HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-02-03, Page 3<14..
:•••• • "
'A NerveTrouble, Always Due to
• Weak, Watery Bleed.'
fAnly those who have been Attacked
with' neuralgia an tam the faintest
idea a -what its victims suffer. 4
' tingling of the tender akin, A sharp
sudden stab from, 1301140 angrY nerve;
!then plerCing patoSySnat of pain -that
is nenreight• The ealtae of the trouble
:IS iiisordered nervea• duo to wet*,
iwatery blood. The Mire is Dr. Wil-
red blood, and thaw sooth and
;strengthen the disordered nerves and
'cure neuralgia.' NA - Louie Martin.
aln Val Mg 't- '
i 4 • MAY,: 4 .• SaY€1."-
:to let you know the great benefit Dr.
;Williams' Pink Pills .have been to Me.
'Two wears ago I was a physieal wreck,
.) ' 'MY_ nerves Were all unstrung and T.
'suffered ' tortures front neuralgia,,in
the head and throughout . the nervous
'syttent. generally, I" was almost unfit
for work,. aid only managed: to, get
• along with the greatest, diffieultY, 4,.
, doctored tor alma tivemonthkand in
,, • this time took overforty deliart yortt
OfMedicine , Vvithont • any benefit
' ' Mo -re, I was actually growing. worse;
• , end finally had to take to niY, bed. •My,'
nerve*" get AO bed that I could, rigt
,turn over in bed" Without help, and the
Ola intS,'SOtil'allillg "Eivilial, As I am
,•A fanner, Youltan egsilysee that Ate-
•!. cess'ary wort was being neglected, ao.
' I sent tor a brother who, was in
. Alberta, to come and take charge of
• the work. When niy brother arrived
• he at' once urged me to try, Pr. Wil-: 1 all at ono the hest began to weave
hems' Pink Pills, telling me of tontelfrom one side -of the toad to . the
,• cures that hadcome under -his pbser- other, 's,if he was dis,zy, and down he
- vation. I got-half1, a dozen 'boxes, and Went in Wilder's doOrYard, fiat on his
, - before they. were all gone. there was •-side, with his eyes shut, and.'parently
no doubt their were helping me, .Alto- with no. more life in him than there
, getter I used nine. boxes Of the Pint, would be in a hemlock log! - •
. . and by that time -r was a well man, "I was •worlsin! for Wilder at, the
Caleb Peaslee and Lysander HYnte
sat comfortably upowthe fence of Mr.
Ponalee's "upper poster," absorbing
the Wartli Mane sunShine. In the road
below them g pedaloes Cut., drawn by :
.eraacieted horse, Orealted along,"
:Caleb Waage, regarded the horse
pityingly, , •. .
"1 don't ttliori,"" he observed
• ly,, "that I've seen a • hose von. down
quite ,,as bad as that ,one since, the
tiMe NeedhaM 1801143C7 sold a hoss. to
Wilder- Slake,- tor,tw.o..,dollare,.. • .X.Ou
never 'Um Needham -Xfoutey, ;Lysan-
aer---he • died 'gore yolf ever ,rnoVed •
"'There's varyin' degrees of snug-
ness," said 11ft. Peaslee, reflectively.
"There's Prudent and snag and etingy
and downright p'ison , Mean. Bonsey
was plson mean; When1 tell you he
miler weighed within thutty.penndt3;of
Whet he ought .to weigh, 'count of
acanthi' hirneif of victuals, .fretell
know that what critters he had in his
barn didn't. get fed. very heavy. In•
tiniet everything Nrisey owne.kin, the
Iltri4 of animals,• got -tothin you c."0
Searceiy: See 'ent • edgeways.
"Bonsey hada hos that be used to
tote- his, truck to Bangor
Pretty -good bets it was, too, in the be -
,but ;world& all the time .and
•eatin! ijout the same On neva, soon
got Min - where he wa'n't ninth rnefe'n
jest.the runnin' gear of a •hoss..°
• "Bonsey was ceinire back front Ban-
gor one agY, and had got jest about
abreast of Wilder Blake's place, when
and it is • impossible to say hew time, aad we both come runnin' ,down
thankful I was for, my release from where the hos-was; when we saw his
pain." • ' eyes Shut and how thin be Was, we
. You caniget Dr„ Williams' Pink'Pills both made up our minds he was dead.
from any dettler. in Medicine or by. ‘4,There.; Bonsey whimpered.
mail, post paid, at 50 cents a box or 'There's two dollars one! A man of-
, six boxes for $2.50, from, The Dr. Wil„, fered- me -twe do.fiars forthe host's
Darns Medicine Co,:trodkville, Ont hide to -day, and. lie tol' me the critter
wouldn't live to .git 'me home, but 1
• "L1611T OF THE HAREM" •didn't b'lieve him, And now he's up
awl died on .inee: and it'll cost rite
• n-. English. Woman -Tells. nf..Some. inoren two•dollarstci move him off out
. Inside Secrets- • . of here, and I shan't cane out a cent
- ;-.---L,MOst--English - woman-ilve b
' . feint idea of life in the harem (or be. . "•VVhile he was talkiii, Wiider,look-
at Bonsey same's you would at a.
