The Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-03-30, Page 6A W rite r'Free $amplo placket A-Tenderfoot's.woolug'' N "IVR PHJIlLIPP* WOULKY y I . I . I �! I . 1. . . k . To insi4re mooth corns re you iiiiisti,etir t )ie'cornstarc d there was no music at the ralicU, V Oa m3V T F, A cup butter with one cup powdered X cOUtUntlY. while they r, c Ok- the muoic� next morning was neither and, learw,how dolielows X904 tea Can be. Sta . t your 0hol'ce, Ritty saile& out of. the ranch,draw- king or to his, liking. or J5444r, 844 one teaspoon, and ing' f mates ina lngro9m vnth her bead !A- the air.. 0 Bla0k or Mixed or Green. NVIth the sample we will sen4 you on ne"foutth p6tato wlll,II4 Ii t, And. to" *Ond rfv� tQaSp Y§ pas a - ea, T _QQUL lemon extract, in -a _J=m ITO rXW4AX_ Atot-4 '0. .. -tar --b _ea- rtUr e a �b row Inc., 010 t ab—aut nd in the sweetest of miles. te It should go. stri She� came a ard roun t 4 corrals, and for five. days P -Of boiling water, and ZtU4 Iglt from t a down next,, morning. the the; cjoud,� had gr�,;n more and more, ADI)Rl@ ADAI YoNGE sixiRmEr, ToR To beaten, egg, to the table4 SS ',--,SAL ON white of. one sparkle of her dimmed, and -all the murky overhead, whilist a bitter, wind. cogoa Cottage P, Do not Allow the top of the range ud4l g,.Cre. me; her spirit Only kept wbiliing uneasily among, !0n -fQV4t4 Co to becoirl red hote It will cause.k it to butter and one my fgwn.. a 'a -lug up in'required,, 'Isised g y srh thato 'OV returnin, g *b4n- Austruther m. 'b psh And.wil at apEk Joel;. There is Vlios 'idi, - Hew Ari ad beaten ot stove - (11WA 8, sage r Yolks -� of -two eggs 4ndL, wf�"P, aqd� A red -:b Means, Cool _O�enlo effort to'cheer her. When the little the! abselico, of Ole mall-rolly,aecount-, tic Indi b�At . pil_� must.have let, it,ot." th t they bad not1hrown thg,. earth until' verk'llkt. Add. three- a a -one, , To. rem upon, hjm�'4nd, made bim' * foo� tis -gloom ;Well, slieta befor vixen which seemed closing the, b4 A, the f4tirths',cup int jily. ith Ova dust, f 01, d6ver ad go. into n , �OnT Ste r, if 'in, a they naled 'him. 4ow w of it V11th, S wish himself tIA0,1qsATI4 times Q round the ranch, -and., yet there seem- shea ight f it' abolvq him Q great- and � tree"fo �t s,.c weet 911 and let it ierpoin lits to,,I thin!; slid is- going.' 0 1h ups ifted flour, it �Vjth Dick Rblt!4 Avenging posse, e4, 'mor Ore. th6 But tbe,fa like other Only.. s. And mixb fwo, tm ban rut ; isplf;- that. betould -not mova bis limb d And ' overed for a. dayi T 0 tban in sifted again with QU fears 'bl'thO night; depregsion'wbicli.to6k hold on those ell had loii its wild witsi, thall, q gbt,wAs, Poons, bakin at, Stir in o a%- lump a There bad he 4iizeA things, ultq, suddenly tho we' hlim Powd7 Small pie PROVES POWER tear confession an, penitence,, And who' bad been befoo.re it had' aolivirloIl'. the'sen of 'lifted, and. he draw A, great breath, third up cocogj.'beat wall flAv - -With. All cap. of launl(lty I f oa a io, and, two t foJ4.. in st there was, donl8stie` b Sti and :RnA.-again the'flerce p4in,vaq easp.9 lIetwin the two at 1 wom apni. vow can be �ut into; the boller in which peac t ere w" The last golden leaf had, folle AID DID PDt bot 01 ar beat( ggs And b a iii b Oi wIT .a again; but'li no peac, Shivering in, tW,�ery eye of the wind took him Away in.. the, reo in whites of a ]SH in to a% Qio clo%6 Are b' fe.4,` the codeowo..4 ,slf not wasted .s hcreqI Mill befoic. )s9r, I'ok AS ilq trouble tefed-small� ibey are bil AnArpthe., - With toms and now gildugalr,dry of 0 ing for r4mliI human being ta take where there w ariI I , . .. 