HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-04-27, Page 4"Wow, ,100.7•11111111.11111k.er.
••10 • .1 .7•••••••Ir••••••11Wr •
inn Lifo
dd Safety Ctirds
tiailt BON% Acl., tilucht
oe. into and Maxim.
1,11Y 3.IfINDA1 .1aucknew. Out., Awcrat
Linos ot insurance. rho and Lite
class companies guaranteed. Onlii•
realdeut &went n loacknow tho Load=
mutual. A number. sot villego.ond Corm
proo.ortics foe 4.e..
• I tleOig.letelanawtedeta*MX-overt Frida
ittrear.. .8111brethreit cordially teelte
teritaire-eieme .:tirstia‘ V. Artatetritegt
Vteit Oreeet Rent Visheri.Treas,4 d?alex,
Itcsstitcra ece.,,444.4faktritlat....Cer.a.Pra'
4, A. t.f.;e. lit: C. iOlat tight laodge meta
• .everg Tharstlay "tight otter before the to
- veep,* the mason* Hall, nevelt:a* street
Lueitnew, al.. 4'..3.1t. ArtaStronsi8.111'0,
.f.Lemertatita,„w,,.& Wihio1i,,:w..,faR
C. 0..1.k Court Sherwood, N . leteleateva
reettaeverrlastalmidae at •the .inteith in
• •
in the •04dtellowatliall. Vbitlittabretitern
iordialltin Mod atterut Chter Ranger;'
Johan Rent iieciraa .0.kattem
' SeeeN,,,,ttribt. dohn.ltottl'tcoe«,1),
lfeeltitestS • „ .
4Itt Ottitititi
ove.reilierteleY moping;
• , attleielomw. Ontedoi.
eito. .z44c.XES14.10., Prooletne
eed, VOW.
TIIITU,W;fAXA APRIL 27th,,1916.
at -cubit at ti Clock* thee! 4,131. a, V4114
- OU.\V LacknOw i.odge. No. 1.37.- meets
see,041siondayeraennantra ia the odd=
tettowa' Hate mater workman. J. Mee,
Seer.. Um Potter 'free*. Alev.Itess..
. Dental
Oleo tip
stairs in Button meekr,kereweter, aleee
ial attention-tor:A pl_atea.:erowneueand
bridgework. ,Nisits. Afroxererdst, aim ard
Wednesday Of each Otontht tiorriaTenr.
141VirtON1 1). .1.). Sal Pentist, Deice
: -6Min• 13104 ' tucknow; OnL AR modern
methods Used.: pest, materials tarnished.
Croautand mridsre work. Vataless extract -
Ion by the use or •the latest. simplest one
' Week remedy,' enewleoFonst, •Newest
• thing in artificial teeth. alumium-Olateod
no breakable •
sTRA•troRD. ONT.
If you take a course with us. The
demand tinon us for trained help is
many fillies the 'number .graduating.
Students. are entering each week.
Von may enter at any time.
at once for our free catalogue,:
'D. As MeLACHLAN Principal.
WE want creamand will pay the
highest market prices for gocd
cream. Summer- Creamery and.,
Cheese Facihry Patrons having
'cream during the Winter months
*Mid do well to ship to es- We.
vgigh, sample and test each can -
of creanrcarefully that we receive,
and return, a 'statement ot same ,
each time. We furnish two cans, a
pay express .t charges_end. issue,..
cheques for . cream • twice each
month. 'Write us sand give us a
trial. It will cost you nothing and
we guaranteeyou. satisfaction.
For further 'particulars write or
send for cans and give us- a trial.
The ,Seaforth Creamery, Sealerth, oat -
*di Strong and iiil'Bi.',Vin,octn;
heed forme to keep ii, cold
A _
' after &birds of about. -I had pains
-sa.e.bba2412•11Peas 't -is deibesnitiv housework which
-' 'i.......finai-elrielainviaskehe:dw._tins:esodt-0:' t:tr'SI:k-voimiitro.°01--sngthis!!'defwal:erelli
- . 1 had not done In! fir:see. Y.
, R. .E0R.7
taking' .„,vinc)1.'"),,,' , Pre
Boueir, eritynee-ro appetite, aids diges.
