The Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-03-23, Page 5•••••-•••-•••-•-••••••••••••••••••••••--"•.•,..-••••.,-.--4•11.•••9•11•••••••.-1. Mot,- •7"."
7R bLn1yt rc' g ',rIlllrp 'i:•id • .
Ins wax:low *mimeo
1Ciieut Greig, is now in: charge of n
'.recruiting, station at 13ayi'te4,.an1jltii
• expected that Bayfield will hi the near•
`futile :have a company of at least• 2 t
heir*, Mr, . Ptriaby, Methodist.pastor
•at Belgcave, w,liu was recentl:.y appoint;
...ed chaplain frit* ha lret atqn
•. Hur
ongeuq:ty, hastettdeted late resig
/laden and will'restiwe the ;pastorate,
dock of. hens, 'fifty:' q, number, which=
latd40. eggs ,duri"ng, the month of
February, •They« are White.. Wyan-
' dottes,'and if they keep up this gait,
will ,prove averitable gold • mine to
their lucky owner. • •
THE 1614t. -Arrangements are be-
ing. made fqr atl the men: of thei .161st"
Battalion ,to 'assemble; in Clinton on,
April 6,, the d'ay of the Clinien.•spri.Iig
fair, when •• manoeuvres. will. be put on
• jp in the morning. of that day,' and the
ladies et the town churches have prom
ised t.i entertain the, visitin,; Soldiers.
The boys of the 1.61st, who belong
to the; school of •instruction. at Clinton,
are having some practical experience
m niaking•'trenehes;" The. _recreation
pant and. the imm 3nre snowbanks a-
round tha fences have made it possible
Ate •Stili Goodin the. Market,
I : am paying special prices for
Feet,, Coon; Skunk, etc., and 'I
ani paying the highest price •
for Cow Hides, Horse- Hides
and •Sheep Skins, Horse. Hair'
and OldRubbers. I am taking •
in trade.Fggs and Butter,
Dray Good's Store
Next door to .the Sentinel Office.
for .the Joys to .dig .trenches its a short
time, and yet get -the. idea of how* It as
dene, •
OAUW1T Iav SRow PLOW. -Wesley
Taman, who. is engaged on the 61.411.11.
section at :Blyth,, met, -with • a Serious
accident on Friday morning: .He was
S ea north on titletarok to: clean '.a'
switch, two miles, up: : Before tenting,
the: -section formal) told him to be' On
lokou folthe
*Snow p
low. Ile l
•ihadn atl .reashed the crossing when
% tappening:to look around, he saw the
c. .
snow.lilow nearly' onto hi'm'. Ile jgmp=
e e, 'u't tiProw caughthis•
right le;, fracto :ng it se.
v rely in two
'places, ,"
Wiled leaving the north-boitnd•.t sin
Friday morning,, a;yeriny, man 'from.
:Clinton, but whose home, -.1% o:under-
i stand; .is in'Dungannon, took with hire
a suitcasp,belonging to a fellow:' pas-
sepger.r Chief .. Allan, of Wingham,
was' soon put on his trail and wired
Chief Somers .here," but the culprit had
made his rounds, -flisposed.of, the suit-
case to one of .the recruits bere•ranii
decamped. He was later appr.Qhended
'by Chief Allan and returned to. Wing
ham, When aftera preiiminaay hearing
he was taken to ( dderich to stand trial..
-Blyth' Standard.
It .has 'been said 'that every third
person has catarrh in some form,
• Science has Shown that nasal catarrh,
often, indicates general weakness
of 'the body; and local treatments in -
the'form of snuffs and, gapers do little,
if any, gebd. .
7'o correct catarrh •you'should treat-itie
cause by'enriching your blood with -the
oil -food in Scott's ]~niuision which is .a
medicinal food and a building -tonic, free
from any harmful (irugs. Try it,,
• . scott'& Bowne, Toronto. Ont.
