HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-04-20, Page 7L1 -Edit°
*P. I • •
I • A , •
- . • not p keepoys o the farm -s we keenly interested:O. reading,- ,in
lo•tdaya vital problem in Maar letehtee...thet aristion Work last- week • An.
JO .04044. Itietta an as variedas the article by Dr. .,Ffeclerick Lyneht the,
•eenditions. Met with in: rtiral hemesiditort. .':ezQserienen the •Prc,,
tgo. But the: face.' •of all the :editor-. vim_ Sunday at Bfattleboro, Vt. Ile
• lalS, contribrited articles). to the news- :said «1had a heartY welcome and
. papers,,, the far* jOUrnalao AuldreSee4.1 'found 1 bad three. .444resses. to make.
itt• faralsere institutes and OgrienitOral 'Vint came one to the children. who
•.„,eonyentinnet,..the, ,ecititheleth. ..to lu frOnt..g.;t..ht•ulmtgll.W..a47.
• •tirlft to towns and, . We do not ,,in.g for me., How- many of my minia-
lIcerew W.; Ihetngston Loped, nor hotel readers preach .regulaxly to•
where helives or What IS hire eeethea- children?' It is.. a gre.at test of Oil-
. Oen; but he as written a. splendid ity to,- become as a little child: For
article entItled Farm Speaks. to, .absolutely irnposmble to interest
-Itse•SOnsi"eivitichetlee-Cheletianelierald4-these. "children unleee. erne-- -pan • get
down into their weeid and toueit there
"where their :heart and interest lie.
But. it excpedingly gratifying if
one has this c'apacity-• or telent,.. We
have In New Yerk•thee.e or fear erten
Nyho are mastersof this art of talk-
ing to children, and•I am often finding.
trt -my travels some . one. who has a
genius for it ---the -nr.ttural gift. —
'„Not long .ago I 'went to preach for
a' friend and before 1 began my. ser -
men he told .a stpry lee thechildrenh
iis talic so _gripped Tne-e4t 'was such
a •perfect, dramatic story for'ehildren
-4hatit, 000401.of my. own: Serpi:on
•Out Of my head fee the •tiriae4e1 had
almost forgotten.. . what . I • was to.
preach. about when .1 Ards.° to !-begin
.diSeentse.. -I3tit all thesame
truly enjoremy,fifteen Minutes With
those healthyk WholesorneeNeW Bag-
• landboys- und girs.. •
*, •* •*
I was preaching in the bongregeh
Church, Audi got a glimpse .of
church life that impressed me great-
ly.Religion has. .not entirely lost its
.hold on .people when several hundred
of them, Will come through two feet .of
snow on a sharp . winter , inorninge
many of them long •distances, to hear
a stranger �t whom many of thein
had never heard. I . could not help
feeling, ad 1 .faced that "eager • groat);
What eyery. pastor feels again and
now as they press about the rugged again, .what 'charge is laid upon .a
. • man form of you at •each• days fruie- Preacher to say something• that Will
• ful close. I want you. ,here; boy; pay those people for coming -to siteat
-heed you, depend npon You; will miss his' Pet.. Is not the real secret Of the
• your 'sunshiny ofitimiszet end plow success cif the beet preachers jus.
e 'songs; and I :shallefind no. substitute this, that, they do feel this responsi-
for your. firm, sure strength as the bility and seek .diligently all the week
'grain ripens and the . sentinel sites bo prepare'. some real,. and Satisfying
eope their'hungry Months for feed. word for those who '.come to' hear
*. .* * * •• them: Theminister who starape his
.The call ,of. the •laed. is hie net ap- preparation, Who des not prepare the
• • peal, My orchards would be lonely, beet forehie, people, is: on the same
indeed, if you were not hereto ride level as the shop -keeper who •gives•
. the. hsthiterrerare ,under the' low-lying ,scant •measure . or adulterates his
goods, • . hear a egTeat •number „ of
• „ heanches;• My meadow. streams. would
' cease th. sing if -your .steps no longer -sermons end I. have • a .feelirag that I
,can almost , always.,detect the leek .Of
ceunehed the Wet grasses and. `clever
at their banks., My yelleee and gold 'hard and, conscientious .study and
• acres- we/bid stand grimly waiting- fordeep sympathy with men in the uniii-7
• • the stronger. scythe andeoniewhere• up terestang sermon; On the. Other hand
the .facb_ehat. I And Sieeh
• yonder. elope; ,buried • deePheinmart_".
.congregatfons where:- I. go, • fs' -
• '.''gOlds•and tee roses; andephleii... -and
•mony that most of ',our preachers. are
.sweet alYssum'snd migeonette, a little
giving :their flocks the Icind, of. food
'• home would be hushed'as though death'
they both. crave and need... I. talked
'had stepped, in poising .and•celled.te
eine. of the. inotheeseprecippe, hrtnid.' ;to? the men -after theemerning serVice.
Think deeleat you stand at thethreshe: There %vasea line group .0.„them there,
.too. Here again niuch• a this talk
• old . -of your high reeolve, New World's.
• ie. -abotrt. the absence' of Mere In the
• . Conquer, mayhap, but the -old
'. • Yours --alreedY•• A,. king.:here, God's • chtirehee muet be taken With .qUalificee
' -.bine heaven 1, bows respeCtful tiorth.. ,1 now recall ;men.* Churches-
homageto you, is with; bared head visibed and the large geoupe. of • men
.you face the. dawn with. 'the .larks. which I found in Chiba, leagues,'
Man- never yet blended of stone . and etherhoods and Bible classes. • Before:
e • ,
me was this sturdy . group of men.
egotism a. mere betietiful.:. highway
. then the lane which runsquietly
bAxt your meitheee Jenquils- and -the
•• .PeSture.. No ..Great White ..Ineande.se•
•h:.ene.:Way cap mateh•the height splen-.
