HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-04-27, Page 8Toe
[e ►: o l' 11Et 'lfll�
T1at rsday, April 70h, 1
it 6
.M;*_.,Eueiuy.1.iri"A. ifl .,dillJR:tECtaid the• � a
411 Ka1iy battles are lleiW being' Waged, 040 h4it°theThaPire. The. m. at army of
zlhousewives"are gaining great vietozes in their FTouse-Cleaning .Campaigns. But
ispots in. the , a ce' hould be
in' order that all vxctgries may be lasting, all weak spo s .d £eu ��
•streugtbened at once, !Old worn out •carpets, ; :rigs, linoleuzus .and curtains affoxd.
the "enemy', his: strongest foot -hold.- Here lodge dust. and germs that everyday
swee • in cannot remove.. These are the weaker points—Strengthen them: today.
•; i trtole. an:. sanitary: alk the time.,
l�ver� house�v>ft~ desires her home be bxtg�ttr, clean ....d.
Why should she be so handicapped when it is` ssible to r.eplae'e these.' old' ga�yrpets;'
W y Po.
Rug t Linoleun0 and Curtains at such reasonable prices as we are offering now in , our store. ?‘
�. /-'! /I// /../llrl - llllllmIII UIIIIWI1111111111 IWII11l INNW\\1\1,1\ 11
11.' Mere words can give you 'no
real idea of the beautiful frogs +a `
Wool," Tapestryand Bruasels•'e .'
• various sizes at reasonable prices
we have here. ' Y'ou, should see .'
them,for youxself, anti -then you •
will appreciate the beautiful" de.
signs,theexcellent qualities, and -
the low prices tit which youecen
buy them.
IT Each year'' Liaoleumet are in greater : demand as ;
their usefulness biomes better known• as a beaus
Ifni and desirable floor covering for Dining Rome, ,.
Halls, Kitchens,; and Bedrooms. We bare an `as=
sortment tine spring :that will appeal to you, pretty
'patterns that will blend well, with; the color scheme.
of any, room. These are in 8/4 and. 16/4 at coo,
650 cath 70c per square yard: Seeour range of: •
Floor Oilcloths in. 4/4, 5./4, 6/4, and 8/4 widths in : •
neat and "pretty patterns..
Also nice deer ns 'in' '
l � Fancy Rug Surrounds
Weod Pvnel °Parquette in three widths at 50c,,
350 and, 40e. ,.
Jaipanese Rugs'
1 iZave you seen those pretty, japatese Rugs we
ass s wiing•`sosuitable for.•k edrooms-2 T6evcotn'=
'in' areae varioty of fancy patterns, adding a touch
of brightness torthe rooms in 'which they are plac-
ed.' 'They are:: easily' .-.handled,' and are perfectly.
sanitary;'and are priced: at very reasonable figures.
There are two sizes' in_.stock,,, 9 x 9 at 82.50,, and
6 X• 9 at $I.5,0, also. Fancy Japanese ,Mate: 3 x G• at
Curtains and Draperies
11 Perhaps nothing 'en brightens the.hon nand adds
that "homelike" touch as fresh, dainty Curtains .
acid Draperies, 'We, areshowing'a nice• range of
Scrims, Madras, Marquisette, and Lace, Curtains
Also in.' beevi.er ^� _
`lines, Fancy Sat-•
;•een, Cretonnes,
and Tapestry Cur-
tains in a variety.
and .prices.
AGED TAX O ECTOWfitechu.rek
Motored To a cea1 By'9'lmo1 .
'Mia. - "x am a city;riot eo)•r
lector and tteventy-foto* years of ,age.
I was fn's week, riot-downcaution
'if somal told m. about Vinol, 1
it edit and in a wick 1101004 consider,
obi" improvement ;T con nusel its tars
and now I have ained twenty pounds in
weight, and, feel mud' stronger. I con-
sider Vinol aline tlanie to create strength
for old 1? nl^l ° ° rJ. `P1iaeF,
We guarantee Vinol, our delieious cod.
liver and irontoric for all rein -down,
weak and debilitated conditions.
Spence, uniggiat, *.uckgow.
