HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-12-16, Page 1/1
• •
air4 masmillt
zoo per year, in advance; rx.,15 otliefwise
° • ADA:(ETS,
,„,,teQrrecteci-np. to Wectitescla*y. 'peon)
Wartki••••41N40.***140,1* 4,1•••••••••.**. rOo ;
7.341143.Y 2 z‘te 4.1.4 4i 00
aatiokwheat. • r• • If • **44•';* ,70
r • ; • • •1, 1.* •::* 11 • • •; • *,-*. 25 27
• 1404, POW 40
Eggs, fresh... •;„ . • • •• • *I •••• 11‘ ,33 'a*
' Hoge „*";•:.;.: ... • ,,; • $ 50
'Anfor.rr•O W.P.tug
441stbrAtr1314611..t7:77.-7,/, -6°5-TO•-- • 98
Oats'', Nish 42 '
Barley, bush„. ; , 45 to '00
• Choiceheaity Steers.....7 90 to ••••-irso
-Butchers' cettiea 7 15 to • 7 65
. leeedeis 6, a to. • 615
9 40 to 1015"
Sheep, Cut, , 6 90 to '7 50
But cr. Creamery. Prints 32 to 33
" Bitter, .Dairy print's, , 28 "to: .39
RRS•a, OW. 4.?. to. 45.
'Eggs, No. 1some.. „; 30 to 31
.Potatoes. bag:, I 35 to
1 -fogs,. off 90 to 9 10
Are Issued for *
Short Teun'of Years
IMBENssmiLimm'iTURES ' Interest Coupons
-Payable-Half-Y-eadt -
Assets -17,48p,339
The reat West Permanent Loan Compang
IT 20,Ring S t,Wes t • , Toronto
. Itepreseated by
Jos. Agnew, Lucknow,.0,nt.
•I• High. Class Tailoring
2 Just teceiVect - Our Fall Stock
.i ' of Blue Serge, Black Serge
I a, d Cheviot and Fancy Suit.
- Inge. •SoinethIng new. Call •
and see them:
Merchant Tailor
A Christian college -home;
. healthful situation.
Forp-th-otttreiandterms,prite the t rhiclUal
For the Holiday Trale
This store is stocked full to the
dpors with eVerythiiit for
.the season; •
',Tor the Children: ,
Dols; an endless variety of 'styles
-and prices: Alnusingnoveltiee
all kinds of toys, ineehaniCal and
instruptiVe. „ . - •
Books --Anything • you want.
-BiblevElyinn Booksayer Books,__
Books of Praise, Bible, Stories,
Picture Rooks, girl's and Boys
reading, .50ci.- Reprints of best
anthers. Stationery. boxes, Fount
•in Pens; p. oo up. ' The leading
. popts'in, nice -binding fot-giftb.
Toilet Sets, 'Manicure Sets, Par-
isian Ivory goods Ebony Sets.-
BiushesT,Mirrorai Combs, -etc
Perfumes -a good selection -
Purses, Wallas. Chatelaine 13oge,
Book Rags, Sleighs, and .Ilockey
Sticks., • ,
For the Men
Shaying 'Sets, Razors, • Brushes,
.Soaps, Strops, Safety Razors, Shav-
ing Mirrors; Pipes and Cigars,
,You are inVited to •caIl,
examine and buy. '
M. lit. -SPINE'S.
"The Nyal Quality Store”
Christmas just one week from Satur
Don't fcrget to renew for•your Boutin -
el next time yo'u're in town.
. If yon want a snit or clothes • made to
,keep its sbabe ive eau do
. • T:Cria.ax, Merch't. Tailor;
••rtiefty deep'sqow-ferso CIii9j m the
winter. Looks like sleighing for (.11irist-
Inas all right. " ••
• •
Missarean Mullin and het:- Mother have.
moved from Belfast to'• their' recently
piircliatied• Wine. • ,
Saturday brought in, the fiist, good'
sleighing of•tke`sseasen and, brought `,4
big erowdto teWn.
' Conte to:the Picture Show next Satur.;
day, Matinee in the 'afternoon.. -Bring
the children.'Oeour's fun. 'Bhutto;
at 3:3(fsherp. Ailults,.10c.; ehildren, 5c.'
The Bruce County Council made a
grant of $1,009, to aid in, recruiting the
Bruce Battalion. •
4. McDiarrnid, of Pustinch, it former
Holyrood resident, is paying his annual
visit to Millets and Lacknow.friends.•
-All accounts dile to R....Barrett Shonld
be paid at once. Call at the Shop and
settle without delay. •
Liberals will be interested to know
that the price of the Canadian 'Liberal
• Monthlythes'been redtmedfroitt4t..00•to
25c. per yea.
If you Want a first class salt of clothes
we ban the_new — • • -
t. T. CLARIC., Merch't.
Printed lista of those served by the
various mail routes leading out of Luck -
now may be had at the post office at 5c.
, per route. ,
„ •
•Roderick Campbell, of Houghton,
Mich., left yesterday 'afternoon for his,
home after Visitipg his sister, Miss M.
Campbell, Kinloss
• . e •
Mr. W.MCMul len, of Kerthbilit,:-&-isk.,
has come east to spend the ,winter with
his daughter and aou-in-law, Mrs, and
Mr. W. J. Davison; „ .
