HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-01-27, Page 8Tn
We are-.4sy.s:tookitaliing and this 'always
reveals: to 'us certain lines,: of VarioUs, kind!,
• or. goods b.. which we are overed.
Stock4alOnebringp to the front many lines
*of short ends and rernnants that we clesiro,
to'clearout quickly. 1 These.. have been re-
duced in price* and all Short end'splaced on
our Clearing Remnant Table at such prices
that will lake them go quickly. See these this week.
, .
Dress Goods
Fpr a week or two, *tale we are
busy stock laking, we can 'give you
substantial reduetions in quite a
number of pieces and short lengths,
just about .010110. to make a „skirt,
dress or suit. • This is an effort to
clear out some . lines now on our
shelves before we put ,into ;stock
our new Spring' Dress Goode
Suitings that are expected soon.
ONO, yop., acurtim
Cleaner in your Home?
If n'ot, you are Missing one, of the.
' greatest conveniences and labor-
saving • devices of Modern times.
We have 3 only left of our, farnoms
‘` S S ". Combination Vac-
uum Cleaners, regular 11.50
-to Clear at $8,95, this month
before stock 'taking, It is esy
Ttfunilig, simply construed
a splendid cleaner , and one npt
easily put .out of order:. Tilts is .a
rare. opportunity to get one of these
fine cleaners,' at " such a; 'bargaiw
price,:,, ".
We have some lines of WATCH CHAINS, LOCKETS,
RINGS AND TIE 'PINS which we are offering ,at
HALF PRICE as we do not desire to continue this line.
This illeattS a Bargain in every purchase while they last.
Clearing Prices Big Bargains in 1 Recluced Prices
Tinter Coats
all lines on
of en's
Furs Overcoats
emnant Table for Special Values
• • '"1•
$t, 11.101111 ftoWreod
--Mondet, 413. 25tI). --Tnesilah Jan. 25,
Mila Versa, 'Woods, of %totem III& Prank tair anent Sunday 01 the home
School, wits home over Sunday.
Messrs. Ed Thome rod LoulaWeather.
head went to TOrOnto On SittnAlftty last.
LOM-Betweett St. Ifelenti and Bel.
fast, a book. Finder please leave at
Durgin Phillipa', and receive d. suitable
The annual meeting' a the Puhile
Library was bold list Thursday evening.
()Ulcers eltetod fAN 'Mtn
President -Rev. !gr. Little,
' Vice-Presideas-DtnicauMeXenzie.
STereertwet:rreyr_.-Tiiollsa. Italy:teary%
Librarian-MyFtle Feilips,
The fourth weekly meeting of the
St. Ifelens Literary Sicility was held on
Fridayevening ,last„•whicht on ugliest,
of Aylmer Ackert. ,
A few from, here Attended the dance
at Wm. Houston's on Monday night. ,
Mra. Kenney, of Teoswater, is spend-, I
log a few days with her cifiter, Mrs. L.
Mr. Murk* McPherson epent Dues.
day afternoon. al tlio- home el R. S.
Hamilton. ..,,
'roe Women's Institute will hold their
oext meeting attlieh,onni of bfre. Ernst
Ackert on Thursday, Feb, :IA at 2:30
o'clock. ,_Mrs, A.yliner Ackert is to give
a paper On "Keeping on the Sunny Side
of Lite".'k A silver collection is to he
taken 01 the meeting for Red. ProsVer.
.poses«, ••Everybody welterne.,----Secy„
nun*, januaey o7iti;; I
of Moi,er Sinoltur of the teist. DattaliOnt: kgsiih Lon, xitdoE
took the form of a . recruiting meeting.
Rettig the first meeting of the kind ever
held in St. Heteue, it Atttagted,, P. largo
attendance. 'Tlio President, Mt% thirein
, took Ihechair, and the speakels
of .the evening were Mr. IL Cairtsren
,and Po. Peter gelcinnort fif loucktioy;
MOrray,...ef'INawanOsh, and 'MPArr
:Sinclair, of Winkham, till. who .almhe
very forcibly- on the great issues Of the
War, ,alid dea1t:wit-41.0m personal respona,
ibilityef.the young ,!eit and their par
'ents. They were listened to with gr.eat
interest. 'quite a number of sokhers
Were preSent intim King'unifOrm front.
Wingh30140(11-41101; Itie otpgroJa,
Which _consisted of jiitrun1enta18 by the.
Megnillin brig -herr , Pte 11IcLiurion,and
MoQuillin, Soogaby Pte.
