HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-11-25, Page 5vor1,- 7.141 ?hnr lily, Nostni th, ii. Mir 1151117111181i -40 sew ire 114 WAR LOAN -h, r 1SS JloF $50,000,000 OTTAWA, UALIFAX,• ST. JOHN; CH,ARLO�"�•TQ�V�I,' NLf1,,�1�Ti�'E?`r'1►1, ''i'(3RQN'�'"0, r CALOARX, 'ri TORJA INTEREST PAYABLE liAL7r,PYEARL-T••1st dUNtistDECEN[STR •• N 'OFLCANADA- 5 t*a BQNDS 1HoUgINo . 14AEC0 1925 SUE PR# w .. . FVLD RAI4? Y1 •lily§ I't`+r'TT +$ r WILL . PAID. QN is; iTh18 ' 191'..6. THE PROCEEDSQF.•T iia LOAN 'WILL BE.,L1Si b, FOR *AR ;r s ?NTL 'Y • .111 the . event,of' f gti reissues - uther,tlt:.an.issries. nr•de':abroa.d.: b ing made. by Glove rnm©nt Y:,t • . �•.. abroad):being. rz .,Y the r ,fol . llo .putpase of ;Anrry. � . 'int; oft the ,war, iaouids of',tois:issue:wrlr MPbe'acce ted tileue ” . , a> ge, price e 9 ' 1, plualtccruect interest, as 'die equivalent of cash for • they perpose.ofaubQetiptiena to such issees.. • :' ,1{E: MIN'ISTER OIF `:FINA>!vQE. afire' lieretvith'' on behalf of the Government the above`named Bonds . for , ' subscription 'at 97.k payable as follows,-,- 10 per cent.. on .application,. ' ?:fir per cent, on 3rd, January, 1916, 20 per cent. on 1st February,' 1916, 20 ,per cent, on lit Mardi, 1916, 20 per cent, on let April, 1916, . 20 per cent. on 1st May, 191'6. The instalinerits', may be paid' in full on and after the 3rd day of January, 1916, under discount at the rate, of four per cent per annum. All payments are to be made to a,chartered bank for the credit of the 'Minister of Yin. Failure- to -pay any-instalment.whon-due-will-render , - previous pavments liable to ,forfeiture and the allotment to cancellation. '. . Applications, accompanied by a deposit of len per , cent of the amount subscribed, must be ferwa'pded th.:,ugli the medium of, a, chartered bank. The bank will issue a ` pto'vreronat receipt. . This loan is authorized under Act of the Parliament of Canada and both principal and interest will be a charge upon the Consolidated: Revenue Fund. ,` Forma of• application; may he obtained from any branch .� --of anychartered,hankitreanada,-":anti-at-the-office of;anyF '7 -- Assistant Receiver General in Canada, • ' Subscriptions must'be for even hundreds, of dollars. • •4'''.-- In ease ofpartial" allotments• the surplus ,deposit, will ll e applied' towards -' a 1 . , Ply' payment.of the -amount .due. on the January. instalment. • • Scrip certificates' payable to bearer will',,be issued, after allotment, in exchange for the provisional receipts. When tri scrip certificates have been paid in full and payment endorsed thereon by the bank receiving the wone _they may be. exchanged. for bonds_ with mamma • oebec, ta. payable r . to beareor registered as to°principal,, forfrilly registered bonds without: coupons, 1Jelivory of scrip certificates .and of bonds will be made- -. ade-. through the oharterored banks. •' The 'interest on the fully registered bortds will be paid . ' • by cheque, which wi1I 'be remitted by post, Interest :on bonds with coupon will be paid on surrender of coupons., .Eoth cheques and coupons will be`payable free o€ exchange • at any br•anci' of any-enartered bank in Canada,' - Holders of fully registered bonds .without'coupons will have the right to convert into bonds with coupons, payable to; bearer, or registered, without payment' of any fee, and _ holders• of biasda with coupons. will bate.tl e,,,r, - t-:te..eon vert; ,-wWithout fee, into: frilly registered Bonds with ut g, 4 o p 008 at any time on application in, writing to the Minister. ° -of Finance. The issue will be