. -Teem,. to be correct).. The most Pie- ed
valent notion poor over -tired Mrs.: toad;' finly he up and, spoke. '.•
Sendai has Of it is that, anyway, the • " ‘Rather's have a good, honest
women are notoverworked, and that hem, even if he is dead, bloug.to you
it true enough. ' ' ". - , a' minute longer," he says, 'I'll, give
Iteceatly it hat been ' My. privilege you the twp -dollars and °take Care of
' to have quite a long talk with an Eng- him.. That hoss has earnt V; decent
Usk woman Wile has spent several burial, with his skin on him, and. rai,
. months as companion to ' the wife of vire to see that he gets it Now you
a high pasenege in hitlia. MAPY geed- get Of% my premises till 1' get kind
class Indians are educated at our Uni-
of ceoled off toward YQU• Or I wenit
Versities in these days. They. form undertake to say what may happen.' '
• friendship with Englishmen, and he- 'Bonsey grabbed the , two dollars
tome enamoured of -many ef--eur -E-ng and started off. hp_the ad.,
' • lieh ways of living; says a writer in ' 'Well,' Wilder Say- after Bonsey
..,: London ,Answers. 1 ' . , . left, 'I guess mebb,e the hoss's as 'well
• ,z_L_Theyetinnot understand the freedom off there -as anywhere till_after_sup-
:allowedle.oimwoMeri, but are dharm- per, andthen you'n'. 111 makesome
ed.. With the result of ' such an up- -disposal, oftim.' So -We lefthinr-lap.
• bAnging, and when they return to in' there in the shafts, with the har-
eir own land their try ' introduce ness on hbn, and Went into the house.
many things to relieve theratiaoteny . "When we got. through Slipper I
of life in the harem. ' started out 6 mite ahead of Wilder.
• It seems Arnett incredible 'te an When I got round the •cornet of the
English girl that herlittie Indian' sit, house, where I d'd see down into the
.ter never sees her husband ;until after front yard,, I let out . a 'hoot that
the marriage ceremony. The parents fetched Wilder runnin'.
! - choose the wife for the ton of the "Whether it -Was -that the toss'd got
house without consulting either party, rested, a 'whether it was the smell of
- !Sometimes the bride is as- young as that sweet grass there in the ,yard
• , feiliteen.- The child is -piteously that fecht him to, I don't know, and
•,. dressed, and placed on a dais behind never shall, but there he was was on
- a
sheet, the .women of the•family be- his feet and feeditt'.• •After Wilder
ing in atten ance. • had looked atlint a mum
On the other side of the sheet it the out gigglin'. ' . -
hridegroom and Many. of his young "lest for the notion of it, Caleb,',
.• • : ' . ' men friends.' The groom keeps throw- said he; 's'posin' we don't tell Bonsey.
• • . ' .' ' ing over jewels 'attached to , flowers
... that sold me a' live hos for two
• • • • : . -,which the . women of . the bride'a sulS defiers; 'Stead of 'a dead one -jest let
• • ,
... • 4p . • remove and place in her -lap or on hiin think ; we hauled the hoes away
her Pers°n• - . ' - ... ' . - 'fore he cone hack after his wagon.
. ' This Ord ceremony is called the I- got a kind of idea. that like to
, . • ____, . ,Shahdee, and Although a Man it al- put that hoss down in my lower pas-.
loWed four viives, no ether ever holds ter, Where • there won't anybody see
the ' same 'position as the first Chosen him; and mebbe -VII feed him a little
' ' ' ..° • :•• for hini..7 The others area little lin' grain from time to time, and 'see what
portance, living their lyes „More or he looks like in a couple' of Months.' blow ,on the centre of ' the German
• . • - lest as eervants to the first wife. • As 'What say?" ... ' . , . army that led to its final precipitate
., : .. :.: - ' , chi first wife .,.gets.to _middle_ age she .wwc: to*and .
rid -led theinnsvinto-the- retreatall along the line, -7-. -- -
Soothes and smooths
chapped hands *Id lips.
'Keeps iho skin sort, Sold
in metal boxes and tin tubes.
at,ellemigs and general
ntOres evelywkere.
Free booklet,on request,
•CHESERrisgtiedrPG. CO.
;alio chsimt arpstreil
Nine'Thousand Pounds Per'
..8114114111 for Dritain.
Nine thou.sand million. pounds- a
year t in tomtit figures 0,14-7 .909•000
• • • ..• II • . 1
More 0144 4a tinleS • as MU.0.111 AS the
total annual r.cvenue of the United.
'Itingdom.' That is the total direct:and
unifrect co.st .the wariestimated tip
t9" neXt, -soya Loudon , T11 -
Bits. Of that -amount .our share will
be S14208,00%040, 'which .covers, the
direet. expenditure of the Oovernment,
the .gapitaliged vane of the.losa of ho -
:man .life and the .proaffetien.'