, 'dor. of. these •oisp:.Septeinber nights
When.. the • moon xisesover the black
• • silhouette . of the•ehills and a 'million
. star's hang...balanced ire • holy space.'
- Boy! boy!" . have you "placed these
. thieve in.the balance? - •
.•• * . • * * he • _ . •
. Good as ..ate: thesepaeegraphe. this
" . one N ,better. Ho hays: My boye'you
'•stand'now, at the parting of the ways.
• of New YOrie has dignified wall a
beautiful illustrated border indicative
ef raral borne envii-oninent, • We Will
• quote portions of his writing. that our
. readere May see his line of thought
•Which. captured ua, and held our at-
teption riveted to his heart touching
•appetthe He takes high ground Altai
. eeeks to 'tonal a tender chord, that
,Can . hardly fail to yield acquiescence
to his Views. ,. • '
* * * * • .
, What ita. this I hear •Mr. Urned
etas. -You wpuld depart from my,
• hospitable acres and flutter away' to
realms unknown,. Bey, my brown -
;checked soni stay yet another twi-
light lest the Whole Trpth be kept
forever frOrn you-. Ttirn with your
• etrong hand on the latch Of the little
• White gate look back into God's
love, peeing reVerentlr 'at you
• through your mother's soft eyes. •
• Does the great feverish town pro-
, anise more for yo, boy, than 'be
tiny home nestled there in the shad-
ows? Are there riches more to be
• treasured than the yield of upturned
• Odds? Is there% love greater, sweet -
ere purer than the wistful methet-
love ? Will_ the world's arms 'open
• to you with es Much infinite unselfish
affection as her arms?' They were
•4, tender in _their first guardianship
years ago. Nor are they. less tender
This. organizing. of men has greatly
'rengthened . the • 'churches. It . heis
not oary reaeted on -the eer-•
ekes; but has created 'a new, interest
in the seeiel gospel. These melt wept
to hear about whet is being horie.• for
.good . government, prison- reforni,
tepiperance, industrial.relations, inter,
national good -will, missions.. It •is
really stimulating to ,speak to them.
,They .ask questions and -organize to.'
serve 'these Christian causes. •
.hili •* . . * • • .
Dr: Lynch tells' et good -Henry 'Ford.
. • .
Beek Yeti. rugged, homely,
story. .. Ile .says „ Henry Ford gave
• of the:
BrattIehei:e folk the g•reatot•surpeise
. .honeeti eirtpes upon which .thee. 'best
the Thursday -before his visit there
things life are foundatiimed=a reel
.. ,.
Honie, Teal Love, real . people, if you Pher" had of its characterMr
Ford . cirdeeed. from, the Estey .Organ
. please; eeal ree-es.and trees and perh
Company_ ofelheattleboro .a fine pipe
;finned, air to lireathe. Not one fled:-
organ for. his new 'Detroit eesideoce
tiotis eleinent here in the :heart. . Of
He visited the factory While it • was
thh'grain-yellowed ackeage. Nature
being builb end wae greatlyimpressed
'•-• dbee riot lie... Here all is solid, depend-
able, .trustiworthy, God-fearing• - In
• Photograph by The London Daily Mail.
The picture shows how the Austtians have utilized big shell cases for. headstones in one of their cemeteries
on the•Isonzo:fronie where heavy fighting has been in progress. •
ada could easilet cause ten, twenty or
fifty dines that mtich -increase in
revenue. • '
• * * *•
' • Enthusiasm, - Energy Nerve,
.and -the -greatesbTof these •is NerVel,
We have disceesed. two of these vir-
tues recently and now we'll exploit
the - third. . Ford. Times says: Nerve
• ie. not •a new , virtue, but is modern
label.onold goads., Our father e called
it. pluck but nerve is Plink raised ' to, . • .
the nth power. It's u multiple virtt14,.. • . . Colonies. • . .
To breve the rigors of the • Arctic,- . .111r,..11Onat•Law has furnished
that's nerve. To stick to the wireless table giving the fonowing particulars
keyboard of. the fonndering "Rejpub-. of the German colonies captured,
lie" flashing cry for • help that, and the .valticeof their. revenueee•-•
• quivered' through the eiVilized 'world. • S. W: Africa -Area, 322,450 square
-ilia's. Nerve., 'With: thxee. men on. Miles. In, '1.014 estimated revenue
bases and two ellen out in 9th inning, £1,175,000, and expenditure' 22,017, -
•to fan .mightY batter -plain nerve. ow In 1913 irePorts • Veined- at
It .bakes the biggest type measures to. 000,000 niarksehnd exports- at 70, -
encircle Nerve. - theebiggest. word. 30%000. maiics:
in the .business lexicon and- the. coune Cameroone-e-Afea, .300,900 ;square
tersign that admits to • the . inner Miles: • In 1914 estimated rev.erate;
thember of Success. Nerve. is he unit. 1565,000; aid eXpenditure $863,000.
In.its .compOsition:ate-self-confidence, In .1918 imports. veined at -34,600,00p
"" ottaage,Lettergy-gritlitypo'reptlii IniTtlta,-70W7-15-xpVtg-tir-29"t00;00
ambition, endurance -end' then marks.: ';'' •
81711•plusf 7.
• * .* •* • * • '.Ttigglatid.7-- .38,700 square
• . . 'miles.. In- 1914 p.Stirieeted. 'revenue
•. Nerve 'is:the .-great• human.: asset -EM000; and expenditure • $200;000.
that .Outs a whistle on the tobas- In 1913-iiiports-' were valued at 1.0e:
eo in the. blood; Cement in. the back - 600;000 "marks •and -experts 'et.
�;100 -
bone and spunk throtighotit the .home., 000 , .
