The Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-03-30, Page 1- •MAPTI • „.. .itIc0C) per year, 111,:adirallee; $T.25 Otherwise 11.,UCKIICYVV, CIPTTrn, THURSDAY, MARCH 30th., 1916* . • • 4- - ••• r• •.0•••-,,-- 41-r ,••••-•4•V Single cdplea 3 'coals • ,. ,*;0104044tvifiviv~400~"wforistoP•Pkwoo•yolwootomatsiosi" anorlperisse004000.04;110141101104arofforarefl" . • • •,. . .„ ' . NEWS Wads • • , - by'Mr. All Nelson; of Tivorton.„.•nigt ,.. . ao,to the debate iii the Town Hell to, How ,The Needs Are Met: • Wm BELGIAN TRENCHES . •-. - - - • . - . • ,COU.RCH ' . • . • ' illev. "Mr Reith re.; raided. . • .• ' P LOCAL AND GENERAL:: ir evening. • Asintleeiett• 01.11)'t Pc. ' ' •. . . 'V. • . . . .. .., . . .. . : ..rilorrOW 'z° any "a04' Or 1•4411* • . • . . • I We had a good illustritioti.lo4 week . . - • . • - . ' • • • . Pte. litilitleY Gordon writes home as •• N.xt Sunday night Dr Thom' son re- . .., .- • . . P I. 'China? • . -;-,Mbediy,, march . - . few daYe , Later, mi In tbe afterneon . floor space Waal deated tied Corp...Parties'. had sonie . .....---------,...',-•• Suite preltsedandeleaned promptly and Well. Tempie..Clarli.7i ;Merchant, railer.."'' ' ' ' '. ' •• •• ' • • ... " - • • 'MISS' /1.0sn Nesbitt of A0111000,. is. the guest of 4Irs, Ashley*Blairo • • '. • • .., % " • • •• 'Ur, O.: Martin,4tatiOn agent • visited -? • - his ..former home over Snnclay. . • • • . , . miss Alicia" Mitchell' of Stratford . N,orinal; itpent. the week•end itt her home ,.. here. ... , , • • Mr., R. D. Cpuerou., attended 'the. . • • • mr. c Meeting of the Dottamon ....,...oance -ay 1 Toronto the early dais of the week, , . ,,•••' ' • • .. • • • " • .. - : ', -....dulies• IlniTtirfitait•--Get )-Tnir tlii•PPIY of- lerzer lionie While the roads are on an et '' ci ' 8' 1.• * h d ' Q t •t' 1 '1' 't • • ' ' - .. G. 'S. RonitoTsON. lasts. , . ..- . - - . • . - ., Mr J 01 McQuoid• of near •Dungan . non, started on • TilesdaY for the.' Cana- to , of haw •the petriotic •sytirpathy of •women , • . . • • . - . - . , . , throughout the Empire. responds to the ..• -- • •• • - - • • •, - - need of the soldiers in thatrenchea and . tbti hoepitali3, at tin. bent in Europe, ' - •,A local.profe,ssional nurse TePeived.:11, letter•froni a leidy friend, cif• hers dOing ' • - .. — .. • . • • • - • - dotty Ina bospttal in Irtince The friend '• • • - ' . . . • •sta ed that a great peed of the wounded soldiers being sent twin Fret* to Eng land 'weal), small. bag in which 'perscin$4 belongings such as tooth brtish, comb, follOws. . • ••• , : . " .. . . , , . . , .. • , .,, , L,,,,,, . , - • ... , . :vegokie.,, Feb., 24th.y.'1.016. . . . „ , . . .. •, . , - • . ' Yee will be wondering. what basliatt...., . . toned to me,that I halteinetwritten for • ' , , so. long.: •13nt soineh,oW for •the kat three' • • : • - • • . weeks -the Fates have seemed Ur conspire .. . . . . - • ,,• • . ogoinst nui. It began with: a w,.eek away . at a hernbieg 8400E' T•14 OW irk°°' . . ulated es, which laid manly left arm and cently from will speak.on his ex- ."Periences in that country•in the Methed°,.. fst aureit.. • . : • . „ . . . • • • _ ., • • . .- : •••.... Tug •Goipp,„_„.,rbe tirograiii . Monday evening. •vvett in ellar&iof the .Social qommittee..and was largely •doted le' enterfasinment of the, meinbers of th'er .: ' • . ''. . .1wooesitlau4ngit(•)dof tr.heeprBersitmceta,Btamtutitloloin.'s,01Tdhieerrai:- :Were than 30 being present.; • The' leant Was appropriately decorated with many ..-Rev, Mr. With is.ependinge .in..Tororil.o.. :: ,;,. ,... .. .of • : • " • • ..• .. Misti Mable Kuktewn,' ,spe4criog tlio igoox and at6lire?rglr.k...':18. '. e) 11 for.Kna online Trp A8pe'esor.''''01..1,ns,'• " d ..'., inadehis yearlY visit lier.e last vveek. - • ,.... ii',..• . •,• • • . • -. .• ,.• ., i. ... •paB•Tothiiu.r-sciTmo, ...1%11.ra.rac,nuti4Iii.r.1%...1461,nonso.'tela,nr,, .*•Miss.ISodie Cel•v"ell, 'of 9t1i.'criii., is`via. iting her Alm. J. D. the boys give an exhibition .of •phys,• ,ical exercise., .Tbo. gave us sOme idea of -their, training Which evidently is no play .e• hilt the boye•Seent to enjoy it Atessra..• Montgonierr • Xelsoir • .Huglipa,' Rippeo, . • . . r, . and Mar Id', 11, ...of tvertoe,;,..took• the Men 'hal*: • , 13gfora leaving ',they again irritrelied throu h tl •b r.• 0 v et , g ie. .4 k,,.,,i rug ev Ar oiffoiico of liosiog tojoed thef.polvw. gad everYbrie'enjoyed•oth-ii viSit. ' '' • . . • ;... . . • -;• • • Mr. and Mrs. Neil McCallum have Alex. • Milne. Ann in -than:West, where he expects remain for the summer et°, . . .. . • . • • razor, etc., eould • be • packed and sent with the patient. As it was, the wound- . side for several days; and to. finish up; it was so beastly cold' this last time in the flags. The topic "An Evening With the 91.usicioris".was taken by Mrs. George sister Robertson. • , , , . Miss Martha KirktoWn has .returned from a visit with friends at Matkdale, ° . • Red Cross Notes. moved on to the - Kinloss. ' • , . Miss Wirinie Howson . of Auburn, visited her friend, Miss Lillian Mitchell, hurt week, . • , . ' • 111r.. )1.11. MeQuillin is home lifter being in Winnipeg keouple Of 'months on business. • . • W. L. Mackenzie has moved his office . rind laboriatory• from the Grab* in brick block to the room .next • door. oaet of .11. Graham's store. • . • • Lieut. Ewart D,.... Pon:Kirin v.a.s.