HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-12-02, Page 1• e- • -- .learearerr• 7 a $Loo per" yest,izadVane • L25 otherwise /..IUCKNOW, ONT. THURSDAY0, DECEMBER 2nd., 1910. COMING! COM1Nat 41111111~MMNIIMINO of. E. Katz The Well, li.nowi!‘ Eye Sight Specialist of , lastewel Ifiliowri,t`o be tim ,most skilled dPiicianin Western Ontario, will be at the our HOUSE1,14.I.CKNOWoo TusspAy,., • Newr, DEC. 7th. :.Willexamitre'eyes ..VY';!•he method. that never fails. Prof., ; #atz, wefl ltnovirt, aroundhere for years to, he the greatest :eyesight trouble re.y; Guaranteed torelieve Pgeeight Trn4b1e, Uye Strainaid Ueed- eches in every case. At'e Issued for $bort Tenn of Years 9/13INIUtEg Interest Coupons Payable Half -Yearly NE,GOTIABLe Assets -$7,480,339 -The (weal West Permanent Loan Compaq 20.King st,w,., • . Toronto • Represented' by Jos. Agnew, 14ucknow, Ont. 1 High Class Tailoring • Just teczived Otfr. rau Stitch •of =Blue -Serger -Black-Serge - at d ttrAriot and Fancy *Suite; ings. 'Soritething new: Call and see them. • TEMPLE CLARK Merchant Tailor LOcA,I4 AND GENERAL Mr. Bert Finlay is bonin from onok. Volk are ceunting the daps. u n til Christmas. . Miss Neita Sinellierki,,isitins friends in Seaforth. . Mr. 'John .103/110made busine'ss ono to Toronto last weol4 • 73,rtitt1e1n visiting frien Te,r.geto aild Grimsby. .' • •,.• • 4 • This weather is:v41(inuch cf the be: AVIA and between sot. " . Mr. and Ors. Albert MillSon visited Kende in Toronto this Week, . • Misses Mabel, and Bertha Allin vis;ted friends in Toyent,O last : ' '• ' • • • affra.:Geo,. Aitclieson. left' thie weOk for-Mectforcl to join her basband. • Mrs. J�hnJ4y.t left. 4ciesday, to vvialt herMother; who IS., ill in Manitoba. 3faraaNanse Sar.u.-We still have a number of the season's latest Models in triMmed and untrimmed hats, velvet and plush -which we are now sellingat bar- gain prices --Come and see; - G. M. ARMSTRONG. A half dozen soldier 'boys from the London camp visited then homes here over Sunday. /f you want a suit oF clothes .made to keep its shape, we can do it. T. Mercla't. Tailor. Mrs. Sproat has returned to her honie in Seeferth after visiting her slater, Mrs, Peul Reid. S, S. Eutertelament I.• DEATIl OF R. lt. ANDERSON • Active;preparatio.n'aare'under way for • the,,annual entertainment' by .tbe Meth' . West Wawano.sh lost one of its •esteelo7 °dist Sunday School, Which will be held this year in the Town Hall on the even. - ng of Dec,30,-.A.,stfonenommittmis , in, charge of the program, which, it is expected, will be of 1101181.1al Ille* alit; 'year. Look for further announcel,nenth later. • Wel Social 'COMIng "A number at the youngpeople of S.S. No. 9, Kinloss, are arranging for a toic etriad, te be held in the Schoolhouse -on the ev,e,fliOR of Dec...10. Besides the sale ,of lunch boxes, there will be a prOgrarn at music, recitations and Scotch dewing.' Acoetnodation for horsee has been,arrang- ed for at a number of bars. in the vie-. jolty. The, proceeds will go..for patriot- ic purpoies, December, Rod frectilim •'-"Decerobek PO don; published by W. Taylor; Limited; Woodstoak,,Ont.; .is On the news-stands. and replete avith 'yvithintereeting stotha%. brotitdomekfe, besides the usual departraents devoted to Guns and A.mmunition Fishing Notes, etc , which are -well maintained. Some ot the stories noted are The. Hunter Christinas,_ Three Polars and a Cree, Hector: A Story of Dog Devotion. Nor- thern Camping Trails A Jost Retribu- tion, Sailor . of the Woodlands, •Nes,v, foun,dland-Caribou, Adventures of NOle alias Olin A new department which, promises to be of special interest con- ducted by Arthur Ellison arid devoted to the interests of dog lovers Ander the captain of Phe ISennel. Mafeking ed residents on Tuesday, when death .called away Richard, H. Anderson, for, many years a resident of the Oth Deceased, who was 62 years of age, had bean ailing sincolast May, and for the Past month had been confined to his bed. As he had been gradually sinkng almost all the while, his death wai not ,iseexp 'He leaves to mourn, three daughters,: his mother, now about 83,•Iont brothers and two sisters, , .