HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-12-09, Page 511111111111 • •sr. "Me. 41, Thuriday, Detembar-Oth„, lox s TIMM age: sr SCHOOL ,Itip01,06 eat Bargains, Roe 4 1.(1140S Sr. III,--Ittmes Drelunann, Earl liCer. Brussels and imulediate vieinity hue %I/Azar, Leslie Ram% contributed 16Wen to the DiferSeitS fories and prospects 4119 gOCK1 for mom • tn . *„ Inspector Mitchell; Of North iltiren, ints disposed a 41 cases arlaing ont of In all lines of goods till Xmas. Men's Wady Made finite of the wry he4t rtintlitY, line make and well tailored.: • Men's Fur Coats, reg. 10.00, dUhj price $10.40.. . • Men's Blue Chinchilla Coats, regular price 1.5.00 for $104`2). • • MeFine Aids, reg. 1.25 and $1.00, belling price 80c.an4 •600. Woolen-Undererear-nt-reduced, prices. Plaid Dress Goods• reg price 20e ancl Vic, selling price • Clirre Coate, half prices. • - Alen's, Braces, reg. 905eund 350 for 19e. 1-4(1l)-UP.Finnieli, reg., 7,50 for 45e. ctie! H Lae.andkerehiefs, reg 'Oe or ,s0 for 25e. haclietiTeltorlfandlref,thiefarreg-rlit • each, 'sale Price 2 for 15c, •° • Men's••Silk l-randkerchiefs,• reg, 59c, sale prpe Vie;•' ,Meri s Fine •Ilaediceichiefi„ reg 10c • 70.114, Aalfi half price; •' londiee131 ea k 6`ateenTrodereltirtfilined Vytt,lered flannel. . • • Mer' a Sweaters. atr'ecluces11 prices. . SPoole4c\ • ti!7' 13.034 and Girle Underivear at reOucecl • plqsen's' Pitney.•ClirlStLY14:r k?1.d. at „ '4'edueed, price: am: paymg, the highest price jor Raw. Furs, especially for Skunk, Coon and Fox.' • " BLITZSTEIN DRY GOODS STORE • Don't mistake the place: First dor. • WaSt 'of the Sentinel Office. I anon • , Notice to Creditors In the Matter of L. LaChapelle.lof Village of Ltieknow in the County • oL Bruce, Jeweller. • . • _ cap,„ N.oriob hi-bereliy- given -that the ablve- named inselYent has made- an Assignment of his estate to me for the general benefit of his creditors under the Revised Statutes Of Ontar- • io, chapter 131. . "mer The creditors are notified to nunit at my office at the Town of WInglunii in..the County ( f Huron, on the Tenth day of December A. D. • • 191e, at !Ilia ()clock in the afternoon for the' purpose of receiving ft statetnont • of the -inset- •N-ent's,eirairs, for the ap tole tment of litspeetora- and ni ng of direct ons with reference • to the disposal of thee state. All tlersons elaiminr to bo entttled to rank on the estate must ille their claims Avith me on or 1°.'1[7.erfAhs,°aTtlIn.K411.7it'it lia;s;tilf Inocecd to orgAtr httlii.lL{;eFiAaviwi t:rY caved node°, and 1 will•noc. be hable tor°Ine. '• said assets or any part thereof to any -person a • .whose.claim 1 have not then reeelved notice. f . tinted at Winghein this r wenty-n [nth day o • • • Nove,mbet .A.. D. 1915. • . ' R. VANS:TON'ID. Assignee. •_24:12.q. •••• ,Winghern, -Ont. • „ • -t Not• ice to Creditors , In the thatter of. the .estete of William. ;Iltunplirey,_late of _the Township of WityranoSh in the Cotintya.it'Huron, ••- 'Yeoman, deceased. • •.riptice b here.by gi von that all persons having• • .a,ity claims or dentate:is-against the into William ...Sift' VV. -Flora llesn, *Ern et; t Penrose.. ris, Robert MeeDontidt. •,Sr. II -Howard Harris, Pearl Congram. Br. 1 (0-Fnai Switzer. r(b)-Fred Bailey, •Cecil Jelms- ton. 1. 'Jr.. li.,•Glertrucle... Hamilton, slrosepli EUiott' • No. onoroll, 12: A,Verage„ 10 „ Routning,;'.14cher. • 8. So .3: Jr. ,IV -Irene Hanna Marion Hod-. Sine. Sr; III --Grace Thompson; Pearl Boyle, Gladys Biodgins,'Martha Hanna. . • Jr. III -Tena liawkahaw, Oscar Tool - gins*. • • • • Jr; -.Olin Kraemer, Har9r. Hod. Karl'IldYfe: • • ,r; Iaertl.'fxnrttpson;-Peairl Gordon Statterst , Hodgins, Alice Ifodging, 'Mary FfOcittifian Nelann Carter*: ' • These marked (I') were absent ..qq.a.e.