• home over 'Sunday, haying finished the couree. in signaling at the Londoo Military School, and has gone - to Walkerton to take charge of the &gaoling 0tirps 'of ed man .was eent forward with prictically. none of these belongings, and as a rale, . all Was lost to him. . The idea, "took", and. the local nuree. not only reported to the local W.Bnien's Patriotic League, but *rote to a number- of nurse friends working elsewhere in the province, acquainting them'. with this particular need, at the army hos- , , .. • trenches that letter•writing was out of the question. For the last two days :since we came MO of the trenches•I have beep on guard. Duty cooeists mainly of giving warning of the approach ofliostile •-aireraft, when everyone, g;,,ts under eov- -er, Saw a small . air fight today, -al- inost: an every -day occurrence -When one of mit planes gave fight to one of Fritzie's and chased !din Off.. brat Smith and Miss Irene Sherra, who gave . pa,pers on the two great German Com- posers, Beethoven and Mozart. Other numbers which added te, the entertain- • . ment.Of the evenin,g were: Solos by Miss McKendriek, Miss Geddes and Mr. Cleve Aitcheson • a,,,,duet bY Misses jean Doug- . las and •Predit. Aitchesop, and ai chants by a number of girls. Mr. Aylmer Alt. Scripture leeson.. Re.- . , . Mr.• Will Robinson has been on'the . sick list. 'Glad to see, him' arofind again '• - Mr. Arthur Groves has purchased the Boundar west. farm of E. Y. Mefad, yen. . y - • Mrs. JoIri Deetan and. ,'NErs'• Canning - ham visited Tiverton.friends on Wednes- . dar . ' '.. , . , • . . . . • • A few from took in the dance at. , . ,,• . ••On the 'evenieg cf Tuesday, March 21st, Mrs. Thos Reid very kindly Open - .ed her 'home tc over thirty young p.sopte of the village, who, under.tbe Supervision of -some locahnnrees,- undertook to 'pro pare some Red Cross supplies. After a,• . goodevening's wdrk, dainty .and appet- izing refreshments were served. . - ' • . , Mr. D. Mackenzie, of ..W:. Wawanosh, . has bonght the W. E, Gordon.,farm on the 1 lth Con.. • • . the•160th. ' . • • • • - -WE Romig, the Ladies' our spring plums. . • • , • . • . . A deseriptlon of the bag most approp- riate had been given, and the day follow- .day not long ago we were on a working patty up near the trenches. Fritz spotted us cheio :: a read the freshments, which met with a 'very hearty reception, were served,. and the .hero James Needham's, Oth ,on , nn Friday . night. - • .. • • . . . . • .1 • • "! . The Jungle • . - . . .0. • - The rural mad dr hive had good , .. • • deal ef difficulty. m getting, over- their : routes thie week. ' . i( . • .• Mrs. •Carrick,"of Whitnelitireh, wife of • Sergt.-Major Carrick, ' was 'a. visitor tn. town on Wednesday. • , 4 . ' • • • 'I vCrish to• let. iny• eustomeraltnew•thn t. .- - - I -have au experieeed dressmaker now, so I. ani ready for all Spring work. Satisfac- • ' . • or display' of Trimmed. Millinery on Vriday and Siturday ut this week. • Be sure and visit Our showroom. miss mein ms, sel: etted the best style's in the 'market. W: , • Cennell. . . .. ; . • . • • .- . • Parties having sewinger knitting from the Women's Institute will oblige by handing:•in' the .work at the Council Chamber. on' the• afternoon of April 4th, •or.stich may .be • left at MC, , Clure's before that. date.. • nig \ receipt ', of the lettor, all material in town suitable for the purpose was :bought and the ma.king.of a few hund- red bags was under way, Doubtless the other nurses communicated vvith, acted . •• With. 'equal promptness, so there is. no 'Paying as :to the extent of the good work 1.1 estion b the started by this ,one • . gg_ . y„ thoughtful nuts& in France to her equal, ly'ilioughtful,friend 111..1..tieknew. ., .2 • and ehelled us out, but, _not satisfied with that. he put a crimple of shells up the rOad after us. 1 tieard theme oming and dropped. They lit just behind a couple of the boys, :about twenty feet ahead of Inc, Both fellews. were knocked down but not seriously hurt. •. I have.00t been on ase et We drevi Iota the other .p. y. . ._. d i -r-- - b dayfor oor Passes, 'an ,f, . rim num er 81, wnteli means that I wodt be going on pass for,,probebly two ,months .any- Meeting chised vvithsingingthe National Anthem. "A Springtime Message, the topic for next Monday evening, will . lie taken by Mr. Connell!ti S. S. Class. ' . .._ - - " - - - • . . THE' Lza.oUE.--Dr: Newton prepared otiacceupprioagdrathme feohralVlir.andTabyeeovigle,n•ainndghperaaylsecir. .was offeredbY•th4 preSident, D. C'.,Tay- lor, and the scripture lesson: -was read b Y.-- Mr. DOupe.. ' "The Young Men and his ' . _ . Mr. and Mrs. John Wittig, of Bruce, were vieitor's at J. C.- McIetYrOs last. week. ' ' . - . , - . • ... • • . • ., , Mr and Mra J., a Robertson and Miss Sadie Colwell, Sundayed at Mr A Pink- ' ertmon:ss,: owf .13i;.ke,xrItcoiric.eemin, .... . . end grand- daughter; 111-iss• Phyllis Moffat are spend- Ingo Short -lime in -Toronto. '. • • ' . • • • • .. Misses \L 137 Lily.McKenzie. 