exempt from taxes—including any income.:tax—imposedin pursuance of l*gislation enacted, by the Parliament of Canada: The bonds with coupons will be issued -in 'denonmin,' alums of 11;l0b, $500, $1,000. Fully registered .bonds with- out coupons will* issue' in denominations of $1,000, $5,000 orany authorized'multiple of $0,000, 'Application will be made in due course for the°:listin of the issuefon o Aron tea ird-TPr"onto'$toek xchan e . The loan will be repaid itt ,maturity at par at the of - flew 'of °the- Nl inister of Finanee, and Receiver • General at • Ottawa, or at the office of the Assistant • Receiver • General - at`x alifalt St. John, . Charlottetown, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary or Victoria: "• • The books of the loan will be kept at the Department of Finance, Ottawa.. Recognized.bond and stock ' k oro ers will he allowed a, commission of one•quar.ter of one per c nt .allotments made ilt eapeckPf aPPriektions ehI h_bear_,their-stamp:;.::4.--_ igliat1510 Wa!1rehanco i' kt tonvIllUseeut tt11d. I get full' pay and lkly' Wifb will receive her separatit'z allowance till I ar''able to leave the hospital. I expect it will be six, -menthe Wore I Ian better." allow arariy of the original Priatrieias are ".1.'hcre were 72 when P'recnicr :fair Robert 'Borden reviewed lis in a little towii near Arrmentieres last July. 'Oat- of this,zlurnt r' .only sit had not, 'been' wounded, and T was one of them, • bus I got mine 'within three weeks, I think all those who are alive, with the exception of the few in Prance, are home, The number who come back are few, thougl TIhe rafts" from 4100111 University that reinforced us. are 411130 body of ' men. •I am :sure they`will uphold the honor and.'reputa- tion .of the regiment,.", said Davison. ''Trey joined Us at .Armentieres..and were warmly welcomed." • ;IN MEMORY OF O LATE MRS, STRAC11AN. e'atI -t hese-e+arit sl nue. Around; her CO where She lax', watching her,breathing her last, soou'to. be -passing Tier old friends she ever loved, Her' eat hour:anl far away. Y Sheis'gone;."God's will be done, tWe eauttot,askfor her 'to stay. tit J"eaus her Saviour ,She trusted, And all d'o was ''e for 'the best,. GoneTwe:hope to that happy home Where all the'weary„ones have rest, pondly: we ,loved;' her parting .was hard And rill .miss her all the same; So bright and lovely she was. • Through all her trials and pain. Her big brown eye's so'bright, Will ever be the same' to sae. All my life will not forget The dear one. now I cannot see.: " Safe in; the arms of Jesus'"'' At her funeral was sung too, .The Lord's my shepherd at last' Was sung so good and true. -S. t .ldunnocu PHONt. 6.+6' "an! Hardware 'House we will 1041.1VER YOUR OUJ» R PROMPTLY 17 I Love O 0%i) COOKING noire :13w OT �t YOU,, 104AS G 1 , , • KiNLOSS COUNCIL it S"}} JUST . .RRIVEJD- CAR 'PORITLL.ANT Subscription Lists will close on or before 3oth November, 1915.: Finance Department, Ottawa,22nd November, 1915. I I I I ;i IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIII�IIIINI�IIIrIIII�IIIIiIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIINi�IIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIININII Township Hall, Nov. 15, Council.. met •as per • adjournment Members all, present, with' Reeve in the chair. Minutes of previous • meeting were read, and on motion adopted and signed. Correspondence read,, considered anal put on file. Moved by Joseph Tiffin', seconded by Edward Hodgins,,.tbat By -.law No 80,-• 1915, being a by:law to raise\the'suin of $600 to ineet current expensee, be now read a