HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-03-09, Page 21,1•1111.21911..
eh Yet Delimte
Clean and Full of Aroma.
m •
JJ A Tenderfoot s wooing
\ . Bie.01,1VE'PktILAJPPO wou.,er
(Author of %WO, OfDid 41 Pot:lhoo," Rte.)
• is blended Triin selected hillogrown‘
teas, famed for their fine flaVoury
quaft Imitated -yet never.equalled.
•••• ••••••••#r".1
•in front of' Kitty Clifford, so that she
borss stepped, white -lipped atui 'stem
„saw noither-Kjneeshaw nor the 'other
Indians who Inni, returned at the •oound
-of the fighting, bUt She heard rifts
hot ring out, and it ohe could have
Seen frOM where ohe• stood, she might
have seen?Jina• square his' shoUlderS
and put his bead back like a man who
prepares to take a Shock. But neither,
Anstruther nor ;fan fell. Rhelowna,
111--CoutiV). lug after it ata bewlibig ever' the •;r°Irpi 104 uet dwtta neuell 83
For 4 moment he ••artia•nort-pInsaeds, • ragvement
but the devil of island insolence, hti4 'r lair hp°01:41rwillt tnatlidcfase:81:c 4btraot: Iii! Si ,etaigctywl:11: ebee'trilvigltvrbeozr%vrItrifreglitieile3vtiallx.n:er,7:seit.d, .
p so $ , on o mi, a e ,. ., .
Kitty lOas Watcbing him Still Qn NS t _..`! and_stretelied_itself_in death. T
Imes inrrenexnd Tor njoric stioirtront--7vithtlergIotteteelntirpe:0-;iterttbegle-t lultteatiet blapd et it apiasii44.114), skirt,
the fire, and bending forward, toSeecl
it se the het entl of it fell upon the it'147. sireFY 'Still'
I. Then Jim. jumped forward.
"Drop them guns, you dogs,"
nearest Indian's bare foot.„ 1 That is the Indian Method c't IP.alc" roared. ."Anstruther, cover these' tin
turftueldeNhairfotP°41?knillietnitte'tliCehwilratet1 1442'0'1' aPleerfigif:;:*41)en(iiiienitnclitt :ft; .Now Ithelewnn, drOP that 'gun, or.,,
ir stand still: ..If they stir, shd
ow their breath an feared for what. ever Shows any sign of .affection for •
WilS to genie, but the camera clicked its Master. When the beast lay still 1111t1 441 Title 8314:the It'eSt' • ' '
;from, hi viethn, , . , ,, neck and tied it' up to a tree.'. The .'::, (T° ba °".9.11ihmect.)
. . ,
and the fire still. tIivided the'aggressor the "Indian Passed a rope round its
• . • .
"get you my beauty," .saiktlia, un- 00a wAd mut deed Yet', and as it might GERMANS. rEAR, SPRING DRiv•
• • . •
eiinsekeis artist," with quite your most possibly be made to work again, he. ,, _
'engaging smile on," and. utterly care.. did net dead
ttee• Iheiatee,it,e,01,),uhteitowehaS too Assure the Belgians sTiiit Allies C4
less of the dunib wrath in the man's nearly ' "net Regain Their- COinatry.
CPO,: Are, Grateful ,Por •Care,, . ilia to mixture,- beat Weil, "stir In %pre. and s i" :iaeikPer bball,e.4.mlatroadullgta:!tcl ells°. NC)41yist! -11'1110421eleggnis' oavneds;:enlacisrleydfritinsitahee. • In ..orslqato deyress the:Belgians r
' t%ew stYle, or iV the hat is' not useel.,01*.go." Illoq i
, Main the
44alle•-whieh cannot be nitoo4 into a molds and'' steel)? one: 'hour. .0 .0,710 .ed too late. to, :ilitereara, did Doe join in, l'Leg broke," pck sattl. His shot .w.ith probalie:chiration a the war arid t
ing aWay hats yet there, is rarely, a Xiat in hili well' buttered kmhvidual , •
.. /1;44: imino aro .carefoss in. touti. 'fier101: itild brit '°11tit Iiitr."1 '414111Cdcl. 'fill,: 'It' 01: api 3.inli;,*wite: bad, r•-et'ora.. athnidlithin a O-.,ndiahnaltalinted.ilt n.1, .f., 11: ' 'flimelle. ere ''sKennung in lli'dmigeb:Atci.land the Ge
roliisse, acitsr;:nat
' •
' •••EulTY clean and free hats' froln dllSti
triniaiing^,May6be,' tiret.„ • Onsie-ohvapl!ivitietn4rsv.„:0, idltis:::_14,;,1151e. .9it-lin..priii hi S laugh; but the milieu Uees '."0 the. the Pine billet had been a .good pile, Iinlo_PrrSgaililitrogoL
1 QUtrrag;e4 foni;, and the sight Of VW- ' Under that grey blanket by the iVilete •
, sasing for 'felt, veNct or: beaver 'a. is called remestve la jtaiy, 1144 14 mai. the, beautiful, ,peeping out . to• • see man!ti tre•a lover otelogs felt his flesh 'says a;Rotterclarn letter.
