HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-03-09, Page 6An, Editor Ta.lks
WOW, with its long eveninge, 114
lroltidte Pleeing, and pring wiLL Seem
hi upon ue. What a splendid ola-
portunity ii affoeded by the long
e vening at thia eeon of the yer for
self-improvement and for etoting the
mind with useful And Vallable know.
lodge. Young people Amid appro:
priate a large portion, of. their spare
time in. prentable reading -say four
ehe thee eeteeisige evety week after
the day's Work is done. Time ee e.nee
ployed is sure to yield 'abundant re -
t ome in. several ways, and, therefore,
'we urge every young Man Pad =wilt
to -systematteally plan for devoting
ttoahhlithe'elailhei ifITA•e'eible,10-reatlieg
of d instrieetive books and other
iftIttl 'Weekly 1•newspaPers and class'
papers, there.' is no. lack- of v4riety
or quality. Truhthla this ago. it .may
be said "Of the making of beaks there
it no enti,",' Cheapness encreaees the
teMptation to buy a greater variety
or publications. But the-, greatest
pare Should be exereited in the selee-
tlon of reading Metter especially for
children. It, is rightly claimed that
Only the choice of friends or a life
reading,„for scarcely, anything re-
flects more Correctly aepersenes ,cher-
:• Reber than the'htind Of reading' he or-
al* delights in most. Per the 'sehe
, of fateee well-being then be earful
to read only the hest literature. The
acquiring of knowledge through read, Owe. It le rather.a problemi for mc.
• Ang gives 'greatest lasting satisfaction perierited teachers and- Scheel itee
and it increases one's value in eoci-er. specto„rs to 'grapple with and suggest
ety and gives More power..inarge- 'remedies. It is unquestionably a set -
merit. In all conditions and at all ions eonditheil-ahd by no means a new
'- times nearly, reading MAY be made a •discovery -it 'hes beee a bugbear In
pastime, and :when old age eeines‘ on almost every large school from time
is 'continues A' joy tinct satisfaction. • immemorial, and the strange and very,
With itut great nuMber of booke of
all kinds and magazines high, middle
•and loweelaSS Ala the Myriads of daily
Picture is of greater inlpertenee to
young People thariAthe,cludee their
lee setae hind of scienee or giner-
aetrozonny, geolegy or sonae other
subject. Read ‘, tele bOAkS your
special subjeitt but do not& aeglect to
cultivate the rest of the fleld of lit-
erature . professional or busiutess
Man tir woman- should _read hooka
and other publications having speetel
bearing an evlietever occupatien is be-
follewed. 'Farmers read the best
egricuiteeet -piers, tradesmen the
trade and class publications, teachers
the teachers' journals and latest evorke
en education and SO on. The jey that
Cornea froM intelligent reading, of the
best elase of literature \suited to your
Reeds' Ulit aMbitheitheWilt .beehreater
than any other and as lasting as life
iteelf. " •
We aro more:tliau:delighted. to see
thehection beinetalten in Toronto and
'other cities in relation to eetardeteeli
in the publiti eehools which the Bur. -
°eau of gaMcipal ROO:MI:eh terMS "the
greatest national waste," The Ineatt-
lug, or neon:dation is the,. holding back
hi the. 9IASSeS of the slow progress
of duller Oties- • SO far as We have
discovered- in the Afiscussions -carried.,
On In the city' ',papers, the, School.
aUthorities ;white reeegnizing the tit-
istence of the difficulty in all the ele-
mtatarY• echeola" have" not hit on a
priectical solution. In our opinion, and
we speak from, A s.oni_ewhq 'lengthy
personal experience in tele ecnooiroem,
Classes. Or to earry the comparison
* \Ate') farther, "keeping" wheel
rather than teaching school, The con.
Stant ahn of a teheitee sheeeld be to
discover the duller, pupils and by in.
dividual teaching and occasional spee
eial efforts in the way of additional
assignmenta of exercises endeavor to
coach the naturally duller members
Of the eines along. The bright child-
ren need very little attention beyond
aesignment of lessoue and when they
;!ica:t..".z3V,.:.r.c.li:,-;',V.:.:2:,..lio..c:4,,Iti,:i',..N r‘iiire-work etand, a row Of coneumptiVe
• '' IV xhoectera:hinitrheoleeging to Ibis landlaeiy,
C -1-I E Rol 1;,1 ocetdortmludglr' fii,ag.gliPg '31!teir 1;1)4
• 1, r. 111C00 s r •
IC:41/ Uted tho ewitenteeef the hOttla Wiper-
,c.srec4:,.,41.,:nein4i?,..w."4 ,•:,4,,;z):4,3v:i.,....0:etei i tlemilly tirttihegu tie
lne outilteerteeall,cewtt lilt orbit
Mr. Albert Jamee Simeoe ehes recoil, tumor. "Now, perhaps, they'll' up awl'
Ieriug from 4 rather SeVer0 attaelt Of' , mice- wed slim comle songs:"
Influenza. Tbat is to eay, lie was 'MO- ', carieuetr ening% he telt deeldelY
41, Ing through the stage. frorlas w fell better aftor tbis. Ile replaeed the
tlio patient is elealhe eenvinee that enipty bettle on tlut table entl sent:
everything koing hopelmzsly wrong, beat in.
is• chair, Re. thought he lloW to Pr Prot"t
.13 shew ability to maim more rapid pre,• • aa'a 4tbat7 mi 4/ Ao lunobservant persoe ' realizes. Still '
gress than the averahe of tir clan,.1 warty.. living. ',the whet% 'life le not ei mild do t at `smolt° now. lie was ten-- ye '
, • t tatively fingerine a chetrette ween tee Li. Etters, ht eh a 4
- .-e ..a,ry depart-, such. /dant% Are there enly ,too, cp.
,.,„ „;-, Mont of Orel Termsylvania tate Cole spieuctuslh if •fl t'l t bl i '
they should be "advanced ta the next1 tie eves just ttrivieg to deeitie nitimi 5traat tlma'' below olmied, and ''';3lege in t Ii 1
..•„ , QU -, a.ng somc*of the eeeen- i. Qbeerve them"•°
, hIgher 'plass, Where greater diligence 1whethet ha would Inii.st into tears, or COM) 440 sound ot hureied footstepe e teti , ie roe e o .
in stUdh Will he'neeeseary Ord where e. , vale for the production of clean,naillel The time is rtipidly veining. when
the emulation.ef more advanced clas vr'ben
P- ' Mr. James lteddaway entered.. -- ' • " '
"lige Qtg: ndlo.°erre oiliptlaiVed°ffv7cotleti°1tisYmi ctirol." 0,7i::•tiseltIlea.rtehd.iolar. lieldawaY` vif 41:Q.: periPatilitahslirtndthenuntreitei5oseie4rfege4dsfewetiel Abell pziruZaTratestirifroatn°4 ke;o4W4nt"PlagrewnIt1-1
mates will. proVe a wholesome sti • t 4 t It
lu t if t M ),04 itv et ree from
-.and Or' have lost n 'hear r int) b ar r" ° evez 44" 1. .11"1"112t16"4"
u. s o grea e vs. e or . any' voY ty ht • • s which'111 g n tire e ne ys the nest a
r fluenze or anything else and eense-
- .larces Iteddaway
Snatched it AP. eV -health Of t •e*o 1 th
deeei Or anat age- Thg Phtats and- eeede us -
wthee-le.hlaff. ' -Then his etre caught the tableet he other defecti ht j the fl bredit ni
ambled it, 4' tl t t • he w •or mean. e qua - Theie are few eneserymen vvlio •
heing Amid Pa* ill a clasS through euently an len gave. Yen 0. a ity of the milk •
. realiee this, and they are offering
rather despised' thote wine howl, •of .,dospaht.,
'be, accomplished by tnilividual teachel "Dello, SiminY6" he otiedsin a hoi ' a gort-Of frantic War -donee ardenthtleo.
