HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-02-24, Page 8ago
Tne Ltoolamoyr atititTimov
t • •
The many splendid bargains we are offering on thisClehn-Up 'Saleare *tract-
• .ing purchasers who desire to get :the biggest valiepoisible for theimoney.• Every
day we. are adding tO the clearing lines and during the last three sale days-:Thaisday, 'Friday and Saturday of. this week -lower prices than ever before, will be,
• offered on those lines we do not desire to carry over.to next season. '•
Big Bargains ittiturco•ats ..1Adies! Suits 411d Skirts
• This clean-up.Sale offers you ad opportunity
.to buy41,!;1i0', .9ita. ;and Skirts at nintnally low
• prices. • •••
1 Ladies' Bue Panama Suit sigh 34. $7 50
Regular prictroll 5. Sale
1 Ladies' Brown Serge Suit, size 36. 1 flop
• Regular price $18. .Sab Price •
'fa have,a few !onion% Fut Coats oryarions
lengths„ splendid driving oats for winter weather,
to clear at remarkably low Prices. " •
OnlY Astrachan .nr goat, lined • With 'wetly
,Faireeri',Saint '4'ze 40' Beg- $16 00-
alar price $40,00. ,Sale• Price • , , • • •
. • .
I only Astrachan Fur Coat, heivi satin lining -
13 .00
size 36.. Regular price $02,00.
Sale Price; • *.1 • 8.
1 oat Russian Laink.fieoualit1r-e
Sab1eoflar, size. 36, Begul
price 050.Q0 Bale Price, „
1 only Bleak 'Curl Cloth Ooat, -Olken sateen'
• limn& size • 40., Regular
. .
Price $5 00
Male Price....... „ . • e
1 Black and White Check Suit. size
00 $10
36. Reg. 1-Irice 320. Sale Price
i Green Stripe Suit, size 34. Begu- $• 5 00
ler' pace $10, Sale Pnice. s. •
See our two Bargain Lots in Ladies' Skirts. ".
Regniar 3 06$ 1 48 Regular 34'• 98
,te, 4.00 at .. • , to 7.00 at • ,
Special Sale Snaps
Men's ',Overcoats, regdIar ,io.00, Sale
Price $6.50. , ' • .' ••. . -
"' Menls bvercoats, regular ..x5.00, Sale
• Price $11.50. • . . • .
Men's Illa.clt- Dog Coat) regular -2o.,
• . , ' Sale Price $16.50.' ' •
Alexes•Sitka Beamer Coat, regular 25.601
' Sale Price $21.00, . ------*-1-- -
Ladies" 'Black Broadcloth Coat, plush
• collar and cuffs, tegular i5.00, •
Sale 'Price $10.50.
14a.4ies' Short. Silk Sweater Coat,' teg-•
• ular,ro.ory Sale Price $6.50.
•144dies' litsh Coat, regular .22 .0o, Sale •
Ladies'' Fur Stoles and Scarfs, assorted
- lot, Clearing' Price $3.50.
1). -8 -E-A. Corsets, special,. suap, regular
z.2, for 98c. '
Dress Goods and Remnants
• " • •
number of Short Lengths in Dres's Goods, all measured
and ticketed at kW clearing prices. - Also Remnants- of
various ,kinds at usual Remnant Prices.
Eighth Coo., Kinloss
---M6nday, Feb. 21.
Mrs. James Ross spent"Tharreday-witlr-
friends at Whitechurch.
• mt., and 'Mrs;. Jcihn. Culbert. spent'
Monday at W:illiam, Teat's-.
Sam Congram, of the 2nd, visited his..
brother, "William, on SUnday. • • •
.....4:„...:,::_.•.,__-_Afew.feein.liere.:attenaled the Soldiers'
all at Ripley. ort Friday evening,.
• • • • "Mr and Mrs. Italie.. Elliott ,split Fii
.datafternonn at..Tbomas Henry's. .
