HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-01-13, Page 2• OM But Tea Leaves intermixed wl Dust, and Steins but all VIVA Leaves. • •!' he Vicar's Nephew ; or The Orphan's Vindication !artist alike, the., glittering apears of ale Vislostary werriors, the, sight and sound of, a great anti =Arching, were an acttiel presence, lilting end iramense. Silence follotie4, and Theo set witb bent bead, trembling a little, the vio- lin still in national, It was Jack who spoke first, /sing to light the lanna "Old plant . :lie, said, "there's one • • thing you might try to remember now _ gligalirTheo murmured vaguely. „ ., _ ,„ - "Only that ordinary 'Mortals, sires CHAPTER XI. (Contkl). tt..gmr.,91.44.WaAre47°AttrueiTtr' t come your ye40:.oirstitleogneerseast-euerelswheallteyrouall, ailde; They went out in silence, While Mrs. . US uteatjan 01 befog the cleaneak 40 PAIY.t144119.4 tu'her hPither' her 111111t4sa:141e1Vieltlisci.311h414360? '1114 ;tit: IC.Yrgifatellinea‘lonate' 'Penning stood allowed. On the door- 1 "You're good at understanding. 1 their eyes even though they're not nostrila :quivering. . and nu* ea lea a 41414• . gt47- - 11"Tebreceewnt"ed tite"setastePinte-esa:i.sibne:graivdae. tehlT,,riTtgtthlleiliu,f1:0 Ukv IteOlgerliauntea hiViline• started- up, a- sort a UQTroxt 'in el:91:40w . e.aeli, 1 obthert's mhievfemerit, as though he, h. aa. ,• hurt her. iw.s... GiN04,E,91.1P „att.%• 'EMCEE; PASKETSONLYa .....,,• , .0sialewneiteiloauetlefaierstieltg,sitliedeut.ner Weaseis isortoonce. ofroingeefesrueotatennethaa_terieoue it 41caleneis by_____,, . 34a, now ..,,ean. •'.. "DO you ICTIOW What I came to Lou- !ever existed, 94 elle pretend he'a yeal Just because I eau see things • .don far V. she began at last, not Pre,teeding.' . in MY head! Do you- I Wouldn't "I know nothing, Molly; not even .• "Arin Yon?" ' ' ' give it ell -fiddle akid everything -to *a " what,sort of sister I have," '' 4`1. Pretend net to see. And the do things and he things like yea.? . ;I came to see Yew" ', - . • neighbors pretend Opel was Iiever What's nearer to being a hiagny right f A ,-10.. He turned,, -without cemment, ' and any old scandal about you,: We all divine -to see God's worrier flowers, f / looked at her. Her face was hard and ,pretend? - are? What, liars I but _ Aplaasia ;,.. resenthil* 14, - - ' . !wilre°111ei tonIn'te3r3a4Y-8;•,44v!e.eanalle g?ls 11°rialec11141u7r:dth'aewYay, his Volee 0..... ,., don, -OW 'What sort of brother ,• theve,, either, eod, I thought it 'wks Wit with uncle, a dewily sot. That's 'ittilriuthitbetliteear tael:aBreligmagoeraeisr.14;atas€304: with r - v,. • -- ' tty. than you, it a 9 s" time to,fin4 out. seems." mhar . more curios- ininaevimteegimlgrtSie /011,',ra a '-1,1V:a ' int: d 1 ,.. - • IRS mouth set in a sadden late, and '17.' oseriiiy; u a aeon t. be •in her , . .. , (To be coati-mm(1) • ,, . . life . , . •, ....,, _ „hea, slowlY and looked at her brothet. Selected llegitiVo• , . .•, , taPeoafol each, of baking yowler, Peilqi th.44-1-1v.r1_01wvra:Agntellt.i'lltellnixt.ad'rtudneg ' ', 4`thmeei not -K.' old; she SY,; IV:y.49u ,, : t449,iligag,a1411Xisntr'Atadbale.51);609a9t:4.s9geagr'' the well -beaten YOlk,S, -f4 the eggs. ' eggs. -4"11417 e:min Ow' ad YOU: Ca'In'eP;1' be:•P4'id'• :- ' 'SIIFF1/1414.' 11 e told her to do " . ' ' 11e:dill.' : 8:14C:i1A: S'E)P111A'. 4 er and sugar .tcp a cream then add hue. He Paused, 44 instant lsefore-:'ntlier thirty,dyet .8 ir.h..eAnnp,i'llwi,be,,ti ,d ' ilf. ' , and frint _celoriug. Beet the . . Custard 'Saute...a-two eups milk, bexrtaet told' ' liar ' to tUrn• Yo'a A'' illosoae :Since 'C' oestantin• Ople Be .. youas 1034 sugar to. Ingict lot'-e-orne' io Beatauntil very light,•then add grashae ! 'IY,,ollY flaelieda atother' loeh at la*M. ‘A,1;44 'he bOil. ,Aalci flavoring when 'one r is. ally the 11°nr lintP ' whteh' 5ilni ' ba" .15.4 -ie you.? -1J1•14- not Slir4‘..'anl'-''' It 911t 7 - . * 's taken 'from fires. ta`d siftea; 'in the second Sifting, the` 'Mks I Pends'15ra-- ' •• "Shedd() it,. O'`f Courie. BUt•a • CaSla 1g0S'ICIP. • Vermieelli Veen Seate-IT • ea broth log, oWder, •Mix thoroughly and beat She broke off; th • ' 1.1 o, et.plisnge4 on ae.els, kill her, ''A a iiVOSTOFI A BIG MAN IN RUSSIA WILL ELIMIN.ATE OBR1VIAN • FLUBNCE THERE., • would i won't 'happen. '• 0onetant' "I ' ' ' ' ''' 1. left ever from beans two onions ',vat -go tisna Then add the whites Of. ";?sYa"ch'. as -you are, lab 'team', you • ternweorid, even it•Tt she ` is lukewarm. hecenae .0a the. inher, m Just 411 She's got in IlleP e just now, is an (4'' je.ct, of absorbing interest to the world .smaked Ana and vermiaohi, Fry minced san gge, beaten to n stiff freth. Nola are, 3,0tere the only near a attempt of the allied, relative I've ikier thing, she can't helpit if she was natioaa to force the Dardanelles, onion ' s in butter until nicely browned, divide the batter into two Parts 4 got. Don't you think we miglit way; I don't :'suppose :the poo u of fruit at fi , o es ore it and its fain, to Ada broth and season to taste. 