HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-02-03, Page 1e r•
.f. -11111^:e.
per year, ht. AdVallee; $X45 etheFWiSe .
• LUCKNOW, 011/4411%, THURSDAY, FF RUM. 3rd" 1916,
biie cOpieS:a MIMS
mckt AND OENERAi4 ,
•Pon't forget the, game to...night
Tiro McQUO. 1.10140i 41ifertitied for
'Alre4dY of the spinsters have
-arrivcd in town and Inere.AtAexpected,
Mr. IferOld 'Freemen *bited time&
in r...iondon last •Weekt ,
:'• Miss A1e1Upitr,'.01. Novn, is the
*nest of gio, virm-Anio,
_ NY70.4to, of 044.414.;illitte4
friendin town, inet week. . • -" •
''-*Avilo the thee' 'so have Wine:entente
bilea aint beggies 4'4/Slated Isir:Spring;T-
JAS. ANAgaSall, Old Timis fiell,c
.' Mrs. J. Bell is Vieiting ;the .home of
'liet4tatents111'0,41100 this we -k.
.11retnneri • of .Ethel, visited;
friends; in toWU'feW :days last: week.'
Million Dollar Mystery ThtirticliiYthie
week, next week Friday and Ssturday
.J. A, Stracban k'Offering hie
property south On klavelock St. for sale..
. Mrs. Armitage has gone to Toronto to,
..„,-,-__Spertd„Ilictrereainder.of the Winter With
lier,eors- . •
Mre. tan, o Dtingennen, anent
the ;welt end at° itc lunne of Thoniaa
. Mrs, P. Freeman, who has hen in
Loeclon taking treatment for the past
returned home on Saturdays •
Wi•sersti Lb tiui fAiOkiio!
; Highest market „prices
paid.--Tatiaseavit:s Duos,
Messrs, 'trainee and John P•eeroon,
Ethel, spent a few' days With friends in
and Around townlast •week.
• .
Messrs. J. Sheppard, of Clinton, and •
W. Bottom* ef Loudest:6re, attended
the 'funeral of the late Jaine,s 'Webster
on Wednesday hist, . .
See Toni 'Alarks .Co. atlhe Town Hall
on Monday, Feb 1, • for "the Fireinee'li
benefit. Prices /5 and 36c.'Seitsleri sale
at ArinetroieS Drug Store.. ,
, Ladies virlso call on ,Pre.fessor Pember
will receive sme of our "Pannell 'of'
Beauties" Free. 'Sixteen stylesfor drees-
: tog the -hair for 1018.,
Mr. Ernest. Irwin, who has been at his
'former liememeer aelfast, left on Mon.
dasrle return to Wilkie, Sask., where he
fernaings': • •• • , •
• Mr, iitnith McLean :Was up from To.
ionto for a few days lest week. Ho
latt- stammer -and- iltra Wot
leeking after tile live fitOCk bUSIness, „
Jack Newton left for PalitileY 04 Mon -
4a7/ Morning to take ;eliarafi of the
trance 'clasS in the Public and °mations
atiori schoel. Jack hod inter.ded to co -
114 hUtfolinsillest pbselcal reirtlitelneetk
at present stood 14 the way. •
X.Oner3.—.5.11 parties ow in g tlienteler:
'signed fit Conueetien With the shoe store
husiness. must settle *nor before Blotch
1st.' Accounts not paid by thet4late will
he, Pa' into court -for colleetion. Lccount&
are payable at John.sjoypt's office .over
the shee store.: -J. W :
• Pe keghlorineeting Of the Women's
-10stititte-W111-14 Thelti in theUouncil
Chamber on Friday 'afternoon,' Feb: 11,
ats14.00 O'clock; ITO, Program:. coUSists"
of a-. Paligr "on: "The jodicious Rouse.,
keeper and liontoinakerp.a s'eleeed•read-
log; recitation, and music „bY different
nieleborg.c ilefreSbnientaserVed. • . Piet -
nese of interest will be cliscus.ed. Visit-
ors welcome.
Word has been received in town that
J. li. McCoy; for some time manager of
the Bank of ilandlton, here, has been
severely wounded: 14 France, where le
has been for about a 'year with ..the 4,4n-
Adiati-$COtch,7 waarePetterl woiind
ed twice before, but slightlY. This 4ime
it is mere serious, being. wounded in the
Coy (now Lieut.) enlisted at. Penticton,
B.° , where he was in Charge of e branch
of the Bank el Hamilton when the war
broke out. ,
. . . • .
Mrs' Plaudinglier six nieces and Irish
neaia, Hamm,- ere to bethe guestsofher
sister, Mrs Manhattan, about St Va:eiv.
tine's Day •- • •
§ • d friends -tt
Owen oup of Ho
_ n. ,
aCKav, now of Ed:mon-14mi., Alta., hare
received-werathate leis -recovering -froth --
a severe attack ..Of quinsy ited Pneumon-
ia: A cenple.of weeks ago he was re -
piked serionsly'ill., . • •
A hint toethe toys in ka,khis tiffs
Ilauding's sik`pieces elsewhere Mention.
ed are a fine lot Of girls, and eligible is
.coe,panions to young inen .
