HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-01-06, Page 3Exceptional Record By Royal. Bank Inter PUB OAT PERSONAL. TALL MOTHERS N ling Gossip About Prominent CON Pee*. 'One of the few notable Englishmen who Can. talk RUOian is Sir Arthur • ,.. In Addition to ShowielF'OPiitiOa of N•leonon, the PerManent Foreign' Their Strength . is Taxed ' and illado Increase in Net Profits over gnaw: in the five years he Wati •at $t. VI"' ate Vietiala °I. V*.a„4'. pieriinietdarbirewattattirag,earAl:::Nrars Unprecedented Strength, Bank bad .Thoer„oecrotary. Ile 'learnt tho holt- •• nes S .and *Suffering ' only the gregarious, of 'course, show PieviouS Yearar -,4ge Increases in Petersburg. . The pram for repartee, amonre leete when, thero ie. a growing :wane. to 'qualities of leadership and discipline. 1:11111sits nu° li T°4111431367' • i'ti$11 ALF:'S SdielY loglonga to Mr.' Tim care fer.•;and the Mother toile ill it iti : Wild bordeo obeY thChg iedder mar'? The. Annual Statement of the 'Royal nealy. This Fes well illustrated when a SerioliS Matter. 'Many :nether* who imPlieitk than nni -soidierS however . ' Da* of Carla& will; likeli' Pri!v° -°n°,-10 murmuredhte the eleetor Who Anid• ara•en the go from Illetning to night„ Weld. disciPlined. Muetangs are wetry, than for im: pes e sn„g never done cliffkult possible to to captnreaPProaeli, owinand • to the de - almost un- , of the pleasant surprises at. tne gag ..be would rather vote for 'the devil WilOge 'work, aPItarentlYtio of a peculiar banking yeai. la prae- . h"AIL yes, but rhaptry to dieguisetheir ieering and , ticanY ever resPeet it is tile' beet , your friend menet ture up!" . 'keep UP an leppearance of „clieerfulnetei Vetien with which, tiller follow their veP';'" )"t"' evi°8aPd• l'1•Y the ReY°1" Ai.. Mr. Asquith, the British Px".etnier, before' their family. - Only themsarde elvee leatiev end 't° a "de (4 eigaale that position of even eXceptional Strength efftgeine. tepidly under the stress a tolow hew' they are. •dietressed 'by they never tliSreg' • was to be expeeted, but it le doubtful the :cnoemoue responeibillges the war backaches nue hoadaehes, --dragging. J. elt Shrill neigh is the eomr /b Whether anyone had • aatIctblit(1 a- that has thrown. on his, 'shoulders. There. down pains awl nervelie, weakneSe; M°14 to fle°; a 1°ng7drawli' far-earrY- Illiclor the unpreedented conditions of i was. a ideal where he did nor seem his how their nights...0,re oeeen eieeteesso ing neigh is the rallyintall When the g; ' die past ,:year'Llt would be possible to i ggef nOw ho• suitgests a aloft Pleh andthey. 47;(15° t°." a• nel"ay''s W(nt' bstearldlioisnss4t4ettestrae4nd; ar:aqdlAyea:itetlrfidgeb""t• the ... eXen make a gain' innet profits, • 'older than one who hs just coMpleted tired, elepreseed arid 'quite unretreshe , Such le showing, in times"like these, hih sixty-third'yeer., ' • ed. Such *worrien should know that tidaiee,91:;°°a beasts, P4.41°. wild snot la' l; . the sight or sceat of !Mare. STAN PISCIPLINE AMONG ANIM4t1;430 TUE Are Ahnoot GoverLted by ICS. tory Regulations. in these- dog of general interest in thgs military,. it is interesting to rcitow that Certain animals ere goy- islittle short of rernarkahle, and must', King` Mantua and his totulort are their ;sufferings are usually du.The' driort. of a reinsta.ng earl be 'heard - be aecepted 44 en indicetion of• the frequently •guests informally at Buck, leek of goed.neUriiilung blobd. . They ...half a Mile Or more.,, • • • ' , --strong orgin,tz-atten and valuable COP' inghalii -Palace ' nowadays.eCaTeeedstetild, know that -Vie one: -thing. tbey 7 . nectiona .Vvhich the Royal Bank ,Ines te say, Rom Manuel. takes, a gat in- Certain, Moiremetitt are idsb impor.: Steadily built elp! threughout Vil" terest in ' the- War, as shown Ay'the * world. ' Of partioular- interest hi this prefusO display,' of maps in his wick- -regard is the settsfactorY'develePkonV 'enharn Mansien, and it is „sup' - • . . , l'i.e Bank poShessee .iti'.:-Ctilia• and .thel,sicle'of the eceintry where he has Made bealtli"-restoring qualities'. Eved'Y suf.