Monday, April 24,-
. Miss Myrtle Stapley,; of Loosen,. spent
E4t,4! at Ilk home. here.
141i. Cole ; Lament.,'•or 'R• versdale,'.ie.
wo k ' o ' or
e e
tis fi"(�
r g &
Mr and lira. John Lockhart are
spending Easter Ktnloggb, •
• • enPtes, Hayes, Stuweekrgateon, Rowe; and
Runmindger spent Easter arouudour burg
Mr, Thos.,Brigge'luis moved on to the
farm of Mrs.. W..Po1lock which .lie. has
Mr: WallaceHewitt, of the gwncardine
TIigh Sebrsoo, ul, is spendiu,g: k..,wee c at bis
boric he
Mich 3'larie Arnatrang,; of Berlin, as
visiting. her',parentsr'Mr. and Mss Joe.
• Mrs Oa ekanette,: of Riversdale, who has
been working for Walter Kautke, left far
home one day lust week.
Pte. R. Portiee, who' begs been taking
a N.C.O. cou.ree in Walkerton, spent the
week -end at his lionise here. .
We aresorry to report that Miss. Pearl
Shelton is under the doctor's care, and
we hope to see' her o'ut soon 'again. •
clearing; a number
of Lace' Curtains
in which we have
'only 2 Pairs of , a
• other lineswith
only 1 Pair left
a -t 1T i f --rice.
To those whocan
use '1 Pair or .2 •
Peir these are de-
cided bargains...
• Pate River`
Mondayy, April 24:..
Misses Ruby and Gladys Moore are
visiting at Blyth over Easter.
Tara. McDonald. and Wm. Telford have
bought Chas. Wyld's threshing; outfit.,
' Mr. and Mrs. Alton, of Ashfield; have
returned home after spending a few days
with 'Mr. and 'Mrs. John .Beattie.
Clayton Bell has returned home,and
he will run our cheese factory this year.
The factory will commence on' May 8th;
' We welcome Mr. Fred Shewfelt into
our micfrile nd hope that he ;will have
every success. A blacksmith was very
.niuch needed. in this community.
• DID WI r.L. The closing exercises in
connection With Knox College, Toronto,
were narkedwith special interest this
year. • The graduation class has a total
enrollment of 27, the largest '. class I for
quite a number ofyears. ' Ten of these
are Other at the front or going. overseas.
:The seventeen remaininggraduates have
:hada brilliant .record. - Mr. Fairbairn,
who stood first in the year, was
granted a special scholarship of $200
from the Senate. J. T. Strachan, B.A.,
who stood next,.also won special merit
Beards .standing second in the year, he
of Divinity (B.D.) degree, and also suc-
ceeded in winning the Gordon -Mortimer
Clark prize of $125, the highest standing
prize in .connection with the College.
e congratulate- Me. Strachan on' his
good record,' and hope that •continued
eue'cess• will follow him as he enters
upon his life work.. Rev. L T. Strachan,
B.A., RD., is a brother of D. L. Strach-
-an, wlio used' to keep our general store,
1afekiil -
Tuesday, April 25.
Mira Beryl Johnston is home fro
Qoderich for the holidays. • .
t lice (;lake has been on the sick •fist,
.nut is now on the road to recovery.
Mts. Stuart Finlay And family spent
Good Friday with Mr. and gra. Anson
Falk and Allan Finlay are; visiting
their uncle, John Jamieson; at Laurier
this week. • • -
' Wilfred Nlicholaoti 'returned to his
home in London last week.' He will be
tniseei. by itis school 'boy friends, should
be no como,ack again.
it teachers,. Misses Mary •Colbert,
...Leila Blake, Frances Fitzgerald and Mr.
- • Krtieist Hall are home this 'week, while
Miss. Mary: Hackett is spending the holt
days at her home.at Zion.
Pte. Carraen Stotliers is home from
• Toronto, and expecte to remain throi gb
• 'seeding. Pies. Frank ,tones, Vincent
;.lre itnd Aibert Jelillatei roe eplpioyetl
in this neighborhood far two weeks, and
Ptes. Irvin Henry and George • Twamley
are home. also;
The annual thankoffering meeting of
the W. M. Society was.. held in Blake's
church on Good Friday .evening, . Two
excellent addresses were given by Miss
Mabell,Bailie; of Nile, and Rev. Mr.
