HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-02-24, Page 4r"""ramtrirrtg ' tage 4 o Thia yeti' realize the utter 'weakness that 'lobs ambition, destroy* appetite, and makes work a burden, 'Wore that strewth andstaininathat Iss, wirentbl, nothIng has ever equaled or emPated with Scott's Butulaion,be- OW* its steength.stietsliting nourish. • wont invigotates the blood to distribute ,t ft, ^„Oraly va• lue sharpen* the appetite and reitoeee 'health tit a natural. permanent way, • • If you are run down, tired, nervous:" , orrerworked or leek strength, get $60W4 tO•daY. At any drug store. scat & newrie.Teroate. Ont. Busks * and SocletY Cards joBN iszTBENLAND &SONS, len., Ouelen. . , Ont.. laseratinit. Piro a.nd Marble. .SIARVEY.T.101/41114.ak,A.aelniew...iint. Agent eleetien,ef 1914, signed the petition. lir for various lines of inanrance, sire and Lae ,,,_, . • Firat Wass, poinpjoilea guaranteed:. Only wie; Qi COUrtie, the petition, signed by the resident agent in Lucknow of the -London Mutual. A. minim. of Village and taFO1 WOIllen 11,114 00 Yonne Men Under' 21 , , . „ _ . , Pr°Pert4e4„ 114.4414°.„ ..' ' Yeftta Of age prays no part.- . 4 • . l 0.0. F.LuckuovrLodge meets every Friday • Brine and Iiiiren Counties are. eon*, ' evening at; O`Olock in their ,Rali,i;xcviamtet wilat. bow the a.varage; 74 per gene et boll.etreet, All brethren vordialirso - Grand, 1,'. T. ArrastronifLTreas...Alei3i. iyasa.* ' Bruce electerellaving signed,. and. 74,fl . onseeirs:-Nowe orand, Thos. lye n„,,.. Tree ,. , , ' Roc.130V.. -tu U., B.R.41, -111110'se".,mri.rat^ • of the elecOnsin Huron. : ' • , : * • etses• - - • Waterloo stand at.the bottom of the A. Jr, &A. ., O. 11, C. 01414g114-1,0420.1neet8 n •• h''f 1 ' t ' * " gym ursday night on or beforwthe 'full, . ilit with . only..4 „ per cep . , . trap% oinwth. Wami.-ass".,Atit ilmaikeDERonvalrikg.t"we,t, . • XU,l'eronto-- 0173,3 „electera Vated„ at Ilcamereur4;WoC9larttertieck.-) W....A. the election Of 1914 and 4082S (91.2 per cent) signed the petition. .This m 410 VitCht111111 everr 11'hareilay morning • At 'Amalie% Onterla IA it,40BNNZIE. Fre irlete,r SO4)41 Venter. 1.7 THURSDAY,. FEB. 24,th,, 1914 ron it. XIIMONTAnte The number who signed the ;petition to theOntario Government asking for provincial prohibition is not yet fully known, but enough is- known to -abow that the efforts rif the canvassers were fruitful beyond, expectation. Accordiug N present. infOtinatien 77.8 'per:cent. Of the electors who voted at the provincial • 11.'",0. P. Votirt Sherviood, No. MN: ^Iniolidow, • • meets everylaat Monday ofthe month, in in the A,hitifellows'ifall. Arisitiingbrethern • cordially invited to attend.. .0hiet Ranger. •' John E. lidfl Rem Secy.. ROW., (India= •. Fin. Secy., Robt. Jolulattui, Treas. • „Ilfeeintosts.: O. 11,14r..- "lateitninv „Lo4ge No 187meeta • seoo_dlfoadayoreaeli month -hi the Odd!, fellows' linfl. Blaster,: 'Workman, J.. Mao. ' Diarinidt jrin. filecy._,Dir1 litaciatosh;itee. Rem , Geo., Potter; Treas. , Alex. Rosa, • Dental • 0. R. FOWLER, 14 D. B., B. O. S. Office up ,stairs in Button Bleak, Teeswater. Spec • ialattentionfogold plate, crowning and bridgework. Visits Wroxeter 1st, and 3rd. Woduesilay of each month;., Gordo Thur. ' G.' A. NEWTON, O. 8.;.Dentist. Office • ABM Block, Luoknow, Out. All /widen, methods used. Best materials furnished. • Crown and Bridge work. • Painless warm:L- ion by the use of the lateit, simplest and safest remedy. SOMNOFORM. Newest thingin artificial teeth. Alumium viatesd. • non breakable • oTNATFORD. pNT. • _ 'YOU. CAN :SECURE A POSITION If you take a course with tis., The demand Upon us for trained help is many timris the number graduating. StUdents are entering each- week You may enter At any -time. Wiite at once for our free- catalogue, - . . D. A, McLAOLAN, Principal •'MUck better thanenti. would, expe.ct, from Toronto and it leads on tOWMider, hOW local option' by law would faze if su- nntited It Is likely that the sight of so Many soldiers drinking there had gulch to dwitli prometing,the big vote.' ID West Nc;rtbinnberlanct there: must have been a considerable increase in pop latiozi since the. election 64.1914, or else, the electors tookit reach grea.ter interest in the petition than they didin the Pol- itical contest:. In 1914 .electors to the number of .5212voted in that riding. and. no lees thitn. 