"You'Ve tlitink it•-; Wive drunh itt'f" r°°t4 'And' PI -Tits -7 Oelt 'as'raPth ehb--11/edigTee(r Iflinitl enh eektle but the °
tardati - tit f dull
ye on tes e preaenCe er Still', he•vas not altogether lint -
Se tflaee. As an. evidence of whet play sympathetic, , In° e;tecl, accompaniin31 his chant with btaget pther feeds :with geeat majority hf nurserymen And
•iOg a lady teacher in a city school, was . that sant halt' A :dozen entirelY Ile; table.. after milkieg, end the pertions . not to bother with euch matters. Those
s rejig odors These shOuld be offered SeecIsmen are too - busi7 malting sales
engaged to teach a ten-year .oldegirl 4 • e i i alas. elmoting teragh I "Mr. Slineoe stArted at him witli'lls •aaieft ' realeVed froln -the stable at who %purchase stock for •Spring.plant.
t 4 4 . •t " 3 ,, . .• , _,. 44, ,
•• '•
At her home on .tWQ evenings a .weelt, 14Itt, SinicOe e 'hull. What ere YOU , niooth agape. : - . • , • least three ilherh before milking, Cows ^ ing should not „fell to 19cate, these • •
for two hourt.atter echooli. The ree, Sating thereeittughigh et?, golc! het -l• "What 011 iiirtil Is WrOngrillo ex, that iir allowed' to. graze in fields Progre,ssive dealers and place a por '
was that the girl- covered in three, t 1." • ' • cleithed. ' ' e • 6 ° e • •
Mr negoaiwkw, fvenzled e5rf I h ors, before multtng time. [.tion •gftheir orders with ehem, not -
thensent to the puhlie.tchool and paS-
iTioilths-the regular sehoel. equise that 1C11% n'od0awaY Uever conceded that
PAY' et his friends' alinients AMOunte
te,ntore than "a cold,' 94,4. the erste' ,."Itueentieleetuane- etomachennape " paSt '0 the .feeding of silage, stock,: bitt,to insure. preductiiie plent7
„required a, yearhendeathalf.., • d's: epee. him. • htte.ner Ohiectiona; hove been raised- alene to show confidence in well-bred
age; elieWing theta thorough Olinda- tecilegner. of. eme •who meant, to hear Simcoe,• ; , , • P , eyelet°, mi lc ea palany,haVe • .H.g CAL,L FOR WAR MATE h A le s
, {Dinkier -he geeeee eteeeeeeetly,,, ut. these otiTklaints are dIminishing ings, • -"•• • • • •
etitealtway •clutched at . halt:
klyee.....-eeeae- it polsod,tiv,alteree-Per„ .eaeh:Yeite, S11;10'404* not linpart un- ' • •
;datable fl • " ' • • T • • s •
centen:ded, The Presenee'eef such in • * -
.Sed the, enttence lute' the high, scheoll. ta*IlL taf•-liYer• s. 4 I
,liefore she eves tleilte 'twelve Years; Of Ur. Sinteoe :smileo wanly. ,witd the '-
don had. .for the sekg ot•othera. • •
haen'inid her PriVate te' 1:141I
• AM 't little bet e an I wa v
very ,few men-therS of Scheel boards
are a position -front Sufficeently:
I e . • , , the milk may be due toe poor grade oh, 1"!°Y0*Geei'D.4. °lees t"e .
1: •^1 -
thine, This ease May. be to eome ehe think," lie. seidi • in,. hollow tenes,1 "Pcors'YeS) tor' Yeti!' EspeCial• ly if sile.get 'irePtePer feeding pr the Whrkhicrt ,
' o •
tent' eXeentienal but the rule 'hada' "Coins lit aait -eleee (lOwr:" ••••o• -
yo town ,the" iete , mistake iorlit/011, of thA, odOi. 'the stable :David Lleyd-tee' orge, Ministelr of '•
tree', lnoee that e, \wisp e "Right -ho'" returned' hia edsirtele - Streak 4rug'S-MOoir. reasoeal?-le froi amonnt'ef a good lthinitione, eddessing • the 'Workers in ••
contrOrof the peomotion Of 'the pepil 1341,t,,PheW -are stuffy -strYchnine--Heaven knews what! Tint gliality of silage shoal& Ise loginoved a new shell factorA recently, •ebagratu•
.by• the teecher andbY givin lesS im
to recitals an moie eta individual •Ine
What • Omit opening the,- wilidow an rat am foolln iter fo 9 rr
wo at the ee. t some meet c, inan. Ho sa t and must- before the next milltieg ha that the
gasp.- 4111-raziedlin'ecreetis-suonmYetliwilinag-t ttleiliceitcroten II: t • P e °
The cow should have' access to a
familial! knowledge of ethsteng con- direction and teildhing,o the fliieStiOrti, !fare. 4Sviema'goedosah,tudild:rtentla,t,,,
(Wens and tentribtiting chuseS to of retardation will. not bulk vely ed, "1 am chilled to the Deno as It surpriee and certainly to his visitor's '
act intelligently on their 'own la e i th blic Pi •
bIe 'air Will no im art th r
Pity,' most sincerely! the person, who regrettable. feature of the 'trouble is
eannot take daily enjoyineht iti the that no practical solution has yet been
coitiPany hoed books.. accepted as tellable.
• ,
. • • , , • •
*••.;* • -*
rg n e t h 1 •
Wed them:on. them Leiner • in ,
theybad redbeined iheir ;Hedge '''to tto•! : •
liver the good's." . • • .• • e 9
"Tills," said the Minister, "Is a tight •
nct• merely between the British army
pu c oo s. t commenced to laugh.
