HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-02-17, Page 77 5 7.11=11.1rWilliry• -,.. • • GER S GRIND DAUGHTER -RUSSIAN PO • A Tasty, Snappy Toast -- for luncheon or eveding "snack" ig Trisculti, the shredded whole wheat PROPHECY OF WAR'S END. J4)4/43'4441 or March is Thine 'Set , Old *mut For PelPre, The ,Yourna1 des Liehats of Paris I wafer. Hs the delicious, has. pubbshed a strange story of a flez 140.1011 Must Re Carefully HARSH MEASURES TAKEN. To nutty flavor of baked wheat, ProPbecy regardinz the end Of tho I Guarded as She .APPruaekes Tom ROOR PEOPLE. f A real: whole wheat bread war. I 00300 pious people were' g WOm4H11004.0 • for any meal with butter, the steep JIM to liffodrivinntmartre, where in°ther w1°1 1?411° t° mind '31i4r Ever bed Above- Fifteen Yeara-Oldsoft ebeese or inprmatacte, they. -*ere going, tas visit the Chnrela, daughter is 'Moly to need help and ° strength IA the years between early aehoOl days ,and womanhood. It -is then that gro*ing girls.droop, heCOlne .110.0.104..c.-444-ziervp4esanlet.lungam- the even torestorespne-ssm-n-cmg'- §4e „Asked ef theyawouldaahleat ta 'Celliag for more nourishment than the follewing ortiele of Gomel.' Tule - m - • tel Imola" when the war would end, i 1. own girlhood knows -bow orgently ber Y Y °FLO of nutriment and full of. thQ 43t0un rY rs. .On the wa); they Charged for. rasspOrt and . a; es- •2 ,, si a a OaS a gaVe a lift to an old woman, 0911 • A' when she arriVed at the Clair* said; 4 . PhotagSaPh. ' chafing;Ilish c ookery it is a that she would, in expressien of her 1 A leading member of the Polish In. deuglite Always toast It in antitude, tell ther.a a good piece of ,• tho blood can. supply. Signs of die- in Russian 1'1g.;anacia. . tress are plainly evident in dull awl pale cheeks, . Weak and aching backs, •, (Its of aleareeeion and often a dislike Lor properfood.These signs -Mean anaemia -that is bloodlessness. • • The watelifill mother takes prol.nPt • steps to/give her girl the new, rich; red bleed her system calls for, by giv- ing her Dr. WilliaMs' Pink Pills,,which transform, weak, anaemic girls into •eendition. of perfect health, through • the rich, new blood these pills actually Make. , No other medicine has .ever •'Succeeded like pi; imams, piuk pins and thousands of weak, .disheartened • girls have proved their f Worth. • slqiss Mabel Sinektir, CObouig, Ont.i.saYs;- • "About „three years ago° 10•Was very- sick nervous and run down girl.. At •. the least excitement I would, tremble •- and faint away, and the'sjightest no* • 'wOuld annoy me. t had.severe pains • about the heart and would often take dizzy and smothering sPelle. I lost In weight and the„coler . all.left MY face. My mother got all sorts of medicine for me, but all failed to do me any good and I was still going down hill. One 'day we ,read io the newspaper of a similar case Cured by ' "Dr: Williams' Pink Pills gad the next ' 1 The nnaacial exploitation Ras, • . Wan' Poland by the German authori. tic e has assumed in certain parts of the country the form of strange aerie- ' ties. of . speculation. Thus, for ,irie stance, in Lodz, wheie great quanta. ,ties of 'coal 2ra:required . for 'fuel in the house a and these ,factories which are working- at least P. small fraction of the time, the German au- thorities (the police office) hive in» The .people rephed, "-With all ran hearts," whereupon she told them either in February or March. Tho,people' eXpressed incredulity at this statement„ The old atolnai. added that as, a proof she prophesied that the coachman who drove them . • would be dead within two hours. She .1 then tied away and disappeared,. The Party visited the church, and when they earfie at went to the cars riage but 'found „.• no driver. They _ thoug'ht heyas in a cafe, but on malt, ing Inquiries found thof he IV just No one is allowed to provide hiniself Treasury will obtain $1,000,000. Ae trodneed a monopoly in'coal. and coke. - „ ' • ,...... ....-- - died in n. 4ruggistP4 glop 4 . with coal by any other' Channel; ,cer-leerding-ta the% order of Field Marshal 7 • . . • The ,paper ddes not guarantee the thin stores bought, by the Manufac- turera witheilt the intermediary • of anyone in • the occiipied-• territory the Gerinan authorities hove •been should he found after August 1 a915 von HilldefibUrg, published June •9, if - . Iaccuracy of the story. • 4 , ', . -.........,.--145-..... 