HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-12-02, Page 3el. .1. a - - - • -4 t' --0.1••••15.7 Oulgar General Fights for Russia HOW TO CURE RHEUMATISM The 1)1"se.ase is In the Bleed and Must•Re Treated Through' the .11100. • • • . . .•ThQ•ro.gro aluiO 14-awiai,-ty 'ways of trealing rheumatism as thbse :are doc- tor. Not of these treatments are directedat thesYinpterns. mid are con- sidered 'successful f. they. relieve the . pain and stiffness. But 09 ,P441. and the- storeneaS return particularly' ',the- patient has been exposed to ditnapneits.. This shows that 'the 'poi - !Sell was not driven from the system by t.by.the tregment 'employed'. Rheum- van- b liavci a a utimberHof-, ways, but thereis,Ohly. one way to cure it, and that is through the blood, .expelling the ponienous geld that. eallOPS, the •aches • and pains and stiff., ;less, To renew and enrich thelgood there is no, Aledichre can - eciuga -Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, which go right to the root . of the trouble and .eure theuntatimn, to.. stay -cured, The •fel- • iznying .. is an • .piample...ofwhat ]Jr. • ' of this. kind, Ben.rx Smith,St. Jeronie,•QUe.; says: -"For upwards 9f a year 1 was a- vctirn of rheumatism in a most painful form.' . The trouble was loerite.d.in-naY legs, and for a long timewasPO _bad that 1.0iild not walk. The suffering. which endured .can .enly be'-ima.gined.-hY these ..*Iie have ben ' 'similarly • aglieted..,:, Doctors' 'Areatinent did nOt help me, arid then. .begantrYing otheA remedies, but With o".better result. Fina1Iy 1 `was vised to try„ Dr. William's" 'Pink and idtliough I. had, begun to 'lose faith in medicine; I finally decided to give the 'pills a trial. I an* very grateful now that I ,did .so, for after taking eight boxes of the- pills the trouble completely disappeared, I was free from pain and could Welk as well as ever I did in -my life. 1 have sine taken 'the pills occasionally as a pre - •1.4 . ^re • 4 lOrgartr GEN. RA.DRQ DIMITRIEFF, 4 Bulgarian Who is one of the venal trusted and capable officers et the, Russian ariny. It Is reported thati • he will teed a Russian amyl tticainSt his countrynaen. • • SENSES OF TREES. eautionary measure, and. I cannot speak too highly in their favor. You can -get • Dr. Williams' Pink Pills through any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. CWilliarns' 'Medicine. Co., Brockville, Ont. b-- Peraeyerance of a Poplar • in Ser - THE GUELPH WINTER FAIR. mounting Obstacles. . Mr. James Rodway who is the The Largest Live , Stock Show Held • curator of the British, Guiana, Museum • In the Dominion,' - and an eminent botanist, declares that ' plants have at least, three of our five From a small *art in 1884 as a fat • senses -feeling', taste and smell -and stock show 'for GuelPh and .vicinity ,• that certain tropical trees sniell water there has deifeloped the biggest Pure - from a •distance and will move ly agricultural exhibition in the Do - straight toward. it • . • minion. . „Bet trees not in the tropics can do At first only fat cattle were pro- „ of -an old...Seotch--vided for. -The classifieatiori has.beezi- mansion, says a writer \ in the Scots, enlarged, irom•year to year, including for the flag of the victors to bepleced man, found the waste Pipe fiaom: the first sheep then swine, later .4 dairy above it on the same pole. This was • _houserepeaterliy choked. Lifting, test and poultiir were adda -In 1209, a tokenr-not-only, of submission. 