- Vino), creates an „. _r
tit'n' 'makes Pura 11)11e°°acTif land creates.
stningtIL Your In°yba'
A. M. Spence. Druggist, LutlE, 46**
• A number. of requests and inquiries
have reached the Motion Picture Dense,
merit of the Ford Motor Company 'of
•banada, LiMited, tegarding the 61ni to
beisaued shortly, showing the crossing -
of the Ailitrartati continenkby iIr Frau!
, cis Birtles. in a Vord ear.
. itatterest m this' film, is keen tluough,
• out Gonad& it has been shown with
great success in AuStralie and New, Zee.:
• land, but ha i never • been seen either in
• dusite exhibiami ights are held by .the
• Fad bonanany. •' • '•
• 'This: tact is unusual becauseof the fact
-that Mr: Birtleseas able t,o. get pictures
of the native ;life and custoras showing
theta hi every natural *way, leel4ingrthe
Usual posed appearance or Kith pictures.
Many of these native li: had never-be-
forn Seen -a -Whiteman; and as fOrannuto--
: mobile it was to them an Object, of
teryateknonder, • . . •
The Olin, in three reels .of one theus-
und*iet each, Will be exhibited through,
out Ganada, and practieelly every „Can.'
*Han. will have the opp2itniiiry of seeing
Work- of the. W.Intlifpfe
believa.thefe will he-_,usany-inter-
- ,sted to knew that the Luck:ann. Wow,.
• an'a Institute had four large: bores of
• goods ready for Shipmentlast 'rhureclay,
•vOnitil.at.6180.00, Tvio of thesebens
weresent to the Red Crots Society, and
two to the ',"Secours. NatTenal° 'ter the
• relief rif 'the needy in .kraresa and Bel- •
giuM. Amenig- Other thing's'thr hoxes
contained lig pair arks, :04 hospital
, shirts, 17 day shifts ..and a splendid tot
•of clothing. There ctill remains, senie
chathing,hut not enough t� fili another
▪ hex, so if any One *la thet can spro
' either orriadi or miner clothing, bootser
steel:Aga which are in good repair, such
will be thankfully received at the
ell Chamber Tuesday. afzerrioon, May.
• T. . .
. • TheVostian's Institute takes this 00,
• portrinityof thatiking•alltlinge who help.
ed With the sawing, knitting, raiaing of.
money, or who gave clothing. We real-
* it6 it ftra., much ocrifice both of time
; hat We ttltat they Will ro-
*Ye their ftewittl.,.-&eyw *
E -33:11/4 MEDICAL Ca49.0,e1.
Aninstonce is repOrted .of a dector
making a' charge of #1151.).00 for e.trtract
ingabutton foam the throat of; a child,
The_operation ooenpied. elaceit *teen
minutesand, or course tequirecl special
sLdU And a eciR1 instittment. It% ad -
nutted that .tlie operattor, 'which the
..1)301.4terD otlitsS, o914 ot pprion),
saved the liteof the child. The father
refuseatO pay tho aniouttp, .o.slred> and.-.
'sari be will allow the Case go to Ont.
This raises the queetiOn of what is a
'Veaseenabhi charge to Make for skilful stir
gicai Or medical services. Is -the doctor
.justified in chatgiog hall the trifle Will
bean. In:Such a t4e as that • etated,
above, no doubt the parente wouhi wit.
Huey gire.,4pQMO to Save , tlu life of
their chitd, even ' Should it take the. last
Oiler they possessed," but few will agree
that the Charge Made for sails.° in sav-
ing Wein, relieving pain should be Need
on the willingness or the ability of the'
Pgieut or hio -Poo& IV. It Will not do
for the doctor Warty« saved your life
• and 'you ought to be willing to pay hand-
s** for -it", saved your babes
life, 'would you rather let it die than pay
$200 or $500r Of course, doctors do
not ClItaiPsOnt..it that way, but in
:ease of the child'. and the button, that
holdup disposition' is evident,- .