5,535 signed the ,petition. In East Northumberland; over 90; per tent signed. - • , • In tlieface of this expression of.pablia *Pinion' the Goverument rdI licareelY Venture to remain inactive We may .eicliect it to adopt One of three courses: Enact pr.:ilia:nth:a iuitzl the end ofthe wiir;•'stibinit the".qinistiOn Of Prohibition to a referendum, or enact straight and permanent_ProbilaitionOf tli,ese the eecoad is the bet and friirest.. * • INIILL THE GE*miAti • NAVY FIGHT? CREAM WANTED WE Want crcanl and:;wit' ii.aY•the "highest marketpriceefor gond cream. 'Summer ,CreamerY and 'Cheese Factory l'atrens having ereanctlaring the Winter months would do WeIrtiri-Ship to us. • weigh, sample and test each can of creain carefully that we receive, and , return, a statement .of same . each time. We furnish_ two pay csprese chargee ' and issue : cheques for cream twice each 'month,' Write us and give us a I trial.. It will cost you nothing and we guarantee you satisfaction; For futt,he.r particulars write or send fer-eans and giVe us a trial. The Seaferth Creamery, Sesforin; Ont. G AND TRUNK RAILWAY SYST EM WINTER RESORTS =,SPECIAL ROUND TRIP FARES \ LONG 'LIMIT STOPOVERS . . . 'Asheville and Ifet Springs, ICC.; Char- leeton; NaSsau,-N.P.-.7-flot Springs, Ark.; French Lick Springs, Ind.- Jack- ' sonyille and all Florida points; Havana, Cuba, and New Orleans, La., via New . • 'Dirk - and rail (or steamer according to ' -destination,) or'. via Buffalo, Detroit or Chicago, " , •.BERMUDA AND WEST INDIES Other Health, Resorts: Mount Clemens, Mich.; Battle Creek, Dlich.;• St. Cath- , arines, Welland and Preston Springs, •• FtittliefalaticiilarS on application • Grand Trunk Agents. , O. MARTIN, Agent, Liteknow. Phime • , . There are those Who think that before the wet over the second biggest *navy in the worid on,Land make one desperate effort to =Oh the biggest and strongest navy in the world.Et maYde-that as a sort of forlorn hope, or it may be kept safely in the Kiel Canal - Oise usettas a factor in the Idieltering at the curl of the tvrir.. • -.-FrOmtime teetintett is reported. that the Gerinrins are fitting up a few ships witirl'7-inch guns which will. outrange • the best guns on beard the biggest Brit- iskdreadnaughts. Britlililuaval-experts contend that a gun of longer' range than .their 15 inch gun is, impracticable; as the target would be out of iiiglitiwer the rottnd of -the earth. However, it. may be assumed that Shots from a 177.inch ;nein at twelve or fifteen -mile range would be more destinetive than shots from a 15 inch gun,. and so it would not be necessary to outrange the British , Butotpart from the factthat theBrit- . isbsea-dogs have never yet been caught napping, and are likely to be prepared for anytime in tbiway of .a sea -fighting machine which the Germans may bring on, It is safe to 84 that • the German sailors cannot put up a good fight if they do petne out, For eighteen n.enths they have been huddled up le the eariar and harbors, withbut exercise on the sea and without gun practice. If they de mount 17 -inch ions On their ships.they 'cannot INcome skilled in the tree of: them: As for the enemies" they would • have to 'encounter, they would be at the lfighest point of efficieney,, for they go. to sea Vie Thuril Voigua6:4th. . $940 national law. In advaeating peace ill A STRANGE FEATURE any Inice, Bryan has been really playin• or ouR