HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-11-25, Page 4, hP 4 Thwadq, NovamWia asth., toil idillaiawa. �,& N .4 "q th" PhIA to OtIt" uwv has ou to TAKt I *a tim P%vor, a 011 . - ,* nukol" "*iO* I AW" MOW OW Wo"libliti low I dow ix hot readfl undftdw,lid. #*t lis Which wr *,",QfVWrVt* "id I '10 This like of arris An All b* b" to umt tJ& mi" I awl Nfralilli frow ry air death of poi,40410 U lo,"llatity lat le"Itty, Wkr --the terrors Of UW 11, X. libellot, the Slowl is 0"" 1101&400101 bomme = swy W0414 not be woethy. ct ' i,Ier� expresiaii aA.D. X0191INZ110, Prii arlstor 09 44 011itliou Of thO WeR who su fatis that atri�,e4 plea. in to 0**. . at 04roullas #W- Won, but there are quite !�, uwbtr of got t1w thr"If9id price Ww, of the P"t Ili; folk who do not write jo, collor,li wlxQ 1`11— X X hV*10[,Qf theroidetwell and peasants TJJVJWDAy% NOV.,25tb, 1915 taink pretty muchalgag the A*Wliw But itta assuralis, you Alt$ ONO t,^ lot Rod mineta'And m0hav U be Ovor w3wa aMer, wr -flow `1` 4 w"i ,tcil of 1Ku CAPITAL AND RKSERVII. #0,800,009 -kill � btiiineW, iaojAN; atoW out,* brUlilliatly 0 evei I ( I I bloA pw* a rnelt *w M OAQ tit tt war? Give Them 0ittle, time. Aawalril tollea bratiches iri 0%mild.* soatig* tlud likaoil-om*bIll DONT ar"PAV4 ir w4al th(a Ivr Of t4013WIss guard of (ile F 0,00 us $0*1* Rawwwo witku is A so, this 104t % very long war, yet; Rod got;s on. it t ,& V10,1W 110 nation foust dfaia its, That is the,a)i ImprNwitt an) A Omni RADM0980 A IS 1W k" in the , Transacted pyw_ ka, Pow 4e"tch Qip*red it's Xwe0 bigioU to thmh the gmt,_ very lifeblood tQ coutitlue the Struggle of war news OF41; every' ia� A, TQ04to-k PaWil last we4 VW4-alxt� military power thU. ever developed forthellborklemorth 44 is day Crowd,, t *kf"". At "y an rjl0e, he� wims avid 11114 the Clmular Lwar4 of Credit' CIA, ed thlil the things seat �y friendo and lathawgrid. To talk of theA11104, f%1l_ gQtog to turn 01*aIlleal Who M k w .(,� ge. in Canada ta the . soldiers in log beQ Moo they'di4iiiat viali right over ollavo M04 49 a 1, 13ank Motley Ord"ers "aQTdiu4te profits Out -Of It is tlavrde',velopment 4,valr-of bulk 4" sxlety 011rds 1:1131444 4114 at the front. tousar� ljrlda, in the fil'" few wekl$ Or Months is- 000-: its tras�e (ke is and i)rm4$JD r.-&$TXTV- that has made �t , hia.w4r fierdest tk%t SAVINGS'BANK DEPARTMENT On the docks tit Loudon And have been wase. -If 'they, stoprW1 "And held the The �g ever f; �t.li 0 _Wwas4 U01 __tha oilaa. , - , ­ the b, - N -fif , - . liil* - ---. .. . - ih"Otbe A otory like that !a veij isicourikgwa IP4, AthO beginning suroly tWy cia do arliailotlaqw. tlaot� Alcut T11Q.44 'Way aide, 4ble. to administer decisive blow. T. RWI)ix Managor, Ito .who,. on tlu�sfdwof the Atkw a great ditat more when the- Millions bf, comp- wheqi they v t, it O MAN: as, 0 I 'Ill bo. e4 y tic, bus thetus ia$; mroxtio men, tens, of th tile JAQ selv,4�a pre co f them cannot b' a hidden from Ali 0110tors, of'd%th tIlAtellas ilad ftrin fo the goldlqrp 10a& and � tr;a�rx lo4da, a Riptat i Too. lta;in otho' But the fact that ilie sto;T is ,are on the gtoo pubUsh- 4QW aIt (k 4X IF. 140rAw 140d Fri' tliem�. And, the. wholo iath *Mthob.,H 01,14 eddoes4it pt9ve tbl-t it is trite, and ow G t ao close Iiiing T. .o UO FRO 0 ad, Thq& Wa 11; v1pQ should heltate'llefore 40�ewng. K "Tous YQu, 6thers, ho are4q.4,hurry. 9joillosei'lly a Iong w. r, . . . . ................ . ....... . . P $tuff WOVD1.1 the dooka, all summer: imthilig ab ahsfe,ature of reprodliced, be I alt. the V. &A ,a. 8.10. Oldi tr th# A r pon, of Dr., WMOD, Of" S woolt.8, U -caut, 4 yim agg, almoo. flirihQr IVA P aleave no dQubt butt ie 44 (gre he fall, "PQR3,� '00 is Rk, outh Afriq4d war V r4a, atest ake , s I 0 11 bQ119rt n . 