'but • • • 1 . • • SPIES AT THE FRON\r. • Illustrated, By An Incident Related by a British fiapper. -There is no limit, to the daring and effrontery' o spice France,. .04'0, ziecestiary.is it to takeevery proemu. tion-agaMSt. them eat ,contersatien •between SoMiers and eividiana IS TAM. ed wt greettdisfaver by the authorl. ties, Tho stiletest orders have been to,the troops that lie inform4z. tionis tobe given to anyone,: either civil .or nhiitar The daring' of spies is illustrated•bx an incident related by a sapper, nals Section, R.E., now in France. On one .occasion two officers went hate a •cgctelgrtgac.44-4111r.-tanct-tataremPtorii:g- demandeet certain informatio_in They were both of high rank, and at first the officer in charge had not .the elierliteSt SliSriieiOn. But the British "th" proved their undoing. They were cunning enough to avoid words begin- ning thus, hut the . fatal "dis" for "this" slipped out, and sponthey were looking down a es:mole of revol- ver barrels. while 4 sharp V'oic$ said, "Hands .up." That was the end of -their spying,. terseljr. says lt the s'aPper: O'another ' occasion a disPatch- rider:Went tearing. on his motor‘eyele- by a field, in. which a man was ploughing. Suddenly a bullet went through his cap., tvisting it rafirid'his head; • The rider ;increased his, speed, rounded 'attend in the road, and met .010tOrriOrry; Somi three4sOldierslwerit 'opt for a walk across the field. Tim', stopped. and ,spolte to the ploughman, 'and.one, of theair held out hand. Th d ploughman took it And the -next minute was on his back, with a knee pressing in his chest. The other two soldiers setarched the hedge, and found a rifle and cartridges concealed there, So the ploughmen was marched off, and as. he was not in uniform, he was tried as a would-be murderer. ANTI.TYPIIOID VACCINE.. %s• Ho* the Prepgratien Mikde at s Wench listitute. • 4 recent artiele in La Nature do, uribes hew anti -WNW vaccine .ia Premi ed nFrance at the Institute*of •Val-de-Orace, where Doctors Chant°. mosso, Vidal, and Vincent have done such remarkable work for humanity in the great field of proteetive medi- eine, The vateine poirvalent? that is to say, it is a blend made,, not, *QM one, but from many, different strains -of Bacillus typhoons:" „The VaCcille sterilized by the momentary appliea- Oen of ether, and contains no living elements. It is put up in .oinall apa- -ponies, oirglass- hi fiefs- of three, each of .-which eontains one billion dead typhoidi bacilli; At every stage in the preparation •of the vaccine, asePtie Methods are naort vigilantly enforced, The article; warrillY praises the workers: "Only those wile have lived at the laboratory from Septem- ber,'1914, to the early months of the present year can have any idea. of the activity that prevailed there, and of theiralefatigable-Zeal women„ mobilized and Voluntary workers directors of laboratories., PrelfaratM's, Red Cross' 'ladles, ItOsPir ordirlies all working together."' • MEA,NING OF HALF-MAST. A Sign That the Dead Man Was Worthy of Universal Respect.' 'Perhaps you have noticed that whenever ift prorhinent Peison. dies, especially if lie is connected with the Government, the flags on public build- ings are hoisted only part of the way up,. Phis is called "half-mast." Did you ever -stop to „think what connec- tion. there 'eoold be betWeen a flag that was not properly hoisted and the death of a great man,' Ever Since flags were used in war it has been the custom. to have the flag•of the super- ior or conquering nation above that of the inferior or vanquished, When an army found itself hopelessly beat-, -en-it-hauled its-tiag -down-far enetigh • the. slabs in the basement ,paving • he a horse show.Was added, and 'this year of respect. In those days, when a I . discovered' that the, pipe was . com- a start is being made With breeding fanning soldier "died,. flags Were loW- • pletely encircled. -by poplar roots . sections: for ',cattle, sheep and ,swine. 