- count af sick, ness. " .• 'No. on FQII, 19; aVerage. attendance; 17, • - • _ , • '7r- M. MeMoittexte Teacher S. S. No, 14, 'Hue' • PUpils merited daily for general pro. ficieney. • Names. are,: in order ortnerit, V-Bertlia Clarkeoie Annie Pickering: IV.L..So.dih McDormld, Jamey Ket- claabair Joplin) rowle, Rite itCDiartind, Pearl AleCorvie, Harold McDonald. Jr. IV -Annetta, Towle, .Willie Ket= chabaw:• ,• ,_. • • •Jr. III -Verna Hamilton, Ada Pick- eritigjack Hibben,IsTlson Ilaynard. • Sr. II -Helen McDonald, Ellen Ket- ehabaw. •• • ;.• •• •Jr,. II-Cermen Hamilton,. Annie Mc- Donald, Dorothy Pickering, Pearl Ray - nand. ' - • Jr, .Pt. • II -Harry •Hibben, ,Annie Ketehabaw, Hazel Reynard. . . • A.,.-Frect. Martin, .ANin _MacDonald.. No. on roll, .23; aVerage,22. . ISAll.E1p3 M.,11-45CithAltAIID, Teadher. '• S. S. .KINLOSS• . .l'orm V.a-DaVe Scott, 0 raharn Moffit. Gradt-VITI.,--- Percy • TaylorEthel McDonald, Wesley Tillie• . Grade VII•eIsabelle Moffat Ernest • Grade. Vt.-4mm Arnistreng, Har- vey Scott: • Grade' V, ----.1tarearet • Mdffitt Bert Harkness, George Tiffin, Annie Taylor, 'George:Scat,- -EitiC-Morrison,-;Clifford.. Yining. • • • Grade IV; -Peggy ThOinntan; Grade Vaughan. • • • -Grade II.4-(Allan De Malohiajfillie Scott) equal`, Tod Marinson. • Grade L (a)-:-Jitnune. Se.ett, Wesley •Young. • •' . Grade I. (b)- ithel RichardSok. Em, ily. Thompson, Ralph M orilson . ' • Average attendance 24. • • • 'LELA E. q....itteeic, Teacher. ' • S. S. Ico.10,.. 1( iNt.erss' ' • • . • . - Humphrey, who died•on-er abcnitth0 TweiltP kathieen----Teriff -Maude-C.)11n Cora. - :••••.SodOnd day Of Angta -A:0,AM at the Town-. : • Y '.. sltip of AN awanosh itt the Province of ontario; •Chibb, Mabel: johnstoni. clad Lott. ' - • ere reqinred tetanal ,hy,peat prepaid- or -to do- i Jr.' I.V-L•Adit • OM fib; '4'1r -erre' TitYliir," • liver to the undersigned, .Solicitor heroin for . • . • -.robe B. Rittherford, executor. u tale6 the,Will of •Flaroid Sparling,.•ErriestCaseitiare. the:.,14 winiairribun parer.- their nalues-zia'WITt--;:=*Ster le:',Wilsori-Frim lc-Piter- addresses and full particulars in writing of their ' claims end statements of their accounts and *HI; Isabel Foi....Cassie -Purdon, %Addie, the nature of Mesta:unities, if any., hold,by th'ein Ross Norah:Johniten, Annie Kennedy. ' ditty tit:trifled by afildivir ' • And Nike nate() that after the Twenty-eighth. , Sr. Ir- Robert Conn,Gordon Si 0- •- -dar cethecernber.A. 1). ma the said John 11; - Kay, PlInier.PettipieCe; Carl dasemore, Rutherford will proceekto distrIbutd the' a's- . Jonston - .. • .. • sets of the. said deceased among tho Per80118 011- , 13eiturtce nCharles. Speneer„. .. : Utica thereto. having regard only to the -claims Lettie Fox. C- • -•that Outsold John Rutherford will not , be• Jr. 11 -"Irene • Momme• Clubb„ Millie Garton, Wesley Lott. • • ' Jr. Pt: II -James Wilson, Jean llaw- of WhiCil ha 8111111 then haver had entice. and 13 ilnb1fo1rtlosa4as,-ctsnrnIrVartthoroto df • antpersons of whose claim be shall' not then . have.recelited notice. .This notice is gireOpurstiant te the ,statute . ( •_ lit that behalf: . __._ . . . .... . .. • Dated at laicknoW tins Firdi-dal- of *cent- .ber.A. D. 1916. _ • • _ _ ...• - P. A'...M.ALCOMSOR, • • . ' Solicitor for tho said John B. fttitherfOrd. - • I 16•12-e. - Tragedy 1n 0117.4r C,ounty •One of the,..mest" ihoeltirig• tragedies the history of North Grey occurred •.on Sunday,.Nov. 21, at 4 o'cleck; 'when . three young ehildam of Mr. 