How about, the one who plunges into
the water and saves ft :victim from
drowning, , or rushes intos, hurninghousti
and rescues a•sleeperl ' Such rarely ask
or exiled reward, though they. AS truly
save life as did the doctor' Who extracted
the button, . •
As a matter of fact, , the doctor who by
liia skill with theitnife, or other instru-
ineatS or hie knowledge of diseases and
medicine, who claims to save life, claims
too Much for himself. He is not the
inventor of the instrnAmits he uses, nor
the originator Of thee.sPibial. knowledge
'Which he applies. These are -the' pro-
ducte.o,f' advancing human knowledge
and have been given tohini by society.
To society ho is vastly indebted and, he
Owereareetvice to society.' if is allow -
is be -
cans it others .deitte themselves to Other
It is difficult to -see how &proper rule
can be laid down to regulate charges for
highlY-enecielisedAservices; but that the
conscienceless practitiener should he Ole
to 'extort all -that the- unfortunate Vietini-
of disease Or liebidefit a -Ailing to pay
in a titin•oft crisis nobody will agree.
A *loser in a mining 'camp once re-
fused to give aid to a Man Who was
:Weeding to death, becansehecould no
get bus pay inadvancel; according - to his
•business rule. He was straightway set
upon, beaten and driven out theca:nip
by the friends of the -wounded man.
Most people will agree that he, "got
What was Coming to him." '
Periodicalty there iS in many country
towns an outbreak of doggioisening.
Last week there Was reported from Kin-
cradine the 4eath of a nurnher of canines
by the hand of 'the' poisoner, and there
was an expression of regret . that the
Tartieseettersituntihe-poisen could riot
be catight and punished. ' •,
Generally public sympathy is with the
dog -or the owner of the deg. This is
because the dog, which is the chief suf.
ferer, is rii.siimed to be ignerrint and in-
npantoi intentional offence. But oftedas
tile dorpi�nii1 denounced and naneli
as the greatest four -footed friend of [an
is.e.xtolleii, the practice persists.
., There •must be a reason fol. Urns. This
May be explained by tIe fact thatthougb
the dog iesegarded as private property,
he is not kept verY privately -in facts
he bas the ruo of the town and country.
If the Party who wishes t,o!have: a dog
as. it petnean ornament would keeir it
all to hiniself ashedoes his horse or his
cow, tvelaney the dog-pOisoner'i omit-
pation • would be donce4 pf,ceurse, pois-
oning the dogs is not the right Way to
get rid Of the dog nuisance; there is
something gneaking,and mean about it,
like thenot of tha a„esassin; but While
Ohne epinion is an faveimble as it,is to
the keeping of doge, and their funning
at have Upon the streets, roads anti the
prifirepioPirty-Orlitise '!iihti; `do ri-O-
want there, we tier expect a meaSure of
. 4
• While the flags sn'ap ,defiantly from
the mastheid teeelebrate the glorf and
• the grief of Labgemarek and St. Julien
A year ago, another easualty list cornet
'fever the wires. Ohre -more in the neigh.
11, 1.64001.01514
Age Ind '!ilklellOY.
:th, 9/.6
The neisoris system is the alarni'aretein
of the Unman body!. • •1!
In perfect healthy* hardlyrealive that.,
we halm a notworia of nerves, but when
bealtiti* ebbing, lrylken strengthiadeellia.
lug, the same IterVeua system give* the
alarm in headeektee* tiredneSs *outdid
sleep, nrit*bility and unleaa 'C'eireetetAg
leads straight to a breakdown, ,
. To corpeet, nervonsneas, Stottts Titania -
siert is exeetlY what you *Willa tido; iti
Dela nutriment get* into the hlepd and
rich blood feeds the tiny nerve.celis while
the whole system responds to its refresh.
ingtenioforeea Free froMberief441110.
