HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-04-20, Page 5r
ChisttitywApt kik 411
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r At
$y T; )14Nroop DgNv •
•• I,Ttt rii... dem thea a •.
p ted in ..nu„ -1s of war. her fro ;liarni. goad preserve ltoatarisished
fare .as war of the aelaaevenaehts, .of the ! ber fair and 'honoured alstzne. ' •Otaerotts
ull'iee Gard the enemy alike have been, in as the duty of transportatlerr :ia to.da , ,
.,,,,isms miler estilt etre -1914--03;slim^;
91.!!resent titanic $trugr;ie;.£gr_ an retia
aey, it will' readily be =mica by the , the enemy's reequrees, devilish i -n their
merest tyro'.aaa mattefe naval awl tbili• ingenuity, were': revealing themselves as
Lary, that the 'ttausportatiou, of troops': 'hope from the blue. None knew whence
frown the Overseas. Dominions tib the the next blow would be "struck, Small:
M'therl atad and thedce :to' - "aa sew . @” soles then that Qtr Svptwrubct - 20th:
... _ .. _- ..,.. ►R....hOr ,in that epoch-making .year, few knbw,
in i! ranee, or Belgium, with such a spiel- a Canada's fir overseas contingent
that shad first ntnpg pG
shams ratio of lose, is a f eat net. only' to ad taken its; departure freni Quebec.
ba con •rdtulated u on bat Co be mai- - ewe ti . hew its i ' e i ' ive •
g , Upon,ar ,� r eta . p of , nip nd ng ars ,l.
yelled at. , , We are getting so accustomed in England on the evening of October
here u* Paitada to bread iii our dais►, .t4t11., eo zealously was the.secret, kept,
newspapers that these or't'hoee steamers On the voyage. of tae Uanlidian Armada
' conveying Canadian battalie ns have ar-, (aiait. has fitttngly.•coi ne',to. e celled) the,
siveal n`satety at a port in the old coup- writer;' who. had the honor and good
,• try, w that we have become somewhat fortune to be one'of the first Battalion,
prone•to accepting such safe arrive* as could rimier tire of dilating. theassem-
a mere mutter of cdarsei and have.lulle I bly in Gaspe Bay; the grand spectacle
• ourseIve . p a sense of security by the of ` thirty-two veseele steaaming slowly in:
refiebtion that the dead s mt r`n ' three 'nes ahead,the.rear at vessel in
deadly: all a.i o e eanio
�•e: v:.
gen almost, if net entirely, each line•being hardly � isrble' upon the
effaced. 'Practically; that is to -day the horizon; the:.anchoring. daily -at, dusk,'
fact, in so far at least as• the ocean' route with every glint of fight enshrouded;. tht
is concerned by, wbicli'our own code' laPpeerance• ever, and anon 'of .cruisers :
gents aro convoyed Tawe, factors:ate and destroyers-4he tireless custodians
'pr mari.ly responeible'for this nnparallel'- and watch doge a the flotilla with its
ed • safe.conduct of large uumbers of.precious human freight of 33,000 lives;
troops. 'One, of -them is, without- doubt, but want of space and•a, sense of inability
the 10 al observance by the entire Carr: to adequately deal with the subject here
adieu- of the ban placed by 'the forbid the attempt. Of the safe arrival
censorial authorities upon thepublication it is not unnatgral to:think in a spirit
• of any news of the movements of troops; of wonderment, pride. and eompstrisofi,'
and the second lathe system of:.convey- When in.4uly, '1088,, .- the hews -spread
log which has been brought to such a ' rapidly in England that the Spaniards•
high state of perfection by His Britannic were approaching, the cry "The Annetta
''” , Majesty's' Navy. Unwavering in its is coming" was" awe-stricken one. On
ceaseless vigil, as- jealous in its watchful -..the 14th. of October, 1r914,•the surprised'
nessaas a .lioness of her cubs, this first of populace of a sera -port town cried, almost•
all' sea powers has proudly' fulfilled he incredulously, 'IT h e • Canadians have
task of love and loyalty—the placing at come!", in tones of joy 'and, ruched to
. their mother's side of sons who . at • her the quayside, cheering, singing`stiid eheer-
call came Froin earth's confines to shield 'ing again. - a •
H.M.S. , H.M.S...