'and: Mrs. „ Evert, Boyle, of Cape 1ticli.,..9th irofringements' of the. (3. T. A. between Aiignit 1st ana.X0y. 1r4b. The G. T. R. CO. have pulled up the track, S1/0 Uffles. in length, over which Jva s_hauled _the mail to the...Atwood Cenieiat will. This rneans that the mill will pot re aver:. • Gunn, the well,known sUrgeon of Clinton, and his daughtnr,, tia,ve set obit on a,trip to Europe. The' Dr. wilt spend soma time:visiting the military 'hospitals of the Allies. . At the.last niceLing a the Merris canna' a, by-law vves passe to, au - eri4n the couneit to *berraw. on de. henture the iture • of $.2,100 for the trut,tees of :3011001 Section No 10. The ni /Myth, to pay for a new and up to ' e school; buildilig. • Me, and Mrs, W. H. Elliott, Of 4Le'sAftteoufformerly bf .nounce tife!'dogagetnnt of tilieir,datiali- tot, Gordon Way,'scm of Mr antl,M ri.' D. H. Way,of Lath . • .bridge, AIt.. .17be.inarttages, to .take place late in becenibei. Mrs. A. O., Taylor, of -Wingbarie who has .a.hushand and a son' at the front, last week bought a pale ap king rutibet boatsfor each •and sent • them forward as.a Chriatnitte gift. .If the trenches Are as Wet as :reportedthe boots Will .he -appreciated. . .9 • • A swim's accident took place. at , the Western •Voundry in .Wingliam on. Monday, whle 'red Guest, a molder, was putting off iron The belling iron exploded, strising •Guest and badly bnining him in several place -s on the - body! a portion flying into his eyes. votino on the - -question Of. Church Union- in Knox- . . Belgrave; was as 'follow: AgaThst-..Sesjon, 7;• comnpfnicaniis,•• Si; adherents, 14; 'total, 1O, For - Session, .4; communicants. '44; &Hier. eats,. 7; total, .334_ majority against. union,.74 • • PLO- •I'V Teir iNGHAM. RESIDElei. - John. A,nsley, an orti onid respeeted resident togharn, and for _over _ . Year. road and bridge commissioner of Ifni- -eount.y, died At his hanie hi, Lower :goy.- - -210.r:eau se -of his death:Was ,eander;'*oin whioh he suffered fel, several months.. Hocaine to,,Wing ham • ovt r 50. years ago., and started the first fonadry thee.• • • J1nNwrox-W1r.1,ts.-Mourit Pleas int Faun, home Of Mts. John Willis. near Port Albert, 'was the scene of a peaty wedding,; when her „daughter, .thittie, was united in Marriage.to Mr. Jaipston; a yeatie•liarnier of. near Dungannon.' Rearilta 'Gomm. efficiated, -and the •bride WAR ,givon away by her brother.inlaw, ltobt Doak,lof Goderieh..... After • the tern tenni and the enjeyreent ofs; wedding tha .young,. 'couple drove 'to Goderieh,•where they •took the train for Loedon.• They Will be at borne on the grain's farm after Dee:15. • • y • ' . . L LLINa SWIPTLY sen, Janet Mowbray; Mary llowltray, Vera (›semore, Passel' Taylor, Sadie Pettipiece, Victor,Caseinere. . • ' • • Sr. Pt. I-ErbeSt SParling;•BeV'Lott,„ -Jean Moffat, Angnatti Spencer, Walter Penrose. '. • • ' Jr, Pt. I-Marjnrie Stewart.; Malcolm Ross, Tom Moffat.V.Valltice Clean; lingh David Henderscier • . • 'Those marked•*. best spellersfor the .month. • • • • No..on roll, 50; aver., attenditnoe, 43 ' • $.•v.--VIRKB",' Teacher. . , . • . • . . S. $.; No. 1, K1sLoA.0 (-4 -RE.,NOCK Vinceot, were. burned to 'fleath as they ; d - Report 18 based on e ass wor • ur ng .\13lellt. The ParPela had ler tr.,Lhe children the month and results of menthly exams in the,,home alone ,When . they went CO Sr IV -Tom• .541; Pearl kied- , the nearby barn to attend tti the evening des, 533; Annie Stanley, 489;• Elmer s.,...__Armstrong, 481; Muriel Bicharde, 473; milfling and. chores. Ina._fcav• minute Norman McDonalklifirWillkrata-Aiwy, they nolicid; -the Infiuse efiviloped in -426. • . • f• lames, and when they reachedthe scene Si Barnes, 4...43,; Malcolm *ire unable to: enter. The hrnlse was , McDonald, 3t391Normaii Campbell, 337. •Inirted to the ground, and in it perished-"Tt111--Nr-fargare•••• 1.