„ a all was flee again, Vera too -1.414h droop and his hands eleneh bul•tlim ' The estimate of neimy . eiAcers
: Seft. camel's:Nair hiuslit which' ,will verY uOurlehing.' that the y'ar• ill last f,iii'anether ts
TI'lq•' italicuS. Mult, .for Kitt' ' who laughed till the :tears ..Ccinibe having been 'trained in a hard
net scratch the .fibers'Of.the material. a 'Meal •of it alone, Chop one slice , ran down her 'cheeks, .„...„ _ , • ' school, had learned when •to interfere Years, during which ti*e, they assei
Roll ribbon 'or silk,' carefullY after. rirs'Y bum; thtee, or him strips of ,ba -.1 "Oh,. surely, Mrs. Bolt," protested and when. to bide his time, He could the 'Allies will .he exhausted, whi
.' cleaning and sew • Or Pin flower to .con and a few stalks of celery. 13.t . lAaiiiisgthrtdetih, er4t, hebreetwl is
enne t hhi ni his to
not help the poor beast now, and -hie Germany, now that a new. road
taps and string them across the 4d. Eang I cabbage in finger -length strips Opened to the East, is perfectly a
of a hex. A" hat supperter should be and one ' carrot, one onion and one serious about. first duty was to Nude after his boss's
needs,ntiedeostiatre lEitinn
in every bandbox, and this is easily turnip inta dice. Add one-halfOup One would think. that Wife and that dear curly little head ,attunrlis.
5 ol!lo4cka:leb.e .
iron have been Photographed. I didn't under the blue robe. After this the land's
Made from a stick -With aeknob at the 'alto recl. bSseS, If (hied 'Walla are ' 'tort the sulky brutes, and if they grey dawn:began to come, a sad weird many of the Germans are far fro
" ericlo•Whieli should be Padded So the used, soak •over..night 'before .mix,hkg comfertable over the threatene
didn't like being photographed, what light,' sifting through the pine trees,
. hat can be pinned :tc, it 'and Thu kept with the other vegetables. l'Our int' matter. You aren't afraid.of Indians whilst the fires died down, and the ePring offensive of the Allies, aboi
"fronk being jammed mit' of shape. One. cup stewed tomatoes with one-half in this country, are you?" . ,t. k 11- Ig - d b t 11 " which a are tl theyt 1.1' tl.),,
Wads. of soft paper should be used cup uncooked, ribbon maef‘roril. , Add 1 ,
• freely to keep the hat steady, in peso' two quarts water 4and a soup bone. . "No, but we don't Avant enemies...the boughs, warning their woodmates the Allies themselves. .
At any, rate, for goodness' sake, stop that those silent footed things who use 1 In many, places inunechately. ,hehin
the ht'S is nwvecl• ' ' ' • l Cook elbwlY enewhoW or' more, season .1smahing. You tan see how they hate the "fife -stick" Were Moving again in : tshste fingghtisnogmleinoefthtehye airtitiiiaTittuaanitisy at
The life of Shoes .can be Mich pro-' with salt and pepper and P.04.$ grated ii.77 their lairs, and would scion be creeping - i 1
. hinged, of they are pronerly put away, Parmesan cheese. • l' „ It is a curious trait of the Indiana, up towards the liigh Places Whitherleave the country., • Some women wh
1,01E4 yet. It >was only the wretched
of Piet7
• Threaten the Imperial
, .
et, - A •Scandinavian correspondent of
he the Ji.padon ,Timeaweites: "I recently • "••••°' ;;;;;;;:to`
bad a visit from'en old uniVersitY ‘..----. -- -
he •who.bas lived in Germany eipce the
friend, belonging to a neutral country, EW,GILLETICOMPANTUIviri
en •begining •of the vyar, baa atisociated , •' • •Tc.ROSTO,ONT,
ewonelalegintlefonr;eduirskdauesqtruilarlede!racolire, I Vvii•v==.1.4.............40NYREAL
o t . i andwith
inside hno'wledge, . According to him, irrosiPPI'itrAgorme-""-"-mmr.;."07e•=7.mivae"-irni; . •
.. the most strilOng Rad is the change
of tone Which has,talten,place in Ger- STOPPED SHELL '
.: ment is a thing of the Past. The pre. '
E "Tlie 'Gott strafe ,. nglandi senti- • . WITH IIIS IlEA0
,,• - 'arranged declaimB•rittrili.yniosrlinvetrhasetrdEperriipcheont- 8.0' LoiEwa • ci
rsethaty,eoott9. incovE4Y AgAtlEst '
Who signed the varitins mad declare- - --- . -..
tions abent Gamlen 11311602We' and ° • SuRtiztoNS.
he ' '
13ritish.• perfldg at • the beginning Of . • .
he •-•r•-...
ts the war now .feei.pesitiveIy ashamed,
a • Thor ex, ense their. foolishnesS, in put- Large giencelss Offi,o,:iheellatiRet:doved
., ting" their names iiir •them• by saying
that . they did zu4 Ulm!'" the exact
tit wordinw, , ' , • :
' . . . . • . • • , tt •
•t, .• • Seeing the Light. • • . • During' 'ttiO.:pereilsee'enkt•: N:var. . in' edicall .