Eclipse . Diana - • Charybdis
Megantic (:'iirribean - — Scotian -
iX. • ,X X• °.
• Ruthenia Manhattan• • Arcadian
. Bermudian . Royal Edward
X . X ,
An.dania Franconia:
•ltueen,Mary.. X _ _- X •-•-' .
�X Ivernia Canada ,..
X. • X
Scandinavian • Momouth.
X. :'k `.
Sicilian Mantfou. ,
• X ' X•
Montezuma Tyrolia -
i •
i wlbt`,ii gt'ar •tr ail
friiiaio tit il "' ,tin
vicn 1y ails rn ch an. argosy Beed iSlli
thousands of miles without„theiass of a
single lifer and in. all Ullman' Probability;
never agars: willltbo Aye Qf 1441) 'witness•
sitel a imagaificeitit' sea-gageitnt. Gott
;,giant that 001',01r again ashytheueceatity
The `Dollar Weekly Passing '
(Orange Sentinel)
The Wee! •newsnlip+Gs. in- they . smaller.
cowtnunities througholmt Ontario and lar
the othe .previncee as well, have found
it neegssary to' raise their saibacription
price from a'dallat to ($1.00) a yeaar.
' It in a universal failing of publishers -
to hesitate ,e bout raising their- prices to
the subscriber or to the advertiser. =Frob-.
ably :there ie no class of, men contribut.
lug to the needs of the people;of Nnada
who are centept with eueh. iv Meagre pro-
fit as the men who conduct newspapers.
To be, a -succese f ul editor regh.ires ,many
years of training which, in. other proles,
stops would. secure handsome finanbutl
rewards. • 1 -':publisher has an investment
also, •in most eases, greaten than the aver,
age blisiness Mae. . His plant depreciates
more rapidly than any other 'we know of,
and:if/or the expenditure' of, his time
1 L %rizii�' (•Cactie�ti
A Christian college -home,
healthful situation.,
Forprospectus and terms,write the Principal
R.L.w'arner,M.A.,D.D..St.Tho iias,Opt'.
• X Glory =—=
•Virginian' : X •,
. X
Saxon*. •
Lapland - Tunisian
X .X.
Florizel '
Lakonia -
Laurentic Montreal
Royal George'
H.M.S. Talbot 1
Every woman knows the discomfort of
of dusting --but few realize its.:dangers.
Dust consists of verysihali particles of
matter—some of them. finely -ground
mineral substances, and.the rest flaky
atoms of dried •vegetable and animal
matter. • As'it is 'blown through the
air, it collects germs and microbes qf.
• every ilescriptictn and from all sorts
of . places,. and settles, 'still holding
these dangerous little orgai:isms, onto.
floors• and carpets. Here it. remains
awhile, constantly inzrea ing from'
more dust falling on it, and the
crobes grow'in number.. • , •
,Along comes a broom—the heavier
dirt is swept aleng, but the fine, gray;
microbe -laden dust is thrown.- up in
c cul s,• to settle on tables, 'chairs.,
window=ledges, picture ' frames; 'and.
every 'other place that a.minute'par-
-tie-le-eanrud-a-resting:place. ; As it
flies, it carries germs of many diseases
along which • are breathed into the
•lungs of the woman. who is :doing the
swe«ping,. and of children and ,every-
body else in the house. •
�1 len pee a a`re in a very. good
physical. condition,. these disease
germ tare 'Usually successfully' -'resisted
—but Wien a matt; wbipan or child
gets a little • "run-down" dr out- of
sorts, the body no longer has power
to render microbes harmless, and. then
it is. -that dust germs carry. the great-
est -danger of sickness or. death.