- '.1entielpatees, -treulete-eldeuelly that 15 need above- all others .,to give' them taet 41 Signals. At the first hint of new }leen and 'Strength is rich, danger, the horse that detects it Wood, and that among ill medicines ,throws heed and tail high .010 rfluous there is BOBO Can equal Dr, 'Williams' air, stands motionless, and gaies fike important eoenections, .Veluch to udil that hie' 4Yranathiee are..oe•the Pink Pills •for- their blood -making, d1v in the' direetlenefrom which he ",-Weit'IndieS.7 . his home'. "1' • • • feting WQrnnn, everY TwOntan;•-mth, a--.:,ennugh to put the entire herd on the _ • Increases In All Departments. 9 tne:t picturesque-beelt-.• honie Car„e' fr. should almt. the.' eneneY Preve to' be: • In the aggepegate•ehd. Dank- .s11,61,1x* in, Men in the .4 lase to-daY?" Preh- giveetheee Pills a fair Arial,. for they., heeTS; wolves, 'oe " anYfoe again,st •Zajlia in everY inneartant department, ably: Mr, Yo, .with his white •inoose will loan; her in 'Med 'atrengkWhiele the drove can defend itself, the iral while:4.11es shown an iper,easegne tachiee, hv, eaddy' cernPlexion ' his and InaleO•., her". work••••easY. • •Mrs. O. I "signal horie" deshe‘s forward,'Id:dne" Profits* over the PrOionS Year', it has, great expense a, watehechtibe,ez4uPhie Strasser, Acton "West, Ont., says:e".I ing ti•om side .to. side!, tearing, and et the same thne eskabtisited hew Viet zords in. the pereetntages.of beth a . assets and cash as well as in total • leposite and total current kiting.. Iii face of such remeeleable gains one naturally looks for some 'special reaeqn for the growth of the Royal's badge of all the .Allies".figgsl Also he AM the mother of three, children; and striking the .grouna., ghpuld their is the tee r of the moet picturesque after each birth, beceme terribly Most dreaded' enemy, man,:, be .ap- language, To hear hine on shirkers is run dowe; had weak, thin blood, al- proaching, the horse will circle far in quite a revelation on the elasticity of ways felt tired, and 'unable to do my i toward the mein body, and as he the English language. . heusehOld work. After the birth of tarns for one last 'look he will :snort It is true to say that ;rarely has there been a British general who has my third child I *seemed to be worse, and was very 13hdly ran down. I was • busmess, and this results in one. intpired :More regard- amongst his advised to --take Dr. 'Williams' Pink most - immediately hazarding the opin- staff than $ir John French, and the Pills. ,1 found the greatest benefit ion that the Bank is now beginning reason is to be found not merely in from the Pills, and soon gained my to enjoy the full benefits of the ainal- the recognition of his able leadership, old -tune strength. Indeed, after tek- gemations it hes effected (luring the but in the generosity of spirit which ing them L felt as well as M my past few few years. Large sayings muitt prompts bite. sto Acknowledge in the gradually hav.e been made and :the utoet appeeciatiVed terms the work .01: • whole organizetion steadily rounded his :subordinates. oue dn a Way that permitted of the The man who is most meking his einpleyinent of a' very large pereent- mark in the labor world to day is Mr. age • ef •the Bank's funds even -under Thomas, M.P., the English rail- - less active trade conditions:. Waymen'a organizer: :711e -is ---tearless • .„ Profit and Los Statement and courageous,. Ile does not hesitate The profits for the fiscal year end, to tell the railwaynien when he thinks ing November 30th, 1915, e were . they are wtong, as he did onthe eccae ..$1,905i57657, equal t� 16.48% on the Sion of • the Great Western Railway capital, compared with $1,08§04.67i strike, and when he thinks they are er 16:81% in the previous year. As right he is an overidielming advocate the amount at the credit ee nrefit find., ,their claims; His policy to -day is L.'710soitt the-end-ofiihe-preiri6us-year 'that Mikes in Wei...time' are UM/in& - $014,062.25, this, 'with . the Nothing is inore delightful than, a profits for' the cureent year,' brought chat with. Dr. Maenamara, the British; the total amount available for distrie parliariaentary Secretary to the Ad- bution up to $2,519,0d8.82. Of this mirielty, who has 'a fund of good store amount dividends took d1,387,200., ies. Once he' received the following $100,008 was • tranoferred- to officers' 'invitation' froni. a country clergyman: Pension fund, $250,QQ0: • written of -4cu--,you. like a ,day with the hounds I Bank premisek aecotint, $105,966 ap- can mount you; we have a.capital bile plied as War tax on the 13apk'e note nerd -table tit the Vicarage; L am se -•eirculation; 'paying the amotirit -to- be gond-judge of 'Whiskey, and I &eke carried forward to profitediad ioss at like a:furnace' Dr. Mac: has a fine the end of the year 8676,472.16: -. collection of curios, including an old - Features of Strength. 