• '. 'Joseph.. COlbert. sent Thursday of
• last week .witkhis unel John Wall, of
Kifileas. • • •
Mrs. 0..Raynard, of Ethel, is visiting
'her daughter, Mrs. Chas. °engrain; at
Mr. and Mrs,' Ayinier..AckertandMiss •
Cathpbell visitednt Robert' Elliott's on
• '•• Tharsdayevening, •
• Quito a number from here attended
. . the sale at Wm McDonald's. last week.
• •:' We anderstrindjt. was very snecesaful.,
These toldnorth winds are. hard on
Earl.;_but never nihati,„!Earlof it's
Mr. and Mrs. McDonald, of „
spent the first part' of the week at the
home of Charles McKinnon. .
• J, D-Bobertson;-our blacksmith,- •
• the" misfortune to hurt his hand last
week. coGlad itis not serious,•
••Alei MeSween, of the -2nd' Con.:. -a
Brace, into the; village last week
and will reside in Mr. Gordon's house.
A patriotic entertainment in aid of
Red Crosa. work •.will abegiV,On in. St:.
aul's Church du Friday evening. • For
all particulars-see:fosters- Everybody
-•Fourth Lon. !Unless
Thurottoil Ptbury oolt,
Yob. Sind. • . Tuesday, VelVgOzid.
. _
Mr and Mrs. Om Thompstin enter,. Mr. Alex. frying la boay hauling wood
taineda number of friend* last Wednes' to town thio week.-
!lay overdo& • Mt‘ Thos. McDonald ,ftpehdPog
Mr. and gin". Alen,, ymeg and Miss few nays in Kincardine. ,
Jean, ixehaish, were visitors aMug' . Mr. Garfield hfasPend attended the
Logan'a on Tuesday. Ball at employ last week.
Mrs. Johnston alni) Mips Etta, Mr and Mrs E Gardiner of Zion
.of Luang% $pent Nit of 'Week..omit 8.4049,y ot.1.1.0hort .110-nryr„. . •
with Ura- Lar'iQPIU • • Tilr. Toms Public School Inspector,'
Mrs. Jas. ligagin81. Mr, and Mrn. Li, of „FgAisley,, bought .a
Fted.1310.4e441. WeAtfeldi,sPriti Thin's' umber of horses- in our neiglrberbuott
day .evens g at Ben. Logan's. .
mo!,mintirsh.as:vilaaidt;rbsre,r0,;:leticileIrbra:L:en is,umrere,d. ant vioa at. eeldkv et.ehke. 10.4 week..
Toronto after spending the 1st three 1)914,0 foixet, thot 10 .14. League at
Don't fniget the SpinsteraI.idenventton
luiross Centre . ' 14t,liekoow oe thezith, ..4.tteA4 aa
•Blakea Olittrch, 'Sunday evening, at 8
Phone N,.o..-10 Is' at Your Service
Wo son for 4-We,3'4110hoPer ThatThe Credit St9ree
AL! . . COAL!
• help a good cause,
• . --Monday', Yob. 21.
Weddilodlella are 'HOSing. 1-)0 Y94
hear themi • . •
8.. D. A, A. Stebo sold a herse Le ,Mr.
Nichelsou last week. „ .
• We extend•our Sincere inrinteithy to
Mr- and lire. Isaac Andrew und ti3;etily •
in their recent bereavement.
• We are sorry to r#,Port tbp ies, of
' Hazels Alton, but •impe elle will 4001
Jaines Whytock made a business trip able to resume her studies at school.
to Winghain one day last, week, hopelorflui early recoveryof Mr.,
Miss May Stohoi of Stratford Not:, 11. Xceroatie,,who met with an accident
mal, spent the week enol at. her Mice last week iu the biudi., We understand"
here. • . • • • .. he is making fay9rable,pregrees.:
Mr. tind Mrs. Peel are visiting friends
here before. leavieg for their "home in the. :
Welt. • , •• • • • .• °
• Mi. and Mrs. Thos. McDonald. entee;. •.• •Monday i Feb. gt.
tamed a number ot.irieids on •Tdesclay :Afr,,Eady- is at present visiting his
evening of last weeI father at retrelia: •
Mr. and Mrs, William Caslick, of Con, Miss Irene' Bradley spent Sunday the"
2, were visitors at the hone of Walter pest of Mias Annie Blue.
