HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-03-23, Page 8•
All the new shapes, styles ancicolors Bltle, Grey and. Green, as well
as staple shades We are soleagents for.THE- JUNG"-BOSSAVNO-z, '
mut. STETSON :HATS, justly celebrated for their correct styles and
splendid wearing qualities,
tho Ford Shoe for Men at $4:00
is .4 winner, . It is a, very attractive
shoe and one we can heartily' com-
mend to Our,customers.
See our ,large assOrtment of new
Shirts'in STAR 'und i'Agr'SIC brands, •
neat 'fitting and colors gUaranteed,
Pride . $1.00. to ,$2.00,
OX 111/000 WA.TERPROOF POLISH,AT.., and 15c. a:Tin
TAN LEATHER SHOE LACES, 40 inch. ....led. a Pair
- KHAKI HANDKERCHIEFS ..., , .1.5c, or 2 ior 25c.
Polished Steel Shaving Mirrors, in Black Morocco Case, 50c. Each
FOX'S, SPIRAL PUTTEES -$2.50. Another lot expected in a few days.
a •
ennia. .elid •Natural Wool
Underwear for springWear. N.0
See our beautifur'range,of •Men's New
Spring Ties to band last wk at 25c.
and 5oc.' Arrow Collars 2 ,for 2.5c. I
Kleinert's 'Waterproof Baby Fants, small, medium
and large sizes, pride 00o, a pair.
th K. Knitting Cotton, all „numbere in white,
•- 8e. a had..
Tatting Shuttles "Justrite" at, 25e. each.
Ivory Rings for fancy Work, 3 sizes, 5,10 and .15c.
per dozen.
•Black and White St-iiped- Taffeta Ribbons, 5i in.
t Wide; special 25e, ydA •
Middy Linen for Blouses, 36 in wide, oriole at
*. 20 and 25e. yet: • •
Shelf Oil Cloth, blue and White, 12 in, wide,. price
only10e, yd.. • • • •
Thmigy, Moch i34, i&6
WOltegliiirch •
—Monday, 4tgteIk ell.
DUX 'Village ix still offering from the
outbreak of reeasle,,a.
'Sere,. Windsor, of .Whighion, arellt
Sunday at the HOMO of 11, Carrick.
Bolt1C—To Arx and Mrs, O. Gilles-
pie, in Winghant Hoopitalx, oa March ell,
•a soli. • •
Vta John Keneedy, of WOOdetock,
•hotne on sick. leave, We hope for his
Speedy recovery. , •
- Mis Marion Galles •IntS returned to
Lacknew after , visiting hese. She has
juet-ereeetered-freee- aneettaeit•ntbree-
ehitte. •
Mts. •Geo. McIntosife• house in the
village, is being all remodelled ineitie. It
will be occupied by Mr. Mown, G.T.K,
Agent •
• Ptes, David Kennedy, Alei. 'Kennedy,
awl Johu Hu' ehisen. of Igicknow, Jim
and. Tom Penrose, cf Wieghain, spent
the weeke443ttheir. homes . •
Po Oh*. Gillee•Pie and Alex. Henry,
of Walkerton; Itobt. Laidinar, of Gait;
Cecil Middleton keed Alex. lioneed3', el
Litcknow; Oett Ilonton), •of Winghane.
Spent the Week -end at their borne% .
„. ,
The Guild meeting on Sunday even-
ing was ted ,.by lite: Alex. -Henry, the,
subject -being "Hew our Sunday :School Dr R. .13 L%ne,, of Prieciville; Rev., Li. J.
'Oncluding the Billie Oliienes\ and Young.banei stationed at. Grand: Veheyi. Mre
Feople'eSocjtty •ntiey. hole ..erie 11119010e (iteio Win :r D.. McDonald; stationed at:
ille.sdbjeet, for next SundaV evening is
Atwood; Andrew, with the 430. Battik
"Pioneer Heine Missionary Werle INA.. c,,rA,,..ifow training in England', .
meeting will be ia chargil or. the'Av-li,Ls," having neat13(•eoniriletedhiii studies at
• TueislaYi' kareh tr.
The ladies of Moron& him decided
to hold a box 410010,1 in the 'Orange lIaU-
bore on the evening of Tnetidae, Mardi
28th,„; the_ iocd to go to the Red .