Xt; Is- Pointed; Out. however, htragae
, CrantacMlfli recognited Alltherity on.
wesit4 04 national inconnt of' Great
Britain is; on 13ach, . sooltna 'basi5. that
theta have only been atl'ected'
hy`.he• Vira.% .Whilo.9ertoony is
otletophuerrcine;nainnsi.. mthoon. g.singf oit,
.pt.uffs; and raw material, '1145 ben
teuellek in- spite tfilw • ',.estintuted
vast .eXpen.diture to. the end„of July.. •
Our hill is less than that of Prance„...
Bus's* Austria or'.Germenx, the tag
toss to latelgtun. which tneludes. $250,;
• • . • , • • • • • " - . #00A0.0 --,the value o(f ..„ _Property,
an4 then White, hitt he never Said 'a strOyed,4eing £q qoa. ni4
ex. ,
w(*.d"•• ' e1iirerS Most in'pocicet,„ by the end
"4itev-a'bit''*iid6r sOst !I°1`1.4*3: of July' it•wm linire expended 097
thoughtful, he was wagtail'. every 000,000. Germanys lost of production
wad, •`Needlient'Bonsey, Fra goin' to
do sotnethin'' that MA?, you won't
understand. I paid you two dollars
for this „hose, And given him the
Nor Of. niir lower patter ever. since,
and fed him 'bout ten dollars' wuth of
grain, and now I've got 4 hOss there
that's wuth buTulred and twenty-five
dollars of any man's money, and be
stan's me at the outside, not over
twenty dollars. Now,'. says he,
tell you what I'll do.
-"1:,11 sell you that toss,' he says,
'for:seventy-five dollars, and that's
fifty dollars less'n you can buy one
anywhere near as good. But you've
got to sign an agreement to bring this
hos to me mai a month -I'm a pub-
lic weigher -and put him on my
scales,' If You ever bring him there
and heweighs over fifty pounds less'n
he does this minutes, he ceases to be,
your property and becomes my' boss
again, without my payin' you a single
cent!. There's the conditions. What'ye
you got to say?1, • .
' "I repose some pen would have ,had
pride 'nough to refuse, but •Bonsey
was too of money for that. They
made out the *ridings and he ' took
the hoss. and Went away with it..
-"Ind," concluded Mr; Peaslee, "you
Might not credit it, but from that
time. on ,d'know,'s there was a bet-
ter-kep' hoss in this town than the
one Needham Bonsey drove." -Youth's
Companion. •
What 'General Foch, the Famous
French Commander, Says. .
In "Behindthe Scenes at theFroni."
Mr. George Adam, Paris correspon-
dent of the London Times 'tells a
good" deal. thatieinteretting -Pa-bent-the
'opinions of General Foch, who for five
Years lectured on strategy and tactics
the -teak de Guerre: There he
used often to: quota a -saying of Joseph
dellaisfre; which summed up 'the psy-
thological element in defeat: "A battle
lost is a battle that You think is lost,
fOr battles are not lost materially."
To that military Summary of ' the
doctrine of Christian Science, General
Foch added this fot•niula , of victory:
"Battles are, accordingly, lost moral-
ly, and it is, therefore morally that
battles -are gaine-ard.` a battle won
is a battle in which,yott ref -Use to ad-
mit yourself beaten." -
That the more convincing since it
comes' froin a soldier With a scientific
ro e • reover; on at least one occa-
lion, when he had been forced' three
times to retire, he put his faith into
After each retirement General Foch
refused to admit defeat. He and the
men under him- had the moral
strength; in --whieh science playa
part, to refuse 'to . know When • they
were beaten. On. the third. day the re-
tirement began early" in the morning.
In the Course of the day General Foch
once More took the offensive,' and by
nightfall he had:delivered the decisive
1 1 1
known as The Begum. • barn, and the next day Wilder' led hint .
• • • • ..1%10,"FRILLS7 down to the back pester, which ivas all - -- Rieh4nLove-Bet Peer,„
sliut inby-treei, and turned him lob -se. , 'A- -
-poor young Irish couple went ' to
• . ••••-_, . _ ,„. , _ -"When 1. savy that hoss,again, ?bout the priest to be married, rich . in
-.. . .: ' Just a' Statement Abont Fetid. - .. three weeks later, -I almost wouldn't
' ."- •• Sometimes a good, healthY.cornmer.7- have Inoira him. Hit head- was up love but sepoor in earthly goods that
they did not even possess the few rte.-
- • -.-,-- - 7" - — -cittl-traveller -sufters-from-Ipoorty-se—ruid-his- ify-e-wito
• _ : : ... • . • . ' lected feed and is lucky if he learns bright liliti * h°--- I" • Cessari Wier lienee-' for .tleddiny
kitin' round- that pester like a colt ,fee. The priest was relentless in his
` ' ' that ' Grape -Nuts food' will put
.. . "hin1--I--eitked---111rilder-What lie,vasPealegathi.' demtuads. "No money, no ceremony,"
• • - - - - - lighlk- '' ' --'-' ' ' - to db ivith-liire, littrholdit -*Mint tie he declared, "Leeine geloMe;Rev.:'-
A travelling man writes: "Ahntit a head and grinned a little. .
