HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-03-30, Page 44 Tins Leo rd 'nunliday, March 3oth, $00 40 sn'"uu"%4141)14ritg.""u°4?),' vifZtvilial'41,11Ztagkutrat oisay,eules tilliktteeil. (tiny eat gout le luteknow of the London number of villese sad, lam for tie* I 0.0. F. liveknew Ludc. eieete eve* Fridar 'orating at $ O'Cloek in their Bali, Vamp- buUrotrOtt. All brethree cordially inviteit, Movie -NOW° Orand. F. 'P. Armstrong: !toe tinted, Robt Minion Ilmes„ Alex. cle04, A. i.ihtytit Van.13.40$4 kats11411. A. 1,'.44440- R. C4 Okthiehtlogiliernegt4 every Tuursdity night on or before he fin' MI9014 in tbe masonic Hell, Havelock street ialokanW., g 'A Armstrong; 0. Mertint.1. J. DeviSOM *or., W. A, Wilson. - (Neer, Quart Sherwood, NO. 60,. Inicknow.. . moots every teat Monday of the mouth in In the oddrcilowe'llailtVialuinebrethern cordially Invited to attend; Chief Ranger.. • John111, door., Robt, tiraltani irinir seer. 404; 4olinsten, Treas. if ft, Maelatoell: ' 40; Isneknew Lodge, No. IA. .mects sootn,-11-Afonderoreeelt month,* the Odd- ' fellowe' Mes.W •INOtkitiallol• Blitzpildj yin. Seer, .:JUII,,11„ Manintosin.itec. fkey. ,000..POtteriTreas..Alex. ROSS. • 4, I)ental leoWLER, L. le 0., ie. S. Orrice up •etairein Hutton •Teeswater. Spec. ••• ial attention .V) gold: Antes, erowninir and • bridseworic. Visitwroseter lat. and 3rd. Weauesday (Item% month: (fordo Thur. ' O. A. NEWTONfh -$.„ Dentist. Splice AiIm l3locir, inAcknow,,. Ont. All modern methods. used. Best* Materials • furnisbest. Crewe and Bridge work, Painless extract- . ion by the uSe of the latest,. simplest and . =feet remedy.g3OMNOVORM. Newest. .tiohlaperatratiltIat tedth. ,Aldmienk.platesd, CENTRAL , STRATFORD. ONT. YOU CAN SECURE A 'POSITION It you. hike a course with ea'. The demand uponeus for trained help is. meny times the number graduating. Students are entering each week: Iron may enter at any thue,,, Write at ()nee for our free tatalogite, . • D. A. 144,c4AGHLAN, Principal. A Christian' college-1We, healthful situation. -;••• Forprotneetusendternaawritetherrinelpal • IC.I.Wrner,mA„D.D.,St.,Thitmee,Ont. 63 111* Lurititont etittind ' Pablisbed every Tlintaday Morainff at iaMI,tneW, Ontario. „fp. XI. ¥4NZI 11/49.orietor „, met Rditor. TRUIZSDAY, MAIL 30th, 1016 GERAllikli EMIT AFRICA. It looks is theugh,' at:thWena nf tlr war, German East Africa would be added to the British dominions.. Por setae weeks we have been told of The successes iw/riclr haw 444kriui•s.SierrqI that territory ,br the, British South African arMy Under General Banitts.: For this reason Canadians natitrally at , ieretita le know somethingabout, this •Gertnan, colokv, , It *s one of the choice plecils intq '04401 •Africa was carved when, abort 3,s0.,,years ago, tbe land,grabbing Xuropean QSqa decided upon the“partitien" q the great troPteal eentinent1t te also by Ur the• flioat valuable colony whieh...00nna'ult ostonistrioN litst 4,1INTARIO Probihition for Ontvio ha* come with a rush. bill to 'mit off all liquor eases in the province was introduced in the Legislature by the Provincial *ere. tarY last week, awl ithas the t•;11PPo„rt not only of the Ooverument, but of ;the Opposition it WillOtOnttaseo hecoMe la* Thutinte wben,the prohibittort mole, ure shall come intO effect Wan OCI.P 'fiZt4d. PA the time of its introduction; and like- ly be determined by discussion in "the house._ Those interested_ in the liquor hostages Will lia,V0 the date of :corning into effect put off as far as possible, ithi/e keen temperance adveaates will work ter 4)1 early closing of the bae. It will. not be later,tilbu the end of Oeptimber, ).r earlier. than.Suly 1st, 'Piet -Prohibition law will in into effect wttbout tieing subntittect to a vote ofthel •or wero oli• timoip the the Peolsle at Prel/enti tnIt at the; °Cul replat; irely, of With. the Militia a tho elusion of the war, the mestere will. he varIbt.is,•$tatk submitted for-tliC approval: a the, ^ orate, Tlio,r will thns lieve some months, A WORD FOR MOTHERS It is agave mistake for mothers to new! ; Iett tbeir evbes awl pains and suffer in silenceeethis only leads; to deronle eleke • nese Mid often eliortene lift. If yourwerk is thine: if"your tierVee are elteltahle; if yen feel languid, .weary or depressed, you should know that ,cott's Nmuision overcomes. just such ;coedit:ion re : It peesesSes in ceecentrated feria the very elements to invigorate- the bleed, fitfeilithen the Week% hourrahtlinuenrra luta strengt1r. .