HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-03-23, Page 2ii
NOM' dayby an imitation of
010 .
MI possibly you will not detect this imitation until,
the tea-pot reveals it. Demand always the genuine
"Salado." in the sealed aluminum Packets and nee
that you- get it it you, want that unique- flavoire
trN clean leaves properly: prepared and picked.
..- - - ,.
M '
1 A Tenderfoot's Wooing
sy CLAM Pelelet-IPPS 141014..EY
(Author of "Gold, c'eld. Iti Cariboo," Etc.)
I, •
The only; well known medium' pewee
among peweer made teinede,
that eoint not contain allian a00
wince has nil its liiffnicliffrat.'
'plainly *WO 'oh ;the
weever° Taaa"T°' eeerreees.
14 NI.
' CHAPTBA YL (cont'd,) ragged edges of the earth, ' and it
Yes, better; a good deal betterreare,eveie be that or ettoidsehowor :tit
Jim tried to break into the convere ""e ."41g4anu of their
would find more of it in, such distint
satelgat" ez.etletv.4.1,trelmereBeeer_Hebeneee_olontel homes than they would to -ay
those cattle ait1131
thieves " he eald, and hislwrth,.. rn• the sound Of ThiNv Bells., 4. ': ' * • ' •
Men voice seemed leant and urn Cee- le yentlitiOes change, but MeMery is
sexily lend"They will be reeking nel
hole in yeurepile this, sewn."
"Mre, Bolt tells me that you found i 41000
n One otheChilco1 forWpbeoenrt- I IQ i 4. rie nfulltce ro.•oemfd;i14iot!to!Tiabth len 1. 0 oewll tiler emlel len :so
a branded. hide i•f ' l
ten's old cempe. , , Were tired; and a little rift had. ap-
seared that that is not all. Dnvies't Perarfier Metre(' the harineny of their
ermine an ear e eeerways; 1)7. 17 tPheinsr,eltivaNtrsibthuisnythe lute which had tome
band. It *heats miechief."
murderer is out again With Khelowne's friendship,. andciaArronisZthheemr, lisaecelcintgo
l .
"What ought we to de about that?" then' most sweet naturaselves
'"If we went to stops% we've -get to Unasked and without any prefaee,
catch some Of the -thieves and Make he lied eeated himself down • to the
ThoPPed-liutse *eh the whole together.1Mint-will deove in -water; like many well forward and Mr. Anetru er to hisdiaasdy,e!Ipplt ylnedthore sang,he
' Veaueee peanuts Are nnewn as wound, curtain poles as goon as washed and . 'Then you ,would organize a posse
e on tin sheets; not buttered,
„ thoroughly, then. spread- themixture °that: Plants, left la a sunny Nvin'' C"owilld la(pdoafyteaVatalley`latadletta"t
a Pint Of. Pulverized auger: and the the Partietelat kind you want. -,e • -.• "Might as: well. The work iseprettY :limae; -• ' , • - '
'Wt4 t° 4111 4 'Pit laeaamee: '1:•teat the: es!,,elynePseetasecreel4opgenii4rgibtZe?':Ogl.aftsnli bqutter°;thitle wranterha,vfneXthan.willehin.n"se!,7 igilli•r- 'Of heliee, which the - English call
Whites of two ego stiff and dry'Add •
.th, 0..04.4.0414 z.. t kut,(01 :maSelectedca r 0 0 axp.: 8 .44, i art4r e el, rt ; th. T re redown. 44 : Sochook : :a Se grindstone.
unevenlyifleud,tast.se:.:a‘oaon: ' t'.14,1,4 4, 4'1 •74 .0. . themod. e.514nn tit hineyso 'are,e Yff them. e I et Youtl'1e7know g11. i ta,:: liaalt,, 1 ptyttlhib r:rnraei ismna:si e!o.af4,snria,13nod.31:11't gay' lzsvsoftlyet at111. frothgretaa.:vribal it4,1 n; 171iittni bSySPell:lieufl le:
Yum -
nuts. - Oiled eo a meat chopper emeegn ;the!, will drY gracefully, . . . . . and 'hunt there."' It Might be Pe wetle_bYuptm;vtoer".150:auegleaaws,otentdre6rnigthbdattrhupefy".
and balm doee and given 'plenty of air. . but in the music of the mas- •
the words of love'S greet
it to a, delicate brown in a slow oven. To . remove • rust covet the stain as.i.tecedeyttleidny,ossit , m.t.