'Xitt ie;,,of iti instead of taking care i of R to lils, aecklesis of Ulling limbs- an ile i o d, A 16h. lLvould, Tate An Potato �Au, :Qratip, Pael� and s � asted Meat that is tv -gw Wh, -004 At early 4 :age be cut epIlI s�ould. bct wrapped Jill! IL ilvaje t. sit Jbithad 9 S bri uplands, drj�eii by. un'L itseM.,. Ilig, with- e$e4. open.to the IL ito ery thin. Pitt TH glo upon "the' AK`TlIG'§TR LE'COSTS -a. were no lola&i And:loulI 111,011% . 119 - in't1i !.M mustlet it jji,poor, miser, a,'fitd similat, to'hxat of tho -me be-' ii. layerii,,in 01 ther The -quiet see. Wind devils ee ArFJ clean ni A or the: tr A tte�edj psid st, c .4ina disband v6i'c4s about the corrals. able beisstie. Do you., mind dO4r the lalf-brhed bdys sprilikle'ea0h laye iih sait, pepper tila Nylthout breaW w thani,.AwO.of recently burnt paidli'of pine timber 9 n of 14Ated.,miditatlor,.. Anil a ciorrals w�uld foimi" ONO, of,.cour4e,not;,tfiOu 'thl4 ran' h �een winging their 'a d bit., A photogr4pher'i paste: can be made the morio'Kitty TAedita I Q. she kh I o !t of ' of, l:iTittei, Wheii all the. 6p, teathe� as �PpQsd that it will'. lcoind"In.' if ax�s a's the� bad okea 4&4n 'b� "groahin tatops;b of.prdinuir ti h' Qtc9 13C TeAk, o 4, rpat Uve ben, used, cove) y s re no Shows to justify ar 'at o . f limbs., But ' these, A.. S qR -hot -"taj 'Ilk oiid 5prinlile if, you I 4ste Preiqlq a ;,'I' Could Ak titilde,lol yo Mr. � n trd a,, , nd, 'as, the bladdFbit'and "the of' 0, as for iiieed d, v and, ing". c .an ad th .-,she saw to. Chips fir 9 J combe", A loss jale fa�ed t' 'I !it a hurrylolt- is .4 gpQ4 thip o"x4p, c' ie&by fitson4 4tart$. W.ith a piece -of br6d in -big, hand white. ew, .,f*o WQ- of �potgtoes"lvn.th_ cracker 41� Urdpr Uttp re- idmire, in. the, maiiahei bad induced.to nd -b member. of. a fawn. truth&.,i�efit I in With: Salt �a 011"t d A,�$ inen;'.drehebed With. rain, and 'Wild cru Ill P. s angeneos of to. leptice 'tb, Mg ded e , Ot S all ber'.oVm small Th them was 'r one- Vitt o a 15aie youi coffee stay�Uhiud. TndAed We olilk -and- e 'he fact, that that a no 'we coverall, - fo h'No Minister has ever asked any to t 6 ieemea to 7i to, ille Ja4in''door, glad 'With gitilif ind� -terror 61'the storm, butter. ake,, ig to win a mi e. fr6, grounds, ry thkil Out, and. put around Oats. took, it-' bodil Such thit s his offen4_ pleaded with them 'to. rr 41fas.ier, hour, then.yiscoverpild brown, storm to aqcount for them. . 11 ..m t�.0ras�lves'Prank'Anstrdther. Ashe faste . for. God'e, ske, fas.terIl' clepch� 0 your�roses with equal parts. of Ebot. democratic assembly In the course 01 !a,, were, purely local ad ladk, bixt. the vpry glements; warred r, ck Coqkie&�Qraam� one cup,,,but" turn- ate''16*6r, th t ing their feeble bands, and, yearnin' 'It is -a good fortiIiier And 'hisecticide. less than two. years to sanction expen, and phq�t lived un: 9 -ter, one and.o -hal cu a whi votes o ;iroach-, ed b1i last c1prett winds as theyweri a pf the' u ot sP the 'TOTses.day agAu te su 'Cut your lard into small pieces And 1ture out of f oredit api in,, fttgerstl an bali'coMe to day As, soon 'L the laicls,� ga4e Uri- 96r something to do where th' morning. ere wall gar And one-half cup brown sugar. run through the -meat chopper before Ing or anywhere near approaching &24 dcionUQrWA4 quit sur nothing they could- do. a � a theh:that T Add three egg6, well beaten; one" Qoo,oll 000.