The Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-01-06, Page 8,.• 7'• ' * ' Ti t`.. TA. ,.. '"-r-----. ' . ejttri.„.;.,..4.,..,kaslx., are Visiti_ng, friends in ' P. M. Sullivan; Kingsbridge; Mrs. johen •,--• -- • .-- - AingSprtug.,C--, - •-• - - - oivtdap • -- -- -• -- ,-• -, -11.1-enary,.-Con,._04__Mi5e_ 411.___2.....e ,..tu, .,„., ._ th'4•„ i .. ' Con. 4; Mrs'. A. Gordon, Con, 2; lore .....lionday.,.1an, ard, . Aliksii.Antile Cooper, nurSe-in-trai,ning it; • •'D: McIlivain, Con. -1; Mrs. John Ma.* Mrs- Wm : 51cCarthy is visitingin -of Wilailanl liosl'ital, aPePt-New Yea_Is. .,qiiaid, port: .Albert. The' •ladiss. who - - ••• ,: ---:-"Deiroli, - . • - . . " .: -under' ei-parentatroof- • . . 4' ' • - , • • ' " ''• '' ---..,' ' • t - ' - ' • -• ' " • wish- to sow for, th Red:Cr ss may have Mr. and Nits - jo ii 'Yea haveiturchas , , = - °-- -- ').-- ,i‘,, ' - • . - .r has retiirned from. a : 1 ' '. '• • • - • -dif -6itit gartnenti from tlie ladies -of- the ,,,..1------.--••-•,-----,-------. — ::. trip,1,(; Deny. ets; 6,010;,. „, _ „.: . -- - -- -0.(heiura— g6,-iti-eledrem,ve to,thi.coilft,c3r11;ra:47.6.,!1: qlw-t, ,1 ,wor„-orannu e •t,or 'kw."... pt - , 1-- ney, also those wishingto lenitliitiY have: /6• ' :, • • dip Bosse •.has -pure ased the• f et ,liss Etta:M....wood, of 'TItonte, -wlid.1 yam-from:IN. pdbt, Higgins,: con. ,I, . 1145-hee'I‘h4610-1Cir -• the heiltteY .season, FD. MOWDINSEk, President. • • • ;......4d 4-..-•• '"Vg4k • • J. • ?PIN LIIIMILIKAV •••• • - ••••0111••••••,.. , • •eql, .1111.04-4,14..4.4 • . g Wren Cott*MN Mob" hhaidotant Totantot ti bpetntitot le* ti4,ya 4t the tiniii0 -btoncillt AL 3. 4r her bralieei )15: $kaeltitiWn. • A Hai be* stove has been bought for The bo tt social held in the Sehool. bilin* Friday. night was a 'decided sue. • teas. itervie 9 Clark's boL Miss :fenuie Struthers, Von. er spent the holiday» with Wends here, Mr. and Mr» Walter Pay entertained a, few friend4 on New Yeies Pay. Mrs, Albeit Thomrlon spent a. few to». nags have started agt•in after the Wok. Those who attended the put at J® Vritlay eveuins rePortjttme Pod days last week wait food» at Walker.. r ' Tuesday, 'Tan. 4tit. Ilementint our young people's meet - , . . A r New Years ••• • , • reatly Reduced Prices ••. s, tr- Ladies' Winter Cots Fancy Tive04Jand Curl Cloth Coat,. 'teat' 12.000.1109 and 15.004 Clearing at • , ITO/ and Brown Curl Cloth Coats, Reg. 19.00 and 20.00, for 0,00." RUA Ouri „coat, plush trinamedo .ftntcy frog, Rog. 25.00, for $9.50. , 80401 Clearing Tot of Tweed and ,Beaver Coat in black, and collets, all reduced to : tadies' Black Betiver Cloth Coat, -due ,fur oollar'and Oanaditin lining, Reg, • 45.00, for $31.50. * Siniilar Coats,. with fur ,tollais and cloth lining, 22,o9 16.50 Rkg' 0014 $121.5? for 14,75, Ana. reg. • Ladies' Black Astrachan Coat, Veg.',`-'.`.1,5:90, to clear at' ' These clearing afford 11,13 -01(0.