- ,scotve is •strengthening thousands ol motheeb-e-and will help you, 'Try it, Scott AOwae.Tnnante, (44, tha wiltalseo irrrat Totcnitn:. At Vionipeg is. being recrutted the 212tb. .iiattalion 4 time 'Legion with Maier Pitman :in command, "A‘notti er hsttallott, the 211 th. et the. Legroa lfas litsad!putrterfr at Vakteouver, • Many of those tvluihave'enlistedifave SQfl sepvico ia Airicriorn Arley in ' ' '',-"•• ----7,-,,-- r-,-- 1360000, On the men it aPpearie:like. 10,1;11irPe.bilr.chrtoe-itlYclgar6,00r.t. ni.t7.7;414:2:Perierre, T i•-•-...-.., :timicl, co,u;4.-..-y, Nos: a great solid rortatieirved out of the As to the fate if prohibition ;at that *tern sid,e of the continent. It core- thae it hi safe to aseuele that-tite action ' :Mr. Robt.Proireffoot- &Mier of Wto tillage ahnlik-thtee hY-1400 anit c4tY". of the Chlirenalitent. Will not hie;ietteived. 1,i•Oecifoot, 15.9, M.B.P., ,died at his fourthousand square miles -about twice The number of places in this country or home in GOilcricli ,last 'week at the ege the ,siza of Germany in Europe. On the United Slates, whether small or of 90. . % • ; " the south it is in contact with peetugues: e large, which; • after declaring for 00 Tie-. • ' ense have returned to the license syatern, are eo few as to be negligable. •'• : - East Akio, 'and •Rhodeela, which is. British territorY.' On the west itms hounded by take Tangaiiyikrand fth Ia short, distance by Belgian Congo, which. reaches:across from the Western' eide of the continent On the north'ii British East Africa. and Lake Victoria Nyenza, !Mitt .te' Superior the largest body of freeh water &the world, • 'A. great pert of this lake lies within the German- col- on. The population ismainly native neg- roes, in numbers 'estimated at between eight and tee millions. •There iereabont 10,000 Arabs, Indiana and Syrians, and about 4,000 Europeans, •of ; whom • 2,000 are Germans. The natives are semiciyilized and carry on agriculture in pnmitive, way. The religion' a. the natives consists of, the worship of spirits, aneeetraenndntherwise;with a _vague belief in a Supreme7Being, who., however, is generally regardedasendifferent to the peopieel.....P.roteetauttLentl. R,omen 'Catholic missionaries have for sonm dine been active in the colony. The Arabs and Indians, who , are the merchants of the country. are Moham- medans. Missionaries of that taith;too, belie long been ;Working ,among the na; Hires; with cOnsidereble success. Over, e great pert of the eohniej, espe- cially • (thing the Oast, the climate is moist and Warm. :In the interior there are greater extremes of temperature' and wet and dry seasons are l'enore ;marked. • There ere large tracte of fertile lend covered. with' gorgeous tropical vegeta- tion, and ewhere unsettled, swarming aeith wild animals" 1.iircis and reptiles. On the Other hand. there are areas, of rocky, barren and swampy lands. ' The chief wealth of the country is der- ived from agrimiltute and products er the forests. Cultivated products include coffee.... cocoa -nuts, sugar cane, tobacco, , EACH TUESDAY . -cotton, vanilla, rice, beans, peas, bananas and yams. In the inter* large nembens of cattle; goats and sheep are reared7 ..Golde coal, irone-coppere. and 'bait have been ; found,. besides many Varieties of precious stones, butmining has not, yet been extensivelysarried on; as it was not undertaken until 1015. •A tree which pronuees a very high grade of libber native to the colony. . A number of companies besides many private individuals. are engaged devel- .