first, second and. third ` time and - -.finally paasedrsigned-and-'seaaed r•Motiorr- -carried.' • . By-law 'introduced, read as. above, passed, signed and . sealed. Patnotic:question:now-Wien =pp-- for consideration. ' After some discussion' it was moved by Charles Baechker, second- ed by Edward Hodgins; that this council make a' donation of $1,5D0`' to- the Red Cross Societies, granted as follows: $750 to he British Red Cross Society and $750 to theCanadian Red Crass Society, and that the Clerk `prepare a., by-law griiviedn. g effectp to the, same.' Motion car- B'iz s -n ATei oixnai'l- passed" and ordered the issue of the following cheque's:-, D. S. McDonald, selecting jurors; $4 D0. Kiekiel Lockhart, repairs en -bridge Loy 14, Con. 3, 5 .00. ,Archie McIntyre, grading hills lots 18. and 19, con. 4, 5 50: D. 'S. McDonald, 70 yards filling at lot s0, con. 206 10; 20 rods .ditch at 30c., 6 00; and fliling'at corner lot 20, con.'2, 1. 90,'24 00. Win.. Mc- Kenzie, percentage on wire fence, 2 50., Dan. Morrison, per cent on wire fenais, 1 75. Charles Wall, 75yards gravel at BELL , • -AticLEOD: WE AIM TO'' PLEASE IIII IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II N IIIi II I I I II I I I I I III 1I1111111 111111 III L I II IIIIIIIIIII IIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNIIIIININIIIIIIIIiNIIIIIIIIIhiIIIIININIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIINIINIIIIIiII(IIIIIIIINIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIINNIIiIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIINIIIIIII{i BRUCE 'COUNTY NEWS ThA council' of Bruce township made - - p ra a nt oU 00 to.tlae_ ted Cross fund..- . ,--1 -- In the vgte'onchurch union Knox church,. Ptiisley, gave a majority of 79 againsb. In the Presbyterian church, • Tiver- ton, the'vote on church union showed 43 for and 117 against. Thoee'in'charge of the fish hatchery • at Wiarton expect to handle about twenty five million •sh eggs this s ear.. Wrn. Tennant,•Jas. Anderson, Thos. Sinclair,„Ituaseil Fraser, ()scar Ander shin, fiveKincardine have enlist. e3 and gone to. London. I It is said that Major Thomas Hay, who isa ` sl ted°to cemrnand the pr-oposed' Bruce ami Huron Battalion, proposed that the men:wear'•kilts: - - -John Hossfield,-a .Brant •:_Township= farmer, has-been awarded 'first prize in the "baby 'beef" .competition in Bence Ca. The animal exhibited, a 13 month-old calf;. weighs 1200.lbs,: Frank T. Schmidt, of the 5th • line, Carrick Township, 'while oust bunting: last week, shot a raccoon, which' was almost perfect y • ack, an . laa very good pelt. ,. Raccoons of this .color, though occasionally seen, are very rare. Robert M. Turner, who enlisted at Walkerton and has been at the . front. all summer, is reported . kilted. ' lie was wounded by shrapnel in, Septem=' ...��"°” = = =._ • NEWSPAPER. FRIEES "FLOW is given a list of the prices at which we can here. after;supply city .papers for the coming year. You can save money and -trouble - by ordering at THE SENTINEL .Orrr ins. Oar intimste relation .with the city offices enables us to order' + with -the Minimum chance of loss or irregularity of any kind. We • are alwaya in .position to rectify errors as a complete record:of all orders is kept on file. Nopapers ordered without payment' • in advance. These prices de .not 111011100 THE SENTINEL, which `aa $1.00 ;per y ear additional • Daily -610 VF,- .'••a -Y Y-•. Y^r Y`1`i*-•:-.16v46•••••• A•••••66. M. v+. •• Daily Mail and Empire, k • .: London Daily' Advertiser London 'Free Presi . .�:..., :., .3.00•_: 3••00 2.00 8,00 Daily Star • • . • .11 Y Y Y' l•. , t' i r ..