Day on Thursday last. ,r49 many friends of Miss Lottie me,
A few from here attended the literary Fhersilm are glad to hear she is better
• aneeaing at James MeKee's On 'Wednes- agta. •
day evening of last week, r
; •
Mrs, Albert Stanley and son„
of Kink*, Sundayed withlier-daughtere
Mrs. George Richardson.
The Teeswater detachment, of soldiers
were on a route, march as far, out as
Olark's school on Tueoclay,
'Here's•luck to our Teeswater,..boys;
Here'sluck to,our soldierii-true; • •
Here's luck to all our Canadians
Who..pght foy the red, white and blue.. on friends here one evening of last week.
Mrs. Joe Gluest.a,nd children spent a come again, Norval, and we willtrylind
few days last week at the home of her
parente. Mr. and Mrs. :James Struthers,
• Con. 8.
• Mr. and Mrs. John Grareblebee left
last Wednesday for Seafortb,.where they
will spend. a 'week with the former's
•parents "before leaving fur thou home 1.4
thelYtat. .
Quite .a number ' from this vicinity.
attericled• the funeral , of the late Mrs.
Boydof Goderich.
Mrs, John Watson, of Kincardinp, is
spending a few days with her friend,
Mrs. Albert Brown.
Mr. and Mrs, James M. Blue and
daughter, Miss Katherine, are, spending
ri,,few days at Inverhuron.
Mr. Norval Bell, of Pine River, called
•-Tuesday, Feb, 22nd.
, •
ltiassove-are• glad te
•improVing.. • .•
• ,
Mr:,Martin McLeod is ' home after
spending.,a month in Toronto. •
. .
1 •
010 Mr. T: Lockhart is busy- -hauling
...wood to the Huron school on the 4th
-Mrsr-Ri-Bahr, -on the- 6th -.,-has been
visiting her son, Bert,' on the 19th. of
Huron. • •.,
• The pri'v'ates from here Who are : in
training•at Tiverton all spent the week
end at their homes here. Theboys have
all, get their uniforms now and are very
becoming. • • . • •: •
A marriage of interest to.people here
took place at the home of Mr.: and Mrs.
John Carruthers, "Walnut Grove", Miin-
cey; Ont; on. Feb. 15,;1916,\ when their
datighter, Delga,Myrtle,, was anited in
marriage to Frealeiick•C. Atten, of
vin, Sask.. The aroma is well known
bare, liavinglived: bete, prior to going
West: 'Rails° vlsited.here this winter.
Mr WM: McDonald'e, sale was a
:snecesi having ,-,„:amonoted .,over
' •.
Ati: kcivor. has been,. confined t6
-tire lithise,.caued by'a'severe attack of
vertigo; .
After .visiting t ens parents, Mr. and
ri.. Houston, Off the fith.; the . fel lo w
nig- returned -to their oequpa,tions last
week, Janet to, Winnipeg, 'Annie to
Chigago, and Pheinie temB.
' • •- •
•The young couple have; the very best • "0" ..,,,.
shes oLmany friends here.' . • . , :, , t• rilVca • .
cold going there is alWays a warm 'fire; • -
rit the journey'Saind. .• .
. •• Alfred Harris left last Friday for Loa-
' den and St -Mary's, where he will spend
1• • ' , a few days, after which he will return
-,„:„_.,.....-___._ • to.his hole -in the west.
The young people et' the burg are bilis,
practising for an entertainmen and
Oyster supper in the near future, Frac-
"tiee-was heicl-at-Allyliner--Ackertts.