' poets, Until Jim, hating him the more,
, : ZUtuteirt bisnottooreqcUpairdes, and serve Went theelalczukriewletethe'PeavIrerteodnal°17.:,staanedees.teala whole soul is not in the caAtt*Ilsetre'uther'sitfho jet
itnrPred flied° 1 recognizedngveryar
the' mixture into a soft dough. Ben mixed with mustard :with a little 1Y, Mr. Ansteuther, RN cattle fleet. his mastery,
An Irish Receipt forpotato canes. •, Try to; induce the children to eat Anstrether muttered something in °
• I-43011 the potatoes thoroughly; mash each at least one apple a day. It his low drawling voice which the cith.:1 "Whellt defeitolaruhnapvive.bepenov,"esthdooughhott
' them with milk, Work into them all dition, +4 . r„ ' • - , was sufficiently audible.
. •
systems; in good con- ere did not Retch, but Kitty's answer .Tim. .
and season.- them with Balk. moisten `will keep their
' the -hour they will absorb, and .knead Hard boiled eggs chopped fine and - "Oh," she laughed "that is not n. an
it out on a board, Sprinkle it with cream, end seasoning Will inageett de- and cattle all the time with the men."
hoer, . cut it into. hilicifit Sizes and ,licious sandwich. . -"Cattle are naturally rather impor-,
bake the cakes slowly until . they are 1 To 'keep feres or other house Plants tent on a : ranch, my dear?
put "in had set his heart was never. meant
brown on both aides.. ' In 'Ireland fresh and green drop a little caster etre, Reit. "We Western
P"'Ple have 'foe the stress of hard living,
where the .cakes. are called • notate: oil at .the roots, or
The voice of he own world wee SLAvIKA TO31:11.Vg.. '
. • •
fudge,' they 'are usually eaten - hot. produce geed results. . - is whet the cattle mettn to up."
milk, :Both, will toowsoomrkefvOetopoitier:wdoariklyilnirEeandgc:nnad;hraee.
calling to her; and of course she would Seventeen -year-old girl who has
• With butter. Sometimes they are fried i ' Flyeepecleedenirrors should he wash-
go back to it, and he meld not blame
• in fat. , . . . ..., • , le ed 'first, with ., cold .water, and then tinted Kitty, tossing her pretty head, her;
but 'how he hated the other fel- !Serbia's army and has been Frontlet-
iserved for two years as a private In
. ' Pig Pickles.—Three and one-half Polished.; with: a chamois Which has "but they don't being. their. work to all ed to sergeant for hereie condnet.
their meals. I ow. • .
pounds pulled ege; five cupseseger;;been dipped,in alcohol. .
; one quart vinegar, one ounce stick; To ,clean a Vinegar 'bottle put . in It Was. as near a slaPeinethe face eat Thank you, kr. Anstru. thee,'" said
Meg. Rolt,,at last, as he paused for a MOTHER'S WISH GRATIFIED.
.. .
cinnamon, elle eneee whole. eclovee. some notate Peelings, fill With Water, Mee. Rolt had ever received- at her . ,. _. . . .
menient • "Yon have been to us what -
,Waelt figs ethproughly, and let stand and allow to stand till the potato- peel own table, Mid' for A moinent An un-.
David was to Saul, I think. But we .
over night in waten. to cover. Da not ferments. Then wash., comfortable silence fell *ion them all,
not make you ,A0 all the, work. a Cerporal., • ••
Tbe King Gets Leave of Absence for
' drain ;effetbie. :Water. 'Add vinegar, 1: . It is gi good idea to save, if pea- but Anstruther saved the situatio'n. •
spices. and sugar, and let simmer gent- sible„ a' definite :'sum for furniture 're- w,must0n, t-
The King's greet kindness towards:
' eI don't think we Should have done .struther las
' •
Ir until figs are•thoteughte- 'done' placements,. eThis • applies especially well:on the Prairie to -night, Mrs'. Role.
his soldiers and sympathy. for their .
and syrup is a little thick. . One-font:0, to keeper' of a new house. - ; Do. yeti. hear how the wind . is get-
, . • land I think end I Want somebody to relatives has long been known, and
carried ns all off to Eng-
•thts amount will ' serve 'Six. persons. i For nice did'. rage; Sew' two salt ting uhp. d t . . ,
f le cell the home again. , ' more 'than once hes he. intervened to
, Crenherry-Pear Padding. -=-Place in bags together. They wittiest longer it ,.,Pecie,, no laming ce,ears,
f Her hand was lying On the little s4mcuerelerionmanin;pfoenvtislataheis` loved
vave ones bottom of pudding dish -slices:, of -stale than the ordinary rag of cheesecloth,,beet, tt . . • . .
'Japanese table by the, side 'of her
' ..-seeege „cake, On. top .6f, these lay ea., Flour , lenge also make excellent e. .Poree --spell there would be
, quartered canned,, pears. Fill dish 'dusters: e ' ' * ot ..only thick whispering 'round the
silence . chair, and in the firelightetIie Boss's at An
0 'i
4. little #100. than half full. Cover 'When:Making' muffins drop Stene4 corners of the old 'house, and thee an II:appreciated his Mate's loyalty to -just Come to eight ; It concerns a sol -
character . lei
great fist closed over it, , , - 'An incident
. with • laket Of 4cranbereies • sprinkled etc:, flip the spoen'inWater or milk. angry _shaking of every casement in . • . •
. himself . and .his chosen profession.