• erend Father," begged the girl, "and
year ago my stomach got in , a bad " 'You wait an' 'see,' he says. '1. got
way. I had a headache most of f.,),nr,4,netaw _ • I will get the money." , She soon • re-
turned with the Antall atrionfirferfuir-
• e nhisery, For several . e
"Well.m antime Ilonsey'd' been ed, 'when the knot was. duly tied to
'• • • months I ran down until I lost about
huntin' for another heti to take the the entire , satiefeetion of till eon-
, ' '70 pounds in weight and -finally had to
place of the one that died; as he cerned. "Could' any one now oppose
• ." • , ,give up a good position and. go home,
sposed., . But bosses was 4 high " and our union, Hely Fatherl"•the inquir-
. ' . .Any food that I might use seemed to
Bonsey hated to pay out money witsen -ed. "Nobody, my -daughter," "Na-
n Useit e me.. - , • z. _ , „ c attire -off a 41apr o he 4r ed Aven-yeur,--.40•91.- tre_Yeien_kar --She RV-.
will amount to at leaet $67500,000 in
the first 12 months, of :the war, while
the is sending a,000;000 a'day, or at
the i•ete of $7301000,00,0' per annum, on
the'npiceefi other 'army in the 'field.
.,grance's•bill for the maintenance of
her 3,000,000 men now available for
active service and the 1,000,000 in the
'Reserve is very heavy. lVir, Crain -
mend puts it at 7s. 64 per man per
day -say £1,500,000 a day, while vir-
tually the whole of the male puPule-
tion betweea 19 end 50 has been with-
drawn from -production, the -total hiss
of production amounts to Z625,000;000.
The total cost to Prange up to July 31
next is estimated at .$1,686;400,000 a"
yedr, 1286,400,000 More than the total
cost to Russia..
. '
Is the Object of This Free Pre-
scription—Try It If Your
Eyeq, Give You Trouble.
• . ,
Thousands of people suffer from eye
troubles because they do not know what
tddo. TheY law* noting good home rem-
edy for. every other minor aihnent, but
non e for their,oye troubles. They nSglect
their eyes,: becausei---the-tmiable to not
sufficient to drive them to an. eye
specialist, who would, anyway, charge
.them a 'heavy *.• -4s a laSt report. they
go to ail optician or to the five and ten -
(11t store, and oftentimes get glasses
that they du :not need, or wh4ch,,.a.fter
being used a few months, de -their eyes.
more injury than good. ' . • • • '
..Here is a, Lairnple 'prescription that
every °tie shodld u,se: 6 grainsilop-
Opto,e: entices Water. Dee three or Sour
times a day to bathe'the eyes.' Tills pre-.
scription.•and the. Simple 13on-Opto sys-
tem keeps the eyes;cleany shafpens the
.vision and quickly overcernes inflam-
mation 'arid .irritiitioni weak, watery,
overworked, tired eyes and other_similar
.troubles are greatly benefited and often..
times, cured by. its use Many reports
show that, wearers of glasses bare dis-
-carded themLafter ,a,few,_week.K use. •
. It is.,good for the CP* and contains
710 'ingredient Which would injure ' the
Most sensitive eYes.of an. infant or the
heed. Try, it, and. know for once what
-real' eye comfort. kik -,11, your. atm drug-
gist cannot fill this prescriptiojvlsend
41- to • the-Nalltro-,Dsug-i30....--TOOnito„ for-
a complete Bon-Opto ITome ,Treatment
outfit—tablets'. and'•all. •. •'.
ves Them
MI the' Cr
SaYs Dodd's KidueY rills Made
Her Well.
Axim% dertie Newman, After Two
Tears' Suffering, 'rolls Bow She
Pound a Complete Clue. • ..
lioy's Cove, Notre Dame Nay, Nfld.,
Jan. 24th (Special). 4- "After twO
-years of 'weakness and suffering I am
again 'in perfect health And I give all
the credit to Bead'S Kidney Pills."
6aUviiTING TUX 510,NITOlt.
Used Wbereiter Possible hi Om Pr
sent War..
'The monitor, which ;played 'such, an
important- part in the nayalhistOry of
the American Civil War, lian been re-
vivpd by the Bilitish 'naval authori-
ties, They have succeeded in praduc.
Dog vessds that type that CAA carry
the heaviest 'guns ond that are Irk.
tually invulnerable to torr•edees, The
monitors have been particularly ser-
viceable in the shallow waters off that
Part the coast- hf Belglinn which .
in the hands of the Gernians
lag the Oerman, submarine 'base at 1.