Use Dustbane when you sweep
• •
": iie,t 't: ° eii a 1.c!.ti Ilk tt lad ' i
opt ul L.i'L ;ett.n
laic lnaolilib!y aceelig;tt for the ffcht,
that they dollar paperh 'have not been
'lraised:ta lili•,OO :long ago. Blit at last,
the weeldy piiblishel" ,funds he can carry
the burden, no longer. a has to pay•
more for his paper, for his inky and ha
, agg& a tfrat.b: t .' kji?? :the ~,rain layer
of cream °gills milk and left him •a diet
which does -net cbntajnsufficient nutri
lnentto keep hi3'brs;n working eut-
ly.. With many :a weekly publisher, it
has become a questions •of gettingmore
inopey :from the subscriber/kite, serves so
earnestly, starving to death or finding a
job in theinttnition factory.. • Sown' of
them:have enlisted. There are others too
Old to escape in. that,way. All of which
explains the reason why the rural pubs,
lishere have raised their prices,
The Vilest Shore Railway
(Kincardine. Reporter)
It will. be good ° news-. to the people
particularly interested in the West Shore
Railwa ' w that it is to bei ' c
y to kna in lad
ed in one branch of the' Hydro Electric
•Railway.: :Consiider-able, work has. -,been
lone to accomplish this, acrd in a recent
statement of relites laid out to be, built
by the Ilyd.ro thio is included. At- first
the beat the Hydro would promise was
that when they built through Wingbam
or near there that they Might be able to.
have•a branch across to -connect with
West. Shore, T}iIs", however, would not
have.been.very satisfactory. . However-,,
the route .as now laid -out is, to be built
from tharnain Hydro •road near Exeter,
.through 'Goderic}i. to' Kincardine, • thus
taking in the *bele i'f this.' road. Just
what terms the Hydro will • want with
the municipalities interested. is not ye(t
settled, but it looks. as if .we may, yet
have a running road instead of a dead
horse. - No doubt the road`•in the end
- 'will not stop. at Kincardine: P. Malcom-
son is 'ta'king the niatter,1 up with the
-Hydro. - Ile endeavored to see Hon. Mr.
Belk when in Toronto last *eek, but
owing to Mr. Beck being engaged, in the
House, could not do so. We trust some
arrangement will be made to make this -
a go and see if:'we can't get something,
for the money -the ,municipalities have-
sunk in the road.
Says- Vinol Made Her Strong •
Grand Saline, Teras. -"I am an aged
woman and for a long time was weak
- and feeble butVinol restored my health
and strength so that I feelalmost young
again and am doing all.. my housework.
Old people who are weak and feeble
should'try Vinol and. know its merits as
I do. It is the best medicine to create.
strength and for chronic' colds I have
ever taken.''—Mrs.FANNIE E. RoDGExs:
Vinol, lair delicious cod liver andiron
toriie;is sold -on our guarantee -to -benefit-
or your money will be returned.
A. M.',Spence, Druggist, Eucknow.
_ tumor dirt ountet mummnu utunia ommo numuuu mmip nunmuamimunummmumm mme m umumunem munmmmmmumm u numuumumususwon tin munmmunmim nimunpsym ohm uummu eniolumimumutuan muusumuusuuuu: ew
One Million Seven Hundred
and Twenty-four Thousand
Dollars for New Buildizgs in
Canada Since the War Began
Is Canada prosperous?
Are we justified in having the courage and confi-
dence to put, onfull speed ahead in our business
- activities:?
The experience of the Canadian. • Ford Company
since that never -to -be -forgotten Aug. 1, •1914, incl- -
cates that courage and .confidence should be away. -.
• abovepar, that we are fully' justified in casting aside
anxiety and putting our full energy into an aggres-
sive and progressive business • policy.
It was some time before the outbreak of war'that.
the Ford Canadian .Company decided on ,an
_extremely -broad policy .of -expansion
if the demasidfor Ford' ears should increase' in the
way tli:at it had every indication of doing, then flew ,
buildings would have to be started at once to enable
the 'company to meet this demand. ' •
When war came the Ford Canadian executives saw
„ no reason to change their plans -'—their confidence in
i Canada'sprosperity never way red..