Little, of St. Helens, which were..much
a reciated by the audience. A number
of musical selections were rendered by
Mrs. Bridgette, Miss E. Hackett, Blake's
choir And others. Owing to the bad
roads and we+tther, the attendance was
not as geed.as.usual.
Furth Lon. Kinloss
-Monday',: April' 24.
Archibald McCaul, on the 6th, has let
his farm of 150. acres to Wm. Henderson,
of Lucknow, for the present season.
Kinnon McKinnon; on the 4th, is busy
removing the old fence along the front
of the vstern half of his home farm,.
and intends replacing it with a new one
of more modern style. Cohn McKinnon, • •
one lot farther east, is also renewing his
front fence. He has, too,- removed the'tall poplar trees, which adds Mush to
the fine view from his house.
CROP PrioSPECTS.— t may 'e .o rn
ter'est to friend's in the West and else-
where to learn that owing to excessive
rains little or nothing has been done on
the fields. yet. The ground is very wet
even on the higher parts in this neigh-
borhor'd. The•.roads are in a very bad
State, worse thin they have been • for
dome' years. Owing to the wet weather -
last fall, the acreage of wheat sown is
not very large, but generally it has come,
--through tha•wiisterfairly well, -and to.
dayit looks,. in most fields, to be all .that
-could-be-dusired4-Butf`the wi W
spring grains is likely to be delayed for
some time.
Paramount .
Monday, April 24.
` Miss 'Gladys McIntosh is home for
Easter. '
•Miss Isabel McDiarmid is spending
her Easter holidays at Lochalsh, Laurier
and Amborley.
Calvin Towle, of Wingham Business
College, is spending his Easter holidays
at his home hore. .
Pte. $ache
for and .riamother, ' from
Owen Sound, spent Raster at the home
of Geo. H. Page.
Alex..MeDiarmid is nursing a sore
hand.those days, and he finds it 'more
troublesome than a cross baby.
Stewart Robertson and Tom Isit went
nttckor-fishing lately. They were very
successful, and sharedgenerous. with
their neighbors on their return -Just as
tlic pioneers usc4 to do, r .
Clover Valley
Monday, April 24.
Mrs, Thomas' Smith of this' place; re
ceived word of her brother being.killed
in France. .
Bert Ward has offered. hinrself''f'or
service for ing and Country, but as he,
Was not up to_ requirements, he was re-
jected: Bert will report later. Mr. Ward
has four brothers in the war.
One of the young then (coin Lucknow
was inthe burg one.day with his auto.
While here he got tied up,so he .had to
hire a team of horses to drawl him back
to 'town. ' It seems folk can't do without
the horses yet. • • '
Rory McOharles, of Lucknow,frSun was on
the hand built
two verandas o i
Con ram, besides doing
other im
ments. We hear Sam is going to paint
•his house and fix his lawn. Looks . as
though there wouldbe something doing
this summer. '
A number' of the boys. from the Second
of Kinloss, were, to' the lake fishing on
'Good Friday. They report- the river
teaming with fish, but as it was swollen
by heavy rams it was.almost impossible
to get them, However, they succeeded
'in catching two large -begs of fish:
Owing to an unusual atnouht., of
advertising this week a number of
newsy budgets sent in by corres-
pondents are crowded out.
. Verdun•
- --
• ''-• Monday,April24.
Mita Hazel Palmer visited ab Mrs. A.
-Palmer's ou _-
Miss Fannie Wilson is spending .a fo.v
days with Mrs. Will Geddes.'
i►ss i�leliie McMullen spent tiunday
with her sister, Mrs. Neil Thompson.
Misses Christine and•Marie Welsh, of
London Normal, are spending their va-
cation at their home here,
Our soldier boys of Kincardine, are
home on two weeks' leave for thepur-
pose of Jielpieg with the seeding.
One of our second concession -boys
took a trip down the'°fourth Sunday
evening. We wonder whythose trips
are made only during holiday ip
ay Unwell
Pte. Harold Fraser, of Sarnia, \agent
his Easter vacation under the parental
roof. 'Harold donned the uniform a few
months ago, and is cheerfully doing his
bit for the country.