1 The Gelman 'atithorities ate eigite 1 to imprisonment for a tit'in net ex at :004haiiate.d.',. ... ..,•• „ • 'Without 4. passport, be will be liable, eLill %fire ing 4s, 5d, fol. a se* of coril.'whieh , Feeding ,I0 'vans, -Or, in case of a ex 5 . ,5. . Certainly did notycost'llietn, more than ,:tenuating ciretanataaces;-to a fine of ;2s. 21/ed. The coal is taken • from from 10s. to i300, This system of around Dombrova, mostly from the robbery proves that the Germans do , "Saturn" Mine, which belongs to the ° not .expect to 'remain in Ruasian Po - same Lods manufacturers to Whom land. One does not ruin economical - the coal is aubSequently sold at stair ly a country in which one expects to preposterous prices. E'ven the coal stay. .4 Which, the town of Lodz is compelled, . ,:_. a. ......____ to supply for Nei in the buildings • GERMANS ,ON GERMAN; , d by ' •_ authorities*d time my mother: went to town she • • got three boxes.. In a ghert time I east• felt . the ,Pills were helping , me, and ' . from that on every day they .helped • ..me more.. I' .took altogether .1f nine, boxes and e i se a new person., . was.ready..for all My mealsegained ' • weight; the .color..,-qame beck to my. cheeks, Mid I Wa.s' again enjoYing per- . _ . . . ect • health, an aye ever since en- ' joygd th-at bleseed condition. I eon- •• esly advice. all- weak girls to iive Da. • Williams'. Pink Pills a fair:taloa eel • an sure they will do as much for them . tie they did for me." • . , :You can get theseapills from . any • • medicine' dealer or• by. mail at 50 'edits its aTx",boxes...for $2.50• -from. the • Dr. Williams kedicMe. Co.; BrOckville, ' ,Ont„ • •• ' • , • • 3. • • . • THE .QTJEEN 'MOTHER. , army has to e ought from those Extracts from a Manifesto Issued by b • the Germrfn Humanity League. • sante autherities. • For a' sack of coal which formerly eclat 2s. 5d. the • German authorities oow shame 41.-21;W. ' The police of - 'flee has been making about /10 on Our homes are•still being desolated in a eampaign, Waged for mote than 500 days, not. lawftil a defence of .German territory,. but • to satisfy the afl,-each railway truek of coa4a and in .0e, insatiable and aayage. greed ofPrue. 'hondreds. ethonsancla-. pound's. The humanitarian. president; 'Wan eonspiaators. The ,moratl_ ferceS premised. eau _soma .of the nation- are stifled by the. • ohs - Von •Oppeil .had • lence of the Administration; tramp- tim.o to give back part Of those 'pro, ,fiti, 1900, to Meet .the needs a. the101g under foot the helpless Mass of prosaea ,hufnanity crushed by the 'double but team, but he soon fergot, his In eome the population -"n• of •grief, and want. We liave ex- ainined through 'trusted sources the has been forbidden to buy .provisiops. swat, econemic condition of eVery. State and from anyone cacept the German •province. From one aod all comes the .missariat officers; these were am. cra,a'Delioer us..feom this -hell of -suf. porting 'althea. eaception .• valuelase oattle, fixing, • for , them` arbitrary sf,tring.". • •,..' , , g onsider far a moment the. PoSf- .pricea.'• • Sitnilarly, the. "Warenein-1 a a a Vat;eiine TrMc 36k Capsicum Petrotsenta'aile. Breaks rip colds in throat and chest. Better than a nalstard plaster for rhea- raatistaa gout, sprains, cramps, etc. W ill not foli5tei- the-skim- Seld $a nitary tin tubes at cliem. ists and general stores every- where. Refuee, substitute.. •Pree boolclet en req. uesi, :cHEsssitouoti cam co. choolf`Xlen,"ted)MontreI - Atuth maao.Ey IS NEEDED. ° 4:INTEWHARDON•BABY .Briton's Finatidai•Burfien'•*For Alt to .1 The Winter' season i; a hard one on • Amerls411.• .. , Britain alone will peed' $9000;000,04 . It is So often stermy that the mother • . Share. ..„. , ai. ,., • hiad to Stuit'S", badly ventilated rem.ria. UPgilen241!'s 1k."8'w1441CsGtStleaaaa„........:48LeVa'4,:a:It' ,,... 3 the baby, He is more- or less confinl Muer 000 to run her share of the great war ; does not get him out in the fresh gir . duriog the present year, This stateal as often a as she should. ' Ile tatelies AS , rzio'sna•lo;tr-- unlit is made . by a representatiae -tolds Whieh rack his, little AYS'ebrn; 4 eir raises isagetrOTrort• committee of • Britain's leading his • stomach and bowels get out •of .. . Tne ewes:nen that works every das. • • , - 0 hankers' who have issued a signed order and he becomes peevish and teiminolgalsewaerina the year. Send for . , . DODD'S." KIDNEY PILLS CURED, manifesto to the nation, impressing Cross., To goard • against this the . HIS RHEITMATISM. on the people the need for the stiict-; mother should keep a box of B.aby's 27 Toronto arcade, - Toronto 3s, 3.'