HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-12-23, Page 114, .lirriFfftlf .41111,347,717/1114,'""': IrrMilritr7 AllePrIpape• - • • TT' „oo er yeary ii 4vance; $2.4 otherwise Lucariow, ONT., THURSDAY, IMCEN,J-BER garl. Copieg 3 centS LI::!CAL AND OENERAL Tuve reneiiiii for yoUr Sentinel. Threlleartesh Roo tof tho raw atelgasg, • ed,- - Brim people: boost the 100th. Data, - yon went a suit of clothes ' merle to keep its slutp-., we can de it: • ' efeag', Merch'i,Tailor. Afrs. Ches. •,Agar, of Floral, Bask, visitedMrs. Matthew 'S.1kreltle 144 $at: p May, • Air. Sidney VlowrightWho worked in Mr blackan.lith shot), has return- , a to his wins at write. • Mies EvelYn Spindler, of the Clinton Thisietsa.Cnilege, ii....strentling, the, _hen- - tirlyn alier Winne here, ' .• ' : *telig,o4,4'.:if Fielding, 'SUSIE., is rikiiis fernier home on the *Second, of Xlidoeeirfor the•winter, •;- We understeod Ova the Leitemide. Hoekey League will ba re.organized tins - winter„ with' Lticknow as a member, Por a geod,,n'oon Coat go to Connell's.: Box "(plenty and price be will gine you great value. Also in' Mick Dog Coats "with Antraclia.vollars. • • MH rs, arry alters, of Lancen•Sask. ---who--is-ntsiting at -her -aid home near Ptingeonen, called on, friends here .last Saturday. • • The standing of the twenty highest conteetitets in the Rexall Store Piano Untest wid be puhlitalied in the Sentinel nexl, week. if yon want a •firsnclaas suit of clothes Ilitee the new goods. , T. CLARK, Aleichq. Tailor. iss---Lilly:Sritith,-•of -Brownlee, Sask., • arrived here tole week and' will spent • the winter with her parents; Mr:z and • hire. Win. Smith. Miss M. J.. Murray and Miss Leila Hain left en Friday for „Fergus. Miss 11-nerayexpects.to be..out: of___nawit. _the, g,•reater part of the winter. • • Partteentho !Jaye hand any finished itnitting fin. the Women's Instante are requested to deliver .the same to Mrs•. Ewen MacKenzie as.soon as convenient. . , Mr. IV; R. Gardner, of Cochrane. who was in -Luanne,fast week; has returned ti the north,. taking with him six horees. • Sir. Gardner. is in the dray itlid livery ;business. Mies Marjory 3kforrisen, of Toronto, is • a giteet at zW. J. Littie'a, • The Sentinel wiebes. you a Merry. :011trialtet4 And liaxPY 1916. Bargains in Toadies' pine Iva at Con- T.eUa thiR w,eeica There. you get the best it a low price. Mink, Persian • Lamb, Black Wolf, 'pipe Wolf and, Mink Mar. Meta 7 The Tom. Marks show drew a very good' crowd Mondat 'evening here, and reports are that the play was yory.goecl. Marks last visited Luckriow -with his troop yeats ago.. . Mr. Wilbert Webger, of SeafortIn•was a . week end .visitor • with •Ducknow frieiids." MT. Webster IS fii elutiz6 of. Mail Route No. out . of Seaforth and lines in the town. ' flip Metiers The following nrinabets were winners of the Liggett's chocolates Offered, in On Ileoall Store Plage Contest: Nos.), 27, WI', 03 and RUS, one pound eanli;. and Nos: 00,-,23010's 207, nli)t and 191, Iraq pound each. Many others were w'ory (dose. The lowest number' of vote's turned in by. a winner was 5990- , • The thristions Cher F000, • The people of "LucknoW and vicinity did beautifiilly in their: contributions to the fund for sending Christmaft boxes to the boys enlisted from this part. The CardS*Cire e011eeted, WI Wednesday, When •contrilnitione were found te anima. to $20.4.0 -not less but" Mae . then elate. r shed f9r.• The boxes rrereAnt fer,ward simte.time ago. ` The Forestir4 Lodge Ifl't Langsic167.are fie's ihe .t.oi&' • . , , putting on -a Bez,Soctal- and entertaine - 4 ran= man- dgiVti• :cbme unint in their hell Oa t4, 'wetting 'of :00c.• throng with his taxes Olr the letle -and • 29. is imaginal ev'eph as.a result had to pay the litre per cent. variably a'great success. • extra, &tillable& that he didn't -know any, • Tbe.33rd Battalion, Whieh left- Lon. ihinn, .ahnlit the 0% PPnalrY. .idensecr,Quiece is,poupbs zweakiii.; agp,, you see the notietri.r.,4'.Che hati 'hot yet nailed foilutopis and may wasisklId. ‘N.