Zeebrugge. illonitors can, be run m
That_Ift the statement ;nada by Mass Ith.a r44.0. 119,01. fm,„
submtcrine...Tvve vessels of tte
-• t41 - • -• •,-•-•-- • - -
yowl; 'lady,. living h.ore. She iq. so type, the • Severn and the. Merse
owltatZnr40y alled„satterheerrn gwomenrecovery tthoa. tlulsohmet. Zreabe to ,,runcw the .4i,,4eheirz, ,
how she
her cure., up the Rufiji.River on the east coast
Mwman tcontinues,_ "and then things
My. hack ached; x hmt cramps iri my, destroy her. Xonitors,, too, have been
just seemed to go from bad to worse.'
•sj .1,0,4 tt cod tc, start, with,,, miss of Africa. end, although she was ranch
more heavily armed and a larger' ves-,.
:lel than' both 0 them put together, to
Museles,maynda'iet‘psnweatrebaro.froontqanhdeua:nct tuissehdl trtedopsus.p.ipnortht et1.10egblegncohp Att Gilt
refreshing, nay eyes were puffed' end • 494 13enulif414' 8m° a these
• PersPired freely with shallow -draft, heavy -armed
swollen. and I .craft ear -
• .414-1-
a Your "roue Ifolate—or”
it a collection of brick wails,
. carpets, chairs and tapestries?
Make it a home by serving for
breakfast Shredded Wheat,
the food of health and
Aron Wing ready.ocook.
ed it is. so easy to prepare a'
delicious toeW vvith Shredded
Wheat in a few minutes,:
Contains au the goodne6s of
tile whole wheat—better
an porrikcs for children or
grownmps. Canada.
AUstralia Will Make Shefis.
' Substantial progress is being made
by Australian manufacturers with
the preparations for shellmaking.,
High explosive shells will, it it prob-
able, be turned out -in Australia very -
'soon, - and shipments' to Europe are,
expected to emm,ence about the . end
of the year.;
Reduces %treat Enlargenients,
• Thickened; Swollen Tissues,
Curbs, `Filled Tendons, Sore-
ness from Bruises or 'Strains:4
-stops- Spavin Lameness) allays pain.
Does not blister, remove the hairor
lay up the horse. $2.00 a bottle
at druggists or delivered. Book I M free:
ABSORBINE, . for mankin-d-an
antiseptic liniment for bruises, mite, wounds,
strains) painful, swollen veins or glands. It
heals and 'soothes. $1.00 a bottle it drug.'•
gists or postpaid. Will tell you more if you •
write. Made in the U. S. A. by
W. F. YOUNG, P0. F., 516 Lyman, ilidg., Montreal, Can.
• ipen3 apent ,sinvoso-pue agues,
7-'4`.---7---`77.------;;•----'114:::iVifi;t1iirdlirlaitywilrg'Wblitili for one and watAtirin'rfOlkete h
• at& tisted. "Not -eyen --Catgelinel'""
his stuff into Bangor ;for hirn, and
of Grape -Nuts food and coaxed me to
gr2mblin'' 'bout min' for it •
told her it WM. no use but
"in hillier 'fiercif, ..way--fbr
Itiii-t '16°4 #11;eentwilli;i:8-Attlirsliitd"-‘414
jndtheyruektaitcC I :-1
the hots one venin' and droVe down
o, one. ay o g P g
. Was the first food that I had eaten in
• nearly a year that did not cause any to the post Office where te knew he'd
• find Betsey. Mebbe there was a dozen
. itiffering; • of us tettin' out there and BOnsey
- "Well, to make a long story short, I
Was among sem. I -see Iiim eyein' the
* . . . • b dt a il to iniprove, alidStuelr to Grape-.
hose kind of disbelievin' when Wilder
' , gatt. -/ went up from 185 u/Idsin . .
halted him,. tted • he halfi yiz up and
' , . 1.," ' ecember to 194 pounds t te following
thint settled back akam, sit he could-
: (.7. ' .Detober. „
• ' " n't -credit his 'eyes;
. ' ' ."My brain is clear, blood all right
' • ' And apPetite t000nuct,fer any Man's "'Quito a toss you've got there,
5. ..- ° pocketbook. In fact, I am 'thoroughly Wilder,' says Ben dullison, 'Some-
' • 'Made ova, end owe it all to 'Grape- thin' YOU'velraded for lately?'
tkluti: I" ttdk to niudli about' whaA "' "'Voll, ? says Wilder, 'it's one I
. • • Orono -Nutt Will do that some of 'Old bought 'bout three menthe ago, ,and
• .
pen on the row' nicknamed me qwccri you and me, I think he's wuth
• 1Gratie-Nate,' but'. I stand to -day a all I" give or him,. anyway. Pretty
' ' . " ' imaltity., rosy -checked trian-a 'pretty good 11(fae for tivo•d011art, I call him,'
geod 'ektunplo of what the right kida• "Betsey COttle up on hiS tett With a
. •
.' :food. will do.. , . jerk:, timid he fairly hollered, 'Wilder
"You van publish this if You want' Blake! , Is that ;Iny hoss ,you're
• to. It is a true iitatelnent without any, driviri"2" • • .