"The 'Liberals' alio begin in pri- men have reported many remarkable'
eases of the recovery of wounded men
's va,te to admit .that the German Ver. •
-cases where a fatal termination
S '' shin of the diploniatie prelude to the
seemed inevitable -but it is doubtful,
gd" war tragedy will not stand eloser,.ex-
says the London Star, if there has
2 ainination and they even recogniie
been any ,as astonishing as the case,
in, Ger'inami's responsibility tenter,' Bel -
e : 1.... 1 , of Private G. A. Dawson, of the Tenth
,,. glum.•
Yorkshire Regiment, who ie now in
1'1 I• "The intrigues . of the Von Titpitz
the King George Military Hospital&
! party have been and still are a den-
, `ger cloud threate;ning the ,Chancellor.
" Admiral -Von Tirpitz has been indined
to retire, VIA his staff has so far Per-
° him o remain. ' s inspire
seen by scores of leading surgeons. •'"'
press campaign against the Chancel -
• : Both slioes. and dppers should be Cranberry Raisin Pie:One and.. a iniy rate •of the FarkVest, that theyfull-fed. stags were 'aireadY saunt, have come fronk Rulers fel. assisthne
tree& Trees,. irre really not a• one-half . cups cranberries, • One•lita themselves seldom. • or never laugh, (ging for a day's siesta after a long dechire they were atIvised to leave 13
Standard Street, S.E. • .. •
Privattr.---Dawson .. has caused. -so
much interest among members of the
medical professien that he has been '
Head Full of Shell.
° ler is not °illy carried on by Cou.nt
Enough shell . hets . been rernoved '
Y Reventlow; but to various foreign
from Frivatia •Datieunes head to .kilt- .
C). 'newspapers have been furnished in -
Y sidious--articles. It is -reported,
h°..cv' -late Lord Roberts: ; 1 .
Many .men._ 'An...Kipling aaidf-of ' the -
Y ever, that the Kaiser shares the views
"If you stood 'im on. 'is head
.„,.. of . the Zeppelin raids on England,
But`witik• it all this"Tommy" is able ••
" of the diplomatists and disapprovei '
You -could spill.a quart o'' lead.7.'
iNvhicli, in his opinion, are senselesid
'II ' • •t , the 'brightest and. cheeriest. souls in
. . ..
to sa up in his bedt, and he is one of • :.:,,,._ .:, _
o lations with Britain ,inereNifficult af-
, I only. calculates' to make friendly re-
-Piivate Da. wsbn, who is the son of a
- ter the war, ' • • .
• • Mischievatis Peace.'
Ury" but an eConoiny and cest as. low-- cuP seeded 'raisins, one cup sugar, One whilst The merest hiut that you are night's feed. • . I Gerragn officers, who helped them•t
...as ten cents- a ...pair, . If; lioWever,„
2 'these , are gut 'a the ouestion, stuff ,over Is
tableSpon cornstarch. Wash and . pick logking„aven. in iihe_iondest way Ati . ' ha make th l'- ini d to 1 b
eren.,erri-eS; OOP Pi- Sivilee0an theni, tstheir bakke up hninediately.
puts stir began i the
With the first hint of light; a sr
n eIndians' camp, even threatening that if the German arm
up • 0 1 , nunds eave
the Shims Well • With • paper beforewas forced to retreat...they would de
containing' Not Water and cook until I Like the vast plains and dumb for- before that the women must have been
' iVrap'ping eapli one sePariitelY; if. kid, Alm* Soft,,butnet mashedt Take uP t threugh which they roam, they moving in their lean-to, for Emraa,i,Stroy, every house in'the plade..
or leather sbees,are given a thin coat- :with, *limner_ and. drop _raisins into "frightfulnese
are hY natare sombre, aud a laugh i8 mbeenattar. id old, beganto put out strange- I ' While this ''''f°11u of
ly compounded packs, blankets rolled .
and - corded, and bloodY parcels of among the French speaking Belgians
is going on in West Flanders, an
ing of ordinary vaseline before. pa- /same water,. Assoonas Well plumPed as roueli of an (*rage to them as a
ting them , away, they be sat out, drain'and add to canhdrries. Stir le Id b. to the f reat
and pliable When' they come birth in sugar through and fill., pie tin- that silence, • •
the fall aud _pat, ern:Pk with the has been lined with Poste. . Roll An.
walk.. .1 other piece of paste, cut into'marrow
• ' • • ' , I stripe' and lay across fruit lattice fxt. . CHAPTER' V. ,
ties to this party to increase Its. hold
d b • f
•, - i pie Germans are doing their, best t
mgratiate.-thenseelves-wity the Flew
• Then- the lean-tos camo-doWn, and
nidi section, and gran mg many am 1-
• 't' f '1' •
they too were 'dissolved into packs,.