Oros. Nand. very entertaining pro -
grant le beiog arranged for, which, 'with
tke box feature, should Footmen enjoy.
able evening. •
LA.Tg MRS. 1.44i$8!-4frs. *Oa
Lane, widow or the tete dolni L toe, one
mile north of Kinlough, passed eavey 0 f
Thtireday morniegnt Iat weeAlittlie pea
once of,neariy all of her fatelly. About
thtereeveekrt ago; wipri upparolitly10-let
uinlat health, she Offered a 'paralytic.
Stroke; two weeke later pneumonia de-
veloped, and, all hoe of her recevety
was given up: Through the unceasing
effort e of Dr. Lane, her Ben, she Weever -
ed consciousness An recognize them ail,
which the tinnily appreeiated very great
13r. Among the few wordswhich she in-
telligently gave uttotanCe•lo were te-
structions concerning ttareocke she .1v04.
knitting, for Andrew, wbo is _now with
one of thooverseastlattalione. The,tnein-
bora of the famil e aro; Mre, 0..K. Web-
ster; residing near Imcknow; ,John, oc-
cupyinig-,s, farneadjoining the homestead
Late stationed at Eitibro;
linghoccupying a farm adjoining tohn's;
Phone No. 10 Is t Voui Servke
tif It tor Vskart,r-Ve. Oen Cht*p.r Than The Credit Store*
rgAins 111 .Spcoild Kan..
ot 40d. W0.60::STOV
We have the follow. ing o fraud', wbicii will be sold at
elfwe'prices, We took_these in exchange forsur fzui
ons Supreme Range and they are all in good eonditic-ni;
2 Kitchener. RangeS, man9tt"4 The Afeelary Mfg CCO
World's Favorite • " " The Doherty Mfg Co,
.. x Ideal Favorite
. We ales showing some extra values in Ladies'.
Skirts in blue and black Sergete One line is a
7 fine quality Serge in blue. only, nicely made and
. neatly trimmed with buttons,,specialyalueat$4.50,
Another line is ' for 'younger ladies. and 'is made .
from an especielly fine quality izIL wool . Serge,
bine ari4 black, in a very neat and smart
neatly, trianned.rith buttons and silkbraid.. Qual-
ity and style considered. this 'skirt is exceptional...
...Value at the price '86.00. Ask 'to see this line. .
. _ . .
•tho: FI.:0 lay.
• .. • , . ..• . , .. • • •
of Ladies' Suits and.Coats in our Cloak
Eighth Con., Kinloss
-L-4,1onday, March 20.
A few iron.) here attended the sale at
..Aittmer Ackert. Made a hnsiness trip
te`.Tiverfon on Montley. • • ..
. A number froiu here delivered horses
'in.LUektiove �n .Monday, . •
3018 kaeHenrY visited.With her aunt,
Mr Jas Rughes, of Teeswitter, • on.
.k : • : -
• kr. Eldred, Switzer, :who has !pent
two months in B,erlin, has retnrned,. to
• the Eighth. . • • •
• Mrs,. Alex. 'McKenzie . of Langeide,
• „
spent the • weekend with: her father,
Robb: Elliott,
Misses. Mary and Mabel °offset, ot
Copkstown, are visiting relatives around
here at present — •
' :Two sleigh -loads of soldiers passed
through: our burg on thew • way to Tees.;
water on Friday.
' Atr. Joseph Colbert; who has been to
Witighant for treatment returned home
- Saturday evening
• -
• . _
Otir:Kialose mailearrier has fitted up
_ .
for *melt a &niece& rig irliTch-will pro-
• tent him: from the wind and cold•
• .
Miss -Annie Armstrongi who to been
eng?„ge iat COO. emigrant's for a month,
je visiting friends son'the 6th. con. •
• Misses Anabel: McLay and Phoebe
•Congrain attended the McDonald—Me-1
lay 'weddiog and reception on Vedette I
day. " •
• _ ,
tee are sorry to report that. Miss Mae
1.Ienry kerne the sick list this week with,
the measles. We hope she will soon be
_ among us again. - ;
tained a number of their friends to a
• . dance laseMenday evening. All report
. an excellent time. • -
• ...The oyster slipper announced for the
1.7th.; at Holyrood..Was poetponed lade-
• finitely on account of measles being ,80
; prevalent in and around the village:.
