HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-04-27, Page 7, ...Saarerea +.4,40,411044$,,, 4loirter SPPJNG 'REMINDERS 1"""" ' Rpm:, com An ninirtnis 000 'tit Sant Med MS% TWalifY Dinith Of Them Vsefol. 'Que of the Me..at .wooderfal 'elOckfi Xi t the World is owned by a French- " Amp Damp. Weather Starts the%au, Lob u, paaalAter. Iflt moOoted a Lows Seize aqua and has .tout talirAt But the Trouble Lids in feCes. Beside* marking the heurs, tbe Wood.it shows the tides at ebt different 'Igtrts of the tterld, the mean time and $petag veal)* jo-• bad.- Alte War. time, the- age. a tint moon> .mhao butrerer4, The changes from. the movements of the planets and all mild to old, the raw, damp wbuls eeliPsea. It i* alsoa pErpetual calen- start the acheand twinges, or iv, .dar. It was made by Janvier, of Paris, the mere extreme cases, the tortures,' in 1789, and took eleven years to man- Qf the trouble going. But it must he I nfuetgrei lbovne in mind that ib, is not the., $an Diego, Cal., *has a wonderful weather that cauees rheumatisin. The !clock with twenty dial, which tell trouble is rooted in the bloo&-the the time simultaneouely, in all parts changeable weither ratrOy atarta the •of the world, else the days of the • pains. The only way to reach the. Week and the date and month. It trouble and to cure it is through tin; stands 31 feet high, and four of' its blood. ' The Ireisoneus rheutifwtie :Wats are eaeh. 4 feet in diameter, It acids must. be driven out.. Linimente Is inclesed in plate glass, so that . and robbing may giyeleraporary re -,.every action can be seen, and the lief. but cannot possibly cure 'the whole is illmuinated every, night. jt trouble: , The sufferer is only wasting is jewelledwitil tourmaline, topaz, time and rnoneY.With this kind ef agate and jade, and, required 15 treatment and all the time the trouble months t� build, The ,niotive. power is becoming more °deeply roOted":.- is a 200-p0Und weight, which winds harder to cure.. vThere is juat one- speedY falre,•for rheinnabism-Dr. Wil- liemfe Pink Pills, They, act directly on theiMpure, acid -tainted .hloot They ,purify and strengthen it and ' •thus reot autthe cause.of the theumittism. Ilere is strong proof car the above statement. Mr. Michael Personage, Teniert, -Man., sfpfs.,,:--PlYiy Mother stif- fered several years with rheuntisrn. We `•triera number of remedies but they all failed to cure. Then we got exchange. Much •ancient faith clus- • Dr. Williams Pink Pills, and after tered about the mandrake root, which using them for some time she 'was' was carved in the form of a doll dress- cempletely cured ahd' has •had a61 ed in fine Clothes and kept in a 'box sign of the trouble since." , or coffin concealed in sOme corner" of Sold by all medicine dealers or by the house. Each month it'was washed mail a 50 cents,a box or six boxels in Wine and water and freshly garbed ' for $2;50 from The Dr. . Williams .Another, universal cure was te Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. The Doctor Calls it T00 CONNING 1.(1113i1UkS. * ' Aut(p.,Intovicat!fore It imam .self-polsoning--an ailment that salmost • versa), with niert and women or sedentary employment! Its caUSC is the daily intake of indigestible foods. Min. erat salts and saline, laxa, -Oyes will not cure it, Help Nature to clean out tile poisons by eating Shredded • Wheat Biscuit, a food that builds healthy tissue and keeps the bowels sweet and clean. The perfect food of health and • strength • for youngstm and grown-ups, for rn. n who work with hand or brain. It is ready -cooked and rgady-to-serve. " , • Made in Canada. itself 1autznajvnfty. The ?cost of the Cletk‘ was sazopo. , OLD.-Timp ctrims PERSIST. , • Mitch Ancient Faith, or E,xeinpie, .1.7beut 'Mandrake Root. - • • .Saperstitien as to- •fhe Methods •of •curing diseases, once very prevalent, arenot altogether extinct Yet, says an .4. ft. MULE. BETTER THAN CAMEL, , • • .....__ 'Used as Beast of Burden by British in Meeopotainia. , , .