HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-04-27, Page 2711,1•41111.11•111•11.11•1,61.1.,41,••••••••••-
:41 .
resh from the Gardens
of the fittest Tea -producing country In
the world.
Setlied, Packets Only
-t-it's deliciou3. BLACI GREEN' or,MDEE
Cuitrult xt,,,(0010,-,4)., - 1 rtiachuly,'., byakealq. gm? of theepleyere
1 provingly. "There'8 leo cal! Iol' r a
le : 74 t
stay! lip :it t•t'bENV:Ottu,14:0 •Lt*b •::94:7'e'd:°1;,alt te'el*74,itlxii ainveSenepreiCriktion,, oteritlitrorlityllayir4WasrSbaa
man to demean himself if he does live
quiche" .., teem. eeek hie, glees reeee eee pate a., Ogle et .relief. every man took off
' SaaNse-a/P11-.-waa'ilftaan iallea 'Qat- for It When he had any 4chert and so,
ins -•"ati lnal tied it in ar'Paak °a hla
:Ode Seda, Creelt, and Jint I retted at he. ,owes.Tco a weelked ' back. •
tides,ntibal:t tIrg,la ji• do -in; ull' '. forst, . el :rn,dwfb'161 tio0Ootutldr4ohllltibiainathe aPea
gnd lte ,
buteopelent, .• • (Teei.xl..crt!lneed.)
"GPesa ha's gsa - aa 9114 of a e''; eyed, the bar tender flercein and Pun.,
eeptiOn eoratnittee to old man HaYee
)210-4 "rbt..eild mane Mob a, ralee."7 . et/ ant n 1.4CraaS*' der -skin sack" 1
, ,I thought he eINve7e was mine =Mr" ra:Nisi°0'thinalg'.e'Itiliridugiternar 44dihttfildj;),"!
ager. Is he :OWner. now I- ,. Got the .
.'., HA-, ..,.1.441..bo,ttaiyou slab -
torblagee; i41eriihetween4galtat nnd• a410,thatgtth*iln,tma4i.b01nir.isiyi4oidnaIuayes
him a /34.°444--.1alllleaiairet h3" all a°- has 4 right to all Om frills he has a'
counts. The Old 'Man rased ildlUself thew to when !t, efromomes tothbeur, gyienn't, analli
sort of inforMal, , with 'a. stick et rd 4 t 11 •
• en
Maple Stigar 'Olt/hese
Maple Syrup Custards. -Mie thor-
04141Y fOnr well -beaten eggs. a pinch
,*.eh salt,. three ealifilla of Sweet Mint
-and One cupful ot nattplle'sarite. Pour,
14 into .huttered individual =Millets and
Set them in hot Water.' Bake the mix-
ture• Slowly it Is Apt,Chill
them, turn the erindard out of the
moulds and serve it, •
Hot Maple Nougat.e-Boil together
two cupfuls of maple sartiP ;ad one
teitspoonfal of butter until they reach.
. the eoft-hall stage -23.8 degrees; Add
Ahle•lialf 'cupful of chopped pecan -nets
,and stir the whole well, llte, it hs 4
...P1111ee for lee ermine 'When thehot
syrup carnes in Contact with thee* I
cream, it forma a delicious .caramel,
Maple Parfe it-:-SWeeten, create' with
PlaSe sYrIll.) and whi.0 it Until it is
'very thiek. Pour the Cream hito • a
. mould that has beet' 'sprinkled with
nut meats chopped, five. Cover the
p og the mould ivith WriPPIng paPer,
and press the lid down secereje, and tie
It with .a stout cord, ,Bury the mould
In crushed ice and Salt and leave It
for four hours. • '
Maple. Whio.-:-,Mix and bring t.,3 the
boiling point , one-half cupful ef whit3
sugar, tho. yolks of two eggs, one elm -
fill of r.n.apiesugar and two eupfilis -of
cold water.. Adda pinch of saw and garitsu Ith em Thicken In for, night 'watch, end in general his face, and his body decently. dis-
'1•WO tabIespconfttls Of cornstarch tits- manages to sober .up 'before any : of posed. in a blanket.
the , gravY in *which the apinacla:was
d'Ilushi" Ort.. "What are you
giving mit That ain't noway tote*
betel eorpces,"
"Our*, or ate Corpse," sod hold.
er 813110.• °Ws a long tinte- between
tlrinksi and this burying Mighty
dry entertainment. Peet Let' ,have
a look at that behtle." •
The• doctor produced the medicine);
;which Waft lahene4h Scott sm.
kers Special, and in tUra each Of thee'
thank tee their' fildedinneeittlion:.
4,04.444 travel more sociable
no'w',' said Al, wiping bis mouth with •
his coat sleeve. Mint have .•to
pack hint atlrseiveli. 7Got to fake •Off
MA' trine- ter that hael..neeeeh und, With; •
. „
• alant • . • *, think; contrary." '
meringUis nakle teeth. the Whites, or the .* 4413/r. ;!*i bi,M5elf• la% 1°1). 0.1uCht "Vo paha; up th, e hrea,che Jinx stood
-a le hurt? s• " 4.drinks. It is the. only Civility you can
eggs and two tablespoonfuls of Of P -49) tt le • I don't
' shOW to yotie netghbor SOIne, places,„
know as he ought to. He's and. #4en tclewant, of amthing ogiee.,to
sugar.. • BOMA it 4114 'Sarno it eeld
With Plairt -Cream.' • .
• •
MI8CelialfgatiO' ReCIPe5.1. „
VA Sa.VOinje -dumpling May lhe made
as follows; Take a quarter .of • a
pound of. suet, and half a pound of
ed the etoef eff. hi e head, and that Was do, ratter illttn the hope oe, tateephat
ralirei. ere, atiod to him, even for Car-
rying leis "liqUer: I larenr'seraaalyuPsre°,C"anscrrtio'„eljeiniont. 4Qtrr°0 arTreeet
1:turYing partt
"Then whY as the doctor gone Out?
"Give: that chunk of ice a boost
ileur, a , teaspoonful of salt and ant1 with the pole will you if That's belly,"
enough geld water to into ' which. as the great Oahe Slid down the. side
stir three finely shaved onions. Mold. of the heat with a dal rasning ectunpl:
with the haecle intO a :ball and tie "Well,. I don't know, I'm etre; why the
up in a• floured cloth, room being.ah, doe's gone, 'cept that .SOdy is slower
lowed for its swelling, and bolt-three:I inst now than.4 funeral. It's nothing
lionre,----:-Wheft- done, taxa' out. cut la-• here new but .bieg Jules all 'day, and
sllces and. Cover with a brown sauce more.' bug juice all night, with inter -
made. from plele drawn batter, tie ludes for exile. Net as a man really
which a cup of• gran)* and a dish .of tires of bug. iniceithut it's monotoneus
Mlle pewee has been Added, „
One way to cook heef tonghe so as
to make. it palatable, cover a tongue
with celd:water and add a sliced onion
and two CIPIT9-0. • 'I. Shnrae,r 'until ten
der, draM and. take Oft the .kin. Pour
a' capful of s•trgined tomato . juice and
two cupfuls oh inea6sthclx into a cos
serele, and"put the tongue in. Cover,
and cook slowly In the oven for ibout
half .ah. hour. ,Serye with spinach
Which has “ beee boiled, oleo:Peed. Sea
even the way .as the floc flue tt.
"How does the doctor fix it?" asked
jim, humoring hien. • .•
4Wall, the doe, he's gat a sort. of
On a steep bluff, through the heavy
brush of which a narrow trail had
been rolighly cut, Jim found a party
of about a dozen men, half of whom
wore black coat. Theyewere almost
the only blach coats In Caribou, and
had 'been collecteel with infinite trou-
_hie to give thee to the preoeedings.
There was also one top tat. That be;
longed to the elector, and was worn by
The battle, too targe for a medi-
cine bottle, which protruded trom. his
• coat pocket, belonged to the,party.
.• When Jim first sighted them the
Pirate Who Single -Handed Capeurad
British Ship.
Ernest Schiller, the German "Pirate?"
-who single-handed captured the Brit-
ish steamship "Matapo," has been
'brought to New York, the 'authorities
fearing his being,' rescind. Schiller
now admita his name is Clarence Hud-
son his f the E h
, a r -being ngljs , s
. lay hhIner, what the gospel' sharks • proper spirit of their occupation pos.
hack eest call a clealtin, and they've - mother German; he being born , in
seosed them. Two' and two they paced Petrograd. With four other men he
arranged to make -what the doe calls behind a soy nag, at Whose head plotted to ,board an English steamer
. a concession to the eonveniences. They paced the doctor and another. All and captun treesure on board, but
does it this Way--doc he takes Ferree' had their hats off, and their coats on, having taken too much intoxicating
ing watch and the bottle, ...eleakin, he and no one spoke. • liquor, he boarded the 1VIatapo and ,
takes the patients. Then doe and the Upon the horse's back was 'all.that held up the captain and crew when the .1
deakm take dog watch thgether, both remained of old man, Hayes- a white vessel wee* Well ou -
1,a, e....eeeeeme,h t ark
It not OW softens tho
water hot douhIes tho oioons.
ino Dower Of -i.JoiPi*Itcl
Lw44114, IF00
W,2341 s SEErts rig.0.Expa.