One of our young gentlemen, having
soldhis driver, had to resort to a heavy.
horse Sunday .night. He really didn't
make as geod•time as usual, but it may
have been owing to the condition of the'
-Tuesday, April 25.
Mr. J. H Ackert spenta few days in
our burg•'
Mrs's Gladys Camp'mell ie`spending the
holidays at her home in Chesley.
Mr. and Mrs.' Almer Ackert spent
Fester Sunday with friend's in Huron.
• Mr. Willie Pierce from neilrLucknow,
spent. Sunday at the home of Henry
Mir. Jos: Murray' and Mise Essle, of
Salem, tpent'the wrek-;end .atthe home
of Chas. Burt.
Miss Edee Culbert of the 10th. con.,
is "piendirig'afew ' days at the home of
Murdock McPherson. •
There will be no services in the .Meth-
odist. Church here gext Sendai, on ac=
count -of,:Saviamental--service A Ba1
Mr... Wilton j': liott, of Mitehell; and
Miss' Marion Hughes, of Teeswater, are
spending the' Easter holidays' at the
hotne otTlios. Henry, .
The friends,an.d neighhcir s' are pleased
to know that Mrs. J. H. .rtckert leas
undergone her -operation. successfully.
We hope_soon to see her quite well. •
The Women's Institute will hold their
next- meeting in the Forester's. Hall on
Thursday,' May 40. Ail members are.
requested to be ,present, asthere isbto be,
an election of officers. All fees are to
be paid at this meeting. All sewing or
knittingle to he brought -alio. H ery-
body welcome.--Seely.-Trees. , •
-'Tuesday7:.,aril R5.
Mrs. Sam Iiutohtson` spent thio Eastor
holiday at Moorefield. • •
Wea°thee perniittirtg; the'W'hiteehnrch
Creamery wagons will stent out ee May..
I'te. Ilatniltou,..of IIii gston, :spent the
Easter holidays garitii relatives aroanit
tho village
Mrd. Hibor and sa9sglttor,tof
Toronto,, spent, the Easter holiday with
Ida mother. • ,
ueVMr. rind Mrs. W. Hwnphrey of St..
ens, visited at the ,horn o!f °A. Fox
on Friday last.
Miss J obiuson,, of Svinglia:t , is visit-
ing her friend, Miss Ktiy, rho Campbell,
f'orafew days.... " ,
The Presbyterian choir seems. to • be
'growing all the time, the last addition
being bred Davidson.
Miss. Edythe.Peddle,..of Dranci.Bend .-
is spending the Easter holidays. withber
sister, Mrs; .Glibsoon Gillespie,
Mrs; Walter .iitt held .her -to -cent
Patriotic' Tea last Tuesday evening.' All:
report a good time- Proceeds amounted
tis about .:$4 00.
The Guild meeting last Sunday even-
was taken by Mies Edythe. Peddle.
The topic for April 30th.{rs ` Jsing.Sun
day for this world and -- the* next,"'ext,the
loader being Johnston 'Conn,
Next Sunday Rev;, . T G. • Shearer,
D. 11, of Toronto, will preach. in. the'
Whitechurch Presbyterian church at, 11
a.in. and 7 p.rn , 'and at th\e Langside
Presbyterian church at 3 pm. :Splendid
agdressee will he expected..
•Sgt. Major Carrick, Ptes. Middleton;
Kennedy,. and Gillespie, of Lucknc.w;
Pte. Patton, of Ottawa;•Corp. Henry, of
London, and Ptes, Torn and Jim Pen-
rose, of Wingham, spent • the Easter
holidays. here.
A mberley .
-Tuesday, April 25
J.' M. Blue made a business trip to
Sarnia on Saturday. • .
• Pte. Bayden Newby -and lady friend
called at R. Bradley's on Friday.
Miss Ella McDonald is spending the
Easter week with friends at Kintail.
Mrs. John Robb has .moved to the
'home:of her son,•Cherlea, in Ashfield.