} • 4 -So work was begun on a new building at Ford City
, costing $452,000. This is used as ati addition too the.
office building and to the main factory building. Ii
adds' 130 000 square feet of floor space to the Ford
Plant, bringingthe-total-up-to--niore-tliatr-9 acres. -
Then follbwed a new machine shop costing $90,000.
The. - ower -1ant wast also enlarged • at a cost of
- =p
$3ld,o$ . ti ,
In four leading Canadian cities, handsome. new
r • bgildinga were erected as branch' assemblyplants,
sales and'.service stations. Each one is as lamella
many automobile factories. All are of similar con-
struction, being modern fire -proof buildings of brick
and reinforced concrete trimmed' with mat glazed
• terra cotta. ' The bases are of granite. The interiors
• are finished and fitted inenccorda;ice with the very
best modern -practice;
° One: of the branch buildings *located at Montreal,,
• 119-139 Laurier Ave., East. It is a four story build-
Ing containing 124;000 square feet of floorspace and
costing $333,000. Over 100 p>sople aro 'employed.
here. "
The Ford branch at Toronto,: 672 -6.82 -Dupont St.;
is a'five-story building containing 132,000 square feet
of floor space. • !The number of employes is about 150.
The thi d• new branch building, is at London, On-
, tario at 680-690 Waterloo Street. It .is •a three story
� square
was erected at a cost of '$161,000.
The_iminensely increasing demand for Ford cars in•
Western_ Ca'nadanmade it necessary to build a fourth •.
new branch at Winnipeg. This is a handsome'• five
story building located at the, corner of. Portage Avenue
and Wall Street. A quarter of a million dollars was
put into -its construction. • - •
The total cost of these new building's erected by.the '
'Ford Canadian C;onipan'ysince war began is $1,724,000
•Additional to this are thousands of dollars- spent to
equip these buildings.. ,
1V by lias this been dome'?
First,: tai provide. Ford owners. m
with greater service
facilities. Each of these' branches is- so completely
equipped with .parts and machinery•as to.be able -to
build: a Ford -car -complete; Also:theyaet as a base' for
%the hundreds of Ford dealera in their part of the coun-
try, each of whose place of business is a well equipped •
Fond service station, in an
giving more rapid d more
-effidee L sere ice iit)Foi-d-o rs+
having 49,872 fee
t of floor space and
cf- ---,,,..40,..404.---.....
litiqPi CDv? "Y News
ATessrs. Cardiff' . ,Hames, L3.russele,
,knave. eormetaeed the anufaetele • of
fertilizer. ,LimestOpe r; sir is the, raw
m tens . used.- -
The Agii vie, Millipg 1Po. bae.instruct-,
edits monger 'at 'eafortlt-that _.the
'flqur mill there will beclosed down on
May l.st, until the end of October. No
reason is given for the closing of the
• Mr. and: 11Irs. it, E. " Dancoy, or
Goderich, have received ward that
their daughter, Miss Alma Dabcey,
has arrived safely in England, from
Cairo, Egypt, where she has been
stationed for seine time in one of the
military, hospitals. ' ,
• No pian can do effective wprk if'-con-
atipted--Rexall Orderlies are au effective
laxative. Sold by Rexall Drug Stores
only, .15e and 25c bodes. --l. G. Arm-
strong. •
,Micheal E fein, a farmer of. near,
Seaforth; .received word :a .few days
ago that his son, serving with the Can-.