_ All-Scintinel-subseriptiorise -clue Dec; -,-
1915, ought •to be ' paid in Daeember.
The onedellar rate it fee those only who
pay in advance.
• The animal organigation meeting of
the Luckiiow Curling OlUb will be held
at G. -A. Sidclall's office- on"Tuesday
evening-, Dee. 21, at 8 '
-,--The•annualiballabyeelte---Lucknow Fire -
Brigade Will be held On Tuesday event'
ing, Deo. 28; • Mimic be'supplied by
fiewerVecdelamted five -piece orchestra
• The box social et School No, 9, Kin-
_loss,'...WealargelY, attended -and -the--pro.
, ceedi a,m ounted- to $94.15. -For a report
of . the occasion '..see "Jungle" corres;
P92nWcteilinicaeh; -• • Tiffin, a .pion'eer "re;ident'-oi
the 3rd. c fri.. Kiploss, died at hi home
there on Monday, at the age of 79, ,• The
•-funerahvill be oh Siturdictaftei-eioon to
Tiffin's Cemetery., . .• •
Country patroWwill liaVe:an op-por.
Minty to see Moiing Pittitres Satprday
afternoon; Dec, 18th, flimflam show.
5tarts 5:30. Don't forget. to come, ..
• . 7
_ Do yo_ur__Chtiitmas alio-Wing early,4-
land if you have parcels' to mail, take
them to the office early in the day. You
will thus get better servic3and-ycnir par:.
eel, will get away the day you mail it.
• The young people of Iiingsbridge tire
preparing, to present a drank "The_Red,
White and Blue',..', in the Kingsbridge
Hall on-thee,eveeing-of.-Due:--27:-,--'We-
•underatand the cast are getting on very
well. . , :• -
Lieut. Ewart CarnerOn is' hOMe from.
the -London Military „School where he
took the course for Captain. : The class
for lieutenants which etteneclatt. The
• school last week had ft160
,1110.111134Ship: _of_
. .., „ • . . 0 .. • f .. .
.. Rev..Jorph- Elliott, •of GOderich; has
gone to England where he expects to en-.
-gage in -recruiting Or Oilfet workin ' con
nectionwith the_wa,r,--Mrs: Elliott Will
shortly go tO • Montreal to epend the
'winter. - -
;The Village Council held its final meet-,
- ing for 1915 on Wednesday evening, but,
we go -to presi too early to record any Of
-theepreeeedingS. It looka like to. quiet
walk oiler.for reevla and councillors this
tinie. ' ' .
Spec• ial! Sat., Dec.
PICTURE SI40111/ will
Until" Further Notice..
• • This is especially fpr the bene-
fit. d country patrons',
-- Come and tee the moities.:
Theatre is :Ward. and cOnifort-,
Lots of music. '
Doors Open at 3.15 p.m. Show
starts at 5.50. Be nn time,
After an absence Of 25 years, Tom
Marks; the celebrated come/Han with ,a
clean acting Company' and a Rigliland
Band will appear for one night
only, Moaday,_Dee 20th in the Town
Lublinow, presenting the patriotic
comedy clranta "The Man From Canada"
with refined vaudeville between acts.
'the Laddies Will parade at t mon
4nd-evening, rrites for this date. only
23candMa. Seats on sale at The, Rex.
:1411 Drug Store.
'Reginald Wells, who was in _France
witt, thi.48th Highlanders, is visitiog his
mother, Mrs. Page, at Paracrenint Wells
enlisted' at Owen Sound, lie was wound-
ed in the foot at Yprerand will be lame
for life; _
• Don't' inifid" the, Methodist Suiiday
School patertainment:in . the Town' HMI,
on the evening of Dec. 30. Reserved
Beata, 25e. Geiletal admission, children
15e. Half the proceeds will go to pat-
riotic purposes. • .
We are pleased to note that Rego
Barrett has been'able to make a satis-
factory , settlement with his creditors
and has opened business again. fro is
quoting some interesting priees'on page
8.of this paper. ' . •
Judging 1)3r the• greet "quantities of
bailed hay being shipped from LueknoW.
the Past few weeks, there must. have
been a great .crop in ASlifield -where
,most Of it -comes from, We understand
the farmers got about $10 per ton for it.
4 An exchange says: A rininher Of fifty
eenteconnterfeit ems are reported to be
In circulation, -They are said to he the
best imitation yet produced, andAre'ex-
trelinely had to detect. They have
good ringi-are-nearly the-eame thickne-ts
as the genuine coin, but a little lighter. .
, BORN •
Dotratins:-TAt 80 Second Are,, Ottawa
Ont., on Die Al', 1910, to 'Mr, an
Doglas, a sent
• .0
It lookas though we are to. have it
"17'11'1W in In tunciP41VelitleS this year.