°4*..b-P',1 (1°sn't get an .doern'tread The Sentinel.,. There are net until after New IT•ner's, A number of the boys may he home for Chrignms. "kinds of ecottothy which do not pay. s. • The Provincial Board of Healthlast . Lecture Arranged For . week requested the withdrawal of ser- ' Arrangements have been ecnopleted vices.in the -churches at„ Brussels ly.s a for' a Free Lecture, illustra,ted with, measure to cheek-tne spread of inenein$ lantern views and Moving pictures, to be, •which has become epidemic, tn theLlown.,--given-Lli -thell. !own -Hall, L.Lucktiowon- • West Witwanoeh electors are -looking the evening of Thilfedo.y, Feb. 10th next.: forward to aoontest for the reeveship of ' • liy. the Field Secretary of the National the township. It is .aid that. Reeve SanintriuneAssociatiens The subject is Murray, J. A. Malleugh, of near Dun- inoportatit-"A Winning,•Fight Agaiuste gamion, and ex-Ileeve Bailie, are alapir. the.Great White Plague-" The cause is mini' . • good and deserves hearty sympathy and A detachtheet et, the Salvation A.Tpiy support • from Wingliarn Visited ,Luirknow an • , •" fl.:emen s Ball • • . Tuesday, and did 6, good beisiness dtaiug . Var- The Fare Brigade of Lucknow, request .the afternoon in selling ;Chastities your presence at their dance -in t'he Car Crye. They held an outdo5r meeting • nattier Tuesclay.evening, Deceit). the evening. _ber_28th..._ next- The 'proceeds are for patriotic purposes SO your 'bit' will helps alarm the good work Anything the lite - alien undertake opelle success • Conte along with the " dowel' for a big ging; Luncheon served. .Retver's celebrated five piece orchestra -will supply the music Mr. G. S. Free has b'ought the photo. Dancing Will commence at 8:30 o'clock ,studio at Brussel ii and will conduct a •sharp. Tickets $1.25' To gallery 25c. gallery both thergaind ni Ludcriow. 'We -- • • "• - •...r ..' understand he is lutvinw•ii. gallery fitted A patootic Reeve. up in the rooms over A'', Ross's flatness The following tribute to Lucknciw'a amp. A brother will be asseeiated in reeta.is from the Bruce Herald and thebusiness' with bin): • Tunes, of Walkerten: • • "Reene John -Joynt; of •Lueknow,\ Margit. Ernest trvvie from 1 accounts owhig-follie estate -oft. LaChapelle Are payable at the- Bank of Hamilton,and an early settlement: is absolutely necessary, in orderthat the • estate maybe wbund up with the )(least possible -delay. • ............-•.- •. • .Are issucci for ShoriTerin of Years • AZIBININENTIIREs. interest Coupons; Payableaalf-Yearly.. NEGOTIABLE • Assets -$7,480,339 ' • The (treat -West Permanent Loall Company 17 20.King StWe'st .• •• • „. Toronto Represented by op: Agnew, Luc k now,'Ont. Tailoring atit.4 venal -tied - Our 'Fall- Stock of litue Serge, Slack Serge ard Cheviot and Fancy Suite. • ings, _Soinething_neiv. iCajl and see them. ,TEMPLE.CLfighli.• s's;!•MetOlialit Tailor • - 44, A •Chastian college -home, healthful situation- 4 ' ---yomospeciusandternts,iifite the-Pt:1'1619g xs.e:tiestise,mA.,D.D.,St.Thomes.dita So • For the HolidayTrade This storia is stocked full to the doors with everything /or . , the season. Poi. the Children Dols, ao endless variety of styles and prices. Amusing novelties in all kirelitof toys, mechaineal And ihsttnetiye. o • ; -BoCkoneillYthiniz,: YOU want, Biblesi-nymti Books, .Frayer Books,- toigte of Praise. Bible . Stories, Picture POolts, Girl's and Boys', reading,. 504; leeprints of •best authors. Stationery boxes, Boma. • pin Pens, $1 00 ttp, The leading ' poets in nide binding for gifts. tenet Sets; manicure -Sete,. Par- isian Ivory goods, Ebony Seta- - 1h119lielio Mirrors, combs, etq. • Perintnes-a good selection-, 'Purses: Wallets, Chatelaine Begi, Begs; Sleighs, and 1 -Jockey Stitka: • For the Men Shatfing Sets,. Razors, Bittslits, .Stittps,7Strope, :Safety $liav- ing Mirrors, Pipes and Cigars„ You are invited to coil„ g;titOrie and. buy. A. s 41. PE, ENG S , OunG Wronz. Nyat Qualtty stare im11,41.111510111.11.1•111114., 'near .Wilkie, Sask., • are 'visiting', their while at the ()Minty Connell here last 'patents, Mr. and Mrs.. W'in. Irwin; near week, handed in to Mr.( K. M. Lay the Belfast The boys have 'been in the $300 which he hasproinuied to donate' West .for•abont 8 years, tirci ate operat- each year to the .Bruce COunty Patriotie, ing,a large farm . and threshing outfit; Fund as long.as the war•lasts. Mr..Joint Like other Western: farmers they have -is Making 4 similar YearlY.' donation to .done well this year -• ,•• . • Huron."