LINO. Ewart D. Cameron hap been'
- aepoipted Signalling: 011ier of the 160th
: Bruce -Battalion and has been sent to
London, Whole all the signalling officers
of Various Countibattalione are receiving
a spscia.1 Course of instructioa forthis
important work in cenneition with their
iespeetive battalions:
• • -
Studio; lucknow.
Open. Monday, Tuesday
and:Wednesday of
each week:
.PTE ':011L13ERT,, •.ftlOMA§ •
mittaramileVpublig int0 est 'Mach
Mine befOre the Village' Connell sruesdaY
evening WO the ,gratitingor withholding
of a poolroom license.. ApplicatiPa for
-.4•11censo Wire meAle by Mr, T. F. Cain
And mr. Leroy'hJorn, OntIncillore Spenee
- The manager of the PattilY Theatre;
regrets very mnea the fact that thefeet-
ure "Nedra" was not. put on asadver-
tised, hUL the,fan't was entirety due to
to the company who flid not keep their
Contract. This play will be run shortly
and you cac depend on it that the next
show advertised will 40 run„rain or ehine.
The feature "Menace of the Muto"is th.e
seine:class as "Cornrade John" and prom-
ises to. be one of the best - Oa account
of digapointing yow the price will; reduc-
e:t t� but owing 03 this Additional
cost ail features in the future will be 15 •
center, i; sou'are net entirely satisfied go
to the wicket an(l. get svir money -hack.
• ;"/
To•Nigfif 1 Te-1SIget To7NIght 1.
The poStp-ined 'hockey pine 1between
the Young Men's Bible Class arid Wing
hani Juniors will be plaYed 'to -night
(Thursday), at 8 p.m. Leap -year skat-
ing' after the game. The' boys haye
their new uniforms. Come and cheer,
and Johoston expressed thellniii1V68 AS
Willing to See the .matter of a license
settled that evening, but did notmake a•
Motion either for the greetingor with-
holding of a hcense. ' Councillor Durriin
thOughtit Would he' better to have' a
-heeneed:pool-Treeiti. thair, tojhave=the
tableki Operated,as itt ,present. fleeder,
eeri moved:Allot thesAPelications be laid
Over tiiittl nextf,meefing. •alust'he said,
would' :give bothcouncillors and -the
nubile time, to further ,consider the quo -
tion, seconded Ala motion and
the reevevoting with, the moverand
,, t wall. cats** " :„ • •
Town offieers appointed for the year.
are: Clerk, J,E, Agnew; Constable; J.
11 Oamerop; Assessor and Collector of
taxeS,11, Douglas; Engineer, J. S. Hue-
ter. .
There was but one application for the
Oleos other than Assessor and Collector.
Fut-these 0040 It Douglas 40 C.
ayfor made applitationiiohneten and
pence favored the appOintinent of Ta -
tor, but the Reeve, -Henderson and' par -
rile voted to re -appoint Douglas,
''ren't was matte to
Lucknow,Droniatio Co. in view , of the
fact that the proceeds fronithe °cotillions
on Which. the hall was eectipifcl Went f4t 1- Us' enlisting.After 'a service cons
-13 Was' -ue "'
patriotic purpoaes. e .eeve • ,
empowered Lo deal with requests for the, • ducted atthe house by Rey. Mr. Hardy,
the funeral came to Lucknow and the
use of the hall by "local' organizations4ftizali°fla "casket Was Piseed in the Conneil Cham -
working in the interests otthe Patriotie -ber of the Carnegiii-Buildingthr a half
• VI144- - • • : 'hour, during whic4many village resi-
dents took a last look at the departed
Ninety9One Per Cent. Signed'. so11ier. ,Business places were clo-ed
during the hoer-, of tha funeral. Two
Remota* Brought' to Luctmoy,
Antl.loterred .With Military
. , double work ---Carrying L load •of ansimi-
VerY real wiriffie eOrrow.which 'mina nition to the trenches and taking; IA**
to Lucknow and vicinity. OA Friday of wounded ineo., That, be said, was be
last week wiiest wo 044 pte; cause so Many of you Mee "stAyed ,at
most of the tetrible things were affairs
; of the Imagination, • .