10, r'a "'d. fro h6es$ '14 .W 40 stor WAA givell, currency..' We, _tQ tko" -WAS livitigou a fam' w)nr8wift­0qr-eot,. Ill the, wmfh tweation which Ra-vil IV.' M-"A.-,1KaQWn* -p t %t 0, will $wila *641& A * 6 fo tien hat, Qt ; :the: country. infallibly demandlo.f.iiao� Qove all ,,Vro , Ind 4eno Bask.� wben *the wi.r. kg9k.0 �nted M one of Ill$ abler Weapons.' er 'po.,wojs itod, the T ed wag W, d tay the withtheO manic thitt, it ta.back. intioi.tiie 1?0.4 rlod No�',50,, X kneivi the., Allies t 4t Sivift 'Ir- *,06tart, au ou , aud'th�16 if illoyl c(An. Nothing buv have Uerk, walotao ever I 0 0 , ar of: the Ile, 6 _" Or 0 tile month ialt-ling ,ter, Ill' Warn elie�, as: 0010. by tai'" 4tifically, Pa, thorough Allfis; 6r -o( the -Greoi� po sobo'c less' , 'a� .O. 'r , , � , � .. u o adbae6 'at 'the frdnt', bo(it' kb,,e Al-KAW11 Itea. 8.60y obt� And. .4ff e6i they er vept..t e king I of" t6i natloo in th600iiftasion, a tilt.4 -:,tit all 0 before t lop� 46th, I Should dree�e,4qt%tl war d $Lad peremptory a6ed of a QQ comflotta -Aud - our �W who, with two ellildKep"Ja id.,Qf K I 100010;,-14aik rid. Tbo Jr.oat th 696 it . , , Ofcou, oU0 In , Tlirk atid'Ithe, W kloo Ge no ra Wa 'i 16 mpt- OW84 I Pik oil hhoAlivught inaW. OL orally things 11 able For five.,latin, W You.woti% get mireh nows,in, thi's ex..,. rough 01. rl There. would no earq the tull h ensla more of making, money tha eweathekando� ,ave yea.god naaving. the, �Vt 0 - Qws'Of th my hthcause (or, wonder. if,,ip -the. tremendous aa.we thing Rie not allowea to, w an� Murdered tfie qreek people. rtor "their inwe 4 of this-, breed eti a iness * ouppi fo, I that could be uslod, As mi)itary orm rusif of We, iw 'Vag the IiMy present itadepoodenoo4nd od�rity tbey OW', tho'bal soldiers ilato action— t t inf . �x, capital Authorized $5tftow YOWU ER 44 I.Y. , I I , a ion- Whell, we landed., we xu4tohed to C40tal Paid. Up - - $3,00010 Office 40 o0wo, thing% were loito, r, oveilooked, Th4 havio, to, thank -Britain, F a safe distance 411611,111 JA Auttok B100 Teoq*ater, � 1$P40 after a rest ea To stayed there - on day an"d ourplull 001 Ag- I to on band 01 ken, crowning ancl �marvel is tliat, the letters, oar4a and the fightingis- ovap 0. p0b tb took lklIQ bdd k lolta roxotlailot. and 3r4, If they re. Q of kuoiwia�g min up equil, ry, and were bil.. 'WITH MO -a lattaultioll -4, , i"t ox, capabi THS. Worngxy*tvach mcoaatb;,Qoiif; Thar, ckageg 90 and 01ale thtollgh� aa W611' AnyngTile litleseni variety of.- hostili fated three or four days in -a"dirty old WN I I Ey they must see that Germany is tivs, how- they 4 place,�and,-As Q., A. NXWTOX 1) D. Dentist, QM66 O., no friallict to each amal'itations as th overi. does notlelid itsqlf fty this. orm pt zipoll We laaaAed wawere has, many On opp,qrtunity to rhake Algia.Mal Xuc�now,, QnL All m0dork Thwoermra.h billeted 4rottild ilia town. Oar4quadron, arwould. win� quite. 4 ile, Britain, and. France,. aspect gloulishapss... our,'0460lo And g Money- methods void. Hast, diekierials'farnishied. wh *Ould r ot a ko ' hool, and, we ptetty cowo ut to have -a g0od 'Danit _".WnAil%d1IrJdP`%v6.iki ftinless:extraot, 'Point if he coulct creat� dissixtis Joial bv"the use o the lateA fRetio'll their in j, And mdr). profitablolo, sit in their, cOm- I f6rtable.. The town it 6f bojii4 plost and, deporadquice; yet, they are 0 ccount Wiost rein -aomNoirol. X. Newest. amongour eo Ile and. , (At av, YOU must start 'With small ody , p pl� everybody rate the kin )prePared,"to forta�ble'oXlcpa and increaRe the i4timber vefugoaal 4adtli6y . were very good. g.gnd biaparty savinis. Our7Sa igs DCpar drank inore coff.ee than I e'viii -did in my,, cur4inglliose in. cliarp pf.the tment