• ening the resources, of the conntry; one HAD NOTHING .TO DO WITH IT . . ..EvideNtly there arethose Who believe that Mr. J. 1:31:g.nclerson had a good deal 'to do with what has appeared in 'The Sentinel regarding pool room iicenses and the municipal election of last Janu- ary. Major EN. Le.wis; K. P. is now at Kingston tithing the course Pi artill- ery:: 09 completing this ours- he will take active command of the 55th lima- ery new being et gaufzed in Western Ontario, • Memorial, servicese in connection with the death et Pte Cleveland •Mc 'Donald, "were held in Walton Presley.. teria,n Chureh, Suliday the 26th. Me - Donald, who went tolhe trout last fall, The matter 'would na e,,,oetw,- cif- was killed in action- in France. attention d'tdelot this belief,illustrate in Rimy Woos MID. -A letter from a stAking way how preconceived idea's- Serge Allingbani;•foienerly of BIOSSe19, and feelings influence metA judgments 't w-1-?obs - 1:•'en in the. trenches doing hie , appear to think that Mr. Ander s duty „for Ore Empire, eaye: he a bulletin bit right shoulder, another in his right hip and. oleo Offered a corn. pound fracture of his right turn. is nett? in a telfset.;.reland, liospital t.t.pria THE 16 1st.. --Tin great ef- fort made:last week te fftl up Min ranks Of the 1-01-sti -Huron Battalion *as highly simeessfit I, and good teeulta were repotted filen everjecentre. In Goderic,h alone, over 89 enen:were se :cured. .Considering all the, town had. previously dotie in the way. Of. snpply. int.; men, th-s W2.1£3 erp good. r' The Lerlies' Red Cress Socl-ty, .ef Grand Bend, liaVe furvinrcled the fol. lowing hales' to the -Reel dives hranoh at -Linition. liinee the" "organization of this ebrane h , in . 1:sToetiniberi, 615 G2 day shirts., 07 pales seeks, 12 mattress ceeeree Money received ter „Red CEOS'S, grant •fe'eM Stephen Council 315 50; Patriotic. concert 482..10; The Your*: Peoplee' Red Cross dance $ 1'7.50; lted Cress Beieheicial $4430; donations 4.-Y iends$0.27e. Totalamount 41-75 65; money paid out tor Red Cress $ I 38.313:. Balauce, on hand 837 32. •• son 'wrote articles which appeared Ilene it'll t; hi nisei. very'th el Vy io'Cr4dt 4S1. d i n 1 them.see .-.'11 1. 4O. . tt I lb: ru.: saylls lite Sentinel rney be e'regarded as :the. Mouthpiece of Anderson, 41ree , . ., emeeneeerieseeeN Here are -the -filets: -.IC -theiMat-twee CREAM Ie. , ANTED.- ancla:half years Mr. -Andersen has- -not, WS want•ereamend will Pay the -• • e..., . _ . highestmeXtetpriteti for good ' written :a liee nor a WOrd,Which has ap• e. •T•er-`48m.." • Suniiiiirtreamery lard- peered. in TheSentinel but lns. election Cheese Vaetory. leittons •haveige . ; creent duringthewinter menths,. cards, andtbeie have been Paid for at would do well to. 'ship to us. , we . . the. regular: rate.- • • • . , ., • -• ' Weigh, sample and: test each can , . -,.., of cream carefully that we receive, .. Neither has Mr: Andersen in that time; „ and return a.' Statement . of 'same • • , each tune. We furnish. two Cans, . suggested that The Sentinel iay this or . pay express charges and • issue thet, or that any. article -be or he .not cheques for cream ' twice each . , menthe -, Wiitens and give . ne ri- published in The Sent itiele..with the ex- . trial.- • It will cost yOtt nothing and. ceptien :of ..one Article which he: Said; • Wee giiaralftee.: you. satesfaction,. For 'further particulars write or would be a good things. tri ;publish, and send for -cans and givens a trier. , . that made Was -not published. ' -• • , . . .