'a° well Rt1PW SOM011ing about ehaa. "II that Come to bon, add.vermicelli and k et Pat a teaspoenful of peach exttallt ten minutes, ' . • . coloring into the other. Mix. well and , up, instead of taking coo i into one .and a teas sif 1 ret bend, now we're hOth grown the Lord a h* einueire courageiia Empire and r t ' ' ' . ea other man in L;ovdeicelarn d, why didn't take the ancient capital of the Eastern onions in G 1 h J3 - . 'things for stead of abusing Itim for being ' keeping f Christiang ao (sus church -Sancta Sophia—to th i 0 en 0, you blood relationsai II " people? are cowaerellunoed softly. oAt. be4sat- ,, A Edwin A. Groivenor, anhis "C ft t spoonful of the Wb't th ' d ' think other 11 bta a ??, one wilt accuse' yoii of 'being porn ftinopea, Q.; speaking'a.oitilbee°Pm-le.o°2aFaistrae.,-„atInf: ou as „ ,....s cut. two drop y spoonfuls into ahuttered, cake I granted through • Pounds round Steak laCk IIICh squares. 'Brown in two tablespoons butter, with a spoonful of -the pink, until the bat - Brown minced onion. payer with hot „ ter is all used 1113. .Bake front 45, min- one add one chopped greenopepper lates to an hour in. a moderate oven. pearl Cake. -.Use ..zeaapound of but- ' slowly for one hour.• When done eggs, ?ra'...igsPteland.teeefeasauognafi‘u'il pint saofdlaa,1.1ki and sliced carrots. Season and ' thicken with paste made of, two table -it vg sPeena of flour and water. • Pound of flour, ea grated 'nutmeg and • Cheese and Pear Salad. -One d teaspoonful d vanilia "tract' Beat sa- the butter and the sugar to a cream. one-half cups grated American cheese, six halves canned pearsa.mayormaise heat the eggs, whites. and yolks seaa. and, lettuce. Arrange peers for ,rately, and add the yolks. to the mir- a. &wawa service in nests of lettuce *tire. Thenlseat till very light. Add leaves, sn hollows with grated cheese the soda, dissolved in a tablespoonful d Op with Mayonnaise When fresh of' boiling Ikrate"a and 'then add the and * and beat carefully. Add the flour •' pears are used, they meat be very ripe. Then In this case,. sprinkle ahem, Nall lemon: gradually, beating vigorously. cover;add • _ __and let ataxia fifteen statutes. _ - juice and a- Oil. sugereIlhe white of the eggs, beaten to's a in 11 Beef Salad.--aast froth:, Bake for an hour aa• cold cooked beets stiff mo era e oven. . " • into one -tomtit inch slices crosswise, , ; and slices into cubes. Max with boil:, Home nirtts. ed dressing. Take off outside leaves . • of small sound cabbage, cuta into Sweet oil will remove finger . prints Cuartera, then into thin slicing, using frem. varnished furniture. sharp knife, and , soak in cold water P, aiat can. be removed from glass r ' until cris D y betweet, tovtrels and by using boding hot vinegar. • anTop I cloift think that; and, Molly, that way,' my dear." • • I have taken nothing for ,granted." 'They walked back like old friends', "Nothing? Net when you refused' talking of his plans for future work. an invitation to come area aee Inc after Since Helen. died he lag not spoken _bow long was it? Seven -eight so onfidentially to any one. year?" „ For the neat month London wore a nit was • an invitation to uncle's sunny face to Jack. He relaxed the house. As for seeing you, I had wait- grind of his work 4 little, and spent. ea so bong- for that that -1 could have happy afternoolia wandering about patience a little longer till you could Westminster Abbey and the -National come toincrather that= I Gallery with Molly. Sometimes, hews After e little payee he aaaed , ever, they Would thad • themselves slowly:- , saddled with. Mildred.Penning, and all "I couldn't go into his bailee. •If their pleasure frozeto death under ever we get to know each other well, you'll understand may; hut I can't ex- plain."' - ' !Vackl".' she- burst. out -SudeenlY; *What` was' it-betvveelf you and'unclef- hard, inquisitive, disapproving eyes. It was in order to escape from her that Molle one day ,proposed spend - leg the „next Saturday, aftereoon. at, Jack's alodgiags:- -After-a -shoat --and - No, don't. tell me if you. don't want stormy scene with Mrs. Penning, the to. I had no right