• The Box Sochi:tat Itipley was a grand
enecees, •• A good program wag -given by
the young peeple of Rfpiey, also it short'
address.' on Itehted by ltev., Mr. Gilmore.
' 'Mr: J 11.•Martyn acted is auctioneer1.
and gr. Metisteit as chairman: .A.*.pry
enfOyabie evening is- renotted.
GoderIch foitship
•—Sionday,' Atarch, o.
Mr Ilarl rfauley spa the week -end
with -friends in .Viralton. • •
. 11r, Jno. lialstead spent the week -end
with friend's in London.. ,
Miss •Geoe.cinfe Litt& spent thd week-
end with friends iti Lendeaboro.
Miss Poltie Bilwood was the guest of
r. and Urs, tames Uwe, of Walton
• st ,
, • •
WillMcGuire, has. returned. home
from a enouth's visit.with, hie. slater in
•Hegel -Nide.'" .• • - •
• • Misses Hattie and 'Thsta, Oetronr, of
Onderichi, spent last Sunday at; John
• Mr.: and Mot, Itall'Retiedge spent
couple of days recently with Mr. and
Mrs, Wm: Currie.; •
Mrs. Bert Campbell, of Of Toronto,is
spending' a nionthwith her perente, Mr.
and Mrs, Geo CdoPer.
• Mr: and Mrs. G. B. •Henley,,..of. the
London road, were tite guests of Robert
HOMY one day last week: -
The many friends of Mr. civis. Switz-
er will be pleased .to heir he is. herne
from Wingham, very Much imProired•in
healtn. • '
•"Rath Lon: Kinloss
•• .. .• —Monday, March 20
Mr. 'Leslie -Meteor. Visited. 'friends a •
.round Teeswater for some days last week.
• The young ladies- on the Fourth, 80
fir through the winter months, have
been .meeting en alternate,Saturday. ev-
• pings for the laudable' object of•stndi-
inethe scriptIneT,— '
• Mi • A. • McDonald, who has hen' at
a, severe attack .O. pneumonia, returns to,
Toronto.to.:morrow. Iliewiteevillaccena-
pany him, Alex. is looking ;well. again,'
and may beforelOng return to the oinks
. from which he was ';temporiirilY
• charged.. •• • . •• • • •
Mr. arni. Mrs. Alesi.•, McLeod; on the
.,Ftierth, wli�re considerably Oyernine.
oty- yearfeof age, are•still Well and aitive:
:The old lady, whe has: been .quite.blind.
leiesomeetimeeoontratiett.10- itaiteetOalre..-
'raga-for' many Of. her absent fannly,and
this *ile4r she is batty knitting . for the'
recruits: She has severatpairs tiow.tettcly.
,•• The. Jungle
• '••: —Tuesday, March 21,•
• Weather: -.-S fronk, ninth -westerly
wieds'with snow and frost. . • •
Mr. Jae, a Walker; SE., Of Lucknew,
visited hi the Jungie this week. • '•
Mr: John Purvis has instated his (inn-
tract Of drawing logsfor Mr, IL Mathers.
rs Wtri• McInnis is confined -to het
• •
bed. with, coniestiOn of the • lungs. We
hope for her speedy recovery, .•
We are all going to the. 'wood bee at
Mr. I. it Crowston's tide afternoon, and,
itif &surge, to the (knee !it night.
We wish the bride and groom, Mt,
arid Mrs. Mark , Johnston,who have
come to reside in our midst: every ,hep.
Otiose arid prosperity, ' . •
Mr. .and Mrs. James 'Marini's have,
Ids the Jungle to reside en the farm Of
Mrs, gphriain Taylor on .tlic 4th, cen:,
Where We Wink them continued- prosper.
.• •
I. •
• • • —Tuesday, March 21.
, bilge Viola .13,Iackwell had been on the
sick list for e week.
Leshe Stergeen.is spending a couple.
of ,Weeks ow the Rase Line. •• •
Miss•'Peerl linclgins has been confined
to the house with a severe attack ,of
grippe. , , •
Rev. and •NI rs, -Kirkwood', of Tiverton,
visited atthe Wine of Mrs. J. Alexander
last week,
Miss - Violet .911aian is spending a
eonple of weeks with Mies "Grundie on
the 10th Con. ' '
. ••
• ••••• Knot Callege•and Malcelni 'net:he 'old.