1113. . . • ,. . •. • • . -.Monday, March 27. . • Mr...Williain Da WSon, id .Taronto vis• • • . . i ited hieparents fora few eleye this week. . . . • . . , • 'The jungle turned but-in'etrength to . the party given by Mr, end Mrs: Dave. Milne, of Lucknow, last. Fridey evening,. A , • •an. him just as. gobd 'fi, time as we al-. ways inev.e. at MS, .Milne's. it has. bemire _ a yearly 'event to whieh we all•look for - ward :with pleastire, and in whith we are • tion is assured. A. . Woods. . • Mrs. Wm. Menary. and babe, • of Ar-• . .. are visiting, at hOme of her grocery . . r The LticknOW ladies who work in the -Cross. to , • , • LOthiall. • • way, But Pin not worrying over it I received the parcel of eecoir, milk,: sox, last b' f 1 Afoney' was Incsu jeet o t ie evening. " fi '' 'Mr.•T. 5 Reid d re rst speaker was . . ••an the address was. v.ery much appreeiated cardine, were visitore with their. Uncles, Mr, Neil Ctirrie, a few: days •Iaa„t week, never disappointed. ' ,' . - • . :The Jungle had a very pleasant gath•-• . mow, .the - blether, Mr. R. T. Phillip's. . : - , • Mrs: •-• Holnbeek, , who .„- :visited her • „,clime • .parenta.herethe past two weeke, has She:1w interests Of the:-.11ed propose collect all old newapepens and niagazine,s, . with a view.to•selling thew, and request that during house -Cleaning .operations such articles be not destroyed, :but. set , .L • • . -Monday, Morph 2-i. •Miss Mary 'MeDonald iii visitting her dater, Mrs, Ken.Forrieh, near Kintail.• 'Bessie left for. Toronto. ,cigarettes, etc., while.at rest :camp • weelri and the cocoa end., seri certainly . . . In. handy for•the trenehea• It was afire a dandy parcel. .. I also bad.a letter : • 7 from the. Canatitan_War Asseciatien MP. wall piesent. 'He emphasized •the value _ • I . d the place of the young man called an , . 1.• ttention to •the present day tendency 'a .. . , • • ,.. . . ... natnel • ieed fop money. Money has Y• • • . . .. Mr- and Wirs.•Ed Stanley,and family, — who were on the McFaria,ne f arm, idth. con Greenoek, for the past year, moved back to Kinlough last week ., ... • • . . • . 'M hte.S. S. er.ng at the• home of Mr. and. Mrs 'Win. k D • Id f . t ,W d d V - • -t,' • ? one , as ,, e nea ay .e ening; .t., being the ae,eoteenth anniversary ot• , .• . .. _ .- . • • „ their marriage.- ••We are allvery.fand of • - returned to .Goderich...' .Pte. . •M • 'Molly' had. contracted :rheinpatism in , • . the trenChea and was in.. England for timine thns. , lif.3 is aciain at•the heat: . , 0 . ,fa •:•• • • ' ' !mid°. Thera will be further notitti.next week.. ' . .. . ' ' .it, WS Have 'a large assortment. of rugs in Tapestry„ BrusseTit.'and wool ,Bouquet Miss Barnby last Friday, where she will spend about ten days 'visiting' friends. •• \ ' M d M R' b t McDonald I .,i r.. an . rs, o er, o Kintad, ' entertained a' mintier Of their, in, they were forwarding'a pared frein COnada.: ••I think ft is. 'the parcel yoq • saddest October in ,Care • of the •.. ed ,. uross• n fed•fitirf well al- We, are bei .,g y , „ .0 .. . . its'bitrit was not" an esseetial, in • place. . - . .the maim) of .a man.. • Oa each person ‘. . g .._ . . rested* the responstbilaty Of success or : , .• ,. , , . _ . lure in this work Er'nest Millson was !. • ,. • ,• • . k•• the the subject e C t t t• d •• • r. c auley. el-1.er a. ne Class of boys On •PridaY evening.. One • f tl CI • VI t Redvers "Johirton o le • ass, . as er , ' • who is leaving.shortlY .0sr the West, was presented with a beliutifol bible -from hie,. dancing in the-Sungle and p4urilly'clibose tb.- . • • • ' • • .f . • • , is tornr of .entertainment or winter . ' • . • • • ' • - • • -• • ' but...ye .,know now that -dancing is• tilt • ••• , _ . the onlY•thifig, Sod we know too...whet_ ad • r, an rs. able h d h ' M ' d M • mira hot an ostess • •.,...-.-..;-•....,-.--;.------••••-•----,:-,------- . . . - • , S . . St' ' k A:1ring . oc ' below the 'resent' at a large percentage • .. P • . market value. We share ahe benefit with our customers.' Oilcloths and Linoleums • is standard .quilities and . geod. patterns. • . • friends lalit.Friday evening.. A very :en-• . t in dancing and loyabletune was spen , . . other amusements. in interesting feat- • . ure- of the evening Was the presentation e rations ere short though some of the , . , • •especielly the bread., Each mute gets . b•• • f Ififtefl a. out. one quarter .o a, oii . o . n ee h d - 1 ' I t 't like sittingrig t own. w len ge • .1 called on . to speak on . "Bi.nk Clerk and.his Morley" mid object- d'• e to the subject becausehe said the'Bank „; .. • .. . , _ ., . Clerk did n get the.money.. Instead of . eddies e, a very appropriate teacher classmates • , -, :, • • •••A. number • of the' privates Who are: . . .. training in• Tiverton have •been out *re- craiting. the past Weelt locality. ,e . . McDonald pan be. We Wieh theni many . ., years. or cOntinned.happitiesS arid pros- • „perity, '. • ' ' ...i .. .• . • ''• • • , .. .. .. W. Connell.. . , .Wrist to twO men of d me& mien if it and having One • goo , an gave. 'clerk's rin..this' Their have An • - . Just 'Arrived' , Pte. 