HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-01-27, Page 3•
It Leaves the Sufferer a Victim
.00- Of Malty POVOIS Of WearlolieSS
Aslc those, who have had la grippe
regarding the present condition of
their 'health and. niost of , them will
unmet* "Sinee 1 had the grip I have
never been welt,"There is a persia-
tent weakness. of the limbs,* bail diges-•
Lion, shortness of. 4eath and palpita.
tion ef the heart caused by the thin. -
blooded condition in 014 gr.0
most Wows leaves KS victims .after
the fever and influenza have sub-
sided. They are at the mercy of., re-
ionaplientions, often -very
• nerioue, This eanditiee, will continue
until the blsAn*i nulti: *..ip again, and
• for this purpose nealug Min equal
fair treatment, #wil,h Dr. Williams',
Pink Pills, Which. quickly realce the
blood rich, 44104, drive the lingering
. geniis from the systemt and transform
•'despondent grip victims into cheerful,
• liedlthy; happy mendanworeen. Mr.
ilOho Betters,'7, . Andrei, Ont.', says; --4
• "Just. before Christinne. 1914,, I was
taken flown With an attach:, of la
grippe, and the trouble .left me in -a
deplorable condition. I was U1n-04,
too weak to Walk Omit, as I was then
>limng on a farin in, Western Oh -
Without Outside Melo Thousands Will
Great interest bee been aroused in
the terrible conditions prevailing in
Serbia owing to the ravages- of the
typhus epidemic and by the invindini
,Of the Austrians, Both, adults and
clilldren are in dire need of all the no-
ceesities of life, narticelarly blankets,
warm clothing ter men, women and
children. Goods or money sent to the
Serbian Relief Depot, Itown 17,- Mail
and Evpire 130ilding, Toronto, will be
gladly received and forwarded.
Dr. Sharpe of Brampton, Min Lo-
soneviteh,, daughtscz1 44 the- Sol:Wu
Minister to Great Britain, and Miss
grade, r
Berbia, aro bo
'ly urging' eve
merican. nurse in. Eel,
eitIy publ41.11. :nrrprivffictr;
pe 'to contribute °to
.the fund,. far.A Mout generous out-
side help the tninit'. refugee's and. the
.25,00n- orphan children Meet- .cite, 'ea
• the countries . Of Albania. and :1Yfontet
nogre, into, which , they: have retreated;
*have not Sufficient feed for theniSelvdet.
.and .01) adequate -..pretection front. Ao--
,.4bvitcloitri;r7.nr.97t);,..i7ef.7: Tr)"
following letter
December -20th, 4910;
. ,
You Cool Work with hand
or brain when the body is
poorly nourished. • Get°
warmth and strength for the
day's work by eating for
breakfast Shredded Wheat,
with hot milk. Contains all
the body.buikling material in
the whole wheat grain Pre-
pared in a digestible form.
Its crisp goodness is a delight
to the palate and a life -giver
to tired brain and jaded
stomach. Made in Canada,
. 5 Croinwell Roo_ Wich Wouid be the. Easier More
taro. I. weIr P.Pehle to follow.nly•
." 1460"), S'W`A E"Oa'10' ''
A gOectelealc"---dilte .4 -geed Will be placed in .every munlapality
overly:neat Will Place Supply 'in
Every Mnalcipality.
Acting on instructions from the
Hon, W. A, Heinle, Provincial Seery.
tari, Drr McCullough, chief officer
of -health for Ontario, has .announced
that starting $tbout February 1 the
department will suPPIV free oi
eltarge antitoxin for diphtheria, ant -
toxin for smallpox, anti-mennigitis
serum, anti -tetanic serum, preven-,
tive rabies serum, and. other berinne
Used JP the light against' aontaggnla
diseases. The serums sUP-
phed pbystemns, boards of health,
hospitals, institutions and all people
who equiro theM for treatment,
the past the (14441103ot /las
glYen. anti -typhoid Serum .free, and
it bee resulted in it great reduction
in efi404 of typhoid in the • province,
At ' the Isolation Hospital, where
the worse cases of diphtheria. are
taken .pnd treated with the anti-
diphtheretic serum, 'the - death rate
from the diSease. has been reduced to
'•6 per cent, .while formerly the' tate
Was 10 per cent. It is .heped that
the free distribution of the serums
Will -result in a wonderful decrease
in the `spread Of the dread diseases-.
Plans for the4istribution of , •the
I ted
._0314...totKe04.1corti-er OrMis..have ,not Yet been comp e
usual ;#04%. tried' several kindi of mrii, Trannnen, 1st, Veo -Chairm4n, . - • . .hut•it-ie -understood that • suppliei-
mecileine,het itaild net help ine.. As a
. • *matter Of ,feet ,stee.dily growing'
„ The SuffregiStWar Auxiliary,
'• '4a st Joseph St, TOrtinto, .