Preservation .of, Fnrs. •, . , .,• - and before the ',dawn had come, the In- •
alien., Lay , Strip' around edge and If Anstrether had not been young . • . n y. , Antwerp, al
on the cou tr At
• Coed furs- Ore ea' li I? COM- • d ' ' '
e year e lag Press., oWn. Bake in lartek: heat until and r ckless; and the 1 dies.' cciistom- than camp'WEIS domPletely dismantled
though gevere the •attlud f th
more expensive; so it WI -moves these ciu t is nicely browned;'When - • 9 a a the pack -horses loaded with hides• and '
s •'• .serve ed for yearn to look 'upon all Indians . .• Germans is almost mild. earapare
who have thein to give them apeeial 'mg sift confectioners'. anger over.- a 1 o '
e , • everything. igacv for _ a _ . •, •
s •----------..---7witli--that of t o ernmen • o rus
.;._-...4....-attention.-.41.1e•-Rusaian-inetliMite • ' e• • , , , . , ,,,, :. , - I
cleaning furs is. excellent.' Put somez:•••,;••• . -7 ''' •• - -• .. - • but little;sleep in i the white_ _people's- „. -
The Indians were appareling not go-
•••••••ISMOUln gels, the extraordinary keenness of th
•:Tye: flout into tt. saucepan and.heat as • In-
' ' - 'Useful' ll" t.e"' camp that night. • , t . in to Stay to Cook breakfast. I Teuton to divide the people in, the hop
--7----, . • The Indians did not sleep. ' _ of eventually obtaining on its-westeri
7.-eot OS the hand -on- hear'it;Itirring insects alike both salt and alum. Through all that long night the tun.; - . • .
It -had -bee -'-ii,--suce -ggful" hit -a -even
, /I" e • ' frontier a More -friendly disposed pop
for the Chficotens and every , living
zenstantly; spread the flour Over the Meat should not be salted before tors of the Chileotena sat round their illation being a soiree of censiderabl
•• fur and rub well into .it, brush •thor. tookiag. • ' . :. • , ' •. . fire, smoking ' and Muttering among thing in cainp, except the btaves, car -.1
1 annoyance to Belgians in the western
onglily with -a, clean brush' or beat . iklivaYs Von new iron ' ware bfeore themsties; casting . now 'and again ried Peeks. Of course the bravea
parts of the country .whose comment
\ .
'.'Kently until the flour la' removed. This tieing it. e • . • • - evil glances toward the spot where 1,would neither pack any thing, nor al -
•bring upon thern harsh puniehment. ,
.methed ii 'lot 'ifiiiit,'Xurs. ,. Per White ,Never Apply hot water :te.freetbit- the White4dop1e lay: long
their • saddle horses to packed so
'. The.. Gernians' have made the Uni
-furs such as white fox or :Orinine, ,dip tee:flesh, • • - , .-
.g as there was a tottering -old wee-
' 4: perfectly . clean whisk.. broom into •
' • Constant' contact with ali • M d vaulty of Ghent a Flemish institutie
and hi many other parts of the eoun
__ inire.,_alcoheL_Mul-mop-.--the fur.. well
try have opened schciols where •Plein
- --1vith it;, .rewetting It often 'until the
ish and German are spoken. Next to
fig is soaked. 1 Ilaire.rOdy as abund,
their keenness' to annex the countrY
' ance of liowder•.'starch and With a
there is nothin about Which the
flour dredger -fill_tbe_weet liaireefiill-of
nowinfifirdethrinifiiiialfiiin the stifling,
:-.starch',' workingit"diiiiii into ttie, skin
11 French "Influence in Pelgiuni.,
with the fingers. - Then dry, powder
again - thickly rtild 'shut op in n box
"This °eventually is still hoped for
in .German diplomatic. circles, which
d e • hat-a,...pe4.0„-What-
ever its outward . appearance, can be
• go arranged as to create future.
e • treuble between Great •Biltain arid •
1-- Russia.. • • '
• "The German diplomatic service' is
. •
the Ward. •. • .
news agent of PLO*, Auckland; Dur.
ham, weet to France with his regi-,
ment last year, and after serving flve
ininiths in the trenches he was wound-
jggLan-.11eiontber-V, ••
He was in a village behind. • the
lines:which was being shelled, and •
before he could_ get to...his. "deg • -ctie_L._
a"--gliell knocked him out. '
.thitemscieus, he was ..taken to the
hese hospital, and there, from a great
0 ° AM. the fovorite object . of • abuse
amongis hole, in the -centre of his . fotehead .
German. pu lc. ,
directly above his nose; -there were re.:
- conii, possible Foreign .Secretary'after. of wood
4 understOod that the Colonial. 'Seere-
. tary, Dr. Soli's,. regards himself as the moved a large piece of ehel1,•0 Piece ..
and part of his , cat; • For .
i twenty days Dawski_liovered between_ ...
the -war --and wakand is confident. of -defeating
- 1 the ambitions.. of ''. Count Von Bern-
- itorff, German' Ambassador at Wash-,
, . • . . ......-:_........
iagton." . ,. • . life and death, 'His. face, 1? e.elun. e..swo:, .. .
geons could de seemed to ,reduce the'.
len and bleak, and nothing the sur-‘,
.. -swelling. • . .
