HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-01-06, Page 5• ' •
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_ ... •
Thursday, anuary dth
'Owing,to my -i)usifiess changing hands before..spring. I am
.• . ..
. ,
. offering the 'public my entire stook •at remarkably low.
AirieeisNever.betbre heard of in Lucknow: A have a .very
largo and .complete. stock of Clothing aiid , •General - Pry
:Goods .which must .be- reduced thiwn' very 1:Ovt' in 4:ordei.'-to
change ownership. If nee4:ing, any of these'yalita -Oft
fall . to call aS::. I sCan'.. save: you motley these iiin,els.*to* -
. . ., . •I I
I • '
economy counts. ., SALE COMMENCES JANUARY ,8 AND'
, . . . Ft 9; •
..CLOgES FEBRUARY..5th. ' Goole tally while,stoek: is fat.
. $ .
Bj cut Men's Working• Shirts, heaVy and
light weight, to clear at small prices.,
IVIen'a Navy Blue Suits; regular 12,0 and 14.00,', •
, • . r -gale $9.45. • - = - a• , - '
; • • .
Men'e Tweed Suits he filo" Celors, best „fit,. regi-
• • ler 12 00 Sale p.45.
Suits of a high grade gen:Is and • make, regular ,
18 00 and 20 00; &le $12.55. ,
. , • •
. Men's Seas; fancy stripe •and. check and ether
, regular 12' u0-• Sale $945--
• Men's ctiercoats, exceptionally geed inaterialsreg- `-•
• • alai 14.00 Sale so ID • •
Men's i-Overeoats, •high 'grade -goods and -latest,
• • Make reiular 15.00 and 18.00; Sale $19.75
• and $11.754. •'- • • • • •
• •MeVe. Overcasts, Marinnt collars, ;black beaver
shell, regular 14.00,,Sale $9:45, . •
Men'e Over.Mats,:bestfancy beaver shell, fur 'Col."
•-.-Tds.re-,Astral*an_lint.41, reg., 18:00,1Sale, $12.45,,
Men's Rain' Coati, liestqua'ity, to clear at Half •••
Price Alio the same in Lathes' Rain Coats. .
:Men's Fleece -heed :17.nclerivear, • tegular 1.25 pee
• suit gale •per Suit. •
Men's All Wool Unehrinkable Underwear, regular
-" 100, Sale, 49.c. • ---' -
Also' ken's Underwear,. reg. 1.25, gide 89c, '
• • • Overalls,- black and bine striped, Stile 89e. • •.
Big value in Men's Sweater Coats, fancy. colors,
regular .1.75, Sa'..e $1.19.' • • •
Men'SgWeater Coats, reg. 2.,5fiend2:75, gale $1:98.,
Men's faney Sweater Coats, pure Wool,' reg. COO,. '•
• ••Sate $2 75, • '• ' „.
• -.-Sweater-Coate: of high gradd*onlin heavy _weight, • •
regular ri.00 and.6.90, Sale 13.05. , : .
Childreifs Siveafer Coats,, up tO, 6 years of age, •
One. Wool and fang,- reg.. 75c. to $1.0(% Sale
49e • • .2 • • • . '77
••, Men'S-.13elbriggenlitaletwearf. reg. $1.00 per suit,
Sete 19e. .• " .
MenN Natural-.Wool'AlnderWeer, .reg. $1.25, each,.
Meta's Christie arid Felt .Hats, up to -date colors
and styles,yegular 2 00, Side '
Men's All-weol gc.cks, reg. 25 and ap., Sale 21
and 29c. •.
• Big clearing out in Press Goods cheek, striped,
_ plaide and plairi pattei n sod igh. grade goods
. in remnalit lengths, useful fur everything
feom a °Midi§ dress to I ladies' suit Will be .
sold.by the -end length: -Priees will be sur- •
Also great -value in Menta suit lengths ad pant.
. • ,
• lengths at clearing Priees,
• •‘ Men's Fine Shirts, in fancy prints and pique,.
white, creel') and ether fancy colors, reg.
