairs,
window -ledges, picture frames, and
every'ather place that a minute par-
ticle can find a resting place. As it
flies, it carries germs of many diseases
along which, are breathed into the
Wage of the woman who is doing the
taerping,-and of children and every,
body elee in' the house.
When people are in a very geed
physical condition, theae disease
• germ 'tare UttnallY attecessfully esistkd
-but when a, man woman or Child
gets a little "run'-down+1 or nut of
corte, the body no leritrer has oower
to render microbes harnikns, and thins
it in That duat germs tarry il-tt great.
est danger of sickness or death.
Use bustbane when yOu sweep
4 CO it OISTIMIUT0118.
The habit of thrift is worthy of
• cultivation. It means comfort
• anci security br, those depmdent
upon you when your earning ca-
pacity iS lower than it is to -day.
'Start a Savings Account at the
‘Bank of Hamilton.
captiaLanthortzestako00 &A- G LE NNIE ;Nana/cep- -
Capital Patd-un . $3,000.000
trpitis - - . - $M75.000 ' ,
411W‘----- 'W-__" >."..,,
' -,
slt - ' --'
I, • .7 •• • . mossuosp.- , 4.,
'..-.:... ,v,: ...
...4, .,
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741 - - • •
,:-. ,..?, Q:•.- .
. or v., - . 1, • . S.. , _,,,
loift.7.7C-,1-.t T
._.. ,
PRICE COMPLETE' $675.F.O.B. Oshawa
From Sir Lyman Melvin &hies, President and General Manager,
Massey -Harris o, Litnited. '
•Toronto, March 16th, 1916.
• , .
Chevroiet Motor Co.. Ltd.`, H. liorsman, Esq, :Manager.
• ~ • Toronto, Ont.
„ .
• My Dear Sir:-- ' . , '
With referetule to the car which 1 purchased from you the end
of January, I have used it almost daily and I want to say to you
that 1 am very pleased with it. ,, it „is so convenient ani light that
it is mueh More comfortable getting about in the bad roads of the
winter -than the heavy cars which I. have heretiifore used and it
does make sueli a large saving in gasoline. it rides splendidly,
better than I expected frrirri a light car. We -have had -no troriblor
with it • My 'chauffeur is greatly pleased and is always remarking
about its good qualities. H.zais certainly (inthusiatitie. -----'3
- . ' -
With all gond Wishes; believe me,
. Yours truly, •
• • ._ ' • .1Y.toatt Melvin .Jones.
---a- _ -MOO)
06 Brandies ill .Canada
A Oeneral Banking Business 'Transacted
Ccular Afters Of Credit
• Bank oney Orders '-
Interest alit:rimed at higheat current rate
T. S. REID, Manager.