- The Seaton!, CreaMery, Seal:firth- Oat , . . . - . e: Neither did the editor of The Sentinel ever discuss the pool room question with Mr. Anderson -either before or after the election: nor did we knew „how•the reeve , you .GOING: 0,0,0,ed to casthisinfluence in the', event Of a vete•on. the geanting, • ,ef..a.lie-, . . \VEST ?:: ense resulting in a•ti.e.; rind from anything we have heard • him say : we don't know yet -Whether or not he favors the greet. ingof a license. t- • e . -. - • „ .. . That there' Is a coeeiderable body of .42 . . opinion in the village' favorable tea lir- • 'PARCH 1111 'TO:OCTOBER 3IST censed:potii roma as against present eon •' .. , ' , ando4live) , . • • ditiont, wegathereii through'. diseussion Tickets valid to refern within two -- Menthe inclusive of date of sale. of the question With t we, gentlersen Whp . WINNIPEG and return e. „$45i.00 take thateview e, who are not iit Ole c9uo- EDMONTON' and return e ,, $40.40•- ci4. one of whom supported ifi. Yoynt, Proireftientitilow rites to other °points In • at the election, and other; we under- ::: Naeltobs, Saskatchewan •and Alberta. • Stand, did not vote at all. ' ' . , • T4ult.partienlars and tickets on. appliaa-" It does'not.reauireeinich intelligence • • Andrew Bannermen; tion be 'agents. . • • . ' - - . • . . to underetand that tern personsinar held • . I_Villialg, E. jabilr',11,1;1-,'- • , ., Ch• MARTIN, Agent,. LuchnOW. i Ain Richard Channing Phone:. 2 . • 1 7. the eameeol. riniona %regarding a matter: : weheeeeereeete,e . . , without the: one being either the toot or • e Timothy. (ieLan ,„ : - , • the pupil 'of .the other. 'Alsolnien may (3e,.. 1); ,c,,,,i vita'. • •-• GOVERNMENT . HOUSE ' '• big. Oermiiii concern laving 'extensive • • e(Weekly Sun), son Bak Company in Canada in the early • 'kw °f the P°1i-tieal . rights 'somewhat like •those of the lied.- . , e- . have opirdens and express therie regard-; , imcrgilio 1.9),.,,I.):74; .., ... effect that tech' ex ' . melvdie A:. 1Pekehree .. - .. , • , . . . - An item of $226,000 :in the pnblic, days. . The . plantatioias are all weekee.4 preesioos may have "----- Prank .11: igar . , accounts fin expenditures; "during feet by native's, under .the oversightof White - . THC AMERICANE2IcArc La•Git:Ori• -••• Albert ridli.r., • . .. . 4)19M vn ,le,dtrijairn, • ' •!.. . • itiar: on the 'Government Heiuse briinis - manegers. The GOSatitnent has .elitail- "•• . .:, .. , -a---- • . . .: . • • 1 liat,-st . "AI le I 1,----..-: ....14..., . "Bittahont_rsertixte4-by-4e Ap3,eriertn• jails .(Joc4 .• ••••• . • • public ettention. The . v. hole : cost, *e. and plantations throughottt the country, • T4egk'n bid 'fair. i'? bCCile *I'PeY 9'0/Pi& ' .' JAPhvinu..1('if.4,;'(A-,4111ag.lier- _ . •• ;,,driderstand,; now far ,ejteenti8 a Million, ' 'and. at these -geocl workhas. been done:41'01e factor in the c mediae: Overseas :,• • Aar! Harper., . and the -charges for interesternainienance in the intrc4uctiee"44tileab1e . plants, • Force. As is generally known battalions .. '.-..:' f. and flunkeys will, doebthiss, make our, ' trees, greues, ete , .: : .. ' • : : Of the' Legal are being 'recruited fr-nin. ' ."..' ..:11'11liatn' Juels.so ' * ':' "a'il.er ,Onterib kinglet one of the eiehebititteris.'. • :There 18 very little rad way:oormunnii• , '. .. • • • .• ..1 • . • i' • ilobertH : ector 16nt; . Aineriftus : s$119 ha. -.9901.e ,b9 . v.e.• ll Of the taxpayerkis not. strnge that. caller), ut.nurriberof good naabileade , .., itheieit$1.6e:h&'I 11 " ' the Opposition made :merry' over it One • for foot and caraVan have ireen frittilt, .:i C41448; .<0 r Ja4eCi Stat it-izens .w.II9 ' . N‘ ne -Kett-h •= ' honerable member' would'sell it and, . we --.•. - lite exteriejeeeeSs of the territery and ::.'•=a4v .0 • ..,, . , . . . .- , . . eneie.. *Tett tO title- ,nountry tc, i, • ' . Williaa, I°7---La,ng./4 . .. ..,. • • • • • : - Jatnes N. Leeeenue : , . - - suppose; apply the. name tfze.:a_thei,ealiesiAtth.e_ lack id ,ty ade_mill_preitentAhe qiiikf ,..e.nlitit.. ' - • ,._...eleake B •Isssers.ss, •.' tion of the approaching new world. '_ , .. - difficulties to the invading. armies. but -r'' The Legiee-vratiOrgatilized at Totonto? . .GeoSge V, 14' 11 .. , What'Sir James WhitneY.knkin teind. : the taitk of •conqueseteVill 'net be diffictile A . , • ' -.A.: .. • , . L., e • II j L ,,, A. ••••44.' '1'0' . . . , _ • _. .- ., ,..,,N4xittfleaWivrAtsletil.-§-iiitint,,1201Tine4-4)Y.1.