civiLiE4Tiort into the bands of Germany and Austria. A recent news •despatch twin' Now While has lagged behind Bryan York. read: "Eight persons died: here yets. The rfewick Mutuat Vire Insurance as 0, peace 4dvaeate. be Iris carefully oh- terday as a result of the cold wave." 00" at the annual meeting in Geri ie. etained from doing anythingin aid the . .0ne Orpecte such a story OP thatfrom recentIT, voted, $1,Q00 to- be used! b Vutente Alites There was iwave talk, the northern Wilds or even from the ant- the l'arl°In braneb°80/"Poi•tli9ti° Wark but tho Kaleer and Lis friends, went or lying,sillleatents of the West, but thin 11r Et 14, Stewart, who 'for snow wktog AMAMI *hip -Alia InCiflentalls, tttfrnal the llesit and centre. Of civilize,- tints) Wel leCttred tttt llelgrave, has do killing. Americans until their 400mi:ices tionea this Centinent-and near all the ;hied te otal * Practice V'll'ag43n; here. d Wilt &Ace t 14101 tly were rouededup by thelltitisb, Recent. • food, .aed warmth, end, comfort that en 1:1a l' -when Germany and • Austrlif atom): wealth can buy. s. • ht:be-No4 ri's.741,:10QPI;tutlys:x.Vo:'1.04nrc'.417'. that after ,March1st, they :would treat ! Our eivilizagen, PrOento set" strange tillery unib,_to be raised. in Westei n. zfl merchant ships ;which 04tri9taT9ran %-anotiadioa, • It:has-teen iatttthafil,niong -OnturiThn' i4e Vewia, has hao fer defensive -purposes as war vessels barbarians: •deatit from exposute and some experiefiim ets ttfl ttrttinVy Oliver te be sunk without, warning the United 'starVation is not 'uncommon,but there Ames VaneaMp has sold. hio IQ° Stotts Foreign Oface et Stet said it . human beings, hoer die, aa they du in I: sure farm on the .Gthline of Eatit would acquiesce -in that ruling, and late,. our ditiqs-of ntarvation With plenty just.- WaWallOSII, to Win. Oke; Seaferth, (1)3,,pd zta mind, In 124, speecb:mak., tound. tuo c6riier, • , for 46 5001, Mr, Oke gettf pessessioit Ind tour ot iz tew weeks ago, Wilson ent. at °nee. Mr, Vancamp will "neve to tO1414ke*e:citiiheectOnt '0,that lze was e:•••Perather than that he was exlieeted te geftni the national tenet and protect, the iiveri, ol. American 'Citizens-, a 44.neilk and water' peliCY all the; W4,y thr011011, ne,gocievOt- caltecl it. It, is pointed.."oop t;)o that among, themany tnesSagesof ell)941 • which came to Oarieltti• free' the head's of Governments,felloWingthe destruction Of the garjiaroeut 'pi:amigos; there was no word'. iron), Wilson of the United, States. There Criuldbe onlirOne;retiseh for this neglect Of, ordinary COartesy. It would have offended- the .instigatOro. of the crime -if crime it was. • Nobocli will douht that, Wilson's heart is"'Nv,ith the defenders of civilization in, the 'war, but it is.impessible not .to cen- denin his weak bowing to the Apparent' political necessity Of the tfine. For him, however, there is moltno turning back; That would pfily Make him inore radicu lous than he is now. 'JUROR COVNTY NaWS '1111RN!NG or THE AMERICAN CL.IJB ROOMS Early on " Wednesday moiningof last week the: buildingoccupied...by, the American Club of Toronto was gutted byfire, urder 'circumstances Whiehlesids•-• Many to believe that thridelierifetien was the Work of Clernianincendiailea: There is, however, no dirept eideleece te that _effect; but Germans and German sympa-• thizerif on this' continent have earned such a reputation that they are now • at once suspected of any' such crimes' as Like the in the Parliament Build- -riga '470:tteWii,"the-fitifin tbri Anierican• unusually rairid headway, and its progress' was treerkeTfilii ntimfr- ber Of. explosions. . The American Club was th'e hea• d. - quarters. of the "American Legion" which - already has recruited a wholt battalion' _ "kmeriCariThiriii"- rof the Canadian army, and hail 'other two battalion& ia. process of It is thought that this was Sufficient to rouse the