-Mrs: Peter Campbell spent the ,'week-
end with her sister; Mrs. A. Reavie, of,
Ripley. •
Mrs. Al'bert Brown is spending the
Easter holidays with friends at Toronto
and t? " rgetown.
Henderson and' two sisters,
Misses Ida and Bertha, were ' Friday
evening visitors at .1.• M. Blue's.
Mrs. R. P: Steele, accompanied by her
two sister -in-laws, Mrs. R. and A. Camp-
bell, spout Good Friday at Mitchell.,
Mr: and Mrs James Shields and Mr..
and Mrs. William Blue were Tuesday
evening • visitors at the home' of H.
r'erguson. •
Kinlough ,
-- Tatssday, April 25.,
Wesley Boyle made a business trip to
(Tuesday, April 25.
• Mr. Will Maiie is spending Easter at
bis home here. ,
Mr.' Chas. McCarty had theniisforne
to have his ankle sprained last week.
Mr. and Mrs. I. Gauley and family
spent Sunday last with Wm. Gauley,
Port' Albert. • )
Misses 'Violet Kilpatrick and gene
McQuoid, of G.C'I.,. are spending Easter
vacation at their homes here.
Quite 'a number attended the Red
Cross meeting held at Mrs.' Rod. Mc-
Whinney's on Tuesday of last week.
Mrs..i'ohn Blake and daughter,' Alma,.
and 'Mrs. Wm. McConnell and daughter,
Beth, are spending Easter with friends
in Stratford.
Phone No. 10 -is ..at Voir, Service
we eel for Cash -We ell Cheaper Than The Credit Store*
We have Long
Handled and 13 Han.dled
Shovels, i -cather strapqr solid naecl5s.fxom
10c. . to *IMO.'
See our E itching: spade at 1.0
:If in need of a 'Manur'e Fo. rk bu a 'Sara
sof brand, They all.have selected handles:
and oil tempered tines.. 'They "art gt ar-
anteed:a id -.will be -replaced -free of charge
.if found defective . '
4 tine,- D handle, strapped
ferrule; for. $1.0O..
Fresh Cement alwa
on hand.
—Tuesday, April 25
Edgar,. Robb, of Toronto. University,.
-spent `a f ew-day rn'these partes-- --,--
Tbe pupils from *Surrounding High
Schools are home for Easter Holidays.
The Lochalsh Baseball ,Club .hell an
organisation meeting in J: A. McI end-:
rick's store last Friday night,. where they
arranged business and appointed officers
for thecoming season. Hon. Pres.,'Potet
MacIntyre Pres„ Daniel hinge; .Manager,
D. C. McKenzie; _Daniel
eson; Sec'y.-Treas., D. A. Finlayson;
Mascot, R. Hamilton. • A suecessful
year is anticipated,ns there are a lot f
younger players who will be in the garne
this year.
A few squares Galvanized: Shingles at;:
the oldprice---$5,00er
pL s uare
p q•
.R •
The Lucknow llardware&cos Co..
--Tuesday, April 25?
Mr. and Mrs. Peter MeNay.spent
Monday afternoon at Thos. McDonald''s.
• Miss Ramsay is spending her Easter
vacation at her. home in .Hyde Park;,';
London. • •
- `lrem-Tww ey-aaoThiiis• brawn -pm
"Royal Dundee", to Robert McLean, of
Qoderich. •
Miss Lottie Remy speut-the weeWencL
in Lucknow; the guest of 'Miss' Nita
Smeltzer. .' ;
We are pleased, to report that Mr.
Crosby is recovering from a recent attack
fThe students from Belfast, who are
attending the L. C. S.; arehoihe for
their holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Browning andlittle
daughter, of Guelph; are visiting the
Miss Gertie.Hewit : visited friends in
our burg on Tuesday .
Mr. and Mrs. R. Hodgkinson spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. I Pinnell.
Mr and. Mrs liobt. McBurney, from;,
Manitoba,' are visiting friends in lfin-
lough this week. . -
Mr. James Carlton, who has been
visiting friends in Kincardine and Ber-
vis the past few weeks, returned ' home
on `Tuesdaiy.