- - llfroril..Bilit-Ii'y • •-• "ee 'Waffle underolillus enterprase the ,eatives many- of : Whom are des.. i t.lie ‘..,40,01. a.9 ,o -uvea. zee. „in, ,,rpoleitt• 03;s:ret'i e jj.i,..y. me,it,itz,itiyo,1: ..• I ti • largely guided by hiS feelings, *hid ' • net been diechiced, . He was, we ranee, :perate'fighters, remain quiet. ..: . , . 'there are those *who thottglit it wou.1(.1 !'' ":: ' • yrwase .1. 1,4t-ota".t, they would. lilt • ... • . 1S xi ter (Ain't Pr *ere PrebehlYunexelecigusly intitteneed.'.: tiet, be eetee to watleitake the ,e'r•,,D•ritiest .4 ,,, i'l;artio proticting'. Civilization 'ii;gaiiird•i . : : : fierily ,,I, '.Perkei • , by his knighthood and by ebsereation•of Gerirlan East Africa, but there nes : no . 'the atteeief Alen hati;ariatn.° . , • The two/ .1 • , ;WilligtiO 1,1 li.ax‘ii the use.of feudaliam in the governuierit! choice., as the airibitiousee,uhreetif of. the!, 6.14 spielt upwrt,, lee 1.4, 1404.014,4)141,,,.. h.ohert .ht 41,,, .. . . . . ,. 'of the .goglielk deinecracy, Ile may heve '! Kaieer, -pet coritentto re#iain, idle, net& Jee fie 0 1,14ek ..111 . • ri ii'i t, re , 11(1(11 74 *P1:4.eiti'll' thought that a big' lieuee oreaetle wont& attacks upon 'both: Biiiiiiii end lee' i *tuD •` - 1415911 1; it . ' ' e :1"1 .) ' be a fortress against the . clemeicracy ef : territory: ' • •• ••• .. ..::, ., e,, e • -, ; emit a Whole4.1jr4009.f;011ibtiiig (ef at)91.0- ''''.... :Priti:iltitr" .1 i••••• .7:::ilinill.,l'ir • „ the tr, hited Stale?. .. • . . ., , if, all. now, 8eem.t.,5 iiileiyotiman kast !' ofx..x) them ,, " • . . . , • • • ,,ee lie •kiiiii9ii . • .. . . • - • ho 31 V.:. 8i0i7,1J ... 'E• ii t • " Armee is reterrue arid t.aken by ,thO Brit• 1 '311e.Pizt hattelif.S5 f.9 'oat ••Under sof. f , •W'Il' '1'''''`•••'- • ' ' ' . .. Editor 'BeIinini ,n s s : • • i • . • A,11A, +4. *yiibittfl i ' • , ish South African force, it will be the.,1 ,vrasthe fe7th:-I.Setiter;:fel Wof.o L Jolly- ? , • ••',wtiiii,A,„ it„th 0 ki,„,-, 1; . . The Dungaenoe Nowa hoe eeee itiNst' third levee A.tricae, ,trut to • be lost VI *!.ollicer contnianding.. :nit beital„,P,.i...na win•I', • • ' .Jit,riv tk,.tiVi:(:111•._ ...Man to the arrny-:-Mr. IL Bellamy, ede .GertnanYte tlio'Allleii,; Oerman "West i reixatod up .to foliArtetlat Abo4i •M ntarch ! -;„ii;41413,;t tl /top, proprietor, ille,,,• enlisted last- week with the 10Ist: In the isaue Of The • ' - .',Nows of last week 'he had farewell toehis reader e and explained that havieglicard • : the Call of. Xing and Country; he had dis „. e eided to shut up, shop for a dine atleast. ' ilo hopes t0. be back by -and by. and ' again take uPhis '.duties as , editor and, publisher of The News. In the pineal tne, . .. it would appear that publication of The : News 1469 12e.ausperi4ed for a 6144 46. . lettat: • • • :. • . : . • The Grand Trunk Railway System - • will run Homeseekers' 'Excursions ThE HONOR ROLL 'AT TEESWATER rTeeSWater Detachment,. 160th. 0. S„ :Lieutenants . 0. -Little. and James 1/...Nifarol, 'Sergeant D, W: Stewart, Corporal N. W. FaignhersoiL Prsvates ate •as foltows: ".' ••Williimn L •Robert E, • le-leon: John L 13u hour leanibert Bolton - 'Africa was conquered by.0.6 armyunder 1s1, with an exetes f ei..)04, R90 go,eti, votey General Botha, aCd. Cattlemen, another, The Vitle is Oe,Int4Cf.;, gi'voy reekinet, • large colony on the west waist,. hut voiy - *10 wag iet1,;v4: eg,r.P.. "If_.:fat much reseMblitig .Cierineti Eaat Africs, hospital oft*, ftlimpet aridebeeni Phipfe., - wits overeun some time ego by the •Ilrit. etc. , ' • . •, . , fi, ,"" ish,\ French and . helgiente. It Ilea he7 • Iminediately ifre .0,14144W/in dstfre tWeed Prenoli Congo. and British elth.eerganizettolf of the eletie 111-!" ia, Togo Land, 0,. sMillee• Gerreatt pee Was eonirnenehel with the • * peewee 1401.01, • seligion on the west coast, has aleovaised 2.00 filen enlieleit' with 6b;ii 6/611, 41 a into tifti:Inincls of the.Allies, ,•trueleus, The 1ieittlarters;t4 thhrbatt. ,Tvo,cob l,$ti,fpbso , • Weer ginth i • NIMiteb210 • • WHERE DETAILS COUNT Perriandei -MtietteNera . Then Sim* Knowledge. . Young highway engineere need ,ex. perienco under .capable. :chief% Youug .engleeerti the ' 41.011Q0in knowledge .ot fundamental Principles, andthey are taught the technique ,Of designing; 2,iitt the construction of a PieVement ilivolves • inatters of detail theeecheeleedo iieteeteacireand whiele in many instances,. ..the schoole, ' can wit teach. In a Vital- sense,- .eacli. paVennent ia 4.:tilainet. problem. Local DOtolititene• 0'4014 topography and traf- Ile modify -general :specifications,. and, require the .adaptation of .methods to ovule-Qui:4r eXigeneres. The highway engineer larna by experience that .the -imcceerkof his work often, .. depends., largelynfoOlt strlct and correct ,atten- gen what' appear to,••• be minor 40-. tails.- It th.. only. through 'the inediuni .4 experience that the - highway. •on: gineer learns....Why -apparently • .trivial.. Iletot4'44•0 a the. highest .ituportance. .• CROWNS IN WARFARE OLSO) CAPITAL AND RESPRvii, $8,8op,009 90 nranchei in cann A generalDankink Business 11'1 afisacieti Cireolar Letters of credit Bank Viony Orders AVIINGS, BANK DEPARThiENT • ineat -allinsiedlitliigliest current refe S. 'REID, Manager. keine. Who Carry Thei': etcoalla tete . . nattis! . .Monarehe; no ibriger rideforth crowned to battle, as dicl%King 'arci, IRto hitt last fatal fight on boa. 'Worth. fete.41, Neverthelees, evento, day etoWns figure M the' apepacular .Side of' War )Aore: often than , is ,Icomli drilY .441)1)9180d: The nig ot for Instance, although he 'doe's net of cciuree always wear, it, carries his crown with him wherever lie goes, and frequently dons it when he 're,. vieWs his troops on ceremonial pia.' tides. • .• 'I he aged King Peter of . Serbia, again; hap' Awice during- the present War appeared robed and crowned .be. lore ' his armies on the battlefield1 when addressing them in those 'splen. ctId speeches that have done SO to stimulate and encourage them' --in their herole• resistance to the foreign invaders. : King Ferdinand of Roumania will probably' go crowned to war, if he goes at all; precisely as didhis twa predecessors, Prince Alexander Couza, and his nncie, King Charles 1. Iie,. /tent, England,. Ilie7•antherities have adopted a regulatioii. making it irteurahent: upon people to have rear lights on .perambulators. The. Polies topsider *that .anything from .a bicycle tn. e traction engine :is . a "vehicle." WILLARD—MORAN •AND THE PEOPLE "It yon want to make minty be Oa champion slugger -.of. the, world",woulhl appearlo be the lesson. tdught, I y . big Sporting event pilled eir at New :York fait Sale rdey. tereni IT.efortdre; - • - a tely there:tan be ally on e. real rst.:cla ss eliampionin 'the wprki. at one time: • Oo , the peceeion referred :tie. Jess , secceSefully defended hie 1 iele to world cheiniiionahip and won' $47,500. ;Nlore.n„ histiefeated opponent .wori $23,7.40, ..so 'tsnot kad ti se�nd • besp map 'en such an Occasion. • • ' ., To witness. the big sporting eVent 1 3,0- •°00 people (airiong , then) 200 .wemeii) paid $151,254. The expenses of etegeiee -the affair was over. $90,000. _ But that is not all the big .eifoney in- itolyed. : Jess Willard hexing cOneuered, Jack ,JOhnstop and suecesSfellydefended hiss title to world Championship, bas ei- gagei to travel with a circus' troupe: .to give widens mchibitione at the handsome reinuneration, of $500 per day., That a "piize fight," such :as '.the lard -:-Moran affair could ' staged in Nevi York *here Prize fighting is • sup: :. posed to be esupnreeeed, is- not a little wonderful few-••yeara• ago such' sport .had to resiort to boats oh a lake not Under dontrel ,of a etate, to-Cuha, Mexico dr td Nevada, -where Prize fighting ' was 'allowed. But eily 'law dr sf be evaded when public eentiment .not Kith:lent; :try le eyeekthy With it Thinigh thin ' WillardMeran affair waif in FACT a prize it appkrn :Abatern eeW ,it. wee pornerleing elee-jeet an -xhiitio,t of • frairtz lindte'd • fo rs fix6d nitml?er 'of And dee:bieri hy peints. intrad of knewk.emt, 'It is said f hat, ically • all clesSeunf s6ciety were retires -tiered in -the ereiel. • whieh Witneseed the bout; atrprfpoll'mpSe the: Only svity to eterrip (Y.111 11,fmktfirigm thi.e.. ferret 1 t!,' eoeelice :rotor. ix; popular enough ,te .4irofi t- • AS; Them ere • large -ssetioAs''.of . th( 1,7444.401014. seall ntJrt,urrr,nt :cannot 9.i+Altter4 • MAID ugh divet w441. • -Wec/44 ,r.Ar4-• ;Ns: . L' 2,4(4,,,14:3,6417. f,ha L r4. 