A 'man with ••nerVa Must • peeferce be • .In the Pacific-$amoa ;650.quaro
'accused . with conceite . Diatinguish• miles, and Upolti 340 'sip:tare'. Mites.
here -between -conceit and confidence. In • 19-14- estimated' .reventie 2595,000
Conceit -"P' In speech, •selfecorrfi- and ' expendittire hie 1.14a-
dence ire•'"I" in deed •Nerve makes. a imports , valued ab • 5,700,009 mailts,
alati, Sure of himselfeclestroys.hesitae and expeirts at 5,300;009 rnarh.s...
tion and takes the wahble.out of • the ..,,Kaiser Wilhelmeland aid ' -Pacific
Mind.. and. out. of :the legs., „A man Islands -70,00.0 severe „miles. NO •de -
with nerve. 'believes :•in - hiniself-he tails of reventte.-•• ••,..• •
lcnoWe that he can!. Doubtand . Bismarck -• . Archipelago - 26;640.
ity.- are strangers to him; In the lan-
guage of the.phren.ologiet, he is •seven.
plus -eon- self-esteem 'and his • ,eonfid-•
donde inspires .the .cOnfidente. of Othe
era. .The man of nerve, -therefore, be-
Ccinrie's -.a leader . Of men, He is, mag-
netic -he -attracts mere-. He . is., gal•
yanicehhe energisee'., -Men: • ille•• way
gives • sway; • Nerve hegete.ceurs
ageeptits fear on the scoot is the
stiff Of. which herpes are made. It.
plunges men into the seas of .thrilling
rescue; -sends thera•alPfterreid.' fienees; of, Caroline And" Mershall. Islands at --
plan which is fascinating in the ex-
treme and which judging ley ehe eue-
cess of the ready made farm idea, in
sci far as it has already been tried,
is full of promise ,on a 'large scale.
His Plan is well worth -considering, it
Particulers of Captured German
• t.
Ellen Adair 'retie of Sad And Merry
' Scenes in Edinburgh
The clious eings to the roof of the
Caledonian Railroad Station in Edin-
burgh; For hundreds of Sandy Me-
Tevishes, who never will come back
again, are leaving en the big troop -
To Make Firet-Class Rutter. . . . .
- --
••• '',..' S. Small seed pieces, from tubers 4
. '1%- tir'briwitt$' the'niii‘e-trolte e's 474;rcalc.I.c. '
la• 41, eleaniy way and n•L 4 dean . 4. Nadi= seed. piecea from tether
dui= by Ifweatplantraszwerareaatidinor ing tbcoon; Of5!,,Llearvr" Istizeeri pieces from tubers 04
bghileY ,after each using. Cool the a Stvan Eatle. '
,Crea.M imMediately to 50 degrees or! Melte aeriee of plots were earria4
klbeVerper''coinal iiantrisw6UtcatMatzt tvittlaetectuarnnd; ;12141;719thhietai-vnirld vd‘rarmllen1PN"(:: 2P*1341ti!" '
ing is gathered. Keep the cream With regard to the first two series: ••
covered sectirldra but not air -tight. .Let out Of a total ..of Mao pairs a reivs; '
i .
hoqi:04e.i.mdiaptb:ea. ttohur:e.r. ri:,..ib.saeit 4t, et to 60 :1116:age:. w I. o:its:e. pts;::::, tps8aebgieieot:g•teslt„v;oafi'rtu4e:frbes:::ses4:-:e..ietititb:':'tr:::.bf, .1.7:00!1:11.:oet.1.4.0•78.0.0.:to..::
i'lli"eterheinblII:rreilturpfethillgouldinnott.te'4•ariv; wonaer:L°45rel'PF99174n:(•ieciveigitserlrfa711.1.• '
.45:tidettrheTatttte8t4riShOtirldr "ii4coitt"eibl' iii,*14.frt'Oemr ' °tease In Or°441164..valie4 with S-101
'reznainit ' Care in .1n% Ws' :Matter has Medium sftf nieces.271.71 .. ! .1.50.0'j. 4. .
•pese`.than well flavoured butter milk, 4!4111veirsa'sgt;e7, 04.67163.1.t7.b41•90r•IPrinstaytw%v,.Sz....:1°. t."t.,
Much to do With the keeping qualities' Large 'heed Pleees .298.59
tiles. about , the .. size of 'smell 'wheat, .ties- (8 plots) were :, ... . '. ..•
with cold.waternatil- nostrace Of nailk'Stnall seed pies *474.73 • . 100
20. minutes to half am hour. • Stop Tingetts. average at; ,szto 04 ,or the two
Pvi:;ree:! .•
Churning when the batter is in gran:
draw off the butter -milk,. and rinse • '' Rusitels per Acre • Per. cent'
4ttei:,wshoontwitr444.241400.;-f,eilovispay,.olopupro;corfn .7 In the series. 8,.. 4 and .6": theAse 01 -
Stir - frequently.. until the Preein. ' .1s.
therabouts, and . add a good Starter.
. Of ..tha.- large geed .-.pleceS and the in. ' -: •
the peed .plegee lirea.t110. oply.variabi
• , • t
•• I
of the butter. ' '"' . In, order to determine the 'effect of; '
Remove the butter, (which should etrain of tuber. on cptaliter of -crop, the
still be in grains) to a , vessel in which crops of potatoes obtained iii. aeries •
It can be weighed, I use a shallow 1 and 2 were weighed individually; and,
handy pail, weigh; turn out oh the but.' from small seed '64.8 per cent Weigh -
ter worker; and apply salt, from elle ed 2 ounce s or more, Whilst the per -
pound to one,and one-half entices' to a -centage from large seed.was. 67,5 thus
pound•of butter. You will have to re- sliov.ting a slight su_periority .inthe ,...,,
gulate- the amount to stilt -the taste quality Of th:e • Crop froni selected
of . .
of rour customers... Much Of mac N tubers.. , • ,
sold unsalted.. Work. very gently,- be- .
,. •
ing careful not to spoil the texture of
the butter by unnecessary • pressure.
Let • stand half an hour, work again, things pay. Often, little improve -
and print or pack. In printing, make .ments in our 'system of methods ace
.the prints full weight! perfectly Alin- complish surprising results
. eti and vvrap neatly With a good _gnat- !' Milk is nearlee po per • cent. water,.