--Theoniy deer lie over gnat was donated the •other ;day to the. Lucknow In thaevent of the taik•Of itnailgaina-„ Red Cress Society and on being. mit .up tion of the Marinfactnrers' Life and ' Sun • and sold,:ikrealized*.im°In a.1•1 _of Life InsuratiCe-WC ' the Whim -a -Poe section of the ManufactuterW. Life Pol-. his actions Mr.:.Joynt.is proving hiniself. icies, Whieh gives ihe abstainer the ben -stitunch,Patriet,..a.nl d Lucknowas rear iron ---s efit Of. the low death rete, Will be Contin: • to be proud of tbelo_y_al_taLwartshe is Sending to,xepresent her the 'Bruce ued under the new arrangemerit. so that. policy.holders in 'the -abstainers' section' cownty..Parliainent,"... . of . the. Manufacturers' CO. Will retain Hilie Bali ODicerg • • • this special advantage. • • : • • 'Officers of the 10Oth, or Bruce Bette,- . The death. Oct:tiered in Lneknow on. lion sq far "auttotinced, are 'as follows 'Friday', df lag week of Miss Nellie Otfitter commanding, Lieut -Col. A. Wier,• Smith, who lived with her aunt at the second infantry .brigadej senior Maier,: corner of Gough and Havelock streets: A. McLean 'Moffat,' late captain' 32nd'.' She 'had been ill for several months, and Itegieient; junior niajor," Moir' Thomas - had • moved into .Lucknow only two Hay, 32nd. Ileginient; adjutant, Capt. A. Weeks .hefore , her death. She.: was. a. W. MenTally,.32nd RegiMeets.payinaster, niece of Mr. Alex. Saab, of town, . was Farquhar. Shaw, -Ssq.; . querternidetek about56 years -el age,-aud-lived 'most. of -Lieut D. Robert -ion, -32,nclen,medield -114rlife-hritielositeird-Oillross-townships. • offie-err Dr4 A. 11. Veitch, Port Elgin; The funeral took place on Stitiirday .to company coninuindere,;Capt. 0, E.- Klei Kinloss cemetery.'. Capt. Dalia.rd; Capie E. R. Clarlt4( ADDRESS AND. PRESENTATION d'n• • Monday evening, Dec. 136, ,the choir'of South Kinloss Church met at 49nlektAil,s4Atmatl rttl1terv--4 very . ptifesrare Debt enjeyriblti eveding Was apent n storY. 9 , • • . telling, singing and reciting.. Daring .Oar village ceuncillorn were cengritu.. the evening a purse of gold was present- - ed to mos moiler by miso may Gramm, Latino themselves at the meeting helei on while Miss Helen- utherland read the Dee. lOth ever the healthY e°edltic'n of yiLLMIE BNANcE$ =Toot Fathersitlappy,five Per Cent, Penany Brings lo IOUS-Statement Re. , following address; . . . -the 'corporation treasury. ' The.treasures •To Mies Annie Fisilert :•" ' . - ' was able to report the greetnat balance c•Illit.101VS.11,e1,•84t-ebioirise71toto4no'cl;4"i'v4seiyin.stft.gra:y:ion::;lkiourIC13,,belbarittntv:yen : ., en the right side of the bank • Recoup t. tliat•lutd been there In years -if :'not .in -.rendered tn. Ili in the chitin your de.' the history of the -villege. .This, hippy .portmene lis always been exeniniarY. emiclitiOn of things was due to the large .yEoy.,tierh• saiytee15,4tohilei.. tiorgtamnsiztLtioLonf ti)lerei., aolivoeii,r: nerciuilritied, jup.ftity,11: the 1171, r4, Bt taxesli_i _thwe,itumetatitai,li with :us and ever : griiting , to .40,Your been hest, wlitnywas to -On'. congregation a and1b4 largn ilieeceOtaio Rt.,PIP1.(nt Was •due to the :OA, Panaltir. V. was ..-Brgat,Orytne..i. X'Plk- /10Pgivda..fro.,WY of roilito.0 and Mlegts. ite.:.,i0e .nitilse of; :„n".4° to apply thf.s.'Ye0 to„OCO•x•P„a .--. • our. Lord- and ft•Y this one:seer • Nils -seen ,that chig end In ' YOU 'are Sdf asters J,egss, ClItrist and tion ofyeurself to . god In.•thie:connectioa, few •ioterepArr„fg• , ,L :figures may be•qudted. The, sum paid an have '018Pcd in by ,Det. year was".$P,098.43. • • Lastyeafon the sae date thetreasirer to °114110 the -Ohl" 'c?f ' hadr....1. ceival. 'only $1,47.2.43.• TO' the your activity a j• y usefhl and, succeasful future. Your' de taxes taxes ol' 1914 the 57 penalty .'did not partere frein us mill be. a great loss apply until 'Sen. Vith, 1915. • In ,1013 witteh we realize in a 'measure, yet wei up tOthe ith of Doc. $2,009..70 kad,' knew. that ,soine other community will. been Paid In. Figures'. like rbee-e are lightiming,'and suggest the vary:great 'be benefited by YOtir Prenencoand• w. • 7 advantage it is to the corporation.. to Vice. have the taxa paid in Promptly • ---We•thereforatake this bpp .t. ..ebewbig. eer appreciaturn ce your service ..nterlyabout the brat, duty of anin-noMing. council was to arrange to borrow money' and ask you to accept thift• purse of .gend. • as. a tetken of our .esteeni for you, hoping with which to c.airy on business while that in' Years tb come it may be a. rem.. ratepayer s were carrying in thole pockets embrance of your friends in South Kin -Money. widen w belonged to the %on. • loss choir. ' . • • • . With all ecceunts paid up to Dec, 31,. . You will carry withyou to your 'new. 191, the treasurer estimates tli a there 4f the eh,,,Ir„ for , will be a balanCeill the bank' to •the .ynur Suceeter in life.. ,creditOUtlie town 'of ''$2;a3;r0s, • tv-ifite - Signed -on behaltof the dime, . • thera will be untiaitt taxes amounting-. to • • Mae.N CAMPDE. L7. $1,104..25. This makesa very favorable -ANNTE-ROSS --contrast-with tonditione. on: Dee. 31st,- • JOHN lif(.ibGuoALL tvhen there wag itti iiverdrafC ;of 8 MCDONALD $947„97„ d. taxes amoiinting to $2,873.