1A14,,y, mqj • - e, • t ' HoirrY . ; Mine 4,,ief r,Fode vt,10 , 'm da.yn LAW. 14.4:14 '03 tWf fittlf31, ft.; YerrY. , , • MINItiti4—Mtit () 1,44 I,. I,' :SAM' diky ADO! 044 it Al All 03-411 wi e. , ' they inteed'houeeacediee Pte. ,Weiter Pei ey, el le: :r ei .B4 tittitt%vita home ler im ft* #41.Yi ikkir4 • el b .1,el• REOARDING'MARRIA'6E 0F1. 4 SOLDIERS OF THE C.E.P. Ln. viewof the numerous enquiries which have been reeeived as to the On- . ditions Overning men who marry after , enliaiment, the following cepy of a re- port �f the' COMmittee of the Privy, Council, approved by His Royal High - ape the GcLee.rnor-Gerieral,eon. Januery 28,11915,13 inCludecl in a. recent issue of the Military Hospital, Bulletin., ; The Committee ot the Privy Coteneil. have had before then; report, dated January -23, 1915, from the Acting Min- ister of Militia and Defence, stating that applieatiens have been received from men who have enlisted in the Cork raised for Overseas Service to be allowed fp marry and to have their wives pieced on the Separation „Allowance` iist, and that ninny have already married since enlietnient without asking permission and are claiming this allowance. The M inistee observes that these ap- plications have hitherto been refused on the ground. that the Separation Allow- ance was intended teprovide for families of married men who have -enlisted as such and whose families would, other- - wise, be 'in Want qv, ecOme ' a heevy buidee onthe Patriotic Fund, and that it was not the GloyernMent% *tenable - to enCourage the men to marry after enlistment as that would increase the already heavy 'expenses under Separation. Allowanceeand in'ease .of \the soldierrs death Would necessitate ° placing Lis widow on the Pension luit. - As; low,ever, the app- heath -CM hitherto - received are from men who' had prior to enlistmenigiven a promise to marry, the Minister recommends, that", in consider- ation of this and :the sudden. call for volunteers, perniission to marry. be granted provided the application has the recommendation of the Officer COme - mending the Corps- in- which the mate is seeing and that the marriage itakest place within twenty days after the pub- lication of this Order; and that ale regards applicationie of ,this kind frone men enlisting hereafter, permission- .be wanted, only to those who apply rat the time of enlistment and that if not married within twentrilave thereaftet the permission be cancelled. The Committee concur in the forme- ing and 'inbuilt the same for approval. ,(sgcl.) 1o1oIrn BoUDREAU; , Clerk of the Privy Council.. ===1 • .00 per year, • NHS, OHNS' ADVICE' • 11,44,1eryous, Rua °viz WO./444 So. 'Ouneberian& Tad.- 41.'pr. 41knrf , time 1 suffe.nd OW 11 W.IVOO$ torta.• • *MI. fvatild tot „ent or, Sleep efel wive "iti4'4 14.20:114 homy yook. My 10$. hord Areard olront Vino' 411113 got mt. try Jt. Nov? 1 have 4 PO- nPhetite# kleicp,seurrdiPlenii ion weir anti Strong. rAeristnl$,'WRJ_ rim down women 44,,...o914 VInel„- Mrs. 1). W: Xiang% ' viroi; )t 41 4i '40U41 itod liver and; iren Wk.", With/Ait tehleh vie goarnatee ; to) kAilto a btttWay Appotite, eld 41s5. tton ofmtili.470 pro hoithyt/toost • Oif Mo OpinSi Dongitiati 'tunitnowi After400p'. 1361$45.0._ We are agents for all Tor- onto and London Dady and Weelky Papers.. if you want to ordt r, a Daily or renew for your present one, do so through The Sena. tinel 'Office. We save you all trouble and expose, and and assure you propapt and satisfactory service. :t•cc"-- ' . . • " ,- /,' ' (--..14-••- 1-'''"eee-e.