'prod 'out of, respect to his meniory, .They belonged to a tree, that greW. ,The judging• of poultry will he rpm- The custom- long ago passed from some thirty yirds away on the oppo- pleted bY Monday morning, Dec. Gth, purely military usage to public life of site side or the house. "I' - , and prizes placed' onthe coops, so all kinds, the flag flying at half-maSt . Thus the roCts_haci moyed steadily.that. visitors will, be •_able,-tce note the being a sign_that the dead man was. toward the house and • had.penetrated 'prize ivinners„ l'he dairjr test will be worthy of universal reSpect, The • below the foundation and across the• • -basement ,until they reached their goal, flie-Waste Pipe, a hundred and fifty -feet away. Then they had oleic- • , • ed a cement joining and had worked. • their way in _There seettneLsoraetbing almost human in such unerring in- stinct and peroeverance in surmount- ing obstacles: • • • GETS V.C. AT AGE OF 18. • ---- ' Lanceporal• Dwyer Hold . Trench Against Germans. The youngest seldier of the British , • army to receive the Victoria Crosaia •Lance -Corporal Dwyer, who is only 19 •'years old: won the V.C.fer'hold- •. in, single-handed, a trench against the Gerinans during the • fighting. around the famous Hill No..60. He is now back in London en a short leave . from the front and is devoting this • time, which has been granted to him for a rest, to recruiting work. • He ap- peered the ot ier • ay in Tra algar Square and delivered a stirring ap- . peal for More recruits,' ,which • was loudly. applauded. • • - Acting Oorporal Issy Smith of the •. Manchester Regiment is the first sol- dier of Jewish faith to receive the _Victoria Cross. His reward was giv-, • en him -for having assisfed a wounded . comrade over 250 yards of ground un- der heavy shell Are at Ypres. • *ISE WORDS • -- A Physician on Food. • completed and •cards ahoWing the re- space leftabove it it. tfor the flag. of suit poste,d on , MondaY. _As each 'the great conqueror of iill-the angel, Clitss of herpes, beef -cattle:sheep, and Of -death. 1 swine is judged, cards. showing. the ' ' ' ' -,--,--------;-----'--- • .cataltogue. ,number - and,: the -Prize WOULD NOT BE WITHOUT- .w_..ar.ded-vgill be....put up .on the Stall . or •pen so that theideals of tile judgeS. _BABY'§ OWN-TABLTS &tn. be follewed by the visitors. .9,11 beef eattle and dairy cattle will he Thousands of motherd throughout stabled according to clans, itnii Canada have written of their thank. - sheep and swine according to breeds. „fulness for what Baby's Own Tablets have done for their little ones. Among The comfort of Visitors has received the,. is Mrs, Frank Wrignt, Clifford, considerable attention at the hands of the Fair Board, seating accOmmoda- °lit" wit°, would not, • be without Baby's pwn Tablets, as they tion having ben provided, for seen were of great 'help to 'me when my hundred more people than in any little boy was troubled with constipa- former year. _ _ judging of horses tion and sour stomach." • The Tablets There' will, be- ' cure indigestien; • colds 'and 'simple every night' from Saturday to fhurs- day- --on -Tuesday-an Thursday eVenings; there will be a cOmpetition for officers' chargers and a riding exhibition by the 29th .Bat- tery, which is stationed in Guelph: A series of lectures will be deliver- ed eaCh day d, the shOW upon. live stock, poultry :or seeds, and will so erranged4hat-theAtisitors-will-be-,abt to hear the lecture and see all of the . . Judging. • , - • • A new feature year is a judg- ing competition between, the different counties of the province, each connty being represented bY three men 'pick: ed by the District Representative. -SHORTAGE OF CLEVER . • Not Enough Autocrats to Run the .1.1r -----German Army, • The East Prussian and Pomeranian families have by no mearie Mono- poly of high posts -in ,the. Gerinan, 4„LiNtestern physTieian has views army: In that 'arniy there is a point in the neerirentmuf , an: &neer •• about food: He r says: --have own as "die Majors • Ecke"-the duty of the physician does not cease major's corner -the doubling of which is purely a matter of merit andeffi- • with treating the sick, but that we • oWe it to humanity to teach them he* cieneYi-T-1194r) etr-thsit.heralth-especrneCarrogonce that ev-er eame Out of " Prussia will not Carry .the incorepe-, hygienic and dietetic laws. tent officer round it, and, perhaps, "With such a feeling as. to mY. Icorisidering the size of: the German duty I take great, pleaSure saying, staff, there are not enough clever 'that, in --my own experience and also Prussians to go round. So . side by from personal observation*. L blive With Von ,PalkenhaYn, Von found no food to equal drape -Nuts, '-gide' Strariitz, and Von der- Marwitz we and that I find there is almost no limit to the greet bene food find Alexander von Kluclers•ou of von Macicenaeri, whose father was a coun- try squire' riodrich-von Scholia; son minor official in Flensburg, Von Enamich began life as plain Otto Em-. OW to Save Your Eyes "Try This Free Prescriptio Do, your eyes give • you •trouble Do I YOU already vear eyeglasses'or spectaciers? Thousands a people wear these **windows" who might easily dispense with them° Yoe may be one of these, and it is your duty to save your eyes before it is too late. TVe eyes are neglected•,more than any other organ of the entire,body. After: you finish your day's work you sit down mad rest your muscles, but how about your . eyes 7 Do you 'rest them ? You know you do not. You me or do soMething else that keeps your eyes busy; you work •your, eyes until" you go to bed. That to why so many have strained. eyes, and finz ally other eye troublts that threaten par- tial or tfltal blindness. Eyeglasses 'are , merely crutches; they . never euro. This free prescription, which hos benefitted the eyes of so many, luny work equal. won- ders for you. Use it a short time. would you like your eye troUbles to disappear as If by 'magic 7 Try this' prescrletion. Go to the.nearest wide-awake drug store and get a bottle of Bon-'Opto tablets; fill - a In one tablet .and allow it tothoroughly from gout. The. bench awarded dissolve.. With this liquid bathe the eyes i • 45 • two to our times daily. Just Mite how and costs. William Henry Wake- was qtliekly your eyes clear up and how ,soon dfraid to ude it ; it is absolutely harm- summoned for.!4 ,damages,for 81 the inflammation win disaPPear, Don't be and was Flayed their eyes had they started to 'care 2loast2sti.oullrnsdo: for them in time. '• This is ii. simple treat - less. Many who are new blind might have Te.raeTroewunttooripa ay olacksznith's striker, for neglecting ‘1! DODD'S KIDNEY% PI LLS ,01)-c . • Jt 4\ bi GI as cr*r\EV\TNE•D:15; -A-11 up_NAE. rYi j*,Ps r Tutu FOR MIS51iNG- WORK. Munition Worlonen Must Pay Dain - ages to "Employite. , That certain ' Sheffield (England) munition workMen have not realized their line of duty in these thaw, was eyidenced at the Sheffield City Pence: Court when r' ,...resern and Yr; W. R. Carter Intil-tO deal with'many serious cases or, alleged shrieking on the -part.; of employes of , Sheffield' :fffitemetsand ,noWtheerigaargyd. on workfor the B. Enrdekin, solicitor -for one of the * •CornpallieS," stated that in three 'mond* 370 men' lost ':Ia,000 .iniurs. -AllegatiOns Of Periodical drinking bouts were 'net infrequent, While ' it was proved that the ;men !were often went Wtalie time Off as .they WOO. • Dr. -Hadfield (Doctor • Of Iletai- lurgy) gave evidence in SUpport cf his firm's eases, and appealed to the ben benchtodeal, strictly With the delin- quents., ' Horace W. Walker ,'waS summoned for £7 4s. damages for neglect of mak, on eight, days. The bench .awarded damages amounting to 15 7s. 6d. Mr. Eltirdekin stated that the damages, were not the point in the summonses. The money went into the firm's war funds; .