Pon CMIKA101a'. War, Ask 'Oin,laands,with'tha Gerinalosaln of Wonhdtd-. It nilty be- 99 d Duke your boy who I -f fdr pr6of A e �befor% We, hadno cooking utera8ils, hel Sav C. - -of ncket­bookg� - in-ordor-to-brin".boot-V e6naftion-­ of 3 0, � T I I t 0, g 0 i it oul­�w 1 t h -A i a I In. erpr-eip- r Utings'All. which. or it, may be But tho.grea #64 cooked in about four dif- LUCKNOWIBRANCH-, small nations- Would' aaod'get o ONTRAL ave rab"'Plice- *ith-them. is to get h' )cket- thing fete kr boolo: 'ITIEDDY 'To ARr h but as, the tools and 41livos, t p nt. p aces, As h4d, ab at o om,,the - other two lsqua4ilous in ill 111104. And lot us�gu fr A� G4k4W-169, Man ge - --- - of a central 'They' billet., it meant, lookin y power at Berlin, oys. rf daily. pap. last week, Slao'llild the'lleople of Oreece '011 these plethoric pobket-book i'h-- fter grub or A oamN Qrs or Any. t 6r half the regiment; -but, we got Along fine. an sta at by ""m FQ"D ONT. Ort that lling� the b.ove timentpoormaterial Tile of food.thpy'get, ig�:snrpria. .a prominence to a:. by se gay ortion or."tho r X,: considerablep 011 �aaay irking. hydoing -p . rt)je �7!$UeA A4 Allie' Presidbi �hio*th:qy Will' 1orsee -which,'mill, di�' ofttw& tug.. nover i agined,4liall. ritions, we Wo lot Ol 110 t& tof the 11'. �'Ri to' the: Front I at fresh ,a 130siskitis C n a -.command,�. of: the -the salvos utterly', ua�urt� as 'tbe-efficie 0 ege, ncy of- tlae,qrm�,, and M tepro a. ris at w atoes, 'battalion now in assistance th a Vlk- in iins e� btter, p -)t o. so. neat, corned beef, 0 F H ami. 44 adia on ­ E S TA B I's (am bread, Milk and bisciiits, and �11 they laev r, race0coo, eleise the nurk'Aber of our lad "h Our Instractois Ait L I'$ H E E) ei can eatf it, I picked -up a lot oupreopla Plivilp -got' -Individual Attention,, �Mar coll 0 of oroniziiltion. This r ' ' "' - 'ie"' tlle�onetny will �Pfar Ori, poop P�eid. labreaft; a ftb�er .elge',,by. :charg' ing*� u appy guess. regard nor pity, fo� them, 'even ch higla'-prices, r good L Material. -and as a Q usires grai. placed Ili post ave: no other base than the, 4 f, the BeIgia s. Ir an, F land"s AhQuId: of onmeboi rectiing appliqlk who thinks that 4halthat in the long. r1i e Goveniment.. _rn n. oft we n, o wit t'man for. the'licial -may -e.compe informatio - I ;,!) - interpreter, ar lop-ing al -dould get sxlong.withq�t. an a may- enter at any time. gen0for .,%as h6v6 bee Tho:� exieiguitia-1 or I was: ialking to., tW6 -old women that Gernia.as dropped 97 shells n .0 town atroye as W Mani, li�- � b fled to 80tatthe supply our free' cialtalogue,��Al u in'Would, rally -466 of sue lls�curq peiiqs; e, lip 46 And -that about hi a ,pe d, i �iine from a, tOW1 "whOwere we billeted id,last, It ose 'sue for An �o n Q it 11" Belgium, ne Sias la� but I guess We onn an ha t e. oor pointe out to, ests you t devoted -me where' th—eGa nU � any a -followers, - 'Whowasked-about the. -be, Governmont"neq& me two. bullet wounds' in bar shoulder flave Jitat, been oadian 95ergt. was and--entbil ti �0441ELWO hot nde&by _G6rmAiag�o,4e._ matte' If t y cru- MCLACHL rxqd�pal Money 'to Oat towit011; A: or '44, cified,- and talk�d, to -a man,tiagl; s4il 0 carry: on-tho-tvar vyla6vipaper M44 -Mr. Roogevol�.`Mliad THE ',WAR PROFATERWtv _and. there is no 'ciall. no trying to,cross our i a. ut -sAW lim. Ou� b4yii *Ill nothilig to oay.o body caused by shrap�ael, i d, if '6 Aells it. hirr., anJ turram 16r, that, etold they threw t orl -dRG MAKS TUEM DISW. oillow he about the cond wrote Yoli � WWI: la�d.ha&.ao dlaance� �Mmw"m I . I., . at of t lil�* Ger ad back_ _,,�Tlle ObirAEM 4ir wait Ate: aot, to. , -il it, iiiiid put it in myl haversack, This, at least indicates that he has MR no Wpleof tfie Bri tish Government nd mans they should not, Jiyave'onb Alive, in it it on u I'll clo llatit some. , --- , -_ , . 