TwO Examples. the Present Conflict
•• ar, ow,
Waie are fruitiNg breeders of, lee
geniis, and 411w;aYs :have been. .No
is the present 'war 4217, exceptieil• to
the, rule,: seri London Answers, .
gifel7bod7, to eite hut two in-
stances, will be able to recall the story -
the Mons angelcitancl that Other one
004 the Rneldan gieldiers Who came
sinethir ones,' Will be, incorporated in
the history .books og the future, It is
gftoutrtictaiiC?lin4arlsetteusgleetclita.11oyur wIsethirl:
Take, for :ample, the one ,abeut
the Bleat HOW' of Calchtta, 'Every
sehoolboy and nearly, every grown.
up person is familiar with the detaile
of that ghastly Amer. It relates how
the Nabob Suraja Dowlah shut up 146
Britons, captured by hire in' Calcutta
Fort, in n small, unventilated dungeon
and how, after a night of agony from
heat, thirst, and lack of air, only,
nitwoernntiern-gt,ree were. found alive next
For more than 150 years the story
has been implicitly believed. Yet now
along comes Mr. Little, and proves,
in his "Bengal, Past and Present,"
not only that it is not true, hcit that
it could nob possibly be true:
Nine persons only Were, at appears
from contemporary records, confined
in the "black -hole," which was really
the connnon-pelsein, and none .of ther
suffered any very great inconveni-
ence. The remainder of the garrison
numbering some 10, weee either kill -
or wounded -in the' fighting, and the
atter were treated by their conquer,
ors with every consideration.
to -day... 4
. ., t at sea. He, was
so disgusted with the Meaare loot en 4 Similarly, Wellington never said,
board that when off the, Delaware. `Up Guards, and at 'me!" at Water -
&est he ordered the captain to pee 'loot nor did Blucher 'exelaim, on first equipment and making arrangements'
him ashore; where upon landing he seeing London, "What a place eto for- increased output just, before the
was disarmed and arrested Schiller's, sack!" While the phrase, "Providence war began'. Their new shipbifilding ..
favors the big battalions„ which- Is yard, which cost over a million, was
a lick in the night w.atch." pike. Gently and without or Hudson's oily fear ,is that he be
a word the turned over to th usually attributed to Napoleon, Is 'just kesaly. This company was there -
sorted with salt anti pciPper and melted'. drinik for a spell. Then doe cennes handkerchief bound reverently ,over
solved in a little' cold water. Cook
the •whcle until it is. thick and remove
it . ,
froin .the tire: when it is celd, add
, ,
the stiffly beaten whites of two eggs.
.; 'Serve ie'evith "create:and sugar, .
• • Maple- Nut Fudge. -Bell teird,eupfule
of maple.aitgar and one cupful of milk
•antii-n-e-bitaraiii•-the mise wilrfdim a
soft hall, in -sold Water. • Add one
tablaspoonftil tit butter,. one teaSpOOW
cooked the easOreieettee serve -eeithe bop get around. , Drink or sob- In a eorner of this, unfortunately,
. er, he s better nor the lay helper, so wage caught one a thbse sharp -ended
a *iftrY• • •
I guess your friend had better ht him bou hs whi h B C 1 11
This tepiPe for gingeebread. is Saw
to be Seer gond: Stir togethar One
large cupful .of tete-
ful. of butter and hind, dripping,. or
ea; 'half a !cupful of „milk,, one level
teasPoonfal baldng-scda, • half a
'M.. 15.r. ,irarcal4• .,ezttOct, and one -halt ..eteraateaspoonful-ef one Aeas171°°11fur
*Alod of PIngliall ..W4Iniite • chopped ' ginger, half teilsR°611114 °ricin"
I3.,einoVe the mixture from rianlan' 4°1:tilree:°uPful of fi°11t.
tho tire and beat it until it is thick; .cgp _ ThIS Is a good way to use the left -
thee_ add t40 lieate white of one overs •ar fried -or "eaid boiled, hare.
ane very era': °f. through
Pour it into buttered • tine. „ When t sg,:cltdeet .:e°40 Piy46,RteQiultee°11pe'neeutPeblfescisreoacilikii-
is of', hi' mark' it . titO : otit*,,ree. •
mA p le ' Delight -B,eat• *,tlte • yolks • of
fear eggs_ mita -theY are light. •4!idd
0146-ijuOiters or CM*
•.cf jealf-le SYrnn, then ode .pint of thia
fui of butter and; stirring into it one
tablespoonful, a ffour until thick. Add
to the ham and dreani sauce three
ha.rd-bolled eggs, which have been
d 11 d f
sweet cream. Gook the whole Whole in a romoritinj*, ., „Ent. in a buttered. dial.?
double bolIer• ts- thiekeemou&it-'
--- and bake until brown.
'the are and beat it with an. egg whip ' •
weites or four eggs, cne-half cup but -
u it i
I ti • er, one cup sugar, two cups, pastry
to eat with 4 spoon, Remove it from
This is a good white cake recipe:
n s whea it is cold, whih t t •• or
In; te elebeaten whites •of lour eggs -high_sotinfling. hostelry, a Wooden one stiffe.ned limb. in ghastdy fashion ' liberty to devote the money to what-,
tak t o dta dons bak-
75,000 WORKERS .
Piddeetiern of One Plant indicate.'
- Activity of British Munition
Faitoriet. „
AMMO@ ,who goes through the Vast
armamint works--v!hich are no* .
situated in more than one part of Eng.,- -
land --of lHessrs. 'Armstrong, VAR -
'Worth .4h Ceimpany muat be etruck by .
the general, ateadiness Of 'the 70,080
Or 80,000 men and woncieff at work.
There is no 'slackness in any. branch
or In any shop, and in\ some depart- '
ments the work is streirdtms irrthe azg
treme./ The effort of this firm le n
line 'eecaneple of the quickening of the
production brought about by the war
and the • adaptability of a great en-
gineering establishment to war condi•
formerly, while an. enormous
nese in *arrnamenets was done by the
firm, they were also engaged in gen-
eraI engineering work. On the out- Ter
break. of war their -workshops were
immediately • transformed; bridge- ;
making machinery, was scrapped for
gun -making plant4 motor car works
gave way to gauge factories, old
workehope were enlarged and new
ones built, hew machinery of the lat.;
est type, in many eases automatic, '
was installed, and a general speed-
ing -up process adopted. Foreign war •
work had. tO be side-tracked in raver
of British recatirementa. • 'r • -
By a fortunate coincidence Arm.: -
strongs were , petting down new
e British authorities
J-Cheer-fulefor-aneinealieleezornment- fleeter_ wrestled' -with. the hapeclimente who Ineis -convinced- would; hangehiM
ed Jim, as theferry toached the bank, d
. fore able toirOduee nignitions on an
increased scale scale before other Privide
rms. , was not ng pre e
whole establishment was thoroughly
reorganized • and equipped ready to
cope -With -laage scale productien The
result is that the output of certain
articles of War equipment has been- .
increabed by two or - three hendred
per cent. ,
' Dilutiop --�f-Labor.
There has been no' trouble .at Arm.
strong's on the question of the dile-
tion of labor. The seherne put before
the workers by the members Of the
special commission affointed by the
Sir George, Croydon Marks, the ',Rt.
Hon. George N. Barnes aral Mr: D. J.'.. -
Shackleten, was accented With general
unanimity as an emergency pleasure. -
au the horse skied still Whilst 1,.. A.1 from a yard . arm for IeiracY. on ,the
"Oh it 1 •
• -high seas.
ain't meant for cripples: I'll come
At the. next step a small boagh •
and,the Philosopher who had caught the handkerchief and lifted
_found In_the—Writings ot Cicero, •
Thera, never was a person naMed
Willia Tell, Ai."---fd---aff-4—ise uently he
never shot an apple from his son's
head at the bidding of bile Austrian
-tyrant;- Gessler., .
At Waterloo, the commander of
Napoleon's Old Guard is said to have
replied to the ehellenge of surrender
pompously: "The Old Guard dies, but
it does not surrender!!-'- In the French
army, however, it is a tradition that
his answer consisted of but .one word,
'not at all fitted feir ears polite'.
Similatly, the Girtendins had no last
supper together. Columbus could not
have foretold an eclipse of the /neon
order. to -frighten the natives
Taknaica,into 'Submission,' as has been
asserted, for the simple. reason that
the moon was not in eclipse during the
time the famous exedoker was on that
resellyekite the Rau on the head, tied- off thelace.. 4 was eeceyered and re-
up his boat, andloafed'after Jim for placed without a word: ' P..s -soon as
hit morning eye-opener. this had been done the horse stumbled Mrs C. Vanderbilt R i i
s ng Gift for
over an -unseen log; and : its pack. ' ' a ' •
• Queen Czarina and President.