($1o,000000,o09),­sAId Mr. fit to succeed "his ,rokd in weird fash:., der bisr hand the great'door b rst the -'only woman waido, with such � noise that thefawn Heavenst how long hetlm6. agpined. quar er cup rendering, and you wilL hdv.e almost Joni, with suW Apirilish. storm. lightsi t water with one teas Asquith, the. Prime Minister, when I1q7 sta-uther 'himself Vas Suviiy blwel� they could lift soda dissolved poon all lard and very few cracklings -when mother At. Bilburp Part was. the 9171 'terAfying. isbadpws Aed,. whilst An them asked the House oi ommons f6r, a SUP: 1mggrthly and, . - in. ity three-qsiArters. thrpugh.cooki he bad beetv singing. to, and. be had the*tree off.him n9w,,and vote of credit of 3,000,00Q. (4116 Q. - a, voling before the- blast, and. they strain- .0 a aid put'liis fortune& th a' layer Of �060,060) to' enable' Great Britain 'to As -are-onli. Pound of chopped nd seeded raisins, seen­on� the,sea­or tIs, sent r 'decided, that bQ-w'9` 'U k, one limb'.of which was one Apple ple made wi der et, of winter pictures, stick racks, and hides clat� ad 0t a ta n a test before be was 4, day, ol priiiiies-, And the flrt� A pound of chopped walnuts, One- od heavy for tl finely Shaped cheie over the season. carry on,the war for another, sixty to th tared and careered.' along the floor,' t qir uhited Strength- half* teaspoon nutill 'te -."rso", to him, of Thtymight as well have, tried to lift eg, one. . aspoon ad Apple, and. baked in, the *usual way 'days—tbat Is to, say from April 11 kfiii would not say of As usual in this confounded �gouii cinnamon, neTqTlartek teaspoon' thA othe �riihch house. Those only. who salt and three and 6rie-half cit' many who at -thisnew bilge be felt. $Tlrp, She waEL not ono. about the rauch"Isad been Nown try, h' had a mass of it. No' . is liked' by a' fond* of When the expendtiure of will �beglnj' --those, -women *who would willingly- from, a -have handled -a' Douglas, p1Ae know ps flour. chhese-served with'apple pie� Slice of Britain's treaure jv nhumdrum: its position, A wagon Which, the In. 040 but' A fQ61i be r0eeted,'*ould. Dough inust'be quite stiffi' Dip with; d6oking until the war is over, writes 9,London .Spend all, their:'Ibic 4 di haid. left, out was lift d jight. hivii t40- to 'Open a, door on the what the weight of it is. ispoon on tips quite far apart. utengils should never be q9rrespondeat. cat li4ans way ;was the. only way, allowed, to dry 'before they are ash. a Th An r4s in t t e, the house, vhcn. it a Mr. Asquith a Ueenly' lAy-Lottoral-upwa wea her. sid of Cream Tea Biscuit.—Qne, cup: thick, pointed out to But t1loil,$h he Suffered -without, pro-, over and wouldavebeen much easier to have and. there 'was no.'help but -, theirs, sweet �idream, two te ad. ' After -drying they -are twice As interested House that nineteen months dday Frank. yard, appoons. liream�'Of te4t, as a man most, by =i brought the�deer'rouind'to the lee side, 'though 'by some 'til'iracle, Frank An- tartar, , three-fourths teaspoon soda, haikl to -clean, and the chances are n ould hAve believed that ering whethexaf Fdnces which the biggest'of the bull� they 'will. not be thoroughly. cleaned. Britain's er6dit ould have stood the', found, im. if they but it was struther Uvec' self,' won4 h t6o.'Iate td think of that I sti)1. . The hand that one-half to ad rerpe�ted, were laid flat as i one- lull; n mp. an half