. , ' • on Friday evenmgp
tirade :ie
' home•after spending a year in lijdnionton
- rind_othetlaees. She was accompanied
by her.brothet-indaaV, Mr. Thomas, and
. her rater, Mrs: Bra,hdon, and daughter.
- : . '
; •
• --Tuesday, Feb. 22.
• John Ferris is itisiting friends near
• Proton, Ont:
- Miss Lizeie Ferris, ef TornatO,a is
• '. home en a visit. . •
• : Thomas McIntosh. Jr., of StratfOrA,
• is visiting at his home here.
. Mis. J. Xitchen and young, non are
• visiting herAinter, Nfra Fred Griffith, ,
• lames Thompson delivered one of his
• • ; leant of horses to Wes. Smith, Kinloss.
Thursday.- ,
• Born. -To and lira: Alex. Gil-
- Christ,. Con, 2w Bruce, on Saturday, Feb, •
V); Ole, " •
Quite a tow from lieik took •in the
0.. 0 F. box social and brie? in Pinker
On on Thursday night
' Mrs. Peter .McLean went to Wet
StipetiOrt Wis., last Week to attend the
• 'octant 14 ateter tltete,
• 6oderich Township
. . .
Mr. Will MOGr`egor etinttanes
very poor health. , •'•
Mrs. Geo. Hudiels spending a few
days with 'Mrs. R J. °tuff. ; •
, ss-lianearof,-Olinton,Latts-thague.st
of Miss Aphrew Steppe last week. •
-----Mrs;-R-McOartney;:ef GOdet lett, spe:nt
last week:
Mrs. 3. MeLeliii__LLI _who b.641„ been eon -
fined to the house all' winter, 'continues
poor health. '• .• ," , '
• Miss Certrude tam
rop, spent the week end' at the home of
Mr..Sohn Sadie. ,
• Willard Gray is home frem. Clinton
Collegiate owing to measles and has been
very ill but is on the mend. ' ' •
A box social will be held in. Potter's
Hall, Porter's Hill, Feb: 20th. A good
Mri. Wm. Cise, of the 2nd concession,
,is reported seriously ill. Wq understand'
that she was to undergo an operation cn
Tuesday atthrnoori. but • cannot report
anything further ap present. •
• tqeo. WT ,,,m ritAD.-Atiod n'el es-
be at home.
Sorry to report that. Mr. Sandy Mo -
Dougall, who has been 111 for same time,
is not improving as last as his many
friencts would wish. • •
• `.• -Feb. 22, 1916
M. Tom Jamieson. is bu9y cutting
wood for Joseph. Chainney.
Mr. Leo. Kelly visited Menai. aiound-
Fordyce a few days last week. •
teemed resident of the 8th. ion., Culrose,:, Mr. and Mts..Wm. Champion visited
passed away on Friday of last week in at Whitechurch on Sunday last ,
the person. of Mr. George Waugh at the Mrs. George McRoberts- visited with
age of 74 years. Mr. Waugh had suffer • her mether, Mrs. Robt Haines, recently.
face, so that his death was not unexpect- Me...Matthews, of North West, is vie_
ed for. along time from , caneer of the
iting at A. Rintours for a couple of days.
ed. The funeral, Which was largely at- 'T1' Dowe Bros. delivered a pair of
tended, wenn!' Monday tothaTeeswater fi 'e -fat Williftln
Ceinetery. Besides a• widow lie leaves • n . •Stlhbs-oneday-
. lately.
three sons and six daughters.
DE;aTti OF Mks. 4:- CAMERON:---M;s. Mr. Wm. Riddle, of Whitechuroh; has
[Alex, Cameron,- a Wel 'CI t ftheresumed his work at John Turner's,after
, one tem en a
4th. con:, died at her home on Thursday being off on aceount-ofilivess for soine
night of last week: She had not enjoy; time.
ed good neiiith-of-yeeretai -
was able to. be about hetif 113011t two
weeas'beforelier death, when P he became
seriously ill-.- : Thougkonly 53 yearaold,.