. The town (alone among its peers it-
neyer esPired to .be. a city), had once moved up a foot never to its neck. • ' . -
inenhee good old days. of the Caribou The doctors companion caught, • the ; With a plan of war relief that ,Is
excitem.ent, been a place Of some hP- beast by. the head and jerked at its unique even in these days, Mrs. Cox.-
portance. Its grass -grown streets bit, as a hint to it to take more care-, 'nelius ,Vendeabilt has been going
worn bare by many feet, but since then and at the same moment another ram- among\ her friends in New York and
it had fallen a prey to stagnation, . pike caught M'the blanket • This time Philadelphia inviting them to contri-
The houses were Mean and . :Tar the horse could' not stand Belli, nei-"-: babe toward what might be called .e
•aphrt, and except for stray dogs, and ther would the rainpike loose its hold. 1.,"royal relief fund." .
one- or two melancholy looking hones -Foe nearlyethirty seconds the two at f Mrs. Vanderbilt is endeavoring to
tied to a rail, there was no outward the horse's head .did their best bo undo . celled $300,000, which she intends
t iSible sign of life. , the tangle, thee the horse plunged to preeent-,-in gold; in -egad iliaieS
the horses Were tied in front of forward, the blanket tore, some of the I -to Queen Mary of England, the ,
the Ideal, Jim followed the ferryman's lashings gave, and old mate Hayes 1 Czarina of 'Russia and President Poin- '
t ! care • of France, - those rulers to he at
advice, and made his way into that rolled out• with a them brandi hi
to whieh have been added one -h If a e r, wo r un e sr, . .
ing pp e y ories, , as he fell. •ever purpose they choose.
a c p- hu lel a a entl of two st •
ng uowd one.half cup water with
Ail Of Lrated maple sugar, Pack it in - ,h if though its appearance was as deeep- The doctor's mate swore, ,and Contribetioris of $10,000 --no more,
ice sued saltand leave 't fe t h e's •°°66 lemon in one can •
o u ours. • tive as. its name. Closer inspection. 'fluency • , • , no less --are being asked for.
Ma I m' • • mute un xor sus -termer
water. Cream. butter and sugar, then
• ' The employers agreed .to the condi-.
' Hons. associated with. the dilution
that no workman•Wes to be prejudiced. • '
by the spurt that • be inight melee or
the.greater eneegeethat he Might shoe, '
revealed the fact that Anton story was silence. ' Only those of umenestioned social
' •'" e--cuP ofadd, Water and fiour alternately (halt -
maple syrup add the`Well-beaten yolks Ing sifted the haking powder in flour);
• or. ffier; egg.8. Cook the liquid' In a lastly fold in the whites and flavor as
631/bie bo•iler' Stirring it constantly for desired. Bake in a slow oven and ice
-fittgo. mientes• Remove* X1141.11 tue With White icing. • •
' fire and heat it until it is qUite cold. • -
Stir two tabIespeonfuls bf finely •
.thePPed Candied ginger, then add one • Useful Hints..
• Pint Of cream, whipped. - Pou'e the It is wrong to. cook° the- Vegetables
• aeais into -a mould, cover it with Pan': in au iron lcettle. • .
er, and riot the lid of e the mould, in; „ Practica:alone gives the confidence
4 pla.ce, making surd that it is Very tight.' and experience necessary .to tern out
,Pack the whole in ice and add salt and good :pastry. '
leave it for four hours. • • ...: • Tii clean lamp burners wash MOO.
MaPIO Ecitterscotch iPie.-13eat to-, in wood ashes and Water and they.will
gether one ,clipful of- sweet teak,' one come' out clean and bright, •
• egg, one heaning tablespoonfulof flour
i I, Wine the kitchen Oilcloth with skim.
'.'eria of, a *eapfu ' • •
in thoti bime of 'national stress to.in-
"This is , a positive scandal, boys-poson-and, naturally, of ample Deadly Conflicts Closed in Feasting
a "bluff," being only a board exten-
crease the output beyond fled ehich
don of the front with nothing but tile It's irreverent to the dead," Slin heard meaes-have been asked by the pro- a• coeild be expected from. an ortlinaiw
, and telerrymalein
free air behind it , ' s I the 1 doctor say.. .• • " - . . • meter of the plan to subscribe.- It is , man working for like, operations: As
, ,
, just how the present war, will and
But if the &Aside .of the Ideal - wae 1, • "It's blanked poi packing, that's understood that the fund has reached . nobody knows, but it is unlikely that Si _..
• r Croydon -.Marks told the men, the,
dull and gloomir; inside the gloom was • what it le,". 'retorted one of • them. $140,000.. Mrs. Vanderbilt and her . . _
• ' • - • it will finisk in a *feast of friendship: money to -be. paid. is a secondary eon4
intensified. A "more sordid :interior : Ed. don't- kaiew etioughtee tie a gran- husband started the fund $10,ei.e [ sid, eration, • it being a case of olitput
. . erer. the belligerents. , ... • ...
and speed rather' than economy and
I ' ' et thle-nothing . leas -has mark;
saw. A great .stova-which maile a red "You tie itbetter . .elf, ' .
Tann , you web- • • Th • ii • • • • . • • .
e rt eis are to receive their re -e money saving -rather life saving thee..
• • ed the conclusion of many a conflict
• • speCtive one hundred thousands ., in pee/ Money saving. Ile explained that: -
In .clays gone by. The. :first.
and raised the temperature to sone- ; "That's dead eney, And I'll. hie your. gold coin. The coin, it is said, ,xvill ' t folloWed that' any man who, Was
. • - -.•:--: war, for anstance, was closed by a
thing .nealiy tropical, Was the ,only blamed neck in a knot •,whext!• I'M be sent to them in geld bags.. . e
beequet, at which General Cronje=tht, tratieferrech. or Any women ' elle Was • ,
apparent apologe for any mari's-,cena .. throup:Ii With it," said the other • an- • Most striking of all the element; of , same ihho surrendered at Peardeberg transferred, to • take., the place of. An-•
ing inside. • ' .. . ,. ,: . . : • grily, taking ,W his coat to work and Mrs. Vandeebilt's project is a "Book
twenty Years later -entertained. tab. Other person • having ' higli•T ' wagos:'
. no o! Gold' idete., It is her purpose to
The flame which had not: been•sWept sweat.•thore easily. But he did. t .• • • than the one who was about to take
-- British salters and 'officiate -1n tine
for Weeks, was nehaop of dead cigar.. 'find it "deaci.easy." have three volumes' enade of the pre; , - the, place of the,. more skilled opera.;
.. • Style, the, quantity of chaanpagne con.
ends, and a table at Which three men I • •"einCli the beggar gaod and tight ,, cious metal, • in which. -shall be. . in-
than that of this, saloon no man ever ny knot. let alone the diamond hitch.'" 000 each.
glow ih the middle Of the bar 'room, :. footed blue nose:"
• . tor, Must be'. paid fox; the same -Out-
- sumed th • d f
bed the, names of the centributors
to the fund . •
' ' •
44 sem ut the same wages, othenvise thare
. •Melt three -quart- reed milk. This treatment is almost sat thumphig down their feces in a suegested one. Corpses ain't got
i ea& there, 1 trely surprising." , ,
beneficial to the Cloth .as a coat of i game ef Steamer whist, was foul with no feelin's,"• end putting his foot • I :The American Civil War ended mid.'
, I qf butter with one ci1P- an would be benefit -la the employer,
Ie is understood there are . to be .
ful ot grated maple sugar. Combine vasnisb. . - 1 kerosene oil, whilst the small Win- ' against the'hOrSe he threW hia weight
' I smaller "Books of Gold" of the size I er an app e . tree n a garden at Ap-
/ . / • emplOying eheaper inkier." '
the two mixtures end cook the whole , .To die b ' i 1 claws wore blinds to keep Out any ray into the rope. So far as Arirestreiare aveke eon- .
An ambeo furuture use a
. •
in • a. dealhe beilci until .it is, thick.- brush dipped in warm 'Wilter"and salt..r° s I g
• 'Whe'l it.. is• I
Czarina or Ow French Preeident
• e• e true to
. •• . •
inatna a. e +1i. State ef Vir-
of a card ease. In these there will P° g
f u ht which' mighe lee deluded • "Hold oe, Mo; you'll break hiin all" be girlie; Lee, serrendered Ins swore] to
the. aatograph of the 'Queen or ,
. dfftifetrZoirine;entdo• ilVmeadbotAttho.bula.
cerned, dilation• ie peer:feeling
uw, pour it inLoa • a• e The salt prevents. the . bamboo front
Pastry shell Ann gayer with a ther4 turning color. • '• • • •
inane ilitide•Of:the-slitty heated white • To m I • '
into entering the place., - , up. '
drowsy' bar tender' leaned en. his ;• "ICot muel, • 'He's eta? enough. se
elboW acress the bar, 1Watehing the. There, gittit • is sake aed the two men pledged • each ,,,e,ev rders• increase, ay thus now" and be gave di 0in •
. e'a the contributor's,
a flagoe of cider, the pnly `!" °
° have beee cherishin the ha e' th-st .• other liven e
'of one egg to ea:tete has been added g -
Iirioletini take equal parts of Tin eed game ist ess y; spitting an enceer- horse•a slap on its quarter: , drink available, after, Which they and 1 .