4 h I so -ii WF CREAM WANTED - C.Ouri6r). ' * - . ,,' -caniped about a-.1hile po 61ieker'�pinced haversack, made'up'llis very positive mind. not. to TAX lrg�tc "'WAR 11JtOFJT$". HAOX �OTO We are'now WAr I'destfon,- but ther& is ot an 110i all; had�by 3 razors; 2 tins- tobaecao 8�m for rs, to TABArallux f roan, cliance'to Wiita�.4njthlng' �lso, as the go the war. Wi4tt, i2is6lathug tie sale, if! so _W116re, 110 i.1war piolits" are' from -the 9�.njsi - WX want creantand, will Pa. Q bqt, ndi.aagArifficke towel, knife -'and fork, tho--whole kit isr. the iglllto hi, L ' Make "4f unfairly t ttera aie,ceinsoroc gone go- hadnot a sha' a lor over a highest market piicesJor;gocd hat. he- think I aggres4ve ug. w Qre - Ja no ' one livilig"in it Tile plant 0 Y'OPI cream'. Summer erliatiio0 , and bi6-lOveojAdV tu o. gild . hns� i)f Oc+olio tweek" an re and as J . On &,!lot a *qah tot 4 days tillthii. mo Cheebe Factory. Patrons having the spectacular- :0fito, 'out of 'he of the, nation. be a bundydd 0-r'oent And I' *ould. 'the. houses are Abe- satne. When... we we have bqqR ,,in rn,� -n To -in a same -thin-, 1, g weight, a nd don- tho, line, w 'thoved'ont bf :the tL at realn urk"g-the'-wintei-inofith's, ot��at all iev� ury 'fine of varyin b6eii igg� - I have to go. td tIto trenches, everiyx 'would 06 well to ship 'to us. I W I e I thought I trialdid th g Ong ,ago., .'rri'ved at iho§e bille s. lay ia n a different lJour with'. 1. the grub serious y ofjQinig itr th6 War re y1or two. days plac dq.-o6t call -seeing at�y, cases -to. Pullisll'these' is r coin 0 arding very, heavil a wo. had ko�en and, the', rep�iment It A�ioni going lia ou iO � trying to omb, wpigbr� sample,and eiit,each 'can. ho th6y won't. sheU. t e "01 Ato th& trenches; and -we travelled -t the �o tbreak-'be. a nation!s blogo oftrekta carefully thdt wereceivej -against, -German d out of ill and or two days after We ArfzyW.. they_wpn�b -A 11 ;ort in Germany; 1:4 I thorfancylthat. Rnd sor- As- they- would -do-if ibei- t!%. a apt it up. I 1; was ni retirn,,la'.ititimnt ot ides�ri bible � ti ons, with,the went 1 1 stole horse 4fid-,borr6wLed.' 'G led upo a eiftil ba.o eal f r4tl6ng -as the boya� had, -no grub for R4- a siddlii; hav6n't I me, ile one Uthe'first oblid meu_ofJto 4 erman W.q I-ep. all. that night with the *agi h d elem lie. zontinuous, p 49" ... I . . ( %, Spav!46. an Vulied Statea�.iOIdondama the. of horse tO. the Govetil'Inlenj ' Go ternmerattio 06.rfortp.som�, aprvice for thum pay, express charges and. issue at two prices ler and at niglat you could see 'tla� hours and w� were in plain view.otboth wa ked 5. Miles since. --our base. Nobodi, has ever Germany ia.t f, ratill 0 star shllo'buratend light uplhe� �ihole the German -trenches 'Claimed the horse.so I. chequeg' f )i creaut twice eac )Iing "up6n tejgi� tn' or- taked t Fa a wo, left nvAPtag6.-Qf` 'the nati ns need the nation in i a uoue o tl� d, should rougii advnoaield that hll�. co t 'm an i' a '00v 'of' thee heavens,. .' Than the won And on t on guess I, got hm. month,, "Write �s and. glimi:ta,a and, hest nded.. began, to place for a little While -but they 'foj.gdocL The oflicars say the oeit stray un- 0 ake notdiiigte profit suniations didn't trial 1twill y . I , ' 4 )nAnythitag toil in, but lote -of, them seelp llap�y 'sholl Its *hile th ou'llothing lind I zt�ee you sat ve the sensg� for' two' are. bring him: al6tig too. I've i6faciiOni I trY should join Britailav and Franco , rho 061dier doe., not stand ont; I got Orders to one I -find' to. we guars in it tought of. him,' would bit p enough. They sure put it over tho tonnother