*Bout` TH13 BRI U
Meier Moffat, of the A6Oth ItattalluS
has:igsyed a► eircularietter regardieg> 1h
source of the iundisr for the organizaxioa
of .the Brucel, Battal M3 a3ando illi ap is
the statewent has been made'' that the
•:t'rovi mai Govertnnertt'llas*oad agrau
of 8500 towards: the battalion hand' fund
This, the Major says, ie "abeoltately i,
error", DO other funds having been;•re
heJnnd;•t#tbe than, theenek
t�anadian .Military m Hospital • at
Ramsgate Damaged `J,y.
German • Bomb,
London;'Aiercb 20:' -.Three .then, one
woman-andOr4ohildren wax killed •.its
Sunday's Paid on Bast Kent by four Ger-
pen •aeroplanes, bat .the raid• .was die:
tinguishe ,. es its predecessors,. by the
n• • d
„fact that one of , the enemy's machin
wltH.?wiak -
the .coupty grant and .the generosity, o
tbecitizens of Bruce:County.;- •
He odds: '"You wall be' good enough
to give this letter space in your valuable
paper,.4nd permit me on behalf of Lieut,
Col. A. Weir, •officers °apd _ men of the
160th Battalion,. to express th'rough.•tbe
co u in
1 sof o r n
ra • y u, paper the apprecfatto.
of still. ranks for the-
8tuutanQOs genal'..
osity in. all txattel's *tains the
�g to
re of this Unit
f. The official. story of , the raid is
"Four German seaplanes flew eve
!List Kent, to -day; The first pair ap
Reared over Dover at a height of •..five•
loan toe*.t
h u a d housand fent, :one, at
1.57 p.nn•, the scond at 2.02; p.m.
"The first dropp d six bombs'in ' the
harbor, then weptonorth•west, dropping
bombs on. the town: The other raider,
after passing over Dover, appeared over
Deal at 2.13: and .dropped several bombs;
Following is a list ofoilt ibutors..'to
c , r.
the .land fundi • •
,Tau. 8 J; R, hatrr, Walkerton810O 00
Feb, . 9.. Wm. Krug, Ohesley:: , 100 00
• . 'John. Rowland, Walk= ,
smog., .... ... ° 100 00
t.- ' 16 • R..Willdnghby, Princ.
t'tiblic School, Wal -
Merton - . 10.00
22.,Conrad Krug, - Chesley 100 00
J. Korman, Walkerton '25 00
$. L. Lay,....:.,,; 1Q. 00
Mesere..Goode 'dt -Mc-
• Kay, Walkerton • . , 10 00
• ' J. Korman, proceeds of •
dance,, Walkerton... 29 46_
'March 7 Zt: W. L. McKay, Tiv- •
erton Detach.' Boys,
25. 00.
And. Cormack, Paisley 10 ,00
J. l7.'Gibson, Paisley... 5 00
'Lutheran church, Wal- ' •
- . "keitop '.•.., 66 00'
David Robertson, Wal-
kerton ..;.:, 50 00
H:(1.. Hunter, Walker -
top .a 5 00
G,,ertrude Oberle, Lad-
*ies' R.,"C,:Church , .
` Walkerton 27' 50
'A Christian college -home,
healthful situation. •
R'.I. Warner, IVI.A.,D.D.,St,,Thomas,Ont.
A'post card dressed tons
' es below, rah your name
andaddressoxttron the other
aide, will cost but one cent.
Drop it in the nearest mail ,
box, end itwill bring prompt--
br a copy of our illustrated.
80 -page catalogue for 1916.
• : With it will come also -free
-a 15c. packet of,
A perfectly formed tomato. 'the Byron Pink is uniform, large, and
attractive. The flesh is firifl and the flavor delicious and full-bodied.
It is a robust grower and a heavy cropper. kis an ideal tomato for
forcing. You are going to buy seeds anyway; then you might Justas
wellsend for our catalogue and get this free premium for. yourself.
, The Catalogue tells about the other valuable '
prcmtums whiMh tee give with every' order.
Lion's Head, Detach.
Boys, Zion's Head .: 22 25
Lion's Head, Women's
, Patriotic :Leagtin.. ,, 10. 00
Young' Ladies' i'atri- . ; - •
' oticLeague, Wiarton 10 00
Father Cadeaux, ." 5 '00.