• The mule has proved a far more reli- able and • useful transport • ahimal ,thaa •the camel in the Mesopotamia cam- , • the rope with, which he•was hanged. • ' paign, If beasts were •decorated the . ,. mule would 'be' covered with ribbons., • , ,- ••• . , ' He knows not defeat. -His hardiness Mesapritamia' have' effected this 'sang- • I, Ask roundiou forlit E . is proverbial. None of the 'plagues of - A . . auxiliary. The breed-u.seProof- . . The isainel lias So farbeen here,-calledbeen but an , •"ARV is not, like his "Iledayi" bro- ther, trained to go WithOut water, bet .. ' • , — . • he , is ..proof against • the ,ubicfuittnia. • extremities anti groteimeely-proportion- - camel fly, and has certain ethenvirtues, , . 'ia wobbly ' WAYS -- CRE KIDNEY DISEASE P.F THAT DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS, 11.., L. - of his. own.In spite'.of b • ed limbs, thedearnel is a dainty beast:. - . • . .. , ---• , His ,baughty' gert • and auperciliou.s • ' '•‘• • s.... ; '-• '''' ' • ' 'glances.• ariTi•-•-generiilly ib attruted to hr -Every •Neighborhood- you Will -Find pose; as a matter' or'fact.they are the • people Cured of - Bitekache, Rheu- •t• .carry a piece of mistletoe whieh had been cut from' a tree by a . golden sickle and caught in a N.vh#o vessel as it fell. ••-• Metal scraped from a church bell •or e piece of the rope was supp,osed to have a Similar protective influence against, disease, as alsia ,a cloth stained in the blood Of a murderer or :What KaPp,Cns tO Nen Who -Aro 'raft 1, . , . , . •• •:iii•iinart. • ., ' .. • oTho Or...00hs-hove ilwiYs been noted .for their eXceedingtel.:inning. It .4 it 011eStiOTI 1%i -tether they the, !Uwe Liar the Armenians aro the sharPeSt peo- ple of the near Uast. SerneOne Las said that; a Jew could cheat a Great but' that MI Artnenian could cheat. a -,Iew-.-.This -Greeks'sitowed all'their-eurr; .ning at 'the beginning of the war. Although Greece is a desperately poor 'TeantrY, with IV S111.411-,artny not of the highesb efficieney, the Greeks - made .exeriaaot, denrnds, wen.- ..the. ---Allies tap tbe_price ef their.aeSiatange. They wanted all of Macedonia, Theesaly and Smyrna, and perhaps more. The. Al- lies--chafferea with then* for a long !tirrie, ,finelly found that • it 'would be Icheaper ter disregard their claims en... tirely. They took poSsession of 5a- •Ioniki, which Greece had recently, ac-' • qeired., and have made it .11.. .strong base. Now the Greeks 'see the prob- able triumPh of . the :Allies, ,.and are, • clamoring for •conaideration. • in the settlement. ... On .the Rtherhand, the- 1 AllieS ere new Whim:the' Greeks -that • they liav:- -overdid tltetneelyas;. :that - 'they Would. not-lielp.',Wheri their help . was of seine vatue,..and now they .isre - • not needed,. •Tliey will:have no ectit-s' sideration Whatever in the. settlement,. This is usually the wey.with men ivinli •are too sitiar_t The gpanialv prov-erb • has iti "that mere faxds than asses'. kine are, takee-to' the. fennel -S." • '. From the Middle West NOTES OP INTEREST FROM HER .• BANKS AND BR:Ags:' ,What Going On in the Highlands • • and Lowlands of Auld • Scotia. • • Calgary is about $1,000,000. better off than Edmenton the matter of tax arrears. • • 'Drumheller. formerly a village un- der the village act, declared a town by the deputy provincial secretary. The new Calgary Technical. School will receive a $40,090 provincial grant. Cardstown has now, 22 recruits in the ,kilties, and Coal City 27. Calgary is to have an in titate for the feeble-minded. • The Rozilee, Sask„ grain growers have invited women to form a branch • of the assiciation. • A \patriotic concert at • St.•Brieux netted $105: te help in the Saskatche- wan schools' patriotic fund.' • Every anmarried men of the VillAge of Fairdale, Man., ' has enlisted. Schocas of. Saskatchewan have now contributed $5,500 to the• Patriotie In the year 1915, no fewer bhari 58 new coal mines were opened' in 'Al- berta, according to a report just is- sued by the provincial authorities. • Instruments for' • the regimental band of' the 203rd• "Dry". Battahoa: at, kegiza .beeri donated:hy known -western -Int • It is eaid that there is. more work to do and lees men to do it this spring than o'er before in thblistory of Al- Jerta, notwithstanding the • fact that , WIT/1118410n of an inward tind unsuspeet- • . • m • atism, Dropsy. or Diabetes,. by .ed_ delicacy. . 