-piedeceased- hiin in April of 1904. ,, • The.chitighters •Beatrice, of. the' high Scho4Staff at Winghern; Edda • at hofbe,"biti ufttil recently a teacher at Clifford; Margaret A.; teacher at Car-. lyle.". The.brethers are: Otani T. and, :Cherles,,inSrinth Africa;;Ilexander end' Jatpes, wholiamci with the clecliased, on the old NM*. Sisters are: Mrs. (Rev.) Robert Barbour, of Me tford;Nrs Daw- son, Toronto. • • -Volunteer Is °Ivor Send-ett and Presented' • With WrIst-Watch,.. FAREWELL TO CLASS -MATE s. Members of the Young Men's Bible . • . Claseof the Presbyterian ()Earth met. at the,home of kr. and Mre. Thomae Art,' . chosen Friday evening to eperid a kre- • well evening with Mr.. Harry Tucker, a •meniber of -the clasS, prior, to bus leaving for Montreal where he has enlisted for overseas -serrlice With ..the 61.11. University , Corps.. . • • •• ••• • The evening was spent in socia/ &fie- s • end' music until alout 10:30 oielOck,- when the young men aprung 'a surprise 'on Mr. Tucker by Presenting hitn with a I wrist:Veatch. Mr. W. L .1Slackenzie brief- ly addretsried Sly: Tucker,' expressing the regret which the class feltat leaving, at the same tithe expressing appreciation of the courage Which prompted hira., to enlisein so good a cause. He .wished • hini.sticeees and a safe.retern• - ; naw 'when tha War is over.. If..Mr. Lek er Would prove as eea-nestAsoldier as he 'swig a wOrkinan, he wonld be a valnable._ • man an. the trenches, ,or ,any's1rhere else -where duty should ' 'hoped that on the battle. field. or elsewhere :lie Would ..a.)Wityri• reinember•-.7the boys -. of Lucknow, and'neyer forget the • interest - Mg' limits. Spent. irt-the-:cereer room Of • Lucknow.-PresbYterian. Charch, where. he would long he. remembered...! • Mr. Tucketanacie a brief reply, thank- ing the class for then kind surprise and for the kind treatment he •hit'd always received frOna them. • 'He. appreciated the valuable gift, but had been taken So unawares thatle could not find words in -which to express his gratitude. ' The evening' waS;poncluded by. the enjoyMent of a niee lunch, •• airs's-E. King, �f Winghatn, was • the • • guest of Miss A. ••Boyd ,Thursday and nesday, Nov. 30, l. ' • • Friday of last week. • ' ' Mrs. D. Anderson is the guest of .her • Mrs. W. T. flelmes, of Wiarton, was a •daughter, Mrs. Ar Finley, at present, • 'Miss Myrtle BI ke f• b iore w th a „e . i „,. as , week end visitor' with -her parents, Mr. e. • and Mrs. W. J. Taylor, • • guest'of. Miss Leila Blake this week -end. • Lieut.- Harold Allin'has enlisted with, , the 5th University Corps' ritrvir being • formecr at Toronto and. Montreal. • A Christian college -home, • healthful situation. , rerproipectusan, ternts,write thoPrincipal 'IC I. Waeri M.A..D.DSt.ThiaiassOt moo: This is .the Season Or These. Goods Your poultry reed: . attention, We hq,ve • .Hess -Poultry :Food and Insect • Powder, both . good and, profitabl to Nu, s A '1117 ply, of O) P u • r' p e Stock. and Poultry • Foods,. Zenoleutn, • Creolin insect ?wder. • • TheCa,nadian-war-loasi-wme over-subT, scribed by fifty millicrt dollars; one hun- dred,million having been offered. .• • If you want a first class suit of clothes we have -the new goods: • • T. CLARK, ,Merch't. Tailor. Fred Vince, who worked last sumnier With F. G. Molls.t, Kinloss, is quitting the farm, and will join • the Oanadiau forees. • .I. J. Allan:eye speciafist, Will be at J. G. .A.rmstrosies Drug Store on Wed- nesdap, Dec, 8th , eyes tested andglasses supplied. • • •• . • • , ' Judging by the way they offered, Mil- dy to the goVerrimoot Canadians evident - Ly twit country is 'going to collie, . out of the war O. K.. Ewart D,'Cameroo vent .