'Arthur Newman, of the • • his of watchesi young. • - • • ' • Elwood D ' 'clsIsT bl the -vicinity,rennan an o a •. does finish it • HoweVer we get some • • - , hard biscuits, help mit some. reading on t e bank experience. . . John Hildred followed with some wise • efforts net.beenin vain, . other of Our young men, Neil McDermid • ••., ..• VOCA.1...• , I ' • • " . ' • ' ' Corps 71st. Battalion, called on j h Ii h i• d L 1 ' o nstom•w e have en tate in uc coow -tack which in_ • . . . _ suggestioee te you tig me.n• to save rnoney, signed. up on•Thursday: There are others . • T.eatiter of Singiag, \roiCe and 'roue. . ... Bl ackatid Blue SergeFancy, .. , - ' • Suitings* and 'Pantings—, . • Something . Nevi. :.. L ki'iow- friends 011 orrSaturda .. He ex . no meted that the Ilst wotild be leaving Woodstock this Week. Arthur • has • all • along been greatly delig,hted with his Work in the•COips, end has made good ill 1.TOth-REitee'Bittltiot. TWfOlItTwitrg• d,d ess as r -ad by D.• .MeLean • • a r ' ' ' • El•wood Drennan and Noble. Johnston. . • . •• . Dear Boys -- .• . -few _ Mr,darl 1. whose -lett -era - • Y , you,sp.,. . • P rint, is our Choplain, • and is a dandy. The wetithet just at present•here is very . ,... - • ...• • • th rotten axe uanaulan. winter wea er, very cold lied With a little snow,.the first . bile young even if It alight iotolve-w w .... . . . . .. sacrifice, In ,this way obtain, a nucleus for future rehlevernents. Soniething over • bers Were reCeived into twenty uew. meni . . wha are thinking-terfausly., •-• .• .. %. .• . • .. Me, ' W i•11 Stanley; who hs entered' in . traieing at TiVerten, was on Tuesday ev- • • - . - ening presented 'with a wrist; watch( ond, ° •---..--, --.4. • —4---••'• . - • . - , . --,-- . • Production..- Pupils prepared • • . • • • for 'exaniit t" •• • • ..... • • • ,ia ions. • .. . • '. 'J.: M.:ANDERSON.' Perfect r4 Guaranteed,. • • being'1 t d the 16 .••• We, a of your many friericia, • . ‘ I'v s ehsince lea,vin Canada. League. inemberehin.with .more. to fellow. the following address' by the young people' • . • as one of who arc se ee e o , . . • . wish to,ossure we appreciate • .eno v. e e .. g • • • '. Next Monday night is election of -offic . •of the,Olamis, Baptist Churell at ha home .- • - • . ' ...„. ' • . - . At reheat Taller. to,act as battalion signalers. .. • . .. ••• ' . you .that . the sitcrifite that you are making in .,, • • . HUNT:. . . • - — • ' ers fen. another year All the'. members' . - On 101,1ilon.,. Kincardine; -- ..... . , . ' .' EVERYBODY!S-- COLUMN'. TEMPLE -CLARK' .,_ _ . , . . . , . -' • • •f, . .„ . . , . . reraons having . second-hand clothing in 'repair, mid. which. , placing your name on the Honor Roll" ef• the - are expected to be. present: • To Mr. Wm. Stanley,: ' • • • . .• . p ittl, W•XXTED for generai housen•ork. Ap-,•- • of any kind; good feel they for •worthy. our Congregation, and your service at We IN .. •• - .• Dear V,Vill:.--. . . - • . . • • pit• to.ivtra.T emote Clark, Luctoow. ' ,•• . . . • . . • . they can spare a 'e the Woinerils Inititute ;ayule,,:vIniii,...Tig disposdl of your King and Country. would Lie glad if such sacriffees' as YoUrs 'but ' . ' WITH: TB . EN IN KIIKI... 8 M ' • . That St.fielens-Lucknow Debate • .. . • • ' . .To assure you of our 'iri•you • • . d and in the great bause yen have, ple. ged . • .. . • , . MON LI :TO LO 4.N. -On rnortgages'and, note,, : at reasonable* -rates. Fire.DISUralltZ, both' '. OW. IMPLEMENT . mime at • the ,Council; %Vete not n.eceseary, in. times like . . youredf to thampion, a fetv•-•pf,.• Your: • .. Steak and.Muttud. coniptinies.., . „.. • • • • Chamber on „Ttiesility. April these, when the civil and religious liber- . ' . ' • • ' ' " d tho•Deliate in -L cknow Keep in nim I' • • . here .. Cititr; A. SIDRA Lb.. Rrolt-er,.i.unknow • .. . , . . : . .• . .aftereoon, . There. will be a •Chureh 13 d nex t ' friends have, gathered thiS evening: , ..- . . AGENCY - 4th'. • The•Institute receive ma,ny-upPeale . ' for help to the Belgian and.' French re-• •fugees, many of whom suffer greatly' for ty .for which our 7forefathers .• died, is aa - • _ruthlessly threatened by the enenues. Of our nice, we naturally look to yeti, ,,,"4 :arks "c -I d i he:Anglican Church • .. un ay morn ng to t . . . all Men of the .det'achinent to 'answer Town Hall to,morrew (Friday)' evening • • A S lig k • between Lucknow an ,t. ens epee, - ere'. There will be good. entertaitnnent it is a grea,t sacrifide for one to i', One- - • • • • - ... • .• sett in any service, and .we oeheve .it ..is. ' • • • -, .• •• • 3 w ruat4 - ': ' d d " • d d • , A: , , aro Ill goo man an .you can , . .. ..t highest cash: prices tit ,vlendelson*s Dry g:'• , . , . . Lucisnow., . • , • tis-nar.. • , •and ROIL Call the Barracks at ID, :30 •it m • - indeed a noble.sacrifice- ween one gives ' - ,1.-,eoci,,tert., , r . , • . - • • • Sole Agent tor the CocK- • Plow Co. • ., ' ' .want of clothing • ... •. .. . • . . • . •• „ . .. • Ilie Moving Picture- show put on in - • • the young men. of your spirit,lo defend these reeious institutions which eoriPerve P • . - • to freedom which we hold's° deer.