" . trithl•io. , , , 111..1.ktOf sir!' Wilder says.. 'That ain't;
• • '! Name iven, by, Canadian Pi•attirn vonivitoss--that's a hos n benght of
• . • Seri Ont. •
you /or tWo dollars, Wore a witneiisl"
thtet *dad 'ale alloVo 1ottor2 A nett tittY any, more jest then,
.1 • , ,it .iippoors train tiM6 to tittle* Tlie*
tit$•:#'14AUlilli$ ittii# .' and . !Olt Of intilialt
! ,
. • interact, . . • • :
. , .
. •
. .
• •
ttff eat there loathepretty straight
"God bless Your reverence! Here is
the pavvit ticket for your' hat and over-
• .
. Gee.' • Huffman, Willington,
Ont, writes: --"t • have. used Baby's
Own Tablets and can recommend them
. ,
as a wonderful Medicine .fer. children.
ant the inether of five and have used
ile other- medicine for any of•••• them:"
Thousands of other mothers say the
same thing Of the- Tablets, That it
Why once. a -mother ha- used theni for
her little ones slA WoUld Use nothing
elle‘ The Tablets are told by Medi -
eine dealers or by tinil at.:20 tents a
litnt from The Dr. Willi:Mit Medicine
CO., Brockville, Ont.
A good place to judge . a woman's
beauty, ands, man'slistiositiOn.in at
the Imelda* table. '
Wilhattits Liniment flares '
tic way of the reformer la almost
-at Bentiey, llonseY turned I'd at rust a5 hod aS.,thnt 14 the trattsgregeOt.
, •
i• Stays e`ood looking-
• and old harness looks
like new when you
give it regular appli.:
cations of '
HA IMES& 0J,I..,
rir 14 -inch -gent in the gentral turret;
the lean eXertion. I,was always irri-
table.aial in the mornings I.hed a bit-.
' •
that have On 9 g -inch gall tliO1
ter taste, in my meat . 'bow,and a 6 -inch gun in the Stern,
The 14:inc1 gunt, fire prejectileSi
"Readinik of cures by Dodcl's Bid- 0 • •
hey, ;Pills' , decided to give 'them itiAtepn hundred pounds for
,distanee of fifteen ralletc- 1 e1 ves-.1
tria4 1,took a 'doer:, boXqs in all, and
I sels are slow --a quality that doe not
you can see hovirthey helped Me.
suffering women," - '• ' " ''• matter mach, since they are virtually
invidneritine„ • • .,...;
recommend Dodds ' Kidney Pills is all
, , , •
Dodd'is Kidney -Pills' are` suffering .
woman's beet friend: .
Why Roman Meal is
More Attention Should Be Paid to Best for You
The dritestinal ninnies must have
"Locking the bain.,doer after 'the waste to properly develOP, The irdWing
horse . has been stolenp. is a tune- Tuutmg„-,nuregvest.r ;!,,, have abundant.
honored expression; but. , it applies =metes, organs, andmilniggesi.6:11nfi
with peculiar emphasis to many a haveabundantauffitit..,iiVir'
rale salts, Roman
our supposedly modern Municipal gov- gives the inteatInal
preventing cdiistipation and indigestion:
ernments. Especially is this true iir it has more Inorganic salts than a.ny
the matter of the fire loss. , other known food. It's the most nutri-
While enormous sums are spent 'en- nous rood sore. Ask Tour doctor. Do
enelostiiiiiernrcnia2n5c..Meal Porridge At grol
nually in -the equipment and npkeep of
fire departments for the purpose of . Roman Meal is.mada by Roman Meal,
contrcAling and extinguishing fires, it reeioronto, and your grocer can pro-
cuTt from ay Wholesaler:
is almost a novelty to find a Munici- n4.
pality with• a ' department charged :
With the inspection, and with author- • A Moving Target
ity to enforce the correction; of condi- ",• .
AIIMS • ...7-Dg,14t:ret 7WELPf.1011,1
gent to Dar- . •• W. „ u1,17tOss4'
•RtEW-SP.d2.752t4 .rtaxo.8.0.Lv. •
1463Zt-A1,A1.:It,ta „P,44):•
towns. 9111e go;t1}:eflif (1111te7gtirrit;
of' all .huslnesee5, Fuli InfOrme.tiol OA'
application to Wilson. Publishing" COPP
Pare?. 73 Wet Adelaide St, Toronto .
eiramEn. vinous.. Lumps. Ewe,
N..) internal and external. cured 'With"!
out pain by our Item° treatment' Writi
us before too late. Dr, Reitman litealcal
co„ • Limited. Corn:law:4d, Orit-
A Hi d with ba e ntered
the street and commenced. his plain -
tions favorable to fires. In. some of g an er gpi
p e
our larger cities some progress has
been made by the fire departments' tive lay, and at the 'same. time march -
w -116W-set apart-small-detalbs-ei-=ing-ulk-and-dawn-in---tinlethellered.flt h -
their staffs, charged with. inspection
work. The result of their work 'is
minimized, 'however, by 'the fact that,
the.. inspectors- have not sufficient au-
thority. • - - • .
