HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-01-06, Page 1.L00 per year, in adVallee; itx.25 therwi$4
Fred. A. Lewis, piano tuner 1t3 at thP
• 00,111 .11011$0.
• Rf,; John Joynt, is in TnEollt0, on a
•blisinetiS r1P, . •
Old january 'Thaw lost no time in
getting to work this year;.
Miss 14.- Ergelnall, of Seaford); visited
relatives in townthiSTWeek„ -
Miss Lindsay, of Fergus, was the guest.
Of Miks 0.. Witham this week. •
Mios Nelta Stneitser left this Week to
,attend (Minton, Thlfitnella college. . •
Iry It Shelton, itiploY; spent New
. • Year's with Mr. and' Mts. .A..#919;;*.
Miss ),ilinnie Edwards, of Sudbury, is
iiPendingther holidaYe at b•91.40 here.
•MisSes Bessie arid Mary Bell.Hablark
• spent New Year's.'n't Mrs, D. Graham's.
Thomas Agar, f Toronto, is eta
• ing on former acquaintancesin the vil-
lage, • ."
The Lu'oknow eotincil ,of . 1910.
• %old ita final meeting on Monday at 11
, •
ver, • •
The ToCel reeruiting, office, has been
...aboit the busieet place in'town the past
.„week, • • • ,
• W. McKilshon won over H.. B.
in.the mayoralty contest at Wing,
him. •• •
•Mr, and gra:Tiles; M.eivin, Onireexi
were New Yenr gnests of their daughter,
Jqr5i, 13en, • " •
Mr and Mrs. g. Pierce, onVinniPeg,-
. are renewing- former acquaintance hum(
about Lucknow.
• Mrs., J. IL Cameron, of- London, was
• the -guest of Alta R. p. Cameron for a
- feekdays this week. ,
WUBark ,WAIsiTIO) at. the Lucknow,
Flour 'Mills. Highest' -marker prices
. I '
Mr. Alex. ravioli, of W. Witivanosb,
is selling off bis farm stock and Wavle.
Menta -011 an. la. UP has rented lifis
farm and will go Pito the hardware
business at Whitechurch.
Ilaving an exceptionally lalSi,Vite.
WO have found it impossible to get all
correspondence received into The Sea,
. Kiwi. For this .we, apologize' to the
writer g and woiati•be readers. °
The mothers and fathers p Brace. who
-raise objections to their sons enlisting
exhibit a eeldsh rather than 4, tine patri-
otic spirit' It is tbo solemn duty of
Lnclenowboys to relieve their friends
now in the treuCheill and every day they
hang baok iniperils.those lives just, that
• and'AIrs, W. Slat's , Detroit, were
• guests other parent&t IMr. and Mrs- A.
Bess, a few daysllastweek... '
• Miss. Margiiret Henderson, of Te,rentei
epent the Christmas holidays with her
Pother, Mrs;Win. Henderson.
• Dm:11 Geddes,. V. S., hai.renstivedlift
nffiu t upstairs in the Min, Block;
• next door to Dr; Newton's Office.
,A1,1S., Rev. 'Watt anddaughters, of
Bergoyneispent Army :Year's with her.
much longer.' • • ..
. .
Groat *least has.been aroused over
the coming presentation. of the drama
"For the Bed, White audIllueein Lne15.
new by the Kingsbridge Dramatic °OM-
DAV* 2 The date has beep fixed for .tbe
evening of Thursday, Jai. atli, and the
Plan of the b4i. is now open at
,Armstreng's fornglilt011i-,- Already thera.
has been a ITO active demand for seats.
sod cinito.4 miniber were seemed 7 ellin•
before the • tickets were printed. The
' company ale con,ring to Lacknow
nnt charge,' end: 'we believe theit.are
. Jack Newton. hafi diaided. to, give up airee,dY assured of a splenclid tecention,
his position aaleacher at GidniebY and, 'AS theplaytobtgivisi Under auspices
•eullet for King and Country with the Of the N.Fetnee'a Patriotic Societyi pro,
Brno' bye. Jack believes that at -least coeds will:go .to the petrietwjw4
rum 4)f :the .faniiiyshould anewer.. . •
cotintry'li i
,Ile s at 'present` Some..
*bat Oder theweatliar and will vecit,
mate at borne for a few*WeeleS: •
The regular meeting of the. ,WOmen'e
Institute will be held in the Council,
Chamber on,Fiiday afternoon, Jon, 14,
at 230 o'cloch, TberoIl .cull•'ie to be
answered by c"Soine T b i ngs Werth
Plowinfe a talk on'"What constitutes
an Attractive Woman". by, One ;:of the
menthers, a reeitation by another mem-
ber, also a report of the 'London con-
vention. „Music; etc. Visitors welcome,
. Has it occurred to you that working
the farm is o. business :proposition, and
that you Are handicapping yourself And
losing inoney.by not subscribing for a
fariti,'business• paper. .We recommend
-the EarnieraT:Weekli-Min-,.:Te`rbittnIT.to-
atir,readere.- It is the, Steadfast friend
and fearless advocate of the farmer; and
St.. Helens
• --Tuesday, Jan. .