'We are pleased to note that_ Henry
Hitched is able tb be around again atter
being confined tothe house for a couple
of deys.,
We are sorry to foie Edward Woods
and family from our Village. He has
pulled up his stakes : and departed for
Kincardine, where he will reside. • *:
•, RemeMber League will be held on
yirecuipsday nights in the future. Owing
to concerts, plays and either entertain -
Ciente in connection witi our League,,
Our :meetings have been 'brOkenup, but
it is expected that the regular Meeting;
will be heldnow, and ,•the intuit- good
attendance is hoped for. . • ,
, Andre* Emniersonhas decided. that
hem now ton oidto do so, -Mitch *hard
Work and bee given up his.ferni in. rier- .her blessed." Her last act, of Minister -
vie to Adam' Glahan, . ho is 'already ing to. her family -Was Winding ,erir. to
• Kingsbridge
, —Monday, Match 20.
FiOtAcernthee....-Mitit's Darkeeni
is dead The big 'bleak , trotter
_wag theproperty of O'Connor Bios, fell
in the stable some days ago and broke
Itis leg. Veterinary and neighborly at.
tendance was given him; but after a tea
day s of angering he fel) and • broke it
again. litpes for his erecovery 'being
slight, it Was deemed necessary to , put
him but of his Misery. • Torn Sullivan
and a Shotgun did the job. ,:"Darkie',
died, as he always travelled—in g hurry
Notes athe past week)
. • . •
• Michael Benniger niatle a businese tri p
to Simcoe last week. .• . • • ,
• ' Miss Barbara Austin, of Goderieh, is
.visiting friends here. .
Jas. Sinnett is remodelling theinterior
of his house., What -for, eh?.
James Cummins, of St Augustine,
spent Supday with Ashfield friends• .
Mr. and Mrs. Hermann,. of Cleveland,
and Peter Martin, of Pittsburg, attended
the funeral of the late Mrs. Martin on
on:Friday: ••
Miss Josie Dalton, who has been teach-
ing at\ lie&dleteorth, is beteg for a• -fort-
night's vacation4her school having been
• 44_11,
homestead, Sir. Lene being twice mar-
led Mrs Weheter, no doubt looked Op
Mrs. Lane as her real mother, and, being
the eldest, afterwards tent a helping hand,
in rearing the faniily. She will have her
reward also. gr. Lome nem to Kinlough
in 1881, with four or five of a faMlier, and
died 14 years ago. He was a kind and
loving Either', very much atteched t9 his
familY, tinctuality„ being a marked'
Neuf:re in is life; no doubt his character
nest:wised on the. tinnily. It was a
pleasant eight to tee one of the large
Pews in the Presbyterian Church tillcd
to overflowing every Sunday. But the
High •School, Colleges, and even the
ministry stole them away one by one',
but we knew it was all for the best. It
was eau to a larger sphere,. of service.
Mrs. Lane beingleft with the; large fain-
ily of nine, the oldest boy, John, only 23
years of age, it was a great responsibil-
ity, but also a great opportunity, now
since she has carried it`througli to snob
a successful issue. No, 'doubtshe had
reanY doubts and tears and sorrows, yet
who weuld not envy,her life work, . She
has gone to her: reward and the Mindy.
speaks for itself, how tree our Saviour's
words, "Bit their fruits „ye shall know
thene" How does her life miswer to the
deseriPtion gieen in the last chapter of
proverhate'She leyeth her. bands to the
spindle and her hands hold the -distaff,
Soe lookout' well to the ways of her
household, and eiteth mit the -bread of
idleness. Her children- arise up and call
moving Borne of his worldly goods from
the South' Litati;. We are- sure ...Andy
needs a test; but we understand .he May
live retired in a song little house in our
burg --at least-Wee•hepe he wilL.