414% Iluirssa Wein% OM"
• .
frienda eed, neighbors played tue game,
fought a! good ror the survivors
we may voiee mice moro• our pride and
our eternal gratitude: .,Nr the,so :who
fell defeUee of iihetty.ana gisaizfatIon
theri ere 'the eypreee wreaths,. which
speak WM1100891'0* and sprays . of
MD for reOletOralice, Yet evert thos&
of our, people..7,vhose Want SODS lie
weary inthe'lap of Earth Pit the
kat to say' thattlieTwar must go onuntil
'Germarl TgaliKeo the. hunilliation of., as,
complete defeat, • = •
Liberty is unsafe' :in any part a' tho
, •
world while the Prussian power reniains
(1941111;1ot and minatory, Out penclo'
haye begun to irealizti tko.fact. may
bn bronglit home to „them Yith' 1046'
force by the despatches (.11Ang of 'the
plots against bangle- If we have escap-
ed the devastatien of writ' has been
due fe preparation of exCeptional kind,
te vigilant and Untiring work by our In
• telligence Department, and to the per-
fectly maintained nentralityof "the 'Ma -
ed States. Still that neutrality would
not ham availed much to IA if We had
depended wholly upon it. - 13loody-
Minded foes have hesitated' before- the
prospect of Meeting a mobilif_93ana.d-
fan force.•
The -Great Tragedy
(Christian Guardian)
• -
The war -is tettching us great lessons
in the valne of things. A spectator ate
militarY parade the other day was griev-
ing over the sight of hundreds of young,
men -in. the very prime and hey-dey of
life- being gathered.' together to make
food for war, but he wadsoon 'eorrected
by emepanions, and gi exiathee pei rit
Of view saftli ageh•emphasisand directriess
as woidd tend to make this lesson an ue7,.
torgettable ores. The sight of men giv-
ing theinselvie up aD timelike this to
.Save Safeguard all that ,we hold deer
•lit the life•of mations and peoples -is -not -
the irtigib•sight; to see the inew.to w.ho.m,
•these thinga-' aye tuere-temesjor whieh
they will do and give nothingssthat. is
•the real tragedy among us. The saddest
sight that can be seen in this Canada of
• ours to -day is that of hundreds of you
men going about their sports and pleas -
uresjusi as usual, as if:, alt these best
and highest things for which their fathers
have struggled throughout litany centuries
were not in the direst peril.endjeop•ardy.
/. •
'Mr. end Mrs. Alfred Emmerted; of
'the Lake Shore Road, received:word
last week that then son, Serr.rt,.Ereest
Emineitim at the Front in France, was
seriously wounded the face-
CIIE.MiS TO Soeiareas. The -ratU-
payersnf the Township of. Sangeen,
through their Reeve and Councillors;
have "presented te eatelrof the soldiers
who enlieted froni Sangeen to the 160th
Battalion with a cheque for..$15 There
are about 45 soldiers,The presentat-
hin took place. At; a banquet in the
Town Half in Port Elgin. •••
Despondency and the `!Ellues!" usual«,
ly the result of constipatioir, qmckly suc-
cumb to ReXall Orderlies. SoldonlY by
Rexall Drug Stores, 15eand 25c boxes
J . G. Armstrong. •• a • •
•the young men referred tO in the ap-
Tara Leaderl--"OriptaiO ,Dimard *and
Ms detachment here we're on a recruit-
ing expedition in this, visiiiity all last
weeks and when they Visited a fernier's.
house -near Itlarmion 10 canvass -the
boys they, were informed that the -boys
were in the barn. •A careful aeareh
of the premises was made but nobody
Could be found until oneof the soldiers
decided to search the mow,. end there,
underneath the straw were the 'twO
young men in hiding. it is needlese
to eay„no recruits were got at that
place.,-Chesley Enterprise. • ,
• Kneeess b,'.antrizte-Mr. Peter Miller,
Who went to Walkerton about 'eight.
years ago from Kinldes Tp., Where he
had been farming sill& 1881i -died at,
Thu *election. of tea for the Overseas
forces m which the moat efficient are
• requited', 108 lamed tho questton of the.
relative elhowney of men at various ages,
In this connection. the following from
the Daily Star reply to a questioner,
314 Taltle4tetelint: Particular .ages at whisl
jowl sUppoied to "start on the dow
grade from his highest standard of '4
cieney.." It la so lomat individual
that it is hardlY a safe rule to
adopt tany specified. ago -tie -a ".4,1e,s4;linea.?'