Nothing doing so far as one can see In
441411041t,. and it, leeks aa though the
•itatne men would go back to office for
1910. Einlo's presents the sanie ap-
pearance Generally.. bothreeve and
councillors have given. very fair satisfae-
• tion and they likely will go back by ail-
elamation, However, Nomination Day
id 'often big with changes.
he of in -Wren -to', tire ''many
policy holders •to .know that the ,Sun
Life A.ashrtince,Coinpqny 14 Canada;liaa
• recently Provided. aOree •ititeresting eiti-
dence• of the investing power , of, Cana-
dien-eorporatione, .During the past,(qty
Weekti the 9(411p/4w-has purchasedtwO
iititjton dolhire rt" Dominionof. Canada
war loan, one milhon,,dollars of 13ritieh
Wig. ham, atit4Onetiaillien francs' of the
Viencli war loari. ;
Relrranged Offlce. •• •
Postmaster lindaa3rlas had, the in-
terior of the Post OffiCe re -arranged- so
as to make better aecemodatiop for
handling the mail for rural delivery. An
inside storm porph hes, been built over
the door,. Which should materially add
to the comfort of the outer oflice.
-The' Rev. Wits Mackay '
The following is from a recent issue of
the 'Scottish American Journal: "The
Rev. Angus Mackay, Kingussie; OP has
been appointed Mode.roaor-elect of. the
Free Church of Sootland, is a native of
Ontario, Can He is 00 years of age,
and has been 31 years in the ministry.
Eris appointment has.beeri received with
.much-gretification in Bradenooh, where
he ilea labored with much acceptanee
for the past ten a ears. • .
Thistlass:Did .
At the "At Home" given by the '1.'•'ontig
Men's Bible Class in the Presbyterian
Church last Thursday evening it • was.
pointed out that no less than six young
fellows who were Members of the class
when War broke out have enlisted with
the -overseas- The names of the
boys are: John McDonald, Leonard
McDon,ald; Wilmer McDonald, . Arnold
Rathwell, 'Harry Tucker rid' Arthur
Newanan. ;That is.a pretty gopd-record
for a class -whielenumbered-about
Another Red Lross lie, *, • •
• The following illustration of how; lies
obout Red Cross goods originate is from
the Mildewy Gazette: rt has just Come
to my notice; that a person with mane-
itausintentm--ci minting -a report ta
Mrs. Fedy. told her; that in A censign-
--ment of goods received front 'the •city
letely, I Nand some hose with Red Cross
Marks on theni; veith 'name of knitter
fie* or reWniberehy deelare, that
we never received any Red' Cross goods
•from_mywh_erep,pr.tpld, anelonel.: to.* that
effect. ,•`• . •
. ; ' ALEX FED'S%
EnlIsted•Oaf West . . • .
Ontario friends have received Word
frorn Wilkie, 'Sask., that Joseph •61. -
Hetherington, et that „kiwi); eldest sop
of Mr: and Mrs • W. .11. -Hetherington,.
formerly. Oahe 12th. conoession, Oulross;
_has:enlisted 'with the _g5th. Battalion at.
Saskatoon Joe is a bright young man,.
wasexceptionally eleynr at school, an
under somewhat adverse eimuinstanbes
graduated as a schbolteacher in Sie,k.
hree-years-ago,-He -gave' op. -a -good
-positional:a teacher in -order. -to Answer .
'the ,call of •Kinge..iid" Country,, and ;the.
• many .friende of. the:. family .in Culress.
anti Kinloss Will -with him good fOrtnne.
and a safe -return When the war is over. -
At present he is, known as. Ike. J.G.
Hetherington, No. 472630, Co, 65th.
BatSaskateen. • __ •
. ----Tuesday, Dec. 14th,
Miss Llizie. Stewart is Stiffering from
an. attack• -of -appendicitis." • ' ' •
. . • ,
*Amber _...froni_here._..attendeil,:ilie•
•• eencert and box, .social thu •fourth
..concessiori.• : , • • •
Mrs. Melte• ndriek and daughter,
tene; spent' the Week -end
iitLohaisL• .-• •
.,• • • ..
The farinera of • this' diStrict; taking
•:advantaigedf the geed. roads;'..- are: doing
considerable teiiiiin4,„: .
Single Copies 3 vents
,wtiu WOULD
udonet Weir mitAlajor Moffatt
When s,rean is thinking of enlisting
there are, -five questions that he wants'
answered. They are: , . • •
1. --Row long am I to serve Unitl
the end of. the War and six montlisn,fter,
if required. . • •
2 -What pay Shall. T, reeeive"? Your
pay as a d'Irgsteavill. EiI 4130-4° •
and IP centfield .allowance. .Besides
;this You will be clothed, "equipped and;
eubmated."by.the. Govern me n t
3 -What will My wife •receive dorn,g,
rnyAbsencel Every ;month there , will -
berpaiti lier a ,separ.atien allowance of
$20.,00.(a1sOpart of yonr paY) and if this
it oct. enougI to eenifortably sustain
your fiyitily„ 'the thhadian- PaitriPtie
Flynt will further assist them',
4VIiLt wiIl happen if riin WO:and--
aidi or Wilton prisoner? Vow will be
cared for by the •Goyernetept• pad .yenr•
pay continued until you are diseharged
lf you are perino,nently disabled, an
allc wance Will be paid you of $204, $I9,..
fI3-2 or $75 annuni-:varying according
to the extent of the injury or disability.
lf taken vrisoner your i -ay and allowa.rces Will continue as if you were still
-in the
_ • .. _
Will he done' •tor my -Wife
and children if L die while on active seta
vice? The Government Wilt provide- -a
Peraion of $22 monthly for awidow and
$5 00 foreach chii d: The widowed
mother of a single inan,1 if ;the .son,.. be
her sole support, is treatedin the sanfe)
way as a avife..
