HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-03-09, Page 4„ • . ' , • • Soekty Cards ND ie. SON'S, Ltd., Quelph, and Mario% Nin..141-1,Luctuow.Oat, Agent vatileux1n&os of iSSItaYSCR,, Piro and iSfe °Iasi eentoiudes guaranteed. Onlv L agent la hackney*: of ho London mood. A nuishee ul yillagi nd farm proaertfas for sale. 0.0. F. facknow Ledge meets ever, WItlos avaningat d 0' Clock la their hall, Cann - toll merest. All bratbran ievIt Lump tmayy kk An TT t-rifehlettrand,Thoa.Watscv 'o '""'""""'' Im.,414t EtIrktioni Ogutititi Published every Thursday morning m • • at Iektiew, Ontario. A. P. MACIMSZ1E. Pro Rioter and,Editer. MAR. 2th, 1910, iirend . T, ooy.. . „ e. Trta tittiktmow orartramai. t he soldiers and crew, Ivcre drowned, constituting the greatest marine disaster ever kuown-certainly tbe greatest loss of life over cause4 by the einkine of one ship. It is not sta,ted whether or not the why gtve so MIMI% Of it 01 Germany by nutting off her foreign trade It looks u thorigh the newel/19MS which have long advocated' Protection are gled to find Nome othen'reason for it Britain rieb, and Cans,drt, rick and Ana- tralia, Now Zealand...and Sonth Africa rich, why not have it. ior each onal And if Protection is good as a. trade laelieee Frei:telt bij WAA protected by destroyers as are the British lrausperte which CerrY trgoisto BO114114or tO France On March lst came into. effect the Clerman rude*, that all passenger and than that itpar as 4, trade policy. • laftsre'.. ' 4. 41' 4'. "keY" LH:* '144' When: Glerittatly deplarepl war 'Upon her 'weralaut shiKoarrYing n• gun for defen0e. ' -- 12e'gbboltra many Heratan ships were ne. cl 140 r 44 w.ar veseelo An°, s eul t e ted iteaea.,IV .0. O. outielete Lee meet It OW07 inrstir night oa or beroregthe gull am uarbours of otber countries wad 10174 tIrpedoerl without warning, , In spite Itai- " moon, la the mole MU. havelock street „ this threatthe British rrench a nd THE "BEEF EATERS Lucknow. W. at., 4. 2404)004; 4. Uname tf, return ,40106 oneanse a • D. Cameron; O. Martin; Sew., W. • . . vigilence of the Bratsk navy. portugal tans refused to remove the defence gen Thursday, t/loreh 010 VE YOU WEAK 111 , Z)o,colds settle 44 yOur chest, Orin, you; ,brough.loil tubes?: • Ihr Coughs bang 9.14 Os ire you subjeet to throat. •trouble? Such troubles. should; have immediate treatment With the rare curative iNtWet& ut COgnFaIr411:PtilttIr &02; et:airy "folletes, ,.S.cott!sgraulsieu contains parecodliver • oil which, peculiarly strengthens, the res, Piratoortract.'and• improves the quality thohlqe4eet/eegle'eetbe'Seilteee2teeeutd: heals thetender membranes of the threat., Scatt'slepretcribed, by the best spec -la. • istso, V.941. can get it at. any 'drug atom ticettrA newts, Teisinto: Out. • sMiSS DieletiO4 • 1 their!. er t .Wsides,, me- 41, 'atA.!.1a.r4...1-a,g- Alt'44,,j1USSey'r,'"7:"771 "- • ••• ei.le; Court nowriniirr No. 00,. Lucknow, b . 4 the oe Yresment 11.111,4011, of the United States , huh. Bell Rec. Seer., Bat. utub""u f • ' • ' ' It41A, neither Of which-nre-at-WAr- -- tam, by ancient usage gm meGae. • Vermin rule; Which Meana, ShOuld d tradition- to the Yeomen of the R „ Xiss MOKE*614, Secretary. 'fuel ofeicial title is "The' • • ' • , •. • v . , meets even, wit ygooday of the month in with. Germany .06 lleW 80140 - 0 •r- * yordially invited to attend.; Cadet Banger, man Alps id thog. harbors, and. iiii use, lunis stoutly refused to eOnaMit to tins,. 4414, . 7' ; • • . - „ - rs„ McWhinney 1 le the telefellews" MU, ,, Vladimir brethorn . .4.9k, tobt. Johnston, Treas. 0 lt. t ern ; or,,their•OVin purposes , _, , , , .. . „ •31-ada`mw'' .