to ask; it's net My brother and sister 'climbed en tcethe business. But one bears bits and roof of an omnibus together, un. scraps of things -all sorts of things." chaperoned. "You have every right to ask," he "I suppose she'll write to uncle and answered gravely. "But I don't think oinplam. of you?" said Jack. She I have any -right to tell you." shingged her shoulders., "Do you think that's fair to me?" "No; but then it's not a fair posi- tion all round. .think while you are 1110iSteil with boiled dressing. Head Tay •snuffmg powaered , borax up accepting aeything from uncle he has with prepared beets. head.atall you things against him. Don t Cabbage in "salad dish and surround thenoatrils for catarrhal cold, in the a right to ask that his enemies should - Boiled Salad Dressing. -To one cup Bent whalebones can be ,staraighteta 7.°,1'4D?oes that' rnean that' yettaare his sour create add one egg, slightlyaseat. ed by soaking them ire boiling water, enemy? In the real , seise Of the . eat and one-fourth cup vinegar. Mix then ironing them straight.... \ARM"?' Have you nothing to tell me t eroughly, two teaspoons each of An ink spot may be taken out- of but things Against hillier, . , salt and sugar, one teaspoon mustard, white linen by wetting with lemon Nothing. . i - and one-eighth teaspoon pepper. Add juice and placing over it a hot iroo. "And nothing about Aunt Sarah? to first mixture and cook in deulde To clean mirrors, tiee a little me- Are you her enemy too?" . , ' a boiler, stirring constantly, until mix- thylate4 sparits and Polish with old He Paused a '199r9ent* - ture thickens. Strain and chill., silk handkerchief or. clean chamois. 9 have Yiethirig t° saY --about her, a Flemish Carrots. -Parboil . carrots one was or the other ' Warm socks fel" beets and. shoes ;;Jack, whatever' the thingavvas that and drain thoroughly. If- large, cut can be made from old felt hats, and, happotecl, it's more than top years ants, halves or quarters. Place in carefully cut, one can , make a good no; and she lies awalte at night and Saucepan 'With one tablespoon butter, sole for house shoes. cries about you .still. Last •winter, one teaspoon sugar and enough water - When cane-bettorned chairs become when she had pleurisy, and we thought . te make necessary sauce. Add salt "slack," sponge both sides of the she was going to che, s e ag to f * , and pepper to taste and a little minced , cane with soapsuds in -which a' hapd.. Inc and kepionrepeating that she ParsleY. Let simmer --about - 'fifteen"' fol'aof salt keS-heen-disSolved, and teeiclis'aitnkenhnetrsbaersath' feovrez. VI:- l daorifi,yt minuths, et until done, shaking- occa- stand chairs iu the open air. The seats in her life. Granted,• you may have sionally. Beat yolks of two eggs with will be as good Os new. something against -uncle; but .whY ' two tablespoons . cream and stir into After Washing overalls, shirts, etc., should you hate herr) • carrots as You take them from fire to that •have become very soiled, soak Ile put the subject aside. , -• - - -- serve. -7 --- ,- - ---"-- - them for an hour in weak cold water "1 don't hate her." -----,-. - ' •• Almond Cornstarch Pudding. -One starch; wring Out and dry. The next "You despise her then," the ^ giaa , ,pirt rich milk, one-half cup 'sugar, time you wash them the dirt will come broke n quickly. - two tablespoons cornstarch, whites of out easily, : • ' That I can't iselre She's lukewarm, like the angel of Laoclicea; I would ........_--- -. two eggs, a mon vormg. su, _ ----- . she were bot or cold" ' •• gar to milk and Put or; to cook in, ' • • ' • ` • ° • • • • SY THE SKIN OF HIS TEETH. Passionate tears glittered in Molly's double boiler. Mix cornstarch with a • • littlecolct milk and add to hot milk, ' ' . .. ' a — ake me/hate you!" sbe stirring. un i , . Thralmg Exploit of a British Airman. ;Tau wi ..s.o ' " t'l •it dooks well Just be- . said, in her suppressed, vehementway. . . • fore taking farm fire add almond 'When in Mid-air- "At old woman, as broken down and flavoring. Fold' in carefully stiffly Tae flying corns. Of all the armies „ . ,feeble as she is; and you will let her , beaten whites of egga, pour into • wet go on worrying and fretting over have distinguished themselves for • , d d d I f • -molds arid set away to cool 'di cl It clurin th re "I dar,e say. • I've given. up a good, Lor Sancta Sophia has been a mosque _sinscaeys?onstattineple .beetalle .Moelem "The Mat question every stranger asks as his steamer rounds Seraglio Point from the IVIalanora, deseenrs the Bosphorus from the Mack Sea, he 