1 felt should not, need constant. watching, and 4 ;physician's 'prescription Will be
wealsert and in this nondition, ,Nsinen pear Madern,,,We are very grate
qeeks7-11.ke. some Wives -get. all that is.neceeSary in order to
reeding a paper, , I Saw. Lorf fet for your kind letter of ,lst Alld.t. Vir011ti up . every, and nothing tun the ,Serlims freei. The resnitS
Pink Pills advertised..ind d'eeided. to Andarik. veiy -pleased ,to.Sive.'yon,all v,ill stop; themcbut : geed. haking rived from the giving of free serum
• try them. 1 got a supplY and by`the the information we can as regards the heweVer,ds a °drastic reneedY; in Toronto .and the benefits fond at
• time the second box was alliStied I administration of our boa And tliA and, after all, the business Of both the Isolation. Hospital following the
felt considerably better,. and 'after needs thereof. • ' clocks and wives is to keep going use of antitoxin persuaded the ' Hon.
*continuing the ifillo for some dine
longer felt better than I had. done
for months. This was My nrst experi•-
mei) with Dr. Williams' Pink •Pills,
but you may dependuponit that if -j
• And. medicine necessary again I will
know whet to take."'
You min' get, these pills frail. any,
dealer in 'medicine or by mail, post
pant, at 50. centa a box or 81* boxes
for $2.00 from The Dr.,
Medicine C0,03rockvilig, Oat.
• !;*.r°. • • .
Intentions Are Constantly
• Changing Conditions,
• In an article on the relation of re-
search to the progrees of Mainifile-
turing industries, W. R. Whitney
shows that purely, academieal
search has led to some of our greatest
industrial-achieVemente, -"Search for
new knowledge," soya Doctor Wbit-
..hey,•ois the insiirance for the future!
of the industries.. Many factories will
later be manufacturing things not
even conceivable to -day. The mean-
'- descent limo business will serve for
illustration.. • have seen whole fac-
tories entirely -overhauled a number
'ef times in the past few years in, or-
• der to make the newest lamps. Not
only have entire floors of complicated
and expensivemacbines for. making
carbon lamps been thrown out • and
new machinery for making Metal filo-
. , merit liimpsinstalled, but before flack-
ing eases containing- new machines
. coold be onened and unpacked'iwthe,
factor i they have been thrown out as
- useless, as the advance from squirted- The Sultan of Turkey, MahoMmed
metal filaments to drawn -wire file- V., -the head or Islam and the 36th
MentSpretted=the better:mayw Before ruler the•house_of Osman, is siek.
factories could reach the limit of ef- Once such a rePort would bring up
ficiency in manufacturing ' vacuum visions of royal relatives mysterious -
lamps the introduction of nitrogen% ly poisoned; • boecitrung . or dropped,
Into .the lamps brought another
. change; and now, when. the nitrogen -
tungsten lamp; have been in use only
• a short time, the manufacture of ar-
gon and its introduction into the in-
candescent ! lamp becomes a reality: If
• the research laboratories that dis-
covered the means for bringing about
these changes, with their•accompany-
-ineeeonotriles, could-receifen-centfor• -
everrdollar that they the public,
• they would receive . over a Million dot-.
lars a year to spend for further. re-
search. The people are the ones win')
are moot interested in research, al-
- though they may not lino* it." ' •
Heavy Weight on old Age
• Our fend has equiPped and main- cheerfully -rand not make too much
tained five large hospitals • as well ai noise abeut it .
six or seven. -dispensaries in Serbia Shaking doesn't improve the works
' Benne, to encourage Dr,. kleCtil-
- lough in hio -campaign.
• .