• • This. seizure, of ships amounts to an Aterie4P atI490•,'W4towned. in the .K.Ing's Bodyguard of the Yeomen 01 . Marriage In Mongol); 1. Mond geiww.,,tiailliy or cock month in the 3/4041r. Workman J. Moo; .1Ords'hre" furious 0'07,0.. - But ,1"ortngtil 'Austria-. Weilld • he held resPOI)Sible for der times having been first est bli h sec0:40ddr • . •;0eo,,Botter: Treas. , 4,10X. Ross. , an . alY 3oot as '•• What are you, going the tourclei. Tb. a 'first ae"t. 004' IiiPd ed- in • 1485 by. li9tn.r.,:, QT41', an1,itzillia , ,_ „ . guyd,. mu. secy. , R. R,ItfacInto311, Ace. 1,1 it • -k, • , to do Abolit itio- And, au the aeemene 'would mean sernms trouble ,-.. nd iniglit Yeomen Still wear her i Tudor. .. , • 114 not knewn•heW tbebermans vieW 74eing ' maVa at a olg-dor4 trP0,- ., , ialattention t.e.gold. plates..nrow.OlnK U.ult ' Th14' °..?!.4tue °f '4/' 8111134SILilltitl i.14161 but 1c)1* -91a lint' "elt 4 •Altr9.4!t e: he: hag" Under- hint a lieutenant, who • stake lit -Button Bleck., TeesWater., Spec • ' lorld ework. vadte wrOseteelot,onasro. countryime Portuga,1 is about the eiwe 'new ertle;•Intn-lla`i nn'efreet; : :' '. ' e.11011t0Sakt,7bOlonef in the..!arM4 ' ' ' ' ' ' 111: Ilelday of each month: 0oerle Thur. .. • h • • . • , . , tummew Lodge, No. )37, mects..O.Pc Of war, and:the Nailer Odd ,his war finItiO3 of 344 k.ilertrAanY apti 'the allard."' datea' from early Tu. Dental . From a recent Wile of the Roblin . (Man.) *view we take the folloWiegt Last Wednesday afternoon the lionie of Mr, And Joel Stauffer was the scene of a very pretty- event, the Occasion ' beinglhe,:nyirriagn et their 'daughter; Della May, to Mr. George 4eneY Tea Mare, both•Ofe The ceremony, - • • . ?, Wbieli tea place At five O'clock, was performed by, the Bev. H. Matthewte'" A large number of guests gatlxired to wit- ness the,serv,icei,‘ The bride was '.given away by her .father, and looked very cliermitig in a chess. of white sills with over dress of shadow lace and carrying a beautiful bouquet of white roses and Easter lilies, After the cei•enton th , e • party sat down to a preparation of the fine arts of the kitchen and thoroughly enjoyed the good things. Mr. and Mrs.. De La .Mare left on the evening troAn for. Winnipeg, and on their •return will reside id the vicinity of Roblin. That all the,.good things of a king life may be theirses the wish of all who know theee Ovular Young Most Acknowledge the Goods .. The Grand Trunk Railway has now .cau„do 8 -ay ,,we mama, orkw.the United. stales into the wet'. 6inne that 4;4 inn °ffiPerSt ho.wever,. trowblint ()face ui) .you wooJdn't dol'hUte" • • ` • " • h • Itis commanded VC,* CaBtalb, and • - ereSt slailin the, face -that Gerreapy as. , • . • , and ,an ensign, who, Inuit he a maJor Amin" Block, acknowitkint. All mister') recepre 44100 egOmMe40e4tell p , , . . . . . • . , • methods us Bost mattnials Ittrnished. ••;,ra;, . • ' • ' • • :'• ' :;„ t Jutant is known oftleial,IYOti the'bierk crown:and. ridge "afork Painless oxtract. • • ' • s • • • • . wlete•alueren.ue.a1000:•!neh; of the Cheque,e a wnieh sounds • - . toe hv tit'', nf .tite latest..simplost , • • saf can soylkdoodm. Newesk d‘a. opun 11,141kr ' 04..tckitheir'00110ideratiOns for •rlie, ',Alley' as. though it ought to havh. something• , • th ttuto4 tt4h, 44'0.'10.4 Plat'g!a ' ""' '1 They rang 11 the to 4. • itl - -0 Y4 b reakahle. • , . . , , . . fel owe, n .business. e a e • mo e a en a but . . G, 1,1,EurTo o, ijettitst, office, d th • - t f th MAIIY.,ME1To0 mArtir *nips' 'At the time of UP1POlittthent. • US ad* gNTRAL . STRATFORD, ONT. YOU CAN SECURE POSITIQN, Ji yoit take 'a course with 'us.. The demand rtpon Us • for trained help ke many times the number graduating. Student e are entering each week, YQU may • enter at any time. - Write riVence for our free catalogue, • , O. McLACHLAII, Principal. • •,CREAM 