hate of Germani,and the home ef the Club, 'el course waSa-fit inarkfOrtheineendiaty. It' is strange that the•Germanseliould be etupid. erienighto hum tins ,Anniriean 010 I4othing else they cenld. do in this country would do so muche to stimulate ricruiting of the American .battalions., The; , crime, however, was OelY keeptng With ieptielin raids, the shelling of English eerast tointa and ; the. sinking of the Lusitania.. .16 may gritti- fy hate; but ,such, erinr,es do, !milting to. weaken the•militatypowe.' r Of German& WHAT ABOUT PROFITEERING/ Ta"nt°.1 • . (Froin t--40:40; • ,weWstoadrdneElloDu4ecinenyie,,virerrimpali9laymet, w.aitts:stelive. , At the tuninal Meeting of the Goo every .burned last week,. When some , District Mutual Fireinsirance OempanY Molten metal get into the top. of his thiiiirentors voted the entire. profita of shoe. had his tioniers robed up: the roes. business; amenntIngtuSO0,,- shoo ; tops while the' mon. 6000,6teth'teliseal2etridioatie Pouminadd;8•...Foimcciri'es.. w,Cre 1:1()°11?"g 4(4 iron "“'• The Canadian Club; of Goderich, and Forgings, Limited"; held its amnia) has "r41146dto - haver • F 3.. Johns on, C, 'one, of Toronto's Nadine meeting at Brockville and showed a pro- ' ' • • ' L _ yers7give an ado reBe in tee- ,otaitt lit of ever 0700,000 fertile year; The, Rose, Gederieje the, g'ilf;nin of SAM $25,000 'Was voted to the -1-4400- Vey, -,g0t11 .Mr. olunii en% will - tic • ..t" . 1;00 "Canada Belot° and Afterthe'Wer..." The. tWo companies made their profits The meetiog will be open to the public. indifferent Waya.. As the Ottawa Cid- Charles McAllister, Who has sold zen points out, the insurance company his farm on the Parr Lille, Hay, lis rented a house in Parkda e, ...Toronto, made its 'profits' ig-wdinary busmese, and Will nitvethere in March, 'rhe other company made its hugh pre- flts.out of war munitions, and the presi- . r. MnAllister gees to Torento.in give is children the ad vantages of higher dent reported that!`as regards the future' education, Otherwise he w uld it may *be stated that•orders on hand are preferred to remain orabe faim, , sufficient to keep year plants operat- • Tee annual congiegatibn meeting of lag dal And night for months to come' 'the Seriforth Presbyterian Church was , Yet with these huge profits already held�n Tuesday evening, Feb. 15tk. earned -and with further large profite ni Mr, "John Cowan was in the chair, and James Watson did the duties of full view, the company which is making Mt INCORPORATED 1855 OLSONS „ BAN AND RESERVIi '48,8o0,001) Eranches in canatt4 eette)red ?Maim BmitiOss Tritogfcletl.. Cire'Ular Letters of Credit •139nk IVIoney Orders ".• SAVJNGS BANK onpARTfikEprir - Interest allowed at blew* eurrentra4 • is kEID,, Manager. . • •Secre• • tary., Iteports frorn the different its money oet of the' war,' contributed: only :ene-thirtietli_o_f iwtj profits to the ecr. = 0 oreanization,s- were received and adept: Pettit -Ale- Fund, while tlie-Galt insurance an soirees Nearly MOO_ anie received from and Of this amount $1375 •cOmpany, yvhick is Making nothing out was given for roissioes, • , A Vote of of the war, gave ail 4slirelits. ' , . thanks was tendeted the Ladies' Aid ' Possibly the war contractors expett &citify for their comb, ued 'valuable tiat they will be taxed and euper.takerd; -assistance-in-reducing the debt. ,They ina.y be expecting it, They ought . ' ICINAIIAN-CUMMINS.- Sacred Heart to be expeeting it. '' . ' , Church, St Augustine, was the scene Ther'e-ja a ni- ariceeten-derny ;111'-- • 4--e"of itym•y-prettfweddine-orr -34-oridayr part of sonte organs of the Governnient •OFeu. bnimilitnh's".levihdeellstAlidiZghMtlerryof I'lhaetilileaeteg • . , to discuss the Proqts of • the Foliudries mi.. Thos. and Mrs. Cthinnins, was endForgings CoinPanY in preference to united in marriage to Mr. •Jneeph P. those a any othet enncern. This prefer- Kinaha,n, of Blucher, Sask. Rev. Fe. ence Is dim to the ladt'that"Hon..