cu ter all -a worldo ithout woman wc now. Re -had. t -bring th _`b" pooi Kitty 'held. id -liars wag Iii d A. new ay to c9ok-cabbage.,- Cook strain it.has had to bear aoo hb but card . hou at ..east n, ps bread floiii Sift; soda, be so utterly smendiiiablQ. qe�. a , a,. cold- as. a'diad man's, but be was' not some�new cabb ge delicately by'keep- It Plain risen ith th He simply ilarb(I not face. those two cream of tartar and -salt with one, cup ing 'As for Mr ely li6ttle­ereek 'w4icli it week be- women - without it,- so, -with a it. unde the s Rolt, she had pri�at glance Slead yet., Not yet. Surely the men flour.- Beat. 1*9 .'eream enough ad- r boiling water for .40 paulcUy position of Aujusit,. 1914,' sent state of affairs was absolutely vowed ihater favorite Should have a. fore '.had threatened'to run. dry, minutes efily; cut it up At the damage he bad don�..hi I fl seasqn well. P�e 6oul(f work more quickly.. Ali, if only ditiona olliiu6. Britai Id: 'car --of- - Po.that dough can be at ATT4 marvi ji was stfir the go -liaa. ben Cover with crumbsiand bute -market of,fhe world, and Mr. Alc][Cenna. Air sly rito Jfilf . I . . ( handled. 6asily,.' Roll to oie-l�alf inch -whirled. illowig in, ad reckles the storm bare. t re. ing Ux his :kbsahte she,- wwouia-baunii boatd-iind tiri�cas. bake brlo*n. beaded, dragging the great. door o To be'Cbntinued.) thickness dut'with sm4ll...roufi4 cut- the Chancellor'of the Exch6quer, was �oi;ile� like their sba6;',Jhe;windP battered andrattled against cooking cauliflower Qways quite satialled *wtth'�he, condition'- of- the'two, 11� young pc ter, and bake about twelve lhinutes dow until Jimps . return.' whilst: the old,bou�ejisalf behind him place the vegetable. in the pan. with red t in hot even. This makes two'. -dozen American, exchange, throbbed and hummed like. an, orgaii, -It requt , allAn.s ruther's Strength, No saf-constitute& duenisa ever. the flower downwards and pass to, -the, door,, gild'foir a moment SALVATI sinAll. biseiiiij. - , � - - - ft The Prime Minister recorded wj�tb, louiid h d4ids. less. eiiacting thalf'did na meat..skew�r a' frointime to. time. 4n,aa,rib�shak� . ON ARMY WAR WIDOW ililiough each -'sidid. In. the. utmost. calmness ihiti amazing Jig- er he had to cling to the. handle of it' for a ing-repor't the downfalf.. —Wash...one,'. -w, wherk ures of. oney, spent pil, the war, lvyxx - . Spanish 'Ric Rolt; T6..pair f-rop4ta. .9 Ani support bfo�e lie. couldmak-e-'goo-1is 'A. N' Sith a- Has Been. -Unnebe tj theis ny it �an b p1_ne-'3_n_,t_h­e slaill- ew. am �d 96foughly andcok in plant boil - some Y_ 0 n ome 1. . 'lit England." less anxi6us,to be' alone thht Kitty, ireat',Douglas SUe most cooked ivithout becomi g broken. Viser'e U year or rhore, ago the Chan- Alid- stoim, lasted " there fobtfiag against thal. wind. IL ing water. 'Drain in. colander; put To raho ellor of "the Exch6quer. ehtlols.46d' and.'Vranl� newly ariva(v, - Englishmen, he `Was 1� .. .. . ... . 1. - c 'Th opillaw s he racink.clou4s Vat- It -pour oliv oil ipto a ve water stains from'varn to', such al pitch 'of his o,' T three or fbilr,slices.of bacon tbrou"gh i" un. with bat6d' breaih and--witli an ole- -chopperi Oed -partibul e',�IVAdows 11lorg" of the shed'furniture' a Jis, a. e- ted-_ 111 "AV - a va%ae- u-11 a rylng'Pali di§h and. Scrap still tire,�, but. -then: IaY in.- f gette air. a slaii -of four or Ave& hundred d' light - _- - . 0 ..-was thatlunfortunate yolig-ma.