1 00, 1.25 and $1.50, to clear at 69 and 89bc. ,
iVrehlt gesateh,- Flarinet:Shi-,_rts,.2._Pleitt and. falegY
• striped, regular afoo; Sale $1.69: ••
• Lichee' House ,Dresses, reg•, -$1.25, Sale 89e. -
Children's Dresses, '- prints; and' gingliame, ;regular, •
• 75, Sate 440. ' • ' .
• - •Childran'a.Na-v Illue-Shirred.4)resses, faney*ke,
"., • reealar $2.00, gide 89e ' ' • -
Misses' Navy Blue Shit Dresses,. regular. 5.00
• and 6.00, Sale $2.45;•• • •
Shirting, mato .ed, regular 1 Sale '
Flanriellette in all colors, regular. and.• 121.,
: Sale 711c. • ' , •
WrapPerettes,• regular 10i and 12i, Sale q- and •
Union Drem Goods, theckedr-plaid, red andaither
calors;„ regular -15,• - • •
• Factory qOtton, regular 10 :and 124; gale 84 and
Bleached Cotton, same as abOVe.. • . •
Tov.ealling, all linen, regular 10, Sale 814-c.
• Shifting, regular 16 to •18, Sale 13i.e. • '
Spools,. 4e eacb.' • . ; :
4a1so_haye 0. y011figirlinCh cow for sale that took lst prize at Lucknow
_. _ _ .
Fair in" 1915. Also 2 1-2 tons -Alfalfa hay for sale and 40 hens.•
.Also 1 respe.ctfully ask all those owing me on account to pay upon Or
" . . before gran. 22, 1916.• , • • , •
• Terrns.:Of this_ Sale . Furs taken,saine LIS Cash .
• • . • • • "
11:= =I 1=1
, •
. '
i.00 i)er year'.
dee'lits,, for all Toroiitoi,
---and-Londolaily.,,Pgpers and.
all Weekly Paperspublished in
the ,province. .
; • •
If you---- want to order. ,a
oryenew for your present one;
do so through The Sentinel Offt
fice. We save you ail trouble
and expense. r
1-- When da hocome 4\101464 CeMil lipo
nielliatPly. Veneta atiedleallyelianatned •n1WA-40041i. a-- Garlanded, with
Orddpivorn h t1Q8, 1iaf8,evergreens and,
long a* 1to serve?, Until white satio' iiiihone,'Enos. Ohara! Wati
the eM ot the war aed six months 'after the ecene of a 40114100Y interesting milt,
reemiredl, itary wedding at high aeon on 1Yedaes-
3-W1uat pay Shall I receive? Priv- ev ot this week, when Miss
• ad; $t o0, clan OOTPorOlt. $141° a d941, ci goo Fowler eldest daughter of Dr.
gergeaet, $1 00 day. Akio eubsiettuece *
or seaaration allowence from tbe' Gov- a•n4 Mrs. G. S, Fowler wes. married .to
ernment, Pay Peens the Moinclat you ,Capt, 1T 11'. 111seex, eldest son of Mr.
- •end,Mta, R. J. Of town., ReV4
.4.... -What will ray Wife receive' during W. A. Wadley officiated, Mr. Harry
my absetice?' ,EVery Month them Will TT, • ,. • LIttk
be p41440your ,wife $20, and if this agicolewoe- Pest wan, Lieut. J. ,0.
not .talatliyiellttlxwore aeneatedlActarbatriolrilneeiintia_nr adMr.Mr; Ia'tritoril,4toiedllicoxv;avygro wihezi..4.3jF7,
win fartheraasio them. Married Met, march, as the bride was brought in. by
who enlist Anti:live-at heme 'Will draw, , • . •
in. Addition to the $1.10 a .4y, 85 "cents her father, gowned= lovely ivory ehar•
stibsistance allowaire, laixP they Will not mouse satin, made 111 *Areteffect with
get sePal'atiOn" ellowanee ati well. When easendeol sides and peieted ttain with
• MarrlOti Men' aro eompelled. to 14 bolero of cut crystal. Her filmy veil
G"ern*ent Can* thnl t)le 85 °eats v ith embroidered ed e and insert lace
ceape ancl'eeperati alloarance ''s • g • • • • •
wili $20 a month laseat to the wife6°
, togethercorners was heN Trith'81448' of orange
with, the Meiley the Soldier :may Lassiga nlosekims, and she carried a beeutifal.