'Too- often ahe Camel's , • l' uncouth :bulk. gives a Nilo impreSsion , Dodd's Kidney Pills: , f • • ., . . . . of hardiness. I He Is not hardy. . . -, . • .i.ac Boucliette, Lac 8b. Jean, clue,- . He is .hrittle, and wili brealf.hia 1eg , .' . Aprii -.17th,: (Special.) -Mr. ' Arthur kicking against a' striae, and , he will , . • ehrie, . Well, -known and highly'. re- .' aplit up anchdle if his legi selit. apart F1 • • : . , in the inud.,, ,Bnow kills him. • He '• is spected here, has just. issued a shorts _yeensitivoto-damp; and -Willy catelit_n, ecinciae:statimentAn. regard to Dodd's. • 'cold if Asked •to slrep in a awainp. Rut Kidney Pills. itis as follows: • • Well. cored-. for, • sufficiently equipPed, • "Ihave found that Dodd's . Kidney' • andtactfully treated, he is secozid',only Pills 'are an excellent reinedy and that, -they core;qcidney disease, arlieerrifiltisin And. indigestion." • •- '• • • • • • • - Mrs, Fleurie has received such bone-• . , • •• fit, frern..Doca'a, Kidney.; Pills ..that.,he • "Lioyel'a" hes often Veen described, wants other sufferers to know how to • but nob everyone is 'familiar with the find :relief, , He feels, it 'ishis duty to • varied Operations of this famous- ins' his fellowman. , ' • • ' ' ' ,-. , , • • Caution. The great Maritime Ex- • If you inquire. anicing yeur•neigh- • '• change: is treallY part .of the Royal' hors you will findsCoresof people who - EXchange, and owes HS Origin te...Ed= have found in Dodd's Kidney Rills re:. ward Lloyd, who '. kepta coffee .house lief from some forth of kidney trou- in Tower Street, London.. This eoffee ble.' .It May have been the dry, itching , house was in a place where news totildskin, dizziness; nervousness And bi- b() obtained; •and to -day Lloyd's is,the .ability bo. get • refreshing Sleep that ' • leading inetituti6n in •the world : for mark the earlier .stages ofthe disease, ''• obtaining Maritime news. ' In . one of .or. It TOY, he diabetes, -dropsy, rlieu-, , the rorns May be 'seen the .firsb• , hi-, ,rnatrsm, heart disease, ois some'other surance Policy of which there .is any of the dangerous diseases that.'mark •. record. It Was taken for: a ship; the its advanced ateges. ' ' ... : • : • • . • Golden Fleece, •Whielt was inured.for' - ,You • willfind na ..Dodd's . „ Kidney .• . a -voyage from Lisbon to , Venice on Pills" cure ,kidney troubler no , Metter January 20, 1600. 'whereor in whit forth if is found. Ask your. neighbors for the proof. •• • • • • . to the• Mule 'eS a beast Ofburden • , How "Lloyd's" Began. • - GOOD REPORT. ' , Doctor Proved Value a Poptiini. •. Phyaicianeknow that good food and drink, ploperly selected, are of the et- . _- . _ . . . _ ._ inesti-impititance, net Only for the, i,e- lief of disease but -to maittain health • eVen when orte is Well.. •. A doctor writes, "I edunt• it a pleas- • ure to say a good word for Postern with'.which I have been enabled to •' relieye° so. many sufferers,. and which I Count; with ibs , valued companion Grape -Nuts, one of the daily blessings: • "Coffee was banished fierriTrIty-own. . , regularly in -its place." • (Both tea and coffee are injurious -to many per- ' Bens, because they contain the subtle, poisonous drug, caffeine.).' •, "I frequently find 'it neeessary . to instruct patients, when, they take • '_ iPosttim for the. firsb time. to be mlite -•'sure that it .14 Properly, made accord- • • ijing to 'directions, then it hat a clear, _ seal -brown calor • and ' a rich, snappy — :taste,- tia_w_elL as. beaWgiving 'Altai- ' ties." • • •The above letter, rpceived Over ten ----iyears,Agti,s.igfullat'emsfirnsied-hY-a-,Xas s. cent letter front the doctor, in which •• iii- he says: ' "It is a pleasure to render a gond i report covering a product of which I •, am so 'enthusiastic a friend. •• '. ."I am using in tny home your Vosturn Cereal in both Os forms. And, 'what is more, I am having it used in the families of several patients • in • which there are children, and all unite ' iin.endorsing the fine qualities of your ,admirable product." . ' Name given by Canadian -Postom • )Co., Windsor, Ont. • 1, posteM homes in two forms: POStilM Coreat-the original foritt-,. *1st be well boiled. 