-e_ee 14.1..seas,... e ` .. ,4•9'..—"Up.-... . - - • . • • ^. •,. r - fk S. All 2 N.,,,,- . 44\ _. , • --r(elyo-E. 10 •r ....' ,,,,,,—,_4_,.,........tem_ ',..,,t, 4:4 .4,;(46 . i,-.. – ... . , , 0 , CHEVROLET ' FOUReNINETIfi MODEL: • PRICE COMPLETE $675 F.O.P. athawa ,.. • • ( , ., ,. Valve -in -head motor, powerful and gitiet run-, `hing, Electric Ftarting and ltighthg system. k Electric horn.% Mohair tailored top. -Speed- ' • oineter,-.Ammeter, etc. More value ior the price-tha't any other car in, America. ' Made •• bv the McLaughlin Motor Co., Limitcd, of Oshawa. _ I receiyed a consignnient of cars . on Monday which are all sold. - Inspecc this car and get your order in at -• once as the demand cannot possibly be supplied. , • • GEO. H. SMITH M1[0.NM' LUCKNOW REOARDING'MARRIA'6E 0F1. 4 SOLDIERS OF THE C.E.P. Ln. viewof the numerous enquiries which have been reeeived as to the On- . ditions Overning men who marry after , enliaiment, the following cepy of a re- port �f the' COMmittee of the Privy, Council, approved by His Royal High - ape the GcLee.rnor-Gerieral,eon. Januery 28,11915,13 inCludecl in a. recent issue of the Military Hospital, Bulletin., ; The Committee ot the Privy Coteneil. have had before then; report, dated January -23, 1915, from the Acting Min- ister of Militia and Defence, stating that applieatiens have been received from men who have enlisted in the Cork raised for Overseas Service to be allowed fp marry and to have their wives pieced on the Separation „Allowance` iist, and that ninny have already married since enlietnient without asking permission and are claiming this allowance. The M inistee observes that these ap- plications have hitherto been refused on the ground. that the Separation Allow- ance was intended teprovide for families of married men who have -enlisted as such and whose families would, other- - wise, be 'in Want qv, ecOme ' a heevy buidee onthe Patriotic Fund, and that it was not the GloyernMent% *tenable - to enCourage the men to marry after enlistment as that would increase the already heavy 'expenses under Separation. Allowanceeand in'ease .of \the soldierrs death Would necessitate ° placing Lis widow on the Pension luit. - As; low,ever, the app- heath -CM hitherto - received are from men who' had prior to enlistmenigiven a promise to marry, the Minister recommends, that", in consider- ation of this and :the sudden. call for volunteers, perniission to marry. be granted provided the application has the recommendation of the Officer COme - mending the Corps- in- which the mate is seeing and that the marriage itakest place within twenty days after the pub- lication of this Order; and that ale regards applicationie of ,this kind frone men enlisting hereafter, permission- .be wanted, only to those who apply rat the time of enlistment and that if not married within twentrilave thereaftet the permission be cancelled. The Committee concur in the forme- ing and 'inbuilt the same for approval. ,(sgcl.) 1o1oIrn BoUDREAU; , Clerk of the Privy Council.. ===1 • .00 per year, • NHS, OHNS' ADVICE' • 11,44,1eryous, Rua °viz WO./444 So. 'Ouneberian& Tad.- 41.'pr. 41knrf , time 1 suffe.nd OW 11 W.IVOO$ torta.• • *MI. fvatild tot „ent or, Sleep efel wive "iti4'4 14.20:114 homy yook. My 10$. hord Areard olront Vino' 411113 got mt. try Jt. Nov? 1 have 4 PO- nPhetite# kleicp,seurrdiPlenii ion weir anti Strong. rAeristnl$,'WRJ_ rim down women 44,,...o914 VInel„- Mrs. 1). W: Xiang% ' viroi; )t 41 4i '40U41 itod liver and; iren Wk.", With/Ait tehleh vie goarnatee ; to) kAilto a btttWay Appotite, eld 41s5. tton ofmtili.470 pro hoithyt/toost • Oif Mo OpinSi Dongitiati 'tunitnowi After400p'. 1361$45.0._ We are agents for all Tor- onto and London Dady and Weelky Papers.. if you want to ordt r, a Daily or renew for your present one, do so through The Sena. tinel 'Office. We save you all trouble and expose, and and assure you propapt and satisfactory service. :t•cc"-- '