On Thursday last the people of Bervie
and vicinity met in the Anglican ehurch
basement to meet .William McConnell,
who has enlisted. They wished to show
him that they all . appreciate the Stand
he hap taken. • •A. 8660 evening was
Vent and_ An addiess., read. by _Nihau_
'Alexander, aft -ere -Which Robert Bere gave
MritleCcinneil a watch aticl a fountain
,pen. ' Me. McConnell replied. fittingly,
and promised to, rememi,er his many
friends from (ley to day and also to nen
his pen in keeping them informed of his
adventures.. • •
• Qun yo.t)-•No PEOPLE spentquite' an
enjoyable evening in Tiverton on Wed-
nesday last, staging their play "Diame
onds aba. Heart". A full. 'account of
theplay was given •a• week or so ago, so
it is only necessary to say that it was
just as successful in Tiverton. Quite a
few Went with the amateur perfo, rulers
to keep thein trona feeling lonesome, and
all c me home highly praising the people
of Tiverton for their hospitality in pt&
v,iding meals for the performers and
their train of 'followers. The proceeds,
amounting to over $40:::•-viete for Red
Cross work in, Tiverton. • • • •
4 NE eargrotie. cam's, B,rvie, begin
the New Year with $22.20 in the trees-.
.urr Since then the foltowing moneys
have. been received: SanrIlildred, 45,00
(Me•Ilildred contributes this aniOunt to
the•Olub every three months);.• half the
proceeds of a box sOdial hold in tonifitic7
tion with the Orange Ledge, 23 op; from
a necktie lottery and auction, '21.60; the
Wardens of the Anglican church,.
garf, 1'0 00; from ten -cent teas which'are
heid.eyery Theo day, 64.39; .making
total et 512449 raised Shiee • January' 1:
Of this amonnt479 49 hati been 'Ilient
for ineterial-for hospital suppliesand for
yarn' 25 00 to the Seebiaii Relief. Fond,
FurtEnAL OF 'tirs; Van Witt. lloGAN,,
' whose death. Was chronicled in the Sen-
tinel's 'Lothian news of ,last week, took
place to:the Kingsbridge • eetrietery on
WedrieodaY, Morning. `• Grand ' Requiem
High Mass was sung by the, deceased'e
son, Rev. John Hogan, of Clinton, await-
ed by Rev. James Hogan, Another son(
as deaden; Rev,. Fr, McCormack as sub.
deacon, and Fr. Dean, St. Angustine,
coeein of deebased..The pallbearers were
three sees, Wm, Midliael and Patrick,
two nephews, Jelin p. Hogan and Joseph
Buckley, end a cousin, M. Gaynor. The
bereaved family have the sincerest ern:
Pathy of all. •
. • • ,
Dearn or MileaMaretiN.—There died
in Gocterich on March 141h i;t1ii of' Ask:
field's oldest inhabitants. in the person of
John Martine Deetailad had reach-
ed the age of 81 years, and was in. good
health until. March nth, when tho took.
a. paralytic str,oke. Remains were re -
Moved to the home•ot her daughter, Mrs.
John Plessey, Kingsbridge, on Tuesday
.evening; train where interthent took place
on Friday morning to st. Joseph's cern
etery. The,pallbearers were 'three eons::
l'eter, Andrew and Stephen; two son -in -
leave: Mr. Ilainiena and John Iltnieey.
The other pallbisarer was; jotieph Dalton.
Mrs. Martin leaves to mourn her loss
the three sono mentioned above and four
daughters, narrielY, Miss Lizzie, gings.
bridge rs: John Hussey, Kingsbridge;
Mrs, ilartnatin,Cleveland,- and Mrs,
Mautchel Oktinatjt Falls, Organ.
The eyMpitthY of the tommUnity Is ex-
tluded to the bereaved ones,
•A large bale containing clothing and five
quilts has beenshipped to the Belgian
Relief Fund. Inaddition to the supplies
sent to the Canadian Red Crops •Society,
.1.0 military dennel shirt's, ge pairs of
woke, tobacco and gum have been sent
direct to Seldiere from this conimunity
who are at die front • - "
. . .
• Laurier.
••—Tuesday,Miarch 21.
Mr . Kenneth MaeKentie is improving
atter en altackiof measles . •
• Mr.. and Mrs. D: MacLean, A..* entet7
teined "a number of their friee'cle .one
eventng last week; • . ,
. ,
Miss rilabithq. Kempton Has returned
to Stratford Normal aftet seending the
pnift,two week a at home with the clump..