15c and 25e. mkga. • , ii Instant Postarit,--n, soluble powder -- Idissolves quickly in a imp of hot WA. tat, and, vvith cream and sugar, makes a delicious beverage instantly. 8100 • And 50c tins. , ‘i Both fortni are eqUally delicious ' ,tad cost aboUir the Woe per CUP, i hTitere'S a Raison" trir, POSillM. .*-110M by Orocets. IT ALWAYS MINOS RELIEF $kin irritations of all sorts Itiold to cA° Irak AlatiS t \ Petro:am -414 • An unexcelled emollient frit wetinds, burns, sores and cute. Sold in glass bottles and handy tin tubes at :cheinists and gen- eral stores everywhere. Ranee substitutes. Illustrated book- " let en request. 'i'ca Her He /lopes fler Lot 11Vill Be • 'MM.,. t'llil;ZI:f1414301iiill °:711r: I 1 • soliorriar SHOCKS HAISEKIN. .. AU Ili As Coed Ati Ilia Own. - 1. Or t. , 4 1110 1#9114011. Daily Mail's %meter -I Msgr." the wentierrol pew oitin'tecil, dam correspondent says that while pull wrinele charier. le a !soon to Awn • the Iceiserin was visiting a Berlin ,ggis..14:4:0.Y":01::e4bletair4:: a::ortte::::: haaPitars she addressed a euffering 'A. men " ' . . . { nor, eayitig: "ilhe''' '4 A tende• rlY 15-Pliat°1" Illat4" 1 il;a1:01.214ViartivI:u.7.stild tt;Ilcizo4'001113gi'' IlSt 4arint•PloTrert, "foiy good'fellow, I hope thing* er.t..:..ot-to- uoi3,----he-"esery- ;1.3"; a' f -e' ,rz drops, - 1.140 tn' an replied: "1 only hope it will It° "JO Oxi ef4Y, fillIgk *shave- . going better with you to -day. Air Veit Into the beard before hithering be going aa well witn • yea and Your,mr,Ixtosetxtilideisiatiit.evorelnoctra.niarktti•fgh4tvitterv, ' ... eons as it is going with me at this it moTneheentiil•• l serm 'staggered and., •ye- ;n.7 SeInili;ritainlas 1 %dr tsuf trethindz jafteu13Tibtrin wes led front the ward almost swoon- lness and freahnestis!") rPentig Pt $m:°etffslie cording to a report curreat Be'rlin, !Gives the face * 4• ing. The soldier is•believed to be an ;4„TalT" prevents cirri -ipso of she sidle palmed by eXpoaltrit to ,ietteestiive winds.' *Accept no substitute. 'Send '50c to -day for a trial bottle-,-suf4." •peent for ever six weeks' use. • ••Professor Patrick Hageland, a OrCs VEIT ilIANVRACTURING CO=42;r1-1: minent Swedish doctor, writing on 47s Ronceevalles Avelino, hie regent experiences in Germany, • TO1t011WO. • say's .that in Berlin "there was OYcr the whole' •populist:ion inde- acribable expression of War -weari- ness," while the gr_aaps of eoldiers .1:,„!,trA PlewaLe, qactilnailk Ofr'' saw qPreseffed a concfribrateds* picture '• hf mental iind bodily exhaustierr." . •• iteeaftxxxisir. • , ' . , CHILPHOO1i CONSTIPATIoN. ti34 s tAoa'y rjoilAhs. . sb a ftipg, Hangers, Pulleys, •Gkratea. 1„,et ue• figure on . your: requirementri. 93 Mrs. Anew G. Isund, Huglieritlen, Naoarme Iron WO/118..14d-, Napineo, Alta., writes: -.--"Two nu. my babies were. *flew giuch troubled with eon- stipation and 'I' tried. peveral .renredies 1811t176.8:VANTED FOR WOQDWORK, without success. A neighbor advised fratno:iyxsteerriidy. Apply me to try Baby's Own Tablete • and Wise wogdenware to..P.Patnertiliron, they were so satisfactory that now r virA:NTBD r.,ATH ma.orariaRTS Would use nothing else." The Tablets V and Fitters, Toolmakers, ids° never fail to cure constipatio•n and plogeeuttor;, et;cperine rceid on the larger size tione pre • they 'may be given to the youngest 'fset.rreGlie.Qrgrr.e, &w LOP n alerTi child with perfect safety. They are sold by medicine dealtra or by mail at 25 cents a box trent The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Breekville, Ont. •DROFIT-MAKING NEWS AND ; JOB • 1 Offices for sale in good Onte.rlo If you in a4. •hurry avoid the 4The most useful and interesting ef thoaght. • •application to Wilson Publishinr; Corn. of all bitsinesees. Full informatiOn oil pany. 73 West Adelaide Street, Toronto. • ;Ina. a• heir. . • ,,. irreeonenable Social Democrat, CliESEBROUGH N1FG, CO. 188e'dhaig7:41eued) siontreaP .11/remosamoo•ww.mo. ,•••••••••••••••111.1•AINIMENOMM.. TRUE TO THE ,21Cinardlo Liniment for usie everyner• • , Envy .is an .acknowledgment of the good fortune of others. THERMOR wateoes tesmtaI:a Lsimol sesroaHot HattleLa ime farmersare .offering • exceptionally . high.wages. , Fred, Parker, about :15 years . old, was instantly killed' at Indian . Head_ when the first -division of C.P.R...train No. I from Montreal' struck' the Wag- The school children of -Calgary. are to present a complete Set of colors to the 82nd Overseas • Battalion. The • presentation Will bake place on. Vic - 'torte -Da • -Alberta 110 contribtited t the•War • just About As many men as the pro- vince of Quebec, although the Popu- lation of that province and that Of the city of Montreal arepracticallyequal. The population of Quebec is nearly 3,000,000; that of Alberta 'about 550,- 00. . During February 807 cases of • measles Were reported in • Winnipeg -against 445 in the same Month a year ' ego. The total number of communi::* cable diseases for the month was 550 yith 25 deaths, • compared with 606 cases! and 31, deaths. last year. • Kinistino, Sask., has • made Very rapid strides of progress during the last twri" years of ,harefimes. Over 20 riew up-to-dabe residences have been. built in the village, besides another 1. RUSSIAN VOGUE IN LONDON. . stor'Sr being added bo the public and _ • : • high' school. • -'01e4A75;co.00) ***CI• LRirsit94)* WATERLESS . • 'HOT -BOTTLE • strs.ser ir HOURS' , . CONTENTS NEVER. • .. 'EXHAUST •• . 801110 - -r;• MiNuTE3 ". • GOSPEL OF HATE REMARKABLE LETTER 'PROW A GERMAN. ; • Epistle to An Old Friend•in England Is Illustrative •of • • KuItur. • The following remarkable letter has been received by an English pro:. fessional ntaa from a German now in Harnbtirg who lived for some years in England and was on terms of close I friendship with this particular Eng - [Rahman. The leiter reached England • by way of Italys-- ° I• Dear Mr. •-•-•, It has come to •my Iknowledge that you have been mak- / ing inquiries in various quarters con.; Icerning me •And my welfare, and I have to tell you thab, despite our old I friendship, there can never again be I any ,sort �.f communication between da; -either- now 'dr -when the 'war lie; I• over, I do not deny that during my stay in your country I received much • kindness at your hands, bub you, as a ' British citizen, must bear your' share I of the responsibility for your coun- try's infamous Attempt to shatter and destroy the greabness of Germany, and therefore I, as a, true German, must forget all personal benefits and rnnsLregardyou, jest hecaitse 4an--Eriglishman7-with an all conque • big. hatred. • - •. ' It is Made • of • m•etal, nickel plated; of a convenient size• . Shirply4leittirsr"Theritor"-fur- ten minutes only (no longer) and it stays hot for full twelye hours at an even temperature' of • 125 deg. Recommended by :;Physi- cians on deo:rent • of the steady het and sanitary metal case. No trouble- no filling no • . danger of •scalding the-handi-J- 'no leaks -no expense and one purchase lasts a lifetime.• In-sickriess, such as -Neuralgia, La • -Grippes Rheumatism,. Neu- ritis,' Inflarnmation-in fact.all cites, and pains, the "Thermer" Avaluabler•• Asa bed -warmer nd a foot -warmer it has . no • "The "Thermor" measures 831" across and is I%" thick, yetit weighs 'les* than a- filled two quart • rubber bottle. 1. The price is $4.O0 sent anywhere and Sold Wider an ab- solute guarante,e from the mak- High-class • Tepresentatives wanted In \Some territories. - GOLDEN GATE . MANUFAt. 'TURING COMP -ANY, LIMITED . • 9 Youville Street,' Montreal. • • The, nly •which she is accustomed? • • War -Wear' in, GerniallY- •• iou..kioNs ,„ E,DO •140TATOga. iltritt. • cops • NEWEIRAPEUP ZOZS !MLR, •fdinardie, Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. According tePromise. "Congratulate mer Freddy. • Last night 'your sister proniTaed to' marry • • • "Oh, she prOinfied • mother she'd marry you Yong ago." • MIStELLANNOUS. Fol.TPIL NURSES NEEDED IllAY IST. 2cceptional advisntases \-• Modern Nurses' Home; eguipried Class Rooms: eight hour schedule; alldwa.nco of 35.00 per month with uniforms and text books after three months proba4 tionary period; two year's of ,higli QQ1Lool required for entrance. , 'Forfull particulars address Miss Freder4ka K. Geiser, Superintendent of Nurses, City . •Hospital. Cleveland, Ohio. WitiOU BYeil •sure to Sim. Best and Wind An, Granulated Eyelids 0 . inflamed by expo - quickly relieved by hi urine S Eye Remedy. No Smarting. just Eye Comfort. At Your Druggist's Sec.