tot er, , ' bouquet of Ftweetbeart roses, lier sister
57 -Where will I live, after enlisting?' Miss Grace, as bridesmaid, *ore a charm-
ln the town ea village nearest your Ing gown of pale pinkspeueseline detoie
home---previding .25 MOra men. have with averdress of tulle shadow lace,
•• been recruited from that vicinity; other- and curried a sheaf orpink. Nies, The
• wise viiii,0111-, live at tbe-platea--Mosf" churcirwas filled with 'friends- -0•111:1-4 -Well
to the exagencies,of. the seta wisbera.",oft the happy young • couple.
, • . •
.> • • • - .; • .After the terernony the , goesta• repeired
e-,-Whe pays for "elothingt The to the ,family residence on Broutplee St ;
(30Vernenent provides You•With eemplete,,. which was daintily decorated With pea-
• outfit font, head to foot., $1.04stleduct, nantS &crimson • saki., cannon balls in
• .
ed from your first months pay,•which 18
ret urea te you at.the :end :of- menthe'
eereice.. If yen. are discharged within
six 'months,. $8 is dedected ft. furnish,
you with civilianplottang and $2 goes
to, the Government, , ,
7 -'What will happen if I am wounded,'
sick or. taken prieMier? Yen Will ho
cared for by the Government...le, first-
- elase •hospitale, have expert ;medicalat-
tention, yo,ur pay to continue until you
..aredtsehaaged,..• If .you are permanently
disabled.a.-•penelon will be paid to yon. of
$284,. $11)2;.$132 or $15 a year, accord-
ing to the extentof your army or
i'vhich tiny ffags *.of •the Allies 'waved,
with beautiful topes everywhere Diner
was served with toasts and speache,s fol-
lowing. • The bride 'then • slipped away
and donned her trav,elling suit of African
broWn 'cloth; made in Military style with
silk breid and buttons. • A small New
York model bat in turban 'design with
doeble winged sand shade birds, and
draped bordered v.eil and was worn with
leather hag, all matchin.g.. Many pretty
'mad costly gifts testified of the •deep es-
teem in whicb. the youeg bride is held.
The honeymoon will be spent in. Nev
'York, Washington, Detroit and other
ability. In cam, of total-mcaptiettation points'. Hostsof-friends join in wishing
your wife Will draw an addition to the
foregoing; $11 a riionth and each child
$5 a month. • • . •
• The above pensions are---inoreased- -by
epprotimately 25 per cent. for sergeants.
If taken prisoner, Your pay eed
ance Will continue as if you were still in-
tim field.
. 8. What mull be done. for my :wife
and children if Idiewhile on active ser.'
vice? The Goyernment wail provida a,
$5 for each child, The widowed mother.
of a, single man, if the son lie her. sole
support, is treated in the Same way as a
• Rev. A. V. and Mrs. Weldon and two
Sepatation allewanees ire paid to childrenof Strathroy; spent New Year's
the wives and children of married men, at David Walden's..
- children of widowers; if- such children
Mr. and Mrs. litscox uninnited happi-
ness and prosperity throu4h
-Monday, Jan.. 3.
-.Mr:Penny, of Toronto, visited at W:
B Wilkinson's this week: •
Mr; and Mrs. A. G. Smith and son,
Irving, -of Winghere, spent New Year's
. .