- at . . before arid after the speeches. Mr. .1-Ial. , The Men .expfess high- appreciation Of S ack the fiest entertainer. of the -Boyer, . t • : - • the way they were entertained , hy The Vineent Co.,: whci. is in_tOwn, has kindly. oneae in . .e.service. of his cOuntry and . • If ' ' ti ' . his God:: . • •-• • - • ••" • ''''' ' ' - • .... •' ; •-One ...... . , - • - • • . ., • • . • - rtigliest. C as% Price paid for Raw l• urs. •, . . .6.1..tf .. - 13.13Ltrzercr:v. Lucktionl. • • • •• ., • . , shittt . . , • • •• ' In. Lucknow and vicinity . . . • . th• y evening in . e the' Town Hall Tuesda • - t ' • t ' • f the 1 • •d t •ch t •f th . io eres a. o e ocal e a men e • • e L6Oth, Bettalion' drew It '- $50.00. house, us the , . . . Be assured, beys, that. we shall, not for ' that in the testin time 'get you, so . g , you. . ..,.. Guild of the Presbyi'eridn" Church• on .eonsente.1 tirgiVe. a ninnber or twon ' Monday eveninc• ' 'On Sunday mornin • ' h the 0. . . . . . : g delighted his atidiences when.: wit . 'alive th t tit' • s mere. t . e rea ize a is mean , o. W I th th ' tant act of volunteenn-0 on.. e import . . . :. . . .. 5,. ,Itundergoing .the , unnumbered.. . • ' • • i For Sale . • ••• • d IS'nd s .. , • Frott and Woo 1 er - • • , • ' • ' and Mowers-,-.Adants , . • ••• - WagOtt'S. & Stock :Racks, ". . • Coekihtitt Seed Drills . . which was very good,' .Considering the condition of streets. and roads;'• ....There ni seine public inisunderstanding • about this show Pte MeKendrick who made • • , ,may rely on us to he with. you in thought and spirit,. Kindly accept these ,.sina 11 if t,s affix reminder that with our thought ' g . , . and stow, our material thing, are also 45 of them,. under .eommand. of Sergt• •Compatry,•a„ndhe is as nioth as• Major Carrick attended •serVice at the T ' e Or no reserved seat,: ..1.-ou . . ., . . ,.. .. over.. her . e •••• Methodist .Churth . ' - pay at the doiir 15' dents admissibir, and , Meclieil. Capt. Veitch.visited the loaal all goes to the Red Cross un .. .means • • • .• , testa of training and, tile . great . tirials of • .• • warfare. -, ... ... ••• ..-, •: , -:: " .• • • A..pledge thatis Avert@ inakieg•iinever •-easily kept. , . „ ;„, . ,,,,. „ , . • . 'these • . • • • .. • • FOR • SAUL-Nine acres or load weith ...dence, • ea,st of the Village „cit. Luekno w . - • • ! 0Y 1,... hd•Robert Glides proPerty:: . A p‘ 1(1.1-1,olu'rot Uidic4, or It. J. Uattioron, qxob u ., P 5.. , . • • , .4.o..1, of the•cstifte, • • .• • • 13-1,e.. ., • . , - • '- and Plow. s, Disc. Harrows, ' and Cultivators,. Manute the arrangements, assures us :that Mr.. Sinclair asked and received nothing. but - • • the -fent .of the•.filin, while •I4 r. •Snaith, • P ledged to the cense in Whith you have enlisted: . • • • : • • • On. behalf of your friends • .. 'MCLENNAN barracks'en Thursday of last week; and . put 'the detatlielent through a veryaigid '• . • - examination. This reeulted in the loss ..Died 'at •Eaghty.Seyen . We .achnire the Otero therefere - • . - . - Who j,oin the. ranks 'where hard •training 'and desperate fighting "ate Called far- „ • ..: ., • • Seed Oats . .., .. , . ... increase prodUctiOn• by soWing .0. A. (.': 'No. , .Spreaderojlay: Loaders the manager, got only his expenses. All above these 'items • and ' lOcal• expeoseir Mita, DONE.% N MISS LILLIE 1I 1( . ••, . . . , , N 1 14 D ic :: Ni 0_ ALD. of Only :3 men oitt of 62 whick-the Cap-' • " tainsaid.'Hwita a; very lo',', percentage,- Mrs..Macke,nzie; a very • Old reSident. finelot he the.GraVel Ilead•north of ."Lueknow, • Lifte the Others who have gone-fiom our nrickt, you will he teissedaedlike them' •-2' Uats. , • Ttak .Vill'ItIly 11114 SUIT kl'il:ic, Chili lieu,. alai hie. yiQldpti An nveroge 01 1" bu5hek c;,lil.ricit'i4"11:-„•!.' . . • • • . • Everything .for the Fanner. Full went titi -.the local. detachment 'of the b.attalion. . . • . . _C_ , .. , Itintall, Mareh 2.ith.,' ill 19 -.•-• • - ' Lorne MeLennba and Earl McDonald' . lie said _the men wore as .a tie :of 'had met in the -battalion. • • . • passed saway on. Monday at the age Of $7. • - • • •• . . -- .• - . a 6" nonths. Her husband 'the. CI ' an • i yon..will be followed by our ietereat afid - . - . ' • .. • - - • - . • .• ,- our nrayers. • •b• .• . • • ••• '. • -• --.• • 'N„o, •!;:fi:i?s'Pic:.'ircit.t-AV.,;i:.%ii()).`113 -yrito 75 'cents Pur,••bliShel. .1.....ANuukw, M. It. a, Luck uow, • ' • • i, ...29,3-1.-1. . , -... ,.: line oUltepairs aWays o.n hand. . ,.. : • . . g . . . 'Eighth Con.. KinlosS• ' ' made the presentations. Although taken• by earprise, Noble Johnston'made a neat d- . .1- The street paradi o ast ; atnr ay„ years f 1 S m'ilien the -local' Men :marched. throligh 'late, John Mackenzie; died on Oat. 29th • . b - . • :b • Pte. ' • last at the age of 93. The funeral tolk . Campbell, May only good come .to til w c serve • lfi 11 I • f 11 ' ' ' - ' nnse s i y,t.tetr e ow men. •.. _ . • e•vh,i • f t ct As enee.o our es eem ,ari. . . . „ • ' - • • ' • ' ' f • -raitg FOR bALIt.-,iiintib e farm property be- ' ing'the north hi and the north J-20ft he south • • .. . ' Warerown in,' . . . • speee thanki g each nd alltheir •, . •-111onday, Itlarch 27.