-tO Lon.don on Saturday last to talan..iurther (muse of military' training at the Provincial School of Infantry at Wolsi-y, Barracks; • We have a full stock of,VictrOlaa and Victor Records which are advertised elsewhere in thia paper. Coine in, and let us tell you all' about them. Yoit'll be intereated'and, entertained. • E. T. AILMSTROAG: The 33rd Battalion, which was ex, •pected to leave for Europeseveral weeks, ago, is still held up at London owing to • Mes. 0001F, 6f Elora, is visiting her.•. . the-investigatiop of graft charges-against-dasight,ery.MrsAlobtett:MeCienagliany- Miss Jessie Stothera returned last . . week from % few days!, visit w Dun - gamma friends., ' Mii-tibeFt-TfliCatSV'Tif-Dtabyationn, spent.part of last week with her daugh- ter, ter, Mrs. J.• Blake. • -Isaac Cranston is threshing for Brute • .Stothers to -day. This will wind up the threshing in Vile neighborhood for 1915 •," Mr. and Mre. Thomas Anderson :visit - .ed friends in Lucktiew' on Thursday,' tairingin the patriotic concert in the . evening,. ,•• •- 'Many -from this .neighborhood attend- ed the funeral, of the lite- Mrs. James ThOmpsim, of Nile, on Wednesday to Dungantion- cemetery. Deepest eyni- patter is felt for the family in their berea.vement. . • . We r vat teteport the sadism -illness' :of•Richard Finlay, Who took sick a few days after his return from a hunting_ trip in- Northern Ontario, from -which he brought home fine deer., We hope he. 'may soon recover•his usual health., • • ' Whitecharel! Single Copies 3 cent% SPLENDID SULCESS . • •'FOR DRAMATIC SOCIET'Y - anavaooy WAS PIXASED • 9 ,CHIRC11, NEWS ' • • Aleill'EnaaltY S1345'4046 will be, held In the •Methodiat'Cliurcli on the coming Sabbath. Rev. H. A. Graham, B.A. of Big. .row4iu'TOM% UaILEnjtjy.. the (..,entelltlial Chltrahr 4.4ondOn, wilI • eft 06 VIICIPr Two' Plage . • Nothing draws the crowd'illie a well organized and svell prepared home talent entertainment. This, was ,again, demon, 4gtratrottsursdarevigingrbtlast----week- 1. preach services at 11 R. m. and. .7 °I:). m„ The.following special music will be ren- dered by the choir: SlouNrx,0 . Organ Prelude. . . . ; ... Anthetn-"Corne to 111 Heart, Lord .Spinney • . Jesus" .. . , Ambrose when the •Lueknow Dramatio SocietY Offertory--eColne Unto Me, ;Bowles preseated "Under Iwo F1e8S• i!''s drama. Organ Vostlude.... ..... ..N.Vaahs whieh theybad in preparation for the EvgivogG . • larie Amthem-:"Oftwarcl Chriatiin Soldiers" eager,'Well entertained. aoctience.it , wan, Never h4Ye we beard an evenipeceentev Quartette "Just ,As • 1. Nevin. tainnaeat more heaitily prmied t".nc.1 Tom,: kriciw. That Sly Redeemer. ai8nded. The DrautAtia•Society,ita# Won gessitth,. tririMphi* before, , when .'• it presented •Anthem:_,24TY-, QW The 'Dy 'Is Over" -Tuesday, Nov. -30. Miss.Ona, NICCIenaghan is sending % •Iew eays Olintonthis week. some of the officers. • ' Last Sabbath was. Lesionary Field -Day in the- Presbytery of Huron, and • Mr. R. D. Canieron assisted' by giving Missionary Addresses in Auburn, Car - • • • Bring yetir Recipes here , ,• to be filled DR.. A. M. -SPLICE'S DRUG STORE 111111101111.010111111111.011111111 • LAN YE 5PficiALISr :Will be 'at- J. -Garnet A.m- ...., strong's DrugStore on Wed- nesday, o nesdayi, Deceirk4er _8th. U - sual .Houri. , MARliETS •(correttea up to Wednesday noon) ' • 85 90 Oats.,...... :..... • - :85. 37 " Batley ; ,; ; ... 45. 50 'ThiCkwheat •• . d .-• if, • 1.0 Butter • 24 25 Eggs, new laid . . . , , • 40 -11ggs, fresh... , 33 ,55 liegs . fl 16 Mr.andperalcClenaghan spent Sunday -visiting friends around St. 