'Where is Sancta BoPhia V To °scatch' the earliest possible glinaPse of its outline, every traveller strains his eyes. In after years it is the colossal form of Sancta Sophia thatstatas out most distinct among the memories of Constantinople'. To many Constan- tinopbe only Sancta Sophia. To 'Unit is the synilsolaff -what is.grands eat, MeatlilataiaDiandanitat-ewered in Christian arebiteeturea- - "The Ottomans .regard Sancta So- phia with the utmost reverence. The first official act of Mohammed IL, the conliteror of, Constantinople, 'wee to convert it into a incise*, - Alone, of an, the churches seized by Islain, it re - deal for uncle; but I'm not going to tains its Christian name. The Mos - give up my only brother for him, and bans have tried hard to transform the .sooner he understands that the better. He'll be angry for a bit, and then give in. He always does, when. he sees really mean a thing" Jack's heart beat quicker as ,he took out his latelekey. .The thing that he had' loriged for, toiled for; -waited for, the dose intimate sister - love, had becoxne an actual possibility a•t"iCasastit*e `D/1* 011Y; I've only a bed - sitting -room, you know.. Oh, Mrs. Smith has anode 'a -fire! That was thoughtful of here". ' 'Then he' drew back suddenly and HosE;xPosed German Plots- to .Spread: , ,confunion. 'in, RUSSIA ;After... GI IL tivors CANADA 'PO Miner 'seeps Iror sahtlens boa wider. For aernewing paInto For :01sInfoOtlag 'ter/SW.40,m saasea seesata" drain, erne foraea .othioranallaw' sans! WO/my* • War, Began, . ••, • now little truth theft- It In the trpse' rttezti.heeee fre.atcetittbt ht°0 re°4"Zell.tories, "XIAVOtiteffn Made "Maar 'Other 0111-B•fm".0. 1.• - bc pi* the upper hand at Petrograd andc, a ,dominant influence over VMperor Nicholas is best shown by his appoint, merit ,of Kb.v.pstb#,, brow Gover- nor of. ilijni-Norgored and more re- cently One Of the leaders of the of the Bight In the Puma; to the post of MiUistAr of the Interier in thapiace- Prince Oberbateff, who had. only held the office for few weeks., For M. IChvostoir, 'who is a very remeryable • revelatiens of the sanav14114 during 4 speech that lasted' for more than a couple of beurs, and which was lietens i 'ed. to With roillif. attention, . indeed, Oen-mouthed, in astonishment, and a rmotuated with 'exclamations ilf .aigtatioil by. the MetTlberri, were Mthaecleielf°ollre tthheeviemtie°44iad'tegleornr:alla nl Zatical IA the Leg!slature of. a Nation al party, eMbraCing'•411 politlearfaeo ., man, of great force of character, is tions andrsiitead' witat tah,:eaoiPnea, Purl)" • - a the acknowledged bead of that Parti-" ?lnane'r6"/IP. ""e"`" ---n and '' everybecly in Russia frem German in : : finences and control, It is this ne • • party that M. .4voetott.heads. in -the • Duma that is now once piere,about to.- . assemble in the Teurichr Palace ' 04 : * . ..1 retrogrAd.for butilness., . , ,, . , ,, cider grimp in the Duma wnsch aims at the complete slesGernuMization. Of Russia and the ellininatiini 0, Alf Teu- ton AMOS influences from. Musco- vite corn erce; • nance,, industry, agria cutter a "Ort, science, and literature, and, indeed, from Muscovite life gen- erally, • , ; ; He regards the German elerrient in Russia, which has been. a powerful :factor there for the last WO years, as 4 blight and as, 4 -Ctrs° oh the ;nation. He is bent upon the emancipation of his countrymen from everything Tells tgil. That is, the great aim of all his Saneta Sealaite but its Christian char-, acteristies can he effaced only by de- stroying it. It resemble$ 'a mighty eaptive, ever mutely Protesting against its chains. The long rows of prayer earpets stretch in diagonal inharrisonious,. across the floor, and the devotees, fachig Mecca, are forced, to abend. in an Unnatural .diree- tion toward corner of the chUreh• "Iii tae prostituted church, . the Christian,. weary Arabic 40'04- th:sus and Ottoman traditions, grows stood on the threshold, .stareng Mauls, heattsiek and y for something ly into the room. that is his. Let him ascend the south - Theo was stretched full-length ere 'gallery anti gaze from amoog the on the hearth rug, watching the dance six colonnaded columns toward the of shadows on the -fire-lit ceiling. Hullo Jack. vaulted ceiling above the .five wifl- Theo needed, to seranable_a to dews, ef the een4e1 apse. Gradually, his feet; getting up, , after lying flat' Iiiilieadine half -veiled surface, he die - on the floor, he seemed merely to cerns the mosaic ,-form of a colossal change one aPPrePriate and graceful elitist. The hair, the forehead, the A