'WANTED JB went creititund will'Ody the . highest market, prides fpr geed • ereatee-e-Sumurer• • Creamerir add - Cheese Factory -Patrons -ail -fig creitin during the winter months would do well to ship.to us. We weigh, sample and test each can • of cream carefully' thet we receive,' and return a statement of same ' each time. We furnish two can4. I pay express charges- .and issue , cheques for. cream twice each, -month,- Write- us and •"trial. It will cost.younothing and ". we guarantee you satisfaction. Pore further particulars write or :send for cans and give us a trial.. The Seiderfb Creamery,,Seatorite. Ont. "7,17-7 . • elema caceiez)Ce'ffe-e‘ There' has . been .for thee past three • way from the extremely coMtOieutious which hue net, his duty being simply , week& more doing between the armies in who cannot, bear to have a cent Which to keep and cell the "cheques," or the war than for three montliSprevious• belongs to • another,. to the deliberate TollToheWhtearamtl:•,abei)er°eraPtuerP,Ildhu• '. 1 Interest has been correspoiidingly keen, 'deadbeat who takes all be can ' get and aPollecl to the YORM01; of4theem Guard, Throughout the Wiater both sides We neYs for nealing which he Can. get °ill" and ale() to the wilrders of the Tower been•Piling tile guns and. ammuniticin for ' of PaYing. •'• . ' • • , ' London. Who Wear a 81114114r int big drive as soon aer, spring weather During thesidesemptien-paying season form. would permit The Germane like to the man who looks after the business • ' • force the fightieg andevidently witli the end of a town oy village newspaper, 'has . . . THE .P0E114 BACHIFICE object of forestalling the, Alliecl drive an excellent opportunity for obsert7- they, about' Feb. 200`, 'eommencerl a ing these differenees Many who ' have Rupert taraek Brilliant Scholar, Gave Vigorous attack. on ':t.lie section of the been ieceilting the paper thronglioet,the His ielfe For Hle. Country. Prepolt,-aintY elefeltditig the city of Vele' Year call in settle, and Many more'remit 41., few weeks before the death of. dun. Day after day the attack gre* in by mail.' The difiekent •shades ' ":4 II"' Rupert Brooke in a 1100Ital ship .eff intensity until it became one of the great esty are• seen In the letters as well as in the Dardanelles he 'wrote a Bonnet 'se- quence oa the •war; in which he faced 1 battles'Of the war. -The German plan -the individuals. . ' • was to deluge: the. 'ground.. with, shells Some come in regularly,. a few tleys. Withquiet exultation the thought of. and shrapnel and fellow OP tile boMbarctbefore or a fevi,daya after New 'Years,; 4/4 rl for his conntry. -qoIe was•ok one ,. ' omet wifh. infintv, attacks -to Occupy and if a ,few days later than usual will ne. England's most distinggished yeutig. the ground fro% ,which they supposed apologize tor the.delay. Many,of these poets 14187,imok ts.Th:sonottamateadegree r aergitueibait, they baddriVen the Frenek. • In this will explain that' they always like to get b Cambridge Entiersity hi 1909,: then- ereetleeeses* of their men' were often those little, debts paid up anctoff. their _ ., , _ _ traveled and wfote centributing Verse -Caught by-theshell-firee-of-the--Freack: Minde-and-occasioniellioneelvilleinaton- , . and sketches to the, Louden 'weekliea. and wiped out This made, the great •PaYille tivi Iii7ittregs rate even, virben it tilieb:rsatlistt'eergaariled as •a an , pi tile battle Per Verdun the mla not terrible' and not in. fOrce. These appear to -under-. y promise., When. Eng w . bloody that has beenefeught., ' ' ' staled that have itanted a meannre land itiined,ther'eventful cohfiletdirocike The Gernirdis, however; Made progress, of bardthip, that they have been. unfair, Observed; “Weii if Armageddon's on 1 b,nd:.tho .greticli lin1;;: original -1Y ab9nt and; they are willing to 1:tay.