olace,sol hadto hditle and'get 'got a Aandly aiarpoj&of g tie ty 10 wn. w gun -bar ad i r -furtliet pail' *tite or t" n'6f -looking d6 e'serves'for a. rid Iliously: .90 Icular defending' nd restorin the utrAt, rel Ail , ne pyice —b ic lou mans., I suppose You Elf sesend ca 'give us 4 tria Qf* th t, country. wa Ile simply. -serves,, vhat happened, and all tho.t. Aa wett '!or dia. and 4 ge �w by the:)�ipe& -back. to join'the rest of -the colutnin and pair of itibber -bo&s'' b'the ther 0 elot hii head. I suppq�O_You_ noticed and xpects occur d� we moved out -3- p_ I - ' $eatoith. Crtaoi;ry,�,Settoarli, vat� - . . - " , - I �_ .P . - inever bod' 1166-sei - - ____ da "' d_____ lerg-mb,"6vainif 1 ani.out in, Hoeiorio ve amen -th tra tit ovdd - oat, of out A we hitched uh it Gernian- a;roplane went. Plf is. rather too big t I 0 other ay, that Mt. T-homaj to 0 nq the�raiu ixud.ifnud practical o the, war:is 6, Colbnel n' ed that goinieT-lan tt, keep himself ht r-nd inarchod!abbut over us th6y Ared,af it but cinild not gure to �99 t fflets �onq -nig bi. IV half -the! ad' and family"afive during his IftalaVerO stil: ge Ing night. I Also got a dandy English jifle. in sorvige. But v d had �vllich. carry my b1tanto,' tta ion-_ Who nowia, n Bpi duction oat- &he arou c an a bi R ir ite of the great re tar of, all the in the re4r1of 4e firing ra, thby on1v onoabout20.4ninutes:when. they- ,0 with seven miles to a place'aboub 'two uli[61 hit'it; we -started up the roid,'an d hoiwov%. but the �W6f, his ''Willing7 Irlob'Paid -at first—'mpre - tortheir slidlIs pa�riotlsui be leftto, Military start( 9 the m6n of �d anoihe� h4vY it was. shelled the place we, had camped ness, to,go to the Prout jj�a idaminanafactlirer A—ilia she!114Lftom 11tuGlarmallik Jta h w4y .. qjght T all-thei -Way-� 6-, and, _ah;Lploug d, ecci60 Ou ot we to see-ifsometing woAh I 841��e it siqkened you—as. it:.'did na. 8h Id w6 ra a �everytlildg; -bat it lasted o' ly i§ bew but Wei ook for-, equa patriotic t I re t.%_vo miles up tlie road, did hours. 'F about. -s. 'not *a 1jugh it the. WY. .16y we " fool. ot a artiefe jeago while'wotild:'be-.dffe'redtohim� Wl' Think., of it! 0 id' an -the mail whb erve by to-,- Wary night from re The following- 'ext XOPPAto, h saci ifi�.esfro radb a th All lans '.some Gina. lloidea*ewere gon6 b -newspaper df Gothenbu $wet* 0 they seenito. get vicidN and bom -' 6d,they ladd U10 ec to chargind thle -Brit . C .long oe� provid[bg bard itendy, bu . t itfter a While -it dileii, whon, - ut. treal forde.of chailaoter,. his, tj I k, A isive dians�a igh IoVern atlufacturir2 munit n We gotabolut -an, will*be of interest to growaia�-s-of ,veg. -and his facul ..fori inspiring hi ill f more for shall pile -s -out Jhey� djs� U. a, ty I s. an 6f'ses? - We nilght fairly look Morl nthe' morning We, Were out covb. tea,-p's again an ]a goods. Vhe Article viefors, to the a than a -neutral, . . P d. fired' 10 --shrapnel etab re the Jor ii; 'awayl V�a. Board of Dirac FOR follower nthus- moh -making; "Oollat-oba for the latt6r..olass6s stay-saf�fly at home t9hing bh� Gorniaias firing A our. ei.d -altus but. theyell: iniO-a field -the. Agnottliural . with confidence. and a ey at' g, man it. about 200' tors' 4 n tar ar t w dT,' "ki I ug plan clu um. nill n ar College of .4 volt would We 9.0 .Into a, town for a n Rep all. ou 6.050, p.m.. *1 May be that of the A ads. Why should 1hose Airmen And riot itud Pa. aitea.42:shel.8X �toicaur right, Rome facturers and -sleep in their own b one flit! T Gov 11* n make a very great goneraU With :11F6 - xhoMas,added ith, I -fan .,sickly �"y of Vu ma racturersor *aI4 farril_� qUietL then all tha"t. ;day hild thQ next the in cy, a 8 -as ngen6ral,publie in . Canada, Brita n -and. smile Of his dwn—that, the British ers deliberately: brigadethe 08 We Would be, see, i th,3, 'L ]FOR. T G -)v- traselves with. and last night they started again. About went further, we stayed till 12 o'clock, "The Board pointi'6it t.bA France, h half out - 'men went up last night and' I then tto a field to not war iii-joinilig the Allds in,any''ernin the harpies, -mal and fo have moved ot emphasized the impoi Leavie'Toricantoci 9.00' all -atilit ent was "very pleased t6 thIrs'..'jive a has Illost clearly' t- very p3pular move. a pr6fe tie to Ca I d' tteni guess they must have, got �ne,' for t46 eon 11.00 P.M. capacity 'would be a re a evet; fbilowed,, fighting army, there'in time -got nicely into our�'blanljets or altry, of home product.. na Jans., 09 for.it. In thatprticular setion was came thit,wo­ WO Id Joh 6[vegetable jb h tie' on the b ey be all ]a if 'we $quiptnext t e fi at on. -on d be�tolhe.British . genils X _X m n ' "ohich would' otherwise ud. be all tiffe, fiilei' inachinegUn'L and''c0al boxes. staye( t d' staff there, so - we *hAd to hitch p anA ituppr ant vegi-table,. see *pro u6ing; -a different; niatter- Rooge- T4aak God', our boys are as Ing no 6ve becii spent Mi4en6yi It Pacific Expositions, volt i 61( Cinilps'and-we gob in:abont Ited the okporti Panamia ki sh6ok the barth for' two hours; it wis- beat it.b countries having prohLib is a -big figure, bu, odds. They axe going -into t)a trenches Frhtic t -he is' la'oia train t i And tlien it died awAy. -exc 4*30o. m.,sb we flopped do -)of SUCh.seed, the$iiods of& gile e will.. in the -at iiu.in- �Leduc d Fares� to*: 'fl an occasional sholl, puractuhted ep, W44,�. thezil.in the'thortaiii . ' I,liad�.t,6.'go, -.tit' vegetahlo dor expet and. what to bar of import ioaced4oldier, . lidai4e the English "Tommi6s, 'ready to by_ I .. eeds' '1ave u rai . t.. K a re ut e risen t Sa F nCigCo, Log L Angeles at,.d fl' ell asleep ifid_ 9 gdepp back t,).' are we mortal And,ptill wor were. with mtjoos, as. San Diego., da with him nkight be a problem. takptheirequa chances with.illialone) TH I IS PRIVA r. E7 J N THE WAR b t ey' kept it upall, nighti foe they war P to fresh. seeds can. 'ar a at. an 'And b .a the regirnbnt had - Moved a ly U 61atafti d' ullet. whiJ6 p.se hi Atill at it thismorniiag. , I am lal t I -pr th 911-ipirlted (Fecom the, Cldinbij,-B. trenchesiwee -here serve. had'tiO-gio - lltie pros- -blit niade the trip O.:, orme source, maiaderz-of-thw wtn R c17 th ars andbekth-re ry 'TALLS. How -TO,- WI-ri- - :y g -are givifig ie ations- 4ugg fellow wit� th-re up Wave Won W, Qut number t are have "ee4,grow4 a appit Atloft -to Agents.. rations out With .;those thar, went tor 24 tillou in R66 in a bit iness way and d gh Wd had I offieek 'Woundedand 2 1, bt one article to be ready, to iley xpee again. meirsig V woundedalsoa serg .-Malor ring -the rillitig hard been idevOry war that ev& 'do their bit." tainsi- - -itv td-nigh"nd-the-balioco-ofrt, 'i -6- MARTIN, Ageni There is acuri in lait week's -we . ha-ve daiing as fought; hilurb. 11 e A to be in . . . . . f has been Mall negleot64 dd -olliell kJILled-an-d je -a Weekly,,; _6t&ay, Past suit. Mar amid I lay o, All _ftifisk6fiiils an 1hatis Ali ilia, A man by. the. name In hJW-0i Q ­ A 6r. _1, ( Ifia a w 0 9T�. = at me, d it. it took �wouhded�but damage- to- expect., men -4 l6lidi adviiniieg bid Gotmou but of. the iq.tiad- "the brigade _p90 & mornin- at; f F k- -�r 6ke B, gunne' It rs. evir in,, the qj4rj�f the,: t P 4tcito ill h what tb gy g thoLitipplyat -re has.' 016"fid-d our roFid triing to 9pitlAchcarrotsi *oatkiri&.' ritis not d in' norder to, can Ocassibly s4ueeze out of the nation, our _T PATk()Ng'__'w'u7thQ WarL Must in