Many Ships Off.the.Seas
The .EurOpean, war has taken from the
Seas more than 4000 merchant vessel's of
nearly 4,000,000 1,,nintiter, according to
figures published recontly by. i•herlepart-
recta of commerce at Washington. Ger-
many with 600 vessels sunk, Captured or
detailied; heads the hat of losers. 225
ofthe 600 British ties lost Were sunk
by 'etibinatinee. ;Greet Ilritain'S Allies
lostki 67 altipS. "Austria lost 80 and Ter
t key 124, The tOtal Of neutral hisses is
Tiara .7.36, leit'neeit Of Meets Were. re,
.leas'ed after being reported captured, 02
neutral Vesapis have' bon torpedoed and
74•sunk by Mine& 23 lieve heti%
404.1h/ oubinntinet and Infos,
.maka books for Andrew' but the Master
called and her hand fellfrom the Wheel
:In that great day of reckoning when we
are melted Lb show What use we have
deetntirtelentsieverieif.she had no-
thing else tiepresent but -her family, she
will surely 'Twelve' the „Conuitend4Vici
from her Judge, "Well done, good- and
faithful servant." This stamp of Mist.
ian character. wets Uot torined in 'one
eeneratien. It dates back, norionlit,
many generations; She will be greatly
issed n -the -neighborhood, forshe7was
a good nisighher, and also in the Presby
terian Church at Kinlough, to which she
belonged. When the Master conies may
we -doe be found doing.
• Finlay BroS.
Wood Oook
,Tye Abair& are an fitted with Reservoirs and • •
wall. give good service for Tiara ,to crime, ,
We are headquarters, fer
Sap Pails and, • 'Sap'. Spiles Galvaniied
and Tin 'pails, in. a11 sizes.
Ask tO'see our Tin 'Pills '4,40 and /lac.,
They are a bargain.
110TE.—We will not take back any Natiotial
Cement-Sacts Our are not 'returned before April
r5th. We recognize the fact that. • all our , custom-
ers have paid for these sacks, but after that date
we cannot accept tbem. So don't blame tis if you
are ref used.
GUNN's ,FgaTxrazaa -Get your supply'
Of • fertilizer home while the roads are
good. Suppli,on hand. Gra it while it
lasts, 0. S. ROBURTSON.
. Paramount. .`
•—Tuesday; March .21.
Qiiite it number of horses were Bold
hero during the last few days.
• Pte Hibbins and his sister, Emma, of
'Lucknow, were home fin Sunday. •
Mies GlatlyteMeIntoele of Wingham
BusineseCollege, was home • over Sun:
Mr. and Mrs. N. D. McKenzie
around last Friday bidding their friends
gixid-bye Priorto their leaving for the
A. Young People's Society was organ-
ized itt our school, the first meeting being
held on Vriday.dight•Mareh 18th. • The
following officers were elected: prtsident,
Miss Isabelle McDiarmid; secy.-treas.,
Miss Bertha Clarkson; organists, Misses
Annie Pickering and Bertha Clarkson.
At the meeting on Fridaynight the
president explained the aimand object
Of the Society. Mise Pearl McCorvie
gate a Paper on line Bible and what it •
meant; to tut.' Misses Annie Pickering.
nd-Berthe.-Clarkeenesangaddet Miss.
Janey Ketcheba,w •tead the tieriptine
lesson. It is the intention' to....heve in•
conneetion • with the „Society What is.
known as The Bible Success Band. The
next meeting Will.be held a week from,
Friday night, ' • \
The Lucknow tiardvvare & Coal Co.
• .
—Tuesday, March 21,
Jelin Menary sold a valuable hoe to
Sem Sherwood lest week.
John. OatileYi`of latieknow, Visited
are knitting socksfor the
friend:4 last SundaY.
.. . • .
y • ' •
Quite a :tiniriber of the ladies of this
Miss Helen Hackett, of Zen, visited
her sister, gis. Bert Treleaven for afeW
days het week'. .
. Quite tv numberfront amend here,
*attended the '-funeral Of Mr e: Richard
*hit lase Saturday.
Mrs. Wei, Crozier and children visited
her mother, Mrs..Caninheit, of Westfield,
a few days last week, • , •
- Mrs. Albert McQuoid :and ehildren,
who have been nada' the doctor's earn
for some tinie;ate improving nicely.