. OM CLAIM CO.,, W., --a reastisiencaentohmisyini huge sum U.! °assist. in Own, Tablets in the house. They re7 . , - Mr. D. A. Brotherstpn _Tells How His 1 • .In the manifesto the bankers 'say: ' gulke the. stomach ena, bewels and 5. .411MBOION. break up ' colds. They are :sold by ' 'Rheumatism Disappeared Over a 1 "In a long war success depends medittine dealers or by mail at 25 cents Year Ago and Has. Never Come ' mainly upon reSpeetive financial ;re-, a_ box from."The Dr. Williams Medieina__ . . ._ ' " ; .GRAND, PUKE STILL POPULAR; Mlle eil st : el: i no its:el:upnirea F:di jr yopt. 1 of A 12 sT li ,e' II. theoi e. , is still' one of the;most popular nen in Ruesla, and his picture. bangs in ' some, original bad been banished to I' Orono: D " 73itvierYproostplieerateahnopd iwninedvo:yo:aftebeinNtehvg, • country' three. months after iti hand- r-Aikums. - alas siaaa' -4:- i'ianift, ran: perOlt:tvusu 1 the obscurity of Oa Caucasus: Thore tvz,gvie write '• at W. Jaaweege are ten portraits of the Grand Puke in Moscow and Petrograd to one of WO 14411145. la IN "Ix -r." 4."N'a the Czar; and the blonde Xing of the "To Wader. DeVeleViiarel:aani4uletlea..$";°°' .14 Belgians runs the Grand Duke a hada. 7:74V11114-afreve*r ho is; he is Russian 21Ewgirit.r4ngi araaktallfaierleas 1.4*iva , first of all," they say about the Grand p- tor eel° ih lama Onta Duke. ,, ' °111"9 totems, "Lae !nest useful and ante-resit:ix '"The only honest 'man., in - Russia " " 1114 bUssineP"s•• 44'4" Illr"tn4ti°1 '" - ' tVItS the way a vali driver charade:a ;414..,ca'itraVeTt jaVdiels1:111e1).131.3•.is'rboirnAitte' ' 1 ized •the Grand Duke to the writer; •a , and the people are still telling how at .1.1. 4Ncirt, I" TisuridE11:7°,4„, ...":a- ips' , .. ,.„.. ..„, • . the beginning of the war the Grand las 'Path' , you'll take care bf e Ge allanS a th9:11;14 c,ri:e, rig tbPelaflotreatre,14;tligEltil)°114eri= 741e3dr" . Duke said to the Czar:, 1, of the ' Germans frOm Germany a. Co.. aunitedaiserfinaVa.:Sinsil"4.,'"cal . Peteegrad." . • • • a•• "5- A POPULAR co itsTesr.- Would roil Ince to tater It contest •wbere 0. 111111e1; Piert 'Of asatirsli deveted to a EAlt41,14 Of co anise whileb would, add Vera' -Teats 4,Iy to your preeent income. Weitotor full 'partici:lie:re to ;MI 1041 AtlafitlfOttlFeret Veva Ta., 24g 4.7014. teacratIon Leto ,alag, TferptItty, e unt, *Masa ficola ON DOG. DISEASZS : %Alta HOw tu Fcied iv;•01,..4, frog to •coy addr.F4 • lug-Au:n=0r Rack. , - • , . •• -• . 4 tsources• of • the combatants and- the i co., 'Brockville, Ont. Victoria ' Harbor, . Ont., • Feb.. -7th ,.consequent power of one Of . them to 1 . „..,...._,..*-#.1. .(Special.)•-:Cuaed • Of ' Rheumatism ' maintain or to -add . to '- 'its fighting over a year age by using Dodd's Kitt- i strength when the 'other ..is -declining! ,.. "Famine' in Germany. . ney Pills, Mr. R.. A,. Blestherstona a i or is not capable 'of eaparision. • 1 A representative of. the -Amsterdam . well-known resident of this:- place, is i • "Theiefiike the newly's efforts have, Telegraaf, Who has :aiurneyed through . . • :Will reduce rattan:tied, Strained, Swollen Tendons, Ligaments, orMuselea.atopsthelarnertessand pBaoinnefrsispmave Spavin, 1 No not , 4$1 iistrB, :0111140i;• • - gone and horse can he .used. -$2, a •beetle at dreggists or deliVered. De. StIll singing the. praise's of the great been directed to three essential mat. ' Germany and Austria • and furnishes scribe your Cue for special instates Canadian • KidneY .reinedy. ' • ' ters: • . • ' .• • . . • i'a• lengthy, report /on geueral,conditions dons and interesting horse Book -2 M free.' a- , was,troubled with Rheumatism in ! • • .(1) "To seize' victory before'. the concludes his. article by 'saying 'that in la, r u aimed, TortaLigraa ilBwrn..Rd6,1NeEdliceRrIstr the atitiseptic linimentfor , my left hand, which would shift to my ; forces of the allies could be • famine preValls as. far as the bulk of 'meats, Swollen, Glands, 'Veins or Mustiest -elbow and then to my. aheiddear'. Mr, ' faed • en. overwhelming strength, - the • workingclaes _.pepulation is eoa.: Heals cuts. Sores, ,C.11crers. Allavi Pain. Prie, Brotherston says. "It Was vex an- 1- (2) "To prevent the allies. , frornl,cerned,. ..The .situatiOn is • beeoming. 