• clean, suppit of salt, and as much, and .the army of Me Kaiser. It is
--,------sh-e--,-,-- •• • The ethet stared At Min, grinned, • "I haven't taken a drop .of it," said fresh, Pare i 'Ater as she will drink- a fight between British workmen and
: and then drew forth • something from lie'I--1 gave it all to the geraniums!' I should be proVided. Undee ordinary the workshops .of Germ:ley,and the
' SON KILLED IN THE 'WAR' his pocket. '• ;
"My wore, you look shout as haPPY uncomprehendingly for a biOnient, thbn as Much water as she gives milk,
° • iiir. Reddaway stared at the spea,ker conditions a cow Will drink three times hellish woremen tp•e now eupplying
h e_ the material which is going to enable ,
French Mbther Selcate Substitute as a drowned puppy," Said lie "But his eye wandered tO" the plants bY the ,..„„io el--....„. giv,e40.pound'a of milk, she
lviii.,,us. to destroy forever tht3 despotism
N A ,
And Adopts • Him • ' 'I'm get something here that will reuse window. 'As lie filially grasped the
An+, you up, and set you on your legs in a t • I
Whoop ni rellet*and mopped nti ,Pers* I froen.
- t
I iel daya a huseler wcie iegare- •
require 00 pounds of water per d r
P •P ussian militarism and 'Inaugaur-
piring forehead. • ' 1 i I e
uc ion, u a so oi. oo ges .
f • i d di ' - ell as an alien enemy; who came. over
"Why the dickens didn't 'you say Po • n 014 weather the chili should .to this country to steal the trade of' •
before!": he cried. "That ass of a be removed trom water offered to the the easygoin-g 13.riton. • Bat now we
youngster at the ehemistregaVe ree the . MITS. • - • have discoyered that we pan hustle
rein rk bl
g Wltu
intende bunion interest ta teed by the
Paris corresimuclent 'of the Dagens
Rhyetee). of Steckhohn. A Preach
mother, who conducts 3a pension in
Paris; recently teceived the follow-
. . , ing pathetic letter from the captain of w
Wide differenee ,of epinion Obtains Nodeubt tne leegeieeitieeandin- a Feench emnpany in the, Dartlanet-
'i•espeeting what is wholesome reed dusti•i•al centres the •trouble is con- leS, telling of the death of her sae:
fn. Each:one must to a great ex- stoutly and'seriouely brought Much in "5.'ourson died like a hero; and that •
iiffYrray boy!" Anhhe slepPed a neat-
ly sealing -waxed package on the table.
,Mr..Simeoe turned lack -lustre ekes'
"What is it?" he asktd-feebly.
l'What is tee Why, Cheere; that's
hat it is!"
"New stove-pollah?" he enquired.
Mr. Simcoe exhibited"no enthoelashe
uti Jumped- into. the air with. a Water is essential, •Mit only 'fer milk • io af'"
• ay' ate reel •i, Of. freedOem' • in remove. -
wrong bottle. ,And the queer, part of
it is that what you should have had,
-was meant for old Rigby, your own
The ""Starter" i etter-making- could run up workshops in. no thee,
ourselves. We 'used. to think that
none but Americana atid .
In spite -of dairymen's eonventione fill them with" =citatory and turn ..-
"Stove polish, You ass! :,No! 'It's al "WhY le ba holSohieg himself?" ask- lied free liter/there on the Subject ofseut great shells. Bin non' we eve do•
tent: &gide, thia -question.. No doubt. htedenee by ehe. migiatoky tonditione. eeetatielY shouid mitiga-te, yonr grief. tonicone of • the finest things Out ed• the puzzled Mr. Simeoe. hutter-making( the teem "startee' or ing it ourselves." •
the, 'greatest , plettsute ,,comes from, resulting.frem netessary reeving He.tyhe a braePrench solir, aIwaYs Haven't you seen it advertised in the "Bee% polsoeing, hiniself for, Years, even the "ripening" of cream is en- Mrs. Whitton Spencer Churchill, at -
inikeil•eeading. ;Geed. noveis inahlialt eilaceto" place of. families of W.orking ------------------ or oveitlowinh with on-. .: * •
thusiasin andefull "of energy. tInfort, payers." • , • . , " . • • from W at- I could learn," replied .Mr. tirely .new to many makers of , dalrY.. her
I have not loolicel• at a newspAPer ReddaAvay.: "It seems that.- he Is full butter. ; : apirleottteLioloroionf,
VantageonsIte be -reed between' books,. Men- in indOstrial concerns' an4 in
' !the Adneiralty, how' a major in Oland -
of Mere iterietil Cor' solid character, Toronto in: ,Particular to..:• an . eVen enatebreive haire. been as yet unable to
lies n.ow rather irritably. "I want to get well." 4Aoft, of ,antethingeray-sott of heir le which Ite said that thg. results
for a week," intereeted mr, Simeoe, of drugs _and Mochas it Is. This was 'I. To understand exactle what a start,
Vila And. fictiOn may be pursued ' al-1:greitter degree by . the inrush of. 'ha, •wgta.T, rule!, As ITIS :hodY
air Itirs to eea.ch .hiini, eeSo you Will if yon take a fiats,' dosee of the dog that bit him,. don't ef Mr. IGloyd-Georges labors and Mg,
' tirnatelie To: read nothing but % fie- migkation fi•Om European.' countries „iuri.- se 8.
Yea . thing of the action of bacteria in milk'
er is it is. netessary to know some- • er°'
e , 'teem e. , „ aflame, our ent. re Of this stuff!". exclainied Mr. 'ReddawaY kiiew! , This would only htive tickled
•eriay, tenth is sure. tO. SPOitorieta.'Iastt-,!ment' of families from Ithe--•-rtiral•-•-dis- •avehge-
. tiWt, ho Mattee What 'good. meralteitt angle -tented,. . by the: 'continual' nieve-• - ''pany welhatelie_flesteopportunie
- • , _.. _
his down this -went -o a ance., and stayed till , thought 300 had • bolted the lot! tor',
-"-A-u or mine,. nearly dead -I. -took -him- --bli; taken tit 'doseg• and 1
mation of lactic acid • It is the lactic' eteur• infatilrY .1n the .: (1 H( "
t th '1 • . : . . - . --
•tor more solid and insteeetiye liter- t tricts, to the city: '. The . classes , es.
acute, jimf • es: indulgence in candies., pecially • •in the •jnnior••divisione are 9ffer prayera• to heaven for hini." .. '
side the ,grave of yoter dear *oh end" three in the Morning. •Chap : I.knovi-o•:-..'• you did gill -4i me' a start!" ' -' ' - : n of 'flavors- , 1.tud '„, 01 kine resPonee were. already eb.-
Chill, -"cheer when
the Productio
i -acid bacteria, that caused 'sWeet, fresh' 's -rote Maier Mir
will take the edge, off an • apPetite. i sehjected •theil .continual Changc in
Young persons.: might do whese than I Personnel • oWing tie the coniing and time ago. She continued working hi
' This letter came. to Mother some ,eried If spoke to hiin,tietee• doses ,:d'ye-eall it-Cheeib, :which you should "ivilich is • commonly apeoeiseed. meth. able to reply sometimes threeford to
set hint Singing- canic -songs.! Sold ; have tradr asked. IVir.. Sinicoe _sudileth , ripened cream. Butter ehurned from
migerable .blighter,, just like . you •••,•r I, "And- whatihas become,: of the' whit; ' cream • to 'assume a sonr, acid -taste, they 'see that the British eues are ...
every German ehel);• and aiwe's -reily-4-
' ' • ' •
. .
at all 'eke . . : ' •o .
mists If you d nt get what; I - • ' . :, this ripened .creani is • preferred by
I - . .
with: interest puling the cuing:alp; ,
to bielance. every: novel' with a .bio-. going of ehildren belonging to what th, . • ,e .