-017,inpbeit,- 448; -Len - wood Hewitt, .3f35; Edgar .•:-._ the three little tots. Mr. 'Boyle was Arnistiong, - \ 31fr, Jaat Carn-Pbelic176;-- • terribly. burned about the,. face and. II -Ethel Bannerman, 470. Edith °ed. --r•-.L-4'.........hands, and his wife is in a,critleat__Con,.._d,eri, 380;. jack .CaninbelL,i00;- Merit; dition Oa result of the' shock. They Kaake, 353;Jennie.MeDenalti. :345; Mary - are' heartbroken in the loss of their . Nesbitt, 323; Ralph:Huston, 264;. Wilda -' McLean, ,258.; Mary ,MoDonalit, 116. li, ttle.ones -ail their faniily.• . I-;--Totramce Guest, Belle Hewitt, Ella • . • . • kaake, Iteta Barnes, Prominent Doctor\ Dead . •i Sr. Pr.-LITaiel Binnerman, E d n a . ----"- . • Gtiest Toni McDonald, •- • ' . Residents of Winghain were greatly jr. ,Pr.-Rnby Cole, Kathleen Huston, 'shocked and surPrised on Sunday, Nov.' Gordon McDonald, Wilbert Caskinette, petlife learn_of the...d. natli....,off Dr ,Tehn :' .rfi'L1'411..ittga:Ince,ii.-...8't.;•61.,,y W, • Roe, Of •Philadelphia; .ya,, ..:son of the Sto,nleyi,_E Armstrong, •'['. Miller, f • iate...4Johnlion•-Dr.-Roe-was ain tl ' "Geddts N Campbell NI MeDonald T. P. - • leading surgeons of the Milted "SateS. Hewitt, E. Ai mstiong, M. .I. eS .1 , . . .. and had built up •a large and incerative nmactbn.dennalidn:RY'e:t;tail'emar'illee;',. B.g...ITICeilvaatie'.. El: , • practice in fensylvania. Strangely en-. Kiake,, H. Bannerinan, Roby Cole• , ()ugh the death. of thiii famous 'surgeon , IsTo on roll, 35; v.: attendance,' 31.32. • was due to a. surgical Operation which. .. . J. A.atiookirmiT Teacher. • I „. . - liad besif performed at,the most faitious hospital in the country. Pe. Roe itnsi • Cul:TIN° THEM DOWN " ' undergone an operation At the Mayo Institution at 11)chester, MinnesotaHusband-Why in the )vorld do you •Blood -poisoning had set in and &ilk have our billi cbme in. weekly instead,o( , followed He is suraived by one broth- 1110)1010 ' er, Dr. Roe, (dentist) of Philadelphitt,.. Wifl-Yott teld me that you ditirt't and four sisterft, want them so large, didn't yen? Geil"lqorelVfoitey"fotyrotir Skunk Muskrat, Raccoon, Foxes,WhItes 'Weasel, Fisher add Other Fur bearers c011ected to yoursection T0111: ren4 DIRECT to "sitttflulttD, the tailed MOO in the World dcallna exclusively In NORTH AMERICAN RAW FURS a reliable -responsible -,,s af e Fur 154)11E10 With tnt unbl 611111411 ed re p. itfation existing for more '001 it third of a eat totyV It e sat,. oessful record of sending Pio Shipp ors protn ot,,MATIst:s& CTOlt AND PROPITABLD rethres, write for "Milt 1151isti0t avestr.. the onlyreliable, deetirate'M ark et report and pried listpublislted. WOO lot V11103 25-27 west, Attat114 AV1t SHUBERT, Igo.g £Dsnc. remit 208f.:111rAGO Already 139,6013 More Than -Last Year at -•"•• 'bur little boy is sending you 02.00 He lia.d this enoney saved to put 1u. the Bank but he wanted to•send it to you tO help. some poor little*chltd that may„ afflicted." "A little child shall lead thein," Is: as true to -day .as °told. • • The Xmas Seal, Campaign forahe Om- eumptive Hospital bas "pot -off to -A greaf start. Returns advised from Headquti- ters :show 130,000 Seals already •seld more than at the so.rne date last yea', Which 'was a record Year. • The Schools.' in. Ontario, outside of Toronto, are responsible for no less than 17,600 more Seals than last, year and repeat orders have been- received from many teachers All the Banks in. the Province ,will