Miss 'Lizzie McTavish returned on
Monday te :Stratford, where she his been
attending Normal. •
•are 'tinder sixteen years of age, and to , • Edgar ,Roulsten has retarned. to Tor-
- widowed mothers -of sons who are ,their- Ante where,heallr resume his studies
at Victoria College.' • ,
Mr. and. Mrs. • Thomas McComb and
sod of Pahnerston, spent a few day's last
week at W. '0. Smith's.
Chester Wilkinson returned on Wed-
nesday to -Belleville, where he ' has . been
attending :Albert College,
sole support. •• ,
. ,
We are coming, dear ()la England,
A hundred•thousand'atrougA,
To help you co_iquer and subdue
• Men...who have gone _Wrong . "
•1 Their crimes are so reptilsive. , ..,
They -appal the htitnan mind, ' . k . editor, staff arid Seatinel readers st happy
Their punishment must be swift andsure and prosperous•New 'Year.
The Olivet correspondent wishes., the
„Miss J. McTavish returned•on Mon -
To satisfy maukind. .
Vir;....rse Ulan savages are they; day to the South Line, ''.-Where she Will
Void of all that's fair and right, resume her duties as teacher.
Honour, truth and 'virtue dear, Perey RUulsten and his friend George
They!re, cast aside -lake 'beasts they 1. . .
Dennis, of Caledon East, are _visaing
They must. be met and beef en well; the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs: John -
As Britons, we'll do this. . • ston Roulston.• .., ,•
So firm afid strong men, grip your swords Miss Bella Moore, who has been omit. -
And proVe what valor is. - ing the past couple. ottani:111as in Wing-,
The men we send are true as steel,ham, spent New Year's with het sister,
• -
'.They're British to the core," Mrs. W. C. Smith. 1
They'll.prove not faint-hearted ones' '
John Rouliton and son, �f Harrowby;
By deeds7 as dime of yore. • •
A noble work is theirs to do, - , Man.; and Mrs. Louis Smith and son,
They're equal to the task, ' Robert; Of Magnetewan, Ont;;Inte•_y_isit.:
And time will prove that our .renown, mg relatives in this vicinity. • ,
Is veideepread -and will last. • ' •, •
Aline will test our'valor true, • „ Orgy Ox
Inch by inch we'll make our gain,
Eriton!s never stop..to sue,
Old traditions we'll maintain,.
Men like ours cannot be beat,
At them guafdarthe battle .cry, -
Show' the world we don't retreat,
• There's but for us to DO or MS
•The cense that Britain fighis for
, All true men loye to aid,-.-•
For when the British lion growls,
- The Best- -needs be afraid.
•We want to share the glory won,:
Kitil•Oss • And to this do we intend, '
. -
•- • ' . . • • Por When the loon sets Iris jaws . -
. .
. • . ' -.-Monday, Jan: 3rd. It's•BUSINFSS=--to the endi* .
.litiy:&19,19,:apeuf New Years. Day with No lands are lost, they've made no gainil,
..frlecdSOn'the second. of-Bruse , , '•'.- We the-"slibtxess of the:iete' -Torotito-after-spendrog--Xmas ilnd. Neu,
.frallirnasi \ ee
. 'flue Nag ot; thy oeubrao:e.the' oid tia' g' Years with her brother and friends here.
Mi..Orrie 'Herd° spent-. a 'few' claysi.. TIle-'91(1 flagis,„ and eve
don ''. _ e,
We'll staud 6 d ' 'Reports are going ardund-that a box
' Which has donnannutchlfor the_Worid; Social is to be held at the Grey Ox school
d,ar-r - -
With friends in Winghare last week.
John Itumirid er init Areat_ir44-1 --
are eating wood fot•John Mclgiercleg. Taf• Ilgive orir -wealth--aya, yes -our -lives -house., •„1:12.urry qp_ffellt, end -give US the
- , •,•-•-.Xo k@ep it still tuifurled,_ __ ._ :_ date. : •
. ...... Mrs Smitilt,Of ...ellttheilePt.0.11,.:.1.4 3.7"Sit- ' • ' ' Luilir..-,toi•;.A.__.0.;./3,ciutn . ' Miss Kumla' e-M.c.1,,-ete'sli...\--vho le -as been.