'The Aunts etii_AaabOve.apply to- pir-.
.vate soldiers and are inereaSed accord-
ing te rank: If you Wish for further in,•
formation . Isk -the • Secretary df the
branch of the Canadian Patnotic. Fund.
. ENLIST -NOW!. • • .
John hicaarry !leased \AWay, After Months
of Illness. -
Joint McGoarry; for 27 years -prop-
rietor ..of the MCGarry frOute; .passed
away -early• yesteiday -•
been in-Iailing -health forover tarp years,
and thq wlio Saw return
• from. the hospital at.'London about,- a
-month age scarcely, ,expectedthat he
woad Jong survWe. He appears to have
sufferedfrom• a ;Complication of stomaCh
ad'i'-tiouble, Wiit4i-grtduil1. sap-
ped liis Strength, and ,for 'Which physi-:
,ciani were. ablt-f t -C.••• -do very little: rt
. ningenit titsfor the Itineral have'. not-
• been:Ma:de at time of going to press. • •
The Ifite -Mr. .MeGlarry ealiie to -.Luck-
„now in the slimmer of 1888, Opt for
to Command—Other Officers
• Being Sftlectgd—Recrait-'
mg to Begin Soon.
It is to bety4. Illn14 Front Bruce... That
County new beyq.uci xilaii4"144-Biestion.:13jr-
garnzation is now Well under way and
.,recruiting will begin in the net
inture. tlicaghatt- is not e*pected, tha
niuehiri aevitay -eel!. be .doneeheltse
the lir.-it cif the year. ' .
,Atestated•lkst week, Colonel Weir hes
;been, 'tipp,oiqed .to command • the batta-
Whtchewill be :)teeirti ai the 10,0th,
the:appointment of Colonel Weir to the
command:As...a 'fortunate one fot Ole
.battalidn:. He is just.* sortg tebust,
strong, .enthusiastic •felleiv to inspire
enthusiasm and make things go, if there
is any go to them. The Colonel always
was an enthuitastic military man. Ile
was in command of .the-41c1--Brece ,32ed
Regiinent of volunteers from 1900 to
1995, and was a great favorite with the
boys who used to go to camp. Ele, is
every -inch a soldier, an d his coming bark
to take -Charge of the Bruce Battalion is
a return to a love of former clays. He
will commarid the highest , degree of
respect frbm both officers and men. •
, Second in comma:adwill be •Major A
McLean Moffat, Also a. , former -mearber
of the 32nd. Regt. For some years Ma-
jor Moffat ;has been with the United
States army in Kenitteky..where,- in -the
State Guard, he held' the rank of Lieut-.
enant Colonel. On hearingthata Bruce
battalion was to be raised lie returned•Lo
Oanada4 and offered his services to Q.1-
onel Weir: lie was at once accepted
and appointed Major. It is said that
Major Moffitt lias•been awarded certifia
cates.iq the cavalry, infantry, :artillery'
and musketry, se that .he should be a
very thorough soldier: • •
Colonel Weir already has appointed a
number of Captains; Lieutenants . and
other officers, but these are -not yett an-
;a -Jounced. •. •. t
•• Until Spring' the battalion • will be
• stationed iii .eemparativety,
panies at the differept toemaa,nd villages
thrOnginnit the county ed that: recruits,
can be at their homes. Pay will be the
regular $1.10 per day with 600. --.per day
allaatice for heard. This arrangement
is firoving quite attraCtive :to young men
in-Harcni-eciunty, •Aild =
standpoint is a pretty good thing.
w e e battalion front Bruce looks
hke a big undertaking, . but those who
*h Om had experience in recruitiogthink
there will be magreat diliicultyin secur
mg the men •
. •
..couNcu, A..`$1.flgPRisE
One Who Ilas Enlitted.)
TOunnqil of
the Huron•Overseas Battalion to aid re-
cruiting came as a -complete surprise to
the majority of people. Tothiuk that
thetgeyern i KIX body' th one of thejnreeet,
atid-wealthiest"equeties in the weal
:Province of Ontario could net in such an
napatrintie mannet was. beyond the:he-
r lief of the-erdinaryman.
t In attempting. tO plaee.the' refiponsih-
ility cm the Doinipkon 'Government only
Made•:their action mine than ecuieetopt,
; :Hilo, it avaaeowardly: • : . • Co
It le not the; du:Oka:4:4w' Gshe.rdrneet
ild...reerniting, that' duty : heltin0 • te
tee:pitmen, and! onjlie. Manner la which
jt•:•,fs • performeddener.de itirge!ythe
greater or lesa distance We ,are kola •Con-
seription.' The time ha.s arrived in the-
-history of this country_fer-ai- moSt rigid
self-exandnation. • We must ,ask Our
selves how many nfen llama' County
has contributed in comparison with the
cities where 1i and of shiftless young
men ato hanging Around" as was, stated
'hYllfie.°1111rilpeallIfbOetir WQf(Jutile-Id 11(14114t-reclYoul(4ctl-tnoutrili the
eredit•of this smug self,satisfiect county.