. •
- ' ' '
his dying mother,, a Mrs. Thuey, who
diet Who was refused leave to visit
with_augar.: .,Put . in oven, and bake The better will not stick to the spoon, the building as if some strong man
Before the .advent,of Mr. Anetrether,
until cranberries are tender and juice and Che Cake will be %ore even ii size, was trying to find a place to make. jib*, had IoNa : away lives in Forest. Gate, London.
has -permeated rest of ingredients, l Keep a watchful eye On the 'Child- an entry. ' •. ' ' evening for -the ranch folk with his She has four sons, all of them i i
y many a 'long
▪ Cover with meripgiie of stiffly beaten ream's' school lunches: if thele. halm • Again Owe w.oulif be a pause, Vol- . • . . the artily,- and Cecil, Who hi a corporal '
in the. 2nd East Anglican Brigade, R.
P.A., has been in France for 'three
months. Recently thewidow-seiz-
ed with e dangerous illness, and crav-
ed for•a sight of her boy Cecil.
Her daughter wrote; urging Min to
get 'leave and come- home at once if
he wanted 'to see his mother, alive:
The corporal presented the communi-
Catkin-to his captain, who told --tiler
mate with hawks, and what possible'.
use is my brute' strength and wood-
craft against this man's magic."
Secte skill as Jim had might light-
en• the labors of a working woman:
but the dainty thing upon whom, he
• • •
. •
' THE wAunthitS. *
French"; Geeman, Russian, British
and Belgian *midi ,
at the Mint.
epee) unitarnv no battles win,"
e Success turns Otellearts•withinte: •
very kind of tfght that his heart1
revels bee -he is fighting for oomebodyl
else's honor as well as his owe.'
, Ruskin expressed the ,hops' that
Greet Britain 'would. never again g0
to war. "But if she does go," he said,.
"I. would.. like her to . champion axle'
other's .quarrel;" Thie ,is precisely
what she has dorm.
. Tommy Atkins is mart He is' al
terror, *W. He has glorious tredie
tons to uphold, And we need not
question Whether he will uphold theml
now to, the lest drop of ,blood. He 1st
elevaks courteous -els generous vice. '
tory 'as elle is dogged when Us, baeld
IS 'to •4ho wall. .
.1 Belgium . has already revealed Its'
Olean and shining inkier ore.'. The'
yea mg ese- ays Of -Vast
.• -Belgian 'soldier stands for palace, and
his pluck is as great as our own, It
is good, to feel Wet the ideals of
peace, and civilization de not reduce!
one's Courage in warfare. The plucky'
little Belgian is all the • more feared .
by his foe because. he is fighthig the
forces which threaten his peaceful '
&tides of men facing eachOther • on
the field of .batble like
;lheinantutYetthos wee atilitriiYes.k14°Owur7vekturlitl-4
edge, in most cases, is merely mathe-
matical, andNive say that one hundred
thousand Germaps 'equal one hun-
dred thousand Frenchmen, because we -
give no thought to the Individuality
of the soldiers themselves, says Lon-
don Answers.
The French soldier 'is probably -the
.most enthusiastic fighter on, either
-side. His enthusiasm, always great,
could not be more proriouncedly fired
than wheriehe ep in arms against
a German foe. The years, 18,70 and
.1871 are branded e'on his memory,
forming a pare of his fighting kit.
•Neyerthelees, 'his battling carries
very little of spite in it, for rie • is
Fascinating Episodes on the Northern
• When the history -of Russian guer-
rilla -warfare' on the northern front . , ,
during the last winter As ,written it
will. prove a fascinating and remark.
able story. Although :little has,. •
appeared ebbut it in the press; it has,
cheerful,. almost absurdly confident, accomplished some important results,
and Ids smile is constant. and the General Staff has frequently
• Matters -That Count.
These things _count They , exist
apart from mere 'numbers. iw
said of the German, on the ether -hand,
that -the oppressive military' system
has crushed' a good deal. of his indi-
vidualiey out of him.
Undoubtedly, the early stages e of
the. Great War. have suggested this.
The Prussian sThomas Atkins, with
the eye of the •Imperial Eagle ever -
upon him, marches in step- through
sheer necessity rather than jeer.
He is somewhat eullen, because he is
shoetee such small ,respect by those
above him. Per this reason, too, he
lacks initiative • in emeigency, in
use the same way -that a machine, un-
aided by human intelligence, will be
helpless if an iinportantewheel breaks,"
a nut slips, or any vital part goes
wrong. • .