-- - Their suppose f . shouid be there." : He ac: ,ninemiles from 'verdqn, • was in oa .$6680,9f_honestr-OUtwaighs their acceuiee centea a Cormino:mlvih_shseirisioen r.4stie,....nt thy: ii;r1Nr\owtvia! etiemeettvineWeeke-tliieinirTetbWittcur -41V-sties& ' , - . , .'''" ' ' . - trenches under. German Shell pre., Re battle or -five Miles. At -this point the Ger- ;The majority of those iho remit.' by mans seem to have been belted, for the mad simply enclose a one -dollar bill turning horee he was sent to the Dar. 'battle slackened, and for a time neither • with a brief letter.and take chances Oil. • •• •danelles, where he died of: sunstroke - am*: inedepregress. :- : . its• getting through unregistered; . and te st .Loinnos, where he was burled. It has been pointed oti that by way the credit•gf•thoee who handle the mail,' Of Verdun is the -course which ilie Ger- Practically all Come, throngh. Iii ten Bagpipes kte..e commonly • played in Mansshould iu the first 'Place have. Years" experience we have not known tithe : , . . • . , --- taken into France, instead ot -their un-; one tcefail.,-Someeaee-at paAns.tu- fold:11.-,Tr_A_ih_f_leid ,..,.._ t_ ..,,,,...... twilit break into Belgitiiii7They ihought and wrap up the bill With a view. ;to, :..• '.• . .. : . • ,, ' • supplied allatir agents in Canada Tent - mance Act counties -with "Special form 38" which isa declaration that every one must make - who •has liquor sent to. his address. This, aflidavis•Must • be made before a brotary'Pablie or Justice of the Pace end all ehipments will be held un- • til such forme are.preneily filled up. The ,Qrand Trunk apparently reeognizes that it is jointly responsible with the ship- per and the consignee for liquor brodght in for other . than personal nee and .is • not taking any chance. 2 ' i '• ' A Christian College -home, " heatthful,situatien: • , - - .. .- . _TorDroonegtusandterraf.wntetheliffne$0 It.r.Wanier.M.A.,B.B..itvr11.0213213,Q0.• 03"4 the road 'through Belgium Would he hiding the fact that ie ehere.Othees' • will-enclosve-senie- arele-Peeke .ed a hale of Red Cross Goods on Feb. lfith, vained...at $11.4. _The Circle thanks the foIlowiug litheti for their donations: Mrs. A. Quaid, 2 Pillows 2 P. Slips M: McKenzie, . • 2 " • '4 " • Mrs.B (-,uilningh'm 1 • " 2 " feetly fair, enclosed Eitamps. for the ren :Miss T CareY • •2' 4 2 " Mrs. J.. Oliver, • 1 " - • 1 " ceipte What a contrast between this Mrs. j. Quaid; 1. • tt 2 . Perim and the one whotakes the paper •Mrs. Jealyers, "ld'ii" " • for eix rdontlis or a year, and then., with- MM. C. Crawfi id • 2 " 2 '' • MM. B. Grahain • 2clin" •I •• ' , Out offering to pay whet he owes, refuses' the paper at his office or orders 4t dia. Mrs -.I Stevenson 1 "• • • . -• •: Mre. Bennett.jr: I " ". eontinued. • Mrs." Jas. Hayden 1 "- • - oreunately the htinorable people Who Men. N. Graham " 1• " Moe Will, Brown • 1 sl!neL , wan to 4- t44kre., by far the more numerous. There are. -only fa% Mine -4' Higgins 1 ':1( • '1' • 'I. - Mrs. Itt'Slittekleen deadbeats, and these invariably are Mrs. McGee 2 ", . • without Wealth, respect and friend's asMrs, Mr. Maize ", " withoutrhonesiy. - • 'e • 44. Mrs, IL -Reid • Ars. Etcltardson, -1 " • ; = . Mrs: Menary 1 " • TRADE MEASURE OR tv4/1 AsuRz Mrs., G. Rieheids'n 2(„1"n" • Mrs P. M. Sullivan .1: " • The British -Association of Chambers. Mrs. J, Hussey • • 1 " " of Commerce which -met in London .10 -et 'IMIrriss•111,•Crawford• 2 " • • Dalton , 1, " month passed a resolUtion. which read in M Cunningham 1 " part: "The , experience of the war hat; Mrs. A. Gordon • 1 " •1 pheet shown: that . the strength and safety of Mrs. NI:Whinney I " 1 r • Mrs, Wm. Blake p P. Slips 2 • • 'Mrs. Hayden „ the British nation' • in time. of national peril lie in the possession by this nation Miss Bains ". • of the power to prodeme its requirements Mee A. Alton 2 froni its -own Mal -andittowir-faeteriee."