• &boa opened on Monday with Mr.
Bebinson at,the helm.
Mr. James Phillips, of Yellowgrass, it
visiting his parents Mr, and "Mrs. Sam
• : • •
Miss Inez Switzer, of Holyroed, spent
a few days last Week with Miss Merger
et istiller. '
Mr, Garfield Mel:Maid, of Belfast,
called on a few of his St. Helens•friends
onSunday. ••
-- Miss Colina Clark spent a -few days
visiting her ester Mrs. laryin McDow-
ell of 'Westfield. • ' •
•'1.111,1V1lerftortrthe tookinh
bex.,social at-:Lanietele WeelneidaY
evening ot lastweelf:-.7 . •
alwaYsiftees 'his', interests' first, Th° , 'Mr. Arnold Barbor, of Erin, who has
one dollar you iiiVest will never be •re- ••
gretted- Start.the5eur.right 094..•ebdeehriovraissitoiringTfraieesnada7round here..return-
nig in your s'ubscription,.or leavingit. at • 4 very enjoyable time was spent at
this offiee.-• •• ,thehome of Mr, and 'Ws. N. Campbell
Lpoolow WINS
Lucknowlioekey team got away to
.good, start on Tuesday eveningby de,
bya Score of Tbose
who visitedthe rink were treated to a
really good ethibition of hockey, for
Itipley has afood tomn and 1311,„ UP 0,;
lively battle. For the first tivo•thirde
of the game the teaine appeared verY
evenly :Matched. •Atilie end 0(4e gist'
-207iiimutes the mina -stood
the end of the Ondt it WAS 2-4;1. in favor
!Pt' 1.4neltnO.W. • Tile remainder of the
Pale was IPOM eineoiided; and the benie
. team gradually 'pulled .away from Abe
visifors, •
r•re0. 40was rather soft for, really feet
playing, but the -game ais k whOlet-iVent 'nth their might•' -*;
Off very well. 'Mr, Itliee•11,0bertson•aet. A very activit and persistent canvass
as with, apparent all-retnid followed. nominations. and ' on election.
The Methodist Sunday Schootconcert
given, last Thursday evening in the Town
Hall drew a goodoaudielice and was an,
Single Copies 3 mots
Will5 Over John, 4aynt, By A*
majority of 29. The 'Miami. Meath* a, the hockey
club was .held in the Cain lionse' on
By a majority of 20 Lucknow decided
in favor of J. G. Anderson kr reeve of
the 'Village as against John ;font, 'who
boa held the office since the it of April,
1015; .
, There was no Pone In parlieular, ex-
eepting thi,t botTnia wanted the office;
or at any rate towin the election; When
the.coutest was antiounded everybody
kneiv.that there wotild.,be a lively time
for orkit these ran. do ' they at;
day every available voter was gotten out
;'4; the polls:. •. '•,
On the 29th of Marchileet Wheif those
' 'salne.ttv*.tisen contended for the !seine
office, Mr, doynt won ny 40, ',Just what
caused the turnover nobody under the
Othl Pa* say.
By•wards the Vote on Monday; was as
round suecess. The whola program:WAS ; fougwa: .
veryentertaining, the drills by the chil. •
dren being exceptionally pretty numbers, •
The receipts ankennted to. *53,00. One iderson
'half of the net proceeds will be given' to °"'4"„i•
. ••
patriotic purposes. - -.
Tun umn.-One of the interesting
numbers:of the Guild program Oa .Mon.-
day was a letter read by •the eetrOtorY)
Miss Dorothy Douglas, froni a soldier,
"Pte. S. R. Towle, writing from •'-"Some•
where in France" to the Guilfl. He was
,one.of the boy o[ the, congregation that
-the Guild had
amal l Xmas. gift: "Introducing bur
Meetings" warread by Miss Mary vale-.
of the program com-inittee, Which Was a
list of the program topics for the corning
clX months; Mr. J. 0, Murdoch gave a
short addresi'and spoke chiefly ,on the
acellent selectionofprograins • which
haa been...chosen for • the Guild study,
,andliving some interesting 7004.10 of
benolit toTtle.6ociety.' Other nuoitas
were readings by Miss Begnes and Miss
Ethenioilve; a' solo' by Miss McKendrick
and the seiipture,Teading by Mies Mary
Campbell,The topic next • Monday ••is
"Why ShoUld I Jain -the Chtirchr
on. Friday everileglast.