"Janies Penrose, flarry Macey, Robt,
Robinson. and Mies Myrtle Little; All of
wheat received :great applause. The
Journal WaS read by the editor,
hott Miller, and wakt.- very cntertaining.
The Critic, ' :11 r.• Little, t....ade' a few
very fittingrernarks, and also gave a le -
citation entitled "The Red' Cross of
i,vhich, was very • appropriate
or th3 Ve'ettsion:'',1114 appeal for recruits"
at the, cloEe of the meeting aid not meet.'
with e, i'eSpense at the time, but •the
nieeting, ne,doubt, will be found' to bear
fruit in the futute. The meeting , was
closed by 'singing the National A.uthein:
The next meeting , will be OM Friday
' evertino. .fan. 28th. A good debate Is
being, prepared: Resolved, .1 hat the
'United Sta tei la justified', •int remaining
fientrati, !rho affirmative will he taken
by :Mr. John'IlloQuillin ond Miss Edna
Woods. _Tile negative by Mr. Win,
Rutherford and Miss lifatjorie
Monday, Ian, 24.
Mark McLeod visited friends in T6r.,
onto last week.
Sam Nicholson and family left for
Moose Jaw last week. , - • •
Mr.. T. Roaeh entertainedfrittidS from
diaapee.04; few da,y13 ago. • •
It is said ineafilekt and ithi2lien pox are
atlivr cominonnround ussjust- now.
, tl11tAll aim list bird Sa 4,diviend1co ts9 0131 ivnerpeahl; El,fnocIr
ltev.,fr,..1-1eiti and
and Mrs!, A, MePonold rel,Prned
on.Sitturday from Tordnto, See, What
titin Mr, Alex. Trouble would .tahe
HaPPIIY it was for the better, .
-Monday, Jan., 24
mis:=Isabel MeDiarmid is getting up
bo K Secial here for the patriotic fund.
Goi`don Webster, of Settiorth las been
visiting Max Raynard krthe Past week.
i‘ss Donidda MeDiarmid, lIf Kinlosq,
sPerit Sunday at her uncle's ,piace here.
Miss :Catherine 1\L0Al1ister, (4 Luck,
noW, has- been with her nephew, Stewart
Robertson here for the last , couldof
.Well alexia ' ,ITenderson $ hipped' . a
„couple ,of.,earloads,of lat_ cat tie to Toronto
lately. • ,
Janos WebSter; .wlio lived on .the
boundary west of Lucknow, died, to -day,
was one ef the pioneers who helped,
to roalre this country 'what itis, and we
think such 1i:elf are Worthy of special
• 'The petition te the 'Ontario Lendslii-
, ture for Prohibition is henig, circulated
here to
•Tinount, Cheese & Bitt'ter Co.
Iteld their annual iii,leting last Thursday,
Jan. 2(,..1„ They report a' very successful
year, with good proewets for the sum-
mer of 1916. The following directors
were elected: -Hugh McIntosh, D. Mc-
Donald,: Malcolm Beaton, ,• Donald MC.
Cliarles and NV. T. Gardiner,.
WJ WANTZD. at 'the Lueltnow
Flom Mills. lcrikbest market prices
Mrs, Treleaven, of Luelinow, is visit-
ing Iter mother, Mrs. Miller, this week.
Sandy Kennedy, of Guelph; anent a,
few days at the home of his mothei last
week, .
Mrs. Adam Simpson and children, of
ihringhata, are visiting at, the home of
Frank Henry..•
Charles Dobbs, of Golden 'Valley,
Muskoka, are visiting at the honie of
ltobert Carrick.
Pte, John Kennedy, of Stratford, was.
home attending the funeral of his grand-
mother, Mrs. P. Fisher,
' "George, 'Fisher 'has returned to his
home in Dakota., whilehia brother, Dun-
can wdl remain for sometime,
_ A very interesting Guild tneeting was
held on Sunday evening, the topic being
'Aitillsetnerit that is worth while." !rite
Subject for next Sunday evening is
"Pioneer Foreign Mission Work. The,
leader Is Bessie Laidlaw
We are sorry to report this .verk the
death of Mrs, Harry McClennghnn
Stued:),Thitcl'ooe 'rT:Drek4tir viswiteet?..grelafivet3
friend$ 'ground Bervic and hien.
...- , t.,. 1 Won Mond
' ,h',rt visit' with' friends at Pun k
.,I itnd . Ovine..