- Mrs, IL Jobbet'Er 2 ' ' Mies L Mike 2' .." • This was amrnwided by changing the . . • • • Miss J. Maillan 2... " • word-"natio0:to "kiepire."-•-• me's. V crewel 7,a CC Protectionists hale this as ."the death ' • inikii--easieerbutem , months of war they are endeavoring to thing complimentary or cheerful to 'say geby What theyat first thought the. ine to the publisher; many,ask for a receipt. poseiblemayancf this after. the way by .(wealways send one whether asked for 7 Verdun. has been inede vastly more diffi- or not) others manifest no concern. Re cult The progress the', Gerinans- have cently a remittex, who wiehed to be per - made euggests. that had they. invaded France by Way Of Verdne in the first place they would ha,v,e had somethhig of walk -over without -the titttek on •Bel - glans which brenght Britain iiitO the war. The present attack on Verdun has.two .Objecti.f, to induce the *high ench to-to:mute-nee: OWL.. 'spring orethey were ready and while (rnetusive) the roads in the north are still in bed %Tickets valid to retern within,two AND TRUNKRAILWAY .SYSTEM ARE YOU GOING 6 WEST? The Oran . , uoine4eekeog Ex • EACH TUESDAY igARCH VW TO OCTOBER B10., RailWay*System ns 'an., 'tide& be , incintbs inclusive of -date of sale. shape,- and the other to win a striking 'iinntapeci and return $05.00 victory e The taldne,e__4Wee_greit_fortrese EDMONTON and retiern $40.00-ok 'Verdun -by -We Pitmans woeld ft• . . . ' .. Proportionateiew rani to other paints. hr , ' . Manitoba, Saskatcliewaarand Alberta. . . . , • . that particulars and tickets, 0,11 invitee - tion, to agents. • , • 0. MARTIPII•Agent, Lucknow. Phone - • ' WEAK SORE LUNGS Bodo*" *To Health By Vino1 • Camden, nit -- eI had a deep seated good talking point with the pecipie at home and with the neutral eatione. It mink/ suggest that the German amity might yet win. It doubtless Weald have ite bad effect On the Allies' cause, but -there is no reason to think that it Would serious v endanger the French. army or Paris! , The peace- part•Y Gerimiiii is .sitidtOlie making trouble for the gov- ernment, and some sic)* of suecesseisuet cough,was run-down, andrnylUngswers .. and sore. I had tried:everything be made in order to keep. up the. war _ letg 0_0 t ed without help. ,Orte., eve- ple at first backed. the • !dog Lread about Vinol and decided - • • •. goVernment 'on the promise of 'quick' to try it. • Pooh I noticed an improvo. ment. I'kept on taking it and toskAy• I eaccess • • • ee. _ . _writing the fighting- is Miss Mame 4 • "gone-franantlitrigs-1-de-tiet-liarre7atit -111nraloreli The sofeiii4ii is all aA tg have gairied,fifieen pounds... at a stanesten, feed the eterees,ns • have of. Free Trade," a,na the retuin to prc,_ ,M rs. W. Stothers 2 • " • • HILLMAN. • accoMplished neither of their ends: Bad 1tectionistn of Blitaiti whose:trade polioy Mrs.11 Curren 2 • We , guarant.ee, Vi n o I for chronic • C'r le - • ' 3 , '" thourth. th. e sieuetion loeked. at times for .since 18'46 hal been styled a free trade 8. A. 1 e • - T ..• couta, Colds and bronchitis and for all . A:number of pillows 'end articles were , e-- - A. NI. Spence,- Druggist, LuCknow. British -nor Frerrch lave been led into But t e Chem, era, of Commerce evi- Red those Society. ' .' - - - - •''' . ' . - - ' - ' -ii- - ' -----b - • • . .•,„making an attack.else,where, so that for dently are ne more proteetioned bow The Circle -also thenks the following , . . . .. . BRUCE COUNTY NEWS I Theiv are now 650 telephones on the Huron and Kiiilose systein,' an in crease of 10 :since Jae. 1st. An ego, t is being made to enliet sufficient number Of soldiers at Mild, may be justify the training a a do tachinent there. . .