Capt.. Todd, " 5 00:
14rtn.:Irwin, . 5 00.
Geo. Eveleigh, " 5 00.
T. C. Allen, " ' , 5 00
Col, Clark, MH, " 5, 00.
Sheriff Jermyn, " 5 '00
MT. W. Bain, ' 5 00
Jas.. Symon, " 3 00
Frank O'Donnell, ":• 2 00
Mrs Baht, .. " .. 1. 00
- Mrs. McKenzie, " • •' 1 .00
W. Johnston, " .1 00
Jas. Wilson, ~ ", ' ' 1 00
Dr: Veitch, " , . 1.00
Teddy Kyte, " . 1 00.
Mr. Alderson, ,' 1' 00
• S. Ramsay, ' " . 1 00
M,rs..S.J.Mekenzie" ' 1 00
A'Lady, • " 50
Soldiers at .Hepworth 5 00
'Fr. Cadeaux, 'Wiarton •• '5 00
W.- Forbes, ~" • 1 00
Nelson Tupees, ' • = 50
W. D. Bell, Chesley.. `100.00
Wm: Kyle, `i . . 4 00
Miss E. Kirktewn, do-
nation frim Tines-
• killen' ...........
• Wiarton Girls'" R e d
Cross League
H; Arthure, St.Cather-.
ivies ,, '
J. H..Davis, Wiarton.,
58 80
10 00
2 00
2 00
"Craw Civab.rla
"There5JJ_no. diseaeo that should cause more anxiety in the
hone 'titan Bronchitis, for if neglected in. the earlier ittcgoait
often be►coms chronic and may even prow,. fatal. •
Chamberlain a Cough Remedy is the medicine 'for this disease,
> nd if given in . regular donee will relieve the cough, ease the '
paint, remove the difficultk in breathing and produce a free and
easy expectoration, dins reducing the inflammation.
.Old 'people,, and those who have weak lungs, cannot be too
Careful' in guarding .against this disease.
`Chamberlan's Cough Remedy
_..n .g a and makes them- less suste tihte .
strengthens the throat and lunge 1�
to changes of: the atmosphere, IIS fact, the use of Chamberlain's
Coia¢h;Remedyt will prevent en attack of Bronchitis becoming
chronic:* •
(Prem the Mildmay Gazette)
,Three ;owing recruiting meetings
have been held in Mildma' durin the
past two tnonths,,and onlya dozen.•re-
cruits'have been secured in the. township
of Carrick, and ,nearly. all ' of those ; are
from the village of;liildmay: There iso
•reason_for_this condition of affairs, and
the reason that makes a patriotic
man; blush to tell it. `'The `fact of 'the
matter -nuttier- town -and ---township
are actually reeking with pro -Germanism.
And it is *seat-a-thnng the 'German,bern
that this sentiment. exiiets to the great-
est degree, but among their sons and
daughters who were born in Canadattid
know not the conditions existing in Ger
many. , The war, has reached such a 'tier•.
lona surge that every MAO and woman in
Canada is needed to stand behind the
Empire and do his and , her utmost to
this time of eriais. This is true citizen-
ship, and what every person in Canada
owed to the Empire. What then can be
said of the Men and women•in this town
and township who are limping' that Ger-
many will win (Me';var,. and are doing
all .tn their power to discourage recruit-
ingi is it any wonder'that recruiting is
difeult? This attitude ie indefensible.
This is no time for treason or treachery
in Canada, and this pro -Germanism
should be stamped out`once and foj' all.
At the recruiting meeting on Tuesday.
evening several yoitng ladies were heard
to exult over till fat :that lig' t itllt$
11141 fN11it!! ," , •
(I3y ioberersoll)
1 am -aware :that there is a• prejudice
against ,any *tau who :.Moanufaenzres
cohol, I believe that.-f�rem .the tis) :at
iso nerom -the. coiled and poisonous,
worths: in the distillery anti.: it .eeapties
lots»tho jaws of -•death; dist otufn a • and
crime, :it demoralizes everybody that
Machos it.
ea .A„11'we have to do, gentlemen, is. ito
think, of lhe-wrecks:sza-eitherr to ofthe
stream -of as >Y -of the deaths, of the suicideQ,.
of the.insanity, of the ignorance, of the
r. destitution, of the little children tugging
at the faded and withered breasts of
despairing mothersof wives askingfor
bread, of the men ofgeniva; it has wreck-
ed, of the Men struggling with•iinaginary'
s -pents produced by this devilish.