'gel - en's. • Mr. Eurnett„.the john 'Deere • imple- ow-and-Goderieh-congregations neamt„_v,iaitedjsaAhe..:y.jlj, cage_laat: ' FREE --Your choice Of 11 -quart Alum. inum Preserving Kettle, value $2.50, or Alumingm Tea Kettle, value itz.so, ab solutely free, with the largest cash order of groceries on Saturday;: December 4th. Star Grocery, H. G. Rogues, prop. Visitors to Toronto these days are impressedby the number -of soldiers to be seen on the -streets, on the street cars and theflailway &rains, They are every-. where in evidence. Men are joining the colors in Toronto -at the rate of 120 per day. • FRES=Your cioicr 11 -quart Alum- inuntEres_erming:Kettle,:sulue_SZ,50;___Yar Alutnuanm lea Kettle, value $2.50, ab- -sciltitelylree with the largest cash, ordef- of groceries on Saturday, December 4th. Star Grocery, H. G.: Rogues, prop. The regular meeting of the Women's Institatnavil1-be--held--4n-the ./0 Chamber oit.P'riday afterpoen, Dee. 10,• at 2:50 o'clock. There is to ben display • of "Christmas Gifts," There is also to be a repekt of the Toronto COnvention given by the Delegate, music, etc, re- freshments served VAitors welcome. • There will he an ahnOuneement about the Annual Winter meeting of the Wo lien's Institute which ie to be •held on Dec. 15th., in. ile?rt week's paper. Don't: • miniit.,: .• •• TOR.anNiTcy, rates:* 'ruts WRAlt Wheat.' bush.: 7.5'to $ 05 Oats, bueb4. ' • 42...o • • Parley,..-. 45 to 60 Choice heavy /5 to 800 • • Butchers' 7 15 to / 65. Feeders „ ... .... 6 25 to 675 ,Lattibs, cwt .. . .. 00.to 9 75 Sheep, evvt...... 4 25 to 6 SO Date et, Creamery Prints .12 to 33. Mittel', Dairy ' 28 to ,' 30 •• 'Ogre tew. dots.,.. 42 to 4$ • Eggs, No. -1 , 30 to; 3/ •:Potatoes, hag,. 36 to rictif fOafiffirfilifbfi 9 40 . 9O , . week: ;Next Suriday beihg. Budget Sunday ReV. Mr. Hardy, of Lochalsh; will preach in the Preabyterian church: Priv,ates Robert Laidlaw, of Galt, and . Art: Smith, :Of 'London, spent Sunday visitigenda in this vicinity.. , • ,The Guild Meeting neit SuridaieVen. jug will be led by David Kennedy, the inbject being "Golden Frilit " for the • Prayer Life:" *, MissBelle11endrs�n, of BrusSele,.. gave a very interesting talkaanher:Werle. -Fartii. last sumo,iii the Presbyterian church 'on Sunday... . •.-4Menday, Nov, 28. Bob Blake, of Clinton, spent' Stindasy with Crewe friends. • • Miss Myrtle 131alcf,3 spent the 'week ind with reltitives en the 9th. • Mrs. J.anies Haines is at present on tho sick list. A Speedy renv-egy ight.064:' past nionth, • •• .Orgap :The ball was Alled.to capacity. pd. art! ' .THE STORE OF CHRISTMAS SPIRt "Stolen Diamonds" and"The Silent D•e- • • • • Marks tective"; but "tinder Two Flags" appears., . Organ llostlude---:"Anniversary March" toltave caught the public taste to even ' a high degree. It was, perhaps; lefa Erb Fl humOn Monday night will be the ow tragedy -but Op that account orhus-there was more pathos and r, more traged Supper; tea served from 6 to 8:30 p. fp., it after which an excellent program will be was all. the more deeply entertainipg __rendered, consisting of 111113i0,'reeitatiotis, and pleasing. All opinion we have heard ad&esses, etc. Admission -40 and 25c. is unanimous -that each member of'• the Everybody welcqme, cast fitted almost perfectly inte his, or r her place, that the costumes were surf: .erb and the stage settings excellent.. . Between _the acts. solos were. very an- . ceptablytendered by M. Harold AIIm,. Miss Mabel Allin.and ;vert .Cameron. Mr. J. C. Anderson presided: at the .piano.