• V � �• . • i)ai1yXews •.. • ... . •.•.......rt..'..•41.i.t.•.i r . Iyaily, "Weald'. , ......••611.• .... ..:..• . . •• • . 2 / hj .5 Weekly Mail and Empire. ... :. • .. • ... r;.'.. • t :. 1 00 rarrnor'e Advocate: ...... , r, . dt•dr.T: ,", _ ,r:. ...: s ..'• 1.60 it I1eraldl and Weekly Star... .',. , .......:....,`'r L00 • •�`anl Y (��+ {pry Canadian P,otonal..�eY444••Yi.. Weekly Ana.. • , i.. '... 1 ... t . • t ... r14 . A . t ..' t . . -.. v, t i , '1 5.(0 .:' •r..r4.,:•4 •1•V0 .•••..••* iy nadian Patin . • • • • • .•:. • • • • ..........i i t r'. • 66: • • 1A 00 . a y;t;...,. 2.00 .:•.•.Y• 200. Parra and Dairy.. ..'....... ,.. •...;.'z r", A 14611;4664.1••••• J'.00 W - Winnipeg rries Press • . , ... 00 nipea W eokly Y .t .. • • • .. � .... t . Y , r . 1 k l.y Frees Press 'y .• r :, . '' ' ' 4'. . r . i' r . r r Y f t .' ti .. 1. 0o•. ` I'.bndon Wee I tiontresll Weeldy Witness. • .i'U 4 I,4a; 4 4 6 6 it; ►t'8 t8 *81;1. 8141 1.00 Canadian Iliapti$t •, r . 41 0 ,1 . r°.... r ..,,, . ••• •. • • W r i' tar ... r 1,Y0 �`resby .terL ,..an . •184.,•,x..... r . •.. •. A t•ti..ta.•Y Wit 1.50. r • r . Canadian ,.bin o,Jiiitna 1860 •her -and had 'returned to the trenches nl. w w two weeks before his o � e re death was reported..• • Dr, ll- -G - Murray, . who -has been practisjng medicine in Cargill for the, past seven years, sold his. practise. last week to Dr. Jamas. G. Bricker, of Ger- rie, who hasalready taken: possession. 1t.is Dr.;•Murray's intention to move, his, wife and fatally to Toronto, 'Where he will take over for' the, •winter, the practise Of his brother, Dr. Alex: Mur ray, who has gone to the front. - TEC doctor will enlist in an Army .Medical Corps and , expects to, leave in the Spring for serviee serviceon the battlefield. eld: FAarrLY- GATHERING=The' Teeswater News says: ' A unique family re union took `plaGe recently at the home of M r; and Mrs. Wm. Little, of town, when sone twenty four of the nephewsand nieces ots the Little family •assembled. Mr. and Mrs._Archiba.Id...Little ..and their five children Moved from.._Pus- linch to Culross in the year 1853.. Of `these, Wrn, and Margaret (Mrs.' IL igetonald)etill.remain in this vicinity y Robert, 'df Brandon,' was also preset at this:gathet•ing. One niece from 1)e• troit whom the family had not • beard of +r...45_yeata...Was_Also4resent, ' Of the nephews of the • Little family 12 were called Archie aftergrandfather and 10 nieces' :.Euphemia after their. grandmother.: ' A St1'INi)LER 'CJarro rr. -Gordon" A. Bonte-,. who is alleged to have stung a lot cf Walkerton people on a fake.' noel -mine in Molancthon township, . is now in the Walkerton jail, Constable Ezra_ Briggs having_ brought the; poly-. oner up on•Frid y'from Toronto, where he . i .. las-- e s L`On�'iL�te� On Ii T ursday last , of swindling shine Toronto' people and was' let go on suspended 'sentence: Boater will appear on Mo'sday next at 2 p. m. before Magistrate Jaro9 Tol- ton to answer to the charge of•defraud-• ing the: Misses Kate and. Isabella Me - Kinnon, of Walkerton, out of some $1500 by .selling them 'shares in the Melatrcthori coal thine: Miss .Mary•, •Glendenning and' Mr, and Mrs, Ed. Gibson and son, Mack, are other Wal- kerton .people who are said to have, purchased shares in this coal mine. 