told h0vt the- 4,1U front
trencb es occasionally ate without food or
water for A day or two, or Are pet eti
, half rations when the enemy's artillery
;gots the transportation train., Ife'relat-
,ed top kW% 014130 to it shortage of Wu)
these at the front had sometimes to ' do
CAM* Thornale. tad 04 that d d' '1'4* *
ie. at, „
ivot e :seareit4 of tobaeco. • It whwalteery
'efatoDeatis si'Vutet t1O put iieeeded?t:soyotstiaev;iteVrila?alirlrieleo.nii tor:tiskii°as:swirlihr7.11441144:a e. usetebil°0b0401: htli 0.4" hi':
Slithering frolic'. a severe Cold.', Thomas
miss , exceptipnally. foto:Mg, .hea1 thy
fah).* and tensed to :alekeeeis' he Paid':
iiLtle•attenion to this cold, thinichig that
it %read pses. oft It.petiiietesl„ however,
and WpOjfi before. Ids :death developed,
into pnenintmlos 'He was taken to the
hospital on Friday, the 21.st, just one
weekbefore his death. It appears that
he.had become so run down bYthe cold
that even his naturally strong
.tiori was unable to withstand the later
•14°att'qal. where he had been 'tratoing. Another Point millibasiftd -Wag$' the well
development. •
fore he went to the front it 'was a: very
real otemity,J-Vrater the nervous amyl -
which effected all men in, the trehelies
the craving for tobacco waa,greater than
ever and a man soon got out of cOnditiou.
if -he didn't have it. ilia adviee,a4 com-
ing frOrn one who had -experience, was.
hold back on the tobriecciffund.4
Pte. atorge WAS finally • wounded in
the leg below -the knee by a piece Of shell
which cut deeply into the muscles. After
three months in the hospital he felt
pretty well and fit, but he would not
pass inspection for the front again and
• - The remains were brought toLucknow : ee Wae sent 3"--Ck to PanAcia• The effects
by the _night train Immo, And of the mound ere suck that he cannot
stand marching nor can he walk over
on Weduesdiey were Interred with military
honors by the 1000,1 company of soldiers, rough groued. In the course of a few
insketulhat ognigtay, The body was woktariwherelr expects te n
csteoyistpbedsoonaektoafter Sitskttie
at -
first taken to the residence of Mr. ii
G. MaeKerszie,_ 19,th Con_ of Ashfield, outbreak of the wstr.
where the deceased had insde bis hoine The principle address of the evening
was by Major 'Untie, 'rho nettor was.
in uniform, having accepted a commis -
Bleu with his c-...unty Battalion. Though
he disclaimed the title of "Fighting Par-
son"; one couldnotbut feel that there
is a good deal of fight in him. 0.1 course,
he does not believe in fighting for the
"sake of the fight,- but 'given a goodcause
and he will fight manfully for ' it. . His
address throughout was keplendid and
eloquent:enpeal tOmen. who can . enlist.
to do so, and to parents to allow. their
--woe to enlist: --Heilas---aL-wite---and--h
little girls himself, and he supposed 'they :
were as dear to him as other inen's Wives
and children are, to them, yet at the call
Of the country he had decided to join
the atisTand do his part. He is firmly
cenvineed that the Allieswill win, but
the, war_ Will not be won by. talking. "To
doubt thatsvictory would be ours, would
be,disloyal, te falter would
The Major spoke.* an hour, dealing
with Many practical matte)* and here
and there working iii a• papitalbit of
humor which kept the audience from
As is- pretty generally known, Major-
Tobnie was born in Bruce Coutitry. He
studied Theology, and for twenty years
-had S;scharge in the Presbyterian -Church:
•Ile had always taken an active interes
inthe volutiteer:qampa.ancl. had risen to
be major in the militia,. •
,Miss Leila Hain and Mrs. Wesley
bynt,contributed two very good .solos
.to the evening's program. Mr. R., 13,
Cameron occupied the chair. .
No call was made for recruits, but no. -
body will doubt that a meeting such as
Ottawas Will greatly stimulate that pub-
lic opinion which results in enlistments;
Thoie whp took part ire, the canvas -of
Lucknow for signatures tf:s the petition
asking the Ontario_uovernies* pass
a probilfition. Jaw for the province met
with a Eery favourniale reception.
As nearly ,can be ascertained 91`X,
of All those entitled to sign—that is men
„ and womennver,18 years of age—alfixed
• More Boys In Khaki
• their names tO the petiticnd. Of those
qualified to vote ht provineini §leetion
80% signed; and of the, young' men be
tween the age of 1$ and 21, and weinieti
over, 18 years of age, 94% signed . •
The numbers who signed in Lucknow
are; Electors 188 '(86%), woinen and
•young men,. 322 (%).
The 80% is not a percentage of the 'el-
' ectors as they appear on the voters' list,
but of the electors who were known to
•'even -More-recruits ed the Luc1r4, tew.11 At the time the canvas was
• Douare
the past week , They are:
- Tom -Agnew, Lucknow, .