* Bottle. %flint's • SalveinTuhes25c:ForBook of theEyefreeasie Druggists orMurineEyeRemedyCo...Chlaage . . _ • Her, Father -Gan -you ----give-- Nearing th_e• Limit. .daughter all the little luxuries ye Her Lover-L-1%1'ot mita Tenger, I've • The history f the last half -cell triT'Y been doing it, fer' over a year now, • absolutoly proves that all hope for the you know! • '• t future of Europe lies in the hands of •• . - • onus Language and •• Customs of Czar's k.settleinent of sa Dukhobor, farm- , Land Taken Seriously, ers from the Dukhobor. Settlement in - r-i•-rh ere -Is -etily- one-vogue,snowadays, the Nelson disbriet arrived in --4..'eth- for those ' fashionables". who like bridge the Other day, bound for • Ray, "vogue" :siren better, than. vermouth, Mond, where they will farm thia year. says the Lon.den. Chronicle. That is • The sum 'of $50,000 has been kept in . -i the Russian. vogue ' ' • • 'the country -through the efforts • of It appears that Paylowa, dallied ap- the Winnipeg city ccnttrollers in buY.-:; preciably witIt DestoleVsky; then verr-, i , ng 12 f • wood 000' cords *frm the : ed round' to •Votclitehenko. The 'fiairl • o ' o • . .1 , vogistes are -now. reveling -the Ruei aei wood camp committee of the Pat.. dresfies, high Ca:Uterine - the Great riotic association and selling it to the coiffures and bleak cloth_b_ocep. •1.Tarioue civic institutions... •• .. • t Vogiiistee are taking thelr (o learn the'hinguage, according.to the matiager of popular West End , mnie mi a value outward show library. "There is a ..very great de -I more than inward w9rth. •rnaud," he said, ."not only for English translaticais of Russian :wollts and English boOks About Russia, but for •books 'in the original language.: •• . • The • Russian vogim has even 'ex-. ten'de-d to hating -and -drinking, not to Say •!smelting. At least one widely known restaurant is ,no* actnally off- eripg_nips et_reaLTodke, and Pertions of reak bOrShtell, • RtiesitiT'S tattidnal Eoupon Its menus ''But very far fe.om real Ressler' ..p'eessi -London Citron - tele. . • • WANT"' ONLY HERO IIUSEANDS Young Breton Girl Will isriit..,Marry Non -fighting .Man. , The Young girls in'Brittany hare; tion Whieh. forbids -its mentbers' mar.. g1.111;31':.TinhoTer "1W. T'3 118 formed theinselves, into an aSIOCia- rusit, rying any young mtin who has not _ • taken part in. tht war, 'Thfs doee not only refer to the de - sorters and those who fled their dutyo but te. the "slackers" who found the nteana, • through influence or lying, without reason pf or for other just cause, to keep 'safe in, the rearntrd, left their cothrades to.do the fighting.• , • , • The raying cry of *these patriotic young Breton girls is; "Better a cripple than a stacker!" Ono member of the atitiociation at- prossed thus 'her thought: "I Would rather love a man who had no arm than one •who no hear MEXICAN. LINIMENT •Shbuld he in every home. trrors• , BLENDING INSTANTLY. .. Sure •Cure for Cuts -Wounds -Bruises Sore Back-Pimples-:---Rhetimatism - Neuralgia - Felons - Piles - Headaelte-llarbers' Itch -or any Nicht-trouble. • ' • •- . CAME.S ECZEMA Price 25e, 50c and 1-:00s ecu pre -paid ptotnptly on. receipt • of price if your drtiggist cannot sup- . . 'Pr.. LaWrason •Medicine, Co, , Dept; G. Toronto, Ont.: • HAWK BICYCLES An 111, -to -date High Ortfde Bicycle fitted with.RotterCliam, —Arm • Detap.turi or 11ercutes Coaster iirake ikagf Hubs, Dela.. eltab7e-Tirm hittigrade equip- nrent including Mud- onn rn • guerds,PH tup,s, Tools ezz.gill St FREE 1916 Oatalogite, . 60 pages - of lireyeles, antt PeAair Material, IA% can 1, buy xour'sioneiCs froth us at T. W. BOYD &SON., 27 Notre Dante SLINest,Montreal. eountry., Russia is *Asiatic. arid , barbarous. France and the other, :asinsx,srs, isathersr r.,, ri.e.N‘CER: TUMORS, -12TJMPS, ETO, Li-- internal- 'and external, dured. with. out pain by ;our •hc rne treatment. 'Witte us before too late. Dr. Denman Medival Co.. Limited, Collingwood..Ont. EMPIRE BUSINESS COLLEGE 346 Broadview Ave., Toronto; Ont. $30 $ $ 'DaY .6 MONT• HS U01J11,RE time 7,:he jeacThhing_ae only Col ewlegreiteiriken' Caybna9cia • -fra--rutito urerhtrit-thvis. 