go.derate Conservative, • ^•• . • , • ' M. Xlivostoff,, has beenodescribed 05 a reactionary, and Germany has in,. ° • ,,,, sinuated that his appointment in the ' place of the ultra -Liberal Prince Cher_1 • • bated' means a reversion to the anos,, arbitrary fOTITIS Of ,autocracy. Noth, ing could be further from the Oath. The new Minister of the Interior and Policies. That is what he atm..'" from now on the dominant figure in . in public life. the Administration, has roarer been he has iorrnehr abiSOVtr every other tlitt,t anything 'else but a Moderate Cousin'. . in the DUA14- Se it readily vative, and as such has reerelentea , understood what. his apponameet by Moscow, the ancient metropolis of the, the Czar to - the Department of -the In" Empire, ifithe NationalLeaisletilre: „ terior the most insportant of all the Ile is very proud of his membership in the Duma, expresses his deternnof- tion to retain his seat there as , puty, insaddition to the one to which' he is entitled as Minister of State..Ilo Ministerial posts at Petrograd, the Post formerly filled by Stolypin: and 'by Pledivg, reellY means, __ • . • -'•• M. kavosto.fe. • • . „ , • . declares thatthe principle in which lie , .will proceed will be centralization ot policy and the ctecentralizatioe of od. rainistrative vtork. He proclaims him -- self a ,warm friend of Finland and ,ast favoring the complete freeaom hert apItural-development, of her religion, • ,, , and language. At "the " • • • .emOhasiies ,the necessity Of strength- ening the authority of :the Governs, ' • merit, which is not surprising when it . is. mentioned that one Of the reasons . " which led to the retirement .from ' office of. his Liberal predecessor, . --- Prince .Cherbatoff, was that when the,-_, latter decreed the dismissal of some • a two -Score of Governors of Provincial ' • towns and cities for failure •to Pre- serve law and order, they contemptu- ously refused to obey his commands or to vacate their 'offiees. • ' • • • • ' 'That- Xhvostoff ,tolerates aria even. .., . • elnweves, Of legislative criticisni• of • the Government is best demonstrated' _ by the fact that since the begirtairsg of, - . • , Three months ago al. ithvostoff de. lieer,ea in the. puma tile most popular- the. --war he haarepeatecile.assalled, the.' " • • Adreitititiation; pattieularly ' the Min- ' ,, ' : ' - - • ' - . - and remarkable speech of the entire " p na• themiehinatiOns_of the .isterel- of.-. Finance and - of- Industry, „ , s a r • ., • ..• session, u o Germans in the internal affairs of Russia. Among- his eittfaordinary revelations; which evaded •a• wide; sptead sensation throughout the Em- pire, was one to the effect that more than half of the shares of the great National Bank of Siberia controlhng that powerful institution, were owned 133: the Deutsche Bonl, of attitede for another. •• mild eyes of the Saviout• ma3; - • "M ister" sai Jack "The d re e•it o f '• German Pik'ts' , HIS- farm. The right hafid;-Plitle His own • voice sounded dull and • . harsh in his ears, ''''' - • ' ' a . ' ' ' as lvtrilen • - "1 thought Yeal were in Viensaid - na," he In love and hi • Meekness He moved* , !loachim can't wane, and they tele,• • • among:men,: .. a, .. s ; , graphed, asking tie to pley.111 of . , ., bless - was glad enough of,the chanee to see. ing, and •iii .its aompreheesive reach is -extended -still in:anutterable ailm. aits:Stedemess Halls toleawAvr, you. eirlityr, sJoacsku,ift;:evtrensatter,00ttsillvtlt gosius ti, embracethesIttrba.anegectititthi; trie? YOu Can turn nie Ottt;-Miss WO- in the 6a -4°w -eV.° s 66 • mond, if Ian in the Way." • keeping watch, above His Own." "Ian •afreld it's that arn in the . , whom he Ida charged with faverring banks and syndicates at the "expease of the consumers relative ef :the • - 'in -Aster of Jiisticer he is .reputed to - have a large commercial experience,• . .„. aequited when Governor of Nijoi-asrov- gored, perhaps the greatest centre of - trade am Rusem, and is also an au- thority on banking inatitutious in land of tae Czars. : • . • :He further arotight to . light the "--.