61,00a bottleat cfratera orrteli cred. Book Itv,bieace" free. W F, YOUNG, P. D. F„ 516.11m4na Bldg , blushes!, Can. noying .and painful at . times, but r.making , er • plirchasing ' sufficierit .still worse, a.m.lathe economic. posi • a heard of Dodd's I,UdneY-.Pills helping ! eauiPmeital and. ammunition 'for., their tion te far froinfavorablea pea- ' st•sorblae,apd,Absbrkitic, Jr:. Are ne4c la camas: • .,_ . , . . • _ others so I quit • the 'liniment I was ' ever:expraiding forces. _ ple are daily • bec.oming 'mere' down - using' and took boxes of thenf • The 1 "The endeavoia Of the. enemy to , hearted: "Their views ere: , sit/haled ,...rhe.uniatism disappeared. • That was 1' aeComplish • these' objects. , have 4jeen. •in. the 'remark: "We conraier.every • •over &year. ago, but it'has not Tette n tcoropetely frustrate( by- e co-eram.. day, bat we are none the better. off d • • ation of the armies, of the financial for it" • • .4 , I. know Dodda• Kidney Pills are ; reseueces ofthe. equipment. -and of fuhr," which nionppolizes the &ado ' pion 'of the German Empire in July, good -for kidney trouble both in. my the' mu.nitions of the, allied' .nations.1• • - • . • • -• • . in -float!, fixes. very•••high• priceS . for ni wlae • . . . . . . We 'then ..dialbyed civil rights own case and through others who; have The suecess of rhenllies in, defeating,. • - • saaarrs THE WINTER. rla •.• - - 'and' liberty .a tra.ders. In, every used them." ; •' • market -of theworld.,we 'were weIc.omaa Rhea -autism' caused ...hi' add ethen,, munitions'. and- money before • "••'a le d".1' M the blood: •-lf you OW:6 kidneys ' the ' • Id to valisorata eat aariaelea ...• Eachange ,alanipuiiition. • " free to develop in friraidly riolitta • • , direct and Scenic •rou yes. Four fast, mod-• by oda Dodd'elaidney Pil e . cola . • eiOaemble their full • • • g - • - • Is they . strength hisarioot.litotight - -the- war eater- int -Mara- ' ern, traine leave Chicago daily from the- ameway evaminal- .iir the .1. • " • athe eneiny'S- efforts' to cripple thein • in I nou %trip' NN.'inte Tourist: tlehet.t, with 3OthgraStates the artsathe coma The rGeintin- authorities. liatte been 'Alexandra Ads as a• WaitieSs at,. drain all the uric acid out of the blood -.nearer to its final stage. a making. a considerable ' samount of merce; the maeitime. resOureee a oth.... ,. :•. . . ff: w.„rid. 0, eirland. 1.,,inii tea i It,xtra k are) BeldiFS! 'ClUteens, ,. • • . naaley. by speculating the Monelt lend. All oUr legitimate trading ha leaven 7:00•hosi Angeles. I4Intited Queen Alexandrit;• Mother et. King exchange. 'Certain fees' are accepted • 1, "Indeed only one thing is now I zadire•et. to soittb€:;n etanreinni--ieaves - .end thet•e can hp oo rheumatism. -; tereeta Were safeguarded, defined and . , 1 • - 4•'• . , . • .. . : • needed to command victory. The al- '1slelii . . Tug SOLDIERS' •GAZETTE. An - • i lies have asSeinhled • new armies' : of 1 iii(,),:41tst,..rai.e.:, - • , oveewhelming strength in France,. in•I 114 .iiiil.3t... Woo AV; eT‘b•iun'a iluaii News Prom Home Sent to Oita _ a astartieuhirs 'mailed ' on .s.pplieatitin . -to ..-Iviena Russia, in ItalY and M Great Britain liaara Bennett. 0 se._. Salicaao. & liertn, , :sandwiches free to all ;nen in uniform , been - dernanded..• • Espedally in the I. I.and everything heeded to equip them r'Western IttY.. 46 1:Plig0 'St., 179y011ttt,'Ont; ' To the German name is the - " ' at the Front a • -a _ . . _ . at the principalaLonaan -aailwar : stit-j:Payment_paaaaaa..the aeamara•aataa_.1 scorn of civilia' ationathesGeaman fiaga...saa • . -• . ..a., and te Ripply . theta_ arith mnnitionsataa has becorrie, the ', has' been semi red or is , in process of badge: .ef infamy. t alt...Thornas Shaughnessy, haas writ, interests of the ("Soldiers' Gazette":-- 1 : thiv.tdry is no longer in our risnksalt ten the following open letter in the Satan ea nothing alatever about Queen 6n several ' occasions the rities have ' refused .. to accept their, 1 has been•btiried in the trenches in mantilactere. The only thing j'ernaine' a man's attending churdh'on the Sab- Queen ,Mether has insisted Loh taking own war batik paper,' (Dariehen, a turn at the ' Coffee -one serving , scheine), and draw out. of the O()1 has ing to bedone is to provide all the bath' if he , gets his services 'the other six days in the week. . - . .. . • George V. has :taken aliarticular in from ; the :population :. only .ix . sneer prote/cted by .treaties .• and ' convexi- ' laniored,and respeet terest in the wor)i.:ef aeldiers'i toubles,; Nvhicle'-a •re Valued vei•y tions We were ..• •3 • canteen's, which -furnish coffee • and' while in other 'cases only- marks' have eci throughout the world ..