'time Ripe -case whith his father used • e- -In- the stat•ement of assets and lia- inethe trenches befoee Sebastopol, and bilk* almost every account seereSto the medal fey hie work in ecapada, • enntribute ,something to the general which the old man .received thirty - strength of Vie _whele exhibit Of three 'years after it had been earnea. inoi4peirtietflalititerest ere the strike ()tie of the most ititefeatirig places ' gainer -Made iii liquid assets; de- in London -at-alieue-fiVe. o'clock is the • posits, total call and current leans.; e'Reg," otherwise the Array' and Navy and, in • consequence; ,in • the totaleas- Club, , the premier Service • club. A sett of the Bank.. ' . . friend of mine, home. on forty-eight • The Assets reachedaenew high level hOure-letive front the.Ftent, took me r at $198,299,128, compaed. with $179, r :, in there the ether aftenoon, says a' 404,054 at -the end of the previous Writer , in London' Answers. The year, a gain of practically $20,000,- smoking-reom. was crammed with 000. . Of the total • amount liquid as officers in both Services, mostof • sets' readied h recordleVer by -tench.- Wein, Ariend, Vane lei- two - $84,8'94,462, equivalent' to 49.08% day, some for twenty-four hours. A of liabilities eto the public; against. grave -faced, 'hut quite youthftd-look- $71,244,677 or 46.06%, last, year. In- izig staff-officer'near me was talking chided in the liquid assetseeeee. actual to a brigadier -general about tactics ;•-•-•;•elahlolclings of $31,928,680, e.qual to inimigliage,appallingly technic -• 18.43% • ef liabilities to the public, V.C. eat- at an adjacent table, arid wasi • from $27,683,855 or 17.90%• in 1914. enjoying tea and toast with an ad - The deposit in the central gold reserve miral, and in one of the chair's near was increased by tt. million, bringing the Window reposed a Dardrinelles ,1 it up to $3,000,000. hero niinus an 'arm and leg. Every: - 9 • -• • An indication of the Boyars steady where about the great room was the expansion is afforded by the growth in buzz of talk, real live war talk, deposits, "WhiCh animmted to Ov-ir-..emorig men who• for over a year $18,000,000 in the year,. the deposit s have Well-aigh lived in the valley .of not bearing, interest having•increased the Shadow of death. • to $31,45097 from $31,224,129, end • • &Palate_ bearing interest to $117,51.9,- • • - 030 - from $164,827,078, Making a to , A Useful" Head, tal of $154,976,327, against $186,051,-. rnan has ia his employ a faithful Oa indieated by the increase in ,but at times stupid servant in the aarning-power, there were substan- person of an old darkyenalned Zekee: Lial ,gaine in total eall and current Recently, when the employer had loans, the call loans both in and out- vainly endea'v'ored to get something -esidee-of--e•anadaehaving-eldeemeed to 7done iria certain way, be gave up in • $16;951;000, against 11:4652000, and despair,' exclaiming. , • Iota' current loins in and outside of • .."Zekel Zehei Whatever do you • Canada -$106,551,000, against $99,5,d_71- think. y_our head is for ?" DOW itiereatte. elOse,:to471,0-0tut.4 ,-Zoke,....Who. evidently- thought -that • :Looked nponnseine. of.,:the_younger Iliii'.-was-anothee of the -troublesome ef . the bigger lianhs, _the Royale has quesitions that his employer was. al; 'certainly Tifidem phenomenal strides, ways asking, pondered, deeply. Fine and its ability to exhibit such a state- ment under the conditions that pre- vailed, during the past year augur -well for its further growth and exe darisien . Once conditions in the conne 'try '13,ceome 'Mere normal. • , The principal accounts, with 'Coin- parisoas with preVlone year, are: as; • . r • ' • " ',au& • *et Oronts. ;1,186442.67 ; 1;906;676.67 • - earned ' ' capital . 16.31 .16.43 - • " • I &dui .136.001,203.23 164.446,327;97 Total 1 sets . , 1;79,404,054M 13,0290423:39 eequid ne• • , 11,244471.99. . 84.894,02.:t3 , Forcentase of liet114 assets' tO public . • 49,ea 'bulties .iala 46.6d rurrent ''• • 16,944,..36.