during. the past year, besides distri- of either timepiecee or women and Be
autifies While
-bniing-micf_anacng _civilians. Most if yeti persist in it they, will ineXitahlY_ _
of these hospitals' ere now in. the get "run dovvn." Watchmakers and ' •
You Sleep •
hands - of the. Belgarians, and the doctors flourish through men's /0017 • • , '
staffCare either, prisoners or en the lehness in this respect,
b • Before retiring, bathe 'the face and
way to the coast with the retreating! .3ViVeS—unlilte docks—cannot e neck,with hot water, then dry and rub
armies.. We have been able. however, ' expected to sit quietly on the mantel- TJSIT" into the. skin with the finger
to organize medical relief, work awing piece day after day and. night • after tips. ,BY Persistent treatment you
the refugees on the Greek frontier, night without getting out of 'order. will soon restore to your 'complexion
and English representatives of the , This privileged , position, Which adds i the wonderful freshness and beauty
fond are elreadY at Work qii' our he- dignity ,td-* 'the handsomest clock,.-,fof • Youth. • Maim this temstment. a•
half both, in . Montenegro afid in the'I would make the loveliest woman look *nightly habit and "USIT". will beau -
Salonika district. In. the last men- a trifle ridiculous.: °tify you while you sleep. ,
. . USI'f" a skin f od tl- wrinkle
tioned area the work is carried on un-
der the supervision of our late trea-
surer, Sir Edward Boyle: •
The main ,neede of the,,people •at
When the clock strikes one, it is not
; chaser. It builds up firm elastic tis -
toe late to get six, or seven hours sues, removes -verinkles; fills out de -
sleep if you stop arguing. . • !preSsunis and gives the skin a von -
.When your wife strikes, too; it is, derful smoothness and fineness of
presentare warm underclothing for too late to do. anything except reach texture which alone -indicates perfect
s-aw-s, for her wrists. I skin health:
- ,
men, women and • -children; li 1
`USIT" is mit 'up in opal
boots,- and, above. all, -blankets. AS Clucks are apt to get slow in warm
ir-lve are weather, it is sumnitn- line' that ilatties,-anfi until the Drug_Stores in
regards food Otnifs-rwide ,, iCanada are completely Stocked we are
asked to send. out in large quantities, wives are usually friskiest. • -
cereals biscuits jam ' condensed milk !I Aclock b d-'
, a wife cam. *filling mail orders. • Accept no substi-
tute • -
, . , , . . , can e.pawne
atickbovril are specially desirable. • • . t . , . °
. 7 no . • Send 50 Cents to -day for trial bottle,
What home is complete Without a sufficient for six weeks'' use. We pay
1 am one/04n 4 coPY of our latest
appeal,- and we shall be most ,grateful clock? What house is a home with- postage to any 'address in Canada.
for any help, which your Society can
kindly send us; • ,
. Yours .truly, '
Sent•by IVIre. Becker. Rhohe, June.
1415. 361 Perth Ave.
Death Mahommed•V. Would Make
Difference in Turkey.
bound and sacked, into the dark wa-
ters of the Bosphorus, and of fortune
tellers, wizards and exorcisers crowd-
ing around the ailing sovereign's bed -
aide. Now the -people talk of Pre-
spective heirs and of regents, while
the Sultan's Christian ally commends
him to Allah find sends his ablest
When the Young- Turks -lifted -Ras -
chid Effendi upon ,the throne from
which they had shoved *his brother,
Abdul Harald, they 'dragged a Man of
65 from a palace where he had been
"all his life scarcely more than a pris-
oner. In years of' inactivity his body
had grown big, ,big with width,
breadth and length, burden -for his
shortlege. was sick.Man then:
On the semlik Fridays the chalky
When people realize the injurious paleness of his heavy faceaind the
effects of tee and Coffee and the bet- dullness of his eyes were accentuated
' ter health that a change to °Postum by the troops of Young guardsmen in
can bring, they are 'Mutiny glad to brilliant uniforms and. the officers in
lend their testimony for thebenefft ,of glittering gold braid ?who surrounded
others. ,
"Mr -mother, - since her early ',child
• Iniedi was an inteterate coffee drinker,
had been troubled with her heart for a
number of, years and Coniplained of
that 'weak -all-over' keeling and sick
stomach."! (The effects of tee on the
,eystem are -very. similar to those of
•• .leoffeevbecause-they each -contain !the tan had wings and few of humanity's readrcooked form- of --Roman Meal.
Adrugi caffeine.).:. frailties, were disappointed at .the •Sersie with hot Milk or sinten -With
-Vflome time ago Was making it, sigh of the heavy feeble "boiling water: -Pour off , and -acid milk
out a wife? • Tick or nag, who would
choose to be cocklesa and wifeless?
Time passes • unheeded without the
one; time is wasted with or Witheut
the other.,
+ •
One•Spoken•by the Educated, Other Iv
' the Masses'.
There exists now in Greece a lin-
_ .
'additions are Dabida—a language of
goistie condition of affairs around
which centres a controversy at oneinetiBaringutisahge.Easoft aAf4rriicbae—inentdheLhinlinbtea—datnhde.
comic or frigid; for. there' are
of Sierra Leone. '
one 'language in two forms—one writ -
Greece two languages, or rather, the
Parts of the -New Testament have
been translated • into pidgin
ten by the newspapers, spoken by the
porno,. English, that strange lingo, half baby -
educated classes, and used in
mentary debates and in !public docu- talk and half slarig, which is the chief
ments, including the Scriptures,- the means of communication through all
the East. ,. • ,
circulation -of. which is regulated by
The difficulties presented in trens-
law; and the° other a vernacular used. -
by the masses of the people, contain- lating, the • New. Testament'into - this
barbarous hotchpotch must have been
ing'many words of foreign origin, es -
tremendous,. but they have been sur-
pecially Turkish and Italian *adding '
frinn those periods of foreign oceupa- Mounted., • ,i•
tion, with a much _simplified grrumnar,
and rarely reduced to writing, except
for -private comnamications. The for=
Ave Ronoesvollbe Ave,. TORONTO
The New Testament Is, Translated
Into Many Languages.