' Mr. dad Mrs, roots and Mr. and MieS•
Pate, Of 0„,ithoW, Saik,, spent- last week -
VIlla4fritt otio* WOW on the tklAidasY
Trio tedraita
,in.n.ow n er:28"Wid.-con-
tlgWgle route mrchestauyreatha•
, • .
-'Itiesciay, Jan. 25th.
i1i8S Annie MacKenzie is visiting a,t
Mrs J. N. MacKenzie left -yesterday
to,vieit friends in Brantford.
. Mesdrs. 'Sam and Linter Bradley„, of
i the G. C. L, are home at.,pres'a,nt. •
Pte, Fred VVilliams, who is training at
Quebec, is visiting friends in th's
Mrs. K, 'MacKenzie is at prcserit in
Gatieri4k visiting, at her parents,_ Mr.
and Mrs. J.1.4, ,Ctrant, who are at pres-
ent both,illt •
illicit :theylokiiandthatoJan. 2413i, .. Witn'at'-'..Wfitcrto .att 'the Luck, OoW .
'entary "rnon-trO. Mr...Alfred Collins is Spending a :few 'Flour:MO; Highest Market. price's
:seeteinglY4rnnotoolieern 111.01Y now to days in London. Bros--
• • • 4 6
take the fever,aniri
ujo. -ine vicinity or , gr. 'and Mrs. Sohn Sturgeon are spend-
..Betntoro'has, respondedinobly_to_tho.caliAng_their holidays with friends in Chica-
Teeswat.er iiitroseeorlttle--•-baok go,
" Nfrif...-David' Sturgeon is III with an
_eLfor air
ilerraston 011 Vhursday' owing
01,1001 tcti- .=411 e.
4'i, _10-a.50.1ding
M000gloy itv$ .1.41:114tviwii in 'ft
gig 4eltillethlt*'.. "but --1.0r4Velca
ft' #0(1 Mrs. • Kitahen .11aVe
heir honeeholdeffeets beredioin Detrdit;,.
Mhth.• Mr.,Kitehon enlisted bare -10t
*0e14•14, lneth Brape Battalion..
The'reAttioile Loaatte
Ilintior.aotti:weeh'o.ti(iTtrogramino :after.
lio:ist who Wheen staying', fttyer, • .
The Jungle . early recovery. . .
Tuesday, Jan. ,
_..., . • .
John,Barr, of thettravel, iti epgago.
- 444mturvfsontting-oull10....• -
m0.t.,MelPiod, of liWtogliant,'In do
og0.)ip.e heal* carpentering for .
fo.Donald. ;•• _.,: •' .,
, ,
U:0, 316 'DOA.- *riT talag. Idea:age
of the open weather' to do some fanning
'his ,nevr' farm. .
A. 'ffql*,..:.F9.41:10h4t! Jnngle
a orning tattle or anything.'
Mt 'Mut:4Am- Neil Megdfunt, of
Luelrnow, 'were Soa(lajr "piltors with
Mr, and him 1)., h. McintOsh; .:. . .' able, weather. .0a Saturday last/ Mr« , ,
. See Armstrong refie•:Tertible). stayed Gabel walked to ltipley and.briek, and,. peing..PrePared. Come Onef ,con'te all, .
, and cojny it.gooil time,' . • ,
"One of the boys says he saw some
robins while returning from Kineardino.
Gordon says that beats the West
- Mr,- Alfred Co. Ilins 'las joined ilia
to Dungannon: toqlay. , •• .•
'Mt- and Mts. W. T Clardner Sanday.
ea With friends near Lticknow.
Misa Cainnbell 111 visiting. her
Atter, Mrs, Jacob floater, at present.
Braeo Ilattalion and -will commence . jots .Etttli Iohnsion,. or, 1'41w-too/to
training in Kincardine on Vet), lilt-.
Soule of _our, yoningr.pea,p167. attended,
'the meeting of the Literary --goehitir hi
Millatton :cfonday tight,„ and lc -
port a Veryintereriting inCetingi,e2reial-
1 ...thOliuSiriess.', part of tho.moetingwhich
Tlia.Manyitiends-of Gabeiwitt
be gIed Itear that )ie ia 0110 of. those
'that heel) young spite a the disagree,.
visited last woclr, with her uncle, Oho.
ititchio _
, •
-Rev. Mr. , Kollnirt, of Ripley, will
preach a missionary addcesi On. Sunday .
morning, Jan.. gOth*,'-
Phone No. 10 Is at:Your Service
We sot to 501 Cheat*, Thisn The Credit Stet.