(M tc east 'ereentrt ' • • iragilittgo 773140 _ loam • 14,•65.1,998:26 ; 52,459,07 tat dut4 • *1' - tentloatro fte.,•54.444•04 :444,4541;e44. ully he replied: • • — , been cut off high up, the artifictal one "Well, boss, I guess it to keep my collar 'on." , • ° out a trumpet -like blast() Then with a rush, a roar, and a 'clatter of hoofs, the entire herd is gone -the leader -in feont, the stallions ...the rear, the colts in the middle. e Even old, well-trained work horses when turned out to pasture will -gen - hood, and. mild take _pleasure in inee I erally, geleet u leader and be governed workI also used Baby's Own Tab - by him The herd comniander may .lets for my little%enes", and have found be au old and gentle mare or the wild- . e ' them i splendid Medicine for child- est and wariest horse of' the droye. hood ,ailments:"---' fri thelattei• caee theherd Often be -- Yon dantet these pills tbrotigh any comes almost asediffidult tohandle as medicine dealer or' by mail at 50 cents- 5° ninny.wildhorses, whereas the old a b63c or -six boxes for $2.50, from The mare Will keep her drove in the most Dr. Williarns' medicine cd:, Brock_ tractable conditions. , • vibe, ,Ont.• ' The peccaries of 1Vtexleo haye a battle cry that is never disobeyed -a short, vicious squeal, quickly repeat- ed; arid -kept up Without eeheing.*That noise drives the little beasts f antic; all- within -hearing rush_ t.. get into • the fray, and nothing Wert ordeith stops their. charge. If the hunter does not- shoot his peccary so .dead that it cannot emit a single dying squeal, his only safety lies in -instant flight. .„.The,. peccary has also a note that mends the retreat Itis a geunt some ,thing like thedAvoofi Woof! woof!". of. a bear as he dashes away from dan- ger. An Anteriean guide who lives in MAKING ARTIFICIAL LIMBS. ,War's jejuriere Alleviated _by glever , • Counterfeits. No industry, considered reyttively to its impertar*; seems likely to pro- fit More by the war than the manu- facture of 'false -arms and legs. One American, concern is, said to have •al- ready received orders from the British and French Governments for $15,000,- 000 worth of artificial limbs. The neeenely producing capacity of this es, tablishment is 250 legs a month, but .Sonora, in Mexico, can imitate that its output is exPeetedeseon to be inul- note, and says that he can stainpede droned by five. - gang of the brutes at Will with it. . Another Antericazi manufactur The baboons of Africa probably' 'Firanee, has just et, have the best military:regulations of who has a factory in returned to 'this country to secure. eny of the Amin -leis. While they are feeding- hi a dabgerous, place, they set additional machhiery. and Worlcznere To Obtain the latter is not easy, fel; false- 'lege and -arks,- especially - the and keep a -vigilant 'witch. At a sharp fernier, are complex pieces of mech- anism, and to construct 'them properly _outposts, every ape Ceases hia.oecupte. .requires much practiceand long train- -ing. The cork leg is familiar in workSof fiction.-, In real life such a thing is not, and never has • been, cork being just about the most unsuitable ma- -terial-for-the 'purpose thM:-Could he imagined: Artificial linibs • are made of. basswood or willow, supplemented to sonze extent With leather. The lumber for their' is carefully selected, and the ote- in themak- in of -a 'false leg is to cut from the. raw material a block • eight inches sqUare and of the requisite length. Through it e hole is bored lengthwise with a large auger, and then the block is put aside in a dry plaee and allow- ed to season. It ought to season for three years, It is then carved •in imie the rest of the tribe retreat so raptd- tation of a, real :leg; sandpapered to 1 that a an .can overtake them. vett it into a mere ,shell, and rendered rear guard, will observe- that they smoothnese, hollowed out sons to con- ver.hapPen upon the waterproof .by a 'coating of a special behave differently from ' the scOuts. kind of varnish. It may be covered with kid, but .metheds of manufacture vaey. Tho leg is- made hollow for the sake of lightness, and also to provide room for the introduction of a strong spiral spring and other elements of the ene- .chanismethat is to -render the amb. useful and comfortable' Counterfeit of a real one. An artificial lek of up-to- date-. pattern-ie-art-higenieue piece of ah-fiarattist• and