The Are chiefs have it in, their
power to adyence the fire prevention
campaign and secure results. If a
fire chief's record .depencled upon his
keeping down the number of fires, in-
stead of his ability to handle fires af-
ter they havebroken out; there would
be greater effort .at inspection. Fire
chiefs • should' insist upon' sufficient
men for inspection work; these men
should be held responsible for • the in-
spection. mid correction of dengermis
-conditions, and, to, make ;their work
effective, the • inspectors 'should be
clothed with fire marshal authority, in
order that any -fire breaking out in
their inspection districts 'might be
thoroughly investigated and the cruise
definitely assigned. In this way an
inspetitor's reputation for thorough-
nesswould he at stake, and, with the
knowledge that a fire would be inves-
tigated by -one familiar with the con -
there would be fewer fires of
a Suspicious character or due to care-
lessness. . • •
• Municipalities. can well aitord to
make generous appropriations for fire-
preVentive inspection work. rt is an
• investment which will yield large re-
turns, not only iv reduced fire loss
but in reduction in the cost of upkeep
of fire departments and equipment. •
And How to Feed
:Mailed tree to any' addresa hY
•the Author ,
wost 31stSireeta,ANeTot%
The saInsinaii that works eltery day
and night during the year.' Send for
catalog "W" •
U, s„ ST. or•fan CO., Ltd
27 Toronto Arcade, - -"Toronto
Canada's Balance on Fish Trade in,
1914-15 About $17,000,000.
' In view of the exceptional impor-
tance •which at present attaches to a
favorable balance of trade, the unique
position of our fishing industry is
worthy of note. , No other branch of
Canadian industl lreontribittes to onr,
oxportl Tad large: a Proportion Of its
Teter Otitplit -ttre-fislieries.--Dttring
19144915, out of a production valued
at $S1,000,000 in • round numbers,
Canada ,exported fish prodnets valued
more,ttan $19,000,000; or. nearly 63
per cent. •-of thetetrit-AeWelitiportect
about $2,006,000 worth of fish .pro-
ducts, the net balance in our favor On
thiltrinet of trade is about $17,000,z
000. • The fisheries nnist, therefore; be
But it is scarcely open .to question
thatthe fishing industry would be in a
much stronger position, and the pros-
perity of. those engaged in it •more
solidly based, were it- rendered- Iess
dependent upon foreign Markets by
deN 610 p ett t7-!af, -the- -domestic-da
rhand to absorb a large portion ,of its
output. • •
Most of the .aerohlanes used in the
great war carry two persons, the pilot
and. the 'gunner -observer,*, who sit*
forWard and spies out the, land or
handles the machine gun. • When nit-
Itereplane" armed with a machine gun
attacks a hostile aeroplane, the pilot
at °ace manoeuvres the inithine into
positiori so that his companion .,can
- bring his. gun into ectiprt. In 'firing,
the gunner does not take deliberate
aim, but swings. the min up and down
and round so.that a fatv•shaped stream
of bullets Stall be-spre to fit all the
• space through which the • opposing
aeroplane -has to travel. When both
tieroplefies are armed with machine
• guns! the most Skillful Pilot .ususilly
wins the fight, although hick often
plays a part in the resift .
• Mrs. Andersen -PI Ilene yea.cnn
come next Thursday. 'We're hating
some music by my daughter Were
.supper?" I Mr., jaclaori- ."011, yes,
&Into. .But —et• --I linty be late!"
Preventi crackieg„ Pats life
into bc•liarne‘s. , •
Makes it strong, pliable, last
convince you.
Deniers P,Deritliciv
The Imperial Oil Company
it.,puttu •
tiftANCilits IN ALL Mies
1' 00100.,
,.. lb
ii ii 1,
it.' * 144 n* 0 ::13 i
x 11
• et
11* UMW filleittOtIF glen
The Spirit of America al star:
Magnitade and Ohoorfuluene. •
E. White, Pratt. 1, Mott• Intr.
10,n. e
"Why does. he mo Ve ithOut all the
time he pieys?" asked Johnny of his
father. • .
• ."Idon't know-," answered the lad's
father, Wearily, "unless it is to pre-
vent me getting the range with the.
inkpot" •
. ,
Minard's Liniment Co., Limited.
Sirs, -I have used your MINARD'S-
LINIMENT for the past 25 years
and whilst I have Occasionally used ,
-other liniments I -can safely say that
I hale never used any equal to yours.
If rubbed between the hands and I
inhaled frequently, it will never fail
•It is also the,,Best-for:bituiesi sprains,'
to euro cold in the head in 24 hours-.