. • . . •- ,
Mies -Nellie -Graham, Of. near Verna
. •
Everybody's friend *hen theY terve .
• rmaidni and colds pad„,their children
..h,o;re croup and Whooping cough. •
Moat everyone licraiwa me. 1 have ,
been gong from home to tome for .
• nearly ,fifty years-r-alwaya woloorne,
toe_ for I never fail in their hour i
• 'have helped young mothers whose ,
• babies were OhOking with croup, and
- been tre ,comfort: of. parents whose
ohddreroramp echoorthrongh the
wet winter. Nveather. "Many a cola.
ormifa, 4at tna4C 1; tOhf9burZlinecilisi. tit 1.thhat;v7ivaripeecla.',
trough *- the. anxious moments '41
. Whoopintfoonoh. 1 havecorne to the
• aid of Motheraaricl fathOs when thQy
• had. colds and:Influenza, and have
• • • been a relief to Old folks sufferin;
Granny' Chamberb" ' from.brOnebitis and asthma; '" ", •
fart had. a most .varied, experience; I go everrivhere--:,..;
, .tanong tI4 rich arid the pOot thWeoutitna'N• ,
- NOW 'don't -forget `-'Grafany-",--aaarriberinie4 Tile •
often nowilor am going to„ tell you of. my -eatiterienee and,
What can 6 done in Yobet; }POMO :with . : •.'
Chamberlain's .Cough-
. An, 7.4421rat . —gadeelo „
Short Course in Agriculture and
Domestic Science at Teeswater
Agricultural Course
, • •
'A four weeks' course in Agriculture
for boys and young men is to be
- 1 lth to Feb. 4. Subject; taken'
up Live Stock judging, Pee#ing, --
Milk Testing, Weeds and Weed
. Seed, Fertilizer. and Manure,
Drainage, Poultry,' Horticulture; ,
Etc. flours 9.30 to 12.00, 1.30 to
Monday to Prirlay. NW age
limit, no admission. fee: Applick,
tion forms' setit:on vO.
• -"•-' ' .•
Domestic Science Course
Domestic Science Course, under'
the auepices ot the Woinates In -
z ate, is to bt hell'Ilrourtan. 1
to .fan. 25. Mr..Geo.... A. Putnam,.
Supt. of Woman's Institutes'has
- provided a conipetent demanstrator
'.to take charge of the course. Par-
ticulars r,egarding the hours, etc.• i
may -be had front miss P. Jarvis,
see: Tees‘vater:woman's Imstitate;
' •
N. C. Nia,c1tay, Dept, of Agriculture, Walkerton,
ea" Immitinomirtm,
-Monday', .Jan. 3.
, Mr. and Mrs. T. Griffin spent . Christ-
mas in Godetieh.
Miss Annie May McDonald has re-
turned.home from Detroit.
Mies Pearl Griffin, ot Detroit, -spent
Christmas at her home here.
MM. Long, who has been visiting. in
Celotado, has returned home.
. .
Misses Peal and Bernice Drennan
were holiday visitors with their parents.
• Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McIntyre and
family were Parkhill visitor's on Christ-
-7 • - Salem't
--Menday, Jan 3; 3
Jim Armstrong Sundayed•with Nixon
Melvin. ' , •
Essiellurray spent Sunday ifith Mi
•and Mrs. Charlie Burt
Percy Synden and Hairy Parker have
enlisted for overseas service: • •
Mrs..Tom Bushel is, spending a few •
Jack and Wili Long, • ef,„Ase mption
College, Sandwich, were home. for the
holidays. . ' • • •
• A neniber from here attended the
.daricent Kingsbridge schoothouse • AR.
report an excellent ' • , • , •
• Mr. and .Mrs. Montgomery and family;
Neil McDonald and family,' and Misses
Taylor spent Christmas at the home • of
Rod.•McKenzie. a- - - • ••-.