- - • :36 remained unpaid. 'FORMER' LOCKNOW LADY On Dec. 31,1913, the overdraft was 11,060.94 and unpaid taxes amoutitt,d to •In earlier years conditions .• DIED IN' roRoNTo. •$3,372.0. ' • IGazrtiaedepaedY. eFdrzo I 1 ti a ei and Mrs. R. D, .Cameton to Torente, on ' --Sad. indeed was the mission of 'Mr.' taxes. remained Unpaid riga ' midst= - _ ‘'il'}en tbe-il *ed. ti) the ..-diW -t(S . tie- ecr.unly-• .-ra.te was exceptionally." the funeral of their deughter, • high for the present year, being $1098 02, • ____ _wete_even Worse, ' And _pait..!. of_' the • . - . to berrow. • • '• ,nier, while the treasurer alt the wkilediad Wife of Charles It . Mc While in 1914 it ,was $794.05. .This' • is ' Whim.' •' Word • had been. received -on eacpleined by the' special- war levieir. . Thursday Of her death at the :General , . '. Further ligeres.secured horn the trees. .Hospital whei.e she had been; folloivifig tirer which will be of interest to•rato-• . _ . the 'birth of a daughter three weeks agopayertstire as follows: • 'firough it Was known. -that' Mrs:. MeCal. Net Principal•Dels, Debt, Dee;• . . , . 21teri was in a deliefite condition, she WO. 31st, 1045 .' • thought to be improving, and word of • Sinking Fund, as t• her,deatlecame as a great shock. Besides - Dec, 31st, 1915.711 27 1.15g63- ti a husband, and'inourning parents, broth. Igtpie'y °Wilson Mtge ' ' • • ers and sietera, she leaves the infant as at Jan. l,'16 1600 0) '2311 '47 daughter'Ethel:• The funeral to Mount •• - .Pleasantllemeter.y.,TOronto400lc-plitce! Nal/eh. Dsslat.:Ded.,-,14a.* on 'Monday: • , . Less amtpayabl.e by property Mrs. MeCallunt• grew: e woinanhood • ownerii- per.siclewalits... • 2399 27 ari-Lneltnow,. and. as "Graee„ Chtnieren" • . was the nubjectof seneral.alfection and •• . - 41:118.907 0676 .adiniration She was m'M arried to r. Deb. Debt paid•off 1 McCalluin four years age, and at the time Interest paid OrrDebs.1015:, . 778 14 .of liet.death tvakin :het 31St. year. • Mr. McCalltun is a civil engineer in the en; CHURCH NEWS .ploy of the Electrical Department ef the • city of Toronto. Rat,. Donald Nicholson, whose . early lionin was on the 2nd. line, Kinloss, ocs curried -the pulpit in...8'6)th KinICss -last' Sunday morning, -and in tile evening tocik the Serviee in Luckno,* PfesbYtet!' • bin Church; Real, me Duncan going to .SontInKinless. Nielioleen new has charge_iir Alymer; Quebec, and _Was... • last week visiting friends in this Vida- ity- • '• VILLA -GE COUNCIL Delegation Asks for Reduction of Street *at,. • erlogiox. on Churches " -- -,06--:oilly-feature of interest which. te'd the final ineeting of the Village mined on the evening of the 15th was • There was a large attendance of frie s =a7t-tlwitineral of the'llttel".-MtGWrnit Friday of last week; wheninterinentwan Made in St, Augustine cemetery. • A litneral service was held in the R.• C. Church here by 1. Fittrie03eme. oT St. Augustine: Relatives trona e distance whir attended the funeral were a brother, Mr,. Bullard McGe.rry, and daughter Margaret, of -Senlack, Mich., and.twO sisters, Wises Mary and Elizabeth Me.. Garry, of Toronto. • • • • _Christmas vacation has • brought 'home the young -ladies and gentlemen who are. completing Weir enuca titre i,tt the' city Buts of learning. We note the following: Misses Frances Spence; Dean Geddes andltubjtiarbutt, from Faculty Of Ern ucation, Toronto; Alit& Mitchell, Nina alP,f 32nd. All are Bruce won. Cot the inteivieW of a delegation •fiorn the Methodist and Piesbyteriao churches in town. This ' delegation :consisted of Mesers. 1). It. Mclntosti, ' New ton John:Batton. , . • . ItraPpettrs-t hat -the -1m the churches objected to the:payment of the street, w,a,,ering tax is it appeared in -their tax notices- Mr. .MeIntoen plerned that whereas the PresbYterian, aural' had formerly paid', Something over V7,00 per year towards greet Water- ing, it was called upon this year_to pay $•10.,06: This looked III& an outrageous increase, the Al4naging- Board -had refuse ed to pay and would like, to have an . Women's Institute meeting. •was hem exillanatiOn a .iiabeCouneil Chambei airdwasaddrein. The Methodist'the advance in the rate. . church found itself in eft by Mrs: 'lluntet, of Brampton. •• the imorre-Prinitiriri-anndrding- :to: MeserS,' . * oo s, arg eri ennan, joint meeting of the two institutes was Button and Newton. .The councillors Harnilton and \1r Lloyd .Agnev\ fiom held -iii thativenini_bricagakithe;tittp,smiled at t heir_ ignorance, and then offer, .. in Stt.atford Normal School; Messrs.. Clare der ceisvin rather disappointing. - Vern' '•ell-14i?exPlanatien:'''.