• li, n ,a for ... . It is about sugar tune • tippretiation.of what they haddone, and t. ,. ov, . . t p o agpipe music y,. appeared to have 0,..gbodeffeet on recruit-. •Pirtee ' yesteiday . afternoon .: to Kinloss • . • ' - - d • • •splendid'h w cemetery: .. ing. ' • The men ma .e a s o - • 'lit . some ..httlf:Of good wishes aCcept. this Wrist Watch... • .' ' - . . jerhis,-. F, MoIC.isNos , ..... Lot nundocr•nincteen in tile ()let tint It concession -of the sTow ri,:nid otWest Witwa- iii,,ii, in the Counly of Huron . 0111. 1110h11 .: . , , , . ,• , , . ... ,., .. .. , . foi tl.eix,litIt.ss. On tho - The' Allin•Bliock.- • .. 'anything that .• • - . • -awning everybody that their best efforts ' .:•Thete iff said tope yet another eased •. . would lib t f II ." the use fo .which pu or i tu C9, r Measki8 hi. Our burg... - they had enlisted. •,.. - „ • a, n im r • g. • & and*evidently..• * I 'be thorn ' ' • ' • ing, --' --- they. should like to beia the tanks. Now 'Verdun , , '• '''' ' '. :' -.Signed) D.• A. •C MeLEN N AN , . • I • . .- ‘priitistupito s',6.t.iNc,t.. 'March ' ' ' .and . . • .. preipises arc situated. a, gOod. two-ktorey brick hone:. frame barn about•Ittxtill; about . one acreurchard, 1.:4 neves, ottall Whcat.,39 'fall . • When requiring ' ale -see *hit I. , . IL • - .,, can di? for' A : . . in .You... . .. , ; . • ' - Mr.si4cMillam: of Blyth, .is „visiting ' Reeve Stewart,•wha was present; 'was 'With Malcolm.Smith this week. I ".: - . then called.. upon,. and ...Made .-ti short . . '''.:Mni. 0.."Eatty-,.of Glenniinon; spent' a epeech. fle.00111Mtlided the spirit 'f the dailest Week whither • brolherairet yofing men . in 'offering their services in men since enrolled are: Win. •Kennedy, Whiteehurch Dist, being the 4th. of the faiiiiiv ici .i0.41 the' doior6.,,Are-, . , 11 Patter; son, 11 Gaunt FA Gitunt,also Of White- chuteh Dist.; Nels•in Webster,- Clair Ir-• • • • - •-M•onday, March:V.: _ , ' - • Mrs Albert Browirepent Friday. 1 t at Mr...Sam Geddes'.• ' ' • as • Ne i • • ' • - ' • . ' •• (tolonel, Hoare •agent. frOm Glatnia, 21,' 191.9. . . r• • • • • . . .• • • :(Crowcied ont'Alast week) , , , ' ' ' • •••• - . , . - ' - ' • d tt day `Marell'17; 1916.-W:its a re - 4e er . Jor.Oliniie-when, for tlie firiit thee; We .h —. plitt...., acres tildwingtdur abont night acres.. of • .. hard wood timber. The Kilt is a gootkelay Ion ni,„well wat tired with ..spri rig' creek ,and, • . , • i - • • . •• goaa.wett; Mill Well, Itneed. ri iS, desk able • nroporty is • sItniocit: at. ihe• vinage or •St. .. • Helens. and • is convenient to elturell Amt. ..seheol. For' further Po:vac:04es apply.. to' Switzer..., ' - . ' , • ' V. ' .. . ' defente or -the •Eltiv-6-10--1-148.--tittinie. • e . os. ma II •L i k TY t'• J Ifti. I (II a wi i c now ia 1 r, moo . .'• . - .---. ..--? • •-.. • ....... ., , :.• • - • -- • • • d . f 41,._„,tutthe .o• .-4*---PerePanY • 1 4° ' • '‘ r . • - • . A 'Arrange.' :--Idtt:6. WTI:: ianoras,,-tsi. Ilideetti-Josatert ,• . , ' • • • ' ' • • tru le • The boys he said Were near 8 • , ": , ,, , . • - Hassid 'and Kielough; Clinton, is. in Pie vicinity. again. • . • . . •0 • ot whoni weremir own boys. . ' ' • ..tei4itiw. Leehitew'„ . : . : ,-24-2-tft. • ••-•.'••-•-- ------ " ,7 . • . • • • 'BROS 'FREE 4. ' • Mies -Clara Wilkie spenC,..a. •few days , • .gg . • ., - • • neigbborS o , . laiit week with her friends,. 11lies. Myrtle •f his all their • lives • ond lio • ••• of them.,committin an cokitot*•••,...• # "lid never. heard . g . liv-ed T. . (father son),. Jas. !amiss:lit. Helens; EltioodDrenean , . :,... limn,. al e ';ing d et bl J h A ifi Id k • , ...., . d t A if t 'ere are a p ease o:see ' re te . our - — 11-1 able b • • • ' • ' ney to e amongst us again. . ,• • • • •• Bron Jennie Wat- cl* f - L• M K . • d inents were ma e or.. lent ... c ay an ' ' his company of soldiers .tif the 160th".,. * • at; • " Bruce. Battalioe, who. are in training -'- . - - . --:•"--r2 •••••-- • , . . - • . le - „ • • Auction Sale • • . , . ' • ungentlemanly ,t, but hadalWays , Mr- Eldred Switzer,: who. has been i • .•• • ' d ary an. he felt Ore. they. eleve f ' t • 6 I ' • ' ,.n or be w es. ... - Mies,ea Annie and • • • • den 'Visited. at Will McMullen s.: one d:ay "Li/Orton, tamarch to Glands,. when the 'a oP. 1101 -4 1,0T. ri.;‘,41) 1 ii.WI., iii191•D ' EFF1,:c1.4. . ' • • • • ' "' • -• . • . Studio . Lucknowl: 1,6roingtt, few days around here, taunt"- •exemp •lives, ... , won e a -are& ot i. e . , em. e ves,: Id b t b 1 t tla 8 I ed. to the West on 11 ••••• • , • .‘ ' d • I " district•' f an t ierom which they mune; . .... . ' '' *WIiitecliurdh • • • lest waek. • • .• •• --- '• -. - ... " dondition of the roads. prevented 'people hete entertained their'. to- clinner,'• Although, Weather tinTromis, were un-- .. • , ,. . • - • • •• " • r . . • • • • • • . , . •uk. Tim .,,,ILL,ton ercet-x-mow . • ., . , •:•ehe '10)41:r,:iit,,led Ili bi;en lost t'nefed • to 011 4 .. ... . , . . , .. ,, • ,.. ,,..,. .. .. . . .. ..A few.frOm. hereattended the party at • • ••.,-..,...........4,....... • . • . •The .. . v ce s d th . . . , favorable, it chdnot.pre,,ent• their cote.: , . ... , by 1 •ublic Auction at .4,- llp.tn. i • a r day, In di', o Ai ril..19Ib at tnn , - 741rAk'79 '' • • • Samiiel CoUgraiii's.on Tuesaay evening. . ,,.... .. ' • .