On the continent of Africa alone
the New Testament, or parts of' it,
have been *instated into 148 Ian-.
guages and dialects. The two latest
Another language of the same sort
is Chinook. This consists of about
-tvvo-fifths--Chinook,-two-fifths Red ma-
,dian tongues, and the rest English and
•mer is the cultured tongue; the latter
the popular idiom; and between the CanadFrench. It is ;the tongue
barter on the Pacific _Coast of
two there rages a merciless warfare, of
in which fanatical students of the uni.. Alaska and the Dominion. At least
50,000, Indians speak it, and lately
versity have lost.theirlives, ministers
a metropolitan of St. John's Gospel has been issued in
their portfolios,
this jargon for their special benefit.
Athens his nutre, and the sweet-fac
There is also a version of the
pquopeerritoyth.er much of her former
Scriptures translated into the primi-
\ * • tive langeage of the -head-hunterS of
For Breakfast ,To -Morrow. • Borneo..
It was made by German mission-
seeve Dr. jackeen's• Roman Meal..
You'll find.this dark, nut -brown, coarse- aries, printed. in South Africa; paid
ly granulated food very delicious. It for with British money, and circulated
,has a taste different from any other in Papua. •
Thirteen -Year -Old Soldier.
Vienna newepapers tell of the re
turn to school in that city of Hans
Kieseli.a- thirteen -year-old boy r who
disappeared •some months ago. and
him. The picture had in it, more ofJ cereal:, It is exceedingly nutritious. It
pathos than iinperialism.. , • , . prevents indigestion. It is .gueranteed
When he went to appeal to the lity-i, to• relieve constipation or 'moneyback"
alty :of the .Albanians on the -field of Ask your doctor about Dr. Jackson's
Haesevo, Macedonia, ha.was the :first licnnaa Meal' • '
rs - Follow di -
Ottoman sovereign to, visit his pro- reiClItronal a citteelayt-garnor do. NOT stir
vinces on a Mission of peace. But the while tooking porridge. '
,-Albanimis,--who-fiad bringing() the-Sule--, -Try- Roman Meat linage% the
visit to a distant part of the country
er_witknno.1.ettlie Met -
chants of,tho ,plate. L. to Me 'a
gonimehat iniusuet flavotetiCtlie 4cof•-•
' -- • fee' andwked.,hilyi concerning it. He
Milled 'that it was NAM% "
."I. ao 'deeded With. it, 'that I
.1.)ought n package to corryhome With
tie, audited wife prepare sortie fer the
-774m* meni. The:Whole fenetir likedAt
e well thatWe discontinued .coffee
mild need Poiituin entirely. •
ng my Mother'S7
.noticed that after using Postern for a
reliort time she felt much bettere. had
little trouble' with her heart, and no
sick stomach; that the headaches Were
se frequent, and her general con-
dition mueltimproved. This continued
until she was *ell and hearty.-
. know Postuni has benefited MY -
•NOW and the othei ,-nneinbets of the
especially my mother, As he
victim of long standing," Mame,
given by Canadian Postuni "Co.; Wind -
or, oaf • :
Pelitilln chines In two form : • --••••• !-
Pooduni Cereal—the original
r• . .
'ust be well belled. 156 and. 25c
instant Nadal—A sOruble poWder
Idissolves quickly in n cup (4 hot wa-
iter, and with &cam and suger, Makes
'ti• delicious beverage instantly. 00e
'and 50c tins.;
t Beth kinds are equally delicious and
lost about the sante Per cup:. • .
"There'sa fteitsdii" for Nahum .
r•••••0•sold' by drocerik
biack frock oat; and the mission fon:, and sugar.