• noSsibly• a deeoratione of some jeort
g .e, a ee... _es aging the players b.y three, and in '
m Frightened by its mishap, dr, rriore.,,a- • ' • ' • • 1 tl ir• t ffs obr akfa t d i bl - t
One tablespoonful of maple syreD• oil and Oder vine a ght be 'sant along with the auto- - ee s ft ee . a e am ca e o- 1 . e . Wonlen Workers.
nd mix •the
- = -Brown it in;therovezi acid ierve it old 1 I - •-
• c • horqugh y together. • • . • • 1 f ti _ .1 , .. . and beans, and; fla,0•1 There are 8,00fi women ' •
front of -the stove a middle-aged man conseious .of the'tlead Patilf6 Of iiir - I-- - - - --- - - - - — - ' gmher on btic"on • ' " I - - ' • • " ' ' '
• Ma'ple ai,1or.0.-,-:Soali four he ping
Of immense . brawn, Sat hunched. up, burden. than its mestere. thought; the. • . •
•r,ip 0- • le sovereign. •
tablespoonfuls Of • tepteca fer. four spont of the. ereem piteher it will prs. 1°°.king•we4ril
a • . If. you. rub a litele. butter •under..the,
into the glow . horse bolted, galloped through the. Oneire crf the labt .tla3, of, the al •hundted At the general engin Inc;
Tim, who knew the man's story,. range. of thnbele end on to the epee
Fraece,German War of . 187011, r Bis- wo les• o
/were eufacicht eoldwater to. coirer vent 'a drop of •creani .runnifig down
Wondered what -he saw in the.fire.' A hillside where
engatrol at,
, jacks ,,swestened with maide .segar." Armstrongs' shell factory,. sevq;
as s
ce ate ed. They undertake a greee Varic ty • '
remaino, add one quart. Of sweet milk Ceffee ond.tea steins, if rubbed with the event, at which, b', des the mem- of -work but theeeiut majmity of
and a pc. , oengage
inhof saltand cok theing
steady and piesperous 'randier In .sc sent the body Of Mr,Hayes ,1 . tiers. of the:German Headquarthem are d in tiniSh
ter Staff,
We .,
• • butter and -afterwards Washed in hat,'; „,
„ay,,•hut *He had died •in do ii the slope. there were present several tereneh of cartridge. cases and m akin er f
holuntil the Melo& kar. uees, Wee- •
• add the yolks of Dila eggs -beaten with:
Then soap•suds, will 'tome out, leavin the
table litien quasi Trash and Aithit:. child birth, sinc.i Aince then 'the Ideal This 'denimernent nyolcad 'Volley of :firers. in deference' to his gueste, the s men have adapted thein'selew :1
o corastarch au trease soot andl had been his home. imiirecationa'from the mtites, but even _German Chancellor 'had arrangecb-that to machine . Work, -and -h3ndle. th
one eupfutof grated maple anger Ck • Rub-
UsloSe. he lived onlY 411,; work the that ho no -apparent effeet team the , , The last eleet•le the War shOidd be fired chines deftly and with care, •
few years ago t oa en a een a• there •witirtwo or • three yieioug buCks
it lt.is thick. , Add One teas •
poon-Ix wiltruliserh the -
Sul c...t vanilla • Pour the mixture-. boars- If not all gone. repeat
ivouTd 'love to be Jim CotrtheIs. gravity of tlie ltet,e Mr. Hayes.
DV thp. preach.. • I The making of •munitioxis entett ire - •
t- 7
balthlg:-Part • Corat4t t144-t-li-e-spet is -clewed gre-1.°'
e see -
•lion,..1e in the future. Far Ione Men 'Never'in his ,life had he proceeded inne-r-given tiy-Gene-tralgegt and l'exact at all 'points: All materiel. must • •
• witn nothing te toorE forward to there , I-1th more deliberate dignity than he-
. his officers, to the Russian Ileadmiart- be earefullY tested; the firkim4-aitielr- -• - • • -
. • •.•
hlp 1111k0 To.
, .
WM do -Intro till ratty htocre.ving
for "tortebtinncr.lrcre—it will
thefed elernerft3 emetiod to httIld op
143 b..dy ortf help tarn ta I:21n in
health ami e.r.et
, •
"Creetn drone!" 13 trItolettorhe,bottrtsti-
153•.• too,' —ra wen rts
rt deltclotto 44.
The reotoki tri rAir tt.:w
• t ''LeVirerIS *11
01141es" *in !tit you
are 'Only twd altcrnatives hi the W.C.st,
did • then in death. Theenitele of --eraieterff-celObratethe,W-atratliesienr fer-myt-arti-offi_151y-.-Kt-h, Abe
6 it
CO et bale (yr gee& to roll; so
hedaink; dna jim- enew t e.e e steep eneu'gh --thtoinTtne -Ituss-a4arattelarwar ro! 1905. far garige Measurements, and stand ar
s itfirdr•C• We -IR -Med htnisell togbA1.117-fr-
as has alr tly been said, it is impos, all-r,ound teat. In the making of fuse:
i • and turned te the bartender, who had thnt the' svinthrN1 'body •Went down it: sible ,th y similar civilities will, alone there..are no fewo. than 20C
begun mechanically to polish •up cer- 'in sloW time, WIth gtave pi i'4 whilst maek the se •of the preseilt, world • gauge tests. The gauge teSting at •
1.141 401i1 Tittp tumblers at the advent the limbs of it', which had 'broken
war: Tlie ill deeds of the Han, Ivrit- Armstrongs riins ,into• miliiens of op.:,
ir chairs, the body rolled rto be so cenickly forgotten or se (tsily other munitions are tintslied they are •
tested. by the firm's own eXainitiers„ ; •
And again by the, Goverinnent's
ports, before they tete leaVe the wOrkS.'
• The manufacture,- of machine tools
114 tilOved; inth
• ef a newcomer, 'whilst the 1,vhfsvplaY: loose, swung in solemn Inockery as ten in blood tend a fire, are the terrible eratioes week. When shells or, any :
• t• • . ,
'ready :to "line up" to the bar at the', . In spite of pauv,es,. it would ;lot ritop. ; forgiven. •
Ili to of thore: magic Worths, I As soon. as tine moved .to retch' it, it ;
1•At tov, 1.42-.4 t3 Ver,k. tionet,
entytio Ito for a eery. to oar Moetreet )tt.,-e.
• Peo:er.1 evoryw;oto 1;40,0 "crawl r...s3d"*1:1 2, 81•6 AM.
20 twill tills•••••mul. 3 r.o•ind (442 lap. •
•Ti-fg• CANADA OTARCI1 CO. Liroi iTto
otio!ttleAu emtomott,, saArneone, past wittima,
itkiket1 et" 11114/?" -t 'di Pt or iit.• fitimere.f
Pal'ilidnet''81440' MiS'*.141sineby star h.
"'What • shttki it be .genticIrien?" T.rtib swung its„armf,tand started again, re. • • • •
Jim did not utter theni, and the hope covering its momentum sufficiently to
died out in their face. instead, • he elude its would-be captors'. ' -
asked civilly 'Where the dootor. Was. It was as if the deed man Was play-
ing a grim gamewith his old cronies.
At last it reached the road, which
wound round the base of the hilt.
"Well, I'm blanked," if 'that don't
beat everything. The old Man alwayg.
was pig-headed, but * who'd have
thought herd have kicked like that at
being peeked, and he's a C011181211" .
"Guesshe thinks he can take eare
of hinself now 'same as he allus did. A pieture hem the Balkans. Thie
He's erossed this, trail many a night old Turk is at favorite of the French
When h� badn't any more sense than :whiten amend a1oni1d. .This is the
he late noire" 'Ursa* time he hag faCed the catilera
• tint the Stillness of the body brought and he dotal iso withaeonicanxiety.
baek kome of the old feeling at awe. Thwily Mirror phota.$ • • *
"Gone to a buryin'," the bar man re-
plica, "ph all deadheads -to-day," he
added with a ailed which invited the
approvnl of the diSapbeintfd tvhist
players. 1
• "Will he be heel; soon V.1. "
..,rt all -depends, Mister,. on how the
eorpee trevels. Corpses ain't gay on
the hoof, as you May have heard, and
'its dli of fifteen miles to Snow Gulch.
' Dott'e see why they couldn't have left
the old an where he was. One place
Iii as good as anather to be planted In
to my Mintl," t
i "There you're plum off the treek,
Had a. better .Clumer.
"1 assure you, madame, my ancea.
tera dame over with the first settlers."
"Very. likely. We had no iMMigra.
tion Ittws then."
is ,Another skilled 'hesinesse •
Naturally,, the hien and .women
earn exceptiMuilly high wages. The
weekly wage-. bill of , Arnistrongs'
establishmant is a little Orator 1200,-
. .
0,00 a week.
Watch Nrolur Colts.