-r -qu F -O -V -At A I a a little white Wax _ke(L shirt A 1 t a; glbFr�� b6led i ifil inillion-doll owb, Vrlta- '.I -15-e-E—eafeW the t timili Ahan- would take � to 2ilkeili�e*-worlc or, assls6ii�g7­a:-nRl9---Ad=- 'into -it.; this- -mixture should. enely on, In a wh 'piii moved-on-t1le cho�tpet oii6 good-sized, oniono until- the, wax. melti, then.. TUDD -t so isted � an the S viiing "W1db*§—an-d71 idt c1lildpon In cloves, a herself tiying. o ma a me collar a revealed, his. grand total of f ound, had g6ne, -hi until, h 4tild smart. garlic and brio� large y, rub a irlooi"p6tverse wit a cayefu -The three in -the house cowered, at- Qving 'se 'ads th girien, s to him� for'A accordance ily-th6ught- 0 t war expeliditure �of'tan,� billions. oi face of the wekt6ro. ing breaclilesi, built Wide - i:� the latest green pepper, after ran! sp;arl��Iy on1he stiins�- Finall ke the On a surface with a S t alid practical an -A den0al 6oftlirle� rag until dollar er. fashion, were lin -to him li and white fiber.,. Add onion, -one, -c p or fealt. u it is restored to'- bri th� Vindowi;, nd, watched the Booth has. -stated - illat the Public 'lliancy. late scene with deso�'. ki , of 'a fish s long ;,coat-tails' $he began fite half of S In hi b stewed toii�ato, garlic arid epper tci With ' that feelini Trustee has voluntl6i etal a .44.1, ­ : bally vir6go df War� CostIi. Yyoung -.p6o.ple." oui them there were performing like a giddy wind ered to co-�p !bacon'alid 'Cook 'thoioughly, - seasoning .,h . ad been ilea&-at,the rancls, w a awith 'hame.. KJLL� RATS. To keeo.track ofAhe enormous GX er',a�s'pleasurejbaif of awe, Which is nit 11, and his Whole, appearance was them in the se ith salt, pe&er and dne-Isal tea - w it t S -in n Penditure on the Warls a difficulf-taSit, n .was a moo r,, 'storm�pr6of house `wfien a ipbon* chill Ilowdir.. When sauce is owing, to theallismans'e sums being ex 0 as bad a being. to: -human beings safely, entrenched i such at to justify his belief that the "'Ma�y" of the widowi of -;whdn!'w, w They're' thinlZing," -siid -Gen ral love again, lidself. a Suie Cure for -Rat-Plajguv, an done' e4hil,d cup gr ininute find although Mr. -;age­*ithqu"nti1 4 miser- ladles at. the. ;vi�do* were- livilled at( ooth add ric6 and on at_ A ght biought -a sm, a 1"`ha�e'srri4lFpr6pbrties, regarding the Scarce. at'llie'-Front. But,this On il stor:� with laughter. As he crossed th.gpad-... ad 'dheese, cook until bleni;led and Aiquith maA6 fiis�%.Jlgurei a clear'sis' .,her, sWeet face. There, -had' never -Able , .10old g' . object ' with lowered it - occurr1i " hi � that Mri. man.a`gem�nt �ina dispos9l, of. which at cusle. to -big Dick -head. and, streaming hide'cAme' dock 0 in Th A British atmy� officbr searched &sstble'Tor the given' time he' wtiji a IT' train))' come thq require "reliable advioe. a with, - SOm s b�bn,� ny rival in Rolt, Was zignallilig � to mto y dealiki a maller,'.1tems. he carcely thoug t th, a wiliddid towards, -the" Potato Log yes; one 41.'London. recently 'for a mbngoose. h a mail ifig. Past th 'back, but.he was Public Trustee has.kindly consented'i .. . . f.- Cold potat. Tineprtain, and iW -oni,on;,. parsley and He bad received an urgent lettO froiii, naturally --had. to. be 4ealt, wlth'genar&I., '.eisted:*Iio could have ildem' an case he di notmean to, go. back to perform b4Tis portion -.of the wo;rk. tifyine'; salt Mat ..y d littlb butter or dripping; in the trenches aski OTT6 poifit,'-however,, emerged - clear - The A fter' im s ep-,.