--tf.7-ean perfarinedn-the mar riage ceia Graham as one of the directors of the "NV The hride looked lovely in her • • * -tAilor neele-suit-ofitavy-bluee-Froneh • -company.. It Anty be, Added that Gen. Serge, •beautiful .blaek Gage :hat, With Bertrain, who Wes president at, the -late old"gold hiee trimming, and wore a ShelP,',Conamittee, •is' another director. beautiful -set :of • bleak fox furs, and There are other directors, however, and carried aplquet ot.white bridal roses ' a number of other emipanies as well Het. sister, ?dim Budgie ciametin., of Some politicians appear, to think *hat Ayton, acted as bridesmaid, and..wola eraphasiiing the fact that pirlifie Men of a tailor-made- navy-blue-Iereneb-serge both partiesiate ietereited. in-neinition snit and large hat of royal blue Velvet, • , with black fox furs, and carried pink' concerns IS a Sefficient raisin' for having • CHEVROLET 'FOURoliplETY' MODEL •. PRICE COMPLETE $675 F.O.B. Oshww4 . • AN IMPORTANT VICTORY The taking Of Erzerum by' the Rus- sians ts the most important victory won by any ene Of the Entente" Allied Coun- tries since the -capture of Przenssyl, who :about- iZ0,000 -Austrians- *ere iiitid4 pristiners of War., - The fall Emma • Stab m the heart of Turkey. • The peprdation is. about t40,000 -the great' Majority beijig Modems. It is described as a • Military station andfortress of eeneiderable etrat. egical value, closing the road Imp icare, whenever their wish and ,they bare Olti and Other Parts of the frontier, lie war:Hee-they want P,t every range, , The German seamen would need to have a particularly luckyday to win.. • XraPindley Made Strong By Vinol . . _ ." SeVery, Kans.-0 The Grippe left me In a weak,. nervous, run-down condition. . rives too wesic'to do my hOnsework and ' could not elev. ' After trymg different. medicines vvithont benefitVinol restored • iny health, strength and Appetite. Vitiol is grand medicine and every weak, . nervous, run-down woman shcited take it." -Mrs. Gzo. FINDLEY. . •• vieol, our delielous cocTliVer and srnne-aetate,aidad;gea- - - tion, enriches raiditdige the,bierid;-aral .builds 'up =literal strength and energy. , • _A.M. Spence,. Druggist, Lucknow. • • - Notice to Creditors . 'In the Matter of the estate of Mrs. Rob: ert Gillies, late Of the:Township (.4 XinlOss is the County of -Bruce, de- ceased.' • • .• • Notice ni hereby given that all persons bay, . . • ing any eleinnt or demands age:Unit the late , Mrs. RobertOillies who filed on Or ationt- the thirtieth day of tieeember. A. D. 1915....ill the 'TtiOnighin of kinloatir inthe Province oftints:do, are •hereby required to send by pcifit prepaid or to deliver to the undersigned Executors herein . of the egtato and effeebf of the said Mot, Robert , Gillica, their names and addresseis and full par- ,• Millers in toritIns of their claims ,and state- otento of their mounts and the nature of the securities. if any, held by them, duly verliredt byatildaNdt, ithd take /wane that "iiffbr thi firi,t &kr at ' Apr11,1910. the Seld ituoutorn will•oroeeed to 'distribute the emote of the said dedeaked among the perkone entitled thereto; having': regard . only to theron elaiOf whieli they shell tiien have i•reeeived notiee,,inid :that the sold Exenutore will not bo liable for thesohltiSSets or any part thereof to any 'persons of whose • claim they . shall not then haverecired natio. TS s mete() is given terreueneto tscatatent in that behalf. Dated at LucknOW this 16th. day of February A. 0, Una,, •'ilterant Giallo, 1...