-,1"5"1.11-11wAIT'r,ES• . feat that More than half the shares of mune British Admiralty Has Adopted a New .. .. the*biggest of the ordnance _ tions concerns hi Bessie, the immense •a • System... •• . • putiloff works, which until the begin- •• The idea•f catching a bird by put- ning of: the --war enjo3;ed fie virtuel salt on its tail might be all right, moroly-st--the production -of 'want- but Capt. limiter; of the steamsP tions; ordnanceaand.small arms; were Arcadian, says that the BrisaaAd- owned jointly by the lartimis, at rairalty has a ,much lior'sastenis see, and by the 'S admit are e adapted to su naarines. The :(tisr.beStNeit. Krupps' comiterpart in A.ustriaa way, according' to the ,Captain, es to fa • , 'Thanks to this domMating interest spill on the Waters. •The authori- . •ar ng an gal an ry, e schoolboy ' She asked the 66 *an said Molly'. Rer voiee fell like • TRAPS ABOUND- -of the krupps and of the Skodas in ties fit out an old Coasting vessel with 'including neck tips of winga eiz- • a. h a • t th la Id 0 her.daitdays.ore*, her ff shealmade a little icicle into their Midst, ehillitg . ' Chicken and Veal Plte.-Put giblets, sent War. An eyekvitness at the Brit, the Patiloff Company, thousands of heavy guns and huge quantities of _oil: , is ea quer ers, says e , ._4t_ ricstekes in brin ni ti T f even Theo- • g g p. o or- , • /‚„ '-• - hearts, • • • • livers and' -.1elt-s. ver about one thrilling episode that was giaaalier Inc only person .In the world ..ittdc did his conscientious best •to Britain. Taking xtentere Precautione the latter's skilled workmen were. dis- Then the ahle goea to.lecalittes-where . salleePeri with orie pint col m.a.: adventurous ekploits that becnr along intO her head that you were • made fietiveen his .ViSitors. P nut, looking . flve-houralay basis, when they should- When. the aes.eel reaeh0s •-• ••• more- sensational than most of the that ever* cared for mei She's gat it smooth aWae the coseer 'awkaverdaeaa ' Against . missed) 'and -the-remainder via on a enbinariees. have been teparted. ' ed locality she rank •erlide oil is • 4• • , pieces front hones Of :-coolt0d fowle, . , . • . tars -one 9hee-oniera-ona- 'small- dieea'. the" front almost daily. ' , what she calls `witked' by. being un. :from Is/lolly to Thee and badk again to Ther.c is aaaa!aaa "aa-rshesteabeenswarlcing without. anyanter. air remainin at, likettir . happy at home, and Ott it was some- Melly, he realized how hopeless it German spy • g 111 earrotaatel one level teaspooe salt • • • • A.British airman, alone •ni single- h a • 'Simmer uttit the liquid is Much re- her f silt: Wore'yoii ao unhappy, I,Was. The.miserelsle effort sinalls England these deys. It aecep e the -outbreak of:the war. • ties. a lee vosse hes in kvait for seated tieroplane, sew and 'pur,eued a ele talk 'Ailed at last, hopeleselY,. and as on axiom here :that. every Oerman . . Germap machine. Mile trying -JO 'aoassaiappyO,repeated the eiord: Jacris looked up. front the red ceels with o ro-Gerthari,perscoi 'is _a potential exposed the -par W1% 1i% submarine:, 'When -U, sub.-, • , - -diteed :straic eind . set' aside. Gut one- ruption in day and nigat shifts, after. apilitaToin tittei watersi in. groat qu.anti- . r p . tieuiars .0f, how the_ -Germano, ,,by Taring , comes into the_. arda _covered • , • a half pound. al -into sirtall cubea and leasiaa sloatla-until Well done' and'light tienine glut he lost control of sv'th Wel throb in_ his stoics that esperate . feeling'Jhat something • his. steering gear, and the aeroplarie made the girl stint tind lOok roimcl at MUSt be•done to end the sileteebefere • ans of a'ecantrolling interest in the DY- -414.8es• - td- the- .--Roef-aee-,--the--- . It is unstife" these •claYs for anyene me . s • . • ' face of the periscope besomes covered a . • • x. a •.thciersoa, Trade, in . brew_n;_ 'Cut iriblete into , -turned- upside tlown)' --The helt-round--hiM "Look. here he 11 aana it became- utheerables - • ess hie"opirifen for' Itn-emlban Bank 9 .1174*A-13:the oil:mid t.11/73e. aboard - • • tar c-exP the litezhdutarodyny Bank and ni ••-• "I Wish. "Cati'd lay f ,the man's waist Was'.rather loose and mall evident effort, what's the use .01.1 "Theo," he said, the jerk almost threw • hart out of one ist o sum ar ins ' s Ins order- to-eleat-thelyeri op u ions not • - _ Atea and so a Cover with rich pie oi• puff pasie,inii the ma. chine,- but he saved itinaself by against -Aunt ,Bareha •except that she The InilOician' roie at once, , tied_ _and the elightea comment on the pro- - was al coward and passed by on the fetched his instruinent gresa of events which is • unfavorable only organized Ilets-1"-indisPensa" • . se e 6 ' hake in steady oven one arid oneAalf clutching hold of the rear centre strut ota er side, Anyhow; if •she's • been I "What do aou want?" he asked, t h • ..t.sh is mere tha aekei to ble commodities• since the• beginning oe s come to. the surface • ' Zr- also alittle _salt pork - cut into shred's, and chicken hate, • raking up all this? I'Ve notharig My sister has never heard you." • eve Ywhere there are ears. to ;Lena, .1 1" f 'I t' able to see • • • • • : • ,a y p . ' , thicken slightly it flour paste • e .n Y end aeral. a man on deck to wipe off . t . . . w ale the belt sipped dawn round his, kind to you, Ion .grateful to her for , eurling himself aro on the hearth • h s - „. - _., . i As he hung thus, head downward, rest. As for uncle, 'I haven't any- laTolicsongs 2. They dori't •vvant _ ac- . a • „ a - Cake Recipes. -7-- making desperate efferts tellisengage, thing to say except what's better un- : conipaniments.'