re.; ceiVe Consignments.of Seals • within the tiew . Letter's ftem infhtential members of -Varions-Cominittees ate also being- for- warded to, Built:less, Financial and Man- _ _ tifaretheing IlettaitfaAlirouglionV'flie, .7ne:b..yip Man- - Price sa•ys •a Itwou7 ld readily say . • to all, biith JeW and Gentile, who .pity, 'Spare your pity and use your power:' Use your power-thepower of your wealth -to strengthen yeur , pity; use yoat power -'the power of yciur influence -to•fircluee yoiar friend to help forward the worthy;,,moveMent Which • has been set on foot; use.yOur' power -the • power lf personal lielp-tO grant_those haplesi iiiitiateVer Lite home that kindlir help whicli they expect • • ' ..Sailfe Date • •Courey's Corners 86 . „ Pee. :1-04-foite„ Liefigreii3 of the Uniteel Ntattli• opened :on 51o1'.tl1y ,the 4ith1 coofrontina p0•= litiearand legislative problems unparal- leled in rerent histery. Chief mon them are: • . Au international 'Situation, brought about by the European war, which demandsimmediate, attention, ,earnest consideration and delicate Ifandling if the neutrality of the. United tate is to Aft4`SafegUndett. A demand for immediate and material improvement in the.military and naval preparedness of the nation, calling for extensive expenditures for the nationp.I. defence in every direction. , An'im pending natienal election, with the 1)ei000ratie. ini nistration seeking . Lo complete: its renord of . achievement .before• next IcevelPh:er„__eod. a ore f ?rest - dental aspirants rmong•the Cofigression. ar persennel, oartiolarlY in thi4$.611.04.. A narrow Democratic inorority itt• the IIOnse:coutronted by a vigorous, aggres! ai le, .exp.eriencedl.4epnirtn.; .iieorltftht.*intite.aavaEautta0;sugit Democratid defection tn." seciire the but- ariee•Of power.• ' • .• • A th.eatened tei i;jS finite eial.'cit, ,fairs ot the ..coveinnient, eL treastiry-deinanding'increased reven- ges for, norieal expenditures, as well as tonieetithe cippsopriations for defenee . eiass of miscellaneous domestic' leg- islation,rwhich inclades the inuch,disPut- • ed Administration plan to purchase mer- chant ships for us,e in the foreign trade „The, extent andiniportande of these problems' make it practically certain thatt_Congress will be at work U11..01411 the gi•eat,ef nart ,,e! next 'sitinmer, said tpiroonb..ablyright up to the -November elec- . • The,Dernocrats Will have a majority' of..2-1 over all in the J kuso., . : . • 10tOeStillg 1 iquOr ensP The case of Lilo King Vs. 'Win.' Davis, -cantetip-before the judge' s?•elrambers Toronto, on TIttiraday ollait week when Lawyer L. E Dancey appeared for Davis and moved for .ao4erder (]'lashing the, conviction made by the mayor of. Gode- rich and for habeas eiirpus„ An order was ne,de gnashing the .conviction and i• . . ma.gistrate prptected, the,costs IM tiepii4 by the defendants on both. applications. This case'has •caused. more than al I- Intinek: M.aYer C. A. Ileid.on•October and. in the police court, cbarged with a. breach oft. he Can - oda -Temperance Act Se,veral witnesses were presentat the trial 46 tell of having seen _the d.t: fen d ant oe,,the day' aril night in cfuestion ancl spore,that. he was ecei to their krinwledge in an intoxieitted c'hi- ditiOn.. • W. T.' PelloW county constable aricWspeei •aid!? Of the tern pet avec forces • Mee a inanl stove bort i 104, the ,t7004 ilo.er. Under the stove,ItL ex. tend:ng at least twelve, in, 'front of tile ash-Ot doer. Vrotes.t all .wigls• and partitions. two feet of any stove with a Jietal lea,Viug`an air -space between the shie:d billa the 11. Leavnno Icimlitng or other wood • the liven over :iglu. • Da 110t bang 401188404 43.