• ;VneUtorn, •. ft, 4•016/siSUODIF / • . . tt-2.6, , . . , . • -1 • POLITICS' FIRST o as ong • 'residen-t-Wilson, Of the United States "is playing for 'the Gernian-American vote at the next presidential election, which; by the way, will beheld early next Noveniber. Tbe Man LS going down before. the Certainly,Wilsoiltsprospective OpPOn.. ent, Roosevelt, will not get the german' vote, and Wilson may think itgeecl pol- itics-tcrarigle-for-it-Outof-the-tineha.no ing-Pemociatsrthe-german-Ainericau 'arid Wti iibeThnieuts (iriblii& Jug a big Irish vote) he May seek to get together A Atte -which will -return 4riss to the Whitehouse.. ' • At the time: W. S. Bryan withdrew from the Wilson cabinet shr,etvtl political observers said that there was no real di - ; vision, and that the'"withdrawal was „a, move in the political -game Bryan, next to WiliOn,A leader of the DernocrsAie party was to play the part of friend to the Germari*cause,' While Wilson .would compromise and offend nisi:exists% That is putting s; lew construction on the -conduct of these two eminent men, but it.is-diffieult to explain their. actions on any' other :hypothesis, They said nothing in" condemnation �f the trampl,. ing Under foot of 13elgintri-tho reatent ontrege Of all booty. Both have been willing that Americaus should te denied their rights upon"the seats rather than irktliet upon the Teutons conducting sea. warfare affording to,i eatablothed intor. ' The linesian Vietory chiellY inifi- cant ss 'showing . the Weakness of the • Turks andthe strength of. the Russians in: thadaucuttus. , „makes it reasonably Ceaalsn that there'Wlil he no' great (level: opment ot ''Gelinan4urkish offensive in the:East for etnne time t,e,',Opme, if it, alL * • -: • •no Farlia,taeritary investigation into the ariinitioris and. other War contract -busi- ness •trarisaeted ptinadn. This is no reason all for sninoining the whole thing over., No large couiPani. 'goes into hiisiness of this kind. without •being -careful td have inenof both polit- ical parties-on:its board of manegement. I'hat is one Of first "pOints seen to: , The Whole shell busitiers and war cell:, trEitc. lousiness generally needs to; beex- plored and e. Qpposi ion has-salled'fer..xech-an en- , quiry, and the demand .must be presnsd. QrdinarY war profits ought to be taxed, in raising. war revenues. 'ExCessive pro: fits gievying out the UncertaintY" haste and t.,:experie.nce with which WOrk was done Ought to be. refu'ncled to the Can- •adian or the British treasury,' It tepermitted-iltat7 the 'wart while working irreparable injury to thous- -ands of families; sha41 gladden .and en- rich a few menwithout the Slightest ef- fort' being made -by the State to see that jiirtice is done and profiteering on a ges,ndaleas scale, prevented. • - . -WHEN A NATION Is A pArt When it was intimated that the Unit- ed States woeld.acettieso iat,be deelrir.- ation, bY Germany tharafter March 1st., all merchant vessels catrying the custom- ary-garefordefence-would- be,,Sankb. - Gerrita,n,--nubmaribee-Aithent_warrung*, EriLish arribasiador at Washington asked if the Muted States- was #repared toguaratiteethettheGermarteulunatines. would not attack without warning ships. that did not carry a gun.. Secretary Lansing of. the United States; was un- able to" give either guarantee or'assurance that Germany weuld keep an, agreerrient if it Made one, Ilia -bad "faith on the Part of Germany was a coneidetable +toter in tallith* •Secretary Linning to change . his mind regardirig the carrying of a defence gun by nierchatit Vestielth, tricidentally it maxbe.asked how the Gertnin'subluarine crew* are gong..,te find out whetlier o nota 'merchantman in Carrying a gun; They can't nikke the dilicovery through the periscono. and if they porno above Water, the merchant. titian's gui willget them. This threat to • treat all aliithi Carrying, a Oki Oa war vessels is largely a bluff, It is saN to .say the Walsh callnra won't sotto. 4 tiood Point In Thi'S . ;Some iimeago inariment to iltore in Brantford to htiy a saw, JIsawthe-kind-he Wanted- and_.