.rs11o±tUerrrtnrtwcL honseOn
Installation of offieers for t VL'iiiltY
. . last after 'spending 'a few days
will be held at the lodge ropy!) •ort: Friday, .
evening ef this wseh. with friends neat London,
Mr Mid Mi s W. 1. Miller and fon-lib',
is. S. Box Sorlatt.. . . elso.MrS. It :IL Miller and Mrs. •W,-,- E -
The Sunday SehoOlOf Hitelrett'sehurch • . Gordon spent. New Years in Goderieht .
;van. hold a' Box-Soeial -.1n. the Orange
Hall at Belfast, on the evening of Jan. -. speative
Those that have returned to their re-
alities after spending their vta:
12. There Will be. A, musical and liter:i...cation et -their htinies here are:. Misses
My program. Admissibn. 150•, %IOUs:•1%'?Iiiii,'Riitherferil,.Fergas; May:dallier--
On, Seaforth;
°lugs' Miller' °ebLiltutlgev,ITItoet-'-;
with boxes free," .•• . :
:-.------Ir"-------a '' . Nina Wocde, Stratforel;.Janet
PATRIOTIC 'MEETINGS .• ' . .ronto;:-•Paarl Webster, 'Toronto; Mary
,patenth, Mr. and Mrs. A., Barbotr. . • • • " Mornington; Mr, Donald Clark,
. •
'North South
103 02
- 86 40
treYnt 100 63
Thn Ogurn1 suggest that on bath oc-
casions the territory was Worked to the
, In March 301 marked their ' bal
lots; on IVIOnclay 364: •
Monday evening of this week. It was
decided that Luolinow enter a team in
the Lakeside League this season. •.A.F3
the club has not. calledon the ph& tor
tuhserip,tions, it wee .deeitled that the
boys boost their own sport by„issuin
membership tickets, and thane may be
PurchaSed, from either.the rink manager
or the *rotary of the Club, It Will be
necessary for every player to.•Islio* his
Member:44p ticket before he appear- on
the ice at hockey practice. Th s follOw-
• ing were the officerselq4ed for -the MO
sewn: • , , '•• . '
• President. 3.• 0.'Andersen; Vge'Vres.-
/dent; .e.,-*-StrrithrgonT- President;11.
E, Truax; • Manager, , W. J, Devitt -9n;
Se*Areas., A. E: Dieentkee
lienOraori, 4088 .11.6bert4
son, Robt. Johnston; Q04114.,..- B. 11
NtalIovigb,l'Masee% meehdries; Pat.,
Mr. and Mrs, Giennie;. Mr.
and Mrs. .T S. Reid, Mr. and Mrs: 'AV,
Cash. and Mr, and Mrs, A. E. Durnin.
' . •
Fpur reasons for onlisting in the Bruce
Battalion: -
.1 -It is up to every Balm. boy to help:
this county tb take the lead, if possible,
in forming one 9( the:. best battalions
• •.•'•• Dn Wednetdo evening Cif last Week Patriotia add recruiting ineetingi- -Kingston-;--Jolur Webb,- Clinten. Also
0 - over raised in_Ontario,
nr-sout enlisted Troin the family of
Dan MacDonald .who lives tiorthof the
0.'T. R. Station here, makes a recorkfor
Lucknovi and in the way of en-
listments from onehouseheld. ,
LadY Oets Her Dims
A Walkerton ,paper tells:as 'that a
lady in Walkerton was present, Cwith a
$450 Persian lamb coat by her husband
last, week as a Christmas box,' Hubby
said his wifeliadactually saved hini that
amount in.•caih by baking her own
byead for -the past. quarter of a_eentury.•
'Andual Meeting '
14.• riTeten-PowilfiaeigthrieAllot.nurati
Snciety will be
Friday,. the 210, day of January, 1916,
ahtek21 oina9telike pT. oi:n, Hall; Lne.know;
A. B. 3,101(4, •
• president.
S. A'G10EW,
• Tti TflfiB1011)1tafiPIU.00.1.3*.
LadieS and, Gentleinen
". . Allow Me to thank you .for-. the
splendid support I 'received at your hands
iu the election oil Monday. aceept
the: result, not in theispirit-PT--Wiumph.
overAny opponent, but sininly`aii mom::
ifestiOn of confidence in inc. My motto '
will be.."!A. year of Pregrees in the moral
and Material' deVelopmenf of the village,
j. AiVntiztoN, '
• •
The -,business of our optical.
-right, We do our optical 'Iri-oric
fidenceyon put in us "When
40evittc4lon..1t:iis ceg.ereT.* 'to
. •
)117o w)11 tat -d 110t 144414 •
•pena upon. it. Nre une-tlie ver
best Material. If you Wanyti ye lit ne-t t)
The SatiaragtorY.