'A trimta1 MuntlEREit---,•.Down the centre of the road •ca,no.a. cotton •stir with aceolerated speed.. No dogs were. on its trail, but itran with fear. After it vias a white streak speeding like the wind. It was the murderous wetizel with its prey in sight. At sixty yards r'l,ob" Boss matte a magnificent shot at d nailed the we►rzel, but it required a •sotrorel Shot to finish its 'tin. Leek, ing fit tliiti 044 au l t. jt wood i0otr cent and tiful but ' nd -1,;n e u ,it ' belies •its looks. There is- no animal at 'largs a ith as murderous. instincts • as the weazel. Qth r,wild animals kill for hod, l in the weasel is a born murder- • er and will wantonly dest'oy for ., the pure love of it, This weasel the nigh t before its end 'hadentered the chicken coop of a 'poor. woman near $die de- dore and left s5.' iife'ess . chickens. on the floor of ,.the hen: houss.-Itincar= dine Reporte.'. • .--"Sx-•rmrn mirr" -H nos L. W Huron, township. in, „Bruce. county, 'Ontario,; says, '"Saturday Night",' pro - 0 babl y hold. a record for •. the .'highest percenta„eof•.'•tight wads" tothe .square 27c at B. A., less' ;inspection, 18 38. 'Charles Ellis, inspecting' Wall's contract, 3.75. Charles . Ellis repairs washout 10th. side: line 2nd. • R., S, 2 50. Edwin Percy, damage'tgsheep by•dogs,^20 00� Toho' Lane, inspecting Perry's sheep; 2 50.•..Thontas. Henry, repairs on hall, 4 60. Charles Congram, tile drain at lot, 1, con, • 8, 3 5.0, Victor Haines,' fill- ing washout, lot 20, eon. 9,, 1 50 Thos. Murray, selecting ;jurors, 4 00. D. A. McDonald, selecting•jurors,'4' 00:. Win, Patterson, 98 -yards -•gravel at 45c., E. _ awanosh-Bdy;less inspeotion;--22-6'• inch. •A year or so ago we 'Mentioned in.those celunins the serious' problem 'that had .arisen in .the community, be - :.cause' it was•unablo to secure an obit- . ial willing to'.perform' police an41num erous other Municipal' duties for the msdeat8alary=of-$5-Tot annum.'. -Now it appears' front tiro Ripley "Express" that a large number, of its citizens are gpeaSA _•tg contributing..to,-the•.B.ritish- Bed,Cross-bei tune' they fear 'that the money "would- .t8 spent by grafters anyway." `Phis Ms another. argument fer sone e_ g�nite ble system of suppa ting pa"triotie-funds. by general:taxation• It also explains, why,although. . people in the cities of Oiitar io have responded With enormous,cash,gifts to appeals for various objects, the peir'capi'ta: • coihtri- bution of tide -Tr -evince frills below that of Quebee. ; In 'the rural distriets ive still have' alarge. number of fru gal in . dividualeof the -type ' who: go 'to the wood shed toniake their own toothpicks. .1' ho-nxytitiottl,: iwil tha €rands *fa:. scribed for,the lied Cross would not he properly appiied-is line''the " a'rguinent that it is dangerous to•feed the hungry Because food might cause. -indigestion. • A PATRICIA SOLb1Eii —Tlr!e entire town of .Cliesloy and large numbers from the surrounding townships turned out 'reeently to welcorne home. Pte. .Mel. Da•ison, invalided home from the front, a 'relic of the Princess Pats. Ptae. Davison enlisted with the 10.' h Grenadiers at Winnipeg, and was later transferred to the Princess •Patrician,. of which famous battalion only 7:3' temainlnt the front. in F•rt ithe•, His left lung was shattered by shrapnel. on:: -,A•ugirst :h l,•ttt, ;AZ-rilentiieres,, France,: eiulhe' was given pid sere by Lieut. -Col, r.ow. lo , At +u:1NLS.,,'tx► go to the tblrrty , orilturet Sanitorium 'tor •treatment,' Davison was standing in a trench Whorl a, shell struck the sandbags In front ot him, and pieces' of the bag and steel penetrated his Breast and lung, shat. tetnrg'his gibs.. He bad five rushes of nit rib rel>toicid, 004Y0 ;int boo*edit., John Gillespie,' •inspecting • 1'atterson's contract; 1 00. • Robert Hodg kins on , 10 yds gravel, 80c. Edward Thacker, 8 yds. gravel, 64c.