Reinedto 11Made by Roman Meal Go., Toronto.
ed. e ge.010'
kn�ve ge o • M7-44-*----811ORTAEGUrtir
combat the shrewd politicians around, •
binr and he became Merely a figure-•• •
head for the dominant party of ' -the British women Workers Increasingly
• .• -4
• Ceniiniteei Of Union and PrOgreSin Demand
S. • - •
- Many things May happen With the ' Owing to active recruiting, the
pealing of this sick mane. He may bi- lbortage-et ingti in the British labor
the lest_•01the,Osponli to. rule in Eu- Market has hecome "more acute and
rope; he he. May be the lust to bear: the has greatly inertilied the demand for
honors and'iltle Of the Caliphate. But wonieu and young girls no.substitutes;
le•-..itaegiereri-apraete.if 4he•iiiiiieStefer.e.-Xatanall5t-everr?Ola
lorn laniCtiirestore-the-glorieO-ofthe_ing, ogre the Board of Trade Labor
empire, and has lived to see a Turkish Gazette, has an Opportunity-of-being
ariiiir with munitions of War and slip- opiployed, and it is evident that dill
plies Making a desperate and no, tar lifrger numbers of woinen and girls
successful attempt to hold the almost not previously. employed in trade.
sacred. Dardanelles against a great
eneity. . .
Oh; Those Irish! .*
There la no better remedy
tor chapped Ns* and ligo
1 040 •
Camphor' Ice
Keeestbcskinsmooth sad 4oft
sottneasar sloe ttoptatts4es toeip •
41er,aananci gomo4 Awns evcrterbcre.
Rclese Sookki ye P.
._ .., . .
Devour Tires and Overrun Galierie
In Battalions. i
. I
There is a plague of rates along the
British and French linos in Flanders
and France. A soldier describes the
invasion as "worse than the Ger..
r44n.lon in a letter which -add:
, "Trenches, communications, gelds,
woods, eellars and barns- are eholted
wall. them. We have them holding
congroses at night in the busiestt
roads and,gliving; concert* -Dr day ill
tho Most cecowded villages, We liter -
(Illy -march on top of them. They
CHWBR(e00,11.241,141PG, CO. -
IMO Oliehet A•!••• hhe.gieeid
•NaPY-Artieles of Conimon Use Scarce
• ' Ike-aglig..QI War= .
The Scarcity.- of common -place
articles ;of everyday .use such 44
needles; toilet supplies and •drugs is
probably. more accentuated in Italy
than sin any Of the Other belligerent
.countrtes, because these things have
been supplied to Italy almOst: entire-
ly by Germany. One of the branches
of a sewing machine company, for in-
stance, reports it is no Tonger able
to supply mediem-sized needles, be -
gauss these are made in Germany, -it
also aPPears_an_impegaihilitY to hn/-
a fever thermometer in Rome, as this
is another article of German make.
The supply of aspirin and a number of
other remedies is exhausted at most
of the pharmacies, and doetors are
Anding; it increasingly difficult to get
their prescriptions! filled becituse. of
the Tack of drugs. . • ` • .
• This dearth of necessities is reNie-
(Ivrea heavier to; bear by the almost
impossibility • of getting goods from
-other countries:1nd from the high
cost of living. The cars for the trans-
port of goods are all used for mili-
tary purposes and Rome even is.
threatened by a sugar famine al-
though the manufacturers have , suf-
ficient for • the needs • of the whole
•witty. •The -cost of -living has alto-
gether increased about four times and
promises to ' , •
What. Germany Would Do In Case of
Starvation. -
Germany seems to he getting des-
perate. In a series of articleein 'The
People or the. State," the tenth of, the
series of . the war essay e written by.
the -Germans and published by A,
Marcus and E.:Weber, of Bonn, there
is an article by Dr. Heinz. POthoff,
who. was for nine Years a member of
the Reichstag. The London Standard
quotes the following froth the, article
by Dr. Pothoff. • ,
"Can' anyone doubt," -Dr; Pothoff
writes, "that the Gernian genet* staff
will hesitate to employ -extreme mea-
sures if Germany is ever on the verge
of• real starvation? If necessary, We
must expel all the inhabitants from
the territoeiep Which our armies have
occupied and drive them into the
enemy'slines; if necessary, we must
kill the hundreds of thousands of Agri-
soners who are new consuming our
supplies. That •wonlit befrightful,
but would be inevitable if there were
no Other Way of holding .out."
You will fal Mitt la Zoollok!
Itoisui The booing, sUnQ
stops- Weeltios
aftfte fertfreiferallgit with ZAai.