. The New, Year's Ball;;Whieh.was • held,
on Friday evering•of lest week • waa. a.
very- sUccessfal affair. Music was film-
ished .by Will. Hogan, Roy McKenzie
and Miss M. IL MqKenzie. • •• • •
t. •
' . . • '
'days with' her ificithercltfre. John gittler:.;
Mr. and Mrs. Thome& Melvin spent New Year' e with their daughter, Mrs, „T. -•
Bell, of Lacknew: - • • ..
• Mr. ;and Mrs. Wm:Lire:1SO /aid •-••-
spent Friday evening at1 the hams, of
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Erb, •
. •
- Will EariVaker is renewing old ac,••
quaintauces ureand the -corner after .aa . •
.absence Of 15'yea.rs in Alberta. ,
George -and Andrew Lincisay gaye. a ,
Party last week to their friends of this
kith; hty.last-week. • -report - very •• •
. •
eigoyable evenitvg:
Mr., and Mrs. Stump. of Mirror, Alte„,.:, ! •.'••
and Ilre, Mary Smythe, of Teeswateri ,
spent a few day a last week with 'Mr..' • •.•:
and Mrs. Joe Murray on the 14th Coe --.•
Forest- has returned _teler_sehool. I • .„k
- Mr. George: Middleton has taken a Ofes~elfsbettatialialkima-eIlirtodUsiagoartetioaNareette~terestp•
trip to Lontlon "visit ftiends and re- ,,,
lotions. •
.It is .reeorterl that a • number • ef.;,eur Special. Prices.. on.:•Felt:GoodS
• . • •
young:men in tide section are -,enlist,ng.. .
It-aeems that we,are needed. , 4 . •
We hear Mr: Petet AlcIetosh has been,
sufferiiire with a severe attack of rheinn-
atism, We hope for his speedy recolerry.
. .
Miss Ethel. Stimson has • returiCed
ingiiktlie, home or Mee. aitex.-He • . onorary • i - :Id Boys,
• Toronto, 1.91.A..
ing old acquaintances in this vicinity., t • .
• Miss Belle Drummond, of Kincardine, . •• ''‘ulross Centre.
•• blTs: A Leesen, ef tendon; is renew- • .
spent -the weekzend with"friend Kra- •, '
10E30: . • • --On-tended for
• Miss Bertha Ila,rrison has retnrned to -Mr. and Mrs. Walter Day spent Xmae
Teronte after speeding .her hblidays -at the home of James Da•y, ethre10.
' her-home•tere- ; . A, Cameronand. R. Mcniideera busy
- •- -Al • • '--otitAv
taug wd for 4Trunes 'Mctaughl „
turnedliana later apendiegli wegovivi, ---Mr.--and-M-re,--Sne- -Guest aand-lannly
. , . .
friends in Teronto. . • • spent the Week -end With friends at Ki
m\Ytna'Mlit-4:40?-44MgtrOMPliatlie-46.- t-•)•,'!4 - " - -
turned from Port Hurbe, ' where they We are `Sorry to report that D "Ken=
eedy is .suffering from blood -poisoning sited their eon, Walter. • ,
home'. where she intends to stay fpr a
time. . . -
Mr: and Ma's. Andrew Jones, of Tor-'
onto, have returned to the city, after
a -Pending the Xmaaliolichtys at their O.d
home here.
•George Taylor *he leas been AvdrIc4
ing for Ken, McDonald the past vear
has made a -Move -to -Holymod where he
litielaired for a avi
yeerth Aekert,I3roe • - r.
Messrs. Wendell- Rus,sell, Norinan in thq hand' '
Summerville and George Kitchener Spent A niimber froni here attend,ed tlie'
Christmas with•friends around -here. , enema in the. *Town Halt, Teeswater,
Miss Viola ' Fiddle': of. Klecardine,\ "'rues 0'4 Dec. * ' "
. has tettarned home efter, ,spendicg n, John McDonald,'f y 'I' I • e
Week with her cousin, Mies Vera Portiee. is honid beim' the West" and te visiting
We are sorry to report that Dick Por- here and in Teesivater, . .
tice is the doctor's care, brie we . Mr. aaut Mrs: Geo. Richardson spent
' hOpo to tee tatin around' ag:ain before Xmes at the home of the latter's parents,
1.0,4, , ' , . ' ,... , . • , Mit..and Mes. A. StanleY,-Kinlois
, • . gompl...,•_;80,10: Sturgeon' -ana 1.10ht ° .