Some men are progressive at 7#4. while
• others have ceased to be, progressive- at
41t).' Tbe-cliaractef •of the,' einplOyment
has to be taken bite aecbent, :In some
0014Plieligt a Man, on aeemint Of Ids large
.tattperienee and. judgment is wQrth far
More at adVanced Years thanat Cara.
er age It; is different,. of course, 'with
nieu Obucations that cal). for'activrty
and strength, such as policemen,: fhTtodu
. testigation. %ea
make 04'10 years ago among the ineny
thotisends of cloverlinient einclOyees nt
11141518Ine as. to the 'percentage and
character' of. Work the averege man does"
at the verities plariods of Ins life, and
tinifolleping was the report (the Perfect
perceetage being. 104: ,
At 20. to 25 years 80 per cent
At 25 to 35 years' 90.per'cent.
At 30 to 35 years 05 per emit.
At 35 to .65 Aare . ... • . ....100 per cent.
At 55to 60 years .. .... '.; 20 per emit
At 60 to 65 years • , per mit.
At 65 to 70 years 61 per cent.
At 7,916 ,years 78 per. cent.
Over year. , 72; per cmit.
The report added that the younger
clerks could do .a greater' amount of
work under pressure than the older Ones"'
,but the latter were ..doing better- work
and were more to be depended upon.
.You will observe that no worker attains
• the perfect percentage before his 35th.
year aria that he, holds it on,an average for
20 years Moreover the decline in edits
,ienCy after 55 has passed is slew. At
ODA Man of Mere velett than at 75,
-and of thasame v.eltae as at 30: Though
he goes back tit 5a it is from the perfect
• standard and not. from the low standard
of his earlier years:, But if a man thinks
he is deteriera.ting.and worries about it,
hewill rapidly clic down hie perceotage
of ef6eiehey. • • ••
rt MX or 114 ER% the PODse before the forMscra of COrtAxift, iGeNe clear as it wee litst
'‘tg'• Year -they -must produce 4bvaii;16Pitlyinloracr meet Oedemas* that may
be made, and X believe this to be ovecielly tree in regerd to live .ritecir, the world's
•suPPIY or which must he Particularly . affected in this vast etreaele-eu-silaitt. •
R172V RUITR41,-4 ltinfilef .46, rkuktfre
. •
"THE AoniouLTuRAL- WAR Bo*: tofo," BY. THE
LIVE STOOK The herd* andlleche of Rtir9Pe
bave been greatly, reduced. Wing the itura 'over,
there will be a treat deniand for breeding stocg,,.
• canadien. farmars sthatild•keep this in Mind. .
twEAT0-..,:4,,,1018"Greet Britaininiported 65408.
tone Of beef, inuttea end lamb, or which..364,245. ,
• tons' came from Without. theRniplre„...Oet qf
' 430A2f/terig of beef only 104,96Y ions came' treni
• tilthin the Buipire.. • . •, •
• • The demande of the Allies for frozen beef; '•
•, • canned beet. bacon and hams Will,increase rather
than Orders are aiming to Canada..
The decreaskig tonnage space available will give
• Canada an advantage if we jtave the supplies.
DAIRY' NO-4-'Rotne consamption of milk, butte!!
and cheese bas increased or late yeers. . The • war
• demands for Cheese, here beim unliluited. 'The
Canadian cheese 'exportalrom 1Vlontreal in 4915
" were nearly "§6,500000 over 1914.. Prices at :
• Montreal -Cheese Jenuary 1.5.g to 17
cents; January 1916, i.sy4 to .11334 yenta.
Batter jahuary 1015, , 24 to 26V vent,
January '1916, to 133 dents• ;
tOgSe:--Caneda. prodiMed $30,000,0Q. Q. worth �f
• 'eggs in 1915 and helped Out great Britaie in the
. shortage. Shippers as well as produ.cers have a
duty and an opportunity in holding a place in
• that market.' •.