, hen kitchen as usualefronv5 o , . „
0 morning until. io 0 rook lit ;Immo you atilt for, see that 'you • •want . it! 1•,* mn-liedds,way rubb
selock In .
,...,•„ . ; . • ..,
e.d IRs head hi .a the Majority. of 'people to that which . of 1916) if Me. noble exeitions noW hk• • .
graphy,..YOlurne '-•Of "-history ,iii• traVell- Maybe. teeneed ea, teansienteeless. Of
Shall•Iineasere you out a dose netwr 1 werried waye ••• .. . • • ing made in the worshops of Great ••
, Or other work:of face.; or inStructien. citizens., ./Thede ...•chief , Centeileutory On Sundaya "She ate , in the., . dining:
. . ' 1 • ' ., • le chinned from sweet • cream. ••• ' 1 7 ' . ' ' -
Xeirrfor lives of an-d*•gl-eiit&-tthe irregularitee.,..-Or attendance% throngh
By .all means •read SeVerat I;iograph-;' causes'- - -1' d " h. ' • • •
. ... • ,.,..._ -. _ • . 9.'„ . le. room, 4reseed-lif,deeillinehrning. She
It f'• i • :o .73 ea - on 'the'invalid's nerves, and Mr. Sim- .habg ,got• -hold' of it!" • . . . • • • .,- The flavor of -gutter • de ihd le' ' s - ag-e: ..
. Pa s a ging, we ought for ,the .first 4.ime in •: .
Mr, Reddiway's energy w tting] "ThaV.s--,the-Idence.ei.-Itold--Rieby' eBritain-ster-maintalued7-w
• ;OA
geed alone are great -men and ' siokness-,‘. 'the periodical ' prehalence
rnen will have much to do in insPir‘ of' children's • dieeapes. from Which:
Ing the reader with worthy ambitions ,eittet"are, seldom free longeat a time,
and 'noble Actions. A good biography, constitithe the 'mere easily recognie-
no,Matter whose it -PleYbe is a work able catuies.oh tetardation in the city
of art and enlarges one's knowledge schools.'„ , .. • " • `-;
and sympathieafor the true, the good '
and the beautiful in life and.charac-
__--ter--inea fascinating manner.--Aiiites
ly 41:it:mildest she appeared in
every -day dress lid
her 'cog waved a protesting hand. • ' Mr;• Simeoe commenced te• most entirely' on. tIM presence f the
o. body 'pecause' 0f good 4umoy, She t ' ti
a,surprisedevery- . 'Net now • thanks! I've -I've just•Again; Li hind of weak gurgle.
laugh •
right 'kind of fernientation Or bac- equal terms and 'even that Is an
the conflict, to Meet the meekly -•
• •
announced that she. had received
ta my. ea. • e re very good ef:yon, t • "Will .he take do yen'
• thifikr, •teria in the cream; therefore the
. , 'vantage whit•h will steadily inereiee."
letter from her :son and, Placed 'the •fieW mu7Ch 'sul
• •
• • • • ' -: I -"Dare say," groPoled Mr. Reddaway, composed of a. geowth of • the right • • . PLUCKY LA-litts'rear . •• :''' rl
y it a little later. ,he said, viten- 110 could speak. • P scieneists have de eloped h "starter" ' . ' .,
...letter on:the; dining ..roOln, tab% • ..,' 1.. eTen eeees,"• replied ' ItiS" 7.tri,110 **ha, sornewh,at laconsIstently, W'as be kind of acid -producing Wider' ;',, eth ... .'• -. ' ' • • e • '''' - • .
, • 0 : , -* *...*, fig...."tlit nes of. he, r -eerie „deeeth. ,a, ?nisi s
. , • There • Ives intense .•• surprise: • Was • n 0 ep y.• , • • ,
t 'Mr.%0Iniepp Passed his hand wearily '..at :lee .frieneltr,-.aetieux-regaeding•-• the starter is used instead of ,e_nowingthe __-"_-_-..--:- est ..--ing• Troops - . ::. .•
a , Adm. • ' • ' • ' • • .
, ' ' . • !ginning to feel .e, dawning resentnient which to ..ripen cream: •If stigh ". a i;fe.-1S-..of heat •a Marhin--Treneperte
:--With4teedicheledge• Of. theteetend% estemeisehel
• ' -• take? Was he really alive?
• _
etter fr-oni-my nevhson,e. across hie- aching head:, '' • 1 ': ., '.. tgeiziienthe b •
"How •macli in -price, I mean," • • .- : • r. Simco' willed lila eybs 'and tried .. • ."
',!Oh rats!' exclaimed Mi. Reddawan• •tee. keep. his, face straight. " . • reasonable certainty, , of . ', , ,e hag been einnmauder-in.chief at Port f •••
• .. •• - • . • • • eream- to ripen natUrallY, there is . fret' Sir • Hedworth •111eux). who. ••
" • itiVerY eibeary. -ef- • orditiaty . size etne" le,sser Or greater degree at the • same charming ietter;•,gentlemen,• I. en' :MX
.„. _ '''thie ':'-'01,beteiihing.in eeryschoolto :a, e
r-' . ,she replied' smilingly. • hhust read his •
"See hew. it acts nisi.. NO sure, no pay "Will will' it make him Aianee anu 1
". flavoi. in the bntter. ' , •••• ' . ' mouth since.1912;' and. on whose ghoul- • ..•
tains a Selection of biographies Of no-' time not egnOileg the diffeAnt nae.,1,tMs to see Whet he is like -4 Whether a but .you'll NY all eleht.??, ' ' • . telheetne „comie--esoneeT2 oaf& 'bee' •A pure culture starter can be -ole_e_dera has restad-the-main-respongliallity' - •
' •table ..:then'elid **Men whO Made theseetneetishailitieseopeideilitieeeef4he-eh.' ...-bleith-oehlitunettc, tail-eithshortehaire
ally keewo ..on of . is •
ayercto:lit oa-mbanztligsb.,aechhiliet•--
• .1aSt -cetittiry,. illuatriOasUeh--boolca--'-iorttiro- rear. Witititi-"" or Cons er-. •
,tIrerl•'' • : ••"'". ,. ' •••• • : ... • .: • l . ',e1.- wish.. you- Y7.011
e As 0..whetbre•elieCau .0a • - ..ine ino-
.41'elling, the pelut.. . • : • :. friend's 'reach, ,;' .. • : •' ,• . institution. The most hneortant point e -i -r- en6tils°. • ' ot ' ' . .
e e eeeresainicoe-dichnot-feeheapaisk oh Weakly, earef .• '' g • t h- • taiiied from . - . .
m a'dtheiry supply house or for the .safe . transport of our -troops. .'N •
reading but . •-theii• ' ' Will •-teherally. it One City Paper with ti veiy 'wise •••
- not only. giv,e' . great delight' * 'the'" atien and solution 'what to' do ebout
It deyeloned that this..Yrench• Moth- tl • g"
, , • . e c, ey...,..•_ hen Reddaway,. a -little • iitortly. "Mallet!, culture, .of lactic -acid producing bac- ,
ld' take it ., 'tomer "Shouldn't •wolider,'' --returned %Mr., is to Make ghee that it is really pure th
• thite wan -has been, Called • thsucky •
., • aetional literatere. • • .'• - h ' -e: that in our estimation, hitaveri'whie • • • ' • - • " • • •
"-overcome ,Ei pervertedhteste for eien-• stiff attacks theemehject ine et :way . - •- ' • • ' - -••' • •-
•, in Prance••have .•done who- have lost .