• Charles Smith. was -summoned for losing.,1041/2 hours, and the company asked for E8 4s. damages, _Mr. Burde- kin" stated that the defendant had periodical . bents 'of • drinking. De, two-ounco bottlo with warm water, drop fendant shid he had been, suffering • 4-ra „•POPULATION Or .eta Incre* Last Year Over the Pre • FiOUs Year, • The report of the Registrar /General tot Ireland or 1,914 shows that ire - land's decline in population has been arrestedand also her\ prosperity creased if llte-nOmber in - u marriage* is a•eriteriont Last year shows a popu- lation 9f 4,381,098, against 4,379,012 the PrevisMa yea', with the lowest emigration rate. since 1831. MarriagCS gained 38 per cent. ever 19,13. •• IM-• movement is shown in the matter of illiteracy, which is rapidly dying .out. • The Agures o luisbands and wives • who signed the registrar instead of malting their mark give 94.5 for 1*t1S- band and 99.4 for wives. ' "As regards illegifire_acy, Ireland compares favorably with, most eon - tries," says the report. Therewere only per cent. of illegitimate births in the whole Wintry.. TJIsterfihowing 'the highest' rate of any county at 4 •per Cent and Connaught the lowest ,at The general birth rate' AhliVriV*4 Iget increase. •• .A-drureg.--;8-pe rate is also noted, "old age" beading 'the list of causes, with tuberculosisgs, ,seecnicl, ,Last years death rate was *6.3 the thousand. • - Efiriardei Elintnent'Cures Bolas, tee.`e The' Man who-knowsit all-ii.never, ,tep full„for 'utterance. . . . . . The Turkish MOthet loads her ei.1.1114- vitb amuleta es soon- atrit is born; anti -ct. small bit Of mud', steeped in het Wa- ter, prepared by previous charms; is stuck on its forehead, ' HIRAM JOHNSON . LIMITED. The Old No. 494 St: Paul St. ., MONTREAL Established over 38 years as Raw -Fur Dealers NO inflated price list from Send un your Furs and set'the • highest market , price, TRAPPERS - 40.4„.;:, Furs Have Advanced ment. but marvellously erective in multi- his. work through drink, .for eight Nil ip toRogers. We gave liberalgrades, tudes of cases. Now that you have been , full value in cashand qukkraturne. We ean to sieve' your ekes,' end you are likely costs; 7s. days, was ordered tii pay the 11 with • warned doe't delay a 'day, but da what youhave best market in America for Furs. Hides, etc. 6d. ,./ohn IL -Howson and J. No COMMISEti011, Mete today for free price list. to thank, tis as long as you live for pub- Trappers, Supplies at Peptone One*. Drug Co. of - Toronto will •fill the above Green were each fined Li 1 i a Bribing this prescription. The Valmas . OT os ng IROGIERS FUR corripANY. Dept, s 5t. Louis. MN '.. Every man reales that' -he presetiptron 4?y , maiti.. .it a:701 Jr_ drpggistmTdaY'S work. .GeOrge Neill was order!, I. ......_._______ ffOlt SIATIO0 re -ARMS lc., 41.14 SIZEN WOW, owe, Diary or eratt. When 7014 k Wane to bun Write W. Payee:in* VreiriPten. (hie W.F?4,411.0till 91.4, ,PIELVP1410nrtetitoilM. 1 towns. The most useful and intereetIPS P iviis CO:°*3! ..4) igatirtreL In43',11)101:Pe ennv. 71- West Adelaide Bt.. -Toronto. -itAw i'staS. ItAiggillItGi ATTENTION! --- RAW ifu; wanted. Gertbe tighest pri-..ies iiiiiluglikible assfsrunenti 'bend ftbr urico gil. 11.14111 lifil*(ePifet*erteti% 1 411)%11 4"ur"Ar''' e on, . : ' Wein fi.SEE ' .4,0Eg le, IN filWrit CON? "-A **A ecookar 1,17,,rantlatfmr• - LouiLa Witder. 13lrhendale. Stusitelia. Li aNcUlt, Irre. ILA internal and exterVel cUred withr Co” LIntitee. 9nt. •tliACRA4OT Wlftc WYantlotteS ••.