• the customary hour .and a half trick try. the silyer aoinage• and bank -notes, 1 Flanders and ap , the village, 'grave • ', money needed to. support those vast- * 115,..n when 6 o many p.0 lc Plots of. Brabant For eels comes e4,94.'sPirited Canadiarewomea are workinga al.aaes of new men and to: pay . tor' with the other 'voluntary workert .at saying sententiously, "German coal.' a -loathed by all . m..., To foe those 'et the .,Front, it •is althest-'. the vast . raMatities of er .'ens 'andMu seldom Tecognize ' -. one or another' of the • stations..," The mast.. be paid for 'I With •• German, are honest a hide theta 'ie'•iinnossible: we-, stand invidious invidieue to specify -.any eine payticulaI.r.1 'Soldiers 'lier Ma - ,' .1nonex.° As a Matter Of fact, the coal • intion s now being manufctured by • e , naked and 'expese-c1,---T'''.-. .'- '-.- activity, . but the • untiring. hi-di:retry-, of alt ala -•jesty for some time, anct-she . takes in question is taken .from 'the ..Polish 1. We Who love oar land With a pas. 'Mrs. D. ForbeS , Anglia, President -of i • . ._, • • Lae. . - pat •of the world." • s" , • 1 esPeoial delight in serving theta indogs distriet • of bornbreva.*: a., - • • .. . sionate. devotion and strive t,o reach Queen' Marys .Needlework,build,' and ' ff • • . .: nito- aod receiving their. "Thank...you, The Ger nurfi airthorities are -fixing ' of the ladies ass.ociated „With. her, deai • 'I'shown an eporinous increase..since the araissus," just as it is -;givena to the taxes .arid •taising those Willa:exist,' the dawn of a, new era which shall. •asinarda• 'Liniment ogres. •Diphtherla. •• Tea Drinking. Ingresses. Tea- driaking amon'g• the allies has • ether workers- in' the Canted*. . ed before the,vrar. Altliengh all trade store' her character and win back for, serv.es • special. ponsidera•t•ioh, .Parti•c.u- S ri- ac aonl. war, began, and in the pat year the i • t i t d el WI strS, Treased ever 6,000,000 pounds, while • consumption in Eagland alone has in- . _ her, children the hem& we have fors • . a y n connection .with their public& r • aor • 1 . Perhaps the teat of the Queen's had stopped before their order ' for • ited by barbarous' cruelties and in, :tic' !The Soldiers' !Gazette.' , This. is : yaws le atm 3 f oo customers was a Kentish farmer who payment of taxes was published, the re compiled'by these ladies from the , tract in dietreties. and diseases or the dtgeellye France is drinking 10 times as much , satiable lust have written *the above one 6V, the latge Inetileal schpolb a ' looked in at the London Bridge sta.. said 'order demands payment of- 'all . , . In his extensive ex:. 8. • they did before the .Whia, • I •,. with heavy hearts. . • , leading, newspapers. a each - Province.I'ef the continent. WM canteen one foggy night. He taxes on: industry, threatening that- 'ii Napoleon failed. The; Kaiser Haw ill •tahada. fifteen thousand Coale§ ':Periptiee. In •free •elinccs.. he worked out • . ........,-.s. *as evidently, neither ' a soldier mei fine of 1250 in, default_of payment, , An, Armed. POSCO. i . • . .:untilf are. printed each web distributed., the fel:mita tbr P.r."44ekson•a;-W(Irrien -• • la, andstheresean-be no peace ' • sailor -and was-adistinetly- not is • ither-----fi • - ; , ether waitresses and asked if, Suppos. While ell kinds of fees are drawn hands pf an executioher, 1-"e tained in thia-`Gazette' is highly'. tfp, aaaasseo ar emoosa bacae ...sac -„...,,aos . „ -• a . 3 „. atto EiLhtinsgaevennt 1:\ar)%; a a„ a 4. throne in the proportion of. ea . a comp 1.1 •• . • w o e vt est an • • , d "r haven't heard idi- and 'his 1 ,- fem. But sOnieGrffk Whispered to cording to their calculations Lodz " "" " deposed ' • he his fouled and .. his fellow con- soldiers Of the Canadian 1.n'.1tih deoaciondrizeddr..nah7leed "bandtlbran• wife ouarrelli,ng for . . several days" 1 hiM that the Queen Mother was sera. alone ought lo pak them Mere than . , . . ,. „ oversege; The. news from home cori- t notlr • s• • • better pan meat. preventS 1 !`No; they re - not on . speaki▪ ng • mgcoffee. „Ile approached:qua or the 1100,000 of trade taxes,. , spirators. have met their fete •at' • . lieihrestion al.'nd. posit] velY relieves. -eon- terms just now." • predated-. by. our. gallant soldiers, doctor:aaNt all grocere:, I 0•.und Ceents. • " ing he gave a little. 'matey to theI from thecountry the German autbo- " • How to Save many of whorif 1,w:re opportunit of seeing a Caoadian newspaper. 1ThYe •-0., Toronto.- - • • ;,,Roman meal' is': Made by lionian • Meal cause, the Queen. Would _give him a iities _are showing eXtraordinary. in- pared by our hrt Murine is Fre- I • cup of coffee with her _own' handgermity in exploiting it whenever they Your • Eyes cost; • through the generosity.. of a • • • ' • Magic- is .11tedielne, . ManY Years in their • . Queen Aleiearidra' readily Consented'. are .compelledao make investments a So the farMer•froia Kent had his eola indispensable to :them '• for. military. practice,' now dedica•t-. plablication is printed at less than k • - . . an &cl". .1113 used..for, Montreal newspaper .proptietor, but Mosit's Potehey-aa a.a theatipentie OUR 44, ed to. the Puhlic and • sold byYour Druggist: 1. • N. ee -and then, ecothin-g-tristda--11--e- -reasona.