... .
ity of parchment, bearing your name TO make large Catantities of milk a.
And address, or farm name: Keep' in do* requires a. large.amotint of 'water. • .
a cool place until. wanted for market- In eummer she Usually has *chess to ..
-Mg, then place ia•A clean. box or 'bas- water at all times and helps herself',
ket, having a clean white cloth around .at will, but .when 'winter tenies alte •
sand. over the, butter, and paper crier ;is in the :barii most :ef the time and is
that and under the box lid. - Neiee let 'offered Water only once, or possibly -
creant or, ',butter 'stand when there is twice, .a day. TO make ; matters., •
an odor -re any kind. ,, • iworse, the water is Often at • Or- neat.
.`. When. . you. go to • market be.. sure ' freezing temperature, the 'eold Water -
Your better is .goed and say so. Have chills he entire digestive system.; The
train f& the firing ..litie. • Above the
it looking heat and clean, yourself: (or water mist be.warmed.by sortie means
noise of ,the enginea, . escaping .steanr,
and the - voice of • the singers, • comes,
.the fee•int shit:ling Of. Pitiee, Weites. El-
len Adair -from. Edinburgh:7h .. the
Philadel ie ed: er, -
• - "The .. Ceinpbell . Are Comipg"
echoes through the etation.,•"' And the
eld.familiar strains. Ming . tears to
the eyee.- of .the,, older leak, Who 7r7e.
Member them • in happier- tiine.s..
There'e. always a -pathos lied a hidden
heartache in. the Pe. h•sie:pf the t Scoe-.
tish.. pipes. . .
Out of EdinbUrgh's•etreete into the
railroad station marches. a curious lib-
. Warne Water•for Cows:
Care arid attention to the little.
salesman) ditto, and you'll have no and a considerable amount of heat ,
trouble inenaking' good sales: :energy N re:Mired to do it This can
No I didn't forget„ the coloiing,' be supplied althea.* by feeding the cow •
The above describes my way of malt- plentifully and letting her Warm. the
*-ng-butter-tmti-f-neveruttilstftitero, or" hrirattrit it with-flre. i
oringe-hirs. \,Alea. ' Agilary hi Farra ' The queation of 'waiming . Water,: .
and Dairy. • • ' • I then, resolves itself • into which"
. ; method is, cheaper: Corn is a greiet
• Cutting PoNto, Seed. heat -supplying food. It is not profit-
• 1 able,ehowever, to burn it in a stove
In • a 'bulletin isseed by the South to heat a house, because coal ahamet
Dakota Agricultural College, it was plishee: the 'same reedit at a small '
shown the the yield ef potatoes- from fraction cif the • coit Then why use
pieces of large seed potatoes Was 28 cii•nto warm water for the cow ? •
per cent- higher then from pieces of . The amount of water that a cow
tle party,Ied by a kilted soldier, rifle
hi the small seed potatoes. A Inore recent' thinks will be found to have a direct
hi one hand, the other linked
bulletin is - now to hand from South .relation to the, amount of milk. she -
arm. of an eld man, bent with years.
Dakoth, giving A series - of expert- ' prodtices; in general, the mere,water,
Immediately bellied conies a string of
ments designed to determine the re- the more .milk. It :is essential i then
relatiVes. and:friends. In the rear, a lative ieeiehenee. 0
f them ' ' to r vide all. thetheit I te •
ere size of •P te water •
tyhoenpreirgiiiitro.othfeta• . it8ivSfr. gplai_cnkgid.unkdietu.. tu.
berhainlethe-stratn-ot tither ih the will drink al any season of the year.
increased. yield obtained by . planting In the winter, especially in the north -
bag -:--and all oe Singing: I .
Pieces of larger • tubeee. Five series ern shates, water must be warmed'in •
Rabaul and Herbertsheee both in. New "' For the retutaing seldier must be
were arrangecl .•as follou-ete-- • order to •produce the. best results. ,
Cheered. on his Way. Sueh is the -
1. Seed pieces of a given site from Probably the easiest and cheapest way.
Phmmeirt• , '.; • creed of Scotland.' "Sandy McTavish"
Caroline Islands! Pelew islands, eelected tubers', • - to eceemplish this is by using . a tank
Marianne .Istapds,. and Marshall Is- once more makes_ the smoke -clouded
roof ring: Other parties bound for
trent smalletubers Or culls. • - States Department of Agriculture. •
• 2. Seed pieces Oi. this "same size heater. -Circular .No. 21, United
lands -Area, 1,000 square miles, ma the' same deseiaation enter the std.-
estimated . populatien, . 70,459. ' Ree. time. voices .eee heinforeed, and
venue • estimated 2105;000, and exi-
p.endieure et $191,509: . ..feree e0nee. •
straare "hooelei" ptinetuate the. d.
lir:port/a , of ..Katier, • Wilhelmeland:
and the • Bismarck. - Aechipelego, esti- Sandy in. e Scrap., •
mated at 5,872,000 Marks,' and these At 'the, barriers beside thebig-trein
'the Soldier Stone.. "No .one lmetickete
. •
it goads there: to dare and to do. • • 3 33$ 000, Marks, a _total of 9,207,000 holders •adinitted,": says the Men at
, .
- . .. . .. . ,
- fre'k•,.; stalwart presence. • Laughingly, he •
- . .• -.. • •
aleSlitaieled•Pereiciiitill'aen' ''‘ivriiitpliulcl'eednthlaiitLt.le 'snub- I hung out of the windOW. and. waved
:Iilloslheipght:idta.Aith4s' Zilitiemn,-atilni,d,letrvoeu.bliiien,;,s1fidoer;! farAelvsehlrlisiiesi.i.r.i.e.fro
ni .the .e.i.g.in.e -
•froM kis gehial . natnie • like ..waber.• a thinderof .hunahs--a•strange tight,
frorn 'a duck's back. -"LiSten. to Hap- ' chit/ 'f the th • •
. . .e 10 30
mares, • Exports for the. feirnher esth, :the .eatee, . • ...-
, . • , . • py• Harry. A:T.011g, .eries,. someone, , %Nis really off, • There :Wae a. sudden • '
. ,.