.' , , IN, ., :-- ' The following is a very nice, iight VS te6, the aeroplane fell „from- a: Saha.- • If you want to know whe II - ."Slayonie ones, ;if. yea _ will., ,Did ' cake for a light tea or luncheon dish" heightaof eight thousand feet to about eoalchet come to the liouse-well, I' you elicit heat a Polish folk -song,' • e and,is deliclotralf properly madet - • tikenty=five 'tundra -fest, sinning oraled enaeughl as 1 .43. .r a that's ea - I cialen /snow -rye ne'v'er'Iteard any-, tigiatteisd.particularlY ulidsirelale 1,9r a Li e .war; but had slowed down the out - the glass: Then is. the chance for the - • • • legs. • that, and she needn't worey about the with his 'vital against his nee . k reach dotlaod yara, • where the al- - t fw-r su lies of ever kind h • . . • ready efficieot staff of ,deteetives has rani steamship to slostroy the submarine • ne, diverting and withholding both with its guns trnettetntelths. •ghmo.:11tliavi-t'ai -Limy may appear ported and native coal from the:fac- *: an the surface, are. tliciroughly haves - • of euP.- of tound -and -reundlikesa.- la-vr - -"I" asked hini-abont it Arid day, And- thing."- fbreigner to Permit himself to saY g-an3tind•Ut.....huiter,--14--At-Iiist-Lhe-managed- told me you - -.-She leaned tech; drawing vti2iii.it :,..(i)rere_ga.tthor_•,..fotif......Ern_gl6anitcloosrt,' • .• . : no1.111 of sugar, fl. eggs, a .0, atP ...tat and reach the e nttol lever with his "Don't" he. Interrupted; "I don't . acreen forotards;alies• brow a little con. ., the t1T T,I, a '-i' d 't- - . . 6 • ' • 110 717,::::::,-Y•;"'"Z:i-.'",'„:::::7-7-1-ii,fi•Ax.7ti-drql,,,,.. Tul'-wr ti•PaillW44.krrokif,-.-flE7.-FT,-Ifeii:SeLl-fireekidelf,ritY-figtime„;,-Timaur titkeirx,7-otwoortyltdItt7SPIri?,.-tritt:,:arowapagi---7.-dy.- ef--001,- ikularaViillrA .••• 111•° -•9 -f, --,..V° s-4 - '4"..A..-- -9g,..,, ,.-..Y°'-:77,---1:--7-1!g -1-'- .. ,* .., • .„, •,,,. . a Ifilrgraiifut iif h-prrs, .,.Wirld tand the machine, whiela'turned slowly over to tell you anything. Don't get Yetir a shadowed; listening faee, While the '. -aznal"ansaa'asaaesseanst -37tru4-Itke' wouldn't be just. And judge of me thosueli the half darkened room spotted by' their accent; . are ' ' hi from me -ether folli.songs trailed their low 13ound.1 da•il3r , ::•.."•,•, ' , liraiidY)-, miged. Stir the butter and '. completely "looping. the' loop." .There- impressions of m at, lieateri. yolks of the eggs. Beet till., t by what you see yourself, ., not bY disembodied ghosts of music " buried here are now theroughlY familiar With ' like marks ..(if suspicion, 'for the people , .sugar...,..:to a. aream• •and Add the' well. , open the pilot slid bitclt into. his • seat and came compesedly to the ground.: . 1 What any one has told you;. if I'm a -Ion ago, . • ••• . i bad lot staauai soot, find it•out without i . long _ak," .said Thee, laying 'the Yio- tlleAn"bglh;ltilltrned:nAmilyria:ally. `s. dreadful , very light, then add the Meal and • • • „the flour,. well blended. , licit. until -.. ---- • • • .• . any telling,' ' -. • - •., '. light, .„ Add the..spiees ;Intl liquor an& ' WAU IlltiNGWWATER SUPPLYa '' . ' lin da***In•thl Ictlee's "(4'• "11 l'tlilelil" "thiiige about his govet:ntirrit,., p,bout ' ..... '.- - , • • finally'tlin WhiteS'of .tha eggs, beaten. . • • • • ....,,.... . . l'.4.11Zieo. tounre"totiltPrhilehtl.Y, ouN,Iwit:her: bg.alidll,ea'nd : l'slfier' tliet,11:41112:14POttliellgveblelritl Cabinet Illinistersi.the-tuation ist the a • • • • • .; lightly, and 'than into -1. buttered tin. • . • ••- , •, second hand. There are • sonie things •the tassf Wall, es„...rea been seeena, Dardauelles, arid so en, and nothing , , ,-. • . • • . „, . .. to 'a stiff lroth. Beat tlioreughly, but ' Lemiiesi Isittuders Benefit by • Sinitistg R, they did, r•shouldsat believe it at . ••• of. Artily IlVells„ .. .. that in my fiesta Well, and it Ceti-- may teepee, 'led for an' Ainericon or -liake.in 6.„thodera.te oveif 'Set in hour • . , •. • . • .11 rememher----.J' ' .. -, ,ing into tutte. I think it's going to 'other. AMAMI foreigner to e;cpreSS and a half. '• • . ! - .. . 