_ Discipline is the watchwordepfeehe
German Army.' It is a *fine watch-
word,' but it should be tempered with
a judicious amount of initiative when
accidents occur. •- , . • -
• Russian Prowess.-, • ' I
Russia much the same ---ststent.
applies, though with two important
ifferences. The average Russian
whites of two eggs,: sWeetetio4 With. good, nourishing
,- lunches they will be ,.lowed by. a long wailing try, and .the elle
full and sweet as a thrush's voice,
. . baritone, untrained A.'s true
two. ' tablespoons powdered Auger, •better able to stand the,: strain of grinding and shrieking .of the thousand 'so
Brown -delicately in °Veil., , school work., . • ,fbranches of the .pines around the Roles ideuest. - , •- -
that he could hardly refuse Mrs.
- '- -
Loaf - Cake Two cups granulated ' - These told days, before hanging oue, house, While again would come that • „ .
auger, pne cup' butter, lout cups pa...the clothe,' Wipe "the lines with - a wrenching .and straining at the case- herds are gathered in from plain
stry flour, six teaspoons eking pow- cloth wrung out in solt water, it will meets. • . , an hill,
e der, one cup milk, six eggs, one 'an prevent the clothes froM• freezing to 'It's, going to be in early- winter," Who's that &canine? .
; one7half teaspoons 'flavoring. •Beatethelifies. •• ' • • " • ,
. , said. Jim, "I guess that's Why all. the The boys are sleeping and the ranch
sugar and buttei!ete cream,' tide egg' To prevent rugs from turning -up on cattle are coming in." • • is still; . .
yolks Wellebehten and any e'eavoring the side 'stick a piece of heavy, cloth No One heard her say anything, but Who*. that alielline so sweeten._
, • -
. -desired: Sift together -baking now-- about four inches on both sides Kitty's Mutinous - little face.' Cod( - • • • . . e .
der and .fioni and add 'half 15f it te, and on both ends of carpet. Stitch on speak without Words. ' . he sang, and the old days came back
• cake, , alternately with, Milk; and re- wrong side. .. .. • - • • !'Let us have seme music," said Bolt to him. In spite of himself Kitty's
nlainder alternately with egg- Whites ', rising and opening the deer for the face softened, and beneath her closed
beaten stiff. Bake in large tube pan ladies. "It is. stormy Outside, and I lids she saw the pieturee, in which the
in Medal -ate oven for forty-five, to }IOW 'MINKS SWEEP THE SEAS. fancy you ladies''want your nerves stranger had no part. • e
; fifty innelteS. Full amount makes ee -- --- .• - Soothing after that herd tide." , "Yes, that is pretty,"•said Anstru-
iece birthday cake, .ete. , e . . • A Skipper • Tells Of Trouble in the The two went out, and when they ther ' critically, when the song had
Orange .Fritters.—Two -.large ;ere • 7 . 7 . Mirth Sea. ' had gone the Bose _stood pulteng hie come to a close, "especially the air and
engeg tsweet)•,,die. pup eugar, • eine- '' • • - '
- . _ . , - ohe- thrilling story of a 'remarkable long mustache in,a way he lied when that one verse, but the rest ,of it' is
. half cup voter,. one --cup .flour, • one- but weak isn't et? It seems to me
'escape, front destruction by a sub. he was annoyed. Then hewent over foueth . teaspoon - "salt, .'theee.quartere marine Mine is:told by an East Coast to Jim •and laid his hend, kindlyy, on his that fellows elotet e think • the 'Words
cup milk,- two .tableepoenis sugar, two - matter nowadays!: i •
., eggs,'" one, tablespoon- Melted - hutteX, skipper, whoformonths past '. has ehoulder. . • ' ,
"Especially in your favorite comic
been engaged in the dangerous work "Do you really think that we ought
One-fetirth teaeimon vanilla. Divide f ' Setting ' to go out " e' • • operas. eTheie is not. much poetry
efag, elie out seeds. and remove White eached the mine held which had "Aiid you thtnk that it is safe to' gee -gee,' ' :or,- your . !Sir, guleely deep. the result that leave:Vas grazieed to
• ••-
o mine sweeping. sad from
oranges into lour scions atterd
o, Sure . about the eColonel on his • little tin esenh genuine cases, and willing to
ea pert, he says Two days later we nem, approached the War Office, with
there was no chance of leave, as he d
soldier .has been said, rightlY �r
could at b d '
n e s are
The poor soldier wr te b k t hi
o ac o $
sister (Mrs. Fiford by _name) telling
her that he calla -not get home to see ,
his mother, as all ,leave had been
stopped. The, sister then telegraphed
to ,his captain, but he ordy. replied,
"Sorry, he cannot he spared." 7
All this time the poor, strickete mo-
ther was calling for her boy, and in
desperation Mee. Fiford decided to
-appeal to the King. King George,
who has always been interested in
skin,;, Cook in •_syrup made of, eve ,
'''' ' ter - r
been sown ,in that region: We had -till the wo- I young man, is there? asked Mrs.
leave A struther . only evi . , the corporal: ; • •
and one Cup- Of sugar for ten inieutesel
, . net been there five Minutes -before we men." He spoke in a low' term, an e
d h ' Balt ' ' ' °
efake , battet a 'oilier • ingredients . A letter from the.King evas,regeiv-
seemed • to be -be- thaw leta
- ed by Mrs. Fiford, ,and also a coin -
words implied, ' . ".
immication from the War. Office which
"Thiee his place, pr.