P1 (ltd as. thousands of other. mothers • •
el ,.., • .. . _. • • .. A •tim tap a t e i,. . le
tie° " , • • ' ''' - • • • ' id • • t b doe 7- heralded •ti P
A. geed Milk .starterwheihreadh for' .dte‘ ''''at' ' • .
e .,hee,000 per .annum under:
. „ • .
you'd be eb e. to come ou for enehour somebody. else.' .• . • • ' • tale; and:no other e 1 ' ' e „ i., as Sir 'Hedworth, Laxribtoni,
1 Lambton,no ehiefly on account of the
- Mr. -Simeoe laugbed,..sepul.chrally:,..
..• . • •.. • use should .be• softly coaggliitedi not the Will of the late Lady eleux .wbote
. . 4, • *, , * *. . '•)* , • f subject if the cOnditions we have en • one of the:many • bitreaus.and aik,1 ..4
• , • • .. • • their only .sons 'IA the wan - She wont, ,
Ge out he exclaimed Why •. "WhY -1., 'Note .from the -
.,, :if Maid.,of-ail-Woik.. " : - ' • • ' •- •
got -mi. antiver.' . •, .. . • . -
°ince •fer, •Yetio- en° too firm and -When stirred
. should ap- name he aubSequently took * • , .
by nature-. your are not fond • of.
. „ •
described • ere. the ,17eat trOtibles, - 4 p#,thht she be proyided'With another .
. . .,
'smooth and • even, hot ' shiny,' tick' of c
, . ,. L ,. . ourse, plays, a • part in ,
We, belieye they 'iie ,. Said• Journal . son,- and then; as en a e er, ten ,yardsi• If You. on,y-knew how.
- . 'loft r • she - • ' • • • ,
eheuld be. •a -deed; man • before' I.
ill • -.
mans life but wh eir ' • '‘ '
poetrY ' striVe::to -develop. a'. taste. for
it Not all people ate. achnitere 9f ,
after. discuseinh • thedifficulties. says •IiiiiidIy, selected one from r •.
"•. . . a longlist of . • • • -
• . r. feel, even now"'" -And. he, gahe 'vent dastey.
"Great Scott groaned Mr•-•11..ed- P`ar - • - , •
eree .104,6th/weer it simmer cur y y.. . , . • .everY, m . ,., et., er fortune
In glordiutli•y farm .' butter•-mhhing•
d or water • • • • • '
Sir Hbdworth• oWes to the fl( ged-
'ile young a eiking.."Pacti .nndAgnfea.'conipiled from the Yoling-scildiers *he have no relatives .to a dism I i h. • . • '.' .• ' • -• • , • ' Th•ey'Ve toned -it out, and think it's all
"Oh,. -.well," • ObserVed:'--IiIS '• visitor 'a arated from the milk dese, hie nayal and 'military suceest
uitieated than he eecords% of '..Mentreal• and •. Toronto -Soldiers whoi never receive letters ,or ie '.
is 'due .solely. to his on brilliant pew.; . • •
n mere, east • - hid Is -*-e.. schools 510 as an eXample-of. ppeeents, from licInte., She Jmeiv."neth.
avy as a boy of * '
-Vaguely, 4.4ne use .yotir !going a nyeekere Grind 'Order 'of • the Pugh for ' . you ! • as iiian' as ' noisible after milking • • It •
priictiCal joke oeyoUr Part. -- It's- the the ereeht• is Sep
degrees and..a.
• ers. Entering the 'xi':
later •fea. ,,,,re wheq't •e•.'."-4.. tit Other What /night .be diacovered here'. hy
YoulNake• that .stuft .vi7on't .plain everyMing to -old "Righy.•: and Tinie ult . Q . '
ure starter added t the rat
a ... . • e in the- borobardinent of Alexandria. He •
ing niore about Inin. that that he wes ifeau ee ' like that •••. I mist. be off, N;V:er• ietod.. rn 'go if onee and ei- is then do• led to 65 de • • ' '•
14 in 1870 lie had his first taste• Of war • .
• oecuipicd With business affo
very parent' and public -school sup-
eff taken.. More.. into the. cone
• 'pat eves .all • she .cared to ,know -be, ,-. c ,
a Preeeh eicildiere alone- • i e„ --th e , world: . „ow. • • Bat r
: ake that y ung • of, 5 to 12
. . .
. ,
. • Is probably test -know.n to- the'inan- It
. .
' f- the better poets appeals, tp,youeg
; serious maittere; 'S.O,,iinich of !he,
. . .40 •oducated ..or illiterate., it. did not 1 ,. .•
,- . I wearily ,, It eant•.do Inc ins Itarni ' : mi...sificoe had torn open :•-the Cie.. :
Yue ii•• •••• .• •'' - ••• ' •• •L• •• - .: • w hat's• ' mere l'll '. M - '• ' O . '• ' •
" Os, Ill P thy ,itee said mr., simecie oblightei•.of a...chemist ge, too!7"-. ' . . ; The best flavored'biitter IS that pro- •
per cent • .. . • •
. ,
p •the street however, bY the manner in. .
• • ' "- taste :for it, for inuali" that,
, t :' a • . •
° . - ' ' 'difil it t • fiden
ds that it et,not•e,ery: . en o . .
;few oft e leading questions ,eyhieh ' •hhe at. e sent ii e., .teksesemders'l sueposn'r* '.-•••• - yr-- • ••••-• ••• -•• ' ,y.elopt.,whilst ms .frtena wit...spealann,,, uce All en a sma prepOrtion, 'of witteh be handled the Naval .13rigede
CI ' d. .h . ' 11 • -.