'thing,a d wn
n l : yoa. hlhk • of jails, :of
{ T houses of .ala luras p
• of the iris ns
ethe Scaffolds
-. of h ds on ei
the* Batik;1 do not
wonder°that, every •thougbtfui man .i7a
,; prejudiced 'a arnst algohol.4. •
itempnrance guts .down youth inr its
v. o
t r manhood '
it:o d"
: sats its� age
in its •weakness. It..'breaks.' father's
heart,. bereaves doting • inother, 'exting-
'dishes natural affection, erases conjual
dove, blots out filial attachment, blights
parental hopes, brings down mourning
egg in sorrow to the grave. It produces
weakness, not life. it makes wives
widows, children•orphane; fathers fiends,
and all of them paupers ' and beggars.
It feeds rheumatism, invites cholera,
Imports pestilence and embraces con-
sumption. It covers• the land, with idle-
ness, misery and. crime. It fills . your
jails, supplies your almshouses and de-
mands your asylums: It' engenders
coetroversies, festers b•uarrels and cher-
ishes riots, 'It crowds your penitentiar-
ies,and furnithea victims for your scaf-
fold. •
It ' violates oblfgattous, reverences
fraud and honors .inf•ainy. It defames,
benevolences, hates , love, , scorns virtue
and slanders innocence:- It incites the
'father to .butcher hie; helpless offspring,
helps the husband to massacre his • wife'
and' the Schild' to_ grind. the parrcidal axe.
It burns up men, consumes wo'nen,.
°detests life, curses God, despises Heaven.
l<t eubborns . witnesses, nurses perjury,,
defiles the jury. box and stains . judical
ermine.' It degrades the citizens, de-
bases' the legislator, dishonors the state's -
man and disarms the patriot. It: brings
shame, pot honor; misery, not salety;
despair, not hope; misery, not happiness,
and with -the malevolence of 'a fiend it
calmly surveys' its frightful and un'satiat-
ed havoc. It poisons felicity,killspeace,,
ru:nb morals, blights confidence, • slays
reputation and wipes out national honor,
then it curses the world and then it
;laughs at its' runt'. It does all that and
more • It murders the; Soul: It is airs
sum of all villainies, the , father;' of all
crimes, the mother of ali abominations,
the devil's own best friend and God's
worst enemy. • • '
`The, second 'r `
pa,I aposared. over Ramer
gate at. 2.10. They, dropped' ' bomba . qn
this. town.'" .Use of this "° it Went we
p l er, north, pursued by a iicttsia I
aeroplane;» Dee `bombis reported to
have beep dropped on Margate, t' „
;'The second' machine appeared over
Wbstage at 9,20, Here several of our
aeroplanes went up in pursuit. No bombs
were dropped on Westgate
"The total casualties so afar reported
are: Killed, 3 •men, .1 woman and 5
phildren; injured, 17 men, 5 women and
9 children. •;
"Asfar as ascertained, 48 bombs were
dropped altogether. One bomb fell in
the Canadian Hospital 'at Ramsgate,
causing damage,bet no casualties. ' Ma-
terial damage
a-terialdamage done: Several houses, the
homes of artisans, , and cottages were
wrecked. -
"Flight -C om m ander Bone, Royal
Naval Air Service, in a single -seated
aeroplane, pursued one German seaplane:
30 miles gut to sea, where, after an action
lasting a quarter of an hour, he forced it
to descend. The -German machine was
hit many tunes and, the observer . was
killed." • '
The coast'section visited'by :the raiders
stretchea about 20 miles from Dover
northward to Margate:. • Bombs' were
dropped first upon Dover harbor, then
on the town, whereupon the raiders,
travelling in two pairs, bombarded Deal,.