. "I, don't know so much about that. Madam,—In reply to. your petition
___el_diel not think that people went
• - • - P found a mane and disposed of it. Each
..:• folding in "egg 'whftes lest. Dip of- .. . • to the comic operas for poetry?" • .
• . . .. , . day our workprogressed, and we
., .artge eeections in batter and fry ,to. "Those seem to be . about the ' only
foiled more and more, and then the
- galik'n• a°lar .in deali fat'. Drain an, following ' remarkable incident; .oc- things they de go to." '
, paper,' duet with powder6d sugar and , Perhaps, and ' et you know e
1, cureed: While still sweeping
-sell's' ' ' • • 'thought there ' ' t- ' bsomething , • - - I ere . mus • e
e Anstruther is very much of a man if • y y w w
he: does -carry" a high Polish. But de have some songs in the 'Old Country
: Potato.'Cakee-eOne 'Pound potatoes, • 'h I you wish it tobeso?"
my sweep' g gear, so. • , -,- . e
which hardly need the music to mike
- One-balf Round.flour, one teaspotefel wrong with -
decided haulth ' ' them beautiful.". . ... . .
o• e sweep in. e
w Jim looked squarely in the face and
, . baking powder, two ounces better, . "Old songs?" .46 .. •
were getting the 'lite' up-,- 'when • I understood hini. . ..
' • die -half teasegenfel ' salt. ... ...: Yes, icid the medern Songs, toe'. Is
The • Pee': sew aeother mi ' I - . ' ht ' t
,ne ying rig on „op -"Yes, Boss, l• think so." . ". • • - • . . . mg that leave .may. he grunted:to your
. tetoes .: should.- he first ' .. boiled, • there hoedienity inethise" and 'rising ' •
of -ehe !kite,' whete 'it had ;beCoMe • ere, The Boss threw ids eigarette :hitt ' •---
theI. ..-- • . • " ' brother Corporal' C., Thuey• as an ex-
•• ,, n peeled and - mashed thoroughly, •piano and sang •
tangled in the.. gear. It was a Mine, the. hre-plecehe went again to the , He, too,, had hie,
• so Atilt there -Ire no linens; then Melte tote and I shouted to the men • to ,stop dreanie, and underetood. . • • • Pollock's noble song, .in which h moth
thee butter and Mix it and the salt 'in- en ' .• • e . ce e .
e wine , but. before reoul do any, , •
-' "Alt'then,••have't• ' ' . .
right, I your. own' e4iriiiilitnosf
for Once caught the chivalrous . ' '
ceptioniel eese. • .• ...". : .e , •. . • „. .•
.tir th:. potatoee... • Sift the flour andthe past
. ' • :' ' • .. .
I am; your aedient. servant, • -.
. ,be.leng ' powder . together ..and add, .Thus it happened :that one night-
' ' • • B B CUBITT.'• :
thing to prevent it the mine 'gee Am- way: • Tell the men quietly what- You
ined between the and• the ship's, mesa' to doe . You eau: truet them 'all 1- - . . • • "••• •• ..: • ' ' - • • -; • - ' 'es.- e.' •' ."•-
eekiliaile . lIglitle„ ..and tut o out on - a. see ' ".*. ' ' • ' e • • • I ' • " ' " • - ' • " '' • ° ' ' • ' •
fieteeedellegied,erolletoOtheut one-half , • i e.• . • „ • „ ; . ,„ suppose... •• : , •• "1"It is not mine to • sing the stately when. the young corporal Wei sitting,
:. . . . . , • • •
• .
'grace, ' . . • ..
A'Ireniendoes explosion fettle -red ' . 'Efrety last 'inefhei.'s • sea of thent"1' • • brooding.* sr bale of -hay„ hie - eyes
. . • .
reh 91: it, cut into teitinelee•apd• bhkee Th.e. great soul beaming. in . My lady'e , sad, and an anxious expression on, his •
immediately,. .but leckily, the .- mine :-"All right; then. •tlf 'eou.rse . I shall ..
CA ..r, , xr.::,i1•-rrreashil eeiddle. -Vie origin- • f • . • 'face, e' .• .• • '' • . ... , face as he Wondered if he would ever
. . .
was Practically below Water. eele come with you." • • •' ' '
eI ree:re, clls for milk or -cream- hut .••tremendous"• f • 'dr J' • ' d h' il ' . . .