1 •When t 4 trs' i ie. i n Va Oiees ; . ' o ci of! be , • be for orchestra, lan not etre ,eats but •siiiiilor Opinions is,. to say t least, tuteheall cake ia ',good, and Calk, be- tattled. at Leinnoi, near the, entrance :, •'.."Tiddies,?”, he asked. ' • ,. 'must Play you sonie bits. .1illas Itaye_ . • .: Made:in thtee-Onattere of an hour. of the Dardanelles, they 4,.vere .sur..i. lier face lit up istuldenlyl.wender- mend, „did yen: over 'dolt at a ,creens• Injadicibus; . . . .' t/tge 4 Caned ,ougar, 3 dups. of. flour; prised to find that the ieltindi which : ftillY. "Bow .did you know?" ` , -4 Mean, reallylook sit-itl" , ., •34 .... -cup at Milks 1 teaspoonful .of halo has an .area of nearlY'bIt) Square I Then -theY both latighecleand in the • . "Yes," .-he titsWered , taain . the ... ...„ tot,,ptrobt,,, atti o ,,trasvom of ,poacii. iwass.,attd,tt.poptilittiou „of 800)00, vta,t ellenee. that tolloWed their kinship: shadow,. of, , the screen. ° . "fiat not:' lied gem ,Something lt,iloc Its, = aextreet. teat the otigar and eggs'. practie,ally ,dostitate of drinking wa A "Ile iS 4 MoSt inilitiplikt Marl ". She Rea -brothel, •glanced ,' t her in lion-• awls the diOereftee between' a cot- .. .., 1 Watt; real to. then" Itir the fitat tate. .Often," ' , . . • : Mias Atkin wetaaexplaiiiing to her . tt; a ..,erataia, then add the milk. Then ' 'ter, ekcept for uneettain supplies freak., tam. "Ile has Spent his 'life in trying der: it Was as if Mien. ad'epolten. 'ass, " • add the :near ,grodually,..intri .which. a. feW.040,11-,,iPtingts: ._.',the_ellied.,_to.,sliape the souls of . Int felIoW treat. , ..- Theo beganto plan verY-:SoftlY, his lima noun aria an Abstradt nettii.. "An - 'you will have sifted the baking pow. mops Nvt,re sttpplied with mineral i tires; and there's not one livieg tiling eyais. atin :an the tirl's feiee,; ' After a .„„ exairiple , Of a :Coramon noun is .. ' dor.. Add•ti teaepeenful of. peach or water Sent in shiploads' through . the. that roves or respeetehiai," . while he drifted ; undonseiously. into she Said; "fel, you can see it, whiles . en!, -Other "Oxtrtie.C.ind: balte• for 5/4 of geriereeity,of a lor.ench *erne/tin Mare "nxcent Annt, Barall.7 .. . ; . • iffilarovietitieri, patting. Mitt and then you' cannot 'see an ahatract • • norm, seillesi... . , ... • , • !. ,"I/er life liaealseen spent iri keeping with lifted.bow and filling thutipsdes ROW,- fer `exarnide, ,haVe. any of . Yon ,., ligetlei rake 15."40: called tieeiuge the .: The British aotliaiaties . promptlY 'with low, .rhythiriic. speeeb. 'The Stio- ever ..seen tabinidaticef' ; up a fiction.. hers..gettnig old now, . .1, • • .. - . • . . . . t .. . • . end it'i, wearing tam; raid ohe ti tette, Ilea 'Arita AI. faint: waiting, its AIM, ThiS every ),vos received hi'•pro, iligrolietits; ore so varied, it 15. Very sent to Canada or eilemeete, who are , ed tit thetruth• underneath it, arid Mil- intuletstate, Murmur; the flieket of the bend ellettee. Theis a:little felloiv pot ' .. al'ataapial, iiiiieed, and easier to rriaketlian nOW engaged in , sinking itrtcsiat. araele.,Of , . ' . • . • rod; the shabby, ..dittsrj lodginglioue of the recipea giVen befoie,Ite., wellsr *Web Nvili guarithtee the peepie ealus tiestelo a , . . . a rooint all lost their Separate that A., ,,,,, 'tin 'arid Said: "NO) Matarat I have nes , . ••:s. ' nsneallid Of auger, i'L,: pound of . Of Leninos. a reliable and abundant ., "That she desnises Iiim . in her. 'tors, merged into : a conimon ,b4elt.. ""‘'''---- A1661"t It WTI dance, hut I've r,een a • . ', .• ps.'lletir, la pgge, a tem. ‘ater 411Prilr, . • : . • '11°" . , , . , ground of dreams, 'Ico listeners :Mid 6.00' v"auc' . ,. a yo. , . • •.. • • glii{goolviltolootog0000ciamIonliwA • )1( Ithetz atis I •rx How is rheumatism recognized ? Some have. said- )* , Rheumatisit is a dull pain. . )11( „' • Rheumatism is a sharp pain, is sore muscles.. RheurnatiSin is stiff joints, , • • Rheuriiiatism is a shifting paint - • 10 •• -• ,Aii have dee1are(14-Pheantitisnt i,t Pain. • Sou's' Llnlittent spplied ..- "'" ' The blofreely-the od begins to flow eely-the body' ' •• • • • lit . wartVith is reneyed---the cOngeStion di;ap.v ',ix „ , • -, .-7,- ill . pears -the Dian la gone. ...---.....• 01( . )1( " ,•••- 1 )1( loan's . ... LAnt.trlen • ialL161,PAiN. (GUAltAraTZEt) Rheumatittlt and allied pains yielti to the penetrt. Ind qualittea of this *arming. lirtitnent. $.1 ' • t,,CM4rtkOZPit1040012X(illOatittra • • : c)‘ / • • • • •ta El] • , • , • • °' ° , •