George Patton, WhitealiurcliT
Alex. Henry, Whitechurch.,
Cecil Middleton, Whitechurch.•
menabeW-oftlie Pipe Baird andthembiii-
pany of . soldiera lead theproCeseion:. - to'
the cemetery. , • • • . - • • -4 . -•
The late Private TheinTIS was Weleli'
by birth Ile was 21 Years and 9•'tenths.
old and had coons. to. this country pearly
six 'years ago: ' He 'Worked- with A mites.
ber Of farmers :in the western Part Of.
. Ashiield, until tweyears ag from which •
time benisele his 'home. -with. Mr,, and
Mackenzie.: • He 'enlisted
with the mogul University Corps about
two Months, ago,' and had visited here
once since that time.. ' IIe. hada remark-
ably well-developed and handsome Op •
ique, and was universally regarded as a
fine yoking fellow of exernPlary
He was well connected inthe Old Coun-
try, the 'family jieing' :in gelid • circum -7
istatictie, blithe and an only sister became .
.orphaned admit, quite. young, and had
•lived with •until: Gilbert • pine •
now Company of the -Bruce- Battalion , btless theredistricts io which _ to C n7 TT
irc. The sister- who-- le several
• the petitiorididnot meetwith-nearlyso-
, fa.vrrable a reception, but. 'item inform,
ation to hand much of the province ap-
pears to have signed up le 'about the
Htighes, same ratio as Lucknow. •
, .
Robert Fisher, Lucknow.
• • Bert English, Hely rood.
• The petition • AS It will reach puha-
. meht will surely be a formidable affair
• which no lbody ,of , men depending for
their positionau,pon public 'opinion would
Ireoture to diseegard. • -
Purple Grove
Tuesday, Feb 1st,
. .
Miss 'Mildred Long spent the week-
-end at-hersherue at Tioehalsh.
.! Beatrice." --
!IN -64e
otn having •
.soine girls in
...Nvi4o.s. are the
nicest Chocolates
you can buy -r"
Mr. Wateon Otani is able to -be Out
-esratn'after his recent . :
•Mr. and Mrs,'Ben Logan and Len.
Ore were Westford visitors on Sunday.'
Barry 'Logan itiA•datighter,
hernme,.are spending a week , in ' To-
.rorito. ••
- Miss. Annier-Stanleys --LePorei
Ikrat14 called On friends SA the Grove
last seek. • . , • •'7 •
isioisort mil has retuened•to
dowganda, Ont.,. after spending six
' weeks with his pare ite. -
Mrs'. Wesley Henderson and Mrs.
orfAcknow, were vtets itt
Jats. Stanley's last_Meek._ __A„s
Messrs. Clarence Blackwelf,.. Nelson
and Cleve ?ill' spetiti part of -last week
ton. • • .` .` I •
'• Messrs. Jas. :Needham and Gordon
StanleyArre in TO_Iiintn- ada1egates.ta
the -United FarMerakCooperatiVe As-
sociation. - • •
t the Lneknow • • for sits; purpose or gstmois,
to0 "
sionary Pioneers," was taken by two
persoes, both of whom were new to the
Guild, .program.. Miss Margaret Mo.
• Diarmid,read the first paper, giving • a•
short biography of David Raynard, the
great Indian Missionary of Ninth Arum,:
icit„ witallidnlost_ of .1321e_work near Kent;
Connecticut, U.S.A.;Ialso Win. Carrie,
who isas Missionery to Indian 11,his
was; followed by a reading by Miss Eu-
plismia„ Irving, after which, Mise Valet-
ta Tiffin gave a paner °witty() other plo
neer 'missionaries, David Litingstane,
Missionary from Scotland to Africa, and
Robert Morrison; thefirst Proteitaut Mis-
sioflary teitthitia, Next Monday wilI be
an "Evening led bY the Pied -dent"; and
as he, say ti he dries not expect to run
inuch ooposition to the other entertaie-
inent, We alight' anggest a surprise party
and giythiin the usual Gnild attend'
ance, irnot better. All Welcome.
gar- older,- is -still in -Wales.
gem event which exetted 'Unusual
interest in the village, was`the marriage,
on Thursday Of last, week, of Miss Mar.
garet ,AlcCharles, daughter of Mt
and Mrs. 1VAieCharles, of 411109,W
Neil D. Mackenzie, of Neville; Sask:,,
ferrite& of near Farainount„ The mar,.
riago. took place at the heono of the
bride's paref,ite,' 1.10elock , at 1.1 IL.
Dunopaoffigiatiog. 'rho bride,
,I•ybc.f,°!;* given away by her fether, wore
.Wlaite eget" Juliette bridal veil
,and it pearl necklace, a : heal the
groom. • 'Her bouquett ;wee- ef• roses and
liliee-of-therValley. The .weddiog march
was -played 419 Treno.Sharriif a
• Were XlQ Uttellf1.471t$ '0411 aster
'Grant aekenzie ring, beerer arid
Miss J.eseie,..Slackenzie, who,. iri. yvhite
silk,: made a very pretty flower girl„
.Diiring the 'ceremouy the, bridal party.
stootLin'a bay, window ,•pf th0 Parler„
arched Over with. evergreens and leaves.