.4 •ttervpoeseisati influence and will set Many people . thinhing are: wear,. hendkerchiefs .6nd nechtieset 11
-t.e-- " 'f•Hartn.!" snorted_ Mr: iteddaway, ra-
• Mid Wes. miw••staring at the Contents...
iilloWed to. ripen as .slowlY as it would • With Sir Percy Scott; who' has'been." e
abusy looking- after London's.' defences .
s veae• Wrx s : • '' - • • y , The. Majoeity. of pupils- leeve publie -ing himethahee:howhad it•horcie where -.
haria, for
reed h '
host of good. p0e1118• in papees r
young ,perenee, • OU Call I
school. at sthe age • of .13. . The. teigli w •nee e • A et a e; 'e: oee thilik note, Sure yeet•woiet eave that eGreat 1i 13 aliVer bP•exciatined,
. .. , , Mir. indignantly.:' \ "I. -shmild :. rather • 1 •• '1 ' ''' . " .. ' • • ' • • ' • '
tinder __natural conditions; ... • ' . .,.
rterip-litlaces ;nix- • •
gatost :air refileelieettededsa.-hrtgade ..e
5 starter is used and when the cream is in the South;.Afeican-Wate • .. „
• .elip extenelitiTy for a scrap :bock 1. the big drainage: ',Do economic cell::
.and .'magazines tot verieteh and • Man ,
v r - etat 1,• s : r . e, 9 , a ou and -all :that yell knowl-P •'•'• •"•-. " - . . "" oDetir •Afr: SiMcoe;:,-1: trait that foimity- in e •flaver of butter prO-.
"No, no!"- retureed .m.e: gimeOe, • "';1. •yen- Pare i•ecovthin'g freni youe.-etta.ek duced from one ehtienbig.and.another
, .. t eholock On a'. Moilday morning. At
Schools de .not begin. to account fo-r was aWaited him. .,:.She 'wrote. :hinl" k 4 4 „ ' 4 4 • 4 't ' . . 4 .• • ... . 4 ,:. .g:4 ..1_±,stifyto,,t • . . ' : ' - .... . . . ' '
guns to Ladysmith, arriviag at eleven • :.'
Bead AgaistlY-troin tile •More popiu-:i siderations 4:plaid "Itl . Dees, :dis- her hitsband, her. hie hes • and her favor, r •
dog, who was little .silappighly...• "And ..do. close all .ot ' influe..nsit,' and that You :will speed-
elualith es 'neon. Lam.bton had his guns hi oaf. •:' •
from the ship, and took the, ha;vel . ..
jar •.poets . and it • will. tend 0o .refine • comagenient? • pe misfit courses, -of 12 . years
he .eat;.,elso 'about eer
the doors after, you . old: cliali": P • ii • b ' %veil enou h te-resunie• eur t - • • h• '
Y , a ..s. , . - g • • Y - he butter is lug er anti its keeping tion.•and ordered the• first gu 1-).
The g•enerai standard •••af '•
, Voetry. eitaltrines :thai putest'languake. -
aptt enJarto your vocabillary) for.good :
If go; in what•prOportiony'.i .• .• P ' ....: - when: ' 4Grandrathcr". •Jeffi•e".• granted ' .
stiidy? • Or, do ell Of these:Contribete," 4 •:-'•
fatting Out . 'She metered 7-blen •• that ' .. -•
01.4 „and-. Whoee. :teeth Were
Way,. and departed lila exit,•resPoth• 'convalescence :•to learn teat, in view
"Right-hol •S'Iong'O' said Mi.. itedda-' duties at. tIM Office.. • It mayeald :your: • .
qualities ai•e . iinProired, %while • the .nreti- at Leng Tom., It iventb • ,i'Zridbee;
- store your ‘ntemery, ,too, withemany I • ' We hail to • reeognige' aby:•atteMpt him...a leaVe ,he 'Wetter nethhave •• to ling. the pastage of a .healthY-:Youtig of. the' increased -cosi.: of living, I liave '
cream- to a -state tit for feu 4, ..,. .put •.his . telescope to hie 'eye • and. ore
ered another shot to bo fired, •ahd. •
verses Alia, short poems that will aid' through these questiehiseto. deithflis walk- henieless---fe --the. streets.: of •Paria.
aetualle. sate the: . fannies • Boer gee
tremble- often experienced ehebringing but killed 'a,.Boereoe ewe.. Lianbfoh
you in conversation and 'Conte in ape' 'reedy with. ehe,main tssiie. . el. "- . Slieuldhe be wounded ee liacl a -moth-
a jar Which. shook tee honi.e,-.'gr.. Al- salailis ail round: • • '." - - • . ' '4
tornado. : e • • • • .
When tineeeet doOrinid banged,•witiv''.-oloyeeS a•twenty-five• Per cent, ria0 of '
' • i d Ceided, •Illik diet. 'xi • '1 . '
0131 largely overcome. . -• •• ,• ..., ,' ' • • •
-, .
dismounted' -wi•tb 'a• welediteeted. iid.,
e propriate often in 'year:friendly cor- ''.' .* ** -4' e h ...
ea 'of, the tioeh war, Sit Retie.' .
er'.now, who. Weald nuyse hini, • , • .
• And the shilling Woman rend the tot. h " t T ' - 91 l'e ' .., 1, d i i th • b • '‘' ' • " i h
,srespondenee. Scarcely a: day passes the very sanest suggestion - that we -:,
Value of Roots in the Ration. -
er . ames • . i 1. oe la, be ,. 1 s „ie - • .7.,7T• am, yours fa t fully-• - . • • e: .•
: .thite, you. •do' not..find a good .chence havvet seen•apPeared in a.ver brae-,
to •quote a sentiment from some poem., ilea' discussion. of the retardation dif, son, filled with thanks for the: il l oiL
'7-1-11.-- . "Curge liii,infernato teniel": he ',said "Well, l'in..-":"' began Mr...Redd:04w,
: •
' Theegreat' value of toots. het milk ' !Apron
was issued that alIemen of the High
ter • the had received 'from her nem'. g ' • . • , • . . .: .• . '
worth tent) a good .seory:' "An•iirder
. . • • ..
dite • ellen... e .1 .• • .• . : • ..
•tir yeah' ie tlie time fer,, fernishing. flculty in in editorinhine The .- Daily eitielote the underiveme _the. haiidkere .. •
she lied ,sent • hi:nee-the tObacoo, . . ...",' " .g.Signed), JOHN imp"! e
land regimente enlist toher ,up• their •
, • •
he elee e 9: .a them& in ti;etili more vindicti:Ve tone.
thd bitterly. ' • -'.. - • • .. .. . , „ -. ... •
Posed Mr.. Sitecoe,breathlesslys cl &maid College, Quebec.' 'When One; •
• .made, toe Obvio.us,. targets- for•the foe
memory With midi good. thoughts Globe recently the eubstanee of which .ebeefe and the: neektiee aMl, „ After a intim, lie rephated hie alth.. ewelite !hetes a poetseript" inter- ensilage,exas deinonstrated: at .Mace
hie. Ores opening. widely, ..--- • : • . cows, eVen ni tonthination with 'corn.
angering, as • It • tv0-1h-ought th •
, • . Of the poets • titiokti-of travel never , west. - . ' his 'letter with .the renewing. wordse : Then .euiluntinhigettp all hes •energet, e;te t.oy !Oro-. war;ltave-•you"lrisdllie fourth • etlie engine rtition-* P - '.