beforlaii.. Capt. wag no 'trAuspjrt. I WA just, re ey cl eon i Th ean caut the as it tui�s r help -to them in its hour lie�n a War it, which the pir'18 counted in the motling a6d*.hd, a ge Y. hair of cabbage, onions, cucumbers andp6as: says our 'front cut when th6 firstL * 13, utteily amalL VuAhbmir G 61" Ak n the I I ell o arm whole bunch Who are in charge of it --at of . direst daiigei--'It-l�gltiioaC.inereaibleI at once lor A line iff la little over'900 t t�in a b at. ll,, I tho in ds d, or o 0 Infid I and so little; from. fibe fellow who,was 0 t a I r so 11 It n^ erala the Vegotabi V A- .8 nd of t' at- I u t I waiit�d% the, ob here iS aniiito.from,44ftith aa,fir- down a§ But readth evideneiL bef�ore tl�e David� te' -line. It, is o -WevrantL.�.V,6ui',6t4eatnduri-agthe�* in er L a imediate pieces Ifo A, ig a air vfuw- -­ ' ' .woe on ffv -8 wv --ften one read' 16ti re we are campe Wallplae we 6 dished an lie, Stayed and ever a that Tqo Lit Ill 9 I to catiass for Us. This Can L u ttitdrc t a erman weird tile first n timd t ' generals,lib. his With him. Tile -re,bon cauweire perusing an -acqoUnt of the tre c.hos we lot one ht -tile rkpoinse of the * I . a -led with, d4' or 'that OnV ight; the tr 0 811011 Would'sream we would get POW ty n re ready. . I i ta to� di've- iato. out duri6ut- but they all fell I 9 vogetab, 11. 40 yards aliarto.and they.,ajo mild riner. -Our expe' is tba6 they all;Lhave faIIcAllllllll;fAiI�d to patriotia and public� piritdd. lifforts of a who e French, batiallo sti it f bees - are low- and, we a it, will' ificietany hollesijL competition.' win the War. '!. I . I G r I 08 were. an-alibill- '.,..I-brainaevqry-day,80�iettineA afl W6'the-road,i Wa0a untaybatlabrallop' 0 I i L 8 ati.rippatedly. sittack helical they an. SUED. BRANOill 4)t4wa' Givothem -it Ilitie t mes Mr. Harris, os it, 006froalts broO - Write foefull portictlUrs ot bettell loyaleople to rally to-ibeir V'rilmewit itted," "the Itus ia day lbog, caused,, no doubt, 6y t )lad tho'Ange to Xy rat a big 0 'Ofis to the trenchesafid-don't Xpeci, discovered tile W le , -ft, un fire, haVA-00,0rdibis Yet_ta An Ice . Ser�ti, Ford and I have'i duit-6ait' w.e. a'life of. the- 1� I oa 94 the e&wiihheavlo4,4esf 'the e it souita broke to,piece. oli Out -night wedroi)&d iahoire.� Langl 0 to YOU? he' ground, 'k a' ' -f � TI - GL L, gle- to till the ivitole, regiment goo� i'll It's leh6lo about six 16aki -t r any 0 bat the aa Raa�aton# 'Harri's is 4004. ott..Kikoh6aer because,, It a that at, that is wha; -it: Me' ddtikitie nPaIM �Crea the Ift, with ie erman prisoners say't 46fidiy % � nion 'L - 0 .1 91__ - 4 ,. _iCai� ouiLeigixt-b t atound 'With -re *rx -intrepid. enemy V61ft -st&Y in- tile e 8 affor let, Oct. .46indr bixg4 And' t .0 h* He would -let: the 609lat to -taund like,lifthese 'nAe' 109 _t -it. oazie is lioute, -1:004newo orter tr 6ver---the top- e 4j -1 - --but we will, soon see� - - hoklikely Won't -ea, 'Ateegs- to the n4be-searob glA.t, d -o -in -t -n -tin- tit ib _mouth5?'_jih1t with1dandain L tie iques, X -Mm as eep. - - o got A ingtom. Onb,, Gjagd Forks,- X&CIi'l)' nto beawipetyer ungroiiiia litt,he flie.place- in the -doril e on Of. X X X d -all quite cosi &aid safe but have ..not much' nipog, tntoba, -rd, inco"ad or a6(t lire: kota ard- Win ever theyl Saw.fit. These r6porters, wh Inall Move 1; 00at.,61"Ifict -are the, humble mail bag k: %he I i4h t oxc6lit, CAL Ito doubb, would all ba gre�t vvi 6�6 men Ofcourse,�hy no vnea]tid all a -in the �onkw the il I.Ilgve'alet Seem ti) thin ridles, WishI coidd g ilia, Miraill'ouse, L Widow of' tli'4 Igo 4 John iral 6t natent The high 06M inandi of dou buy Vdina here,for for Mrs'. AfelDoWd, ana left on. Tharb.4.vt utd,goon pick who are 4641ing *1th the 6diver louse Accompanied; her ddug& —1101644Y -t gov,,09 like Mr. Hill himholf, w(? Our too G, no are going to got blazes., - )toal anap-shot to gelid bat tainerita, arei ii Qult� i numbor In out burk hive put- out the mo."o old � We tire not, alloj -capable g6aparalo an -are in that filthy boat, I was licing ral to eii to 'Mon. in' 11 d recommend' ineve hnAmeff.of'ally'regf, t1h Ili to gia ent'lle i'l.an' P before itA th0- history good ttiff ate vie last -to reide I 7ettilo, - Saalt. 