' . -man, a child -ora dog in camp,which-
s- .1'Dulring the Winter' it is proper to with Weaponsa of Precision,' has taken could possibly he Made to stagger un-'
--Tair:-.Mankets_ and bedding well • ' , • ' the Courage out of the grizzly, it "has der anther Pound.
Food Cooked in 'vessels that are not had the same effect liven a tribe which , When the procession • had wound
thoroughly washed cannot have a good is natiirally one of the 'boldest and '
. , away into the woods • the toothless,
flavor. ! . . . 'fiercest in 'Western Canada, but the
, old prinepss leading, hending4inder_
- 4ame"AiMe=vrhunzitrdeleaaing.----by,itin-etS=---, f-6 --thisavage---reiriain,--anct---inxintain4-iiii-,.
s followed by bundles
previously warming the knife board anyone ,Nvitli. half an eye .would have
under which :tiny bare legs- tottered,
before the fire.: . i• '
- - recognized that dull glow in the forest and dogs upon whose backs clattered
gloom as\ a 'storm centre. • - Pots and pails, by the fire -there still
An hour or two liaised by, the night lag one bale of cedar Mating.
• Turnips and beets are improved by
for two days. Peat out the, powder -adding one or two tablespoonfuls of
in the open ;air with a- Whisk, shake sugar when cooking. • •
. 'and .toss until free of starch. If. mothi The 'clothes wringer Will lest twice
• • larvae are disCovered infurs, a Solu-a,s lang if.the pressure at the top is
- in Of .acetate of potash And spirit of loclaened afterusing. •
resole/7, grains to..000•:pInt, willWhenbOj1jnL vegetables" never. let
:destrciyi„ them. : .Neck furs. -should thein stop boilixig until they are done,
refully.4rapPed,"•never.;.patked or they. will be. soggy and heavy:
•flatten. AluffS. ' To polish oilcloth add a tableapoon-
uffedwith ful of Paraffin to the water ;used for
4 not Washing , it, and it will look as if,
'shed with beeswax.
ice •have intruded into, the
be hinig 'ono ro
paige to keep --_-in form, and
iri ar, knoth-preof ClOset should "• he
carefully sealed,: in tar paper, • or if ; Ark
u&Wapaper Must, be used, camphor,' pantry find t
. .
• . .
Kitchener's- Bureau- Finds Friend '. in
• . Pharmacy Journal.' •
The incich• abused British War Of-
deepened, the drone of growling voieei
went on and then a figure detached pine billet came • round, ,kieking the
The young bucic'Who had thrown the
Hae Accustomed Themselves to the
itself fronl the gloom and slipped Noise of Explosives ;
charred -sticks and peering amongst
without a -sound into the Arent circle. the yonng pines stripped of their fea- -Mid life along the battle front ap-
JuSt•then Jim Combo stirred in his thery frondage, and growing giants, -Pears to have been little disturbed by
sleep, and throwing one arm rest- 'brutally' gashed and 'wounded • so that the "Continual thundering of the :guns.
lessly from his blankets, turning over their life -blood would ooze' slowly birds disappeared from the war zone
on his bide towards the Indian's fire, away from there, leaving them dry after the battle of the ' Marne, and
inuttering.in Us sleep. and fit for the camp fire, but though sonic naturalists attributed their mi -
As he did so; the figure glided beck he turned over the brash bedding and &anon to the 'din of war. They came
•into the shadows. • • *.' - . rooked at every 'extemporize.d peg on back again, however, and little. by
The bushes which seemed 4to have which- anything could have been left little accustomed- themselves to • the
eu entiaiu. Li, - ....re* to the fire listening, until hanging he !mind nothing. • noise of explosives and even find- an
. , .
meth Bakes or sinces had better..be ,seal it up with soft . Soap heavily t eir at
. es were tipped with . -. advantage in being dose to the con -
Put in before "searing, as one . is not charged with red pepper. . red light,. etvallowe -lee camp was empty; nothing had
flict. wheri thee° is ample nourish.;
' For wagon grease or tar slants rub a full minute the dioning cea•:Ad. for
u .a.,th......visme bunclle.cif cedar matting.. It
been left behind. . Then his- eye fell
qlwayl. sure that every stray egg -has I -'.
been destroyed, well with ixe ' grease_ The siipece_whieliloperwed-Was-mor
"bratieries;cerPats-And rugs, if soil, is fresh, thin wash' out in cold, soft ominous even than that inceepant mut- nave tied it on behind his -Oahe; it
.sheald be cleaned before, petting water, Using no seep.