1-076v4 _gain countries are -decadent, Eng' Gentlenien,-I had my leg • badly land is meati-souled and trivial: Only hurt, the pain wal very lieV.ere and .a to-rnerroW, and ,only Germany ,is Cap- I exPected it would be serious -I rub -1 Germany realizes the possibilities of large. sWelling ca e abevh the kneei able, of. :protecting civilization froth , hed if 'With MINARD'S LIN/MENT, the; future •inevitable onslaughts from which stepped' the pain and reduced ' the east: Germany's-ainazing • PrO-. the swelling very quickly. '1 . Cannot,' speak too highly of • •• . • AMOS T. • Port, Hood' IsiancL • gross has trwaketted. the- enemity of her neighbors, and it was that en - !PRY' and envy thab mede.- this . war ittevitable. , - - .• . There ...was no. reason for 'Great -Britain's 'interference. Your ,states- men professed lip -friendship to• us. • Up to, the. last moment Sir Edward Family Affair. • • America's • Pioneer litig Remedies BO DOG DISEASE • Ar41. to,Feed , Mailed _free to 'any c.ddrcs& . the Author ' _II- CLAY -GLOVER, V, Si, 1118 West 31 stS.reet, New,York • Sths Causas, res. n „". ifilarkle^gEle' -If You are losing time and money through iickne;ts. ' write at once to F.'Harvey Roof Co. for. a ect • remedies. for Neurasthenia, Asthma: Congeshoa cf• • kidneys, Piles, Epilepsy or Failing Sickness, Nent,t. , • Debility; Catarrh; Eczema, Rheumatism, Old Soics or Ulcers, and Indigestion. 'Mei, have .been vet-, fectal by years of medical practice. If nor saV:itzi with results after 30 :days, they eost yog nethmr,.. Send no money but return this ad fer 4ott,4iti t -ewe !•,sezt,...0...perticy/art.„, E.,Hrz'vey Pc:1 Einitsi, 5004, station N., New Vorklci1.7; Grey led -us to believe thab Great Brit- ' 4•So My daughter has consented to Ain would. remain neutral. •Then when become your wife.• Have you fixed we Were embroiled with both Russia the d'ay of the Wedding?"' • "I will leave that to her." • "Will you have a church or a pri- trate. wedding?"• ' "Her mother can decifte that." "What leve you to live on?" • • "1 w:11 leave that entirely to you, on and guess yer way to the pa, vilion." sir." and France. yeti aided ,,.-j;th our en- emies. ,• ' • - Hatred of • "Idealists." Never in the history of the world has a nation made war for a meaner cense, and the hatred 'thab we have for .Great ;Britain is the hatred that a nation of 'idealists naturally legs for unserupulous, pettifogging huek. sters: • The crime deserves an.,0e- quabe punishment, Germany is fight -- ink for her life, and it is idle to sup.; poie that She will fight in kid gloves. She is more than justified. in using alh the means' devised by the ingen- • uity of her. sons to compass the ruin of her •foes.. •Your denunciation of our "barbarities" leaves' us entirely unriffe'cbed. We -rejoice at the killirig eVry single -Englishman, and •at tholoss of every British ship'. • We remainscold if a•few wonien and chil- • dren-are • killed by our air • attacks en Your cities. Tina is n -War ,to -the knife, nation against riatieri, and • it can on y in e es C• o the race that ha's for. centuries been the pirat6 of the World. • . • • . • Slowly Starving to Death. - • If ynu And I were to meet, friends. as, we were, once, I Would not: raise my little finger ' to save your life, -and-,--iisKed, I -would 'cle-rny-titmest to tause you • to lose it, beccuists, as ---1-iraves•saiel. you -Arc an. Englishman, 1O1% r 001, t! • u,„ Wilmen,. your spare time Is worth up to ttl0 a week. You take no ehances selling our.. .Stmitary BrushoW, Our sales nyetent makes year income:as- , mired; two p a'•posit' card and Itit • albs. 1will reduce inflamed, awollen ROFF. K iliG.U.S.PAT. SORBINE 1 TRADE MA i't Joints, Sprains, Bruise., Soft Bunchidi, es; HeBoils, Poll EvII,Ouittotinstufaand a 111.11t as it and germicide. Pleasant to aiii ..pteSitive antiseptic 1 s infected sores quickly 11, i:e.; woi does not blister or remove the halt, and yenta]) mak the horse. e , :0;zifirm.