�1i rs 'Ar►ine" Fiitiell; 2t"vl LLspen4 the
past month in Tor' nto, returned hoine
on• Tuesday, accompanied by her daugh-
ter, NE,.lie. Did you bear anybody sing-
ing "Home, Sweet,.Seeot Horne." '
On Tneaday evening a ,few of the
Orangemen and friends presented Ptes
William McCnhnelFand Fred Blackwell
earn with a handsome pipe land ,case,`
Addresses were read. by Bro. Sam Em
erson and Tiro. Isaac Pinnell, and Bro.
Busied Johnston made the presontetions;
after which a ,pleasant time was spent in
'Those Old rapers
Those in charge of this collection;havo
found it necessary to have the papers,
-oto., moved from the . Murray Block,
which is %bout • to be occupied by a
tenant, to. the buildingjust east of J. 0.
Armstrong's drug store, Thoeebringrng
in contributions 'hereafter will therefore
.leave timed at thisplace .r instead rr a n ad of at
the Murray stare. Fetch .inyour supply.
Jost as soon as you can. Every little
la•ttei's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
--Tuesday; April 25.-
; Miss
Miss Beth -Welsh is home for the hol-
id`aye.. • •
�'te�pea �wney aUed o Lends
'thio burg onllhSendny. -
Miss Hazel Palmer' wagia'Sunday vis-
itor at Mrs. Asa Palmer's. '
Misses size and .ClJirietenaWelsh,are.'e
twine from London. for the holidays.
' Mrs. Robinson, of Kincaidine, spent
.Sunday •at her home on the Base 'Line.
Pte -s, -Tom Paltrier and Ralph Colwell,`
of Kincardine spent.Oood Fridayat the
foriner's hone. . .
Pte. Earl Walden, of Owen Sound, and '
Pte. -Harold Walden, of Kincardine, spent-
pentthe week mid at J. S: Walden's:
ver thsold
r :.e
PrYce. The Oerat t Offers
we have ::evesmade..
Sale Commences Sat., April 29th
Great Reductions in Men's Suits
Men's Fine Worsted Suits, fine tail.
nred, the best' quality, reg. price, $15.0o,
. P.
Sale Price $11.45.
M:en's-13lue:_ Suits the:Lest .quality,
well tailored, reg. price $48:oo,. Sale
Price $12.95.
Men's Tweed' Suits,. reg. price 10;
Sale Price $6.95.
Great. Reductions in Meri's
Raincoats - • ,r
Men's Top Shirts of the very
best;lrnake, Khaki, at
' reduced price.
Men's- i�ie lr ee b1ii -ts,....,the -finest_--
quality, reg.. prices'1.2 ! and -$ ii ., go, Sale
Price 8`gc. and $1.19. '
Men's Fine Shirts, reg. price 75c,
Sale Price 40. ,
Shirts, reg. price $1 too, Sale•,
Price 69c.
Great Bargains in Men's
Balbriggan Underwear
Men's Fine Socks, reg., 25c, • Sale
Price iv. -
Men's Socks 2. pr. Tor 25c, and 3 pr.
fair 25c. r
Great Ba r
e aloe in -..ashes Made-up
Waists,‘"fine make and -'best qua�llry, reg.
prices 3.5,o, 2.5o . and• 5 .bo; SaleRrice
, Ladies' Mad. -up, Apuse Dresses,
reg. prick t:25, Sale Price 69c:
ladies. Pinnies, reg. rice:.7 :5 c;' Sale
Price 49c,
All kinds: of Crepe,' rel► price i 5e.
and 18c, Sale. Price 1'1012 c and 14 c.
Great RBargains . in_ Litdies'_f-los'tery„; „,
reg.. price t 5c, Saie price- i 2,c;
Ladies` Stockings, reg. price 25c. .
(Can be used for boys also) Sale price
Oita . Red -net -lints in all kinds of
Prihts,,.the very best of quality and the '
nicest patterns, just•arrived—new stock •
--will be sold at reduced priced,'
Don't miss these bargains that I am, offering . because
everything zs going up in pripe, and any other ..o ds
iffbe sold at great reductions. Come and'see these bargains.
nowt Mistake the 'Place—First Door West of the Sentra t °nic
" ty