•Nerre suPpliehepeergy=a 'man with Mated at. 5,041,000 marks, and - :for . ..-
! ioilte lbok was r th f
But thisis the auld man,.- sayo . • . . , . .. • . .. ....„ ,;•, ., .
,. the it does your heart good.to hear hitn.,•• quiethess in. the statione, A grey; ele•
nerve does not droop nor sag in the the latter at 7,046,000 marks., ti..., total to He . never can •bit the tune, but hin
big se:tidier.," amazed ;• ' "d'ye mean,
• thinking' no meek's. better than -.his** Mothers who Would
, .
not Weepe-fe-
up, his shoulders ere. equ , arid his . .Itieto-Cheti. -- Area,.
middle. His .head es. hig his "ehin is of l'•2 087 000 marks.. • • • •
- . , , - , ' . : • say•liq'e no ter get, seeinr• the train
, •
• • ..veice.",.. •'. .. ! - ' . • ." - .. • .-'. ... .. : thers, suddenly •groWn ,bent and.tired,.; .
by the individual interest 'shown. ii5r bad( is straight. His • action • is ite • nines.' The principal .town is Tsinge
200 '. square evvity,. and hire. with sPeciel lea-he/rein
- And sure 'enough, the voice of Hap- . walked, etrehgely stern-faced,. to
.tan...R-evenee. for '1914 estimatedeat.' the night shift; tool Ye big stupid;
py FlarrY tie,,•triumphant and.rau••• ward .the eXit-and ir..irle With tear,.
m a. man' walleenh conveesatieni top .• 000;000. m -arks, and .expenditure: at. stand aside, let's pass!' . • .
coils above the babel. of, eoices.•• , ' . stablest faees, . were fingering : eings
Neither his foot, nor his tongiteh'fah ,18,410,00n. markS. • In 4912, imports "Ticket 'holders. -Only!" • saya the.,
-..(Poor hinny. Iforryl
. • • . .
Hi, ey„ are and keep.salcis...
iters-ehi has the. militant tread; •,-.he .valued at 121,254,000 Marlcs, wet ex- gaped. laconically; • barring the- way..
, A drama t.ic : pause:. Then r. II f ., my closed • for,ever' 'now, and his. cheert,t• •
the little Highl•and Mother, wild had '
The leet to 'knee .tlfet-station was •
. ' . . .
walks with •cin aecent, and talks
emphasis.- He uees'a chair chiefly as '-with ports -at .70,640.,Q00 markte.• ' •
../... -. - mild faithees to'egoerenough. to get voice ii stilled to a b' last -silence,
-I -
I come •that day, from the Island of .
the. ogee itself. Now 'comes th6teur- a step -ladder to teitch higher and his . ' • inee the . station, • then l'ni no . good ,.`Somewliere in Preece') ' , . ' .
..." •• • eeSS .doeti• ' come-,-gratiting that • all -
Priso• . On JhursdaY, 'March 9., evcrY I only rest is in .1ted •••in .refreshing ',walked' out broutily, 'With her head up
faree-'well with you- is ethcre not • employeeloi the •Estey Organ Com- I Sleep. ... - . -.. ' . • „ . • .ELEC'rnic,LiGiiT O',i TEE FAjtma, enough to go to 1i auto' saks iheii!g r The rain iS ready to leas'e When at LeW.14,10 ,see her .. son go .off., . she
. ''. ... ,. .- ..• ••• . ' .: • eoldier 'angrily. ."Yon just haud your eurioes, pair wind their way tOWEII•Ci.
1/2,11,„land thee. eyes .shinieg.- Se might the
greater peace here...in GOLI's •couetry; •-
eSpartiin .mothers .have .walked. Then •
Assists: in . Keeping Young People. at tongue. This ig A ,miestion , a- prin- the harriers. , Such a splendid IT
. •-, Home. '. . • - .. •
• Where eothare. uever far from- tire love. panye-there. are oeer 300--receiyed a I The. mite. with nerve •is 'a eritilin.gs ciple, no of discipline," . . e " land soldier, with the • orlor of clean, .
.. . .
i tesaw • her draw something stealthily
.. Of mother ? . - '-' •
et. , . t. ,k, *. • * ,),...• -„. • ! • , closed. These cheeks Tonged- from $6 lake in .continhal. sunlight and. sue:.
• . . . • „ letter •-forein Me: Ford:w.ith a check' vile whistling optimist -he leaks hope, he. - - • • — . . • - : : - The situation'apnears.hehpless,: For rainswept •Pinewbocts clinging. to his
blue of the. ' froth the folds of her sliabbY old'.
• • • peeciation of the greet etwo, atten, not lknow' Failure and. Would decline Re ort • ives mime interestin data
to $25 each. The letter3. -Nyer0 in 'ap-e.tese,surrounda1ehi }IOWA. ....He' does 'skin of ()Mettle, in:its Seventh Anneal -elate.,"
' The Hydre-Electric .Power, Commis- when the Scotchmart telke. of "prin- euniformehis eyes 'like the
. then'he sure. he as. dour giral seas around .his native sheres. .
, • .. .
• • 4 I rittily. ••• lb ,was i•h'' "" •
is ho o to h. .
" AP vela from' .'ir..triotis nuarters WA.4.0
. . gown, and, bending,- kiss it passion- •
ma le and the Mat •one we hoW grve..4 , . • • - . I . -- .• - . .. . P . t h .. • _ g ,, dogged; and. infinevalde :1'4 Jim Castle !, A littler. obi wonum....1s clinging . to , ._,.. • . , P g P
al fine work of the meh in their , ' n bitted ction Ii's •ci 1 hu iaem • • ." * ' - • ' • 1
- it is inoste.patheite: In, the.:: .Village• ti,QP: .iP
.• .• _ • .,, •
yesterday' we 'saw, kir .fhe first 'time. eeverej 'branches or the .eoneornTIVelli ; as Weil:tees .fis• the laugh of nierrer lation of - electric lighting in ferne .