-,-. .0hi lis� little.: Mi*itc beast He - will' also be, at liberty, to become pepper;, a some'friendis' ng, infernal little 'Whereas at without *that fi�r one of thlige -valuable, little- beasts the'execistor`ft de- Mash. the 6nion fox ly front' ihe� statement. or ally widows who, potatoes, boil'ihe He wai hi IT tem 111 yard ..by yard X.lc pted' hi -.15 minutes and —a'sure -edre f6r rat-�plagiie.' -of credit was th6 sire, to leave,, their proper't�.- & -their the Ume . the , last yot6­ aftossl:the corrals, -And towards� -latte re tie children during the r's minority. the' arid f�ymeAo a.dust, melt f010. 15� ,sd d"asked fpr: Mr. Asquith patch of shrieking qnd groaning timb asti The chief. object of "'The'Wfdows' thiiI buttex.and mix all together Add if a private' -individual ha�opened to. - Govepsiment �. xnat6a 'the' daily ex; -have one to dispose- of; And* the price pq�ndtlurp of t1iis- *coTuTir'.-oTi-'the war - at. Counsellors" w 'Ut *the Seasoning., Hi4p on- a , gtea§ed' y thouglit,'flie ladies wero, as. not td ring altId Suielyi he wouldbe"ab6irt-9510s. at $25,000;000 a* dAy4 lie oi;� r v"led- in a a �ould. not t, ido�v - oval mound; ilt * now signalling to hiih but IT be'amigratiori of w s t6. the over- tin in the shape ofan fln� 01 'the main ' obj'ect brush over. with beaten. egg and baka� ' Mr. Isaacs,�wof. Royal the fact. thal,the actu indaistanid',wIs . 'they meant. They BeEks; Dommions. being spelit-daily is- not 1,nsore,'ttiail, at until.quite,hot and well browried,on Menageries' L allihg, - but , the window was was. to preseive life of the ShaftV. bury sivenisei . on IZI125VIU00 Fle added, hGwevpr�, iha4. -c 'Sli�` ca-�.efiully, onto' a -it fe])r6sentatiV6 of the:.Dall "And Vera don, old closed,. -which -,in 'itself 'would' . have bereaved families, !at the , highest the.ouside. YAt ould. be, wise not t,o teckon oil clean *hot disli'and serve. This mix- Qrli the Chr cle tht he mongoose I s ot 1, Mn,g at an -gh t6, diow* their voices, Standard - possible, hnd to,kbeli..their, the daily expenditure n i NOW been, enou iom�s '.intact at 'all costs. Th ture, may be made lnto�'small Individ- only iinimil thafca'n N',Aepelided up-.! mom�nt to.$95"00,0,00" for 11, witb�ut the deafenih din all arouiTA us ch hl.to rid a tr�ench df rates,. for- any sought'.t elp the widow in,a' man� I mounds or little 'rfsioI6s,-:.wb1 o must always. bb '.6repared f6r per 44 ferreW' he -ia1d,1 -for Po6ible'-develeopine tit -find oxiJolfilaf I) And are very good and look well When kill' U 11, 1114[mgpoW Q =-to eicteiid the.helping b a sake of ea I S within arn-?s len th lie wa ill6tiv, ant 'way ound, a meat dish ti -n g, t' AT nd he'rnade a spirxnig� at the fAwn's afote any disintegration of the home served r' killi for the. sake of killing.'_ I gulat­ RMA ADE b NA took plaeg ri to� Mitikaba er inis- Cliange Bread—Delicious rdei-pe The principal' item of'' 'lar,' iiiuch it, but could: not se- ot col ed antb' penjilitilre'.-is for adirances o her eser� with'dol& when 'dete distress. for fii�cy bread is, th foll6wing: Dis;- a that any trench, with �j mo.n_� 'whith by.lMarch-ST will, It's, -th6 season. fbit Bitter ora;lge"s, anci Grape Fruit. cuts his'llold,- so- that..he only fright- -fourth ye goose �irill not Buffer fro' rats. i * Jloile anddominfolis In-. reach p ids hadUfallon.