-4!Ni` 4114-441z4LELY,.stele,7- 7611;93f;* that the lengths Of stOtePiP08 e well fitted. tegther, free fivin rept • holes and parted seams, 'wired firmly' and fitted perfectly IntO the ellitianey. StovePipeti passing threugh: Partitions, .ithers.• amen and Toot's ar,e data - g • , er00 beet. 'Where; theae Must alWays ttsat. lo.rea, ventilated don):tie h timble.- You should eXaMine. the. St;:ovepips ,t,O. the app.•They. may canto .apari or rult, Fluff , and.' sPlalyr tuba nail -1141Y- to *gather 'Ott 'and: around' them, to' be; set. on 'tire' When you least expect , , farould.. be' taw fkron• .tito (gonad ..u), and Pe Yer• rest,, woed . .ittfripi:rte:" _The, keirfing d$ the wood urlf 'ciaalcs In the: "NOr ehould- the eldienei walla be used to supports. foists or' other woodwork. Soft brielt and poor mor - tat are often responsible for ,defects n the chimney. • '1.7tie . a •good •cluality rn of brick and eeeAA nyirter., Chininey wy.11s should be at least eight inches nirot, the flue of ample s14e and Jilted With fire clay or terra cetta. • Never stuff' up the flue hetes -with rags or ,Paper, dor cover them with anything •Init a Metal stock. chimneys. Should be cleaned frecniently. • Protect • all Woodwork, above and around :boilers 'or , furnacin; three feet, with a metal shield., also all woodwork near lurnace is• best to ,i:ivet the- tengihe of int.:, nace pipe, - together to prevent dis: jointing. •The pipe should perfect- ly into the r• ChimneY. Examine the pipi frequentiy for rustsltoles. or other:, tlefeets, Keep,'.them free from dust, fluff and spider webs; whichareeasiiy Ignited, •. • Defective stoves hollers., furnaces, pipes and , chimneys should pplulit- ty repaired or replaced. Beware. of CArerheating. steves„. boners, fifrimees anafilpteinses• ;n . otr1d oever.be placed ie - . A wooden. w-pm:Weren or . bins, .n wood floors" or againat 'wood partition, zwalis,"ftincese,.,•blitldinga or gni. other wooftWork. reee.ptacles" only, anct dump as.:3- away frOni • ail :in ederich, insisted' tO the emitrary, with theresult that *Tor Raid handed • • • , doWn the cinision of .$20 and ". costs or 30 days in the coninicin Some time .elapsed.and the •fine remained -unpaid, i axisMftn • th e saint, ell ev- •,i,ng :It' was: not law'. tilly -rrgitired. Of 'him' On ' Monday, No Veniber th -Constable Pellow apnroaeliedliim while)hviswae- attending his doles and, Oernanded,' the ametuitnf ilk' fine.: refused and• as it r€43ult•the constable Matte itri- effort to -arrest his -man, 1:0floved, but broxis would- not go With .Pellow, Constable Meen 'was summoned- and • ringenients were in'ade whereby i• DavisproceedecttOthepaliceniagiste 'office. With' him. The appeal to -(1 conviction fcillewe,d 'with -Succes, re• Langside • . :-Mointity„-D S.' 6. We are sorry to hear that: Mrs. 'John' Murray has beenon the tiick Ijst for a few days, but 'tve tette to 'seeliiin. about' Seen. • . . • , . A number a ,olfr piing lathes' spent - Friday eveningAt the home of Ms.- a4id-:. . M rs AIe, Eed. . • • • • Miss naggle Tifflq-the.other- day re-. cei'Ved a severe duct on her hand which required four stitched: Look out for a 00.1 time coming.' The. :Foresters. Of Lingaide intend- li•tving.• a be,x social on -the _2'S 411. Of. December• . " • One of the young men • inour burg •was Sera driving,north With .four • ladies'. hur•-ctitter one evening' last ' week: Better get an '91.6, R. Goderich township -MOnday :Dee. 6. was:...the.•,.guest of Mrs.: G: B.. 