•sliesiiffered ham) a generally ran -down
constitution and heart weakness. The
family. Alex, Margaret, Milos, and Annie
• Were all home before sue pagied. away.
Two sisters, Mary, (Mrs. Gillies) of Isle*
York, and Fiera,. (Mrs. McCornaitli),•of
'Detroit, were also here. • '
The funeral took place .on Saturday
to the 11. a Cemetery at Teeswater.
Mrs Cameron, ,whose maiden name
-aTaii Johanna McMillan; the fourth'
daughter of- Mr. and Mrs. Alex. mem.
an, early residents of the 5th. concession
of, Cult oss, the family home being on Lot
28. She was married to Mr. Cameron
-34 -years ago last March, and since that
time lived in Kinloss and Culross. She
is survived by her husk nd and the two
sons and two, dan4diters named -above.
Old Time Skate, at Lorne Rink, on
The evening of Feb. 29. • Wingham Brass
Band will furnish skatingmusic through
cut the evening. •• '
-Tuesday, Feb. 22nd.
Miss Sophia "Kempton. is visiting
friends in Lucknow at oresent.
ThOs. Bueglass is spending a few days
with friends north of 'Kincardine.
Mr„ and Mr. Robert McTavish, of
Verdun, vibited •at, Win. Kempton's last
Friday: •• ,
and -Mrs Stewart Finlayof-Larek
-Tuesday, Feb. 22nd.;
Miss Mary Walden spent, a few
clays in Toronto blab week. •
Wilherb Walden -ELLS -terligned his
.p9sition is teacher at Lurgan school
and has enliettd for overseas' service.
Be will.begm training in a couple of
-On -Taeitirreweviroitiot • wee
'q vet Epworth Leaguers, had a debate
amehr in-teram'avitijIliT3t7ripee
ing. ' The subject was “ltesolved that_
Actuar bas a-more.devastating.effect-04'
the world thin. war". The affirmative
was taken by Misses Minnie 'Coiling
and Jennie ililikington; while the neg
ative was taken by Richard Scott and
Duncan .1aeTitvish, The decision of
the judo was given in favor of the
affirmative. The judges were John
Shiells, Ed. Wilson ,and ,JennieMe!
Guar& , . • • •
'now, silent the wei'di-end 'with the. form-
er's sister, Mrs.- J jaaneson. .
Ralph Bneglass arid sister have re-.
tamed -tallith. lionie _after spending a
few months with their sister, Mrs. Wm:
Buckingham: -. • . •
. ' .
tune is expected. • Proceeds to bpgiven
to the Red Cross. .. • .
The nany friends of kr. Charlie Swit,
zer will be sorry to hear of• hisilinesa,
le is now in. Wingkam Hospital. Ail -
hope for hiaspeedy recevery. '
Tux tux Soma, held in S. S. No. 9,
last Friday night was kilecided succesi.
Thegttendariee was not large owing to
the .cverc. tdrink ef the, afternoon andevening. The ptogram was excellent, the
Ohief featore being a play entitled "Scenes
in a Restaurant" iti which tiventydive
charactorn took Dart. Every person that
Was forttittate to getthere had a gond
nights fun. The proeeeds •amounted to
about 00 which "go to the pattiptle fund.,
flap *ging Creates Strength
Rosary Hill Home, Hawthorne, N.Y.
have.. used Vinol for many run-
down, weak or emaciated patients with
benefit. One youngwoman was so weak
and ill She tould•hardly.'ereen to my door
• for aid. I sup lied Viriol to her liberally
and in nionth 1 hardly recognized her.
She was strong, her color charming and
her theeks.kannded out. "---,MOTHER M.
We guarafitee'Vinol tOolierpen ;the apa
-Petite, aid digestion, enrich :this Mood
and create strength. '
M Spence, .n0004614, isuckitow.
WirEAT WAwrED the. Lueknow
MOM; Mille. Highest market prides
paid..--.TRELaavgla nOS
. .