• • '• ' • Those who took part feel rewarded foi their efforts- bYthe: frequent expressiens. of highappreciation which have come to • theni„ and they are greatly • rae.aeed, t� know that they were able to give the public an evening -of Wholesome enjoy- . . _ ;merit:: ".. • 7 - .A number of requests.lihee been made , that • the play he again 'presented in tincl We understand that the requeSt. is under cefisideration and may• be complied with. ' The lady . who said. • she w"ould he just delighted to go tb.sOe it again in a week or two expressed the sentiment Of :nia,PY others. , I With •an -admission -charge' �f only 35e. Ithe receipts itihounted to these. who attended May be interestedt"o -know.that_o_Lthie_the'SoCietY was able to• . • for the.all -round succesa.of the affair,, which Miss donate $144.00 to the. patriotic funds. • . Gordon is convener. On • a generousmeasure of eltdit is dee Nlisa: iieeelitit-of the carniaersery 'services ' at Wasfi'aiturl‘neoftitht-. the Metho'clist -church . next:. Monday A Boyd who, as manager; -evening, the -meeting of the Oeild will igueable in her.efforts to see t • - . - ••. • be held on Tuesday evening. "Mg was Jeft-undorie which - made -• for •a • • • - • • • . . . THE Girkr..D.-Titro new voices were. heard at the Guild meeting last Menda4z evening. These were Rev. J. Little, of St. Helens, and J. Geo. A.ndersou, of town. • Mr, Andereonrgave an account and, -description e. of the great meeting recently addressed by Billy Senday at Toronto, when about ten thousand people ceowcy into .c.the Arena to lisat the femme evangelist denounce the ruin` traffic. Rev. Mr. -Little, who poscarses _ !-are gift a tie a platform -speaker, spoke t-CIIRI SIP/1AS- • IS COMIN61 Awl as the time, hecoines $14ort • the usual rush for GUIS vviii. follow. At such' tinies 'many, are sure to be disappointed in 7: not getting the very tiring they wanted, - . • Why not start right no*"•iirld. select yOur'gifts. • Yott eau have, . ,- them .1)14 faside'for you until 'Xmas, if. you wish, .• • ost 'pcOolurongs4t,;recek.:::ft,e1:suilis::)*w'jeei:egvi:art:144C111the 1. you ' .see =spy'. entirely new ' lines which are sure to appeal 1onotw.ute but caoi tr nue in the to-dayl last t . when - oiir stock is at.its best: See our stocic of WRISTLET WATCHES in all sizes from , • the dentleman!s Size at $2.75 down to the Ladies' • • Size in Gold Filled $15. , lso the New Waltham Combination Set at $243: ca$:a$1.:;. '• • • F. T. ARMSTRONG Leading Jeweler & Optician • EVERYBODY'S COLUMN. on tne duty of the hearer in the „clairch- FOUND -On the sider3ad nortni front IL, Oen? -His address- c,oritained, mach excellent, oron's corner a rubber lap spread, Owner advice and couniel. He wasslistened to-----1"4-11"13-8anie4441n-t111",-e-kirge,1 with close interest throughout, and we MONEY TO -LOAN. -On mort.ages and no :0 Si7r-7--"- - : -:::: are sere the Guilditei will be pleased - when he can again, take hart in their •• .4taxsZtruttla° a gig firg."'"'. b-Pth meeting. There was alarrge attendance, • GELLA. SfDDALL. Bnanker, Lucke on the prospector hearing about the base- bto, 3,,,angerist_h .Lit - itAWFtliS are iti good detailed and y,oti CM. - Yklig illdUCed many Of er• t sh: r ces"at Mendelson's Drs, attend. Miss Lorna. Campbell gave the e• got. Idlgrosr !a u 0. . e Luc ow, 25-11-tf. the olderelement of the copgregation. to Li EIFER.ASTRAY.-Ctune to thePreznise . f 'Scripture - reading for the evening; 'a • the undersigned, Lot 5, Con.'9, Ashflelds, on ' recitation; ' , 04, n gi il g Colors.," was • well . .i., .r!bout Oct-'21,..91roan heifer," atipar-: e°t1; eiy 2 years old. •Owner y hav;e- setae '. _rendered.hy Miss Ethel Ilowe.;.; a_aucir,.,_ ' on proving Prooerty awl 'pe.1,ing expenses. tette of Aitchesona favored the meeting -941.-P. .JbaN-LftLEX• ... , . .. with, a selection; 'Mr. Ernie and Miss . Freda Aitchesen gave a duet; •and MisS Srriff�1 TT1ie. ineetirig %fan in• charge of the. Social Committee, of CALF ESMAY-Come to thepreutises of the • undersigned abutthe beginning of Nov - timber a heifer calf. The owner Way havo same oil proving -Wu -err" and patine peases, GEO. G.Moiorwr, Lot 25, Con. 7 • Metes.