The late Sir • George. White, WhO be •P-
..- ,,,.••• oh& • of-writera la' amply Veiled ettelicult to preVent.thc.,Spirit :of ,enthuits
fail to inteeest• andeeditYy ' And . ''' 01:0':! • - Trk gradal se eol it id al•waya-dif,
everythingein iree.,eower„:-J-te.p4 w‘eritfY IrteiouslY...•,.(4Oatrary to-, itii...--oItpeeta; -,:ijtiig. to.* some hat etutdd mistekeea I milk
' eMotheieheeretterhireitetliet I" 'ivill -(16 if ' . - • • ' • d.--, ..- - tf•• - • • : •• • •
. . • ,. rappei muchetdvertised . new _10104._ Pheera;:placed by-rOots; the toWs-• gainedins
yield ,fl,ve per cent When .phe, lieved the °order would prove, •pcipularee. •
*-otr•-iyloy:-:•happy-' Mienings • In then .•nalitirorri :being chilled by. „enfeteed,
perusal,: Bookie, partly historical and' delay,. and mobilitY7 to be replaced' by a .: Yeit.ria .a. son.", •• ;
••*•------:•:,:°% 7-- • ,'• - •• and, indeed„• -was up in arked :gave • fey out of •eurioaity.;• r trteo a small mien,'
, ' • - ••' j: •.: • '';• - - • Ilona', the botdk. bore no „gaudy . label, bane of •. it • reached' metodaY, .
,...... .• . ••, __ . •._
and, halt the ensilage ration, wile replate,d hail -an idea. let theitie he -said .'cover, .' .... 1 .
oarily• deseviptIve of variouS Countries.' stagnation, , Inertness of body is io*.
are a; good class of publication .with -,-natural 'to.a child, and stagnation of Copttired 'German Meer (to Eng-
- Without Success,' '. • the dose on
• • .
, • a (merge r• able-. I Would advise•yott to afford it a
. „ . ••• • per cent. ; but • when , 75. per .cent• of emy will lieyer see' the ether side!' !.7
iiedWorth is as; good -a •Man at Tiding
•the,Side, •.- • --. • . 'tit -v. •:The.'effeet 'watt certainly reinark-, by roots, the gain in ,MillcP•was eight the front of their !unifOrms Th * • ' •
.2_.... . .,. ...; ',ill. al! A -et 4 ''. emaYeeeith a. fair degree of safety, be soners)•-Ton. • ' fighe foe erioneY1
• , • • I
' *Ai 1 eh tO beanie -fanniliar. ; • • •• 'mind .. .is • equally so. A 'clever pupil lisli fieficer ie_ehh ' -.et flertet q -pH'
.. '
As 'Voile iiiiSa frem the "teen' age. put into a higher class that will, force . tight for homer. .. . • •
. • • i ,
' • " •• ,
• . We ' • •"Pangh te 110 ('.(1 1.111309 disgustedly. .•41.•Wild WhOop,.. ' : . - . ':',: . i!..., . ..... I cent.,• All 'of'evinclis goes to 'sheer the•
gingerly% at. the coutenfs.,.; , ' . Sir. IteddaWityleapt. tie hie, feet with, .
' ' ' • ' . 'toots the .milk yiela. fell off thtee per_
Is fond'. of all sports, but his .greateet
Sitheoe 'withdrew ihe. crirk and ' SSW ." FA • '. J.R.''. '. • ' • -
r ., . , .. : . 4' 'Ft . . • .1.,---1-the -erniilag-e 2 reitioneekatt Teplaced -by i . Unlike -the •sulaJOiltY of sailors, Sir '.
' a horie ai lie %At riding ilie eetui. eie •
•,.' read- •ocetteienallyeeontroversiele hooka. him 'to- etert" Iiiinseif„ While he .Enaete • -Engiisli Office -IN -Ali, Well! • Neither .A. wave ,of. nausea paheed. .over him.:
e'Stinktrig.etuffie Clieetere litileedte. ''' ...i• "What did 1 telkYour• he shouted. egreat value of .rOots 'ifl,. the inilit la- i lee.. ee,„ 46 „ „
W Wart novo roots_Ilir,r!.._-.,..„...0.11-112.-0±...til0.--tigW-bititireta Of 11-1-P-7-7
..' delqato...... on. tliabjects . and . to respect - a' 4110.FALImleingifeltl-bacic in la' -Class We? ..."'' • . • :.
ter_ . from • each. teaditig one leaenh to be easily- and inthirably inverted into of Us iteenii le gpt what, . we Want, do,
• • 1r •
• ' 1.10: .".t.cmic , the ' holt le; a ed .• de ternitnedi ,:.4.4„‘t. -,yorza„,,,4-6to,...-.40.!•4fee4od.•• ehra_liet-v
114Tkrard il..;ilie Window. wila z' e, li , _suit ' ...-AtiPthir Oneo-olul- hell•-•-•Taahe 34)11r:411101A doing the -ver -y hat: . : : ' Ear1.9f Dettem, he is ma
"rite -Prof: TVS Cheerp that Tian deceit! i'll; tiletohittstheeeedhirinanetetmepeoeTZeTehn7eVile`e„IlLelielubaste74.a#11Maa,h!", '
ih I hi rig. ' terhally. near-
points You willfindof-op- ; ' • . i'' . .. * ..*- 111. .:*'
...qpinhiria'a .pereens of. different view- that is. toe -slow. for_his-hatueal-speed. '_e___ . .
" ' : ' .' ' ' ' ' f nil Pariners! • Yob °Nre ele•see--• 0 i• ' At the Macdonald College, situated le„allied tethe &eat ducal house' Of .
.."."-7-77,--• • •• • • ' - • - !after all Sinimy. Now you'll litive to;
• 'i:', • portniiity' ter .reading. 'controversial .',
Matters. inthe.politicel newiteapere. is: ---4 o -,-,444-tuice-a.,.- tt 1•4111:4-1,7" '' ' t-
''.=+14e/74-tl- ie4to• ' eTcv winner i seems to be..iii big *
One Obisious remedy for retardation i -
\ she:. ' coiee out. 'We twist „celebeate •' hile. f
1 -
I the •clothel • you' 'can ithd,*and. cotnee ...- , _ .
. oT corn 12 to '15 tons. 'AS they ireve
near Montteal; thfey eih;g. toptv 3. 0:fto 3,(16.1;f0bukte in. ceop .o, ,r till:Ia.:nag :Di. ):14;0, s9 ;8;1,11(4d, b; itdurhicted2.1t;: 6; ofni I: 0. am: , O'Ll ;tit a; i.ti;
*a = . . ' '.., Wig 1 er
yoit are „opposed and thue. get other Would. he no -fixed time or age for Pr& ---e-e.....e.-------
' ' '8 1411)17:bellave f will,' said. ' Mr..--Sinieo.e. I ing, that rOots areslightly more Valli-
...., ....,........-..............;.-.......' -: - • : ' '
advoCating ' pOliticat views to Which ::intereseadvisably to do so. .There ' 1....' :3: . ,: ,;t ' . • - • • - 'foutid by years...xi ,expenence in eee -
inarieed In 1010•Viscount 4s CI • '
: itien's VieWs. .. it ::. malt ., setnie • to mean.. from 4rade to grade, and eo," '1 .,,e. e
'f•' • "That tlheero of 'youiteettieste be very' .able,'• tort- for t,or4. than. ensilege, er
• astliett calf grow more ehen twice I e ....