• . All report an excellent time ..,. •. Mateking • , , . . - -MondaY4 March.27-.. •• Mt. Jits• Ls:J(11a* had the . misfortune. .a...good many from atten °mg ,e ser .1, • on.$1inday... . . • . 7it Nellie'lleMallen an ., , A b d' • t t I it . . • !I•s' tog. .. ig • isappotn men. a- a it .,, ,_.. tne-aus01100.-0,f-Liieet-M.e.Kay • winion toe' - - • '• - • • • • • ' - • t . th. resident() -at ne laic Andrew Met &lbw, Lizegnow, thq : uq) and 1,4_13.0410. kil_tannib,r. 11, 011 .t hoz: .west qide of *antler street, between Wilvelee ' ' 0 pen,_MiandayiTnekday..... -'7-2,1;14:47ettinegd4--itd•'%,' • . each iveek. . , -Diatrie,01?-10 its: &writ. ----•:14 ifill%iiiird- -TT- , ., , •--41onday, Matth-.27th; 1$111itlr; o4rioneerrofjluipit.itticl_rona:_of. _ • ' • ' • • . -• . , • - J. . • ' W- -1W-Itlitireirrvisitifirinirstatel-- the oldest.residentshi theteivntibip. died ,- .- ' • • . . • . ' Mrs. L Alton Lucknotv. . • • • • her heme here March. 22ricl; in her • • '• • a-- • - o lose hirvalus,ble driver.Tast.week. • ..._,: The • mid -Week Prayer "Meeting' and • -- 'Th. ---i-- ------- •ii --h*-----,--- ..,,,--a-- : Adult • i la Ulass wi e discontinue f f - • • a 1 • . for eW Weeks; ag. I, •• ruzia es are in i as . . Reid visited Miss Mai gent Hunter one • • . rlaviinst-week. ' • - ."-: - ' ' '--fi - - : ' '- .. . - . :.. ;• . - .. • • ' • r ave Allister, : Of St - Autoia .11 . D . Me ., • . - - treviotis evening received orders -from, • in •• that c't -at noon, . ondon to, report 1 y . _ • ' '.' •-• Tie T'" • '' - • • tit-•' - ' The eompany e , „.iverton •abou ..• a.et • tl 0 13a, hes in- Cominand. -1,101011 •wi 1Corpr anti Haniilton Street:4, Itko t tieboti,fehultletreitts. Tuftwi 1. liow,A•hold effects, ensli: -1-linve find, .. , .. . . •••, ,,, laymen ci 1 m.o. iti itcre,ect timir """ L'i- • • ' ag" ' ' ' " „t•,,,w,„1„4„„„ei„ 3 ,a,,,y,.... ,.. • • ,, . , - .., .64.e. ..,-, . it.Mcilitul:Nr4.1 tnetionder.• • . , . . at on . . .t..._ . • lints ..139ryl -..JOhnsttin ' 'of .Goderieh •80th year. She .was etrielqui With Par-. . 1 , . ., . ), , , . I., iveeic••end • visitor. • he'r. • - the manse. • , ...,. . . - *WM. "tine • spent a .feW days last • week with' , ,, ,,_ . , rth I d, • ' • . • in the .neig or too. • ' .. :was ser', to them at -the' honte of' Mr • - . • • . • ...•••• t.. ...,. , 'Ately,.Met adyen,llonnaary r es.„ mini!. . ., ... -ix A. ,..Alt"In IN .1-1;ii .I•c: SON wdl bob -tali. (met itrit ielie of 25 fliteNun.Mileirl 'ow, id tile- 06.111, •elysia.some filie weekti ago and gradually •Q, was. n at ..1t0Ina, here• • o• • • ' :- Cerp, Middleton; of •Woodstock, 'last :friends ': Toni Scott's feW of 'their . • Which they • continued: their inateh• . to' „ • • 116,,,,e, Lirehriew, on SatitraftY, April 1st,. : • • • : IIIARKETS.— • , • ' • - ' sank to the•end.' .•The lade Mrs'. Smith. • . • . . . ... CRAM ' to -Ca:node from the ' Island ' ot Air, , and Mrs, Thos. Shackleton, .Of '1.46Wift, Scotland, 80ine 64' and Citwe,..visited Mr. and Mrs, $.. j:, 'KO- •Taid a flyingvisit to his home week to bid farewell to Ilia:Pet:411'e before- lefty- fog fer•nversea.' • ' • . entertained•s . friends list' Wednesday. , evening. -: : All report an, enjoyable evening • : : ,. . . . , . „ • • ....,. an.. mai:0117i Olittnis,arriving,liere ia. 112 'fl d . ... ed through the .vtllage, „then back to bt ... m.,„,.„,„. p. nt, 11,, („,„.., • : ware 0,11.1 es at 100! 01 t•,(1,,titie•iii•A)ell. ‘ • ,' sa.i•taa. , .., . J. Pt 1,A ts. Anefion, el , . :,. . .. . , ..... .. . . , , , . • . teorrected Up to Wednesday :noire.) ,.„., ' Wheat .' • • , • ' „.•' 7,v„ ypitaago, , • • • •• • tilitortly "afterwards settled ivith her huti- Patriek. (*.Wednesday. • ' , - ' • ' band on the farm Avhcre. She. died.. A' • , ea. I! ran , ones an • owed Pt. ' ' k 'S d V' ' • Kirke,• . , ' • '• P 'il• .: . . Doti't forget the Literary nett•iri ay ' ' . • eVening. - The, .pregraiii will be . the . 'Ili, old' gray horse" took an • early • L. . . , • f ' 'tl' S t cl: '• ev n'n trtp, up the our i - a .u.r....ay . e. t g ' Peuls Chtireh. _The reception eonnuittee extended to them a heafty w.eiconte and . . . ... hhh, r We rattons• -- o- ter wic. -t.e.ir•e • . • ,. ,, 111 CHEST .PRICES FO lit r POULTRY . ----;.- • ., _. ., •., - ,„ , „Oats.4..,.....•, ....••• i•; . "o r... 4 4. 41. "!, • • 11-1'. 'rarm5Y - • • • ..'Am Ilildtrheat '.1...,•:. .. 1.. . ,...... . . . •i,66„ ' - Butter /... : ...14,, ..... .;•-•....•.:. - ''. Amity of 'sit. boy" • and live girls- was. ef anderiali;:eptit" a fee?. daYS iti ' thiS 19180d, - who, by untiring energy and, .,.gigui.MT00,4 la. 1 A ii. ,P,StW.e6k. , ' • • ' . thrift; changed:the bush WM...into one .... ...• 4 • , • 4..... ..., , '' . 4i 4, • the finesthainee in the township Her' Dirs.: yv in. aannon,..t.i.yart &nu .silss. ' form: Of a contest between. -Ilui. Married • • and single ladies and gentlemen. • , ' • • , . . . ' . • The Guild meeting last Sunday even- *deise. the ounetleman . ' to buy* darker Colored driver,' as the present one really ie eenspierto"us 'dolt lag ., , . ; . .. • ' : congulot ,f , , entent 'where -dinner e.scorteci . to the .bas . boiement was beittitt• . Sully decorated . with- red,: white and loe • 'Haw.' . ; it tO 14e. a lb.... . ..... , • rraitiors :15 t!).,1k.. a..11). ' • .