-. $2,0006. hmtie, itekeTed. ' Book 7 M free. AtiS011111NE, 3 it., the antilop& ilidiatitt foreeinklet. figural palely', swotien Veins. Wens, Stiller. Bruises; soys psin anil indatninatton. Price MAO per bottle al Maier, or dolivire(1. Will ken vim more if you write. Liberal Trial node for 10e hi sweet, SPE CIA LLy mAp.m. FARIVI•o '0001-WEAk •°‘ TO YOU . • 714 .1 terol is n light W•elght: dernble sind comfortirlde v.orklug 'Shoo S118.11Y suitable for fiymers, 112t)t).1stni.11. lull I - Men,. ektnen„ all 'Who re- quire extra strong, easy. Not tv.eid*, for working in, 'We make -Merit of the splendid oil -tanned Skowhegan Water- proofed loather that has .1t1ade . Palmer'S "Moose fiend Diane'. fainOuri for almost forty; , years. No need to Suffer 'With tired„ sore, 'II1IT, burning. feet. Get weals- of these anit find enee , and cotnfort. If ybur ' dealer ddeen't earrY thorn, helid tie kie tiara, enelosing $3.213, and We ....will [thin' you a °Dalt, ell ceergeo Data. to any addredn-itretillitilit bf 14714;-iteftrit (Staling 'size) ..by postal or express (Warrsome etyie se shown. s eye- letit high, tS.U.Writs for our •n tabor fully. tiluStrating ottr StOntliel'• and WI fl t( rreftWOar... JOEY/ "Attiring CO., Zintitac1i. • rkedsrioton, It. , omtaan. f.YOUNti, P. Lyrnoss lfdf, tIonitSSI; Ostl, Anoint led Abuittles, if., Arc sot .19 eareg4, • rah IA • , ISSUE 1,7t •' -Geed Guesser. • Herbert ' say, Johre,:y-,, •which is the way to the pavilion?" •• The Ganiin-i"Ow'd • yer . know ere name's JohnnY?" Herbert Edwin -"I guessed it" ' The Gemin---"Well, if yer, ' at the guesing game, yet.' can kren . , ---G•6010 DEGESTICEk Mien your digestion Is faulty, wenknesa and pain aro certain aild disease is invited. • FOR 40YEARS VIE SIMARD REMEDY Mother Selgel's Syrup correete and 'I -stimulate, the digestive organs, and banisbeaLEbe ailments tv.hieh arise from indigestion.' , • FOR STOMACH AND LIVER TROUBLE 1I,1$ • At at Draggises. or direct on receipt of price, 50c. earl MOO. *Tlio larae bottle contains throe times aa •L.uria se the atuallef. A. J. Wurgs & 0?..LIMITED.:Craid Street West Montreal. . ' a -5,10,2erarsa;marasa'a.. 0 We are now paylog. for SPRIN hil7SICRATS from Ontario, Quebec, • and • EaStern Canida, • the .folloWing gaaranteeri prices. . ., . . .„,. . • Zx Large :',Lerge . ,;Medium :,• Small . • , . Silk and Cut „ :70 - .60, .• - .45 . .. ' .20 • according .o . .. . •.• - • • . to yalue, . We are the largest1' , .iandleffs of. this article in• Canada and need 500,000 . , skins..fixt_ preseru, _demand. We ;want ' yotu, collections. Our average •priee, will •,positively 'exceed .all others.. Ship .eatly and Often. -Ship Smell 'Par- cels of 20„sitina or under by peroel 'post, • •We., pay all charges. .Na ,, . ' IIORRIVEri wizzattaxaort & co... 71-1.i.otht;.i ..IIne's -full: .., '. . '. • . "3743 "Stmt.' 01":trettialgi.t!zr.41. Wcfst • .11utr•.k.et .YellieS. -_. _. ' '• , , • Rept. yr..- • • To your-7graciees- • . dren,•whe had no part in making I this war, I send my respects. 'They • are • net' the•y--f. • ! may suffer. But SP, too, do .we suf- • • fcj If you Could •see what your war • • on ofir, innocents has dene; :Wee; otir. • epee ole. bcing slowly starved • to• • death .Kie ',Vottr itua•l' 'War, your heart " weuldbarden:' 'Sm then. .too',. if your wire\ and 'childree.z,ufrf.v, do net:turn 04o .•us jor r Innatit v. • You nt -VXM..are.0.1nap Who' coUld have lifted up his •i:•oice to .protest You dik not. Thereforeall the. pent-up . hatred whith..we Itsve foryour dos- , . • taid country is also for you. A • May'you.all perish in rniaeR. , • Hard tor 'filet*. ,"Is year father finding ts diVeult to give up' smoking?" . "011, he's sticking to •lirs res. Mon air Tight-, hut •,ugly ile't 'the' • family's likety to critekr mut. the • • strnin iunv m*ntite." ' ' s • • .12 1..ASORATOftY TESTS nrake certain therquallity of . • every raw material The plainniivtiritishoil truth bot. 111131ard's tittlinerit .1* • ter thae (pies' lout; ble „toris. • PA I orecie TiCSTS -.4.. prove the easy • working quality, and ericluring waif, . Experinierit and Experience . Beth Point to iletti4ati'n Paint so your loeie.il chaice. In eerily; weer and beebte ef color they. rtre iittsurpa'utri In erpnemy they ors bressisiusi. Courtmitstwice ' ‘ (torn leen) 'agent. • rite. lo; interesting paint itterntele.. . (41 • . W • 1 ilk, i . Itt.kM$AY & SON CO. (Eaabilihea 1842) . ,MONTREAL .:04,001' • IIRANORES. AT Tonoitto AND itaxtealritia. .... • .1 .1 'Poi:* 6ALE DV *AL.,L. DEALERS 12 0 .. , . , • 8. 12