% „Toosivater P0,.16.12 -c HIGH SCHOOL REPORTS Form III. -Physics, Chemistry,•. An- cieet History. -M, MeNain, 82; E. Hasty, 60; D. Douglas, 73;,L. Mitchcii, 72; E. ..Twaniley, 70; M. Connell, 67; 0. Woods, 66; J. Spence; 64; P. Irwin, 63; V. ;Tif- tin,.63; L. Johnston. 57; M. Diirnin, 55;_ Al. Miller, -54.; 8 meKenzie, 52;'d 'Can- nell,:44 ; E Howe, 39; M;.McDiartnid, .38; L. Greer, 35; B.. Stewart, , 31; M. McClure, 30. • Form II. -Elementary Science, Lai- in.-11.13iirna, 68; 0.4164:iillire 6137;-.1I Cook, 66; GI Wester, 1• .(1':nal47 _all,182;_Anoa.NiAholeon. 02; W WoOdies 58'; S. Alton, b6; L. McDonald, '65; M. Rathwell, 55; F. Aitchisen, ..62; Alex. _Nichols= 52 ; Harold Freeman, 48;,.W. Howey.41"; P. rinlayson, 43'; M. Fisher,' 413-P.-Fralacri 32; J. Douglas, 31; A. 28; 0. Whiles, -26. 1I. Science only -K. McDonald, 74; f. ,Ifackett,'.64; M. Treleaven, 55. ' Form .1.,7-•,..ElementitrySaence, English OrriaiMar.-It. McKenzie, 70; R. 131air, 79; A. Alton, 70;, Q. McMillan, 63; S. Burns, 60; \'J. .Scott, 59; G. McCall, 58; K Murdie, Hughes, 57; 53f. W Andrew. 52; J. ' McDonald, 51; • S. Webriter,i 4 f j.,Barbour, 46;;B• , ellen, '45; 0. Towle, 31; N. Rteburn, ,53 R11.c1C4, 31; ../.; McGlare.24: ;S.:Gough; • 29. 8. McDonald, 27. , • • Lochalsli - • , • -Tuesday, Nov. 39: Quite a ntiniber from her attended the patriotic ball in Ripley lase Firday night. . , • D. O. McKenzie has completed thresh- ing for the year, having finished up in good time: • William De McLeodliai•• purchased the horse and etitteifOrinerly • belonging to Gilbert Toms, who enlisted for over- • seas service. • • • Ames 11. MCICenzie, who arrived home from the West last Saturday,Intends leaving this morning for Detroit. "Iola 100fti6g fine and saysthat the West has had an excellent year. The pictiltee Of the. Tioclialsh Baseball Team, which.were taken by Mr. Free on the int of July itt Kintaii, are on dis- play at J. A. Meltendrick's, Thirty of these pictures were procured, and Mr. l.VlolCendtioir thinks' he will find no ditil . malt in 41iOning.ot thew. • John .Meriaryiettirried lime lest Tueti.1.• .''aity after sPencling the pastais • .mOnths -lathe-West. • . , - . • Qhife a number from here•attendecl • meetingheldat Mrs. R. • McWhinney's Iast Wednesdayter organize a BEd Cross Society: •. Ashfield. Tits Ashfield fifoldiers' Aid Circle will Meet in the CD:V. Hall, Port Albert, on WednesdRFDec. 15,- at 3 p piEvery lady ,140 is interested in the comfort oi the soldiers is requested to attend. A collection will be taken to purchase Red Cross supplies. Any lady who wishes to donate feathers for pillows is asked to bring them to this meeting,.. pr, leave • them with the following ladies: Mrs. John Meriary, Crewe; Mrs. P. M. Sant, favorable outcome. • • FARMERS' INSTI- • • TUTE MEETINGS • Wednesday, Dee: 15, is . the date of the meetingslo be held -at LueknOwain: der the •auspices Of the Smith Broce Fiteiners' Institute. Meetipgs .will be held in the Town Hall -an afternoon meeting at 2"o'clock, and a' meeting in the evening at 8 o'clock; • 'The Institute speaker this year is Mr Geo. Geir, • of His-speCird-,-snbjec "The 13reeding of Shorthorns", :"The EconominProduction of Beef", aucrwrile 'Drainage" Mr. Gen has Made a sue - cess of Waling and stoek breeding, aad he speaks from - exPerience, his ad- • dresses ate of a most instructive nature. Mrs guuter,.o.f °Brampton, _will_ art-' •dress the Wirmen's Institute on a topic wornen.