- her. - Solve prie ist eakelt broke In . *� 11UPO00 UrItain's- -rakey6ut1farmala e %v.i I - .1 . . . -is -to. gdt a. mongoose, -, 1. i�nancial_,arrangemellts. with ll. e' -efted the. beast, *hich'in a. th !f*bOur At - the same- time," added General 'to. pieces, * in, one-fourth of, b Iuke7. difficulty robabfy 42, 'reached the -timbdr. .,But i;up ' B6otb, 11,hspy omen ate gg ur e if It -was as much. afraid here t i1iiie warni water,, and add one well. -have sent ot - half a, doien recilltly naiurally xe7maih secret,"Andinust 'go, paused -tranidateid e, Can Sugat� j)f -to the - possibil ap-' beaten' to Frahca,.but live, stock is not-'bc�! contiliTso until iiie's'that exist iiir 6* one �'tablespoon melted lard, end bf the- waij but, to. go' florward 'is to come back., irse, lespoons ing shipped. to. Englaild now,' and the'wlieb th�� areAtsclose'd it' �'vll not bo - able women in the ovL silt; Awo tab this llake'yiifl�o B "hig absb-lu e -pure it ssures best -possible. results As as �Dolhin- net table�;pobn durAie, Anstruthei-- followed it. TO S cylon. totind'that tlik. whole of !%s-Pnl -ions where �the dedrth. of women and home of the- n ngoose, i, aud-refn6ves offettliefttation.' 'he reached th. efte of the brulb''a sugar, 1grated,)rind. two orailges.'and Beat "The nee, is to. seele out' is a free iralit.- Wliat Britain has, given" -afige juice. only Pha requ'est 'we -send iftcelle"nt orange, dry'liough no, .'thicker' than ITIS -liftla their. sex qualities is one o the great three-fourths cup oi Co Serbia and Belilutia4uV4, beein gl'v'e'ii finger, 4bir ed u at thoroughly, eater. Add private owners and ask them to: Sell-. 11 o't;-Of 6'jie,ot the tos idabilities under whch: ihe�-young ui;ing akg- - IT and and. grape fruit' ilade'riecipes. '4eiirou i10 'ght colgist Many - tnquiri6s, Tdached me without 4 0 Marmalade tabels1or iomg-' ltse—Addre�s, acrQs§ the hand. The comblunities labor, and0are S ur to make of A ency to 3 nd struck -him -te I' - a pptJha� assistance .6-, t fl of crOssing the. seiis both, for their move- amount,!required'- being about from officeri'at'the fr6t. -EVPn the I class P s iy 'is ST. LAftENCE �UQR REFINERIES LIMITED* force, of thai bl fr So'.%mall a ow6i.-- like Itussla-a6d' r ow OM 'should hav own sakes. alid for - thd larger field of- three'. cupsi and beAt -vistil, %rnooth.- ferr�t is Ao�A' ce. f'on X diff6rent, kooting-and, him, IT m- a if -thin a warned g ..The monzoose', is I Ila I fared foi! their childr.6n. We! sea no, -Turn .6fi. slightly floured.. board and ma Englpnd. lut_ih sine at at m6nient vi6toiy seleAned wit ourage them from their Tead until elastic Cover 'Sind. "let lioiol. in'' Ire. nlolley a a re s to isle in th purpose,., espec ight. In morn"ng* i4jape, i�or ull n his . grasp.' The man n ith r' 9.�� -a on iall y. as we -have ample I ri�b over.: the'' land, plagued with. rats T r* xhany derstood, hesitated, witil' wi it ifidilths, two' m6ngoo,�eq e t o Bull S.ti'W Rich to, slightly buttered paTis, coveri Wel" Impor ".Of tho , succ6s�. of - who,� put in a ..quick leap� AhstriAller'sprang in EUid P more alffl h. -T, 'ha4e:already taken. this'step. let rise once r k,- in ­hot, ed. with thle tliij�'be seon thht despi an leather 'collar round its gripppd the 'iyable, in* view Of bve ne.V6i,'b6f0fe'dfnatII0d 4) f. it is'not in,00ii6 Ts. ..Best eaten Vests. r1ine sank t -k - I 1118tory 'his oi �tlic - *o rid Joiin ,,the Man t4a sex. tendenek in br4d aft�rno,o,n teit, �-i T. may, be th 'a (1, it woula be 'a citrious thing, '.Xxnporial e�elop ent, thfit'thi P6e1((%"4 are ti'll bulglTig with w en his -rip T Salvatien.Arniy rnigbt feated def6i,6;t ut i-9 'sti , pic gliti'whIell orild 166 4- a9kcd to, co-oper,a-te ,, in, somd t io.spelid pill* be*Thg' it liret y ncl:w untif the 1provokilig pet was haft e-: fpar� of'may nperBon I 'in its m Lmigra ion o "That lov, tbt it 6 Jul,, Acq:.. 