there 1-1 neeny a Man to -day Who wean, one without betray- ing the -fact to the casual observer. Of course, if the natural limb 'has . RENCII ItleA.DY FOR WINTSIt• British Army Also Well Supplied with Warm -Clothing. Signs aro plentifulthat rinter is clase upon the troops in the North of France. The nights are already cold, far too es:014 for comfort, and . the characteristic winter- ht mist from the'marshes is in the alt.". The trees .are iat yet bare, but theleavee that remain have turned to a- sere yellow, while the roadways are covered with fallen leaves which the soldiers here and there heap hate.little piles for a feagrant, warming lire. It is evident that there is to beeene ether winter campaign; robbed, how - o1: 11101* of the lien*, of' lesti yeaes ordea1 in boggy trenches ahd along impassable roads. In Northern France, at lest, winter will 'find • the rtvel arraies well prepared to receive it, The Wet mud, the ice -cola.. water , knee-deep in the cernmunication trenches,' the ooze and dispoin$oet of the dugouts' - will. he the' exeeptiou te- ther than the ride this year,. -The terse' even in the advance trericheSe wilt generally be fairly livable, thanks to the plentiful use of concrete and ter, and the skilful empleyMeat of. drainage.,." • • , • Moreover, .the arinies wilt beprp:- perly eject and ant* .fed : The Bri- tish. soltlie"rs Will • again. don ; them Sheepekinie soppleenented by ample supplies' qf. -warne• caps socks and heavy boots Of rather better type. than last year'e. , ' - • . Many of the • trencidei now have brick floors, and virtually all 'are drained. and protected agalnet land-: slide by timbers. The great problem of the winter will be the billetieg of ell the new divisions which have come out since lest year,- .In tha, villages well. bee - hind the firing lines every outbuilding and old barn has been requisitioned, cleaned, repaired and made into shel- ter against the wind and' cold. But nearer the firing lines,most of the buildings have 'been smashed into! ruins, and although they were usable for housing_pueposes during_the ' pier, they are plainly impossible after mid-November. The problein is being dealt 'with -to some etecent. . by the bending of portable houses and huts, but the armies geow too,faet for the carpenters. The week of the aeroplane °beery:. ers gets mare difficult as winter ap: preaches. The fogs of 'the late au- tumn cling to 'the greund in little •atchts-well- iuto 1 day, While -11W eveeing mists rrialte• observations diffi- cult woe after midafternoon. • • T Rejeeted•Men in, Great Erirain Nest APPly Again. Thee Ith4ki breeeard to be leetied tO Mon in Great Dritain will be isznecl to men who ond ore placed in groups avvaiting it call to join. thl col- ors; men who, offer themselve3 for enlistment and are found to be medi- cally path; men le,,ho have been in- valided out of the serviea 'with geed character, or have been dieeliarged "not likely to become element on medical grounds. The oebenae id not yet cOmpleto in detail; even the deolza en tlia let is net finally settled. There will probably bedifterent warding for Cal different%elalsee. Soms will be needed. . • ."Dien. who lioVe been; PreviOuSlY r',- iected will baVe oer themSelVez.. for enlistment again in order to- quail:. fy, fel* the ernilet," was*the anewer givea, by an, Oficial. to cieeetien. an this paint "It does not follow that a'rnen wo was rejeacted when:the standards ..41 enlistment were different . weuld fedi to Pass to -day. In any event,. no harp: io. q•Qne by applying again,- sentries, oh every side -big wise, vet- eran baboons that sit perfectly quiet bark cif warning trom one of these ff:4610DS WfAii+.1.0 LASs,,, • •• r-•—••••••• . • • ChOrch WindoW • RemoVgd to Save °it , • •grent Deaths. The east windoW of St. Margaret's Cheireh,• adjoinieg Weetniiriseer 'Ab- bey whieet been galled:the:finest specimen •of stained 'glass work. in Louden, is being removed to a place of safety, in view 'of therecent Zepae- lin raids. The. window Was made at Gauda, and was pres-ented by the magietrates of • Dort to IcingBenr VIII. for the chapel of. Whiteliall.Pal- ace. The King, however, gave it to Waltham Abbey. The glass, of which the blues and greens ate remarkably striking, suffered sundry . rereotals and vicissitudes, and at one tiros was buried'to escape the zeal of the Puri- tans : Eventually it Was purthattecMiy the Wardens of St ,Margaret's for $2,000. 