,.... . „..„ ., .... .. . f a . .0 . . i, I t e ... is on du,. adrantagcs. am. coSt.:.of instal,. • Itoek,- .- -, . • • ''- - . 1'.. '-'- . . '-• •fhis•arrni:aildeat every,noise she-;ftlirts . - • • trna.tr, -for my heakt iS wkit.e.:e. ,
the ' yeuell the. time," she Was Mar/Miring .
.1•Never i
the •dearth of young feces. , All .of, us maY f)r• •
hyneh ask, "Wes- anythirtie ti. children., 'Whatever hie proposition hamett. and outboi dings: . The'.
IA.' stidden. rift iii. the lute. , fines ehe thinterouslee - Fel. they Callie liitlq
,• ,
nu this ever dom., before in history? ' I, it: iS a winner.: lie -thinks. ea ittli tha‘b says: '`The farretere ip AIN - districts: , i•
rePert 1. tiembling hand of thx: .'attl41„ man" .8 ,. lonely Island ,of •T,ewis, -away • ift the • saftlY.
7 rt14. WaNi ,aparently to do makes' it se, Ile lasts, too -,he- • has .ehet. are. being eerved- greatly. appre- tieeet...is thrust lir glindly spectator. r wetd. et Scotland, end to-el:1y - is the; . , - l' ."7-'--- 4*-:'-•:-':•---.•
' were old -old and. tired and, perhaiis,
• ' a bit lonely, toe:: Boil there' evereeli is• Ow '"I'lliehl caery Yet: as ftir tta the next fli•St. 'Nine...she hes everseen., a rail:. I •
. g is „ .,
e • Metal Trifle is Sav
• • .
what othrre hate net -before tioneteee. -I endurance. .Discopragentents enay lie, -elate the, ireprOved. candition on thole "
. : old 'hien, delehig the teams- and . old.
'Men sitting -Under the trees • and • old -: • *-•. it, .* 4, " ,
, , • ., - .; j set, obetatles. may aris'et croakers may pleeee hy .feason oh having ,eleetrics
- I • ,. ,
. station," • says , a VOICQ," "it Ila .yOtell bq . road stetithn or% railhentreereine .She ' , . '. ---;-- , • . "...,, ,. .
, il I th I tt ve ' ••• talke half in- Gaelic, half 111 En 1 h small -At ed and
' . .. . . ,
. •. brown .inen, asherd as. ironand heave. •ganda was to sh
Ineti-buyingiat Ilie-Sioreeffrior:c4es,ier,. ", , The, object of . this farmers • nropa- 'quit. Rut lah'eteee,..he _fights, he tri,,,, light ity, the• hpuite, barn, &ire shed,' .• Theetseek the lieeneee• t.romps a,thew. end fete's sealed, titat her .voiee„ ii• thin.", -., • • — •-•ToNer Mlent... ... ,
ow them, how; With- ! tiniphd.. WhY ' Because he. line. shut- .and yawl; With . prehieus forms of .tehuneitant lied smiling, eoldier; ,. the •and cracked. . .
41 owe( on • e n et orm no .
. , • • i Every. Britieh • neWSpapei* • ; at the'
. . ,
lighting, the. deli apPearanreof . the este,' ;man" proudly at' hit.1..k:ide.; t'Pld..4 ;,"•It,'s- dreary that , I'll be- without. ' present, time, is appealing, to its read-
rrea ter ,but 'With more. in -4 inti:' NerVe••Whisieti2e king race and,
:- teicit hut twilight' ewes torning-alel out nitwit le
.. ,...peatheeeeketeeselend_aeoes.,_ Aed...thee_telligent_efferes. thee celild,meheathel'ee the • hal(r strnggle: '• AnY.- 'trainer 'of :place front the 'reed and sfiehn the -Yerdeened,. ;thine that time,daidn't WeLlaith- .yon," she is saying. •"),-et nevelt...lone, 1'4 not to Waste col.toin things, •. as
sfips :Of girls, biottonets of. them, went money out, of their farms. The .catt, ! athletes will certi•fy' 1,-
t••at • nerve haa heti a active:mint .eifeet; ..Tho attrile- lee:" lie 'cluicklee., . "I'lleyfrei mightY '.13e, .fe.r • thy. heere ,is mit+ you nil elle 'hid' newstiapere,:inediclite . aria - oilier f
inding in and out 'Among us , like r, Paign. veleieutarked hy aahtisines.slike.. won . more e p . . 1 sp .. t .i. 0 coati 11t ,i aatt 18 the 1 0811,t Of. 111
' ham ionqiiips thh 1 eed . 4. • • ' 'tiel ' • • : 1 • . : i'.
fly, but no fly enough!" -....: . _ lime:- And. I'm 'so,,,near the 'jottritey's hottics,. wood, and. so on.
. -MIN' ' • ' I,ad garden -There were ' and inefficient nn 114041 but ;Climatic' 01' brawn.. Got. hour t•teil,V.e with . Yoa. -stalling electrie light shill probelay. lie Hoe, comes; • nnorKee selitter, * one •ena. myself that if you're called first, . • le 'Gertnarry the appeal Was Made
, .,, . • . .