(11/-• tional, buying opPOrtunity thus early with ' fiilry half the winter yet. ahead for wearing • them. , , • . MEN''S ,OVERCpATS, jr Weed niater Coda, With convertible ponars, iteg. 15.00. for $11:50, • Heavy Tweed Overcoats, various styles' and qualities, Rog. 10,00 to 12,00 for 0.50; reg. 10.00 for 7,50; reg, 12.50 for 8,50: and reg. 15,00 for 10.50. • Mon's Black Beaver Overeoats with 'Curl cloth lining and fur collars, Reg. 15.00 for $13.50, special value,. •• Bleak' Ileaver Overcoats with fine quality far collars, Reg. 20,00, reduCed to Anyone roquiring, an Overcoat should barrlitt oppertuuity, • • FURS 1 FURS, 1 FURS, We have° d tided to make speal clearance Of the balance of •our Furs, p,nd ' • offer clearing prices. this 'early Jantiary iiistead of in •February as itt, form& The prices are exceptionally low --many • jtelOW pest. "With the bulk of • this opportunity to anyone •desiring Ot•Vf F St le ••13, yrs, or a, separa e t) or 1UFL No: 7.1-A Belgiank. gore Sot, lari,,e • , •"pillow• Matt witli*wide shoulder Str.4.0; • • 'lined and -trimmed prieo ' • 20.00 for $12 rio No. 72-4 only, Belgian Bare Set, simi',ar th lonig wiotor ,Yet to we corpmemt. • - style as No, 72, only larger size, flog. .0 priee 25,00, to clear at $14 50. • ' _ Xo.', ,gan/y, .Leopard Set, and Anima; Stole", trimmed with satin, Rog, 25.00, Ettra-Bargaiti at $1450., No. 89 -1 only: Alaska Sabin Caprine, llog• 45.00, a strap at $10.00. • Miss Maxie Stanley. of ic.iialoss, syent ilio holhhtys at the home of her sister,. Ws. Qeorge llichardson, A few a tint, young people gathered, nt the home of S, 1), OtQl4e New. Year's Eve and spent 4 very pleasant tiOlin, ODO00.14!, farmer), of the' Con., was united in marriage to Miss Agues.Semple, of rreeswarer. on Thins - days. COMO out eve y Wednesday' eveuing mght otoek, The people of -00f •,-oreittify Worir sorry to hear of the death •of Mr, Welter NAdturt, Kiiicardine. Satarday last. The late Mr. ItPlluan lived near Revile until aboitt »even year» ago when ho moved to incar- dine. fie was known around 'Hervie 4nd made many friends while hero. Much sympathy is felt for the 1%106'404 faroily and friends. ' day; Dec. 00th. The young conple left • 09 he early :train Friday morning for iheir.110111e10, the West. .t% any r Join in to wishing them a kV; and. 41)/W through t.• •-, • • " • , . -•Tneaday, a'an 4t.h," Nt* choties•LeaVoilias returned home greatly assisted by the services of Iltirs, • ICortkle who took ehargo of the Song , sawices. , • tjag, revival tirptittga W1.1.10 ,DaVO iNOtt bold. by tbe"onagrogatirms f the, Methodist and Presbyterart ebb 'cites, O'osed on •Thursttay night with one of the best tierYiCeatirthe tteriett.:,• The• sneaker for all 'meetings waa Rev Mr Konkle„, of TOronto, who Conducted • the 'work Witlf,great int". re* Another feature was the union choir which ' e Thottsigi Istury6th, itt16 Phone No. 10 Is at You 'SOrvie we situ tor 01"4"410 *01 041111464* 711404. The Credit Stott mart~.....000.41...,,,,,,rootot.0000~.04t~owtst. We are sole agents for Luck- _npw 'and 'Vicinity of the cele- btated D.,L..and W. Scranton Coal --the Standard iinthrapo • cite ---t e best coal on the te• s; a -trip to Arthur and:Datuaeons,, Mi;s ;Annie $0.inieSon is spending cotinle of days At. A. Iatnieson!» Mara. tick. Aliss Pearl' 'Turner,* wlio lias been visiting Mr, John T. urne, .10.4 IQtrIrDed home again. Itobt." IhloPberson.D.14 M18. Usines visited at LVCV' ie 4y t15 sve1 Mcssrs. Robt. McPherson and James .