• rt'aPPenfe'llAt. oc men Spence And Will Connell froni. good addreasei,- however; were delivered fernier yeah when Havelk street was wa ..Medical College., Toronto; Jas. Mitchell bY Mr. Geo.. Geir, of Waldetnar, and tered, property holders were assessed --Weir livedin-Bi.aint-Tpi„Fa.rquhar_Slatav, is'a son .of .the late Alex: Shaw, „K, Cs, and Major Mold'a is. a Walkerton- boy. Ile is 4..WidOwer: •His:wife, who' was a atighteinofWv1Ceenien,-of Glen is, died a few.yeare 'ago. farmers' Institute • • Meetings under . the. auspices of-, the South Bitice Farmers' Institute were leklia.Lircknow on Wednesday' of lag week both•afterrietne and evaming. Far triers about Lucknow have never .gcit in- to the wayof attencling'thesee meetings bilarge numbers, and the meeting: last • week was not . largely attendec15...The • Science,' Toronto; ahd Will 'Anderson, tIniversitYt Toronto. - • . Boys at the Pedal • • Will the friends" of the heys who:have: • 'enlisted from LucknoW and' vicinity kindly hand in; initnediately, to the Sentinel office thapreeetit addres"sei oT • tire soldier ladtiT " • • Relieved of Duty , • , Tenter. Mrs. Hunter 18 one of the nest lady speakers who h'as visite t e Instil:lite, and those who heard her have nothing but pro.* for her' mccellent ad% :dreases,%; Tlia meetings 'were in charge of. Mr:. S. D. A. A. Stobo, of Uulrdss, according to frnntage.. • Tine. year a Merit -dor' street ,w,ateriug. was levied according to the assessed value of . proyfei•ty. .On'aeconnt of the ..ealue of the clitach buildings ;these properties Vice Pres7of the S.13 -Institute. come• in kir a much larger share • ;leder — • •, • this plan than tinder the•fortnerhrrange, A Thoughtful Thief .• • • , 'went. • • . "A fain exchange is, no robbery.' 5aV9 1 ht rawls Kicomi dent ;of' discuisien;, itn eild'adague but an unfair exchange 18 the. councillors holding that the :,.tax -theft, when 'one party to 'the exchange according to assesereent 'MA the fitirer, even if it:did come moth heavier 0:1 the clwrtlt propertini-;:74t-Twrierit hard to point ont instances ,where a'" person of 'modest inettris living in a sotall• house' and not eorieerned With greet watering at all, woulo, under •the frobt- age tax, •hove topay as.' hutch as .the person oconpinga costly residence and to• whom the watering Wall a great, bene, lit. Thu delegates soon friend they 'cont.' not hold Up their end in fin de- bate and rehigantly withdrew from the contest It may be Oflintereg to.point out that on Campbell trtreet the tits, for street watering always has been levied accord- ing to assessment,and orily on Handbelt Was front g- made the basis of paymettt.• This cluing° Room paying by. assess- :anentinstead of by frentage, can be male only onthe strength of a p.a it ion by tho"se interested, as the matter is io tlimhends of the pertiets who ply. " Other basineis before the Cettfleil• But there are a few such in evvry ,town consisted of the -payment of a fee no. and all well to lAva .the .00ots counts'and• • rOntine regarding noilNin, loOked. • tlone for the 1014 Oottneil. * • - 10 I 'Arinstronrif Kidnias -doesn't agreato the deal,- Wg.trleottoil g, t no longer a provincial Conetrible,:• ; -'.this for thebenefit of the- snealt•:.who-a- nights ago entered a. barn on Camp - name was struck offthe list because of few certain charges made against 'him . last bell St.,: stole a quatitite of good wheat kept there as:chicken feed and left in Its !summer and on acconnt of 'which he wen fined for violation of the local option laW. piece about on equal quantity of very -Kincardine Review. • poor oats. • This thief evidently has a • confidence; thoughtrOf a"very active one. Local OPikut Vwing• ' • "• •He•felt, for the chickens which, after !ria A. vote will be taken in Clwen ;Sound ,midnight visit, Would -haler tredretiithout to repeal to no -license by-law. • The city their breakfast.and thought poor oats council at first refused to siihmit the better than no food, just es a "half loaf retieal by-law on the, ground that the is better, tharl DO bread". Well, we want petition was net eoreect. An apPeal was to tell this. chap that he belongs among Made to the 'courtsand the presiding the meanest creatures in existence. There judge decided that the petition. Met the is no mote contemptible being thee the requirements .of_the.law,solbat the