• - -The evening meeting will he,.fer 1:s.oth men and women, and will be addressed 1Sy the speakers or theifternoon, TffiFrifficers °Me Iiiitiffite are trairnbresCupon the farmers -of -the sur rounding countiY• • the importance of d' atten mg these meetings. The meetipgs re free and all; whether residents of the, town or country, are welcome. ' ; The sanadspeakers will cluclua:meet.. ings at 1Iolyrood on Tuesday, the •,/ath. : SCHOOL,,,REPORTS.':: S.'S' NO 1:2 As Hein iiW-Oar WaiiTaitnalt7'; - Sr. IV-Iivelyb Bovvies Lila Hunt- lihiejr; HerAiten, ftitple.Grav --•--Titesday, Nov. 30: The year 1915 israpidly drawing to a close. ' .; •• • , • MTS. ChaS. Collins and .b.lbe arrived • 'keine last • 0. Albert Blackwa; Kfncardine High School, spent the'week end at, his home here: •• • " •:1,1rs. Wm. 11111 receiVe'd Word at-C.5A:: urclay that her bretherr Secorct Sheano, of Calgary, %vas dead. Itntil about five years ago Ar. Sheene lived .at thea.ove: • He wfs a young man may- in his 37th year, and leaven a wife and .two. small children, ' •• BURN ' Van, tingsbridge;.. Mrs. i). Xellwam, " Nile; 'Mrs. A Gewdon, Con 2, Ashfitld; $winirAitt, --tn LticlrOoW,' On Nev. 27, Miss M. MeiCenzle, Con, 4, • Ashilekl; I 1915, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stew - Mr. ,191ak MeWtOicIA, Port Albort4 . clattOliteri Irerttaloao, . • • . . Jr. IV -.-Dynes Campbell, Peter CapP.: bell, Alvin Bowles, Percy Agar, Iiarry Irwin, Marvin Reed, Irkvin'Agar, WThio Alton, Violet Twainfey. . . ,fr,, -1-Inghena, Philips, 'Wm.& • Reed, Wilfred Hackett.; •, • Sr. II -Myra Mebonaldt Vera Phi;ipar Alma, Agar, Myrtle Sinicti,leten, Sp' -nee Irwin; Chrissy, • VI. I -Annie Campbell, Harvey Alton, Dolly' Cook, Wimia • Irwin, Clifford Hatkett, • , Pr. 13 -Johnnie Irwin, Mary Yintt Arc:hie Nicholson, 4:00,13 NteD0110,14 horninn Aga • Pr. A., --Lena, Hackett, Edith Woo-iley,, • Olive Alton, Nora .Woodley,..Russell Rritl. o on roll, 36. •' )4, RAM" TOttahett St. Helens HORSES BTItAXR11-Stra,yed.from. th._prom-* • istis of the undersigned on Nov1.916,-one 34*YR and ono. gamine 2 years-hobh heaVY•draft; and bright lay.Party. giving inforwatiott leading to their ; recovery will be suitably rewarded. ..1. J.(YAW, iiingsbridge. -1-Tuesday,. Nov 50th., • Mrs. Ramage is. at present visiting at Mr.• Ed Pur Miss Mary Little, of Morningtop, was Ifinne-oirer Sunday. Miller -spent -a few :days in goderich last week. •Miss Stisip Webster, 'Of Zion, . Spent StindaY at Mr. Joe Andersen's. . Miss Taylor, of Constance, is visiting ' Miss Elizabeth. Rutherford, of 'Lin- ). wood, was horns over Sunday. Mr. Melvin Irwin, of LucknoiV,. spent 'Sunday at the home of Mr. Iteht Woods: „ Mr William 'McQeillin has . returned'. hOtne after spending a couple of 'weeks ,the West. .`" Losr-Between Fordyce and Lick - now; a Pearl Nig-et; Einderpleeseleave, at St. Helens.P.. O. • Mr S. Irwin,Of Caivin,-and Mits.Ella 7T110111i)SOil. :of Donnybroapent Sunday - with Mies-reatl Todd, - ; • I , • For Sale, blood Piano for sale. In.formation at Sentinel Office. ' - 2,5-114-5 • COlViPORTABLE D L L G. -East on' , • Campbell St., parlor, dintng-room, den, haat ' • kitchen end bedroom downstairs, 5 room . s ' • upstairs. good cellar, hard and soft wager ' good.newstlible-tWo awreti of .land. • permanent. streaziPtif WaCtir,IVOt d tirdifiticr- • $1,200.10, or.will exchange for dweihng with less land. • • ' • Jaw. WATooN, Lucknow, Proprietor. . FARM SALE. -The Administrator of -the Estate f Mary Ryan, te yan, laof the eo we of • tioderion, in the owlets, of ,Lturen, married . woman, deceased, oilers 'for.Salp ttic•follow- • • mg farm property: -The south NO acres of Lot ld, Uon. 12, \Vest 4Vitwanosh. 