After the cerenieny and congratulations
the fifty guesta who: were present enjoy:,
ed a sumptuous dejeMaer, after which a
number of toasts were propsed and
spoken tis Rev. Duncan proposed
the toast to the bride, and to this the
groom made it happy response. "The
Groom" was proposed° by Mr, George
Methuen and -responded to by Mr. Dun-
can, Mr. W. L. Mackenzie proposed the
toaet terthe--Beidea. Parente/ .--and -•
R. McOharles ,replied. "The Ladies"
was premixed by Mr: D. G. Mackenzie.
The happy 'couple left by the afternoon
train cm honeylnoon trip rfor-
... . ,
onto, from which they returned:Tuesday`
evening. They expect to be at home to
friends in Neville, Sesks_ef ter April _:"Ist.
Old. Ag. and
are poor compartsolls.
See,to it ,41.4.• you keep
your eyes yew*. by
givillg them the they desery:4 tow,
No Time Like
• ,
014 st6Oc'
•,colp.kletg everY. •
g'rlYtteS 'oalrfra-ruthc
. es
auditionfits abd make
teuses t ; order' to.
a..4etty 'snit the ,e0t,,
Flour Mills. kligliest . market • pricee
paid..:=-TitEILEAVe4N Bites.
ItOin'issio*An Kifileek 0-10;
to Mr. and Mrd. Edward Robinson.
IL -daughter.. .
PATTERSON.11.. WOlit .WaW-iii10411;'on
, Jan. 20, 1010, to Mr. and Mrs.
- Henry-Pattersen,:ii-daughtergiaths
trine Elisebbth),
Ttiosiesosr.-=sIn Lucknow, on Jan.. 1
, • 1016, to Mr. Med Mrs. Robt. Thomp-
son, a sitin:
117lio knovi itistst titt
MeV) Ohotolatea.. Vett tent'
,get thigh fresh at the
likas '
11,1111111 111011
, ting pat,riotic work among t women
will be held in the Council Chamber on
Saturday evening Fe13. 5th at 8 o'clock.
Every women in the village or vicinity
interested:in the -work (and every wonian
• skald) leilitgeotlYmItie:stetk;-t:07#4tend
this meeting. The needs of the soldiers,
, and plans for meeting these needs,. will
•be fullst-disenslied;ralso ..addressea given;
by genie 'of the loeal women. It is hoped
there will .a large and enthusiastic
;gathering. - • 7
*(Corrected up to Wedneeday neon/
. 1 05
Barley; 45 67
13tfekwheet .7.%; , 74
Butter • le • s. i V o' ; • .6' 25 27
tf8s, bew . • 28 '
"e0nOisrre elitege ietatS WBBIC •
Wheat, bush:. 4.1.05 to 1 15
Oats, „ 48 .6 'SO
llatiqi 1)041. '62 te 67
, Choice heavy atters....' 1 75 to 8 00
butehere cattle; • 7 00 to 7 7,5
t ceders 6.40 to 00
tattibe, 19; 60 to '12 00
Moot., ftts,r, ,.. oo to 8 2.
Dotter. t.treatnety .Pritits 36 to 37
flatter, Dairy , *33 to 35
tiggs, new lald, doz. - 41 to 44
nggo, 4torogo., 30 to .1
• Poutt000LINU(.4'* 4 4 A '00
Cet 141110101. * 1001 Ctit$ 41 V k 9 .0 to 9
• Withholding Soldiers' Pay
- The -fallowing Important, 4sotice
regard to the withholding of ‘'fifty per
cent, of the nay of troops on overseas
,service ae it savings nest egg until
their return to Canada at the conelusion,
of the war, is contained hi wands, orders
issued recently. "It has been fotind
•Iseeeesafy in the inteiests of discipline
and in the interests of 'the Men, them.
selves, Ito withhold a portion of the. m-
ot troops on overeerts seirviee uutii theft'
rehirn lo asri4tltr.---Frowr'-the-first--of-
January,' therefore, 60 'per cent. of the
pay of the rank And file will be withheld
from those who have .not -Made Any
assignment of pay; •As. regards those
who have assigned leis than 60% of their
pay, the difference only between the
portion assigned and fifty pot tent of
their* par is to 110 withheld; The p.ty
withheld will be paid to the Mon of
Canada to the termination of their tre.
present, hitt iti the (l.i2O' of men hiVal.
laiddlome tfurovernout pomusturi Lori.
don in atithor4ecl to issue to 4)Ofore fhb
0 oldtot tim,lo,ttor domos" • .
In spite df • the dark wet night, and
bad roads'there w tea good crowd in the -
Town -1-la11-at-the ieeruiting • meeting
last ThursiLy evening and.quitea num-
ber were frein the country. . .