Bukflanscuret Why notprove
this 7 414 Pewee* mak gernt
am -Bu}
breed end breed anti launch. them.- •• TOMS TO* ft4MN.
betVegi into assaults on the cOnt9P.elt -ARMSi41ZE$
Vteritip like 'the '{Gervatamo--.04 the,- Year, :1:141 1:73::.$27 '. Vruit' Wh'sby "14
ahttallcre, beenmginang
gir. to be tortarect
by hunger, and the shortage of food41.-",l;
oakes Glom capable of Apytbd40,. The Biritendalc, Binsktoia.,
other Morning I OW eyclist Whose 2nows,,A,..,,,0 •
tires had been half devoured by a pia.'
tom; ,of rats. The other night some -ipiti)Fri.-3414$4 NiWZI AU JO
P°140Tiert0114# ewnhicail their sire:pito .;ip..ate-Oaai4t 417111.„7bil,r.ienilenel::::.:11:4::::11%:41.7!!:174 •
pocket, iattaelcek arni carred off. Wee'Put'Iti
Mttertheeellrioafacwholtc°01t 741. int9hIleietProwuistellsT 73 we"t "Plat° $t" grant°. *
Ile 'sill Walte Up to find himself with- 16140E8 inatgt$ 'UMW
out vain. tor niaP. ac.me treatment-- Writs
'The Writer goes on ta:deseribe the us before too Dr. 13011xnere edleal
eget)._ against the new enemy, pUrticu-, •
leer $Pgte of the ingenious „giant
raps devised 'hY the soldiersf�r
atehing the rifts- on a wholesale scale.
"t his to1,4Sers„),„ „ • toternal snd exkeraii. eurea wan-
inethode of warfare..thet are ..being Co. "411"k‘v-od- On.
PprggiPS .90 TUB:WA?.
s Deera
e se Crime in England
• and Wales.'
i*R1441 free..to -levir'40iV.4$•.14!
, tbe.:Ainkor ,
One of the effects of the war
has 19c FOR C
been W decrease in ap.iropertant pro-
portion the number of inmates in the
prisons of England and Walee. The •se-raintgtips 13 -1131eodianorfadi.pie
t lPenkse,dateovle70nt
ili:. •
..fact is brought -out in the arinlial-r-P.,,,TAnclt,nr _Orer.
port ef the Prison Commissioners,
which has just been!issued, 1O0-Spadina Ave. !!!. Toronto
Prisoners sentenced by the ordinary
courts, with persons imprisinied as
debtors or on civil process,- were as
follows in 1914-15, compared WO the
corresponding period; 1.
. 191445, Dec.
Penal Servitude .... • 691 206
'Itriprisonment 102,971 !122,169
Borstal 438 49
Debtors or civil. pre- •
cess 8,918 5,225
Sureties ...... 625 141
Total '• 113,589 . 27,790
,P-rison Oommiesiemeri-•-ascribe-
•the falling off •throughout the country
of the male prison 'population to •
L The enlistnient of inany habitual
intoxicating loquors„.
3. The great-cletriand for lebor.
2. Restricted hours •fer the sale
petty offenders.' .
LARacel 707 MORT'
Jill, RA' If
• /A
4tr Tug wont, . Aviles?,
Th. Spirit of *merle* at, play:
Nagnitude and tTheerfolneste
NirhillArEatt4710.'Tse°11E1C*24r441r,7 W.UGttI._
., • , When the War Will End.
"Mrs. Bagwash". writes to the Lon -
(1011 Star: "Sir, -Just e line to relieve
" a lot of people of their troubles. Your ,
can take it from me the present war
will be over in a fortnight.' *Sr eg'
man joined the Army to -day. `We
. AGAINST ,.SieliNSS he
i haveha sbeen v never
stuckagd t0aj
Own' Tablets—the little pleasant' test- I
Can best bb fought with Baby's 1 a fortnight." wily wilm. EL: ___ ,
_____, .x____,..0"---
• •
•ing Tablet that never fails to regulate • '''' . ' "Ir
ja4 M. t semi n0r : imlIsr so. f Bliyheowoneers: ECaostnbeuerr n- ,• Round lit.'leCtlArairVinte°1411ATourist tic.kets' Ori
the stomach and bowels and drive out •
g, gillettnut-setnecalroiluer• hil&•
Crensaihsarn—k7-tehathvee ,ufsoeutc:f ,hBeaalbtylz , tarloyinurarlfoorant. 7roederrnnoititainmsorearvii, crabAcwaag; ,...,
1 cl;
OWn Tablets. , I have heen using the Overland*Liniire7(Axtra rare) leivegi .
think them the best medicine •In the ;At., ra_r!thwi„,:eTifle, trin:icallases-1313 .T -z -----
world for little ones." The Tablets P.M., Catifornia. Man, leaves 10.45 P.M
inail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. matted on opplicatiengtoBennett.:
.l.V Iii:oligtik 7114 aPti ltnp_narttliretelrz:vle
are sold by medicine dealers or . by trip
Williams' Medicine kviI1
Co.,., roe e, yG.0A.ns, eeshtie..atrsoor&ontoN,orgt:Western
"DISTRESS IN GERMANY." ". A Good Gueis. c
. • "My doctor sized my pile up pretty
41 * ' th EH li P H i td, accurately."
Tablets for the Past eight years and Z*0° P.M. Los Angeles Linnt°2--direct
o e u
. 1814.