13e th r -day—I, wigh I eve house. o onnyLa, ar6 or of officersi b bowl. You ill ate a cup and sattoer " 6 to the Wit Office foiappointlilent. a,ulanufaciarer thep a an�thidg that Might be 96d As w6ting, wai all Att4nd6d 'You Jai riferinediat Torotito an4 Winuilij. iNothiog'Saidas to dfoagreenie mong could give ing t iaefi the fittiks And, the goile a is name�who, told W rail 'jitaff, in tkis ib' Ountry. You.would h6vok d the reporteta, findy'. however, thili.. that When the Go*oroultrat tippro-Ach6d. Atil. brave and skillful 'but ther real, h4t� that thd -'war was go the 'War m iiiistor would still have - I ing on right, here 'Saturday. evening At E. G'Wrdla's� Some his firm for certain articles they 'could 'Oea. of the W Youseetheft%ri�eraworkitigi�thefieI _AL nrd tile p4�ato soldiers thrif -.60 betildr by buildings.youdedld ;not imagine t Ilia hahto to 6ndonin General out the lowest Po�sible prido which would, mere w6iAht of hum who, Atti; no lleil&sipoat ali, umAking.ti, allpply, th6y JAt rIghtL down tald 'figured the Men rad'except for holes, in tile toUs of tile ANMOOn at J116104 MU04 Wt w ."ok bat an effort a;d risk,, within easy reach of their 7 gains, these 'X14Anrafe and Messra'. 06origo and �V reach tor ot, months, ago,, having insure Against 168s.. To do thig, they ft of NeAit. f ir work. It-opeals Theirimouri Tenth. egio leople carry on theii at,1 Wilkleloll OiMlied througit the German n ago Xuk Blae olient, Sti.ndsiy 44 illnes angiteckoned in asmill prdfit- but they did Wali'llot braver tilftat the Jrfigglan gdard; tko opiniou of mptl J�ha been thd pikomen, of anstavus, Ad6lobas io not. got the,ghelis,td,Watte firi g t t j eq,WhItd Westgo'l, F1111jej. red,oIa 41ftI`dhed-0l.XlotA01 Mr. 11arria aplocira, not put in - any nshdro� some time thdt tile G6r mans. have 'Wr haa Clondi,41 j6ffre that 1% such. all, as ton t a a it Put, beiarldrs c6liected in, Your dectJoll auoday Motnig, bi, tile, Itev., Mr, Afor Moskrottla to forget thatilei and other 19 4 great o lietaticit! man, ingorance, more: intreliid thani the goldi4if of the gets they panecat 860 bdhind cue in soimhed tile- 0'ermana; and J i-lila,odmin Ltd. The, tosult *a4 . thht thd Govern. ` "ci an. ariny of %de;W6Ilingtoa"4 othoal I cannot see wily, house Ili the Will 'Woorogbid to ll��oil tho b the,,inejelag 46 ;German they do* Ion utation existitt fdr `ahor6 thd Wrloo are ably repiesialt, -over: t Way. It ave nearly all, 6koa their do fact that tile aerlians haV6 not smashed, licassibl tufnL 6U6' h it third 6f a tiontur J."'d 16M Alle' par ture Y OHM& all they c6ald Vquareg at JVa have aloW coal bbxeA reciordo Ainding FtffL 8 UVROPITABLIC tistavilig. fo stems funny to buy& Loudon.pajie 11 Waity And' that those. who r- 06 fact came out ed by their desee4dan an 7A dt 1�jlo, I' 13A JSPAC ORV laid, the. iwith theoi.,Aro. ablo) 'to, bo ou r050�tti J620tvh", 04 J46t*hy- the that thoirotic� Jvag ` got OUP'Of hot CO&O or 4 bottle of wine 411H Whd 10-06 liefit, AW so with -all- the othor il th for th0ovoril JU0 one hnOf 6 hdog 1160. Wi few i -Noir -1414 IFURIM 114 boon' liql4k, XQW0 A141108, ig th�a at 4� 06UOJQt�� AU "%-A 94orr 400 thau hl. 1, 15HU In C4 alitt, ICA L foe arlie" Lo rX v 0 Jim 11111,1L