And tliese.Who.attended Were well
for it was a splendici. meeting all
throtigh All theiocal Yearn.'
the platform and in the ceurse, of the
evening a 1.61f dozen of thein lead* by
Pte. Piercy, gave a drill and sang a ral-
lying hive composed by' Pte. McKinnon.
Three aeddressea by, Pte.: 'McKinnon,
Lucknow: PO, George, of Paisley; and
Major Tohniei of Windsor, ; were on the
programAndall_thre0..were pat to the oc-
casion and well reaeiVed.- ,
• , •
. McKinnon. inhis own e ipipinutable
way, related personal experiences in life,
injecting a good 11151 of brinier and mak-
ing many plod points. When the War
broke out he was in Dakota and a citizen
of the ITnited States: For: months he
was in hopes that the country 9f his
-aileption Weiuld get into the.aver on the
seine Side ,as •Britain, ,but it appeared
now that the Great Rspublic Would. be
satisfied to fire only paperballs. Ile,
:however:Jell:that:it was his war as well
asBritain's and Canada's, end lie finally
decided to return to this country and
eniist Ileasked-wherawere the
-bets, bith-agilil:clilbewho. litt-frVer the
PrOvince had been practising tificrshoot-
ing :with goVernmentalinnunitioti- -until
they had beeonte crack shot s. They
were'given this privilege an that • they
might be useful in the event of 'war, but
henederstood that few of them had en-
listed. Women, he .sometimes
preached peace to boys, , would tell thein
-not-trreplist.,nRder -any- 'Orem/1st-Annear
and they would persual men not Co go
to life war. And when the boys didn't
=Keit andAhe;menAlidtekgotealie-xvii, Articlefrdonatedv-Mm,
deep down in their hearts these same'
Knake, 1 pair sheets, lpr. pillew ceWers;
Woilian .4es p*d thein. • Mrs.,EdW"Thaeker,-1-pr sheets,- -2--pr
Pi•ivate 'George IS -pit- *Into v ids; 1 pr -pit -
the platform, and after the Meetingre -z lowse .Mrs . Lorne travels,'
matked that this speech ner'.k ing was the 1 pr, Warr cOyers:. Miss Annie Shelton,
hardest part of his soldiering. Ile, sheet, 2' prpillow.coversi Miss Lettie
_however, tell§ an interestiiaig story.in • Pown11',, 1 sheet, 1 pr pillow covers. „
LuIroSs Centre
Mr. Snmea fia• rich—elssl-InstiPijnagP11.3a1r:yt
Meliagueto cut -wood:: , •
• Boix—Te Mr. and Mrs J. 'D Little
on TheSZlair, Jan. 2Oth., .daug hter.
James Walker, of eon. 81 sp MD a
day8 with his friend, Geo, SicKa.gue.
• Mi and Mts. Walter "'Innen epept
Sisnatcyat•the h Ffughe$
Kennedy Bros, are "husy blasting
stones. Geed' time to get it done, boYa.
John McKinnon, 4th, cen„ had a very
successful Wood-Cutiling bee on Friday
last. • \ • s
• Roderick McKenzie, of Kinloss,:is
spendinra few days at, the lacinie of
Walter Day.
Mrs..Jamea Whytock spent the Week•
end at the fiome of her daughter, Mrs.
spent.the week. end at the hou)e
of their brother, Joe. : _ •
Mrs. George Richardson and little.smi
spent a few, 'days last week with friends
at Kinloss and Kingarf. • •
4'4w:44er and Optician
.1,ciA.N....-.643aortg•ages and,akote4-•
a t reasonable rates. Irtrol:nsure•Ilta. bath;
Stool; and Mutual Compeniies. • , ,
Gli'0., 'A. SIDDALL: Broker, a:m*110w
. •
itAW FURS are•brgood deniand trod yoUvittr
• get lileliest luksh Vow> ti.l..3104401selesihw
lloods Store, now. • • ,
• Highest (.4w) Prices paid tor Raw FT's*
• 64-51. • -11,111AviSTadsvitrololdir.
HEIFER. H8ritAit, -Came to the promises of
tbe undersigned, Lot .% Con. Aeltfleld,
' an or about Deo 27, 1010, a helferapparetat.-%
.' V about t we years Mil. Owner May 'have
sameion proving' property and paying ex,
• insnSea. 1.11111noo -
• • --1,-noSnOw 0,•• •
F011 SALE Oil -LCoxnrprta.ble &welling
with good garden and w.<41-ApOly to kkIrs-.
Jas. Cooly, Gough 4t. Luelcnow., . 1744p.,
— —
SALE. -;-•Three Very desirable properties.