. . ...
AIONVY TO 1.0X14. -On mortgages and note.
- at reasortable rateS.. Fire411Sflrant,e-,, .both.
Stock and Mutual Genlhabiee,
• ' ' 011.14.). A. SX01),A.T.4b. 13anicer. ratehnou-
• ltaw 101.7118 are in geed dot:llama aud)-onena
Al OnflolsOles 14'S• "
b 9941 51are, LuOanoW, ...7.11.tr.
• •
.• Notice. ,
1,0s,i-A. hoto made by Yolui Renter ht
" favnief "SVITITiintlionter. -11•KrIrahlitianikere..
by -warned against the- purchase et.,.1)1Y_aut'll,
unte-slinald the ham he oirered for vale.
W-114.1.4v.1.1n>Pry•14 Aidineftt.
Highest Oaet Pilees paid tor Raw it'urs.
6.14f,• • $.aicknol.v,
, •Auctiott Sale
from LneklioW. going with Gordon:
te-Gederich and eigning JO the 'sec-
ond contingent. He afterwards trained
at London, and for Seiver4 months-1ms
been in, the trenches with the:1Bth. Bat-
talion. •
Jack' the youngeit„ 'enlisted:, with
the 33rd; He trained - for a time • itt
London, but .went • overseas with. rein-
forceinent4 and is on active service -
Sandy belongs to. the -,transportation
servica Of the British. Invent& Airily
imeHias been in Toronto for some tune -
Mr. It D. Clineron add.ressed a large be heldinaders the auspices.•of the -Kin- MisSes, Anna b .ewa , Versa, We d , D
24Telle will be with his life'-iong Chum's,
• 'adielice in Liman on local option • loss Recrmting:*League
• • . . , .• Cranston', Mary Meg. 011ie a' d Glady,s , Tom, the oldest of the quartette,. sign-
. - fell .0 ho• tht, d- ••tisli•ri
. • • . .
Langside. on the, evening of ,Tnesday,
Jan, 1 ith ; Holyrood on the avenin
of Wednesaaf,:j'an. andat-Kinloss
on the evening Of Thorsday, Jan. 13th.
A niiinber'zt..goird .Spealters hive been
engaged for these. meetings and there
will beother entertainment in the way
of mimic,. etc. Come out and • make
every. Meeting a splendid .siieeess, • J.
Purvis, Chairman Com.
Webh•tb Winghaue and Clara. Woods o n sym•pa .z.e. an ai
pd tip the' other day "with 'the 13ruee
in.aistressin the trench..es; rather than
Niargaret Miller; Winnie...Woodi. and
• as can his his bo hood -c nuns- • , - • -
• „ . .
. Watch, the , table of :Special' Priced
`•• gaols with. si)ecial' PienO Vote- Bonuses
eiteh Wednesday at the Itexall Store.
• .
''-'111CA-J=Rivittratk. of- Toronto,'-iin-s7
. .
the gitest of his father and :mother, Mr.
anci Mrs. Jas...lildwards, for N9W Year.
• • Dr, G. H. Shelton; of Detroit, visited;
:his sisters, MIS. A. Ross, Mrs. Armitage
and Mrs. T. Treleaven on New Year's
'It is saidthat E. Copeland, 'Whigham,
who has been at the front in France; .is
returning home.. He suffering from
nervous shock.
Dan McKenzie (iOniinereial), Of
rrohibition- Meeting
A public meeting of those, juterestell
, .
in theprohobition of the liquortraffic in
Ontario will be held, in the Methodist -
chinch on Ttiesday.next-,7-Jaff.
is here tespeird New-Year'sp. in. The mirk arid mins of the. -Cul-
:with WS sieters MisS Bella zens' aonimittee -of One Hundred will
• Ripley Express, „• • .be considered. gi:erybody interested in
. . • , .
Mrs. Frank Coleman and son, Earl; of this greet cause 'will be'weleorned.
Kippen, and 'Mrs. Jack MeNaughton and.. • '
• datighter Tena;„ of Ilisic'efield,• spent the Widtacr Warrtn the Lueknow
holidaY1 Ii
Insffie•et 'Dina Webster, Flour Mille." Highest 'market prices.
•paid....-4.ThEnnavele Enos. '•
. • .
Tvventy-two' -Inde
from Il ! :ians - ape
' O.
„ .., •
. IJrokJ?E kteerve, Bruce County, have
.P.ealisted for overseas service, and a num.
• ber are expected. from the Sangeen
iteserVe7-The-Iiirlilieedis that -an -Indian
'' Battalion will be organized.' - -
Chrlittaff 'crillege.honte,
liealthfUl *nation. • • . • The nigh School -sCudents this"
. •
, tetal Artie ers Who.can never regard hint .