Por Cottkits. 0)141ttlenr) 1/i3-rit nwer 444344. 444 the (trot myrnrt.
toms of any inseh attyttent ghe small dr,Seg tit that 'teen.
retried y. hOW Cho ritt,ht mold to AtIntetwe,
131100711019 Mtlik2IIId111)1e C101/100111121."
* 'Per 54 14' 14), •any deliggIta, tutrrip.ip otiligyeir
if Vered by
APtittIft MEDICAL CO., Cbeltt1014 kitti 1344tOrtO1oatetig4
0 41
Tenderfoot's Woo!
illia CLAM Pliii-LIPP4 'WhOe.lAY •
frat 'flier Of."Goith Oelthin Oarthees"
Cuitrult xt,,,(0010,-,4)., - 1 rtiachuly,'., byakealq. gm? of theepleyere
1 provingly. "There'8 leo cal! Iol' r a
le : 74 t
stay! lip :it t•t'bENV:Ottu,14:0 •Lt*b •::94:7'e'd:°1;,alt te'el*74,itlxii ainveSenepreiCriktion,, oteritlitrorlityllayir4WasrSbaa
man to demean himself if he does live
quiche" .., teem. eeek hie, glees reeee eee pate a., Ogle et .relief. every man took off
' SaaNse-a/P11-.-waa'ilftaan iallea 'Qat- for It When he had any 4chert and so,
ins -•"ati lnal tied it in ar'Paak °a hla
:Ode Seda, Creelt, and Jint I retted at he. ,owes.Tco a weelked ' back. •
tides,ntibal:t tIrg,la ji• do -in; ull' '. forst, . el :rn,dwfb'161 tio0Ootutldr4ohllltibiainathe aPea
gnd lte ,
buteopelent, .• • (Teei.xl..crt!lneed.)
"GPesa ha's gsa - aa 9114 of a e''; eyed, the bar tender flercein and Pun.,
eeptiOn eoratnittee to old man HaYee
)210-4 "rbt..eild mane Mob a, ralee."7 . et/ ant n 1.4CraaS*' der -skin sack" 1
, ,I thought he eINve7e was mine =Mr" ra:Nisi°0'thinalg'.e'Itiliridugiternar 44dihttfildj;),"!
ager. Is he :OWner. now I- ,. Got the .
.'., HA-, ..,.1.441..bo,ttaiyou slab -
torblagee; i41eriihetween4galtat nnd• a410,thatgtth*iln,tma4i.b01nir.isiyi4oidnaIuayes
him a /34.°444--.1alllleaiairet h3" all a°- has 4 right to all Om frills he has a'
counts. The Old 'Man rased ildlUself thew to when !t, efromomes tothbeur, gyienn't, analli
sort of inforMal, , with 'a. stick et rd 4 t 11 •
• en
Maple Stigar 'Olt/hese
Maple Syrup Custards. -Mie thor-
04141Y fOnr well -beaten eggs. a pinch
,*.eh salt,. three ealifilla of Sweet Mint
-and One cupful ot nattplle'sarite. Pour,
14 into .huttered individual =Millets and
Set them in hot Water.' Bake the mix-
ture• Slowly it Is Apt,Chill
them, turn the erindard out of the
moulds and serve it, •
Hot Maple Nougat.e-Boil together
two cupfuls of maple sartiP ;ad one
teitspoonfal of butter until they reach.
. the eoft-hall stage -23.8 degrees; Add
Ahle•lialf 'cupful of chopped pecan -nets
,and stir the whole well, llte, it hs 4
...P1111ee for lee ermine 'When thehot
syrup carnes in Contact with thee* I
cream, it forma a delicious .caramel,
Maple Parfe it-:-SWeeten, create' with
PlaSe sYrIll.) and whi.0 it Until it is
'very thiek. Pour the Cream hito • a
. mould that has beet' 'sprinkled with
nut meats chopped, five. Cover the
p og the mould ivith WriPPIng paPer,
and press the lid down secereje, and tie
It with .a stout cord, ,Bury the mould
In crushed ice and Salt and leave It
for four hours. • '
Maple. Whio.-:-,Mix and bring t.,3 the
boiling point , one-half cupful ef whit3
sugar, tho. yolks of two eggs, one elm -
fill of r.n.apiesugar and two eupfilis -of
cold water.. Adda pinch of saw and garitsu Ith em Thicken In for, night 'watch, end in general his face, and his body decently. dis-
'1•WO tabIespconfttls Of cornstarch tits- manages to sober .up 'before any : of posed. in a blanket.
the , gravY in *which the apinacla:was
d'Ilushi" Ort.. "What are you
giving mit That ain't noway tote*
betel eorpces,"
"Our*, or ate Corpse," sod hold.
er 813110.• °Ws a long tinte- between
tlrinksi and this burying Mighty
dry entertainment. Peet Let' ,have
a look at that behtle." •
The• doctor produced the medicine);
;which Waft lahene4h Scott sm.
kers Special, and in tUra each Of thee'
thank tee their' fildedinneeittlion:.
4,04.444 travel more sociable
no'w',' said Al, wiping bis mouth with •
his coat sleeve. Mint have .•to
pack hint atlrseiveli. 7Got to fake •Off
MA' trine- ter that hael..neeeeh und, With; •
. „
• alant • . • *, think; contrary." '
meringUis nakle teeth. the Whites, or the .* 4413/r. ;!*i bi,M5elf• la% 1°1). 0.1uCht "Vo paha; up th, e hrea,che Jinx stood
-a le hurt? s• " 4.drinks. It is the. only Civility you can
eggs and two tablespoonfuls of Of P -49) tt le • I don't
' shOW to yotie netghbor SOIne, places,„
know as he ought to. He's and. #4en tclewant, of amthing ogiee.,to
sugar.. • BOMA it 4114 'Sarno it eeld
With Plairt -Cream.' • .
• •
MI8CelialfgatiO' ReCIPe5.1. „
VA Sa.VOinje -dumpling May lhe made
as follows; Take a quarter .of • a
pound of. suet, and half a pound of
ed the etoef eff. hi e head, and that Was do, ratter illttn the hope oe, tateephat
ralirei. ere, atiod to him, even for Car-
rying leis "liqUer: I larenr'seraaalyuPsre°,C"anscrrtio'„eljeiniont. 4Qtrr°0 arTreeet
1:turYing partt
"Then whY as the doctor gone Out?
"Give: that chunk of ice a boost
ileur, a , teaspoonful of salt and ant1 with the pole will you if That's belly,"
enough geld water to into ' which. as the great Oahe Slid down the. side
stir three finely shaved onions. Mold. of the heat with a dal rasning ectunpl:
with the haecle intO a :ball and tie "Well,. I don't know, I'm etre; why the
up in a• floured cloth, room being.ah, doe's gone, 'cept that .SOdy is slower
lowed for its swelling, and bolt-three:I inst now than.4 funeral. It's nothing
lionre,----:-Wheft- done, taxa' out. cut la-• here new but .bieg Jules all 'day, and
sllces and. Cover with a brown sauce more.' bug juice all night, with inter -
made. from plele drawn batter, tie ludes for exile. Net as a man really
which a cup of• gran)* and a dish .of tires of bug. iniceithut it's monotoneus
Mlle pewee has been Added, „
One way to cook heef tonghe so as
to make. it palatable, cover a tongue
with celd:water and add a sliced onion
and two CIPIT9-0. • 'I. Shnrae,r 'until ten
der, draM and. take Oft the .kin. Pour
a' capful of s•trgined tomato . juice and
two cupfuls oh inea6sthclx into a cos
serele, and"put the tongue in. Cover,
and cook slowly In the oven for ibout
half .ah. hour. ,Serye with spinach
Which has “ beee boiled, oleo:Peed. Sea
even the way .as the floc flue tt.
"How does the doctor fix it?" asked
jim, humoring hien. • .•
4Wall, the doe, he's gat a sort. of
On a steep bluff, through the heavy
brush of which a narrow trail had
been rolighly cut, Jim found a party
of about a dozen men, half of whom
wore black coat. Theyewere almost
the only blach coats In Caribou, and
had 'been collecteel with infinite trou-
_hie to give thee to the preoeedings.
There was also one top tat. That be;
longed to the elector, and was worn by
The battle, too targe for a medi-
cine bottle, which protruded trom. his
• coat pocket, belonged to the,party.
.• When Jim first sighted them the
Pirate Who Single -Handed Capeurad
British Ship.
Ernest Schiller, the German "Pirate?"
-who single-handed captured the Brit-
ish steamship "Matapo," has been
'brought to New York, the 'authorities
fearing his being,' rescind. Schiller
now admita his name is Clarence Hud-
son his f the E h
, a r -being ngljs , s
. lay hhIner, what the gospel' sharks • proper spirit of their occupation pos.
hack eest call a clealtin, and they've - mother German; he being born , in
seosed them. Two' and two they paced Petrograd. With four other men he
arranged to make -what the doe calls behind a soy nag, at Whose head plotted to ,board an English steamer
. a concession to the eonveniences. They paced the doctor and another. All and captun treesure on board, but
does it this Way--doc he takes Ferree' had their hats off, and their coats on, having taken too much intoxicating
ing watch and the bottle, ...eleakin, he and no one spoke. • liquor, he boarded the 1VIatapo and ,
takes the patients. Then doe and the Upon the horse's back was 'all.that held up the captain and crew when the .1
deakm take dog watch thgether, both remained of old man, Hayes- a white vessel wee* Well ou -
1,a, e....eeeeeme,h t ark
It not OW softens tho
water hot douhIes tho oioons.
ino Dower Of -i.JoiPi*Itcl
Lw44114, IF00
W,2341 s SEErts rig.0.Expa.