vote petty .thref, 'The:man Who steals money Will he taken at the time of the munici-• or diamonds or anything of considerable pal elections. Special interest attaches value relay be excused on the ground of to the voting this year becatise %-of . the -1.wcossity, temptation or the prospect of unusual number of °idea; in which a vote1 enjoying the advantages et wealth', but on a no -license by.iaw will betakenthe man who steals petty ONO such ts. There are eight of them. Belleville, aro left at mit Vercattse one has faith in Brantford, Vort, William, Niagara Valhi, his neighbors, is the "lowest of I helow't, rort Arthur, Stratford, Woodstock and Sarnia. -These have $ total Of /40 Centtest ,.,. • • s • Teeswater .. --Tuesdey3 _ Dee: tlist, , . . : . ° 11.-. Balk! of Toronto' '1,7niVersity;' . is visiting -his attut--1111-0.--Dr. Stewart, ' Roy Meintosh and .wifesof Edrennton,' are visiting at the home of his. parent's; , . . .. Mr -d - Mns'. & • B.': Brill . were in •,-• ' • West Wawarineh'• Dec. 15. Walkerton, Mir Brill being piaci of, the,. judges at the Winter Fair. ..,..• . .•. , Ceriecil of West - Wawanosh met ".On•'' • Lorne. Smith ' and :Will Colvin, above date as .per•Statute. " - Afernbers all Dental Colleges -and Will Moffat -of To - of present,. Reeve Murray presidieg.: . . %.3lietitee of• Nov, 5th. '''te_ad• .kind., coil ronto„Voiversity,are home. ' ..-... :...: firMedoinniotion. iii•Peecion. and Mani_ • IfeSSrs.. ' Feat, 'Fowler., Capt.'. I...C., ouah. ,. Financial statement'. shOwing Little„and -Wm •- Heave- journeyed- :to balance on hand- of $37.17.2n • tiled on, .Walkartini on Tuesday in • the "interests irotion by NaylorandMallough...-"-.2;ThoS -Of-the-ree itinit , inOvetnent'itittitttted---Anglii-roade-a-flidavit--ailothe-les.: of -One - by Col. ;Weir or t e new Bruce, .Batja,o la,mb killed by .dog. 'Inspector A. .Ati•-• hon. .. :' -.. ' dereon'e report reed in; -which "he valued ....steb.i-f,..‘.01-ifo ii-,-:Nee-s-•,,,--. isse-i4is-iiii.e- the -above lain h at $-7150,_ whielt-yeatenaki. . . Hotrie,".given by the•Contteuirtion chine • tr. ibilin for Idffn ,'-f lamb.' • -' •-••••• • '--'•' • was an immense. successt • The hall Was . 1 edical ilealtli-Vflinins - Tie , T." "E.• ' t e.annienee was infiti Of laugh- we are free from any coutagieter direase C e's annual report reads: ,..At present crowded, the eharacts rs' were well :chns. ter through the pay. .' • e -lenge& . ttiltIarit and numbers Nyere.i•iiell received; Mr. Brill'. February .we had an epidemic of atenisles, . who haddohated a •Planti - to sthe -ball, betwee,10 and .5.0 familie's Were.: .ii fillet, was • :publicly. thanked- on . =lion by, ed..' One death' oecu tted f min' pritli mon - Reeee'leerpoo,..,evnoesdi?k,00nnsitior, itt'following 'teeitslas in a.. delicate boy. . J-.0b.c miaagee, .aiin itratimouily. vot,eld rife Tfolitile was Mainly in the . Auburn by the audience./ , Mi. Brili made a•suit- and Dinigitnuon distriet. We- did ot1r 7Able-reply,-; . -• - • •• , • ,,,_ utinest. ttying to keep the trouble from' . -spieltdifirhy•squitrantineosetei- . -There__ were no cases of Tuberculosin 'reported, though 'notice in the lit there n as one •- athTranillutt..:c4ue're..., „There wi•reithe Montreal', tells how he Wa.s; 'astonished usual number or -nuisances repottm .Victornmeaten, of the U•nrversity -Batt,' - . one day iately to hear a lustr:sollier voice call ler Vine& cheers ,for .I3rtiter.! ' and SATen.• men joined in 'vigorowsir Victor, lateefound the eeptettewere the .. Geddes boyaand Roy Thompson of:Peri "Elgin,. and %other fellowe from Rine'tr. nine, 'Leckriow ant other Pieces iti this cotinty, w.ho are alt in".• the University Corps in Jacnnes Cartier's city. ; • • .. • • CURLERS ORtiANIZE • The annual meeting of the curlers was held ',Tuesday night in Mr, Sithiall's office, i. liteguillr, the last presidimt, oc- cupying the chair. The following officer's were elected for. the corning seasee: •Presi(len,t4-Mr. (1. 11 Srnitli. Vice -President -I) Archer. Secretary--:). Gilbertion.„ es. Trea.surer--J, Glenda Mak Committees --.4 P. Stewert and W. It Mise. Cutilieg is the grandeet game on earth,' and a Wish: wee: gerierally expressed • at the meeting that chance be given 'to conntry,inernbere to participate in this sport • Disorder to become an entlursi- Maio ender' all that. is7neeeesaryia try it Mice. •.,• : the' igtootlea of tlie'elub to have- :4*AV_ bf,''Atoent.'coinpitions,, ,Inanspiele Ancinight,gaures in ,erder to Ike. ail the „young members. of the Own, and finin• the Sum:landing conOtrir • plenty of IT, ••:portunitie0to Play, • Club, Stet/VS, be itt the diepoeal of *neW • Wenthers and everything della' to welcothe begint,e6 in this gentlemanly sport. .Wetinesday, Dec. 29th., has beon.....set aside ler an opening genie ik which all would-be curlers from the surrounding country are invited to participate , Come to town, boys, and try thegameltod the club will make you 'welcome. Get in touch with the pommittee by adieu& or TIT -person so that a plane will he made for you in. the 'match on. Wednesday next. • ..