Well Cruslt ermany,
. - .. eixth Duke of Deere -rd. „Sir thelWorth
•Strengtheit• your OWn views. 'Persons . pupils sould, be••factitiously field hack 0(' i ed, .. It
Mug., ailei ' ail!'" ••
. .it• ts." returned, Alr: • Itedda4vity;.,-weight Of Toots J)1.1 31(10 than torn,
The British.. Ministry' replies to ••the .%.
' e ' .6 • . a. . . .
• ... writ. •ettrirtot 'trugt themselyee to 1.50 AO be eubjeeted, to a termleal test, '
• • • opinions ei those who diffee from their nach class teacher should be constantr . il -. .tolInnolitilltr 4. ,ts,!•itr•stalie„..i.t by, 7)1 0Y' • .... e, *
• . • A0 %10110•11te.,Litithorities strongly . Urge ,.
L ,.
ICalaer's etieouragement. to his" l''
' hie* •clliotild. not. be entreated' with ly on the 'alert to (115003(1 pupils who e , /,4fr . , •
.''." • I the' growiag of reets,-.• hot ' itestend of .
withAeclaetitietne of still fi '
40...tettriellise, The ,sheewd • Pen- are suffering. from retardittion. :Each
tielan never faile to read speeches of • principal should insist on such heSee t• 0 ,,e,,
, • , - • • 0 .. dOrnt hilt in, preforetace•to corn, or bad. . -
tee stilt, ineotaberietion :with 5orn en -
al _Vie:tory; .T2In Spite of the Getman
- e -
termination; andmoicertain hopes'''. '
, peon 6
::. •elligentlY if occasion.requires if.' It
• P1)011.010' ee as '6. limo/or-Alien? in- being bkought without 'needless delai
' ..A.n. old: tenant •Oit Queen Victoria's.- silage....4ar and Dairy... .. ....A...
. • . • - .
sett that the. -crushing of -0eimany is
%'••• - .. ..
.., :".. Janet itnoi . • , .. ":'
successes, the•Britteli statesmen a$-: ' •
, t041113 notice. teeth itispeetoe should 01,',
..oten aeguineets are ineapable of IA..;
feensla Man 'she ililittines-tis have Snell Pupils in mind when he is
performieg .etie inspectoral functitinh '.. "eeea .74. ;see*
, ee 0- ecnieernect •veheii tho,Queen;went driv,
• .
.. 'Balmoral- •estato used to"be .4 greatly
:'' Pedigreptt Seed and' Planta. best
. Ing .cifectively, ansutered • or -combat- In • 'this way the 11101MA:of • pedantic
- ...(cd. Cerktkovetst is a law of life and
the•PriVilege and Ptaetlee 04-MOst• the Pail:role .leighte. be' iteoldeit '. and•tach
. inflexibility that 'obSeases.. so • many. A•O''•
•.; '
/ •
„,.....7..... ,....„...„.. . 4- .
• ' ..,
/ Atiori
.Va • :
betties to ,h-er , terientrY, snalkid'rand. ing • t
Venttired ! to, speak • abOut. it. .‘The cognized as the Mast.. AtaltIable,.and ti0Ort eater the stleht With a torte
Queen, Who: Alloated a good ritftnt ll- itinclistrer frhoatts. biZieniV4it Ibtli'voewdn.: itt.gellain:tyvic171GPrilrYinaill'a .1'W,i1bIllit:9?en••
• ' -.:-" :./ hig.00. $undaY. attentions, „ Sho Pow), ' Pedigreed tock has long- been • re. near at hand, and that -nrighttul • will
.. e eihriette. • • • ;de. ,,..- • :' • ' •"•' • •
lieeethilia .eopeteey .1014 Wit441)tal4 . • ' • • '
t;eated'idaOni$ and' 'Ores it, /0 1. "and tellool be kept a continuously flovving
iim„• *or•to .debate when conducted with
moss of itioleete Individuals, .,:, ' - ' P
.t., q . t't .0'
• • , "...........1.0.0
' ttrI.e.fr!''' :'"'".- -'
fiaid tO••• 010 ostoinan.-13aptlaneti. thti,: Sintilitleil, Strict breediei cif Stunts and: • goureen. earniet,:hope ,to. 'Contend.. The
tile e Sabbath Wah Made ' tor Inet0 "WOW IS constetentlY '''follmeed '•• In fiance to C ' ' •
New Testament -109,tts distinctly -tii.tit planta• will proditte like. results if the 'Vti fifthb ' 1 • 4e p 'Ao fell of de:
, 4 • - .
, .. . y. , eY •peint out
• •- •
' 9 ..*: , Ct 't,'''• If. ' .. .. ... •
,. .•. in n4(1,16511 to the • foregoing, we '
• • liOnlg From thp Front on Leave "A e" Said ;Janet, severely, !,t linevi :novrieryv• ocriga4, 'somillo.wforitt.itip4, tialtui,oino... lit:: .?titrimIn•attiivit le. te:sendtlitiviesq r'npo idly( fra, ',lilt-
Caii'val oat& closseS; Of.--he010...litm tentleney in the sellool.roOin Is toll 31(1 . 4. 1I iSfitt`t9IT . n t tilt) ri.otfir
i WOirld ad individual. teaching.; 'The PATRONIZINti STRA•NGT.Itt: "About your feeding; Young' "man." I,n that'
• . • . . • .. • • A flielle1v Testrunent.trir tliet.!'. ..
it•dbes';, and / think nelie theettote of d
.. ; . 'are. buoy plants that produce but,•litk. litritain aro..,Oearcely tottelml. ,..
„ other ptibileatiOnd raay'he read. Vitt a slohisli. routine 'et Ibeitalks {18 iteiti " notimu'a iftery: • "Leek at me; .don't I peek Well fed? The table dotty ' tie, while- there 'are others
•.• vivo a lover or follower of some •apecial sontetintes referred to AS' "hearingnt the v.tout i• ..,n 1.:gttr. ,..tt's. i he dotty questions you. gct a, olmd. , at. home 4hat''
Ova YOu the pipi"---Londoit Tit.1.11144. .Oterotetil Aged Alta tiorketfineo lov,e'a ieting dram
ill.na-of adaaatiOn or elallit'g'K'1% mull' classes in,eonttedintinction,to teaching
• . , . t .
. ,., , • . .. ,,„ - , . • ' .
heavy Yielders, The pereeritage Spnte pcophs know i 13j mos4 of
non-producera llfat' 'greater:Than the • Witkit.icaft • • • •
'7 ,