,fessional, the ainateur can accomp-
as lunch dirt as possible
• and beating, wash the draperies . in ar • ..•• .•
."'CarPets and rugs should be brushed
of good White soap to a gallon of gas -I. .
lish splendid, results. After rempving -
them xretaY. out of 'reach of a Pro-. To clean a greasy stove dip a Cloth watching eyes made itself felt. At
••• dine, . then rinse in pure gaaolin& I DOGS LOCATE ZEPPELINS• .
gasoline .solution, using a 'Pound I • „
by brushing the spots will disappear. " •
places. Then :,,,appTY blacklead and "The white dog dreams in his sleep;".
dry soot end .rub over the greasy last the chief spoke.
it place in the muttering. circle. Good
'at once the figure returned and took
hunter as Khelowna was, he made a
tering. The intdnt scrutiny of thoge
mistake. His forest training should
he' said, but his eyes are shut," and whom
crouching where it had been tied, its
nothing, so thot he might
head stretched out along the ground,
have 'left it where it was, but hiEreye
wandering around to find Seine one on
tthime.wofortthhelesnis gbhutrdheefn
tnioete.dead, but' vowering to escape no-
• . .•
" with this. solution and then with clear Became :Uneasy During Latest Raid have taught him that the ininted, feign 1 °That was just what The Indian was
..ga..sc.,Iine and fine* rubbed well with.; • Over England:.
o•vecl.to a hospital' at Boulogne, and
there hp was ptit'under the ...Lori •
immediately on his arriyal. :the',
private's left cheek was found.a large
piece of shell; which 'must have, en:.
lice, which has popularly • been •, held tem] through. the hde in. th& forehead •
resptinsible.for the ammunition short- and:-paseed down the side of the nOSe.
age the lack of high explosives and • ' Another Removal. .'
anaihailrileofg.uni'lles,otahleer son• was operated upon .. and •
)n New Year's Day :Piivrite Daw
. • ..
tunes of the war, has at last come - in , this piece Of shell, which "weighed two ••
for a round of praise from a scientific, and three-quarter-ounees,- Was rernov-
• •
• The 'War Office has been the sub-\
ject of .well -merited obloqify in these
hc oe laudrne dn a e. in 1 eceOpntni ee pas i o ex rf withthe
itvialwrierf:1•Ii ter of. an inch thick,. With torn • mid ,
pharmaceutical qualificabiOni;" .says jagged edges -is arelic pri.zeir great-
the London PharmikceuticAL, Journal, ly by Private Dawseri. °Another , re-.' ' ''7't
"and it is our duty, as well as. .eur markable feattire about. the as is.
. pleiteure, to . now, recoid, equally :de- that by a furth ".• ' - '0 a' , .e
ment around the . soldiers' euerters, . served praise_ en 01.0,411111SICipatiOn-4f-ifing-- 0-e-uggv- (3 sight. or his ••
Doves and Wild- pigeons_ are. the most left eye was saved.- . .'. •;, '
i.hunclap,t. whileAere arc many. cticz , To use his wn 'eapressioxii the Piece • .
koos, thrtighei, erceiri,..•in4„•eies...„.ppi,
"turned the lena• of my left. eye ever," •
of shell,. when paging int& -hi a cheek, •
jays.- . Starlinge ore - Very comnion,
A celebrated ppthalmic .surgeo has
.them , in the -trenches. •Monsieur
nesting in trees as close as they find
righted the lens of , the .'eve and' in -a:
Louis Rousseati, a' well-known (width; few daya•Private Da ',O1 Will bt
Ologist, has discovered that the war to ice again' with.. his left • eye.... •
ed by tile way it had mitered, so that
there should not he, -u -scar .of any sort
on the. private's' cheek. •,. .••
The piece .o'f shelitiboOf • •
the department from its former shack-
les of ignorance, official pride and
traditional prejudice.''. , .
The jam:sal,' then goes on to com-
mend the appointineiit'of women • in
Military hospitals and better pay and
increased sympathk for. qualified men
and women; It continues: .
' "The enlightened view that the' War
Office Will in the future give• precei-
dence in recognition over the compare,-
tively untrained tvill,give an immense
hns changed the character of these
birds and made them thrifty. He has
found their nests in the boles of doad Quahficatzon
foeks, with a provision el breadcrumbs She• -.Father doesnit want me 'tc
. • •
often. If he had remenibered that, looking 'for. Seizing .the dog's rope impetus to effective and thorough marry you. He says yee. ers toe
stered' away pnidently Underneath.
dry cleths. • This Will raise the nap a • s _ Jim Combe might, not have recognized tied it from the t d d Dovea fly omit, botweeti thetwo lines, methods of technical.training arid will thrift. .
well as' clean. the daroat, • It seems The bombardment of Scarborough, in the fifth figure Daviek' murderer, in
.. PP
hthe unha y• beast -.towards the pack. _attentien_to tbe bursting multaneouslY deal .heityy'lbletv .
-needless ta add .thati-Aldi Pugliindt. Y-Par---tigeLby -Ger utli.en who' hadixetrzwiutedl :IV the ; At the -first jerk the doghowled with -olit'aiMell"Pud runie-of-ilienr ipPears -',Shori-tifittersr and •flashy inefficients Might tolike me, eh1
Gadding. them- on poles,.. seat_ ments, as to the sense of. hearmg :pose was, Jim Corabe koew, what kind (A a
00.1.L.a.#0,,akEiyjrom: „any. _cruisers leg to- some. intereating state,. Notice fer th,at laeLthree Year!. A. s anguish,. and_ wh,ose ears' t-°seriv)-4°..tlit'offibidall'ofortttfitiiigibis.