Tens of thousand; of ..Canada's food producers have enlisted.and tone to the front. It is only fair to them
that their -home:work shall be kept up as fax as possible. • The Empire needs allthe food that we'can produce •
in 1916. • •
PRODUCE: MORE • AND, 344. 3294.0
....k•....*Ykk.a...O.'ik4.4.-kra•i: • ..,:alk4ItOnta?•••
A Striking iedictment nf Germany's
tantinned inhuteanity to Belgium, and a
peweiA-ut Reit ofi behalf -Of the Millions
Who, althreigh destitnte, remain. loyal in
that outraged country, are con tuned in
the foitowing imeortant statement It
is mined by the Lord- Mayor of Loudon,
as ch of the Natignol, Coininittee
faritelief_im Belgium, by-th.tArclibishop
,of Cauterburyi Cardinal" Bonree, the
Moderator pe- the Chinch _of Scothuid,..
the PreSident of. the Free Church. Coun-
ell, the Chier.it tha •Duke Of :Nor-
folk, Lords ,Lensdowne, ,Resebery and
Bryce, .Art.hur tienders on, . Mr. John
•Itedinoad-, Mr: St ir fejt. Been (1-10-n..Tr,:tas-
erer)„. and Mr. W. A.. 'M. -Goode (Hon.
Secretary). .
TaTite EDITOR. .
Sir, -Eleven Month§ ago we *formed
the National Committee.' for Relief in
Belgitith and appealed tootir, fellow saib-,
-jeets" thrbughout the Brittilx 'Empire on
behalf. of a. and a. half Belgians,
oppressed and threatened with starvation
in their own Outraged • country. : Th
number of deatitute.,Belgiene inBelgium
to -day exceeds three mIllioes, Most of
these are :women and .children. , . •
..Bince,we wide per previous appeal •it
has been. coitelueively; proved that the'.
Gernians. contrary every eiviliaed
precedent, will adhere tehtheir "openly
expressed tatentien• not to .aupport the
Belgian ponulation or pup* their: -with
food." The words :Opted are these USW
by Lord Ttotkirt, on:behaff of the
Elcieerripent,"tn the •Hatise of, Cone -eons
on January...21th last. 'That Lcird Robert
for further contributions. Our °millel.
appeal, to date, has brought ire over,
,21,500,0e0, but thi8;18 tilmoet 21,000,030
sliort of what is terpfired, from British,
benevolent sources, to enable the desti-
tute in Belgiurn maintain. life with "
loyalty.-.Of•the totai so farfe.cei yea, more
than 21,000,000hr:4 come &ere Australia
-and New 2;ealtind. • "• • .•
Overseye, slefencelea:!ebiillane
.for More -than a yea r:an half have suffere'd a tyranny thirst 41-
coneeiettble tea those in--eitr•,..anen naie-•
I aded land. Neverthelese,: •thily hive
in.aintained___a_ resistance noneLTheeless
courageous because it. nmat lie pits:me,
ad, with :tiniest negligible exeeivii.tee,.
they have refuted to Work for the .0
mans. Pmetkally.half •of the -whqle of
thia population in through ao,
faelt of their ownoare now. deetituie. arid
live- ore a pitiful eatien-.-. .
Is. there any debt •ot binonir pore
preitaing 0e.7 any'woilt of humanity With,
a stronger Ade: than that of helping.to .
lieep body' and soul together the' men,
.women and Children in Belgium, who,. in.
spite -Of -misery and privation; mutate all,
things .and loyally await the :eoming. of .
.the Allies? •• ' • . •
• Donation S: and regular subeeriptious,
for whiah we most earnestly :tali, slimild
be Sent to Denrinion; Colonial or. Local •
Centunitte.s, wherever they ' have been
termed, or to A. Shirley .13enn, Esq
P:; Hon. Treasurer, National Com Mittee
fornslief in Belgium; Trafalgar..Build-
ings, Trafalgar Square, Londcn. • •
-Signed, on behalf,of the National
Conitnittee: •' • • •
• Lord Mayer of London,Chairman.
. The .speed of hare for a short dist-
ante is now fairly established at •abceit
the rate of a mile in two...Minutes. An
Englieh notorist has arrived at it in this
way: "Some years ago; whet," running at
night- on open roads t he count ry,. I .