It is rather interesting t� find, from
a .copy of the London Courier, dated
March 9, 1814, that, at that time the
People of Great Britain, were. busying
. The'stateent is made that thousands -themselves 'raising funds to relieve
wear 'eyeglasses who do net really need
them'. ;f..yott are.one of these unfortun- distress in Germany. At the head of •
ates,Ahen these Menges may be -ruining ,a long subscription, •list in die copy
year • eyes instead • or helping thern. . .
Thouslanda. who wear_these 'AYI.zalows!'.:01._the newspaPer_lefore . usthere_ :LS.
may prove for themselves that they can this introdectien: :
.dispense. with. -glasses if -they will get , , • • - • .
the following preseritition filled, at once:. By the generosity of the British
Go to
tAof nyBon. 'active'Qpto tadrugblets; -store and -get a .public the -sum of imarly £50,000 was
botle .‘R11,a' two -
ounce bottle with warm' water and drop remitted, Which rescued multitudes:
in 0110 B011•0p,t0 tablebt» With this harmwO - from the 'extremity of want; but at
less liquid solution athe the eyes t
to fear times dailY, and yeti are likely period since the'existence of this eom-
to be astonished at the ithh
results 'right mtee, a; the mase of every kind of
Coni -
from the Start. Many • who have been • . „
told that they Iiaye rtetiginatistn, eye • .misery -been so greafin the countryto
strain, cataraet. sore eyelids, Weak eyes. which their attention_ was first...direct-
conJunctl vl tie and other eye aWtrted-el$8t; ed; where the Many sanguinary -bet;-
'report \vender -Lai benefits: from
ties fought in Si' ••Aia, Lusatia, liohe- •
of this prescription.: Get this preserip-
.13randeriburg, and ether
bum; or nearTy So,' or WIto Wear glasses
not be necesaary. Thousands who are
Owl - tilled and use it: you limy
strengthen ,your. eyes that, glasses will pnlairta's.,.. have entailed. upon the /eace-
s° ' ' •-axonyi
T_TT1iTT now that had. cared for their eyes in time Say
a: e• sufferings almo t un-
bl inhabitants •
noT, exampled in the annals of history.
he joined the Eighteenth battalion of, •y0ily -eyert before tt- tow ha.c!
,Firsi_Ausitt . become one of these viethim of ,neglect The Committ
ee. are an.x1Ous to impress
. .and_was Eyegiasses--wre-
tebe and
• the --minds 7 -of- their dettntryin-en,
_ en ler . of to at the ever -11 •1• a •
1* )nuat he- ehrianged
aabia.fle Pardeipated intion„ • • bottelt :as If "antieillat*Ii241-suP
.240 000 • • of nearly
y.- he here' given. If your oull drustrist
for four .rnontlts on the fr •
magnetic eyes through the preseHption of Gerinanyr to the limoiint
but .recovered o kl T
- -- •
lar",11:ncl'sthtehtlirtwm?a'p had."
' •
• elle eatd.• 11:as as- sound as a del:"
!NE is
by our rhy..
- - Esed to the .Etiblic and •
practice. now dedicat-
Mame, and Strengthen Eyes after exposure to • '
Cold Cutting Winds and Dust and to restore
healthful. tone to Eyes Reddened and made Sore
by Overwork andEyeStrain.
Some broadminded Physidians use and =dom.
Mend Marine while others Perhaps jealous of -its '
Success, talk and rush into print in opposition; .
those whose Eyes need care can guess 'AY, giel
there is no Prescription fee in Moline. Just hand
your Druggist 50c and you have aContplete Pkg. .
Eye Book-hfurine-,Dropper-end Cork Serew-t•
ready for use. 'rry it in your Eyes and in Rabies
Eyes for Eye Troubles -No Smartintr-just Eye
Comfort. Write forilook of the Eye Free.
- Marine Eye Restsedy company, Chicago
• . Gave His Pause._
Wife--.11enryt you- retilly_ must
have the landlord come and see ' for
himself the damage 'the rain did to;
• zet without 'letting him .
sea the damage tie children have
• 1,
gut am.. 4ttaithy,, Aral?: -they-have -remitted-to different -ria ts
battles, wounded in the chest by inti" (47;:ers.
gene:cal in command *as vety nitieh not fill tbis Valinanprescription, send I.. to the '
s Drg Co:, reroute, for a cora- • _______
surpr liete Bon-Opte Boole Treatment outilt---, City Tax on Unniarried.
such e youthful .soldier in. -the ranks tn° C • 11111 *
and at once sent him heme, as he re- , • ''
ref thd lad. , . B. VAGES.
fused to take further reeptinalhilitY ravEnOPATTLERA
_ . ___
Nplai'd'a Liniment ottrati hiltatisnerr-
,It Studied Hhm„ •
tell _that.anun man of
yours.• -that 1 antgeing: to have the
-lightswitehed_o__Cat tin?”