'Miss Mary Glakier,, whe has been
'eMPloyed with Mrs. Crozier for a feie
months, returned to her hoine. on the
9th. .., • ,•
John Menary and Miss Curran attend; ,
ed. the patrietie concert in Dengannon
on Saturday night, where he -Wok ;part
.in the pregrain. •• •
• Rev. Mr. Bridgette, of .the Ashfield
Circuit, took charge of the services here
on Sunday in. the absence .cof our Pastor,
Mi, McKelvey. All were delighted to
hear Mr. Bridgette.
• •- • • )4' —Wed. March 22.
• Boni —On March 17, to M.r. and Mrs. •
J. A. McDonald, a son.
Piet: Irvine IlenrYand Geo. Twaneley
spent Sunday at their homes, ,
Mit. John Munro,'Net Kincardine, is
visiting her niece, Mrs. J. A. McDonald.
-. Sam Cook haa nurehased anew driver
from Tom Glenn. : Ityou want toknow
just ask Vera how 'fast it can travel.
Belfait was very busy last week pre
peeing for the'17th; of Ireland, and ow- •
mg to the, absence of the correspondent,
nothing.from our burg appeared in The
• . .„
. •
• Win Blue had the telephone' installed.
is his home on Monday, •.
_ Mr, and Mrs. IL Ferguson Spent
Thursday evening at,J. M. Blue's. .
• Mies Annie Brown, and. Thomas Ray
spent Tuesday Tnesdey afterntion at A. Brown's:,
Ptes, George Blue and Robt. liender-
f3erry to report; the illness of Misa E.
RendersOn: Aro: hOpe-jor,0,--seeedy re-'
covert- - ••. -
'• -Joe Belt left last Week. fee his home in
Alberta, heiingspent some time visiting
friends. here. • , •. .
•Mrs.. P. Cemphellt of Ripleh is 'spend-
ing a iew days with her daughter, Mr.
It. Steele.. • • •
• .
Mr and Mrs. A. Dickson, left.Thurs-
day for their home in Scotsguard,Sask.,,
having spent the winter months with
thelatter's mother, "Mrs, Jardine
• • ,
eon spent the week end at their homes
• —Tuesday, March 21.
-1ne dinagy-..
aedaellinfelter• s!sare.the nrder
Pte Walter Walter Barbour spent Sunday' at
Isaac Andre Ws. • ,
Alex. Irwin, of Mafeking, Suedayed
with friends . here.
, . Robert Webster made it bueiness trip
to Winghani on Saturday. •
W, T. Gardner had the miefortiene to
'lose a valuable horse last week.
• Thomas Strong has/returned home
after Spending a; few days. in 'Ooderidh.
, Mr. Millet; of, Listowel, id visiting
with hitedaughten Mrs. Thomas Strong.
Miss Ireton 1Woods, who Lai been
teaching ne11001 at Elora, returned home
Saturday.' . •
•Mit Albert lithe, entertained few
of the neighbors to a couple of quilting
bees last week. • I
Itev. E.,0 Powell, of Clinton, preach.
oda very interesting iernion eti Whiner-
ence Sinidayiinerning:•
A ntiniber from this. vinirilty ettended
'the funerals of the late go. Lane, of,
lithilnugh, and ',1f re. Reid, of Dimgrionon,
, Pte. Irwin rlenry and M Retie Mc-
Donald, df Luoknow, visited the former's
John (Intoner, on Tnentiny.oven•
of last irterti• •4
Made Strong By Our Vinol
Payetteville,N.c.—"My mot dog&
ter was in peer health, delicate and
.so weak it made tin very uneasy.I
heard about Vincil and decided to try, it
end the results" were marvelous, net
appetite improved, she gelded in Weight,'
and is how one of the healthiest children
in town, Mothers of delicatts children'
'should try'Vin01."-lars.GOUDONJE330P.
'Virgil is a delicious:cod liver and itori
tonic without oil, a constitutional rem.,
edy which creates an appetite, aida die
irestion and makes pure 110404 41004*
All Children Irma Ott**
At Mt lipontli Prififitt 1141.0tonti
St. 'Helens '
• • -.Tileaday,..Ittereli.21-.
Mr.Stanley,is .visiting at
Mr. ROL Woods"
-Mr. I. -Belle, of Toronto, was the guest •
..of Rey. mr. 4ittleuver Sunday.