'It is .valued at 20 timeA that sum, V4M/ItZattiglira. • 1141201100 A /Oh IZinig tirr.12g, ValrY• cr Yrutt, Wa*n rola %vont 19 buy. writ*, W. 1-44,TWo• pramaton Opt. EOU 1.1)() AVM:3N '34 JN eeteeen $ /•:`,v• Loulca W130e.r. 7,eireeriee;.10, 11 AVE: 7.1'3(31.1•0=01, -TANvia.. • t(3, .P.itracranalle uta .1. (4 lifl1cr.-7.34.- Idavya,. (int, 1. • '" •-, „Oft ••• 100eiN•71T03A-- 141.3tiest rn-ic) •1.2'.+.c% fG.tb,", 2.1C17 4,41 41;DS, end dairy butter. J. 1).'.10censt111. - 443 ..f.raristUnet rt pif411.=-Nr•VF.1.:11 !,NEIA .4ou teilAYinVgelrioettleeleagiclinte?4,)4ilirr4 st otyi ut t forAmtio_10 ot! • • . Vcr;.'teilv•ot:t ‘.A‘.g.1:c1V,"4-2-.11r,101;•':otie7,, '41 - aityrEf.t.,a/M01.13.' ' ANenn, '41.741,30na, 1•0111.1143,, trre.". internal ana,, ixtercal. cured 'with* t. niuL nnibttoyodo.pulat: otiAefotrinnixDo:t_roueace!tcTitat..1401Y4felatt •• X-RAY.• vet e e .51EE THRU CLOTH Arm EVEN TI. FLESH LOOKS. • TnewleS.Pe r4ENT I THINteoP,THE .0.rt.t.ft YOU el.74:1HAVE.0,41 tg , _ • A fle.i.ie.,,....e.f49..b..arctoraoe a.,• , neck -,PC4 DISEASES Addllow to FCdd Maga frcz to end seeress fir the Author Planer H. CLAY CLOVER, V, S.. Deg Rowdies 118 West 3IstStreet, New Teak, SELD0111, SEE. A big knee like this, but you horse •.' amealdyeba, hveeeka,hsuntiLh, cn.knberew.oser thronoallige. -BINE -arra FRESH AIR,; AND T,IIEN ,SOMEe — , • , — Breathe Loess ,of YOte Can,, by • pay OrNight.l. . • Ifreathe, all. the' fresh air yqu- can getnight and day.. •That' S what 'fresh. air is foie • Thee; fearsome legend about the .baleful influence of "night. iseorily, another. of the caeefully nureed insanitary • bequests frinn•ouie. 'ancestors, according to Senior 'Sur- • • 0 gem Banks -of the United -States -Pub- • • . • lie Health Service.. --;Whett.thie:superstitiorte.arose rn•ay -7:Perhaps it is a- surviVal of the. primeval', cult of sun, ' I Monsieur: • • • • For 15 days in the month of ,January I wassuffering with pain Of rheumatism in the foiot. dlidtried all kinds of relnedies but inc . good One ,erson tom me about IdINARD'S Lame BN' ast•soon_as. I bleu:Lit- the- Batutilay the next morning I was feeli vehrygood; I tell you this rernedy Is very good r I could give you a good certificate any time that you would like to have one. If env time P come to hear about anY person sick of rheumatism. 1 could tell them abOUt this rsiliedY• Yours truly. 1614.NEST LLB, 216 Dim Ontario Bast, IVIontreal. Felt 1,4, 1908. — •11,EPAPFF, . Will Clean it off vvithout laying up the horse. IeTo blister, no 1114, gene. Concentratede-oely`i fell; drops required at an application. per bottle delivered. 'Describe iour care far tvectal instructions and Bonk 11,40 tree. •Al3SORTN, ill, the otati• sepdc toaakind. reduces ',Painful liorellingt.. Erliarred—orinai.--view-Bnilses. =Varicdse:Nelan--altays ,Pain and lariat:I:nation. Prke 81mut 57, a bol4ellfdrialidaPi or delivered. Made la tben-S. A. by , W. YO'JNG, P. D. F., 416 Lyniana ItiontreA GOr• tbsorbisc and AbsorbInc. Jr.': ;re made Is •Csa,u111. ; •: THE LARGEST ddiEdROOF RESORT N.' ;MELO THE WORLD. ** 414/EIR0 , The Spirit of America at iiia7; alagnatude -and eneerInInenP• ead•EsE4ede_egwA.Er 1 • EUROPEAN PLAN-- D. S. vnitte, Pres. W. Mott, NV. The Result.t •A‘ Sunday pchool teacher asked ' a little fellow how many corrunateirrients there were. To her, surprise the lad' • answered glibly enough, "Ten; ma- ,. EVEN ROSe.S. 1)EGERMANI.zEti: • - dem." "And now, Samniy, asked the! • e teather. "ht Would he the result a ftelith,"Groifer Sulstitufes ddinahee-: St 4 you should . break one of 4 them?". for Teuten • Names. "Then there'd be, nin.o?" triumphant- - ‘ . , --lty answered the youngster, ...Frei& rose grodierSisaYs the Paris. wership,. which" led the ancients to • Figaro, are extendmg their patriotism , = even to the -,petals of the --smeen of , lidurine is Free tione even the babies hush their. cries on the izisteet. ' At another bart fear anything :outside the sphere of • --- sicians, as used for fl d' aredebeting t A 'sae , the second note may 'carry a differelit may resume work eir play; or, again, ,Wont to tango their °fronting to "be Careful abOut the night air," or chil- i .