§nowden have teturpe4 lionie after pentling ",,Xtuas at the itelne of Ur, 0, 'Raines. • _ . • • . • A'llappy Now Year. • John. Andrew 'loft for OuelP11,..`Yester- . • day , kiebool was closed to•day, owing toMiss Cubeut's .. Hazel Gardner John and spentr'ow Year's; With friends at Lanes. .A few from here attended the, box • social at Crewe on Friday evening. and Mr 'Reid, Of DangalO;;Ant' spent' the vieel end with friends. here.. Miss Ida 13.aokett lias :retat'nfid ,to L. li. S. after vacating tti her Irnine Jame and aud Ileney;of Belfast,. Sunclayed • with their uncle* anseS: /r.•and no. Isaac Andrew arid 'famity-visited,friends-aa Mafekia ^,01,1.... Tuesday, van 4. re have a fine quality of Dixie Bird's Eye for use. in cook. stoves, hat ers and grates. 1 # • . . - (-reNve ..-_,-.....,,... , „ , . 1910. Miss Fanny Gray, of Clinton, :i. •Qpending a feiv (lays with her sister, Ms. Matt. Shaelileton,„ „ MIES Ationie Saunders, of Wing. nolo, is visiting. at the, home of Robt. Firn.igan. • , .-qui.to. numbsr- from here attended I! or •tit) 3. I, • art, given: the_PanshIllill, Kings 1,mdde last 5 ooday night, . • , Mr, and Mrs. John-, .Mona,ry! and laughter, :Miss ' Mary, spent New ears ives ,God ch. • • • . „ - , „ Miss- Irene 5lorawira and T ithet ,retmt'ned to aoderich after Isilencl fug •holidays ivith p3,09.fs. bore; _ Great :Bargains in separato.Muffs and Stoles.. See ,our. two special' lots at 3 95- and • • ' • $5.95, 'in -01-lich aro many lines at nanOb 'I • " 4.4° - - less tban.Cost .Prices. ee our Bargain Table near office on west side eoritaining • sundry goods marked. down to clearing prices. pilersolii,s Lightning Hitch ockey Boob 11101:;-i—n FicrimoN's For, Men,, Women Pii4b/ •and 'Children _ • ell.)S 2.56 't0 Woluen's 4.60 to -$3.0o. • 1.50, to *3,O0 • • Jji • iretter "Minnie Wilkes" from -.Oscar „.,,,..-.....--,.......-Thitton. , . . , . . .. .' eel--•-t.--.1----N,'. lo n Quigley hits returned After Pella-, • Misses Winnie and Edna Miller, Of ; Nfld. Jaggs Or.tvin Treheurer. '•"••,;., .- • in, the past season, '01 the Oreitt Lakes; foronio, returned boom ' ,te-dty after I" '.5.'' , - • .. and; Vlore/lea 5.14arthy and Will tileyer8 •05nding the XfilaS VaCat1.011 at tlia.:intr. . •. - .. . Y..wholittt.0 been in N9rth.DakOto, are alsn loutal home. . . . . , . Holyrood ------.!L tole;. I '', ' ,, • _". ; g t . miikutt- ittas: .rotriraid- • . • . - :-- --/iLindiyi Jan, .34.., •- The KiinOtidge Draiilatic. Club jet' )aaine from Dila, SasJc.,.-TVINk 'an...abit- :...: t.it _:- _ Mr, lam Pierce*: vett •Zuday at.. -the • , teuds to present the -,Drams„ 'Nor the tame of four years; atid,exPects to spend :mine of T; itenry, . . - • ' • "•+"-.4 •"7. f';'• -4•A",••,••••4., . • ?r, Saturday* - ' . • 11,r --and nes. HenrvGay,dner visit- ed witlt, Nlir,3 W14 Reid, of " talOos, last Week. , • .