-1'hus, •Tor-instante; 'the . ••••••,•••• •••• T F t" ' •• • le ,equise . TryllorinettaRefresk, ree Preserap . ' tio • es i 11 a agent -is being -demonstrated again cleanse. and Strengthen Eyes after exposure to ' ". couriterahe wrote oat a check for $25; frequently force local bodies to pay' • ; , • to. carry oh the publica pec y Cold thrift' Winds nd Dust and' to- re tore The • physicians- • aaaa.- aeeeraaa . re_ ..aspoi=vork. and Eyees.Strain. . • • repair of,the i•ailway rostd....D„ gi vo y 01,0' ? Do in view of the feet that . -t ' •th h 1 healthCAI tone to Ey aReddened and rhadesSors Keep :The Rats . Away • They • will. not touch • •Jigniess treated •with • HARNESS- OIL That; is because •ttireka containi; flli • vegetable or ani- • •mallat, . • _Keepszfout harness •soft,pliable,Strong. ..01,-cryrch THE UVIPERIAL • OIL COMPANY Limited• ' Branches -1h all Cities • THE LARGEST FIREPROOF RESORT 112." ii0171.11i,THE WORLD siN'es's• The, Spirit of America at PlaY's Dilagnitntle cola inteerfutiteas. AMERICAN PLAN '1•.1110PZIAN PLAN ' D. S. White, Pres.. *Ott, 'Mgr. Soon after he took his train for for. the• the- number now •• • - • . . ' Kent and the next thing.heard from .• which they take 'Ooar . in.: their • own sea ready . wee r eyegiassee or, spec- of , Canadians.. overseas is Steadily in• roadminded Physicians use and recom. tat housa nth.. of PeoPle, wear these "windowe", wiio . migat easilY ..dispense • , t a t -sera meth them. •You may be 'one of these, creasing. ,Large subscriptions *i•e het . • la h ff , Seaccess, talk and rush into Print in...Imposition ana..earia S, markableresu ts from e. • effect of mend BiurIne while others perhans jealous of ita sintisle, Oil.. se s W o at,o eu • ere . . . • • • • and 'hav‘i youer PrUrrarigtrg00: Y , • -513)? e there is no Prescription fee in Miura°. .7 those whose Eyes need care ean guessuwsliy. as t hand and It, is your -duty to save your eyes, .trctetimilir before it is reo, late. • 'rho eFes..sii•o, sing- • . Shaughnessy; alonorary Trees - re . , Ey" Book -,111 from gan bonthina t • ed 'from the fighting •line. mere and oir have CO lett Pkg.,' lecte.d more than any. other .organ of the surer at the office' of the Queen -Mary's . . ready forine. Try it isiyour yes an ik a y • 1"-4"9"erin a "SIN „entire. body; After you finish your tlWs. Needloivork. yvindsor ,:Statien, In,eryous .. wracks., Strine Specialiete • " Eyes for Eve Troubles -No Smarting -Just Eye work ymi • si t..slown and rest ybOr•nius- ave_gone•so tar ea .say. that 'nee Cordon. •Write for BOok Of the EY° Free. tiles, but hoW about your eyes.s.?•• Do. yois Moaltratta. _be. :spent in good " ; other. eurahas brratieht about such .44.6o:otombe .• him wile in the form of a check for military interest. • Similarly, the ea - BERMUDA • .$250, being. money • which he raised ,i tire. burden of, the .upkeep 'fRussian, prisoners of: war and ievalided sol- •diers at .larals has- beet thrown. oh the toWn.. • .„ , • .. • • -" ' • • - and feera • • • • . Intradibly high tariffs ahave. been ;imposed 011 the import • into- Russian . , .Poland of , goods. Which are indispen- sable to.itaafoa -example; 'oil, . soap, 'etc.-F-ineaaand-cordributi es; they' never -cure," ,This free prescrip.. eitealpipoied-on towns theaeligliteit WiltOtt beneffrorriTin. eyes of So. pretext:. .Besides the many. Amy wory squat mn1ders. ter you. .• 17Fse it al short . quid yoti • like try has been..ruined by fiseal eVO, troubles, to disappear as if In* • - • • • • subscriptiOns among his 'neighbors. A The Ideal Winter Resort .forthight later he appeared in person • '13eautifhl.- DrIVeS, ..9"addle, with $12 $124. more,' and declared that lie• VaehtlnO, V1494Ing 'risen 4if..thi. Ottfiwn t3•8411)-Itegl-. brought his total up to, $1,000. • • was' not going to rest until he had 'arid SEfa. Ma thing. "" Pres es: t sla••••. rest read or de so tliem ? Telt:wits nhohlvg yeolus ed:otlillAota.33011,41; cause" • ' 41:Orniatlentbr_goeci reS•tiltS.. . - • • Yew' Oes•htisl* yet! work yOur eyet4 tib•• • tll ytin...real is whY so minor htive. streiried .eyas 'and ftnallS, other eye troubles Allot three -tee "partial or iota • )-W•lassies.-stre-rnerell emit if • • • -7*----.747. • - -TsrE-* . 