It will be necessary to carry this self-'
examination even•closer to the individ-
ual and we will ask ourselves what WE
have clone in „the 01i.E2V1' WAlt. . •
Are WE of military age and fitleas'-or
have we. sons who are eligible and are
WE or THEY in KEIAKI? • Ilf" NOT,
We innst answer this question and
give sortie' reason to ourselves at least
• Can every member of the County
Council give a satisfactory answer to this
-qifestion? • • •
The object Of liecruitine-L les is to
awaken in the individual a proper sense.
of' its responsibility, to the•State. •
The 161st Battalion Oversee. must re-
cruit twelve hundred men in 'aurae Coun,
ty by.Sprieg and :every citizen with a
Spark of patriotism withinkini, should
,•nse every effort to Accomplish tb res;: -.1t.
• Every member • of the Council who
voted against •the grant for recruiting
should be aemt,w t1ie-1)alle,--A1-7:ittre-
ly that. detion 4howa.. they. do not • .re-
present the feeling Of the people.' :
.-itteekayeare_conduct.eil.a:proapercuielnisi- , . • ,
• . . •
• Forifid:--AVer.- hlrnglish Com pos n
new in the hotel which lute- been.kettwe.
'by his name. 01.e. aocial'iled pleiesent
d • he • .'deservedly , 'minder
"as- 9.11-- hotelman, -and-- a ,..eitizen of they
.village. • While he enjoyed good health
he took Etti active' part. in ,local sports
and. was- an eotausiestie, howler. and
Pinder, religion he was - .Roinan
OethOlic•and in polities a Litteral., • .• •
lie was -born* Waterloo OthiritY7of
Irieh•parentage.50-.years .agn:last•
and tr.'s_ married .thete_ shortly._ before
ctnhlng tolaicknoW. „ lie ts str:vived by
a widow, whe-has the syMpathy many
fl'iecide. • •
. • '
Si: Helens-.
Skatingie tile order of the day and
evening. • .`
Miss. Aline Stewart,. of • Wingliaiii;
spent- tlie,week end at beam._ - • •
Miss Veisa, Woosli,-'ef.Wieghatit High
School, was home o'ver .- •
Mjss i'entland; of 1)ungannon, iSat
gesent visitiogat MeCrostie's,
• 11/21,essrs: Robeit'• Buchafinfin and R.
Rebinson spent a resit *days in • -Toronto
• last week:. '
A Ghristmas tree and - entertainment
isao be- held -in 8t; Ifeleneant Dec; *23r -d -
1n Coja_neetion. with_the Sunday Scheel,
A -"good progr:iiri is being prepared;
Fourth ,
Miss Sa-rah-Finlaysoft-is-home from-.
Harper Hospital, Detroit, and is m at- •„...mr‘.and4r,s,...4.1.1546,ittiromi.4
ors this week, •
' •
er.dav, Dec. 13th,••
tehdarice on her mother, 'Who,: we are .
softy to say, is very poorly.
• '‘ 4.reWe
-i-Monday, Dect 13th.
Mrs, 'Chas. Agar 'viiited her' Sister,
Mrs At-McQUoid last Week.
fr 4-4eOrgA and ))13,8.8 Jda kiVett spent
Sunday with friends n: Wasnnsh.
Mr. Edward Xilnatrielt returned home -
last Sattirday after' Spending the ' past.
yearein the West. •
There Was no church seriice at Crewe
'on Sunday afternacm oft account of the
faneral of Mrs, James Haines: . '
4: A. number from here attentled the
L.0,L. Box Social at Belfsist lest Thurs.
daY: night., Ali rAport it a great success.
A Call To Action
•• Walkerton, Dec, '15th.
- A Public: Mentitig of the,representative
:men of the County of Bruut will be held
in the Town Hall, Walkerton, qp- Tues-
day, Dec, 216;1015 at 4 p. m. .for the
iptirposeof orn!zhIheeminty littera,
VITAr Anxilliary te assert) and perfect the
'brganization of the 100th Overseas Bruce
Battalion) a 1.1. r. It is my earnest le-
airci that all citinna of titn0 *wiry of
• Brute haring, the welfare if i1ti Empire
at heart will be present to give their As- •
siabinee in this her hour 6" nal intim tii
A, WEIR, •it *,‘ .
Conniutedg1"; e .1 11.
MeKenide, 72; 13. Blair, 60, N
Thompson, 65; A. Alton, 64; G. Hughes,
04; C. McMillan, 63; J. MCDonald,. (32;
C. Towle.,:,61; 11.•Mitehell,,6.1; E. Ain,
61; S.. Butns; -60; W. Andrew, 58; ,J•
Webster, 58; K. urdie, 57; W.,. kieostf.,,,
5-1; --Niteaburn,, 56'; GI McColl,: 5s; S•
Gough; 55; J. McClure, 52; J. Bariamir,
46; S. ,McDonald, Names ofnitted-
G. McNay, .
Eorin English Composiiio
-M. TreleaVen, 69; :Br; C.
Meguiffin, 64s Anna,•Nielibisor,; 63; . D.