•- the of LueltnaW,-- • Formartieulars
Ppirto OZO, A. au40.41,1,, tinmer,
'ts-t-rf., • • A:dutkricov,
DESIBICAliLIC P,II,OPtIlT17-4)welling, good,
barn and 8 acres of lana--ercnare, oorman-
ent.wator supply -south on Haveloclt St.
-Venus reasonabler-apply to T. A. Straiten.
3,2-t R., ' • "
FARM FOR aA.1.1..-leo ahres neith half or'
coo, la,
'beim by 80 It. with stabil g anderiietith- -
-permanent 1vater supply, about. le Mires
, hardwood bush, 20 acres fall plowing, ro
inainder grinis-near.selteol, •
-• Ityro• •
17.2.p. • " Lucknow
,A number, trona here attended the
funeral of thelate Wm. .Seett, con. 8,
on Saturday, Jan. 29th.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Day spent Sun-
day at the home of the hatter's mother,
Mrs.,MeKenzie,-con. 10, Kinloss.
'Walter Pinnell and Walter;. Richard
son, jr., -attended Alex Mowbray's sale
near, Whitechurch -one day last week: .
. .
Tom Marks and his Kiltie Rand will M -r and-Mrs..44:1
appear. in the ToWn Hall, Lucknow; on
Monday; Feb,: 7, when his splendid coni-
pany• Will present the romantic comedy
drama "The Iiish Attorney" and 7 new
vaudeville acts. A Short synopsis elf the
plaS,V • •• •
Two Sworn friendS,..it musician. and _a.
poet, struggling for nameand fame,. fincl
thein .Ives in the. clutches . of poverty:
Ravin r no money or anything to eat,
they have beewforced tosell every artiehi
of furniture in their humble apartments.
So poor have they become that one suit
of clothes must do the tWo of theni..
When one goes out the other one must
;stay at home, too'peor are they to afford
two suits of elothes of any deseription.'
• They have reached the mid • of their
existence and unless aid arrives' imme-
dia-t-ely :they will. be. turned into -tile.
streets as beggars. -
• Prices to suit everybody, 25, and 35
-Cents: Seats on-eale at Armstrong's Drug
,Store. Under anspideR thetackno*
-Fire GI _
ford, are here attending; tbe finieral of
the former's brother; the late Laughlan-
Pringle, who died suddenly 'at his- home
here on,Friday,:.Jaii. 28t1. The funeral
which took plate . Monday, Jan.: .31it.,4.
was largelsi. attended.
A0k11(111-0, tged
Wm -.Mackenzie, formerly .of Lothian,
now a civil engineer with the
Fratre, wishes to thank Lneknow people
-forthe ChristmaS gift sent him and which
he receiveek0 K. -Huntley Gortlerialisii
expresses • grateful acknbsyledgeinent of
the Christmas box sentbiin• Beth were
and_busy, at last; accounts. , ••••
Auction Sale. —
V. IL MaDor,at.n. Lot IL Con._ 3, Heron 'Tp.;
Vill•soll his farm. stoclt and implements ott•
Wednesday. Foh..10th.,•nominencing at 1 • „-
o'clock. There are on the sale 12goed young r.
horses; 9'..purebred Durham cattle. includ.
• ing bulls; 7 grade cows, heifers, 10' steers
. and 0 calves, and all the ilnpleriainta •and • -•
• oaehinerY, necessary on a 200 -acre
10-2-0. •• J,,PuitY.ts; Ana. '
• .. • •
• -.1end'ers wanted
,...• . . .
- Sealed tendiirs'endorsetl '"fenders tor school -
will be received by the undersigned until noun •
011 Tluirsday..Feb.,10th.,1or...the
o woroom Pressed...Brick St.,hoRl for -b.
No. 4, West Wawenosh. ' • " • ' • • ,
• Plans and spe,cifleations may be seen'at the • 1 •
home.. of .the nal at the *face Of'
Walter std wart, & Soo, Liteknow. • •
" The School Board, will not be batunt to adeept •
to -accept the lowest, or anY tender. .
•WIIXTAM 51,CQUILLAII,•efielM'etary', • "
:4-.2-C; • 77-7. No, I,: West Wawanosh, ;
.• •
Thur.sday, Feb.• I 0", ' I-6.
etiate:01 "
Glands .
KillIOS 4 Village
—Ai (Milky, jan.:11st;
Lieut. McKay ePent over Sunday in;
Wel kerton. - • • • • ' - -;• ---- • •
- ' Messrs; 'W'ill 'ea •Ti-iiii'k ttebinaiiii,
have pereliased iiiiiVdriVers.. • ' • -
' Mises Oaboene, of lkirt,ttgin4tave
been viSit, i's at GeergeN'. Webb's. ...
. Private en e •sse , e
has been benne on accou it of illness
Thomns °Shortie,' :yoUt Greek,
has been renewing ne.quaintanees bete.