. were always open to a beast s cr a •seienee and commerce." • dear. • •
aeroplanes, ;0-.7: ,wholiave been the barie.-of British art,. . y
tcr .through them aLpreservative and
sessed by pheasants, and there can gang wad travelling the Risky:run pain turned SharPly on her heel: , The
- Buzzards7 are:everywhere along the,
.f.ront, and they seem to find particu-.
observation ,balloons. , • .
• • . „
. $61..•ta riewspapers.. .. , • .. be little doubt that-tire-sensaa-or4.h.kia that 9'1J -'nil the han&whieh was be- bowl' was of course rewarded with a
• . ...• - .. . • ; ' ", • and apinitits are in •sorike instances..a.t. neath the blankets closed . quitely cure and a kiek,1And then, screaming
.........„........• .
, .. **hoice, Reopei. . .' • • most uncanny.. • : ' .- : round the lock of his Winchester.- ' t er movement,' di 1061* b ' tie
. .. .t, ' •.
I . N.. .. In one 6f the latest Zeppelin raid . But he •did not stir Mill's place He jerked along . the .ground, its looken. ' Monsieur Rousseau finds game 'Very
,. .
•Carrent•Croeuettee.•---Poisr 4111.o cup nights a min whopossesSes a• koa.: wanted that nian's,life as. •every -cow- -benes-rinding--tiegether as it :Went- 'alitindaltb la--the'-'seetien- of
, 110.0411.11c: river_ . tiVo.......ciips ' stide_.' akeAkel Of retrievers °said of abodi
ut the. boy in; the strict did, Who had ever Inwhere he is, due partly to the sup
, lig agony it tried. to bite its tor. the -front
..crurelia., . stir. and. Cook. over Veiling 'time •th Zeps. were over his lIenrd-ef jr ocality -
. lifillteitYll Hart, uhiStment—orf and -in AS Itfortiont—a411-1.1b Alias-t-Pressi°11 e sheeting sinee *the Nv4r be'''
• :Wfll,e11,:fpkr"..:fiV-0,-infril•rte.4.then•add -one- hia`..dois 'were . plainly -Uneasy.. Short- through' Illg -Cabin 'willtinw as he read in. hist- hand nia-
ha/ op -miteants-,enieJlialf eupheply atter -eight •otcleele, he states, the -131
's home letters by lamplight, but he "Oh,.won't aorrienn'e stop ihe.briite,"
' . -- . T gen, hut anostly, lie thltM;-.W-the'in-
,vasion which drove genie ahead of it
i . p- -t-.
' 0ed nut meats and% one-eighth tort dogs commenced te grow; ;tile then was not prepare& to .risk the safety crimi Ritty, almost in tears, bet the le -ward -the .2111al.ee''
are Very numerous, in spite "of._A great
Deer kind' stag:
'spciin-,•-salt-7‘-.11-cirMve 'frorn lire, :add -t 4
e -snarl. ' ' - , _ .-',_.a.f.. the wemen for. th e „eh al ee of taking elder weintin,_ \Otte_ With: _ ram...340k-
10_ _WA:1i: lir 44)<S,10
7;, c
intfrit_tt;e1Y-Lbeattli.r•-...yollwof -Ilva-eggert----01--••••eould-heare.itettelv.:40&dafft. - ---•-•" '-'-'7'- ' .1-:. -.-- - ;--notiii.ngZ-;-Wi,E"h•--fie-i;-4j:dirig;,ur-,mAli:--Iftii;_4T,4ikT-:'-4T..4-, ;ailigTi---ali.; '1.*i..-,;.--T.biiiT---of_ :::,,,I.ii:
-17-erne-• eLispoor 1, -volt r.ir and- r•- states, •‘-`15-eyorid.'tli& loW ii4Wring V. ' SO. he 'T.li'.'si "1 111 ,oh.d. wel.o.ed; his hand, nrid her fine-tiostrils'AVW-1-thil--
IT -7..:'-' - ' '---- . ' ' - ':-.t,Lgkatt..4...-Q11-:the Oei jia_n1, i_le_blnts
'relireed:On buttered plete to cool. Shape of thel do ' I ' th' d i h h I 1 d ' • ' . t f - 1 top • I 1" hi 'I" ' ' iimost th''
. gs., Elm In 0 ar tness not - i w o e. io y 11 111 on or s c ant twitc ng, , s ie was a mos wi . itt,
1 arc V-ery ral"e., Wild boars are seen.