adian forces in France, had been sev-
erelywounded in the arm, making
awputation of the limb necessary, Pte
Klein enlisted at Goderich. "
Mr. White of the teaching staff of,
the Goderich Collegiate Institute, has
sent in his resignation in orderto en
list, Mr. White wished -to be relieved
at the end of April. The majority -of
the board, however, • decided to retain
his services to the end of the school
term. •
Me Robert Smith, who h,is'been the
popular manager of. the Tuckersmith
Telephone. System for, some years, and
who recently joined the Seaforth'.om-
pany of the 161st. Battalion, has been
presented with a handsome wrist watch'
by the Telephone Company, as a token
of their appreciation of his loyalty to
Ting and country. -
Messrs.. Aikenheati.. $res,, of Lon
don, have•'purohased the Blyth' Saw-
mill from Mr. W. F. 'Vanstone, of
Wingham, and took possession ,last
week. The purchasers ' are thorough
sawmill men as they••have a Large saw
mill at London. It ,is expected they
will run the mill. to its' full capacity
which will be 'a .good thing. for the -
Harry Irwin; son :of Me. and :Mrs -
J. Irwie,
rs-J.7rwin,of Goderich, arrived at .bis
Home on' Saturday eight on his return
from Russia and after spending a few
days at home left, on Thursday for the•
Soo, wherehe will be.employed., He
was working near Archangel on rail-
road construction and experienced•,
some cold weather, the thermometer
often being 70 to 75 degrees below Zero
Lieut Col. H. A. C Machin,
or li`Qnora, at Port Arthur'as
Commanding manding Officer of,, the 94th Bat-
talion, wasoffered the Judgeship of
the county of :Huron, with- headgnart-
ers at Goderich. He rep ied be would
accept if, given leave: of absence so that.
he, might go to the front. That was
refused, .and his answer to, Ottawa
was that he. .was in khaki until the
end of 'the war.
William Lane, clerk of- the County.
Council of Huron, recently returned
'from a ,.trip to. the Pacific coast, where
he, visited his son, W. Stewart Lane,
who is practising law there, Mr. Lane
stopped off ab a number' of. plactes be-
tween here and the coast. •On. his
return.lie was;accompanied by his wifei,
who had .been in, Vancouver since
Christmas. ' She stopped Oft at Detroit
to visit -a son there.
The second reason'for this great'amount of develop-
ment work is to be found in the attitude of the Ford
_ . ,Canadiaan exeec, utives,_ -_.If. thesemetaled followed:t the .-
policy of many Cait'adianmanufacturers they, with
seemingg good judgment. might have held up •these plans
for sue li enormously expensive construetfon work.
But such was not their attitude. They were con-
vinced that progress and prosperity were assured in
Canada : -
. This decision was of vast benefit to Canadian indite -
tries, Canadian merchants and Canadian workmenn
• such a critical time as this. Practically all thematerial
for these buildings was purchased in Canada. Cana-
' dian workmen wereemploy'edih their constructipn.
^ : And after the construction work was'over,sthe whole
community benefitted• froth the enthusiastic success- -
fui, wea'lt'h producing Arid distributing. activities, of '
these big establishments.
Ford Motor-- Company—of Canada, Limit�d
'Ford, Ontario
Ford �jegnabout • . $480
Ford"i'Youring + • 30
Ford Conpelet• ` 830
Fordrd Sedan • • , • ' • •
Ford Town Car • • 7$0 '
L o. 'b.Ford, .Ontario
`t more
Breafd and B13rea
'euv of us eat
enough. of,y..
Staff of Life.
Make your •
Bread from
ore Brea
twid Q7. r: rsin
The Busy mar.
.�. ver House
PHONE 66 will Deliver 'fou;' Order 'aa' Soon s 'we Receive f t
The Aristocrat
" of the
_Q oc) Road
¶ Our .many customers who purchased Nobby Tread
Tires last -season for the rear wheels .of their autos are
ordering the' same brand this y'ear, and intend using
these tires on 011 wheels. This. spe,a,l s we'll. Conte in
and we will tell you of•onr many satisfird customers.
A Full Line of Auto Accessories and
.....Bicycle° supplies . always' on hand
Season is -almost
:here. The-detnand this
,.year 'is •greaterthan:
dy'er'liefoi•e.• 4 .'d expect
'a• large •shipuient of. all
"• :tlte`..latest styles aptly
Sizes this -week.: Let lls.
;• atipn and a stave;ou'trjA1..
Oil is:cheaper :and wore. convenient than, wood.: •,
Cleveland. Coil. Sprit g 'aid Port-
• land Cement always •on hind..