- Samuel.Hpdglns, 10 yards gravel at 54c:. per yard, 5 40. Moved.b0ohn McDiarmid, seconded by Joseph Tiffin, that Bylaw No. 81, 19151 being,a by-law to. borrow $1,500, be, now" introduced. and•read a .first, second and third time and finally passed; signed and: sealed.. Motion earned.. • ,By-law: N'rr 8•1•-intredneod; red : as above and .fi'nal'ly passed, .signett- and seated Business being over Council adjourned t u e_ et ati ger-attune' "on ,Wednesday;: Dee: 15; 1915, at l0"g'elock a, TIrtiltfxs MURRAY, Clerk: IiURON COUNTY NWS1 Mr. H. Silber, 11i.P.P.,; for ; Smith Huron, has been' confined to bed. with. irIness has a short time, •. • Fcanlc Geery and Elmer Ewan; two Brussels young men, enlisted last week at Stratford with tiro Pertly battalion. A number of other Brussels boys al�e expeited to`enlist before Christmas: , Harold Good, a `former Brussels- - 'boy, who enlisted at Saskatoon, reports froth a German prison camp -that he .is keeping in physical' condition by work• rag:in a reek, salt aline °under the air- eotion of German overleers ' • ?nitrite Geo. Thbnips tn,. the first roan to enlist from Oodericlt for, over- seas, i§ back home. ; He had his arm shattered:by .shrapnel while • fighting near'Vpros on -April 23rd, and also suffered from the 'Gel,inan, gas. rlie. people of Goderich"gave. 'hint a 'warm reception on his return, on. the 13t,h. Tax Colleitor, Richard; Proctor-. o M wris, tools a new method of deliver- ing hie talc notices this year. He hired gr. ..Syran.and his motor car to ;take, him Around• and the experiment prtiv-: ed a great success, 'The first 'day they made 115' calls and the second 132, a total of 1417,in the.' two:,days. I3y the old method it `would 'h6,v6 taken' a west: of much httrctpr work to aecoo fish tbitlAcla, , ••., . ' • On many of- our Ladies' Coats in Sealettes, Curls and Tweeds. Also, in Fur Linea: Rat 1.1ined, special, for $310.. Four Black Astra= chan Coats, Were, 25.00 and $3o.oc, for $8 to clear.. - • -Nuw is the time io. get a supply, b1, Wool Under. wear before, the -`prises go any higher: ,' We.'have -----eta-u�eid �-�lF;••e,�s--�n+d-T�nbttll�--a,�t<���es� -aud� Children's. – • • Mena and Ladies' ' Raincoats at popular prices. 'A few. Men's Qvercoats at Bargairii Pricesto clear.. We have an -excellent assortment of L'adies'- High-. Class FURS in Mink Persian Lamb,Cub Bear, Black Fox, Blue and Natural Wolf: 13ig cuts. in odd .Muffs and Stoles. Be sure and see -our stock. °' OUR MILLINERY I.I. ER'Y D P E AI2T' is DEPARTMENT E stilt' well supplied with Hats and Trimmings for Fall and Winter. =latter and Eggs taken as Cash. WILLIAM CONh.LLLL Come in and -Get Shod.. November With its wind -and-sleet-is-here. Heavy-- . shoes are needed for outside work We always.. *tat the_ ilea Heavy. Shoes—that we can bur.-:•-Our'prices-are 2.75; 3 .00, ;3.5o; and $q..00. 11':Good Helhl-d.o: t1.TE: gyes• OTT. .- W$-- Sell rubbers That Fit Your: Shoes and our_ prices will fit your pocket:book. • Warm. Hearted People Occaslonally get Cold: *Feet, We; have a large stock .of Felt Shoes. and Supplies to select from 'that• will keep - y .our •f sex as warm as toast. • ' ,. '•.,. �' too � W; Those tired, aching feet will immediately. get relief l'f Yon wear a pair of our Cush.. °-Ion Sole .Shoes for men and ladies. • '-'.." «-2tr«,r+IM+ 4V!M+ now ,"""' ' • CUTTERSAND SLEIGH ' . Call, t'd' see their before burying. ' '. •LOUDON'S 'FEED and ,LITTIOT cAlitiztEn 'STALLS, S`i'`ANCHION$ and P1NS. ItESWATER... ROOT UL,Ple.ii� " 6 knid''heel xes anheavy w New Williams Sewing Machines .', FY •, 1. G 4 •