• • 4 Geo. Ferguson second son of Reeve DougaltiFergustfri7-&-Teeswater, has enlisted with an •Edmonton battalion for overseirairerviee- Heelias-been in -Alberta-for-several-ye' . ' • SCRIESiEL,-.13REIG.-S. quiet wed- .'cling_tOok place Oie Wednesday mern- ing lest at the Sacred Heart Church, Mildmay, when Miss Pauline Breiff, of Carrick, became the, wife of Mr, Geo •Schiestel, of PiOvo'st, Alberta. The nuptial knot was tied by. Re& M. 'Halne. The happy 'Couple leave this : week for their home in albeita,: Mr. lilchiestel was a resident of Teeswater for inany years.' 'Molt seizteLSTEELE.-.A. quiet wed •cl.ing• was solemnized on Wednesday of last week at the eneof Mr. and Mrs George Steele, of Culioss Township, whed their daughter, Miss •Dortelda, •wilaunitieVin marriage to Mr. John D. MCKenzie, prosperoue young 'fame r of Cuirass. Thacerenionit_was:pei form -ed ,Rev., A. 13fltdley, of Tees - water, in the presence of aefew friends only. The happy e.ottple left , on the 3:15 train from Wingham for a short 'honeymoon in Guelph, Torcinto and Hainilten, amitel the best wishes of a large circle of -friends. On their return they will take up residence on the grotem's.farrii on the 4th.' cop. MOTHRft AND BA&Y Die. --Death came to the home of Mr. Anil* ew ..Witechter, a. Wisll known Bi ant fat mer; on 'Sunday, Feb. 27, undeedietressieg circumstances. In the remoetal\ of :int& children, the eldest fourteen years . age and the youngest two montlig" -Old,- were rife motherless. Two days later the babe followed and was laid in the casket be- side the .reinains of the mother.. • At the same time Mr. Waechter was coif - fined, to his bed as a result of an Eitel _ dent in •Trus,x's millyard two w; eke age, when he had ieyeral ribe fractured midis- still unable to move. •The late Witeehtei,' whosemaiden' panic, was Elizabeth Montag, was in her39th year.-- -' Tnzs,(elieetesereLere-TeeeeeWhilei grea many ermans in t us loin ity receive eredit for .not being ,burned up with loyally to the British Empire, says the Mildmay Gazette, ; , have Mani of tbatieationality who are made of -the right del. Latit week George Heist, of Mildinay, dental . -student. at Toronto, enlisted as telegrapher, but was objected to the groupd that his father was born the U. 8 f as was also the son. Mr. liaise, Sr, on hearing of thirr condition of affairs, Was anxionti to remove all obstacles in the way of his sore joining the colore, and Went to Walkerton on Monday morning to swear 'allegiance to thin grand old empire. George is now able to enliit, thanks to the actor} of his 1041 parent. , • ditiNZIR-16DONALD.-eThehoMe f and 1VIrEi 8t1i Con. of Huron; Was the scene of a, beautiful Wedding on Wednesday last, when thole Meet datighter, Henrietta, was. united in marriage, with Kenneth Oliarlee *Kenzie, eldest sOi4 Of „MrEl. e• . • ' • ' .Wea p•min-doWn conditions. '• the French about 'Verdun, neither the policy. -held Over liaitd next bale is packed for • . • • • ••Of the 400 fanners. visited ducted by the Commission of:Conserve- • . tion, lb per cent:employ Male' help by , the Year; 14 per.Tunt. by the Month; '31 • per cent. by.tbe day; ihe balance.em ploy- • * ing it in various .iveys. , 64 per cent. eine , ..• ploy Canadian -born help; 1:3 per cent. • British -born help; while. 2 per pen. ern- ' ploy help of alien birth:. A large major- ity -report the labor siltisfactOry, While 4 • per cent report Ialiiittuniatisfactory::14 .A„ peroent, employ implied men, but only . 