9 miles,. Ramsgatb 16 miles and Margate
'19' miles north of the British Channel
port, one ofthe machines visiting West-
gate; a few miles wast of Margate, but.
dropping no bombs. All of the places
raided are popular English watering
places in time of peace. To -day's raid -
affected the smallest radius bombarded'
since the war began.
In some quarters the theory; was ad-
vanced that the raidmay have peen the
forerunner of a German• naval dash.
According to a despatch from.. Rarns.
gate, the two German seaplanes which
carried out a raidon that were
attacked at sea by a :French machine
before reaching the coast. . • '
•It:was'a bright, clear' day, with a
south-easterly, breeze,-and-the,sea-- front,
at the various, places visited were throng=
ed all morning by crowds watching the
Dover was the. first town' visited,.
twelve bombs being dropped there.; One
hit an orphana8e doing much damage: to,
the building and injuring an attendant.
The children, who had taken .refuge in
the cellar, escaped .uninjured. Another
building was wrecked, but many of the
boinbs,fell intothe streets and gardens.
Four or five people were killed, ` A boy
about eight was killed by a bomb which
dropped at his feet. .\A woman was
killed in' her home, her room Meg blown
to •pieces .byy a bomb. Two , men were
reported killed in another building.
At Ramsgate twelve 'of the victims
vers children on -their way to Sunday
School. • Three were .tilled and nine In=
tired by the same bomb Which wrecked
motor car and kuled four `victims.
Other bombs bit a business: bloat". bar-
ber shopand several, residences.
One bomb fell -through the gableof a
hospital to'•tlie floor below, but nobody
was injured. The weather was dear and
he attacking machines flew very high,
British airmen adcended quickly, and
n exciting duel in the air ensued, wit-.
eased by a large crowd of people who
disregarded thewarnings of the •author -
ties. and crowded the streets:
The only death at Deal wine that of, . a
chicken. The town. had only a few Min -
craft: • .Most of the , inhabitants rushed
into -the street, where they had an excel-
lent view of a fight in the air between
the 'raiders and in English air squadron
which rose in 'pursuit. With the aid of
telescope it was possible to- distinguish
a great-nuniber of machines twisting.and
turning in every direction in their Man-
oeuvres to get quicklyto the 'required
altitude to .combat the invaders.- =
- -Seven bombs -verb. dropped„three::-of.:
them, neat churches. Tlie driver of a
motor car which was passing through
the danger tone at the time' had 'a mtr
acolous' escape. He saw an aeroplane
overhead and heard explosions, backed•
the car as. he thought into a. place'of safe-
ty and got out to seek further coves: He
had hardly left when 0. bomb crashed in-
to its seat, ‘wrecking itcompletely.
Thanksgiving services were held dur-
ing the evening in all the local churches.
Flight Gonimander Bnrie, who brought
down one of the raiders at sea, won his
pilots' license at E•tatbourne in 1911.'
Granville Canadian Special Hospital
was opened on Dec. 1, and has accomo-
dation for.600 patients: It has a nrag
nificent• situation on one of the cliff
promenade at Itninagate, and was for-
merly,;the Hotel 0ranville. The hospit-
al was designed to give special treatment
to Canadians suffering from shock and
nervous troubles, and one of the features
of the equipment is the electrical'appar-
atus. The building is of five storeys, and
contains a fine billiard room, shooting
g illery, concert hall, Turkish baths, and
a large salt water plunge bath. Tiro gar-
dens adjoiriin feand the lawns of the nar-
,• -••
Ministers Join Battalions
e Busy araware House
SHONE: 60 will Deliver Yotar Order as Soon as we Receive ft
r ��� f ails and piles:
Gennine ' ',
• ems.. +
t e:
We are givhig givingIfo •per -cent.
on. all CrossCut
Sawsfor �•; t O •
the•• �nex v� wveek
M c 1:46:E
d •ta lowoos/�ral'M/rAlrw..A"I 'N o !+I"
Getting Time •to Discard WinterTFootwea
The soft,. sloppy days will soon be here" and ..i-. eay..