„,ifteit to the Public and beitY(1ne6eotflil., tahlie names. growers,: JtIle. ! .4 ppreareetideeb.y2dredichayt-.4,, .1 ..owers, an , he aevi =MY years in their. .bility of renaming all varlet* that :all solar infittence. Our forbears were ! message; then the leader gives an dren, were ordered to "conie in out of ! Ositglierrt°cuertgielgt, Gravereaux, has not hesitated • Ici Order, and, all retreat rapidly to the elenser-parts-of the forest. - When travelling; these creatures have both a front and a 'rear guard. A half dozen powerful epee scout well in front of the main body, new in- peeting the woods from the ground, tubing .tg the tops oft-thel-talle-- est trees. If the traveller comes .on a tribe a baboon's, he usually sees only one of • the ;scohts, Which bares his teeth savagely, barks once, and is gone. Farther away, the hunter may observe the whipping of branches, *.as• OUR ank prem. t . fees at not ' More than r coot less •••t,!1 , ,amottots ' written off 3,661,180,17 15.071,335.61 • Iron spikes, lotives- opear.litadso td hrees i''ods ore Vtotl. es totbotitoteo t or Coin iii settle parts, of Central frfee. • • ,,,- - -.0 Must be in two parts,, connected. by a kneejoint. • If one must lose a portion of one's, Ambulatory machinery the. most desirable Place for the amputa- thiet hetiveen-the knee Mid' the en. kle. Under each cireumstantes Wed member may enable one to walk with- out. limping, or one may even tango tiatietaetotilie butlbss of -part 'of the oot-Cr: of the Avholoefoot'attli-e-ittkle= doint,mpans,,,theet-One emust ge halting through- ` -The' feet OUtfie•- nitiffeiat Ieg is hi itself an Occeedingly 'clever counter- feit. Its core is part. of 'the same piece of wood that Makes the body of the leg. Enveloping this core is rab- bet-, ,vulcanised On In series of thin layers,- the result being to give' the Not .a 'lively springiness, rendering it , conifoitable for Walking abet helping ' to give the Wearer a' iitittital gait, ,An artifiCial arm is of • similar con- struction, 'with a vedoden cote for the , hand, which is of vulcanized ,rubber. tit asen-tubstituiteetorethe enetural— limb it ie a, peer thing compared to u -false leg. The hand ~is useless purposes of Inardpulation and. has tit be kept coveted With a glove. Wires extend: through the fingerse to that the 'latter May be bent into any de- sired •position. Officer (to recruit who has failed ,to salute utton't.you know who / am? I'm an officer." 'Recruit: "You're !deity; rte only a privatet" 1..eren • • aaa 010641441 Linintent Ontell Di the the night air." , ' cleanse, and Strengthen Eyes afterexposure to , "degermarnze"- many of the varieties ae es-- geenereeely-- fieeeiiiereeeeceed-cattine- welds -and Dust and, to- restore , bealthfal tone40 Eyes Reddened and znadu Sore in ms famous collection. 'For- the ' This-ide and even one of our w11 -known by.OvarWork and Eye Stria. • sent he has given each rese thus shorn flowers* is loaded down with. the hor- • Some breadminded Phyli dans uss and recent. ,. . i raend Isdurine while others perhaps 3e us otits oe name a nember. All will be re-' .. rible name of "Deadly, Nighteieide" as aloe:ea:ill resrunzincato print in o orlon; iclassined after the. war under French • uni. :The low-lyi•Ig IniAt_or_fog that your Druggist 505 and you Lyon Contplete Pkg. . .. • sometinies gathers aboi4 the -surface ready for use. Try it in your Eyes and in Baby's of the earth under. certain atmos- , Eywerieffrot Eivirelfhleurcopmharting-Just Eye pheric conditions, after sunset, was.' marine Ere _Rec'erieg Conagye.Fittleafgew held -is held -to be "miasmatic" and ' — ' pregnant with lethal' possibilities. • • .• Talking Big. .. The night air, minus the sun, is no , -Marriage, bit, is a failure," different ffs:_kni the atmosphere of a "Are you in a position te . know, --• sunless !day. The atmesphereic en- sn-7----. - . • sot of verbal,. relic of thit ,old no,- there i8 nosFreseription feer'lleiltgria:ee,s uys'tggfi or other nonGetman:names. Bye BOok-Mnrine-Dropper-and-Cork-Serew--2 • Elinertris Idnunent Cures Difitomnor. • • 18,000 Jews Figliting.toe.13ritain. Of 411,060 'Jews in the British. En p110, the „London Daily Express Matee that 200,000 are ineligible for erilistenent-by reason of alien nation- ality the remainder nearly 18,000 are serving with His Majesty's forces. velope of the earth does not change •"/ am, sir, and in a position .to so -I've just been .divorced." from