Have you ever stopped to eonsicler the
•effect of poor light on the eyesight.
Many eyes are ruined by the Use a levr
de goal oil aud poor lamp burners..
We Sell'Royalite Ciii and, White. Flame
Lamp Burhers,
Royalite Oil i5 the product a Anaeridan
Crude specially re6ned: It ie.. refined
the most up-to-date refinery on the Anaeri- ,
can co4tinent,. We 'guarantee every gal-
lon to give satisfaCtion Or your money ie -
White Flaine.Lawilltriners utill give 50
per cent. Mae light than the 'ordinary.
burner on the Sauae consumPtion of oil,
ave your Can Equip your taiii
, ' .
filled with, , with Wliite
" Royaliie " '*Flinie 13iir—fier
:e.,14.jkill).*:#0,t'etWiglr0...4;•,C.0.01.i.. •
(Margaret.Barbour) who died in Wing
liMet Hospital after About four • nionthsi
at 1:30 o'clock Wednesday afternoon to
One of Whitechurch'S oldest and es-
teemed'residents in the person, of IVirs.
Peter Fisher passed• away on Wednesday
hist. Tfic,funCral to Kinloss cenoterY -
on 'Friday afternoon. was largely attend-
ed. The dee'eased leaves to mown her
loSs one danosliter, 1) Kennedy.
D .,
"uncan and George, of Dakota; also one, •
e like to sell Rexall Remedies and Toilet
rticles because
They giveyougetter Satisfaction
They give us ore Sales
More Sales Sales is Larger- Business and More
rofits with Lower prices and Better Values.
: Rozall Olive Oil Eraul.•
Dien. vr i t U,, -IIypopb1s;.
phitoo, a food tonic and
builder One a the best :Ways
of taking Olive Oil., ' •
, ,
—• . . . $1;00
110=41 0 o a Livor Oil
Zurilloiow wit -4 laxpophos-
i philes of lime andsodiu Con-
tains more pure Cod Liver
- thafutAY Other.'0.11eilli'd61.1.-
` 13,4iCO3 L. ,..606 omit -1:0
. .
:call, Wino of Oot
Live: Eztvaot-eontalos-alf-
, the 'valuable properties of the-,
I' It , -nil without the- disagreeable
taste. Aids 0.,
'i • Trice ,.-- ......t. , .- -st.00.
, .
/laza], tlivoitt Ooze° for
. sore threats, , , .13r1,00 260
ilexall Baby Cough Syrup,
s,xicopasl.is, nideixe re(;
remeily which relieves. '
Price 25e
An 1d Liicknow- -
Boy, who is a mem-
berof the largest law
firm i.n. Winnipeg,
writes bomesaying:
."Everybody bathe' city has
the grippe or. a bad cold..
Onv morning lately- I was
the only one of our office
-itOrCe .ble -to Imo* work, • 4
.1'1114.-relievii.' pain •
' and ''fever:... ;rco 2$o
eOld P.4co 2PE
iionfe eller ' 600 atifiriiiiiiii Tinifi'lvith
friends in Detroit and Wajherviho; S
W DOA forget 13.10 bii,/rttiOoitii 011 01;ittlY 0 I
eVoning,.,Ian. '28., A good ,:prOgraiii is • ml
ht Th ;fungi this week They aOpeared .i'vortio for the tralillt
ang e • libile
1)0.1A/son. f3erves him Ito nine. spin/ ,00,110 thitt ye,%r in Tani January, Sunday. with her hi:tiler, life) 11
,1, ,r .00...3.r'be• lef6 i atuatA660 foi *I. l';* • Anyone might bo' led :to 'think thii, - -4111' 4411104"C46k4 of . B0161A34 43.60, ail
ten or ndtilttt-;. ; „;•Tribo.260
Otitattb, 121(>11y re
1ieVO4 eatarrb,eold the head
bay f0V014' OtO, rtioo 260
Retail Mentholine Bairn,
4entain8 .Meritholo CsinphOr,
and other healingsgents. Re-
liovds irritation, stops itching..
Price ..25e
rtexall Miter Cream, a Oly-
coin° and With liazol Lot-
eliapped hands. •
Price ...• *4,6**,044** • * •41•*.t• .25c '
Retail -Cream et -Almord
for t,he complexion, soothing
Price- • 25C
. flora Camphorated Cold
' Cream, can't be beat for sore
lips. „
kva • • , . • -,',. : . : Antise . tic oo tii, Paste
ri, l .
but went into a drug store preriervet e teet
Price .....-......,.. 25c
, glad iiot almeltage of 1/exall
Cold 'tablets which broke Reltall Orderliei, a 1.1n i .1 dr
bp the cold at onet." pleasant' Utttl ageutive 104;4 .