' TM?, LITEitinV.The seemid weeklY '..
- 31...,,ri B Y B r • h . " followS 'and will • make' good seldiers.'
le rues • atta ion as in. corn-
-glee t f -the L t ay So.„ Id
0--- - - ' inalid,SOMerof the -finest B o They appsat to be poseeised of the spirit
athassentso ••:mallY„ of . the Aon.S. of
---eng-•-o - • i er " ' ,i'et ou - ,,--, ' •
Friatly evening. Nyitil very succeisful. Th° raislied here, including, Lt . -Col. • Weii,- '-
Meeting was opened by singing "The moisr.any, who seotiora and the Isles into the ar .my
Maple Leaf" after which 'instrilinental has seen active service •atd- has been
Major Metfat and 'Capt.' since the war broke 'out. In this regard'
musie was given_b the McQaillin 13ros. .... ' B 1 ' ' ' . • the land of Bruce and Burns loads every
, . . twice woundedin e glum.. other subdivision of the world:encircling
and recitations were given . by Misses O. •
4-4•The Bruce reeruits Will be
Woods' and ' Margaret 'Miller, solos by • • allowed empire '
to train at home; if they. so desire for
Maillturniii.to-LucktrioW. •• • • - There- are all strong, bright, young
'Miss Myrtle Iiittle-esirj: TaulaYeatber- The parents •and sisters will have
several:a tht yet; or unilthel3at alien
head and JohaTayior Shed speeches
assistant editor .Mr. John- •Tayior
1/v.ere given by Rev. Mi. Little' and, Mr.
_George. Webb and a reading by Cairns duty.
A•tcheson The jOureaI was read -by the
after his dal.
. LY&CKNOW expettS every man Man' to.do. Pr9u4 'them'
is recruited to its full strength. •
Canada expects e ma to -do hisi
very n
manyan anximisthought_ for the boys
if they all get toThefront at the some
time, but they have good reason to be
Which the rest ;if the evening wasspirt)
Qat into lin% boys; and call aroundat
111- Om" *43; In°9-11 was sevve-1133T l'h° the Recruiting Office to day '
ladies and all went home feeling • they .-. •
had an enjoyable and prefitableeyenieg- .t
. 'A Patriotic and Recruiting Meeting
Will:be held in the Lneknovi Town Hall
on TridiJanuary 7th, at 8,.p.m. when
Addresses wili be_giverk by..Ds.pt.:
of•WaTherton' and Mr. J., 'J. -Hunter, of
AilusiCal selections *di. be .
given by local talent. This meeting ie in,
aid of reuniting for the new 160th 13ruce.
„Bottalion..-titiet everybody -.is.. ya_Olgo.naN„
• Everybody come. • . • :
.for King and Country::
, . . , • et • •
The focal reeriating officers' have sign
. ed up for service tvlth the Bruce
• 7 :;! .Young Men of Lneknow aod
. -Tueseley; Jan. 4.
' Mise,-Sarak- Caineron,2•is •spenclirig a,
Week 'in Detroit. • • -
Mrs. Tennant, of 13Offalos •4uisiting
her _parents, Mr: -aii d NUS. 11*.lexander
11 J. Matheson an ---------------. Fin,
laySon returned their respective educe -
ti' nstittitienur - • • • • • :
vicinity during then:1st week They are:
' rom McDonald (fonrth of the family to
'enlist); Marshall Grahain_(second of the
family to &dia); Angus Iliiteol'Oecond
of:the family to enlist); Albert Jewett.;
Robert ' .fribbin; •Win Stimsok, Harry
Chisholm, Teter MeKinnon. The officers
are prantinallyassured.of number of
others, and prospects of getting together
a_gool 'number are bright Uniforms.
me on. order and are expected- along'
Vorprospretitsandterme,,virthethellAnripat Vicinity have. restobed their studies in next week: . 'We understand that the
vw-,D,D..A.Thoina5„t„.__ _the neighboring tugu.zolioms, • battalion as whole is doing very
63 _
. , .
00,_..1100ester; mrs.: .1w -id; as -men arejtAning- all over_thet.equiity.
- -*Misses-Christine-and
" ISotk an
son, of Chicago' and • Detroit, ''returned,
to their homes on Monday, being called
to the bedside:of their Mother, whose
4nteral4oek- • itrda
TIM j,Le.T1i,3,111S.. DUrit'AIT F/DrLAYsON,
-Deceased- vas horn in Glenelg; Inver-
ness, Scotland, -nearly go YdarS, ago. The
inlay' moved to this cotintry and settled
• • 3.11.the Township -of !Tifton, -whete' they
endured the harashipa of pioneer 'life -
which fell to the lot of these early set -
Linver :
• Skatink is.the order of the day oath-
er night at present.. -
• Mrs. K:facTienzie. visited \friends in
Goderich a few days:last week. ••'.°'
Messrs. Sam and Elmer, .Bradley and
-kits Violet _MacLennan have returned •
to. the G L_ • •
L8 vlie=sperict.