' . • tO0 'few youhierinene-Ioe VehrelViiiy•ii helthIlihnTilh'ihehh-rhihnahraide lihitH.'int-t•I'whera"4"- - et- - - - 11314"".'eL-,----r---4010-1494-a1"44443(4114*41-44'4'4)1Y-44-1ttsaPP errin Teterettarelmeseetemmerttehithetweethe Illererayelkiliewthriletheseeniner • .-, --eineny . Aventiereettpverentie the- enheatesteee
I 9 'IC41.' the Falai _I' • hio' " -• x
. of . your ago, boy, to :pick up the plowe mat elto. Jae gi•i-a-tetit erop erthieetener, 'Ye 7 . . . . . r on , the. fin M. :slip. de et i t ct . of fit .. pt . 1: yinlealeeeked The. iroerit is oilsii41,1g• his, lanip• care has . heen taken.. of .everything ,
.. .
1.1111 'et " .. ' - • Y oft% ts•In'4' And- When - . .. • • ' ' ' e • t • • .I' e ' . . •e - . .•. ,
lb t.VOUOti the wakt
wheiT Wd had drepeed it and to keep Aittrlittati'm . *118 roll gonePtIM ',ill itA ,Ynif".! :Th't.- , •:•0141' • ."41•..% - • . e • -,irsh on an • In( a `'t h ,q.114' til the Ah- eirl. "I'll aye he lookin' fur •• Our lifer. :rod :the teaiih i -e- ou .tho eye of whiehereplit, poksibly help the 'Gee-. .
• oiearal one, inakjah (=nd glad ho oreitt- iffloWnece 1:6 the D.etlartraefit of Agri.. throtti.th'.fl. .... • _ • .rstnree,- of coal nil lanterns Mal. lampri.
'e Vou'ro ,- • . • , li.• . • .
lett ors; A.aaie. lit i'. •.' tinkl, NV 31''1.4 I' ,,. tar tiniv; w hi,n "Jittery - hp .thet!e: • or. Man 'armies ea .eontin.ue '• their .fight .- •
ed .the- soil. and the Seed • in id • the , h• 11 here, huh 4314 De Pertinent of Sgfi-: .',-, . .• • , , • •.., • ! , iS a nether. feature .that:iq•-iistially r . vome 1,14-vt, ..... . .. ,. • . ..vou'll initeetheethein. ..gocee the warn, regaipet tee :world.,
on- • 'e
;eighty thystviiSS . 0V till!, .gointris: it ect (felinity wati liteiehle wastefulein their .. !the great people -M. .of thane. (or •re. i gitiera••4:,, ,flee fOhnoci.. ill. ii r). iv ina at, . ,
, :kli,,i.„ 1)1,04,,,,,,,' h. i, . 81.111„ ' ' I11, l' • r6,,,S- OW a lif 1.,it, .Th, -)Thill all..eliinty:Ab011rdi ' PerliapS the Most amazing example
. . .
. not bravery. or eacrifiee -or even .ceiev- • exPelianteee br thiti fliOli.t.;"". tilvy..g8Ve ' tur ITV `I, SOldkr8 NNI1O Want . 1108itiO118 4 .
1 VOM.1118itIli r tigitr() illy • the 111 411 . f;it,c,. ; milt !. :an Aritavely.; and thi'•• : n The ii e lieree....tieare drops from • the , ot 4N:tummy of; ri' nation' is the way '
arak, that • keeps 'the dittle '.31111)141 mit 'large SUM 8 t() 'tilt' fir0VilliVS r" ', C X': • "(It .11iV"(IY waiting "'for 'th•on e4M- t tioo• of :ehrtriy servirie oa his: °ore- *hi -44 moment she iorgets. the.. ri'lli. 1 i'aiti, A'111i cht, i fy: -tram *otl. a min, Metal of, all hinds is •Collected• by the'
" • • ' kii;is;bei•f;: home iiii •the-fartii.' lad. it's ••penditu re. ' A mill kyr) (101hil'S Wa3 ati.. fiemts •Genaeliebs. and 'many suggese sniee,. , . ,., • .
. .
. • 44 4'. •oow.11, , ft her. PaIrletteeth art. hi tree pen:Me • I'm pan' 'to kis. itir, the.. 314114-.: Not ottiy •are euch • . obvious .
et . ,
'Ohne -lotet hieee theme. elteee ; the . • , • I sh u iliteSiee .4 1 , •.• , 1 . • ... • • • '•k ..; .. . • •
4,--1.,-- .'• •.:P•mt•r• ,:t..1.4,0, *, v(). 111 lif“,1}; ite,.ei• • thing:, as copper kettleS, pikaa, Astor -
!met : propriated lo; t)iitario, and ..it was..t10.114 are 'offered. . rAm.• - tt g , ., .. testa lations en. I) le ne af.e now ht.,. 341,• glii.1(.1.11,44 eyes .aue ,eall• ot flu( t 1 ; 1
• . • . •
of, love.. t,hoi NViluis ityelf ahopt..me. comMou gossip. in that. Ileparttnents. cif. made ix 'huge misteke in ettaelcin,g.ret.4 ing rnii(14, in: conduit, as this ',method is' ti.. Eihoink 1....:10, , • ,4:10 Mlle bovie ...
thi• gi t 41 ;ther.elfot.e, •to I:V.', a seoitish kn011$,° han.11cs. amt tire irons. collect.: '
• •
•„, • ,
-'' Of, Int 1.. ill (41C, .metal line.
worktneit , , . ,
th " their respective !de- briSk Yes Nerve shows
• front ,of You, linked 'to time by. a.
.partmerase He saw men working. De
• erifere double thread of' shiny steel are
hio own organ...With painstalting 'caro.
the tinseled wonders of the town: The
Mterwardh he 'was highly pleased it
• man in you 'may beat; you on and up
the way in which the instrumenb was
. . . • .
ward and out of the -muck of it ' hut
instal.« , ...us CINN p ome and wit
-boY, listen Aro us! :granting that sec-.