10 Per -cent, have a Muse cm the :farm, . , for the hired -inane Unfortunately many of, these whet have helms are employing •single,Men and only a few° eaaeS were found, where' the tarn* employing a it warded Men had a house -for him to . It is.the general (onion Among the • •''' Urrners whn.have little Or no Warble in • .,securing satisfactoryhelp that the nein- •• •tion of the faein help problem is largely ' in the: fartimee own hole ju wag% ' treatenient and benree Tann Labor Looditions .' • the dine it looks as though the Gernmns than they have been in the past.' They ladies for ktiitting and sewing for Red .• - •• sacrificed theirehundred thoueande nien do pot collimate the exclusion offoreign Cross bale: .. • vain Mrs B rn go • • • de nue i by eehe,e0overmins - ' o, - IR , VITIllerthe MTATF—TOS:t.....M PLWQME- i k -• "117"""P";"(1 1.1tC' 44 winning over the rieneh, the Russians triercial advantages, but as a war mea - have beim beating the Turks south of the ure-not because at would bring greater Black Sea: -•The Turkish army eppears, finantialreturns,hut-because the Empire fle be demeralized and the Rilesiann are wenld be itidependent of its possible en - having a walk over the country. They emiee in time of war, Protectionists haVe }lain driven the Turks out of Armenia, advocated' their theory on the ground and theretieCl he an end to the massacre that it would pay as a trade poliCY not of that u Innate people This lineal:in that it would be Wise aa 4 War measure, • suceess fir Of first rite importande, The change dab word nation toItn • Mre. Wm. 131eke 2 Mrs., H. Johnston 2 '‚' " Mrs. J. Petrie " Ms. W. Brown , 7.1 •." •"- Mrs. A. Gordon ' I " " Mrs. 0; Fielder-- • I • " • " Mts. Roy Maize 1 41 • " Miss M. Nleltenzie .1. " Miss M. 1 " " ' Mrs. G. T`tvemley • •1 Mrs, IL Johnsten • 1 • " 0 AteSalenika, where it WAS expeated a pire is AdFriifiCaiit It shows that the. wily would attack Mrs.•Albert.Alton 1 • Bulger and German . of Cloinnieree suggesting JI• Alt°o• '", • the British and Irrench, there has. been upon track; did Mit want to confine trade Mmrras: T11,113ms'niwitinnny nothing, doing. It is :Said the ,Bulgaie to ilritarnitself Int. to makt; the terri- Mrs: Jas. Cook t Garinents won't fight without the aid of the Oair tory as wide as would be eafe in the ev- Mrs,. tt fliggins" • 'mans, and the. Germano appear to have ent a war, &solutions were also passed Mis J Mc M Man 844 no men to epare, to this more than an'Y- favoringa ciimniercial alliance among Msfrila: wWm11): istelre (o , 32 where eke. there is evidence of Germany's the allied. nations to the excl,, Osion gyre Wee ma's - • ,§, • 'failing strength. Gennany and her glide . • Miss Ethel Brown t ° 2 :*0 Xn the Mediterranean the French auf. If Chambers of Commerce favored rs J _9, liver fered a heavy loss last Week, when their Proteetion as a trade poliey beteuscr it NI88 ria12°' ' ' largest transport carrying '4,060 men, would pay, Why did they, then facor r38HMa'cyltdeennzle mostly Algerians, to Salt:Mika Waator- freedom of trade, between 'the, pada' of Mrs. J. glum' ' 2 " 44 pedoed and sunk. -Moo then 3,000- of the Unipireii Protodtio6 wouldmilte Mrs. V", Melee • 1 1 • " .." • ; • • • „ • • ' • , ,CAPITAL; AND RESERVU .$81800,00a • • so Branches in Canada A Oeneral Banking Business. Transacted Circ4lar.Letters of Credit Bank Money Orders • -SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMEPIT lintereitkallowed at highest current, rate T. S, ,REID, Manager. • 4' • • v • •1 d ' • • t •Mi199• r ' . • - ' 1114114.1moramow.--4:4 041 •, "*...N , ziik,------', ..,..........1 ---;,,,,-4,1 ' CHEVROLET 4.9 ' • 'FOUR -NINETY' 'anent. PRICE COMPLETE $675F.O.B. Oshawa • ' . . • . . ValVe-in-head Motor, powerful and viet run- , ning. Electric ctarting and lightilg system. Electric horn. Mohair tailored top. Speed. ' • „,... • omqter, Ammeter, etc.. more value for the price thai any other car in AmericA. 