- :' - • • _ . .. .. ,. . . •DiJcus ' 14 Me. 1Ia • , ..;$ - 2gg$1403w.laid.• •....., ;,. a 0.44 4 IL • 44:. .. :,. . . ; .., 'HMI • ' ' . •• * ' *.' I' "v of .1 - -ba d preaectiailed her.,abotit thirty. Rai, of ,Lanes ;,,Gordon and Alias Blanche . ms n Jamieson of Laurier and • Nit, Oswald •One years ago, The surviving inembers e. . . ' f - L d 7. ' .S d- opitague, 0 On on:, spent . atur,oy ing was ver # interesting.•'., ,Twooxeellent ',pandit were givaphY Mrs. W••••• LOtt and . 4 ' el 4•Ai 1.• 'Matt s.,........d...w. 'The subject toe treit • • ••. • : • • . ., • .. • Kiugsbridge - • bruiting anct flitga. under! *lila Were two large tablie testefullY artanged to. teat . . . . , . . about 36 et. each.' • 11,e;17 Mr, Retth, pas- to a . .. ... ... : - , . , • .. • • • , • . . - . I, • ... . 1 • . 1 .. B BLiT7 '4fEINI • .or•-partieu ars a.pp y ;to . , ...S : . , '. .." ' . • . . , _ . ' lOnnivto emote tins wttng. i • • •. wheat. hum*. ., ..........i • '95 'th' i .'• u" 48 .. ". • SO. . (Attie familyMittdoek,. of. Red- v ) t A: Pinta ' ' •• • - • , , , • . . , e _fling a. . neon , , ye. . . • ern : • - 6,.8ask.., John, Of ',1Pairlight, Sask., „... •,, . ,,,.. e tro-utar -valley. plopping . Mt Angus; of:Rainy River; Mrs, Brandon, -Ku 'kj "11 has beent tinning day and night during . o ° ' ' - • • • • ' .: ."Th C * ' • ' t" ' f ...,tindasr evening is • • e .onsecrit tome • '"r • • " Ti 1 deds *tea i Cliiik: * ' Imo. ie ,na, , i . . . , . The'Whlteehareir.Rd Omits gjeiety , • 'SroadaY4 Mai& .27t -ft• . . • , Our American sailors. Who .spent the homes .-tor•-rif at. 1.,,i,ol,e _onlith, lull Mr.. Me- • Oauley.... pastor of ,. tbe Baptiiit Church, at the niblek 4.r..ter ell ittici Luckriatvi • ' .• . .._ , . . • .-.BOIMA Et- WAR11813; • Oats; bush. 0 • I, 0 • ••• 0.0 '0 4 4 . .• , Earley, bush.. ,..............`icf.%..'"'"e Choke heavy, steers.... 8.15 tn.' 'S. 7.,, a Butehers' tattle ' :,..,, 7 75 to. • 7 90 • , Feeders. . • -. • • • 6, 26 to 6 15 .' 14timbe, cwt . •• ' 1010 ti*. 12. 00 • Shop. val,....'........• '...•,, 9. 0040 *- 50;:.the .. • Baler,. Crettineiy Prints • AS tit ' . .36 • '• Better, Pairy.Prints....- . 26 to . Id AA • . %roar tie* laid, dee, :, . .• i9 10 5-` . ligir90.S6' l•st°rage-* -5 14 ' • • .. Potatoes, _bag... , ..., • • 2 00 tO • — .. , ,1-_,..t. 4n til 'Lie -, --•- p ,,iir ....,„,,, Man . 0. m.... yiathesoisi of e cit ontoniAltiV; iltalltrsernitk:Of sitedl' ill . Seak "NI .,*MdLiati , of *Reston:. verse .;, Ts. . , • ' ' h '' .Mttn.;, Donald and Katnernie,. lit Otki. : The int:iota took place On the 26th„ to Iltben tentetety„•the services. being :. 0011uA:ndeu ua by ii pot . II' A, MeLeanc.of c.• Winn] C111101i, Of which elturch•she Watt *faithful ' tire laid. . The symputh of this is etteeded to go. AM. <.' 114 In :their Aid bereavement • • . . ,. 7 . ; . . „ . . • . . the, past two...wek_ts . ,,,Joho..,,Clrabaing, of Dangatintin, and -Geo. Rivetti.of*Otellie$ 'Were engaged by. tylr. Santiders to make ' • il e night shift ' os iiita. , • . " . • • 1P 4 . : • .. - • The. local Red Crosit'Soeietighave an; • flounced that a •belt social Will be held in Xti. triteltoof house Thuraday eVeiling ,„ tide Week. A good ptograut isuttangeo for Como ahd have a gcod wire. Pro. i . . 1 deeds will lo to the. ited:Ordett WOrlit. . , :neltriewliclgeiwitit thanks 41uS• ' fell -owing denatongt-Mrs: Wm. •Pardoe, P atriotic •T ' $2 70, ' I 'I" d e tto •t" i band' ea' 1 a s° ) Y• " a •• al ' • ' 4'6' ards elieeiteeleth for hand-. -11,gi.li an •Y .• . 'alio id icerehiefs; Mrs, 11:' Irwin, $2.0b, : . .. yards,C640ti- and 'b .; yards Cheaseclotii;' . $ast:Witwanosh Courieil, $3:3.33; MieS , , ,, Annie mini, Guelph.' 06.00;.Nilee.SlarY McDougall, colleoted, $14 73., • . l',116.6 A. 111,,Detowit . votary • Virin,ter. months at their parents' here have'all returned' to.' reannie their deetimition at -their resPeetive• itittiens, - • ' • j - h O'C '• ' I ' b Enguieer. osep • cmilori,yv too oat . r ! I 'd ' (it d ' '1 li. bor • for the WaS III up in 0 mei ar , . .. • • ' , ' winter, commence&fittieg ont operations last Thursday,. and: Engineer Thanes O'Connor left on Priday .to dart werk 0.0 hlok heat, The ether boys are; Jack McCartbY4 Jack and Toth Clingier itoa Frank Atitinu. • presided , , .partakercbt a thrbe'eburSedintier:' lliiv., : Ste.' ltdith itS !reading:it& 'gave: ti fe* ery. p o rut 1 , ( , . v • • 4p .r. i) ' te vein irkti •an I tbe • fol- ,. loWing toasts were giVert• oro thor4mg' - • , ' ' ded to by Pte. by mt. '111 °Conley, respon , , .SiilmOri; `To the iddth 'law Battalion by Mt Stevenson,-respondi4 to by Corp. ,. ... . e .0.• Battle4`00r Otfests• by, ,1Y. • a :NI emcc••• lotto, to tvitioi Mt. A. G MtlingflYhery, Of Veer -ten, responded; 'To Oto Ladies •• . . . . Last. Notic-e • • . ,-to looking twee tilV hooks 1.6-nd sever- at - , • ) -nits stiti iiiinstit-art 1- I. flow must - aLtc i „ , InSist on all"not.otitifs being paid et once, • . tit eountii not pii,j tonne- tiatsly will be. placed int" 4irt far collet -0,o% So• ill net neglect this, as thim• il .0 ti ..i) Utz. .last 'twice.: . •304-e, . • W. T. TOV,we; . • • 'AA •••• .4aloty , • •4„, '•.r Si • •-• l•