• • asked the price.' It • was 411.65, the dealer said. ',:, • • .."Good gracious; sat e ma "I can get the same thing from the Mail •crtler house for 51.35;" - "That's less than it zest me," .. said. the dialer, "but rii sell ito'n -LtbOtame-terms-se-the 4riall„order • , haulm just'the same" - , right," mold r. the customer.' '`)fiet can 14.nd it 'along and chltivi to tny precottat." • ' • "Not On veur life," the dealer . --retikeztcletrge7aceeitetse--. 7ywerote.AirbtolintR:'with'''TliirT mail Order house that way. Fork over the cash." (The customer complied) • "NOW' three" cents for tinfilttgri - .and five cents for a mondY order, to the mail order bouic you know." The clisteiner;-Mwtirdly kept to :his agreement. and paid the eight rents, ' • "Now twentyfl ve cede express., age. "Wall, I'll but he paid it, saying "Now, hand me . ;that saw and I'll t)lre it home My- self and be rid -of thi4 foolery," - "Htfild ip te, yoill Where do you think you; rivet. You ard in Brantford and I'M in Toronto, .and • you'll have, to wait a wick for that . saw, Whereupon' the deabr hung the- naW On h, pbr:f and put the, money ip his cash :drawer, "That Malted' $1.07," he mid, "4 110,8 deft you twn, coritn More • ttntl taken you a weelelonger to get it than if you hal paid my price in the first Place." r• Gu Kinahan of St • fifi?Ef. r M Lgnstine, assisted his 11 r ot li e'r. Theltonne eoupte will spend a. few weeks visiting their many friends -be. fore leaving for their new home in Sask. Both the bride und;groom are very pepuln is was shown by the many beautiful • presents that were sent them, and they will be greatly missed by their large circle of friends. • tiUkON TOWN.SHIP COUNCIL•- mtiissoilboTsm •. . . • • . . . • • Valve -in -bead motor, powerful and viet run- ning. Electric 9tarting and lighting system. EleFiric horn. Mohair tailored' top. Speed- . ometer; Ammeter, etc. More value for the • - price thai' any othir ear in America-. Made - by the McLaughlin Motor Co-, Limitedkof Oshawa. I received a consignment of cars.: on Monday which are all sold. Inspect this ,car and get our order in at • once as the demand cannot possibly be uppliecI -- GEO.,II. SMITH AGENT LUCKNOW year 1916. Carried. ' , • • Mafeking \ " Wilkinson -Rutile -That Jaceb Gates, (Intended for last week) Caretaker, be authorized te pay , to the I Mrs a Johnston is visitingher dangle.; Treasurer the sum of $22 for rent of ball * , tee, Mrs. W. P. Reed.- '• ° as follows: -Huron' " rioutturat 'Society $2; The. Tont' .Markii, Coneeti,, able •to heebout again: Mrs John BIticii Spent :part Of last week witbber parents Ankv. and. Mrs'. • Robt, Hast' Dungannon , ..• • ' SI I' t. e been _closed week account . of . ,.,•_ Many of theptipilssuffering from .rnetteles - ;and la grippe. • . •• $10; Uneie'Tent's Cabin, $10. • Carried. By-law No. 522 to appoint an Asses - 'her; a Collector, Sanitary Inspector, a Municipal Officer to enforee Local Op, tiore-and_n_SheeP Valinitor; passed,, signed and_sealed.- _ By-law No. 583 tontithorize . the bor- rowing ot certain ,tnoneys.--- ($2000 00) from, the Royal Bank of Canada to • . meet 'the current eipenditure. of the Cerporation of the Tovvnship of Huron . A John Tolmie Story for the year 1916, was duly passed; slaw ed arid sealed. This By law repeals By the late John '•Tolmie became law No. 516... known as t'he "King of truce" has been The money to be borrowed under told before, but will bear retelling. The authority of By7law,628, is to be hand- gaelic for. King ie. "Righ", pronounced ed over to the Huron and Sinless Muti: "Be", and a Highlander addressing a ., letter ttyliim_when he witsjiceve •of Bruce, thought he was translating. the werd Reeve.into Englifili when he ad-• dreserd hiM is "John Tolinie; King •of .Bruce:" often used to• tell the stery Council inet_pursuant tor adjournment Members were ell present 'Minutes o Mimi Telephone Systeni:_- ...., • •• - Fraser -L -Campbell -That this Council with Reeve Wilkinson 