\ ,„ "None. plotter." Winners at ggest shows. Geed. . •-iqa-P-1F-V4v40"trixtroir-7--- f- t MARSHALL; a; MARPliALI# BoXJ,W. • - -Nla9Pra 'Fella, -Cernder‘ • •t• 'Betel Way' PRESIDE cannot. ' ole Was -ordered to pay 14 damages 1-6--ply-15- damages. . Cheri& Cha- aime lost:- Samuel Coldweli, a _ "HERRING SOUP." . -rneulder, was ordered to:Pay £3' and . . . • . costs for losing time, ilid Roliert Jen - Seats Guardsman Tells a Reniarkable flings was oHered to pay £5 and costs. , , • .. , . •.-Story. • •• •• . .Private James LAW, Scots - Guards, ., 4. FAMOUS IIOCTOR has returned to his home after spend- 4% " % : , ' , WRITES . . , . •ing eight months as ...a. priso GerriernY.: He was 'captured onneJranuiri- ary '25th. -„About 109 of the ,enemy , ."-fiea-r 'lir. Jaakson: . -• .7--- "I‘ can trely say year Roman Meal entered the- trenen ;where he . was. and is a veritable godsend. to huuianity. •Law was wounded in three places-- Init,yliithaa.itpdt.sreid paril sehruikt e inittraftrueleoiyuS for the left 'thigh-, chest, and right shoul,• indigestion, ' neurasthenia., 'anaemin I der. - He lest, much blood 'slid- yeeame. anti eciaLl un,forderto nett cond.constiPationIn this ltions, but unconsciousBe was ina.'senn-ftonia-...! P, 1 tose condition , for nearly: four , days,‘ la4tier condition' it has not failed me ' . : . and faumChimself in the hands of the in:a.single case." - ?.'. • I • . Germans.' One ' big' soldier, attempted Roman IVIeal is ina.de info delielous Strained "by' a humane comrade.whir re-, hilicrrearldd.i' e-A..Skn*a;loc;aurkeds,0 to bayonet him, and Was . Maly e.-toprudadibdriugtd,it:ErAndt alI grocerICIand 25 cents.,. confided to Law in good English that - : .... • ._..._.__..,1..--,--. •- s', , .. war was a' dreadful thing. He. re- The Comforter ,• - ' - mained in hospital for ten Idays, . and : • ' . Was fed during that period entirely "V'understand ;Mrs. Green is ,very onhet milk: ' - • ,. - • ill" Life in camp was very .miserable, ' "That se? What's the Matter!" ; Those who were able to work . were •-...."The Aoctoi. *Inca -t'''s- P,1-ar-'147,--*' ,, Sent Out in batches' to pull., ploughs, • "Oh, ray, I .rrindt'hurry right ;over mote healthy-sleepThey are sold by 'us-. .c-1)11-ei-- gt•P-el- It-"Inr"lul i"L"- barrews, etc. -Feed-was very-bad_and, to see. -I know dozens of .people : who ,died of- that. " ., .... . . • according to Law, would not have been4iven even to pigs in. Scotland. Black coffee was served Without sia- gar or milktand so strong that the men could not drink it: . The "hied" called bread :appeared to be comPbsed of potatoes, oileake, and bran. It was . ft--,rand-dammLand-would-r-sairl--Laiv; have made a splendid substitute for • putty. It was indigestible and Made most of the • men ill. Latterly. Law' subsisted alinoSt entirelY on food sent from home. Even worse than the breed was the "potato 'soup." -The medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a. box -from The Dr. 'Williams' Medicine Co:, Brockville, Ont. . • In ten years 800 persons were fo.und guilty of murder in -Austria, but Only re sutto deat Slinardts Liniinent" Cures Diphtheria. Dangerous. ,• Miss CaustiqueHYmi shouldn't' smile so : mirth, my dear. It e . , miss pa,sy..„,,Darige,:uua? „ prisoners were given plenty -of a wa-, mixi.containingtaii a -blind -ante - Miss Caustique-'Yes. 'When. -g- 167 smile lights up your face it Might set of potatos ut k' .b it is Law's belief off.the peWder.that the sentries . got the potatoes.. • • Another dial' was herring tin t --.the seizing •ef. mew . • the:herring in a -rew-----=•stateikin--ri far" trina's71,----Witi practised; c - scales,' entrails;- eyes,. and .oyerything turies,. and did net lieceme obsolete mixed together in a bucket ' till just 'before the • Crimean War: reStearde, tookts,.1011gAilneAtf,reagb -Sometimes-the crewe-were--taken -from 'home.