.4;fier4 nge anti 'barite. and thAirer8 'Agidic-111411.4' flInt. 114. w -ere eing • e'ruitingt. .1)11V. Ota hos n • Pratleal. sUg'. found. neheeeary f/tr the protection of • wart hijshead per,ev" . •
h • and White heir and "reherehrinemoriese. defficifity in finding avenues !hr.:epode gestore Ittee: He weuld 'skittle .. re- 1. :
tee %yea, eed fithings. 'The eost of 111.•;. war, happiness' after pain., .., • - . The speaker' swing'S illitlitli t.:1 the h leer e tube:es:: iirili 11 pil A t.' is, Allr pty:.
.turned eoldier:i and ',others on the land s
• 11 I
Bok, the Old farm ' and ther•••new One ing this •iviatlfall:. , All Canada itsa ,•, taeeteon varies ticetirding to eoridh , The' . rninotes : • sheih. , preciona . last barriers, II hendsorne yoherg kilt ie, and it is not • t lit -Ow u Away, "Inite sena -for ., .
' heed you. 'Vat it lilettSC ,the Master.. deep intereat in this otiegtion As in.-: after theewar, This is the ready madee tiosis in the differeet elletricta• , Thee miettacte•eettickly pnee.. A lit fle kide. rigitt. and left, iniprints kisees i err the Use of •the Government.. The Ain.:
- . tO hav,V you •stayl • . • - - , . ' eeStehe'tend littehiesa niettfispepti*-folini-ideit -extended indefinitelyeelieweepel eine N, Wiefc-frtlit-4+1•12W-1112 d je altryingllig fifth ivi" tk-rifit;'1,4111t0eil.-- jilt. fe-eeli-ot-/-141--tfiti'lifitEttintre81.--hilft-:4--f04-ViPer 'in Wilii'll-M1 it , Ptit -1112.--i,.1
4- . 4 • ...1 • * , •their : dividends • And Auccetis le:Intel- will; find ready made farms' ready for I $1,1r, „eels entiet end" , . •
. the ' cOneelded ! proudly Along beside another •soldier. Curiously enoughnot a single ono. kept catertille. itnit-iht'' Finwitc! iv i th the
- Sinee Our ' scluiehnaster :doe; , we. boss chiefly, on farm prOduction; 17he occupation, perhaps a thoueand '°f 'wiring from $1.50 to' $2. eii per .oatt , Theethe' a Calitit-Saetli Malian.' ta04 a ,, ,4„ .,
- Prat0A1a 1. 1 San: Sonte of them .' even --suver paper!' around chocolate.'
lieVe".:fratnientre. et:id-that: riot! ' ewe; ..1,,ost,.in conelusion sayst• As the 1)e... thrtp to begin witheeready rnsde,.that let. Conduit'. installetione in. the openh" ttertitu Shawl, about her and in. . the , return the selute 'with interest. ' • t- • .
1 In ,OermariY. tete various' town eoune.
mintliter in twerity.-five tan talk 1.0 pii
. . . rtitent of A gelcuIturetethough of- IS, vspec* dwelling, out houses, that is, in limns and fern: buildings.. 'shawl a. tiny •tigutr that sta.:..s. with. ' - Kigges N 0 the c•ith,.., .
, ells mivertise regularly for old metal
eliildrett..so that -thee? . can enaleestenet , fteered br some •of the 'beet erten in the • lend t e li , t e lereleitady fot vary froin $4.h.6 toil . tto pei• i otitlet•,, girls (en themselves witieled of eeli kinds. From' al) iciwns the eat- .
'hew . propOrly.. *o lay,..- 011(41 seen' eflivil Servire, •seerris etnable, to lean) a plough.' The tents are. to he easy. eyes of innocent wonderment at the ' Youlig
'The idea of is ,e0lony appeals 'Iat. once The outlet in each. case is. the 'opening seene, "She'll lar a big gi,1 when' aloft ' and. kissed before the eves of lection Passes. ' to the great German '
•••Well. educted inhinee utterly i'eil WI ,hhe ' lthsen Of.. suceesefid •hhPerienee: s*.tc..; it flees ,INiiiii. 'cane bark," eitys the von,. in slow.- theii. startled relatives. Older gills ' government loundriese. at Moidell, •
behlts asfiecte of sociability. Certain. for 'either , fixture or. I vi
• attempting in ''preatili. to ' children. t, Parlitiment should, deal. with it and .
ly the colony idea woOld lie splendid nob include (eeeept Oche drop. cord le; ,..kiss Ileddy goodehy, intle.." ... ' wore embriteed - with as. mtiodi ne'doie. whc•re it is melted <lawn and 'distil-
. They •eammt mse simple language and eirive .loist• instritetilons As to how the , iii used) the fixture; but does include" - lia WOIT (he 'yeang anti. bleoming, It : tatted to the AninumitiOn factories N.*
IlapPy Ilatry. , •
,..'bring their. 'reasoning down to the ; e4 14134.4(04 shoaid he apProPriated.' .A 1 f 8 -t' 1 etti , .
88 ;fir AS ri 18 1 8 ' „ere. are. eon- the switches.". • . • • tool: the united efforts. of the railway ; be transfor.ded 11440 '(110114 end bullets: .
ererned, In any elute 11.0re. IA hit; 1,401.(1; •
.'" compreheritioti ot ehildreh. On -aet j Million della,rs epent inethe right Way
shipethis early outlining% precticalde . Stetted ori. his kit -lime end cheerilY , guard, liain attendants and onloOke*rs• I, ",, . ,1 -----$-:----,t.:'-'-.0 ' 4
• , count of our' Personal convictions'', en 1 m Wien dollen: spent in , tint . right ' Nailing a lie won't always' keep it
r , 'polishing his rifle, sits Hap; y limey, e
eo. t•onvinee the gay enklier that 'the' I.t ,f0•0101 88 it '801110 ,10'qa aetually •
these . 41104...v001111gs of . preachers we I weekly talks to the tar11101'8 of Call• Planof settlement mi. oo1. lands --a down.. ,
the delight !if his regimenb, Ito's; only, ••10.20 Oh, was really waiting for his .(n.)eh being' InOgli• . .
4 '
•, ' 1°
e • '