"Yes, dad." ••
, "Well?" •
"He's coming at ten in future."
Very few People 'are ambidextrous,-
that j, able to use the left hand as
rendily anti:skilfully-OA the right.' But
there is an -amusing story of one Trish -
:mak who was onitivatethat
art. When he was signing natielee On
board it ship he began to ',sign his
nano with his, light hand, and then
ehanged the pen to his left hand and
finished it.
, "Se you Can write with int 101 hand,
got?", asked the officer,. .
son", roplied Pat. 0Whin, I
was n boy me father-464,1dt soul!
..-nlways told met Tett; loon fo tut'
y6t iloger nail widoyet lett handl for
some clay ye might lose yer Dightlft
- 11
and industry are required in many oc-
cupations. n
- Compared with October, 1914, theft
was a general improvement, especial-
ly marked M industries engaged in
supplying the requirements of the.
forces. War bonuses and increases in
wages, takilig effect it October and af-
fecting 1.80,000 work people, amounted
to ;about $115,006- a -week.
There is it general scarcity of col-
liery workers, farm hands and nay -
Vies, and the demand for work peo--
groovy in excess of the
supply in engineering and shipbtlild-
Ing trades. Shortages Are repotted
in, the glass; chemical, building and
tnett4 trades, and with, regatcl to We.
Met, the 'detritilid for tottile workere
Is still unsatisfied.
innetwe 'Idoneat nore'm 001m,
alinard's Liniment Co., Limited.' •
The city of Osehatz in Saxony is -tlemmr-bast--AwiStete
the -firstGermari Municipality to jell- .great benefit from the -use of MIN. •
. ARID'S LINIMENT hi a aevere attack .
pose an mitre. tax uporithe Unmarried.
LaOrippe, and have frequently .
Fre• nc• l.iRepairBuildin_ge aynd Bridges..
o three otherei_m n o-wns
prOtted it tet he v
ery effective in cases
ihave a tax becheors'but the new Infienmation_:oniAneloNane_Appis,alkntenalerand7•,•
•'The traveller by rail from *one)" to female. Only Catholic priests ere ex-
Other -unmarried persons above '1'0. A. liPTCHINSON...
Valli now finds little to be. seen from eol,pt..
-country on both_sideS of_t_hellne
was-twice_tovered in retreat:lid-ad:
eance by the two great ' armies that
are still fighting just- beyond the
'ridges of Champagne and the forest:
hills Of the Argonne that are visible
to the•north;
Beginning with Meaux, most of the
-ravages of . battle have disappeared.
All blown -up bridges have been rebuilt
or repaired, and excepting an isolit-
ea structure most of the boithtuiled
, buildings have been repaired or re-
placed. • '
Women to Drive Cabs. '
• A. scheme Jot filling the 'gaps left
by 'the men .who have joined the
army has just been started by !Nos:
.Tilling, thariteil,• the Loudon jobmas-
tors. They are teaching ivornen. to
drive horses in tradesmen's. vans,
eabs commercial travellers' trough -
Ins, and other vehicles.'
iremaie,s "tannucet Unrso Diphtheria.
_municipal tax: On -incomes front
wet, p
1800 to 2400 marks yearly, -5 Per
. • 2400 to 4000 maikr, 10 Per-Ceiit; Pa trs e
4000 to 6800 marks, 16 per cent.; 6800 • . •
to 10,000 marks 20 per colt., and Pat was in a museum looking' at a
above 10,000 Muds 26 per cent. , &Joy of the "'Winged Victory."
' , phat may yez call that?" he asked an.
atiaarcrs Liniment Corea Gattiat in Cowl attendant "That is • the 'Statue Of
Victory.'" was the answer. Pat Sur -
The Huey *Oman:* veyed the headiees d armless statue
"Is she a woman of afrairst." ° with renewed intereatMi. "ViCtOry is kV
"Yes; everybody's. She's. the he said. "Thin, begerry, O'd kiike to
neighborhood gossip." seethe other fellow.,"
-- •
GOOD DtoitrfiTION ier wig,. gyro's' eareefs 1104tdit�tis
When your digeuleh to fealty. Is• eakness and tireciednittilswitecheseititri.16taditbzeisshileose!he ma"
pain Ire eetilds and ,dtatiase Is invited.
• POR•
FO ir
A *0 Druggists, ot direct On reeelpteforler,,50e. Sad 11.00. The !sae tattle contoled three denial I
ruttisha, thb Waller, A, J. Willtti a CO, Cralp StrOst West Meetreil,