benign to malign in the twink- , ling of an eye after sundown: • Not silent or'eautiout, they constantly. . A story' from the trenches . in give :quick, sharp . dornmands, now "France is that a -soldier wrote home . angrily chiding some lagging young- to his wife to open her windoWs at ster, or giving another- a slap and a night, as he had found that. the night bite. . - air "didn't hurt one bit." natio' the 'As Tar as We linovi; the babOons are 'exPeriace of all the advocates. of this the Only apes or other animals that sensible eustomonce „ tried. the old pest -a sentry at night. .commonly, custOna of seeding oneself in an air- -they "sleep in eavesamongethe cliffs, tight *bedroom is never , renewed. • and when all have retired, to rest, you Diseases 'which involve the lungs may be sure that one. of their numbet can usuallY be treteed to their begin - WHY wide awake., sitting on s-oni .ning in ppoily. ventilated sleeping 'exposed Topic Or other point - of van- apartments, a 'slew. of the atmosphere. apartments, inside rooms Abet do, not dtairgeecificcronm_Nwhoitchi-v.14eil?ithne:Iseeeetilatirde,vtehiyeT have a emancipated 'persons who most determined fog of the h0.0ant. open their windows .at night will tell dares tO ittiaeli tem ai night -unless yoa, unanimously, tligt they cannot he can Surprise and Will the sentry: breathe in a chamber.unless the win - When attacked, they will fight in de-, do*. is raised; their sense of comfort if,emnatrigkooifs let ._fam.ilies .tintil. ,th. e • la-r'st epielities of fresh air; and' vigor demands :the life-giving • . • . GHOSTS. ON ALLIES' SIDE. Explained. Old -Sea -Dog, -gentleman. e ...................... ing ,wreek)-,•Yes, . that'erthe -marY -,71„au _ Hann what was bound for Dundee wix "Even the ghosts have pronounced 7..7:-. ---•-=----'-'-'-7.---- - - - - GerinittiOr doam;"--ivrit-ee'.'te-Mafitie ' 01d:-Gent1entan- (hard .of hearing)••,. -a-e-----ref,"' Vh-b- iweee -eit- te---tity that et Dear met Coffins? ' collection of Getman spiritualistic Old Sea Deg--Corfins?' 'Nahi Cor- prophecies has been found in Franee. fee -what you Make tea of! --London One collectielt, published in Leipzig, in Often COOL ttek Itt 'Merit .furoacc4iti• which at trett'. itt made, the fires barn .for years with... • �ut ever,goittg. out.. SS6 l' 1914,,thas la title the translation of which is "The Universal War in' Pro- phecy: 11itorica1 and. Critical Studies of All the Predleitona Itegarding the Universal War, and the ruture of the German People." Instead of prophe- sying a7,German triumph, the • predic- tionare said to be all the other way. It is also recorded that on January 12, _Oottenho.efen pub- lished in Zeitshrift fuer Okkultisme a copies ,of "spirit !eonitatthications,".0110 of which says that the universal war will break out when least eXpeded, accompanied by disasters the like bf Which ffatitkind has neva /mien be. tore, and that "Get many will become So small that nil its people can livoitt a single city." ‘‘Le Masque de Per" adds: qatt'us See to it that that city Anil not be ParitiP, " •• idizittaist thinuezit'Otikeis tletetit itt eitteett . • e. i.:Start. Off the New.•.-.Yeari:-..,; with a Victrola==and it will be 'a happy one: . A Victfoli is enteitainment for the .liOrne, . and an for4lie—family. aecinaint you _ all :the great singers and instrumentalists; and every- • thing in standard anil pip:Liar musk:- Home is not " ' truly home nowadays without one. ' $21 ',-- 11i ten -inch • ter -this ‘:• 4••• ' i Genuine- -•• 7 lialielentions)-q- Victrola • your own choke •a• • . • • Vicirols IV. " • , Other Victrolas $83.60 to *400. Write for •0.• copy of • . - our Musical Encyclopedia listing over 6000 Victor Records, including all standard and popular music On 10 in& double.sided roords as low as 90 cents for the two selections. " . • - • , Any at "Hip Master:6 Itnite" dealers will let _you heir them', Wthere is not one in ou tyitotlfy 'us -and. we. see ;."'• that-you-nr&not-disappointed,,iti-on-earlk datieeiy.- BERLINER' ORAMNO -PHONE CO.', 'Li !Tilted ' 601 Lenoir Street* Montreal ' IS*A2,1331161 114e TOWIi NDbiVic p1131_, ViSIOT1"31 , 03.3 °OAST To • 00AST• TIOTOR 11119011,1311-.44EADE IN OAXAIDA • 3i0OXr 'Olt NM MASTER'S WO:WV" A ••••rmanz 114.110. fP-•' 110* Agencies einiiidered Where "We Are Not Properly .Itepteseated. , • • •,, 4' • • , e