'Made • bv: ilieFIVIcLatighlin Motor Co., Limited, of . Oshawa. I received a consignment of cars- • on Mgnday whic.b. are all sold. • . • • v Inspect this car and get your order in at , . . , •• once as the demand. cannot possibly. be A — i ' supplied. • , ' . . , . , ,• GEO. Ili SMITH MIENT LUCKNOW . McKenzie, of Kincardine. • The Rev. • George Gilmore, of Knox church, of which 'congregation the bride. was an •active and , valued member, tied the nuptial knot before an assembly cf, seventy friends and eeliitives .Amro than ordinary feeling of kindness and gc,od wishes prevailed the oceasicn and *poke volumes. for the etandina of. Miss •McDonald ' among the large circle of her acquaintance. •• The bride wore chess gatin_with—peart—trtm— amp. Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie will • leave for their home in Alberta about •the middle of March, and carry with thein. the good wishes of a large circle of ,friends. . •• DARING Batley Boirs.-A • young man, well known, in Centre Bruce, has been specially mentioned in the Cana- dian Eye Witness' official ,report, in the person of Lieut. Jas.' Bell, who is a son Of Mr. And Mts. ' W. D. 'Bell, of • Cheeley. • He is with the 18th. ,Batta- lion, and the skilfal •night eecomiaise sance in which he took part was men- tioned in the official report printed in • Canadian Denim as follows: "The fol. lowindnight. a daring reconnaissance' was made by a. petrol. of our 18th. Battalion under Lieuts. Baxter and Belt. In, spite_ of boitile fire our pat- rol crossed the enemy's wire, and get ting dose under the parapet at one of thb• strongest points in this section of the German defences, succeeded. ih bringing in information of considereble value. The enemy's trenches were „ • •••.ir Vf. .e: • V. • ; • ;-k •• • • • heavily mewled at,the time, but our. pateol withdrew without casualties. • Full 'rePorts on seetione of the -enemy's .entapglements have been esecured by • Sergeant, Masse and Corperal Rawlin- son of our 49th. Alberta Battalion, who on euccessive - nights spent several hours making exaniinations." . • ALL HANDS ENLISTRD.--The follow- ing is from The Walkerton Telescope: If the recruiting 46• reall an in ec nem germ, t ie Savoy estaurant premiees !mist be badly. -infested, Every.person connected with this es- - • s teblishinent since it was first," opened • • in Walkerton fifteen months ago has . • enlisted, and en Saturday night nexte •, • . •• • • MreE Gordon Scales, the present pro- . mister will walk out and lock the . • , door, having -already signed up with the 160th. Two. town, boys,. Reg. ce• Carter and•Frank Patton started the - • F ' , . • - •• .••• Savoy on Nov, 20th , 1914 ,• "Reg." • • is now With the 34th. in England, and Frank is withthe. Grey Batt at Owen-• • • Sound. When these boys- sold Out to • '• • • • Gordon Scales, the hitt( r engaged 'Rossi Woodman as cook. Ross left shortly afterwards to joie his Majesty's forces inEngland. Gus Jenkins, .who sue.cee,dedlum, joined the 34th. very soon, and hiesuccessor,Chaleie James, jeine lee • ed the 160th. The Present helper, ' Herb. Hauck, tried to join :the /60th. - this, week but failed to pass. '"Scotty', • the proprietor, is pow in khaki and 'some of these days the boys of the 160th . may be .ehjoying his de'..eetable dishes. • . • • he "Sentinel" $1.00 per year. We are 'agents. for_alfToronto ffa t--14:44— - all Weekly papei7g7pub1ished iri :the' province. • If you want to , orde.r .4 Daily „ , . or r•new for, your present Onei do so through' Th,e Sentinel ofui , Me* We Save you all trouble. , , . 1 and expense. z===k li.i4 =I ta xtg=tz- ' , . e • • ' • • •••,', • e.•