-Clirrstidei'veriitionat har.honielterehat-
raiirned to -the L. kir b.'
Miss McAllister has Feint ned to Luck
non, after visiting her Mete -Mrs.' N. CI
'Mbritnedit.--4n Edgert,cin, cn Dec.
17, 1915, to Mr. rind Mrs W. .11.
'Murdoch, a Ben. .
•-5--Wah-iive brit •ls-e-filt5.fhal-riteethy-
and shaving. Alt sizes'and .
•- or .the best quality' for the
. price. Combs of all sizes front.
*the heavy COMb for . wottien to
the narrow cot-J(11310r meth '
Vino'. our ccid liver and iroi) •
tonic is a retharkEtble tiorly buildcr
• ' and stretigtli creator for tired
. • young people, feeble old peopla.
• and delicate children. ' Try it on.
• our guarantee. " D6eg yon good
• - or costs you nothing." • •
- Des Spettee' Drug
The Nyst
" look
. •
. - TO 'THE tLectoss ilicioNoW • '
Ladies and Gentlemen:•
• I wish to take this epnertunity to
expressnly sincere gratitude to those
Who so ably supported•me at.' the, paha-.
on Monday; and Wall those who worked
• And. voted ageing me T MAO sak. I- boar -
ill -feeling. •You are entitled . to alL
you obtained. I beg to remain
- A:Humble Citizen, •
• Jonzr
.(Corrected up to Wecine
Oats. lllllllllll • .
Barley, ...
Buckwheat ; ..,' •
. , . -Eggs, fresh.
f the standing
in the Rexall
yoiir number
eat find yeti, -
in the •store
,at the Store.
1300er your Muitbr4
87. ,
• 27, .
• 03
The following is a list o
Of the highest Contestants
Store nano Contest. If
does not appear here /ou,
standing on the -Bulletin
'window, or by enquiring
• • • • •
• 3,4 .• , • • • .
slay noon) •
• 36.
... 54
.„ 25 27
• 40- •
4.-- 33 • 35'
, 1Q,Z4 and J. .
• lic auttion. at the Itelral lioiel eitables, Luck-
0 eioel,..1I0 oltvieelloistetwerehts.-4111.-dtte
• fresiten early, , •
(171.e. • Auctioneer.,
Hogs. , .... . .
. • ' 860
' °BUNT° PitiCup vinS WEEK
-*beat. bush ... :,.$ 95, to .$.1. op
Oats, bush.. , • 7••• 42..6
; ,r•;:alt4o
Federg... .... .. , 62. to 6 75
Choice heavy steers......, 7 SO „to 7 90
Butchers'. • cattle 7 00 to ' 30
ALEX..,PllithoN,let 23, 'eau 12, Alr.„WUA
,nosi), win diepoSe or lais talon sfeek and WI-
. commence at'i 'elcieek. • 'There -41:n a -mint-
:, bcr`of veil* gond,pure bred EltortiforuCattle
oii this:sale, 1PP/tiding -mos ipt(t.
, 1st, hrntelvinuer. „ • •
14,C,. • „. .; • - .4, Parvi;4'..auet.
For Sale
FARt F011•SAT.47,,,r-Tlie,Adunnisti;attir of Po
Foitate ot ',Mary imam late (gine 'rely a•111
Goderielt, itt .theeelintl of Huron, „
. woman, deeeatted.,offarafor.ktitle-l; he folic ,
fara-vropertyltr...theLSOuth,14.0 tteyes or
Let 36; (von, 12; w. car .-witivaitoratt: -
PterierlY is Situated ,!?, freM"I;ata".,'
tarot is all in Iras hastared.
for the past.sevea ymit's;•• geed: well with •
Viudtn,11;„1,0 aerca .of iittkatett•
• - first elass• tyr.Mitig eistiicg; -anoa" .
. house, '2 barns and artving'tthed. The farm. ,
.• •• Iris. a goal -cloy Main. n 1$ in ',first
-cptdition for mixedjartititte7.,.. For itirthet
---Part,iontegAnViiy_M•kz_11.yaa., 1.1o(lorieh,,,'•••
• Untario..s.dministra,toiliir•tp`4,I.L'4.gitev.„ .