'The' ' property is sittiatod-A 1=2 miles from buck . . now and r-V-2-mthrs-frarit--jr-Ifetoes. -farm is all iti grass itud nos been pastur.ed • ter the past .sevOit years; goott welt with wibdin111.16'acres of • bush; situated • in , , first, class farming astriet; good f know • house, 2 barns and driving shed. -Tier farm has a good elayloaux, and is in first et,iss . condition for mix -ed famine% For further , particulars apply to 1'. .1. .11.gan. GoderMIL untario,,Administratoor hr to J. E. Ague W. • Iteal lilstato Dealer; Ltioxiniw,' Of. toVi•oud- • feet, ac Proudfoot; Solicitors for Administrater Goderieli. • 20-5-t-f-e.at 25. A numbor from the burg took in the tatriotic concert in Lucknow last Thurs- dal es ening anda-eport a very enjoyable tune, Mr. Jack McGuire, Who • has spent a fesv months in the West; returned home on Saturday. Weare glad to see Jack :back again- , • The first meeting of the Literary, will be held, on ,Friclay evening, Dei, 31d. Everybody,- .4.inue, and tintlm• th(f: Arat meeting a flue sbccess. . Olivet . Tuesday, Nov. 30th. • Mrs,. ThOs. MOoro and danghter, Miss Annie; are visiting Mrs. 5: IL Haldenby, . Kiadardine,: at present• . ' • • Mrs. Madden 'Odd ''son, Beverley, of Bethel,visited' the .fermer's sister, Mrs, J. W. Thompson, over Stipday. Olivet 8unday Scheid intend ' holding their Christmas Tree -and Entertaimunt e a Tharsday'eveningx„Decembeve3rd. • Henry Theicer, of Lneknow, spent the vetleend at W,,, 0.$mich's. Henry hat enlisted for o-Vagens, and will enter' the . training camp at Montreal. --- Auceon Sale 1 • COVVg,..,,At the Clain Hens% Lneknow, o, at 041,4,1h:0-11. tio., tails. . Atouotat,o, winown, Nov, Anction Sale , . , TOM MeDOX.A.L1),,Lot,7,-cou.5,-,Ruron Town. shin ill soil by 'public auction, on Doc. 7, 1915, coutwencing ,Lt one O'clock the•follow- ing-7 cows supposed to' be with calif, 1-.c0w 'whit calf at foot, 10 twol car red cattle, 19 " yearlings- 7 calves, 5 guou ewes. 1 erms-..3 • utointrs-credit -will bo'frivem tn.-purchaser. feraisitiekiiaproved joint notes at therate7of G per ceat,, per , allowed oft' for cash -J. Psmtirts, one. • • • AN AUCTION SALE of Ihrut, htriustock.. int- . • • plements and -household ellects of the es- ' tate of the into John mireheeie win he hum • . .11 , es ra'cr-trit-11-;-•een...3, 'Nownclup or .1i.tiless. on Dec. 13. 1915; Commencing ttt 1 • • O'clocie. , For termS etc. see bills. 3. Pt.'n•-• • . POULTRy WANTED Every Wednesday st Liltknow Station. Rinloss and Kin:lough on Tuesdays; , Poultry el:List be starved 12 hoirra before de1txMigheat eashim:tea :Rabb _ 11-11-tf. J, T. 1:("vin4s - .1slotleg- to treclitOri. Inthe matter of the estate of William . • Trupiphrey, lateof the .Township of, . • Wasvanosh in theCoanty (Allmon, • ;Yeoman, deCeased. - • • Net lee is hereby given that all persons having • .•• tinY claims or f'.,'018ildQ Again st the tat e•WI 1 11 tint • . Ilittitplirey, who died on or .11)1191 the Twenty. second day of A tigtist A. 1). 1,415 at the Town- ship -of t awanosh in tbd.Province of (intario. ,• -are required to sontidiy.post prepaid or to as,. Wirer to the undersigned.. S011ettor: herern foe John 11 Rath erford. exteutor under the Wit ro. the said winiumlbounlirer, their names' tine/ tutires'seS and full particulars ta writing &their claims and st,tttetublits of their aeoottnt,-. and t he aature of the seenritteA, ifany, held ey ttout duly 'verified by allidai•,it. • And take notiee that after t he Twee Yeighl Clay of December A. I). 1915 the said John. ' Rutherford will proceed to distribut theas- sets of the said deceased ameng threorrsoes en- • titled thereto, having regard .Only to the °Wats. of Willett he shall then 100,0 had 001 t'( and • litnittitth,thicorstioill„,,J4oiuhin41!s.oitlitgiefoi trtiyld)arvitilwivie4itir., any. persons of whose claim he shall not then • have re,t•li rti notice, `rids ((01101 15 oo. to DortotAnt.tO the 1.1 ate • in that behalf' - Dated et laieltheiV this Vint dO7 Of 1)o' 'it. • • • borA. D. 11115. ' *P. A. lliAttecoisox", Solicitor. (reA' the sahl doholl..pitlicrford. ,` 16494 • • 1 7 _, •