'Hanley. last Week... , • . Mre. Leech, of -.06.1eriel, ..is visiting her sister, :qrs. D. A. 1-10Inies; 'Holmes-. • ville. ••,5' •• • • • Mr;: Charles is itt Present on the sicklist. • A speedy recovery is hop- ed for. •. • • • . • • • Mervyn Tianley, el: the London "road, ,speet a few clays 'htst week at .the lioiii of his uncle, yobert 11.anley.. " '1‘liSals.;;itnie" OvAy.:is spending a few "days in cl t his give ye icetitte on Missions id.. Nos.th St, eltilrell on Dec. iftli, • . • ' 7 --MondaY, Dec, 0. • 'NVedcling bells are ringing on the 'side Albert Johnston is working for Geo. Drennan at present. • . . , George J. Drennan made a hasines's trip to Goderielt•on Saturday. Mrs„ilod McKerizie and baba -visited • Mrs; D. te Taylor last Saturday, • Kermit 'entertained a number'from Kingsbridge.last 'Thursday night. Mrs.• William Ittinieson spent the week -end with friends at Mofeking. We are sorry.to ti,port th It Mrs. dint. Taylor is suffering from a severe cold. Isaac Cranston Ints•been chopping and cutting straw iri our barg thepast week.. Mitt Lizzie McKenzie *tit, days.visiting itt Amos Johnstone, Some-, Om* doing, d.' • We ate•gIad to see the genial Liee of Andrew Culbert Wont. thicifft• again after spending the fall itir the, %Vst, ' A carload of salt Was distributed at °know by the 0. a titirtnelte Club las lursclay. • Club meets un ;110tulut. %quell be ill operotie.0 one of those 110 d matter of suni„diiltettity, us loth Lanes • -Monday, Des: 6th. ". ihwry.Lovet is helpiug• 'Cyril Camp- , Mrs. Simon Stiles, Cif Detroit- visit ,d] bell for the winter. • • •- Mrs. Jas., O'Leughlin. E Hall intends' holding.A. cermet In the school before Xmas. • ' • • • Mr. and Mrs.' T. S. Llnnan visitOd a, • liAnne .4te Setkin,y, • • Tbe Club receivk 'carb:t. Of salt, and it *ea tike hbt, mites. • Thoa and P.' 'O'llettly'aepay_. presses are working this vicinity. • • • • ,laines.Lithe leis pnichesed • the Johfi I:Annan hp:we:just south. of his property•, 'W.. G. Reed( is busy. • his •sawing and straw .0Ut ting "outfit in the neightine- •hood, ' • • F . • ACAultizz) . • u.sy PHONE 66 wi,n Dab/ A HOT: IRON: et, araware House Your Qrder as Soon as we Rcceive It •••••,...••••• CO•LD Bow IVDLE About a Set of A$bestos, Sad Irons for, not .icor0. in _b.- 1.0.1t.:0q.r. our. s 'thig0 Igor the, tin* .to buy a gun that bOy of yours. .cL • , tr $katiog...,T.iiije Soon bt.. Rect. •• • • , • • • We,•14y,,e ot AuthbiI•Skates.-just.. .- the thing,. for a niee ;Xmas. gift, • **Have you read -last -week's a -d.? - If not win pay you to- lo.ok'it over andlake advantage of f..rmy_bargains_offer.d • TOE, STORE WHERE YOUR MON - ••••••••A•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• _ •-1;ucrtion of P,11nra Whistlea".IS . • . an tirder•OZ, the Coninlissioiters for . ng .(, in ti •tr ger:: a. pnjieiad- .c5t),itdty forbicl(li,a. the use 'onin ‘s..hisilts,in• factories, r.r-d -ctfsro*-of.1-gin-• ' at'tilit; 'Ante •when towcis,,,wer_e. s• o ,maiI that all erntloyes es. factory .•ouldi F.:eached. • 111 this . way and to .hegin work • fOr the daY2.'. • th.e ria;ei., • "There are thousands t 11(111.;',c,s3 eve.ry "192rge' • to v.7 Uom the sound of scores of • ..ttam whittles hi it .feartully torturiug • .e. e •the.steam ;thistle -itc-so radical.:that isuggest- :d As. ra al t 0.,1 a e "that nia•nnfo.e•- , be ads ;si..t1 • ennsider. haw "..4.,are. a steam whistle fs to a Eau-. ' cry: , It is 50 doubt; a -r-aeo,t . that -the, •ini•rcase the•pse -Tot 'ttninpitoes 'and , Arne, 'r'cord.n'g devices". has reduced the neerssity steam whistle fa a,: cal." c:,I Factory employes hoW :say.° ,guided by their :own rime - ' Traces Or TirlIreWil-tirrie oc s • Oliat can easily -be 'seen in ail- .rare ":0acek, while ihe s•tiinulni of 'the time • ree ea•ding• clock time ..