into crequeCte.1, • roll in 'fine crinebs„'ing &Add be seen,' it
I .ias unabte to '; ht -s- half ?cloSed lids heavy' na lead. Atriking -distant% •• of the .Childetelid in p1 u,, they,. Were never 'known to
dip in beaten egg; roll' again iherkuniis quiet thein ' in an de retv 13 • 1 1 ' 1 h ' ' " ' li , t • 1 grid c I) ht her
Y• g ., y ant , ., tut efore the grey .dawn' mime tv cn a s long.). . a g frequent; 'a litter of wolves was found
. .atel r, in dcep• a . .•,.. ere° , ruit y. they did calm down, but it •waii . into the SI -v he saw Khelownst hand
• '' . f • 'hot 1 t '1 f ' h '
, ‘,.. 1 SWtrag her unceremoniously out af; in a ditch hold° the road near which
fofirhY settee, •, • • • t t • .. • . 1. only for • • - ' - . I territorials were digging 'a treech, and
. , 4 few minutes that . there .') something to his visitor; wilt, put it the waY:". . '
RagIiiiii Brown Ptidtlitig.--T1V6 Ci.b' ' 1'. :
' , .1.- e i . .. • .. _ . _, , , ;-..4 , . , . '• . „ • •front d r sin . to t , .
' ' ' • t• el brooch 1 550 yards away from
f...was peace, for the dogs •talderilv :'into big .41•11i't an i ' g •g I 1 ..“ "YOU swint3" she heard lie she was ' two eth .
eig Were fOUird in. an • ahand-
, tete-s,..it i pfet. sugar, nee -thud cup., jum•ped• up and repeated their antics." away. . ' . ' • ! pushed on one side, and though it was •
• rill .f),tittar, ' one-half eupfUl ' breite .aware that there had been o.. Zeppelin , Cite of the dogs; •Which hitt] lain all not pretty English for AnsteutheiLocr -- -; --,.. • . • '
ow.. , ,
Cr ' env 'stream Polecats martins and.
,,;Ileur, one: tablespoonful Velem. Water,. raid; but- later; on Making inquiries, : night just oqtside the edge of the fire- heart went out to the boy for it, as his•"ave almost , entirely disap,
. four " tablesPoonfula • tart preServes he foutid that at'the time his' retreiv ' l' ht •
t ft heth b* peered, their places taken by rats and
• (cherry•.or plum 40), one-tinif coinmenood to show signs of irri- It was hiS own: dog probably, for dropping him like a pole -axed ox.
, lose ant a tempted . to follow iS eras e into e n s face,
g' Vgg j
salt. •Beat eggs very; light, add 4.1
' gar, then 'butter creamed very soft,'
.theri flour. DiisolVe soda in waterd
tation he Zeps. were rietually in the
vicinity,. The keen hearing of the
dogs haq nedoubtedly Ideated the in-
vaders, •
. Watch Your -Colts
ro p ('olii op: IiA, E‘611114 at111 I).istenn,t,r, a 011 at !tintir errep-
toms er in* such ailatent, este flown (100(5a flicu %voltam,.
,ful riqtrody.. bem, t!io, tnmit oged in existerteq, . .
OVOTIWil 14sTET4litin 002,7rOingt/ 6
s.iiti by di* f1rui4*.ii3ti. riarneee (rosier, er .i,frvorr.ri by '
areliN 7.1331n1Cint
ozn Ascioriolocicte, manica, res.; u.s.A.,
• • aWay on its, belly,"(irag-ging its hind wine running ,back front toralitig
though it cowered at the chief's low.'
groid, it took no other notice of his
command. Stealthily one of the
younger butics, reached for a billet, of
wood, and hurled 'it with so sure in.
aim, that the beast rolled over sermon- '
ing with pain, .
ICislieenew; fore%t Was the chief's'
son, stru,ggled to•his feet. "Want more
do yoU,' drawled. the English voice,
now qitiet and steady, and again the
fellow went down and Anstruther
stood Over hint heady to repeat the
dose. as often as the man should re -
With a• well - -feigned stari Jim I 'quire it. *
Combo sat up in his bla'nkete, but he; But `ii Wornan's voice eried td him.
vat-a:filed. . 1. wits only 'just in iline to. put his foot
"Cones' dog," said the Indian whe uPon it before the figure at his, feet
had thrown the billet, arid rising wore had got poSseSai,011 of, it, , •
!after the beast, 'which WOW crawling; • At that monient a Man who . had his
Was too late. Davies' murderer had, "The rifle Pranic the end he
Does Pain Interf
There is a remedy
'British ood Prices. -
•Sine& the war, began the, price of
' food in the Ilnit d Kingdom has iri.
ereased 47 per e' nt. in priie, accord-
ing to statistics issued by the Board
of Trade. However, this is less than
the itierease in Berlin and., Vienna.
According to The figures, food has ad-
vanced 88 per eentin the German
capital and 112 per cent. the Aus-
Never leave stock to cool in
• Reed this unsolleited groteftiI
• testimony,- • .
Notloog ago my left knee be.
cute Imo and sore. It'peined
me many restless nights. So se-
rious did it become thet 1 tvtis
forced to consider giving up my
work‘wben chanced in think of
Sioen't Liniment, Lei Mo
leii illation° bottle iiired'inc
flee. 0, Cowbell, Mortar, nv,
xoTosogoom*Aoux)sogoloo *
• ..