_I _,.. ___` •
TEOWitt lin,Vi) Onliatea for Rothe service " - Poring" wove .
r• in the Bence natation. Our .best Wiebes . . ' '. ' ---- • '
go Witli them. ' - , . ' ' '''' • • --Moialay. jait 3
' The Red Cross Ball held in the Orange' . Miga Veriaa Stanley, of Kincardine,
hall la tri last Aida ni lit was a Bewail 6Pent the wddk end with her hrethere.
in epitg of the unfe.verahle4efiihei,-- All-,- &boa Hill, of •Goviganda, is aper. 'ing
, . ,
. present enjoyed themselves and the re, ;the motet with his patents at the Cleve.,
ediptS Were, 83640. ' '' — ` itilee Lora Fair left on Monday ' for
A numbdr of ottit viniteete firmly lie. liagaraviiie; where she has accepted', a
lieve they SAW an neroplant pass, Over 801i001.':
• ,
our village ono nightIt week,. rob. gimps TtnIt D ic and. 1?, dith 'leek 'tr.,'
Oily it WAS ilenry,'„VOrd"VOtritoing •h01).it ,of 'Toronto,: arni •Ur. and Mre. Spepoe
'item Ilia peutf lidgilmAgo. WO all know atpi ehildreti, of itidgetown, were viit'r-
WHIlt U in , tlnha COlia (104 ti\e,„IlPlida411
-.41,•• •
• ,
• •
- '•• '
AS we h,ave had a heavy season's trade 'in rned's
and ladies' Felt Shoes and Slippers -and -some of our
lines have got broken in sizes, _yve have decided to
• dear_out_the balance. of oUr" stock at reduced prices,
as we di not.wish to Carry unE.. pair over init.: next
-1-season. :• We 4111 give • .W..ditscoutit . 19 -per-
- cent.- 'Ot --Some- lines, of-
tppers will be sold at Greatly Reduced- i3 -rices.
with most of the winter yet to collie. '
This is,a rare chance to have comfortable feet •
at sinali'EOst:
••-.; ' '
the following postcard and eent•it to her
lather, a•soldier 1i -ranee: -
Teat naddy,--It is my birthday to':
day, and your little daughter is six years
old. .She is having a little party of her
A Special in Men's Overshoes
, M1
-"first quality four -buckle -Overshoe, • - -
better' made. Reg.:price 5; -special 2.75
, .
W. J. JOYNT, Lucknow, Ont.
friends to tea, end mummy and I Want
you td'come. • Please ask your •Officer if ashboosowitsii— .6010,0400.0. ___________________
A Square Shoe Deaf to All During Nineteen Sixteen
he will let you. From your
'Little Daughter.'
The postcord arrl'eed on the day that
her fathet waa killed;and it is now on
.the'wooden erbss that marks his grave.
Wifeless Station ClOseti
The wireless station up. at o erreory,,
Brece Co., which, since the oittbreak of
thewe ,r •litis been gamete& by. 1,3 men,
lias1".telt closea fti lho. 'winter' trtila •
'seta, free the guard Who will likely enlist
for' OVerseas . service'. This keeping of
1.4 men to guard a email Sation
Was not in the.dtinger wine, looked. like
a,•pleen'of'fooiislineee. 'However, likely
14 inen is the number' assigned to do
toad duty, and 'there Was. nobody to
I1t' he qt(10; •
LOU 1:10N S FEED and LITTER 'CM:101E0S
• ,6 kniVes and heavy. wheek
New Willian Sewing Niaehtrisf:
6t,1 ANDRE!
. • .