--MendaYl-Feh .2Ist
• 3. Young; of aoderich, spent Sunday
here. •
- Mr. and stiii Tim Griffin Were Gode-
rich visitors over Sunday •••
Jack McIver, of 'Ann Ilarbor;• visited
his relatives 'here last Week: • •
• • Mt and Mis.K MeGregor and child-
ren are. viniting friends here. ••
The renruns Of Mrs. Boyd; of Gode-
rich, Were interred in, Kintail Cemetery
or Fri.lay afternoon of huit week.•
W.idosw GivsFour Sens
Atria Thos. 'Dobson, of Paisley, has
four -sent of military age and the Y are
all in the Bruce liatialion. We -don't
know whether or riot she ban ether hoya
but we -hope that she has, and that they.
'sire of the sante material as those who
enlisted,. There are few families in the
county BO well represented in the army
an thia one, let:alone in the one battalion.
We, of couple, are not fdigetting the'
Lucknow family whish has 'contributed
fog Otifilit yonelf felleitts • •
• • • • . ' • . " • 1 • ,, 1 • .
. . ,. . , • • .
0 j
• ' 1 .... 0 0 • • 0 . .
•00 I'
• '0. • :
'• . • •
_Mr. -Edward J. Haines -is "doing his
bit' by enlisting with the 161st -battalion
at Wingham and, if reports are troe,' he:
is having an auction sale on. the 29th.
• ! '
e have 'a good supply
of Scranton Coal in
Chestnut Size.
•• If your coal' istettiotr low ha.ve it •
filledup. Do not fra 'afraid 'ofbang a-
Utile left .6ver in -Old Spring forvevicieticeS', • .
• are • pointing to one of the biggc.a.t coal'
strikes on record, equal to the one in 1902. ••
,,:If it, should take place there Will be a
great scarcity of coal._
The-Lucknow Hardware &Coal CO.
The Hoine of the SuPiente Range" that is Guar-
• anteed to Save. Thirty percent., \of your Coal Bill
Whitechurch ,
• ,,-Tuesday, Feb. 22nd;
The' measles, chicken pocks and la
grippe are still going their rounds.
• Pte. Campbell, of Lpcknow, spent
Sunday with his 'conein, • "Mrs. Walter
Lett. • •
• MIS. Wni.-Norman and little son are
visiting at the home of her sieter, Mrs.
Jas. Wilson.
, g
Ptes..Chas Gillespie, Cecit Middleton
nd Alex, Henry, also Sergt. Carrick, of
Lucknow, spent Sinday at -their homes
here. .
• A very interesting Guild meeting was
held on Sunday evening, the subject be-
ing "The Mormon Problem in Canada,"
ihe lea.ler was Agnes . Kennedy: • The
leader tornext-SimdarevEningas-James
Laidlaw. the subject being "Abolish the
Liquor Traffic, Whyi Howl"
• , LankSide ,
-Tuesday,' 'Feb. 22nd.
Sergt. Harry McBurney, of Port
Elgin, spout Sunday at his home hero.
Mr, mid Mrs J. Haigh visited' ah •
Dan McDonald's on Monday after,
Nist; Margaret McMillan is spend:
ingaa:fiview Kdainyasona, t.he .h• .Ome of _Mr. .
•Mr. and 11/10.. Will Iteidand daugh-.•
ter, Jean, of Lueknow, visitedat Ater.'
Reid's on SuUday. " -
A number from around here attend-
ed the, funeral Of the late Mrs. Alex.
Cameron, of Culross 'on Saturday
Dan McInnes held a very success-
-tut woodhee_on2uesday oLbtet wk, -
also a dance on Wednesday &ening., •
A good time was apenkby presept.
. • .
. • „. •
For Biliousness, Constipation, Dizziness and Sick Headache. 60 doses 25e.
• • '''• ", ..
<1, .1 • ,
. ,
. 1 u
. ye . '1 '. t • • • •
• , . .
0 ..' • . . • .. ,,. . • ‘ ,
• . • . .
.. •