- If the writer praiSed the Ger-1 foreign snips oh the high -seas • • The -letter -wes-paised. . . - • . •Miriard's Liniment 'Co., Limited. "ge:ntlemen,-Last-, winter I 'receiv- ed' great benefit .. frail' • the use . of •MINARD'S LINIMENT in a. • severe .attack of LaGrippe, and I have fre- quently proved, it to be very effective in cases �f Inflammation. • YOurs,, ' W. 4t.. ROTCHINSON. • - will bring 'Who used in all zases• , ot sickness and convalescence. • „experience_that tiophyst-- cal condition forbida the use of Grape- , • Nuts. To persons in health there is mien. -nothing so nourishing and acceptable • to the storifitch especially at breakfast system on the day's work. • "In eases of -indigestion I know that • a complete breakfast can be made of Grime-bluts and cream; atici•I think ft is necessary not to overload the stom- ach at the morninglneal. L also know • the great value of -Grape-bluts when the stomach is tee Week t� didecit other food, , • "This is written after an experience, • of More than 20 years treating all 'manner of chronic and acute diseases, • • 'arid the letter is voluntary ell my .4 part without any request for it." •• ^Nanie given by Canadian Postuin Co., Winds, Ont. .• As for the', German navy, that set - ,vice never was looked up to by the human Prussians as worthy' of the attention to start the niaehiliery Of the • of a well-born man. All, its principal officers are middle-class men. Grand Admiral Alfred von Tirpitz Is the son of a lawyer; Admiral von Koester is the son of Hans Koester, a well- known German dramatic poet; -Vera' Pohl, chief of the Admiralty Staff, was plain' Captain Pohl -till he return:. ed from the China expedition in 1889, 'and Von Mueller, head of the.iViarine • Cabinet, was the son of .a• manufac- turer of agricultural implements .as remote froin the sea as Chemnitz in Saxonyl But Germany is but a par- venuat' sea, and has' not Yet acquired the cult of "old naval families." 4 • • 33114r %emit he abdIrti totter A nob: eno almous from time.to time. They tot ;coulee, true, and full Of fifteen ilitorcet. a It is an insult in rrartee to - "a melon." all FOR pEADACI-1,ES,BILIOUSNESS ,CONSTIPATION,. DIGE .sT 1 . Nearlyallohrminorailments,andmany . of the serious ones, toaram ttaceablc to -- some disorder of the -stomach, liver, and bowels. If you wish to avoid thc mis- eries of indigestion, acidity; -heartburn, ' flatulence, headaches. constipation, and - a host of other distressing ailments, you , *nest see to it that your stomach, liver stud bowels are equal to TRY. the work they have to . do. It is a iiinple matter ; .totakc30 drops of Mother Seigel's Syrup daily, after meals, yet thousands OI former sufferers have banished indigestioa,N1- lousness, tconstipation, and all their dis- tressing consequences in just this simple way: Profit by their experience.. As a digestive toti10 and stomachic remedy.. Mother Seigel's Syrup is unsurpassed. 2015 MOTHER . . SYRUP., 'rile awUOc corostat,3 Three Att „mean , AS Ilia StVit Sato ArteePte norm% it *as destroyed.. On one occasion a GerMan .eorporal interrupted • Law, who was engaged in playing a garne of card, And. pnlled.:1-/ire-oft-kV , Law learned afterwards :that he had 6ranulafed Eyelids, reEyes inflamed by expo- ' sure to Sun. Bust W - quickly relieved by Murillo EyeRemedy.NoStnarting, been treated in that Way because he I just Eye Comfort! At did, not salute the. carp:wall he re Your trritgglit's:50cortro0B otImalliyuerrIriretEatk SalveinTubes 25e. F per kott e. ye fused to do so 'eVen when he knew. the truth. Many, of the German .sol - diets were downheerted regarding the Druggists or Mudge Eye Remedy Co., Chicago .0atineal. is generally, adulterated