TwO Examples. the Present Conflict
•• ar, ow,
Waie are fruitiNg breeders of, lee
geniis, and 411w;aYs :have been. .No
is the present 'war 4217, exceptieil• to
the, rule,: seri London Answers, .
gifel7bod7, to eite hut two in-
stances, will be able to recall the story -
the Mons angelcitancl that Other one
004 the Rneldan gieldiers Who came
sinethir ones,' Will be, incorporated in
the history .books og the future, It is
gftoutrtictaiiC?lin4arlsetteusgleetclita.11oyur wIsethirl:
Take, for :ample, the one ,abeut
the Bleat HOW' of Calchtta, 'Every
sehoolboy and nearly, every grown.
up person is familiar with the detaile
of that ghastly Amer. It relates how
the Nabob Suraja Dowlah shut up 146
Britons, captured by hire in' Calcutta
Fort, in n small, unventilated dungeon
and how, after a night of agony from
heat, thirst, and lack of air, only,
nitwoernntiern-gt,ree were. found alive next
For more than 150 years the story
has been implicitly believed. Yet now
along comes Mr. Little, and proves,
in his "Bengal, Past and Present,"
not only that it is not true, hcit that
it could nob possibly be true:
Nine persons only Were, at appears
from contemporary records, confined
in the "black -hole," which was really
the connnon-pelsein, and none .of ther
suffered any very great inconveni-
ence. The remainder of the garrison
numbering some 10, weee either kill -
or wounded -in the' fighting, and the
atter were treated by their conquer,
ors with every consideration.
to -day... 4
. ., t at sea. He, was
so disgusted with the Meaare loot en 4 Similarly, Wellington never said,
board that when off the, Delaware. `Up Guards, and at 'me!" at Water -
&est he ordered the captain to pee 'loot nor did Blucher 'exelaim, on first equipment and making arrangements'
him ashore; where upon landing he seeing London, "What a place eto for- increased output just, before the
was disarmed and arrested Schiller's, sack!" While the phrase, "Providence war began'. Their new shipbifilding ..
favors the big battalions„ which- Is yard, which cost over a million, was
a lick in the night w.atch." pike. Gently and without or Hudson's oily fear ,is that he be
a word the turned over to th usually attributed to Napoleon, Is 'just kesaly. This company was there -
sorted with salt anti pciPper and melted'. drinik for a spell. Then doe cennes handkerchief bound reverently ,over
solved in a little' cold water. Cook
the •whcle until it is. thick and remove
it . ,
froin .the tire: when it is celd, add
, ,
the stiffly beaten whites of two eggs.
.; 'Serve ie'evith "create:and sugar, .
• • Maple- Nut Fudge. -Bell teird,eupfule
of maple.aitgar and one cupful of milk
•antii-n-e-bitaraiii•-the mise wilrfdim a
soft hall, in -sold Water. • Add one
tablaspoonftil tit butter,. one teaSpOOW
cooked the easOreieettee serve -eeithe bop get around. , Drink or sob- In a eorner of this, unfortunately,
. er, he s better nor the lay helper, so wage caught one a thbse sharp -ended
a *iftrY• • •
I guess your friend had better ht him bou hs whi h B C 1 11
This tepiPe for gingeebread. is Saw
to be Seer gond: Stir togethar One
large cupful .of tete-
ful. of butter and hind, dripping,. or
ea; 'half a !cupful of „milk,, one level
teasPoonfal baldng-scda, • half a
'M.. 15.r. ,irarcal4• .,ezttOct, and one -halt ..eteraateaspoonful-ef one Aeas171°°11fur
*Alod of PIngliall ..W4Iniite • chopped ' ginger, half teilsR°611114 °ricin"
I3.,einoVe the mixture from rianlan' 4°1:tilree:°uPful of fi°11t.
tho tire and beat it until it is thick; .cgp _ ThIS Is a good way to use the left -
thee_ add t40 lieate white of one overs •ar fried -or "eaid boiled, hare.
ane very era': °f. through
Pour it into buttered • tine. „ When t sg,:cltdeet .:e°40 Piy46,RteQiultee°11pe'neeutPeblfescisreoacilikii-
is of', hi' mark' it . titO : otit*,,ree. •
mA p le ' Delight -B,eat• *,tlte • yolks • of
fear eggs_ mita -theY are light. •4!idd
0146-ijuOiters or CM*
•.cf jealf-le SYrnn, then ode .pint of thia
fui of butter and; stirring into it one
tablespoonful, a ffour until thick. Add
to the ham and dreani sauce three
ha.rd-bolled eggs, which have been
d 11 d f
sweet cream. Gook the whole Whole in a romoritinj*, ., „Ent. in a buttered. dial.?
double bolIer• ts- thiekeemou&it-'
--- and bake until brown.
'the are and beat it with an. egg whip ' •
weites or four eggs, cne-half cup but -
u it i
I ti • er, one cup sugar, two cups, pastry
to eat with 4 spoon, Remove it from
This is a good white cake recipe:
n s whea it is cold, whih t t •• or
In; te elebeaten whites •of lour eggs -high_sotinfling. hostelry, a Wooden one stiffe.ned limb. in ghastdy fashion ' liberty to devote the money to what-,
tak t o dta dons bak-
75,000 WORKERS .
Piddeetiern of One Plant indicate.'
- Activity of British Munition
Faitoriet. „
AMMO@ ,who goes through the Vast
armamint works--v!hich are no* .
situated in more than one part of Eng.,- -
land --of lHessrs. 'Armstrong, VAR -
'Worth .4h Ceimpany muat be etruck by .
the general, ateadiness Of 'the 70,080
Or 80,000 men and woncieff at work.
There is no 'slackness in any. branch
or In any shop, and in\ some depart- '
ments the work is streirdtms irrthe azg
treme./ The effort of this firm le n
line 'eecaneple of the quickening of the
production brought about by the war
and the • adaptability of a great en-
gineering establishment to war condi•
formerly, while an. enormous
nese in *arrnamenets was done by the
firm, they were also engaged in gen-
eraI engineering work. On the out- Ter
break. of war their -workshops were
immediately • transformed; bridge- ;
making machinery, was scrapped for
gun -making plant4 motor car works
gave way to gauge factories, old
workehope were enlarged and new
ones built, hew machinery of the lat.;
est type, in many eases automatic, '
was installed, and a general speed-
ing -up process adopted. Foreign war •
work had. tO be side-tracked in raver
of British recatirementa. • 'r • -
By a fortunate coincidence Arm.: -
strongs were , petting down new
e British authorities
J-Cheer-fulefor-aneinealieleezornment- fleeter_ wrestled' -with. the hapeclimente who Ineis -convinced- would; hangehiM
ed Jim, as theferry toached the bank, d
. fore able toirOduee nignitions on an
increased scale scale before other Privide
rms. , was not ng pre e
whole establishment was thoroughly
reorganized • and equipped ready to
cope -With -laage scale productien The
result is that the output of certain
articles of War equipment has been- .
increabed by two or - three hendred
per cent. ,
' Dilutiop --�f-Labor.
There has been no' trouble .at Arm.
strong's on the question of the dile-
tion of labor. The seherne put before
the workers by the members Of the
special commission affointed by the
Sir George, Croydon Marks, the ',Rt.
Hon. George N. Barnes aral Mr: D. J.'.. -
Shackleten, was accented With general
unanimity as an emergency pleasure. -
au the horse skied still Whilst 1,.. A.1 from a yard . arm for IeiracY. on ,the
"Oh it 1 •
• -high seas.
ain't meant for cripples: I'll come
At the. next step a small boagh •
and,the Philosopher who had caught the handkerchief and lifted
_found In_the—Writings ot Cicero, •
Thera, never was a person naMed
Willia Tell, Ai."---fd---aff-4—ise uently he
never shot an apple from his son's
head at the bidding of bile Austrian
-tyrant;- Gessler., .
At Waterloo, the commander of
Napoleon's Old Guard is said to have
replied to the ehellenge of surrender
pompously: "The Old Guard dies, but
it does not surrender!!-'- In the French
army, however, it is a tradition that
his answer consisted of but .one word,
'not at all fitted feir ears polite'.
Similatly, the Girtendins had no last
supper together. Columbus could not
have foretold an eclipse of the /neon
order. to -frighten the natives
Taknaica,into 'Submission,' as has been
asserted, for the simple. reason that
the moon was not in eclipse during the
time the famous exedoker was on that
resellyekite the Rau on the head, tied- off thelace.. 4 was eeceyered and re-
up his boat, andloafed'after Jim for placed without a word: ' P..s -soon as
hit morning eye-opener. this had been done the horse stumbled Mrs C. Vanderbilt R i i
s ng Gift for
over an -unseen log; and : its pack. ' ' a ' •
• Queen Czarina and President.