Shoes will be required to keep the f:et dry. We carry
Sterling and Williams .Heavy 'Shoes which
are second to none for wearing qualities.
Try a pair of our Fine .Robbers -they keep your.,feet dry.
0.y+r.�"t,! "r rr+V..t?t*.g, ,. tre p:
Tie Right Kind of
Reading' Matter
Rev. Frank U. Harper, of Willis Pres-
bytes ion Church, Clinton, has been offer-
ed the Chaplaincy of thr 177th. Battalion,
Simcoe County, under the ' command of
Lieut. -Col. John B. McPhee, of Barrie,
who.returned last week.from active ser-
vice -with the 20th: Battalion .in France,
to complete the organization ofthe 177th
Mr.. Harper is joining the colors with the
men of his own county. 'His' congrega-
tion will meet et an early date to arrange
for the w6rk, of the chargh in his absence,.
and the, Presbytery of Huron will be
asked to give its consent. -
Rev. E; M. Wesley, B.A., of - Wrox-
eter, wee:granted leave df•absence from
his congregation until the end of the war,`
he having enlisted in the. 161st. Battal-
lion. The.:Presbytery *commended his
congregation. for their action, as all funds
over and above the'paynient far actual
supply for the pulpit will be paid to' Mr: -
Farmer Had His Answer
The home. news ; the doing -s of the people in
this town f, the gossip of: our own cominttnity,.
that's the first kind ofreading matter you want.
It is' more important, more interesting tdyou
than that that given by the paper or magazi e'
from the'outside world. It is the first readi g
matter . you i~hould buy, Each issue of this,
paper gives you. just what you consider
The motorist had had a mishap .cin. a
flinty road' and was, at the moments
underneath;, the car ..executing- .repairs.
The position is a'trying one for the tem-, •
per in any case;.but when a farmer came
along and, after btaring vaanty at the
car, , walked s1', around It several
e # atter
'We are in
'the market .for cream, sweet or sour.,We
su•- - .twc;__.cans, ,•a' twice: -each- month, test each cars
received,. s ;nod' our patrons, a„ staterneiit of the weight,
test. anti butter '-fat in each can, with Ake empty can
returned.. We refer ,oq to any bank as, to our standing:
Write -for -cal s to=day
- " _. 'Balm Craamery, PALMf;RSTONI ONT.
riaT4c ~.a-1wg-:w.iht lis Beat l re._tor_k liti_DAvy "[ne.. Cxeain.
times, the irritation found vent. '`Well, Write for prices'aiid terms. 11.5'c
my man, 'dontt you know wT•iat glia ii -"
he asked sharply. It's a Motor car," said
the farmer, "Not at all, niy'man," snap-
ped the owner,' "It's an' automobile."
The ruptic still stood staring. At last
he said: "I say; d'yott know what this
is on my shoulder?" "It's a, scythe.''
"No, it ain't," said the farmer, "It's an
ought -to -mow -grass but it won't!"
flet Strength To Db, Her Work
Fair Haven,.Vt.-"I was so nervous
and run down that I • could not' do my
housework for my little family of three.
1 had doctored for neatly two ears With -
're abYout Vito.
outlielp. One day I ad ,
end thanks to it, my health has been re-
stored SO I am .doing all my housework
once more, 1 'am telling all,'mny friends
what Vinol hail done for Ame« --'Mrs.
'Nigel ie a delicioue cod liver and iron
tonic which creates tt\healthy appetite,
, aids digestionand makes pore blood.
ado trout itll'ord i41al **int won `on ,
WO 11140 :f1SO4tAsts.:p*coca* hits ltowr,
is the. one who plans his own -
future with• care and foresight.
When his .opportunity •comes, 'he
` The possession'.
is ready' ,for tt p
is. ' f. first
of a $a>�_Acco±lxnt � s
l; •r, portarlce. Our Savings Depart- •
meat will help you. .
Capital Authorlaed $5,006.000 e9, A; Managed.
,Cuppur pai•dup $t 3;4O%0000y,.j•