issue4 the war: One man said that i peace time heWas given .a bread with barley -hoot give it a whiter n ' '* • ration of 4 poimds per day 'for 1i appearance. • *ife-ttraPchildreri. That wailiow-l'o- duced 6,1 pound t• A Publication caU- ed the Cdntinental Tittles was issued, to the men purporting to 'give correct war news. \ The soldier's re -christened' it the "Continental Liar.' Twiee' month the ' Russian prisoners were forced to heist nags in celebration Of supposed German victories. LaW WaS exairtined by eiman professors three times before -being exchanged -i • He' has almost lost the power of his right ant, and his left leg is stiff.: He. hopes to improve) but does not dried id, return to his former employment as a miner, Ile enlisted 'After War gas declared:I . • . TWo of a Father -What •do ,you thbi1. of a boy who throvh- orange skins on the pavement? , • Son -r don't know. What do .yott think of an orange skin that 'throws a plan, on ...the pavement? -minaralis Einiment Bures_Distenipee._ , • , Officers and crews of some British submarines haveNalreedy nice sutria to , their 'credits, because the Admiralty awctrds a bounty of E5 per head of the 'creivs of energy .Iships. sent to the •bottorh, even if, those aboard dre not. killed or drowned. Purely Herbal -No 14800.. 0118 coloring matter. Antiseptic -Stops .b 1 o 0 d - poisoning, festering, etc. Soothing -Ends quickly the pain and smarting. Ilcais all sores. • 50e. Box. All brussists and Sterea .111K4-14. Mliittra'S Iatilittent Unveil:target in doWir ED' ea issus 48-'15. used Red. Vitiate, Blue, Crowe Silver, Black poites,”13eaver, Lynx. Eto. , ' , RAW veryl shipper.„.awviuranIreez xections _of_crieftee. • • Who is looking for a better outlet fer his raw furs_ should write at once for -our price list. We are FURSfiltrixtoffiiornniar3Ircoel‘priees, antewill do • so at',11 Send for Our Price List,' -•Now Ready We Buy la-inee21ff • Reference by perreiselorti_linian Ex.ehange National* Bank New York; STRUCK 4is BOS011.8, Inc., Exporters of and. Dealers TUBS 140 WEST 28th STREET, NEW YOztH zt, With 15 ten -inch double -sided VictOr Records , (30 selec- tions, your own choice), $34.50. EasiPaymenta • if Desired:, . . • Genuine'Victrola for Christmas is both a gift for the day and means of entertaitunent and happiness the year round. . • 1 It will bring to your •fireside all the delights. of music the world has to offer -vocal, -instrumental, dance • • and orchestral ; and make. your hours as socially pleasant as those you have .enjoyed when listening, to the Victrola at the homes of your friezids• . . There are 6000 Viefor •Ilecortis from whichto choose. You can get ten -inch, double -sided Victor. Reoords' for .90c including any, of your favorite selections of _ --standard and popular songs and initruinental pieces. • . . Any of "His Master's .Voice" dealers will let you . hear them. If there is not one in your. totify-711Vaild weWi11 se b tlfat-yiilf are lio-t pointed on Christmas morning.. ' , 'COW -Lim fled • 601 Leno-ir Street, Montreal • Dziaiints IN EVERY TOWN AND CITY' •0 • VICTOR RECOlitn5-4eADE ZN GANADA LOOZ POE ". HIS MASTER'S VOX= i* • • -TRADE MARE. Other Victrolas I' $33.50 to .$490. •••• New Agencies Considered Where We Are Not Properly Represented, ....32HD• "ANT.1111....; ario ro*.i.ocia Winter.. Fait.... GUELPH DEEMBER ;rd to 9th, 1915. CANADA;S oldest and biggst WINTER FAIRin the Arena you will see the BEST. STOCK produced on the BEST PARMS in CANADA and in the Lecture ranti you will. hear how .they Were produoed. YOU*:canuot APPORD to 111iSs It-Single-nara on Railways. :• • . . . WAX. SD/11T1, M.P., • R. W. WADE, , President, ••• Secret0y, • ' Columbus, '()n . Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Ont: • „.• •