'in the chalet last meeting were read and adopted. d° now adjourn to meet again on Mori the usurl hour and place. tarried. ' were duly .paseed :- - The following ordent on the Treasurer day, the 13th. day March, 1916, at w. ' F. Crawford, broom for hall, 50c. Gilbert Farrell; $2 00. for 35 yards of gravel put on • Sideline. sb, _certified • .by 11. A. Canapbe% Pathniaster. D. E. Catimbell,'75,ceuts tepaira at ball Ripley Acetylene Gas CO..7 95 for gas. Municipal: World" 2 81 for Assessment Roll blinkte. • Atgus for •regie ' 'tering -55 births, la' . marriages :land 37 deaths dirring•fhe year 1915, ;--110 at 20 Cents each 22.00, certified by the Depncy- RPgistrar-General. Clement Brown, $`3 eleening out ditch and cultreit, and for stone and filling on road at lot.9, con..A. Donald Gillies, 2 00 for shoveling allow on hill, sideline 15, con. 9. AIM. M. IL Dierlanine_3: .00 for ient_of.rotim_forAtie_ of Township. Auditors. E. D. Bolton, $40 for Engineer'n fees re Robt. McDon- ald's Ditch Award, filed Oct. 19, 1915. :Wesley Mills•and W. 1-1, tope,: 10. each, salary of Township Auditar„ McGuire, 63 tents rep. Culvert on side- . • top, 75' cents for filling hole in broken tile .at lot tet eon.- g, Jahn McLean, 50 tents. shov- ell mg linnet Ori hill, 8 15,.'coli: 8. WM. Steele, 70 00 Collector's salary and 32'06 for postage and. stationery. J. IL Mar- • tyn; 'Sanitary ..Inspector, Tr; -12 for. m„onthe salary and 33 50 for livery, total AD 22. Jacob Gates, 9 00 for Caretak- ing at extra meetings. It. Slartyn, 1 10 for interest on .overdraft. Municipal --World, 5 '0 for six_eepiis • for Council ' -- CamObell-Fraser-That the 'Auditors' Report be adopted. -Carried. . 0; Harniltori-Ituttle-That the appliea- -non of Witt. Steele for Vs Collector. fa. ; the year 1916, be accepted. Carried. • Ctimpbell;-.-Vrater---That, the applie& tion John S. Robertson for the Mike Of SinitarYIntinector, be accepted, Cerried, Riittle-Wilkinson -!--That the a Wince - Mon of John F. Collins for the office of Municipal Officer to enforce Local Option in the TOWnehip of *iron be accepted, Carried; ' - • Onitiphell-:-FrallOr- That the :Re'eve and the Olsrkbe authorized to sign the, Petition front 'the Ontario Municipal Annociation recommOnding the appoint- ment of a Provincial 'Pepartment of Labor. Carried, Hamilton- leraser- That -the Oierk be inatrusted to, publish the "Abstract" of the Auditors' Report of. the llownshiP of linrort, for the year 1015. Carried, Wilkinson,- Campbell- That Datild Campbell. be appointed linfieSSOr of the 'rowntiliip of Huron for the year totp, Carried. . Hamilten.,....rranot-That D. AcTav ieli he appointed Sheep Yalitatot tor the . Axon MnETYN, Clerk, and the name stuck. . . .. ,. , , . . , . • . I The.Elome Paper:Qvee you the roadiog !natter in - -ivhiclryeabaverthe greatest intermit.-- : --thehome. Dews: Its every issue Will pr9Ve it welcome visor to every member of the family. • It iihould head your list of riwrspaper and poilodiesl .. tubseriptiOna. .: • # We are in the market for cream, sweet or sour. We 4supiP1y, tw; cans -pay-twice, each -month,- fest eath.taa_ -received, said Our patrons. a_ statement of the weight, test and _butter' fat:, in FtErt can, -with' the empty can returned. - . We refer you to any bank as to our standing. , Write for cans to day .TRELEitiVEk & Palm ci$Itterre PALMERSTON, ONT. NOTICE. -lira Want an agent herri ,for Patin Dairy Icie Cream.. • Write for prices and 'terms. „ • 11.5-c _ - LJ- • ---.E&TABLIHEDMIEV27 _ PREPAREpNESS Business..opportulities come tti theyoung than wh) is prepared to meet them. A ' growing. bank • balance, no matter ho w• &will, is . an evidence of bAinessabeity and iorce of character.. Our Savings Departmint will help yau saw,. LUOKNOW, BRANOH\ , Autharlzed WOW* ;ill. A. CI LEN MIE) Cooltal Pold.up $8,006,060 SurplUS $1,05.000 ;off 0Vg4 r 0:11 ORO r 4 . .r" w 1 ,