Successors •to Bill & Nicteo,d
0w1011+1044 k+w•r•rirwwi*aee.*';atiikesitfti
'Stylish Shoes su sat )dd�ow e rs^~ a hat.
J y. -w., , if her
shoes are shabby' or run,. dowii atf.
o' -�St6r
the 'Heel the. effect .is spoiled.. We
bave fine shoes'to suit. all classes..from:°$'2.5O'up, Co $5,.••,
We would be pleased to fit ydu.
Our Men's Shoes are right up to the minute—prices$$ to $5.50.
'Diet season was particularly favorable
to oat smut in the eastern part Of 'Can-
ada. resulting in a great increase of loss
-from this source. The grain, cropwill
also be Worse infected than .Usual, hence'
farmers should should treat their seed oats very
carefully this spring. A'sinall' expendi.
•ture in time an i money may, in this'way, -
incteaseMlie yield per acre by' five to .fif-
teen .bushels. •'
The prevention for smn}t in oats is as
follows: On the evening before the seed
oats are to' be'Sown piepa.re a solution. of
Tortnialdeliyde .(formalin), l pint to 40
als, of water.Spread--tlie•oats:frvainel
deep on the barb deer .and sprinkle one
gallon of the solution to" each • bushel:•
toVel`ovcr tY orouixliiy a'rZ 'ibti. ° the`
pile •Completely with ,.the oat sacks,;
blankets, etc. • The; following !horning
spread tlte,pile nut to dry.. Minoh of the
rnnisttire will have been absorbed by the
sued.—Seed I:S'ratieh, Ottawa.
grain, hence the seeder should x: regu-
lilted to allow. for the ,swelling of the
Alf cat* completely°maenad. ,
•' including electric hetidlightet:
Equipment does not include
X111 M; SMELTZER, Sales Ma ►a e
R••= • .• la•.1.1.:-.4 — ••»•:w.•-,•. •w.••••••..,.. • . r,
A Nephew of Louis Reit
In a letter to the -Alliston Herald, lite•
Clare Henderson writes: "I attended the ,
funeral.•ef •one -of our ,1ioys a eettlrltl �c�f'
weeks be. He wag a half .breed pained I.
' Heil—a',nepliew of, the notorieus Louis
'tell who led the Indians in :the N. :W.
'reebellion of 1883.. He *as ti -crack shot
and'out here was a sniper. •Ile Let a
notch in the butt of his .rifle. every bine..
he idiot a German. • Ile had forty-two
;notches. I thought.•as 1 stocid by leis
grive, what a chenge:'tnay telcepluce in
one generation -my uncle fonght,ngainat
his unclo,, now .I am fighting alongside
It tn. Ilia rifle has been sent ' to his
hone in'V tuada. '
We are in,the market . for cream', 'sweet or sour: ' We
supply,tw(: cans, pay, tnti'i:ce.'', acli rtgal}.tl.i; test.each:can
•received,'i 1jd' our pat reins: a' Statement of the NV -:i: ht .
test and butter fat in each. can, 'with: the empty* can
returned. We refer. .you to any.bank Our standing.
Write, for cans to -dray
TREIL'sAVEN Vii,••RANTdThli- •
Palm.' Creamery, P , l! p-SST0i,1. Q61l.
-NOTi :— Ts1 ant nit agent iieVe7f6f1Pralm Dairy ; ice Cream.,
.'Write for prices and terms. 11-s•c:•
► will . Soon b' ‘-going.'-to ' college:
VV3 ""Tarents "s`hou d b2 ill Bari saw i11
l.fiJa.,�..g y:
, motley to.prDvide for.this dxpinec.
Our '.Savings, •1) partmint' will
help von.•save. •., . "
Capital Au+hnrlred'$3,Ooc,eoo, J. A. e l-at31:e.!L, 1:11allagt!)10.
Capital Pald.uo.. $3,000.006
Surplus • • • .13,476.60
" ,
44', Vii•vt"