'A Large Dinie..; • • • .6.1urInap:Eyo Comedy Company: C.hkento ' "Beware, my. • sok: pf- loose meths oda Do.•you knew hoar. thesagentral-. . . • -FOOD VACTS:. - • • • • What.* m.p.'"jleavucd. A prominent phYsician went thrOugh, • a food experience which he Midtes 04 earns. ewii*exPerience _that • .first led inc to advocate Grapc!,Nuts food. and I also know from having presiribedit fo convalescents and otli, er" weak patients that this ' food IS a wonderful •rebuiMer 'bed, reatorer Of nerVe and brain tissue, as well as monde. it improves the digestiolvand • • Patientii stain, just ne I did in strraigth saideweighteaNterraeapadaysea.,--_,,f,4,,. state -that • had to give up my Work entirely and go to the Mountains, but two inontha ' there did not improve Me; fad I Wes nat. quite es Well as when I. left hdrne, My 'food did not •eustain me . and' it became plain that *List • change:. '•• .*• "1 .began to • use Grape -Nuts anti in • two *weeks I Could welk a• mile, and hi itialeke reternell to my hattie and practice, taking un hard • Work • ogainl, Since that time 'have feltue, •well ;Mid strong Ril ever did in My ' life.. • As a physician Who. seeks to help all • sufferera I 'consider: it a duty to mike ' 'these beta' public. . Trial lo days on drape -Nuts when • • • the regular food does not seem to sus- tedy work-wentlerss,--- "There's :a Reason.", Name given by Canadian -ROAM "Co., WitulsOrp Ont ' ' ' "- • . • laver read the, Maws latet7 A new ,Mit .00iieitka f gent time tO, tintet Whq •ate gestalts, trite Iklid Ain; 01 kiting* interoaa " 4. 4:•. 4". ...••11.1114 . • . „. • . • • ••• . • Op‘vald---"My love tor.. you is like - the deep sea-'ee" : • _,C12-ahrea atter -such- witsahatatiathe .a -"And I take it with the cerresPend- ' •salt.".° • " n tiMount of . 0 0 the !Wares t irides wahe drUg Otero sind •. raids .and temporary' passes. a -nyt: get It ball& fit iton-oDto tobioto: ,nn a - tickete from...one railway station ' to .ariother iiimply.fantastic, prieee 'Nate been:Axed. • A • temporary prise is re. amired far a journey.. from .orie dis- trict to another. ,-(Thete ,tatas' at time when such a pass was required.. even for golag from one ' village. te an- othera' ' Political' seasons barely simple treattile0t. "'At 1fiarrelOusi f "Do vou .aarge things here?" ••. rective r multitude:4. of roses: Now that - . , wine in, here, .becatise apyope can alasaa.013 haat . aeete•Nhatkesialoiatsealasaiailsave• ......‘9.0.,yaatovage-_-batteriesr_Inadain." :,-- :..tiihi:af_pasS-:On_•-paynient-of- a -tertairr-4-'-""'-'1'4-"."-"H"'°-14e" -"ur-'°Y" .„ . . •• . _ ._., d. y..on.,..amIlkelyLlecl-bunle118 as•losig iss • ininamt Cores stores, Eto, fee.. But thee -fees -71-1'd sinniir • in voo. live+. for pliblishing this preseriptitia,, 1,1511164."• ceeaffae; for a pass . to. the . nearest Of your oiro tletiggh41 esnuot fill lilts Pre- ' . - ' ' • - •'' • " plaCt Ofid Ilda to pay 2s ' t • 1 • I sPriPtin"' c.11'1 41" in 111° r) T.1,1" ,•Piet t) of ASS fa . „ ., o a p acp ; aa. aslant°. for a ' ,omplele 11,;111011...... , • • , 1 ' . ..• e ' .further .eway, Hs.; and $0 On • These ! •11""'" trt1"1"'"" c"Ill'u ' "me.'" "1":1-1111' "The lawyer next' door .-had been passew rise as,. high as 10a.to 20a. 'In ..• • - '.' .-' = - .- ..V. ,.- --- -a, • fotocd. into beolomPtcy . with. big lja,-, 'Millions, dietricts, conlieCted liy •ocon- • a country with a poaulsitioti of Several i' - • . . • The Pinal lieur. • . , ' .. bilities but .no assets to speak of..., a. lawyer's „assets are his haa omit., ' ' adtainisti'atioe,:. 'and . family ' The Kaiser, 'made ,C7,40 Pealinend "111:11.Yea'at. • a • •a,.. Field . Marshal of the German li;m. pireand presented hint with the bat- on, says the New York Sun., In re- turn •Czar Ferdinand appointed the Raiser ."Chlef of the Twelfth Bulger- ian Intantry,Beginient." To be set at the head of . eueh.. a regiment would doubtless he grateful to the Itaiser; KAT All 1101101! walla, replace a Mint - bet of honorary commands which he, onee. held in. detested, Vugland. llUt If the ICAlSerle allies 'really watt to gratify. Itis soul tO Its 'clesns why does not the Sultan give iiiin the honorary Cohniency ot the . Turkish Regiment speoially detailed to direet mut lead , the operations in Armenia? . --„...-....„...44,-.2.' ....... miaarke.r.intiaent MUNI dirge -ti la Cowl) al - ., .COming to Illinaa .4., . two-ou nee boitkp %vitii 'warm miter, drOP ., • ' ' iii -'one tablet; 1111d allow It to theroUghly -Cholli-I• think Ill, pi& out a geed dissolve, with miser/mid bathe the eyes - ,iatot,ly your eYe.F1 eiesi.r up rtn0 how Scion . sehsible woman and get married:a.. - two --M •finit. tfittes,:dally.