• - . .. . v. ,. column• 6 weter rep ., to.. Jim opened is • mouth to protest. •
But Mine it is le follow he her train; see his sick mothei. again, an :ntiderly
. • •
•.tith rotrtees *ere • •ate so 'mutt], 4height of 160 feet, and greatecleinks• "My cattle, Jim," - was all .that was' 'Po her 'behests in pleasure ,or in .pap; shouted in .his: ear ..--e ... . -, •
Mere evetery and lee's ..flomer the of the eteel mine 'flew all Ways, but neededto efon hiel. "When you have 'Bern it her, altar levers 'sweet frank-. • "Corporal 'limey,' the...-eaptain 'wants
, . . . .
.- • eler.e. eteedi the beet result When . no one was".stivek or hurt, A jagged, told therin come . into the.. .drewmg. ,
• i .. incense, "... ' ,.
-,e .'werite,..youee... ' • „•. . .,.. . to see, you." , • ,,, e, , - ,. • , e ...
' -
ili • 4 tiee, ere er...ekee .well, _Oa, bet- portion. WAghing 101 pound's caerielly-.!rotene,the-wrr And -worship •lice-teith distant' edver-• lit hot haste Thucy went, ,to theeee
t• e e..11:• ,,f•.;Th.,e yere hot If tbero are mg., theougb .the. windows of the I . aft.was a "one- man's show," to, Jim's .. .... . • • .. e.....
4 •' .. 'eitce," .1. ' • ' •• ' ' e . • •• • '. fled.; who told him to 'addle uP, ' at
.. 1 ev ' I Tie., over., they, are •deliefeueleheelhouse.. 'awl after. missing me by, mind,. when he did enterthat.
. ,. ,
. 7' .. .: I once; end. a glade • would fake him
kY ,Neture tied ecti•-kind:iii.VA.711)1_k An- ten_infieseaeroge .eotuitry:te -re etationee-.-
• t E. tee... • . - • . • - . .. • - e••• • e .few inches fell on the floor.near •neye room in *hide Mrs. Bolt had gatheeeete ,,,e,4„,...•.- •.:_e-reeee___.
I_ •
•••••• -- •••-,,,-'-='-----'-!--- --r".---.—... Tfot---.Zaye .for some Meinee.liiiinries- eoundeherealleher-etreaseleigiele efoeffiii ..'"e"."ele .'..!!'" - 7 -
but he had In an eriten toil geelopie: ••• ., . e.....i ,, . •,
ale -Wee ••-elartliiiii, where he would ' ditch a. eetiet-betied
,, from the rhalitered 'glass; I was un- ' gintose startlingly in coetee, se. to the beetity in his -face,
„ . . :uspfa! Hints,- , ../:: • ..i beet, , The „gfeeteet excite-n-1'one, , ,_ rest. e. '•=1: e .. .
was ' of • the ee and Its -surround- e . 4.. : . •
-Alto vether • iiitetimmon •-• :degrie . . that ., • Inee Mtf-taIlittra-s.11-a--itig. ii, i'lld sae
t \-...•.;•' .' ttp.tirt imik,.; irp,tvid•.•„6:tot• dented ler the immense .column of ings; one, of those. rooms -.'which 'speak • • • - .' e . ' . . _ . ,
. . . .• - --,- • .- . . •.
highly -bed! . eraee withnut .whicb • AO 4Ie and dashing to . catch „hisetriiite. .
I , . •••• .:-....eerer Paetry', .' • - , , water, la hich aenely collapsed on our.- so plainly of, that •past ethic • many
le men should dare to eines these couttle Without loss of time he was itt-hie
••• ie ..:e.,I..:c.pariq er nee ei e ti . ' deck ; v..nehiee five of the. crew over- tip-'eountele. ediele, have- left, ',behind. Mae .
. . .. . words. When hie. spng dosed, even maim .% bedside -oheerilig • her up,.
.,.. wit eiee-
• .'" • . te eie . Wee kc'd like 'Tatt- •beard. . . Pertnnetlly,•; • however, my , t . , . , , .. , . . . .. , . , "Yes, that is
i4. he ,.t. . , , , . . ,., anifteint;ode•aehlye lsniguhslit i.,n97 tiaeeirdel.olvirde tears
. , . Relt, 'deed'. net .telp n'eniitting, • e
2% • Teel ideel e. etee. ie en eximenr Parteee's .i.oee. with, whom 'I. had been It was' not :only ' the '" phopoteeilpliee , _
;."7i. i ii° i P4 -i' 4' 'I A". 4.1 rerA4 breab- -sweeeitie *tie ale -.te piek the Men • freoted end' otherwise, with which the; . Wlib fever Kitty thought,it wee, jeft hail a Iminderful eirr.ieti on the old lady,
• eete:. (neer ordly...My -craft appeared nit, '. ice iii tvgie littered, Which called to you uneaid, bni ' there vea •• flo ,reilf3111.1“).:fec,
1 t. • • • ' • - - '
• Ae ee X - tliet eeee ee lee ., ,tee eeeefien teem:aged, but tone of ' water. had -nor the , two oe 'alive exqiiisite utile .-
.. . . .. . . e!. :r Jim Combo in elle old • bow while meted to rcevek
- e. .