. The town (alone among its peers it-
neyer esPired to .be. a city), had once moved up a foot never to its neck. • ' . -
inenhee good old days. of the Caribou The doctors companion caught, • the ; With a plan of war relief that ,Is
excitem.ent, been a place Of some hP- beast by. the head and jerked at its unique even in these days, Mrs. Cox.-
portance. Its grass -grown streets bit, as a hint to it to take more care-, 'nelius ,Vendeabilt has been going
worn bare by many feet, but since then and at the same moment another ram- among\ her friends in New York and
it had fallen a prey to stagnation, . pike caught M'the blanket • This time Philadelphia inviting them to contri-
The houses were Mean and . :Tar the horse could' not stand Belli, nei-"-: babe toward what might be called .e
•aphrt, and except for stray dogs, and ther would the rainpike loose its hold. 1.,"royal relief fund." .
one- or two melancholy looking hones -Foe nearlyethirty seconds the two at f Mrs. Vanderbilt is endeavoring to
tied to a rail, there was no outward the horse's head .did their best bo undo . celled $300,000, which she intends
t iSible sign of life. , the tangle, thee the horse plunged to preeent-,-in gold; in -egad iliaieS
the horses Were tied in front of forward, the blanket tore, some of the I -to Queen Mary of England, the ,
the Ideal, Jim followed the ferryman's lashings gave, and old mate Hayes 1 Czarina of 'Russia and President Poin- '
t ! care • of France, - those rulers to he at
advice, and made his way into that rolled out• with a them brandi hi
to whieh have been added one -h If a e r, wo r un e sr, . .
ing pp e y ories, , as he fell. •ever purpose they choose.
a c p- hu lel a a entl of two st •
ng uowd one.half cup water with
Ail Of Lrated maple sugar, Pack it in - ,h if though its appearance was as deeep- The doctor's mate swore, ,and Contribetioris of $10,000 --no more,
ice sued saltand leave 't fe t h e's •°°66 lemon in one can •
o u ours. • tive as. its name. Closer inspection. 'fluency • , • , no less --are being asked for.
Ma I m' • • mute un xor sus -termer
water. Cream. butter and sugar, then
• ' The employers agreed .to the condi-.
' Hons. associated with. the dilution
that no workman•Wes to be prejudiced. • '
by the spurt that • be inight melee or
the.greater eneegeethat he Might shoe, '
revealed the fact that Anton story was silence. ' Only those of umenestioned social
' •'" e--cuP ofadd, Water and fiour alternately (halt -
maple syrup add the`Well-beaten yolks Ing sifted the haking powder in flour);
• or. ffier; egg.8. Cook the liquid' In a lastly fold in the whites and flavor as
631/bie bo•iler' Stirring it constantly for desired. Bake in a slow oven and ice
-fittgo. mientes• Remove* X1141.11 tue With White icing. • •
' fire and heat it until it is qUite cold. • -
Stir two tabIespeonfuls bf finely •
.thePPed Candied ginger, then add one • Useful Hints..
• Pint Of cream, whipped. - Pou'e the It is wrong to. cook° the- Vegetables
• aeais into -a mould, cover it with Pan': in au iron lcettle. • .
er, and riot the lid of e the mould, in; „ Practica:alone gives the confidence
4 pla.ce, making surd that it is Very tight.' and experience necessary .to tern out
,Pack the whole in ice and add salt and good :pastry. '
leave it for four hours. • • ...: • Tii clean lamp burners wash MOO.
MaPIO Ecitterscotch iPie.-13eat to-, in wood ashes and Water and they.will
gether one ,clipful of- sweet teak,' one come' out clean and bright, •
• egg, one heaning tablespoonfulof flour
i I, Wine the kitchen Oilcloth with skim.
'.'eria of, a *eapfu ' • •
in thoti bime of 'national stress to.in-
"This is , a positive scandal, boys-poson-and, naturally, of ample Deadly Conflicts Closed in Feasting
a "bluff," being only a board exten-
crease the output beyond fled ehich
don of the front with nothing but tile It's irreverent to the dead," Slin heard meaes-have been asked by the pro- a• coeild be expected from. an ortlinaiw
, and telerrymalein
free air behind it , ' s I the 1 doctor say.. .• • " - . . • meter of the plan to subscribe.- It is , man working for like, operations: As
, ,
, just how the present war, will and
But if the &Aside .of the Ideal - wae 1, • "It's blanked poi packing, that's understood that the fund has reached . nobody knows, but it is unlikely that Si _..
• r Croydon -.Marks told the men, the,
dull and gloomir; inside the gloom was • what it le,". 'retorted one of • them. $140,000.. Mrs. Vanderbilt and her . . _
• ' • - • it will finisk in a *feast of friendship: money to -be. paid. is a secondary eon4
intensified. A "more sordid :interior : Ed. don't- kaiew etioughtee tie a gran- husband started the fund $10,ei.e [ sid, eration, • it being a case of olitput
. . erer. the belligerents. , ... • ...
and speed rather' than economy and
I ' ' et thle-nothing . leas -has mark;
saw. A great .stova-which maile a red "You tie itbetter . .elf, ' .
Tann , you web- • • Th • ii • • • • . • • .
e rt eis are to receive their re -e money saving -rather life saving thee..
• • ed the conclusion of many a conflict
• • speCtive one hundred thousands ., in pee/ Money saving. Ile explained that: -
In .clays gone by. The. :first.
and raised the temperature to sone- ; "That's dead eney, And I'll. hie your. gold coin. The coin, it is said, ,xvill ' t folloWed that' any man who, Was
. • - -.•:--: war, for anstance, was closed by a
thing .nealiy tropical, Was the ,only blamed neck in a knot •,whext!• I'M be sent to them in geld bags.. . e
beequet, at which General Cronje=tht, tratieferrech. or Any women ' elle Was • ,
apparent apologe for any mari's-,cena .. throup:Ii With it," said the other • an- • Most striking of all the element; of , same ihho surrendered at Peardeberg transferred, to • take., the place of. An-•
ing inside. • ' .. . ,. ,: . . : • grily, taking ,W his coat to work and Mrs. Vandeebilt's project is a "Book
twenty Years later -entertained. tab. Other person • having ' higli•T ' wagos:'
. no o! Gold' idete., It is her purpose to
The flame which had not: been•sWept sweat.•thore easily. But he did. t .• • • than the one who was about to take
-- British salters and 'officiate -1n tine
for Weeks, was nehaop of dead cigar.. 'find it "deaci.easy." have three volumes' enade of the pre; , - the, place of the,. more skilled opera.;
.. • Style, the, quantity of chaanpagne con.
ends, and a table at Which three men I • •"einCli the beggar gaod and tight ,, cious metal, • in which. -shall be. . in-
than that of this, saloon no man ever ny knot. let alone the diamond hitch.'" 000 each.
glow ih the middle Of the bar 'room, :. footed blue nose:"
• . tor, Must be'. paid fox; the same -Out-
- sumed th • d f
bed the, names of the centributors
to the fund . •
' ' •
44 sem ut the same wages, othenvise thare
. •Melt three -quart- reed milk. This treatment is almost sat thumphig down their feces in a suegested one. Corpses ain't got
i ea& there, 1 trely surprising." , ,
beneficial to the Cloth .as a coat of i game ef Steamer whist, was foul with no feelin's,"• end putting his foot • I :The American Civil War ended mid.'
, I qf butter with one ci1P- an would be benefit -la the employer,
Ie is understood there are . to be .
ful ot grated maple sugar. Combine vasnisb. . - 1 kerosene oil, whilst the small Win- ' against the'hOrSe he threW hia weight
' I smaller "Books of Gold" of the size I er an app e . tree n a garden at Ap-
/ . / • emplOying eheaper inkier." '
the two mixtures end cook the whole , .To die b ' i 1 claws wore blinds to keep Out any ray into the rope. So far as Arirestreiare aveke eon- .
An ambeo furuture use a
. •
in • a. dealhe beilci until .it is, thick.- brush dipped in warm 'Wilter"and salt..r° s I g
• 'Whe'l it.. is• I
Czarina or Ow French Preeident
• e• e true to
. •• . •
inatna a. e +1i. State ef Vir-
of a card ease. In these there will P° g
f u ht which' mighe lee deluded • "Hold oe, Mo; you'll break hiin all" be girlie; Lee, serrendered Ins swore] to
the. aatograph of the 'Queen or ,
. dfftifetrZoirine;entdo• ilVmeadbotAttho.bula.
cerned, dilation• ie peer:feeling
uw, pour it inLoa • a• e The salt prevents. the . bamboo front
Pastry shell Ann gayer with a ther4 turning color. • '• • • •
inane ilitide•Of:the-slitty heated white • To m I • '
into entering the place., - , up. '
drowsy' bar tender' leaned en. his ;• "ICot muel, • 'He's eta? enough. se
elboW acress the bar, 1Watehing the. There, gittit • is sake aed the two men pledged • each ,,,e,ev rders• increase, ay thus now" and be gave di 0in •
. e'a the contributor's,
a flagoe of cider, the pnly `!" °
° have beee cherishin the ha e' th-st .• other liven e
'of one egg to ea:tete has been added g -
Iirioletini take equal parts of Tin eed game ist ess y; spitting an enceer- horse•a slap on its quarter: , drink available, after, Which they and 1 .