Mr. Sem Diteetreeis spending a, few
days •with friends. in 'Teionte this week
• Qatte tvinuniber from the burg intend.. •
. taking* in the hockey .mateli in Lucknove •
tonight; . • • •
Mr. Campbell, of neer London, spent ,•• •
a • few days with his cousin, Mr.. Neil e
CaMpbell. •• ,• : .• ;
1' Mt. , itleVoig and , niece,. Myrtle of.
u. :
-Wiartoe,-spent.the_weekendi. !itit.h.ev; -
and Mrs. Little.
- • "
• :Mi* Cassie McDonaof Fourth.
Con., Kinloss, spent Sunday With 'Miss.
MargareCMiller. - '
. Ptes.: Callum' Cameron ..and • Robert '
McGuire, Of •the lellst...ItattaliOn; are •,honie for a few ..
l'tlarch -24th will days looking.
songei441 leevcernin
in connection With the Literary Society. .;
Ladies ate rognested to bring Iunch. A -
geed time is expected, .
On Thuredeyi'Marehieth..) the menth-
ly meeting of the St. Helene! W,onien's.
Institutewillbe held at the }Mule of Mrti• .
Jae Canipbell, • The. suhject evill bs
"Cheerfulness", Question.Drewer, 'gbh,
dug and:Sewing. -The Sewing Obninsit, •
ees will pleese see that all the shirts be,
left at Milked store or brought to the '-
,meeting,alio those who have socks ready::
A coichal invitation- is extended to all • .
the ladies to attend.
Fen Kitie AND. Coutintv.--Mr. R. •
Robinson, Who has been in charge of the •
public ,sch,00r hit -n -thee past two yokes,.
having heardthe call of nu.; country, his
enlisted at LucknoW with the 160th.
Battalion. Hegaveup his ditties as:teethe
on'Friday of last week. Itisfere leav-
ing he Was presented with a wrist watch •
by his pupils Mr. Robinson takes with -
him the best wishes of Many St Heiens
friends, and all hope for his safe return -
Mr. Durbin Phillipa will have charge of
the school until'Easter.- - •
. • .
• ...Menday, March 20.
,Tns Denae•E.L.The leading feature of :
the'Litert.ry Seciety meeting. lest Friday
evening was a debate between local and,
.Lucknovi talent as annOnticed last week. ,
In spite .of the extremely told weather
there -was a good attendance, preying
again that there is nothing so Attractive
_tosthepuhlie_de 'a _good ..debate. The
• resolution up for, discussion was "Itee'
solved that Wealth exerts a greater in-
fluence in the world than Education". ••,
Messrs. Durniti Phillips, Elliott Miller
and H.. D. Woods upheld the affirinative, •
while Meseta Hugh McMillan, W,L.Mee-
kenzie and Mackenile. argued for
"the negative. The annotincetneot of the •
judges, who took considerable time, in
weighing and valeing thepoints, Was thet.
the visitors had won by tine point. Ile -
sides the debate therkveremexeratotnetr„.
ii_ood:_nninhern on the.,Prograik,-,-liart7 -
Ducey sang a song ' and was encored;'
a quartette of young ladies king; Misses
Alton. Miller and I3oguee (the latter of
Lucknow.).gave .recitations; Mr. Ayttner
Aitchesoq gave a soak Mcquillin Bros; ,
contributed violin music, Dr. G. A. New- • '•
•ton gave a 15,inintate address on Ireland
and the, Society- Journal was read by Pte.
tiobinson. Ths.,"jeurnar of the week
before Was th,00ght • tio good that on *.
special request it , was 'lead again this
evening by ,Mr. E. Millet, who had been
responsible for its Conterita: The Society.
will meet again on Friday et this week
. —Monday, March 26e -e,
Miss Wilda Osborne, 'of Royal Oak, '1!
spent the week end at gab, gegairo,b,
Mrftqa ,JohnstOrt Itoniston and Dan ;-
Murchison were on the leek het last,
Miss Jennie Moduli% is at present. in-.
Lucknow with her ,lifrs, Austin
Solomon. '
Mrs, Itarry Campbell ,,spent feu 'dot
last *telt at tone* with her ao, 441
gampolv 1.
• . ,