- 51r arid Mrs. Peter•dooke andlain. ' . Year's witq friends at ilY sPent New - - . - -, i . . have scales at the station and cawguarantee you first-class service.. The Cticknow liardware COa! Co. Tt-114STORE Ti -IAT NEVER DISAP,P011:r5 „ -2 ti after "spenclIng a few days withr194 ds in LueknoW, Mr and sr,sa.tOuredearyve. An. (bow' Ind . family, of Luca now, visited at lidliert •A sleigh load from 1,)uomomon and r,; attended Lanier link on Tuesday. „Messrs. James and Samuel. -yibsort And Ge000 Hackett have returned to Business .°Collebe after spending .4,1!e - ho ictsys here, • • . - Misses lleleir.Woods, iVi argaret . chi.) Mary -Nixon and. Mary Tiaokett,,, ' loft to day to resunie their duties • tea,;°11ers in, their ,resEeetive schools, .5.1* Olive-; 11' luo has retiirneciliome Ovt1Iii:D" and report an excellent ttme, —rhe • Stares CAN&DA'S FAVORITE DFZUG STORES Wednesday, Thursday, Frida t e aturday fil . , V.11•••■•le...11.~~el • ,4"-;',,•-•",uP.,4,-re.rer".'"'1,4...") 25c `Box Dawn Wsr iting Paper........ •-25-c-Putnian's1 iConi Cure: ... 4° /..J 110 '11141telind DIM titti611; 14.0.1111161:1 011ie time with relatives and. friends •":" ?`: thiaJDD4C7t inOn, ' ''-'. . "'- :**--• . VetiseS' wing.) to the fatriotre :4'7 ' . „ tici. A...: Cooper,who Iiileelidifir ifi - .:-71,rertill--:j(lirit-Vithitig-Ifr---utitt:i41-i. 3,11.Bett:CoOper Son of Mi. and M. ---n-t'XiI..ho a 61.1017'.'. - , .. 4.r-- :•' - ' • lin t(1110Viiiitt ' this year's 'list of 'vacation itthe pooni„al hiime,, returns Wit, Wellipp lunch joy ao4 happino,i, ' • • - r,A' ."--- ..---t -`'. IS 4. ...-11 ... Mrs. Torontothis week •to resume ,hie. C Ila es Salnti. IS ai3ona ',....,",,,.., .:. • - ' ' k,iiristous vts.torst---...444.... Rogan, to ' ' . - •, ,... 6„,„,. Miss arrio . le 1 .._ .....tt 8 :4-':,. • . t 0,tyndeitta CswalitLooto*ttip. St& i stndiea At the enlleg6 of .ue?trii PI.4,F in.4 a fevii days at the 1.1 ine * Dal Mary Connor Veer .• 0116 ,.. • . . . -'''7.-.7.!- , ' tale raEltillivani- Detroit; Maurice 411...0. oventt .., . _ . he Xmas heliday with -the herdaties OS Bhee4 • toacher hote thig- -------- ^. • * Gerthae tett. i • g mr.andlits. m shaddotowikf co • me, .51isiritinibell, of Ches eY, eoMelene-rs ''' ' ' ' - • 0 Idn .NuniaSnIliVtio D 3 O'Contioro, • 11-84111/a14141°4,.GiriveYA.„3„.°1111d.„aLd ulifiliareuts; Mr. and Mrs, Jesse Grp, • weelt- - • . . , , • :. ' . Vh1)460/4 Mat11110"611" '4°Iict5f "4""'" returned lone lest. steex agdomivalted . The Worecti's Institute 3:011toldilicir $ cl` h. * lit t %Alter, Miss rattlY VIVaiiht Medi:ha 00 JO lath, in the- ite Ire •• ....*:011;Mr.:and,Dira.Arrirstro g,• thfi 1$ • Alice-1)0ton. Arthur OConof.',Whithy4 '6'81111Iv:a Guelphs Joste Paton: bdral;t1'1::i°; ‘1 nh 1 pt d some time there porotod% ';30.6*c.iOdit•• renewing old tiv40410nces, .•.• . , of LoUdotn'Cienten:ryiobrio'Vglis)kgro";. • • • Asidield Mr. Win n111tOtaTtO, tiOnegikte Intitut; Nate• • '.110ward Ana wilite Bata! ••, • .1nie moan Ittid. 