-e.ards is probablya-s'effective: the: blast of ii."..steain, Whistle.• , some . elaces, however, sei....exuniple:. whe0e. ,a large inunher of the. employes' in a • have a well assorted .stock in Staple Goods: . • Ohich means a saving to. our customers who buy now aseall kitcls cotton and linen are :gtill..advanoing in price, • • I In Men' Worsted made order, We have some specials at. the old price: • Men's. Sweaters, in, heavy all wool, at.$2;00, each, • • ▪ assorted 0.0101.'S, A Tevi Men's Overcoats at_Bargain Prices: . 4 • Men's `Overd146,41-.9-0.; -'-Lined-Ethacks;-$I-50 On't forget' we carry rine _Vars. and sell at close prices': -•19.ee opr-I.Vien's Coon Coats at $6,0 and $66.- Bargains in odd Muffs and Stoles.- . • • Iteducttcns In- Millinery." Some good shapes still -in -stock 11 acts bo paid. in, beceinber. accept -this notice.- . • • • 13atin0,and. Eggs taken as Cash. W It..., LIAM •:: CON NE HOP or CIIRISTMAS NO are::Slipping by ••atici. ,Christmaa will. soon. be here,' .to buy- your .presents. now. r r•,1„ factory are foreigners, the • langilage of the. steam: Whistle is. easily 'under- • peint rhised only. iMe of ninny' connected with the. problem of- • reducing,. the number_ of unattractive• . atures o Tudustr le; old• . idea o -f •factory, Wei:flint it..,•fty_a dirty ' noot•I'y :ventilated; Mi. .14anKor.y. -•dinegreeallei. hut tliat thece were, nvoessary A'factory „town wag- considered te he a most un.• desirp,blejlace to live in: as' ape* ,to a Community ,wils reproaely„ : 'Of. fate years a great change has heen -taking piece. , The obJect, now . lato mal‘o. a, factory . tract;ve. Many factories in yanada. are .iatrrounded 131•! tit:Unity' Rent' rounds, and lawns ell planted with flo orel ; the. .valla •e •rovered with ' V141444 ••-of .the -buildings are vel j • ventilat.si, well lighted and. etiniencd. • ,• • • , ' • , general liferchant and • 4mitby were AWAY On o. gn,osn•hunt!ns trip,. and .• • • • • Isaac Crfrnsten has•iinitihed threshing and is iittmg tti) ellppping- pant, Ofte'red finsband, . • USEFUL GIFTS There is nothing Imikes•-a'tnorettls-efer:P'reSeift than. Shoes; Warm., $11plier, and Rubber Footwear; • ... • We have the snappieSt most gill 'We have a large • stock of Cozy to -date, fine Shoes- we- *-antl.Felt SliPperS to choose front • ever had. Tricet g.50. all thepopular•eJlors:' Prices to $4;50.. ssp, Loo 4114 $1 25 Batgal os in Rtibbers and Overshoes till'atter; Xmas. ••• • •The 'follOirvin prices 'speak for themselves: " peershoe rio • Wei's. 1 -Buckle .0 vershoe, Spec- . . better .„(ptelity: made, . price $1.5W ' : • - .price $3!00. , ". ' • ifeavy Rubber (;Nlipealiiitan2T2110Te.:.-ov!rsil°e* esc ;#-y.,ate. Ileaq itubber „ , . Sungproot, prices Z401 $2.50. Piiit 1-1hick le; Wc.men2s Butto.i. Over- •' Overnme, price $1.75. ., • shoe, price $1.90. RoOffEy SHOES,'qv stock of IIOckey "Shoes is 4611114.ele • • in nett's, BOyS' itrul ttt, popular prices, . Call° and ask tb. see jo.VN f,.- Lucknow: Ont.: kieloPhookiikookso;ttviel.‘osit=e4ilowitir*.imes."44.40..00.,...0.6 . • • The war is,vtewe fynni many angUE4 • new One 'enme to"theaninister , . . „ . itia.by letter the other day. It iS fram ••• it Canadian wife • Who4p Intshand . 10 •Milform She asks theministm to have Imsband and his lawyer "plaecd in the front trenek, and, if •pe.4 ate shot." Kite udds that wnal do them uoed, though it.. Doi), 40t . itiwoi • to.431.tpoti term t AN D. - . C111 itp,d'see them .befc3re LOVIDOW4 FEED ,and. ILITTE14 CARRIEOS STALLS, STANC1UON4 and PENS. TEESWATBR ROOT PULPERS 6 linixtsid heavy vv.hveI. • New Williaoris Swing /*whines' (.1. AND IGHS „ •