-e-Wednesday, 'Dec."22rid. ..cengrattrlations, •-•-•:• • • '. • • • ;Miss-N.:Woods, of Stratford' Normal,. is. lionielor. heiholidays. . . , Mrs. '-"ThonntaTTnillips speet OTT' OW-, days in Listdivel last week. Mise Mima,,ltutherford, .Fergas, is. •home for Christthas holidays. • • • Whylsy,„„whistling . a new ' tune' these. daysl •‘ .re little baby boy. • '. -• Stewart MeGlnire he's purchaeed a new ".dri‘arier-Clitter.. lookout; John Webb is ..home 'front Utinton Model School for the ..Christnias 'boll- . -days. Rev. -Mr. Little was in Wingliatn on Tuesday 4ttendin.g the meeting of.. Pres- bytery. • ,. • . Miss .-Jonet••Little,. Who:is training for - a deaconess iiiTorontojs7trotirtrfer.-•her .Vaeation. . ,•''' • • • .-,. • •-:•-..-- •Miss doiina•Clerk', who re. attending the Faculty Of Education in Toronto, is .liomafer vacation.. , • • . mr.VcAndrew,.of Dakota, arid Stein Johnston, of, Brecefielk are viSiting at: -Robinson Woottg. • • • 'Celli -tin Cameron, of the liuron. ,Bat-.• who is trainnag:in.Tingliaiii„wa,s iiSiinday.'7'77 . - • 'We understand that Jelin :McLean _is • • on t e.sic . , e hope that he • goon be arOund again, .. • . • •-Rev. Mr.Liitie was presented Witha tad of ,oats one day las n week which a nuniber of. the yeeing.peeple gathered trough - out the epngregatron, . • . All membere .of the -0. O.- F. 'are. eel quested to be 'present on Monday even -,i ..ing, Dee. ,27.th.• Electionof officers\ and. tither business of'•itripertince is to • be -tt.iiDosantifdo.rget 4he '•Chtistmas tree. •and .entertainuien't to• be heldin .8t. • AelenS. ..Thursday evening, Dec. 23rd. Everybody_come,_ A good.....prodi m is -Pei-iv-prepared. •• . : The St, :Helena Women's Institute • will meet .at the -home of Mrs,- Arch. • -Anderson- on Thursday, Dec., 80; at tire Usual hoer. • !'he subject .will `.`The • Life.of Queen .Mery.' •There will be the usual .quegjorn. dower. Ail •latires, cordially invited. _ COUNCIL' MINUTES mas, , • ' . ' • , • Once people get to 'realize', that' • man.lapPredatee •4 insults .eeinetbing he grin use•-•seoinetbiog .warets7-the solving of inen).e • . emiling' Witten Eberly' Viet • et in good nage. •.Xt .CostAnly :ftgoprto:lesnizoi:01.101,4 0,et ° Pst..;..1)0•41:1:y wants a goo,1-'‘,Ya,teli. daytile,yeafroupd. 4' real 1004 0404. semethiug be Will. nzdevery rine.wlit only cest„:7Ou 5.00 to% 'cQats lac; trb.;.4 T41114e.11nb4 ft7o'rbsePeleic;a11;.°ilur).Ca'. gr'egt many. frontI 75 .:7N.r4i1Y a 144'. • . • was nnorliing• sera disappeinted. becanSe he failed 'toot tbn. Wateli • he had set his hiart• on.. Watches.. • to prevent this,. are ready here at 46.00 and upWards. w• Will you want a Wateli for sqnn.: hry wIraavt6e4. so4th,l.sieirs1a,oitoltt. ;%‘lio.rt!id. or.1-9:iiet • ' • Remember even a man aypremates his gifts: , being given him daint. Uy 'wrapped, and ha iv ill. also appreciate _the fact that thelf been bought here. _ • . F. T. ARMSTRONG, LEADING JWE. LER — • EVERYBODY'S COLUMN . • • • • . • • • • ..F917NDT-4:hillitia:0754,il IRSIVT541:7171CMV1- .-.7 • orOleii gorner a rubber. lap spread,' Owner tuathave sante at Tog 8Kg-riset Office.' •• • 16-12-c• • "' • AION.-10( TO LOAN. --On mortgagee -arid notea • • at realionable rates. Fire insuran‘a, both k Stock mid Mutual Companies. i • GEO. A. SID1)ALL. Rinker. Packnow 11-AW-}11.71tS are in good deniantand yon calf' 'get hhdlest, cash prios iklendelsoxi's tioods Store, Lueittfetv. 26.11..tt. • For Sale . • FelesALIE:-Good Maple Firewoodi, Piled in •the field. Tilaregit, Lot 26, Con:MM. Wawanosh, lAicknoar R. 23-1'2,p. • • - - - -FAilatItOli-S-Atik.:-=TitetAditiinistratef et the' , ilstate of iVlary Ryan, fate attire -Toveir- of --2 - • Diederich, intim UoiititY' of Ikarellt raarricd 7 .wtituan,-doceased; 'offers fOr Sale the folloW, leg feria propertyi-rhe sou1,4141): acres cif - _ „Lot .16; Con. Wilat ' • property is situkted 21.2,,m9es trent Euck - now anel 11-4 Wiles troin .tielens, farm 113 ail intrass and nes been pastilreft • for 1140 past, seven .VC u-; good, welt.' with • witidu). 