1,101 in Would',not loc! the ti g on �x general 'wa it), alid'as:; but An.jhin i01.61 the pbd)itiff. "One tyf the' most'-, -nied itself-im his-imili -women , a c 0 A, t spicuous fef�ttrr(� yus 10 rilthing lia�,pened. so �rd 6! the enTigratibn pf 'wid vs. they are NI. should "be steriliv ou t. hi, -I-ifie ad, befbild,,, T -biffi. it,-,scome'il that 0 a nd U. will, tor fainilics .�e the �ut used crash wag.'followed I& lina nto anti again., c -a r AWibbra orfe of mat tion in. F coo Cie( in, vessals, illat nied by' lk. g9veintnLr Doinjulons good flavoF �sevsation of all lla tting go o a things thing�� mi fully cons creidd t AforcoveY I I 1lousawives �.shouill4f'. a t. that, Iefith6r collkr. To that ral IT.,; n eg r(f nuts,; eXcep 'he: lung iligtillctivel�f 1;16� - I gi,,�q -.Vill tI ;uranze i -hat' Abel even w D brbug car '911 luxuries., no J) wcht", aw, ay I rQm dow ti)-fnduce Is he stil'ing. As so6n, o eng -`4tid -thught w and a- . .. - I . Use As fyp�'C`af or the. eftses, -likel� t6 tic th pvi solip th� �'Criishinjf UT 'TIle can.:come by 3, ..- - Of "The Nyiddiii, Q rsts, "Crown 13ialid" rnf!' �he liger atl; - clif 0 a Table Syrsip. Ul it that f An irtiri stafietwhich 4an be fa v6tt * rs 1 glio -a g4 �L a IT 40104101uvs; ed t� the. wen hifled in me war 'd oliusbaiy:d hxd I 1*011ing . a. -y in comparative coin or Inintil", it is,� doneVVI-y- jit:.Jo abotft crown. -put Iout 6r its it'.4 blrelt- "oil an p br(fak if this is (lone.. ou, use, ir Tico with MI'ated With F.DWARDSBURG and nalin gdh. -e shiehl Wa4i,, IPI 4 ;fit �r` V, F�-, tirliltv A"oup". argefy fi)r IW'wh "to. oitity) t tha't1% thiirbi no 664enllol' baek W0, t, r t Will. ir.4 4 of firr Owildr�.n -�nti� Ilell fore f) ying mallh; it Nvill 0.1 WaIllo: an t -no. -a& h6 I alk'nualirl d' to 4' o th 1 0 strurlv by a hid6oug shock (4, plill't ut fat froin sputterin and' ryIng—, Cotton crppe is a h qin. ood material 161 a ause -doest chil4retil (ind riv wr, ee When -he roMe nrefial lauy)(tering. ka d not require c that, he waq (lead. TIC kne*., viore k very 9,0(t- Ph, than Jhqt. . in Iiis cofff An.old piano stbreA.J. for Gill0rbr�ad, o, .4, he'r(iluld smell' the iboards of, it-, a gewing Machine segt, bocaii4o. W lie raised and fowered at w, lit -e III do' -n t b a r for aII opudlhigs? 1')e cooked 1 fird' th(iy w0i iling w i(tv, 6f have six children, Mildi and roh bu-this A—iiihgely 6nougill, diiI ii6t u,,p it for t 4.11 all' tJlCqC all, verv, ril and -:kob&i, wbo-,�c proftrly fli'l it �)�'Cotnc fl�,., t I - W�J u ch mnkes them tough Corti 46-ttp This I I Olivo, Tficodore, Flizabet� rT 4 tmy I-riq him Ii bit.-' Ueath �:AN a sill' 20 rniyfu-tes­f� be-'easi]Y 00(i givity" lip hiy, Ila aft& wbrli Haw even sitroL In. mixing *qit or liuts ii.16,weak as is tli� old., eI be aded,bef6rv' the liour, A. Liniril�nl. tvol 0, of thern, at' Ia Mitabeth the nd L They will then be evely distributed. dog flirl (I'leb t !4;, of lie rall tip. OW Hills quAre bound bent! Th e i�e r hani- A L of* wire ne' 'oifor the all(] -mounted 'oil Iour little feett qro.P6 . Colo TIO.,; go(jodl The linor mail. who' weds sin hen etis Ag rn I X" I t f. A ra T1 ill tfic flihi fo I, the, vjf'calk(�S, of 11, Ilse caha4r Rim