• The special lieeviees are beim°, ean‘
—int pod inttlie Bsdg1oamipt..ois:Li rel;:twfli: :_,_ v_.•,•„7„.1„,,,t,,7,‘,,. _4,,,,_.,.,•,„ ,,..t . _ ,
' -,3•4•43s-_
. • . . . .,- - s )Couttitenciug at..8 p.m. : •
•a Ciller in Ott b-u-rei the. latter end Of- ,
the -week, , •.- . - ' ' , .. ••et.diru. ss. 1.011 It!5c, Au, d7. 10e.
, —Monday, ifern..31.
The Kieloss Red Cross organized On
Oct. 22 , 191,5. Funds raiseci,by teas
and other means '81 15.00. Donal ions:
Mr. &ilk 41'owei---$1,094 -Lsaah
• $1 00; Edw. Thacker, $1.09; Mrs. Dan
Mao Donald,: south line, $2.00; Mrs. Jas..
.entertaining way. ilis fess conlifiated The following sirtipies lave been Made
in 11,d eccount of his experiences after and forwarded tq.the Bed. Cross SecietY,
leaving Slighted for Frines, until he poronto: 12 blanketq,°13 sheets, 9 pair
'was woonded • and • invalided home. pillene•covera, 8 kireels, 0 doz. 'biteditges,
He had been ill the.trenches many days 2 cloz, hatdicerchielfa, 325 mouth wipes„
and. ilights.and had taken,• Part' in two 14 dot. surgibal pads, 10 doz. wasktiloths,
bayonet .eliarges,.the-GcrInan. ti enah be. 8 bed shirts, 9 Sant songs, • pr
ingt siren on both occasions. When he 10 military shirts, 28 pair. ittleks, (milt.,
and his.enitiradea tbe, t repel) weie first The 'value „re„„t:,,,,,fs • $00. -
told: the) .were to charge an enemy trench' • SAnit It; 1:1 .Mitti;ON, Sec'y.
V • ibl d .seeimmeimie. '
pretty nervous fokai-17Tla-t, ovAr
the.tin10 who they !out ovEr'tbe parapet
und tuoltha tho'• Gettlittri tretieh. 130
ninth to their surprise, not A Shot , was
fired at Omni, nor did they find.
enemy in the treneli. They heal been
scared.otit.by the artilhvy. 'The ,next
'charge was made ai tiitch dark night,
and was it anere serious affair They
lost it. number of . mon, .• but again .the
gernirms, got Mit in time,. and there :was
vie lighting. Sty the charges wore tot
I romprouolt sorlotutuutttM AS the! inex.-
.they,stlytugloAto e .% were
voly:utudineli at fiat. t1x9814.4
Xiiii.S.etvba ;saw 44C-oitietilltdol.pis4'.-
• 3filt 1;e arts -ions' ti see armilier .
;play by- the olne, cknapany.,
feathring tie celebrated • netor
AtistFutely+ gltarant.eM 0:t'St
class or ;Money reftintled.i.
13,NEristmETT onLys.:Tiw.o S_HbWS
. vorti,
is visiting ri94raliaparents--- 40.7rtiiti
'Mrs. Thos., Shan. •
, Mr, and, Mr's. Thos. Splan, of. Mani
-6011,1,,,arrived on Saturday on • a visit te
his parents, Mr.; und
Mrs. J.• M. Drapei, win; beeu
visiting her palents, Mt, • and Mts.
T -hos.. McIntosh bas rani ond to Stria.
. ,
Mr. MeCeiiley-Prdrieliett in Port El-
gin 'and .Bi n so Baptist Convenes,
en Sunday, „Ai r k s upplyiiig
• s' • '
ueeday, .- els 1st.
• Miss Alice 4-Instori, of Lucknow
spent it couple of days lit e0ifl1a hist
!•Til(ti.ss Cassie Mebonald, of, Kinioss,
spent the weekend at A ex MeDitir.
A patriotre concert is to be .heldL in
the school hero on. Feb. 18th. .Con
siderable otitside talent has boon so.
gurotl and 600d tiro itt expected,
Messrs. 'leek Thoinpsen. and Albert
GrOves belie enlisted hare in 100th,
13ruee titAtalion, inside• of the poet
Mr.'and Alva, Nkt...' .3,..Carr arid SOUS,
of Cut ittlife, 844i.5 Who hicts been
visiting here, returned'to thelelune
this :week. '
• Mr. 'Fred Aiston, elask ;
• is visiting this Wcok At Abe • Immo of
chinUntie, anninglinui, :awl re-
000in tiqualatampas ° • 11 •
TIlvi" well known,
Nicatarry llmise
Oiug fo the death' -
•(.;4r.1y property,. .• OfTered
for sale.'0.t'a 1owprtce aqui 'very
trate& . ••4pply....at the -110fise5 •
' A riiiiatiati 1loIftnt•
Loalthful cite/Aden,
4,4tritotza Oct
• ...ail ;_a.