11; 10 acres Of base; situate& in a. - first class tariunig.....'istriet; a good -Mune house, barn -smut driving shed. The farm. 11.18.alo-ou clay logo, tiud is in. firth. ob.ss cot,union for mixed tardthir... For 'further.' parhuaiars aPply, P,J., ityan. Ooderich; Ontario. Aduninstrator; or, tO E. .tignowt Item iii-itate 04.tier, laiektiow; or to eroncl- tope-, ;Proadfoitt, SOlicitors 'for Administrator. liodefich. 20 -5 -t -i -e at 25. 'r, • . . • • Anction Sale Bruce fhere • • . Last.week's Paisley Advocate Seirtyil.inatir sai- JLAylcD(5NALD AND ON, bell's, carload Of iirst, class'eattle itipley.• ' on Friday afternoon of Lois week. • • • •. • Aue.tieriver. * • - ' •Ni Otjpe „ we, the 'undhrs lined; Wish •to,inferni having .tainuer tor sale.-thal owing re our lIg atipat t•wit, years stutik,enuntoer on hand. WC Will 111,..1L. op. itt tile mat ket te buy nay-. log,: , . Li& willker• presklitt•trad-o eortcliticin-s'tof tiro- • - -lumber business is not good. WO %venni advise ' those hl \ -1g standing timber to leave it•,tands hag, /PS, 410 it, will he worth more,. money.. in the tit are than. 11 114 at the -present. tone: •' Theltueknovi Tahle,Co., - • • - ltutten, Manager: ..... *c.,d tn. Creditors's.: .....` • i. .iit.bruee; !Jeweller; ' "•• ' In _thle..i 'rt:()J-.)1(.:ITO'..fc'..,nta....o.a(1., l'iti'oPtelIti-ee-.6.1t.'lit---)th;.. :' - N:Orflt:(k. is seretn•-.'niviri tbat--rire-srent a- • otant-c-t-titsolveth,fitt,-tinide,att. assigerntent --of, -,.-- his est alp) i i'i hie 40r. the general bon ern in lils .' creditor, ulaler the Revised Statittes 4111)1l1,41... ' -. lit ..!.."(1'.Al.e,144e11.11.•:Irit';i31.4•14:111.. ).....d)d. !Is'. o'a.. id inefit 'at gi.' .y.ftfik:h...;,.'.:' ....... ............. 'Tit .fitC-.1-tri,i,ii- :de': W i trginitir• fa ,the-vottittr'il- "'-',-`-, ' • 7'-'7"'-'' ;11,,tatills s).1-1 •the Tell t/t day of )1)ccetotierott.;•1/. -iier.'it!ol.'ir()Teti k,ceiz;1t1:tllesTalt:tnotni.-actetbe poedreeilint41atamatot:04inol veiitsafairs. for theapiointmnt ofhisieetON.; nod the gViigofdirections witreference to . th\li'u11ililttAle :il l:1).tifiVii.. e be dhttiedtOink On . 10Ch.4. • ulti4 bfore Cie Twenty sevditt .• .- Iv day of Deeember proceed to ''..1 14. llibii)tti*etalftelc41 itIVelit tIsIL litelatreof.liaving regard: -W. ' ' -. • e' I will .- the'.) claims ))lily of which 11414011 then havere-. ciliViAl 00(jee,.,}1,0t1 I 'WM net 130 liable for' the- ' iiil a...1)/s or ittly-pirettnersof iv alinecieti ef wIni,i) (.4(1)1) l have not then received notice. • i hi 1 eil at t'.C.Iirgliatit this l'lvezify-n in t lidit o E Noveinbei A. D. 19L5r• • . - ' It..Nr.t..x4Tusio.."Assigueo.• •.2,344.,.. . , ,, ,., -. ,. . Wingbatn.ihif... • Laurier • ,••,---;Ttiefiday, :Measri. Sam and Elmer Bradley,. of G -C I, Ivo visiting at their home here. ilia Barbara Utusglasi, and Ralph linegla4s• moved. to Wm.., Bnekingham'a :Tot the , . itttended to.. There Were niiretsrendure* ing tlie year and ln of the deceased liv cd from 10 to $7 yeate. Tiiere'Were 29 hirths•registerini no, to Nov. ReSPectfully submitted, • •1'.•11'. 4,,ase, \LILO. Lutilinniv Agricultural Sneipty's le qutAst fol.' usual grant %V41.4tilllktl (in mo. dna. by Johnston and • Motion by. Naylor and Joh ns ,t hit the atilt for vetffin of eo11(e.t(ft's iolI be • exteeded•till Feb. lst, 191.11.' '13y. Law No. 40, 1015, which hakes provisiortfOr :holding ,inunination 3rieet- ing on Dee. 27, tit..1 o'Oock; • esstay au ,election em.lannary 3, at. ,the -usual polling places, was repl )11k .pass ed on. motion by "Nolo'', and 'A1,0101101,, ' Acconute and •saleries. amernitiv,' to $972.77 were weed iind-paid,:an Moses Tabitha, itentplen- and Mar- ized StAttelifetit. hrl 'all titeeipts aexpend. pet rite MeLeenan and lialph,-.Bueglatts, itures is in the luithis, of printer, and of .1.31r•itford.xortilooti,e,„ bottle • fot "thp • .44 ailablc.D:cin7 INw. usol1/4.01,0%, nairatiOn. „ • . • .-(Corrected up tO• Wednesday noon) 1s5 ' "DO • ' .. . , ...... ; .35 • 'V ' 45 Buckwheat.. ... 71) *Butter „ :25 27 • I14ggs,°M.0 ;•.:40 Kegs, fresh . .. 33, 35 , Flogs . ; . ...; . . . a • . • TOIWNTO PRICE"? HIS wenk Wheat, bt1611' ' $ 85 to $ 0:4 • Oats, btsh , . 42 .6 • 43 Lo 60 , Choice. beavy steers...-. 7 90 to 15,0 nutchers' cattle. .,.' 7 15 id 7, 6•1: Feeders ..... ... ..... . 6 25 to 6 75 cnta ..' 9 50 I- 10 15 Aheep, cwt.,. .. 6 00 to' *i • St/ er. n'aearitery Prints 32 4n • 31; Butter, a 2R to Ugh,, new laid, tkas.... 4a to 41 'Itiggs; No, 1 stortige.... 1j 30 14 Pr woes: bag: 3.5 lings oft ears . OD tO , r as 0'7•a , Shaw