Cooke, 02; K. Mellon. S. Web-
ster; 614M. liathwell, ; M. Fisher, GO
P Fraser, 60; F. AiteRson, 50;••M, alc,•
Quaig, '59; W. Woods, 59; 11. Burns, 5;.Y;
11 Freeman, 58; Alex: Nichdlion, 57;
L. McDonald, 51;S. Al ten,. 50; '
50; 11;., Mt:1)04911, 49
ntty 48; W. flowey, 46; A. Mitchell, 40;
C. While); 43. Nanie qmitted---K Mc-
Nay. ' . •
For m ver.'Englibh Composition.
Connell, 84; P. Irwin, 70; Dorothi
Douglas, 69; 11, Alton, -168; V. Tiffin, 68;
J.--Spence,--(374-,M-.L.MeOltire; '64;- Clara
Weeds -63; L. Johniton; 63; -M. :Mc-
1)iarinid;•63; M.,Drunin, 03; Hasty,
62;474; Howe, 62; AL McNain, 61; L.
:Greer, '60; CI:- Cannel!, 59; E. 'Twit.aLey-;-;
59; B. •St_ewart, •58 L. Mitchell, M.
Miller, .57; S. Meicenziei.36.
Forni 111:- Algebra:Literatiiri -.-M,
ConneIVil;'11. Altpn,,•67;,41: McNit in;
66' Hasti, 65-;,.P. Irwin; 65;- Mc;.•
Diarinid?-65--;-11:-Twainfey,-56; 0, 'Woodk,-
5S; Spence, 56; V. Tiffin, 53; Latira
•Once people get to realize tbat ,
appreelaaes a triall',6
something he can nse-'ioinething
he wilate-the solving , of .
'ft Problem' will be easier. Get
- BiUanifiiwtth an atoony 1.''oll,et" •
-" • ,Set in °geed Case., It east only •
4.2$ to $10.,00, •1' •
, . • . • • ,
; BirObsbly Ji wauts od Watch
C1i44; Sometkinglie u1L risUevesry .
. day •tbe year, rOond. .4 real
one WI only ..-e•eit • you, &op to
,:tx sing, ' • . ,
• ,bra heentifel Bob •Ear spCca1 e-
"Casions.-' These ore to be
' great many designs front
Many it lad will wake up Christ-
• .- mai Moining sorely disappr.siated
because he failed toga ill,: Watch,
lid. had set his heart on.. Watqes
to.prevent this,. are ready here at
and.upwarils„.._ _ _
Will 'yoii.want'a Wath for „
brave 'soldier lad at home or over
in England? See our Militar,y
$13:00. ,
- Remember eve& a :Ivan '
• appreciates his gif ts .
'being gives. him dtsixit-: •
ily wrapped,- and h -e
also appreiate -
•• the fact that they :have' .
been bought here.
In the Presbytery of .13ruee inciluding
le Congregations, the iote Church
union, resulted in • a inajority of 54 in
favour. The total figures were 14-51) for
andl 4t67-ligtimat. , • '
S.- ..Kialoss- coegregation which
has -been-without • minister *a- -smite-
• lio"itelieerevil.caLJ:,.Ga. evalelideNt1.1,103i1..11,0111L4tsi, :
boro, Huron Prabytery. .
• • 'Member's' of the Presbyterian, Church
Young Men's Bible Class were "At
Hethe to about 100 of thejr fr'encle in
the lecture room 'of thechurchon. Thurs-
day evening oflast Week: • Quite au en••
tertaining pregramof rein tatioris._
.And addiestes was given, and'tlie,youeg.
.ladies provided lunch. ' There are about
30 menibers in the Class, 'tvith. :Mt; W.
L; Mackenzie as teacher.. 'They• are a
bright vigotoi. 'young. •then• '14:1
'they entered' into the spirit of tile "At
• •••44,,,, with' the -heartiest enthuaiasin.'
• NO less tine.. *4a:fernier menibera• of the
Class.are;lioio With, au.::•
' Mr. W W. Hill, of LucknOW, yisited
at Mt. 'L., l‘eIvor's' on Sunday.. '
Mies Aldalfcl)iarmidexPeets .ston to
leave us to take up nursing in 'a Loedon'.
• Hof:pita], ' • . •
Our old friend, Mr, Geo. NicKenziels,
not so well as •We-bonhi•wisii.hiin be
' FiaseKtind O. /8 tratlidee artakin,
. . •
-radii-ante& of the tine sleighing te lake
••Itemo a ,attitply: of Whoa 'for itekt sumnier.
Tlie,S: kiplosa'alinit;;•lbf
been an ctive rw.:in-
ber for•eonie time; presented -lief, on the
eve•tf lier Marriage tb•Mr. 11,t;bt. Struth
ere, of finron Tp. with! .a beautiful
;terse' well 'filled .pith 'good OanAdian
money, ••
U. S. Subscribers
PLEASE REVEMBtit that f4)
wc.ivrve to pay postage on 'every• ,
Sealed sent re the 'United States,
•.we de not continue sending the
paper foiward after a 6111)66411011
exPires.U yottr_subseriaitiPia
pireeot, 'Dee, 31, renew beff,r;
thAt date in nrA,Sir to avid iiiiii •,t
few minibus.. ThtS price t•l,n
United Slates is $1 59.
• Puntonat.
4'4'4- M. Diirnin, 44; I). Douglas, 43;'
Miller; 42; L: Mitchell, 42; M. McClure;
42;'L: Greer, .38; 13. Stewart, 38f S.