- iluat• bete- IOW MiSs.Keen-Iff.you pick out a good ail:inrinotiu•o„ne rt-7iitaissa..)ziniali,•;;.1.tp.pyolill'ittryible.. f.,,,e• n II get .sriubbed, : 1,,,,,. ;Ninny who are HOW 511114, Might . sihle • Nvoyrian rott }lave silvti I .4.110h. .0. es had. they .started . - - ...-.........•- • . .,.. . No Accounts.- Opened. '- to rare "toy them in time. ••ThIS 11.4 . e ... - , bends; had been - isolated .fram 'One another by the war for , a whole Month; the tees, therefore,. for tem- portity.Passes „now bring in. .eVery month hundreds or thtiiisands of pounds., • . June the fiscal -ingenuity of the Germans invented a new source of income. EVer/botly Above the age...of 111 has to liavS a passport, with it photograph'. •For children below; the Age_qt.,104„0011)140Pe l*SA3OrtB WithOUt ph'otegraplis' tire' admisidble. The. passport doeS tot give its holder Any tiglitqj 010, entitle ,h1m to move' 'from elfe place to another, Thus, it under the passport oi;ly two million onorts are issued, the ' German " PILES. You will find relief in Zam-Buk It ease i the burning, stinging pain, stops bleeding and brings gash. Perseverance, with Um. Buk, means mint Why not prove this 7 41.1 freegjaketed a ill -ES u -01 Isstig 4.**16. . • " ' ".• ly- end" "No, sir, how?" . "In fight • .4 The l'ilivet _Scotia -"Limber king". places" . - ., •oth, the "I• . consider .1VIINARD'S'. iiiLIIIINIale... :T,iheismoatun.ivlestet ftleilselad•;•laqu' I got My foot haft lammed late, ..itx e ee ' Philosopher. •,'"Yes; but he 'won't be fy. I bathed it Well with MIN- lone added the:mere hien.. ' ARD'S•LINIMENT and it Was as...well, als. Cod 77.d.ay.,. •,..ac..siul.trit:•N.,,‘ • . . yours. very truly, TGm Princess Hotel. • ... 1!•one..o from DEciMIXEB_E..R. to *AT' Sltua,t•411 • .0; Alia Harbor •-; - Ea on • I a a • :'Are yotijetter ottL.lor ',getting . • •Married?" "Yes, fOrtherisa I had good • quarters.": • "And, now 1" •"Welli now t have a better halt•"".... : Rates ' • 820 poll week li.nd 'upward. • - t • .. . .. 1-1.0. wi E. nu& nTaWs.00,4101:1E• , R.,... .- . . HAMILTON,. • a .BERRUbA - Bermuda is reached by the steam:. .. .....-....,..---••••,-.44,4,•-• - -er?.' frt the thrttbfia : A. S: ' t70:-,.'. - . • 52 +tread We.% ,' New Yerii.„. ' , 0 „ . • • Little •Johania-"Ma, Nous RObiasen ... . "I 'wonder if jt ji; a i•,eal diationid,": ,.. .r. ....„ ,-.Q.aaabe .a oreuu oereaas'ex• .ateaaea • mooed Dorpthy.,ila "sahe conteinPlated: _ : Pagge....iitejr.smaigip_rc...---.02.-.-:,-.41-:- 1 , , , . • rcn•-1.: - AMU W.7---"TW71174--5-'7401111n ,_ •L''''.k ....'..'''' , ,'4... „Mr. ;T• .41. A, .hlacdonold, in ii lea "Well; here ditaysti,syt,i'atlilicati,Ilietataett 3:110en...1.1hV.. „la.eeit."i•jae.:i'....isi•eelli,..7.1119.4•Itlelstil.%.i,111.13'03.'11,??,a0,4t_iitilit,xalti;...a..,.7 Ifik 'the- use for the solaiers ter to the London '1 advocat- finished :iis 3 of • a his dhes l". • • 'tested Othen.lack gaYe• it .to Me:" short knife Or dirk, SaYs3( "When the • sob:flee Jumps down tato -a aereuelf full of enemies -se he Must do 'when charging, entails, be aernales"aboire. to be shot -he as no longer able to ties) rifle or bayonet 10 adva.ntage. He Is • '. like it mati la a ' else _crowd,. Who cannot trit,W bliek hiS weapon so as to inake it effeative. .. Ae0OrdinglY; WO read Of Mail. taking or the baa- ,onet to. use it by. haxid; and. oleo , of men resorting to their fists." • • • The Inexperienced. -"He Bays he ban hardly restrain himself frOtn, fawn& down•and -worshipping her."' The jected•-"Tell him not•to get perorate; she'll throw hint &Wilt soh' enough."' "Why did you accept George?' "Ho'VAS 00 rnucla more original 'than the other. fallOWS." -"In what way?" "He wris the only one that asked nie to be his • I 71/1111itint rdUintent Cures FTER.... .nt 1)4c, cf :11)1)6 0011a -tic' changes, 0'. (5. . . or k.rr,r, chef, oohing so sant), festt;'rea •• . lane .atil heillthaactivi1Yl1q.M.d1tto-40v:, s.astetri as the' root •and ;Ptah eetraft . • - • : Mother Seigel's SYrilia, It- lands' and , • regulates the the liver and -bowels, and clears the aystran of. thc.,dcaayed • products of iiidigestien--khe fruitful -catise of headaches; • • , . • • TAKE, THE. DIGESTIVE: TONIC :•;' •1' I • • . • S•4•••••osi44.4.4•«..4)44.. acidify, ilearthintn,. ilattilenee,•-hrairt fag, sto..tookigt6,1. makes food xiotnish you, -god 'thus 'halide health en good: digestion. - , • .OTHER . .SE .1 theicW1.00tlefcenialtic Aro ' , . as the r.•e 441 ,S , • • AtfOcr• R i -- 00..f4!*0itt'O'00•1•444t41 1 t # 0-•-•••••• 4 4