Other peOPie ,have de.,
rived the &Arne benefit from -
, one e be$O,,IlitornitTcold
1 .
Price .... ... and 50-e--
Pezall kidney Pills, a mild
. Tablets. ... • Vtifinifetliureticti 1111(1 tilnhL-
larit .to the kidnovs. GO &ilea
y one sold with °Or. ioutneop, toristipationand sick •
gatitantoo--satisfactpry or heattaelie, prict, 250 -
your -moony hock.
floral" Throat pastilles for
Prieen ii5ef $1,0 1.25# $1,50 'hoarsteneath . .25e.•
JOlIhI stared another Youth OttlYing 10.1 8110Vi lax tinted -toward andat the Otte t4t4th'u.rinjots JitIPIt f"?11.- /611t)ttlinPr". DOil 1)1,ANO VOTES GlitEN EVERY DAY ON
the 40141.04t Preciontt 110 thitt of writing snoW hi very ocafdo Tho 11)g,". 1/°tf)V frl°441./ "11/4 .
.t atttoa are eing ti $ind *around oitr ,
Pft and did•not return until t ntm • b
- e eortiething uneominon for the
utelea, Jante*..lehnstaa, for .noine tine .
lotektot . -",--Vitlfital,iii6iktin; on. -4rti u _AND. -RURBER:,GOODS.,
btraaea Mildred Wadi./ nail Bete tar. .
.• tttatford Vtreribal: "Atireirte'lalweelt; Clooafitetivoe anthraii, l'atterson have
Iltte Continuatiati school ' Club
abartion And Robt. larn k' attended the
ince reiurning ItOttnItO
ve !veiled refreshment patina the
dlibraittootet nod': serVe het elien
Satin ay- u
'T na'dit eveningo tr.hd
prieeeda witlf•go for PatilOtic •ptirpoaea,!
The: Toestiefer Liiirary: Board', Tinsae.
61retirid Idle Board itoorna
• 'for the4,140 of the oOldiera qtni filth tile
• iihravy provided they Poe one of tlwir,
• plitIihOr in alarm ttotii, the. libranao
• .frivoet.
altVV.I a large otovic4 f-311(layk,,.°211' Wftilt.r
the oteasiou were McNeil t
droniri • Vie IlfolCirtriort01,
• etilirito-d-foroveYeeal'eptvice, Ntr,. air& .ittvo". -Oro. .
MK'Writ. Peddle,. of,',VOilteclitich,t., is
Working for .Mr, train' 'Turner,. ."
Mtc Tom. jiiinieS011 jerid 04(), Phinipa
,atet elttiting Wont!, for Ate, Rdward Itainee,
Mi.:Ooorgo 1>chlis flolderi.
itivialting...at, NV. falliamplores •for
.1011110 •AftPr itt Torotito
ai:1(:*?,441: t 4.oh.n, artin •re
Atka Maud Mid Itfildred Me0O111.10
returned home atter Visiting Artth their
grandmother 1Vire.10ht, Itairteth ."
I /
I )
ekall Remo les are guaranteed to 'give satisfaction
y the store that iells the
tar teltiona 1113 poiAttati As to:teller:of .f.htlos.werit ono th,v MiSts Vottt
. Fero A.veutte.Whori, Toronto, !Mai, he genera, John Oro .tiod J. 0,,numertort.
• 4*0
.. ooionpiod, for sonie.years, The Vraineies inetitule tru-4, itot Wed.
▪ •
Woof ()dr. beya 104, 'week jiiined the.
lent andin ifue time hop to.etosS the
,..itaa for hing; and totintrinIheyaro
if:wonky and irvine ifenty„ Their
ftitityls here lave expre8a.td, their iittnte;,.
:elation of the step taken by the boya
reogn.tiry ekolt with a Inlet tvatoll,
'nlVl(lIj7 iii. tito toreates, Ha% Min
rif !Whitby, Watt the speaker. She
traye,ao intemating talk on the nee& of
the .nation itt, theinrenent time and' aft!':17
ih VW. ; triapite of nip had roads a,
,large tumber of ladlea from. Benin:40
vietoiti wore oat to hear Miss. .
-. •