• noSsibly• a deeoratione of some jeort
g .e, a ee... _es aging the players b.y three, and in '
m Frightened by its mishap, dr, rriore.,,a- • ' • ' • • 1 tl ir• t ffs obr akfa t d i bl - t
One tablespoonful of maple syreD• oil and Oder vine a ght be 'sant along with the auto- - ee s ft ee . a e am ca e o- 1 . e . Wonlen Workers.
nd mix •the
- = -Brown it in;therovezi acid ierve it old 1 I - •-
• c • horqugh y together. • • . • • 1 f ti _ .1 , .. . and beans, and; fla,0•1 There are 8,00fi women ' •
front of -the stove a middle-aged man conseious .of the'tlead Patilf6 Of iiir - I-- - - - --- - - - - — - ' gmher on btic"on • ' " I - - ' • • " ' ' '
• Ma'ple ai,1or.0.-,-:Soali four he ping
Of immense . brawn, Sat hunched. up, burden. than its mestere. thought; the. • . •
•r,ip 0- • le sovereign. •
tablespoonfuls Of • tepteca fer. four spont of the. ereem piteher it will prs. 1°°.king•we4ril
a • . If. you. rub a litele. butter •under..the,
into the glow . horse bolted, galloped through the. Oneire crf the labt .tla3, of, the al •hundted At the general engin Inc;
Tim, who knew the man's story,. range. of thnbele end on to the epee
Fraece,German War of . 187011, r Bis- wo les• o
/were eufacicht eoldwater to. coirer vent 'a drop of •creani .runnifig down
Wondered what -he saw in the.fire.' A hillside where
engatrol at,
, jacks ,,swestened with maide .segar." Armstrongs' shell factory,. sevq;
as s
ce ate ed. They undertake a greee Varic ty • '
remaino, add one quart. Of sweet milk Ceffee ond.tea steins, if rubbed with the event, at which, b', des the mem- of -work but theeeiut majmity of
and a pc. , oengage
inhof saltand cok theing
steady and piesperous 'randier In .sc sent the body Of Mr,Hayes ,1 . tiers. of the:German Headquarthem are d in tiniSh
ter Staff,
We .,
• • butter and -afterwards Washed in hat,'; „,
„ay,,•hut *He had died •in do ii the slope. there were present several tereneh of cartridge. cases and m akin er f
holuntil the Melo& kar. uees, Wee- •
• add the yolks of Dila eggs -beaten with:
Then soap•suds, will 'tome out, leavin the
table litien quasi Trash and Aithit:. child birth, sinc.i Aince then 'the Ideal This 'denimernent nyolcad 'Volley of :firers. in deference' to his gueste, the s men have adapted thein'selew :1
o corastarch au trease soot andl had been his home. imiirecationa'from the mtites, but even _German Chancellor 'had arrangecb-that to machine . Work, -and -h3ndle. th
one eupfutof grated maple anger Ck • Rub-
UsloSe. he lived onlY 411,; work the that ho no -apparent effeet team the , , The last eleet•le the War shOidd be fired chines deftly and with care, •
few years ago t oa en a een a• there •witirtwo or • three yieioug buCks
it lt.is thick. , Add One teas •
poon-Ix wiltruliserh the -
Sul c...t vanilla • Pour the mixture-. boars- If not all gone. repeat
ivouTd 'love to be Jim CotrtheIs. gravity of tlie ltet,e Mr. Hayes.
DV thp. preach.. • I The making of •munitioxis entett ire - •
t- 7
balthlg:-Part • Corat4t t144-t-li-e-spet is -clewed gre-1.°'
e see -
•lion,..1e in the future. Far Ione Men 'Never'in his ,life had he proceeded inne-r-given tiy-Gene-tralgegt and l'exact at all 'points: All materiel. must • •
• witn nothing te toorE forward to there , I-1th more deliberate dignity than he-
. his officers, to the Russian Ileadmiart- be earefullY tested; the firkim4-aitielr- -• - • • -
. • •.•
hlp 1111k0 To.
, .
WM do -Intro till ratty htocre.ving
for "tortebtinncr.lrcre—it will
thefed elernerft3 emetiod to httIld op
143 b..dy ortf help tarn ta I:21n in
health ami e.r.et
, •
"Creetn drone!" 13 trItolettorhe,bottrtsti-
153•.• too,' —ra wen rts
rt deltclotto 44.
The reotoki tri rAir tt.:w
• t ''LeVirerIS *11
01141es" *in !tit you
are 'Only twd altcrnatives hi the W.C.st,
did • then in death. Theenitele of --eraieterff-celObratethe,W-atratliesienr fer-myt-arti-offi_151y-.-Kt-h, Abe
6 it
CO et bale (yr gee& to roll; so
hedaink; dna jim- enew t e.e e steep eneu'gh --thtoinTtne -Ituss-a4arattelarwar ro! 1905. far garige Measurements, and stand ar
s itfirdr•C• We -IR -Med htnisell togbA1.117-fr-
as has alr tly been said, it is impos, all-r,ound teat. In the making of fuse:
i • and turned te the bartender, who had thnt the' svinthrN1 'body •Went down it: sible ,th y similar civilities will, alone there..are no fewo. than 20C
begun mechanically to polish •up cer- 'in sloW time, WIth gtave pi i'4 whilst maek the se •of the preseilt, world • gauge tests. The gauge teSting at •
1.141 401i1 Tittp tumblers at the advent the limbs of it', which had 'broken
war: Tlie ill deeds of the Han, Ivrit- Armstrongs riins ,into• miliiens of op.:,
ir chairs, the body rolled rto be so cenickly forgotten or se (tsily other munitions are tintslied they are •
tested. by the firm's own eXainitiers„ ; •
And again by the, Goverinnent's
ports, before they tete leaVe the wOrkS.'
• The manufacture,- of machine tools
114 tilOved; inth
• ef a newcomer, 'whilst the 1,vhfsvplaY: loose, swung in solemn Inockery as ten in blood tend a fire, are the terrible eratioes week. When shells or, any :
• t• • . ,
'ready :to "line up" to the bar at the', . In spite of pauv,es,. it would ;lot ritop. ; forgiven. •
Ili to of thore: magic Worths, I As soon. as tine moved .to retch' it, it ;
1•At tov, 1.42-.4 t3 Ver,k. tionet,
entytio Ito for a eery. to oar Moetreet )tt.,-e.
• Peo:er.1 evoryw;oto 1;40,0 "crawl r...s3d"*1:1 2, 81•6 AM.
20 twill tills•••••mul. 3 r.o•ind (442 lap. •
•Ti-fg• CANADA OTARCI1 CO. Liroi iTto
otio!ttleAu emtomott,, saArneone, past wittima,
itkiket1 et" 11114/?" -t 'di Pt or iit.• fitimere.f
Pal'ilidnet''81440' MiS'*.141sineby star h.
"'What • shttki it be .genticIrien?" T.rtib swung its„armf,tand started again, re. • • • •
Jim did not utter theni, and the hope covering its momentum sufficiently to
died out in their face. instead, • he elude its would-be captors'. ' -
asked civilly 'Where the dootor. Was. It was as if the deed man Was play-
ing a grim gamewith his old cronies.
At last it reached the road, which
wound round the base of the hilt.
"Well, I'm blanked," if 'that don't
beat everything. The old Man alwayg.
was pig-headed, but * who'd have
thought herd have kicked like that at
being peeked, and he's a C011181211" .
"Guesshe thinks he can take eare
of hinself now 'same as he allus did. A pieture hem the Balkans. Thie
He's erossed this, trail many a night old Turk is at favorite of the French
When h� badn't any more sense than :whiten amend a1oni1d. .This is the
he late noire" 'Ursa* time he hag faCed the catilera
• tint the Stillness of the body brought and he dotal iso withaeonicanxiety.
baek kome of the old feeling at awe. Thwily Mirror phota.$ • • *
"Gone to a buryin'," the bar man re-
plica, "ph all deadheads -to-day," he
added with a ailed which invited the
approvnl of the diSapbeintfd tvhist
players. 1
• "Will he be heel; soon V.1. "
..,rt all -depends, Mister,. on how the
eorpee trevels. Corpses ain't gay on
the hoof, as you May have heard, and
'its dli of fifteen miles to Snow Gulch.
' Dott'e see why they couldn't have left
the old an where he was. One place
Iii as good as anather to be planted In
to my Mintl," t
i "There you're plum off the treek,
Had a. better .Clumer.
"1 assure you, madame, my ancea.
tera dame over with the first settlers."
"Very. likely. We had no iMMigra.
tion Ittws then."
is ,Another skilled 'hesinesse •
Naturally,, the hien and .women
earn exceptiMuilly high wages. The
weekly wage-. bill of , Arnistrongs'
establishmant is a little Orator 1200,-
. .
0,00 a week.
Watch Nrolur Colts.
Por Cottkits. 0)141ttlenr) 1/i3-rit nwer 444344. 444 the (trot myrnrt.
toms of any inseh attyttent ghe small dr,Seg tit that 'teen.
retried y. hOW Cho ritt,ht mold to AtIntetwe,
131100711019 Mtlik2IIId111)1e C101/100111121."
* 'Per 54 14' 14), •any deliggIta, tutrrip.ip otiligyeir
if Vered by
APtittIft MEDICAL CO., Cbeltt1014 kitti 1344tOrtO1oatetig4