410$001 at1C071 of the • • Clancy, Cargill' Matightet Gatvey, Chepp • Atmule1rcibeoWitlylto,eaet.m. oar TbrtittA' "'6 d it) 31)fh tt6: g:40 1); 111. • a0iVe s b eti . • AI , duo &Pa Nentiwortitl. ofis mee•v "-"---*" ----au 3 '0 • - •• ter ...ey crievieve 0 •. Gnderwh tow; Dora pqa. Dation, Parkhill;3.p.110}i, c,,*****rcTrslicicndAribs*0;:d.:11*ari3.41: , • , ' h *p. A sheet and tallow case s r ha e , s Ttan 0 0 416 rtvcitsh-1 ".• ' . itokodfor;to-be-,given dutind Jt,t.littary I • 'S p gotlinYt lantsrd.. and rehruary; alteets00 1' IA/ c• ° of Mt 11.04 'gat Unbet• nleP OA° Oa Ham tnts• foe olothg Ail d I bett sent arrott Oft Mantle ovel • . la• Gwen nodoritia tho giiest aerkre:1:10)Y. g# when cottadp. ' 0e 120,000 CatiediatAlitdiersa ut:111e raavetlin. ,.ettPottrang;itTlaillythltiovelPtetta.,1,°6• ;tall:at Ira' 50rib-hae ressed. 604 :te?r4land . • • • • ' donattoos•to Pott Al eit flail, or se di Pianm 4 * , ter 1,beilr4tur 40113 9f Mi8t 141A6 i)OF tD1110following ladioa who' are 00,4, tY1L1 $0, and SUS, 004:ftiontionj 'Of SWifs. grfi.• ra'!I 19i °!4' fall:d; • • will ritrrt 1.11, toping : wok ono rnitteo Astir I • • , . ' • • • ' . 1 • • • • , • , .• . . ' • 15c. Cake Harmony Glycerine Soap 3 takes Castile Soap 30c. worth, 1.9c. 25c 51enthola.- Jjinn •I 9c tllel • • • ... C. 10c Linen. En -1,00 loPes. 4.1 44 t9e -25e 13utter, •c41 • 2211 Y;;Iit. ;le er e 19c , °se' ". 'CIGAOS, Margtierites, flarituitiy 5 for 19e' Toilet Ratio' • f9e 5..10c1RollS for. . Vacbjytatinn'...8• 1 QC \, 25c Ingram's or", TocAh Polvd0 As, 25c Danderinel 9 .25e Lynian's • .16, talcutnas • :et; Igc • a , 25c Zeit, Bilk 25e Dr, 11°061 Kidney J.!•• -••••- Cream 19c. 2c Tins Orinoco Tobacco 19,c 1•• •;•-• • tY 'rp1 IG DAYS relsYnot 1.0c nsAyers- Pills, . • 50 seigies I• • I • rill'•• • • 9 rtiled 254 Minards tie, 200 Ca4earet4 . - Liniment - Rotma 6 fot ige ,25e Morns' I n d i -a n -Lead- - • Yelveolik ridpomo Face POwdern- - omfort Soap bars 19c- 7 Cakes Castile Soap 19c Fairy Soap" 5 Cakes 19c 25c-ChanberlinS Cowl ,? • .1.1. • • 190 Hazeline STIOW" (ria xeati 25 Bed Rose i9 . . 25e SberVing 1 t9C. tad° 26e Listen Writiitg Pacls „ ' „. • 250 Tins Tcob&eco tOC. 25eteeelitini - • . • eir Baby go11t!& Magnesia Se Winslow's; Soothing 25e'. Artittatie. easter Oil 19a: • 2Se Baby Zaxati.'e 19c 0 Iayt'Oia lablets 19e .. • a• • • Household 25c lAlliskS .. 25epoitio*ood Alconoit90 . Bottle t3ai•Ittim.,,190 2Se'ftaresastile Soap too " 25e taftiphorated •`2Se. 50c or 75e *anted VettOtt •et.A0. ;4100 25c Bovril " 25e 'Sweet Castor Oil. t96 11. -• • — ij • •"". a • ""'-'7 . , ' .•• Popular Sheet NIusic, The Standing o!Contest- AintS for the piano is posted .11114,koott cotteh s,„run of your • fritutds to help yu., 1000 votes with 25e every Saturday --.49p to .4,00 p,M. • ittdask ieW more The Cough Remedy That Ctilt8, playa Ott the piano' at our store' in our Witdowi too4 Your vial" J. • r thd latest Tatriotfo Souis, List was too late tor Publish- Bottle on Jam 12,3 1 1.4 id ./. 0 P races co 25c and 50o, the paper this 'Week,' zrrit J t, 41 • • WE ARE. HERE...;;TO S VE YOU 111.4 jr