-foued tlia.fharee could keen ahead of
Cedil does net -neer -estimate ihe car gerrig at -30
lilted enmity of the German iiitention " but Were overtaken
at 33 miles.... NatittiillY, ',some .Wete "fest-
&two. P'Y''-the fact that 111 Poittada Whereter nearli all I; fisted
there is no neutral ehanliel for . . .the dia-
.. fell within these' limite • '
tribution of relief,the peculation
hive. been al,lowed to die.like 'flies, :and
oYer. ...3.03,cfpo' able-bodied Polish !nen
have been driven into Get many, thereto
work in the arid industries; thus
'fieelug 300,d00 G•trrostra' ge . the.
fighting frent.' -The : thing Would
undc.ubtedly beeper) in Itelgiure but fel-
toed which ,:reaehea. the Belgians flu aural
the Allies: • :le 7 .
It has Also heetsaefinitelY ascertained
that the fend into 13eigieek deea not
lamb or,: benefit the. Oerinaes.'. :Lord
Robert Cecile 'on FOtiuttry. Witt last,
stated in.tbe lloirse-, CoMitioits• that
the. "O'overnment are sat iaied • with the
manner 111- which Ihe Relief Commisiiiin
has datiied on its 'work' tind gave exacted
•guaraotees from the 0ortnan authorities
his homes there on Apfill4t1f.,.after. a who might otliertviseJtave taken ailVaM
six months' illness of ,cancer which lake -Of tile teittPiieti." • The confidential
started in his lip and spread throughi evidence of' Belgians of repute, ' alloteed
hisevatem.' The dceased was bornin, out of Belgium, eml of. reliable neutrals,
-flatten Co. about 6s veirs &go. Ilerlillta'r mvr'Arrirfisi;--egfilirors;- this
wets teilen Married, big first wite being I Official dectanttton. T,he neutral • Relief
if which whith Mr --Herbert
thza ..Tano McKenzie; by whom be had C'a .- unr!188•• ita."Te' • .2. •
,. t rznover is Leetirie tn, and which Ii ;con -
four sons and three daughters, nantnyl ducted under the super mien . of the •
Wm., Stratford; John,,. Cupar; Sask .• ; kirkeopin and Sparlish dipIntuatic repre-
GpOrge, Toronto; lierbert, Grioigh;' sbenteye,:s.," has been ,fieturatelYdeseribed '
Mrs. A.lbert Thompson and Mrs. Wm; ''' y 1.1 C nrsrie as "an ubselate miracle
Guest,. Kirticss. ; and Mrs. ‘.4.,"m,.. Patin, i of scientific . er,gani,z et ion:. synonemoue
Terence. His first wife dying in May, with economy and (4 nency entiihined."
1885, he was Married in December of I Receipts from the 2;700. Belgian Com -
the sameyear to Mrs. Sarah Yates, , ninties 'show tilt t eveti ton of ' f tiod• itn-
who stirvives him with one amIghteri I potted into Ilelgiein has been faithfully
MN- Wt8'. Leeson, of Greenock. ,Aii I distributed lay Jlelgiaris to llelgians un- .
the falai were resent athe Amnd der rhe close sucertigion of thie Com. .
pt e ,
riat°°4 of Pres tArtad!a° m..e° have . which_tookplace to theDaptist tome- ":
e Sj g I 3n
net unilinaiingly a desperate foe and toy, Enniskillen, oft Monday after, teelmirk.:11.t.bfrel.";!plrriptvur.t,failibTailir?tistul
have paid ',the penalty. Nearly every n'x'd• •
one of the larger' Oariadian communities
I had son's in thebattle of St. Eloi. Many
!Are decnLany Wirt:are wOurided, and
lin some have oome the bitterness and
grief of a prison camp in Gertrenly.
• Yet a 815ems clear that, the line held
°tight as it did 4, year age, that out
Belgian flovetutrients,, bands atl . its
taillois funds, wittour ti.rtjr dednetion, ,to, 'Mr
••'' liclover's Cminnissien to tie ere -elided
•• • Ifeod
-MOnday,.A,pril 14:
The Killings Bed Cros's ildciety greatly
appreeiate it donation: of •$10 00 from
Mrs. •Paul McCaul, of Llider*Ood. Mrs. quantity of the fend to get reto G'ertnai,
AlcCa.ul seems still to have a warm piac band% and u ith faiv evide ce 'to justify
in her heart for lier former home frieads., this isonv;etion, we do mot .sitate Win
Treas. urgently to appeal to the 'that nation
LI 'tile tnnjhatThe inetheals
aistributing relicf in Belgiem milder it .
practically lin crissible for any appreciable
DEFEND the 1143*E
very,..wonittri-knoWs the' discbm fort. of
ofdirsting-butlew realize its &Moro.