- Tours truly. . -
. . ..
till Mitea. anti, prevents
their re -appearance etir7
lag the season, .Keeps ,
Zoysia ttee from hodIr •
lice. Makes Scaly. legs '
bright and -clean. Keep*
lard, pastry and _sweets!), ,
freefrom ants. Bedbugs
will give no trouble where used. ; Write iti*
day for special -trial price. Booklet free-
raftrahan & Maraltall, Niagara Eitlis,„ Ont.
'• Distributors for. Canada, -
411 ?WAVY -44,70k
.1•Vin4iikriSntli, WWIDty
otoxto, Pir. /Woe' n,•
-.461.osia..-.---1.17.**Stie-. •
• sena for ()swot ur,
H a.. mt. cram CO,
• Limited. '•
27 Torordin.' 'Arcade
Steam Roller .cracks Eggs.
We have often heard of using a •dP
steam hammer_te_crack a- nut, but
who ever heard of 'using a steam roll-
er to crack an egg? Millions Of bad
eggs intended for human 'consumption
are seized every year in London, •
and the way they are destroyed is to
tip them out of their casts and run
a .steam roller over them.
'Round trip Winter Tourist tickets on
Bath daily to calirernia via Variable
direit and: scenfc rodliii7 •
Pour fast modern traint•leave Chicago '
daily front the most; modern rallWay
terminal in the world.
Overland Limited (Extra Fare) leaves
7.00 P.M., Los Angeles Limited—direct.
to Southern Californialsaves 10.00
P.M., San Prandisco Limited leaves 10.00
P.M., California Mail. leaves 10.45 P.M.'
Let us help you plan an attractive ,
trip. Rooklets, giving full particulars, ;
y7oantige: sot7, 5tipoprioic;07_9n_litto• B. H. B_enia_ett.,
G,A., Chicago A, Ninth Western Ity., 46
' •
"MrffAiider-soli," said the doctor, "I
fear your wife's Mind is goneln"That
-doeSn't:-surprise- me,' • replied. MI...An-
derson. 'She has been giving.me a
niece of it eyeyyLdiy for the Fast 'fisif
• 1.. . •
oreyes jinflained by expo-
re to Sea. Offisiand Wind
-k--leuniekly relieved by Nadas
'‘°° fair PICO Iii:Sonri.‘rdnli
Your Dreggilei SOc per nettle. Marine Ey*
Sa1veiuTubes2Sc. For BookottlieEierreeask
-Dniggists or !dodge Eye Remedy Co., Chicago
414tiftard!stiititaent, Alums
• ,HOVV; it," .asked
"that you say you are a took yet you
have no references?" "Oit1-1'-tell vev
Wuz always in wen place, mum, till
th' people died."
ISSP! lie' Ptinxid'a Zinn:abut Client Oargeil, Cews
The •Ideal Whiter 'Resort
Beautiful 'Drives, Saddle Riding,
Golf, Tennis. Yachting, Fishing
and Sea Bathing. Present Gar-
rison of the Ottawa (38th) ytegi-,'
Princess' Hotel
its Open front ;DECEMBER fo NAY
• ' Situated on 'the. Harbor Of -
Hamilton. Accommodates 400.
Rates: $25 per' week and upward.
•HOWE it' 171,1/0110GER,
. Managers
Bermuda is reached by the steam-
ers of the Quebec S. S. CO.,.
, 32 /3roadway, New. York,
Fees: •
*ow much . -does that stylish
t�r of yours charge?",
"Ten dollars Et visit." •,
"Geel-Ilow oft -en has -he -called at
• "Twenty times" • '
•4‘00131t. You owe' him i200 then?"
- $10. ' lit's--rnader - the -
ether nineteen _calls, trying to ,celleet
Minard,a tinfinent Cures Disteniper.
ig) . Too Bad. •-
Ralph •was going into. the third ‘.
grade, hit7Aing enceessfully_nassed
,ing with., his behiled 'teacher , Was
teprful. ,
7 "Oli-;.".11,1tilY,le.14,-
'wish ree/. knew-'• e
grade, sp you come along ell'
teach me next year."
•I 1. , • •
When- your head is diill and heavy, "your 'tongne furred, and yon .fe••1 . ',
,onett-../tip.and pod' for. nothing, without _homing What' is rt db li:::
matter with you, probably all that is needed to restore you to health and :.
vigour is a few doses of a,tcliatio , . •-•
. ,
FOR ItHE • digestive tonic and koreachie
STOMACH AND UMW- ""tdfsilbfls WiEhiA''Ser.Ors SYri;P.
Take it after each nie.t1 for a 'few
days mad lune tow lieneficialis its adtiontipontlte stemach,liver and bowels ,
bow it restores tone afid healthy 'activity to these, import,nat.orOns..and-hif
so &log enabies 'you to gain new stoxo of vigOur, vitality and hc,ndi. • .
. , .
. , • d'
fdlOTNE•ri •
.Tlic new14.09 size t'e thins !MY ivut.11 as the
ld at Mc per lilottle. •
trial tize t
• ar