Iteal Iiistate Dealer, Lack.hoWeWtri:Vrond.•
toot,. KUIot att..b.t PronatOe,:..Scilieitcirs for, •
Administrator, Gbdoileh;. ; '.'"*.407t7? -t -f -e at 245. '
Ii the tiatter of the estate it \Viluiani
" E. Gordon, late er.theToiviisnip,of ,
Waivanosh in the COMityotiltiron,
Yeoman, .deceasCd.;•.',., •
otieii is hereby given that all., nersonS haV,.
w•Miain, Gmdad.iy.hkidied 'on 'or tuThea •"tbe ,
•-lug. any claims or dentande,lagaingt thalatte -
eighth of October; A‘ -1W-5; at The ',1`o.
of VSTawanOl1 0, rOv Wee -ht. -Ontario; aro-....; •••,,. •
hereby required to send by p. PrePaid. or"
deliver tbe underaigned. Olicitor herein for
• Martha Gal den; Adrniphltratrix of- the estate,
and eirects.ot the sold, Willitna Oprdiln,
names afid addresses etid Atli; partieulars in 77,
writing of their-,00.1Ens•and,statenfChtof theirr. ". •
:accounts and the .nature of the ittearities; tr.
any, held by Iteni duly. verified bye:nide-vit.:
• And take notice that after the first day..ot• .
PobruttrY; Ohl the -fl .1 ..Mnrtha Gorden *111,,
TotEs• . .90040
t've 3nst been divoreed "
seyiqproo; to distribute the assetie t40 s„Id
having regard only to thdelahus of whith• Abe
ceased -aniong the pemons entitled thereto.
JI 00
shed then have recolVed motto, and nat.-the
lr.tha, Gordon will not be liable. for 'the
not then haVe reecived ,
• • •
- 208.- , • • t •
.207% „ • . . ,e•
• 5
• • - • '15160
.!: 400
- •00;•••;`'4 mrt thereof tO Arty persons
". ';'1710p.:41rr:rtr7.. 'Pi ;ZIT
• .°0:..tit;ttlf/94:- 0.414a .;,:toe)? 4144p Pa.tipl•
ff the • Ne8y. Yea
ile=an•, .4 4::// on(/'
41044 .7,aPi le° t7/aa tf° ste '604 `ink • ;ozit
aNz 47,.•-•.-11- 02'
111.11.'Slialit to the • •„
-Mateking meg at e
• anti Messrs Charlie and . Stewart Wiley
;•-21,!tiesd.iy; Jan. :4. are able to be out again after the measles,
Mre El. .Toliiiitone tei *iiiiiting her MisSes,Tabethoo Kemptori andMar-
dilughttri.41•14--W,_ P‘ :Reed 'Lines --petite MacLennan and Mt. nan.th,13ao_
We wish The Sentinel' and its
: • thiss-have-returrea to_SirattordN'ormal
read-• SoLDIElt I101ioRED•••••••-•111... and Aire. N.
tiers, but sticeeecled by ditiref industry- A
bniictur, 0,6114461Es bomps in 4lie ors itropy:am..-Kosperous..Now_xear,
-_and-•and fertile •cOtinties alorig: Lake at Crewe On Friday,ovisning •repott a
'0. -MacKenzie entertained a, few friends
to for forest covererrikiiiii-vilifeli--aienoiiihi:
IlUreti; Married ie natir •
kyDunean Finlayson, a native of ROSS'
• Aire who Survives herr they having
celeaated their golden, wedding' last -
spring.. Deeeased-was of a.very amiable
disposition -and kindly- heart,' beloved by
and her death will CAS% fl distinct
blank in this eoininunity„ Thiree sitters:
Mi -s. Jaekson, Cuntralia, Wash.; 1V1rS.
McGregor, Langside, .and ,Miss Mary
. Detroit, survive her; also
eight daughters and three, sons: Mrs.
Winnipeg:, WS, Wid,• Detroit; Mrs,'
Slinger. 'Madison.; rs, llowton, 'Roches,.
47, - - . . •;.=-7
Plana Contestants ' • • , •
All yellow eouporie in the Rexall Store
Piano Contest must he tntned hi on or
• ...
14E.AV vv ANTED at,„the Luelcnew
•,,t, • %v.,
Flour Mills Highest . market 'prices
paid.-L.Intikiiss-Bnos, • -
, VVnitechurch
Iiir1115110r0f-Ctiljlert Thomas las9londay.
Niontreal with the rancess Patrieins. We Me sori-Y to •report the of
Mr. Arid Mrs. Thee. .4iiderson and
(*Oily visit,ed.Mr. And Mrs; 'Reed;
Tort Albert, on Wednesdav.
Miss hone aidionglii. of ,PrOVost;
Alta., is visiting bee aunt, •vl
Blake, 0,nd other•relatives bare. '
, • •
The holiday season is .oVor and ;our
little army of te9.ehere stulerit,s
have gone their randy ways ah.