, . . *hoe, although still ery ' I 's *axe
• , • .; i.„.e.e.e.,,i 4,1 i •eneele e• ee . melt- • ed. - ThinViag the Eli,,'. teal sinf:inee. weed; of Old Country- '. scenery; 114 -Which..she•hado him good-mght. - ' : The: 'Yonne: corpoya ishackat .
..rtIlthe barer; :remelt- reyeel nneethe teedi She little •teffrinet with ..its college , :••tt Wee."anotheie:•vletote. .for ii 01(1 :front, tint his heart .ti lig,tade for e
.e., i•,,, that 'mui.:e be .;„renerl ..m. a , sph,lieuttnant hurrteply Ifft In the tem ,of minietures, Rohs .and Vernoni, Country. , er,• and. 4e knows
• .•h• as s,eei:.111, s old in: • , • ...,
eehe. le on • the •eettel to • -geed • health •
to the King, which has been fetwarde
ed to -this Department, I am command-
ed by the Army Council -to acquaint
you that a telegram has been sent to
the military 'authorities overseas ask -
Wrongly, to be less' efficient, as a ma-
chine, than the Gentian r be this as
it may, he certainly possesses more
individual fire. One .Cossack, named
Kriutehkoff, eleven • Germitni
receiving • sixteen
wounds himself. • This speaks . highly
of Russian, prowess, which has been
further proved by the terrific victories
which have been achieved by our
Eastad.allies. There is something
mysterious about' the Russian fighter,
commended it in the highest terms.
The people speak of it as "our little'
war." ,
Through the long winter months,
. -
'when. the regular. operations are im-
possible, the Russians have kept at
this ,guetilla activity, with the idea of . -
wearing down the. Germans and un-
dermining their. morale. . •
• Late leek autumn :Schemes for 'the
-conduct of guerrilla warfare wereine
vited from the army, while it Was
• engaged. hi the long and steady
withdrawal before the- German inva. .
'skin. Every smart. young Officer has-
tened to draw. up. his ideas of the- best
;mane of wearing down the enemy: .
The plan finally adopted wad one piee .
posed by a young cavalry 'officer. His•
sehenie encouraged officere and men .
• to- volunteer for this dange'rous ser -e
vice by by assuring them of -promo-.
bion, honors- mid money teeeirds, dire •
being taken to frame the conditions ,
so that only the best,mefi of any rank
had a chane of getting Mt° the new -
-branch of -service. One of the coride
tions was that nothing. whatever was
to be published Of the eXploits of
those -chosen, and the Only occasion
when this rule has. been broken was ,
when the author of the, scheme cap.
tured two German. generale and their
'whole staff and escort," in the' Pinsk
marshlands. •
'The -work 'has been going oh--with.out ipteemission throughout the win-.
telt' .over the whole northern. front..
The enemy has- never -known a quiet ,
night- epywhere. within 50 miles of
his frent trenches, -and- le some see:
Mons thid,feeling of threatened se- e
verity Was made to extepd a hundred
miles into the territory oecupied,by
the Germane. Stoiehousee were fired, •
ammunition trains exeilocled train§ '
as, there. also. about the actual num- derailed,. bridges
bet of fighters in the full .Russian • graph wires cut, officer§ and diseeteh.
force. -Nine millions is the • highest .riders waylaid, villagea.filled with ee-, .
figure quoted. Probably about -see*. heeded 'sleeping men were .'attacked'
millions would be nearer themark. eor set on fire -this. vas -the kind- of
Another point about the Russian • exploit that the .Russian •g•nerrillas;
soldier is his inherent hatred of the kept up • contiguously, . Its nearetite
dermen. ,,Ati authority . lately said, counterpart is found : en -1,-;he giterrilla
"How great is the hatred of Germany activity. which so herassed ••
in Russia only Russian can under.; ern troops derine the. Amerienn
stand." This is • •powerful driving- War; .e.xeept ehatefireieueeigee.eeeeme
force to the Russians as -they Pour has been far more complete
over the eastern borders GermauY :The Germans. at ftiete seue4t '•
towards Berlin: . „ . • , [remoter in reprisals' tipple 'ere. ifeliety • • •
" Are .the Championa. . districts, .alt•er a. sh..ort
. .
idetaining population of the .eccti it.