MeKenzie, 31. ' French Composition and
Authers--.11..Spence, 75; Ikbouglas,•75;
L: Alitclieil; 12; P: 70;.M.
.69; ii, Alton 68:: C. Ontieell, 41; L.
:Greer, 40; S.:MpKelizie, 33; M. McCjiiret
- • •
.32; • • . . .
$,,21,1t0t1, 79; .K.•1110Donalti-;16-; M. fie
leaven, 76; F. AiteheSon, 75; W. Woods,.
74; Anna Nicholson 73;- A. AI itehell, 70;
O. MeQuillin; 63; 11. Burns, 59,;, Vin-
layeon, .58; I. Hackett, 50; Mellon.;
aid, SS; Pislier,. 50 0. Webster, 44;
W.:11otvey, 42; I', Fraser, 41; I).
40; it. Freetnan,•401 M. Rathweli, 32;
J. Douglas, 26; C. Whiles, 24. -
Prench--W. Woods,'83; D. Cool., 02;
H. Burns, 61;„0, AlcQuillin, 59; -Anna
'Nicholson, 54; 13. McDougall, 53.:;.•0.
Webster, 53;,-,N1. Tteleaven, 52; F.' lit, -
ch son, ; 5.);
atathWell, 50; L. .M,Donatfl, 41;S. .1.1Ton,
39; 11. Freeman, :35 P. Finlaysen, 32;
Weltioswey„, 2•;. J. DO. ugla,s„, 25.! A. M tt.
Feint Literattua---aD.
Blair, 8:I.,.lC, Sturdie,` 77; C.
76;0. NbOall, 75; %V. Scott, 73; II=
Thom •73; 8 tilting, -68f .R.
*7; J. Barbotiat 64; A Alton, 65;
E. All, IL McKenzie, 59; .1, Web -
Ater, 59; W Andy •v) ,57; ,N Roberti,
a7;1 deOntre, 55; 1. NteKvy,, 51; J.
11etkeiat i, 52; 8 tIougti, 45; iL 11
41; 0 T twie. `V; Mepoo ti 1,
.11)0111% tatc4cr.
Mary McKinnon is on Atm 'bick
list with measles. • , •'.
MardOen Thompson Sundayed With
'friends in rinkertop."• . . • '
. Mister Harry' Deeliait,returtied from
Hespieron.Surday.. • •
'Mr. Dan C. McKinnon. attended ;the
•Gazelple-Pair7last-,week. „ • a'• -•
•''Mios2IcDia1d. teltalier; Was S.'Week:
den guest of Mrs ,C.„. McKinnon.• ,
Mrs: W. j. Carr and two sons, Of.Cat.:
-Knife, Bask:, are,1:44•Sfer the winter,'
rous, Sask., are visiting in the vicinity.
• Miss Daisy Cronin has been: visiting
udtitite'h.elio!ne•oT.‘her brother in Iiinctir-
- Meas. Jabk -•atict:OlYde And
• Jennie McKee:nen and Miss Oitembell
o ore aancar ineon mai y
Miai, .' Muni. gegreger ren° e Wee ac-
quaintances heie for few days prior to
leaving for 'her Ileum in 0.tilpry, Alber:
.• Mr: Albert Piekaftl; :ef.W.•fartfik titoYe
over from Paisley on, S•tturclay •:•(..vening, -
and Spent Sunday With hiS sister, Mrs,
McLennan - '
COMFORTABLE 6-roonaed House to Rent:
. Good location. •ApPly to •
16 G. A. SIDDA.LL,
. • -• •
FOUND--014-the-siderlad north troth 11...ie:im-. ...
may bave_same•st_Tne Semaxei. (mice. :
.., eron's corner a rubber lap ,sProad. Gwner '
. t ' t•-'• •
MONEY TO LOAN -bit mortgages and notea
• at reasonable rates. ' Fire insuranca, a both • • - ..
''. Stock and Mtitual Companlcs. '. -I ,. • .- '
i, ' OEO. A. SIDDALL. Banker:. Lucknow ' •
A.• 111s are in good demand and you ca' -'11" •r -r-----•
. . ,
get highest.cash,prices 'at Mendelson's Dry . . .,
. Goods -Store. Lucknow. • ''' 21-11-1f. •
CALF ESTRAY--Coino. to ttie prom foes of -the
• undersignbd tit the beginaing_trf Nov.
as_ lipitivirtixcitvlfrtorarThtre ni pt. nvianyginies;i2 .
penseir. 4.4ko. G.• giarrrxr. 'Lot :Z. .CO11;
Iiitilloss;.!;recs.wittir P. O., '•' ,111-12-p
TEACT1Ei WA.NeTE1i.-Female, §eohcbeli
I rofessionat trIt 11 experlitage, far rourni!11
•DePalitritent• of Lticknow. Public $chool.
Sitiark;$490'persiniiuni; duties to.hornatence
i2J,i7i3ii.u$111PrIrd„ 1916.- .,Nitd.ress • • •
• lr. Mcbrrosn,See'y-Treas. •
• 'Mr.' Dan,."icliolson• visited lit:. amilier
this .week..•• .•• • . • .
• Miss , 'Nesbit.t. -is" visiting -hat.- niece,
Mrs I1usselI&shell• ,• • • •!.