Dust consists Of very ama 1 particles of
'wafter -some .of them direly -grow -0i
triitierat substances, and the rest. flaky;
atoms of dried vegetable and animal
"niatter:' As: it is blown through' the
air. it solleets ge?tits and Microbes of
deity 'description and from all sorts
of places, and settles; still holding;
these dangerous little urger:isms, onto
floorsand carpets.' Here it remains
awhile, constantly iii:rete.ing from
incite dust failing on on it. and the mi-
crobes grow in•number. • • •
Along comes a broOtri- the heavier
dirt is swept along, but the due, gray,
• inierehe-ladeit duet is thrown up. in
Ciends, to •settle. on tables, chairs,
window -ledges; pietore 'ratites, a:nd
every other placethat a minute par-
fifes, it carries germs of many 'diseases
along which are breathed into the
Irrngs of the woman telec is dohig the
sweepiiik, and ,of. children and ever' -
body else in the 'house, '
When people are in A very And
physical condition; . these disease
germ 4 are lisnally snceessfully resisted
-but when, a man woman 'or child
gets little "ruhl-down" or out of
torts, the body' no .Ienner. hes power
to render microbes.barnillEss, ,and anti
it is that dust germ's carry'the great-
est danger of skit:lege or death.
Use Dastbane when you sWeep.
4 00.i. otsTmaufoilt.
Snuffamounts, deposited regu-
the Bank of 'Ha:baton,
• guide:1y accumulate and form a-.
substantial bank account. Start a
Savings Account now. Amounts
of one dollar and ppward received
-- -
capital Auorized .$5.000,000 E
GNLOENWN I a nik-a gNe p0. I I 4
capital Paid-up - $3,000.000
Surplus - - $3,475.000 •
;I IT! • -----3..n.w.,---a-.. , wa,__Wtires
• • ,-......_,
V: -.:•Ss. : 'N" '''' - ' ?At!.
. •'''' ' '. ''
1..i.„'''-`- - • ., • .•.... . • •
a- -
.4. ' . ... .
' •
• ;.• ---i____:-....."
• PRICE COMPLETE $675 F.0. -B. Oshawa •
From Sir Lyman Melvin Jones, President and General Manager, •
' Maesey-Harris Go, Limited. ' • '
. . Toronto, Xarelt 16th, 1916.
• Chevra!ot .Motor Co.. Ltd., H. Horsman, Eq , Manager. •
• ... - ;- Toronto, Ont.• , • . •
MY Dear•Sir:--• . -
. . . .
• With reference .to the car 'Which I Purchased from. you the end
of !January, I have used it alrnest daily and I Want to say to you
that l em very _pleased with it: _ It is so conyenient an i light thee .
it is much -mere comfortable gettink about in the bad roads of the
winter than the heavy cars which, I have heretofore used and it
dem make smit a large 'seeing in gasoline. It rides splendidly,
better than I expectedfrom n. light- car; We hava had no troehle ' •
with it: • . My eliauffefir is greatly pleased' andis always rediarking ' -
about its good. qtialities. Ile is certainly entlitutiastic.. .
. . . . . .
' ' • • • With all good wishes; helieve Me,
. ., . .
,Yours ti uly, . .
' • (Signed) Lyman lklOyin Jones.
. , --..
. ,
' •••'!'
• ._
•,0 • ogre.* .... • .....
• A Christian colleg&hoine,
healthful situation.
P4 WamenZA ,1)1) ,St 'lionns,�nt
• CAPITAL AND RESERVii $8.f800,00to
• 90 branches' in Canada
A 'General Banking' DuSiness Transacted
Circular: Letters cf Ciedjt.
'Inierest alb.Swed at highest current ratio
• s.
' • •
os,. ...... •aerae* •