We are'so close to our .own British began to realiee that the; W0.3 tt 111151
-soldier that there is not much about talteeteeit only. added to '#+.1.•
him we do not know. Ho hes every. ,of their intangible rode
thing beide lavoie Man to* man; ho- • • ' .• • . -4*, • ..• ••
its Probably. more than n. 'hatch for It you voted. eutebine •yeur neiele
a other soldier. in-tho:Boldt•-41114:4- bore get„ a good'. reputittitn---t,...ankfhiTn—,---
sell& is lighting; to day • the iceep it Polished. .
• , •
.„ • etti i 1111 Ill•
)1( _ ith inn mommoommlilliiillg
. •
Aott time must be sprinkled' with Pinot' boat, -.Which was undamaged :•bevvigged, and unifornied, be patched ' • . (Ta be Continued):
• .very het 'W•dter. • ' „ ; • ' • ' ' i We. Preeeedeel .L0 MtniTic The v-esset..--and powdered, 'after the -verious. fir .. .......e. •,-,e. , , •• ;
„agate. • ,
• • , • . I • •
Alwitys dee the, overt on ironineeetay . end, satiefled there ;e -as no. l'eakage elle Alone of theft' sex and Of the days in - . , '
• , .. • I t
• '
toi- pr.,+paring,./Iih-•": whieh • reepire elle eigealled to the 'eeew to retire, ,which they had geed; net these, nor • Got ltestOtit,of the -Garden.
• Decision Deferred.
"slew oohing., , . ... . •-• ,.: , '.. i which.•they did, 'We•were then talren , even the geeat bowls'of floWers Which 'A Man of coesiderable wealth ilea I g
1' g ' :!‘gi ) .:. ,.; It; wear, oft 'the heels of in •t°W, and reach,0 Port fleet daY. . lit wits Mei.y etplen liber of Ipv.e.te -very 0011SelentiOni•aS•Wano Was obliged new yiejobefevi . ,.
' "How are you going to like yoee
. • •
• trels6 With. infinite trottble in het. toedismiss his gardener for dishonee. •
epee r? riz 6 terarmer rvic,.12;fs,Av.2.01.10, • , .g,,,,,e,,,, h.o..i an sprite of the elements, ty:.. As the „gardener, had a, wife and , _ ..,,,.,... „„„•,,,„.„, ,.,.• ,, ,,,,, ,,,,, .a, ,
• "Can't tell, I happened to -.be ou
0 H.tw. ‘y., s me
•,:.••• . m•.• :i.,„t pi.;41111A.v. pro.. eritst,o. no thiove WSW horses
iso ..zitet civvianutz rzvEz. Ira e er .evart i the pervading atmos: 'family dependent Upon hint, howev,er, ''''"'"'''."" ""*"'S '"v" 1."(
. .. • (i 4 44 Iv • ' .# . '
eheee of the room, the visible .diprea- the. rich Man " gave nim 0 • cnaraeter , „ • _ _ , - •
• ... 0 - 41.11, St i 01100.1 in , 0}1pe•soel.- /.4quiej,' elven-en the ion of of a, lostaI loving heart which, •and framed it In thie wayt--"I here- e N...ifablY "rfine.:1-
", rift' b1"90 and Reines- «elide the teleenoue whiled it vouletetelerate 'no word: bi. certify that. •John Henry Bodge 1"Whatee the honernoon, p'a'". ,
f )
i-1-r,tt'llV:i 1441'1141 ri'y t!IIIIIrgre):14r;onitiltrg (We 44.',0"inr'e°10trel, Against the new homesweetened all has been in me' employ tle a.gtiedenef., "The honeyntoore my son, ie the
fee, , le etili.v. la tont, 101 t, hribtzi.,„ ato 'In it, nog l•Cif/hAY thin' e with its memories Of the old, 1 for,threo years, andh
'baring' that time mil •_,. eo
levied in a e lifed 1
e'er ee. tee tee. ete it; :mow ii ie „vone'druoist .
you. I4Los 1-looklot, it•nlotstoost, olusesi It I, i- been the.mrorit of 3116 *Melee e tip :has 'get more • out of the gol'a c II • w?-3iell • lie ceniere 'it funny.. to edne
.. •
f? aaa eve., rive lei fineete %vented. tgeolictr tityrizeAr. CO, ai eieit.. Rolf Le:- keteetilive the spirit I than any Other man 1 have eyer.4n_. helm .ad find Piet hie • dear: wife'
takaniz's ,•apil elaceneeloilete, doolica, lad., MI.& of .1,1"itgl4rul on the wildest, end most ° Ployed,".
., ,. •• • •
,.. • basti't dinner ready on time." '
!, • 4••
y,j3Or thpise h :01 (.
A :Anglo both) Will rgi
-c-04,vinte you • II'
Di( •
1 1S• . tg
A'rreisig lulltimutatien.
. &arena .''P 'I'.' ceimpli.. •
ju'A'tiput a pip •
drops ..on , i)oinint• .1:: •
shot and tha indit ell15 PAU
etppeare, • •
,4 A
• e