Mrs. Richard Bushell front . is
visttingitt. Dan. M.Crarlane's
-*1)on't forget the Anglican i Tree
on .1)co. 24th. A goCqi program being
prepared ., •„ •,.• , . •
Mr. Saeit'Obanning•is visitib :.t
Thos. .Mide,nin's after. a three yi .r0',1tay
in the Wear. • • •.., • .
Itrs. 'Tem Biishell tii3 tit:;,-ly, of
Sask , aro on a visitamong friends hi
this vicinity,. , •
Mrs: Harrytenna IS confined
bed this week We, trust. she NS 111 soon
be around ingaim • • • •
A school entertainment and , Xmas.
treeln aid et the bed Cross Soev-tv wid
'be given in the Oranae Hall, 21st.
Don't 'forget the .
The represen tat ives' of, the Kti li'd-
le, t.,o•, •roronto,have.pliiiNt it p stal,ey
ael epartA aftei giving few nights'
eiltetta meat in' tlie Ur uheliaa
EUIttiALE.,GoodSliorthera,-Miloli, Cow • foe •
...sale Apply to •
' • W. G. 41.1LtisTliONG, JR. '
coais'Oitribbie .15417 E'L'L IN 0..E.ti.Sr-,eii°; .1.
SL. parlor, dinirig-room;‘,1en.
'liithuttri 'Lind bedroom .trowiistuirs, -5 ' roolus. '
pstairs good 'ceilwr,...hartLand.--soft,„wathe-
- geed .nr,W stable, -two 'flares Of
• . permanent of stratar;..good orchard.” ,
$1,290.00, or Will c xchii nge Tor dwelling with '
• loss land.. •.• • ' ' • •
18 -t -r. JACK ‘VA'ESUK, LndknOW": .1"roprictor.
F.1.1.1IM:FGRSALE..S-Tho Administrator utile
&sta.:up,: Mary it ii, litre "ftiiti ra w..1 of ••'.''
• Liazetrich',. in the of Haren,•ihairietk
(,i bale foitov.e. •
.16;• Com. 12,, West. NVawanosn. rho
„ • '
prolieety-is situated 9.1-2 lune!, from Welt
• new anti 11-4 miles from St.. atile.ni. I M...4
_ . .
lurai (5 .111 in grass arid nas been Intstared
, for toe past'..saveti. years; • good 'welt .t ith
11;10 acresof hash; situatatc'in a.
richt 0tISM farlintig .t" &trim; a good 11,1010
• '' litnise; z barns. ana.t.fri ving sited. rile 'milli
.• a gooti elay..to.tin; tut is . it rst '1 i3
• cor.aition far Mixed itirtfize: .
- .partithiinks41.4K,y /Lyda'. tioatitlen,
taltukilt.) W; to „. •
• fent; li1loiin > Protatfoor, Solicitors .1101' .• •
.... _..... •
• .Notice,
'• NNTrerra-tritiltisigitedwish .lagorm :Moue. •
baring Gautier 10e ,010, that °Wing to.our7 has.-
ing liOta Iwo years at.oult ltun Jar on hand, .
. 49.1..tiot an; ,nattitta.. to...014r. any iog
-thi, I11tL1) a-pre,,eiitliliatirwLLIILLIolYs M... tun . •
!Mabelen 'II)O,$ 0 na good. Vt t> Wonla .
tIoeliing 9t UingtinlUcr 10 leave isertud- . .
W02;tii4linre–Tili5—'47 "-
in the (Mitre than it is at the present, (initv.' . • '
• The LticknoSy Table
• Wilitechurch
-Monday, bee. 13th.
W;ilterg. Sp at, 4.t
• the twine Of Mr: .las. ‘N7i lson • •
• , , • • • ,
. Miss,..Marien c+iiiies,, of -Luolcridwv•wps,•
at-T.Iiendersori's , •
:Miss .Thtble Garton spent. a few.. days':
•'• , Mita; Mend Carter, Myth, spent a
• fi•w days the home of Mrs. Geo.
'ton, sr.
, . .
- • Mr (lorti.ii::11e0a,rtnev. of. Pi waiatni •• : •
'New 'Ont•triO, friends in ihii
.• ”
few days with the 'former:s pari,rits' in •
Holland, . •'
Ptes Win M4,016, obn 'Kenne,ty aner •
Ilert Itobb4,,. Of • Stratford; 1404111t • 6%4.'2 .
"Stin=lay friends here. , • • .•
Miss Milli Canip*.le:1 and Mias,
inaoli. of Winghem; Vietted• at
of Mr. J.elm Cempbell on &tufty.
0. A 'Intiniber horn' 'tete '&U011.1=14- the
. „
btrz. social at d en r -
sehqol. last erlday "ht •report,•;;,,"-
The •(Mild meeting on San'd,ty
Wita led by Mrs. Rev, Stewart, hes.
of W. M 5„ the snbjeet being t116 " SN
men'S Missionary S'oeiety. and 1%-i El n-
cf:Ctrti:;,:!al AktVa'rel'tyi" i•(1:-(4111dAtidi,;;I: "ie
Prephe= a of the Angt l'a•Ch Hs; m ta
oa"*" T'110-"• Tht" ',leader .1tLw. 41,4
, • •