. . •
Miss Dorothy 'ttorothy • returned to
LuckuuW n Tluu day: itter—apatding
a few days With', her cousins, Olive and
ten; Miss Christem, Chlottgo, anrl isilit46ek g$sht Abdersen,• . • • .
Elizabeth and Sarah. of Detroit1.11,ecler. As the' Ashfield tauten was return.
W'nnipeg• George Detroit,, •and ed tO ogee for .1916 by act:lama titini
Donald; Lochnht1L. • Ttle,
was largely attended,. to ceme-
tery, 'elloWod the esteem' in which the
• was held the conitnunity. The 11111
bearers were: Dtineati Canlernil,• Jobb
•41,001ttrtoy, ti, Moltswitio, Pin.
• ItIsOnt' Ititoore and Ur. Alototoalx.
1 7' it
Alf lwilimiasifts,
t111140110-NitillgattlfirlgS' -
Was read by Neil J. Madliiinzio; • Miss Millie NtacGregot visiting
Gilbert Thorims,
friends in this vicinity. • • •
:Dear Coilirade:
\Ye eahriot clohn With. YOtt,.the honoi 31.iSS Edna 11 iisgroiee. Wiegliam,
to have enjoyed the privilege of your U6crlarY*. "' •-
coturadeatilp in this conOttnity long- efi- 41L‘ and David Cliamney. na
ough appreciate'Your personarworth. ehil teen spent 'New Years. with friends..
In your enlistment in the cause so` ut Clam d. • • . •
dear to every. Thitisii sk an., gre: Spading niatehilaten, nISO Mr.
other ev.i,tence of• yourspirit in counting anti Mrs,..Cottle spent •New, Tem* with.
it-ThiTrel; vilur-vbrIenersitieTh-te-lide-Ve..frielitfltitkVingh01. '
in this great war for the liberty of the Mr and Mie: Frank 1111.ren4e.eeletra▪ t4,
nations. Wo wish to aphis to yott the Their thirtieth wedding:anniversary on
remembionee of fttemicintt whiell we ASk. nnv iststith 1,1,00 We lope tha), will
spent New Years at hauls' of Mr. V
, comradeship- in arms, but we claim
you to accept with bestkvmhea fdr 4tObr • live ti) plebrate their Sottietli. , •
welfare and With aid aiente,Vrtea• tou
• .t1 r A ,Nor•,,k .4 wayer iti bping tnn,turtfed
We aid net have tho pot iitenikit, of an over earinest nrav- er for y“n •.tivr:evel ,,by'itivs. Stuart .:in•i• llourOte N,iretinfra
' aleagoti YotOdtl.. 7 : , you inay 'be... • ',• • • ,. '.. ,Aqilt be beldeiviii 'evening lti the Mntlio ...
fetidly visite4 tttoknow friertein on •' ' NElle .,1 'Si AnNimito: , • ia,v, il'ho-. it, Win be Vil:tlio.riesli:Oorian
' dist`t eliniehi..withlhe,eiteentinii of Vti• .
Mr. and. Mrs, Anson inlay and . 64;000 90 behalf of year ..itit nds, .
Thursdaytaking in the. Min,tintli-t •i$ ,,To'it itfattlog. iinfroh, and, Itev:iTk 14 tiO0i "qt
Sollptietlit in We kritlti!lig,
!iI4muitli Unt1 1tt 11t. ttI3v.. 401A • .
ARE either FO
• in„ the 160th.
Overseas (Bruce)
• Ilattalion,
• Par • ?...1
$ergi3Clak'nnkta . , • •wwww, 'Pl$1)e4.•\ft vt
Carpet -Ai ; • ' ,1.10 • 106 • • : 20.00,
, Privates, buglers,. &It -Miners &c• 1.00 . • ' : .10C • • 20;00-
" - • . Men are fed audr6loilielf.W the dovernmeiit,' .;
the' Patrioliltitlicl has: bei Crented to assist thosk dependents
Soldier who need More help41tan the Qov:ertirtio.nt' give$.
'Many. employers Itnve. T4edged themselves to give Ptefeinnee
to re-
turhed soldiers w iL 11 eng•agingotttein, . • . •
Pens!i0its,---In ease of th•ath$22 00 a' mouth is palate, the. vaderetx
$5,00 a month for mien' child. • A Wit:owedmother whose' Oa AVt-tg,
'her sole supportreeei'veS.P2.00. a Mort0. 1'inge4 tdSo• Daidfor piruni ,
Mintrretitratient--disablentent-t-----,k--„........ • •
• _ ,
Conditions of Eninittlient.-Agei 18 years ' to 4.N Yea. re. eight; •S;'
.. foot 2 !tidies, minimum, • . • '
. .
How to Enlist to the nearest reeriating' officer: .
16041i -OVERSEAS: (113.gtem
. •
•• Canadian. Force